Academic literature on the topic 'Dominant Morals'

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Journal articles on the topic "Dominant Morals":


Mirsawati, Arifka Noor, and Supeno Supeno. "MORALITY ASPECTS IN THE FILM OF “FERDINAND” BY CARLOS SALDANHA." INFERENCE: Journal of English Language Teaching 3, no. 3 (November 1, 2020): 210.

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The purpose of this study was to know 1) Types of moral aspects contained. 2) The dominant moral aspect is found. 3) Correlation of morality aspects with a sociological approach to literature. The research method used to analyze this film is a qualitative method that contains two elements, namely intrinsic elements in characters and characterizations as in morals through the approach of literary sociology. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that 1) There are 7 moral aspects found in the “Ferdinand” film based on Michelle Borba's theory, namely Empathy, Conscience, Self-Control, Respect, Kindness, Tolerance, Justice. 2) The dominant moral aspects found were kindness (11 data), empathy (6 data), conscience (5 data), and self control (5 data). 3) the correlation of morality aspects with the approach of literary sociology, both of which highlight the conditions and social problems that are taking place in social life.<strong></strong>

Bulan, Nezia Priscila, Ni Ketut Alit Ida Setianingsih, and I. Made Winaya. "The Psychological Analysis of Jamie Sullivan’s Behaviors in Nicholas Sparks’ Novel “A Walk to Remember”." Humanis 23, no. 4 (November 29, 2019): 271.

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The title of this undergraduate thesis is The Psychological Analysis of Jamie Sullivan’s Behaviours in Nicholas Sparks Novel “A Walk to Remember”. The discussion of this study focused on psychoanalysis of the behavior of the main character Jamie Sullivan and the most dominant psychoanalysis concepts of the main character based on Freud's personality theory. Documentation method was applied to collecting the data of this study, which were analysed using descriptive qualitative method; then the result of analysis was presented in the form of sentences using informal method. The result of this study shows that Jamie’s dominant personality in Freud's tripartite personality theory is Superego as she behaves according to the civilized manner. Jamie tends to help others. She makes decisions based on morals and judgments about what is right and what is wrong, and her decisions are based more on moral values.

Purwani, Neli, and Nindya Novita Sari. "Nilai Karakter Pada Lirik Lagu-Lagu Kids United." Jurnal Seni Musik 9, no. 2 (December 30, 2020): 152–55.

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Learning French in class always pays attention to 2 aspects namely cognitive and moral. Moral aspects also have a role in the development of students, so that they have good morals and personalities such as learning to adapt in the school environment to foster a sense of tolerance in order to be able to control their own emotions while also having high knowledge. The purpose of this research is to describe the character value contained on the songs of Kids United and linguistics elements expressing the character value. This type of research is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Whereas the data collection methods used in this research are the listening method and the note technique. Then the results of data analysis in this research indicate that Kids United’s three songs contain 3 dominant character values ​​from eight national character values ​​according to IHF, such as (1) loving, caring and cooperate; (2) confident, creative, hard work and never give up; (3) responsibility, discipline and independent.

Achilli, Luigi. "The “Good” Smuggler: The Ethics and Morals of Human Smuggling among Syrians." ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 676, no. 1 (February 21, 2018): 77–96.

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This article challenges the categorization of smugglers as wicked villains by exploring smuggling’s moral economy. I present findings from two years of ethnographic field research on Syrian refugees and smugglers in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Italy, and along the so-called Balkan route (Greece, Macedonia, and Serbia). The relationship between the smugglers and the migrants appeared to be rich in solidarity and reciprocity and grounded in local notions of morality. Far from the dominant official narrative in the West of reckless criminals driven only by profit, smugglers sought and often found moral legitimation by using long-held notions of morality and religious duties when confronting the risky realities of their illicit enterprise.

Wuryantoro, Wuryantoro. "Pembekalan Karakter Bagi Guru TPQ-TPA Fosi Kecamatan Taman Kota Madiun." JURNAL DAYA-MAS 6, no. 1 (April 24, 2021): 10–13.

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Abstract— There are about 10 indicators of low social capital and character among the younger generation to worry about, namely increased teenage violence, poor use of language and words, strong peer group influence on violence, increased self-destructive behavior such as drugs, alcohol, free sex , the blurring of good and bad moral guidelines, the decline in work ethic, the lower respect for parents, the low individual responsibility for the country and the mutual suspicion of hatred among others. Academic pressure on the current education system is considered to be responsible for these problems, so that it requires the teacher to revitalize himself from a teacher who merely conveys the knowledge of being an educator who must be responsible for instilling morals. Lack of moral education, can make the brain stem and midbrain which is often called the reptile brain, more developed and dominant and makes someone will tend to behave violently. While the limbic and cortex parts of the brain that determine emotions, love and thinking become thin and weak. Conversely, if the limbic and cortex are dominant, reason and empathy will develop and become someone who is wise and wise. For all education and childcare are the main determining factors, which must be understood by educators (teachers, “ustadz”) and parents. Keywords—: Character; educator; parents; social capital.

N, Zulkifli. "Dominant Factors Affecting the Development of Religious Values and Morals of Early Childhood in Childhood Early Education." Journal of Educational Sciences 3, no. 2 (June 14, 2019): 184.

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The the development of religious and moral values for early childhood is an important foundation process to form the resilient characters for the nation's children in 25-45 years ahead. The objective of this research is to describe the achievement level of early childhood development, analysis of the dominant factors that shape the development aspects of religious and moral values of children aged 4-6 years in PAUD District Kuok, Kampar. The research methodology used in this study was a survey in the form of quantitative descriptive. The research findings show that the achievement of early childhood development rates for ages 4-6 years, from 6 indicators, it turns out that most of the children in the category developed based on expectations (BSH = 65.50%) and developed very well (BSB = 11, 36%). Meanwhile, internal and external factors are both dominant and conducive to the development of the religious and moral values toward early childhood in the Kuok Sub-District Kindergarten, Kampar. The implication needs more focused research on the values of religious and moral value development of children in the context of local wisdom in line with the motto of Kampar "Serambi Mekkah/The Foyer of Mecca", Nagari Bersendikan Sarak, Sarak Bersendikan Kitabullah dan Sunnatulloh (a city based on Sharia and Sharia-based on Qur'an and Sunnah of the prophet).

Gluchman, Vasil. "Moral (or ethical) education in Slovakia and its theoretical basis." Ethics & Bioethics 6, no. 1-2 (June 1, 2016): 79–89.

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Abstract With regard to existing concept of the moral education (ethics) in Slovakia, the questions of ethics and morals are only one of the partial sections. The dominant role is played by psychology based on Roberto Olivar’s concept with emphasis on pro-socialization and on Erickson’s concept of the psychosocial development. From the philosophy basis point of view, only Aristotle, even in reduced form and Spranger’s concept of the life forms are mentioned. Philosophy and ethics are only complements to more psychologically based educational program which is resulting from the problematic division of a social and moral experience into egoistic and prosocial. Egoism is presented in a distorted form and is characterized as the cause of all moral evil. However, there are several different types of understanding of the term egoism in philosophy and ethics as for example psychological and ethical egoism, or self-interest. Ethical egoism or self-interest cannot be identified with selfishness. The main aim of moral education should not be only to form the desired children and youth moral orientation but on the other hand, to form morally self-confident individuals who are able to solve the moral problems, to help the others to solve them as well and to be able to bear moral responsibility for their own deeds.

Sayfullah, Hasan. "Paradigma Holistic Education." Edukais : Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman 2, no. 2 (December 27, 2018): 79–91.

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The ever-expanding rotation of science, along with the remarkable progress of civilization and human science in this modern age, has arisen multidimensional and multi-complex human life problems and crises, such as: ecological crisis, humanitarian crisis , moral crises (demoralisation), greater social and economic inequality, violence and crime, and other crises. The occurrence of that is because of the enormous inequality between science and technology that developed so rapidly with moral wisdom and humanity that is not developed at all, if not said backwards. Furthermore, if traced the root cause, as a result of the unsuitability between the demands of the times with the world view of the modern world. On the one hand, the flow of globalization has eliminated human relationships in a more open, dialogical, tolerant, and plural climate. The most dominant significance of character change, mindset, attitude, ethics, and morals is endorsed in educational institutions. So when there is a deterioration and anxiety in human life that is definitely blamed is the educational institution. However, on the other hand, the worldview adopted by most modern humans does not allow the dialogical and humanist relations to grow and develop. Based on the concept of holistic education is an offer.

Rohana, Rohana. "ANALISIS NILAI PENDIDIKAN DALAM NOVEL CAHAYA DI ATAS CAHAYA KARYA OKI SETIANA DEWI." Ksatra: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa dan Sastra 2, no. 1 (September 4, 2020): 45–52.

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The problems raised in this study are related to the analysis of educational values ​​in the novel Cahaya di Atas Cahaya by Oki Setiana Dewi. The educational aspects studied include aesthetic (beauty), moral, religious and social aspects. The purpose of this research is to describe the value of education in the novel Cahaya di Atas Cahaya by Oki Setiana Dewi and to find out the dominant value and its relevance in the reader's life. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The results of data analysis that have been carried out on the novel Cahaya di Atas Cahaya by Oki Setiana Dewi which is studied from its educational values, both aesthetics (beauty), moral, religious and social, strongly indicate the existence of educational values ​​that are beneficial to readers and connoisseurs of literature in particular. novelist. The value of education in the aesthetic education aspect tells about the beauties of real work as reality based on God's truth. The value of education, especially moral education, such as being devoted to parents, positive thinking in all things faced, not being arrogant and selfish, and always being able to care for others and not being arrogant towards something you have and being able to control yourself in any situation. Educational values ​​in the aspect of social education include always thinking positively towards others, needing each other, knowing hostility, having courtesy, always forgiving others mistakes, and being able to understand differences in beliefs. The value of religious education is such as the attitude of always being patient in dealing with endless problems, having good morals and ethics.

Kashnikov, Boris N. "The Principle of Self-Determination of Peoples High and Low." Voprosy Filosofii, no. 10 (2021): 77–90.

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The subject matter of this article is the principle of Self-Determination of Peo­ples of the contemporary international law. The principle is scrutinized both his­torically through its inner historical transformation and logically, through the analysis of its inner normative logic. The problem related to this principle is that it belongs simultaneously to three realms, those of politics, law and morals, containing different meanings. These meanings often do contradict each other and it happens differently on different stages of the historical transformation. The three major stages of the development of the principle (from the First World War up to the end of the Second; from the end of the Second World war up to the demise of the Soviet Union; and from the demise of the Soviet Union up to now) were continuously the stages of predominantly political, legal and moral. Each of the stages was reflecting the characteristic illusion of its time and was founded on the unique combination of the dominant meanings of the principle, which was enabling the principle to play its practical role. At the same time there are clear indications that the principle is incapable to play its cardinal proper role of the universal moral principle when it comes to it. This becomes crystal clear at the third stage of the development and which is trigger­ing unprecedented political violence of the contemporary movements of self-determination and secession

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Dominant Morals":


Bergeault, Yann. "L’éclipse de l’altérité : théorie de la reconnaissance et expériences morales dominantes. Analyse sociologique du rapport à l’altérité : l’exemple du débat sur l’identité nationale." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2022.

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Cette recherche se présente comme une mise en pratique des éléments caractéristiques de la théorie de la reconnaissance d’A. Honneth sur des « expériences morales dominantes ». En empruntant certains des outils proposés par l’approche sociocritique, il s’agit de réaliser une analyse d’article publiés dans des journaux de la presse écrite française. Ces articles sont alors compris comme autant de médiations dans lesquelles le monde social est venu se sédimenter et dans lesquelles peuvent se faire jour des brèches, des fractures, au sein de l’ordre social. Nous considérons alors que les récits médiatiques peuvent exprimer des expériences négatives, porteuses d’attentes normatives, qui renseignent sur les représentations sociales des acteurs de l’espace public dominant, et peuvent être justiciables d’une réflexion construite à partir des catégories de la reconnaissance. Pour interroger ces « morales dominantes » et les expériences négatives dont elles peuvent être porteuses, nous avons choisi de porter notre regard sur le débat sur l’identité nationale de 2009. Ce faisant, nous souhaitons discuter d’une part les paradoxes du rapport entre morales dominantes et « altérité », à travers les difficultés qu’elles rencontrent pour se situer aux côtés de ceux qui souffrent, du fait non seulement de la « froideur » avec laquelle elles abordent les expériences des dominés, mais également des formes de « compensation » qui accompagnent leurs représentations du monde social. Et d’autre part, de rendre compte des ambiguïtés des attentes normatives dominantes et des formes de mépris dont elles peuvent être porteuses
This research is presented as a practical application of the characteristic elements of the theory of the recognition of A. Honneth, on "dominant morals". By borrowing some of the tools proposed by the sociocritical approach, the main objective is to carry out an analysis of articles published in newspapers of the French written press. These articles are then understood as mediations in which the social world has come to settle, and in which breaches and fractures within the social order can emerge. We then consider that these media discourses can express negative experiences, carrying normative expectations, that provide information on the social representations of the actors of the dominant public space, and can be accountable of a reflection built from the categories of recognition. To question these "dominant morals" and the negative experiences they can carry, we have chosen to focus on the debate on national identity in 2009. Then, it is a question of apprehending the paradoxes of the relationship between dominant morals and "otherness", through the difficulties they encounter in situating themselves alongside those who suffer, not only because of the "coldness" with which they approach the experiences of the dominated, but also of the forms of "compensation" that accompany their representations of the social world. And on the other hand, to account for the ambiguities of the dominant normative expectations and the forms of contempt they can carry

Roumilhac, Henri. "L'Influence de la morale dominante sur le théâtre comique en France entre 1875 et 1881." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1988.

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Roumilhac, Henri. "L'influence de la morale dominante sur le théâtre comique en France entre 1875 et 1881." Paris 10, 1987.

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La thèse étudie les relations entre les diverses formes du théâtre comique et l'ordre moral en France entre 1875 et 1881. L’esthétique, l'histoire de la comédie et les thèmes, examines dans la première partie, portent l'empreinte d'une morale sérieuse et bourgeoise ; la seconde partie montre comment la carrière des auteurs comiques et le poids des mentalités vérifient l'influence des valeurs sociales comprises à travers les normes qu'elles dictent et les transgressions qu'elles permettent. Le corpus, constitue par la totalité des genres comiques, englobe aussi bien la comédie de boulevard, le vaudeville, les genres bouffes que l'importante production des livrets d'opéras comiques. Les rapports de l'esthétique et de la morale, la souplesse des genres comiques, le contact d'œuvres souvent jugées mineures avec le public constituent les principales problématiques de l'ouvrage. Les apports a la recherche apparaissent sensibles dans les domaines de la censure théâtrale, de la hiérarchie des différents théâtres et types de spectacles, de l'évolution du discours dramatique à l'intérieur de la période considérée. On trouvera, dans les appendices, le contenu des saisons théâtrales, la biographie des principaux auteurs et une comparaison, à partir d'œuvres précises, entre l'esprit du second empire et celui des débuts de la troisième république. La bibliographie est suivie d'un répertoire des différents documents sonores existants
The thesis is a study of the relations between the various aspects of comic theatre and moral order in France between 1875 and 1881. Aesthetics, the history of comedy and the themes, studied in the first part, are stamped with a serious and bourgeois ethic; the second part shows how the carrier of comic authors and the power of mentalities confirm the influence of social values (those included in their norms and in the transgressions that they allow). The corpus is made up by the whole of comic types: light comedy, vaudeville, "bouffes" as well as the important production of comic-opera libretti. The main problematic of the work is made up by the relations between aesthetics and morals, the wide range of comic types, the presentation to the public of works often judged as minor ones. The contributions of the research can be found in the fields of theatrical censorship, in the hierarchy between the different theatres and types of play, in the evolution of dramatic writing during the period studied. The contents of theatrical seasons, the biography of the main authors and a comparison (made up from specific works) between the thought of the second empire and the early third republic can be found in the annexes. After the bibliography comes an index of the different sound documents which exist

MOUKOUEKOU, SEBASTIEN. "Le tribalisme comme forme de conscience sociale dominante au congo." Paris 10, 1994.

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Le tribalisme se peut entendre comme l'expression des solidarites ethniques dazns le rejet des autres, trait caracteristique d'une societe polyethnique comme la societe congolaise dont la construction nationale n'est pas encore achevee. Les micro-societes que sont les groupes ethniques (kongo, mbochi, teke pour ne citer que les principaux) aspirent chacune a la preeminence politique. Trois facteurs nous paraissent determinants dans la comprehension de ce phenomene socio-politique : le premier facteur renvoie au stade de developpement historique des societes africaines precoloniales. La colonisation, deuxieme facteur, reunifia artificiellement des espaces territoriaux jadis sous la dependance de ces societes en mutilant des groupes ethniques entiers : enfin, nous invoquerons l'independance qui intervint sans que les communautes ethniques eussent atteint un niveau suffisant d'integration nationale
Tribalism may be understood as the expression of ethnic solidarities in the rejection of others, a distinctive feature of such a polyethnic society azs the congolese one whose national building up has not been achieved yet. The micro-societies formed by ethnic groups (kongo, mbochi, teke, numbering among the most important) each yearn for political leadership. Three factors seem to be determinant in the comprehension of that socio-political phenomenon, the first of which taking us back to the stage of the historic expansion in precolonial african societies. Colonization, the second factor, artificially brought together territorial spaces that used to be under the administration of those societies, mutilating whole ethnic groups in the act. Finally, we shall invoke independence that was gained before those ethnic communities had reached a satisfying level of national integration

Cincotta, Julie Passmore. "The Effect of Group Status on Moral Relativism and the Stigmatization of Mental Illness: a Social Dominance Theoretical Model." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2013.

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This dissertation created a model to explore the effect of dominant group status on stigmatization of mental illness and on moral relativism and the interactive effect of dominant group status on stigmatization of mental illness through moral relativism. The model was conceptualized according to social dominance theory. Latent variables were created to measure moral relativism and stigmatization of mental illness. The latent measures were conceptualized according to current theories in the fields of moral relativism and stigmatization. During statistical analyses the latent measure for moral relativism was found to be unreliable. The study then became confirmatory-exploratory in nature by first comparing the fit indices of three alternate models with single-measure latent variables. The model that best fit the data was then used to conclude the exploratory research on the effect of group status on moral relativism and stigmatization of mental illness. The model was not supported by the data based on fit index and standardized residual scores.

Lalot, Mathilde. "Des précurseurs de la morale : influence de l’identité et du comportement sur les choix prosociaux : une étude comparative chez différentes espèces de mammifères et d’oiseaux." Thesis, Paris 10, 2017.

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Des études récentes indiquent que des précurseurs de la morale humaine pourraient exister chez les animaux non humains. Parmi ces précurseurs, la prosocialité (comportements produisant un bénéfice pour un receveur sans nécessairement induire de coût pour l’acteur) est considérée comme une composante fondamentale de tout système moral. Nous avons effectué des tests de prosocialité chez plusieurs espèces de mammifères et d’oiseaux, en tenant compte des facteurs d’identité des individus (tolérance, dominance, sexe) et de comportement du receveur (communication, réciprocité). Nos sujets se sont montrés plus prosociaux envers leurs subordonnés qu’envers leurs dominants, ce qui suggèrent que la prosocialité pourrait être utilisée comme un moyen de maintenir son rang. Nous avons observé des différences entre les sexes cohérentes avec le pattern de soins parentaux des espèces, appuyant l’idée selon laquelle la prosocialité aurait évolué dans un contexte de soins aux jeunes. La période de reproduction et le fait d’avoir ou d’avoir eu des petits entraînaient une augmentation de la prosocialité, surtout envers le partenaire de reproduction et ses petits, ce qui pourrait avoir pour but de mieux transmettre ses gènes. Nous avons trouvé des patterns de réciprocité directe chez nos sujets, devenant plus prosociaux lorsque le receveur s’était lui-même montré prosocial lors de la session précédente. Les communications émises par le receveur ont également influencé positivement ou négativement (selon leur nature) les choix du sujet. L’ensemble de nos résultats montrent qu’il est possible et souhaitable d’étudier la prosocialité en dehors des primates, nos sujets s’étant montrés capables de prendre en compte à la fois des facteurs d’identité du receveur et son comportement
Recent studies indicate that precursors of human morality may exist in non human animals. Among these precursors, prosociality (behaviours that produce a benefit for a recipient without necessarily involving a cost for the actor) is considered a fundamental component of any moral system. We conducted prosociality tests in several species of mammals and birds, taking into account factors of individuals’ identity (tolerance, hierarchical ranks, sex) and of recipients behaviours (communication, reciprocity). Our subjects were more prosocial toward their subordinates than toward their dominants, suggesting that prosociality could be used as a way to maintain its own rank. We reported differences between sexes consistent with the parental care pattern of the species, supporting the idea that prosociality would have evolved with parental care. The reproductive period and (even more) having (or having had) young seemed to increase the subjects’ prosociality, especially towards their reproductive mate and their offspring, which could be interpreted as behaviours that ultimately spread their own genes. We found patterns of direct reciprocity, our subjects becoming more prosocial when the recipient was prosocial in the previous session. Communications from the recipient also influenced positively or negatively (depending on their nature) the subjects' choices. All of our results show that it is possible and desirable to study prosociality outside primates, our subjects having been able to take into account both the recipient's identity and its behaviour

Reeder, Jurgen. "Begär och etik : om kön och kârlek i den fallocentriska ordningen /." Stockholm ; Stehag : Symposion bokförlag, 1990.

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Grenon, Carole. "L'économie du principe féminin dans l'oeuvre d'Ernest J. Gaines." Thesis, Paris 3, 2011.

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Ce travail propose une réflexion sur le principe féminin dans l’œuvre romanesque d’Ernest J. Gaines : Catherine Carmier, Of Love and Dust, A Gathering of Old Men, In My Father’s House, A Lesson Before Dying, The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. Il tente de définir le sujet féminin et d’identifier ses principes moraux [par opposition aux principes masculins]. Il s’articule autour de trois parties et dévoile une évolution du principe féminin dans l’œuvre gainesienne. De Catherine Carmier à The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, le principe féminin se fortifie. Dans les premiers romans, le féminin agit conformément au devoir [et par devoir], il prône un idéal de vertu, une sagesse qui l’empêche de créer. Le féminin s’affirme alors progressivement par le biais du langage dans un face à face avec le masculin et déconstruit l’idéologie blanche. Ce travail explore la violence de la construction anormale du sujet noir et les stratégies de déconstruction du mythe de la suprématie blanche. L’analyse de la libération identitaire révèle une déstabilisation des frontières du genre. Face au masculin dévirilisé, le féminin se virilise et relève la féminité du masculin. Enfin, dans le roman The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, le féminin devient militantisme et activisme. La mère de la communauté noire, s’identifiant à la loi Divine de la famille, parvient à créer, à s’imposer, à transmettre des principes moraux à des hommes en devenir. Les destins du féminin et le masculin sont alors en miroir : ils travaillent pour obtenir la reconnaissance de l’homme blanc, se perfectionnent. Ce travail révèle l’idée de la mort digne, idée d’une liberté qui s’affirme dans la négativité
This thesis studies the principles of the feminine in Ernest J. Gaines’ six novels: Catherine Carmier, Of Love and Dust, A Gathering of Old Men, In My Father’s House, A Lesson Before Dying and The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. It defines the feminine subject and identifies its moral principles. There is a gradual evolution of the feminine in the works of Ernest J. Gaines. From Catherine Carmier to The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, the feminine strengthens itself. In the first novels, the feminine acts out of duty, advocates wisdom, which prevents it from creating things. The feminine gradually reaffirms itself through language and faces the masculine. This work explores the violence of the abnormal construction of the Black self and the strategies of deconstruction of the myth of white supremacy. The analysis of the reconstruction of the self shows a redefinition of genres. The feminine is virilized and feminizes the masculine. Finally, in The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, the feminine becomes militant and activist. The mother of the black community, identifying herself with the female Divine Law of the family, embodies female agency; she raises her sons and teaches them moral principles. The feminine and the masculine function as mirror images of each other; they work to get the recognition of the White man, and they seek to improve themselves. This study highlights the idea of dignity in death, of freedom which asserts itself in negativity

Sok, Bovy. "Commerce équitable, développement durable : approche juridique." Phd thesis, Université Montpellier I, 2013.

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Face aux effets néfastes de la croissance économique mondiale, la société civile réclame un autre développement, qui a été dénommé " développement durable " et défini dans le rapport Brundtland de 1987. Engagée dans l'Agenda 21, la France s'efforce d'adopter des textes législatifs et réglementaires pour promouvoir le développement durable. La charte de l'environnement de 2004 a été intégrée dans le préambule de la Constitution de 1958, conférant au développement durable le statut d'objectif à valeur constitutionnelle. Par l'article 60 de la loi du 2 août 2005, le commerce équitable s'inscrit dans la stratégie nationale de développement durable. Mais, aucune définition du commerce équitable ne figure dans cet article. Actuellement, les acteurs économiques pratiquent leur propre équité pour mettre en œuvre les conditions du commerce équitable. Celles-ci sont notamment le commerce avec les petits producteurs des pays du Sud, une production respectant l'environnement, le paiement d'un juste prix, ainsi que l'attribution de bénéfices sociaux aux producteurs et à leur famille. Les acteurs économiques établissent des attestations de qualité pour garantir aux consommateurs le respect de ces principes. D'un point de vue juridique, des questions se posent du fait que ces attestations ne sont ni initiées ni validées par les pouvoirs publics en France ou à l'étranger. La fiabilité de ces pratiques menace l'ordre juridique lorsque leur véracité ne peut pas être vérifiée. L'intervention de l'État est indispensable pour légiférer sur l'équité en question. Cependant, un État ne représente que l'intérêt de son peuple sans pouvoir faire d'ingérence dans les affaires d'un autre État souverain, alors que la législation du commerce équitable implique une gouvernance des relations commerciales entre les acteurs économiques des pays du Nord avec les petits producteurs des pays du Sud. En conséquence, il va falloir trouver un nouveau mode de gouvernance pour réguler le commerce équitable. M. Pascal LAMY appelle cette nouvelle gouvernance " gouvernance alternationale ". Pour la réaliser, la participation de la société civile à côté de celle des pouvoirs publics est nécessaire.

MacLeod, Suzanne. "From the "rising tide" to solidarity: disrupting dominant crisis discourses in dementia social policy in neoliberal times." Thesis, 2014.

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As a social worker practising in long-term residential care for people living with dementia, I am alarmed by discourses in the media and health policy that construct persons living with dementia and their health care needs as a threatening “rising tide” or crisis. I am particularly concerned about the material effects such dominant discourses, and the values they uphold, might have on the collective provision of care and support for our elderly citizens in the present neoliberal economic and political context of health care. To better understand how dominant discourses about dementia work at this time when Canada’s population is aging and the number of persons living with dementia is anticipated to increase, I have rooted my thesis in poststructural methodology. My research method is a discourse analysis, which draws on Foucault’s archaeological and genealogical concepts, to examine two contemporary health policy documents related to dementia care – one national and one provincial. I also incorporate some poetic representation – or found poetry – to write up my findings. While deconstructing and disrupting taken for granted dominant crisis discourses on dementia in health policy, my research also makes space for alternative constructions to support discursive and health policy possibilities in solidarity with persons living with dementia so that they may thrive.

Books on the topic "Dominant Morals":


Ukhtomskiĭ, A. A. Dominanta dushi: Iz gumanitarnogo nasledii͡a︡. Rybinsk: Rybinskoe podvorʹe, 2000.

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Böhm, Margarete. Herrschaft und Psyche: Zur Entwicklung von religiöser Ethik und bürgerlicher Moral. Köln: Pahl-Rugenstein, 1987.

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Bauer, Henry H. Dogmatism in science and medicine: How dominant theories monopolize research and stifle the search for truth. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland & Co., 2012.

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Hartmann, Thom. Unequal protection: The rise of corporate dominance and the theft of human rights. San Francisco, Calif: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2009.

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Hartmann, Thom. Unequal protection: The rise of corporate dominance and the theft of human rights. San Francisco, Calif: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2009.

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Voropaeva, Yuliya, and Galina Kolomiec. Ethics of human dignity: history and modernity. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2020.

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The monograph deals with urgent problems of the ethics of human dignity on the basis of the views of human dignity in historical and philosophical thought, revealing the ethics of virtue and ethics of duty, leading to the search for the meaning and value of life. The study of human dignity as an ethical category and phenomenon in the context of individual and social ethics leads to the assertion that at the present stage of human existence in a rapidly changing world ethics, human dignity becomes the dominant consciousness, and is a special moral value. Addressed to all who are interested in ethics, and philosophical anthropology, the Humanities and social Sciences.

Bobbio, Norberto. L'esempio di Silvio Trentin. Edited by Pina Impagliazzo and Pietro Polito. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2020.

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Using unpublished documents, this volume restores the meeting between two masters in a historical and ideal way: Norberto Bobbio and Silvio Trentin. Through the writings which Bobbio dedicated to Trentin between 1954 and 1991, the readers are introduced to Trentin’s world. They gradually discover Trentin’s exemplary biography, his clear moral personality and his commitment to anti-fascism and the Resistance, as well as the great themes of his work as a jurist and political thinker: the criticism of fascism, federalism and the idea of the 'third way'. As Bobbio observes, the fundamental reason why Trentin represents a still valuable example is that, through his life and thought, he has perfectly embodied the conception of politics as a desire of justice, as opposed to the will to dominate.

Valente, Michaela, and Theresa Federici. Johann Wier. Nieuwe Prinsengracht 89 1018 VR Amsterdam Nederland: Amsterdam University Press, 2022.

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This book deals with a fascinating and original claim in 16th-century Europe. Witches should be cured, not executed. It was the physician and scholar Johann Wier (1515-1588) who challenged the dominant idea. For his defense of witches, more than three centuries later, Sigmund Freud chose to put Wier’s work among the ten books to be read. According to Wier, Satan seduced witches, thus they did not deserve to be executed, but they must be cured for their melancholy. When the witch hunt was rising, Wier was the first to use some of the arguments adopted in the emerging debate on religious tolerance in defence of witches. This is the first overall study of Wier which offers an innovative view of his thought, by highlighting Wier’s sources and his attempts to involve theologians, physicians, and philosophers in his fight against cruel witch hunts. Johann Wier: Debating the Devil and Witches situates and explains his claim as a result of a moral and religious path as well as the outcome of his medical experience. The book aims to provide an insightful examination of Wier’s works to read his pleas emphasizing the duty of every good Christian to not abandon anyone who strays from the flock of Christ. For these reasons, Wier was overwhelmed by bitter confutations, such as those of Jean Bodin, but he was also celebrated for his outstanding and prolific heritage for debating religious tolerance.

Millett, Kate. Sexual politics. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990.

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Millett, Kate. Sexual politics. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2000.

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Book chapters on the topic "Dominant Morals":


Fryzel, Barbara. "Dominant narratives – relativizing a moral imperative." In Ethics, Misconduct and the Financial Services Industry, 44–67. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2021. | Series: Finance, governance and sustainability: Routledge, 2020.

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Plakins Thornton, Tamara. "4. Deviance, Dominance, and the Construction of Handedness in Turn-of-the-Century Anglo-America." In Moral Problems in American Life, edited by Karen Halttunen and Lewis Perry, 81–100. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2019.

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Khamitov, Mansur, and Rod Duclos. "The Dominant and Underexamined Role of Brand’s Moral Character in Determining Brand Perception and Evaluation: An Abstract." In Marketing Opportunities and Challenges in a Changing Global Marketplace, 465–66. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Evans, Kate E., and Dorothy L. Schmalz. "Masculinity and moral licensing in the locker room: a critical analysis of culture, gender, and leisure." In Women, leisure and tourism: self-actualization and empowerment through the production and consumption of experience, 24–35. Wallingford: CABI, 2021.

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Abstract Men's leisure has long been considered a 'male preserve' in which male purview is the norm, and women are relegated to subordinate roles. Current research and events indicate that masculinity continues to dominate leisure settings and impinges on women's leisure via factors ranging from social gender norms to overt acts of violence. Drawing on current research, cultural trends, and feminist theory and philosophy, this chapter examines the juxtapositions in culture and rhetoric that on the one hand promote female empowerment, and on the other provide footing for a contrary argument that men and masculinity are under threat. Related research also provides insight into a possible path forward including men's engagement in leisure violence prevention and implications for women's leisure and the leisure field.

Roy, Olivier. "The Religious Secession." In Is Europe Christian?, 81–102. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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This chapter assesses the issuance of the encyclical Humanæ vitæ in July of 1968, which imposed on Catholics a stringent code of sexual morality in line with Pius XI's 1930 encyclical Casti connubii, or ‘chastity in marriage’. In particular, Humanæ vitæ rejected all forms of artificial contraception. Many Christians were expecting the Church to adapt to the tide of sexual liberation, but instead, just when birth control pills appeared on the European market, hence proposing an alternative to abortion, the pope issued an encyclical taking a stance against the changing mores. Sexual morality came to be the newest battlefront between religion and Europe's dominant culture, and became central to the way of life promoted by the Church. What once bridged the gap between believers and nonbelievers, namely a shared base of secularized Christian values, had faded or disappeared. This raises some serious questions: If the Church no longer recognizes the dominant culture in Europe today as Christian, who would take the liberty of claiming that Europe's identity is Christian? And how could this Christian identity be reclaimed without a battle for Europe's morals, which would be directed less against Islam than against European society itself? Not only does this change the position of the Catholic Church but it also alters the very meaning of what it is to be a believer in Europe.

Farah, Nadiya. "IV. Dominant rationales in applying moral exclusions." In Harmful Trademarks, 68–81. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2019.

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Singh, Keshav. "Moral Worth, Credit, and Non-Accidentality." In Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics Volume 10, 156–81. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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This chapter defends an account of moral worth. Moral worth is a status that some, but not all, morally right actions have. Unlike with merely right actions, when an agent performs a morally worthy action, she is necessarily creditworthy for doing the right thing. The chapter begins by arguing that two dominant views of moral worth have been unable to fully capture this necessary connection. On one view, an action is morally worthy if and only if its agent is motivated by the features of the action that make it right. On the other, an action is morally worthy if and only if its agent is motivated by the action’s rightness itself. But neither of these views can capture the connection between moral worth and creditworthiness, because each leaves room for cases of accidentally doing the right thing. The chapter then defends a new account: the Guise of Moral Reasons Account. On this account, morally worthy actions are right actions that are motivated by moral reasons as such. This account rules out cases of accidentally doing the right thing, thus capturing the necessary connection between moral worth and creditworthiness for doing the right thing.

Christensen, Anne-Marie Søndergaard. "The Critique of Moral Theories." In Moral Philosophy and Moral Life, 15–44. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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This chapter surveys criticisms raised against moral theory from positions such as virtue ethics, particularism, anti-theory, and Wittgensteinian moral philosophy in order to identify the most central and damaging objections. It locates the origin of theory critique in two classic papers by Iris Murdoch and Elizabeth Anscombe and proceeds to give an overview of the most influential points of criticism from the second half of the twentieth century. This overview is contrasted with an explication of the dominant understanding of moral theory presented in the work of Martha Nussbaum, which allows for an identification of the crucial objections to moral theory, here presented in the form they take in the work of Bernard Williams. The objections are that theories cannot provide a foundation for moral practice, and that they do not possess the authority necessary to serve as action-guiding in any substantial sense. The conclusion of the chapter is that proponents of the dominant understanding of moral theory cannot offer convincing answers to these objections, and that this points to a need to re-evaluate our understanding of both the role and the form of moral theories.

"The Meaning of Dominance, the Dominance of Meaning, and the Morality of the Matter." In Moral Education and Pluralism, 58–80. Routledge, 2005.

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Srinivasan, Amia. "The Limits of Conversation." In Moral Progress, 103–10. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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This commentary raises a series of questions for Philip Kitcher’s theory of moral progress. First, does the history of moral progress really challenge metaethical realism, as Kitcher claims—or the liberal fantasy that we are all equally equipped to get onto the moral truth? Second, is Kitcher’s theory really, as he claims, morally neutral—or does his notion of “ideal” deliberation smuggle in substantive normative claims? Both questions point toward a different way of reading Kitcher’s proposal: not as a metaethical theory of moral truth, but as a substantive, first-order procedure for achieving moral progress. But Kitcher’s proposal falsely presupposes that the history of moral progress has been a history of conversation, when in fact it has, in large part, been a history of power: the wielding of power by the dominant against the oppressed, and the eventual seizing of that power by the dominated.

Conference papers on the topic "Dominant Morals":


Hinojos Morales, José Antonio. "El paradigma islamofobico." In III Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Artes Visuales :: ANIAV 2017 :: GLOCAL. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2017.

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Como planteamiento y fundamentación de la argumentación conceptual en la generación del proyecto artístico denominado El paradigma islamofóbico, desarrollado dentro del trabajo final del Máster Universitario en Proyecto e Investigación en Arte, de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, realicé una serie de lecturas e investigaciones que configuraron una memoria escrita final, a partir de la cuál he diseñado este artículo. Dentro del extenso fenómeno de la globalización podemos observar el surgimiento, encuentro y pugna de diferentes formas de entender la existencia, las cuales se encuentran atravesadas por la hegemónica imposición del mayor de todos los fundamentalismos que configura el sistema mundo actual, marcado por un feroz neoliberalismo financiero-económico, establecido en base a una matriz occidentalocéntrica del poder y del saber que configura el ser, el sentir y la visión de todo aquello que percibimos como ajeno a los valores coloniales de modernidad y civilización. Junto con los actuales movimientos migratorios, el terrorismo internacional, así como diferentes intereses políticos, geoestratégicos y económicos, se ha producido en los últimos años un auge del racismo y la islamofobia (señalado por la Unión Europea a través de su Observatorio Europeo del Racismo y la Xenofobia) que evidencia, como indica la profesora de estudios árabes e islámicos Luz Gómez, que los fundamentos europeos de libertad, igualdad y solidaridad siempre fueron más bien retóricos, o lo que es lo mismo, que la actual crisis europea es, ante todo, una crisis de principios éticos y morales. Esta cosmovisión dominante se ve reforzada por la información y las narrativas discursivas políticas y mediáticas de odio y desprecio, fomentando en su naturalización, un sentimiento de inseguridad anti-islámico que sitúa al islam y a los musulmanes como el chivo expiatorio de todos los problemas sociales, económicos, laborales, identitarios y políticos.

Deyneka, Olga, and Alexandr Maksimenko. "THE PSYCHOLOGICAL CONDITION OF RUSSIAN SOCIETY IN THE CONTEXT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC." In International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends. inScience Press, 2021.

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"The problem of the psychological impact of a pandemic, quarantine and self-isolation on the state of society attracts increased attention of specialists (Hua J., Shaw R., 2020; Li S., Wang Y. et all, 2020, Enikolopov S. et all, 2020; Fedosenko E., 2020). The objective of our work was to find the most common attitudes and types of responses of Russians to the epidemic COVID-19 taking into account their involvement in social networks, critical thinking and severity of psychopathological symptoms. The study was carried out during the recession of the first wave of the pandemic in early June 2020. The main tool was the questionnaire of T. Nestik in an abridged version. Additionally, a questionnaire of critical thinking was used (CTI, Epstein, adapted by S. Enikolopov and S. Lebedev, 2004); test of psychopathological symptoms SCL-90-R; social media engagement questionnaire (Karadag, 2015) was used. The study involved 986 people (56.9% male, 43.1% female) aged 18 to 76 years. Using exploratory factor analysis, 6 types of responses to the epidemic situation caused by COVID-19 were identified (fans / opponents of the ""conspiracy theory""; responsible / irresponsible, covid-dissidents, covid-optimists, misophobes, anti-vaccinators). The dominant belief among the respondents is that the emergence of new infectious diseases is a natural process of mutation that occurs in nature without the participation of people, or the result of someone's mistake. Conspiracy theories were significantly more common among elderly people and women. Citizens see salvation from the epidemic in the moral conscience and responsibility of everyone. At the same time, they do not trust both official information and information from fellow citizens. Representatives of the older generation have higher confidence in the country's leadership, in the possibilities of medicine and science, and in fellow citizens. Correlations of non-critical thinking with manifestations of misophobia and fear of new epidemics were revealed. Depressive subjects were more concerned about the illegal behavior of fellow citizens and misophobia. Long-term fear of epidemics has been correlated with anxiety. Among those who prefer social networks to official information (television, radio, print), statistically significantly more are those who not only do not trust official information about the epidemic situation, but also do not trust their fellow citizens, attributing to them possible facts of concealing information about the disease because of the fear of being quarantined. Thus, the COVID-consciousness of Russians demonstrated a combination of rather contradictory attitudes."

Ustinova, O. A. "Technology of dialogue of forgiveness as strategy of self-regulation is in conflict." In INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL ONLINE CONFERENCE. Знание-М, 2020.

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The article discusses the problem of conflict, highlighted the large role of human self-regulation in resolving the conflict. The approaches to the problem of self-regulation presented in Russian psychology are considered. We took the following approaches as a basis for considering the problem of self-regulation: E. A. Golubeva, A. B., Leonova, V. I. Morosanova et al. Understanding the problem of self-regulation is carried out by us in the context of the humanitarian paradigm (M. M. Bakhtin, N. Ya. Bolshunova, N. I. Nepomnyashchaya, T. A. Florenskaya).The technology is based on the possession of the practical principles of human self-regulation in resolving conflict situations. It is assumed that the technology of selfregulation in a conflict is more effective if it is based on the sociocultural foundations of human life. In the modern world, many conflicts (national, interpersonal, intragroup, intrapersonal, school, etc.) are often resolved destructively with aggression, cruelty, etc. The destructive nature of conflict resolution in many cases is affected by the inability of people to regulate themselves, to perceive the other, his “friend”. A feature of the Russian mentality is peacefulness, the value of achieving peace and harmony. Conflict resolution in the context of Russian mentality is associated with forgiveness. At the same time, forgiveness is understood as a complex spiritual and moral phenomenon associated with a system of values that a person is guided by in his life, in his choices and actions. The ability to forgive is based on the “dominant on the other”, the recognition of the other by the other, the right of the other to “friend”, which actualizes the possibility of a dialogue between the forgiving and the forgiven. It is shown that the dialectic of “interrogation” and “responsiveness” lies at the heart of the dialogue. A dialogue made in the context of sociocultural patterns, updated by means of text (fairy tales, parables, etc.), initiating leading activities (in preschool — games, elementary schools — creative and productive, etc.) determines a person’s readiness for forgiveness. Dialogue — forgiveness contributes to the perception and understanding of another person in a conflict situation, makes it possible to resolve the conflict in a peaceful way. The technology of self-regulation in conflict resolution through a dialogue of forgiveness can reduce the number of conflicts between children, children and parents, teachers, etc. For three years, on the basis of the educational institution, we organized the service of “forgiveness and reconciliation”. This service includes: children, parents, teachers, administration. The technology under consideration for the self-regulation of a person in conflict through a dialogue of forgiveness has shown its effectiveness in building the value of the relationship “I and the Other”.

Guimarães, Julia Goes, Maria Eduarda Furtado Fernandes Terra, Ana Elisa Baião, and Guilherme Ribeiro Ramires de Jesus. "Displasia esquelética: um relato de caso sobre osteogênese imperfeita." In 44° Congresso da SGORJ - XXIII Trocando Ideias. Zeppelini Editorial e Comunicação, 2020.

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Introdução: As displasias esqueléticas correspondem a um grupo heterogêneo de cerca de 400 condições que afetam o desenvolvimento ósseo e tem prevalência de 9,1/1.000 óbitos perinatais. Formas precoces, diagnosticadas na gestação pela ultrassonografia (USG), podem levar à morte neonatal por hipoplasia pulmonar e outras complicações respiratórias. Todavia, o diagnóstico etiológico da displasia esquelética dificilmente é feito. A abordagem sindrômica é mais comum e permite avaliar a chance de evolução letal após o nascimento. A osteogênese imperfeita (OI) é uma das displasias mais comuns, caracterizada por fragilidade e baixa massa óssea, e é consequência, na maior parte das vezes, de mutações heterozigóticas autossômicas dominantes nos genes COL1A1 ou COL1A2. Pela Classificação de Sillence, pode ser dividida em sete grupos, sendo o tipo II letal no período neonatal e o III de elevada gravidade, enquanto as outras formas apresentam melhor prognóstico. Objetivo: Relatar o caso de paciente encaminhada a centro de referência por gestação com malformação fetal sugestiva de displasia esquelética e evolução dessa. Material e Métodos: Revisão de prontuário para acesso à internação e à evolução do caso, associado à revisão literária nas bases de dados do PubMed e Uptodate. Resultados: L.C.S., 35 anos, GIIIPII (um parto normal e uma cesariana), portadora do vírus HIV em uso de terapia antirretroviral (TARV) e de hipertensão crônica, foi admitida em um centro de referência com 31 semanas por encurtamento de membros fetais. A USG identificou encurtamento grave de todos os ossos longos, relação cardiotorácica aumentada, mandíbula protraída e alvéolos dentários desalinhados, sugestivo de displasia esquelética com hipoplasia pulmonar e prognóstico provavelmente letal. Com 37 semanas, teve o diagnóstico de pré-eclâmpsia sobreposta e iniciada indução do parto via Krause e ocitocina. Evoluiu com parto vaginal de RN feminino, peso 1690 g, Apgar 5/7 com desconforto respiratório. Apresentava fraturas de membros e foi encaminhada à Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) Neonatal logo após o nascimento. Realizado tratamento com pamidronato, vitamina D e carbonato de cálcio, porém evoluiu com óbito após cinco dias por insuficiência respiratória. Conclusão: O diagnóstico antenatal da OI é baseado em achados ultrassonográficos típicos a partir do segundo trimestre, com fraturas in útero gerando calos ósseos, deformidades nos ossos longos e redução do comprimento dos membros, costelas curtas com fraturas e crânio com mineralização reduzida. Porém, alguns desses achados podem ser encontrados em outros tipos de displasia esquelética. A revisão literária mostra que a cesariana não diminui a taxa de fraturas ao nascimento em crianças com formas não letais, nem prolonga a sobrevida naquelas com prognóstico letal. Nos sobreviventes, o tratamento consiste em fisioterapia e cirurgia ortopédica, podendo haver benefício com uso de bifosfonados. Nas formas graves e letais, a causa mortis geralmente se deve à insuficiência respiratória por falência mecânica da caixa torácica.

Reports on the topic "Dominant Morals":


Papadopoulos, Yannis. Ethics Lost: The severance of the entrenched relationship between ethics and economics by contemporary neoclassical mainstream economics. Mέta | Centre for Postcapitalist Civilisation, 2021.

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In this paper we examine the evolution of the relation between ethics and economics. Mainly after the financial crisis of 2008, many economists, scholars, and students felt the need to find answers that were not given by the dominant school of thought in economics. Some of these answers have been provided, since the birth of economics as an independent field, from ethics and moral philosophy. Nevertheless, since the mathematisation of economics and the departure from the field of political economy, which once held together economics, philosophy, history and political science, ethics and moral philosophy have lost their role in the economics’ discussions. Three are the main theories of morality: utilitarianism, rule-based ethics and virtue ethics. The neoclassical economic model has indeed chosen one of the three to justify itself, yet it has forgotten —deliberately or not— to involve the other two. Utilitarianism has been translated to a cost benefit analysis that fits the “homo economicus” and selfish portrait of humankind and while contemporary capitalism recognizes Adam Smith as its father it does not seem to recognize or remember not only the rest of the Scottish Enlightenment’s great minds, but also Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments. In conclusion, if ethics is to play a role in the formation of a postcapitalist economic theory and help it escape the hopeless quest for a Wertfreiheit, then the one-dimensional selection and interpretation of ethics and morality by economists cannot lead to justified conclusions about the decision-making process.


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The author characterized the Ukrainian national values, national interests and national goals. It is emphasized that national values are conceptual, ideological bases, consolidating factors, important life guidelines on the way to effective protection of Ukraine from Russian aggression and building a democratic, united Ukrainian state. Author analyzes the functioning of the mass media in the context of educational propaganda of individual, social and state values, the dominant core of which are patriotism, human rights and freedoms, social justice, material and spiritual wealth of Ukrainians, natural resources, morality, peace, religiosity, benevolence, national security, constitutional order. These key national values are a strong moral and civic core, a life-giving element, a self-affirming synergy, which on the basis of homogeneity binds the current Ukrainian society with the ancestors and their centuries-old material and spiritual heritage. Attention is focused on the fact that the current problem of building the Ukrainian state and protecting it from the brutal Moscow invaders is directly dependent on the awareness of all citizens of the essence of national values, national interests, national goals and filling them with the meaning of life, charitable socio-political life. It is emphasized that the missionary vocation of journalists to orient readers and listeners to the meaningful choice of basic national values, on the basis of which Ukrainian citizens, regardless of nationality together they will overcome the external Moscow and internal aggression of the pro-Russian fifth column, achieve peace, return the Ukrainian territories seized by the Kremlin imperialists and, in agreement will build Ukrainian Ukraine.

Hanjalić, Kemal, Izet Smajević, and Mustafa Smajić. BUDUĆNOST POSTOJEĆIH I NOVIH TERMOELEKTRANA U BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI U ENERGETSKOJ TRANZICIJI. Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2021.

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Bosna i Hercegovina prihvata načelno globalna opredjeljenja i proklamovane ciljeve relevantnih međunarodnih institucija (Pariški Sporazum, Evropski Zeleni Plan, i drugi) za prelaz na održivi niskougljenični razvoj baziran na kružnoj ekonomiji neuslovljenoj upotrebom prirodnih resursa, te težnju ka nultoj neto emisiji stakleničkih gasova. U energetskom sektoru to podrazumijeva povećanje energijske efikasnosti, te bezuvjetni prelaz na obnovljive izvore energije i eliminaciju fosilnih goriva. I dok je opšte opredjeljenje nesporno, način i dinamika ostvarenja pojedinih ciljeva u zacrtanom roku do 2050. godine sa najmanje negativnih ekonomskih, socijalnih, sigurnosnih i političkih posljedica predstavlja ozbiljni izazov, posebno u zemljama koje se, kao Bosna i Hercegovina, tradicionalno oslanjaju na sopstveni ugalj kao primarni energent. U cilju doprinosa iznalaženju optimalnih rješenja u energetskoj transformaciji, a u okviru Plana rada za 2019 godinu, Odbor za energiju, energetiku i okoliš (OEEO) Akademije nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine (ANUBiH) u saradnji i uz finansijsku podršku JP Elektroprivreda Bosne i Hercegovine d.d. Sarajevo, je organizovao regionalnno naučno-stručno savjetovanje: Budućnost postojećih i novih termoelektrana u BiH u energetskoj tranziciji, koje je održano 21. 11. 2019. godine u ANUBiH u Sarajevu. Cilj Savjetovanja je bio da nauka i struka, pod pokroviteljstvom i u okviru ANUBiH, u saradnji sa stručnjacima iz EU i Regije razmjene iskustva, stavove i planove o upotrebi uglja i biogoriva u proizvodnji električne i toplinske energije u periodu do 2050. godine. Na Savjetovanju, kojem su prisustvovali predstavnici vlasti i zvaničnih institucija iz BiH, naučni radnici, stručnjaci, menadžmenti elektroprivrednih organizacija iz oba bh. entiteta, je na bosanskom, srpskom, hrvatskom ili engleskom jeziku na prethodno odabrane teme izloženo 15 referata po pozivu. Pored stručnjaka iz BiH, referate su podnijeli i pozvani eksperti iz zemalja EU i okruženja sa elektroprivrednom strukturom i izazovima u toj oblasti sličnim kao što ih ima i BiH, a koje u proizvodnji električne energije karakteriše značajni, ili čak dominantni oslonac na fosilna goriva, naročito ugalj. U referatima su izloženi mogući modeli tranzicije i iskustva iz BiH, Srbije, Grčke, Sjeverne Makedonije, Poljske i Njemačke. Prošireni sažeci i slide prezentacije svih referata na jezicima na kojima su referati izloženi, kao i Zaključci Savjetovanja su sadržani u ovom Posebnom izdanju ANUBiH. Savjetovanje je potvrdilo da je dekarbonizacija elektroenergetskog sektora u EU i Regiji do 2050. godine opravdan, ali i veoma zahtjevan cilj. Svaka država koja se obavezala za takav cilj, mora razviti svoj model održive tranzicije, koristeći vlastito znanje, pomoć eksperata EU, te iskustva i modele drugih. U tom smislu zaključeno je da je veoma važno u što je moguće kraćem roku, u saradnji sa Energetskom zajednicom, detaljno i odgovorno koncipirati razvoj energetskog sektora u Bosni i Hercegovini u tranzicijskom periodu, dajući pritom do znanja Evropskoj uniji, ali i svima drugima, da je Bosna i Hercegovina spremna pratiti i ispoštovati generalno postavljene ciljeve u toj oblasti, uvažavajući pri tom svoju potrebu za energetskom neovisnošću. U tom cilju potrebno je definirati jasnu viziju, sa prohodnim putem do postavljenih ciljeva, uzimajući u obzir sve relevantne direktive i regulativu EU, ali i realne mogućnosti i potrebe Bosne i Hercegovine. Iskustva i poruke izložene u referatima, diskusije tokom Savjetovanja, te saznanja do kojih smo došli, a koji su sumirani u Zaključcima ovog dokumenta, čine korisnu bazu i orijentir za konkretizaciju strategije za aktuelnu tranziciju energetskog sektora BiH.

LGBT adolescents, sexting, and consent. ACAMH, November 2020.

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The exact prevalence of sexting is still under academic debate. Yet the dominant discourses appear to associate it with adolescents; this association exists partially due to the media stories conveying negative consequences and moral panics regarding adolescent suicide cases as a result of sexting (Dobson, 2017).

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