Academic literature on the topic 'Metalinguistic clues'

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Journal articles on the topic "Metalinguistic clues":


Balaman, Ufuk. "Sequential organization of hinting in online task-oriented L2 interaction." Text & Talk 39, no. 4 (July 26, 2019): 511–34.

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Abstract This study aims to explore the sequential organization of hinting in an online task-oriented L2 interactional setting. Although hinting has been studied within conversation analysis literature, it has not yet been treated as a distinct type of social action. With this in mind, the study sets out to describe the sequential environment of hinting through the unfolding of the action with pre-hinting sequences initiated through the deployment of interrogatives, knowledge checks, and past references; maintained with base hinting sequences initiated through blah blah replacements, designedly incomplete utterances, and metalinguistic clues; and finally progressively resolved with screen-based hinting. Based on the examination of screen-recorded video-mediated interactions (14 hours) of geographically dispersed participants using multimodal conversation analysis, this study provides insights for an overall understanding of the interactional trajectory of hinting as a context-specific social action and contributes to research on L2 interaction in online settings.

Shirani, Reza. "Patterns of uptake and repair following recasts and prompts in an EFL context: Does feedback explicitness play a role?" Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 9, no. 4 (December 31, 2019): 607–31.

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This study sought to examine the effectiveness of two categories of feedback, namely recasts and prompts. Also, the study focused on the relationship between subsets of each feedback type and the extent to which they led to learner uptake and repair in an EFL context. Data were collected through non-participant observations of three intact upper-intermediate EFL classes where 36 hours of interactions among 59 students and three teachers were audiotaped, transcribed, and analyzed in terms of pre-specified coding systems that addressed four different subtypes of prompts – clarification requests, repetitions, elicitations, and metalinguistic clues – and two recast subtypes – explicit and implicit recasts. Data analysis showed that among prompts, clarification requests led to the highest percentage of uptake whereas elicitations were associated with the highest repair percentage. As for recasts, more explicit ones led to higher percentages of uptake and repair. The results of the study may contribute to a more in-depth understanding of the patterns of uptake and repair in an EFL context. The study confirms the role of feedback explicitness in such a context.


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<p class="StyleAuthorBold"><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>The research aimed to investigate an Indonesian academic writing teacher’s practice on written corrective feedback (WCF) in academic writing class. A case study involving an experienced Indonesian academic writing teacher and teacher students were employed. To gather data, a semi-structured interview was conducted. The data were then analyzed using the content analysis method. The findings indicated that the teacher’s practice on WCF was mediated by her language learning experience. Thus, the teacher provided WCF on her students’ writing drafts by considering the students’ personalities and their level of writing ability. In correcting student writing errors, the teacher used several types of WCF; direct and indirect correction; metalinguistic clues to the errors; and the reformulation of the wrong words. The relevant pedagogical implications for teachers in conceptualizing WCF and in learning and practicing it on their daily instruction based on their knowledge, experience, and reflection-on-practice.</p><p> </p><p class="StyleAuthorBold"><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong></p><p><em>Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan praktik dosen Indonesia dalam penulisan akademik tentang umpan balik korektif tertulis (WCF) di kelas penulisan akademik. Penelitian termasuk studi kasus yang melibatkan seorang dosen Indonesia dalam menulis akademik yang berpengalaman dan mahasiswa. Untuk mengumpulkan data, dilakukan wawancara semi-terstruktur. Data tersebut kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis isi. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa praktik dosen pada WCF dimediasi oleh pengalaman belajar bahasanya. Dosen memberikan WCF pada draf tulisan mahasiswanya dengan mempertimbangkan kepribadian mahasiswa dan tingkat kemampuan menulisnya. Dalam mengoreksi kesalahan menulis mahasiswa, dosen menggunakan beberapa jenis WCF; koreksi langsung dan tidak langsung; petunjuk kesalahan metalinguistik; dan perumusan ulang kata yang salah. Implikasi pedagogis yang relevan bagi dosen dalam membuat konsep WCF dan dalam mempelajari serta mempraktikkannya pada instruksi harian berdasarkan pada pengetahuan, pengalaman, dan refleksi pada praktik yang dilaksanakan.</em></p>

Simhony, Julia, and Natthapong Chanyoo. "A Comparison of Corrective Feedback Used in International and EFL Contexts." Journal of Language Teaching and Research 9, no. 3 (May 1, 2018): 573.

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The current study aims to investigate types of corrective feedback used in two classroom settings (i.e. EFL and international school classrooms) and to compare the frequency of corrective feedback types used in the two classrooms. The participants of this study were 31 students from two classrooms (6 international and 25 in EFL classrooms) and their respective teachers; one in each classroom. Data was collected through four classroom observations and one semi-structure interview conducted with the teacher from each classroom. The findings revealed that all six types of feedback were provided by the teachers in the two classrooms. A comparison of the frequency of the use of corrective feedback in two different classrooms revealed that recast was the most frequently used type of feedback in the EFL classroom while metalinguistic clues were used the most in the international school classroom. Data from the interviews suggested that teachers from both classrooms provided the feedback to students without awareness of how the feedback types should be used appropriately for different foci of the content. This study recommends the need for teacher training on corrective feedback so that the teachers will be able to analyze, select, and provide appropriate feedback types to learners.

Yamashita, Taichi. "The comparative effects of metalinguistic clue and metalinguistic explanation in computer-mediated form-focused practice: Does prior knowledge matter?" Computer Assisted Language Learning 32, no. 1-2 (November 13, 2018): 98–117.

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Hawin Amalia, Zaky Dzulhiza, Endang Fauziati, and Sri Marmanto. "Male and Female Students’ Preferences on the Oral Corrective Feedback in English as Foreign Language (EFL) Speaking Classroom." Humaniora 10, no. 1 (March 19, 2019): 25.

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This research aimed at investigating the male and female students’ preferences on the six types of Oral Corrective Feedback (OCF). This qualitative research used observation and interview to collect data. The observation was done to know the practice of the six types of OCF in speaking class and the interview was conducted to reveal the students’ preferences for OCF. The result from the observation shows that the lecturer mostly uses Explicit Correction to correct the students’ error. Then, the result from the interview indicates that male students prefer to have Explicit Correction because this type is the easiest type to know the error and correction clearly. Whereas the female students prefer to have Recast and Metalinguistic Feedback because Recast does not encourage them and Metalinguistic Feedback can make them think critically under the lecturer’s clue. Subsequently, both male and female students perceive Clarification Request and Repetition as the ambiguous type to grasp what the lecturer’s mean. The result of this current research is expected to provide an additional information about the practice of OCF strategies in speaking classroom which is appropriate with the students’ preferences.

Siagian, Corry Ester Margaret, and Shabrina Harumi Pinem. "PERSEPSI MAHASISWA TERHADAP UMPAN BALIK KOREKTIF DOSEN PADA MATA KULIAH SPEAKING." Jurnal Darma Agung 29, no. 2 (August 16, 2021): 287.

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Sejak banyaknya penelitian yang menemukan bahwa umpan balik korektif dosen memberikan kontribusi yang tinggi terhadap perkembangan kemampuan berbicara, maka penelitian yang berhubungan dengan hal ini pun semakin berkembang namun masih terfokus kepada implementaasi umpan balik korektif dan jenis-jenis umpan balik korektif yang digunakan oleh pengajar dalam pembelajaran bahasa. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menemukan bagaimana persepsi mahasiswa terhadap umpan balik korektif dosen yang diberikan pada mata kuliah speaking. Dengan menggunakan metode pemberian kuesioner kepada 44 mahasiswa dan wawancara kepada 22 mahasiswa, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa sebagian besar mahasiswa memiliki persepsi yang positif terhadap keberadaan umpan balik korektif dosen karena hal tersebut menolong mereka mengetahui kesalahan yang mereka lakukan, mengetahui langkah perbaikan yang akhirnya meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara mahasiswa, memberi dampak untuk semakin berani berbicara dan meningkatkan keaktifan mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran speaking. Jenis umpan balik korektif yang paling sering digunakan oleh dosen adalah elicitation dan hal ini berbeda dengan jenis umpan balik yang disukai oleh mahasiswa, yakni explicit correction. Mahasiswa lebih memilih explicit correction karena mahasiswa dapat mengetahui secara langsung apa yang menjadi kesalahan mereka bersamaan dengan jawaban yang benar. Mahasiswa paling tidak menyukai jenis metalinguistic clue karena penggunaan jeni umpan balik ini mengakibatkan kebingungan bagi mahasiswa untuk menemukan kesalahan mereka sendiri karena diakibatkan oleh pengetahuan mereka mengenai komponen-komponen berbicara bahasa Inggris yang belum memadai.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Metalinguistic clues":


Bouhlal, Fatma. "The effectiveness of written corrective feedback on French as a second language accuracy." Thèse, 2019.

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