Academic literature on the topic 'MOMA instrument'

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Journal articles on the topic "MOMA instrument":


Goetz, W., W. B. Brinckerhoff, R. Arevalo, C. Freissinet, S. Getty, D. P. Glavin, S. Siljeström, et al. "MOMA: the challenge to search for organics and biosignatures on Mars." International Journal of Astrobiology 15, no. 3 (July 2016): 239–50.

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AbstractThis paper describes strategies to search for, detect, and identify organic material on the surface and subsurface of Mars. The strategies described include those applied by landed missions in the past and those that will be applied in the future. The value and role of ESA's ExoMars rover and of her key science instrument Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) are critically assessed.

Goesmann, Fred, William B. Brinckerhoff, François Raulin, Walter Goetz, Ryan M. Danell, Stephanie A. Getty, Sandra Siljeström, et al. "The Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) Instrument: Characterization of Organic Material in Martian Sediments." Astrobiology 17, no. 6-7 (July 2017): 655–85.

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Hartanto, Budi. "Membaca Materialitas Ilmu Berdasarkan Filsafat Teknologi Don Ihde." DISKURSUS - JURNAL FILSAFAT DAN TEOLOGI STF DRIYARKARA 13, no. 2 (October 20, 2014): 193–221.

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Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas relevansi teknologi dalam diskursus filsafat ilmu. Saya merujuk pada fenomenologi instrumentasi Don Ihde yang berfokus pada pemikiran tentang intensionalitas instrumental. Instrumen bersifat non-netral yang menentukan bagaimana kita menggapai pengetahuan. Menurut Ihde, ilmu menubuh dengan teknologi. Ia berargumen filsafat ilmu mesti mempertimbangkan pentingnya praksis dan instrumentasi alih-alih teoritisasi. Selain itu akan dibahas problem persepsi dalam ilmu dengan berpijak pada pemikiran Ihde tentang hermeneutika material. Dengan hermeneutika ini, kita menyadari bahwa materialitas ilmu bersifat reduktif terhadap kompleksitas dunia inderawi dan bahwa pengetahuan meluas melampaui daya persepsi. Dari problem persepsi dalam ilmu, saya akan menjelaskan hermeneutika instrumen keilmuan sebagai moda pembacaan materialitas ilmu yang meliputi konstruksi teknologis instrumen. Instrumen dijelaskan sebagai bagian integral dari fakta dalam ilmu. Pada bagian akhir akan dibahas realisme fenomenologis ruangsiber dimana instrumen terintegrasi ke dalam ruangsiber. Kata-kata Kunci: Pascafenomenologi, intensionalitas, teknologi, mediasi instrumental, hermeneutika, ruangsiber. Abstract: This article elucidates the relevance of technology in the discourse of philosophy of science. I refer to Don Ihde’s phenomenology of instrumentation that focuses on the idea of instrumental intentionalities. Instrument is defined as non-neutral that determines how we obtain knowledge. According to Ihde, philosophy of science must consider the importance of praxis and instrumentation instead of theoritization. In addition, I will also address the problem of perception in science, realizing that reality tends to be reduced in the materiality of scientific knowledge and that our knowledge always expands beyond sense-perception. From this problem of perception, I elaborate a hermeneutics of scientific instrument based on Ihde’s material hermeneutics. In this hermeneutics, the materiality of scientific knowledge is read through technological construction instrument. Here instrument is categorized as an integral part of scientific fact. I will conclude by describing a phenomenological realism of cyberspace where instrument is integrated into cyberspace. Keywords: Postphenomenology, intentionality, technology, instrumental mediation, hermeneutics, cyberspace.

Freitas, Sandra, Mário R. Simões, Lara Alves, Margarida Vicente, and Isabel Santana. "Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA): Validation Study for Vascular Dementia." Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 18, no. 6 (June 8, 2012): 1031–40.

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AbstractThe Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is a brief instrument developed for the screening of milder forms of cognitive impairment, having surpassed the well-known limitations of the MMSE. The aim of the present study was to validate the MoCA as well as its short version, which was proposed by the NINDS-CSN VCI Harmonization Standards for screening Vascular Dementia (VaD) patients. The results, based on a homogeneous sample of 34 VaD patients, indicate that the MoCA is a psychometrically valid and reliable instrument for cognitive screening in VaD patients, showing excellent discriminant validity. Both the full and short versions of the MoCA had excellent diagnostic accuracy in discriminating VaD patients, exhibiting an area under curve (AUC) higher than the MMSE [AUC(MoCA full version) = .950; 95% IC = .868–.988; AUC(MoCA short version) = .936; 95% IC = .849–.981; AUC(MMSE) = .860; 95% IC = .754–.932]. With a cutoff below 17 on the MoCA full version and 8 on the short version, the results for sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and classification accuracy were superior compared to the MMSE. In conclusion, both versions of the MoCA are valid, reliable, sensitive and accurate screening instruments for VaD patients. (JINS, 2012, 18, 1–10)

Adana Díaz, Lila, Andrea Arango, César Parra, Alberto Rodríguez-Lorenzana, and Tarquino Yacelga-Ponce. "Impact of Educational Level on Versions (Basic and Complete) of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment." Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 50, no. 4 (2021): 341–48.

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<b><i>Background:</i></b> One of the most marked problems in the use of screening instruments for the diagnosis of dementia or cognitive impairment in the elderly is the influence of educational level on the results of psychometric tests. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) questionnaire is one of the most widely used dementia screening instruments internationally and with greater proven validity. There is a version of this instrument called MoCA “Basic” which was developed to reduce education bias. The aim of the study was to compare the psychometric characteristics of the MoCA, full versus basic, versions in older adults. <b><i>Method:</i></b> Participants (<i>N</i> = 214) completed both versions of the MoCA, and screening measures to corroborate their health status. <b><i>Results:</i></b> Internal consistency was satisfactory in both versions: MoCA full (0.79) and MoCA basic (0.76). The overall correlation between both tests was high (0.73). There was no relationship between the dimensions included in each version. Educational level and age explained 33.8% of the total variance in MoCA Full and 31.8% in MoCA Basic. Among educational levels, there are statistically significant differences in participants with &#x3c;6 years of education. <b><i>Conclusions:</i></b> The results confirm that both versions are reliable instruments and also show that in both versions the educational level of &#x3c;6 years of education continues to have an impact on performance. Therefore, it can be considered that the MoCA Basic version for the Ecuadorian population with &#x3c;6 years of education continues to imply literacy competencies.

Rademeyer, Mia, and Pierre Joubert. "A comparison between the Mini-Mental State Examination and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test in schizophrenia." South African Journal of Psychiatry 22, no. 1 (May 6, 2016): 5.

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<strong>Background:</strong> Cognitive impairment is a core feature of schizophrenia that also has strong prognostic significance. In most clinical settings comprehensive neuropsychological testing to detect cognitive impairment in schizophrenia patients is not readily available, but because cognitive deficits in schizophrenia are clinically important it would be useful to detect or at least screen for them in a clinical setting. Unfortunately there are no validated, brief screening instruments for the detection of cognitive impairment in schizophrenia. Nevertheless, the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test (MoCA) and the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) show promise in this regard. The objective of this study was to compare the results of the MMSE and MoCA in a group of outpatient schizophrenia sufferers to contribute to research into the instruments’ potential usefulness as screening tools for cognitive impairment in schizophrenia. <strong></strong><p><strong>Method:</strong> The Afrikaans versions of the MMSE and MoCA were administered to Afrikaansspeaking adult outpatients. Participants had at least seven years of formal education and had been in partial or full remission for at least 3 months. The MMSE and MoCA scores for each participant were matched and compared using the non-parametric Wilcoxon matched pairs test. <strong></strong></p><p><strong>Results:</strong> The sample consisted of 30 Afrikaans-speaking outpatients with schizophrenia. The mean MMSE score was 27.17 ± 2.64, and the mean MoCA score was 22.53 ± 3.91. There was a statistically significant difference between participants’ performance on the MMSE and MoCA tests (<em>p</em> = 0.000008). <strong></strong></p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Compared to the MMSE, the MoCA may be a more useful instrument to detect cognitive impairment in patients with schizophrenia. Further studies are required.</p>

Kurochkin, V. D., and O. M. Romanenko. "GDMS Analysis Of Calcium Carbonate Naturaly Doped By REE, Phospates And Other Impurities." Methods and Objects of Chemical Analysis 14, no. 2 (2019): 91–101.

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A mathematical model was developed for calculation of types and intensities of molecular interferences and simulation of mass-spectra at GDMS analysis of non-conducting samples with the use of a secondary cathode. An improved design of the cell with Ta-secondary cathode were suggested enhancing the matrix to tantalum ion current ratio and sensitivity of the analysis in ca. 1.5 orders of magnitude. The model have been used for interpretation of complicate mass-spectra of calcium carbonate naturally doped with REE, phosphates and other impurities. Comparison calculated and experimental mass-spectra of VG9000 instrument demonstrates good agreement and allows select the most suitable isotopes and rejecting wrong molecular peaks. It have been shown that electrons in glow discharge plasma have different temperatures in different zones that reveals itself as separate Boltzmann populations of ionization levels for molecules, metal atoms and argon atoms/ions. Calcium carbonate is widely used for many application including as precursor for nano-hydroxyapatite synthesis. Calcium carbonate was precipitated from natural mine waters and was used as model object having high number of various impurities allowing to investigate the impact of complicate molecular ions, determine necessary resolving power of the GD-instruments to meet required detection limit.

Holy, Mirela. "Dokumentarni filmovi kao instrumenti promocije održive mode." Medijske studije 12, no. 24 (January 28, 2022): 89–107.

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Održiva moda je društveno i okolišno odgovorna moda, ekonomski uspješna te etična u ‎odnosu prema prirodi, drugim živim bićima i ljudima. Rezultati istraživanja stavova hrvatskih dizajnera‎ o konceptu održive mode u 2017. godini pokazali su da se većina ispitanika upoznala s tim konceptom u‎ dokumentarnim filmovima (Holy i Borčić, 2018). To ne čudi jer ima mnogo atraktivnih dokumentarnih ‎filmova na temu modne neodrživosti i promocije održivih modnih koncepata. Ovaj rad istražuje kako šest‎ dokumentarnih filmova uokviruje koncept održive te brze/jeftine mode, koji se emocionalni apeli koriste‎ u filmovima, kako se koriste narativi te kako je moda općenito prikazana. Analiza sadržaja provedena‎je na sljedećim dokumentarnim filmovima: True Cost, The Next Black, Slow Down Fast Fashion,‎Unravel, River Blue i Do we change it? Ethical fashion documentary. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako se u‎ dokumentarnim filmovima o modnoj industriji koriste manipulativne tehnike uvjeravanja, ali nedovoljno ‎integriraju publike, što može utjecati na njihovu učinkovitost.‎

Taché, Olivier, Stéphan Rouzière, Philippe Joly, Mohamed Amara, Blaise Fleury, Antoine Thill, Pascale Launois, Olivier Spalla, and Benjamin Abécassis. "MOMAC: a SAXS/WAXS laboratory instrument dedicated to nanomaterials." Journal of Applied Crystallography 49, no. 5 (September 9, 2016): 1624–31.

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This article presents the technical characteristics of a newly built small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS) apparatus dedicated to structural characterization of a wide range of nanomaterials in the powder or dispersion form. The instrument is based on a high-flux rotating anode generator with a molybdenum target, enabling the assessment of highly absorbing samples containing heavy elements. The SAXS part is composed of a collimation system including a multilayer optic and scatterless slits, a motorized sample holder, a vacuum chamber, and a two-dimensional image-plate detector. All the control command is done through a TANGO interface. Normalization and data correction yield scattering patterns at the absolute scale automatically with a q range from 0.03 to 3.2 Å−1. The WAXS part features a multilayer collimating optic and a two-dimensional image-plate detector with variable sample-to-detector distances. The accessible q range is 0.4–9 Å−1, ensuring a large overlap in q range between the two instruments. A few examples of applications are also presented, namely coupled SAXS/WAXS structure and symmetry determination of gold nanocrystals in solution and characterization of imogolite nanotubes and iron-filled carbon nanotube samples.

Dagenais, Emmanuelle, Isabelle Rouleau, Mélanie Demers, Céline Jobin, Élaine Roger, Laury Chamelian, and Pierre Duquette. "Value of the MoCA Test as a Screening Instrument in Multiple Sclerosis." Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences / Journal Canadien des Sciences Neurologiques 40, no. 3 (May 2013): 410–15.

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Objective:Since a large proportion of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients exhibit cognitive deficits, it is important to have reliable and cost-effective screening measures that can be used to follow patients effectively. the objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical value of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test in detecting cognitive deficits in MS patients.Methods:Forty-one (70.1% women, mean age 44.51 ±7.43) mildly impaired (EDSS: 2.26 ±1.87) MS patients were recruited for this study. In addition to the MoCA, they were administered the MSNQ-P (patient version) and the MSNQ-I (informant version), the bDI-FS and a comprehensive neuropsychological test battery.Results:there were significant correlations between the MoCA test and the three factors derived from the neuropsychological evaluation (Executive/speed of processing, Learning, Delayed recall). the MoCA test was correlated with the MSNQ-I but only marginally with the MSNQ-P. In addition, there was no significant correlation between the MSNQ-P and the neuropsychological factors, whereas significant correlations were found between two of those factors (Learning and Delayed recall) and the MSNQ-I, suggesting that the informant version is more reliable than the patient version for the presence of cognitive deficits.Conclusion:the results obtained in the present study support the value of the MoCA test as a screening tool for the presence of cognitive dysfunction in MS patients, even in patients with mild functional disability (EDSS).

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "MOMA instrument":


Thlaijeh, Siveen. "Characterization of organic matter by laser-assisted mass spectrometry : application to paleontology and exobiology." Thesis, Université de Lille (2018-2021), 2021.

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L'origine de la matière organique sur Mars sera étudiée avec le rover « Rosalind Franklin » d'ExoMars à l'aide de plusieurs instruments d'analyse, dont le Mars Organic Molecular Analyzer (MOMA). L'instrument MOMA combine la spectrométrie de masse à laser désorption-ionisation (LDI-MS) et la spectrométrie de masse à chromatographie en phase gazeuse (GC-MS) pour analyser des échantillons de sous-surface. La similitude du LDI-MS de MOMA avec notre instrument LDI-MS / L2MS (spectrométrie de masse laser en deux étapes) nous a encouragés à caractériser la matière organique à partir de différents types d'échantillons, dans le but de fournir une nouvelle méthodologie pour la caractérisation moléculaire à micro-échelle de début de la vie sur Terre et pour soutenir les futures recherches sur Mars.Tout d'abord, nous avons développé une nouvelle source d'ions à injection latérale pour notre spectromètre de masse hybride (radiofréquence/temps de vol) existant permettant la microscopie en transmission et en réflexion et l'imagerie chimique en L2MS et LDI-MS avec une résolution latérale jusqu'à 3 µm.Deuxièmement, la caractérisation des molécules de référence a été réalisée avec L2MS et LDI-MS pour aider à l'identification chimique de différents types de matière organique. Ceux-ci comprenaient un dérivé du tryptophane (acide aminé biotique/abiotique), l'hexylthiophène (proxy pour les hydrocarbures sulfurés), le cholestane (biomarqueur eucaryote), le tocophérol (issu de la photosynthèse) et une porphyrine (dérivé de la chlorophylle). Ainsi, nous donnons un aperçu de la sensibilité de la méthode pour ces classes importantes de molécules et de leurs modèles de fragmentation.Troisièmement, une roche sédimentaire du paléolagon jurassique d'Orbagnoux a été analysée comme indicateur de la matière organique microbienne diagénétiquement sulfurée. Cet échantillon a été choisi suite à la détection récente de molécules sulfurées sur Mars. Les caractérisations chimiques de différents échantillons de roche d'Orbagnoux (roche fraîche et tranche polie) et de ses sous-fractions correspondantes extraites de la roche sédimentaire (extraits solubles, maltène et kérogène) ont été réalisées en utilisant L2MS et LDI. Cela donne accès à des informations moléculaires organiques et inorganiques de diverses classes chimiques d'intérêt telles que les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques, les hydrocarbures oxygénés, thiophéniques et azotés, les clusters de carbonate de calcium/sulfure de fer et les métaux tels que Ni+ ou VO+ qui indiquent la préservation des géoporphyrines.Quatrièmement, une résine Dammar moderne et quatre résines fossiles (ambres) ont été analysées avec LDI-MS pour tester la capacité de la technique à fournir des informations sur les biopolymères fossiles d'origine végétale, y compris leur degré de maturité et/ou leur type botanique. Des différences claires dans les modèles de fragments d'hydrocarbures ont été observées dans les spectres de masse et analysées avec l'analyse des composants principaux
The origin of organic matter on Mars will be investigated with ExoMars’ “Rosalind Franklin” rover using several analytical instruments including the Mars Organic Molecular Analyzer (MOMA). The MOMA instrument combines laser desorption-ionization mass spectrometry (LDI-MS) and gas-chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to analyze sub-surface samples. The similarity of the LDI-MS of MOMA with our LDI-MS / L2MS (two-step laser mass spectrometry) instrument has encouraged us to characterize organic matter from different types of samples, with the goals of providing new methodology for microscale molecular characterization of early life on Earth and to support future investigations on Mars.First, we developed a new-side injection ion source for our existing hybrid (radiofrequency/time-of-flight) mass spectrometer enabling transmission and reflection microscopy and chemical imaging in L2MS and LDI-MS with a lateral resolution down to 3 µm.Second, characterization of reference molecules was carried with L2MS and LDI-MS to help chemical identification of different types organic matter. These included a tryptophan derivative (biotic/abiotic amino acid), hexylthiophene (proxy for sulfurized hydrocarbons), cholestane (eukaryote biomarker), tocopherol (from photosynthesizers) and a porphyrin (chlorophyll derivative). Thus, we provide insight into the sensitivity of the method for these important classes of molecules, and into their fragmentation patterns.Third, a sedimentary rock from the Jurassic paleolagoon of Orbagnoux was analyzed as a proxy for diagenetically-sulfurized microbial organic matter. This sample was chosen following the recent detection of sulfurized molecules on Mars. Chemical characterizations of different samples of Orbagnoux rock (fresh rock and polished slice) and its corresponding sub-fractions extracted from the sedimentary rock (soluble extracts, maltene and kerogen) were performed using L2MS and LDI. This gives access to organic and inorganic molecular information of various chemical classes of interest such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, oxygenated, thiophenic, and nitrogenated hydrocarbons, calcium carbonate/iron sulfide clusters, and metals such as Ni+ or VO+ that point to the preservation of geoporphyrins.Fourth, a modern Dammar resin and four fossil resins (ambers) were analyzed in LDI-MS to test the technique capability to provide insights into plant-derived fossil biopolymers, including their maturity grade and/or botanic type. Clear differences in hydrocarbon fragment patterns were observed in mass spectra and analyzed with principal component analysis

Filho, Edson Tosta Matarezio. "A Festa da Moça Nova: ritual de iniciação feminina dos índios Ticuna." Universidade de São Paulo, 2015.

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Esta tese tem como foco principal a descrição e análise do ritual de iniciação pelo qual passam as moças ticuna, a chamada Festa da Moça Nova. Os Ticuna são um povo de língua isolada, habitantes, em sua maior parte, do Alto Rio Solimões (AM), distribuídos entre Brasil, Peru e Colômbia. Por ocasião da menarca, as meninas são colocadas em reclusão e é organizado o ritual. Para compreendermos esta Festa, que marca a saída das moças da reclusão, exponho suas relações com outras dimensões da vida ticuna: organização social e parentesco, mitologia, cosmologia, corpo e xamanismo. A etnografia e a análise se concentram principalmente nas canções, instrumentos musicais e narrativas míticas relacionados à Festa e seu processo ritual
This thesis mainly focuses on the description and analysis of the Moça Nova Festival, the initiation ritual through which Ticuna young women go through. The Ticuna people speak an isolated language and inhabit, for the most part, the Upper Solimões River (Amazonas, Brazil), spread across Brazil, Peru and Colombia. At the time of the menarche, girls are secluded and the ritual is organized. In order to understand this festival, which marks the moment when girls leave seclusion, I present how it relates to other dimensions of Ticuna life: social organization and kinship, mythology, cosmology, body and shamanism. Both the ethnography and the analysis concentrate primarily on the songs, musical instruments and mythic narratives related to the festival and its ritual process.

Marques, Pedro. "Outsourcing: Moda ou instrumento de criação de valor? O caso da frota automóvel da GNR." Master's thesis, Academia Militar. Direção de Ensino, 2010.

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O mundo organizacional encontra-se em constante mutação e alteração e, cada vez mais, é imperativo que as organizações alterem os seus modelos tradicionais de gest ão, de modo a poderem evoluir acompanhando, assim, esta mudança. A preocupação sistemática da GNR para uma melhor afectação de recursos na actividade operacional tem vindo a ser significativa ao longo dos anos, devido ao escasso número de militares nesta mesma área. Surge, então, a necessidade da adopção do outsourcing, como uma ferramenta de controlo de gestão. Esta adopção deve-se, principalmente, à falta de efectivo na actividade principal da GNR e às restrições orçamentais impostas por parte do Estado. O outsourcing caracteriza-se como sendo a contratação, com organismos externos à instituição, de uma função ou serviço. Teoricamente, apresenta várias vantagens, tais como: a libertação de recursos das actividades contratadas, possibilitando a concentração de recursos na sua actividade principal, redução dos custos, etc. O principal objectivo deste trabalho é identificar as vantagens e os inconvenientes da adopção, pela GNR, do outsourcing para a manutenção da frota automóvel. O outsourcing na manutenção das viaturas da GNR tem vindo a aumentar ao longo dos tempos. Actualmente, muitos Comandos optam por esta modalidade para a manutenção das viaturas, no entanto não se encontra nada normalizado com se deve proceder. Este trabalho divide-se em duas partes fundamentais. A primeira contempla o enquadramento teórico e aborda a manutenção das viaturas na GNR. A segunda parte reporta-se ao trabalho de campo, contemplando a análise e discussão dos resultados e as respectivas conclusões do trabalho. A metodologia adoptada baseia-se em análise documental, realizaram-se inquéritos por questionário e entrevistas a amostras diferentes com intuito de obter uma percepção mais alargada do tema em estudo. Chegou-se, por fim, à conclusão que o outsourcing é mais vantajoso para a manutenção das viaturas da GNR, no entanto não devemos aniquilar todas as nossas valências. Deverão haver oficinas, ainda que em número reduzido, para fazer face a situações pontuais a que as oficinas civis não consigam dar resposta. Propõe-se um estudo aprofundado sobre o tipo de procedimento que deveria ser feito para a aquisição das viaturas segundo o modelo de outsourcing (Leasing. ALD, AOV, etc.)
Abstract The organizational world is changing and changing and, increasingly, it is imperative that organizations change their traditional models of management, so that they can evolve following, so this change. The systematic concern of the GNR for a better allocation of resources in the operational activity has been significant over the years due to the small number of troops in that area. Then comes the need for adoption of outsourcing as a tool of management control. This adoption is due mainly to lack of effective in the main activity of the GNR and the budgetary restrictions imposed by the state. Outsourcing is characterized as hiring, with bodies external to the institution of a function or service. Theoretically, it presents several advantages, such as the release of resources for activities contracted, allowing the concentration of resources on its core business, cost reduction, etc.. The main objective of this study is to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the adoption by the GNR, outsourcing the maintenance vehicle fleet. Outsourcing the maintenance of the vehicles of the GNR has been increasing over time. Currently, many opt for this mode commands for the maintenance of vehicles, however there is nothing to standard should be done. This work is divided into two main parts. The first covers the theoretical framework and addresses the maintenance of the vehicles in the GNR. The second part refers to field work, covering the analysis and discussion of results and findings of the work. The methodology is based on documentary analysis, there were questionnaire surveys and interviews with different samples with a view to obtaining a broader understanding of the topic under study. It turned finally to the conclusion that outsourcing is more advantageous for the maintenance of the vehicles of the GNR, but we should not destroy all our skills. Will be workshops, albeit in reduced numbers, to deal with specific situations that garages civilians are unable to respond. It is proposed that a detailed study of the type of procedure that should be made for the purchase of vehicles under the outsourcing model (Leasing. ALD, AOV, etc.).

Nascimento, Nelymar Gonçalves do. "As tecnologias digitais no espaço acadêmico como instrumentos na construção do conhecimento do design de moda." Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2014.

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Submitted by Maicon Juliano Schmidt (maicons) on 2015-03-21T15:10:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Nelymar Gonçalves do Nascimento.pdf: 4481549 bytes, checksum: 21b5a514f949b28777aa459f24555974 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-21T15:10:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nelymar Gonçalves do Nascimento.pdf: 4481549 bytes, checksum: 21b5a514f949b28777aa459f24555974 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-21
IFPI - Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Piauí
Esta investigação aborda a construção do conhecimento no campo da moda por meio do uso das tecnologias digitais, tendo como sujeitos os alunos no cotidiano do seu ambiente acadêmico. Esse estudo analisa o uso das tecnologias digitais como meio e fim do método de aprendizagem para o desenvolvimento da capacidade criativa do aluno. Para este fim, buscou-se verificar: a) a estrutura física proporcionada a esses alunos pela universidade; b) as metodologias de ensino utilizadas no âmbito dessas tecnologias; e c) a percepção dos alunos ambientados ou não com as tecnologias. Esta pesquisa fundamentou-se na teoria sócio-histórica de Vigotsky acerca da construção do conhecimento, na qual o sujeito se constitui psicológica e cognitivamente na interação com o seu grupo social pela mediação de instrumentos e relações constituídas ao longo da história. O método empregado para a produção dos dados utilizou-se da entrevista em grupos de discussão e a técnica de análise de conteúdo para a leitura compreensiva dos mesmos. Considera-se que o aprendizado dos alunos do curso pesquisado se constrói não só na interação com a máquina e com os seus softwares, mas também pela participação dos seus colegas e professores através da interação proporcionada pelo empenho na realização das suas atividades. Esse processo de mediação leva ao estímulo do desenvolvimento potencial de características imprescindíveis ao design de moda.
This research focuses on the development of knowledge in the field of fashion through the use of digital technologies, taking students as subjects in their everyday academic environment. This study aims to analyze the use of digital technologies as a means and end of the learning method for the development of creative skills of the student. To this end, we attempted to check: a) physical structure provided to these students by the university; b) the teaching methodologies used within these technologies, as well as, c) the perception of acclimated or not with the technologies students. This research was based on the socio-historical Vygotsky’s theory about the construction of knowledge, in which the subject is psychologically and cognitively in interaction with their social group for mediating instruments and relationships established throughout history. The method employed for the production of the data was used in the interview discussion groups and content analysis technique for reading comprehension thereof. It is considered that students learning of the course builds researched not only in the interaction with the machine and its software, but also the participation of their classmates and teachers through interaction provided by commitment in carrying out their activities. This mediation process leads to stimulating the potential development of essential features to fashion design.

Lundgren, Lydia. "¿El español mola o no mola? : Un estudio cuantitativo sobre las actitudes de alumnos suecos de bachillerato hacia el español." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för moderna språk, 2013.

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En este trabajo se investiga las actitudes de alumnos suecos de bachillerato hacia el profesorado de español, las clases de español y la lengua española. Hemos investigado cómo las actitudes se diferencian entre: los géneros, el nivel de español que se estudia, el programa que se estudia, el éxito previo que se haya tenido del español y, si se tiene otra o más lenguas maternas que el sueco. Se ha utilizado un método cuantitativo en forma de encuestas electrónicas. Los resultados han demostrado que no hay diferencias significativas en las actitudes entre los géneros y el nivel de español que se estudia. La mayoría de los alumnos tenía actitudes positivas en cada una de las tres categorías. En cuanto a los alumnos con otra lengua materna que el sueco, al igual que los alumnos con orientación lingüística, la mayoría también tuvo actitudes positivas en la mayoría de las preguntas. Además, hubo correlaciones entre el éxito previo del español y las actitudes.

Nunes, Katia de Sousa. "Processos criativos no desenvolvimento de trajes de cena: o uso da técnica moulage como instrumento de estímulo à criatividade no ensino de moda." Universidade de São Paulo, 2016.

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Este projeto discute uma investigação acerca da utilização da técnica de modelagem tridimensional de trajes, também conhecida por moulage, não somente como um instrumento inerente ao processo de o desenvolvimento de moldes para a construção de roupas, mas principalmente como ferramenta de estímulo à criatividade na concepção de trajes de cena. Por meio de uma pesquisa bibliográfica de cunho exploratório, foram levantados os principais aspectos históricos intrínsecos à modelagem plana e à modelagem tridimensional na história da indumentária, bem como processos criativos e ferramentas de estímulo à criatividade aplicáveis à concepção de figurinos. Foram realizados cinco experimentos de diferentes técnicas de modelagem tridimensional voltados ao estímulo da criatividade para a concepção de trajes de cena, o que tornou possível investigar possíveis evidências que comprovaram a otimização do estímulo da criatividade por meio da modelagem tridimensional, durante o processo criativo, em relação aos métodos de modelagem planificada convencionais
This project concerns an investigation of the use of tridimensional modeling technique costumes, also known as moulage, not just as an instrument which is inherent to the molds development for the construction of clothes, but mainly as a tool for stimulating creativity in costumes scene design. Through a bibliographic exploratory research, were surveyed the main historical aspects intrinsic to the modeling and moulage in the clothing history, creative processes, and tools to stimulate creativity for the costumes design. Five different experiments were performed with moulage techniques, in order to stimulate creativity in designing scene costumes, which made possible to investigate possible evidences to support the optimization of the creativity stimulate throughout moulage techniques during the creative process, compared to conventional modeling methods

Monperrus, Martin. "La mesure des modèles par les modèles." Phd thesis, Rennes 1, 2008.

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L'ingénierie dirigée par les modèles est une approche du génie logiciel qui utilise des modèles comme artefacts de première importance. La mesure est une activité d'ingénierie qui permet d'obtenir une information quantitative sur les processus d'ingénierie ou les systèmes en cours de développement. La mesure des modèles permet d'identifier les risques et les défauts et de valider des propriétés dès le début du développement. Malheureusement, il est coûteux de développer un outil de mesure ad hoc pour chaque type de modèles manipulés. Nous proposons une approche indépendante du métamodèle pour définir des métriques de modèles. Les métriques sont spécifiées à un haut niveau d'abstraction. Ensuite, à partir de cette spécification déclarative des métriques, un outil peut générer le composant de mesure. La contribution globale de cette approche est de donner une implémentation des métriques de modèles, intégrée, fondée sur des modèles, et à un coût moindre
Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is an approach to software development that uses models as primary artifacts. Measurement is an engineering activity that enables to obtain quantitative information on the engineering process or the systems being developed. Measurement of models at an early phase of the development life cycle allows architects and managers to identify risks and flaws and to validate some properties. Unfortunately, it is costly to develop an ad hoc measurement tool for each of metamodel manipulated. We propose a metamodel-independent framework to define model metrics. Metrics are specified at a high level of abstraction. Then, from this declarative specification of metrics, a toolchain is able to generate the measurement software seamlessly integrated into a modeling environment. The overall contribution of this approach is to give a model-driven and integrated implementation of model metrics at a reasonable cost

Brehm, Leda Maria Stumpf. "Contribuição para classificação e descrição do caimento dos tecidos de seda 100% empregados em vestuário." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2011.

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O consumidor de têxteis confeccionados percebe a qualidade da roupa pela estética, caimento, toque e durabilidade. A cor e a textura, juntamente com o caimento do tecido, contribuem para a beleza do modelo. Na seleção do material para a confecção de vestuário, essas características seguem as propostas da moda vigente, porém ao caimento é dado significativa importância na adaptação do tecido ao modelo proposto. A dinâmica atual da moda exige agilidade das pequenas e médias empresas nacionais nos processos de compra do tecido, prototipagem e confecção com variedades de modelos e produção limitada. Entretanto, não se utilizam todos os recursos tecnológicos disponíveis em laboratórios têxteis equipados com aparelhos e pessoas especializadas na leitura dos dados. Devido ao acesso restrito, em função da logística e custos operacionais, o profissional seleciona o tecido a partir de amostras físicas, em uma avaliação subjetiva e pessoal, baseada na experiência com desenvolvimento de produto. O processo é dificultado na comunicação a distância, pois, mesmo com uma amostra do tecido em mãos, o diálogo é dificultado pela falta de parâmetros comuns de classificação e descrição das características visuais de caimento do tecido. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho, disponibiliza um instrumento – Graduador Brehm e sua metodologia - para a classificação da maleabilidade dos tecidos em graus de caimento e a padronização dos seus termos descritores.
The consumer of manufactured textiles perceives the quality of the clothes taking the aesthetics, the fit, the feel and durability into account. Color and texture, together with the fit, contribute to the beauty of the garment. When selecting the material for clothing manufacture, those features follow the current fashion proposals: however, the fit – how the cloth hangs in loose folds – plays a very significant role when adapting the material to the proposed model. The present fashion dynamics calls for agility in the small and medium-sized national companies in the processes of buying material, prototyping and manufacturing a variety of models with limited production. However, all the available technological resources are not being used in textile laboratories equipped with devices and counting on personnel specialized in reading the data. Due to the restricted access because of the logistics and operational costs, the professional selects the material based on physical samples – a subjective and personal evaluation counting on their experience with product development. That process becomes more difficult when it is discussed from a distance. Even when one has a sample of the fabric in their hands, the dialog becomes more difficult when there are no common parameters for the classification and description of the visual characteristics for cloth hanging. For that context, this study provides an instrument – the Brehm grader and its methodology – for the classification of fabric malleability in degrees of hanging in loose folds and the standardization of the terms described.

Moreira, Jeannette Felicia Tavares. "Adaptação de um instrumento de rastreio cognitivo, o MoCA (Montreal Cognitive Assessment) para população cabo-verdiana." Master's thesis, 2016.

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Dissertação de Mestrado, Neurociências Cognitivas e Neuropsicologia, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
O rastreio cognitivo por meio de instrumentos de avaliação de rápida aplicação é uma mais valia na deteção precoce de défices cognitivos. O Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) é um instrumento breve que abrange várias funções cognitivas e que se tem mostrado sensível aos estádios de declínio mais ligeiros. Objetivos: Traduzir e adaptar o MoCA para a população cabo-verdiana; analisar as qualidades psicométricas e validade clinica da versão adaptada (MoCA-CV). Metodologia: Concluída a fase de adaptação transcultural, o MoCA-CV foi administrado a uma amostra de 147 indivíduos adultos, sendo 117 saudáveis (idade=66,1 ± 8,18; escolaridade=5,4 ± 4,00) e 30 com défice cognitivo associado a diferentes quadros neuropsicológicos (idade=77,4 ± 8,01; escolaridade=2,7 ± 2,73). Para além do MoCA, o protocolo aplicado incluía ainda uma anamnese, o Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), o Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15) e o Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (CDR). Foi realizado um reteste com 14 sujeitos após um intervalo de tempo de cerca de 30 dias. Resultados: O MoCA- CV revelou indicadores de fiabilidade adequados relativamente à sua pontuação total (consistência interna, α=,784; estabilidade temporal, r =.884). Verificaram-se também bons indicadores de validade, nomeadamente a correlação concorrente com outras medidas utilizadas e uma discriminação robusta entre amostra saudável e a amostra clínica (média para o grupo saudável: M ± DP = 24,02 ± 3,828 e média para o grupo clinico: M ± DP =12.67 ± 3.880). As variáveis sociodemográficas mais associadas ao desempenho na prova foram a idade e a escolaridade, tendo-se apresentado os valores médios por faixa etária e nível de escolaridade. Considerando o grupo clínico e uma amostra saudável emparelhada nas variáveis sociodemográficas relevantes, encontrou-se um ponto de corte que ronda os 18 pontos, a que está associada uma sensibilidade de 90%. Conclusão: O MoCA-CV revelou boas qualidades psicométricas e o seu uso pode ser promissor no contexto clinico cabo-verdiano.
The cognitive screening through the implementation of quick assessment tools is an asset in the early detection of cognitive deficits. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is a brief instrument that encompasses several cognitive functions and that has proven sensitive to the slightest decline stadiums. Objectives: To translate and adapt the MoCA to the Cape Verdean population; analyze the psychometric properties and clinical validity of the adapted version (MoCA-CV). Methodology: After the phase of cross-cultural adaptation, the MoCA-CV was administered to a sample of 147 adult subjects, 117 of them healthy (age = 66.1 ± 8.18; education = 5.4 ± 4.00) and 30 of them with cognitive impairment associated with different neuropsychological clinical conditions (age = 77.4 ± 8.01; education = 2.7 ± 2.73). In addition to the MoCA, the applied protocol also included an anamnesis, the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15) and the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (CDR). Retest was carried out with 14 subjects after a period of about 30 days. Results: MoCA- CV revealed adequate reliability indicators regarding its total score (internal consistency, α =, 784; temporal stability, r = .884). There were also good indicators of validity, as the concurrent correlation with other measures used and a robust discrimination between the healthy sample and the clinical sample (average for healthy group: M ± SD = 24.02 ± 3,828 and average for the clinical group: M ± SD = 12.67 ± 3.880). The sociodemographic variables most associated with the performance on the test were age and education. Average values for age and education level have been presented. Considering the clinical group and a healthy sample paired to the relevant sociodemographic variables, a cutoff point of around 18 points was found, to which is associated a sensitivity of 90%. Conclusion: The MoCA-CV showed good psychometric qualities and its use may be promising in the Cape Verdean clinical context.

Santos, António José Robalo dos. "Outsourcing: moda ou instrumento de criação de valor? O caso específico da gestão de frotas de veículos automóveis." Master's thesis, 1996.

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Mestrado em Gestão/M.B.A.
É geralmente aceite que foi o impacto do Rochester Quake (como Mylot III designou o frenesim que se seguiu ao anúncio do mega negócio que consistiu na subcontratão da gestão de dados, micro­ computadores e redes de cornunicações Eastman Kodak Company de Rochester) que provocou, funda­- mentalrnente devido à dirnensão e notoriedade desta, a explosão da utilização do outsourcing. A partir do anúncio deste negócio, de rnilhões de dólares, outros se lhe seguiram, em inúmeras outras organizações públicas e privadas, de montantes cada vez maiores, em rnuitos casos de vários biliões de dólares. 0 recurso ao outsourcing passou a constituir uma constante entre as maiores organizações, designadamente as empre-­ sariais, em todo o mundo, tornando-se cada vez mais uma políltica habitual nos mais diversos sectores das economias, e ern crescente niunero de tipos diferenciados de actividades e serviços . Com o presente estudo pretende-se, para alem de uma análise do próprio fenómeno em si mesmo, relacio-­ nado com principios, ideias e teorias (algumas de projecção ainda recerrte), corn que se tern cruzado no contexto da sua inserção na vida das organizações, verificar o que, a seu respeito, se passa em Portugal, no momenta presente. Para uma abordagern mais consistente, considerou-se, para além de um tratamento do tema em termos genéricos, o caso específico do outsourcing na gestão de frotas de viaturas automóveis.
It is generally accepted that it was the impact of the Rochester Quake (as Mylot m designated the upset that followed the announcement of the mega deal that consisted on the subcontracting of the management micro computer data and communication networks of Eastman Kodak Company of Rochester) that lead, mainly due to the size and notableness of the company, to the outburst of the use of outsourcing. After the announcement of this multimillion dollar deal, several others followed, in many other public and private companies, of increasing values, in many uses reaclling several billion dollars. The resource to out­ sourcing became a standard policy among the major organisations, namely in enterprises, across the world inevery sector of the economy and in a growing number of diverse activities and services. With this essay, besides the study of the phenomenon in itself. related to principles, ideas and theories (some of which quite recent) with which it has crossed inthe context of its insercion in the lifes of the or­ ganisations, it is intended to analyse what happened recently in Portugal regarding this phenomenon. For a more solid and consistent approach, besides a general and theoretical analysis of the theme, the sp cific case of fleet management was considered.

Books on the topic "MOMA instrument":


Abrão, Carlos Henrique. Protesto: Caracterização da mora, inadimplemento obrigacional. 4th ed. São Paulo: Editora Atlas, 2011.

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Steinberg, Martin, and Paul B. Rosenberg. The Office Assessment of Depression and Cognitive Impairment. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Changes in mood and/or cognition are common complaints in the elderly population. This chapter uses case studies to illustrate insights to make clinical assessment more efficient. These include assessing for cognitive impairment when depression is present and vice versa, being mindful of assuming that patients reporting cognitive difficulties are “worried well,” avoiding overreaction to very mild symptoms, assessing the four key cortical cognitive domains (amnesia, aphasia, apraxia, agnosia), assessing for subcortical dysfunction, assessing Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs), and understanding that depression in the elderly often presents with atypical symptoms. Brief cognitive instruments which can improve assessment include the Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE), Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ), Clock Drawing Test (CDT), and the Mini Cog. Brief depression instruments include the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDSS), and Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia (CSDD).

Steinberg, Martin, Antonio N. Puente, and Cynthia A. Munro. The Role of Neuropsychological Examination. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Changes in mood and/or cognition are common complaints in the elderly population. This chapter uses case studies to illustrate insights to make clinical assessment more efficient. These include assessing for cognitive impairment when depression is present and vice versa, being mindful of assuming that patients reporting cognitive difficulties are “worried well,” avoiding overreaction to very mild symptoms, assessing the four key cortical cognitive domains (amnesia, aphasia, apraxia, agnosia), assessing for subcortical dysfunction, assessing Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs), and understanding that depression in the elderly often presents with atypical symptoms. Brief cognitive instruments which can improve assessment include the Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE), Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ), Clock Drawing Test (CDT), and the Mini Cog. Brief depression instruments include the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDSS), and Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia (CSDD).

Alperin, Marta. Introducción al análisis estadístico de datos geológicos. Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (EDULP), 2013.

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La utilización de la estadística en el medio científico ha tomado sin duda un ritmo aceleradamente creciente, señalando una tendencia que, de forma más atenuada, es acompañada cotidianamente por el resto de las actividades del hombre. A tal extremo que tanto en economía, como en política, arte, periodismo, deporte, espectáculos, oficios, religiones y en todas las demás, se utilizan estimadores, rankings, porcentuales, frecuencias, tendencias y otras expresiones estadísticas del más diverso carácter y profundidad, generalmente acompañadas de los códigos que corresponden a cada actividad. Las geociencias no escapan a esta realidad, ya que se ha convertido en una herramienta de primer orden, facilitada en su empleo por el advenimiento de la informática. Es por lo tanto habitual que los geólogos la utilicen en sus tareas profesionales, de investigación o de gestión. Pero es también habitual que lo hagan para cubrir una necesidad y porque no, una “moda”, sin el pleno conocimiento del contexto de esta verdadera ciencia formal y de la mayor parte de su oferta. Es como adquirir un instrumental o un software y aplicarlo sin haber leído acabadamente su correspondiente manual. Es aquí donde la obra de la Dra. Alperin adquiere su mayor dimensión y apunta al enriquecimiento de la labor del geólogo, con el mayor conocimiento posible de la dimensión de las bases teóricas para llegar a aprovechar su utilidad, ya se trate de la componente descriptiva o la referencial. O también el caso de poblaciones relativamente estáticas o dinámicas, como el agua subterránea, donde por ejemplo, el análisis de series resulta básico para reconstruir los sucesos hidrológicos y poder formular pronósticos. (de la presentación del Dr. Mario A. Hernández)

Book chapters on the topic "MOMA instrument":


Julayanont, Parunyou, and Ziad S. Nasreddine. "Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA): Concept and Clinical Review." In Cognitive Screening Instruments, 139–95. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Julayanont, Parunyou, Natalie Phillips, Howard Chertkow, and Ziad S. Nasreddine. "Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA): Concept and Clinical Review." In Cognitive Screening Instruments, 111–51. London: Springer London, 2012.

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Palević, Milan. "PRAVNI OKVIRI EKONOMSKOG KORIŠĆENjA KASPIJSKOG MORA." In USKLAĐIVANjE pravnog sistema Srbije sa standardima Evropske unije: Knj.9, 83–98. University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Law, 2021.

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The main goal of this research is to present the legal framework that determines the manner and scope of exploitation of natural resources in the Caspian region. This goal was achieved by analyzing the relevant international agreements applied in this geographical area, using the historical method. Then, the relevant international agreements and customs that are applied to the status issues of the sea and lakes, which are important for defining the legal regime of reference for regulating the use of these waters and their resources, are analyzed. In this part of the analysis, a comparative method was mostly used, which compared the provisions contained in universal international treaties with the provisions contained in regional international treaties. The main results of the research, in the part related to the status determination of the Caspian water basin, is that none of the known concepts for determining the status can be fully applied to it, that it contains elements of the closed sea, and elements of the border lake and elements condominium, and that all this together potentially represents elements of a new unique concept. In the part of the paper that refers to the legal framework of exploitation of the observed area, the main conclusion is that the most reference norms for its determination are contained in regional instruments that regulate the issue of environmental protection because they direct the manner and scope of economic exploitation. The limitations of this research are first of all that of several aspects of the status determination of the observed area, it is limited only to the legal aspect, and that it is limited to the analysis of the impact of environmental norms on the subject of research.

Friedwald, Will. "Nat and Nelson." In Straighten Up and Fly Right, 263–301. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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For Nat King Cole, the 1950s brought his first “birth child,” Natalie, and his next blockbuster hit “Mona Lisa,” which completed his transition to pop music. But his struggle with the Internal Revenue Service nearly cost him his home and everything he had achieved. He met Nelson Riddle, his new musical partner who helped Cole attain his greatest heights. Meanwhile, he continued to land cameos in several important films and to headline on such television shows as The Toast of the Town and Your Show of Shows. In 1951, Cole announced the end of the Trio; in 1952, he recorded his next piano instrumental album, Penthouse Serenade. He and Riddle climaxed the period with Nat King Cole Sings for Two in Love (1953), probably his greatest straight down the middle collection of songbook standards.

"Second-Generation MOMS: A Low-Cost and Flexible Instrument with Stereoscopic and Multispectral Modes for Developing Countries." In Commercial Opportunities in Space, 416–22. Washington DC: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1988.

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Conference papers on the topic "MOMA instrument":


Canham, John S. "ExoMars 2020 MOMA gas chromatograph mass spectrometer instrument background and its implications." In Systems Contamination: Prediction, Control, and Performance 2018, edited by Carlos E. Soares, Eve M. Wooldridge, and Bruce A. Matheson. SPIE, 2018.

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Weßels, Peter, A. Büttner, M. Ernst, M. Hunnekuhl, R. Kalms, L. Willemsen, D. Kracht, and J. Neumann. "UV-DPSS laser flight model for the MOMA instrument of the ExoMars 2020 Mission." In International Conference on Space Optics - ICSO 2018, edited by Nikos Karafolas, Zoran Sodnik, and Bruno Cugny. SPIE, 2019.

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Wu, Yuan, Jianjun Qiang, and Xinbo Huang. "Design of a remote-monitoring system of MOA based on GPRS." In Instruments (ICEMI). IEEE, 2009.

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Fusco, L., and A. Hsu. "Different Scanning Instruments Comparison: MOMS And TM." In 1986 International Symposium/Innsbruck, edited by Philip N. Slater. SPIE, 1986.

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Feng, Wang, Mi Dong, and Xu Zhangsui. "Electro-Magnetic Field Calculating Based on Wavelet-MoM." In 2007 8th International Conference on Electronic Measurement and Instruments. IEEE, 2007.

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Cai, He, You Wang, Juhong Han, Kepeng Rong, Hang Yu, Guofei An, Wei Zhang, et al. "Theoretical analyses of a 1.617-um laser with a MOPA configuration." In International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology 2017: Advanced Laser Technology and Applications, edited by Liquan Dong, Chunqing Gao, Pu Wang, Zhiyi Wei, Franz X. Kärtner, and Jayanta Kumar Sahu. SPIE, 2018.

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Souza, Patrícia de Mello, and Giovanni Maria Conti. "A cross fertilization como instrumento gerador de inovação." In Systems & Design: Beyond Processes and Thinking. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.

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O presente artigo aborda o processo de desenvolvimento de produtos orientado pela dinâmica da cross fertilization, que remete ao contexto das relações de contiguidade entre diferentes áreas do conhecimento. Para Conti (2007), o conceito foi introduzido pelo matemático James Clerk Maxwell, e consiste na possibilidade de adotar inovações já experimentadas em campos distintos dando lugar a uma transferência de conhecimento entre setores. A aplicação da cross fertilization como instrumento condutor de projeto no campo do design, tem demonstrado de que forma esta transferência pode se manifestar de modo implícito – no caso de sentido ou significado que se transporta de uma entidade para outra; e de modo explicito – quando se trata de transferência de tecnologia, de fabricação ou de processo industrial que caracteriza um setor ou parte dele. No contexto das intersecções, este estudo aborda relações entre o design, especialmente de moda, e a arquitetura. Segundo Hodge (2007), o pensamento estrutural tem direcionado cada vez mais os designers, que se apropriam de principios arquitetônicos para manipular a estrutura e o volume das vestimentas. Por outro lado, Quinn (2009) refere-se a novos modelos da arquitetura, considerados como padrões a serem seguidos, nos quais percebem-se técnicas de alfaiataria e materiais têxteis sendo transformados em estruturas duradouras. Identificam-se princípios condutores comuns que direcionam o pensamento projetual, bem como elementos que agem como ativadores de transferências de conhecimento e facilitadores de processos de geração inovativos. Para Souza (2013), dialogar com outros campos como forma de apropriação de novos conceitos, linguagens ou técnicas contribui para que o desenvolvimento de produtos, quer sejam físicos ou intangíveis, digam respeito ao novo. A essência de qualquer processo de inovação consiste na recombinação original de elementos provenientes de conhecimentos novos ou daqueles já existentes. As atividades inovativas dos indivíduos e das organizações estão vinculadas à capacidade do aprendizado adquirido, que habilita construir novas representações dos ambientes e derivar-lhes novos usos. O argumento abordado no decorrer deste estudo comprova, mediante a análise das relações que se estabelecem entre os distintos setores, que é dentro das zonas de fronteira – aquele campo de intersecção que pode ser gerado entre uma área disciplinar e outra, que de fato são ativadas as dinâmicas que facilitam o surgimento de processos de inovação significativos. Confirma-se, portanto, a eficácia da cross fertilization como instrumento aplicado no campo do design. DOI:

Tsujino, Koki, Tomohiro Harada, and Ruck Thawonmas. "Analysis of Relation between Prediction Accuracy of Surrogate Model and Search Performance on Extreme Learning Machine Assisted MOEA/D." In 2020 59th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan (SICE). IEEE, 2020.

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Mota, Nikaelly Pinheiro, Jéssica Karen de Oliveira Maia, Brehnda Maria Caldeira, José Wagner Martins da Silva, Glauberto da Silva Quirino, and Marli Teresinha Gimeniz Galvão. "Suporte social percebido por idosos vivendo com vírus da imunodeficiência humana." In XIII Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de DST - IX Congresso Brasileiro de AIDS - IV Congresso Latino Americano de IST/HIV/AIDS. Zeppelini Editorial e Comunicação, 2021.

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Introdução: Na vigência do vírus da imunodeficiência humana, pessoas com idade 8805,50 anos são considerados idosos. Tais idosos, desenvolvem enfrentamentos negativos como estratégia de evitar situações de estigma e discriminação no contexto familiar e na vida cotidiana decorrente de diversos constrangimentos por conta do vírus da imunodeficiência humana. Objetivo: Verificar o suporte social percebido por idosos vivendo com vírus da imunodeficiência humana. Métodos: Pesquisa transversal, realizada durante sete meses de 2019, cuja avaliação envolveu 92 idosos acompanhados em Serviço Público Especializado em um município do Ceará, região Nordeste do Brasil. Foram incluídas pessoas com 8805,50 anos com vírus da imunodeficiência humana/aids e em uso de terapia antirretroviral. Para coleta de dados empregou-se a Escala de Suporte Social para pessoas vivendo com vírus da imunodeficiência humana/aids, constituída por 22 itens, na qual o escore total varia de 22 a 110 pontos. Resultados: Os participantes tinham idades entre 50-71 anos, eram do sexo masculino (54,3%), casados (41,3%), com reduzida inserção escolar (66,3%), tempo de infeção em média de nove anos, todos usando a terapia antirretroviral em média de 7,3 anos. O suporte social percebido pelos idosos encontrou-se como moderado (34–66%). Asmédias do Suporte Social Instrumental foram inferiores (2,8) quando comparadas ao emocional (3,0). Obteve-se menor média (2,5) no relacionado à disponibilidade de apoio aos cuidados de saúde, como lembrar a hora de um medicamento ou o dia de fazer um exame. Em relação a maior média, constatou-se o item relativo à disponibilidade de apoio para melhorar o conhecimento sobre o problema de saúde, que refere-se ao suporte social emocional (3,7). Conclusão: As principais fontes de apoio em relação ao suporte social instrumental foram marido/esposa/companheiro(a), família que mora com o participante, família que não moram com o participante e amigos. Quanto ao suporte social emocional, as maiores fontes foram profissionais de saúde, amigos, marido/esposa/ companheiro(a), família que não moram com o participante e familiares que coabitam com o idoso.

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