Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Total Production Maintenace'

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Ahlqvist, Carl, and Niklas Meijer. "Identifiering av faktorer som kan påverka produktionseffektivitet : En fallstudie." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för maskinteknik (MT), 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-43828.

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Tillverkande företag möter idag en allt hårdare konkurrens genom den globalisering av marknaden som sker. En global marknad med flera konkurrenter, ökad produktdifferentiering och höga tillverkningskostnader ställer stora krav på företag att arbeta kostnadseffektivt. För att vara konkurrenskraftig och driva en lönsam produktion krävs att förretag har en stor kännedom om hur sina tillverkningsprocesser fungerar, har en hög driftsäkerhet och kan utnyttja sin anläggnings kapacitet.   Grunden till studien är det industriella lönsamhetsproblem som finns i Sverige, där företag får allt svårare att kunna producera kvalitativa produkter till ett konkurrenskraftigt pris. Fallstudien utförs på ett företag som tillverkar komponenter för fordonsindustrin, med syftet att skapa en ökad förståelse kring de faktorer som leder till produktionsstörningar och har stor effekt på produktionseffektiviteten i ett flöde. För att sedan kunna motverka dessa och utnyttja företagets kapacitet på bättre sätt och skapa en hög konkurrenskraft och lönsamhet.   Utifrån analysmodell studeras och beskrivs först nuläget hos fallföretaget. Därefter sker en analys av nuläget då empiri jämförs med relevant teori. Analysen redovisar sedan genom mätvärden de faktorer som leder till störningar i produktionsflödet och påverkar produktionseffektiviteten. Slutligen utvärderas faktorerna och en redogörelse för vad de beror på klargörs. Det resultat som fallstudien påvisar är de väsentliga faktorer som påverkar produktionseffektiviteten, samt att de underliggande orsakerna till dessa bör motverkas för att skapa en högre driftsäkerhet och produktionseffektivitet i flödet. Granskning av faktorer och orsaker skapar ett underlag för förbättringar som bör tillämpas för att bibehålla en lönsam produktion och konkurrenskraft. Fallstudiens syfte är att identifiera och skapa förståelse för vilka faktorer som påverkar produktionseffektivitet på ett tillverkande företag. Målsättningen är att skapa en bild av det nuvarande tillståndet på företaget och utifrån detta ta fram empirin. Empiri och utvalda teorier leder således till en analys som ska identifiera och sammanställa de faktorer som är väsentliga att motverka för att förbättra driftsäkerheten och produktionseffektiviteten på fallföretaget. I slutsatsen redovisas hur företaget kan arbeta för att motverka och minska faktorernas påverkan på produktionseffektiviteten.
Manufacturing industries are today facing increasing competition through the globalization of the market that takes place. A global market with several competitors, increased product differentiation and the high cost of production makes great demands on companies to work cost effectively. To be competitive and operate a profitable production requires companies to have a great knowledge of how their manufacturing processes work, has a high reliability and can use their facility's capacity.   The basis for the study is the industrial profitability problems in Sweden, where companies find it increasingly difficult to produce quality products at a competitive price. The case study performed in a company which manufactures components for the automotive industry, with the aim to create a better understanding of the factors that lead to production disruptions and has great effect on the production efficiency of a flow. In order to be able to counter them and exploit the capacity of a better way and create a high level of competitiveness and profitability.   Based on the analytical study and first described the present situation of the case now. This is followed by an analysis of the current situation where empiricism is compared with the relevant theory. The analysis then reports the measured values ​​of the factors that lead to disturbances in the production flow and affect production efficiency. Finally, the evaluation factors and an explanation of what they are due to be clarified. It results that the case study demonstrates the significant factors affecting production efficiency, as well as the underlying causes of these should be tackled in order to create a higher level of reliability and production efficiency in the flow. Examination of factors and causes creates a basis for the improvements that should be applied to maintain profitable production and competitiveness.

Ararsa, Bete Birhanu. "Green Maintenance : A literature survey on the role of maintenance for sustainable manufacturing." Thesis, Mälardalens högskola, Akademin för innovation, design och teknik, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-15653.

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A growing uncertainty in the global economy is forcing many manufacturers to reassess their corporate outlook towards the environment. Today there is a growing attention to sustainability in industry accompanied by a paradigm shift towards realizing a sustainable society. It is now very common to hear about Green Production and Green Systems, but few literature exist that deal with the relatively newer subject of Green Maintenance. The term green production is often used to describe production with a sustainable perspective. Also, lean production has been proposed as a means of achieving sustainability. Lean and Green production systems require efficient production and low use of resources such as energy, materials, etc. One major facilitator of this is effective maintenance. Sometimes regarded as the necessary evil, maintenance still has a negative image in the industry. But as the paradigm on manufacturing shift towards realizing a sustainable society, we should also begin to realize the changing role of maintenance. Still, the impact of maintenance on sustainability and Green production is not very well described in research.   This Master Thesis within the School of Innovation Design and Engineering at Mälardalen University presents a literature review on green maintenance by trying to identify and assess the key factors of maintenance effects on green production, life cycle assessment and sustainability of maintenance activities. In addition, a brief introduction to the greening of remanufacturing activity, part of a green process by itself, is provided. The research is based upon extensive literature study, questionnaire survey and interviews with relevant industry as well as academic personnel. A discussion of the results of the interview followed by a conclusion on the key factors of maintenance on sustainability is provided. Future research areas have also been suggested.       Keywords: Green maintenance, Production maintenance, Sustainable maintenance,     Total Productive Maintenance

Dellagi, Sofiène Rezg Nidhal. "Développement de stratégies de maintenance dans un contexte de sous-traitance partielle de production." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2006. ftp://ftp.scd.univ-metz.fr/pub/Theses/2006/Dellagi.Sofiane.SMZ0619.pdf.

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Muller, Alexandre Iung Benoît. "Contribution à la maintenance prévisionnelle des systèmes de production par la formalisation d'un processus de pronostic." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2005. http://www.scd.uhp-nancy.fr/docnum/SCD_T_2005_0015_MULLER.pdf.

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Muller, Alexandre. "Contribution à la maintenance prévisionnelle des systèmes de production par la formalisation d'un processus de pronostic." Nancy 1, 2005. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/SCD_T_2005_0015_MULLER.pdf.

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L'émergence du concept de " durabilité " en entreprise oblige dorénavant les industriels à intégrer dans leur stratégie de développement, au-delà de la finalité économique habituelle, de nouvelles préoccupations sociales et environnementales. Cet enjeu majeur se décline, au niveau du système d'exécution de la production, par le concept de maintien en conditions opérationnelles (MCO). Afin d'améliorer l'efficacité du MCO, nous proposons dans cette thèse la formalisation du processus clé d'un système de maintenance prévisionnelle : le pronostic. La démarche de modélisation introduite s'appuie sur le couplage d'une représentation probabiliste de l'état d'un système basée sur le formalisme des Réseaux Bayésiens Dynamiques (RBD), et d'une approche événementielle de la surveillance de la dégradation de ses composants. La mise en œuvre du processus de pronostic sur le système de Déroulage / Pressage de la plate-forme TELMA démontre la faisabilité de la méthodologie proposée
Today, due to the emergence of “sustainability” constraint within Enterprise, the industrial people have to integrate in the development strategy, not only the conventional economical finality but also the social and environmental requirements. At the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) level, this objective is materialised through the concept of “System Maintaining in Operational Conditions” (SMOC). In order to improve the SMOC efficiency, this thesis outlines the formalisation of the key Predictive Maintenance process which is the prognosis one. The deployment of the prognosis process follows a methodology based both of probabilistic and event approaches. The probabilistic model which supports the prognosis execution, has been developed by means of Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBN). The feasibility and added value of this new prognosis is experimented on the manufacturing TELMA platform supporting the unwinding of metal bobbin

Olafsson, Sveinn V. "An analysis for total productive maintenance implementation." Master's thesis, This resource online, 1990. http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-03302010-020147/.

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Francis, Merwin. "A model for assessing the anticipated relative financial impact of implementing the tools of lean manufacturing on a manufacturing concern." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1326.

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Lean manufacturing has seen its creators, Toyota, rise from insignificance in the middle of the previous century, to the biggest selling car manufacturer in the world today. Another Japanese car manufacturer, Honda, which has also been practising the principles of lean avidly during the last few decades, has also made huge strides towards becoming a dominant force in the car market. These Japanese companies‟ adoption of lean has seen many of their mass producing United States (US) and European counterparts struggle for survival. Maynard (2003:10) predicted that by the end of the decade, at least one of the „Big Three‟ auto makers in the US – Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors (GM) – would be forced to undertake significant restructuring to continue in operation. At the time of this writing all indications are that this prediction will come true. GM is in the process of major shareholding restructuring in an attempt to keep the company afloat, having run up insurmountable debts in the face of the current global economic downturn. Adopting the lean methodology has become a matter of necessity. The continued use of mass production methods alone is no longer viable; companies need to also employ lean methods intelligently in order to remain competitive. This study is regarded as a crucial endeavour to assist operations managers of manufacturing concerns in developing lean implementation strategies which will maximise the benefits to the organization.

Veneri, Valentina. "Riorganizzazione di un distribution center mediante le tecniche di lean production: il caso Gambro Dasco spa." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2013. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/6382/.

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La Lean Production è un tema di estrema attualità per tutte le aziende che abbiano compreso l’importanza di produrre di più, con le risorse che si hanno a disposizione, eliminando sistematicamente tutte le attività che non creano valore aggiunto. La Produzione Snella è diventato un metodo per incrementare la competitività, riducendo l’incertezza e aumentando il servizio fornito al cliente. Nella realtà attuale vi è ancora una scarsa diffusione dei concetti Lean. Le cause di questo problema sono imputabili soprattutto alla cultura del management aziendale, alla mancanza di efficaci strumenti tecnologici a supporto, e in alcuni casi, la scarsa disponibilità delle imprese ad abbracciare la filosofica “snella”. La presente tesi, dopo una panoramica introduttiva su l’origine e l’evoluzione del Pensiero Snello e l’analisi di tutti i tools disponibili per combattere lo spreco; si propone di analizzare l’applicazione degli stessi in Gambro Dasco, multinazionale biomedicale leader nella vendita delle sue apparecchiature per dialisi.

Lycke, Liselott. "Implementing total productive maintenance : driving forces and obstacles." Licentiate thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, 2000. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-18583.

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The global marketplace is highly competitive and organisations who want to survive long-term, have to continuously improve, change and adapt in response to market demands. Improvements in a company's performance should focus on cost cutting, increasing productivity levels, quality and guaranteeing deliveries in order to satisfy customers. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is one method, which can be used to achieve these goals. TPM is an approach to equipment management that involves employees from both production and maintenance departments. Its purpose is to eliminate major production losses by introducing a program of continuous and systematic improvements to production equipment. TPM should be developed and expanded to embrace the whole organisation and all employees should be involved in the process as members of improvement teams. This thesis describes the development of TPM and the TPM implementation process. Research is focused on the implementation process of TPM. The author has had the opportunity of both monitoring and steering a company through part of its TPM implementation program and has conducted a longitudinal study. The implementation process takes several years and this thesis focuses on the initial three years of the process. This study demonstrates that driving forces, obstacles and difficulties often are dependent on the organisation, its managers and the individual employees. It also shows that the TPM implementation process has many similarities to the implementation of other improvement concepts. The analysis of these findings forms the basis for recommendations and guidance for organisations, who intend to implement TPM.

Godkänd; 2000; 20070318 (ysko)


Facchini, Giulia. "Evoluzione del processo manutentivo verso la Total Productive Maintenance: il caso L-3 Calzoni." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016.

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Questo lavoro di tesi di laurea è stato realizzato in collaborazione con la Calzoni S.r.l di Calderara di Reno ed ha come obiettivo quello di mostrare come possa essere implementato un nuovo processo manutentivo in ottica TPM. Nell'elaborato è stata inizialmente illustrata la teoria facente riferimento ad una gestione ideale della manutenzione, ovvero di una manutenzione che possa fare affidamento su un sistema informativo di supporto per la presa delle migliori decisioni riguardanti il sistema manutentivo e successivamente la sua applicazione al caso aziendale. In particolare è stato mostrato come, all'interno di un'azienda come la Calzoni S.r.l, si è impostato il processo di raccolta dati e la loro organizzazione in un sistema informativo di manutenzione e come, nel frattempo, venga impostato un programma di manutenzione in ottica TPM.

Zhu, Jiajia, and Yong Liu. "TPM orients enterprises towards production excellence : A Practical Analysis of OEE." Thesis, Mälardalen University, School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-7607.

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– The purpose of this paper is to review the literatures on Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and to present an overview of TPM implementation practices initiated in a ‘connecter’ manufacturer in China. It also examines the need to develop, practice and implement such maintenance campaign, which not only reduce unscheduled and scheduled failures in process but also decrease operation and maintenance costs.


– A case-based approach in combination with scientific theory and standard tools, techniques and practices is used to discuss various issues related with TPM implementation in industry.


– The findings indicate that TPM not only leads to increase in efficiency and effectiveness of manufacturing equipments measured in terms of OEE index by reducing the failure, time loss, and defects but also helps organization to improve morale of people and working environment significantly. The contributions of strategic TPM programs towards improving manufacturing competencies of the organizations have also been highlighted here.


– The paper contains a comprehensive literature on the field of equipment maintenance and also presents an interesting investigation of TPM implementation issues which may be useful to researchers, maintenance professionals and other practitioners concerned with maintenance to understand the significance of TPM.


Feliciano, David Michael. "Exploring barriers, enablers,jJustification and planning methods for total productive maintenance implementation in automated production of commercial airplanes." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/98998.

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Thesis: M.B.A., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, 2015. In conjunction with the Leaders for Global Operations Program at MIT.
Thesis: S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, 2015. In conjunction with the Leaders for Global Operations Program at MIT.
Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 87-90).
The 737 program is currently producing 42 airplanes per month and will increase that production rate to 47 per month by 2017 and 52 per month in 2018 [1] [2]. In order to help meet these rates Boeing plans to increase the amount of automation in the shop that produces front and rear spars for all 737 variants. To mitigate risks associated with increased automation, the automation design team would like to implement an approach to equipment maintenance and operation known as Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). However the justification for TPM was not clear and an implementation strategy did not exist. The focus of this thesis therefore, is to clarify the justification for TPM, understand how TPM could impact the production system, identify the barriers and enablers of TPM implementation at Boeing, and present a TPM implementation plan that will be appropriate and effective for the particular context in which it will be executed. An analysis of current maintenance data and practices, case studies within the current factory, and a qualitative analysis of the future production system suggest that TPM could provide many quantitative and qualitative benefits and that the new production system is a good candidate for TPM. Results from a discrete event model show that TPM poses minimal risk of disrupting the future production system. Results of an employee survey show that the most important factors to successful TPM implementation are related to planning and building support prior to implementation. These findings influenced the design of the TPM implementation plan presented in this thesis, which focuses initially on building support, planning, and training. As the airline industry adopts automated equipment in response to increased competition, TPM may become an important strategy for staying competitive. The multi-pronged analyses demonstrated in this thesis for justifying TPM, the survey method used to understand the company-specific barriers and enablers of TPM, and the method of designing a customized TPM implementation plan based on the insights from these analyses can serve as a general model for implementing TPM within Boeing and within the broader airline industry.
by David Michael Feliciano.

Faber, John Cornelius Jacobus. "Evaluating the success of total productive maintenance at Faurecia interior systems." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1206.

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Manufacturing processes should operate at optimal levels in order to remain competitive in current economic environment. The optimal manufacturing performance can be achieved by overall equipment efficiency which is also a measurement for Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). The successful implementation of TPM has been evaluated at Faurecia Interior Systems. The research consisted out of a literature review into the elements and benefits of TPM. A questionnaire was sent to all operator level personnel at Faurecia Interior Systems to establish their views on the implementation level of TPM at the East London site. In conclusion, this research paper has also led to the development of recommendations which should improve TPM at the site.

Ben, Or Yaniv. "Measuring For Improvement: A study of production processes’ effectiveness and the potential for improvements at Nobel Biocare." Thesis, Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-6303.

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Purpose: this thesis study aims to provide an analysis and an assessment of the current operations’ performance effectiveness at Nobel Biocare’s production plant in Karlskoga, Sweden and to describe the potential for improvement. It intends to clarify the importance of performance measurement and explain Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) metrics in particular.Furthermore, it strives to identify causes for inefficiency in production and suggest recommendations to minimize losses.

Methodology: the study is using both qualitative and quantitative approaches in parallel as measurements are implemented to discover effectiveness rates and detect causes for production losses while assessments are made using different models, such as the Capability Maturity Model(CMM) and OEE assessments, in order to evaluate the current development level and the potential for improvement.

Findings: the research finds that major losses are closely related to frequency of changeovers in machining processes, where average effectiveness rates were 68%. In surface treatment and packaging equipment inspected, the values were found to be between 46% and 59% as the major common cause was the absence of work due to unstable flow of orders. Assessing process orientation and maturity levels, the findings indicate on high levels in general. However, areas of weakness were identified in the different processes in which the potential for improvement is embedded. In those areas, lower OEE values were registered; low levels of maturity and process orientation were found, as low development of losses improvement were assessed. The study finally suggests that the areas of weakness suffer from lack of learning orientation that is ought to be improved and at the same time, a variety of specific recommendations are provided.


Dellagi, Sofiène. "Développement de stratégies de maintenance dans un contexte de sous-traitance partielle de production." Metz, 2006. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/UPV-M/Theses/2006/Dellagi.Sofiane.SMZ0619.pdf.

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La modélisation impose de nos jours une remise à plat des politiques de gestion industrielle. Cette remise à plat est nécessaire pour la survie des entreprises évoluant dans un contexte de concurrence exacerbé et sans limite. Les politiques de maintenance des systèmes de production n'échappent pas à ce constat et leur remise en cause est nécessaire dans ce contexte. En effet, les politiques de maintenance traditionnelle ne permettent pas d'assurer la pérennité ainsi que la croissance durable pour les entreprises d'aujourd'hui, où la réduction des coûts et des délais est devenue l'objectif principal. Pour répondre a cet objectif, les entreprises font appel souvent à la sous-traitance qui est devenue la règle et non l'exception. Ceci impose une nouvelle contrainte dans la gestion de la maintenance. Dans ce cadre, le travail présenté dans cette thèse constitue une contribution à I'éIaboration d'une politique de maintenance faisant le couplage entre la gestion de la maintenance et la gestion de la production dans un contexte de sous-traitance. Le problème posé dans cette thèse traite des politiques de maintenance intégrant l'aspect production sous la contrainte de sous-traitance. Pour un système de production considéré, différentes politiques de maintenance intégrant l'aspect production ont été élaborées pour tenir compte de la contrainte de sous-traitance. Ces politiques ont été comparées par rapport a une politique de maintenance simple SMP ne tenant pas compte de la sous-traitance. Les conditions d'existences et d'unicités de l'optimalité de ces politiques ont été prouvées analytiquement et par simulation.
Nowadays, the enterprises move under a hard competition. The satisfaction of the client in time becarne a difficult spot. Since that, the majority of the actual Company cal1 upon to the subcontractor in order to cover the client demand and to reduce the demand loss. In fact, it's time to expand new maintenance/production strategies by taking into account the context of subcontractor. In this memory we treat some maintenance policies integrated with production under the subcontractor constraint. The manufacturing system under consideration consists on machine Ml which produces a single product. In order to satisfy a constant demand d, the system called upon to subcontractor. The subcontractor is presented by another machine M2 which produces at a certain rate the sarne type of product as Ml. Both machines are subject to random failures. An age-limit policy is used for preventive maintenance of machine Ml. Point of view maintenance actions, the subcontractor is not controlled by us. We considered that the subcontractor imposes some unavailability periods. That's why we suppose that the failure rate of the subcontractor is constant. In this work we elaborated different strategies integrating maintenance and production. In these strategies we are taking in account the constraint of subcontractor. These strategies are optimised and its performances are compared to a simple maintenance policy SMP in which we don't taking in account the subcontractor. Finally, we classified al1 the strategies developed in this work according its performances orders compared to SMP and noted the performance constraints of theses policies

Hempel, Calvern Anthony. "The impact of the absence of a total productive maintenance (TPM) program at a plastic painting plant." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/524.

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This research was concerned with investigating “the absence of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)” at a plastic painting plant. TPM is a combination of operations and maintenance activities and is performed by operators under their own authority and is called “autonomous maintenances”. The author has tested the degree of implementation of TPM by using a sevenstep TPM implementation model this highlighted an absence of TPM in the organisation investigated. TPM is a relatively new concept in the South African automotive industry and has not been fully accepted by management as a solution to the maintenance problems in the organisation. Due to a long implementation period and the difficulty in measuring the benefits of the TPM program for the organisation TPM tends not to be implemented by companies. The research studies several maintenance philosophies each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The benefits that arise from the implementation of an effective TPM philosophy were explored. The development of an effective improved model for the implementation of TPM was investigated. Maintenance engineers and managers in any organisation can use this model to implement an effective TPM program. The seven-step TPM implementation model formed the basis for the compilation of a questionnaire. A survey was conducted to determine if an absence of TPM existed in a plastic painting plant. The results from the survey were drawn up and recommendations to further develop a model for the implementation of TPM was put forward.

Alorom, M. "The implementation of total productive maintenance in the Libyan heavy industry." Thesis, Coventry University, 2015. http://curve.coventry.ac.uk/open/items/87f6ff65-bfd6-4b5e-8264-c00976721a8c/1.

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Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), recently interests many major industrial companies, for the need to maintain the physical assets and the continuity of work. According to the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIMP), the (TPM) is based on eight principles: focused improvement, autonomous maintenance, planned maintenance, training and skills development, initial phase management, quality maintenance, TPM in Office, and safety environment. Through the implementation of those principles, an increased productivity can be achieved by reducing faults, improving quality, delivering times when specified, improving working conditions and raising the morale of the workers. This Research focused on factors and obstacles that effect this program. The research aims to design a framework that identifies the most important factors that affect the success of the application of TPM, as well as the tools and techniques that help in the application process. To determine the factors and obstacles when applying TPM, Libyan Iron and Steel Company LISCO has been selected as case study. This study analyzed impediments and obstacles to the implementation procedure and revealed key success ranked factors concluding with a conceptual framework for a successful TPM implementation along with the identification of tools and techniques to support implementing TPM. Also, TPM cannot be applied unless there is cooperation and coordination between the maintenance department and other sections of the company. Accordingly, this research also provided several recommendations, including the application of the concepts and principles of TPM in the company and make it the responsibility of everyone, and work in light of the proposed improvement plan.

Wentzel, Louis. "An investigation into whether total productive maintenance is effectively applied at an automotive plant." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1020994.

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For many manufacturing companies, equipment is the largest capital investment andeffective maintenance of these assets can impact on profitability. It extends equipment life, improves equipment availability and retains equipment in proper condition. Conversely, poorly maintained equipment may lead to more frequent equipment failures, poor utilisation of equipment and delayed production schedules. Malfunctioning equipment may result in scrap or products of poor quality. Total productive maintenance (TPM) is one of the most popular concepts for improving process dependability (Nakajima 1988). It focuses on increasing the effectiveness of maintenance which is commonly measured by the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). Ford Struandale Engine Plant (FSEP) applies lean manufacturing through its Ford Production System (FPS) which consists of twelve elements. One element of FPS is Ford Total Productive Maintenance (FTPM) with the objective to maximise the overall effectiveness of plant facilities, equipment, processes and tooling through the focused efforts of work groups and the elimination of the major losses associated with manufacturing equipment. The concern for FSEP management was that although FTPM is implemented, the OEE data revealed that equipment availability targets are not achieved. The researcher identified a gap to investigate the reasons for the poor performance. A literature study was conducted to search for relevant information on the subject. A questionnaire was constructed from the theoretical information and a survey was conducted. After data collection the results were captured and analysed. The researcher made conclusions based on the data and made recommendations. The main findings were that autonomous maintenance is not functioning well, spares management is not good and the Computerised Maintenance Management System is underutilised. The recommendations were that these issues must be addressed.

Enriquez, Quispe Alexander Phillipe, and Arnao Richard Elias Marquez. "Propuesta de mejora de la eficiencia de la línea de producción de una planta de harina de pescado aplicando la metodología del Mantenimiento Productivo Total (TPM)." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10757/651567.

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La presente tesis, muestra la propuesta de mejora aplicando las metodologías del Mantenimiento Productivo Total, Kanban y la Gestión de abastecimiento de repuestos en una planta pesquera, mejorando la disponibilidad de los repuestos y reduciendo las paradas de máquina y reprocesos, con el fin de incrementar la eficiencia de la línea de producción. En el primer capítulo, se desarrolla los antecedentes de la industria pesquera, el marco teórico que describe los conceptos de las diferentes metodologías, el estado del arte con los casos de éxito, y el marco normativo. En el segundo capítulo, se realiza el diagnóstico de la situación actual de la empresa, en donde se identifica que el problema principal es la baja eficiencia de la línea de producción con un 84.86% de eficiencia media, además mediante herramientas cualitativas y cuantitativas se obtienen 8 causas raíz de tercer y cuarto nivel, sobre las cuales las metodologías escogidas tomaran acciones. En el tercer capítulo, se define el objetivo principal y los objetivos específicos alineados con las 8 causas raíz identificadas, también, se describe las etapas de la propuesta de mejora, los cronogramas, los grupos de Fiabilización, el plan maestro, indicadores y metas. Finalmente, en el cuarto capítulo, se realiza la simulación con el software Arenas, en donde se demostró que incrementando la probabilidad de stock de repuestos de 90% a 96% se obtuvo una eficiencia de 91%, y se realizó la evaluación económica en los escenarios optimista, moderado y pesimista, obteniendo indicadores a favor del proyecto.
The thesis present, shows the proposed improvement by applying the methodologies of the Total Productive Maintenance, Kanban and supply management of spare parts in a fishing plant, improving the availability of spare parts and reducing machine downtime and rework, in order to increase the efficiency of the production line. In the first chapter, the history of the fishing industry develops, the theoretical framework describing the concepts of the different methodologies, the state of the art with success stories, and the regulatory framework. In the second chapter, the diagnosis is made of the current situation of the company, where it is identified that the main problem is the low efficiency of the production line with an 84.86% average efficiency, also by qualitative and quantitative tools are obtained 8 root causes of third and fourth level, on which the methodologies chosen to take action. In the third chapter, the main objective and specific objectives aligned with the 8 root causes identified, also, the stages of the proposed improvements, schedules, groups Fiabilización, the master plan, indicators and targets described defined. Finally, in the fourth chapter, the simulation is performed with Arenas software, where it was shown that increasing the probability of stock spares from 90% to 96% efficiency of 91% was obtained, and the economic evaluation was conducted in the optimistic, moderate and pessimistic scenarios obtaining indicators for the project.
Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Mateo, Martínez Rafael. "Propuesta y validación de un modelo integrador de implantación del Mantenimiento Productivo Total (TPM). Aplicación en una empresa industrial." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/61492.

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[EN] This thesis explores the difficulty in implementing TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) and through the analysis of the existing literature: - Define a proposal to establish which is the most suitable TPM implementation model and the key development objectives that should be reached in each step. - Define an exhaustive list of facilitators and barriers that influences the TPM, defining hierarchical links that govern them and their similarities with the facilitators for continuous innovation. - Define the relationships between the facilitators and the steps of the proposed model, through the assessment of the impact on their development objectives and the existing hierarchical links between facilitators. In addition, it pinpoints that the difficulty of implementing TPM can be reduced by the use of two suggested questionnaires. The first is approaching the TPM implementation model and the second is more focused on the TPM facilitators. Both intend to cover the lacks in the existing development models and methodologies and be a complement to guide the personnel in charge of the TPM implementation. Through a longitudinal analysis, this thesis validates that the suggested questionnaires are suitable for their application in a company, demonstrating how the improvement of the items described in these questionnaires or proposed guidelines are linked with an improvement in the TPM implementation results. It concludes that the use of these questionnaires does not interfere or harm the development of the implementation methodologies, but reinforce them by focusing on the vision and the implementation efforts, supporting the relevant aspects to perform in the right way. It also addresses the fact that the enhancement of facilitators due to their hierarchical links improves the sustainability and reduces the need of periodic revivals of the whole TPM implementation process.
[ES] La presente tesis doctoral profundiza en la dificultad que supone la implantación del TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) y a través del análisis de las publicaciones existentes: - Elabora una propuesta que concreta cual es el modelo de implantación del TPM más adecuado y los objetivos de desarrollo fundamentales que se deberán de conseguir en cada paso. - Define una relación exhaustiva de facilitadores y barreras que influyen sobre el TPM, definiéndose las relaciones jerárquicas que los regulan y sus semejanzas con los facilitadores propios de la innovación continua. - Define las relaciones entre los conjuntos de facilitadores y los pasos de modelo propuesto, a través de la valoración del impacto que pueden tener sobre sus objetivos de desarrollo y la relación de jerarquías existente entre los facilitadores. Así mismo, concreta que la dificultad que presenta la implantación del TPM, puede reducirse mediante el uso de dos cuestionarios propuestos, uno de aproximación al modelo de implantación del TPM y otro de aproximación a los facilitadores del TPM, que ayuden a suplir las carencias de los modelos y metodologías de desarrollo existentes y sirvan como complemento que oriente al personal de planta, encargado de implantar el TPM, en el buen camino. A través de un análisis longitudinal, en la presente tesis doctoral se valida que los cuestionarios elaborados son adecuados y pueden ser utilizados en una empresa real, mostrando como una mejora de los ítems descritos en estos cuestionarios o guías propuestos, va relacionada con una mejora en los resultados de la implantación del TPM; concluyéndose que el uso de estos cuestionarios en ningún momento perjudica o interfiere en el desarrollo de las metodologías de aplicación, sino que las refuerza, sirviendo de ayuda para centrar la visión y el esfuerzo de la implantación, ayudando a reforzar aspectos relevantes que dirijan su desarrollo por el buen camino. También se muestra como la potenciación de los facilitadores, y debido a su relación de jerarquías, ayuda al sostenimiento de los resultados en el tiempo, así como a reducir la necesidad de revitalizaciones periódicas del proceso de implantación del TPM.
[CAT] La present tesi doctoral aprofundeix en la dificultat que suposa l' implantació del TPM (Total Productive Maintenance), tot això per l'anàlisi de les publicacions existents: - Elabora una proposta que concreta quin és el model d'implantació del TPM més adequat i els objectius fonamentals de desenvolupament en cadascú dels passos. - Defineix una relació exhaustiva de facilitats i barreres que influeixen sobre el TPM, definint les relacions jeràrquiques que els regulen i les seves semblances amb els facilitadors propis de l' innovació contínua. - Defineix les relacions entre els conjunts facilitadors i el passos de model proposat, a través de la valoració de l'impacte que pot tindre al voltant dels seus objectius de desenvolupament i la relació amb les jerarquies existents entre tots els facilitadors. Així mateix, concreta que la dificultat que presenta d'implantació del TPM, pot reduir-se mitjançant l'ús de dos qüestionaris proposats, un d'aproximació al model d'implantació del TPM i un altre d'aproximació als facilitadors del TPM, que ajuden a suplir les carències dels models i metodologies de desenvolupament existents i serveixen com a complements que orienten al personal de planta, encarregat d'implantar el TPM, pel bon camí. Per un anàlisi longitudinal, en la present tesi doctoral es valida que els qüestionaris elaborats són els adequats i poden ser utilitzats en una empresa real, mostrant com una millora dels ítems descrits en aquestos qüestionaris o guies proposades; va relacionada amb una millora dels resultats de l' implantació del TPM; concloent que l'ús d'aquests qüestionaris en ningú moment perjudica o interfereix en el desenvolupament de les metodologies d'aplicació, sinó que les forces, serveixen d'ajuda per centrar la visió i l'esforç de l' implantació, ajudant a reforçar aspectes importants i rellevants que dirigeixen el seu desenvolupament pel bon camí. També és mostra com la potència dels facilitadors, i degut a la seva relació de jerarquies, ajuda al sosteniment dels resultats en el temps, així com a reduir la necessitat de revitalitzacions periòdiques del procés d'implantació del TPM.
Mateo Martínez, R. (2016). Propuesta y validación de un modelo integrador de implantación del Mantenimiento Productivo Total (TPM). Aplicación en una empresa industrial [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61492

Vitorino, Fernando Mário Coelho. "Preparação para a implementação do conceito TPM - Total Productive Maintenance - na indústria cimenteira." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/3734.

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Mestrado em Gestão e Estratégia Industrial
Numa economia globalizada, a competitividade dita a necessidade de redução dos custos nos processos produtivos. Para essa finalidade, existem diversas ferramentas de gestão que respondem à necessidade crescente de redução de custos e melhoria contínua, com o objectivo de aumentar a produtividade. O TPM, i.e., Total Productive Maintenance, assume-se como uma abordagem à gestão dos equipamentos que procura a maximização da eficiência global dos mesmos, através da redução das perdas associadas ao processo produtivo, envolvendo directamente todos os colaboradores da empresa. No entanto, implementação sem critério desta filosofia tem-se traduzido em situações de fracasso e descrédito por parte dos colaboradores. Este trabalho visa propor uma metodologia que contrarie esta situação, conduzindo os responsáveis da empresa por uma sequência de etapas que estabeleçam as condições para a implementação do TPM bem sucedida. A metodologia proposta é validada através da elaboração de um projecto-piloto dedicado à linha da embalagem de uma fábrica de cimento demonstrando ser capaz de criar as condições propícias à implementação do TPM de uma forma consistente. Os resultados prevêem uma redução dos gastos com a manutenção, pela transferência de tarefas para os operadores e o aumento de produtividade decorrente da diminuição das paragens. É expectável uma melhoria real do OEE (Overall Equipment Efficiency) de 21% relativamente ao nível actual. Mais do que a obtenção de resultados tangíveis, o maior ganho com a implementação da metodologia proposta será a mudança cultural despoletada pelo projecto.
In a globalized economy, competition dictates the need to reduce costs in production processes. For this purpose, with the aim of increasing productivity, there are several management tools that respond to the growing need for cost reduction and continuous improvement. The TPM, i.e, Total Productive Maintenance, is an approach to the management of equipment that seeks to maximize the overall efficiency, by reducing the losses associated with the production process, by involving all company employees. However, careless implementation of this philosophy has resulted in situations of failure and disrepute by employees. This paper aims to propose a methodology that runs counter this situation, leading the company through a sequence of steps to establish conditions for the successful implementation of TPM. The proposed methodology is validated by developing a pilot project dedicated to the packaging line of a cement factory and proved capable of creating the conditions for implementation of TPM in a consistent manner. The results predict a reduction in maintenance costs by transferring tasks to operators and increased productivity resulting from the decrease of stops. It is expected a real improvement in the OEE of 21% over the current level. More than tangible results, the biggest gain with the implementation of the proposed methodology will be cultural change triggered by the project.

Åstrand, Leon. "Plan för implementering av strukturerat underhållsarbete på Valmet ABs gjuteri i Karlstad." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskap (from 2013), 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-33630.

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Rapporten handlar om att sätta upp en plan för implementering av ett mer strukturerat underhållsarbete på Valmet ABs gjuteri i Karlstad. Arbetet görs i kursen examensarbete för högskoleingenjörsexamen i maskinteknik på Karlstads universitet under våren 2014. Valmet har nyligen köpt upp gjuteriet på Lamberget i Karlstad. Där är det ett mycket eftersatt underhåll och finns i nuläget inte någon bra struktur på hur de arbetar med underhåll. Underhållsverksamheten är i behov av att systematiseras och integreras i Valmets övriga underhållsorganisation. Syftet med arbetet är således att utarbeta en plan för att strukturera underhållet på Valmets gjuteri i Karlstad. Arbetet är indelat i tre faser. - Nulägesanalys genom dels intervjuer av underhållspersonal samt kartläggning av utrustning - Skapa en målbild över hur man vill arbeta med underhåll, genom studiebesök hos andra liknande verksamheter, diskussioner med ledningen samt litteraturstudier. - Upprättande av plan för hur man ska ta sig dit. Vilka aktiviteter som skall utföras samt i vilken ordning, där bland annat lämpliga mätetal ska tas fram. Arbetet är baserat på metodiken TPM (total productive maintenance), det handlar dock inte om ett fullständigt införande av TPM utan begränsat till valda delar. Utifrån intervjuer med underhållspersonalen på gjuteriet samt observationsstudier och en kartläggning av maskinparken har en nulägesanalys gjorts. Denna nulägesanalys har visat de problem och utmaningar som finns på underhållsavdelningen på gjuteriet. En målbild över hur man vill arbeta med underhåll på gjuteriet har ritats upp utifrån de studiebesök samt intervjuer med personal i ledningen. Det mest vitala som framkommit i denna fas är hur viktigt ledningens engagemang är för att kunna genomföra ett förändringsarbete, samt hur viktigt det är med en bra kommunikation både mellan de olika avdelningarna, men också inom gruppen. Med hjälp av de två ovanstående faserna samt den teori som bearbetats under projektet har en plan upprättats för ett mer strukturerat underhållsarbete. Planen innefattar 12 punkter som behandlar de aktiviteter som bör implementeras, samt i den turordning de bör implementeras, för att få en bättre struktur på underhållsarbetet på Valmets gjuteri. De två enskilt viktigaste delarna i planen är enligt mig dels att anställa en person som ansvarar för den dagliga driften av underhållet. Samt att implementera underhållssystemet AM-underhåll, så att man kan få en bättre struktur på underhållsarbetet i form av arbetsordrar, mätetal och historik.
The report is about setting up an Implementation plan for a structured maintenance work on Valmet ABs foundry in Karlstad. This work is the final part for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering and takes place at Karlstad University in the spring of 2014. Valmet has recently bought the foundry at Lamberget in Karlstad. The maintenance work is much neglected and in the current state there is no good structure. The maintenance work is in need of systemization and integration into Valmets other maintenance organization. The purpose of the project is to develop a plan Implementation plan for a structured maintenance work on Valmet ABs foundry in Karlstad. The project is divided into three phases. - Situational analysis through both interviews of maintenance personnel and identifying the current equipment - Create a vision of how they want to work with maintenance through benchmarking against other similar businesses, and literature studies - Establishment of a plan for how to get there. What activities to be performed and in what order The work is based on the methodology TPM (total productive maintenance). However it is not about an implementation of TPM, but limited to certain parts. From interviews with the maintenance staff at the foundry, observational studies and an identification study of the machinery, a situational analysis has been made. This situation analysis has shown the problems and challenges that exist in the maintenance department at the foundry. A vision of how they want to work with maintenance on the foundry has been drawn, based on study visits and interviews with management staff. It is most vital that emerged in this phase is the importance of management commitment to implement a process of change. A good communication both between the different departments and within the group is also vital. Using the two phases above, together with the theory processed during the project, a plan has been established for a more structured maintenance. The plan includes 12 stages that addresses the activities that should be implemented, and in what order, in order to get a better structure on maintenance work at the foundry at Valmet. The two single most important elements of the plan are, in my mind, to hire a person who is responsible for the daily operations of the maintenance work. As well as to implement the maintenance system AM-underhåll, so you can get a better structure to the maintenance work in the form of work orders, metrics and history.

Verini, Francesco. "Total productive maintenance: l'integrazione tra produzione e manutenzione in una realtà aziendale." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2010. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/970/.

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Hamacher, Eugene C. (Eugene Carl). "A methodology for implementing total productive maintenance in the commercial aircraft industry." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/38140.

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Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, 1996, and Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1996.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 172-173).
by Eugene C. Hamacher.

Mutel, Bernard. "Contribution au développement d'une méthode d'implémentation de la "total productive maintenance (TPM)"." Mulhouse, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998MULH0515.

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Sun, Xiaomeng. "Implementing a Total Productive Maintenance Approach into an Improvement At S Company." TopSCHOLAR®, 2018. https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/theses/2663.

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The study improved the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) of machines and processes through the implementation of a total productive maintenance (TPM) approach at Company S over a three-month period. By comparing the OEE of equipment before and after the implementation of autonomous maintenance, this study concluded that autonomous maintenance improves OEE. The target of this study was one general product line at a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) plant. Due to time limitations, the study only applied autonomous maintenance to operational activities. This research involved machine and processes selection, condition assessment, baseline OEE assessment, operator training, execution of autonomous maintenance, and OEE measurement. The approach was based on the steps of autonomous maintenance but was simplified for the conditions of the plant.

Neves, Paulo de Tarso. "Manutenção Produtiva Total (Total Productive Maintenance): estudo de caso na colheita mecanizada de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.)." Universidade de São Paulo, 2011. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/11/11148/tde-23112011-100928/.

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O Brasil é o maior produtor mundial de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.), matéria-prima para produção de açúcar, etanol e bioeletricidade (a partir da biomassa). Nas usinas o sistema de colheita é o que mais onera os custos abrangendo a área agrícola. Cumpre assinalar que em virtude das exigências legais e ao menor custo do corte mecanizado em relação a outros sistemas de colheita, o setor tem investido em novas tecnologias e modelos de gestão dessa operação. O gerenciamento de todas as etapas da colheita (corte, carregamento e transporte) tem a finalidade de deixar o sistema mais eficiente e atender às necessidades de matéria-prima da unidade industrial. Com o propósito de atingir a excelência na produtividade e qualidade da colheita mecanizada, as usinas podem utilizar diversas metodologias e/ou programas de gerenciamento. A Manutenção Produtiva Total (MPT) apresenta-se como uma técnica gerencial, atuando na forma organizacional, no comportamento das pessoas, na forma com que tratam os problemas, não só de manutenção, mas de todos os trabalhadores diretamente ligados ao processo produtivo. Neste contexto o objetivo deste trabalho foi aplicar a metodologia MPT na operação de colheita mecanizada de uma usina de cana-de-açúcar, incluindo-se a avaliação dos indicadores de desempenho durante três safras: 2008/2009; 2009/2010 e 2010/2011. Os resultados obtidos confirmaram que essa metodologia é um modelo de gestão viável para a aplicação aqui proposta.
Brazil is the largest sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) producer in the world. Sugarcane is the raw material for sugar, alcohol and bioelectricity (from biomass) production. In mills, the harvesting system is the heaviest issue in the budget including the agriculture area. It is worth mentioning that according to the legal demands and the lowest cost of mechanized cut in comparison with other methods, the area has invested in new technology and new management models for such operation. Management in all its stages (cutting, loading and transportation) has as main goal to make the system more efficient and fulfill the industrial unit raw-material needs. With the sole purpose to achieve excellence in production and quality of mechanized harvesting, mills can use different methods or management programs. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is introduced as a management technique, working in the organizational area, in peoples behavior, in the way they react, face and solve a problem, not just in maintenance, but with all workers directly involved in production process. In such context, the purpose of the following study was the use of the TPM in the harvesting operation in a sugar mill. Performance indicators during three crops are included: 2008/2009, 2009/2010 and 2010/2011. The obtained results confirmed that such method is a feasible management method for the proposed application of this study.

Silva, Florinez Pugliesi da. "Estruturação e implantação de um processo de melhoria continua baseada em gestão a vista." [s.n.], 2004. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/264799.

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Orientador: Ademir Jose Petenate
Dissertação (mestrado profissional) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica
Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-06T15:27:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Silva_FlorinezPugliesida_M.pdf: 8762463 bytes, checksum: 2b81b3ba9fd5ff73026d3ef9cfb65e6e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004
Resumo: O Programa de Produtividade foi desenvolvido na área de usinagem da ¿Schrader Bridgeport Brasil¿ acompanhando o processo de produção do Grupo de Máquinas de Usinagem ¿Simplex¿. É um programa de ¿Gestão à Vista¿, uma vez que existem planilhas que registram, diariamente, o cálculo de produtividade das máquinas e as causas de suas paradas. Este programa surgiu com o objetivo de aperfeiçoar a operação da planta brasileira; melhorar a ¿produtividade¿ do Setor de Usinagem, por meio do aumento da eficiência dos equipamentos; reduzir as horas paradas de máquinas; os custos de produção e as horas não absorvidas por elas. O programa tem base teórica em um dos pilares do ¿TPM ¿ Manutenção Produtiva Total¿ que é a maximização da eficiência dos equipamentos (OEE ¿ Overall Equipment Efectiveness)
Abstract: The Productivity Program was developed in the Schrader Bridigeport Brasil Machine Department, following the production process of ¿Simplex¿ Machine Group. It is an ¿on View Management¿, once there are worksheets that register, daily, the machine roductivity calculations and stop causes. This program was created with the objetive of improve the brazilian site operations, increase productivity in machine department, through efficiency increase of equipament, reduce the time of stopped machines, the production costs and hours and other lost hours not include in previus itens. This program has a theorethical base in one of the foundations of ¿TPM - Total Productive Maintence¿ that is the optimization of equipment efficiency (OEE - Overall Equipament Effectiveness)
Gestão da Qualidade Total
Mestre Profissional em Engenharia Mecanica

Bonifácio, Marcos Antonio. "Uso da manutenção autônoma para a redução de resíduos em empresa calçadista : proposta de um indicador baseado em árvore de decisão e lógica fuzzy /." Sorocaba, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/181731.

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Orientador: Antonio Cesar Germano Martins
Resumo: Buscar alternativas ao que usualmente é feito diariamente nas empresas, possibilita construir uma visão diferenciada de processos e atitudes, que permite propor um conjunto de ações para se obter resultados diferentes dos observados até então. Neste contexto encontra-se a utilização do pilar de Manutenção Autônoma (MA) da ferramenta de Manutenção Produtiva Total (TPM), sendo proposto nesta tese, sua utilização com um novo propósito, inovador, o de mitigar a geração de resíduos. Usualmente o pilar é utilizado para envolver os diversos atores dos processos produtivos na conservação dos equipamentos, com o objetivo de melhorar seu desempenho, reduzindo falhas não previstas ou aumentando a disponibilidade e confiabilidade. Em um cenário composto prioritariamente por micro e pequenas empresas produtoras de calçados femininos, instaladas em um Arranjo Produtivo Local (APL) no município de Jaú/SP, encontrou-se um cenário com possibilidades de se alterar o ambiente de trabalho com estas ações inéditas. Explorando um cenário que usualmente não utiliza ferramentas de manutenção, tal como a TPM, para introduzir a nova proposta, visando reduzir a geração de resíduos perigosos originados no processo produtivo. Assim, a proposta aqui, foi utilizar de forma inovadora a MA da TPM, aplicada ao setor de corte manual de uma empresa produtora de calçados femininos, instalada no APL de Calçados Femininos de Jaú/SP, com o objetivo de obter os mesmos resultados no tocante à redução dos resíduos dos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)

Koen, Peter-John. "An investigation into the main causes for poor OEE at the Struandale Engine Plant of Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1172.

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The Struandale Engine Plant (SEP) was set up in 1924 and was the 16th Ford plant outside North America. The plant has since produced a variety of different components ranging from wheel hubs, to engine components such as crank shafts and cylinder blocks, to the assembly of engines. Manufacturing at this plant has predominantly been via the job-shop method, where mass production techniques were used. The RoCam programme preparation started in 1999. In 2001, SEP experienced a very steep ramp-up due to an unexpected surge in volume requirements. This forced the plant’s Human Resources team to embark on an “emergency” recruitment drive to cover the required human resources to support the programme. Due to this action being taken by the Human Resources department, the educational level of the employees was at a very basic level and had an adverse effect on productivity. The SEP operating committee made a decision in 2004 to focus on the implementation and maintenance of the Ford Production System (FPS). This initiative was important because ageing equipment needed to be maintained at predetermined intervals through continuous improvement techniques that form part of the FPS programme. If these techniques are not in place, the Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) suffers. This programme comprises a number of critical elements such as FTPM that requires a certain education and skill level in effort to completely comprehend the system. Evidently, education was an issue and an effort had to be made to upgrade the workforce skill’s level, specifically the team leaders. On the 30th January 2008, Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa (FMCSA) had announced plans to invest more than R1.5-billion to expand its operations in South Africa for the production of Ford's next-generation compact pick-up truck iv and Puma diesel engine. In an effort to secure and retain the Puma contract at SEP, the plant had to prove that it could compete globally; hence it had to improve OEE levels to the world-class standard. The Puma engine contract had been contracted to South America, Turkey, Thailand, and South Africa. This was a strategic move in order to retain flexibility within the supply chain i.e. if one supplier / plant cannot deliver, demand can be shifted to one of three alternative suppliers. The problem statement which will be addressed by this research is: What are the main causes for the poor Overall Equipment Efficiency level (OEE) at the Struandale Engine Plant of Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa? The Primary Objective of this research is to: Identify the main causes for the poor Overall Equipment Efficiency level (OEE) at the Struandale Engine Plant of Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa

Datta, Nayan. "Applicazione delle tecniche di Total Productive Maintenance all'interno di un sistema di produzione." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2019.

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La seguente tesi è stata sviluppata attraverso un percorso formativo di 6 mesi svolto presso l’azienda Berco S.p.a, Headquater del gruppo Berco Undercarriage nella sede dello stabilimento di Copparo (FE), un’azienda di grandi dimensioni, leader nel campo della produzione di componenti per carri cingolati. Il progetto contenuto nell’elaborato ha lo scopo di aumentare la disponibilità, efficienza e tasso di qualità di una linea automatica di montaggio rulli. La scelta di tale linea di assemblaggio, quale oggetto dell’attività, deriva dal fatto che fosse la linea più critica al mio arrivo in azienda, infatti presentava un valore iniziale di OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) di 55%, che è un indicatore per stabilire l’efficienza di un impianto. Da tale valore possiamo vedere che l’impianto lavorava sfruttando solo la metà della sua capacità produttiva. Analizzando la natura delle perdite della linea, tipicamente guasti, fermate maggiori di 10 minuti, e set-up si è deciso di introdurre i principi fondamentali del TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) attraverso l’introduzione della Manutenzione Autonoma oggetto della tesi e successivamente le tecniche di SMED (Single Minutes Exchange of Die). Per la realizzazione di un’attività strutturata di Manutenzione Autonoma si è proceduto con l’analisi degli indici di efficienza della linea, in particolare valori di OEE e di disponibilità in modo da individuare le criticità tecniche delle macchine; successivamente sono stati identificati gli strumenti necessari a rendere operativa la manutenzione autonoma del reparto. Infine per addestrare e motivare il personale di linea direttamente coinvolto nel progetto sono stati realizzati dei corsi di formazione. Al termine del lavoro è stata definita una procedura standard di implementazione della Manutenzione Autonoma già avviata nel reparto di Montaggio Rulli ed estendibile ai restanti reparti dello stabilimento.

Holmgren, Linnéa, and Nina Viebke. "Total Productive Maintenance inverkan på reservationsprocessens effektivitet : En fallstudie inom massa och pappersindustrin." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för Industriell utveckling, IT och Samhällsbyggnad, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-27536.

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Cesar, Iván Cuba Núñez. "Propuesta de mejora para incrementar la disponibilidad de los equipos en el proceso de teñido, a través de un plan de mantenimiento en una empresa textil peruana." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10757/625854.

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El sector textil y confecciones es uno de los sectores con mayores expectativas de crecimiento sostenible de la industria y uno de los que mayor competencia acumula con otros países del sector internacional. Este sector abarca diferentes tipos de procesos, que van desde tratamiento de fibras, hilatura, tejido y confección. El presente análisis recae sobre la baja disponibilidad que presenta los equipos en el proceso de teñido. Este proceso se mide a partir de los reprocesos que existen debido a que se ejecuta mantenimientos correctivos, el cual afecta la producción en el teñido de telas. Asimismo, se logra evaluar el tiempo promedio entre fallas (MTBF) y el tiempo promedio de reparación (MTTR), lo que indica la variabilidad por debajo del objetivo esperado por la organización. Por otro lado, en el tercer capítulo se desarrolla le propuesta de mejora a partir del desarrollo del estado del arte del primer capítulo. Para ello se propone la metodología da seguir de acuerdo con una combinación de RCM y TPM. Bajo esta metodología se desarrolla diferentes actividades y estrategias que permitirán detectar equipos críticos e implementar planes de mantenimiento preventivo mecánico y eléctrico. Además, se incluye como parte de este sistema la implementación de un mantenimiento basado en condición (predictivo) y autónomo. Finalmente, el tercer capítulo finaliza con el soporte de la metodología 5 ‘’S’’ y la evaluación económica a partir de la estructura de costos que tiene prevista el proyecto. Finalmente, en el capítulo cuatro se presenta la validación de la propuesta de mejora a partir de la validación de los resultados en el software Arena. Ello permite concluir que los indicadores MTTR y MTBF ha logrado alcanzar los objetivos presentados en la propuesta.
The textile and garment sector is one of the sectors with the highest expectations of sustainable growth in the industry and one of the sectors with the highest competition with other countries in the international sector. This sector covers different types of processes, ranging from fiber treatment, spinning, weaving and confection. The present analysis falls on the low availability that presents the equipment in the process of dyeing. This process is measured from the reprocesses that exist due to the execution of corrective maintenance, which affects the production of fabric dyeing. Likewise, it is possible to evaluate the average time between failures (MTBF) and the average repair time (MTTR), which indicates the variability below the target expected by the organization. On the other hand, in the third chapter the improvement proposal is developed from the development of the state of art of the first chapter. For this, the methodology to be followed is proposed according to a combination of RCM and TPM. Under this methodology, different activities and strategies are developed to detect critical equipment and implement mechanical and electrical preventive maintenance plans. In addition, the implementation of a maintenance based on (predictive) and autonomous condition is included as part of this system. Finally, the third chapter ends with the support of the 5 '' S '' methodology and the economic evaluation based on the cost structure planned by the project. Finally, chapter four presents the validation of the improvement proposal based on the validation of the results in the Arena software. This allows concluding that the MTTR and MTBF indicators have achieved the objectives presented in the proposal.

Mutloane, Oufa Ernest. "Maintenance management for effective operations management at Matimba Power Station / Oufa Ernest Mutloane." Thesis, North-West University, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10394/4797.

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Effective and efficient operations management is the cornerstone of any company's success. Presently, because of cost-cutting pressures, all investors look out for companies' operations before making any investment commitment. The South African Government (through the Department of Public Enterprises), as an owner and investor in Eskom, is looking at optimising operational excellence within state-owned enterprises like Eskom. Eskom is presently experiencing problems with increased electricity consumption which it cannot meet due to the limited plant capacity it presently has. These challenges are forcing Eskom to be more efficient and effective in management of the present plant assets (like Matimba Power Station) it presently operates. Matimba Power Station has consistently shown improvement in the areas of plant, financial and operations performance over the last three years. It is presently the standard bearer for the whole Eskom in terms of plant and operational performance. Asset management (through maintenance and management thereof), especially preventative management with in a power utility like Eskom, is a critical factor because supply (generation of electricity) has to meet demand (consumption of electricity) instantaneously as electricity cannot be saved. The planning, scheduling and execution of maintenance (through a work management process) to ensure success of business operations are very critical. An Eskom document titled Routine Work Management Manual emphasised the criticality of preventative management and included a six-step process of work management within the power generation business. The Japanese success in ensuring that operations costs are limited by implementing total productive maintenance (which includes work management) is suggested in the study as a way to go for operational success at Matimba Power Station. Many of the research studies done at Eskom in regard to maintenance were based on and confined to a sampling population of senior staff members like managers, engineers and supervisors. Experience has shown that progress of implementing change (whether in systems or structures) is slow if there was no proactive involvement of all participants and stakeholders, especially employees at lower levels involved in operations. A work management process, which is one of the pillars of total productive maintenance, was recently implemented at Matimba and is currently experiencing teething problems which are being attended to. Employee involvement in making sure of the success of work management is critical. The study investigates the implementation of work management from the employees' perspective in order to address problems for possible full implementation of total productive maintenance.
Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.

Desouky, Ahmed Said. "Development of software to facilitate the implementation of total productive maintenance in an ISO 9000, total quality management frame work." Mémoire, École de technologie supérieure, 2000. http://espace.etsmtl.ca/854/1/DESOUKY_Ahmed_Said.pdf.

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Ce mémoire a comme objectifs le développement d'une méthodologie d'implantation de la gestion de la qualité totale (TQM) et la maintenance productive totale (TPM) dans un environnement ISO 9000 et ISO 14000. Pour faciliter une telle implantation, un logiciel intégré est développé en vue de gérer les diverses activités électromécaniques d'un département d'entretien en entreprise. Dans la première partie du mémoire, tous les éléments qui permettent de comprendre les fondements de la qualité totale et de la maintenance productive totale sont présentés et clarifiés, avec la satisfaction du client comme un objectif majeur à atteindre. Une approche systématique sera suivie afin que tous les éléments de la TQM et TPM soient examinés attentivement et intégrés harmonieusement avec les autres éléments de ces deux philosophies de gestion. La deuxième partie du mémoire est consacrée au développement d'un logiciel sous plate-forme ACCESS. Le logiciel est conçu pour gérer les activités de la maintenance dans une entreprise certifiée ISO 9000 ou 14000. Il permet à l'organisation de s'adapter et répondre rapidement aux besoins de ses clients.

Piechnicki, Ademir Stefano. "Identificação, priorização e análise dos fatores críticos para o sucesso na implantação da TPM pelo método AHP." Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, 2013. http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/1469.

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A TPM é uma abordagem de Melhoria Contínua reconhecida para o desenvolvimento de estratégias organizacionais, otimização do processo e o aumento de competitividade. Porém, durante sua implementação ocorrem muitas falhas e os resultados não ocorrem da maneira esperada. Para reduzir estas falhas, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo apresentar os Fatores Críticos de Sucesso (FCS) na implementação da TPM em um grupo de empresas brasileiras vencedoras do prêmio TPM Awards. Os FCS foram identificados através de uma pesquisa exploratória em casos de implementações bem sucedidas. Após identificados, estes fatores foram priorizados pelo método de Análise Hierárquica de Processo (AHP), por especialistas na metodologia TPM. As análises demonstram claramente, que o sucesso da metodologia TPM depende fortemente dos esforços dos gestores das empresas, principalmente a alta gestão. Desta forma, são apresentados os elementos fundamentais em que a gestão deve se concentrar em cada uma das quatro fases do programa. Este processo pode auxiliar os gestores a dar ênfase sobre os FCS e a identificar quais erros devem ser evitados para aumentar as chances de sucesso do programa da TPM.
The TPM is a Continuous Improvement approach recognized for developing organizational strategies, process optimization and increased competitiveness. However, during its implementation many failures occur and the results do not occur as expected. To reduce these flaws, this study aims to present the Critical Success Factors ( CSFs ) in the implementation of TPM in a group of Brazilian companies winning the award TPM Awards. The FCS were identified through an exploratory research on cases of successful implementations. Once identified, these factors were prioritized by Analytic Hierarchy Process method (AHP), by experts in the TPM methodology. The analyzes clearly demonstrate that the success of TPM methodology depends heavily on the efforts of corporate managers, especially top management . Thus, the key elements that the management should focus on each of the four phases of the program are presented. This process can help managers to give emphasis on the FCS and identify what mistakes should be avoided to increase the chances of success of the TPM program.

Qweleka, Sazile. "The factors that hinder the overall equipment effectiveness at Ford Struandale Engine Plant." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1163.

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This treatise investigates the underlying factors that are hindering the improvement of Overall Equipment Effectiveness at the Ford Struandale Engine Plant. In January of 2008 the Ford Motor Company announced plans to invest more than R1.5 billion to expand operations for the production of Ford's next-generation compact pickup truck and the PUMA diesel engine. Ford will use the investment to expand operations both in Silverton for the production of 75 000 units of a new bakkie and in Port Elizabeth for 220 000 units of its new-generation PUMA diesel engines (http://www.autoblog.com /2008/01/31/ford-to-invest-209m-in-south-africa-for-new-ranger-pickup/). Only five Ford plants globally will be producing the PUMA engine (Turkey, UK, Thailand, Argentina and South Africa – Ford Struandale Engine Plant). The Ford Struandale Engine Plant will be the only plant which will have the I4 assembly, I5 assembly and 3C (Crank, Cylinder Block, and Cylinder Head) machining and the expectations of operating in a lean environment is high. The management team at the Ford Struandale Engine Plant needs to understand what the underlying factors that are hindering the improvement of Overall Equipment Effectiveness of the plant or, in other words, they need to be informed of the total benefits of TPM. A literature review was conducted to determine what the theory reveals about Overall Equipment Effectiveness, the three factors of OEE (Availability, Performance Efficiency, and Quality), the influence of Six Big Losses on each of the factors and the role of Total Productive Maintenance in improving OEE by eliminating these Six Big Losses. A Ford literature study was conducted to reveal the current literature being applied at Ford. This was then followed by an empirical survey conducted within the Ford Struandale Engine Plant. In addition, a task team formed to analyse the current maintenance operating strategy. Finally, the findings from discussions with the task team, the empirical survey, Ford Struandale Engine Plant literature survey and a general literature survey were amalgamated to draw conclusions relating to the Ford Struandale Engine Plant. These conclusions indicate what the underlying factors are that are hindering the improvement of Overall Equipment Effectiveness of the Ford Struandale Engine Plant facilities and equipment. Then recommendations are made as to how the Ford Struandale Engine Plant can improve the Overall Equipment Effectiveness of its facilities and equipment.

Carvalho, Mônica Jacyra da Silva. "MAPEAMENTO E ANÁLISE DE FALHAS NA MANUTENÇÃO DE CALDEIRAS: estudo no setor metalúrgico." Universidade Federal do Maranhão, 2014. http://tedebc.ufma.br:8080/jspui/handle/tede/680.

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Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-18T17:23:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAO_MONICA JACYRA DA SILVA CARVALHO.pdf: 12590784 bytes, checksum: d0f58b8044b522477f67a264ed154573 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-10-03
The metallurgical Alfa has three areas of operations: the Port, the Refinery and the Smelter. The intermediate area produces alumina using steam as an energy source. This comes from two High Pressure Boilers that operate together and are essential for the full operation of the process, so it is necessary make it reliable equipment. With this in mind, Alfa industry bases its operations management in a Own Business System adapted guidelines of the Toyota Production System (TPS) and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). So, this was seen as an opportunity for research, which was carried through the search for understanding of the Business System, the definition and understanding of the equipment, the realization of hiking equipment by a multidisciplinary team, with a survey of existing equipment failures, by mapping the current situation, identifying the losses associated with the faults previously raised by raising costs and monitoring focused on technical resolution and human reliability during maintenance activities, which were carried out to remedy or minimize failures, as described. Thusthere was a reduction in production losses around 3484.28 t SGA/year and 304.526,07 US$/year of 2011compared to the year 2012. And also proof that the boiler reaches 100% of their operational availability and yes, they can become confident with the implementation of continuous improvement.
A indústria metalúrgica Alfa possui três áreas de operações: o Porto, a Refinaria e a Redução. A área intermediária produz alumina utilizando como fonte de energia, o vapor. Este é oriundo de duas Caldeiras de Alta Pressão que operam juntas e são essenciais ao pleno funcionamento do processo, por isso é necessário torná-las equipamentos confiáveis. Com este intuito, a indústria Alfa alicerça sua gestão de operações em um Sistema de Negócios Próprio adaptado das diretrizes do Sistema Toyota de Produção (STP) e da Manutenção Produtiva Total (MPT). Assim, esta situação foi vista como oportunidade de pesquisa, a qual foi realizada através da busca pelo entendimento do Sistema de Negócios, pela definição e entendimento dos equipamentos, pela realização de caminhadas pelos equipamentos com equipe multidisciplinar, pelo levantamento das falhas existentes nos equipamentos, pelo mapeamento da situação atual, pela identificação das perdas associadas as falhas levantadas anteriormente, pelo levantamento de custos e pelo acompanhamento focado na resolução técnica e na confiabilidade humana durante as atividades de manutenção, as quais foram realizadas para sanar ou minimizar as falhas, já descritas. Desta forma, houve uma redução nas perdas de produção em torno de 3.484,28 t SGA/ano e 304.526,07 US$/ano do ano de 2011 em relação ao ano de 2012. E também a comprovação que as caldeiras alcançam 100% da sua disponibilidade operacional e sim, podem tornar-se confiáveis com a implementação da melhoria contínua.

Olivier, Christie. "A proposed strategy for the implementation of total productive maintenance at Continental Tyre South Africa." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/799.

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For a tyre manufacturing company to compete nationally and internationally, the maximum utilization of their equipment is extremely important. Thus, having a maintenance system in place that will ensure this will be essential. In today’s competitive environment, the need to go further than just scheduling maintenance in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations as a method of improving productivity and product quality was quickly recognized by those companies who were committed to total quality management programmes. The objective of this study was to propose an appropriate strategy for the implementation of Total Productive Maintenance at Continental Tyre South Africa. To achieve this, the current Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) programme, in the steel stock preparation division in affiliated Continental plants in Otrokovice in the Czech Republic and Puchov in the Slovak Republic was evaluated. A comprehensive literature study was performed on Total Productive Maintenance programmes. A questionnaire was designed based on the guidelines in the literature study in order to establish the effectiveness of implemented TPM programmes. The researcher used the random sampling method of selection and distributed the questionnaire to 62 potential respondents via hand-outs from each plant’s respective heads of departments. 56 completed questionnaires were returned and these were processed and analyzed using Microsoft Office Excel 2003, running on the Windows XP suite of computer packages. The opinions of the various respondents were compared with the guidelines provided in the literature survey, in order to identify how to answer two main questions the author wanted to use as part of selecting an appropriate implementation approach for TPM at Continental Tyre South Africa. These were: • How much are the employees involved and empowered to perform their TPM tasks?; and • How effective is the implemented TPM programme? The following were the main recommendations and conclusions: • The experiences gained by plants like Otrokovice and Puchov must be used as a guideline for introduction and implementation; • The employees that will be required to perform the TPM tasks must be properly trained and they should receive the necessary tools to perform their tasks; • It is essential that everyone throughout the entire manufacturing organization is involved from the start in the development, improvement and maintenance of the TPM programme and that the driving force behind it should be a combination of maintenance, production and quality; and • TPM will achieve it’s objectives if: • The equipment effectiveness can be improved; • Autonomous maintenance is achieved; • Planned maintenance is in place; • Staff are trained in relevant maintenance skills; and • Early equipment management can be achieved.

Pinheiro, Jaime Miguel da Silva. "Estudo da implementação de uma metodologia Lean Maintenance numa empresa de transporte rodoviário de passageiros." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/22125.

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Mestrado em Ciências Empresariais
É hoje reconhecido que a principal via para reduzir custos de operação passa necessariamente pela eliminação de desperdício e perdas nos diversos processos da cadeia de valor. A necessidade de obter ganhos de eficiência através da eliminação de desperdício, obriga as empresas a assumir a questão da melhoria contínua como um tema central na aquisição de vantagens competitivas que lhes permitam ocupar uma posição ganhadora no mercado. A integração da filosofia Lean nas diversas áreas de conhecimento das organizações, originou uma nova abordagem da gestão de Manutenção, denominada por Lean Maintenance. Esta metodologia segue a base do Total Productive Maintenance, ganhando particular destaque nas empresas cuja atividade depende fortemente dos seus ativos físicos. O alinhamento dos objetivos das empresas com a sua missão, visão e valores só é possível através do desenvolvimento de metodologias que permitam o desdobramento estratégico nas diversas perspetivas de valor da organização. Face à relevância do tema, este estudo apresenta uma revisão de literatura sobre a evolução histórica da gestão de manutenção, descrevendo o modo como evoluiu para uma área de conhecimento complexa e preponderante para uma gestão de ativos físicos eficiente e de elevado valor. Posteriormente é apresentado um estudo de caso demonstrativo dos benefícios que a implementação de uma metodologia Lean Maintenance pode trazer a uma empresa do sector dos transportes.
It´s a fact in our days that the way to decrease operational costs must achieve waste~reduction in value chain flow. The need to obtain efficiency gains through the elimination of waste leads companies to take the continuous improvement as main issue to achieve competitive advantage in the market. The integration of Lean philosophy in all company’s subject, created a new vision in maintenance management, called Lean Maintenance. This methodology is driven by Total Productive Maintenance, winning highlights in companies who activities depend a lot from physical assets. The alignment of objectives with its mission, vision and values is only possible by the development of methodologies that allow the strategic deployment in all the perspectives of value. Regarding the relevance of the theme, this study show’s a literature review about the history and development of Maintenance, describing the way how a complex knowledge can be so important to reach an efficient and high value physical asset management. Posteriorly is presented a case study to demonstrate the benefits that the implementation of a Lean Maintenance methodology can bring to a road transport company.

Miyake, Dario Ikuo. "Programas de melhoria da produtividade e qualidade: um estudo comparativo dos modelos \"Just-in-Time\" (JIT), \"Total Quality Control\" (TQC) e \"Total Productive Maintenance\" (TPM)." Universidade de São Paulo, 1993. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/3/3136/tde-11072017-100205/.

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O aumento da competitividade no mercado tem estimulado uma grande busca por conceitos e técnicas que auxiliem os processos de melhoria do desempenho de sistemas produtivos, sobretudo no que tange a produtividade e qualidade. Neste contexto, o estudo da experiência das indústrias japonesas revela que a sua competitividade foi conquistada e tem sido sustentada com base em modelos integrados voltados ao planejamento, implementação e condução dos chamados programas de melhoria da produtividade e qualidade (PMPQ\'s). Tais modelos são baseados em filosofias especificas de gestão da manufatura, sendo que os três seguintes, despontam com grande destaque e constituem o objeto central de estudo desta dissertação: 1. Manufatura Just-in-Time (JIT); 2. Total Quality Control (TQC); 3. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). O presente trabalho é dedicado ao estudo conceitual destes modelos. Para isso foi elaborado um quadro conceitual sobre a estrutura geral de um PMPQ. Tomando-se este quadro como pano de fundo, estes três modelos foram então caracterizados, analisados e avaliados de forma comparativa. Esta análise possibilitou a identificação dos aspectos específicos a cada um, más também evidenciou muitas semelhanças (exemplo: sua aplicação como instrumento de gestão estratégica da manufatura) entre os mesmos.
Along the last decades a series of geopolitical and macroeconomic changes have made the competition in international trade tougher. Although the brazilian economy has not been so integrated to the international market, effects of such trend are already disturbing the dynamics of Braazilian companies. Therefore an increasing number of companies have driven themselves into processes aimed to increase competitive power through strategies that value mainly attributes like cost and quality. Such processes have in general a broad scope and are usully called Productivity and Quality Improvement Programs (PQIP\'s). In this context, new paradigms for planning, implementation and guidance of such programs have risen from japanese industries. Among these paradigms, three of them are worthy of special attention and represent the main object of this work. Each of these paradigms have their own manufacturing management philosophy and are the following; 1. the paradigm based on Just-In-Time (JIT) Manufacturing philosophy, 2. the paradigm based on Total Quality Control (TQC) philosophy and 3. the paradigm based on Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) philosophy, This work is dedicated to the conceptual investigation of these paradigms. First, a conceptual framework for the general structure of a PQIP was built. Then it was taken as a frame in order to present, analyse and evaluate comparatively the three paradigms. The investigation resulted in the recognition of features that are unique to each one but it also exposed many similarities among them. One commom feature is that all three admit their use as a tool for strategic management of manufacturing, an activity that has been overlooked by western industrial companies organized and managed in traditional way. The investigation also revealed a clear resolution of these paradigms to search the achievement of economic objectives of a firm without confronting and neglecting the social and humanistic demands expressed by the human resources engaged in production.

Andersson, Anneli, Helena Hellman, and Patricia Freyholtz. "Sjustegstrappan : Specialistunderhållet på Parker Hannifin AB." Thesis, University West, Department of Technology, 2003. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-1270.

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Ncube, Mfowabo. "The impact of total productive maintenance (TPM) on manufacturing performance at the Colt Section of DaimlerChrysler in the Eastern Cape." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/579.

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Today's successful manufacturing organisations require a significant competitive advantage, hence the need to implement and develop a Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) strategy. This research paper addresses the impact of TPM on manufacturing performance at the Colt production facility (DCSA). A literature survey was undertaken into the elements and benefits of TPM. Questionaires were also sent to all levels of people at the Colt production facility for their views on TPM and the impact, they believe, it has had on manufacturing performance. In conclusion, this research paper has also led to the development of recommendations to improve TPM activities at the Colt production facility. From the research, it was shown that top management support for TPM activities is needed and that training is an essential factor for TPM's success in improving manufacturing performance.

Graisa, M. M. "An investigation into the need and implementation of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) in Libyan cement industry." Thesis, Nottingham Trent University, 2011. http://irep.ntu.ac.uk/id/eprint/10/.

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The international competition and the demand to increase productivity of manufacturing and production lines have attracted the management of industrial organisations from a wide spectrum to implement Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) as a tool for improving productivity and system’s output. Some Libyan companies are still facing many problems concerning maintenance activities of assets. Inadequate maintenance can have cost impact on the maintenance performance and production. Following the privatisation of the Cement industry in Libya, companies are now interested in improving productivity, reducing cost, improving maintenance procedures and reducing the negative effect on the environment. To address the above issues within the Libyan industry, this research presents an investigation into the need for implementation of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) in Libyan cement industry. TPM is a generic maintenance philosophy that transforms maintenance activities from what is considered to be the 'necessary evil' into an essential part of the business. In TPM, maintenance and downtime is integrated within the production system and scheduled as an essential part of the manufacturing process. This thesis investigates the problems facing four cement factories in Libya. Following a comprehensive literature review around the research problem; case studies, statistical data, semi-structured interviews, detailed questionnaires and site visits are utilised to evaluate and understand the problems within the four factories. Based on the analysis, this thesis suggests a new Framework and associated models for implementing Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and identifying the key Factors to improve the overall maintenance performance.

Novotný, Jakub. "Aplikace metod Štíhlé výroby ze zvláštním zaměřením na metodu Total Productive Maintenance ve společnosti BAEST, a.s." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2010. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-72058.

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This thesis is focused on the suggestions for the application of maintenance department optimization concept -- Total productive maintenance, in the context of wider concept of lean manufacturing, in the BAEST company. The content of the thesis is to get acquainted with the theoretical background of the lean manufacturing and maintenance, analysis of the current state at the company's maintenance department reflecting the described theoretical background, identification of the potential for improvements by comparing the current state with the theoretically ideal state and coming up with individual recommendations for improvements of the maintenance department in order to make it better and more effective and efficient.

El, Khabiry Mohamed. "För ett effektivt operatörsunderhåll." Thesis, KTH, Hållbar produktionsutveckling (ML), 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-298260.

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Detta examensarbete är utfört på Astrazeneca Södertälje inom Meto-försteg som är en del av fabriken API, med syftet att effektivisera underhållsarbetet. En kartläggning av det förebyggande underhållet genomfördes, i syfte att identifiera underhållsarbete som utförs dubbelt av både operatörer inom API och underhållsleverantören Caverion. Examensarbetet presenterar en redogörelse för begrepp inom underhåll, TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) och beslutsmodellen QFD (Quality Function Deployment) vilka utgör den teoretiska utgångspunkten för resultat och analys. Examensarbetet bygger på insamlade observationer och intervjumaterial från personal verksamma inom drift och underhåll. Studiens resultat visar att det genomförs överlappningar i underhållsarbetet, exempelvis inom veckotillsyn och förebyggande underhåll (FU) inom fabriksdelen Meto- försteg. Både operatörer och Caverion genomför underhållsåtgärder som innefattar visuell kontroll av oljenivåer, läckage, missljud, vibrationer för ett antal maskiner. En tydligare fördelning av underhållsåtgärder mellan operatörer och Caverion kommer bidra till effektiviseringen av underhållsarbetet.
This thesis was carried out at Astrazeneca Södertälje within Meto-pre stage, which is part of the factory API, intending to streamline the maintenance work. Apreventive maintenance survey was carried out, to identify maintenance work that was performed twice by both API operators and the maintenance provider Caverion. The thesis presents an account of concepts in maintenance, TPM (Total Productive Maintenance), and the decision model QFD (Quality Function Deployment) which constitute the theoretical starting point for results and analysis. The thesis is based on collected observations and interview materials from staff active in operations and maintenance. The results of the study show that there are overlaps in maintenance work, for example in weekly supervision/inspections and preventive maintenance (FU) within the factory part Meto-pre stage. Both operators and Caverion carry out maintenance operations that include a visual control of oil levels, leakage, noise, vibrations for several machines. A clearer distribution of maintenance measures between operators and Caverion will contribute to the streamlining of maintenance work.

Méndez, López Mayte Lizette. "Propuesta de implementación del programa de mantenimiento productivo total para la mejora de la gestión de compras en la empresa Fábrica Peruana Eternit." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Ricardo Palma, 2017. http://cybertesis.urp.edu.pe/handle/urp/1456.

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El objetivo de esta investigación es mejorar la gestión de las compras de los servicios de fabricación implementando el programa de mantenimiento productivo.de la empresa Fábrica Peruana Eternit S.A., donde se identificó un elevado gasto en estos últimos años. The objective of this research is to improve the management of purchases of manufacturing services by implementing the program of productive maintenance of the company Fábrica Peruana Eternit S.A., where a high expenditure was identified in recent years.

Meletti, Simone. "Implementazione di tecniche di Total Productive Maintenance all'interno di un sistema produttivo. Il caso Bonfiglioli riduttori Spa." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016.

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Nell'elaborato viene trattato il processo di implementazione di tecniche di Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) su di un impianto pilota all'interno dell'azienda Bonfiglioli Riduttori S.p.A. Dall'analisi dei dati dello storico degli interventi a guasto, effettuati sull'impianto, si sono ottenuti i parametri manutentivi di interesse per avere un quadro generale della situazione di partenza e sono state identificate due tipologie di manutenzione, come previsto dal TPM: l'automanutenzione affidata agli operatori e una serie di interventi programmati di preventiva a carico dell'ente manutenzione. Sono stati effettuati anche una serie di interventi migliorativi per incrementare l'efficienza dell'impianto. In conclusione sono stati confrontati i parametri di partenza con quelli di fine progetto per valutare i miglioramenti conseguiti valutando anche l'aspetto economico degli investimenti fatti. Dai dati ottenuti alla fine del percorso, sono state fatte le dovute considerazioni e sono stati proposti degli elementi di riflessione.

Arturo, Merlano. "Optimisation de la disponibilité des systèmes assujettis à la maintenance imparfaite." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/20473.

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Dans ce mélTIoire, on s'intéresse à la modélisation et à l'optimisation d'une stratégie de maintenance, dite imparfaite, pour un système dont les caractéristiques opérationnelles se dégradent avec l'âge et avec l'usage. Ce type de stratégies a suscité, au cours de la dernière décennie, beaucoup d' intérêt au niveau de la recherche autant sur le plan fondamental qu'appliqué. Pour chaque système on connait la distribution des durées de vie, des durées de réparation et de remplacement, ainsi que le taux de réduction de l'âge ou du taux de panne du système suite à chaque action de maintenance préventive imparfaite. Après chaque réparation, l'âge du système est réduit d'une certaine fraction et son temps de réparation augmente d'une autre fraction. Plusieurs modèles sont proposés dans la littérature. Dans le cadre de cette étude, on s'est basé principalement sur les travaux de Wang et Pham pour développer deux modèles d' optimisation qui intègrent les variables de décision T et k (variables qui définissent la stratégie), les coûts et les durées associées aux actions de maintenance préventive et corrective, les distributions des durées de vie et de réparation, les paramètres u et ß inhérents au processus de quasirenouvellement et enfin la limite budgétaire La et le seuil de disponibilité requis Ao. Le premier modèle permet de déterminer le couple (T*, k*) qui minimise le coût total moyen par unité de temps sur un horizon infini L(T, k; u, ß) tout en respectant un seuil de disponibilité Ao. Le deuxième modèle vise à déterminer le couple (T*, k *) qui maximise la disponibilité stationnaire A(T, k; u, ß) en respectant une limite budgétaire La. Il s'agit de deux modèles de programmation non linéaire mixte. Des procédures de calcul, exploitant le progiciel MAPLE, ont été mises au point pour traiter les différents modèles de programmation mathématique (avec et sans contraintes). Les modèles proposés pourront servir de base au développetnent de nouvelles stratégies de maintenance. maintenance, dite imparfaite, pour un système dont les caractéristiques opérationnelles se dégradent avec l'âge et avec l' usage. Ce type de stratégies a suscité, au cours de la dernière décennie, beaucoup d' intérêt au niveau de la recherche autant sur le plan fondamental qu' appliqué. Pour chaque système on connait la distribution des durées de vie, des durées de réparation et de remplacement, ainsi que le taux de réduction de l'âge ou du taux de panne du système suite à chaque action de maintenance préventive imparfaite. Après chaque réparation, l'âge du système est réduit d'une certaine fraction et son temps de réparation augmente d'une autre fraction. Plusieurs modèles sont proposés dans la littérature. Dans le cadre de cette étude, on s'est basé principalement sur les travaux de Wang et Pham pour développer deux modèles d' optimisation qui intègrent les variables de décision T et k (variables qui définissent la stratégie), les coûts et les durées associées aux actions de maintenance préventive et corrective, les distributions des durées de vie et de réparation, les paramètres u et P inhérents au processus de quasirenouvellement et enfin la limite budgétaire Lo et le seuil de disponibilité requis Ao. Le premier modèle permet de déterminer le couple (T*, k*) qui minimise le coût total moyen par unité de temps sur un horizon infini L(T, k; u, P) tout en respectant un seuil de disponibilité Ao. Le deuxième modèle vise à déterminer le couple (T*, k *) qui maximise la disponibilité stationnaire A(T, k; u, P) en respectant une limite budgétaire La. Il s'agit de deux modèles de programmation non linéaire mixte. Des procédures de calcul, exploitant le progiciel MAPLE, ont été mises au point pour traiter les différents modèles de programmation mathématique (avec et sans contraintes). Les modèles proposés pourront servir base au développetnent de nouvelles stratégies de maintenance.

Svensson, Ulrika. "Utvärdering och Implementering av underhållssystem : Evulation and implementation of a Maintenace Management System." Thesis, Jönköping University, JTH, Mechanical Engineering, 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-514.

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Detta examensarbete beskriver hur förarbetet till att datorisera ett underhållssystem genomförs. Uppdragsgivare är Lear Corporation i Torslanda. Examensarbetet består av två delar: utvärdera en på förhand vald programvara och att dokumentera allt förebyggande underhåll (FU). Syftet är att få bättre kontroll och planering av förebyggande underhåll (FU) i framtiden. Programvaran som skall utvärderas om den är lämplig för ändamålet heter Tekla™ Maintenance.

Målet var att dokumentera allt förebyggande underhåll (FU) för två av tre liner i Lear Corporations fabrik i Torslanda.

Det visade sig att Tekla™ Maintenance uppfyllde de krav som fanns. De krav som fanns var bland annat när det var dags att göra ett förebyggande underhållsarbete ska programmet automatiskt tala om att nu skall det utföras. Ett användarvänligt gränssnitt var också efterfrågat. Rapporten innerhåller även en beskrivning av hur Tekla™ Maintenance är uppbyggt.

För att få en bild av hur det är att arbeta med programmet i verkligheten genomfördes en benchmarking mot Plastal AB. Plastal AB hade mycket goda erfarenheter av att arbeta med programmet och kunde därför varmt rekommendera det.

All dokumentation av förebyggande underhåll sker i dag på papper. Eftersom denna dokumentation inte innehöll tillräckligt med information skedde nedbrytningen från grunden. Varje line delades in i mindre områden så som line, kringutrustning och moment- och skruvdragare. När allt var dokumenterat fick underhållspersonalen tala om vad för slags förebyggande underhåll som skulle göras på all utrustning. Allt skrevs in i en Excel-fil som skall användas för att importera informationen till Tekla™ Maintenance i framtiden. Filen innerhåller över 2000 stycken objekt, vilket ger en bra grund för underhållsarbetet i framtiden.

This Bachelor Thesis deals with how to prepare a computerization of a Maintenance Management System. The Bachelor Thesis is written by commission at Lear Corporation in Torslanda, Sweden. The paper is divided into two parts: evaluate a software and document all preventive maintenance. The purpose is to get better control and planning of preventive maintenance in the future. Tekla™ Maintenance is the software that is going to be evaluated.

The aim is to document all preventive maintenance for two of three production lines at Lear Corporations factory at Torslanda, Sweden.

The research shows that Tekla™ Maintenance met the specifications. One of the basic requirements was to automate the management of prevention maintenance activity, by issuing work order. Furthermore a user friendly interface was required. A description of Tekla™ Maintenance is included in the report.

To get a feeling of how the programme perform in real world, benchmarking was preformed against Plastal AB. The benchmarking resulted in that Plastal AB recommended the Tekla™ Maintenance programme.

Currently the documentation does not contain enough detailed information to allow a thorough review of all production lines.

By dividing all lines into zones, all activities at each zone have been documented.

Feedback form the operators was given, about what type of preventive maintenance that is required.

To be able to put all the information into Tekla™ Maintenance, an Excel file has been made. This file contains over 2000 entries and should provide a solid base for future preventive maintenance.

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