Academic literature on the topic 'Usinage intelligent'

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Journal articles on the topic "Usinage intelligent":


Kishorekumar, Mr A., Mr E. Ezhilarasan, and Mr R. Parthiban. "Intelligent Drone based Personal Assistant using Artificial Intelligence AI." International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Volume-2, Issue-3 (April 30, 2018): 1618–21.

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Chinagolum, Aneke Israel, Chineke Amaechi Hyacenth, and Udeh Chukwuma Callistus W. "Intelligent Routing Algorithm Using Antnet." International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Volume-3, Issue-1 (December 31, 2018): 306–14.

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A., Ponmalar. "Intelligent Crime Analysis System Using Pyspark." International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 24, no. 5 (March 31, 2020): 860–67.

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Liu, Hong, Haijun Wei, Lidui Wei, Jingming Li, and Zhiyuan Yang. "The Segmentation of Wear Particles Images UsingJ-Segmentation Algorithm." Advances in Tribology 2016 (2016): 1–10.

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This study aims to use a JSEG algorithm to segment the wear particle’s image. Wear particles provide detailed information about the wear processes taking place between mechanical components. Autosegmentation of their images is key to intelligent classification system. This study examined whether this algorithm can be used in particles’ image segmentation. Different scales have been tested. Compared with traditional thresholding along with edge detector, the JSEG algorithm showed promising result. It offers a relatively higher accuracy and can be used on color image instead of gray image with little computing complexity. A conclusion can be drawn that the JSEG method is suited for imaged wear particle segmentation and can be put into practical use in wear particle’s identification system.

Islam, Faraz, and Ali Faraz Syed. "PLC Based Intelligent Toll Road Traffic Control Using." International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering 6, no. 4 (2014): 353–56.

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Yadav, Kiran, and Ranjit Biswas. "Finding a Shortest Path Using an Intelligent Technique." International Journal of Engineering and Technology 1, no. 2 (2009): 139–41.

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Chinagolum, Aneke Israel, Chineke Amaechi Hyacenth, and Udeh Chukwuma Callistus W. "Improving Robustness of Data Network Using Intelligent Modulation Technique." International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Volume-3, Issue-1 (December 31, 2018): 315–23.

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Thomas, Hephzibah, and Thyla B. "Intelligent Fall Detection Using Statistical Features and Machine Learning." International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Volume-3, Issue-1 (December 31, 2018): 609–12.

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COLLINÁSZY, Juraj, Marek BUNDZEL, and Iveta ZOLOTOVÁ. "IMPLEMENTATION OF INTELLIGENT SOFTWARE USING IBM WATSON AND BLUEMIX." Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica 17, no. 1 (March 1, 2017): 58–63.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Usinage intelligent":


Chouhad, Hassan. "Towards online metrology for proactive quality control in smart manufacturing." Thesis, Paris, HESAM, 2022.

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Dans l’industrie de fabrication traditionnelle, la métrologie est un élément essentiel de sanction de la qualité en bout de la chaîne de production. L’innovant dans le concept de la fabrication intelligente conduit à un repositionnement de la métrologie qui devient proactive au cœur même de la production pour fabriquer dès le départ une première pièce conforme. L’objet de cette thèse est donc de proposer une approche méthodologique pour le développement d'un système proactif, augmenté par des modèles d’intelligence artificielle IA, de contrôle en usinage de la conformité d’un produit à un cahier des charges et de caractériser ses défauts. Pour cela, une première étude sur l’aspect de surface a été réalisée en recueillant des images à haute résolution de fils de cuivre revêtus et découpés pouvant présenter des défauts. Les images, prises par un système de vision par ordinateur basé sur l'imagerie confocale chromatique, ont été utilisées pour générer différents modèles d'intelligence artificielle. Ce traitement consiste à faire de la segmentation et de la classification des défauts observés. En comparant la précision et le temps de traitement des modèles d'IA, l'apprentissage par transfert utilisant le modèle de mobile-net a montré de meilleures performances. Afin d'élargir l'étude de l'évaluation de la qualité de surface, des mesures de profil de surface sur machine-outil ont été effectuées à l'aide de capteurs confocaux chromatiques sans contact. Deux approches ont été réalisées : i) le fraisage de l'aluminium sans signature d’usure d’outil de coupe et ii) le fraisage du titane en tenant compte de la signature de l'usure de l'outil de coupe. Dans les deux configurations de coupe, les paramètres d’usinage, les profils de rugosité de surface et les efforts d’enlèvement de matière ont été enregistrés pour construire une base de données pour l'entraînement des modèles de prédiction par apprentissage automatique. Les résultats ont montré que le modèle XGboost a présenté la meilleure performance de prédiction et ce pour les deux scénarios. En considérant le temps de coupe dans le fraisage du titane, le modèle de prévision de séries temporelles ARIMA a été appliqué pour suivre l'évolution de la rugosité en fonction de l'usure de l'outil. L’analyse moyenne mobile autorégressive intégrée a permis de suivre l’évolution de la rugosité en fonction de la signature d’usure
In the traditional manufacturing industry, metrology is an essential element in sanctioning quality at the end of the production line. The innovation brought by concept of smart manufacturing leads to a repositioning of metrology to be proactive at the heart of production by performing the so-called first-time-right manufacturing of parts. The goal of this thesis is therefore to propose a methodological approach for the development of a proactive system, enhanced by AI models, to control the conformity of a product to a specification during machining and to characterize its defects. For this purpose, a first study on the surface aspect was carried out by collecting high-resolution images of coated and cut copper wires that may present defects. The images, taken by a computer vision system based on chromatic confocal imaging, were used to generate different artificial intelligence models. These models can perform segmentation and classification of observed defects. When comparing the accuracy and processing time of the AI models, transfer learning using the mobile-net model showed better performance. To extend the study of surface quality assessment, surface profile measurements on machine tools were performed using non-contact chromatic confocal sensors. Two approaches were performed: i) milling aluminum without tool wear signature, and ii) milling titanium with tool wear signature. In both cutting configurations, machining parameters, surface roughness profiles, and cutting forces were measured to build a dataset for training the prediction models by machine learning. The results showed that the XGboost model presented the best prediction performance and for both scenarios i) and ii). By considering the cutting time in titanium milling, the autoregressive integrated moving average time series prediction model was applied to track the evolution of roughness with tool wear

Escriba, Christophe. "Conception, réalisation et caractérisation de capteurs infrarouges à thermopiles : application à la détection de présence passive dans l'habitat." Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2005.

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A ce jour, les développements de systèmes liés à la sécurisation des biens et à la surveillance des personnes s'appuient le plus souvent sur l'usage de détecteurs commerciaux de type pyroélectriques mono-points, indiquant le passage d'une personne dans le champ. Ces détecteurs font apparaître deux limitations : l'impossibilité de détecter lorsque la personne à surveiller est immobile, et la nécessité dans certains cas, d'avoir des informations plus riches que la simple présence (direction des mouvements, estimation de la distance &). Notre travail de recherche se situe dans une perspective liée à la surveillance passive dans le domaine de l'habitat intelligent. Il vise le développement de capteurs infrarouges de nouvelles générations. Au terme d'une investigation sur les principaux matériaux permettant la détection infrarouge et compte tenu de la problématique et des spécifications que nous avons établies, le choix s'est porté sur une technologie thermoélectrique de type thermopile. Selon les recommandations générales concernant la conception "Top-down" des microsystèmes, nous avons fait un travail assez approfondi de modélisation analytique du système global de détection infrarouge avant d'engager les étapes de conception et de réalisation. A partir de cette démarche conceptuelle, plusieurs structures (au total 180) sous la forme de capteurs unitaires, matriciels et de véhicules tests ont été réalisées. Ce travail de recherche se termine par le développement d'un banc de mesures spécifique et la corrélation des caractérisations expérimentales avec le modèle élaboré. Les résultats obtenus montrent la validité des concepts mis en Suvre et permettent d'engager dès à présent le développement de détecteurs de présence statique.

Vigouroux, Jean-Louis. "Modélisation des connaissances pour l’optimisation des systèmes d’usinage intelligents." Dijon, 2008.

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La recherche sur les systèmes d'usinage intelligents (SUI) porte la promesse de rendre la production d'une pièce usinée adaptable rapidement au changement soudain des spécifications géométriques, sans repasser par une phase d'industrialisation. Nous proposons une architecture informatique pour le SUI qui contribue à rendre possible cette promesse, en utilisant une modélisation des connaissances basée sur les normes du domaine de l'usinage et de l'optimisation avec incertitudes. Tout d'abord un état de l'art est réalisé, avec le recensement des travaux précédents , la définition des concepts importants comme l'agilité des systèmes d'usinage et l'optimisation avec incertitudes, et l'étude des normes STEP et UML pour la modélisation des connaissances. Ensuite une architecture informatique est proposée, qui fait le lien entre un plan de fabrication, les données sur les moyens de fabrication et un problème d'optimisation, à l'aide d'un modèle de données de liaison. De plus, un algorithme évolutionnaire appelé Robust Evolutionary Algorithm (REA) est conçu et ajouté à l'architecture, pour la résolution des problèmes d'optimisation non linéaire avec incertitudes. L'architecture est ensuite appliquée à l'optimisation du plan de fabrication d'une pièce de tournage. Les limites des modèles de données du plan de fabrication et du problème d'optimisation conduisent à revoir l'architecture et ajouter deux modèles de données pour la liaison entre le plan de fabrication et le problème d'optimisation, System Operation simulation Model (SOM) et Optimization under Uncertainty Model (OUM). Le modèle SOM permet de représenter les propriétés opérationnelles d'un système d'usinage sous forme de noeuds, et le modèle OUM permet de représenter un problème d'optimisation non linéaire avec incertitudes. La nouvelle architecture contribue à l'implémentation d'un système d'usinage intelligent. Des études seront nécessaires pour capturer les relations de dépendance des modèles d'usinage expérimentaux à différentes propriétés du système d'usinage, avec des évolutions de l'architecture proposée
Research on Intelligent machining systems has the potential to make production of machined parts easily adaptive to changes in the part geometry specification, and to skip the industrialization step. The work presented here fosters the realization of this potential, by using standard data models of the field and optimization under uncertainty. First a bibliography is made to keep track of previous efforts related to intelligent manufacturing systems, optimization under uncertainty, and manufacturing and optimization knowledge representation. Important concepts like Manufacturing system agility, and optimization under uncertainty were defined, and the standards STEP and UML for knowledge representation and system modeling were studied. Then an information system architecture is proposed, to link manufacturing knowledge and optimization problem knowledge, using a new data model. An evolutionary algorithm called Robust Evolutionary Algorithm (REA) is designed and added to the architecture for solving non linear optimization under uncertainty. The architecture is then applied to the process plan optimization of a turning part. Some drawbacks of the architecture are discovered during the implementation, thus leading to an evolution. Two new data models are introduced, the System Operation simulation Model (SOM) and the Optimization under Uncertainty Model (OUM). The SOM data model is a proposal for the representation of manufacturing system operational properties, and the OUM data model is a proposal for the representation of a non linear optimization problem with uncertainties. The second version of the architecture is a solid base for the software implementation of an intelligent machining system. Some further studies are necessary to capture of the dependency relations between experimental machining models and operational properties of a machining system

Bernardes, Vitor Giovani. "Urban environment perception and navigation using robotic vision : conception and implementation applied to automous vehicle." Thesis, Compiègne, 2014.

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Le développement de véhicules autonomes capables de se déplacer sur les routes urbaines peuvent fournir des avantages importants en matière de réduction des accidents, en augmentant le confort et aussi, permettant des réductions de coûts. Les véhicules Intelligents par exemple fondent souvent leurs décisions sur les observations obtenues à partir de différents capteurs tels que les LIDAR, les GPS et les Caméras. En fait, les capteurs de la caméra ont reçu grande attention en raison du fait de qu’ils ne sont pas cher, facile à utiliser et fournissent des données avec de riches informations. Les environnements urbains représentent des scénarios intéressant mais aussi très difficile dans ce contexte, où le tracé de la route peut être très complexe,la présence d’objets tels que des arbres, des vélos, des voitures peuvent générer des observations partielles et aussi ces observations sont souvent bruyants ou même manquant en raison de occlusions complètes. Donc, le processus de perception par nature doit être capable de traiter des incertitudes dans la connaissance du monde autour de la voiture. Tandis que la navigation routière et la conduite autonome en utilisant une connaissance préalable de l’environnement ont démontré avec succès, la compréhension et la navigation des scénarios généraux du environnement urbain avec peu de connaissances reste un problème non résolu. Dans cette thèse, on analyse ce problème de perception pour la conduite dans les milieux urbains basée sur la connaissance de l’environnement pour aussi prendre des décisions dans la navigation autonome. Il est conçu un système de perception robotique, qui permettre aux voitures de se conduire sur les routes, sans la nécessité d’adapter l’infrastructure, sans exiger l’apprentissage précédente de l’environnement, et en tenant en compte la présence d’objets dynamiques tels que les voitures.On propose un nouveau procédé basé sur l’apprentissage par la machine pour extraire le contexte sémantique en utilisant une paire d’images stéréo qui est fusionnée dans une grille d’occupation évidentielle pour modéliser les incertitudes d’un environnement urbain inconnu,en utilisant la théorie de Dempster-Shafer. Pour prendre des décisions dans la planification des chemins, il est appliqué l’approche de tentacule virtuel pour générer les possibles chemins à partir du centre de référence de la voiture et sur cette base, deux nouvelles stratégies sont proposées. Première, une nouvelle stratégie pour sélectionner le chemin correct pour mieux éviter les obstacles et de suivre la tâche locale dans le contexte de la navigation hybride, et seconde, un nouveau contrôle en boucle fermée basé sur l’odométrie visuelle et tentacule virtuel est modélisée pour l’exécution du suivi de chemin. Finalement, un système complet automobile intégrant les modules de perception, de planification et de contrôle sont mis en place et validé expérimentalement dans des situations réelles en utilisant une voiture autonome expérimentale, où les résultats montrent que l’approche développée effectue avec succès une navigation locale fiable basée sur des capteurs de la caméra
The development of autonomous vehicles capable of getting around on urban roads can provide important benefits in reducing accidents, in increasing life comfort and also in providing cost savings. Intelligent vehicles for example often base their decisions on observations obtained from various sensors such as LIDAR, GPS and Cameras. Actually, camera sensors have been receiving large attention due to they are cheap, easy to employ and provide rich data information. Inner-city environments represent an interesting but also very challenging scenario in this context,where the road layout may be very complex, the presence of objects such as trees, bicycles,cars might generate partial observations and also these observations are often noisy or even missing due to heavy occlusions. Thus, perception process by nature needs to be able to dea lwith uncertainties in the knowledge of the world around the car. While highway navigation and autonomous driving using a prior knowledge of the environment have been demonstrating successfully,understanding and navigating general inner-city scenarios with little prior knowledge remains an unsolved problem. In this thesis, this perception problem is analyzed for driving in the inner-city environments associated with the capacity to perform a safe displacement basedon decision-making process in autonomous navigation. It is designed a perception system that allows robotic-cars to drive autonomously on roads, with out the need to adapt the infrastructure,without requiring previous knowledge of the environment and considering the presenceof dynamic objects such as cars. It is proposed a novel method based on machine learning to extract the semantic context using a pair of stereo images, which is merged in an evidential grid to model the uncertainties of an unknown urban environment, applying the Dempster-Shafer theory. To make decisions in path-planning, it is applied the virtual tentacle approach to generate possible paths starting from ego-referenced car and based on it, two news strategies are proposed. First one, a new strategy to select the correct path to better avoid obstacles and tofollow the local task in the context of hybrid navigation, and second, a new closed loop control based on visual odometry and virtual tentacle is modeled to path-following execution. Finally, a complete automotive system integrating the perception, path-planning and control modules are implemented and experimentally validated in real situations using an experimental autonomous car, where the results show that the developed approach successfully performs a safe local navigation based on camera sensors

Babovic, Vladan. "Emergence, evolution, intelligence: hydroinformatics : a study of distributed and decentralised computing using intelligent agents /." Rotterdam [etc.] : Balkema, 1996.

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Hall, Douglas Lee. "A Comparative Analysis of Guided vs. Query-Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) Using a Class-Entity-Relationship-Attribute (CERA) Knowledge Base." Thesis, North Texas State University, 1987.

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One of the greatest problems facing researchers in the sub field of Artificial Intelligence known as Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) is the selection of a knowledge base designs that will facilitate the modification of the knowledge base. The Class-Entity-Relationship-Attribute (CERA), proposed by R. P. Brazile, holds certain promise as a more generic knowledge base design framework upon which can be built robust and efficient ITS. This study has a twofold purpose. The first is to demonstrate that a CERA knowledge base can be constructed for an ITS on a subset of the domain of Cretaceous paleontology and function as the "expert module" of the ITS. The second is to test the validity of the ideas that students guided through a lesson learn more factual knowledge, while those who explore the knowledge base that underlies the lesson through query at their own pace will be able to formulate their own integrative knowledge from the knowledge gained in their explorations and spend more time on the system. This study concludes that a CERA-based system can be constructed as an effective teaching tool. However, while an ITS - treatment provides for statistically significant gains in achievement test scores, the type of treatment seems not to matter as much as time spent on task. This would seem to indicate that a query-based system which allows the user to progress at their own pace would be a better type of system for the presentation of material due to the greater amount of on-line computer time exhibited by the users.

Kostias, Aristotelis, and Georgios Tagkoulis. "Development of an Artificial Intelligent Software Agent using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques to play Backgammon Variants." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2018.

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Artificial Intelligence has seen enormous progress in many disciplines in the recent years. Particularly, digitalized versions of board games require artificial intelligence application due to their complex decision-making environment. Game developers aim to create board game software agents which are intelligent, adaptive and responsive. However, the process of designing and developing such a software agent is far from straight forward due the nature and diversity of each game. The thesis examines and presents a detailed procedure of constructing a software agent for backgammon variants, using temporal difference, artificial neural networks and backpropagation. Different artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms used in board games, are overviewed and presented. Finally, the thesis describes the development and implementation of a software agent for the backgammon variant called Swedish Tables and evaluates its performance.
Artificiell intelligens har sett enorma framsteg inom många discipliner de senare åren. Speciellt, digitaliserade brädspel kräver implementering av Artificiell intelligens då deras beslutfattande logik är väldigt komplex. Dataspelutvecklarnas syfte och mål är att skapa programvaror som är intelligenta, adaptiva och lyhörda. Dock konstruktionsoch utvecklingsprocess för att kunna skapa en sådan mjukvara är långtifrån att vara faställd, mest på grund av diversitet av naturen av varje spel. Denna avhandlingen forskar och föreslår en detaljerad procedur för att bygga en "Software Agent" för olika slags Backagammon, genom att använda AI neurala nätvärk och back-propagation metoder. Olika artificiell intelligensoch maskininlärningsalgoritmer som används i brädspel forskas och presenteras. Slutligen denna avhandling beskriver implementeringen och utvecklingen av ett mjukvaru agent för en backgammonvariant, närmare bestämt av "Svenska Tabeller" samt utvärderar dess prestanda.

Enyedy, Albert J. "Robotic Construction Using Intelligent Scaffolding." Digital WPI, 2020.

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Construction is a complex activity that requires the cooperation of multiple workers. Every year, construction activities cause injuries and casualties. To make construction safer, new solutions could be provided by robotics. Robots could be employed not only to replace human workers, but also to make construction in harsh environments safe and cost-effective, paving the way for enhanced underwater infrastructure, deeper underground mining, and planetary colonization. In this thesis, we focus on the topic of collective construction, which involves the cooperation of multiple robots, by presenting a collective robot construction method of our own. Collective construction can be a more viable option than employing individual, complex robots, by potentially allowing the effective realization of large structures, while offering resilience through redundancy, analogous to insect colonies. Our approach offers a novel solution in the design trade-off between choosing the number of robots involved vs. the complexity of the robots involved. On the one hand, capable and complex robots are expensive, limiting the cost effectiveness of realizing large swarms which provide redundancy and increase the system’s resilience to faults. On the other hand, simple and inexpensive robots can be manufactured in large numbers and offer high redundancy, at the cost of limited individual capa bilities and lower performance. We use two types of robots: intelligent scaffolding and worker robots. The intelligent scaffolding acts as regular scaffolding, allowing the worker robots to navigate the structure they assemble, while also guiding and monitoring the construction of the structure. The worker robots move and connect scaffolding and building material while only knowing the local commands necessary to complete their task. This approach is loosely inspired by termite mounds, in which termites use the process of stigmergy in which they mark construction pellets with pheromones to affect the progress of construction, while navigating the struc ture that they build. Thanks to intelligent scaffolding, construction robots have a simple design that allows minimalist onboard computation and communication equipment. In this thesis, we produced a minimum viable prototype demonstrating this concept. Intelligent scaffolding is realized through smart blocks that can be laid and connected to each other. The smart blocks are capable of simple computation and communication once laid. The construction robot uses local navigation methods by line-following across the scaffolding and building blocks of the system. The blocks and construction robot both have a modular design, simplifying the process of manufacturing and repairs while maintaining a low cost. The robot and blocks use magnets to increase the margin of error during block manipulation and allow for the assembly and removal of scaffolding as well as its reuse between build sites. To communicate with the robot, the intelligent scaffolding blocks send local IR signals, similar to TV remote signals, when the robot is on top of them, minimizing the risk of global interference and keeping the system portable. To monitor the connectivity of the system throughout the life cycle of the structure, electrical connections run through each of the blocks, which indicate the status of the structure and can be used to diagnose the location of breaks in the structure for maintenance.

Hiesel, Jeanne C. "An approach to the analysis and design of an intelligent tutoring systems using an object-oriented methodology /." Online version of thesis, 1993.

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Artun, F. Emre. "Reservoir characterization using intelligent seismic inversion." Morgantown, W. Va. : [West Virginia University Libraries], 2005.

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Thesis (M.S.)--West Virginia University, 2005.
Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains xii, 82 p. : ill. (some col.), maps (some col.). Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 80-82).

Books on the topic "Usinage intelligent":


Dehuri, Satchidananda, and Sung-Bae Cho. Knowledge mining using intelligent agents. London: Imperial College Press, 2011.

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Babovic, Vladan. Emergence, evolution, intelligence: Hydroinformatics : a study of distributed and decentralised computing using intelligent agents. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema, 1996.

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Bigus, Joseph P. Constructing intelligent agents using JAVA. 2nd ed. New York: Wiley, 2001.

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Hemanth, D. Jude, ed. Human Behaviour Analysis Using Intelligent Systems. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Yan, Jun. Using fuzzy logic: Towards intelligent systems. New York: Prentice Hall, 1994.

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Casillas, Jorge, and Francisco J. Martínez-López, eds. Marketing Intelligent Systems Using Soft Computing. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

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Schildt, Herbert. Artificial intelligence using C. Berkeley, Calif: Osborne McGraw-Hill, 1987.

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Huddleston, Creed. Intelligent sensor design using the microchip dsPIC. Boston: Elsevier/Newnes, 2006.

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Cao, Tiehua. Intelligent task planning using fuzzy Petri nets. Singapore: World Scientific, 1996.

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Hafner, Christian. Post-modern electromagnetics: Using intelligent Maxwell solvers. Chichester: John Wiley, 1999.

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Book chapters on the topic "Usinage intelligent":


Fonseca, Camilo Isaza, Octavio J. Salcedo Parra, and Brayan S. Reyes Daza. "Intelligent Road Design Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques." In Mobile, Secure, and Programmable Networking, 166–77. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Laskari, Naveen Kumar, and Suresh Kumar Sanampudi. "Design Artificial Intelligence Course Contents Using Artificial Intelligent Techniques." In ICICCT 2019 – System Reliability, Quality Control, Safety, Maintenance and Management, 592–99. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.

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Chen, Jim X., and Harry Wechsler. "Human Computer Intelligent Interaction Using Augmented Cognition and Emotional Intelligence." In Virtual Reality, 205–14. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.

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Floares, Alexandru G. "Using Computational Intelligence to Develop Intelligent Clinical Decision Support Systems." In Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, 266–75. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

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Babenko, Liudmila, and Ilya Pisarev. "Comprehensive Analysis of Cryptographic Protocol Implementations Using Formal Verification and Dynamic Analysis Using the PDA Language." In Artificial Intelligence in Intelligent Systems, 428–43. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Ali, Ammar Alhaj, Bronislav Chramcov, Roman Jasek, Rasin Katta, and Said Krayem. "Classification of Plant Diseases Using Convolutional Neural Networks." In Artificial Intelligence in Intelligent Systems, 268–75. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Kok, Vernon, Nontokozo Mpofu, and Micheal Olusanya. "Severity Estimation of Potholes in Imagery Using Convolutional Neural Networks." In Artificial Intelligence in Intelligent Systems, 658–72. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Rafique, Imsal, Mudasir Dilawar, Amina Umer, and Muhammad Ahmad Hassan. "Classification of Cardiotocography Data for Fetal Health Using Feature Selection Techniques." In Artificial Intelligence in Intelligent Systems, 34–44. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Ekblom, Paul. "Intelligence." In Crime Prevention, Security and Community Safety Using the 5Is Framework, 163–80. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2011.

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Shoilekova, Kamelia. "Intelligent Data Analysis Using a Classification Method for Data Mining Knowledge Discovery Process." In Artificial Intelligence in Intelligent Systems, 153–57. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Conference papers on the topic "Usinage intelligent":


Guerra-Zubiaga, David, Logan Block, Adam Ricketts, Jacob Faile, and Charlie Dickson. "A New Approach to Develop an Intelligent Robotic Gripper Using Virtual Tools Implementing IIoT and ML Technologies." In ASME 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021.

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Abstract Industrial manufacturing companies face the challenge of adapting to increasingly complex demands, especially with the influx of online ordering. One case of this is in the underperformance of end-effectors, limiting the adaptability of robotic arms in manufacturing functionality. To create proper gripper adaptability, intelligent gripper design is required to improve the sensibility and processing capability of the end-effectors. This will allow for grippers to perform effective decision-making and optimize production. This paper suggests a methodology that includes a step-by-step design process for an intelligent gripper and discusses how to develop intelligence utilizing key components of Industry 4.0 (Internet of Things, machine learning, and cloud manufacturing). This method was analyzed in a case study of a low-level intelligent vacuum gripper design. The methodology will be beneficial to intelligent gripper design from multiple levels of intelligence, creating a guide for engineers to follow to effectively design intelligent gripper solutions for their systems.

Monteiro, Juarez, Roger Granada, Rafael C. Pinto, and Rodrigo C. Barros. "Beating Bomberman with Artificial Intelligence." In XV Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2018.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) seeks to bring intelligent behavior for machines by using specific techniques. These techniques can be employed in order to solve tasks, such as planning paths or controlling intelligent agents. Some tasks that use AI techniques are not trivially testable, since it can handle a high number of variables depending on their complexity. As digital games can provide a wide range of variables, they become an efficient and economical means for testing artificial intelligence techniques. In this paper, we propose a combination of a behavior tree and a Pathfinding algorithm to solve a maze-based problem using the digital game Bomberman of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) platform. We perform an analysis of the AI techniques in order to verify the feasibility of future experiments in similar complex environments. Our experiments show that our intelligent agent can be successfully implemented using the proposed approach.

Shweta A.S. "Intelligent refrigerator using ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE." In 2017 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO). IEEE, 2017.

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Hosam, Osama. "Intelligent Risk Management using Artificial Intelligence." In 2022 Advances in Science and Engineering Technology International Conferences (ASET). IEEE, 2022.

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Westermann, Thorsten, Harald Anacker, Roman Dumitrescu, Ursula Frank, and Axel Hessenkämper. "Interdisciplinary System Architecture for Intelligent Technical Systems." In ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015.

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Nowadays, mechanical engineering products change from mechatronic products, characterized by the close interplay of mechanics, electronics, control and software engineering to Intelligent Technical Systems (ITS). Intelligent Technical Systems are mechatronic systems with inherent partial intelligence. Mechanical engineering products will be a symbiosis of information technology and mechanical parts. This will entail a rising complexity of technical systems and its development. Therefore we introduce an approach to improve system architectures of mechanical engineering products to realize Intelligent Technical Systems. Our approach meets the following challenges: creating a domain-spanning description of the system with Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE); designing an interdisciplinary and modular system architecture by using the technological concept of Intelligent Technical Systems; identifying and implementing solution elements as reusable modules. Validated by a separator, our results clarify the benefits of MBSE and the technological concept of ITS to improve system architectures of mechanical engineering products to realize Intelligent Technical Systems.

Fang, Sheng, and Shunhuai Chen. "Research on Intelligent Loading of Bulk Carriers." In ASME 2020 39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020.

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Abstract With the rapid development of computer technology in recent years, the shipbuilding industry is accelerating its intelligent process. Intelligent cargo management is an important functional module of intelligent ships, and intelligent loading is an important part of intelligent cargo management. Cargo loading is an important link in the process of cargo transportation. The loading effect affects the sailing performance, safety performance and loading efficiency of the ship, so it is necessary to improve the intelligence of ship loading. Based on the calculation and research of the floating state, stability, structural strength and loading efficiency of the bulk carrier during loading, a general mathematical model for the intelligent loading of bulk carriers is established. The model comprehensively considers the influence of loading rounds, loading capacity and loading order. It is solved using an improved genetic algorithm to obtain optimized loading results. The loading case calculation was carried out using a 20000t bulk carrier as an example, and an optimized solution was obtained, which proved the effectiveness of the algorithm. The results show that the method can effectively improve the loading efficiency of the ship while ensuring that the ship has sufficient strength and suitable floating state.

Усамов, И. Р., А. А. Албакова, and А. А. Мустиев. "THE ROLE OF INTELLIGENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN THE MODERN WORLD." In «АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ СОВРЕМЕННОЙ НАУКИ: ТЕОРИЯ, ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ, МЕТОДОЛОГИЯ И ПРАКТИКА». Международная научно-практическая онлайн-конференция, приуроченная к 60-ти летию член-корреспондента Академии наук ЧР, доктора технических наук, профессора Сайд-Альви Юсуповича Муртазаева. Crossref, 2021.

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Статья посвящена рассмотрению роли интеллектуальных информационных систем в современном мире. Проведен анализ и рассмотрена сущность интеллектуальных систем, отрасли использования интеллектуальных систем, выделены проблемы внедрения интеллектуальных информационных систем и предложены механизмы решения проблем внедрения интеллектуальных информационных систем. Рассмотрены основные отрасли, где используются интеллектуальные информационные системы для повышения скорости производства и улучшения качества оказываемых услуг. Рассмотрены основные три проблемы искусственного интеллекта, которые не решены на данный момент, и которые в будущем могут вызвать мировой хаос. Предложены механизмы решения данных трех проблем. The article is devoted to the role of intelligent information systems in the modern world. The article analyzes and considers the essence of intelligent systems, the branches of using intelligent systems, identifies the problems of implementing intelligent information systems, and suggests mechanisms for solving the problems of implementing intelligent information systems. The main industries where intelligent information systems are used to increase the speed of production and improve the quality of services provided are considered. The main three problems of artificial intelligence, which are not solved at the moment, and which in the future can cause global chaos, are considered. Mechanisms for solving the set here problems areproposed.

Garbenis, Simas. "Trait Emotional Intelligence of Teachers Working in Special Education Schools." In 79th International Scientific Conference of University of Latvia. University of Latvia, 2021.

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Today’s schools are constantly engaged by various new experiences, challenges, difficulties and opportunities. Nowadays it is well known that for a school to be successful in both academic and social development it must be opened to use new strategies and methods in order to adapt to these constantly upcoming challenges. It is known that students with special educational needs usually find it harder to function socially, academically, they also tend to undervalue their quality of life. In recent years it has been discovered that student emotions can play a huge part for one’s development in the mentioned areas. In order to fully understand and dispose emotional powers one must be emotionally intelligent. In recent decades research has revealed that emotional intelligence can play a key role to increase the potential of students with special educational needs. These children usually struggle to socially adapt and communicate, to create new relationships, tend to be emotionally unstable, etc. It is also stated that in order to develop student’s emotional intelligence teachers should be highly emotionally intelligent as well as emotional intelligence is developed through social interactions, and the control of social interactions in the emotional level. Thus, the development of their emotional intelligence in a school environment is majorly important, especially if this kind of development is being conducted by highly emotionally intelligent teachers. It is because of these statements the aim of this study has been formulated – to evaluate the trait emotional intelligence of primary school teachers who work in special education schools. In order to reach this goal several research questions were raised: what are the global EI and its factor scores of our sample, how do these scores distribute between themselves, how do they contribute for the development of EI? Also, several research methods were used. A sample of 66 primary education teachers who work in special education schools form Lithuania and Latvia were asked to answer the TEIQue-SF questionnaire. Their scores were evaluated according to the questionnaires scoring key. Their score validity was conducted by using Cronbach’s alpha score and KMO factorial analysis scores all by using SPSS v23. Although the Cronhach’s alpha and KMO scores show no significant research data it has been partly discovered that the teacher’s from our sample global emotional intelligence score should be at a higher than intermediate-high level.

Coker, L. O. Toriola, N. AYekini, H. Alaka, and A. O. Ajimo. "Artificial Intelligence Systems for Teaching and Learning in Civil Engineering: Conceptual Framework." In 9th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIAP 2022). Academy and Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC), 2022.

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Artificial intelligence technology is based on design of machine or computer application that mimic human intelligent. Use of artificial intelligence in teaching and learning in civil engineering is a welcome development. This paper presents a conceptual framework of Artificial Intelligence Systems for Teaching, Learning, and administration of in Civil Engineering education. The proposed system is to be designed using the following tools: Extensible Markup Language (XML) to develop the GUI, Hypertext Pre-processor (PHP) for the web user interface (WUI), APACHE for middleware, MYSQL for database design, and UML will be used to visualize the design of the system. If the system is developed and implemented, it will go a long way to advance teaching and learning, and educational administration in civil engineering profession.

Choi, Young-Cheol, and Hyo-Sung Ahn. "The Bio-Insect and Artificial Robots Interaction Based on Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning." In ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2009.

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Multi-agent reinforcement learning is a challenging research topic used in various fields including robotics, artificial intelligence, distributed control, and so on. Recently, there have been lots of efforts to develop multi-agent reinforcement learning theories; but there exist many difficulties in multi-agent reinforcement learning system. In this paper, we introduce our on-going project BRIDS (Bio-insect and artificial Robot Interaction based on Distributed System), which is for interactions between a bio-insect and artificial robots using multi-agent reinforcement learning. The main objective of this project is to drive the bio-insect to the desired position using a group of artificial intelligent robots. Simulation results show that artificial intelligent robots drive the bio-insect to the target position using reinforcement learning.

Reports on the topic "Usinage intelligent":


Serhrouchni, A., and H. Labiod. TLS Authentication Using Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Certificates. Edited by M. Msahli, N. Cam-Winget, and W. Whyte. RFC Editor, September 2020.

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Anderson, John R. Using an Intelligent Tutor to Study Skill Acquisition. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, August 1990.

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Cooley, Erika J., Jaime L. McClain, Jaclyn K. Murton, Thayne L. Edwards, Komandoor E. Achyuthan, Darren W. Branch, Paul Gilbert Clem, et al. Intelligent front-end sample preparation tool using acoustic streaming. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2009.

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Scheiber, Lane B., and Ronald A. Enlow. Warfighter's Edge: Using Intelligent Agents To Solve Warfighter Problems. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, August 2001.

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Letendre, Steven, Krishnan Gowri, Michael CW Kintner-Meyer, and Richard M. Pratt. Intelligent Vehicle Charging Benefits Assessment Using EV Project Data. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 2013.

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Andrade, Sylvio F., Neil C. Rowe, Donald P. Gaver, and Patricia A. Jacobs. Analysis of Shipboard Firefighting-Team Efficiency Using Intelligent-Agent Simulation. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 2002.

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Nichols, Jonathan M., Frank Bucholtz, and Joseph V. Michalowicz. Intelligent Data Fusion Using Sparse Representations and Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 2009.

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Hanson, Eric N. Support of Intelligent Integration of Information Using an Asynchronous Trigger Processor. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, June 2000.

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Cao, Siyang, Yao-jan Wu, and Feng Jin. Development of Intelligent Multimodal Traffic Monitoring using Radar Sensor at Intersections. Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC), 2021.

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Jenny, Hubert, Yihong Wang, Eduardo Garcia Alonso, and Roberto Minguez. Using Artificial Intelligence for Smart Water Management Systems. Asian Development Bank, July 2020.

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