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Charitonidou, Marianna. "László Moholy-Nagy and Alvar Aalto’s Connections". Enquiry The ARCC Journal for Architectural Research 17, n.º 1 (30 de diciembre de 2020): 28–46.

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Departing from the fact that László Moholy-Nagy’s Von Material zu Architektur (1929), had been an important source of inspiration for Alvar Aalto, this article examines the affinities between László Moholy-Nagy and Alvar Aalto’s intellectual positions. The article places emphasis on two particular ideas: how Aalto and Moholy-Nagy conceived the connection of biology with standardization and technology and its relationship to light and perception. Special attention is paid to the notions of “flexible standardisation” and rationalisation in Aalto’s thought, as well as to his belief that nature and standardization should be conceived are closely interconnected. In regard to their shared intellectual development, the article sheds light on the first encounters of the two men including: their meeting at the second Congrès International de l’Architecture Moderne (CIAM) in 1929; the June 1931 Finish meeting of Aino Marsio-Aalto, Alvar Aalto, Moholy-Nagy and Ellen Frank; the June 1931 exchanges between Aalto and Moholy-Nagy during the inner circle CIAM meeting in Berlin; and the common stay of the Aaltos and Moholy-Nagy in London in 1933 are discussed. Particular emphasis is placed on Aalto’s “The Reconstruction of Europe is the Key Problem for the Architecture of Our Time”, in which he argued that standardization in architecture should draw upon biological models.

Melgin, Elina. "Profeetaksi omalle maalleen". Ennen ja nyt: Historian tietosanomat 22, n.º 3 (12 de septiembre de 2022): 26–42.

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Alvar Aallon menestys maailmanluokan arkkitehdiksi sisälsi paitsi ylivoimaista ja ainutlaatuista osaamista myös propagandaa, oman aikamme käsitteellä markkinointiviestintää ja lehdistösuhteita. Aalto oli vuorovaikutuksellinen, avoin ja helposti yhteistyö- ja ystävyyssuhteita solmiva persoona. Hän oli kansainvälisesti verkottunut oman alansa ihmisiin Pohjoismaissa ja Euroopassa heti uransa alussa. Artikkelissa kuvataan, mitä nuori Aalto halusi päivälehtien avulla kertoa ns. suurelle yleisölle kotimaassaan. Mistä sanomalehdet kirjoittivat ja milloin julkisuudesta tuli niin suurta, että Aaltoa saatettiin kuvata poikkeuksellisena mestarina. Artikkelin pääaineistona on käytetty Kansalliskirjaston digitoituja sanomalehtiä 1920-1930 -luvulta. Vaikka arkkitehti Aallosta on kirjoitettu läjäpäin teoksia, tämä artikkeli avaa ensimmäistä kertaa systemaattisesti Aallon aktiivista julkisuustyötä, niin sanottua työprosessia, johon pressisuhteet kuuluivat olennaisena osana.

MATTHEWS, HENRY. "ALVAR AALTO". Art Book 13, n.º 4 (noviembre de 2006): 59–60.

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Wang, Zulin, Arif Tirto Aji, Benjamin Paul Wilson, Steinar Jørstad, Maria Møll y Mari Lundström. "Modelling the Effect of Solution Composition and Temperature on the Conductivity of Zinc Electrowinning Electrolytes". Metals 11, n.º 11 (13 de noviembre de 2021): 1824.

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Zinc electrowinning is an energy-intensive step of hydrometallurgical zinc production in which ohmic drop contributes the second highest overpotential in the process. As the ohmic drop is a result of electrolyte conductivity, three conductivity models (Aalto-I, Aalto-II and Aalto-III) were formulated in this study based on the synthetic industrial electrolyte conditions of Zn (50–70 g/dm3), H2SO4 (150–200 g/dm3), Mn (0–8 g/dm3), Mg (0–4 g/dm3), and temperature, T (30–40 °C). These studies indicate that electrolyte conductivity increases with temperature and H2SO4 concentration, whereas metal ions have negative effects on conductivity. In addition, the interaction effects of temperature and the concentrations of metal ions on solution conductivity were tested by comparing the performance of the linear model (Aalto-I) and interrelated models (Aalto-II and Aalto-III) to determine their significance in the electrowinning process. Statistical analysis shows that Aalto-I has the highest accuracy of all the models developed and investigated in this study. From the industrial validation, Aalto-I also demonstrates a high level of correlation in comparison to the other models presented in this study. Further comparison of model Aalto-I with the existing published models from previous studies shows that model Aalto-I substantially improves the accuracy of the zinc conductivity empirical model.

Ray, Nick. "The Aalto atelier". Architectural Research Quarterly 14, n.º 4 (diciembre de 2010): 293–94.

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Niskanen, Aino. "Alvar Aalto and Cultural Memory". Joelho Revista de Cultura Arquitectonica, n.º 13 (10 de marzo de 2022): 45–66.

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This article examines the meanings of the past which Aalto wanted to transpose into his architecture – what I term cultural memory. I search for their points of origin in Aalto’s education and travels, in particular his impressions of the Acropolis in Athens. For Aalto, a civic centre was “the face of a city”, which should be the citizens’ meeting place. Of particular importance to him was the ritual entry into a theatre. Of the many civic centres that Aalto designed, few were realised in their entirety. Three of them are examined, as well as the Helsinki University of Technology campus, which is interpreted as a city in miniature. Aalto fought against the idea of placing commercial functions in close proximity with his centres – but recent extensions and traffic arrangements have brought a new vibrancy to some of them. The way in which Aalto handled the idea of memory and his use of classical elements is studied. I argue that classicism seemed continuously attractive to Aalto.

Hipeli, Mia. "Artek and Alvar Aalto". Designing Modern Life, n.º 46 (2012): 36–41.

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Artek was founded in November 1935. The name of the company, Art + Technology, reflects its objectives and methods of operation. The intention was to offer to its wide range of customers, practical, economical, hygienic and above all Modern furniture that reflected its own time. The furniture was to represent the values of an urban and efficient lifestyle. In the company’s founding meeting on 26.11.1935, Maire Gullichsen and Alvar Aalto became the main shareholders. Other shareholders were: Nils–Gustaf Hahl, Artek’s first managing director; P.W. Puhakka, the managing director of Huonekalu- ja Rakennustyötehdas, the company that produced the furniture designed by Aalto; Aino Marsio–Aalto; architect Aili–Salli Ahde; professor Carl Hahl; and architect Arne Ervi.

Aalto-Setälä, I. "Finland ·Ilkka Aalto-Setälä". European State Aid Law Quarterly 21, n.º 2 (2022): 196–97.

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Aalto-Setälä, I. "Finland ∙ Ilkka Aalto-Setälä". European State Aid Law Quarterly 17, n.º 3 (2018): 430–31.

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Aalto-Setälä, I. "Finland ·Ilkka Aalto-Setälä". European State Aid Law Quarterly 18, n.º 2 (2019): 206.

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Aalto-Setälä, I. "Finland ·Ilkka Aalto-Setälä". European State Aid Law Quarterly 18, n.º 3 (2019): 427–28.

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Treib, Marc. "Alvar Aalto at 100". Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 57, n.º 1 (1 de marzo de 1998): 59–67.

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García Escudero, Daniel y Berta Bardí i Milà. "Robert Venturi y el análisis de la arquitectura de Alvar Aalto". BAc Boletín Académico. Revista de investigación y arquitectura contemporánea 3 (8 de julio de 2015): 49.

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En el año 2012 se han cumplido cincuenta años de la redacción del libro Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, publicado en 1966, aunque redactado mayoritariamente en 1962. Este artículo aprovecha la efeméride para rescatarlo y focalizar ahora la mirada en la obra de Alvar Aalto, uno de los arquitectos que, en palabras del propio Venturi, más le influyó: “Aalto es para mí la fuente más rica para aprender por su arte y su técnica”. El análisis de Venturi representa una alternativa a la visión “clásica” que se construye sobre Aalto durante los cincuenta, y marca el camino de estudios posteriores.

Matala, Saara. "Lectio Preacursoria 19.1.2019". Tekniikan Waiheita 37, n.º 1 (17 de junio de 2019): 58–65.

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Saara Matalan teollistumisen historian väitöskirja tarkastettiin Aalto-yliopiston Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulussa 19.1.2019. Vastaväittäjänä toimi Richard Hirsh (Virginia Tech), ja kustoksena vieraileva professori Mats Fridlund. Väitöskirja on saatavilla elektronisena versiona Aalto-yliopiston julkaisuportaalissa ( ja luettavissa suoraan

Isohauta, Teija. "The diversity of timber in Alvar Aalto's architecture: forests, shelter and safety". Architectural Research Quarterly 17, n.º 3-4 (diciembre de 2013): 269–80.

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In Alvar Aalto's architecture wood had an important role, symbolically and as a material. Aalto brought out the biological characteristics of wood and its relationship with human beings and with nature in his architecture. Aalto was a master at combining Finnish vernacular building with the European tradition and metamorphosing into some other material as he went along. Concrete, glass, wood and brick were all equally worthy materials.In Aalto's architecture, the role of wood is based above all on the ease with which it can be worked, its heat insulation properties and the fact that it is pleasant to the touch. Trees themselves as symbols of growth and sources of form of different kinds, and forests as spatial outlines, however, gave wood a mythical character. To Aalto, wood was adapted as an argument for human warmth and humanism when, to his mind, Modernism, the International Style, began to become too stereotyped and estranged from the idealism Aalto associated with it. With time, wood became for Aalto more and more a material that was used for cladding buildings and worked as a space divider, a material that was employed to soften acoustics and was used in details for places that people were going to touch.It could be said that, on the one hand, wood acted as decoration in Aalto's buildings, but on the other, the variations of form in the wooden detailing show a synthesis of Aalto's architecture.

Miller, William C. y Goran Schildt. "Alvar Aalto: The Mature Years". Journal of Architectural Education (1984-) 47, n.º 1 (septiembre de 1993): 53.

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Miller, William C. "Alvar Aalto: The Mature Years". Journal of Architectural Education 47, n.º 1 (septiembre de 1993): 53–54.

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Pelkonen, Eeva-Liisa. "In Search of Aalto. A Review of Alvar Aalto: The Mark of the Hand". Architectural Histories 1, n.º 1 (26 de marzo de 2013): 9.

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Manzano Jurado, Josemaría. "Lo abstracto, Aalto y el dibujo". EGA. Revista de expresión gráfica arquitectónica 21, n.º 27 (9 de mayo de 2016): 106.

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<p>Incursión en el imaginario abstracto de la obra de Alvar Aalto analizando el artículo publicado en 1947 en la revista Domus titulado Arquitectura y arte concreto. Desde la experiencia imaginativa de la Biblioteca de Viipuri y sus dibujos previos oníricos, y las metáforas naturalistas sobre el salmón y su periplo vital, Aalto se desnuda y muestra su procedimiento intuitivo sin renunciar a la ortodoxia racionalista.</p>

Fernández-Vivancos González, Enrique. ""La casa que crece" en el AA-System de Alvar Aalto". ZARCH, n.º 11 (4 de diciembre de 2018): 110–21.

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En 1940, ya iniciada la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Alvar Aalto acordó con el M.I.T. la creación de un laboratorio de investigación sobre el problema de la reconstrucción, enfocado al desarrollo de sistemas de prefabricación de viviendas destinadas al realojo de la población desplazada. En dicho laboratorio Aalto se centró en el estudio de la "casa que crece", en referencia a un caso perteneciente a la ancestral cultura finesa que en ese delicado momento político le interesaba reivindicar: la arquitectura popular de Carelia. Pese a su brevedad, esta investigación que enlaza cultura técnica y tradición vernácula orientó gran parte de los estudios sobre prefabricación llevados a cabo en Finlandia durante los años cuarenta, y la podemos ver plasmada en la propuesta del AA-system que Aalto elaboró para la empresa A. Ahlsmtröm. El presente artículo analiza el desarrollo de esta experiencia, situándola en un periodo de reconstrucción posbélica en el que la transferencia de la tecnología norteamericana al contexto finlandés se integra con la aspiración de recuperar la dimensión humana perdida en los procesos de industrialización. Una reflexión que Aalto impulsó a través de iniciativas como el Laboratorio del Investigación para la Reconstrucción, el AA-system o la Oficina de Estandarización, y que finalmente se concretó en la formulación del concepto de "estandarización flexible".

Peltonen, Kirsi. "IN TRANSITION - Mathematics and Art". New Zealand Journal of Mathematics 52 (11 de octubre de 2021): 643–69.

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Aalto University has been able to create a fruitful frame for activitiesenhancing interaction between mathematics, art and architecture. One of the most recent highlights of this progress was a student exhibition titled `'IN TRANSITION -- Mathematics and Art' [12] at Espoo Cultural Centre [9].The exhibition was further extended to the Aalto Math&Arts exhibition inShanghai ([3],[25]). In this paper we describe our long-lasting open-mindedcollaboration to build a minor in Mathematics and Arts that is useful fromfreshmen to PhD students across the conventional barriers between disciplines. A dialogue between scientific and artistic practices break clichés related to mathematics by bringing deep phenomena in the field to the level of human experience. Challenges and future scenarios are discussed broadly. Some ideas about the present state of Aalto Math and Arts can be found in[2].

Booth, T. William. "Review: Alvar Aalto Furniture by Juhani Pallasmaa, Elissa Aalto, Tapio Periainen, Aarno Ruusuvuori, Ake Tjeder". Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 44, n.º 4 (1 de diciembre de 1985): 397–98.

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Vihma, Susann. "Mads Nygaard Folkmann: The Aesthetics of Imagination in Design". Artifact 3, n.º 4 (28 de julio de 2015): 1.

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Jové Sandoval, José María y Jairo Rodríguez Andrés. "Alvar Aalto: el vínculo con Jean Arp y la estructura interna de los objetos biomórficos". EGA Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica 26, n.º 42 (16 de julio de 2021): 142.

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<p>A principios de los años treinta se produce la confluencia de Alvar Aalto con Jean Arp, será un paso más en el proceso creativo del maestro finlandés. El estudio profundiza en este vínculo artístico y en la experimentación paralela, singular y nada casual, de Aalto con las formas libres. Una incursión en una breve secuencia de trabajos del arquitecto finlandés en aquellos años, fundamentada en un análisis de los croquis más significativos, da pie a reflexionar sobre la continua búsqueda aaltiana de la naturaleza propia de los nuevos objetos, y denota su empeño incesante por hallar una <em>estructura interna </em>coherente. Esta indagación se ve materializada en forma de arquitectura con la construcción del Pabellón de Lapua en 1938, a cuyo proyecto, tras esta investigación, los autores concluyen asignar un croquis que puede considerarse indebidamente adscrito a otro proyecto en la Fundación Alvar Aalto.</p>

Kravchenko, Serguéi. "Restauración de la biblioteca de Viipuri". Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración, n.º 4 (18 de diciembre de 1997): 32.

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<p>La restauración de la biblioteca de Alvar Aalto en Viipuri, hoy en territorio ruso, se hará realidad gracias a un convenio de colaboración entre la Academia Rusa de Restauración de San Peterburgo y la Fundación Alvar Aalto. En este artículo, Serguéi Kravchenko, jefe del proyecto de restauración por la parte rusa entre 1988 y 1997, resume su estudio previo, reflexiones y propuestas de intervención en el edificio. Esta investigación rigurosa constituye el legado que ha dejado tras nueve años de dedicación exclusiva y devota a la biblioteca. Sin embargo, ha sido recientemente destituido de su puesto por extrañas y oscuras razones ajenas a la calidad de su trabajo. ¿Se ignorará toda su labor realizada hasta la fecha? Esperamos que la biblioteca no sea víctima de nuevo de avatares ajenos a la disciplina arquitectónica. Estas cuestiones cobran mayor actualidad en el año 1998, con motivo del centenario del nacimiento de Alvar Aalto.</p>

Kim, Hyon-Sob. "Alvar Aalto and Humanizing of Architecture". Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering 8, n.º 1 (mayo de 2009): 9–16.

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Paajanen, Ilkka. "What to Do with Alvar Aalto?" Advanced Engineering Forum 12 (noviembre de 2014): 51–54.

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In Finland the influence of the Alvar Aalto has been very strong. It is not easy to say, what to do with Alvar Aalto and his buildings? Let’s take three cases: Library in Vyborg was built just before the Second World War. The former Finnish town was after the war one part of the Soviet Union. During the soviet era the building was in very bad condition. During the last 20 years it has been renovated. Now it looks like it was in the 30es. Some details remind the soviet renovations. Should we have a building like this in his earlier presentation or should we see also the history of the building? Sunila area in Kotka was built by one wood company in the middle of the 20th century. In the 60es the company sold the buildings. The flats are small, in the flats there are toilets but not showers. The situation especially in the 70es was miserable. In the last decades the Pro Sunila society has developed the area and the flats (for example two small flats together as a big one with bigger showers etc.). How we can develop an area? Nano laboratory building in Otaniemi was built in 60es as wood laboratory of the Helsinki University of Technology. There are many very fine architectural details in the building. For about eight years ago the building was renovated as nano laboratory. How to renovate a laboratory building, when you should in the same time use renovation, conservation and build high tech laboratory?

Robbins, Eleanor. "Viipuri Library (1927-1935) Alvar Aalto". Art Book 2, n.º 1 (enero de 1994): 22b.

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Robbins, Eleanor. "Viipuri Library (1927-1935) Alvar Aalto". Art Book 2, n.º 1 (enero de 1995): 22b.

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Mijares, Carlos. "Alvar Aalto, maestro de la naturalidad". Bitácora arquitectura, n.º 1 (22 de junio de 2011): 37–41.

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Adrià, Miquel. "Alvar Aalto, el dominio del trazo". Bitácora arquitectura, n.º 1 (22 de junio de 2011): 42–43.

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Riikonen, Taina. "Elokuvaäänen kosketus". Lähikuva – audiovisuaalisen kulttuurin tieteellinen julkaisu 28, n.º 4 (1 de abril de 2015): 79–80.

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Laalo, Hanna. "”Rakennamme työtä ihmistä varten”". Aikuiskasvatus 40, n.º 1 (26 de marzo de 2020): 84–85.

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Treib, Marc. "Review: Alvar Aalto: The Early Years by Göran Schildt, Stuart Wrede; Alvar Aalto ja Keski-Suomi (Alvar Aalto and Central Finland) by Satu Mattila, Päivi Lukkarinen, Martti Kapanen". Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 46, n.º 1 (1 de marzo de 1987): 89–91.

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Aalto-Setälä, I. y H. Koivuniemi. "Finland ∙ Ilkka Aalto-Setälä and Henrik Koivuniemi". European State Aid Law Quarterly 16, n.º 3 (2017): 502–4.

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Aalto-Setälä, I. y S. Hartikainen. "Finland ·Ilkka Aalto-Setälä and Sami Hartikainen". European State Aid Law Quarterly 18, n.º 4 (2019): 573–74.

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Hakonen, Marko y Janne Tienari. "Näköala fuusioon: Aalto-yliopisto, kampusmuutto ja identiteetit". Työelämän tutkimus 19, n.º 2 (15 de junio de 2021): 119–46.

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Vastaamme tässä artikkelissa kysymykseen siitä, miten akateemisten työntekijöiden paikkaan ja sosiaalisiin ryhmiin kiinnittyneet identiteetit rakentuvat organisaation toimintojen keskittämiseen tähtäävässä muutossa, joka on osa yliopistojen fuusiota. Tämä on monimutkainen prosessi, jota avaamme Aalto-yliopiston toimintojen keskittämisen ja Aallon kauppakorkeakoulun Etu-Töölöstä Otaniemen kampukselle tapahtuneen muuton kautta. Aikaisempi tutkimus on kuvannut paikkaidentiteetin ja sosiaalisen identiteetin yhteyksiä ja vuorovaikutusta muuttuvassa – tässä fuusioprosessin ja kampusmuuton kokeneessa – organisaatiossa varsin rajoittuneesti. Tuomme ”näköalan” käsitteen avulla esiin identiteettien kerrostumisen ulottuvuuksia muutostilanteissa. Ydinlöydöksemme on, että paikka- ja ryhmäsidonnaiset identiteetit kietoutuvat toisiinsa ja kerrostuvat monimutkaisemmin kuin aikaisempi tutkimus on esittänyt. Väitämme, että ”näköala” eli ihmisten kontekstisidonnainen henkilöhistoria auttaa ymmärtämään näitä yhteyksiä. Tämä tuo uusia ulottuvuuksia akateemisten identiteettien tutkimukseen.

Aalto-Setälä, I. y H. Piekkala. "Finland ·Ilkka Aalto-Setälä and Henriikka Piekkala". European State Aid Law Quarterly 20, n.º 2 (2021): 304.

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De Sá, Ana Luísa. "Álvaro Siza's First Encounter with Alvar Aalto". Joelho Revista de Cultura Arquitectonica, n.º 13 (10 de marzo de 2022): 99–116.

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This paper delves into the use of references in architecture. By being particularly open about this often controversial subject, lvaro Siza proposes fascinating and important materials for reflection. This paper parses two takes on his use of references as particularly posited by theorists William Curtis in 1994 and Peter Testa a decade before him. It expands on the seminal relevance of Siza’s first encounter with Alvar Aalto. It argues the implications of the event, both immediate and yonder, highlighting, through Siza’s own words, clues to underlying processes in his (re)collection of references as an instrument of work. It readdresses Siza’s use of references in light of the complexities of the phenomena at play. This paper portrays a fragment of an ongoing research into Álvaro Siza’s modus pensandi and modus faciendi.

Wilson, Colin St John. "Review: Alvar Aalto: Between Humanism and Materialism". Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 57, n.º 4 (1 de diciembre de 1998): 463–65.

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Radford, Antony y Tarkko Oksala. "Alvar Aalto and the expression of discontinuity". Journal of Architecture 12, n.º 3 (junio de 2007): 257–80.

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Rojas, Orlando J. y Patrick Rinke. "Special Issue: Materials Platform at Aalto University". Advanced Electronic Materials 3, n.º 6 (junio de 2017): 1700202.

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Limpert, George, Adam Houston y Noah Lock. "The advanced algorithm for tracking objects (AALTO)". Meteorological Applications 22, n.º 4 (6 de agosto de 2015): 694–704.

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Mäntyvaara, Ilkka. "Hissiatri muistelee". Tekniikan Waiheita 39, n.º 2 (25 de junio de 2021): 116–17.

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Hedman, Eerika. "Johtoryhmien vuorovaikutus - miten kehittää taitavaa vuorovaikutusta?" Prologi 12, n.º 1 (15 de diciembre de 2016): 83–88.

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Lectio praecursoria puheviestinnän väitöskirjaksi tarkoitetun tutkimuksen Facilitating leadership team communication tarkastustilaisuudessa Jyväskylän yliopistossa 5.12.2015. Vastaväittäjänä toimi dosentti Anu Sivunen (Aalto-yliopisto) ja kustoksena professori Maarit Valo.

Sunikka, Anne. "Organising RDM and Open Science Services". International Journal of Digital Curation 14, n.º 1 (24 de diciembre de 2019): 180–93.

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This paper describes how the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture launched an initiative on research data management and open data, open access publishing, and open and collaborative ways of working in 2014. Most of the universities and research institutions took part in the collaborative initiative building new tools and training material for the Finnish research needs. Measures taken by one university, Aalto University, are described in detail and analysed, and compared with the activities taking place in other universities. The focus of this paper is in the changing roles of experts at Aalto University, and organisational transformation that offers possibilities to serve academic personnel better. Various ways of building collaboration and arranging services are described, and their benefits and drawbacks are discussed.

Laapotti, Tomi. "Vuorovaikutus sairaalajohtoryhmien kokouksissa". Prologi 14, n.º 1 (15 de diciembre de 2018): 84–88.

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Lectio praecursoria viestinnän väitöskirjaksi tarkoitetun tutkimuksen Vuorovaikutus sairaalajohtoryhmien kokouksissa tarkastustilaisuudessa Jyväskylän yliopistossa 27.10.2018. Vastaväittäjänä toimi vanhempi yliopistonlehtori, dosentti Pekka Pälli (Aalto yliopisto) ja kustoksena yliopistonlehtori, FT Leena Mikkola (Jyväskylän yliopisto).

Rincón-Borrego, Iván y Ramón Rodríguez-Llera. "Nordic Memories of the East. Tetsuro Yoshida and the myth of traditional Japanese house in Erik Gunnar Asplund, Aino Aalto and Alvar Aalto". VLC arquitectura. Research Journal 9, n.º 1 (29 de abril de 2022): 27–48.

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Traditional Japanese architecture played an important role in the development of modern European architecture, especially from the beginning of the 20th century. Based on this extensively documented thesis, the influence of Japanese culture and the traditional Japanese house on the figures of Erik Gunnar Asplund, Aino Aalto and Alvar Aalto, especially during the 1930s, is analysed. The study describes how these authors found inspiration in the East, as well as their contacts and sources of reference. Finally, it explains the extent to which they reinterpreted Japanese aesthetics in their designs, especially analysing the case of the Villa Mairea winter garden. In this context, the research points to the decisive role played by the figure of Tetsuro Yoshida and his text Das japanische Wohnhaus (1935) for the interests and designs of these Nordic authors.

Froehlicher, Thomas y Franck Barès. "L’écosystème d’innovation universitaire de Aalto : une contribution au repérage des acteurs impliqués lors de la phase d’émergence". Deuxième dossier thématique : Tissages locaux, maillages globaux : nouvelles dynamiques de la créativité et de l’innovation territorialisées pour la compétitivité internationale 18, n.º 1 (31 de enero de 2014): 153–65.

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L’objectif de cet article est de mieux comprendre comment l’écosystème d’innovation de Aalto, dans la région d’Helsinki en Finlande, s’est structuré au début des années 2000. En s’appuyant tant sur une analyse de données secondaires que sur les principes d’une analyse structurale de réseau, nous avons procédé au repérage des acteurs et de leurs liens au cours de la période dite d’émergence de cet écosystème. Les résultats montrent la coexistence de deux espaces organisés comme des réseaux sociocognitifs pouvant entrer en interaction et se renforcer mutuellement. Un espace territorialisé, centré sur une dynamique d’innovation s’appuyant sur la stratégie de convergence des trois recteurs impliqués sur Aalto. Un espace déterritorialisé construit par une communauté d’acteurs centrée sur l’affirmation de propositions et d’idées destinées à la mise en oeuvre de nouvelles pratiques de gouvernance de l’innovation.

Luutonen, Marketta. "Mallin kautta opitun tunnustamiseen". Aikuiskasvatus 29, n.º 2 (15 de mayo de 2009): 161.

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Taiteesta käsin : käsityön taiteen perusopetus aikuisille : malli visuaalisten taiteiden laajan oppimäärän opetussuunnitelman perusteiden mukaisista opinnoista / Ritva Aalto, Maarit Humalajärvi, Maria Laine, Kirsti Soukka, Solveig Thun-Wilén, Ulla Tujula & Päivi Varjosalo. [Helsinki], [2006].

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