Literatura académica sobre el tema "Audiovisual stories"

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Artículos de revistas sobre el tema "Audiovisual stories":


Virgínia Lima dos Santos, LEVY y SCHNEIDER Daniela Ribeiro. "Crack Users: Life Stories and Subjectivity in Audiovisual Narratives". PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDIES-Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica 25, n.º 3 (2019): 246–53.

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Virgínia Lima dos Santos, LEVY y SCHNEIDER Daniela Ribeiro. "Usuários de Crack: Histórias de Vida e Subjetividade em Narrativas Audiovisuais". PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDIES-Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica 25, n.º 3 (2019): 246–53.

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Médola, Ana Silvia Lopes Davi y Bruno Jareta de Oliveira. "Estratégias enunciativas em Google Spotlight Stories: o olhar da semiótica de Greimas nos vídeos 360°". Significação: Revista de Cultura Audiovisual 44, n.º 48 (19 de diciembre de 2017): 68.

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As lógicas de linearidade e práticas de fruição e interação introduzidas pelos vídeos 360° para dispositivos móveis e aparelhos de realidade virtual constituem um marco na forma expressiva audiovisual. Ao subverter a dinâmica da montagem como elemento fundante dos efeitos de continuidade, os vídeos 360° introduzem nova racionalidade na representação do espaço e conferem ao espectador parte do poder de decisão sobre o que ver. Sistema de significação próprio das tecnologias digitais, a visualidade inaugurada nos vídeos 360° recebe neste trabalho o olhar da semiótica greimasiana sobre as estratégias enunciativas que regem novas formas de espacialização e efeitos de imersão no audiovisual.

Gutiérrez-San-Miguel, Begoña. "La luz como elemento expresivo de la narrativa audiovisual". Comunicar 9, n.º 18 (1 de marzo de 2002): 101–10.

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In the very beginnings of the cinema lightning was used as a simple means of help to carry out the stories set up by script writers. As time passed, it became a relevant element of expression, and at times, it becomes so important that it can modify receptive as well as emotional attitudes in the receptor/spectator, lightning is an element in itself able to encourage emotions. As a symbol, lightning represents knowledge. La iluminación en el cine comienza utilizándose como un mero apoyo para poder llevar a cabo las historias planteadas por los guionistas. Con el tiempo se ha convertido en un elemento expresivo por excelencia y en algunas ocasiones llega a tener una presencia tan importante que modifica las actitudes receptivas y emocionales del receptor, además de ser un elemento que potencia las emociones, simbólicamente la luz representa el conocimiento.

Kang, Sinuk y Yoonjae Nam. "Effect of Audiovisual Translation Mode on Perceived Truthfulness of Stories on Video". Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 43, n.º 1 (7 de febrero de 2015): 137–44.

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We examined an audience's perception of the truthfulness of foreign-language speakers across various audiovisual translation modes. We randomly assigned 89 participants to 1 of 3 conditions: (a) English voiceover of Korean speech, (b) English subtitles over Korean speech, and (c) English speech only. Korean speakers in the English subtitle and voiceover conditions were judged as more truthful than Korean speakers in the English-speech condition. In addition, the multiple significant positive correlations among personality traits and truthfulness suggest that an audience judging translation modes may consider personality traits and recreate impressions of the speaker.

Izquierdo, Vanessa y María Luisa Garrigues. "Neurocommunicative methodologies: attention and emotion of the audiovisual story in the classroom". Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences 6, n.º 1 (20 de mayo de 2019): 89.

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<p class="Textoindependiente21">Audiovisual content as a learning tool has been incorporated extensively into lecture classes. Emotion-cognition is intrinsic to the functioning of the human brain, and therefore can explain the acquisition of knowledge and competencies in the educational field, and more specifically, the transformative impact on digital natives. Advances in the study of the brain have allowed for quantitative measurement of attentional (EDL) and emotional (EDR) terms. The objective of this article is to analyze and evaluate the correlation between attention and emotion during the viewing of two videos shown in a classroom in the academic space of a university. The method consisted of recording the electrodermal activity of various groups of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and Public Relations students during the viewing of the two audiovisual stories. The main results and conclusions link characteristics of the audiovisual narrative and technical-expressive qualities and objectives of the videos with the levels of EDL and EDR recorded by the device and establish advanced lines of research in the field of neuroeducation and neurocommunication.</p>

Zvegintseva, Irina А. "Small Screen and Great Ambitions: Australian Television Series in the Cultural Context of the Country". Journal of Flm Arts and Film Studies 10, n.º 3 (15 de septiembre de 2018): 117–27.

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The article investigates the success of Australian TV series in many countries including Russia. Today, these are professionally made audiovisual works with well-constructed stories, talented casts and magnificent direction. ttey show the life of Australian society, revealing social problems and the reasons of the Green Continents prosperity, make one want to take a closer look at this country.

Stranger-Johannessen, Espen, Liam Doherty y Bonny Norton. "The African Storybook and Storybooks Canada: Digital Stories for Linguistically Diverse Children". Language and Literacy 20, n.º 3 (19 de julio de 2018): 121–33.

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Storybooks Canada ( makes multilingual audiovisual stories available in multiple languages to promote language and literacy development. Building on a long tradition of freely available, open educational resources, Storybooks Canada provides online, multimodal, mobile- and teacher-friendly access to 40 African stories in 21 of the most commonly spoken languages in Canada (including English and French)—making it possible to support and encourage the multilingualism of heritage language, immigrant, and refugee students. In doing so, the project demonstrates the potential for working against the normalized North-South directionality of knowledge flows to develop a more equitable ecosystem for the mobilization of knowledge.

Maturana, León-Alberto. "Televisión, filosofía y escuela". Comunicar 9, n.º 18 (1 de marzo de 2002): 71–75.

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In this paper the author emphasizes the cultural importance of the subject communication and education. He describes his own investigation about the relation of children and young people with audiovisual stories on television, specialy which mean ‘violence’, and explanes his methodology. He also explanes his works around the change’s strategies of children’s attitudes with respect to television messages. La importancia de la cultura como tema central de la comunicación y la educación es el eje de este trabajo, donde se describe una investigación acerca de las relaciones entre los niños y los jóvenes con las historias audiovisuales de la televisión, especialmente aquéllas que significan o tienen que ver con la violencia, así como la metodología seguida y las estrategias de cambio observadas en cuanto a las actitudes de los niños y jóvenes respecto a los mensajes de la televisión.

Krátká, Jana. "Fictional Characters and Their Place in Lifelong Informal Learning". Lifelong Learning 1, n.º 1 (2011): 44–63.

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Audiovisual fictional stories are usually watched for the purpose of relaxation, fun or sharing experiences with characters and learning from the social situations. Our research objectives result from the need to identify the fictional characters, the viewers usually identify with. This study presents results of the research carried out within a group of more than two thousand Czech and Slovak Film Database users. A typology of fictional characters was created in accordance with qualities, the viewer identify with, based on the research results.

Tesis sobre el tema "Audiovisual stories":


Rozema, Susan y Jannika Katharina Nowak. "Effectively Communicating Biodiversity Loss Through Audiovisual Stories". Thesis, Jönköping University, Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation, 2021.

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Communication about biodiversity loss is insufficient and audiovisual stories can help to effectively communicate the problem. This research developed the optimum communication criteria for communicating effectively about biodiversity loss through audiovisual stories. We created our theoretical framework by combining contemporary research about audiovisual stories concerning science and studies on effective communication about biodiversity loss and conservation. Based on this framework and using relevant multimodal critical discourse analysis tools, we built an analytical model. We applied the model to the analysis of three contemporary audiovisual stories concerning biodiversity loss: Rang-tan: the story of dirty palm oil (Greenpeace International, 2018), “Dream” (Wildlife Conservation Film Festival, 2016, original quotation marks), and The Birdman (Fordesman, 2020). The research findings demonstrate that current audiovisual stories lack aspects of the optimum communication criteria and that conservation communicators have not yet made use of the medium's full potential. Ideally, this thesis has the potential to encourage further research on how to communicate more effectively about biodiversity loss.

Moreno, Quiñones Elizabeth Cristina. "Nuevas propuestas y narrativas audiovisuales: Análisis de fashion films, caso Tender Stories de Tous". Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2019.

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En este trabajo de investigación se busca investigar de qué forma se vienen planteando y desarrollando la introducción del mundo audiovisual a través de esta nueva narrativa, los fashion films, en la publicidad y la acogida que esta tiene. Para poder entender de una manera adecuada, se realizará una estrategia metodológica de enfoque cualitativo para el cual se utilizarán guías de análisis de contenido y entrevistas. También, consultará a diferentes autores que hablen acerca de este tema, así como también acerca de los conceptos que un fashion film abarca y que nos ayudarán a entender porque son una opción tan usada por distintas marcas y tan bien recibidas por el público. Asimismo, nos centraremos en un caso en específico: la campaña Tender Stories de Tous. Todo lo anterior, con la finalidad de que más audiovisuales vean en este rubro de lo audiovisual con la publicidad una oportunidad no solo una ventana para mostrar su creatividad y trabajo sino como un campo laboral en el que se pueden desenvolver.
This research work seeks to investigate how they are posing and developing the introduction of the audiovisual world through this new narrative, fashion films, advertising and the reception that it has. To be able to understand in an adequate way, different authors will be consulted that speak about this topic, as well as about the concepts that a fashion film covers and that will help us to understand why they are an option so used by different brands and so well received by the public. We will also focus on a specific case: the Tous Tender Stories campaign. All of the above, with the aim that more audiovisuals see in this area of ​​the audiovisual with advertising an opportunity not only as a window to show their creativity and work but as a work field in which they can develop.
Trabajo de investigación

Ibero, Carlos. "El modelo transformacional de la gramática generativa en la práctica de la subtitulación : Aplicación destinada a transmitir la significación y superar las limitaciones espacio-temporales". Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för språk (SPR), 2014.

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Subtitling is a discipline within the Audiovisual Translation (AVT) field that requires some special techniques and strategies to channel the information from a multichannel and polisemiotic document into a written text within the screen. It’s a constrained translation that demands an additional effort to convey the content and the form of the source text into the target one. The aim of this paper is to analyse whether the model of the kernel sentences and clausal ranks of the generative-transformational grammar would work as a more systematic method to extract the essential information of the audiovisual text and organize it in more concise and reduced units of text, i. e., the subtitles. We will also analyse whether this linguistic approach will be enough to meet our objective or if, on the other hand, other extralinguistic aspects intervene. The texts we will be using for our study are Roy Andersson’s commentary on three deleted scenes of his film “Songs from the second floor” and the documentary Den lilla människans storhet, a behind-the-scenes or making-of on the same feature.

Lian-ChianKuo y 郭璉謙. "Reading ﹑ Audiovisual and Enjoyment : Commercialization and Modernization in the stories of Water Margin". Thesis, 2013.

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From the viewpoint of “commercialization” and “modernization”, this paper presents how the novel, Water Margin, extended its vitality between 1912 and 2012, from late Qing Dynasty when western culture and thoughts were introduced to China to the globalization wave of today. It is noted that the entertainment objects observed in this study are products of the mass culture and for the purpose of entertainment, as this study probes into the presentation of the story of Water Margin in mass culture. In order to investigate how the commercialization and modernization of Water Margin meet the expectations of the mass market, this paper is organized into the following four chapters: Chapter 1 Read Water Margin: discuss the publication status of Water Margin, scholar celebrities famed by TV talk shows, and creation of the sequel and modification to Water Margin, based on publication, reading and development. Chapter 2 Perform Water Margin: focus on the transformation of the traditional opera, contemporary living theatre, and other performing arts, and discuss the story of Water Margin in movies, animation, and on television. Chapter 3 Draw Water Margin: study and analyze how the story of Water Margin was portrayed and shown in printmaking, comic strips and cartoons. Chapter 4 Collect Water Margin: observe the recreational games and collections developed from the story of Water Margin. “Read Water Margin” concerns reading, “Draw Water Margin” and “Perform Water Margin” involve visual and audio effects, and “Collect Water Margin” is about collection. The reason for choosing the four aspects is that during the dissemination of Water Margin, although the forms of reading, performance, illustration, and collection have evolved over time, the commercial characteristics that highlight the Water Margin story have never changed. The predicted achievement and contribution of this study are as follows: (1)To discover and recognize the information contained in Water Margin Reference, written by Ti-Gi Ma, and make it not only a reference, but also a process to commercialize, canonize, and brand the story of Water Margin. (2)To reveal the charm of Water Margin, make the focus on mass media, and observe the recreational economy and cultural creative industries raised by the masterpiece from the views of reading, performing, drawing and collecting. (3)To open up the discussion of “modernizing classical literature”. In Taiwan, many university departments, such as Chinese, Mass Communications, Visual Design and Digital Entertainment, have provided incisive remarks on the book-related research, movies, TV, computer games, comics and other subjects, but only little attention is contributed on “modernizing classical literature”. (4)In the changeable media era, many products are created by “classical literature modernization”, but many of them disappeared after the fever. This paper organizes and writes about the products created for the Water Margin story, regarding reading, performing, drawing, and collecting to leave a trace. (5)To activate the vitality of classical literature and make it one of the subjects of the media. The academia should help to find the balance between “mass entertainment” and “depth of culture and literature” for the classical literature by their professional specialty to Chinese literature.

Libros sobre el tema "Audiovisual stories":


Forsten, Char. Math talk: Teaching concepts & skills through illustrations & stories. Peterborough, NH: Crystal Springs Books, 2009.

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Forsten, Char. Math talk: Teaching concepts & skills through illustrations & stories. Peterborough, NH: Crystal Springs Books, 2009.

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Plantinga, Carl. The Power of Screen Stories. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Stories presented on screens have the potential to influence individuals and cultures because they are pervasive, because they are stories (in narrative form), and because they partake of the special capacities of audiovisual media. This chapter surveys a broad spectrum of responses to the power of screen storytelling, discussing social worker Jane Addams, the Production Code of 1930, government censorship, attempts to harness the narrative power of screen storytelling in propaganda, and experiments in social engineering through telenovelas. The chapter goes on to consider the role of storytelling in human cultures from an evolutionary perspective. It considers the specific nature of storytelling on screens and through audiovisual media and describes the ubiquity of mass narratives and their viewing contexts in contemporary culture. The chapter also describes storytelling techniques unique to audiovisual media.

Gunderson, Frank, Robert C. Lancefield y Bret Woods, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Musical Repatriation. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The Oxford Handbook of Musical Repatriation is an edited volume comprising thirty-eight chapters from contributors working in regions all over the world. This collection highlights studies exploring sonic repatriation in its broadest sense in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. “Sonic” or “musical” repatriation refers primarily to the return of audiovisual archival materials to the communities from which they were initially recorded or collected. Repatriation is overtly guided by an ethical mandate to “return,” providing reconnection and Indigenous control and access to cultural materials—but as the chapters in this collection reveal, there are more dimensions to repatriation than can be described by simply “giving back” or returning archives to their “homelands.” The volume provides a dynamic and densely layered collection of stories and critical questions for anyone engaged or interested in archival work and repatriation projects. Its chapters constitute a body of thoughtful explorations that demonstrate through contemporary examples how negotiating ownership of and access to sonic heritage crosscuts issues involving (and challenges assumptions regarding) memory, identity, history, power, agency, research, scholarship, preservation, performance, distribution, legitimacy, commodification, curation, decoloniality, and sustainability. These examples set a precedent for musical repatriation, while also problematizing the historically transactional nature of returning archives. The Handbook explores these interdisciplinary streams and provides a dynamic space for critical analysis of archives and musical repatriation.

Helmut, Kreuzer y Schumacher Heidemarie, eds. Magazine audiovisuell: Politische und Kulturmagazine im Fernsehen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Berlin: V. Spiess, 1988.

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Capítulos de libros sobre el tema "Audiovisual stories":


Trencsényi, Klára y Vlad Naumescu. "Migrant Cine-Eye: Storytelling in Documentary and Participatory Filmmaking". En IMISCOE Research Series, 117–40. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractThe so-called European ‘refugee crisis’ has bred a profusion of audiovisual accounts throughout the region, many of which aimed to give voice to hitherto voiceless, uprooted people. But as many of these ‘untold stories’ gain material expression as storylines, we are urged to consider the implications of yet another form of displacement: from the historical person to the film character, from personal stories to media representations. The growing interest into the migrant issue and visual representations of refugees have played an important role in the public construction of the ‘crisis’ but have also, paradoxically, obscured or silenced migrant voices. The authors of this paper, a documentary filmmaker (Trencsényi) and a social anthropologist (Naumescu) seek to explore narrative strategies and ethics of representation in European documentaries made after 2010 as well as their participatory filmmaking project developed in the wake of the 2015 refugee crisis in Hungary. Having collaborated on several documentary films and filmmaking workshops, they approach this issue from the perspective of practitioners, offering a critical reflection as well as possible strategies for those aiming to produce audiovisual works in this field. The inclusion of refugees’ insight and their ways of constructing their own stories as well as their own observations on the receiving societies can open new possibilities for collaboration and creative engagement for social scientists and filmmakers preparing visual fieldnotes, ethnographic and documentary films as well as participatory projects.

Günther, Christoph. "From the Darkness into the Light: Narratives of Conversion in Jihadi Videos". En Jihadi Audiovisuality and its Entanglements, 148–70. Edinburgh University Press, 2020.

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This chapter examines a specific format used by Jihadi-Salafi groups to offer an epistemic and ontological framework that helps people setting their individual biography in relation to this social collective. I trace the (re-)creation of two autobiographical narratives of religious conversion as they are presented in two videos authored by al-Muhajirūn and the Islamic State between 2016 and 2017. The epistemological interest of this chapter is to reconstruct the appropriation of key concepts from Islamic intellectual history and the teleological strategies employed in the audiovisual processing of these personal narrations. I will show the ways in which the videos’ authors use audiovisual means to construct and enhance the authenticity and plausibility of these individuals’ personal stories and their spiritual experiences.

Tapp, Alyson. "Earwitness". En Hearing the Crimean War, 196–213. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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Tapp’s chapter considers one of the Crimean War’s most celebrated literary productions, Leo Tolstoy’s Sevastopol Stories. Through comparison with Virginia Woolf and her innovative narrative technique, it discusses the workings of wartime sound in Tolstoy’s famous text. In particular, it elucidates the representation of battlefield noise, whose valence changes as it approaches the war zone. In Tolstoy’s Stories sound becomes a cipher for unmediated reality and ultimately for truth: a means to gesture toward authentic experiences of combat. The chapter shows how Tolstoy cordoned off audible reality from its supposedly less immediate visual counterpart, reproducing an audiovisual split that was pervasive in nineteenth-century culture.

Gordillo, Inmaculada. "The Mirror Effect and the Transparent City in Audio-Visual Non-Dramatic Fiction". En Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage, 30–42. IGI Global, 2020.

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In the past, there was always a clear delineation between fiction and the news or fiction and documentary film. Today, however, elements of crossover and hybridization it can be observed in most formats: reality and fiction, public and private, are intermingled. Life itself seeps into fictional accounts, approaching the eternal comedy. Digital formats permit the multiplication of stories and the democratisation of productions. They create a true amalgam of new and old hybrid products, such that comedy also infuses the non-fiction content. Social change is convincingly reflected in the stories that each collective elaborates and consumes. Today, without question, audiovisual stories offer a clear, in-depth analysis of all the social transformations in which we currently find ourselves immersed, therefore this chapter offers an exploration of the novel formats that are extended into the stories that are told on television and on the internet.

Chavan, Pallavi, Dipti Jadhav y Gautam M. Borkar. "Challenges to Multimedia Privacy and Security Over Social Media". En Handbook of Research on Cyber Crime and Information Privacy, 118–31. IGI Global, 2021.

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With the rise in usage of social media, large quantities of data like pictures, videos, audio, and computer graphics are created. As the data is shared over the network, security and privacy become important concerns. Social networks are most popular and have become a medium for instant information sharing. Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp are the most popular social networks. There has been extreme increase in the usage of audiovisual data over the social network. When multimedia data are stored in a networked environment, billions of users get connected to it for different purposes. The privacy challenges are personification, harassment, password sharing, location-oriented services, and privacy vs. marketing. The other challenges are data semantics, content management rights, and false information. There has been significant contribution by the researchers in development of security systems against these threats; still, the problems of clickjacking, short URL, phishing remain unresolved for some network architectures.

Actas de conferencias sobre el tema "Audiovisual stories":


Ngo Thi Thanh, Quy y Minh Nguyen Thi Hong. "Vietnamese Proverbs: Values Preserved in Modern Society". En GLOCAL Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology 2020. The GLOCAL Unit, SOAS University of London, 2020.

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Vietnamese proverbs has created long-lasting values which are being passed on to the modern society with numerous passions. These values include humanistic values confirming the human position in life. They also comprise social values and human philosophy as well as aesthetic values. Therefore, typical proverbs of the Viet people which have beem transferred to the younger generations via literary works such as Việt điện u linh (A collection of Vietnamese misteries) in the 14th century, Lĩnh Nam chích quái (A selection of the Viet extraordinary stories) in the 15th century are still being passed on until the present days. With the foundation of traditional Vietnamese proverbs, modern proverbs have undergone profound changes as seen in modern life through different forms of media including printed and audiovisual media as well as internet. It is obvious that traditional proverbs has regenerated in the new appearance. Proverbs are reproduced in modern literary works. Proverbs are also recreated and transformed in prose, poetry and drama. The movement and development of proverbs in our modern society confirm their deep values of the traditional culture. Writers, journalists and artists of other art forms have not only received the art tradition of word use of the ancestors but more importantly they have inherited the culural environment, humanistic values and life philosophies in order to transfer to the next generations. Henceforth, in the modern society Vietnamese proverbs are not obliterated but remain their vitality with different forms and have been of the Vietnamese people’s favourite.

Lacinak, Chris. "The cost of inaction". En SOIMA 2015: Unlocking Sound and Image Heritage. International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, 2017.

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Anon University is a hypothetical university representing a conglomeration of organizations with holdings of legacy physical audiovisual media. It exemplies a universal conundrum that poses a serious threat to the future value derived from content stored on physical audiovisual legacy media. This paper proposes a new model and application for quantifying the nancial and intellectual implications of decisions regarding digitization of physical audiovisual media holdings. Cost of inaction (COI) calculates the return on savings of previous investment in collections while recognizing that the window of possible return is limited because audiovisual media degrade or become obsolete. While the subject of this example is a university, the issue is not speci c to academic institutions. It manifests in organizations of all types and sizes, including government institutions, corporations, non-pro ts, museums, media companies and more. Some of the arguments and positioning may di er based on organization size and type, but the core concepts and calculations are the same.

Santi, Matej. "Was erzählt Fritz Kreislers Geige?" En Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Musikforschung 2019. Paderborn und Detmold. Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar der Universität Paderborn und der Hochschule für Musik Detmold, 2020.

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This short contribution shows the relevance of audiovisual sources for the history of 20th century music. It traces the role played by the violinist Fritz Kreisler (1875–1962) in shaping the widespread cliché of the “Viennese sound” via an examination of audiovisual sources. The sources stored in different online archives or social media portals play a key role, but the traceability of a given agent is not guaranteed. For this reason, controlled vocabularies and a digital tool which enable the addition of new metadata to already existing sources should be developed in the near future. This would enable researchers to trace agents, such as institutions and artists, and to connect them with places, repertoires and cultural topoi.

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