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Kessissoglu, Alexander. "Konstantin Kavafis: Das Hauptwerk. Gedichte griechisch und deutsch, übersetzt und kommentiert von Jörg Schäfer mit Bildnismünzen ausgewählt und kommentiert von Peter Robert Franke". Gnomon 77, n.º 5 (2005): 410–14.

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Puzanov, Vladimir. "Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich and the Russian army after the Decembrist uprising". OOO "Zhurnal "Voprosy Istorii" 2020, n.º 10-3 (1 de octubre de 2020): 38–69.

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The article is devoted to the personality of Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich, who served in the Russian army from the age of 16, commanded the guard in the wars with France, and formed the Polish army. The victory over Napoleon and the Decembrist uprising led to new trends in the development of the Russian army. The military elite of the Empire sought to rely on simple, uneducated officers in the army. Konstantin Pavlovich noted that he preferred to command completely uneducated officers, rather than “ostensibly educated rioters”.

Farr, James R. "Confessionalization and Social Discipline in France, 1530–1685". Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte - Archive for Reformation History 94, n.º 1 (1 de diciembre de 2003): 276–93.

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ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die Forschung war bis vor kurzem der Auffassung, die Konfessionalisierungsthese sei auf Frankreich nicht anwendbar. Die Untersuchungen zur franzö sischen Religionsgeschichte, die in den letzten zehn Jahren vorgelegt wurden, zwingen jedoch zu einer Überprüfung dieser Einschä tzung. Das gibt Anlaß zu dem Vorschlag, das Konfessionalisierungskonzept für Frankreich auf der Grundlage der Thesen John Bossys zu operationalisieren: Wä hrend die Konfessionalisierungsthese sich auf Mitteleuropa zwischen 1560 und 1650 konzentriert, muß der Zeitrahmen für die Untersuchung des franzö sischen Falls auf die Jahre 1530-1685 ausgedehnt werden. Diese Phase ist - trotz einer weitgehend konstanten Katholisierungspolitik des Staates - geprägt von der (Ko-)Existenz zweier Konfessionen. Diese im Edikt von Nantes festgeschriebene Bikonfessionalität beruhte auf praktischen und politischen Notwendigkeiten. Unter dem Blickwinkel des Konfessionalisierungskonzepts stellt sich die Frage, wie es der hugenottischen Bewegung im 16.Jahrhundert gelang, gegen den Widerstand der Krone und der katholischen Kirche eine institutionalisierte Konfessionskirche mit entsprechendem Selbstverstä ndnis auszubilden - eine Frage, die sich auch für die dévots des 17.Jahrhunderts stellt.

Lvov, K. V. "The Artist’s Diary as a Portrait of Time: About the Diaries of M. Matyushin and K. Somov". Studies in Theory of Literary Plot and Narratology 15, n.º 2 (2020): 462–71.

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The essay discusses the diaries of Russian artists of the first third of the 20 th century as a source for a study of their lives and opinions. The diaries of Mikhail Matyushin (1911–1934) and Konstantin Somov (1917–1927) were selected as examples. The author shows different techniques of keeping a diary. Matyushin’s diary is a creative laboratory of an artist and mentor. Somov’s almost daily entries represent a chronicle of his life. His experience is also related to his emigration to Paris. Both diaries were not to be published. Therefore, one can interpret them in terms of a “sincere and frank reports.” Overall, these autobiographical writings allow understand their creative impulses and their idea of artistic creativity as such. They also uncover the circles of their relationships, their preferences and dislikes.

Egorova, L. V. "Konstantin Batyushkov; presented and translated by Peter France. Writings from the Golden Age of Russian poetry". Voprosy literatury, n.º 1 (2 de abril de 2019): 280–85.

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Zavyalova, Anna E. "Jaspar de Isaac’s Engraving “Narcissus”: On the Sources of Konstantin Somov’s Early Art". Observatory of Culture 17, n.º 2 (30 de junio de 2020): 164–72.

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The article reveals and introduces into scientific circulation the previously unknown artistic source of Konstantin Andreyevich Somov’s early art – Jaspar de Isaac’s engraving “Narcissus”. There is traced the course of work with this one along with other art sources (works of European masters of the 16th—18th centuries depicting hunting scenes, paintings by Antoine Watteau, Jugendstil graphics), revealed the context of reference to it, and analyzed the stylistic features of including this source in Somov’s work on the watercolor “Rest after a Walk”. These tasks are addressed in the context of the role of artistic sources from the heritage of past eras in early works of Konstantin Somov. The topic’s relevance is determined by the fact that Jaspar de Isaac’s engraving “Narcissus”, made at the very beginning of the 17th century for a French edition of the “Imagines” by Philostratus the Elder, for the first time becomes the object of research as a source of Somov’s art. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time it attempts to identify (basing on a combination of formal and contextual analysis), and to use a source from the artistic heritage of France of the beginning of the 17th century in the work of K. Somov on the themes of the 18th century. The reveal of the source — the engraving “Narcissus” by J. de Isaac — made it possible to reconstruct the artist’s work on the “Rest after a Walk”. The article examines not only the sketch for this work from the collections of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, but also the drawing “A Date” from the State Tretyakov Gallery. There is stated that it is a preparatory drawing for the watercolor “Rest after a Walk”, basing on the general iconography of the watercolor, sketch and engraving “Narcissus”. The author concludes that Somov’s appeal to the engraving by J. de Isaac was not conscious, it should be attributed to the phenomenon of artistic memory, and his probable acquaintance with it had taken place before the artist left for Paris in the autumn of 1897.

Nabytowycz, Ihor. "Manuscript "Happy Belarusian Nobleman" XVII–XVIII Centuries from the Collection of Ivan Franko". Studia Białorutenistyczne 12 (27 de marzo de 2019): 69.

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<p>Przedmiotem analizy w artykule jest opublikowany przez Iwana Frankę pamiętnik Tomy-Konstantija Dusiackiego-Rudomyny, „szczęśliwego białoruskiego szlachcica”, żyjącego na przełomie XVII–XVIII w. Ten niewielki rękopis składa się z krótkich opowiadań, z elementami diariusza, autobiografii i kroniki rodzinnej. W kontekście historii codzienności oraz historii mentalności jest to niezmiernie ciekawy dokument nie tylko o znaczeniu ogólnohistorycznym, lecz również przynoszący informacje na temat modelu życia prywatnego białoruskiego przedstawiciela epoki baroku. Autor diariusza stara się wpisać swoją małą historię w przestrzeń burzliwej historii Rzeczypospolitej ostatnich trzech dziesięcioleci XVII–początku XVIII w. Swój życiorys przedstawia na szerokim tle politycznych uwarunkowań współczesności. Osobista historia ginie jednak w opisywanych przez diarystę wydarzeniach historycznych. Biograficzny zapis pozostaje pod względem kompozycji oraz struktury literackiej utworem niedoskonałym. Wspomnienia Dusiackiego-Rudomyny są interesującym źródłem informacji, zarówno jeśli chodzi o fakty historycznych, jak i o sposób ich postrzegania przez przedstawicieli różnych grup społecznych. W diariuszu pojawiają się także wpisy tworzone na podstawie plotek i domysłów związanych z życiem i działalnością osób współczesnych autorowi. Przeprowadzona analiza pozwala zrekonstruować rzeczywistość, która funkcjonowała poza „oficjalnymi” źródłami historycznymi. Memuarystyka, uwzględniając plotki, ustne przekazy, legendy, pozwala odtworzyć historię codzienności, a także panoramę społeczną XVII–XVIII w.</p>

Rudenko, Oleh. "The importance of «interprint» in the development of Ukrainian graphics". Research and methodological works of the National Academy of Visual Arts and Architecture, n.º 29 (17 de diciembre de 2020): 60–65.

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The article studies Ukrainian graphic art of the late twentieth century, undergoing changes caused by political events in Eastern Europe. Two iconic exhibitions became the turning point for native art as they revealed the Ukrainian graphic arts, and broke through the "iron" curtain of the totalitarian regime. The ideological seclusion of the USSR focused solely on the themes celebrating the life of a happy worker, peasant, or intellectual, did not let the works of another content to be displayed in public. Moreover, all areas of art creativity were controlled by the Union of Artists of Ukraine, headed by people with party membership cards. This prohibition referred especially to works of national-patriotic, conceptual, abstract, or surrealistic nature. The idea to hold an international exhibition that would present Ukrainian graphics to the world arose in the heads of a few independent politicians. At the state level, that idea certainly did not gain any support, but some people contributed to its implementation. Interestingly, the first exhibition of graphics "Interdruk'90" took place just before the collapse of the USSR, and the second, "Interdruk'92", in an already independent Ukraine. The exhibitions showed a high level of Ukrainian graphics, which equaled and sometimes surpassed the works of foreign masters. Among the exhibited art were works by such masters of national graphics as Valeriy Demya- nyshyn, Oleg Denysenko, Mykhaylo Alexandrov, Volodymyr Gumenny, Konstantin Kalinovich, Ivan Kravetz, Pavlo Makov, Mychaylo Moskal, Volodymyr Pinigin, Igor Podolchak, Yuriy Pshenychny, Roman Romanyshyn, Yevgen Ravsky, Alexander Aksinin et al. Their works reflected the whole spectrum of current life themes, which were seen and interpreted in new ways, imaginative technical and formal solutions. Most of those national artists had been exhibited abroad and won the most prestigious graphic contests, yet they were little known in their Motherland. On the other hand, the Ukrainian audience got a chance to learn about the works and achievements of graphic artists from France, Great Britain, Argentina, Korea, Israel, Spain, Holland, Poland, Canada, Russia, Japan, Italy and other countries. We may state that those two exhibitions of printmaking art opened the way to the development of graphics in independent Ukraine.

Pogorelskaia, E. I. "“On the Edge of Siberia with Ivanov”. An Article in the Newspaper “L’Humanité”". Studies in Theory of Literary Plot and Narratology 15, n.º 2 (2020): 53–62.

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Since May of 1926 and till December of 1928, Leon Bazalgette (1873–1928), French writer, translator, and literary critic who was a close friend of Stefan Zweig, wrote the weekly column Foreign literature in the French Communist party newspaper L’Humanité. Among the materials published in the newspaper there are articles about Soviet writers and their most famous works. The article dedicated to Vsevolod Ivanov was published on March 14, 1928, after the publication of materials about Boris Pilnyak, Lidia Seifullina, Konstantin Fedin, and before the publication of an article about Isaac Babel. In this paper we publish a translation from French of Bazalgette’s article about Ivanov. This article provides a brief outline of Ivanov's biography, which is based on his Autobiography, written for the VOX Bulletin in 1927, before his trip abroad, to France and Germany. This part of the article deals with several stages of his youth, his work in the printing house and performances in the circus, his participation in the revolutionary events in Siberia and the beginning of his writing career. To introduce the French reader to the work of Ivanov, Bazalgette chose the works of the writer of the early 1920s, united by the theme of Civil war and partisan struggle: the novella Armored Train 14-69, which was well known in Russia and was published by that time in Paris in French translation, the stories Bull of times and Child. Bazalgette highlights the main problem raised by Ivanov in these works – the cruelty and devaluation of human life in the conditions of class struggle. Analyzing the three named works of Ivanov, the author of the ar- ticle characterizes the features of his style, says about the saturation of his texts with convex, strong, unexpected and vividly outlined images. At the same time, as the author of the article notes, these three works reflect only the stage of Ivanov’s creativity, which went far ahead in his stories and novellas written by him in the middle of 1920s. The notes to the translation of Bazalgette’s article comment on the realities mentioned in the article and correct the mistakes and inaccuracies made in this article.

Śliwa, Joachim. "Zygmunt Mineyko (1840-1925) i poszukiwanie starożytnej Dodony". Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN 64 (2019): 87–102.

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Zygmunt Mineyko (1840 –1925) and the Discovery of Ancient Dodona The text is devoted to Zygmunt Mineyko – a participant of the 1863 January Uprising, who had to look for safety in Western Europe after the collapse of the patriotic insurrection and the resulting repressions. Having acquired relevant professional qualifications in France, Mineyko worked as a specialist in civil engineering in the vast territory of the Ottoman Empire. In the years 1875–1876, working in the north-western part of Greece (Epirus), he managed to identify the location of Dodona – the main ancient sanctuary of Zeus. Due to the shortage of funds, he accepted financial support from a rich Greek Konstantinos Karapanos. In 1878, Karapanos issued a publication in Paris in which he attributed the discovery of the sanctuary and the results of work entirely to himself, mentioning only briefly Mineyko as his assistant engineer. From that moment on, Mineyko started to strive for the acknowledgement of his rights as a discoverer. His actions were not always effective, but the essential argument still laid in his hands. The most important historic items still belonged to him, as they had been discovered already at the time when he carried on the search by himself. A particularly valuable group of these objects (the famous group of the “Dodona bronzes”) was sold to the Museum in Berlin via his eldest daughter and sonin-law Ludwik Karol Potocki only in 1904. The text quotes also archive materials from the collection of the Academy of Arts and Sciences that were drawn up in 1877; Mineyko tried to arouse interest in his discovery also by presenting it directly to Polish experts in ancient history. Within the scope of the activity of the Archaeological Commission, on the basis of materials submitted by Mineyko, Professor Marian Sokołowski prepared a long report, defending Mineyko’s rights to the discovery (the text was published in the subsequent year).

ALAM, AHM Zahirul. "EDITORIAL". IIUM Engineering Journal 22, n.º 1 (4 de enero de 2021): i.

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CHIEF EDITOR Ahmad Faris Ismail, IIUM, Malaysia TECHNICAL EDITOR Sany Izan Ihsan, IIUM, Malaysia EXECUTIVE EDITOR AHM Zahirul Alam, IIUM, Malaysia ASSOCIATE EDITOR Nor Farahidah Za’bah, IIUM, Malaysia LANGUAGE EDITOR Lynn Mason, Malaysia COPY EDITOR Hamzah Mohd. Salleh, IIUM, Malaysia EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Abdullah Al-Mamun, IIUM, Malaysia Abdumalik Rakhimov, IIUM, Malaysia Ali Sophian, IIUM, Malaysia Erwin Sulaeman, IIUM, Malaysia Hanafy Omar, Saudi Arabia Hazleen Anuar, IIUM, Malaysia Konstantin Khanin, University of Toronto, Canada Ma'an Al-Khatib, IIUM, Malaysia Md Zahangir Alam, IIUM, Malaysia Meftah Hrairi, IIUM, Malaysia Mohamed B. Trabia, United States Mohammad S. Alam, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, United States Mustafizur Rahman, National University Singapore, Singapore Ossama Abdulkhalik, Michigan Technological University, United States Othman O Khalifa, IIUM, Malaysia Razi Nalim, IUPUI, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States Rosminazuin AB. Rahim, IIUM, Malaysia Waqar Asrar, IIUM, Malaysia INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Anwar, United States Abdul Latif Bin Ahmad, Malaysia Farzad Ismail, USM, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia Hanafy Omar, Saudi Arabia Hany Ammar, United States Idris Mohammed Bugaje, Nigeria K.B. Ramachandran, India Kunzu Abdella, Canada Luis Le Moyne, ISAT, University of Burgundy, France M Mujtaba, United Kingdom Mohamed AI-Rubei, Ireland Mohamed B Trabia, United States Syed Kamrul Islam, United States Tibor Czigany, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Yiu-Wing Mai, The University of Sydney, Australia. AIMS & SCOPE OF IIUM ENGINEERING JOURNAL The IIUM Engineering Journal, published biannually (January and July), is a carefully refereed international publication of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Contributions of high technical merit within the span of engineering disciplines; covering the main areas of engineering: Electrical and Computer Engineering; Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering; Automation and Mechatronics Engineering; Material and Chemical Engineering; Environmental and Civil Engineering; Biotechnology and Bioengineering; Engineering Mathematics and Physics; and Computer Science and Information Technology are considered for publication in this journal. Contributions from other areas of Engineering and Applied Science are also welcomed. The IIUM Engineering Journal publishes contributions under Regular papers and Invited review papers. It also welcomes contributions that address solutions to the specific challenges of the developing world, and address science and technology issues from an Islamic and multidisciplinary perspective. REFEREES’ NETWORK All papers submitted to IIUM Engineering Journal will be subjected to a rigorous reviewing process through a worldwide network of specialized and competent referees. Each accepted paper should have at least two positive referees’ assessments. SUBMISSION OF A MANUSCRIPT A manuscript should be submitted online to the IIUM-Engineering Journal website at Further correspondence on the status of the paper could be done through the journal website. Whilst every effort is made by the publisher and editorial board to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement appears in this Journal, they wish to make it clear that the data and opinions appearing in the articles and advertisement herein are the responsibility of the contributor or advertiser concerned. Accordingly, the publisher and the editorial committee accept no liability whatsoever for the consequence of any such inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement. IIUM Engineering Journal ISSN: 1511-788X E-ISSN: 2289-7860 Published by: IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia Jalan Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Phone (+603) 6421-5014, Fax: (+603) 6421-6298

Grigaravičiūté, Sandra. "Diplomacy of the Concil of Lithuania in Entente powers". Sabiedrība un kultūra: rakstu krājums = Society and Culture: conference proceedings, n.º XXII (6 de enero de 2021): 55–64.

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The research reveals appointment, competence and type of activities of the authorized representatives of the Council of Lithuania delegated to represent the Council of Lithuania, Lithuania’s interests or affairs abroad (in neutral and “belligerent countries”) from 22 October 1917 to 11 November 1918. The Entente Powers include the United States, Great Britain, France and also Italy in some cases. Russia, which also belonged to the Entente, is left outside the scope of the research, because after Soviet Russia signed the Peace Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (3 March 1918), it did no longer fight on the side of the Entente. The research on the diplomacy of the Council of Lithuania in the Entente Powers was carried out on the basis of published (press, memoirs, published documents) and unpublished sources (from the Lithuanian Central State Archives, Manuscripts Department of the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences). The study employed the methods of analysis and comparison, the descriptive method, and the comparison of sources and literature. While processing the primary sources, in particular in French and German languages, the logistic-analytical method was applied (the notional content and information analysis was carried out). The research consists of two parts. In the first part of investigation the author analyzes the appointment and competence of the authorized representatives of the Council of Lithuania in neutral and “belligerent countries” and concludes, that the analysis of the circumstances of appointment and chronology of the authorized representatives of the Council of Lithuania in neutral and “belligerent countries” as well as the content of their authorizations made it clear that permanent authorized representatives, Juozas Purickis and Vladas Daumanatas-Dzimidavičius, who were appointed on 22 October 1917, had their residence in Lausanne and constituted a part of the collegial body of Lithuanian National Council, were authorized to represent the Council of Lithuania; however, only Purickis’ authorization included the phrase “to represent Lithuania’s interests abroad”; there was no indication as to what countries were meant. An equivalent wording – “to represent Lithuania’s interests abroad” – was also included in the texts of authorizations of non-permanent authorized representatives – Augustinas Voldemaras and Konstantinas Olšauskas. The material contained in the minutes of the meetings of the Council of Lithuania entails that “representation in belligerent countries” also meant representation in the Entente Powers, though no direct indication was included. In the second part of the study the author reveals the specific type of activities of the authorized representatives of the Council of Lithuania (October 1917 – November 1918) and states, that Permanent representatives of the Council of Lithuania, who were based in Lausanne and formed a part of the collegial Lithuanian National Council, did not always coordinate their diplomatic steps in the Entente Powers or in their embassies in Bern; hence, the Council of Lithuania had to deny or dissociate itself from certain statements made by the Lithuanian National Council (in Lausanne) (the declaration of separation from Russia of 25 December 1917; the protest telegram of June 1918). Both permanent and non-permanent representatives of the Council of Lithuania authorized to represent Lithuania’s interests abroad shared the same goal of seeking “the recognition of the right to self-determination for the Lithuanian nation” and the recognition of independence declared by the Council of Lithuania (on the basis of Part I of the Act of 11 December 1917 and the Act of 16 February 1918).

Alam, AHM Zahirul. "Editorial". IIUM Engineering Journal 19, n.º 2 (1 de diciembre de 2018): i—iv.

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(IIUMEJ) IIUM ENGINEERING JOURNAL ISSN: 1511-788X E-ISSN: 2289-7860 Volume 19, Issue 2, December 2018 CHIEF EDITOR Ahmad Faris Ismail, IIUM, Malaysia TECHNICAL EDITOR Erry Yulian Triblas Adesta, IIUM, Malaysia EXECUTIVE EDITOR AHM Zahirul Alam, IIUM, Malaysia ASSOCIATE EDITOR Anis Nurashikin Nordin, IIUM, Malaysia LANGUAGE EDITOR Lynn Mason, Malaysia COPY EDITOR Hamzah Mohd. Salleh, IIUM, Malaysia EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Abdullah Al-Mamun, IIUM, Malaysia Abdumalik Rakhimov, IIUM, Malaysia Amir Akramin Shafie, IIUM, Malaysia Erwin Sulaeman, IIUM, Malaysia Hanafy Omar, Saudi Arabia Hazleen Anuar, IIUM, Malaysia Konstantin Khanin, University of Toronto, Canada Ma'an Al-Khatib, IIUM, Malaysia Md Zahangir Alam, IIUM, Malaysia Meftah Hrairi, IIUM, Malaysia Mohamed B. Trabia, United States Mohammad S. Alam, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, United States Muataz Hazza Faizi Al Hazza, IIUM, Malaysia Mustafizur Rahman, National University Singapore, Singapore Nor Farahidah Binti Za'bah, IIUM, Malaysia Ossama Abdulkhalik, Michigan Technological University, United States Rosminazuin AB. Rahim, IIUM, Malaysia Waqar Asrar, IIUM, Malaysia INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE A. Anwar, United States Abdul Latif Bin Ahmad, Malaysia Farzad Ismail, USM, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia Hanafy Omar, Saudi Arabia Hany Ammar, United States Idris Mohammed Bugaje, Nigeria K.B. Ramachandran, India Kunzu Abdella, Canada Luis Le Moyne, ISAT, University of Burgundy, France M Mujtaba, United Kingdom Mohamed AI-Rubei, Ireland Mohamed B Trabia, United States Mohammad S. Alam, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, United States Nazmul Karim Ossama Abdulkhalik, Michigan Technological University, United States Razi Nalim, IUPUI, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States Syed Kamrul Islam, United States Tibor Czigany, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Yiu-Wing Mai, The University of Sydney, Australia. AIMS & SCOPE OF IIUMENGINEERING JOURNAL The IIUM Engineering Journal, published biannually, is a carefully refereed international publication of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Contributions of high technical merit within the span of engineering disciplines; covering the main areas of engineering: Electrical and Computer Engineering; Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering; Automation and Mechatronics Engineering; Material and Chemical Engineering; Environmental and Civil Engineering; Biotechnology and Bioengineering; Engineering Mathematics and Physics; and Computer Science and Information Technology are considered for publication in this journal. Contributions from other areas of Engineering and Applied Science are also welcomed. The IIUM Engineering Journal publishes contributions under Regular papers, Invited review papers, Short communications, Technical notes, and Letters to the editor (no page charge). Book reviews, reports of and/or call for papers of conferences, symposia and meetings, and advances in research equipment could also be published in IIUM Engineering Journal with minimum charges. REFEREES’ NETWORK All papers submitted to IIUM Engineering Journal will be subjected to a rigorous reviewing process through a worldwide network of specialized and competent referees. Each accepted paper should have at least two positive referees’ assessments. SUBMISSION OF A MANUSCRIPT A manuscript should be submitted online to the IIUM-Engineering Journal website: Further correspondence on the status of the paper could be done through the journal website and the e-mail addresses of the Executive Editor: Faculty of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Jan Gombak, 53100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Phone: (603) 6196 4529, Fax:(603) 6196 4488. Table of Content EDITORIAL............................................................................................... i CHEMICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING CHLORELLA VULGARIS LOGISTIC GROWTH KINETICS MODEL IN HIGH CONCENTRATIONS OF AQUEOUS AMMONIA................... 1 Azlin Suhaida Azmi, Nurain Atikah Che Aziz, Noor Illi Mohamad Puad, Amanatuzzakiah Abdul Halim, Faridah Yusof, Suzana Yusup SYNTHETIC ANTIMICROBIAL AGENT AND ANTIMICROBIAL FABRICS: PROGRESS AND CHALLENGES............. 10 Norashikin Binti Mat Zain, John Olabode Akindoyo, Mohammad Dalour Hossen Beg CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING PERFORMANCE OF HIGH STRENGTH LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE USING PALM WASTES................................... 30 Md. Nazmul Huda, Mohd Zamin Jumaat, Abul Bashar Mohammad Saiful Islam, Walid Abubaker Al-Kutti ELECTRICAL, COMPUTER AND COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING WIDE RANGE MODULATION INDEXES FEATURED CARRIER-BASED PWM STEPPED WAVEFORM FOR HALF- BRIDGE MODULAR MULTILEVEL CONVERTERS......................................................................................... 43 Majdee Tohtayong, Sheroz Khan, Mashkuri Yaacob, Siti Hajar Yusoff, Nur Shahida Midi, Musse Muhamud Ahmed A NOVEL METHOD TO ESTIMATE ECONOMIC REPLACING TIME OF TRANSFORMER USING MONTE CARLO ALGORITHM AND ANN............................................................................................... 54 Mehdi Zareian Jahromi, M. Hossein Mehrabanjahromi, Mohsen Tajdinian, Mehdi Allahbakhshi ADAPTIVE TRIMMED MEAN AUTOREGRESSIVE MODEL FOR REDUCTION OF POISSON NOISE IN SCINTIGRAPHIC IMAGES.......... 68 Khan Bahadar Khan, Muhammad Shahid, Hayat Ullah, Eid Rehman, Muhammad Mohsin Khan EVALUATION OF THE W-METRIC ROUTING USING RPL PROTOCOL IN LLNS........................................................................ 80 Rosminazuin Ab Rahim, Abdallah M. Awwad, Aisha Hasan Abdalla, Aliza Aini Md Ralib INVESTIGATION ON NEED FOR SPECIFIC PROPAGATION MODEL FOR SPECIFIC ENVIRONMENT BASED ON DIFFERENT TERRAIN CHARACTERISTICS...................90 Jide Julius Popoola, Akinlolu Adediran Ponnle, Yekeen Olajide Olasoji, Samson Adenle Oyetunji A STUDY ON LOW-COMPLEXITY TRANSMIT ANTENNA SELECTION FOR GENERALIZED SPATIAL MODULATION.................................................................................. 105 Simeon Olumide Ajose, Adewale Akanbi Alafia, Agbotiname Lucky Imoize A NEW SPECTRUM AND ENERGY AWARE ROUTING PROTOCOL IN COGNITIVE RADIO SENSOR NETWORK.............................. 118 Sara Moshtaghi, Sayyed Majid Mazinani RECENT TRENDS IN DENGUE DETECTION METHODS USING BIOSENSORS................................................................................ 134 Ahmad Anwar Zainuddin, Anis Nurashikin Nordin, Rosminazuin Ab Rahim NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF TUNNEL LED LIGHTING MAINTENANCE FACTOR.......................................................................... 154 Mehmet Sait Cengiz, Çiğdem Cengiz ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS AND APPLIED SCIENCE ABOUT THE SILICON SENSITIVITY OF THE DEEP LEVEL WITH ALTERNATING PRESSURE................................... 164 Ikrom Gulamovich Tursunov, Abdurahim Abduraxmonovich Okhunov, Odiljon Oxundadaevich Mamatkarimov THE HYDRODYNAMIC COEFFICIENTS FOR OSCILLATING 2D RECTANGULAR BOX USING WEAKLY COMPRESSIBLE SMOOTHED PARTICLE HYDRODYNAMICS (WCSPH) METHOD................................................................................. 172 Muhammad zahir ramli AN ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUE TO OBTAIN HIGHER-ORDER APPROXIMATE PERIODS FOR THE NONLINEAR OSCILLATOR................... 182 Md Sazzad Hossien Chowdhury, Md. Alal Hosen, Mohammad Yeakub Ali, Ahmad Faris Ismail MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING EFFECT OF POLY (ETHYLENE GLYCOL) ON THE INJECTABILITY, SETTING BEHAVIOR AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CALCIUM PHOSPHATE BONE CEMENT.........................................................192 Sufiamie Hablee, Iis Sopyan, Maizirwan Mel, Hamzah Mohd. Salleh, Md. Mujibur Rahman MECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING STUDY OF MESH QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FOR CFD ANALYSIS OF AN AIRFOIL................................................ 203 Farah Aqilah, Mazharul Islam, Franjo Juretic, Joel Guerrero, David Wood, Farid Nasir Ani MECHATRONICS AND AUTOMATION ENGINEERING COLOR RECOGNITION WEARABLE DEVICE USING MACHINE LEARNING FOR VISUALY IMPAIRED PERSON................................... 213 Tarek Mohamed Bolad , Nik Nur Wahidah Nik Hashim, Noor Hazrin Hany Mohamad Hanif COMBINATION OF FUSED DEPOSITION MODELLING WITH ABRASIVE MILLING FOR ATTAINING HIGHER DIMENSIONAL ACCURACY AND BETTER SURFACE FINISH ..................................... 221 Abu Naser Mohammad Amanullah Tomal, Tanveer Saleh, Md Raisuddin Khan Whilst every effort is made by the publisher and editorial board to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement appears in this Journal, they wish to make it clear that the data and opinions appearing in the articles and advertisement herein are the responsibility of the contributor or advertiser concerned. Accordingly, the publisher and the editorial committee accept no liability whatsoever for the consequence of any such inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement. Published by: IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia Jalan Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Phone (+603) 6196-5014, Fax: (+603) 6196-6298 Website:

Alam, AHM Zahirul. "Editorial". IIUM Engineering Journal 19, n.º 1 (1 de junio de 2018): i—iv.

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IIUM ENGINEERING JOURNAL CHIEF EDITOR Ahmad Faris Ismail, IIUM, Malaysia TECHNICAL EDITOR Erry Yulian Triblas Adesta, IIUM, Malaysia EXECUTIVE EDITOR AHM Zahirul Alam, IIUM, Malaysia ASSOCIATE EDITOR Anis Nurashikin Nordin, IIUM, Malaysia LANGUAGE EDITOR Lynn Mason, Malaysia COPY EDITOR Hamzah Mohd. Salleh, IIUM, Malaysia EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Abdullah Al-Mamun, IIUM, Malaysia Abdumalik Rakhimov, IIUM, Malaysia Amir Akramin Shafie, IIUM, Malaysia Erwin Sulaeman, IIUM, Malaysia Hanafy Omar, Saudi Arabia Hazleen Anuar, IIUM, Malaysia Konstantin Khanin, University of Toronto, Canada Ma'an Al-Khatib, IIUM, Malaysia Md Zahangir Alam, IIUM, Malaysia Meftah Hrairi, IIUM, Malaysia Mohamed B. Trabia, United States Mohammad S. Alam, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, United States Muataz Hazza Faizi Al Hazza, IIUM, Malaysia Mustafizur Rahman, National University Singapore, Singapore Nor Farahidah Binti Za'bah, IIUM, Malaysia Ossama Abdulkhalik, Michigan Technological University, United States Rosminazuin AB. Rahim, IIUM, Malaysia Waqar Asrar, IIUM, Malaysia AIMS & SCOPE OF IIUMENGINEERING JOURNAL The IIUM Engineering Journal, published biannually, is a carefully refereed international publication of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Contributions of high technical merit within the span of engineering disciplines; covering the main areas of engineering: Electrical and Computer Engineering; Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering; Automation and Mechatronics Engineering; Material and Chemical Engineering; Environmental and Civil Engineering; Biotechnology and Bioengineering; Engineering Mathematics and Physics; and Computer Science and Information Technology are considered for publication in this journal. Contributions from other areas of Engineering and Applied Science are also welcomed. The IIUM Engineering Journal publishes contributions under Regular papers, Invited review papers, Short communications, Technical notes, and Letters to the editor (no page charge). Book reviews, reports of and/or call for papers of conferences, symposia and meetings, and advances in research equipment could also be published in IIUM Engineering Journal with minimum charges. 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Published by: IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia Jalan Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Phone (+603) 6196-5014, Fax: (+603) 6196-6298 Website: Whilst every effort is made by the publisher and editorial board to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement appears in this Journal, they wish to make it clear that the data and opinions appearing in the articles and advertisement herein are the responsibility of the contributor or advertiser concerned. Accordingly, the publisher and the editorial committee accept no liability whatsoever for the consequence of any such inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement. IIUM Engineering Journal ISSN: 1511-788X E-ISSN: 2289-7860 Volume 19, Issue 1, June 2018 Table of Content CHEMICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING ADSORPTION OF HEAVY METALS AND RESIDUAL OIL FROM PALM OIL MILL EFFLUENT USING A NOVEL ADSORBENT OF ALGINATE AND MANGROVE COMPOSITE BEADS COATED WITH CHITOSAN IN A PACKED BED COLUMN... 1 Rana Jaafar Jawad, Mohd Halim Shah Ismail, Shamsul Izhar Siajam INVESTIGATION OF BIOFLOCCULANT AS DEWATERING AID IN SLUDGE TREATMENT........................................ 15 Mohammed Saedi Jami, Maizirwan Mel, Aysha Ralliya Mohd Ariff, Qabas Marwan Abdulazeez HYDROGEN PRODUCTION FROM ETHANOL DRY REFORMING OVER LANTHANIA-PROMOTED CO/AL2O3 CATALYST............................. 24 Fahim Fayaz, Nguyen Thi Anh Nga, Thong Le Minh Pham, Huong Thi Danh, Bawadi Abdullah, Herma Dina Setiabudi, Dai-Viet Nguyen Vo OPTIMIZATION OF RED PIGMENT PRODUCTION BY MONASCUS PURPUREUS FTC 5356 USING RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY......................................................... 34 Nor Farhana Hamid And Farhan Mohd Said PRODUCTION AND STABILITY OF MYCO-FLOCCULANTS FROM LENTINUS SQUARROSULUS RWF5 AND SIMPLICILLIUM OBCLAVATUM RWF6 FOR REDUCTION OF WATER TURBIDITY.............................................................................. 48 Nessa Jebun, Md. Zahangir Alam, Abdullah Al-Mamun, Raha Ahmad Raus ROLE OF SUBSTRATE BINDING ON THE PROTEIN DYNAMICS OF AN ENDOGLUCANASE FROM FUSARIUM OXYSPORUM AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES .............................................................307 Abdul Aziz Ahmad, Ibrahim Ali Noorbatcha, Hamzah Mohd. Salleh CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIMINISHING SEISMIC EFFECT ON BUILDINGS USING BEARING ISOLATION....................................................... 59 A. B. M. Saiful Islam ELECTRICAL, COMPUTER AND COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING A DISTRIBUTED ENERGY EFFICIENT CLUSTERING ALGORITHM FOR DATA AGGREGATION IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS.................................................................................. 72 Seyed Mohammad Bagher Musavi Shirazi, Maryam Sabet, Mohammad Reza Pajoohan POWER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT WITH CASCADED MULTILEVEL CONVERTER BASED STATCOM................. 91 Mahdi Heidari, Abdonnabi Kovsarian, S. Ghodratollah Seifossadat THE EFFECTS OF CABLE CHARACTERISTICS ON MAXIMUM OVERVOLTAGE IN COMBINED OVERHEAD/CABLE LINES PROTECTED BY SURGE ARRESTERS.............................................................................. 104 Reza Alizadeh, Mohammad Mirzaie SMART PORTABLE CRYOTHERAPY SYSTEM REPHRASED I.E. WITH CONTROLLED THERMOELECTRIC COOLING MODULES FOR MEDICAL APPLICATIONS................................................................................................ 117 Abbas Rahmani, Reza Hassanzadeh Pack Rezaee, Naser Kordani STATIC PIPELINE NETWORK PERFORMANCE OPTIMISATION USING DUAL INTERLEAVE ROUTING ALGORITHM 129 Siva Kumar Subramaniam1, Shariq Mahmood Khan, Anhar Titik, Rajagopal Nilavalan A MODIFIED MODEL BASED ON FLOWER POLLINATION ALGORITHM AND K-NEAREST NEIGHBOR FOR DIAGNOSING DISEASES........................................................................ 144 Mehdi Zekriyapanah Gashti A SINGLE LC TANK BASED ACTIVE VOLTAGE BALANCING CIRCUIT FOR BATTERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .158 A K M Ahasan Habib, S. M. A. Motakabber, Muhammad Ibn. Ibrahimy, A. H. M. Zahirul Alam ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS AND APPLIED SCIENCE ON THE CONTROL OF HEAT CONDUCTION.......................................... 168 Fayziev Yusuf Ergashevich MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING GREEN SYNTHESIS OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES USING SAGO (METROXYLON SAGU) VIA AUTOCLAVING METHOD......178 Aliyah Jamaludin, Che Ku Mohammad Faizal EFFECT OF ALKALINE TREATMENT ON PROPERTIES OF RATTAN WASTE AND FABRICATED BINDERLESS PARTICLEBOARD....185 Zuraida Ahmad, Maisarah Tajuddin, Nurul Farhana Fatin Salim, Zahurin Halim AMORPHOUS STRUCTURE IN CU-ZN-V-AL OXIDE COMPOSITE CATALYST FOR METHANOL REFORMING..... 197 Mohd Sabri Mahmud, Zahira Yaakob, Abu Bakar Mohamad, Wan Ramli Wan Daud, Vo Nguyen Dai Viet PERFORMANCE OF ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE MACHINING (EDM) WITH NICKEL ADDED DIELECTRIC FLUID....215 Ahsan Ali Khan, Muataz Hazza Faizi Al Hazza, A K M Mohiuddin, Nurfatihah Abdul Fattah, Mohd Radzi Che Daud ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION OF DURIAN SKIN NANOFIBRE BIOCOMPOSITE.......................................... 233 Siti Nur E’zzati Mohd Apandi, Hazleen Anuar, Siti Munirah Salimah Abdul Rashid MECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING A REVIEW ON RHEOLOGY OF NON-NEWTONIAN PROPERTIES OF BLOOD....................................................... 237 Esmaeel Fatahian, Naser Kordani, Hossein Fatahian NUMERICAL STUDY OF THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS OF FUEL OIL-ALUMINA AND WATER-.......................... 250 Hossein Fatahian, Hesamoddin Salarian, Majid Eshagh Nimvari, Esmaeel Fatahian A PARAMETRIC STUDY ON CONTROL OF FLOW SEPARATION OVER AN AIRFOIL IN INCOMPRESSIBLE REGIME....270 Lakshmanan Prabhu, Jonnalagadda Srinivas OPTIMIZATION OF BOX TYPE GIRDER WITH AND WITHOUT INDUSTRIAL CONSTRAINTS................................ 289 Muhammad Abid, Shahbaz Mahmood Khan, Hafiz Abdul Wajid

Wagner, Adriana, María del Luján González Tornaría, Lisiane Alvim Saraiva Junges y Esthella Hernandéz. "Los docentes frente a las demandas de las familias: aproximando contextos (Teachers face the demands of families: approaching contexts)". Revista Eletrônica de Educação 13, n.º 2 (10 de mayo de 2019): 600.

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The role of Teachers has been transformed in recent years due to the increasingly complex educational demands and responsibilities that come from the students’ families. The aim of the present study was to investigate how Elementary School Teachers in Brazil and Uruguay perceive and evaluate the demands they receive from families, and how prepared they think they are to face this reality. A qualitative, exploratory and transcultural method was used, based on the technique of Focal Groups, with one group being conducted in Brazil (10 participants) and anther one in Uruguay (9 participants). In both groups, participants were women, with experience in public and private schools. Data were treated using the Content Analysis technique and results pointed out two main themes: Academic Formation and Family Demands. The analysis showed several similarities in the relationship between family and school in daily practice - both in Brazil and Uruguay - especially regarding the Teacher’s role. It was observed that Teachers still face some challenges in set out their roles for themselves and the families. Teachers have also shown they have insufficient resources to work with the diversity of family demands and it is possible to think that they would benefit from spaces of reflection and sensitivity development, in order to better discriminate these demands. Thus, it may be said that it is necessary to inaugurate a deep discussion about what it means to form Teachers to work with families.ResumoO papel dos professores tem se transformado nos últimos anos devido às demandas e responsabilidades educacionais, cada vez mais complexas, que derivam das famílias de seus alunos. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar como os professores de ensino fundamental do Brasil e Uruguai percebem e avaliam as demandas que recebem das famílias e o quão preparados se sentem para enfrentar essa realidade. Foi utilizado método qualitativo, exploratório e transcultural, a partir da técnica do Grupo Focal, sendo conduzido um grupo no Brasil (10 participantes) e um no Uruguai (9 participantes). Em ambos os grupos, os participantes foram mulheres, com experiência nas redes pública e privada. Os dados foram tratados a partir da técnica de Análise de Conteúdo e os resultados apontaram dois temas principais: Formação Acadêmica e Demandas das Famílias. A análise evidenciou inúmeras semelhanças na relação que a família e a escola estabelecem na prática diária - tanto no Brasil quanto no Uruguai - especialmente no que diz respeito ao papel docente. Observou-se a dificuldade dos professores em delimitar seu papel para si e para as famílias. Os professores também se mostraram com poucos recursos para trabalhar com a diversidade de demandas familiares e é possível pensar que eles se beneficiariam de espaços de reflexão e desenvolvimento de sensibilidade para poder discriminar essas demandas. Assim, pode-se dizer que é necessário inaugurar uma discussão profunda sobre o que significa formar os professores para o trabalho com as famílias.ResumenEl papel de los docentes se ha transformado en los últimos años debido a las exigencias y responsabilidades educativas cada vez más complejas que derivan de las familias de sus alumnos. El objetivo de este estudio consistió en investigar cómo docentes de educación primaria de Brasil y Uruguay perciben y evalúan las demandas que reciben de las familias y cuán preparados se sienten para enfrentar esa realidad. El diseño fue cualitativo, exploratorio y transcultural, utilizando la técnica de Grupo Focal, siendo uno brasileño (10 participantes) y uno uruguayo (9 participantes). En ambos grupos los participantes fueron mujeres, con experiencia tanto en la red pública como privada. Los datos fueron tratados con Análisis de Contenido y los resultados apuntaron a dos grandes temas: Formación Académica y Demandas de las Familias. El análisis permite comprobar innumerables semejanzas en la relación que familia y escuela establecen en la práctica cotidiana tanto en Brasil como en el Uruguay, sobre todo en lo que se refiere al rol docente. Se observa la dificultad que las docentes expresaron en cuanto a delimitar su papel frente a si mismas y frente a las familias. También las docentes se mostraron con pocos recursos para trabajar con la diversidad de las demandas familiares y es posible pensar que se beneficiarían de espacios de reflexión y desarrollo de la sensibilidad para poder discriminar tales demandas. Así, se puede decir que se necesita abrir una discusión profunda sobre lo que significa formar a los docentes para el trabajo con las familias. 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Voropaev, Vladimir. "МИРОСОЗЕРЦАНИЕ И ПОЭТИКА Н. В. ГОГОЛЯ В КРИТИКЕ РУССКОЙ ЭМИГРАЦИИ (1921—2018)". Проблемы исторической поэтики, noviembre de 2020, 138–63.

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The Russian émigré community paid particular attention to Nikolai Gogol (possibly comparable only with Aleksandr Pushkin and Fedor Dostoevsky). Themes and issues in Russian émigrés’ studies of Gogol are highly diverse, although they predominantly focus on Gogol’s poetics and religious views. Gogol and Dostoevsky, Gogol and Christian attitude to the laughter, Gogol’s theater aesthetics, Gogol’s progress as an author, rhythm in Gogol’s prose, problem of the man in Gogol— these are the issues in Gogol’s poetics have initially been posed by the literary critics in the Russian émigré community and subsequently developed by Russian scholars. Thanks to the works by Konstantin Mochulsky, Vasily Zenkovsky, Georgy Florovsky, Dmytro Chyzhevsky and Semyon Frank, it became possible to rebuff some deeply enrooted erroneous concepts of Gogol’s personality. Gogol studies conducted in the Russian émigré community are an essential part of contemporary literary criticism. Despite limited sources, works by Russian émigré authors marked a new and essential stage in Gogol studies.

Alam, AHM Zahirul. "Editorial". IIUM Engineering Journal 21, n.º 2 (4 de julio de 2020).

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CHIEF EDITOR Ahmad Faris Ismail, IIUM, Malaysia EXECUTIVE EDITOR AHM Zahirul Alam, IIUM, Malaysia ASSOCIATE EDITOR Nor Farahidah Za’bah, IIUM, Malaysia LANGUAGE EDITOR Lynn Mason, Malaysia COPY EDITOR Hamzah Mohd. Salleh, IIUM, Malaysia EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Abdullah Al-Mamun, IIUM, Malaysia Abdumalik Rakhimov, IIUM, Malaysia Ali Sophian, IIUM, Malaysia Amir Akramin Shafie, IIUM, Malaysia Anis Nurashikin Nordin, IIUM, Malaysia Erry Yulian Triblas Adesta, IIUM, Malaysia Erwin Sulaeman, IIUM, Malaysia Hanafy Omar, Saudi Arabia Hazleen Anuar, IIUM, Malaysia Konstantin Khanin, University of Toronto, Canada Ma'an Al-Khatib, IIUM, Malaysia Md Zahangir Alam, IIUM, Malaysia Meftah Hrairi, IIUM, Malaysia Mohamed B. Trabia, United States Mohammad S. Alam, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, United States Mustafizur Rahman, National University Singapore, Singapore Ossama Abdulkhalik, Michigan Technological University, United States Razi Nalim, IUPUI, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States Rosminazuin AB. Rahim, IIUM, Malaysia Waqar Asrar, IIUM, Malaysia AIMS & SCOPE OF IIUMENGINEERING JOURNAL The IIUM Engineering Journal, published biannually, is a carefully refereed international publication of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Contributions of high technical merit within the span of engineering disciplines; covering the main areas of engineering: Electrical and Computer Engineering; Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering; Automation and Mechatronics Engineering; Material and Chemical Engineering; Environmental and Civil Engineering; Biotechnology and Bioengineering; Engineering Mathematics and Physics; and Computer Science and Information Technology are considered for publication in this journal. Contributions from other areas of Engineering and Applied Science are also welcomed. The IIUM Engineering Journal publishes contributions under Regular papers and Invited review papers. It also welcomes contributions that address solutions to the specific challenges of the developing world, and address science and technology issues from an Islamic and multidisciplinary perspective. REFEREES’ NETWORK All papers submitted to IIUM Engineering Journal will be subjected to a rigorous reviewing process through a worldwide network of specialized and competent referees. Each accepted paper should have at least two positive referees’ assessments. SUBMISSION OF A MANUSCRIPT A manuscript should be submitted online to the IIUM-Engineering Journal website at Further correspondence on the status of the paper could be done through the journal website. INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE A. Anwar, United States Abdul Latif Bin Ahmad, Malaysia Farzad Ismail, USM, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia Hanafy Omar, Saudi Arabia Hany Ammar, United States Idris Mohammed Bugaje, Nigeria K.B. Ramachandran, India Kunzu Abdella, Canada Luis Le Moyne, ISAT, University of Burgundy, France M Mujtaba, United Kingdom Mohamed AI-Rubei, Ireland Mohamed B Trabia, United States Syed Kamrul Islam, United States Tibor Czigany, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Yiu-Wing Mai, The University of Sydney, Australia. Published by: IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia Jalan Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Phone (+603) 6421-5014, Fax: (+603) 6421-6298 Whilst every effort is made by the publisher and editorial board to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement appears in this Journal, they wish to make it clear that the data and opinions appearing in the articles and advertisement herein are the responsibility of the contributor or advertiser concerned. Accordingly, the publisher and the editorial committee accept no liability whatsoever for the consequence of any such inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement. IIUM Engineering Journal ISSN: 1511-788X E-ISSN: 2289-7860

Alam, AHM Zahirul. "Editorial". IIUM Engineering Journal 22, n.º 2 (4 de julio de 2021).

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CHIEF EDITOR Ahmad Faris Ismail, IIUM, Malaysia TECHNICAL EDITOR Sany Izan Ihsan, IIUM, Malaysia EXECUTIVE EDITOR AHM Zahirul Alam, IIUM, Malaysia ASSOCIATE EDITOR Nor Farahidah Za’bah, IIUM, Malaysia LANGUAGE EDITOR Lynn Mason, Malaysia COPY EDITOR Hamzah Mohd. Salleh, IIUM, Malaysia MALAY TRANSLATOR Nurul Arfah Che Mustapha, IIUM, Malaysia EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Abdullah Al-Mamun, IIUM, Malaysia Abdumalik Rakhimov, IIUM, Malaysia Ali Sophian, IIUM, Malaysia Erwin Sulaeman, IIUM, Malaysia Hanafy Omar, Saudi Arabia Hazleen Anuar, IIUM, Malaysia Konstantin Khanin, University of Toronto, Canada Ma'an Al-Khatib, IIUM, Malaysia Md Zahangir Alam, IIUM, Malaysia Meftah Hrairi, IIUM, Malaysia Mohamed B. Trabia, United States Mohammad S. Alam, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, United States Mustafizur Rahman, National University Singapore, Singapore Ossama Abdulkhalik, Michigan Technological University, United States Othman O Khalifa, IIUM, Malaysia Razi Nalim, IUPUI, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States Rosminazuin AB. Rahim, IIUM, Malaysia Sharifah Imihezri Syed Shaharuddin, IIUM, Malaysia Waqar Asrar, IIUM, Malaysia INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Anwar, United States Abdul Latif Bin Ahmad, Malaysia Farzad Ismail, USM, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia Hanafy Omar, Saudi Arabia Hany Ammar, United States Idris Mohammed Bugaje, Nigeria K.B. Ramachandran, India Kunzu Abdella, Canada Luis Le Moyne, ISAT, University of Burgundy, France M Mujtaba, United Kingdom Mohamed AI-Rubei, Ireland Mohamed B Trabia, United States Syed Kamrul Islam, United States Tibor Czigany, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Yiu-Wing Mai, The University of Sydney, Australia. AIMS & SCOPE OF IIUM ENGINEERING JOURNAL The IIUM Engineering Journal, published biannually (January and July), is a carefully refereed international publication of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Contributions of high technical merit within the span of engineering disciplines; covering the main areas of engineering: Electrical and Computer Engineering; Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering; Automation and Mechatronics Engineering; Material and Chemical Engineering; Environmental and Civil Engineering; Biotechnology and Bioengineering; Engineering Mathematics and Physics; and Computer Science and Information Technology are considered for publication in this journal. Contributions from other areas of Engineering and Applied Science are also welcomed. The IIUM Engineering Journal publishes contributions under Regular papers and Invited review papers. It also welcomes contributions that address solutions to the specific challenges of the developing world, and address science and technology issues from an Islamic and multidisciplinary perspective. REFEREES’ NETWORK All papers submitted to IIUM Engineering Journal will be subjected to a rigorous reviewing process through a worldwide network of specialized and competent referees. Each accepted paper should have at least two positive referees’ assessments. SUBMISSION OF A MANUSCRIPT A manuscript should be submitted online to the IIUM-Engineering Journal website at Further correspondence on the status of the paper could be done through the journal website. Whilst every effort is made by the publisher and editorial board to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement appears in this Journal, they wish to make it clear that the data and opinions appearing in the articles and advertisement herein are the responsibility of the contributor or advertiser concerned. Accordingly, the publisher and the editorial committee accept no liability whatsoever for the consequence of any such inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement. IIUM Engineering Journal ISSN: 1511-788X E-ISSN: 2289-7860 Published by: IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia Jalan Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Phone (+603) 6421-5014, Fax: (+603) 6421-6298

Alam, AHM Zahirul. "Editorial Page". IIUM Engineering Journal 20, n.º 1 (1 de junio de 2019).

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CHIEF EDITOR Ahmad Faris Ismail, IIUM, Malaysia EXECUTIVE EDITOR AHM Zahirul Alam, IIUM, Malaysia ASSOCIATE EDITOR Anis Nurashikin Nordin, IIUM, Malaysia LANGUAGE EDITOR Lynn Mason, Malaysia COPY EDITOR Hamzah Mohd. Salleh, IIUM, Malaysia EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Abdullah Al-Mamun, IIUM, Malaysia Abdumalik Rakhimov, IIUM, Malaysia Amir Akramin Shafie, IIUM, Malaysia Erry Yulian Triblas Adesta, IIUM, Malaysia Erwin Sulaeman, IIUM, Malaysia Hanafy Omar, Saudi Arabia Hazleen Anuar, IIUM, Malaysia Konstantin Khanin, University of Toronto, Canada Ma'an Al-Khatib, IIUM, Malaysia Md Zahangir Alam, IIUM, Malaysia Meftah Hrairi, IIUM, Malaysia Mohamed B. Trabia, United States Mohammad S. Alam, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, United States Muataz Hazza Faizi Al Hazza, IIUM, Malaysia Mustafizur Rahman, National University Singapore, Singapore Nor Farahidah Binti Za'bah, IIUM, Malaysia Ossama Abdulkhalik, Michigan Technological University, United States Rosminazuin AB. Rahim, IIUM, Malaysia Waqar Asrar, IIUM, Malaysia INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Anwar, United States Abdul Latif Bin Ahmad, Malaysia Farzad Ismail, USM, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia Hanafy Omar, Saudi Arabia Hany Ammar, United States Idris Mohammed Bugaje, Nigeria K.B. Ramachandran, India Kunzu Abdella, Canada Luis Le Moyne, ISAT, University of Burgundy, France M Mujtaba, United Kingdom Mohamed AI-Rubei, Ireland Mohamed B Trabia, United States Mohammad S. Alam, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, United States Nazmul Karim Ossama Abdulkhalik, Michigan Technological University, United States Razi Nalim, IUPUI, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States Syed Kamrul Islam, United States Tibor Czigany, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Yiu-Wing Mai, The University of Sydney, Australia. AIMS & SCOPE OF IIUMENGINEERING JOURNAL The IIUM Engineering Journal, published biannually, is a carefully refereed international publication of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Contributions of high technical merit within the span of engineering disciplines; covering the main areas of engineering: Electrical and Computer Engineering; Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering; Automation and Mechatronics Engineering; Material and Chemical Engineering; Environmental and Civil Engineering; Biotechnology and Bioengineering; Engineering Mathematics and Physics; and Computer Science and Information Technology are considered for publication in this journal. Contributions from other areas of Engineering and Applied Science are also welcomed. The IIUM Engineering Journal publishes contributions under Regular papers, Invited review papers, Short communications, Technical notes, and Letters to the editor (with publication charge). REFEREES’ NETWORK All papers submitted to IIUM Engineering Journal will be subjected to a rigorous reviewing process through a worldwide network of specialized and competent referees. Each accepted paper should have at least two positive referees’ assessments. SUBMISSION OF A MANUSCRIPT A manuscript should be submitted online to the IIUM-Engineering Journal website: Further correspondence on the status of the paper could be done through the journal website and the e-mail addresses of the Executive Editor: Faculty of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Jan Gombak, 53100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Phone: (603) 6196 4529, Fax:(603) 6196 4488. Published by International Islamic University Malaysia Jalan Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Phone (+603) 6196-5018, Fax: (+603) 6196-6298 Website: Whilst every effort is made by the publisher and editorial board to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement appears in this Journal, they wish to make it clear that the data and opinions appearing in the articles and advertisement herein are the responsibility of the contributor or advertiser concerned. Accordingly, the publisher and the editorial committee accept no liability whatsoever for the consequence of any such inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement. IIUM ENGINEERING JOURNAL ISSN: 1511-788X E-ISSN: 2289-7860 Volume 20, Issue 1, June 2019 Table of Content Editorial Page COVER PAGE CHEMICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING COMPARATIVE METAGENOMICS ANALYSIS OF PALM OIL MILL EFFLUENT (POME) USING THREE DIFFERENT BIOINFORMATICS PIPELINES Adibah parmen, MOHD NOOR MAT ISA, FARAH FADWA BENBELGACEM, Hamzah Mohd Salleh, Ibrahim Ali Noorbatcha 1 - 11 PDF LIPASE IMMOBILIZATION ON FIBERS GRAFTED WITH POLYGLYCIDYL METHACHRYLATE Maan Alkhatib, Nik Adlin Bahrudin, HAMZAH M. SALLEH, Teo M. Ting 12 - 23 PDF COLONY COMPOSITION AND BIOMASS OF MACROTERMES GILVUS HAGEN (BLATTODEA: TERMITIDAE) IN INDONESIA NIKEN SUBEKTI, Priyantini Widiyaningrum, Dodi Nandika, Dedy Duryadi Solihin 24 - 28 PDF CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING A SURVEY OF MATLAB EFFICIENCY IN DAMAGE DETECTION OF CONCRETE GRAVITY IN CONCRETE GRAVITY DAMS Sajad Esmaielzadeh, Hassan Ahmadi, Seyed Abbas Hosseini 29 - 48 PDF IMPLEMENTATION OF GOVERNMENT ASSET MANAGEMENT USING TERRESTRIAL LASER SCANNER (TLS) AS PART OF BUILDING INFORMATION MODELLING (BIM) Asep Yusup Saptari, S. Hendriatiningsih, Dony Bagaskara, Levana Apriani 49 - 69 PDF THE ANALYSIS OF LIQUEFACTION PHENOMENON OF THE FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT USING SEISMIC MONITORING EQUIPMENT RINI KUSUMAWARDANI, Untoro Nugroho, Sri Handayani, Mareta Aspirilia Fananda 70 - 78 PDF ELECTRICAL, COMPUTER AND COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING PSG DYNAMIC CHANGES IN METHAMPHETAMINE ABUSE USING RECURRENCE QUANTIFICATION ANALYSIS Sayyed Majid Mazinani, GHASEM SADEGHI BAJESTANI 79 - 89 PDF FINITE ELEMENT SIMULATION OF MEMS PIEZOELECTRIC ENERGY SCAVENGER BASED ON PZT THIN FILM Aliza Aini Md Ralib, Nur Wafa Asyiqin Zulfakher, Rosminazuin Ab Rahim, Nor Farahidah Za'bah, Noor Hazrin Hany Mohamad Hanif 90 - 99 PDF Evaluation on the Effectiveness of Visual Learning Environment on Programming Course From Students’ Perspectives Nasa Zata Dina, Eto Wuryanto, Rachman Sinatriya Marjianto 100 - 107 PDF TOWARDS AN EFFICIENT TRAFFIC CONGESTION PREDICTION METHOD BASED ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND BIG GPS DATA Wiam Elleuch, Ali Wali, Adel M. Alimi 108 - 118 PDF AUGMENTATIVE AND ALTERNATIVE COMMUNICATION METHOD BASED ON TONGUE CLICKING FOR MUTE DISABILITIES NIK NUR WAHIDAH NIK HASHIM, MUHAMMAD AMIRUL AMIN AZMI, HAZLINA MD. YUSOF 119 - 128 PDF A COMBINED DEEP LEARNING MODEL FOR PERSIAN SENTIMENT ANALYSIS Zahra Bokaee Nezhad, Mohammad Ali Deihimi 129 - 139 PDF MODIFIED CAPACITOR ASSISTED EXTENDED BOOST QUASI Z-SOURCE INVERTER FOR THE GRID-CONNECTED PV SYSTEM N Hemalatha, Seyezhai Ramalingam 140 - 157 PDF A NOVEL USER PROFILE-BASED FUZZY APPROACH FOR EVALUATING TRUST IN SEMANTIC WEB SOMAYEH ASHTARI, MALIHE DANESH, hossein shirgahi 158 - 176 PDF PLL-BASED 3?; INVERTER CIRCUIT FOR MICROGRID SYSTEM OPERATED BY ELECTROSTATIC GENERATOR S.M.A Motakabber, Tawfikur Rahman, Muhammad I. Ibrahimy, A. H. M. Zahirul Alam 177 - 193 PDF INTELLIGENT CONTROL SYSTEM OF A WHEELCHAIR FOR PEOPLE WITH QUADRIPLEGIA PARALYSIS hayder Fadhil; Saif Hussam; Yasseen Sadoon 194 - 201 PDF MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING Adsorptive removal of Pb (II) using exfoliated graphite adsorbent:influence of experimental conditions and magnetic CoFe2O4 decoration Thi Thuong Nguyen, Thi Ngoc Thu Nguyen, Long Giang Bach, Duy Trinh Nguyen, Thi Phuong Quynh Bui 202 - 215 PDF Grease Quality Issues on Middle Voltage Switchgear: Corrosivity, Resistivity, Safety and Ageing Mohd Sabri Mahmud, Sanuri Ishak, Mohd Najib Razali, Mohd Aizudin Abdul Aziz, Musfafikri Musa 216 - 228 PDF MECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING A RANS K-? SIMULATION OF 2D TURBULENT NATURAL CONVECTION IN AN ENCLOSURE WITH HEATING SOURCES mehdi ahmadi, Seyed Ali Agha Mirjalily, Seyed Amir Abbas Oloomi 240 - 255 PDF MECHATRONICS AND AUTOMATION ENGINEERING MAGNETICALLY INDUCED PIEZOELECTRIC ENERGY HARVESTER VIA HYBRID KINETIC MOTION Huda Azam, Noor Hazrin Hany Mohamad Hanif, Aliza Aini Md Ralib 256 - 268 PDF

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