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Veddeler, Maximilian Martin [Verfasser] y Heinrich Volker [Akademischer Betreuer] Groesdonk. "Kohlendioxidreflexion der Anästhetikareflektoren MIRUS® versus AnaConDa® unter verschiedenen Bedingungen / Maximilian Martin Veddeler ; Betreuer: Heinrich Volker Groesdonk". Saarbrücken : Saarländische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1176518186/34.

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Veddeler, Maximilian [Verfasser] y Heinrich Volker [Akademischer Betreuer] Groesdonk. "Kohlendioxidreflexion der Anästhetikareflektoren MIRUS® versus AnaConDa® unter verschiedenen Bedingungen / Maximilian Martin Veddeler ; Betreuer: Heinrich Volker Groesdonk". Saarbrücken : Saarländische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1176518186/34.

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Ambrus, Stefan Christoph [Verfasser]. "Untersuchung der Geräte-Charakteristika des Mirus™ (Desfluran) von Pall-GmbH mit Hilfe eines Testaufbaus (Bench-Study) / Stefan Christoph Ambrus". Saarbrücken : Saarländische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 2018. http://d-nb.info/1233286226/34.

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Drees, Dominik [Verfasser], Martin [Akademischer Betreuer] Bellgardt, Thomas [Gutachter] Weber y Peter [Gutachter] Zahn. "Anwendungsbeobachtung des Anästhesiegasreflektionssystems MIRUS TM unter experimentellen und klinischen Bedingungen bei Verwendung von Sevofluran / Dominik Drees ; Gutachter: Thomas Weber, Peter Zahn ; Betreuer: Martin Bellgardt". Bochum : Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2017. http://d-nb.info/1142001539/34.

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Wessendorf, Marcel [Verfasser] y Thomas [Akademischer Betreuer] Volk. "Effizienz der Desfluran-Reflektion in Abhängigkeit von Tidavolumen, Atemfrequenz und Patientenkonzentration in einem Modellversuch : AnaConDa® versus MIRUS™ / Marcel Wessendorf. Betreuer: Thomas Volk". Saarbrücken : Saarländische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 2016. http://d-nb.info/1113592486/34.

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Mirus, Florian [Verfasser], Jörg [Akademischer Betreuer] Conradt, Jörg [Gutachter] Conradt y Andreas [Gutachter] Herkersdorf. "Towards a cognitive automotive environment model: a novel approach based on distributed representations and spiking neural networks / Florian Mirus ; Gutachter: Jörg Conradt, Andreas Herkersdorf ; Betreuer: Jörg Conradt". München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2020. http://d-nb.info/1226934145/34.

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Schröder, Alexandra [Verfasser], Martin [Akademischer Betreuer] Oppermann, Jörg [Gutachter] Rathgeber, José [Gutachter] Hinz y Rainer [Gutachter] Mausberg. "Isofluran oder Sevofluran zur Sedierung von beatmeten Patienten in der Intensivmedizin: Abhängigkeit der Leistungsfähigkeit des MIRUS-Applikationssystems von den Beatmungsparametern im Lungenmodell und im klinischen Kontext unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ökonomischer Aspekte / Alexandra Schröder ; Gutachter: Jörg Rathgeber, José Hinz, Rainer Mausberg ; Betreuer: Martin Oppermann". Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2019. http://d-nb.info/118337450X/34.

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Fourie, Andri. "Carbon minus : a research centre for green technology : focussing on resource efficiency minus footprint". Diss., Pretoria : [s.n.], 2008. http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-11212008-103255.

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Rietz, Jürgen. "Untersuchungen zu MIRUP für Vektorpackprobleme". Doctoral thesis, Technische Universitaet Bergakademie Freiberg Universitaetsbibliothek "Georgius Agricola&quot, 2009. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:swb:105-1446416.

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Das d-dimensionale Vektorpackproblem (d-VPP), welches aus Planungsaufgaben resultieren kann, ist eine Verallgemeinerung des eindimensionalen Zuschnittproblems (1CSP) und deshalb NP-schwer. Die stetige Relaxation, die mittels Spaltengenerierung gelöst werden kann, ergebe den optimalen Zielfunktionswert zC, während der optimale Zielfunktionswert der ganzzahligen Aufgabe zD ist. In der Dissertation werden obere Schranken für das Gap Δ = zD-zC hergeleitet und systematisch Instanzen des 1CSPs mit großem Δ (bis zu 6/5) konstruiert. Die im Teilbarkeitsfall des 1CSPs bekannte Abschätzung Δ < 2 wird zu Δ < 7/5 verschärft. Im d-VPP mit d > 1 gilt die MIRUP-Hypothese Δ < 2 nicht. Dies und die Unbeschränktheit des Wertes einer Variante bei d gegen unendlich werden an speziellen Beispielen gezeigt. Außerdem wird eine Heuristik vorgeschlagen und erprobt.

Erol, Ezgi. "Urban Transportation: Sections At Minus". Master's thesis, METU, 2010. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/3/12611695/index.pdf.

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This thesis focuses on the underground transportation forms that began to emerge in city centers in the second half of the 20th century. Besides providing an illustration and evaluation of the selected case projects, the notions of speed and time are opened for discussion as significant concepts that interact to affect the physical formations both of cities and transport policies. The developments in urban transport technologies after the 1960s are also examined as leading factors in the development of today&rsquo
s multimodal and multilayered urban transportation hubs.

Rietz, Jürgen. "Untersuchungen zu MIRUP für Vektorpackprobleme". [S.l. : s.n.], 2003. http://deposit.ddb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?idn=970170505.

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Backsmeier, Petra. "Das "Minus" beim unterlassungsrechtlichen Globalantrag /". Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2000. http://www.gbv.de/dms/spk/sbb/recht/toc/321820320.pdf.

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Jessel, Janina. "Die Aliud- und Minus-Lieferung im Gewährleistungsrecht". Hamburg Kovač, 2006. http://www.verlagdrkovac.de/978-3-8300-2803-1.htm.

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Smith-Palmer, Jayne. "Studies on minus end directed myosin motors". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2006. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.442658.

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Nott, Christopher James. "Biomarkers in ombrotrophic mires as palaeoclimate indicators". Thesis, University of Bristol, 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/1983/7d4ac25d-664f-48ec-868e-343bc77eb09d.

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Pais, Preema R. "Reducing background in the t neutrino mass limiting decay t [plus or minus] --> K [plus or minus] Ks̳p0̳̳vt̳ /". Connect to online version, 2006. http://ada.mtholyoke.edu/setr/websrc/pdfs/www/2006/174.pdf.

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Martínez, Ana Carolina Rodríguez. "Hydrogeomorphic classification of mire ecosystems within the Baker and Pascua Basins in the Region Aysén, Chilean Patagonia". Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.18452/17314.

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Zehn unerforschte und natürliche Moore entlang der Flüsse Baker und Pascua in der Region Aysén, im chilenischen Patagonien, wurde untersucht, um Informationen über ihre Entstehung, Hydrologie, Geomorphologie, Stratigraphie, Ökologie und Wasser- und Kohlenstoffspeichervermögen zu gewinnen. Es wurden acht verschiedene ökologische Moortypen identifiziert und fünf Moortypen unterscheidbar durch ihr geohydromorphologisches Setting mit insgesamt elf verschiedenen organischen Moorsubstraten. Die gesammelten Information erlauben erste Abschätzungen der Torf-, Süßwasser- und Kohlenstoffmengen, die in den Mooren Ayséns gespeichert sind, sowie der jährlichen Torfakkumulationsraten. Die Moortypen und die in ihnen vorkommenden organischen Substrate wurden in einem geohydromorphologischen Klassifizierungssystem zusammengefasst, welches wichtige hydrologische, geomorphologische, ökologische, bodenkundliche und landschaftliche Parameter integriert. Forschung und Kommunikation über die chilenischen Moore sollen durch diese Arbeit unterstützt werden, um angemessene Monitoring Tools und partizipative Naturschutzstrategien zu entwickeln, die für die Erhaltung dieser Ökosysteme und ihrer Kreisläufe anwendbar sind.
Ten unexplored and pristine mires along the Baker and Pascua River Basins in Aysén, Chilean Patagonia, were examined, generating information about their origin, hydrology, geomorphology, stratigraphy, ecology, and carbon and water storage capacities. Eight mire types ecologically differentiable, associated with five main mire types separable by their hydrology and geomorphology were detected, as well as eleven organic substrate types forming mire soils. The information gathered allows for a first estimation of the peat, fresh water and carbon content stored in the mires of Aysén, as well as for an average growth and annual accumulation rate of the peat. Mire types and their associated substrates are systematized in a hydrogeomorphic classification system, integrating important landscape, hydrological, geomorphical, ecological and pedological components. Research and communication about mires in the Chilean Patagonia should be further supported to generate accurate monitoring tools and participative conservation strategies that are replicable for the preservation of these ecosystems and its balance.

Woodland, Wendy Ann. "Holocene palaeohydrology from testate amoebae analysis : developing a model for British peatlands". Thesis, University of Plymouth, 1996. http://hdl.handle.net/10026.1/841.

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Testate amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) are particularly abundant in peatlands. Previous studies have used testate amoebae in palaeoenvironmental studies, but have used qualitative data only, so that results are expressed only in terms of 'wet', 'dry' or 'moist'. This study uses testate amoebae to derive quantitative reconstructions of mire surface wetness for part of the Holocene and is split into two parts. The first part of this study modelled the responses of individual testate amoebae species to environmental variables on ombrotrophic mires, since the peatland-climate link makes these habitats the one of the most useful in palaeoclimate reconstructions. 163 samples of modern testate amoebae faunas were obtained from 9 ombrotrophic mires across Britain. Environmental variables (mean annual water table, moisture content, dissolved organic carbon, pH, Ca2+ , Mg2+ , SO42- , Cl-, conductivity and host plant species) were measured. A hydrological monitoring programme on an ombrotrophic mire on Dartmoor provided a detailed record of hydrology and selected water chemistry over a year and identified the season most representative of mean annual environmental conditions. Weighted averaging regression applied to the faunas provided absolute moisture content and mean annual water table optima for 38 common testate amoebae species. In the second part of the study weighted averaging calibration was used to derive transfer functions from the modern species' optima. From these, mean annual water table and substrate moisture content were reconstructed for the top 100 cm of a selected fossil peat core from Bolton Fell Moss, Cumbria. These reconstructions were compared with those derived from plant macrofossil and peat humification analyses. Testate amoebae provided a further insight into the decline of Sphagnum imbricaturn, clarified noisy areas of the existing palaeohydrological record and suggested that hydrological changes at Bolton Fell Moss were likely to have been gradual, rather than the sudden event implied by the plant macrofossil record. This study demonstrates the future potential of testate amoebae as palaeohydrological indicators. Expansion of the modern data set in terms of species composition and geographical extent, further applications of testate amoebae into multi-proxy palaeohydrological reconstructions and taxonomic refinements are suggested to improve the technique further.

Goodyer, Emma. "Quantifying the desmid diversity of Scottish blanket mires". Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2014. http://digitool.abdn.ac.uk:80/webclient/DeliveryManager?pid=212335.

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For the first time, presented within this thesis, is an investigation into the species richness and community composition of a group of beautiful but taxonomically challenging green algae - the desmids. This thesis represents the first account of a systematic sampling approach for desmid species and community assemblages in relation to national and local environmental variation. Sampling was focused on intact blanket mire with the aim of capturing a rich baseline dataset of desmid diversity. Previous works had highlighted desmids as being especially species rich in these acidic, nutrient-poor peatland habitats. A nested sampling approach was used to collect desmids from blanket mire microhabitats along the hummock-pool microtopographic gradient, from sites nationally within Scotland. This approach revealed remarkable species richness with 202 taxa sampled, including one new species. Distinct desmid communities were found to be strongly associated with the hummock-lawn-pool microhabitats within patterned blanket mire. This topographic aspect of peatland structure and its associated co-variables (such as pH and water table depth) also have a strong link to desmid diversity with the richest communities being found in association with a consistent supply of water close to the water table. Generally, ‘unstable' habitats supported lower desmid diversity. A field experiment was established to investigate the effects of drainage and drain restoration on desmid communities. This highlighted the loss of desmid diversity in drained peatlands and a successful but slow recovery of diversity upon restoration through drain blocking. The findings of this PhD project provide an understanding of the spatial scale of desmid community structure and the factors which are important for informing future conservation strategies for peatland habitats to maintain the diversity of this fascinating microbial group.

Rocha, Vivianne Cambuí Mesquita. "Discriminação de isolados de Mycobacterium bovis pelas técnicas de Spoligotyping, MIRU e ETR e suas aplicações epidemiológicas". Universidade de São Paulo, 2009. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/10/10134/tde-25022010-113545/.

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O Mycobacterium bovis é o agente causador da tuberculose em bovinos, zoonose que produz prejuízos para a produção de carne e leite em muitos países. Para apoiar estudos epidemiológicos no âmbito dos programas de controle, recentemente surgiram vários métodos de discriminação molecular de isolados de M. bovis. Os mais utilizados são o Spoligotyping, Mycobacterial Interspersed Repetitive Units (MIRU) e Exact Tandem Repeat (ETR), que apresentam diferentes poderes de discriminação. No presente estudo calculou-se a diversidade alélica para cada locus de MIRU e de ETR e o índice discriminatório de Hunter-Gaston (HGI) para o Spoligotyping, 10 MIRU e 3 ETR em 116 amostras de M. bovis isoladas de bovinos. Além disso, verificou-se se a capacidade de detectar agrupamentos espaciais de focos aumenta na medida em que é aumentado o poder discriminatório das análises moleculares. Comparou-se a utilização dessas três técnicas moleculares em análises espaciais para verificação de agrupamentos de focos da doença. A análise da diversidade alélica indicou que os MIRU 16, 26 e 27 e os ETR A, B e C foram os que apresentaram maior diversidade dentre os ensaiados. O HGI para cada uma das técnicas foi de: Spoligotyping = 0,738381; MIRU = 0,829835 e ETR = 0,825337. A associação desses métodos aumentou o poder discriminatório: Spoligotyping + MIRU = 0,930585; Spoligotyping + ETR = 0,931034; MIRU + ETR = 0,953373. O maior poder discriminatório foi alcançado quando as três técnicas foram associadas (HGI = 0,98051). Considerando as análises realizadas no presente estudo, o método inicial deveria ser o Spoligotyping, por diferenciar o M. bovis dos outros integrantes do complexo Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Como as associações do MIRU e do ETR com o Spoligotyping resultaram em HGI praticamente idênticos, depois do Spoligotyping, o método ETR parece ser a melhor escolha, pois é mais rápido e econômico do que o MIRU. Finalmente, o MIRU deve ser o último método a ser realizado. Assim, a escolha do método depende do poder discriminatório necessário para o objetivo em questão. Embora a capacidade de detectar agrupamentos espaciais de focos não tenha sido aumentada na medida em que cresceu o poder discriminatório das análises moleculares, a premissa continua válida.
Mycobacterium bovis is the causative organism of bovine tuberculosis, has zoonotic character and leads economic losses in livestock production in a lot of countries. To support the epidemiological researches on the disease control programs several molecular methods has been used to detect M. bovis strains. Among them, Spoligotyping, Mycobacterial Interspersed Repetitive Units (MIRU) and Exact Tandem Repeat (ETR) are the molecular analyses that present different powers of Mycobacterium bovis discrimination. In this study, allelic diversity of MIRU and ETR locus and Hunter-Gaston discriminatory index (HGI) were calculated for Spoligotyping, 10 MIRU and 3 ETR of 116 isolates of M. bovis from Brazilian bovines. The use of those three molecular techniques was compared in space analyses for verification of groupings of focuses of the disease. Besides, it was verified if the capacity to cluster of focuses increases in the measure in that the discriminatory power of the molecular analyses is increased. The analysis of the allelic diversity indicated that MIRU 16, 26, 27 and ETR A, B, C presented larger diversity among the rehearsed. The HGI for each individual technique was: Spoligotyping = 0.738381; ETR = 0.825337 and MIRU = 0.829835. The associations of these methods increased the discriminatory power: Spoligotyping + MIRU = 0.930585; Spoligotyping + ETR = 0.931034; MIRU + ETR = 0.953373. The greater discriminatory power was verified when the three techniques were associated (HGI = 0,98051). Considering the analyses performed, the initial method for differentiating M. bovis from the other species of the M. tuberculosis complex should be Spoligotyping. The association of MIRU and ETR with Spoligotyping resulted in HGI almost identical, after Spoligotyping, the ETR technique showed to be the best choice, due the shorter time to process and economic benefits when compared to MIRU. Finally, MIRU is the last method to be performed. Thus, the choice among the techniques depends on the discriminatory power necessary for the task. Although the capacity to detect clusters of focuses has not been increased in the measure in that it increased the discriminatory power of the molecular analyses, the premise continues valid.

Rocha, Vivianne Cambuí Figueiredo. "Avaliação do Spoligotyping, MIRU-VNTR e Multispacer Sequence Typing na discriminação de isolados autóctones de Mycobacterium bovis". Universidade de São Paulo, 2013. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/10/10134/tde-22082014-160432/.

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A tuberculose continua sendo uma importante doença infecciosa, tanto nos humanos quanto nos animais, com índices de morbidade e mortalidade significativos e perdas econômicas em todo o mundo. A tuberculose bovina é uma doença infecciosa causada pela bactéria Mycobacterium bovis, que gera perdas na produção nos rebanhos infectados, sendo também considerada uma importante zoonose. Os métodos de diagnóstico direto têm fundamental importância para um sistema de vigilância para a tuberculose bovina e a agregação de métodos moleculares, notadamente aqueles que têm aplicação em epidemiologia, traz maior precisão diagnóstica para esses sistemas. Dentre as técnicas moleculares, destacam-se o TB Multiplex PCR, o RD Multiplex PCR e o Multispacer Sequence Typing, para a identificação dos isolados e o Variable Number Tandem Repeat (VNTR) e o Spoligotyping, como técnicas de fingerpint de M. bovis. Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo a identificação molecular de amostras oriundas de várias regiões do Brasil utilizando estes padrões de técnicas moleculares. Os espoligotipos identificados em maior abundância foram o SB0121, o qual apresentou-se amplamente distribuído entre as amostras, seguido pelo SB0295, SB1380, SB0140 e SB1050. Além disso, foram detectados quatro perfis nunca antes descritos na literatura, sendo que um deles foi o terceiro mais frequente entra as amostras pesquisadas. Os resultados observados neste trabalho demonstraram ainda que a tipagem pelo MIRU-VNTR revelou-se superior ao Spoligotyping para discriminar os isolados. Nesta perspectiva, acredita-se que as pesquisas moleculares voltadas a identificação de micobactérias, aliadas as técnicas epidemiológicas tradicionais, possam melhorar sensivelmente a performance dos sistemas de vigilância para tuberculose bovina no Brasil.
Tuberculosis remains a major infectious disease in both humans and animals, with morbidity and mortality and significant economic losses. Bovine tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium bovis, with yield losses in infected herds and is also considered an important zoonosis. The methods of direct diagnosis are important for a surveillance system for bovine tuberculosis and aggregation of molecular methods brings greater diagnostic accuracy for these systems, especially those that have application in epidemiology. Among them, TB Multiplex PCR, RD Multiplex PCR, and Multispacer Sequence Typing for the identification of strains, and Variable Number Tandem Repeat (VNTR) and Spoligotyping, for fingerprint of M. bovis. Thus, the present study aimed to identify molecular samples from different regions of Brazil using these molecular techniques. The most abundant were the spoligotype SB0121, which has become widely distributed among the samples, followed by SB0295, SB1380, SB0140, and SB1050. In addition, four profiles never before described in the literature were detected, one of which was the third most frequent. The results of this study also showed that the MIRU-VNTR typing has proved superior to Spoligotyping to discriminate the isolates. In this perspective, it is believed that the research focused on molecular identification of mycobacteria, combined traditional epidemiological techniques, can significantly improve the performance of surveillance systems for bovine tuberculosis in Brazil.

Hu, Yi. "Part I, total synthesis [plus or minus]-acylfulvene and [plus or minus]-hydroxymethylacylfulvene ; Part II, a new synthesis of 2-hydroxyphytanic acid /". Diss., Connect to a 24 p. preview or request complete full text in PDF format. Access restricted to UC campuses, 1998. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/ucsd/fullcit?p9820862.

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Hambalek, Robert J. (Robert Josef). "Synthesis of (plus or minus)-oxetanocin and related compounds". Thesis, McGill University, 1992. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=70281.

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Photo-adducts of aldehydes and furan were transformed to substituted monocyclic oxetanes, using a modification of the Fraser-Reid-Mootoo glycosidation procedure, and the chemistry of these oxetanes was studied. The photo-adduct of 2-methylfuran and propionyloxyacetaldehyde was transformed in a one-pot reaction to oxetane 75a, which gave oxetanocin and its epimer as described. The coupling of various oxetanes of the type 75 to nitrogenous bases was also investigated.
During the course of this work, it was found that epoxides of the type 23 could be transformed into bicyclic nucleosides 91 and furanosides 93. Bicyclic nucleosides 99 were also prepared, again using a modified Fraser-Reid-Mootoo coupling procedure.
An investigation into the resolution of photo-adducts of aldehydes and furans was initiated.

Bylin, Helena y Rita Youhannaei. "”Jag är minus gluten och minus mjölk” : En kvalitativ studie om föräldrars upplevelser av en gluten- och mjölkfri kost hos barn med autism". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för kostvetenskap, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-218515.

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BAKGRUND: Autism ingår i begreppet autismspektrumstörning och kan innebära mentala, sensoriska och sociala nedsättningar. Det kan även innebära ett begränsat ätbeteende, enformigt kostintag samt gastrointestinala problem. Att tillämpa elimineringskost och utesluta gluten samt mjölk kan ge symptomlindring. Dock är studier inte entydiga om behandlingen ger effekt. Vid elimineringskost kan närings- och energibrist uppstå. SYFTE: Syftet med studien var att undersöka föräldrarnas upplevelser av en gluten- och mjölkfri diet som behandlingsform för barn med autism. METOD: Kvalitativa intervjuer baserade på en semistrukturerad frågeguide har genomförts. Fem föräldrar deltog i studien, samtalen skedde via Skype videosamtal och telefon. Intervjuerna spelades in för att sedan transkriberas och analyseras med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. RESULTAT: Deltagarna kom i kontakt med kostbehandling via Internet eller vårdkontakt. Kostintervention ansågs säkrare än läkemedel. Varierad tid efter kostbehandling gav förbättrad mental och fysisk status hos barnen. Kosten kunde innebära dyrare mat, oro kring närings- och energibrist, olika koster inom familjen och mer tid för planering. Det fanns svårighet att få vårdintyg för anpassad mat i skola och förskola, samt få subventionering för glutenfria produkter. Det fanns variation i hur familjerna bemöttes av vårdpersonal samt övrig omgivning. Mycket ansvar för kostbehandlingen landade på föräldrarna som uttryckte stort behov av stöd och önskan att få träffa dietist. SLUTSATS: Gluten- och mjölkfri kost kräver mycket tid, energi och kunskap av föräldrar, vars vardag påverkas socialt, ekonomiskt och praktiskt. Deltagarna i studien upplevde stor oro samt bristande stöd från omgivningen, speciellt i form av dietistkontakt. Kosten ledde till konflikter i olika sammanhang. Trots svårigheter upplevdes fördelarna av behandlingen mer centrala.

Leung, Kar-fai y 梁嘉輝. "Structural analysis of Mirs Bay, Hong Kong region". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2004. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B30459989.

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Sin, Fung-siu Iris y 冼鳳笑. "Offshore sedimentary environments in Mirs Bay, Hong Kong". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1999. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B31221610.

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Sin, Fung-siu Iris. "Offshore sedimentary environments in Mirs Bay, Hong Kong /". Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1999. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record.jsp?B21021181.

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Marguerat-König, Catherine Marguerat-König Catherine Marguerat-König Catherine Marguerat-König Catherine. "Selektionsversuch auf wirtschaftlich gewichtete Merkmale - Eierlös minus Futterkosten - beim Huhn /". [S.l.] : [s.n.], 1988. http://e-collection.ethbib.ethz.ch/show?type=diss&nr=8694.

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Laguillo, Diego Alejandra 1991. "K-fiber dynamics: a focus on the microtubule minus-ends". Doctoral thesis, TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa), 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/671237.

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During cell division, microtubules (MTs) organize into a bipolar spindle that drives faithful chromosome segregation through the kinetochore fibers (k-fibers), bundles of parallel MTs that attach the chromosomes through their plus-ends to the spindle poles through their minus-ends. K-fiber MT plus and minus ends dynamics are coordinated to provide stability at the same time as support error correction, chromosome alignment and segregation. However, k-fiber minus-ends have been poorly characterized. Electron tomography studies showed that the k-fibers MT minus ends have mixed open or close conformations suggesting complex regulatory mechanisms. Consistently, the silencing of MCRS1, currently the only potential regulator, results in k-fibers with less MTs with an increased proportion of open ends morphologies. TIRF based in vitro reconstitution assays showed that MCRS1 and KANSL3 associate preferentially with one MT end. Another member of the complex, KANSL1 may mediate their interaction formation of a ternary complex. Altogether, my results suggest that the MCRS1-KANSL-complex could dynamically “cap” some K-fiber MT-minus-ends to regulate their depolymerization rates for proper cell division.
Durant la divisió cel.lular els microtúbuls (MTs) s’organitzen en el fus mitòtic, que és l’encarregat de la segregació dels cromosomes a través de les anomenades “fibres del cinetocor” (fibres-k). Aquestes fibres son feixos de MTs que connecten a través del seu extrem-(+) els cromosomes amb els pols del fus mitòtic, on tenen el seu extrem-(-). La dinàmica d’aquestes fibres-k en tots dos extrems està coordinada per garantir l’estabilitat del fus mitòtic alhora que permet l’alineament dels cromosomes, la seva segregació i la correcció de posibles errors. Malgrat tot, la dinàmica a l’extrem-(-) gairebé no s’ha caracteritzat. Els nostres estudis amb tomografia electrònica demostren que els extrems-(-) dels MTs de les fibres-k presenten una barreja en les conformacions dels seus extrems obertes i tancades, el que suggereix que estan subjectes a mecanismes de regulació complexos. D’acord amb això, el silenciament de MCRS1, actualment l’únic regulador potencial de la dinàmica a l’extrem-(-), té com a resultat fibres-k amb menys MTs i amb un increment en la proporció d’extrems amb conformacions obertes. Assaigs de reconstitució in vitro basats en microscopia TIRF mostren que MCRS1 i KANSL3 s’uneixen preferentment a un dels extrems del MT. Un altre membre del mateix complex, KANSL1 podria també interaccionar per formar un complex ternari. En conjunt, els meus resultats suggereixen que el complex MCRS1-KANSL podria bloquejar dinàmicament alguns extrems (-) de les fibres-k per tal de regular la seva despolimerizació de manera que la divisió cel.lular sigui adequada.

Duranel, Arnaud J. "Hydrology and hydrological modelling of acidic mires in central France". Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2015. http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/1472054.

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This thesis identifies, quantifies and models water fluxes within the Dauges National Nature Reserve, an acidic valley mire in the French Massif Central. A range of techniques were used to investigate the nature and geometry of granite weathering formations and of peat deposits. Rainfall, reference evapotranspiration, stream discharge, stream stage, groundwater table depths and piezometric heads were monitored over a three-year period. The distributed, physics-based hydrological model MIKE SHE/MIKE 11 was used to model water flow within the mire and its catchment. It was shown that the mire is mostly fed by groundwater flowing within the densely fissured granite zone and upwelling through the peat deposits. Upwelling to the peat layer and seepage to overland flow were highest along the mire boundaries. However hydrological functioning differs from this general conceptual model in some locations due to the high variability of the peat hydraulic characteristics, the presence of highly permeable alluvial deposits or past human interference including drainage. The equivalent porous medium approach used to model groundwater flow within the fissured granite zone gave satisfactory results: the model was able to reproduce discharge at several locations within the high-relief catchment and groundwater table depth in most monitoring points. Sensitivity analyses showed that the specific yield and horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the fissured zone are the parameters to which simulated stream discharge and groundwater table depth, including in peat, are most sensitive. The model was forced with new vegetation parameters to assess the potential impacts of changes in catchment landuse on the mire hydrological conditions. Replacement of the broadleaf woodlands that currently cover most of the catchment with conifer plantations would lead to a substantial reduction in surface and groundwater inflows to the mire and to a substantial drop in summer groundwater table depths, particularly along the mire margins.

Nordmann, Jean-Philippe. "Proprietes du systeme visuel liees a l'utilisation de mires periodiques". Paris 6, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA066256.

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Cette these est consacree a l'apport des reseaux periodiques ayant un profil de luminance sinusoidal dans la mise en evidence de proprietes du systeme visuel. Les reponses isolees de neurones appartenant a deux structures visuelles ont ete etudiees par une methode electrophysiologique chez le chat adulte, la partie laterale du complexe noyau-lateral-posterieur-pulvinar et le cortex strie. L'utilisation de reseaux periodiques a permis d'analyser la selectivite a l'orientation, a la frequence spatiale, a la frequence temporelle, la binocularite et la selectivite a la phase dans le pulvinar et la selectivite a la direction dans l'aire striee. Ce travail a mis en evidence les parentes fonctionnelles entre les cellules du pulvinar et les cellules complexes de l'aire 17. L'analyse de la selectivite a la direction dans cette derniere structure lors de l'utilisation de stimuli a type de barres et de reseaux periodiques suggere que la stimulation sequentielle des regions on et off des champs recepteurs joue un faible role dans la creation de la selectivite a la direction des neurones de l'aire 17. La seconde partie de ce travail est consacre a l'interet des reseaux sinusoidaux en psychophysique humaine. Nous avons caracterise l'effet masque d'un bruit visuel dans l'amblyopie en utilisant des mires periodiques. A cet effet, la sensibilite au contraste a ete etudiee en l'absence et en presence d'un bruit visuel chez des sujets normaux et des sujets amblyopes. Le bruit visuel provoque une diminution de sensibilite au contraste. De facon generale, l'effet masque est identique chez les amblyopes et chez les sujets normaux. Des presentations dichoptiques nous ont permis d'emettre l'hypothese d'une localisation corticale des phenomenes inhibiteurs lies au bruit. Les deux dernieres parties de la these montrent l'interet des mires periodiques a la fois dans la detection precoce et dans la comprehension de la physiopathologie d'une affection ophtalmologique, le glaucome, et d'une atteinte generale, le mal aigu des montagnes

Kassif-Weiss, Sivan O. "Do Shared S-minus Functions Among Stimuli Lead to Equivalence?" Thesis, University of North Texas, 2005. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc4863/.

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We examined the claim that equivalence classes contain all positive elements in a reinforcement contingency by asking whether negative stimuli in a reinforcement contingency will also form an equivalence class, based on their shared function as S-minus stimuli. In Experiment 1, 5 subjects were tested for equivalence for positive and negative stimuli. Testing of positive stimuli preceded testing of negative stimuli. Two of five subjects demonstrated equivalence for positive stimuli, and three subjects demonstrated equivalence for negative stimuli. In Experiment 2, order of testing was reversed. Four of six subjects demonstrated equivalence for positive stimuli, and none demonstrated equivalence for negative stimuli. In Experiment 3, positive and negative stimuli were tested together. Only one of five subject demonstrated equivalence for positive and negative stimuli. These data suggest that negative stimuli may enter an equivalence class, and so Sidman paradigm should be expanded. Order of testing was found as a meaningful variable.

Smith, B. M. "A palaoecological study of raised mires in the Humberhead levels". Thesis, Cardiff University, 1985. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.332990.

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Smith, Brian Michael. "A palaeoecological study of raised mires in the Humberhead Levels". Thesis, Cardiff University, 1985. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.729330.

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Loizou, T. "Describing bog surfaces". Thesis, University of Dundee, 1994. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.366994.

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Clarke, M. J. "Past and present mire communities of the New Forest and their conservation". Thesis, University of Southampton, 1987. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.381138.

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Roberts, Leri Jane. "Environmental and temporal aspects of bog-pine establishment and decline in central Britain during the Holocene". Thesis, University of Bristol, 1998. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.266997.

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Tessore, Benjamin. "Étude spectropolarimétrique des étoiles froides évoluées". Thesis, Montpellier, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017MONTS030/document.

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Dans cette thèse, j'analyse des observations spectropolarimétriques d'étoiles froides évoluées dans tous les paramètres de Stokes ($I$, $Q$, $U$ et $V$).L'étude des spectres polarisés circulairement de trois étoiles supergéantes rouges (RSG) m'a permis de détecter un faible champ magnétique (de l'ordre de 1 Gauss) à leur surface ainsi que de mettre en évidence l'influence de la forte polarisation linéaire de ces étoiles sur la mesure du champ magnétique.Cette forte polarisation linéaire est d'origine non magnétique et est reliée à la polarisation du continu dont l'observabilité résulte de la présence de structures brisants la symétrie cylindrique du disque stellaire.Après une analyse en profondeur de la polarisation du continu des étoiles RSG, j'utilise un modèle analytique spectropolarimétrique permettant de remonter à la position sur le disque de ces structures, en bon accord avec des observations interférométriques.Les étoiles variables pulsantes montrent elles aussi des signaux polarisés linéairement intenses dont l'origine est la polarisation intrinsèque (où de résonance) associée à certaines raies spectrales.Pour ces étoiles, les gradients de vitesses, introduits par les ondes de chocs se propageants dans leur atmosphère, amplifient la polarisation intrinsèque des raies, un mécanisme d'éclaircissement Doppler, bien connu dans le cas du Soleil, qui offre de nouvelles perspectives dans l'étude de ces objets
In this thesis work, full Stokes ($I$, $Q$, $U$ et $V$) spectropolarimetric observations of cool evolved stars have been analysed.I have measured a weak magnetic field at the surface of three well known red supergiant stars. Furthermore, I have shown that the strong level of linear polarisation, measured for these stars, can lead to some ambiguity in the measurement of magnetic fields.This strong, unmagnetic, linear polarisation originate from depolarisation of the continuum which, in turn, is only detectable because of symmetry-breaking effects on the stellar disk.I study in some details the continuum polarisation of RSG stars and I present a way of mapping symmetry-breaking strucutres through the mean of a spectropolarimetric model. Good agreement with interferometric observations is reached.From their side, pulsating variable stars also show strong linearly polarised features in their spectra. These features are indeed due to resonant scattering polarisation associated to metallic lines, a phenomenon reminiscent of the second solar spectrum.For these stars, the velocity gradients, pertaining to the shock waves propagating through their atmosphere, enhance the intrinsic polarisation of the lines. This Doppler brightening effect, well known in the solar case, offer a new innovative method for the analysis of these stars

Michalak, Miroslawa. "Minus är inte bara att ta bort : Subtraktion i åk 3". Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för pedagogik, psykologi och idrottsvetenskap, PPI, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-20067.

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Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka elevers användning av lösningsstrategier i subtraktion samt lärares och läromedlens framställning av dessa, för att kunna komma fram till hur en framgångsrik undervisning i subtraktion, med fokus på lösningsstrategier, kan se ut. Undersökningen genomfördes i tre klasser i åk 3. Metoder i studien var elevenkät, intervju med lärare och läromedelsgranskning. Data bearbetades med hjälp av en egenkonstruerad begreppsmodell utifrån olika lösningsstrategier. Resultatet visar på en större variation av lösningsstrategier i undervisningen än i elevernas uträkningar. Eleverna använder sig oftast av enbart en av lösningsstrategierna, så kallad ”talsortsvis beräkning”. Strategin leder till många fel i elevernas uträkningar.
The purpose of this study was to investigate how pupils use solution strategies for subtraction, and how those are presented by teachers and textbooks in order to find out how successful teaching in subtraction, with focus on solution strategies, might look. The study was carried out on three groups in the 3rd grade. The methods of this study consisted of a pupil survey, interviews with teachers and a review of textbooks. The data were processed using a self-constructed conceptual model based on different solution strategies. The results indicate a larger variation of solution strategies in the teaching than in the pupils´ calculations. The pupils typically use only one of the solution strategies, a so-called "number-splitting calculation". This strategy leads to many errors in the pupils' calculations.

Ribó, i. Vedrilla Serni. "Calibration Validation and Polarimetry in 2D Aperture Synthesis. Application to MIRAS". Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/6893.

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La missió SMOS de l'Agència Europea de l'Espai (ESA) té com a objectiu mesurar la humitat del sòl i la salinitat dels oceans, paràmetres fonamentals per tal d'entendre el canvi climàtic global.
MIRAS (Radiòmetre de microones generador d'imatges pel mètode de síntesi d'obertura) és un tipus d'instrument nou per a l'observació de la terra i és l'únic instrument de la missió SMOS. Consisteix en un agrupació aprimada (thinned array) en forma d'i grega amb 21 elements per braç. Amb aquesta tècnica s'aconsegueixen grans obertures sintètiques amb una massa relativament reduida.
Aquesta nova tecnologia ha estat triada per a la missió SMOS, per tal d'acomplir els criteris de resolució espacial (30-50km) i de temps de revisita (3 dies). En el camp de la radioastronomia ja es fan servir instruments similars a MIRAS, però en aquest cas les fonts
observades tenen una mida angular reduïda (estrelles i galàxies). En el cas de MIRAS, la terra és una font extensa que cobreix pràcticament tot el camp de visió de MIRAS, de tal manera que les tècniques de calibració desenvolupades per a radioastronomia no són
vàlides per a la missió SMOS.
Aquesta tesi es concentra principalment en comprovar experimentalment diferents tècniques de calibració i demostrar la capacitat de MIRAS per a generar imatges. La segona part està dedicada al mode polarimètric de MIRAS i a la capacitat d'aquest a millorar el rendiment de MIRAS.
Aquest tesi es va iniciar l'any 2000 gràcies a una beca de dos anys (de l'estiu de 2000 a l'estiu de 2002) al centre ESTEC de l'Agència Europea de l'Espai als Països Baixos. Durant aquesta estada es van realitzar les primeres campanyes de mesura per tal de comprovar els mètodes de calibració i les capacitats de generar imatge de MIRAS. En aquests tests de validació d'imatge es va utilitzar un primer prototipus de MIRAS. La realització, planificació, preparació, execució i processament de les dades són part d'aquesta tesi. Aquelles campanyes van demostrar la capacitat dels mètodes de calibració indicant, a més en quina direcció calia continuar treballant per tal de refinar-los. També van demostrar la capacitat de MIRAS per a generar imatges,mitjançant la mesura de la seva resposta impulsional. En aquesta tesi se'n presenten els resultats més importants. Durant l'estada a ESTEC també es va realitzar treball teòric i simulacions sobre interferometria polarimètrica, contribuint d'aquesta manera a la formulació de la funció de visibilitat polarimètrica i a la definició del mode de funcionament polarimetric de MIRAS.
La tesi es va continuar al Laboratori de Tecnologia Espacial (LST) de la Universitat Tecnològica de Hèlsinki (HUT) durant tres mesos (agost 2002 a octubre 2002) com a investigador convidat. Els coneixements adquirits prèviament van servir per a contribuir al desenvolupament de HUT-2D, el radiòmetre interferomètric aerotransportat de LST pensat
com a demostrador de la tecnologia emprada a MIRAS, confirmant els resultats obtinguts a les campanyes prèvies a ESTEC.
El febrer de 2003 es va continuar la tesi a l'Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC) amb un contracte de recerca del ministeri d'Educació i Ciència. Es va estudiar l'efecte dela rotació de Faraday a MIRAS. El resultat és una proposta de solució per a compensar-la fent servir el mode polarimètric de MIRAS. En el tram final de la tesi s'ha fet l'electrònica de control (EGSE) d'un demostrador aerotransportat de MIRAS (SAM), per a l'ESA. Aquest instrument permet fer ús del mètode de calibració per injecció de soroll a dues temperatures, que és un refinament dels anteriors mètodes de calibració dels prototipus de MIRAS. La tesi presenta resultats experimentals preliminars d'aquest mètode de calibració.
The SMOS mission of the European Space Agency (scheduled 2007) is devoted to measure Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity, which are key parameters on the understanding of global climate change. The single instrument of this mission is the MIRAS (Microwave Imaging Radiometer using Aperture Synthesis), a new kind of instrument devoted to Earth observation. It is a thinned Y-shaped array with 21 elements per arm. With this technique a large synthetic aperture antenna with relative low weight can be obtained. This novel technique has been selected for the SMOS mission in order to fulfil both criteria ground resolution (35-50km) and revisit time (3 days).
Similar instruments to MIRAS have already been used for radio astronomy but in that case only sources with a narrow angular size (stars and galaxies) were observed. In the case of MIRAS, the Earth is an extended source of thermal radiation, which almost fills up the complete field of view of MIRAS. The consequence of it is that the calibration techniques developed for radio astronomy may not be used in the SMOS mission.
This thesis is mainly focused to experimentally test several calibration techniques and to prove the imaging properties of MIRAS. A second part is devoted to the polarimetric mode of MIRAS and its capability to improve its performance.
This thesis was started thanks to a two year grant (from summer 2000 to summer 2002) at the ESTEC centre of the European Space Agency in the Netherlands. During this time the first experimental campaigns aimed to test calibration methods and imaging capabilities of MIRAS were done. In these so called image validation tests a first MIRAS prototype was used. The planning, preparation, execution and data processing for different tests was done. The capability of the calibration methods was demonstrated, showing also in which direction further research should be undertaken in order to refine them. The imaging properties of MIRAS were also demonstrated with the measurement of its impulsional response. The most important results are presented here. At the ESTEC centre theoretical work and simulations on polarimetric interferometry have also been done. This research contributed to the formulation of the polarimetric visibility function and the definition of the polarimetric operation mode of MIRAS.
After the two years stage at ESTEC, the thesis was continued at the Laboratory of Space Technology (LST) of the Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) for three months (August 2002 to October 2002), as an invited researcher. There the HUT-2D interferometric radiometer, an airborne demonstrator instrument for MIRAS, was being constructed. The experience gained in the previous campaigns was shared with the HUT-2D team and the calibration methods were tested in a different instrument, confirming the previous results.
In February 2003 this thesis was continued at the Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC) under a research contract of the Spanish ministry of research. There the effect of Faraday rotation on MIRAS was studied. A solution for compensating it was proposed, making use of the polarimteric operation mode of MIRAS. The thesis was continued at IEEC, designing and manufacturing the Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) of an airborne demonstrator of MIRAS, known as SAM (Small Airborne MIRAS). This work was done for ESA. This instrument implements the complete calibration scheme with two-level noise injection, which is arefinement of the calibration schemes used in previous MIRAS prototypes. Preliminary experimental results of this novel calibration technique are also presented in this thesis.

Rasmussen, Christopher Jorgen. "Jacobians of etale covers of the projective line minus three points". Diss., The University of Arizona, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/284336.

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We consider the outer pro-2 Galois representation on the algebraic fundamental group of the projective line minus three points. This representation has a kernel, whose fixed field Ω₂, is a pro-2 extension of Q(μ₂∞), unramified away from 2. The fields of 2-power torsion of the Jacobians of curves defined over Q, possessing good reduction away from 2, are also pro-2 extensions of Q(μ₂∞), unramified away from 2. In this dissertation, we show that these fields are contained in O2 for certain choices of curves. In particular, the result is shown for all elliptic curves over Q with good reduction away from 2. In proving this theorem, we will demonstrate that these curves appear in the tower of finite etale 2-covers of the projective line minus three points. In the final chapter, we briefly consider three natural generalizations of the result and give partial results in these cases. Specifically, we consider the case of elliptic curves defined over certain extensions of Q, the case of the prime ℓ = 3, and the case of higher genus curves occurring as 2-covers.

Bermingham, Nóra Caitríona. "Palaeohydrology and archaeology in raised mires : a case study from Kilnagarnagh". Thesis, University of Hull, 2005. http://hydra.hull.ac.uk/resources/hull:5619.

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This thesis concerns the palaeohydrological reconstruction of a raised mire in Kilnagamagh, Co. Offaly, Ireland in order to investigate environmental influences on human activity in mires as represented by archaeological deposits, and the mire's potential for broader palaeoenviromnental reconstruction. The results are compared against trends in other mires in Ireland, the UK and Northwest Europe. Analytical techniques used include gross peat stratigraphic and archaeological field survey, testate amoebae, plant macrofossil and colorimetric humification analyses and radiocarbon dating. A Bronze Age wooden walkway in Kilnagarnagh Bog and a series of trackways from neighbouring bogs provide the archaeological focus of this study. It is shown that trackway construction, or the lack thereof, may be viewed in part as a response to changes in the environment. Very dry or very wet situations may not warrant trackway construction; however, simple models of behaviour occurring in either wet or dry situations may be misleading as local environmental conditions may be more complex. Some models of peatland development typically suggest that external (allogenic) factors such as climate change control development. Others suggest that both external and internal (autogenic) processes combine to control development. In reconstructing environmental conditions it is important to separate these controls as this has implications for the use of peatland development as a proxy for climatic reconstruction. The timing of the most significant hydrological changes in KiInagarnagh suggests autogenic factors rather than regional climate change controlled development, with one exception; from c.850BC to around the seventh century AD mire growth was greatly retarded due to a sudden and long-term drop in the water table which may ultimately have been driven by a regional change to wetter conditions.

Bosworth, Garry. "High-resolution palaeoenvironmental investigations on Holcene mires in the Baltic region". Thesis, University of Gloucestershire, 2005. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.427475.

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Wimble, G. T. "The palaeoecology of the lowland coastal raised mires of South Cumbria". Thesis, Bucks New University, 1986. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.374830.

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Mikus, Holger [Verfasser]. "Substitutionsvarianten von Stützit und Beiträge zur Magnetstruktur von Mn2GeSe4 / Holger Mikus". Aachen : Shaker, 2007. http://d-nb.info/1166512959/34.

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Rodrigues, Sheila Silva. "Biologia e sucesso reprodutivo de Mimus saturninus (aves: mimidae) no cerrado". reponame:Repositório Institucional da UnB, 2009. http://repositorio.unb.br/handle/10482/4585.

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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Animal, 2009.
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O Sabiá-do-campo, Mimus saturninus (Mimidae) é bastante comum em cerrados, campos, pastos com árvores e arbustos esparsos, além de ser freqüentemente observado em ambientes urbanos. O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de estudar aspectos da sua biologia e sucesso reprodutivo em uma área natural de cerrado. A coleta de dados ocorreu na Estação Ecológica de Águas Emendadas (ESECAE) entre os anos de 2003 e 2008. Localizamos 64 ninhos da espécie para os quais, foi possível determinar o destino de 55 deles. Foram utilizados 45 ninhos para análise do sucesso reprodutivo e sobrevivência dos ninhos. A maioria dos ninhos foi encontrada em Cerrado ralo (50%). A incubação é assincrônica e a reprodução ocorre de agosto a dezembro. O ninho é em formato de tigela, constituído de gravetos, confeccionado principalmente em arbustos de Davilla elliptica (Dilleniaceae). A altura média do ninho em relação ao solo foi de 1,3 0,6 m. O tamanho da ninhada variou de um a seis ovos, com predominância de ninhadas de três ovos. Tanto o período médio de incubação como o de permanência dos ninhegos no ninho foram estimados em 14 0,27 dias. Encontramos apenas um ninho parasitado por Chopim, Molothrus bonariensis. O sucesso reprodutivo aparente, o sucesso de eclosão dos ovos e o sucesso estimado pelo método de Mayfield foram de 54,5; 40,5 e 54,6 %, respectivamente. A predação foi atribuída como a principal causa do fracasso reprodutivo (88%). Dentre os ninhos predados, 86,4% foram perdidos na fase de ninhego e 13,6% na de incubação. A infestação dos ninhegos por larvas de dípteras foi freqüente, porém nenhuma perda foi atribuída a esse fator. A probabilidade de sobrevivência dos ninhos, modelada pelo método de exposição logística, mostra que a sobrevivência pode variar de acordo com a idade do ninho e o tamanho da ninhada. Ninhadas maiores apresentam sobrevivência diária relativamente maior do que ninhadas pequenas. Ninhos no fim da fase de incubação sofrem um decréscimo na sobrevivência diária e as menores probabilidades de sobrevivência foram encontradas nos primeiros dias da fase de ninhego seguidas por um aumento no fim do mesmo período. A sobrevivência diária dos ninhos não foi afetada pelas fitofisionomias escolhidas para a nidificação e ao longo da estação reprodutiva. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
The Chalk-browed Mockingbird, Mimus saturninus (Mimidae) is a very common bird in cerrados, grasslands, and pasturelands with scattered trees or shrubs, also occurring in urban environments. Here I studied aspects of its breeding biology and success in a natural cerrado. Data was collected at Estação Ecológica de Águas Emendadas (ESECAE) from 2003 to 2008. I monitored 64 nests of which 55 had a known fate. I used 45 nests for the reproductive success and nest survival analyses. Most nests (50%) were found at open cerrado. Incubation was asynchronic and nesting lasted from August to December. Nests were an open-cup built with twigs usually on a Davilla elliptica (Dilleniaceae) shrub. Mean nest height above the ground was 1.3 0.6 m. Clutch size was invariably of three, but ranging from one to six eggs. Both the incubation and the nestling period lasted 14 0.3 days. Only one nest was parasited by the Shiny Cowbird, Molothrus bonariensis. The apparent success, the success of eggs and the Mayfield success were 54.5, 40.5 and 54.6 %, respectively. Predation was the main cause of nest failure, accounting for 88% of loses. Among the predated nests, 86.4% were lost during the nestling phase and only 13.6% were lost during the incubation phase. Nestling infestation by botflies was common but did not cause the death of nestlings. Nest survival rates, modeled by the logistic exposure method, showed that they could vary according to nest age and clutch size. Larger clutch sizes had higher survival rates than smaller clutch sizes. Nests at the end of incubation phase had a decrease in survival, had the lowest success in the first days of the nestling phase and increased again at the end of the nestling phase. Nests daily survival rates were not affected by vegetation type or by time of the season.

Boughaleb, Hichame. "Courbes de lumière des étoiles Miras : classification, analyse symbolique et prévision". Montpellier 2, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994MON20084.

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Les etoiles variables a longue periode de type mira sont caracterisees par des variations de luminosite pseudo-periodiques et de grande amplitude. Ce travail de these est base sur des donnees qui concernent un echantillon de pres de 400 courbes de lumiere visuelle et, qui couvrent une duree de 75 ans. Dans un premier temps, nous abordons une etude statistique aussi bien de chaque courbe de lumiere que de l'ensemble de l'echantillon. Cette premiere etape nous permet de determiner, les correlations cycle a cycle ainsi que les parametres moyens de chacune des courbes de lumiere. Les liens avec certains parametres physiques de ces etoiles sont ensuite examines. Par ailleurs, nous nous interessons au probleme de la prevision des courbes de lumiere. Nous exposons alors la methode d'apprentissage symbolique que nous avons appliquee et qui reste valable bien au dela du present contexte. Elle permet en effet l'analyse et la prevision de series chronologiques comportant des donnees manquantes. Nous illustrons alors comment cette technique s'est inseree dans la procedure de prevision elaboree dans le cadre de la mission spatiale europeenne hipparcos. Finalement, nous procedons a une classification automatique des courbes de lumiere, comparant approches symboliques et methodes numeriques usuelles. Nous examinons enfin les liens de cette classification avec d'autres classifications apparentees a l'apprentissage symbolique ou a la cinematiques des etoiles correspondantes. Nous degageons ainsi les rapports entre les caracteristiques d'une courbe de lumiere et l'appartenance de l'etoile a une population stellaire

Leeuw, Lerothodi La Pula. "Iras oxygen- and carbon-rich miras close to the galactic plane". Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 1997. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/18617.

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Observations are presented for 101 I RAS sources that were expected to be Mira Variables and that lie close to the galactic plane: -7.0 3 < b < + 1° and 282.°5 < l < 285.°5. Over 1090 JHKL photometry modules were obtained for the sources. From the photometry the sample was shown to comprise 85 Miras, 12 of which had published periods. New periods were determined for all the Miras. Of the 85 Miras in the sample, 21 had previous published spectra and the rest were tentatively classified as oxygen or carbon-rich Miras using infrared two-colour diagrams. The oxygen and carbon-rich Miras, respectively, have mean periods and K half-amplitudes of 386 days and 0.36 mag and 442 days and 0.46 mag. Statistical tests showed that the probability that the period distribution functions of the oxygen and carbon-rich stars came from the same population was very small: 0.00055. The period as well as the K- Land K- [12μm] colours were shown to be functions of amplitude. For the carbon-rich Miras the [12μm]- [25μm] colour was shown to be correlated with amplitude. Bolometric magnitudes were determined by integrating under a spline curve fitted to the J H K L12, 25μm fluxes of the Miras. Distances to the stars have been calculated using absolute magnitude P- L relations from oxygen-rich and carbon-rich Miras in the LMC, where the LMC distance modulus of 18.57 was adopted. In addition, a search of Miras in the Galactic Bulge using APM-scanned !-plate data are presented. A total of 116 Mira candidates were identified, 43 of which were classified as strong candidates. The presented work will contribute to the study of Galactic structure.

O'Brien, Elizabeth. "Organisation, landowner and farmer management in the conservation of blanket mires". Thesis, University of Central Lancashire, 2000. http://clok.uclan.ac.uk/20039/.

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Despite being Britain's most extensive semi-natural habitat, less research has been carried out on blanket mires than on many other habitats. This is possibly a result of their relative inaccessibility, since they are mainly confined to upland areas in England and Wales and remoter parts of Scotland; also to their apparent abundance, given that they cover significant portions of the landscape. Blanket mires in Britain cover approximately 1.5-2 million hectares; studies have documented substantial losses and up to ninety percent of blanket mires in Britain have been adversely affected. Literature on blanket mires suggests that poor management is one of the key issues for this habitat together with a lack of financial resources and commitment by the Government to protect and conserve sites adequately. The range of land uses of blanket mires is complex and includes agriculture, conservation, recreation, water catchment, grouse and deer management and forestry. These various uses have led to conflict among certain groups and a number of uses have had a detrimental effect on this habitat. Often the value of blanket mires has been overlooked even though this habitat, as part of natural ecosystem process, can provide functions and services such as wildlife interest and hydrological supply systems. A gap has been identified in the current literature on blanket mires, which suggests that research into the broader issues of strategy and management of this habitat, by organisations, landowners and farmers, has not been undertaken. Interview data have been obtained from organisations, landowners and farmers involved with blanket mire management and assessed by interpretational analysis. The research has been carried out both at a national level in Britain and at a local level with a case study of the Forest of Bowland in Lancashire. The local case study has been related to the wider context of blanket mire management and conservation. A total of fifty four in-depth interviews were undertaken in order to gain information on the views, perspectives and experiences of those involved with blanket mire management. How blanket mires are valued has a significant impact on how peatlands are conserved and for what reason. This research reveals that, in order to be effective, organisations will have to have a clear vision of what end point they are working towards and devise practical sategies that are flexible enough to incorporate the distinctiveness of different blanket mire areas.

Jackson, Sarah May. "An investigation of the combined stable isotopic composition of methane emissions from northern wetlands". Thesis, Open University, 1998. http://oro.open.ac.uk/54555/.

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Methane is a radiatively active, naturally occurring atmospheric trace gas which is thought to account for as much as 19% of the enhanced greenhouse effect. Ice core studies have shown that the atmospheric concentration has more than doubled since pre-industrial times. Wetlands are the largest natural source of atmospheric methane, contributing around 21 % of the annual global flux. The magnitude of various sources of methane is still poorly defined. Stable isotope measurements are increasingly being used to constrain global budgets of atmospheric trace gases because isotopic analysis provides a much clearer picture of global atmospheric chemistry than C~ concentration measurements alone. Conventional analytical techniques for studying dual stable isotopic composition of methane (813e and 8D) require prohibitively large quantities of CH4 for analysis. At the Planetary Sciences Research Institute of the Open University, a highly sensitive static mass spectrometer has been developed which uniquely uses CH4 as the analyte. The method requires only 8 ng ofCH4 for analysis «10 ml ambient air), making replicated measurements of the isotopic composition of CH4 emissions from wetlands feasible for the first time. Methane emissions from an ombrotrophic mire in Snowdonia have been measured over 2 years, (1995-1997) and analysed for 817M. Parallel laboratory studies have also been conducted, to constrain the effects of environmental variables such as peat temperature and water table depth. The presence of vascular plants enhanced methane flux. In the field, methane flux showed seasonal variation. Peat temperature and water table depth could account for 68% of this variation. The isotopic composition of methane flux from the ombrotrophic mire also exhibited seasonal variation, with 817M ranging from -34 to -17%0. The lowest values were observed in summer and the highest in winter. Variations in the isotopic composition of peat water are unlikely to account for more than a 2%0 shift in 817M. Although there was a strong correlation between peat temperature and methane isotopic composition in the field, peat temperature is thought to be an indirect effect, because in laboratory studies this relationship was absent. There was no relationship between water table depth and 817M. It was concluded that the seasonal variation in the isotopic composition of methane emission is linked to the plant growth cycle. Comparison of 817M values determined for methane emissions in Snowdonia with published 813C and 8D data leads to the conclusion that methane is produced mainly by C02 reduction. Contrasting terrains in a paisa mire in the Arctic region of Finland exhibited methane _ emissions with distinct 817M values: lakes, +4.8 ±1.2%0; pools, -3.9 ±O.IO/oo and hummocks, -28.6 ±5.8%0 . From these isotope data it was concluded that in pool and lake sediments the methanogenic pathway is acetate fermentation, while in hummocks methane is produced by CO2 reduction. This study is the first investigation of the stable isotopic composition of methane emissions from wetlands in the UK. The data collected in Snowdonia, and in Finland, show the need for systematic, year round isotopic analysis of methane emissions, if isotope data are to be used in constraining the global methane budget.

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