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Artículos de revistas sobre el tema "Product rebranding":


Collange, Véronique y Adrien Bonache. "Overcoming resistance to product rebranding". Journal of Product & Brand Management 24, n.º 6 (21 de septiembre de 2015): 621–32.

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Purpose – The purpose of this article is to understand how and why consumers resist or accept product rebranding. It seeks to identify and to quantify the drivers of attitudes toward this marketing practice to guide marketing managers in the execution of an effective changeover. Design/methodology/approach – The research is conducted in three stages. First, a qualitative study is run among 45 consumers to identify variables that might influence attitudes toward product rebranding. Second, a review of literature on the emotion of surprise is carried out to specify the relationships between the variables previously identified and to formulate hypotheses. Third, a quantitative study is conducted among 480 consumers to test the hypotheses and to quantify the impact of each variable. Findings – Surprise impacts attitudes toward product rebranding through a three-way process (automatic, higher-order cognitive, higher-order affective): a direct negative effect, an indirect effect mediated by incomprehension about the reasons for the change and an indirect effect mediated by the negative emotions generated by the change. Moreover, trust in firms diminishes the negative effects of anger, fear and sadness on attitudes toward product rebranding. Research limitations/implications – The research offers a better understanding of processes involved in the building of consumer attitudes toward brand name change. However, it only constitutes a first step in the attempt to understand the phenomena. Practical implications – This practice of brand name change is increasingly popular, but marketing managers are skeptical about the best way to implement it. The paper provides a better understanding of consumer reactions to product rebranding, so that marketing managers can make better decisions. It reveals guidance for successful brand name changes. Originality/value – This paper is the first to propose and to test a comprehensive model of the mental processes involved in the building of consumer attitudes toward product rebranding.

Nhat Hanh Le, Angelina, Julian Ming Sung Cheng, Hadi Kuntjara y Christy Ting-Jun Lin. "Corporate rebranding and brand preference". Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 26, n.º 4 (2 de septiembre de 2014): 602–20.

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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the moderating roles of brand name attitude and product expertise on the impact of different corporate rebranding strategies on consumer brand preference. Rebranding strategies include evolutionary and revolutionary rebranding strategies, while brand name attitude is consumer attitude towards a firm's original brand name and consumer product expertise refers to the consumer knowledge related to the brand's product or service. Design/methodology/approach – A 2×2 factorial experimental design is used to examine the proposed hypotheses. In total, 220 undergraduates from a public university in Taipei of Taiwan participate in the experiment. Findings – The findings indicate that given brand repositioning is preferable, the use of evolutionary rebranding strategies is superior in enhancing consumer brand preference in the case of pleasant original brand name attitude, while the use of revolutionary strategies is superior when consumers hold less pleasant attitude. In addition, expert consumers show similar responses towards the two rebranding strategies, whereas evolutionary strategies seem to be more effective than revolutionary ones in enhancing consumer brand preferences in the case of novice consumers. Research limitations/implications – A convenient sampling method was employed and undergraduate students were the research subjects. Besides, a fictitious brand was used in the experiment design. As a result, the generalisability and applicability of the current research findings should be considered and carried out with cautions. Practical implications – The findings of the research provide empirical understanding on the use of rebranding strategies to generate higher levels of brand preference under contingencies, thus helping brand managers apply a more appropriate type of rebranding strategies when necessary. Originality/value – The current study is the preliminary causal-oriented work to provide guidance with appropriate rebranding strategies under the contingencies of consumers’ original brand name attitude and product expertise.

Sihombing, Lambok Hermanto. "Interpretation of Dear Me Beauty Product Rebranding: Twitter Users Analysis". SOCIA: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial 18, n.º 1 (1 de julio de 2021): 72–80.

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This study aimed to discuss the way Dear Me Beauty was rebranding their brand by launching new products after they have a brand crisis. The data of this research was obtained from the comment of a Twitter user. This study used the encoding decoding theory from Stuart Hall. The findings of this study was the response from Twitter users was positive, implying that Dear Me Beauty's rebranding was successful. The researchers discovered that the messages from Dear Me Beauty conveyed through their newest product could be well interpreted and accepted by the public.

PUSHPALATHA, H. y M. CHANDRAN. "Factors Determining Corporate Rebranding In Services Sector – A Study With Reference To Chennai". Restaurant Business 118, n.º 11 (15 de noviembre de 2019): 343–52.

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Corporate rebranding is a strategic decision of brand management that has been implemented to cope with the changing of market situation, growing target market, or challenging competitive environment. The organizations, especially in the service industry, that implemented the rebranding strategy could be success or fail. Basically services have many characteristics that different from products, e.g., service intangibility, service heterogeneity, and consumer-employee participation in service processes, therefore the corporate rebranding in service industry is more difficult than that in product industry. Several academics believe that the service corporate rebranding will reward if the changes that occur not only be the apparent change, but also the changes on companies’ operations, which require the involvement of employees and its system .Service quality perceptions however; positively and significantly impact customer loyalty, and customer satisfaction significantly and positively impact on customer loyalty. It was recommended that, rebranded should avoid spending huge sums of money influence customer service quality perception and satisfaction

Prabowo, Inggit Dwi y Virginia Ayu Sagita. "Efektivitas Rebranding Humas Pemerintah Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Terhadap Citra Baru Malioboro". Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi 17, n.º 3 (23 de septiembre de 2020): 307.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh dan efektivitas rebranding Humas Pemerintah Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta terhadap citra baru Malioboro di mata pengunjung. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah ada pengaruh antara efektifitas rebranding Humas Pemerintah Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta terhadap citra baru Malioboro. Sedangkan tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh efektivitas rebranding dari Humas Pemerintah Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta pada citra baru Malioboro. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 60 responden dengan Incidental sampling melalui kuesioner skala likert. Analisis data menggunakan deskriptif persentase, uji korelasi product-moment, dan uji koefisiensi determinasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh positif rebranding yang dilakukan oleh Humas Pemerinah provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dengan citra baru Malioboro di mata pengunjung.

Irianto, Mochamad Fariz, Supami Wahyu Setiyowati y Shodiq Auludin Rafiqu Hidayah. "PENGEMBANGAN PRODUK KOPI HERBAL OLAHAN DESA INKLUSIF GUNA MENINGKATKAN KESEJAHTERAAN KAUM DISABILITAS DI DESA BEDALI LAWANG KABUPATEN MALANG". SELAPARANG Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan 4, n.º 1 (17 de noviembre de 2020): 575.

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ABSTRAKPengembangan produk kopi herbal merupakan bagian dari pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam bentuk kegiatan produktif yang bertujuan untuk melatih masyarakat disabilitas untuk menghasilkan produk kopi herbal yaitu kopi koerja yang diharapkan memberikan dampak pada peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Metode pelaksanaan yang dilakukan adalah dengan sosialisasi program, pengadaan mesin dan pengadaan bahan penunjang, pelatihan pengolahan produk kopi herbal, dan pelatihan pemasaran strategi produk. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh kelompok sasaran yaitu masyarakat disabilitas yang tergabung dalam organisasi difabel Lingkar Sosial Omah Difabel dengan peserta sebanyak 10 orang. Pelatihan ini sangat dirasakan manfaatnya oleh para peserta pelatihan anggota disabilitas seperti kemudahan pengoperasian alat produksi, rebranding produk, dan peningkatan jaringan pemasaran produk. Kata kunci: kopi herbal; masyarakat disabilitas; desa inklusif. ABSTRACTThe development of herbal coffee products is part of community empowerment in the form of productive activities that aim to train people with disabilities to produce herbal coffee products namely koerja coffee which is expected to have an impact on improving people's well-being. The implementation method is by socializing the program, procurement of machinery and procurement of supporting materials, training in processing herbal coffee products, and marketing training of product strategies. This activity was attended by a target group, namely people with disabilities who belonged to the Omah Difabel Social Circle disability organization with 10 participants. This training is strongly felt by the participants of disability member training such as ease of operation of production tools, product rebranding, and improvement of product marketing network Keywords: herbal coffee; people with disabilities; inclusive villages.

Imanuddin, R. Muhammad Hanafi, Gunawan Susilo y Yon Ade Lose Hermanto. "Rebranding Ma’Ayu Batik Probolinggo sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Brand Awareness". JoLLA: Journal of Language, Literature, and Arts 1, n.º 6 (30 de junio de 2021): 744–62.

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Abstract: Since it was first established until 2021 Ma'ayu Batik still does not have a consistent brand identity that can represent the product. The business only relies on the superiority of its batik products without thinking about the importance of corporate identity to spark the audience to glance at these products. The purpose of this design is to create a brand identity to increase awareness. The method used by Alina Wheeler has five stages for designing, namely: conducting research, clarifying strategy, designing identity, creating touchpoints, and managing assets. The results of this design are in accordance with the existing problem formulations, resulting in a Graphic Standard Manual (GSM). GSM contains the concept of brand identity, the language used for communication, font selection, supergraphics and the implementation of identity on the media. Keywords: Ma’ayu Batik, brand identity, awareness Abstrak: Sejak pertama kali didirikan hingga 2021 Ma’ayu Batik masih belum memiliki brand identity yang konsisten yang dapat merepresentasikan produk. Usaha tersebut hanya mengandalkan keunggulan dari produk batiknya saja tanpa memikirkan pentingnya identitas korporat untuk memantik audiens agar melirik produk tersebut. Tujuan perancangan ini menciptakan brand identity untuk meningkatkan awareness. Metode menggunakan milik Wheeler (2013) yang mempunyai lima tahap untuk melakukan perancangan yaitu: conducting research, clarifying strategy, designing identity, creating touchpoints, and managing assets. Hasil perancangan ini sesuai dengan rumusan masalah yang ada, menghasilkan Graphic Standard Manual (GSM). GSM tersebut memuat konsep brand identity, bahasa yang digunakan untuk komunikasi, pemilihan font, supergraphic dan implementasi identitas terhadap media. Kata kunci: Ma’ayu Batik, brand Identity, awareness

Kabui, Jackline Wairimu y Samuel Maina. "Rebranding Strategies and Performance of Savings and Credit Cooperative Organization in Kirinyaga County, Kenya". International Journal of Business Management, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 3, n.º 2 (13 de septiembre de 2021): 1–14.

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Many SACCOs operating in Kirinyaga County are facing fierce international and local competition forcing relocation to other counties and shop closure to others. Different branding strategies are being employed by SACCOS in order remain competitive in the increasing volatile business environment. Hence this research will investigate how Kirinyaga County Savings and Credit Cooperative Organization’ performance is influenced by rebranding strategies. The specific objectives were to examine how corporate culture revision, product differentiation and business process reengineering influence performance. Dynamic capability and RBV theories will form the study’s anchor. Descriptive survey research design was adopted. Three SACCOs that have rebranded in Kirinyaga County will be the population of interest. The target population was the 172,222 ordinary members and 33 managers. In respondents’ selection simple random sampling method was utilized and in respondents’ sampling stratified sampling method will be utilized. For data collection, questionnaires were used. The pilot study findings assisted the researcher in improving the instrument and ensure that the questionnaires items are valid and reliable. Descriptive as well as inferential statistics were used to analyze data. Standard deviation, mean and distribution frequency were utilized in data presentation. Further, the study conducted inferential statistical involving regression and correlation and analysis. It found a positive and significant association between corporate culture revision, product differentiation, business process reengineering and performance. The study concluded that employees’ ability is supported by well-defined corporate values vision and mission. The study concluded that introducing distinctive, unique features or characteristics to a product with the aim of ensuring a unique product selling proposition is product differentiation. The study concluded that business process enable the organization to analyze its workflows to discover processes that are not efficient and then optimize those processes to eliminate tasks that do not offer any value. The study recommends that the organization should demonstrate to employees that their involvement is critical. The study recommended that the organization should understand the market type which it is competing with, give consideration to what their target clients want from their product which the competing products are not offering, differences in product attributes, and have direct online access of the product by customers. The study recommends that the organization should first define its requirements based on a benchmark, current state, and an ideal future state. Understand what the current performance level is based on the objective and key performance indicators or break the overall process into component parts and set up benchmarks within each one.

Mundiyah, Andi Iva, Dudi Septiadi, Sharfina Nabila, Ni Made Wirastika Sari y Ni Made Zeamita. "REBRANDING PRODUK KERIPIK JAMUR TIRAM UNTUK PENINGKATAN PENJUALAN PADA UMKM SPORAMUSHROOM". Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat MEMBANGUN NEGERI 4, n.º 1 (30 de abril de 2020): 77–83.

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ABSTRACT Small-Medium Enterprise (SME) “Sporamushroom” which processes pearl-oyster mushrooms into pearl-oyster mushroom chips is located on Jalan Pelita, Makassar City. Pearl-oyster mushrooms are rich in nutrition and have savory taste and chicken-like texture, so that almost all people like it. The problem faced by SME “Sporamushroom” lies in the packaging of the mushroom chips that are not attractive and are not able to preserve the quality of the products contained therein. In addition, the mushroom chips brand have not been determined. The results of the activities carried out indicate the need for assistance and information sharing about the types of packaging for processed chips, so that the packaging will be produced accordingly, which is aluminum plastic packaging that is suitable for processed chip products. From the brand aspect, the selection of the right and easy-to-remember brand has an effect on product sales. The JAMBUL brand was chosen as the brand of pearl-oyster mushroom chips because it is easy to be remembered and has appropriate philosophy behind it. Key words: brand, marketing, packaging, SME

Deriani, Ni Wayan, Ni Made Astiti y I. Komang Try Adi Stanaya. "Pengembangan Usaha dan Rebranding Produk Yuki Brownies". WIDYABHAKTI Jurnal Ilmiah Populer 3, n.º 1 (30 de diciembre de 2020): 6–12.

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1Yuki brownies memiliki kendala terkait sarana dan prasarana produksi yaitu mesin panggang yang dimiliki hanya satu buah saja, varian produk yang dimiliki hanya dua yaitu cake pisang dan brownies, serta di dalam manajemen usahanya juga belum dilakukan dengan baik. Pengabdian masyarakat terdiri atas beberapa kegiatan, yaitu pemberian satu buah alat panggang/mesin oven, melakukan pengembangan varian produk yuki brownies dengan membuat varian baru dari yuki brownies, dan yang terakhir adalah melakukan rebranding product dari yuki brownies. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan sosialisasi dan pendampingan pembuatan varian baru dari produk yuki brownies, melakukan rebranding kemasan, logo, desain pembungkus serta sosialisasi manajemen pengemabangan usaha yuki brownies. Output pengabdian berupa dihasilkannya desain kemasan, varian jenis baru dari produk yuki brownies, dan adanya pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh mitra dalam hal pengembangan usaha yuki brownies, hasil evaluasi efektivitas pelaksanaan pengabdian dapat dilihat dari data penjualan produk mitra yang diukur dari bulan Februari – Mei 2020 sebesar Rp 9.200.000 di mana dari penjualan tersebut terdiri 13% di bulan pebruari, 19% di bulan maret, 25% di bulan april dan 43% di bulan mei 2020, hal tersebut menunjukkan peningkatan setiap bulannya. Desain baru terutama untuk kemasan dan tas belanja telah mengurangi penggunaan plastik hingga 75%, dan hal ini berdampak baik bagi lingkungan. Bantuan satu buah mesin panggang/oven telah memenuhi jumlah pesanan hingga 100%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa jumlah produksi bisa meningkat 50%., 2 Gede Herdian Setiawan

Tesis sobre el tema "Product rebranding":


Pettersson, Joel y Jesse Hannelius. "Rebranding of stereotypical food brands : How Nordic consumers perceive the product rebranding and its impact on brand equity". Thesis, Jönköping University, 2021.

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Background and Purpose: The process of rebranding requires a lot of consideration and analysis in order to be successful. In 2020, a rebranding movement of stereotypical brands began in the USA, and the effects also transpired to the Nordics, leading to multiple brands in the food industry initiating a rapid rebranding process. However, due to its complex nature and the balancing act between different stakeholders, it raised the question whether rebranding was necessary from a business perspective. The purpose of this study is to investigate how consumers perceive the rebranding's of stereotypical brands, whether they regard it as a necessary move for the companies, and how it affected brand equity.   Method: In order to successfully achieve our purpose, a qualitative research design was implemented through an interpretivist and exploratory research design. Data collection was conducted through ten semi-structured interviews and analyzed through a thematic analysis enabling us to expand a presented framework.   Conclusion: Our research identified the rebranding of stereotypical brands as a highly complex process, where the consumers perceive rebranding in various ways and where brand equity is impacted in multiple ways. Rebranding affects brand awareness, brand associations and brand loyalty. In addition, we identified that on many occasions, the negative effects of rebranding on brand equity are stronger than the positive effects. We also observed that although acknowledging the potential issues with stereotypical brands, consumers might not care about it in the end. Overall, we argue that listening to one’s own consumers and extensively analyzing the pros and cons of rebranding is the optimal approach for companies to successfully rebrand.

Rigacci, Zeña Natalia Fernanda. "Identificación del proceso de rebranding en la consolidación de lovemarks del rubro cervecero peruano". Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2020.

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En la presente investigación se propuso como objetivo analizar las funciones del rebranding en el desarrollo de la consolidación de las lovemarks de cervezas peruanas Pilsen Callao y Cusqueña. Para ello, se planteó la hipótesis de que el proceso de rebranding contribuye en la consolidación de las lovemarks de las cervezas peruanas mencionadas. El enfoque de esta investigación fue cualitativo, tuvo un alcance descriptivo, el diseño fue no experimental del tipo transversal. La selección de muestra, fue un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, y las técnicas que se usaron para esta investigación, fueron entrevistas semiestructuradas, además, se realizó un análisis documental por medio del instrumento de fichas de investigación. Los resultados obtenidos por medio de un análisis documental, tomando como referencia logotipo, etiqueta y empaque, tanto de la cerveza Pilsen, como de la cerveza Cusqueña respectivamente. Asimismo, se utilizó como apoyo las entrevistas a los expertos en la materia. Las conclusiones de esta investigación fueron que ambas marcas poseen una identidad visual cimentada, debido a sus estrategias de branding y packaging, con ello se tuvo todas las herramientas necesarias para el manejo adecuado de su proceso de rebranding. Asimismo, los procesos de rebranding fueron cuidadosos en el caso de estas empresas por tratarse de lovemarks posicionadas en el país. Finalmente, en las entrevistas con los expertos, se destacó que todos los diseñadores coincidían que para ejecutar exitosamente un proceso de renovación era necesario conocer todo el historial de la marca para así proyectarse en el mensaje que quería transmitir.
In this research, the objective was to analyze the functions of rebranding in the development of the consolidation of the lovemarks of Peruvian beers Pilsen Callao and Cusqueña. For this, the hypothesis that the rebranding process contributes to the consolidation of the Pilsen Callao and Cusqueña lovemarks has been put forward. The focus of this research was qualitative, had a descriptive scope, the design was non-experimental, of the transversal type. The sample selection was a non-probability sampling for convenience, and the techniques used for this investigation were semi-structured interviews, in addition, a documentary analysis was carried out using the instrument of investigation files. The results were by means of a documentary analysis, taking as a reference the logo, label and packaging of both Pilsen beer and Cusqueña beer, respectively. In addition, interviews with experts in the field were used as support. The conclusions of this research were that both brands have a cemented visual identity, due to their branding and packaging strategies, thus having all the necessary tools to manage their rebranding process. Also, the rebranding processes were careful in the case of these companies because they are lovemarks positioned in the country. Finally, in the interviews with the experts, we highlight that all the designers agreed that to successfully execute a rebranding process, it was necessary to know the entire history of the brand in order to project itself in the message that the brand wanted to convey.
Trabajo de investigación

Wan, Ling y Long Zeng. "Rebranding after Mergers and Acquisitions : The effect of product brand in corporate brand architecture". Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Företagsekonomi, 2011.

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Background: Recent years, M&As have increased sharply. Brand as one of the most precious assets has unavoidably been taken into consideration in these deals. Company can gain great benefit when handle acquired brand properly. Responding to rebranding issue, a clear designed rebranding strategy is considered a solution to deal with it, and brand architecture can be a useful tool to help adjusting the relationship between acquiring and acquired brand.  Aim: The purpose of this research is to explore how firms can strengthen its corporate brand after acquired a strong product brand through proper rebranding strategy and well designed brand architecture. Definitions: Brand: a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competition. Rebranding: the creation of a new name, term, symbol, design or a combination of them for an established brand with the intention of developing a differentiated (new) position in the mind of stake holders and competitors. Brand architecture: the relationship among and between corporate, company (subsidiary), and product brands. Such relationships embrace products and services, or a mixture of the two across the hierarchy of brands. Results: There are possible options that companies can strength its corporate brand by acquired product brand, when company take brand integration strategy. Moreover, choosing suitable brand architecture during brand integration process is very important for a company

Chen, Ping-Chih y 陳炳志. "An Exploratory Study of Rebranding on Products of Companies". Thesis, 2005.

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The greatest challenge in managing brands is altering the marketing strategies and directions to adjust the proper activites in time to face the changes in the marketing environment. Companies always want to set up strong brand equity by inputting a lot of resources. Upon facing the brand managed problem, companies often adjust the market segment, the target market, the market position or the marketing elements (product, price, place, promotion). Companies rarely consider changing the brand names of the brand identities. Because this means that the companies would need to rebrand the original products again in the market.  Rebranding means that when companies changing the name of the brand, how do they make the comprehensive planning and execution. This research uses the case study method to explore the changing tactics of brand identities, the organizational and marketing communication, the assessment way of brand performance, and what are the motives of companies to rebrand their products.  The results of this study show the motives of companies rebranding their products are mainly because of internationalization considering, business agencies changing, merging and acquiring, integrating of the global resources , and changing the brand image, etc. These considerations are due to management strategies, not to brand management problems.The types of rebranding the products and companies are different. Companies adopt different promotion strategies to change the brand names. The degree of emphasis they put on their brand names changing are also different from one another.  When companies decide to rebrand their products, they usually achieve consistency by meeting in the organizational communication. The marketing resource allocation is related to the effects in different marketing communication tools. The cooperation between enterprises and advertising agents will not be changed by rebranding. Enterprises emphasize the quantity index more than quality index in the brand performance of rebranding. The top priority are on the sales volumes and the market share. The structure of the brand knowledge (brand awareness and brand image) is the second priority.

Rato, Inês Brito. "The impact of a rebranding in Continente’s private label". Master's thesis, 2018.

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Since the birth of Sonae MC, in 1985, the opening of Continente first supermarket and the creation of their private label in 1991, the brand suffered four rebranding. In 2017, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the private label, Continente decided to change the image and communication of the products, with the purpose of increasing the perception of the quality and keep their position as market leaders in the sector. By focusing in the last rebranding, the aim of this study is to analyze the strategies used during the process, as the challenges faced. To do it, a market research was conducted with the purpose of analyzing the perception of the customers about the products and to understand if the rebranding would change their perception about the brand and affect their decisions when buying it. The findings indicated an increasement in the perception of the brand, mainly regarding the quality of the products, as it insinuates a direct relationship between the brand image and the packaging with the quality. Moreover, there was an improvement in the organization of the brand, becoming easier to identify. Regardless all the positive arguments, it was not possible to conclude the existence of an increasement in sales. Therefore, it would be important in the future to maintain a monitorization of the sales and loyalty cards, in order to understand the direct influence of the rebranding in the profits of the company.
Desde o nascimento da Sonae MC, em 1985, da abertura do primeiro supermercado Continente e da criação da sua Marca Própria em 1991, a marca sofreu quatro rebranding. Em 2017, para celebrar o aniversário dos 25 anos de Marca Própria, o Continente decidiu novamente alterar a imagem e comunicação dos seus produtos, para aumentar a perceção de qualidade e manter a sua posição como líderes de mercado no sector. Tendo como foco este último rebranding, o principal objetivo deste estudo é analisar as estratégias utilizadas durante todo o processo, bem como os desafios enfrentados. Para o fazer, foi realizado um estudo de mercado, com o objetivo de analisar a perceção atual dos consumidores acerca dos produtos marca própria e perceber se as mudanças na imagem e comunicação alteram essa perceção e afetam o seu processo de decisão de compra dos mesmos. Os resultados do estudo indicam um aumento na perceção da marca, principalmente no que diz respeito à qualidade dos produtos, pois sugerem uma relação direta entre a imagem da marca e da embalagem com a perceção da qualidade. Para além disso, deu-se uma melhoria na organização da marca, tornando-se mais fácil de identificar. No entanto, apesar dos argumentos positivos, não foi possível concluir um aumento nas vendas. Desta forma, seria importante manter uma monitorização, no futuro, das vendas e dos Cartões Cliente, de forma a perceber a influência direta do rebranding nos lucros da empresa.

Magriço, Pedro Maria Aires. "Danone : let’s rebrand DanUp : enhancing brand-consumer personality congruence". Master's thesis, 2013.

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In light of profound changes shaping the Portuguese dairy market and Danone’s overall worsening performance, this Case Study assesses the visual rebranding strategy of DanUp and the impact of its new packaging design on the brand’s equity. Using extensive secondary data collected from Danone and an in-depth interview to one of the company’s brand managers, we first examine the yogurt industry’s growing competitive landscape and the key drivers affecting its structure. Next, we focus on DanUp’s new brand architecture, whose foundation rests on developing a brand personality congruent with target consumers’ so as to positively influence specific brand responses. An online survey based on Aaker’s (1997) personality framework was designed to test target consumers’ perceptions on the personality traits elicited by DanUp’s old and new packaging designs. Our findings suggest the new design effectively enhances DanUp’s brand-consumer personality congruence as it better communicates young adults’ characteristic exciting traits. Supporting this, brand likeability and willingness-to-pay were both found to be positively influenced by the new bottle design. Yet, secondary target personality traits were revealed to be negatively affected by the new packaging, which calls for the need of finding additional marketing variables capable of maximizing the brand’s personality congruence with target consumers’. Directions for future research are also suggested, namely an empirical test on the individual contribution of each brand element to DanUp’s enhanced ability in establishing exciting traits. For managers, since this was a real issue experienced by a renowned food multinational operating in a highly competitive market, this Case Study provides a valuable benchmark for their own rebranding decisions. For academics, it also shows how Aaker’s (1997) acclaimed framework can be used to measure the impact of a specific branding variable on a brand’s personality.

Libros sobre el tema "Product rebranding":


Costley White, Khadijah. Rebranding Political Conservatism through Race, Gender, and Class. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The news media focused on race, gender, and class in contentious narratives that pushed people to tune their “headphones” into stories about the Tea Party brand. Branding shapes consumers’ tastes, desires, and loyalties and creates profit through the invocation of these types of immaterial qualities. This chapter examines the ways in which the Tea Party news stories emphasized class, race, and gender as key “intangible values” that helped to produce and reify the Tea Party brand identity. It also theorizes the Tea Party’s brand logic* through an analysis of what the news stories tell us about modern conceptions of race, gender, and class identities in the media and politics.

Burford, Mark. “The World’s Greatest Gospel Singer”. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The Mahalia Jackson Show was part of an aggressive and coordinated effort by CBS and its subsidiary label Columbia Records to lure Jackson away from Apollo. The effort was successful, and in November 1954 Jackson entered the studio for her first sessions with Columbia. The move to Columbia, the biggest company in the industry, dramatically heightened Jackson’s visibility as a recording artist, but it also meant navigating new strategies and sound ideals in putting her voice on record. In her first year with the label, Jackson recorded both religious pop for singles produced by Mitch Miller and gospel-leaning repertory for long-playing albums under the guidance of George Avakian, work presenting her as a paragon of black gospel while also rebranding her as a genre-defining singer and a world-class artist.

Capítulos de libros sobre el tema "Product rebranding":


Constandinides, Costas. "The on-screen branding and rebranding of identity politics in Cyprus". En Branding the Nation, the Place, the Product, 91–110. Routledge, 2017.

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Los estilos APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.

Gulson, Kalervo N. y P. Taylor Webb. "‘Up in the northwest corner of the city’: the city, race and locating the school". En Education Policy and Racial Biopolitics in Multicultural Cities. Policy Press, 2017.

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This chapter examines the event of finding a location for the school, and examine the connections between the ways in which the city was (and is) racialized and undergoing urban change around gentrification and the rebranding of neighbourhoods. The question about ‘where to put the Black school in the White city’ would produce strong feelings across Toronto given its long and troubled histories with placements of non-White populations (and in relation to each other). The argument within is based upon the idea that the question of location affected the entire process of the becoming of the school rather than just at the ‘end’ of a rational and sequential process. That is, the question ‘haunted’ Trustees and community members prior to any governance and policy-development activities designed to produce the school.

Teitelbaum, Benjamin. "Daniel Friberg and Metapolitics in Action". En Key Thinkers of the Radical Right, 259–76. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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This chapter discusses the life and work of Daniel Friberg, who takes a leading part in running a range of online media. Friberg’s main impact has been his implementation of metapolitics. Distinguished by his strategy and method rather than ideological inventions, Friberg advanced his career through a series of outreach, rebranding, and socialization initiatives. The products of this metapolitical activism include multiple newspapers and magazines, a publishing house, and online social media. By the 2010s these projects were replacing skinheadism as the social center of a fractious and sectarian Nordic radical nationalism. This unifying function has since been at the forefront of collaboration between American and European white activists.

Dombrink, John. "Whither the Culture War?" En The Twilight of Social Conservatism. NYU Press, 2015.

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This chapter concludes the book by looking at his re-election four years later, on November 6, 2012. I present data on the impact of the millennial generation and the rise of the progressive “ascendant majority” (and issues such as contraception); the suggestion of strategic plans and “rebranding” of the Republican Party, and the internecine struggles that has produced; an analysis of the role of polarization in the body politic; and the conclusion, which analyzes these elements and predicts the complications of populism (including “libertarian populism”), the reduced salience and role of social conservatives, and the end, finally, of the potency and relevance of “Reagan Democrats.”

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