Tesis sobre el tema "Social responsibility of business"
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Zaharov, Igor' y Natal'ya Oleinik. "Social responsibility and business ethics". Thesis, Видавництво СумДУ, 2007. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8353.
Texto completoVenemyr, Henrik y Per Johan Ericson. "Corporate Social Responsibility : whose responsibility is it?" Thesis, Jönköping University, JIBS, Business Administration, 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-475.
Texto completoIntroduction: The society is becoming more aware of the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) work. CSR has also be-come a competitive tool in order to reach out to potential cus-tomers. There are also many definitions of what CSR actually means. These are things that makes it interesting to find out how multinational corporations, who has a lot of power, per-ceive and work with CSR, as well as what can be done to make corporations work more with CSR.
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe what CSR as a con-cept means, whose responsibility it is, as well as why corpora-tions work with it. We also intend to find out what it takes to make CSR a more prevailing and decisive instrument for cor-porations?
Method: We conducted six unstructed interviews with multinational corporations in Sweden.
Conclusion: Today the phenomena of CSR has no unified definition, this is why we believe that a definition that is precise in describing what CSR is can be useful. We think that transparency is something important since information provided to the pub-lic, provides consumers and stakeholders with power to make information based investment, and purchase decisions. We have also concluded that we think that the most important factor in driving the CSR work forward and making it grow in size, is to make consumers reward the corporations that per-form well in their CSR activities.
Forsberg, Maria y Robert Crivei. "Public Social Responsibility — Offentligt socialt ansvarstagande". Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Management and Economics, 2005. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-84.
Texto completoBakgrund: Enligt en undersökning gjord av Livsmedelsverket beräknas tjugo procent av Sveriges barn i dagsläget vara överviktiga eller lida av fetma. Orsaker till detta sägs vara bland annat ändrade levnadsvanor som exempelvis mindre fysisk aktivitet och mindre hälsosam mat. Övervikt ses i normala fall av samhället som ett problem och på senare tid har allt fler samhällsaktörer börjat uppmärksamma frågan. Kravet från samhället ökar på att bland annat företagen skall ta sitt sociala ansvar och hörsamma samt agera för en samhällsförbättring med syfte att komma tillrätta med överviktsproblemet. Något som dock inte har fått lika mycket utrymme i debatten om socialt ansvar i samband med övervikt är hur den offentliga sektorn agerar i denna situation.
Syfte: Utgör statens, kommunens, landstingets och skolans nuvarande agerande var för sig ett socialt ansvartagande med syfte att skapa de bästa förutsättningarna för en grundskolelev att komma tillrätta med sin övervikt? Skapar dessutom de fyra parternas gemensamma sociala ansvarstagande tillräckligt med förutsättningar för att grundskoleleven skall komma tillrätta med sin övervikt?
Tillvägagångssätt: Resultatet baseras på en intervjuundersökning med representanter för landsting, kommuner och skolor i Östergötlands län, närmare bestämt i kommunerna Linköping och Mjölby. Ytterligare har statens offentliga handlingar studerats och utvärderats.
Resultat: Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det fyra olika aktörerna uppmärksammar problemet om barns-, och i detta specifika fall grundskolelevers övervikt. De fyra aktörerna staten, kommunen, landstinget och skolan tar var och en ett socialt ansvar genom både kort och långsiktiga projekt. På frågan om de fyra parternas gemensamma ansvarstagande utgör tillräckliga förutsättningar för att ett barn själv skall komma tillrätta med sin övervikt är svaret nej. Exempelvis erkänner alla inblandande parter själva att de skulle kunna göra mer för att förbättra den rådande situationen. Aktörerna menar att det som saknas är ett helhetstänkande, att exempelvis hälsokunskap skulle behöva integreras i hela skolverksamheten och inte bara i samband med ämnet idrott och hälsa eller i olika temaveckor. Det som ytterligare skulle behövas för att lösa situationen är ett bättre samarbete mellan, de i denna undersökning, fyra olika aktörerna.
Larimer, Lori. "Small business leaders and social responsibility". Thesis, Baker College (Michigan), 2017. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=10257793.
Texto completoThe central question addressed was what motivates small business leaders to incorporate social responsibility in their companies' mission, vision, and culture. In particular, there is a knowledge gap about what motivates small business leaders to take both financial and non-financial actions to support their employees, their local economies, and their communities. Interviews with three small business owners in Michigan were coded to identify key emergent themes explaining why small business leaders contributed to their local communities. Theoretical or conceptual support for the study included Carroll's social performance model, Vroom's expectancy theory, and CCI strategies. The literature review included that of motivation and social responsibility. The interviews were coded, analyzed, and six themes emerged. The participants were concerned with being socially responsible and motivation comes from defining social responsibility and finding ways to fulfill a need. Employees play a key role in creating and continuing an environment set by the example of the owner and this is done through repetition, thus aligning business practices with being socially responsible. Lastly, connection to people helps build relationships, while being cognizant of initiatives to protect the environment, thus Going Green initiatives. After the research, the researcher developed the Small Business Community Involvement model (SBCI), based on the themes. This model can help small business leaders looking to partake in socially responsible activities. This study is significant because it will improve understanding of social responsibility in the small business sector.
Edwin, Cedric. "The social responsibility of Muslim business owners". Thesis, Liverpool Hope University, 2014. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.722147.
Texto completoTeixeira, Rivanda Meira. "Small business and social responsibility in Brazil". Thesis, Cranfield University, 1996. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.309639.
Texto completoPotabenko, M. "Environmental context of social responsibility of business". Thesis, Видавництво СумДУ, 2004. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/23167.
Texto completoNorstedt, Sara. "Corporate Social Responsibility : redovisning och kommunikation av socialt arbete". Thesis, Uppsala University, Department of Business Studies, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-88203.
Texto completoPretorius, M. y D. Y. Dzansi. "A framework for measuring business social responsibility in micro and small business". Interim : Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol 6, Issue 2: Central University of Technology Free State Bloemfontein, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/11462/410.
Texto completoAlthough much work has been done on the society versus business relation issue, it has yet to cascade business social responsibility (BSR) to small ventures and especially rurally based ones where survival is a more pertinent goal. Most studies to date have focused on corporate and large organisations, thereby suggesting that BSR is not really a small business issue. A major consequence / cause of this apparent bias towards large business is limited research into how small ventures and especially rural ones perceive and apply BSR. This study proposes an instrument for measuring BSR in small ventures. Through empirical analysis the resultant instrument was found to be valid for measuring small business BSR and measured four dimensions thereof namely : Expected benefits; Community / customer practices; Realised / actual benefits, BSR awareness / attitude and employee practices. Through discriminant analysis, the identified factors of BSR are useful to classify ventures as high or low sales and profit performers, suggesting that information on a firm's BSR activities can be used as indicators of firm performance.
Timperley, Stephen. "Corporate Social Responsibility Indexes: Measure for Measure". The University of Waikato, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10289/2372.
Texto completoSmith, N. Craig. "Ethical purchase behaviour and social responsibility in business". Thesis, Cranfield University, 1985. http://hdl.handle.net/1826/3390.
Texto completoRagazzi, Luca <1990>. "Business Planning in ottica di Corporate Social Responsibility". Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/12111.
Texto completoAxell, Sandra y Minéa Rudin. "Corporate Social Responsibility som varumärkesbyggande verktyg". Thesis, Stockholm University, School of Business, 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-6383.
Texto completoBakgrund: Debatten om Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) har pågått i över 40 år och har under de senaste åren blivit allt mer aktuell även i Sverige. Detta till följd av dels de ökade krav som medarbetare och konsumenter ställer på företagen och dels på grund av en ökande internationalisering, en snabbare informationsspridning och ett hårdare företagsklimat. Idag finns flera exempel på företag som kompletterar målet om att maximera vinsten med ett mål om socialt ansvarstagande. Samtidigt strävar dagens marknadsförare i allt större utsträckning efter att skapa holistiska marknadsförings-aktiviteter, med syfte att bygga ett starkt varumärke som kan skapa konkurrensfördelar. Syfte: Denna uppsats har till syfte att öka förståelsen för CSR:s påverkan på ett företags varumärke. Detta genom att fokusera undersökningen på hur CSR påverkar ett varumärkes identitet och dess betydelse i handeln Business to Business. I uppsatsen vill vi visa på vad som är viktigt att fokusera på vid genomförandet av CSR-aktiviteter. Undersökningen: I vår undersökning har vi genomfört fallstudier av två företag, Santa Maria och Chiquita. Detta har kompletterats med intervjuer av nyckelpersoner på några av Sveriges största butikskedjor inom dagligvaruhandeln. Detta för att undersöka deras relation till de två undersökta företagen och synen på deras CSR-strategier. Slutsats: Utifrån den insamlade sekundärdatan och de genomförda intervjuerna har det framkommit att det finns en positiv inverkan på varumärken om CSR-arbetet är implementerat, kommunicerat och kopplat till affärsverksamheten. Studien har även visat att CSR-strategin måste tilltala företagets intressenter för att företaget ska kunna skapa sig konkurrensfördelar gentemot de andra aktörerna på marknaden. Nyckelord: CSR, varumärken, Business to Business, dagligvaruhandeln.
Hildebrand, Anna y Anna Schmidt. "Corporate Social Responsibility som varumärkesstärkande aktivitet?" Thesis, Uppsala University, Department of Business Studies, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-88429.
Texto completoPå en konkurrenskraftig marknad är det viktigt för företag att differentiera sig genom ett starkt varumärke. Genom att vara en ”god medborgare” i form av Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, kan företagstärka relationen mellan kund och företag och på så sett varumärket. CSR innebär att företag på frivillig grund integrerar sociala och miljömässiga hänsyn i sin verksamhet och i sin samverkan med intressenterna, utöver vad lagen kräver. Syftet med uppsatsen är att redogöra för hur företag arbetar med CSR och vidare diskutera vad som stärker ett varumärke, för att sedan klargöra om och hur företagens CSR-arbete kan definieras som varumärkesstärkande. CSR-arbetet kan delas in i Lantos tre kategorier etiskt, strategiskt och altruistiskt och enligt resultatet i uppsatsen kan endast strategisk CSR ses som varumärkesstärkande. Drivkraften bakom engagemanget i CSR-frågor ses antingen som ett business case eller som ett ethics case. Strategisk CSR är snarlik business case då den ekonomiska vinningen är syftet med handlingen. Vid altruistisk CSR och ethics case är det istället viljan att göra ”det rätta” som är syftet. Allt CSR-arbete som på något sätt kommuniceras till företagets intressenter ses indirekt som varumärkesstärkande då arbetet skapar tillit och förtroende för varumärket. Då nästan allt arbete med CSR kommuniceras på något sätt, antingen externt på hemsidor och genom rapporter eller internt till medarbetare, är det varumärkesstärkande enligt teorier om hur ett varumärke stärks.
Seiliūtė, Jovita. "Evaluation of social responsibility consolidation potential in business organizations". Doctoral thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2013. http://vddb.laba.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:E.02~2013~D_20130327_100515-64064.
Texto completoNors didėjant socialinės atsakomybės svarbai verslo procesuose verslo socialinės atsakomybės tematika mokslinėje literatūroje įvairiapusiai ir išsamiai tiriama ir aptariama, tačiau pasigendama tyrimų ir diskusijų apie verslo socialinės atsakomybės įgyvendinimo, įtvirtinimo ir plėtros priemones, o ypač apie organizacijų darbuotojus, kaip pagrindinį verslo socialinės atsakomybės įgyvendinimo ir įtvirtinimo įrankį. Atsižvelgiant į verslo socialinės atsakomybės įtvirtinimo ir plėtros klausimų aktualumą, disertacijoje, remiantis socialinės atsakomybės koncepcijų ir įtvirtinimo priemonių teorijų bei darbuotojų vertinimų analizėmis, atskleidžiama verslo socialinės atsakomybės įgyvendinimo būklė Lietuvoje ir, lyginant su jos būkle Baltarusijoje, nustatomos socialinės atsakomybės įtvirtinimo verslo organizacijose galimybės. Be to, naujų verslo socialinės atsakomybės įtvirtinimo priemonių paieškos metu, išsamiai aptariami verslo ir viešojo sektoriaus socialinės atsakomybės skirtumai, įvertinant viešojo sektoriaus vaidmenį verslo socialinės atsakomybės įtvirtinime ir plėtroje, ir analizuojama organizacijos prisiimto socialinės atsakomybės lygio ir socialiai atsakingos elgsenos poveikio pačiai organizacijai ir jos interesų grupėms vertinimo problematika. Taip pat disertacijoje atskleidžiamas darbuotojų savybių įtakos verslo socialinės atsakomybės įtvirtinimui potencialas, pasiūlant pilotinį darbuotojų savybių įtakos socialinės atsakomybės įtvirtinimui verslo organizacijoje modelį. Due... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Russell, Ellina Osseichuk. "CEO and CSR : business leaders and corporate social responsibility". Thesis, Robert Gordon University, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10059/506.
Texto completoStenberg, Emma y Thi-Xoan Vu. "Corporate Social Responsibility in Business Model : The Chinese Context". Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för ekonomi, teknik och naturvetenskap, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-36879.
Texto completoArumemi, Andrew O. "Balancing Business Owners' Corporate Social Responsibility and Stakeholder Profitability". ScholarWorks, 2016. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/3080.
Texto completoNilsson, Klara. "Corporate Social Responsibility : How Corporate is the Responsibility?" Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för ekonomistyrning och logistik (ELO), 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-75124.
Texto completoBackground: Today, most companies have recognized the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and regularly communicating the work with stakeholders. Since CSR lacks a uniform definition and thus also a uniform model to work for, it creates uncertainties about the purpose of the work. Companies who only do symbolic actions to be perceived as good citizens of the community can then use CSR as PR. It can therefore be questioned how well CSR is integrated into the core business. However, it has been an increasing number of legal requirements and standards in the area, potentially creating a clearer framework but also another approach. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to gain a greater understanding of CSR as a concept and then see how companies work to integrate CSR into core business and why. The study also looks at the impact of increased regulation, to see if views on CSR have changed. Method: The study has primarily a qualitative research strategy with a deductive approach that stands on previous studies. The companies studied are Lammhult Design Group AB and Electra AB. As a data collection method, I have conducted semi-structured interviews with responsible managers, but also a staff survey. I have also used the homepages websites and annual and sustainability reports. Outcome and conclusion: It is not as important to find a unified definition of CSR in today's society. The concept of CSR has been replaced by sustainability, which is considered as a broader term. Furthermore, it is a slow process of integrating CSR into core business, where internal voice, education, routines and information are of particular importance. By maintaining sustainability at the forefront companies can avoid pressure such as legal requirements.
Johnson, Anna y Anna Peterson. "Corporate Social Responsibility : lockas studenter till en arbetsgivare som tar ett socialt ansvar?" Thesis, Södertörn University College, School of Business Studies, 2005. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-159.
Texto completoFöretag har först och främst ekonomiska intressen att ta hänsyn till. Ett mål är att skapa acceptabel vinst för sina ägare och ett delmål är att hålla nere sina kostnader. Rekryteringskostnaderna anses ha blivit en relativt dyr kostnadspost. Ett sätt att reducera denna är att företaget söker personal som inte bara är kompetent utan som även kan omfattas av företagets målsättning och etik. På så sätt växer en lojalitet fram mellan dessa och ökar sannolikheten att personal stannar längre hos företaget. Den anställdes trivselfaktor ökar och han får bättre förutsättningar för att känna att han tillsammans med företaget kan bidra till förändring av samhället och världen.
Vänds fokus från företagets intresseperspektiv till den arbetssökandes, kan man fråga sig om det finns ett intresse hos arbetssökande personer, i detta fall våra studenter i intervjuundersökningen, att utöver lön, ta hänsyn till företagets/organisationens policy
beträffande CSR- relaterade faktorer.
Classon, Henrik y Andrej Milikic. "Legitimitetsstrategier inom Corporate Social Responsibility - En undersökning om hur svenska kontroversiella företag tillämpar Corporate Social Responsibility för att erhålla legitimitet". Thesis, Örebro universitet, Handelshögskolan vid Örebro Universitet, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-65715.
Texto completoBonsu, Samuel. "Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation Framework". ScholarWorks, 2018. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/5305.
Texto completoDodd, Melissa D. "Corporate social responsibility and consumer purchase intention". Muncie, Ind. : Ball State University, 2009. http://cardinalscholar.bsu.edu/647.
Texto completoGustrin, Malin y Enida Sljivo. "Corporate Social Responsibility : Ett ansvarsfullt ledarskap". Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Sektionen för ekonomi och teknik (SET), 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-15606.
Texto completoDzansi, Dennis Yao. "Social responsibility of SMMEs in rural communities". Thesis, Pretoria : [s.n.], 2004. http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-03302005-112633.
Texto completoNilsson, Daniel. "Corporate Social Responsibility : What to do?" Thesis, Högskolan Kristianstad, Sektionen för hälsa och samhälle, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-14763.
Texto completoMohamed, Kamal Kassab Dina. "Three essays on corporate social responsibility, business politicians and corruption". Thesis, Paris 1, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA010021/document.
Texto completoWhat is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and can it be demand-driven ? Is there a business case for corporates providing the public good or should it be solely provided by the government ? Are green products over-priced and should they be taxed ? If they are, who are the beneficiaries and who are the actual tax payers ? Will results differ whether the CSR investments in question complement or substitute for the government provision of public goods ? Chapter 1 of this Ph.D. dissertation will address these questions and create a conceptual framework for further analysis in subsequent chapters of CSR as a desirable activity whereby firms provide a public good alongside the private good they produce. One of the main issues that emerge from this analysis is the need to identify and explore a new kind of dichotomy, i.e. the trade-off between market provision of public goods via CSR and its public counterpart via the government. This question gains particular importance in the context of developing countries, as well as in some developed ones, where firms have strong political ties. In Chapter 2, it is shown that politically connected firms - or, at extreme, the business politicians - may try to influence the government to reduce its provision of the public good to maximize the reputational return on their CSR investments. The mechanism goes as follows. An underprovided public good offers the opportunity for large political benefits to firms stepping in the areas where the government fails to deliver through their CSR activities. Consumers are suspicious about the true motives for which firms engage in CSR, it may be out of benevolence or political greed, however, since all firms, including the greediest and the most prosocial ones participate, politics interfering with business does not spoil firms' image since those political benefits are so large that everyone does it. We refer to this phenomenon as corruption becoming a social norm. Chapter 3 provides a strategic explanation for this phenomenon of corruption being epidemic in the economy. It explains why corruption, in the form of bribetaking, may become widespread among government agencies, for the mere reason that their efforts are interdependent
Kong, Xiangying y Sainan Li. "BUSINESS GROWTH WITH CSR (CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY) AND 6A MODEL". Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Akademin för teknik och miljö, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-16583.
Texto completoBudiakova, Olena. "Social responsibility of business in the labor market of Ukraine". Thesis, Книжкове видавництво ФОП Вишемирський В. С, 2021. https://er.knutd.edu.ua/handle/123456789/19413.
Texto completoTegon, Alice <1997>. "Corporate Social Responsibility: business strategies, processes and management control systems". Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/19787.
Texto completoHarrison-Marchand, Christopher. "Ethics : The business case - corporate social responsibility meets electronics manufacturing". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018NORMR143.
Texto completoThe aim of this research is to analyze how and why corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy has become structurally integrated in the institutions which comprise the electronics manufacturing sector, and to examine its role and effects upon globalization through its international supply chains. Firstly, through the analytical tools of cultural theory and against the background of risk society in late modernity, CSR is investigated and revealed as a defensive institutional response to reputational risk and legitimacy. Secondly, cultural theory allows us to analyze CSR in the sector as a socio-dynamic process resulting in the pressure on companies to broaden their organizational culture by increasing their affinity for egalitarian values. Several sectorial effects of this are analyzed: the role that CSR activity has in competitive practices through isomorphism, how ethical ranking systems enhance the homogeneity of CSR activity, and the impact of consumers’ CSR responsiveness. After considering the integration of CSR in a corporate institution, then its effects upon the sectorial environment, I consider the impact that CSR can have on globalization and development. Thus, the third dimension of this work is CSR’s initiation of impact along supply chains where most unethical abuses occur. This invites a re-evaluation of the processes of globalization and their effects upon development. Through the work of Amartya Sen, Jean Tirole and others, the impact of CSR in electronics supply chains is critically evaluated indicating how structural intervention in developing societies could be envisaged. The fieldwork for this empirical investigation consisted of visits to industrial plants in China and interviews with management and workers; interviews with executives of multinational corporations, CSR auditors and consultants, and activists of international trade union associations; participation in several sector-wide stakeholder meetings; and the analyses of industry documents, reports, diverse forms of media coverage, and documentaries
Harrison-Marchand, Christopher. "Ethics : The business case - corporate social responsibility meets electronics manufacturing". Thesis, Normandie, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018NORMR143.
Texto completoThe aim of this research is to analyze how and why corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy has become structurally integrated in the institutions which comprise the electronics manufacturing sector, and to examine its role and effects upon globalization through its international supply chains. Firstly, through the analytical tools of cultural theory and against the background of risk society in late modernity, CSR is investigated and revealed as a defensive institutional response to reputational risk and legitimacy. Secondly, cultural theory allows us to analyze CSR in the sector as a socio-dynamic process resulting in the pressure on companies to broaden their organizational culture by increasing their affinity for egalitarian values. Several sectorial effects of this are analyzed: the role that CSR activity has in competitive practices through isomorphism, how ethical ranking systems enhance the homogeneity of CSR activity, and the impact of consumers’ CSR responsiveness. After considering the integration of CSR in a corporate institution, then its effects upon the sectorial environment, I consider the impact that CSR can have on globalization and development. Thus, the third dimension of this work is CSR’s initiation of impact along supply chains where most unethical abuses occur. This invites a re-evaluation of the processes of globalization and their effects upon development. Through the work of Amartya Sen, Jean Tirole and others, the impact of CSR in electronics supply chains is critically evaluated indicating how structural intervention in developing societies could be envisaged. The fieldwork for this empirical investigation consisted of visits to industrial plants in China and interviews with management and workers; interviews with executives of multinational corporations, CSR auditors and consultants, and activists of international trade union associations; participation in several sector-wide stakeholder meetings; and the analyses of industry documents, reports, diverse forms of media coverage, and documentaries
Khodoga, Ephraim Alfheli. "The social responsibility of corporations : a stakeholder approach". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/53173.
Texto completoENGLISH ABSTRACT: The main aim of this study is to develop, from an ethical perspective, a justification for corporate social responsibility. The research methodology used is that of a critical study of relevant literature. The history of corporate social responsibility is discussed and definitions of key concepts are analyzed. Attention is paid to the controversies surrounding corporate social responsibility, and the views of critics as well as advocates of corporate social responsibility are examined. From the literature study it is concluded that since corporations are part of larger social systems, they are not only accountable to their shareholders but their success and long-term survival depends on fulfilling their responsibilities to a range of stakeholders. Stakeholders are defined as those groups or individuals with whom an organization interacts or has a relationship of interdependence, and who are affected by its actions, decisions, policies, practices or goals. The study focuses on the stakeholder approach to corporate social responsibility and aims to show how such an approach underpins the idea of corporate social responsibility. It is argued that corporations have moral as well as social responsibilities to stakeholders who are affected by their operations. Emphasis is placed on business ethics as providing the framework for a set of principles or a code according to which a company should make its business decisions and on which it should base its relationships with stakeholders. The research indicates that companies that aim to operate ethically also benefit in terms of profitability and social acceptance. With reference to several South African companies as examples, the study focuses on corporate social responsibility towards key stakeholders such as local communities, the environment, employees, and customers. In each case it is investigated what the specific responsibility requires of the corporation, and what practical measures can be used to meet the responsibility. It is argued that management's task is to treat stakeholders as equal, balance their sometimes conflicting claims, and promote good relationships among them Managers must consider the ethical and social as well as the economic implications of their decisions. The concluding chapter looks more closely at issues that need to be taken into account as far as corporate social responsibility in South Africa is concerned. As a result of the legacy of white rule and apartheid, active steps need to be taken to address economic imbalances between blacks and whites. Both the government and corporate structures have a role to play in creating mechanisms to meet the economic needs of the black community. It is recommended that the means through which this can be achieved are processes such as affirmative action, transformation, black economic empowerment, and poverty alleviation. The study concludes that social involvement by companies is not a favour extended to society or an optional "extra", but a business imperative and a moral obligation that is fundamental to being a company with legitimacy. The social goals of a company should be supportive of the goals of business and its social involvement strategy should be aligned with the overall business strategy.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie is om korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid vanuit 'n etiese perspektief te regverdig. Die navorsingsmetodologie behels 'n kritiese ondersoek van tersaaklike literatuur. Die geskiedenis van korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid word bespreek en definisies van sleutelkonsepte word ontleed. Aandag word geskenk aan die debatte rondom korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid en die sienings van teenstanders sowel as voorstanders van korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid word ondersoek. Uit die literatuurstudie word afgelei dat aangesien korporasies deel van groter sosiale stelsels uitmaak, hulle nie slegs rekenpligtig teenoor hul aandeelhouers is nie, maar dat hul sukses en langtermyn-oorlewing afhang van die nakoming van hul verantwoordelikhede teenoor verskeie belangegroepe. Belangegroepe word omskryf as daardie groepe of individue met wie 'n organisasie in wisselwerking is of 'n interafhanklike verhouding het, en wat deur sy handelinge, besluite, beleide, praktyke en doelwitte geraak word. Die studie fokus op die belangegroep-benadering tot korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid en poog om te toon hoe so 'n benadering die idee van korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid ondersteun. Daar word aangevoer dat korporasies morele sowel as sosiale verpligtinge het teenoor belangegroepe wat deur hul bedrywighede geraak word. Klem word gelê op sake-etiek wat die raamwerk verskaf vir 'n stel beginsels of 'n kode waarvolgens 'n maatskappy sy sakebesluite behoort te neem en waarop hy sy verhoudings met belangegroepe moet baseer. Die navorsing toon dat maatskappye wat etiese optrede nastreef: ook voordeel trek wat winsgewendheid en sosiale aanvaarding betref Met verwysing na 'n aantal Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappye as voorbeelde, fokus die studie op korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid teenoor sleutelbelangegroepe soos plaaslike gemeenskappe, die omgewing, werknemers en kliënte. In elke geval word gekyk na wat die spesifieke verantwoordelikheid van die korporasie vereis, en watter praktiese stappe gedoen kan word om dit na te kom. Daar word aangevoer dat dit die bestuur se taak is om belangegroepe as gelyk te behandel, hul soms strydige eise te balanseer en goeie verhoudings onder hulle te bevorder. Bestuurders moet die etiese en sosiale sowel as die ekonomiese implikasies van hul besluite in aanmerking neem Die slothoofstuk kyk meer in besonderhede na kwessies wat in aanmerking geneem moet word wat korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid in Suid-Afrika betref Weens die nalatenskap van wit oorheersing en apartheid is aktiewe stappe nodig om die ekonomiese wanbalanse tussen swart en wit mense aan te spreek. Beide die regering en korporatiewe strukture het 'n rol te speel om meganismes te skep om aan die ekonomiese behoeftes van die swart gemeenskap te voldoen. Daar word aanbeveel dat dit bereik kan word deur prosesse soos regstellende aksie, transformasie, swart ekonomiese bemagtiging en armoedeverligting. Die studie kom tot die slotsom dat sosiale betrokkenheid deur maatskappye nie 'n guns aan die samelewing of 'n opsionele "ekstra" is nie, maar 'n sake-imperatief wat grondliggend is tot die legitimiteit van 'n maatskappy. Die sosiale doelwitte van 'n maatskappy behoort die sakedoelwitte te ondersteun en sy sosialebetrokkenheid-strategie moet in ooreenstemming met die oorhoofse sakestrategie wees.
Vitelli, Jason P. "Matching Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies to Organizational Goals". ScholarWorks, 2017. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/4572.
Texto completoRodrick, Manel. "Corporate Social Responsibility - a contributor to evironmental and socital change?" Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Ekonomihögskolan, ELNU, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-14083.
Texto completoLin, I.-Ling. "Profit through goodwill corporate social responsibility in China and Taiwan /". online access from Digital Dissertation Consortium access full-text, 2006. http://libweb.cityu.edu.hk/cgi-bin/er/db/ddcdiss.pl?1438401.
Texto completoAllen, Clifford. "The Caring Face of Business? The Discursive Construction of the New Zealand Businesses for Social Responsibility (NZ BSR) Organisation". The University of Waikato, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10289/2614.
Texto completoTong, Kun-kau y 唐灌球. "Analysis of corporate social responsibility reporting in China". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10722/207617.
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Environmental Management
Master of Science in Environmental Management
Farache, Aureliano Da Silva Francisca. "Corporate social responsibility communication : presentation through print advertisements". Thesis, University of Brighton, 2011. https://research.brighton.ac.uk/en/studentTheses/0e79c753-003a-4df6-b87f-bda87f6b5fb4.
Texto completoSjöström, Emma. "Shareholder influence on corporate social responsibility". Doctoral thesis, Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, Marknadsföring, Distributionsekonomi och Industriell Dynamik (D), 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hhs:diva-432.
Texto completoDiss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2009 Sammanfattning jämte 6 uppsatser
Соляник, Оксана Миколаївна, Оксана Николаевна Соляник, Oksana Mykolaivna Solianyk y L. Tarkhova. "Сorporate social responsibility: essence, direction, standards". Thesis, Sumy State University, 2014. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/38528.
Texto completoLöwengren, Frida y Fredrik Johansson. "Corporate Social Responsibility - intressenternas betydelse för kommunikation av CSR". Thesis, Uppsala University, Department of Business Studies, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-89189.
Texto completoČernič, Jernej Letnar. "Corporate responsibility for fundamental human rights". Thesis, Available from the University of Aberdeen Library and Historic Collections Digital Resources. Restricted: no access until April, 6, 2013, 2008. http://digitool.abdn.ac.uk:80/webclient/DeliveryManager?application=DIGITOOL-3&owner=resourcediscovery&custom_att_2=simple_viewer&pid=25748.
Texto completoMalik, Asghar Naeem. "Stakeholders' perceptions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) case studies from Bangladesh and Pakistan /". Click to view the E-thesis via HKUTO, 2007. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/HKUTO/record/B3955689X.
Texto completoAlfakhri, Yazeed Mohammed Mahmoud. "Youth consumers' perceptions of corporate social responsibility : an Islamic perspective". Thesis, University of Hull, 2014. http://hydra.hull.ac.uk/resources/hull:11607.
Texto completoWard, Robert A. "Exploring Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting Practices in Multinational Corporations". Thesis, Baker College (Michigan), 2019. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=13425719.
Texto completoCompanies experience a problem implementing corporate social responsibility reporting standards due to geographical differences, an over-abundance of guidelines, regulatory disparities, and varying levels of stakeholder requirements. These diverse conditions result in inadequate reporting of sustainability efforts and a lack of consistency of what actually gets reported. This exploratory, qualitative case study was based on a theoretical framework consisting of Freeman’s stakeholder theory, Suchman’s legitimacy theory, and Spence’s signaling theory. The sample consisted of six respondents from a research population of 100 multinational corporations (MNCs) with successful reporting practices. The instrument used was a researcher-developed questionnaire. The study addresses three research questions: How did leadership identify sustainability reporting standards, guidelines, or frameworks that would be appropriate for their company; how did the needs of the company’s stakeholders for reporting differ from the standards selected; and what CSR activities, indicators, or disclosures are not being included in the guideline that the company might want to report based on the needs of the stakeholders? Based on the results, nine themes emerged: (a) External motivational factors and stakeholders are critical to deciding which reporting guideline to use; (b) the CSR reporting method chosen is selected in order to meet the needs of the most influential actors; (c) companies augment reports with self-created KPIs based on influential actors and situational requirements; (d) the CSR reporting process requires greater internal collaboration within an organization; (e) changes to business strategy and resource allocation may be necessary; (f) both external and internal stakeholders are a source of valuable input and feedback regarding the produced reports; (g) collecting material and nonmaterial data is useful in producing reports and improving transparency; (h) companies want to see the impacts of their use competitors’ CSR activities and to use their reports to improve their own CSR activities and reports; and (i) standardization of reporting guidelines would benefit all stakeholders by allowing companies to become more transparent, improve comparisons between companies, and provide incentive to improve CSR processes. This research contributes to the growing body of knowledge on CSR reporting and allows companies to better understand CSR reporting process in their own environments.
Olsson, Caroline y Linda Rottbers. "Har betydelsen av Corporate Social Responsibility ökat?" Thesis, Uppsala University, Department of Business Studies, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-127098.
Texto completoSociala och miljömässiga faktorer har kommit att få allt större betydelse för företag i såväl deras verksamhet som för deras fortlevnad. Medvetenheten kring ansvarsfullt företagande har ökat på dagens marknad och med avseende på lönsamhet och marknadsvärde är syftet med denna uppsats att undersöka huruvida betydelsen för Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) har ökat. Undersökningen genomförs genom att testa korrelationen mellan CSR och lönsam-het (ROA) respektive marknadsvärde (E/P-tal), för företag noterade på Stockholmsbörsen mellan åren 2006 och 2009. För att ytterligare kunna uttala oss om huruvida sambandet mel-lan CSR och lönsamhet stärkts över perioden genomförs Fishers Z-transformation, där likhe-ten mellan korrelationskoefficienter testas. Resultaten för undersökningen påvisar ett positivt samband mellan CSR och lönsamhet, men däremot ges inget stöd för att sambandet mellan CSR och lönsamhet stärkts över den undersökta perioden. För sambandet mellan CSR och marknadsvärde visar resultaten i huvudsak på ett nollsamband, då korrelationen för samtliga år rör sig kring noll. De återfunna sambanden i denna undersökning förklaras med skillnader i branschtillhörighet och företagsstorlek för de undersökta företagen, men även att landsspeci-fika och konjunkturmässiga aspekter har påverkan. Trots avsaknaden av statistiskt bevis kommer vi till slutsatsen att betydelsen av CSR har ökat med avseende på lönsamhet, då andra faktorer tyder på en ökad betydelse. För marknadsvärde kan däremot inga sådana slut-satser dras.
Owing to growing awareness concerning responsible actions in the market-place the purpose of this essay is to investigate whether the importance of CSR has increased. The survey is carried out by testing the correlation between CSR and profitability (ROA) and between CSR and market value (E/P), for companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange between year 2006 and 2009. To further investigate whether the relationship between CSR and profitability has strengthen Fishers Z-transformation is conducted to test the similarity between correlation coefficients. The results of the study shows that a positive relationship exists between CSR and profitability, but there is no statistical evidence that the relationship between CSR and profitability has strengthen over the period. Concerning the relationship between CSR and market value the result of the survey shows a correlation around zero for the period and therefore we conclude that there is a zero correlation between CSR and market value. The relationships of this study can be explained by differences in industry affiliation and company size, as well as country and cyclical aspects. We come to the conclusion that, in terms of CSR and profitability, the importance of CSR has increased over the period investigated. However, concerning CSR and market value no general conclusions can be drawn.
Phillips, William J. "A comparison of perceived social responsibility standards with perceived social responsibility performance in the Australian banking industry : A stakeholder analysis". Thesis, Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 2002. https://ro.ecu.edu.au/theses/711.
Texto completoCappuyns, Kristin. "Essasys on family business: internationalization through strategic alliances and social responsibility". Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/401104.
Texto completoThe unique strength of presenting the following three publications as one is twofold: it reveals fascinating features of the Spanish family business (FBs), and represents different stages in the natural evolvement of research strategies that have clearly marked this field. The first study illustrates that, contrary to a general perception, cultural distances are not the real factors that slow down the process, nor are the intrinsic characteristics of this type of businesses, as suggested by extensive literature. Hence the main contribution of this study lies in the fact that instead it is the owner-manager’s personal commitment to the continuity of the business which will be determinant when undertaking strategic alliances with partners in emerging markets. Moreover, leaders must be convinced to follow these practices and the owning family committed to support the sacrifices, where needed to guarantee long-term growth. The second article presented, analyses the results from a study that has been developed in the geographic area of Gipuzkoa, where Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs), the majority being family-owned, constitute the core of the local economy. Therefore, our sample consisted of a total of 402 SMEs, with 68% being family businesses and 32% non-family businesses. The business literature insinuates that SMEs and especially the family businesses among them, by virtue of their minor complexity and the fundamental role of the owner-manger, often implement social responsible practices, driven mostly by personal intuition. This happens because they are usually not very familiar with the content of what precisely constitutes corporate social responsibility (henceforth SR) among SMEs. Primarily, we have designed a SR model for our specific group of interest, Family-owned Small and Medium sized Enterprises of Gipuzkoa (hereafter Guipuzkoan SMFEs), by tracing the existing literature on SR. Through this model we then evaluated to what extent these businesses, gifted with a particular set of intrinsic characteristics, presented a special sensibility for SR. And in the last part, we propose how SR should be developed in order to generate value for the firm and to help SMEs to engage more effectively in SR and to generate incentives for the stable, coherent and long-term development of this kind of activity. A third article, complementary to the two articles that form this thesis, identifies some of the main differences between family businesses (FBS) and non-family businesses (NFBs), so far as in its financial policies. In a sample of 305 Spanish companies, of which 204 were non-family businesses and 101 family businesses, we studied a group of indicators, such as age of business, revenue, employees, capital, internationalization and ratios. In general, family businesses tend to be older, lower revenue, less employees with permanent contracts, less capital and fewer shareholders, though a high proportion (rate) of shareholders belong to the Board of Directors. But after having interpreted this set of indicators, we concluded that the personal preferences of the responsible family firms with regard to risk, growth and ownership-control may be forces that explain the peculiar financial logic family businesses.
Nongogo, Anele. "Using Corporate Social Responsibility to Improve Employee Participation in a Business". Master's thesis, Faculty of Law, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/31004.
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