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McLavy, Brian. "SCHOOL HISTORY ALTERNATIVES". History Workshop Journal 27, n.º 1 (1989): 243—b—243.

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Ukolova, V. I. "School of History". MGIMO Review of International Relations, n.º 5(38) (28 de octubre de 2014): 79–86.

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The current international processes and events, world politics at the beginning of the 21 century have once again clearly demonstrated that their meaning often emerges through the historical context without which the understanding of what is happening is hardly possible. Rector of MGIMO A.V. Torkunov in his talk on International relations as an educational discipline remarked that "as for sciences the basis of professionalism is mathematical skills and competencies, for international relations such a basis is history". Historical disciplines are taught at MGIMO from the very start of education process. MGIMO is one of the leading centers of research in the fields of history, political sciences and humanities. Here, in different years academics E.V. Tarle, L.N. Ivanov, V.G. Trukhanovskiy, A.L. Narochnitskiy and other prominent scholars and historians taught. Historical School of MGIMO has united important areas of historical science: the history of political processes in the twentieth century, modern history, the history of international relations and diplomacy, historical regional studies and cultural studies, oriental, philosophy and theory of history. The best traditions of the MGIMO historical school incorporated by its founders, make the foundation of its development at present. In 1992, the Department of MGIMO world and national history was established. The principle innovation was the combination of two components - historical education and historical science. This made it possible to present the story of Russia as an important part of the world history, opened up prospects for the implementation of comparative history, the synthesis of specific historical approaches and generalized global vision of civilization and human development. The historical school has realised a number of research projects, including "Alexander Nevsky" and the multi-volume "Great Victory", the work continues on a research project "Russia in the Modern World", and on a project "Synchronous History", etc.


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Thu Ha, Nguyen, Nguyen Thi Mai Huong y Nguyen Thi Anh Nguyet. "BRIEF HISTORY OF SCHOOL-BASED MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES IN UNITED STATES AND SOME RECOMENDATIONS FOR VIETNAM SCHOOLS". Journal of Science, Social Science 62, n.º 5 (2017): 139–45.

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HARRIS, KAREN L. "Transforming School History Texts". South African Historical Journal 34, n.º 1 (mayo de 1996): 267–75.

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Whittemore, Richard. "On Renewing School History". Journal of Teacher Education 44, n.º 5 (noviembre de 1993): 385–87.

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Töpper, Daniel y Fanny Isensee. "From «School Buildings» to «School Architecture» – School Technicians, Grand School Buildings and Educational Architecture in Prussia and the USA in the Nineteenth Century". Historia y Memoria de la Educación, n.º 13 (14 de diciembre de 2020): 375.

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The history of school buildings is commonly written as a history of architecture, focusing on outstanding architects and buildings. However, the connection between pedagogical-administrative prescriptions and educational architecture has been studied less, particularly in the nineteenth century. This article highlights the often-overlooked agency of school technicians and proposes to interpret the nineteenth-century history of building schools as a history of implementing pedagogical-administrative objectives. The design of schools followed the inner differentiation of school curricula, at the same time being affected by the growth of school sizes prompted by school management structures and their efficiency aims. We will show how in larger cities the initial one-classroom schools developed into multiple-classroom buildings, taking on their final form in “grand school buildings”. The organizational developments tried and tested here would later become the national standard, with rural schools following with a certain delay. In order to grasp the emergence of the phenomena of these “grand school buildings” we combine the Prussian and US-American cases in their transatlantic connection in order to comprehend the transnational dimension of school building norms. Being closely connected through mutual observation, the US and Prussian contexts established two decisive aspects: in the Prussian case, the division into separate classrooms as functional units of school construction was implemented, while in the United States additional school rooms such as the assembly hall and specific subject-related rooms were introduced. “Grand school buildings” initiated the interest of the architectural profession, leading to negotiations between school technicians and architects.

Sudrajat, Ajat, Dyah Kumalasari y Danu Eko Agustinova. "History Teaching in Vocational School Based on Curriculum 2013". SOCIA: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial 16, n.º 2 (25 de febrero de 2020): 187–201.

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The Curriculum 2013 is a learning guidance for schools in Indonesia. One among many schools that applied Curriculum 2013 is vocational school. Social sciences based majors also being taught in vocational school. One of them is Indonesian History. The major of history in vocational school is very strategic for internalizing national character values. Unfortunately, history teachers in vocational school don’t apply suitable way in their teaching. That’s understandable since students in vocational school focus on vocational majors. This research employs a descriptive qualitative method by utilizing some techniques of data collection such as observations, interviews and documentations. The aim of this research is to know teaching strategy which is suitable in vocational school. The benefit of this research is the finding of ideal teaching strategy for vocational school students. In this case, the object of research is SMK Negeri 3 Kudus. History teaching in vocational school can utilize teaching media and learning in historical site. Those two strategies have goal for easing students of vocational school in understanding material of history subject. Each of those strategies has advantages and downsides, so that combination of them can cover each others’ downsides.

Gordon, Leah N. "History for Justice: Michael Katz and the History of Education". Social Science History 41, n.º 4 (2017): 760–65.

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I recently told one of my graduate students that I was contributing to the panel on which these papers are based, and he replied that reading Michael Katz'sThe Irony of Early School Reform: Educational Innovation in Mid-Nineteenth Century Massachusetts(2001a) led him to apply to graduate school. My story is the same. When I was deciding whether to pursue a graduate degree, Katz'sClass, Bureaucracy, and Schools(1975) convinced me to study the history of education. What Katz's scholarship, and later his mentorship, taught me was that one could be a historian with an eye toward justice, that one need not compartmentalize scholarly, political, and ethical commitments.

Rowland, Stephen M. "Archaeocyaths—a history of phylogenetic interpretation". Journal of Paleontology 75, n.º 6 (noviembre de 2001): 1065–78.

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Archaeocyaths are calcareous, conical, Cambrian fossils with a long history of phylogenetic uncertainty and changing interpretations. The history of phylogenetic interpretation of archaeocyaths reveals five distinct schools of thought: the coelenterate school, the sponge school, the algae school, the Phylum Archaeocyatha school, and the Kingdom Archaeata school. Late nineteenth century and early twentieth century paleontologists worked within a paradigm of inexorably increasing diversity through time, and they did not believe in the concept of extinct phyla. Consequently, prior to about 1950, archaeocyaths were bounced around from coelenterates to sponges, to algae. By the 1930s, after considerable study, all workers agreed that archaeocyaths were sponges of one type or another. In the mid-twentieth century a significant paradigm shift occurred in paleontology, allowing the viability of the concept of a phylum with no extant species. Correspondingly, two new schools of thought emerged regarding archaeocyathan taxonomy. The Phylum Archaeocyatha school placed them in their own phylum, which was inferred to be closely related to Phylum Porifera within Subkingdom Parazoa. A second new school removed archaeocyaths and some other Paleozoic problematica from the animal kingdom and placed them in Kingdom Archaeata (later Kingdom Inferibionta). The Phylum Archaeocyatha school was the mainstream interpretation from the 1950s through the 1980s. However, the widespread use of SCUBA beginning in the 1960s ultimately led to the rejection of the interpretation that archaeocyaths belong in a separate phylum. SCUBA allowed biologists to study deep fore-reef and submarine cave environments, leading to the discovery of living calcareous sponges, including one aspiculate species that is morphologically similar to archaeocyaths. These discoveries in the 1960s and 1970s stimulated a re-examination of sponge phylogeny generally, and comparisons between archaeocyaths and sponges in particular. The result was the abandonment of the Phylum Archaeocyatha school in the 1990s. Present consensus is that archaeocyaths represent both a clade and a grade—Class Archaeocyatha and the archaeocyathan morphological grade—within Phylum Porifera.

YOSHIDA, Masashi. "Law School and Legal History". TRENDS IN THE SCIENCES 14, n.º 9 (2009): 69–71.

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Sanford M. Jacoby. "History and the Business School". Labour History, n.º 98 (2010): 207.

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Zhivov (†), Viktor. "Conceptual History, Cultural History, Social History". ВИВЛIОθИКА: E-Journal of Eighteenth-Century Russian Studies 2 (1 de noviembre de 2014): 1–14.

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V. M. Zhivov’s introduction to Studies in Historical Semantics of the Russian Language in the Early Modern Period (2009), translated here for the first time, offers a critical survey of the historiography on Begriffsgeschichte, the German school of conceptual history associated with the work of Reinhart Koselleck, as well as of its application to the study of Russian culture. By situating Begriffsgeschichte in the context of late-nineteenth and early twentieth-century European philosophy, particularly hermeneutics and phenomenology, the author points out the important, and as yet unacknowledged, role that Russian linguists have played in the development of a native school of conceptual history. In the process of outlining this alternative history of the discipline, Zhivov provides some specific examples of the way in which the study of “historical semantics” can be used to analyze the development of Russian modernity.

Apple, Rima D. "School health is community health: school nursing in the early twentieth century in the USA". History of Education Review 46, n.º 2 (2 de octubre de 2017): 136–49.

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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the evolution of school nursing in the USA in the early decades of the twentieth century, highlighting the linkages between schools and public health and the challenges nurses faced. Design/methodology/approach This historical essay examines the discussions about school nursing and school nurses’ descriptions of their work. Findings In the Progressive period, though the responsibilities of school nurse were never clearly defined, nurses quickly became accepted, respected members of the school, with few objecting to their practices. Nonetheless, nurses consistently faced financial complications that limited, and continue to limit, their effectiveness in schools and communities. Originality/value Few histories of school health have documented the critical role nurses have played and their important, although contested, position today. This paper points to the obstacles restricting the development of dynamic school nurse programs today.

Moran, Peter William. "From Jefferson to Banneker: The Intersection of Race, Demographic Change, and School Naming Practices in Kansas City's Segregated School System, 1940-1953". History of Education Quarterly 59, n.º 1 (31 de enero de 2019): 65–96.

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This article examines the impact of African American migration into Kansas City, Missouri, on the city's segregated school system in the 1940s and early 1950s. Substantial increases in the number of African American elementary school-age children produced chronic overcrowding in the segregated black schools, which was not easily relieved due to the legal requirement to operate racially segregated schools. In order to address the crowding, the school district was compelled on four occasions in the late 1940s and early 1950s to convert an entire school from white use to African American use. In each case, the school district took the symbolic step of changing the name of the school so that it was clearly identifiable as a school for African American students. The school district's practice of renaming schools coded those schools by race and further signaled that the surrounding area had become a black neighborhood.

Reed, E. "Public History and School History Come Together in NCHE". OAH Magazine of History 16, n.º 2 (1 de enero de 2002): 8–9.

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Duke, Daniel L. "Organizing education: schools, school districts, and the study of organizational history". Journal of Educational Administration 53, n.º 5 (3 de agosto de 2015): 682–97.

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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present a rationale for organizational histories of schools and school districts and discuss the findings of selected examples of the genre. Design/methodology/approach – The author presents a vignette of an organizational history, discusses key elements of the methodology, and offers seven ways in which organizational histories address important issues in educational research. Findings – A case is made, using actual examples of research, that organizational histories of schools and school districts can contribute to testing existing theory, developing new theory, describing how educational change occurs, accounting for the sustainability of educational change, explaining organizational continuity over time, understanding school and district responses to persistent social issues, and balancing an over-emphasis on the impact of school and district leaders. Originality/value – The paper draws on the author’s original contributions to organizational history as well as the contributions of his doctoral students and others.

Massie, William. "Contemporary Catholic History". Recusant History 23, n.º 2 (octubre de 1996): 277–80.

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In his new book James Arthur has chosen a title that is controversial but befits his central thesis*: Catholic schools are in crisis, under pressure from the unsympathetic secular State (to include both the Local Education Authority and central government’s Department for Education) and lacking coherent support and direction from the Catholic community (to include bishops, school trustees and governors and teachers). The author traces how this has come about but stops short of offering a detailed manifesto for how the decline might be arrested.

Farrell, Peter. "School psychology: Learning lessons from history and moving forward". School Psychology International 31, n.º 6 (diciembre de 2010): 581–98.

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At a time when, in most countries, the profession of school psychology is experiencing a period of growth and expansion, many problems still remain. The origins of these problems are linked to the historical development of the profession which has provided school psychologists with a unique and distinctive role in administering IQ tests and using the results to make decisions about special educational provision for children with learning difficulties. This article reviews recent research that is heavily critical of the relevance of IQ testing and the associated medical model of working, and then considers some of the barriers which prevent school psychologists from changing their practices. It concludes with suggestions as to how the profession can move forward with confidence, knowing that it can make a distinctive contribution to supporting vulnerable children, schools and communities around the world.

Astrakhantsev, Oleg y Yury Petrushin. "Printed Publications of Irkutsk Military School as a History of Military Cadres Training in Eastern Siberia". Theoretical and Practical Issues of Journalism 7, n.º 4 (15 de octubre de 2018): 660–71.

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Irkutsk (Cadet) Military School was founded in 1874 in Irkutsk. The School began training military officers for military bases located not only in Siberia, but all over Russia. Since its foundation the School has trained dozens of thousands of highly-qualified specialists for the army. The School has been through difficult times over the course of its development. Opened as a cadet school first it soon received a higher status becoming a military school. It functioned as a military school until the Civil War when it was disestablished. In 1931 the school was reestablished, however, as an aviation technical school and existed in this status while undergoing several reorganizations until 2009. Since the schools foundation it has had a number of printed publications covering its life and activities. These publications are usually not available for the majority of researchers as they were circulating only among military men and the schools faculty members and were not issued for mass circulation. Being an officer of Irkutsk Military School O. N. Astrakhantsev managed to collect some of the schools printed publications. Having analyzed these publications and relying on the principles of historism, the social approach and the comparative historical method the authors of the article conclude that nowadays these publications are a valuable source for studying the military schools history. The analysis of these publications allows one to take a fresh look at this military school everyday life. The comparison of these publications with archive documents and statutory acts and some other documents allows one to reconstruct in more detail and evaluate more precisely the schools activities at a particular time. The article describes evolution of printed publications, studies their main trends and peculiarities.

Retz, Tyson. "At the interface: academic history, school history and the philosophy of history". Journal of Curriculum Studies 48, n.º 4 (30 de noviembre de 2015): 503–17.

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KUBO, Toru. "Education on History in High School". TRENDS IN THE SCIENCES 21, n.º 5 (2016): 5_22–5_26.

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Galbraith, Lynn y Marvin J. Spomer. "Does Art History Go to School?" Art Education 39, n.º 5 (septiembre de 1986): 10.

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Hillis, Peter L. M. "Scottish History in the School Curriculum". Journal of Scottish Historical Studies 27, n.º 2 (1 de noviembre de 2007): 191–208.

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Lewkowicz, Nicolas. "The Annales School – An Intellectual History". Intellectual History Review 21, n.º 2 (junio de 2011): 250–51.

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Forrest, A. "The Annales School: An Intellectual History". French History 25, n.º 2 (10 de mayo de 2011): 264–66.

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Burton, Maxine. "A history of Chesterfield Grammar School". History of Education 48, n.º 5 (17 de septiembre de 2018): 704–6.

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Alabaş, Ramazan y Dursun Dilek. "Primary school students’ conceptions of history". Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 1, n.º 1 (2009): 1605–10.

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Amirov, N. Kh, E. I. Bogdanov, M. E. Guryleva, A. L. Zefirov, M. F. Ismagilov, R. Z. Mukhamedzyanov y A. S. Sozinov. "The History of Kazan Neurological School". Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 16, n.º 1-2 (22 de febrero de 2007): 110–22.

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Craven, Sophie. "Securing funding for school History projects". Fundraising for Schools 2014, n.º 158 (2 de julio de 2014): 14–15.

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Bob Hicok. "From the history of grade school". Missouri Review 32, n.º 2 (2009): 157–58.

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Nichol, Jon. "Using IT in primary school history." Computers & Education 29, n.º 1 (agosto de 1997): 50–51.

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Davies, Peter N. "The Liverpool School of Maritime History". International Journal of Maritime History 17, n.º 2 (diciembre de 2005): 249–60.

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Pirtle, Scarlett. "Hopelessly Lost in Middle School History". Middle School Journal 18, n.º 3 (mayo de 1987): 23.

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Sogrin, Vladimir. "School History Books and Professional Historiography". Novaia i noveishaia istoriia 5 (2019): 179–84.

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Stoel, Carol F. "History of the high school connection". New Directions for Community Colleges 1988, n.º 63 (1988): 13–23.

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Grever, Maria, Ben Pelzer y Terry Haydn. "High school students’ views on history". Journal of Curriculum Studies 43, n.º 2 (abril de 2011): 207–29.

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Carpenter, Dick M. y Krista Kafer. "A History of Private School Choice". Peabody Journal of Education 87, n.º 3 (julio de 2012): 336–50.

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Iggers, G. G. "The Annales School. An Intellectual History". Enterprise and Society 13, n.º 1 (11 de mayo de 2011): 221–24.

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SIEBÖRGER, R. F. "Reconceptualising South African School History Textbooks". South African Historical Journal 30, n.º 1 (mayo de 1994): 98–108.

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SIEBÖRGER, ROB y JANET REID. "Textbooks and the School History Curriculum". South African Historical Journal 33, n.º 1 (noviembre de 1995): 169–77.

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Goodson, Ivor. "The Social History of School Subjects". Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 34, n.º 2 (enero de 1990): 111–21.

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Baker, Alan R. H. "The Annales School: An Intellectual History". Journal of Historical Geography 36, n.º 2 (abril de 2010): 235–36.

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Lerner, Robert, Althea K. Nagai y Stanley Rothman. "Filler feminism in high school history". Academic Questions 5, n.º 1 (marzo de 1992): 28–40.

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Forester, Kelsey. "Book Review: The Schoolroom: A Social History of Teaching and Learning". Reference & User Services Quarterly 58, n.º 4 (25 de octubre de 2019): 269.

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Dale Allen Gyure’s The Schoolroom: A Social History of Teaching and Learning takes an in-depth look at how the structure of schools has changed over the course of American history, starting from Colonial America to the twenty-first century. After its well laid out table of contents, there is a helpful timeline, chronicling major developments in United States education history starting in 1635 with the opening of Boston Latin Grammar School and going up to 2016 with the Sandy Hook Elementary School and the new era of school design (xv-xix). It also includes a helpful glossary that defines specific terms, such as different building plans, types of schools, and educational theories. Throughout the chapters, words found in the glossary are in bold.

Brunelli, Marta y Juri Meda. "Gymnastics between school desks". History of Education Review 46, n.º 2 (2 de octubre de 2017): 178–93.

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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the evolution and use of the school desk in unified Italy as a multifunctional and highly efficient tool, which was required not only to efficiently support in-class activities, to facilitate the classroom management and finally to maintain a correct body posture in order to preserve pupils’ health, but also to accomplish the additional task of working as real “gymnastic equipment”, i.e. suitable for performing various gymnastic exercises inside the classroom. Design/methodology/approach The assumption upon which this paper rests is that school desks have always been signifiers charged with multiple meanings related to the evolution of curriculum, pedagogic ideas and daily school practices, which have often been forgotten, abandoned or, for some reasons, underrepresented in the official history of education as well as in the collective memory of school. In order to rebuild this forgotten history, and retrace the possible theoretical-pedagogical basis underlying such practice, the authors have systematically reviewed the Italian manuals on gymnastics between desks from the 1870s to the 1970s, retraced sources documenting this practice in the daily school life (government rules, school programmes, school hygiene prescriptions, iconographic sources, teachers and school managers’ testimonies) and finally, compared with other foreign practices (such as “calisthenics”). Findings The convergence between many differentiated sources has demonstrated the longevity of this school practice, which was not only the fruit of educational theories of gymnastic teachers but was also determined by the backwardness and logistic inadequacies of many Italian schools. The paper reveals how this gymnastic practice, after establishing itself in the post-Unification Italian schools, continued almost uninterrupted until the Second World War and even until the 1970s, evidencing how gymnastic teachers, hygienists, educationalists and lawmakers continued, over almost a century, to scientifically legitimise (from the top downwards) an educational practice that was actually driven from the bottom upwards, i.e. determined by an endemic lack of adequate spaces and tools for physical education in Italian schools. Originality/value For the very first time, the special source of Italian manuals and booklets on gymnastics between desks has been located, analysed and systematically reviewed for the period 1870s-1970s, and then cross-checked against differentiated sources. This study actually represents the first step of a research which must be still further developed. Undoubtedly, the “new” source represented by the manuals of “gymnastics between school desks” offered a first original perspective from which to explore the use of this furniture in the school of the past, thereby enabling historians of education to shed the first light on a school practice that has been overlooked or forgotten, and still hidden within the “black box of schooling”.

Anheim, Étienne y Bénédicte Girault. "History: Between Teaching and Research". Annales (English ed.) 70, n.º 01 (marzo de 2015): 137–44.

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In France, the links between the teaching of history in secondary schools and historical research in universities, higher education institutes, and the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) often seem tenuous. Evocations of these links usually boil down to debates about updating school curricula, invocations—often with ulterior political motives—of the teaching profession’s unity in spite of obvious differences and inequalities, or, on the contrary, denunciations of an objective that is idealistic, if not demagogical and senseless. In such a context, it might seem odd to devote a dossier to this question in an international academic journal. Indeed, this choice provoked vigorous debate within the editorial board of the Annales, especially since the dossier has the peculiarity of drawing on direct experience by giving a voice to secondary-school teachers and teacher trainers rather than specialized academic researchers.

HOPTOVÁ, LUCIÁNA. "ISSUE OF HOLOCAUST TEACHING AT PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN SLOVAKIA". Journal of Education Culture and Society 11, n.º 2 (11 de septiembre de 2020): 429–43.

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Aim. The primary aim of the study is to examine how the issue of Holocaust is integrated into teaching of history at primary schools and grammar schools in the Slovak Republic. The secondary aim is to present the methodological ideas, suggestions and recommendations for teaching Holocaust in Slovak schools. Methods. The subject of the study is analysis of basic state educational documents defining the compulsory content of education and training for the school subject of history at primary school and grammar school, thus the National Educational Programme for lower secondary education (second stage of primary school) and the National Educational Programme for grammar schools (completed secondary general education), with emphasis to Holocaust. The method of analysis is applied to textbooks of history that contain information of Holocaust. The study also includes a detailed analysis of methodological recommendations and suggestions prepared by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and the National Institute for Education to assist teachers in teaching Holocaust issue. The study is supplemented by knowledge from educational practice what was obtained through interview method with 15 teachers of history. Results. Holocaust is an integral part of teaching history at primary schools and grammar schools. Students get acquainted with Holocaust issue in Slovak and global historical context in the 9th year of primary school and in the 3rd year of grammar school with a four-year educational programme. The basic content of education is defined in the eduational standards of national educational programmes. Teachers can specify and concentize it even more within teaching of history. Its development is aided not only by textbooks of history but also by various educational and professional activities defined in various methodological materials and manuals.

Høyrup, Jens. "Algebra in the scribal school—Schools in old Babylonia algebra?" NTM International Journal of History and Ethics of Natural Sciences, Technology and Medicine 1, n.º 1 (diciembre de 1993): 201–18.

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Low-Beer, Ann. "School History, National History and the Issue of National Identity". History Education Research Journal 3, n.º 1 (1 de enero de 2003): 9–14.

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