Littérature scientifique sur le sujet « A genre of discourse »

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Articles de revues sur le sujet "A genre of discourse":


Collin, Ross. « Genre in Discourse, Discourse in Genre ». Journal of Literacy Research 44, no 1 (5 janvier 2012) : 76–96.

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Kurkan, Nataliya V. « A model of the operations manual speech genre in engineering communication ». International Journal “Speech Genres” 29, no 1 (24 mars 2021) : 49–56.

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Résumé :
The article addresses basic genre parameters of the operations manual and aims to develop its genre model within engineering discourse. Engineering communication is becoming a subject of a special focus for linguists due to its rapid development driven by dynamic changes in technology, society and industry, which results in continuous exchange of information between the members of the engineering society. Despite the significant number of studies in the field of certain institutional discourses, the genre structure of engineering discourse, one of the promising fields of communicative linguistics, is still a research challenge due to insufficient studies of the engineering discourse as well as the professional communication in general. Since discourse is embodied in certain genres, and genres, in turn, are always included into a certain discourse field, the author proposes the idea that the engineering discourse provides a number of core genres which reflect the values, strategies and information of engineering communication. The research is based on the texts of operations manuals for the equipment produced by Russian manufacturers. The analysis of genre parameters and lexical aspects has revealed a number of key characteristics of the operations manual as well as its peculiar linguistic presentation as of a specific genre of engineering communication. The analysis proves that the operation manual genre meets the primary goal of professional communication in the engineering field. The peculiar characteristics of the studied genre are determined by the professional communicative purposes and the situation. The results of the research may be used in university lectures on professional communication, cognitive linguistics and cognitive terminology studies.

Molodychenko, Evgeni N. « Metapragmatic discourses in differentiating genres in online media ». Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature 18, no 2 (2021) : 363–82.

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One of the possible ways to explore contextualization is through external discourses referencing the pragmatics of the discourse in question. These are known as metapragmatic discourse. The purpose of this article is to theoretically integrate the concept of metapragmatics into genre analysis and apply metapragmatic tools to the analysis of specific genres. Five YouTube videos together with their accompanying comments exhibiting metapragmatic properties were analyzed. Methodologically, the analysis relies on the textually oriented content analysis. The results indicate that placing discourses nominally relying on one and the same generic form into a certain genre may be predicated on contextual variables that may have nothing to do with said form per se. These variables, however, may be verbalized by the original author and by their audience in the form of metapragmatic markers. This may mean that for the final addressee, the “effect” of the original discourse will depend on the attribution of this discourse, based on the metapragmatic markers, to one of the “competing” genre variations emerging, as it were, in an ongoing exchange between the author and his audience. A case in point are sponsored and “honest” review genres. A second observation resides in the realm of hybrid genres. An example here is integrating sponsored content into one of the “legitimate” lifestyle-genres (“hot tips”, vlog, etc.). A fraction of the discourse community seems to view this as delegitimizing the discourse and the genre in question, while others see it as an “unfortunate insert”, which does not, however, change the genre’s overall value. This leaves the question open whether such genres should be considered new and full-fledged genres, with sponsored content being one of their integral features.

Molodychenko, Evgeni N., et Jürgen Spitzmüller. « Metapragmatics and genre : Connecting the strands ». Russian Journal of Linguistics 25, no 1 (15 décembre 2021) : 89–104.

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Genre analysis involves at least a foray into the social/contextual dimension framing genre-exemplars. One way to explore this dimension is drawing on the concept of metapragmatics, which is primarily associated with (American) linguistic anthropology. However, with a few exceptions, genre studies have not consistently operationalized metapragmatics, either theoretically or practically. The purpose of this article is, therefore, to explore one possible angle of such operationalization by means of studying discourse fragments reflecting on fragments of (these very or other) discourses (so-called metapragmatic discourses) vis--vis any generic properties of the reflected discourse. Specifically, we analyzed comments sections for a number of YouTube videos exemplifying several lifestyle genres. The results indicate that generic references can range from simply using a generic label to refer to the discourse in question (as a token of a certain type/genre) to actually discussing the generic characteristics of the genre it instantiates, as well as projecting certain (generic) metapragmatic stances. Another observation is that different wordings used by the discourse community to refer to generic models can be, as it were, proper generic labels, but they can also be words and phrases that would hardly qualify as proper names of genres from an analysts point of view. Both these proper and other - genre-like - labels are also often used in conjunction with or are replaced by other ways of metapragmatically referring to what the speaker does or even what they are in/by dint of using the discourse in question. This suggests that any generic labels or cues are just part of a large pool of other possible metapragmatic meanings, knowledge, and ideologies circulating in discourse communities. More broadly, the results may indicate that genre studies should see genre as an even less stabilized entity because what a genre is depends on what people who actually use it make of it, as well as augment their standard toolkits with methods aimed at exploring metapragmatic discourse.

Wang, Guifang. « Genre-Based Approach in Business Translation Teaching ». Review of Educational Theory 4, no 2 (13 mai 2021) : 16.

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Genre-based teaching approach is a pedagogy based on genre and genre analysis theory. Based on this teaching approach, the paper puts forward a three-stage model appropriate for the teaching of business English reading. It develops teaching activities focusing on the schematic structure of a discourse. Its purpose is to make students know that the discourses with different genres have different communicative purposes and discourse structures. Through a theoretical analysis and empirical study of the model, it is concluded that genre-based teaching approach can effectively help students improve their ability of business English reading comprehension.

Wan, Ya Ping, Xiao Hua Yang, Zhi Ming Liu, Xiao Yun Li, Chun Ping Ouyang, Ying Yu et Hui Jiang. « Study on Metric of Genreic Intertexuality Based on User Behavior ». Applied Mechanics and Materials 263-266 (décembre 2012) : 1503–9.

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Using the genre perspective, we studied the electronic communication of knowledge users collaborating on a movie community and found that their work and interactions were mediated by the use of genres. Drawing on these findings, we develop the concept of genre repertoire to designate the set of genres enacted by groups, organizations, or communities to accomplish their work. Automatic discourse classification according to genre in social information sharing, transfer and knowledge communication provides a higher level of service quality. By investigating user behavior in movie community, the relationship between intertextuality of discourse genre and user behavior was studied. We denoted genre by using vector, and discourse genre intertextuality intensity is measured with vector distance. And for those discourse which genre is unknown, genre intertextuality is calculated using user behavior. The results show that user various behaviors stickiness in movie community and discourse genre intertextuality intensity have potential common features.

Gabets, А. А. « Causes and pragmatic effects of business communication integration with other types of discourse ». Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology 29, no 2 (19 juillet 2023) : 127–33.

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The article studies the interaction of business communication genre with other types of institutional discourse. Fragments of professional communication in mixed discourses where it is impossible to clarify the dominant genre by its parameters or its lexical and grammatical cliches selected from websites of various international and governmental organizations are the research material. Methods of descriptive, discourse and contextual analysis are implemented. The author identifies the reasons for the appearance of mixed genres in 20182023, these are traditional connection of economics and politics, COVID-19 and vital issues of environment and sustainable development on the international agenda. Depending on the revealed reasons the types of discourse which integrate in business communication most often are defined, these are political, ecological, medical and educational. Mixed forms of discourse are studied from the perspective of linguistic pragmatics. The author proves that in the course of modern tendencies to business communication deregulation the potential of discourse created as a result of integration is bigger because the speaker can use most efficient means of every included genre both from its core and its periphery. Pragmalinguistic effect of mixed discourses is formed either by common discourse markers that can give the necessary information at the same time serving as expressive means or by speech units and cliches that arrange discourse interaction.

Evtushenko, Oksana, et Svetlana Pervukhina. « Electronic Mode of the Modern Administrative Discourse ». Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 2. Jazykoznanije, no 5 (janvier 2021) : 99–109.

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The study has been carried out in line with the current problems of modern discourse and genre studies related to the study of the evolution of administrative discourse, which is understood as a hybrid of oral and written communication. The article presents the results of the analysis of the Internet influence on the long-established genres of administrative discourse. The concept of administrative Internet communication has been clarified. The study of administrative discourse in the Internet space clearly demonstrates that even the most conservative sphere of activity is influenced by modern technologies and extralinguistic factors have the most direct impact on the genres formation. The administrative Internet functions are singled out: informing, requesting information, initiating discussions, organization. The genres of administrative Internet communication are analyzed, in the modern administrative discourse we have identified the most indicative in terms of management hypergenres and genres: the hypergenre "corporate web portal" or "Intranet", the genre "email", the genre "online meeting" or "video conferencing", the genre "electronic documents". This article details two genres: "corporate web portal" and "online meeting". The conducted survey made it possible to determine the pragmatic nature of the considered corporate web portal hyper-genre – keeping to corporate culture, interactivity, speed. It has been established that due to the mentioned Internet genres emergence, a partial decrease in distance and erasing of the status line in the "head-subordinate" pair occurs. It is concluded that cyberspace is transforming the power-subordinate nature of administrative communication into democratic partnership, as well as there is the transformation of traditional genres with the advent of electronic communication in the field of management. It is concluded that the theory of speech genres is applicable to study of the evolution of administrative communication, and new techniques are required to take into account linguistic changes caused by the development of information technologies.

Takal, Ghazi Mohammad, Mujtaba Jamal et Abdul Rahmat. « Genre Analysis of Memo from Headmaster to Teachers ». Aksara : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Nonformal 7, no 3 (1 septembre 2021) : 771.

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Résumé :
<p>Discourse analysis has always been a great tool for analyzing both spoken and written discourses in various discourse communities. Specifically, it has largely been used for written discourse analysis. For instance, it has been used in analysis of memos. Memos have been a valuable part of written discourse in different settings. Thus, this paper is the analysis of a memo written by a school headmaster. The author used Genre Analysis as a discourse analysis for analyzing the memo text in this paper. Although there are several models for genre analysis, Genre Analysis of Vijay. K Bhatia Model has been used in this study. The findings revealed that the memo was related to a professional genre of school while meeting not the entire characteristics of professional genre. The research suggested that future studies be conducted concerning memo analysis.</p>

Steksova, Tatiana Ivanovna. « Object Clauses in Academic Discourse : Genre Preferences ». International Journal “Speech Genres” 28, no 4 (2020) : 278–86.

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The author of the article understands object clauses as a semantic type of sentences with a set of different ways of expressing semantics: polypredicative subordinate clauses, asyndetic clauses, monopredicative clauses, clauses with parenthesis. It is suggested that the set of constructions used in academic discourse depends on the genre of the academic text. The genres of article abstracts and thesis summaries as secondary texts (texts about texts) were chosen as a material for a comparative study. The author reveals the incomplete paradigm of object clauses in secondary academic texts. The analyzed language material allows us to state that the genre of the academic article abstract does not use the entire paradigm of the ways of expressing explanatory semantics, choosing only two models as the basic ones, with a higher frequency of the monopredicative model. In the genre of thesis summaries there is a lower frequency of monopredicative clauses with deliberative semantics and a higher frequency of polypredicative subordinate clauses containing hidden reflection of the author of the text. The analyzed material indicates that the hidden author’s reflection is more often manifested through the use of quasi-impersonal sentences. The author of the article believes that there is a tendency in the analyzed genres towards increasing impersonality, the elimination of the subjective author’s position, and the desire to objectify the presented information. The research has found out certain constructions which function actively in the genre of the academic article, but are not used in article abstracts and thesis summaries. It is noted that not all introducing predicates recorded in the academic literature function in the analyzed genres. This can be explained by the genre affiliation of the texts and their communicative task. The author determines a number of objectives of the further research.

Thèses sur le sujet "A genre of discourse":


Poon, Ka-man Shirley. « A study of the evolution and diversity of a stereotypical genre : the recipe genre ». Click to view the E-thesis via HKUTO, 2007.

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Teslenko, Tatiana. « Genre as strategy, feminist utopian discourse of the 1970s ». Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000.

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Poon, Ka-man Shirley, et 潘嘉敏. « A study of the evolution and diversity of a stereotypical genre : therecipe genre ». Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2007.

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Назаренко, Олена В`ячеславівна, Елена Вячеславовна Назаренко, Olena Viacheslavivna Nazarenko et V. Kadurina. « Genre and stylistic features of modern English discourse of fantasy ». Thesis, Sumy State University, 2015.

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Résumé :
Fantasy is a genre of unscientific fiction that is rooted in various kinds of myths, legends, fairy tales, utopias. Fantasy is usually built on the antithesis: good and evil, order and chaos, harmony and dissonance; hero embarks on a journey, fighting for truth and justice. Many stories of this genre take place in imaginary worlds where magic is commonplace.

Wennerstrom, Ann K. « Discourse intonation and second language acquisition : three genre-based studies / ». Thesis, Connect to this title online ; UW restricted, 1997.

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Wheatley, John. « A genre analysis of the processes of professional document design ». Thesis, University of Wolverhampton, 1994.

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Collingsworth, Jean. « Transformational texts : genre, discourse and subjectivity in the self-help book ». Thesis, London Metropolitan University, 2011.

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This research used selected structuralist and post-structuralist theory to investigate the notions of genre, discourse and subjectivity in the contemporary self-help book. It argues that these texts have links with classical and modern ethics of optimum living and are predicated on an ontology of transformative possibility which is expressed through typical rhetorical strategies. Furthermore, that the publications are a significant element in the therapeutic discourse prevalent in contemporary society. It suggests that as well as being a highly successful commodity, the self-help book is theoretically remarkable for two reasons. Firstly it operates as a redemptive paradigm for the reader; secondly it is an 'actantial' genre because each text participates as a 'protagonist' in the 'heroic' narrative of transformation which it articulates. Furthermore a self/subject dyad inhabits the genre because while advice literature is predicated on a humanistic discourse of essential, telic selfhood, critical analysis detects the underlying dynamics of socially-constructed subjectivity. Three levels of subject activity in the self-help book are distinguished: sub-stratum (ontological level of humanistic assumptions), inter-stratum (archetypal level: the reader as 'hero'; the book as 'helper' etc.) and super-stratum (the level of every-day matters). The research concludes that the selfhelp book is a paradoxical phenomenon for the cultural theorist because it asserts the survival of personal agency in the postmodern episteme which has seen the discrediting of grand narratives and the decentring of the human subject. Additionally, the lexicon of genre studies is extended by the coining of new terms to better describe the emergence of 'symbiotic' commercial materials and a generic twelve-step sequence of discourse emergence is also offered. This traces the discourse of post-traumatic stress from its diffuse beginnings to its present linguistic entrenchment in commercial publications. The research is thus original at two levels: it provides a detailed exploration of the self-help book qua text and extends the reach of critical theory.

Laohawiriyanon, Chonlada. « From climate change to deforestation a genre of popularised science / ». Phd thesis, Australia : Macquarie University, 1999.

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Résumé :
Thesis (PhD)--Macquarie University, School of English, Linguistics and Media, 1999.
Bibliography: p. 299-305.
Introduction -- Theoretical background -- The structure of popular scientific writing on 'climate change' -- Findings of analysis of texts on population growth and deforestation -- Interaction between verbal and visuals representations -- Conclusion.
The topics of climate change, population growth, and deforestation, as discussed in publications such as New Scientist, Discover, Time, and Our Planet, exemplify contemporary writing on science for the general community. As such, it is assumed that they are presented in an objective, scientific, informative way. Furthermore, these topics illustrate what it means to write complex issues in a popular manner. Consequently, they provide an opportunity for examining at least one area of popular science as a generic phenomenon.-- Through an investigation of thirty texts (ten on each of the three topics mentioned), the consistencies and distinctive features of writing on these environmental issues are investigated, in particular using discourse tools drawn from Systemic Functional linguistics. The foremost tools are the proposals concerning GSP (Generic Structure Potential) put forward by Hasan, which provide an outline of the syntagmatic unfolding of a text ("logogenetic perspective") and the four stratal perspective that is illustrated in the work by Halliday and Hasan, in particular as such work relates wording to culture. By assessing the degree to which the thirty texts constitute a genre, and the degree to which they exhibit their own internal variations, it is also possible to clarify Halliday's notion of the 'cline of instantiation' between, at one end, the 'potential/system' and, at the other end, the instance of 'text as process'.-- The investigation reveals that the assumption of an informative, objective style in popular science journal articles actually obscures a deeper underlying activism about the future, but an activism strongly based on only Western perceptions of environmental crisis.
Mode of access: World Wide Web.
ix, 305, 217 p. ill. (some col.)

Burgess, Sally. « Discourse variation across cultures : a genre-analytic study of writing on linguistics ». Thesis, University of Reading, 1997.

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Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo estudar o gênero discursivo propaganda televisiva e as interações verbais aí presentes sob a perspectiva bakhtiniana. O corpus principal da pesquisa compõe-se de dados retirados de algumas propagandas televisivas, tendo sido gravadas e transcritas 11 propagandas da empresa FIAT Automóveis do Brasil, produzidas no período de 2000 a 2003. A análise das propagandas televisivas foi realizada com base nos pressupostos da teoria de Bakhtin (1981, 1992 e 1997), considerando-se conceitos de gênero, interação verbal, dialogismo, vozes discursivas, intertextualidade e ironia. A partir dos resultados da análise, propomos a classificação do gênero propaganda televisiva como um gênero intersemiótico complexo. A análise dos dados permitiu também caracterizar a propaganda televisiva como um gênero em que há a fusão do próprio gênero propaganda com o seu veículo de suporte, a televisão. O estudo das interações verbais mostrou que este gênero reflete aspectos histórico- sociais, valores e estereótipos, por meio das vozes ideológicas da sociedade, que permeiam o discurso. Este trabalho nos possibilita confirmar que a língua é um fenômeno social, histórico e ideológico e que o contexto é muito importante para a compreensão do que é dito ou do que se quer dizer em uma propaganda televisiva, que se constitui como um enunciado social (Bakhtin, 1981, 124).
The purpose of this research is to study the genre television advertisements and verbal interactions under Bakhtin`s perspective. The main corpus of the study is composed of data from TV ads, having been recorded and transcribed 11 samples of Brazilian car advertisements of FIAT Automobile Company, produced from 2000 to 2003. The analysis of the ads was based on theoretical concepts extracted from Bakhtin`s language theory (1981, 1992 and 1997), considering genre, verbal interaction, dialogism, discursive voices, intertextuality and irony. Based on the results of the analysis, the classification of television advertisements as a complex intersemiotic genre is proposed. Data analysis also led into the characterization of TV ads as a fusion of the advertisement genre itself together with its supporting medium, the television. The analysis of verbal interactions indicates that this genre reflects socio-historical aspects, values and stereotypes of a particular period of time through ideological voices, which are intertwined in discourse. This research confirms that language is a social, historical and ideological phenomenon and that context is very important for the understanding of what is said or of what one wants to say in a television advertisement, which is itself a social utterance (Bakhtin, 1981, 124).

Livres sur le sujet "A genre of discourse":


Bax, Stephen. Discourse and Genre. London : Macmillan Education UK, 2011.

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Frow, John. Genre. London : Routledge, 2006.

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Frow, John. Genre. London : Routledge, 2005.

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Lacey, Nick. Narrative and genre : Key concepts in media studies. New York : St. Martin's Press, 2000.

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Lacey, Nick. Narrative and genre : Key concepts in media studies. Basingstoke : Macmillan, 2000.

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Stukker, Ninke, Wilbert Spooren et Gerard Steen, dir. Genre in Language, Discourse and Cognition. Berlin, Boston : De Gruyter, 2016.

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Marina, Bondi, Gavioli Laura et Silver Marc, dir. Academic discourse, genre and small corpora. Roma : Officina edizioni, 2004.

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Bax, Stephen. Discourse and genre : Analysing language in context. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.

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Lee, Nam-Seong. Identité langagière du genre : Analyse du discours éditorial. Paris : L'Harmattan, 2003.

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Lee, Nam-Seong. Identité langagière du genre : Analyse du discours éditorial. Paris : L'Harmattan, 2003.

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Chapitres de livres sur le sujet "A genre of discourse":


Bax, Stephen. « Discourse and Discourse Analysis ». Dans Discourse and Genre, 20–35. London : Macmillan Education UK, 2011.

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Bax, Stephen. « Genre ». Dans Discourse and Genre, 36–62. London : Macmillan Education UK, 2011.

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Bax, Stephen. « Discourse Modes ». Dans Discourse and Genre, 63–94. London : Macmillan Education UK, 2011.

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Bax, Stephen. « Analysing Discourse ». Dans Discourse and Genre, 95–101. London : Macmillan Education UK, 2011.

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Bax, Stephen. « Doing Discourse Analysis ». Dans Discourse and Genre, 181–98. London : Macmillan Education UK, 2011.

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Bax, Stephen. « Introduction ». Dans Discourse and Genre, 1–3. London : Macmillan Education UK, 2011.

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Bax, Stephen. « Political Oratory and Intertextuality ». Dans Discourse and Genre, 163–80. London : Macmillan Education UK, 2011.

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Bax, Stephen. « How do we Understand Texts ? » Dans Discourse and Genre, 4–19. London : Macmillan Education UK, 2011.

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Bax, Stephen. « Spoken Genres : Conversations and Classrooms ». Dans Discourse and Genre, 102–21. London : Macmillan Education UK, 2011.

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Bax, Stephen. « Spoken Genres : Legal Discourse, Jokes, Sports Commentary and Advertising ». Dans Discourse and Genre, 122–38. London : Macmillan Education UK, 2011.

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Actes de conférences sur le sujet "A genre of discourse":


Dževerdanović Pejović, Milena. « A Genre Analysis Approach in Teaching Marine Electrical Engineers Texts ». Dans 9th International Scientific Conference Technics and Informatics in Education. University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak, 2022.

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Résumé :
Genre analysis has become a prevalent approach in the linguistic analysis of various specialized genres. A concept of genre, emerging from literature, has received a broader dimension in the last decade, focusing on establishing recognized structures and language exponents of a specific genre in a particular discourse community. In addition, the expansion of ESP and the rise of subgenres in many rising professional vocations require users to have competence in the English language. In addition, language researchers need ‘to dig into’ the pragmatic context of genres. With this mind and resting on the concept of genre and discourse communities, the paper sheds light on how the genre analysis approach can be applied in teaching different marine electrical genres to students and future ETO officers. The marine electrical engineering discourse community is specific and relatively novel. In this paper, the focus is placed on seafarers, future electro-technical officers and the analysis of genres they utilize in their professional work on board ships. The results of the paper can be inspiring to ESP teachers involved in teaching specialized and technical genres.

Toldova, S., T. Davydova, M. Kobozeva et D. Pisarevskaya. « DISCOURSE FEATURES OF BLOGS IN SUBCORPUS OF RUSSIAN RU-RSTREEBANK ». Dans International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies "Dialogue". Russian State University for the Humanities, 2020.

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The paper presents a corpus study of the discourse features in the corpus of blogs. It is based on the data of Ru-RSTreebank annotated within the framework of the Rhetorical Structure theory [Mann, Thompson 1988]. The Ru-RSTreebank represents genres of news and popular science, scientific papers, and blogs texts. Blog subcorpus contains such topics as travelling, cosmetics, sports and health, psychology, IT and tech and some others. Blogs texts constitute a specific genre as they combine properties of written and spoken discourse. The purpose of the paper is to investigate discourse features of blogs in comparison with other genres. We analyze the variation in rhetoric relations distribution among genres, and single out the differences in discourse connectives usage. Furthermore, we check the distribution of other discourse features reported in different studies for spoken discourse and for social media in the Ru-RSTreebank blogs subcorpus. The general frequency analysis and the experiments on RandomForest classifier application to genre recognition have shown that the most important rhetoric relations specific to blogs are Evaluation and Contrast, that there is a tendency to use shorter discourse units and not to express the discourse relations overtly via subordinative conjunctions.

Bicharova, Mariya. « GENRE CONSTELLATION IN MEDIA DISCOURSE ». Dans 2nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM2015. Stef92 Technology, 2015.

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Khuramshina, Azaliya. « Compliment Speech Genre In Bashkir Discourse ». Dans Humanistic Practice in Education in a Postmodern Age. European Publisher, 2020.

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Hakobyan, Kseniya, S. Driga, Armen Hakobyan et Natalia Mekeko. « SONG DISCOURSE AS A SPEECH GENRE ». Dans 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. IATED, 2019.

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Obin, Nicolas, Volker Dellwo, Anne Lacheret et Xavier Rodet. « Expectations for discourse genre identification : a prosodic study ». Dans Interspeech 2010. ISCA : ISCA, 2010.

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Webber, Bonnie. « Genre distinctions for discourse in the Penn TreeBank ». Dans the Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the ACL and the 4th International Joint Conference. Morristown, NJ, USA : Association for Computational Linguistics, 2009.

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Bourgonje, Peter, et Robin Schäfer. « Multi-lingual and Cross-genre Discourse Unit Segmentation ». Dans Proceedings of the Workshop on Discourse Relation Parsing and Treebanking 2019. Stroudsburg, PA, USA : Association for Computational Linguistics, 2019.

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Nakane, Ikuko. « Accusation, defence and morality in Japanese trials : A Hybrid Orientation to Criminal Justice ». Dans GLOCAL Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology 2019. The GLOCAL Unit, SOAS University of London, 2019.

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Résumé :
The Japanese criminal justice system has gone through transformations in its modern history, adopting the models of European Continental Law systems in the 19th century as part of Japan’s modernisation process, and then the Anglo-American Common Law orientation after WWII. More recently, citizen judges have been introduced to the criminal justice process, a further move towards an adversarial orientation with increased focus on orality and courtroom discourse strategies. Yet, the actual legal process does not necessarily represent the adversarial orientation found in Common Law jurisdictions. While previous research from cultural and socio-historical perspectives has offered valuable insights into the Japanese criminal court procedures, there is hardly any research examining how adversarial (or non-adversarial) orientation is realised through language in Japanese trials. Drawing on an ethnographic study of communication in Japanese trials, this paper discusses a ‘hybrid’ orientation to the legal process realised through courtroom discourse. Based on courtroom observation notes, interaction data, lawyer interviews and other relevant materials collected in Japan, trial participants’ discourse strategies contributing to both adversarial and inquisitorial orientations are identified. In particular, the paper highlights how accusation, defence and morality are performed and interwoven in the trial as a genre. The overall genre structure scaffolds competing narratives, with prosecution and defence counsel utilising a range of discourse strategies for highlighting culpability and mitigating factors. However, the communicative practice at the micro genre level shows an orientation to finding the ‘truth,’ rehabilitation of offenders and maintaining social order. The analysis of courtroom communication, contextualised in the socio-historical development of the Japanese justice system and in the ideologies about courtroom communicative practice, suggests a gap between the practice and official/public discourses of the justice process in Japan. At the same time, the findings raise some questions regarding the powerful role that language plays in different ways in varying approaches to delivery of justice.

Rapports d'organisations sur le sujet "A genre of discourse":


Romova, Zina, et Martin Andrew. Embedding Learning for Future and Imagined Communities in Portfolio Assessment. Unitec ePress, septembre 2015.

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Résumé :
In tertiary contexts where adults study writing for future academic purposes, teaching and learning via portfolio provides them with multiple opportunities to create and recreate texts characteristic of their future and imagined discourse communities. This paper discusses the value of portfolios as vehicles for rehearsing membership of what Benedict Anderson (1983) called “imagined communities”, a concept applied by such scholars as Yasuko Kanno and Bonny Norton (2003). Portfolios can achieve this process of apprenticeship to a specialist discourse through reproducing texts similar to the authentic artefacts of those discourse communities (Flowerdew, 2000; Hyland, 2003, 2004). We consider the value of multi-drafting, where learners reflect on the learning of a text type characteristic of the students’ future imagined community. We explore Hamp-Lyons and Condon’s belief (2000) that portfolios “critically engage students and teachers in continual discussion, analysis and evaluation of their processes and progress as writers, as reflected in multiple written products” (p.15). Introduced by a discussion of how theoretical perspectives on learning and assessing writing engage with portfolio production, the study presented here outlines a situated pedagogical approach, where students report on their improvement across three portfolio drafts and assess their learning reflectively. A multicultural group of 41 learners enrolled in the degree-level course Academic Writing [AW] at a tertiary institution in New Zealand took part in a study reflecting on this approach to building awareness of one’s own writing. Focus group interviews with a researcher at the final stage of the programme provided qualitative data, which was transcribed and analysed using textual analysis methods (Ryan and Bernard, 2003). Students identified a range of advantages of teaching and learning AW by portfolio. One of the identified benefits was that the selected text types within the programme were perceived as useful to the students’ immediate futures. This careful choice of target genre was reflected in the overall value of the programme for these learners.

Дирда, Ірина Анатоліївна, Марина Вікторівна Малоіван et Анна Олександрівна Томіліна. The peculiarities of headlines in English discourse through the examples from Daily Mail and the New Yorker. Видавнича група «Наукові перспективи», mai 2023.

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Résumé :
The paper in question outlines the main peculiarities of the phenomenon of headlines in terms of English discourse. Headlines are thought to be a critical component of journalism and media, as they shape initial readers’ impressions of a story serving as the first point of their contact. Using a corpus of headlines from various English-language publications (to be more precise, those of The Daily Mail and The New Yorker) the paper studies the linguistic features and strategies used in them. According to the conducted analysis it has been revealed that a range of linguistic devices, such as puns, alliteration, and rhyme are typical for headlines the use of which is justified by the desire to grab readers’ attention and make the headline more catchy. Additionally, headlines frequently employ exaggeration, hyperbole, and sensationalism to appeal to readers’ emotions and generate clicks. However, the study also finds that headlines can vary significantly across different genres and publications. For example, tabloid newspapers tend to prioritize sensationalism and entertainment value, while more serious publications tend to employ more understated and informative headlines. The relevance of the study is determined as well by the significant expansion of the influence of the media on society, as well as the growing interest in the methods by which this influence is strengthened. Overall, the paper sheds light on the complex and multifaceted phenomenon of headlines implemented in English discourse. By understanding the linguistic and rhetorical strategies employed in headlines, readers can better assess the accuracy and credibility of the suggested information and gain a more nuanced understanding of current events.

Hovy, Eduard H., Yigal Arens et Mira Vossers. Automated Discourse Generation Using Discourse Structure Relations. Fort Belvoir, VA : Defense Technical Information Center, juin 1993.

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Hovy, Eduard H. Automated Discourse Generation Using Discourse Structure Relations. Fort Belvoir, VA : Defense Technical Information Center, juin 1993.

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Styles APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.

Wu, Alex, et Myriam Abramson. Image Classification for Web Genre Identification. Fort Belvoir, VA : Defense Technical Information Center, janvier 2012.

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Jhaveri, Nayna. Genre, sécurité foncière et gouvernance des paysages. Washington, DC : International Food Policy Research Institute, 2022.

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Styles APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.

Allen, James, Stephane Guez, Louis Hoebel, Elizabeth Hinkelman et Keri Jackson. The Discourse System Project. Fort Belvoir, VA : Defense Technical Information Center, novembre 1989.

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Styles APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.

von Balthasar, Hans Urs. De quel genre de témoins avons‑nous besoin ? Saint John Publications, 2024.

Texte intégral
Styles APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.

Peczeli, A., et A. Morgan. Europe’s Evolving Deterrence Discourse. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), septembre 2020.

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Styles APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.

NIKITINA, I. ONYMS IN ENGLISH BUSINESS DISCOURSE. Science and Innovation Center Publishing House, 2021.

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Résumé :
This article is devoted to identifying the features of the functioning of onyms in idiomatic expressions of Business English and ways of translating them into Russian. The author analyzes the types of onyms used in idiomatic expressions of Business English. The study confirms the hypothesis put forward by the author that appellativized onyms can be used in business discourse.

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