Littérature scientifique sur le sujet « Sociology, Urban »

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Articles de revues sur le sujet "Sociology, Urban":


Topalov, Christian. « Sociologie d'un étiquetage scientifique : urban sociology ». L'Année sociologique 58, no 1 (2008) : 203.

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Severin Frandsen, Martin. « Genopdagelsen af gadens kultur – om Isaac Joseph og den pragmatiske vending i fransk bysociologi ». Dansk Sociologi 22, no 1 (29 mars 2011) : 7–25.

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Résumé :
Denne artikel tager afsæt i den aktuelle sociologiske og offentlige diskussion om offentlige byrum og præsenterer nyere og i dansk sammenhæng stort set ukendte bidrag fra den strømning i fransk sociologi, der betegnes som ”den pragmatiske vending”. Artiklen har to hovedpointer. For det første at den pragmatiske bysociologi kan bidrage til denne diskussion ved at beskrive og fremhæve betydningen af de oftest upåagtede og dagligdags kompetencer, ved hjælp af hvilke byboere skaber sociale overenskomster og fredelig sameksistens på offentlige steder i socialt og kulturelt differentierede byer. For det andet at bysociologien ifølge de pragmatiske sociologer ikke kan standse ved analyser af segregation, ghettodannelser og lokale fællesskabers tilegnelser af territorier. ”At tænke byen” indebærer at bevæge sig videre til også at undersøge de byrumsmæssige design og trafikale forbindelser og passageveje, der skaber sammenhængen i det urbane væv og tillader byboeren at overvinde fremmedheden på et ikke fortroligt territorium. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Martin Severin Frandsen: Rediscovering Urban Culture and Public Space: On Isaac Joseph and the Pragmatic Turn in French Urban Sociology This article analyses current sociological and public discussions concerning public urban spaces, and introduces new (and in a Danish context largely unknown) contributions from the movement in French sociology that has been labelled ”the pragmatic turn”. The article makes two main arguments. Firstly, the pragmatic urban sociology can contribute to these discussions by highlighting the importance of the often unnoticed and everyday civilities through which city-dwellers create social agreements and peaceful co-existence in public places in socially and culturally heterogeneous cities. Secondly, urban sociology cannot, according to the pragmatic sociologists, stop with inquiries into segregation, ghettos and local populations appropriations of territories. Imagining the city implies moving on to explore the designs of public spaces and public transit systems that create continuity and mobility in urban agglomerations and allow city-dwellers to overcome the strangeness of unfamiliar territories.

Jezierski, Louise, et William G. Flanagan. « Contemporary Urban Sociology. » Contemporary Sociology 23, no 3 (mai 1994) : 393.

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Gandhi, Raj S., et William G. Flanagan. « Contemporary Urban Sociology ». Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers canadiens de sociologie 20, no 1 (1995) : 123.

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Pickvance, Chris, et Ray Hutchinson. « Research in Urban Sociology, Vol. 3, 1993 : Urban Sociology in Transition. » Contemporary Sociology 24, no 2 (mars 1995) : 234.

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Zukin, Sharon, et Ray Hutchinson. « Research in Urban Sociology, Vol. 4 : New Directions in Urban Sociology ». Contemporary Sociology 27, no 6 (novembre 1998) : 622.

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Барчугова, Елена Викторовна, Наталия Александровна Рочегова, Михаил Викторович Дуцев et Нина Анатольевна Коновалова. « L. KOGAN’S URBAN SOCIOLOGY ». СОВРЕМЕННАЯ АРХИТЕКТУРА МИРА, no 1(12) (22 juin 2020) : 117–32.

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Résumé :
Новая волна интереса к вопросам социологии, охватившая современное сообщество урбанистов и архитекторов, имела своих провозвестников. Среди них Леонид Борисович Коган - урбанист, социолог, педагог, ученики и воспитанники которого разбросаны по России и миру. Статья продолжает тему социологии архитектуры, начатую авторами в предыдущем выпуске «Современной архитектуры мира», где была рассмотрена общность взглядов М. Кастельса и Л.В. Глазычева на организацию новых структур жизнедеятельности общества и повышение активности местных сообществ в ответ на падение социальной значимости мест. Среди авторов работ, в которых архитектура и вопросы политического и социально-экономического развития связаны воедино, имена трех упомянутых исследователей объединяет, прежде всего, неравнодушие к судьбам простых горожан. Так, острое чувство гражданской ответственности, тревога за последствия неконтролируемых процессов глобализации вывели их за рамки узкопрофессиональной деятельности архитектора, сделали урбанистами, социологами, политиками, поставили у истоков формирования нового отношения к городу и горожанину. The interest in sociology of the contemporary urbanists and architects, that has come like a new wave, had its heralds. One of them is Leonid Kogan - an urbanist, sociologist and a teacher whose students are scattered around the world. The article continues the topic, that was started at the author’s previous digest “The Contemporary World’s Architecture” comprised the consideration of common views of M. Castells and V. Glazychev to the new structures’ organization of the societal life activity and an increase in the activity of local communities in response to the fall in social significance of places. The works of the three mentioned authors are united, first of all, by the caring of the ordinary citizens’ lives. Their keen civil responsibility and anxiety on the uncontrolled globalization led them out of professional architecture field and made them urbanists, sociologists and politicians, set them at the origins of the new attitude to the city and citizens.

Gilderbloom, John I. « Is Urban Sociology Dying ? » Teaching Sociology 16, no 4 (octobre 1988) : 443.

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Woolcock, Michael, et Mark Gottdiener. « The New Urban Sociology ». Teaching Sociology 23, no 1 (janvier 1995) : 79.

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Suchar, Charles S. « Urban anthropology and sociology ». Visual Sociology 4, no 2 (mars 1989) : 107–12.

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Thèses sur le sujet "Sociology, Urban":


KELLEY, THOMAS. « URBAN POVERTY AND CHURCH VIABILITY ». University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2007.

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Hartmann, Franz M. « Nature in the city : urban ecological politics in Toronto / ». Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.

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Taylor, Howard. « Child work and school attendance in urban India ». Thesis, SOAS, University of London, 1998.

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Uncles, M. D. « Models of consumer shopping behaviour in urban areas ». Thesis, University of Bristol, 1985.

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Leamrasamee, Kasinee. « Urban structure and change of Columbus, Ohio from 1950-1980 ». The Ohio State University, 1990.

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Holliday, Amy Lynn. « Understanding a Distinct Form of Urban Inequality : Suburban Neighborhood Poverty ». The Ohio State University, 2006.

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Wurm, Gregory Joseph. « Doing and Interpreting Lyrical Sociology : Living in Detroit ». BYU ScholarsArchive, 2018.

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Résumé :
This thesis examines, experiments with, and theorizes the value of lyrical sociology as an approach to social scientific research. A lyrical sociology, as proposed by Andrew Abbott, seeks to describe an author's emotional response to a phenomenon rather than explain it. This allows for a researcher's own experience to play a role in the research process in a way that helps the reader to connect emotionally and ethically to both the world they read about and the world they themselves are a part of. It has valuable implications for the way researchers relate to their research, their research subjects, their audience, and ultimately their own lives. I start by situating lyrical sociology within the broader context of the discipline, and the social sciences more generally, and then elaborate upon the specific stance and mechanics required of the writer and reader of lyrical works. Next, I present a series of lyrical vignettes about the time I spent living as a missionary in inner-city Detroit. Lastly, I give an analysis and reflection on what I learned from the process of writing and reading these stories and then conclude with a discussion on future directions lyrical sociology can take.

Worrall, Les. « Information systems development and the analysis of urban change ». Thesis, University of Liverpool, 1987.

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The two main aims of the thesis are, first, to improve our understanding of how urban systems adjust and, second, to explain how the social costs of adjustment are distributed among sub-groups within the urban system. The main stimuli to the project were the realisation that the social costs of urban adjustment tend to be concentrated upon those with the least power in the markets which operate within urban areas and the concern that much urban analysis has been undertaken without an adequate information base. Design criteria for urban information systems are developed and the thesis makes use of a unique suite of information systems, which were created to monitor the development of Telford New Town, to achieve the above aims and objectives. The period under study (1978 to 1983) was one of intense demographic, economic and social change in Telford and it is argued that the findings developed from an analysis urban problems in Telford are more generally applicable. Within the thesis, an attempt has been made to integrate theoretical and methodological developments in several areas and to apply them to the analysis of urban change. In particular, recent developments in segmented labour market theory are used as a foundation for a conceptual model of the urban labour market and a behavioural theory of the firm. Recent changes in industrial structure, employment and unemployment are examined in order to test if these changes were consistent with the expectations derived from the theoretical base. The structure of the thesis is straightforward: in Chapter Two a rationale for intervention in the urban system is developed prior to outlining a framework for urban planning and analysis. In Chapters Three, Four and Five, the objectives are to review relevant labour market theory, to develop a conceptual model of an urban labour market and to discuss the urban significance of unemployment. In Chapter Six, recent social, economic and 5lemographic change in Telford is described as a context for subsequent analysis. In Chapter Seven, a suite of local information is described. In Chapters Eight and Nine, recent change in industrial structure, employment and unemployment are analysed to test the validity of the conceptual model of the urban labour market and the related concepts developed in earlier chapters.

Dawson, Colin Michael. « Young people and leisure in a deprived urban area ». Thesis, University of Plymouth, 1994.

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This thesis reports on a study of the leisure activities of a group of young people aged eleven to sixteen, growing up in a particularly deprived urban area of Plymouth. The analyses are based on data derived from secondary sources, a questionnaire survey, and semi-structured interviews. The fieldwork was conducted between November 1991, and June 1992. Much sociological research into the transition to adulthood has concentrated on the years from sixteen to twenty-one as the years when the most important life changes occur. Thus, the transition to adulthood is seen as part of a process of social and cultural reproduction, taking place through the transition from school to work, the transition to an independent residential unit, and the transition to a family of one's own. This thesis, however, suggests that the transition to adulthood begins much earlier than sixteen, and that this can be illustrated through the changing nature of leisure activities between the ages of eleven and sixteen. This thesis, therefore, is an exploration of the ways in which leisure practices change between the ages of eleven and sixteen, and the significance of those changes for the transition to adulthood, as part of a process of social and cultural reproduction. A distinction is made between home-based activities; out-of-home organised activities; out-of-home unorganised activities; sporting activities; cultural activities; and illegal activities. Here, the evidence suggests that between the ages of eleven and sixteen, there is a general decline in home based activities, and out-of-home organised activities, and a move towards more unstructured, unorganised activities, foUowed by a move towards more adult-oriented leisure activities. These data indicate that the transition to adulthood, as part of a process of social and cultural reproduction, is characterised by a number of informal and less structured changes taking place in young people's lives, prior to the age of sixteen. These are at least as important as the structural changes which take place beyond the age of sixteen. These findings provide case study information on a particular set o f leisure experiences, and relate to wider perspectives on the transition to adulthood.

Condon, Katherine Marie. « Health care utilization behavior of elders in a multicultural urban environment ». FIU Digital Commons, 2000.

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The objective of this research is to determine the influences of social, environmental, behavioral, and economic forces on the health care service utilization of four racial/ethnic groups of non-institutionalized elders in a multicultural urban environment. To address these issues this dissertation examines three intertwined themes of culture, aging, and health, using a sample of elders residing in Miami-Dade County, FL in four racial/ethnic groups: white non-Hispanic; black non-Hispanic English speakers; Cuban; and non-Cuban Hispanic. The research questions were analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative data. Data for the quantitative component uses telephone survey data from the Dade County Needs Assessment. The purpose of this component is to develop a more comprehensive model of elder health care utilization behavior. The qualitative component uses data from focus groups from Dade County Needs Assessment, archival data and a literature review of previous ethnographic research. The purpose of this component is to gain a better understanding of the social construction of the terms "age" and "aging," as well as to place issues of health and health care in the lives of elders.

Livres sur le sujet "Sociology, Urban":


Sharma, Rajendra K. Urban sociology. New Delhi : Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2004.

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Sharma, Rajendra K. Urban sociology. New Delhi : Atlantic Publishers, 1997.

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Flanagan, William G. Contemporary urban sociology. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1993.

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McGahan, Peter. Urban sociology in Canada. 3e éd. Toronto : Harcourt Brace & Company Canada, 1995.

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Gottdiener, Mark. The new urban sociology. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1994.

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Lin, Jan, et Christopher Mele. The Urban Sociology Reader. Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2012.

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Abu-Lughod, Janet L. Changing cities : Urban sociology. New York, NY : HarperCollins, 1991.

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Gottdiener, Mark. The new urban sociology. 4e éd. Boulder, CO : Westview Press, 2011.

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Gottdiener, Mark. The new urban sociology. 2e éd. Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2000.

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Gottdiener, M. The new urban sociology. Sous la direction de Calhoun Craig J. 1952-. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1994.

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Chapitres de livres sur le sujet "Sociology, Urban":


Cohen, Robin, Paul Kennedy et Maud Perrier. « Urban life ». Dans Global Sociology, 318–34. London : Macmillan Education UK, 2013.

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Savage, Mike, et Alan Warde. « Urban Politics ». Dans Urban Sociology, Capitalism and Modernity, 147–87. London : Macmillan Education UK, 1993.

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Savage, Mike, Alan Warde et Kevin Ward. « Urban Politics ». Dans Urban Sociology, Capitalism and Modernity, 153–97. London : Macmillan Education UK, 2003.

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Mellor, Rosemary. « Marxism and the Urban Question ». Dans Marxist Sociology Revisited, 21–49. London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1985.

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Clark, Terry Nichols, et Rachel Harvey. « Urban Politics ». Dans Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research, 423–40. New York, NY : Springer New York, 2010.

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Patel, Sujata. « Rethinking urban studies today ». Dans De-Centering Global Sociology, 127–43. New York : Routledge, 2022.

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Savage, Mike, Alan Warde et Kevin Ward. « Urban Culture and the Regeneration of Urban Meaning ». Dans Urban Sociology, Capitalism and Modernity, 135–52. London : Macmillan Education UK, 2003.

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Burrows, Roger, et David Beer. « Rethinking Space : Urban Informatics and the Sociological Imagination ». Dans Digital Sociology, 61–78. London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2013.

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Savage, Mike, et Alan Warde. « The Roots of Urban Sociology ». Dans Urban Sociology, Capitalism and Modernity, 7–33. London : Macmillan Education UK, 1993.

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Savage, Mike, Alan Warde et Kevin Ward. « The Roots of Urban Sociology ». Dans Urban Sociology, Capitalism and Modernity, 7–36. London : Macmillan Education UK, 2003.

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Actes de conférences sur le sujet "Sociology, Urban":


Erofeeva, Elena. « URBAN SOCIOLECTS ». Dans SGEM 2014 Scientific SubConference on PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY, SOCIOLOGY AND HEALTHCARE, EDUCATION. Stef92 Technology, 2014.

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Schmeidler, Karel. « The Position of Humanities in the Curriculumn of Architects and Urban Planners ». Dans 1995 ACSA International Conference. ACSA Press, 1995.

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Résumé :
The place of sociology and related humanities in the curriculum of the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University of Brno and other schools of architecture in the Czech Republic. Critical comments on the present situation. Sociology as a counterpart to the technically – oriented and limited approach of fine arts? Linlung to other subjects, continuity, optimisation of tuition in the present and future system of professional education.

Mas’udah, Siti, et Priyono Tri Febrianto. « The Shift of Family Role and Function in Atomistic Family in Urban Society ». Dans The 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2017.

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Zunariyah, Siti, et Akhmad Ramdhon. « Urban Youth Movement : Works of Young People in Reproducing Knowledge of River- Kampong with Community ». Dans The 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2017.

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Radionova, L., et N. Kozyrieva. « Transformation of public spaces of modern urban ». Dans SCHOLARLY DISPUTES IN PHILOSOPHY, SOCIOLOGY, POLITICAL SCIENCE, AND HISTORY AMIDST GLOBALIZATION AND DIGITALIZATION. Baltija Publishing, 2021.

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Yépez, Miguel Posso. « Xenophobic Thoughts And Attitudes Of The Urban Population Of De City Of Ibarra Towards Venezuelan Immigrants ». Dans International Conference of Psychology, Sociology, Education and Social Sciences. European Publisher, 2020.

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Gottlieb, Avi. « Urban Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation : Testing a conceptual model in four world cities ». Dans 3rd Annual International Conference on Political Science, Sociology and International Relations (PSSIR 2013). Global Science and Technology Forum Pte Ltd, 2013.

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Capilla, Vicente Collado, et Sonia Gómez-Pardo Gabaldón. « URBAN LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT ». Dans 24th ISUF 2017 - City and Territory in the Globalization Age. Valencia : Universitat Politècnica València, 2017.

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Résumé :
URBAN LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT Vicente Collado Capilla1 and Sonia Gómez-Pardo Gabaldón21Servicio de Infraestructura Verde y Paisaje. Generalitat Valenciana. Ciutat Administrativa 9 D'Octubre-Torre 1, C/ Castán Tobeñas 77, 46018 Valencia; 2Servicio Territorial de Urbanismo. Provincia de Valencia. Generalitat Valenciana. Prop I, C/ Gregorio Gea, nº 27, 46009 Valencia. E-mail: Key words: urban_landscape, streetcape, landscape_value, andscape_assessment, landscape_preferences. The urban landscape assesment as an important element in the quality of life and the sustainable development of the city constitutes an incipient field of investigation from a new perspective that adds meanings and values. An analysis of the different methodological developments and national and international experiences in the assessment of these landscapes will highlight its importance as a strategic element to improve the quality of the city. It starts from the concept of assessment as a system where tangible and intangible values ​​are considered by the population and the experts. These include among other formal, economic, environmental, social, cultural issues (…) and the relationships between them. Consideration of the opinions of experts from different points of view such as urbanism and architecture but also environment, economy, geography, history, archeology, sociology, social assistance, etc. Together with the preferences expressed by the population regarding the spaces they inhabit on a daily basis and their aspirations, strengthen the sense of belonging and the identity of the place as key elements in the perception of the urban landscapes that allows to contribute new qualities, integration criteria and ​​contemporary values to any type of intervention. These are strategies and intervention procedures that start from the complexity of the city as a system and incorporate the perception that citizens have or will have of their immediate environment. References: Czynska Klara and Pawel Rubinowicz (2015). ´Visual protection Surface method: Cityscape values in context of tall buildings´. SSS10 Proceedings of the 10 th International Space Syntax Symposium. Paquette Sylvain (2008). Guide de gestion des paysages au Québec. Université de Montréal Pallasmaa, Juhani (2005). The Eyes of the Skin. Architecture and the Senses. New York: John Wiley. Ministry of Environment and Energy The National Forest and Nature Agency (1997). International Survey of Architectural Values in the Environment. Denmark . The Landscape Institute and Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment (2013). Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment. Third Edition, London: Routledge.

Rapports d'organisations sur le sujet "Sociology, Urban":


Navarro, Clemente J., María José Guerrero Mayo et Alicia Domínguez-González, dir. Estrategias integrales para el desarrollo local sostenible. Apuntes sobre innovación en planificación, implementación y evaluación. Universidad Pablo de Olavide, septembre 2022.

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Résumé :
Este texto incluye algunos fundamentos y métodos para el análisis de la aplicación de la estrategia integral en políticas públicas al caso de las iniciativas de desarrollo local sostenible, policy frame en el que se sitúan las iniciativas de desarrollo territorial que promueve la política de cohesión de la Unión Europea. Se presenta el trabajo realizado conjuntamente por técnicos responsables de proyectos locales y personal investigador en el marco del Urban DUDI Lab puesto en marcha por el Centro de Sociología y Políticas Locales y la Federación Andaluza de Municipios y Provincias (FAMP) a partir de la Cátedra Jean Monnet de Políticas Urbanas en la Unión Europea.

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