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Articles de revues sur le sujet "Stratigraphic forward model":


Lessenger, Margaret A., et Timothy A. Cross. « An Inverse Stratigraphic Simulation Model – Is Stratigraphic Inversion Possible ? » Energy Exploration & ; Exploitation 14, no 6 (décembre 1996) : 627–37.

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Inversion is a systematic method of determining values of process parameters of a forward model that allow a match between observed and modeled data. Historically, geologists have considered the stratigraphic record to be nonunique. That is, geologists have assumed that it is impossible to determine values for and separate stratigraphic process variables such as eustasy, tectonics and sediment supply that operated to form the stratigraphic record. If stratigraphic data are nonunique, then inversion of stratigraphic data is impossible. In an influential paper. Burton et al. (1987) argued that inversion of stratigraphic data using a stratigraphic forward model is not possible. The purpose of this study was to determine if inversion of stratigraphic data using a stratigraphic forward model is theoretically possible. In this study, we designed a stratigraphic inverse simulation model using a forward stratigraphic model capable of simulating realistic temporal and spatial distributions of fades tracts and stratigraphic surfaces. For numerical optimization, we used a gradient descent method that minimizes errors in the least squares sense. We tested this inverse model on synthetic stratigraphic data which act as a proxy for real-world stratigraphic data, to test multiple aspects of the inverse model. In these experiments, we inverted synthetic stratigraphic data for eustasy, sediment supply, tectonic subsidence, lithosphere flexural rigidity, and initial basin topography. Results from these inversion experiments establish that inversion of stratigraphic data is theoretically possible. We determined limits of convergence, degrees of parameter separatability, nonuniqueness of data, and types of data necessary for inversion. Results suggest that using distributions of facies tracts and stratigraphic surfaces within a genetic sequence stratigraphic framework is necessary for inversion. Results from inverse model experiments also suggest that nonuniqueness of these data types with respect to stratigraphic process parameters such as eustasy, tectonics, sediment supply and depositional topography is bounded. Moreover, the bounds of nonuniqueness are quite small. The next phase of our research is to first test an inverse algorithm that is more appropriate for stratigraphic inversion, and then to test an inverse stratigraphic model using a real stratigraphic data set.

Carpenter, Chris. « Stratigraphic Forward Modeling Assists Carbonate-Reservoir Characterization ». Journal of Petroleum Technology 74, no 09 (1 septembre 2022) : 60–63.

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_ This article, written by JPT Technology Editor Chris Carpenter, contains highlights of paper SPE 202775, “Application of Stratigraphic Forward Modeling to Carbonate-Reservoir Characterization: A New Paradigm From the Albion Research and Development Project,” by Jean Borgomano, Aix-Marseille University, and Gérard Massonnat and Cyprien Lanteaume, TotalEnergies, et al. The paper has not been peer reviewed. _ Improving carbonate-reservoir prediction, field development, and production forecasts, especially in zones lacking data, requires novel reservoir-modeling approaches, including process-based methods. Classical geostatistic modeling methods alone cannot match this challenge, particularly if subtle stratigraphic architectures or sedimentary and diagenetic geometries not directly identified as properties with well data control the reservoir heterogeneity. Stratigraphic forward-modeling approaches can provide pertinent information to carbonate-reservoir characterization. The complete paper describes a modeling package tested and calibrated with high-resolution stratigraphic outcrop models. It allows valid prediction of carbonate facies associations mimicking the spatial distribution mapped along the Urgonian platform transects. Background Classical carbonate-reservoir characterization protocols rely mainly on 3D geostatistical models based on well data, allowing the realization of 3D numerical grids of reservoir properties. These geostatistic property models are supported by deterministic geological interpretations such as stratigraphic well correlations that are commonly based on sequenced stratigraphic concepts and carbonate sedimentological interpretations. The stratigraphic framework obtained from these deterministic interpretations has a critical effect on further static and dynamic reservoir models because it constrains the spatial stationarity of the geostatistic property simulations or imposes discrete flow units or barriers. These deterministic carbonate sequence stratigraphic and associated sedimentological interpretations, however, introduce significant biases, uncertainties, and imprecisions in reservoir models and furthermore are not validated by process-based modeling approaches as one should expect from any scientific protocol. This lack of validation represents a fundamental scientific gap in classical reservoir-characterization work flows that is generally avoided in other scientific domains such as physics by iterations combining experimentation and process-based models to verify deterministic interpretations and hypothesis. The paradox is that this virtuous scientific method is applied at the ultimate stage of the reservoir flow modeling with the classical “flow history matching,” implying the following strong hypothesis (Fig. 1a): If the dynamic model obtained from the upscaled static model matches the dynamic history and the flow records of the studied field and carbonate reservoir, then the geological model, including the deterministic stratigraphic and sedimentary interpretations, is validated. Reservoir flow and dynamic behavior certainly are controlled by initial geological conditions, but those are not dependent on flow processes. According to fundamental scientific principles, geological interpretations and deterministic models must be validated by geological process-based models. To fill this scientific gap in the presented carbonate-reservoir characterization approach, the authors introduce process-based stratigraphical and sedimentological models that are calibrated on pertinent, well-studied outcrop analogs.

Otoo, Daniel, et David Hodgetts. « Porosity and permeability prediction through forward stratigraphic simulations using GPM™ and Petrel™ : application in shallow marine depositional settings ». Geoscientific Model Development 14, no 4 (22 avril 2021) : 2075–95.

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Abstract. The forward stratigraphic simulation approach is applied to predict porosity and permeability distribution. Synthetic well logs from the forward stratigraphic model served as secondary data to control porosity and permeability representation in the reservoir model. Building a reservoir model that fits data at different locations comes with high levels of uncertainty. Therefore, it is critical to generate an appropriate stratigraphic framework to guide lithofacies and associated porosity–permeability simulation. The workflow adopted for this task consists of three parts: first, there is simulation of 20 scenarios of sediment transportation and deposition using the geological process modelling (GPM™) software developed by Schlumberger. Secondly, there is an estimation of the extent and proportion of lithofacies units in the stratigraphic model using the property calculator tool in Petrel™. Finally, porosity and permeability values are assigned to corresponding lithofacies units in the forward stratigraphic model to produce a forward stratigraphic-based porosity and permeability model. Results show a forward stratigraphic-based lithofacies model, which depends on sediment diffusion rate, sea-level variation, sediment movement, wave processes, and tectonic events. This observation is consistent with the natural occurrence, where variations in sea level, sediment supply, and accommodation control stratigraphic sequences and therefore facies distribution in a geological basin. Validation wells VP1 and VP2 showed a notable match after a comparing the original and forward stratigraphic-based porosity models. However, a significant discrepancy is recorded in the permeability estimates. These results suggest that the forward stratigraphic modelling approach can be a practical addition to geostatistical-based workflows for realistic prediction of porosity and permeability.

Bianchi, Valeria, Troy Smith et Joan Esterle. « Stratigraphic forward model of Springbok Sandstone sedimentation controlled by dynamic topography ». APPEA Journal 56, no 2 (2016) : 600.

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After a long history of conventional gas exploration, the eastern Surat Basin in Queensland has developed as an active regional exploration target for coal seam gas, hosting large gas reserves. Interest in understanding basin fill mechanisms for petroliferous basins has grown in response to their economic significance. The Surat Basin is characterised by sedimentary successions with geometric complexity due to difficulty in correlation of coal splitting, interburden facies, and overburden channel belts. The uncertainty increases away from well control, in particular towards the centre where the basin is sparsely drilled. The forward modelling in LECODE (landscape evolution climate ocean and dynamic earth) is an innovative geomorphic and stratigraphic forward modelling code capable of simulating surface evolution and clastic sedimentary processes in 3D through geological time. This numerical tool can be used to test geological scenarios and predict the associated grain size distribution and sediment dispersal as a high-resolution synthetic stratigraphic record. This work focuses on a stratigraphic forward model developed for the Springbok Formation (Late Jurassic) within the Surat Basin. The simulated stratigraphy matches with models proposed by companies, highlighting a depocenter trending northwest–southeast. The formation is divided in two units: lower Springbok, defined by a fining-upward sequence and characterised by high-accommodation space and overfilling processes; and upper Springbok, described as an overall fining-upward sequence, with locally coarsening-upward wedge (conformable with the Weald Sandstone). The 3D basin simulation forecasts high heterogeneity of depositional geometries and stratal termination in depocentral and marginal areas.

Dalman, Rory A. F., et Gert Jan Weltje. « SimClast : An aggregated forward stratigraphic model of continental shelves ». Computers & ; Geosciences 38, no 1 (janvier 2012) : 115–26.

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Li, Jingzhe, Piyang Liu, Shuyu Sun, Zhifeng Sun, Yongzhang Zhou, Liang Gong, Jinliang Zhang et Dongxing Du. « Sedapp v2021 : a nonlinear diffusion-based forward stratigraphic model for shallow marine environments ». Geoscientific Model Development 14, no 8 (10 août 2021) : 4925–37.

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Abstract. The formation of stratigraphy in shallow marine environments has long been an important topic within the geologic community. Although many advances have been made in the field of forward stratigraphic modeling (FSM), there are still some areas that can be improved in the existing models. In this work, the authors present our recent development and application of Sedapp, which is a new nonlinear open-source R code for FSM. This code uses an integrated depth–distance related function as the expression of the transport coefficient to underpin the FSM with more alongshore details. In addition to conventional parameters, a negative-feedback sediment supply rate and a differentiated deposition–erosion ratio were also introduced. All parameters were implemented in a nonlinear manner. Sedapp is a 2DH tool that is also capable of running 1DH scenarios. Two simplified case studies were conducted. The results showed that Sedapp not only assists in geologic interpretation but is also an efficient tool for internal architecture predictions.

Peton, Nicolas, Clément Cancès, Didier Granjeon, Quang-Huy Tran et Sylvie Wolf. « Numerical scheme for a water flow-driven forward stratigraphic model ». Computational Geosciences 24, no 1 (23 décembre 2019) : 37–60.

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Salles, T., C. Griffiths et C. Dyt. « Aeolian Sediment Transport Integration in General Stratigraphic Forward Modeling ». Journal of Geological Research 2011 (8 septembre 2011) : 1–12.

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A large number of numerical models have been developed to simulate the physical processes involved in saltation, and, recently to investigate the interaction between soil vegetation cover and aeolian transport. These models are generally constrained to saltation of monodisperse particles while natural saltation occurs over mixed soils. We present a three-dimensional numerical model of steady-state saltation that can simulate aeolian erosion, transport and deposition for unvegetated mixed soils. Our model simulates the motion of saltating particles using a cellular automata algorithm. A simple set of rules is used and takes into account an erosion formula, a transport model, a wind exposition function, and an avalanching process. The model is coupled to the stratigraphic forward model Sedsim that accounts for a larger number of geological processes. The numerical model predicts a wide range of typical dune shapes, which have qualitative correspondence to real systems. The model reproduces the internal structure and composition of the resulting aeolian deposits. It shows the complex formation of dune systems with cross-bedding strata development, bounding surfaces overlaid by fine sediment and inverse grading deposits. We aim to use it to simulate the complex interactions between different sediment transport processes and their resulting geological morphologies.

Matthews, Robley K., et Moujahed I. Al-Husseini. « Orbital-forcing glacio-eustasy : A sequence-stratigraphic time scale ». GeoArabia 15, no 3 (1 juillet 2010) : 155–67.

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ABSTRACT This essay provides further explanation of the mathematical details of orbital forcing and glacio-eustatic modeling (Parametric Forward Modeling, PFM) aspects and applications. A slight tune-up of the Earth’s eccentricity calculations (LA04 of Lasker et al., 2004) produces a near-perfect repeat of 14.58 million-year period and allows PFM to predict the glacio-eustatic component of sea-level fluctuation throughout the Phanerozoic. Generalities of an exploratory grid search of the parameter space of the model are reviewed and repetitive peak sea levels and low sea levels are noted in context of the Arabian Orbital Stratigraphy (AROS) terminology and time scale. Emphasis on the straton (405,000 year “tuning fork” of stratigraphic time) will lead to improvements in sequence-stratigraphic methods and results.

Shi, Mingzhi, et Hui Cao. « An ATEM 1D inversion based on K-Means clustering and MLP deep learning ». Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 19, no 4 (29 juillet 2022) : 775–87.

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Abstract Traditional geophysical inversion methods rely on an assumption of prior knowledge, starting from the establishment of the initial model and ending with the model being modified many times. This iterative process makes the forward modelling results move increasingly closer to the observed data. However, each inversion step requires multiple forward calculations, which consumes considerable time and computing resources. This is the greatest obstacle to real-time inversion at present. Airborne transient electromagnetic (ATEM) response data are collected in a time-channel manner. The different stratigraphic structures reveal different time-varying electromagnetic response laws. In this paper, deep learning technology is used to advance the ‘model correction-forward iteration’ step in the geophysical inversion process to the data preprocessing stage, to better adapt to the specialty of ATEM, improve the efficiency of the inversion and shorten the inversion time. In this method, a sample set composed of a ‘stratigraphic texture model—ATEM response’ is established, the K-Means clustering technique of unsupervised learning is used to complete the sample tag attachment, and the multilayer perceptron (MLP) deep learning network with supervised learning is used to complete the multiclassification tasks. Then, the sample sets are input into the deep learning network for training to build the inversion from the input response data to the output of the stratigraphic model. Finally, the inversion flow is verified with test set samples. The prediction results are consistent with the simulated data, and the inversion, from the test data to the prediction model, is implemented efficiently.

Thèses sur le sujet "Stratigraphic forward model":


Natasia, Nanda. « Architecture of the Early to Late Miocene Upper Cibulakan Formation, North West Java Basin, Indonesia : Insights from sequence stratigraphy and Stratigraphic Modeling ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.

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Cette étude explore l'évolution stratigraphique séquentielle de la Formation Cibulakan supérieure, du Miocène inférieur au Miocène supérieur, dans le bassin Nord-Ouest Java, en Indonésie. Les objectifs principaux de ce travail sont de reconstruire les environnements de dépôt, de comprendre l'évolution stratigraphique régionale et de comprendre quels sont les paramètres contrôlant l'architecture des dépôts et des formations réservoirs par une étude de sensibilité du modèle stratigraphique. L'étude utilise une approche stratigraphique séquentielle indépendante du modèle, intégrant des données sédimentologiques, biostratigraphiques, de diagraphie et sismiques.La méthodologie comprend deux phases principales: le développement d'un cadre stratigraphique séquentiel et la modélisation stratigraphique. Le cadre stratigraphique séquentiel est construit en identifiant les limites de séquence, les surfaces d'inondation maximale et les surfaces de transgression. Les données biostratigraphiques, la détermination des électrofaciès, la corrélation puits à puits et l'interprétation sismique contribuent à définir ce cadre stratigraphique. L'identification des faciès sismiques renforce davantage la compréhension, en reliant les géométries des réflecteurs sismiques aux processus de dépôt. La deuxième phase utilise la modélisation stratigraphique par l'utilisation du logiciel Dionisosflow. Cette technique numérique simule le remplissage du bassin sur des échelles de temps géologiques, en tenant compte de facteurs tels que la déformation tectonique, la subsidence, les fluctuations du niveau de la mer et le flux sédimentaire. L'étalonnage implique l'évolution structurelle du bassin, les paramètres d'entrée des sédiments (source, taille de grain, flux d'eau) et les paramètres de transport particulaires. Les modèles sont classés en fonction des faciès de dépôt, et des analyses d'incertitude et de sensibilité évaluant l'impact de divers paramètres.Les résultats montrent l'intégration des données biostratigraphiques, des données de puits et des données sismiques, ce qui permet de mieux comprendre l'évolution géologique du bassin du nord-ouest de Java. Douze séquences stratigraphique de troisième ordre, imbriquées en trois séquences du deuxième ordre, ont été interprétées au sein de la Formation Cibulakan supérieure. Quatre associations de faciès ont été révélées, basées sur l'évolution des diagraphies (gamma-ray) ; et neuf faciès sismiques ont été identifiés, tous caractérisés par une géométrie et une configuration de réflecteurs (incluant les terminaisons tratales) uniques. L'Aquitainien - le Burdigalien précoce a marqué la dominance des deltas nordiques et nord-est, tandis que le Burdigalien - le Langhien précoce a vu une progradation deltaïque ultérieure vers le sud. Le Langhien - le Serravallien a été caractérisé par une transgression, entraînant l'abandon du delta et l'émergence de bancs marins de marée. Le Tortonien a été marqué par une subsidence du bassin, une diminution de l'approvisionnement en sédiments et la formation de récifs carbonatés isolés.La simulation de la modélisation stratigraphique a été réalisée sur une période de 22,2 à 8,4 millions d'années. L'accommodation des sédiments est régie par l'eustatisme et la tectonique ; les paramètres de transport des sédiments sont soigneusement sélectionnés par une analyse systématique et des tests de sensibilité sont effectués afin de garantir l'exactitude des modèles dans la reproduction des variations observées d'épaisseur et de lithologie. L'analyse de la distribution potentielle des réservoirs montre que les zones de réservoir prospectives ont tendance à suivre une orientation nord-sud, influencée par la direction du rift qui a conduit à une compaction différentielle des sédiments et à une géométrie deltaïque, influençant l'espace d'accommodation
This study explores the sequence stratigraphic evolution of the Early to late Miocene Upper Cibulakan Formation in the North West Java Basin, Indonesia. The primary objectives are to reconstruct depositional environments, understand regional stratigraphic evolution, and forecast the physical and dynamic parameters controlling the distribution of potential reservoir stratigraphic forward modeling. The study employs a model-independent sequence stratigraphic approach, integrating sedimentological, biostratigraphic, well log, and seismic data.The methodology involves two main phases: the development of a sequence stratigraphic framework and stratigraphic forward modeling. The sequence stratigraphic framework is built by identifying sequence boundaries, maximum flooding surfaces, and transgressive surfaces. Biostratigraphic data, electrofacies determination, well-to-well correlation, and seismic interpretation contribute to this framework. Seismic facies identification further enhances understanding, linking seismic reflector geometries to depositional processes. The second phase employs stratigraphic forward modeling using the Dionisosflow. This numerical technique simulates basin infill over geological time scales, considering factors like tectonic deformation, subsidence, sea level fluctuations, and sediment flux. Calibration involves structural evolution, sediment input settings, and transport parameters. The models are classified based on depositional facies, and uncertainty and sensitivity analyses assess the impact of various parameters.Results showcase the integration of biostratigraphic, well, and seismic data, providing insights into the geological evolution of the North West Java Basin. Twelve third-order sequences, organized into three second-order sequences, were interpreted within the Upper Cibulakan Formation. Four facies association has been revealed, based on gamma-ray log values; and nine seismic facies were identified, characterized by unique geometry and reflector configuration as well as stratal termination. The Aquitanian - early Burdigalian marked the dominance of northern and northeastern deltas, while the Burdigalian - early Langhian saw further deltaic progradation southward. The Langhian - Serravallian was characterized by a transgression, leading to the abandonment of the delta and the emergence of marine tidal bars. The Tortonian witnessed basin subsidence, reduced sediment supply, and the formation of isolated carbonate reefs.The Stratigraphic Forward Modeling simulation, involving a timeframe from 22.2 to 8.4 Ma, was constructed. The accommodation of sediment is governed by eustasy and tectonics; the sediment transport parameters, are carefully selected through systematic analysis and sensitivity testing, ensuring accuracy of the models in replicating observed thickness and lithological variations. The analysis of potential reservoir distribution shows that the prospective reservoir zones tend to follow a north-south orientation, influenced by rift direction that led to different sediment compaction and delta geometry, which influence accommodation space. Based on uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, sediment supply appears to be the most influential parameter compared to other parameters in the modeling

Burgess, Peter Mark. « A quantitative forward modelling analysis of the controls on passive rift-margin stratigraphy ». Thesis, University of Oxford, 1994.

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A quantitative forward model has been developed to investigate the controls on the deposition, erosion, and preservation of passive rift margin stratigraphy. The model includes thermal subsidence, variable absolute sealevel, flexural isostasy, subaerial and submarine deposition on fluvial and marine equilibrium profiles, and the facility to vary sediment supply through time. Results from the quantitative model can be used to reproduce elements of the sequence stratigraphic depositional model. Conducting sensitivity tests demonstrates that variables such as sediment supply and fluvial profile behaviour are likely to be of equal importance to thermal subsidence and eustasy in passive margin stratigraphy. Sensitivity tests with the quantitative model also demonstrate the problems associated with attempting to use a discretised stratigraphic model to investigate unforced cyclicty resulting from complex interactions in stratigraphic systems. Although the model appears capable of producing such unforced cyclical behaviour, this cyclicity is shown to be due to a numerical instability within the model which occurs with certain initial conditions and assumptions. The applicability of the model to observed stratigraphy is tested by comparing specific model output to patterns of stratigraphy from the North American Atlantic margin. The results from this test demonstrate that although the model is in many respects simplistic when compared to the complexities of natural systems, it is nevertheless capable of reproducing some of the basic elements of the observed stratigraphic patterns.

Chapitres de livres sur le sujet "Stratigraphic forward model":


Christ, Alina, Oliver Schenk et Per Salomonsen. « Using Stratigraphic Forward Modeling to Model the Brookian Sequence of the Alaska North Slope ». Dans Geostatistical and Geospatial Approaches for the Characterization of Natural Resources in the Environment, 623–26. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Griffiths, Cedric M. « Forward and Inverse Stratigraphic Models ». Dans Encyclopedia of Mathematical Geosciences, 1–11. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Griffiths, Cedric M. « Forward and Inverse Stratigraphic Models ». Dans Encyclopedia of Mathematical Geosciences, 393–403. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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Mayer, Helmut. « An Integrated Approach To Forward Modeling Carbonate Platform Development ». Dans Computers in Geology - 25 Years of Progress. Oxford University Press, 1994.

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The forward model presented here is designed to simulate stratigraphic and geometric development of carbonate platforms. Starting from an initial basement geometry, the effects of a number of key variables on water depth are combined for each time increment. This procedure is repeated in an iterative fashion for subsequent time steps. The variables considered include subsidence, carbonate production, sediment redistribution, compaction, isostatic compensation, and eustatic sea-level change. Time- or depth-dependent functions are developed for these variables. Free parameters in these functions allow fitting to realistic magnitudes. A sample simulation demonstrates the characteristics of the model and indicates its usefulness in case studies and predictions. In recent years a number of studies on the modeling of sediment accumulation in various basin settings has been published. Most of them are concerned with clastic basin fill or do not discriminate lithologies (e.g., Turcotte and Kenyon, 1984; Kenyon and Turcotte, 1985; Tetzlaff, 1986; Bitzer and Harbaugh, 1987; Flemings and Jordan, 1987, 1989; Tetzlaff and Harbaugh, 1989; Jervey, 1989), while only few focus on mixed clastic/carbonate systems (e.g., Aigner et al., 1989; Lawrence et al., 1990) or carbonate platforms (e.g., Lerche et al., 1987; Bice, 1988; Demicco and Spencer, 1989; Scaturo et al., 1989). Sediment accumulation and distribution on a carbonate platform and the adjacent slope represent a highly complex system of numerous interdependent factors which in concert determine the development of the stratigraphy and geometry of the platform. The goal of this study is to develop a model that yields a "best compromise" between two principal targets: representation of all important variables in geologically reasonable functional relationships on the one hand, and simplicity on the other. Forward modeling of sedimentary systems serves to simulate the stratigraphic and geometric evolution of the system, dependent on variations in the input parameters. The purpose of this approach is to establish the critical variables and parameters which dominate the system and to produce a geologically reasonable generic stratigraphic pattern. The next step then would be to use the model to reproduce known patterns of actual modern or ancient sedimentary systems (inverse modeling).

Granjeon, Didier, et Véronique Gervais. « Forward and Inverse Stratigraphic Modeling in Exploration and Appraisal Workflows : Insights from Miocene Carbonate Platforms, Central Luconia, South China Sea ». Dans Cenozoic Isolated Carbonate Platforms—Focus Southeast Asia, 314–30. SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology), 2023.

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Estimating the geometry and sedimentary heterogeneities of carbonate platforms is a very challenging task. In recent decades, numerical stratigraphic forward models have been developed to provide a quantitative view of sedimentary processes with the resulting stratigraphic architecture. Although used in many academic and industrial studies, this numerical approach is rarely used in everyday exploration and appraisal workflows. The calibration of these models on available seismic and well data is indeed a challenging and time-consuming process. Here we use the DionisosFlow model to simulate a carbonate platform typical of the Miocene formations observed in Central Luconia, South China Sea. We build a reference simulation or virtual ground truth from literature data, using for instance the Haq et al. (1988), Laskar et al. (2011), and Bosscher and Schlager (1992) curves, which prove indications on sea-level variations, orbital parameters, and carbonate production as a function of water depth, respectively. We analyze the sensitivity of the simulation results to the parameters controlling the physical processes: accommodation space creation, carbonate production, and sediment transport. Results show that stratigraphic modeling makes it possible to test the concepts of sequence stratigraphy in a virtual digital world, thus opening the possibility of testing the sensitivity of the different characteristics of a sedimentary system to physical parameters. We also propose an innovative approach to using this stratigraphic modeling in operational cases. The first step is to identify a diachronous geological body such as the carbonate platform sensu stricto, which is easily identifiable using seismic data. A comparison of the geometry of this geological body with the thickness maps derived from the seismic interpretation provides a first regional metric controlling the shape of the studied sedimentary systems. The second step is to validate the simulation results with well data, and, in particular, facies from the log interpretation. The computation of vertical proportion curves (VPC) in the vicinity of wells facilitates understanding the local variability of facies in the digital world as well as in the real world. This second metric, based on a comparison of VPCs, makes it possible to assess sequences and sedimentary heterogeneities and to define much smoother cost functions, thus facilitating the use of automatic optimization algorithms. In conclusion, this work shows that numerical stratigraphic forward modeling is a tool that reproduces stratigraphic concepts using simple physical laws. Through the use of well and seismic metrics adapted to the resolution of the model, use of this numerical approach in daily exploration work to complement the interpretation of seismic and well data provides a quantitative stratigraphic view of the studied area to better access uncertainties and risk in exploration.

BURGESS, PETER M., RONALD J. STEEL et DIDIER GRANJEON. « Stratigraphic Forward Modeling of Basin-Margin Clinoform Systems : Implications for Controls on Topset and Shelf Width and Timing of Formation of Shelf-Edge Deltas ». Dans Recent Advances in Models of Siliciclastic Shallow-Marine Stratigraphy, 35–45. SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology), 2008.

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Actes de conférences sur le sujet "Stratigraphic forward model":


Pellan, C., et L. Fontanelli. « Integrated Forward Stratigraphic Model of a Passive Margin ». Dans 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2017. Netherlands : EAGE Publications BV, 2017.

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Amer, Aimen, Ali Gadalla Najem, Mubarak Al-Hajeri, Sergio Courtade et Per Salomonsen. « Forward Stratigraphic Modeling of Kuwait Formation, Linking Facies Architecture to Hydrocarbon Occurrence ». Dans SPE Middle East Oil & Gas Show and Conference. SPE, 2021.

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Abstract The objective of this study is to perform forward stratigraphic modeling on the Kuwait Formation (also known as Kuwait Group) exposed stratigraphic succession along the Jal Az-Zor escarpment to explain the enigmatic occurrence of an elongated NW-SE geobody mapped from subsurface data at northern Kuwait. Outcrop measurements such as; stratigraphic successions, facies distribution, critical facies trends, and paleocurrent analysis have been collected along the 60 km length of the Jal Az-Zor escarpment. Such measurements were combined with thin section lab analysis to reveal the various sedimentary processes such as wave activity, grain size distribution, sediment supply sources, accommodation space, and erosional rates. These measurements were combined with subsurface data such as seismic attributes to reconstruct the paleography of the area and run a forward stratigraphic model simulation. The vertical succession was also utilized to reconstruct the relative sea-level fluctuation through time to develop an accurate model. Forward stratigraphic modeling resulted in building a robust and reliable facies distribution 3D model for the Jal Az-Zor escarpment that demonstrates the complex facies architecture. The model shows the various stacking patterns of several depositional sequences that are observed in the field as well as the subsurface. The enigmatic geobody mapped from seismic as a channel system in previous publications turned out to be a paleoshoreline. This shoreline is composed of high-quality sands as a result of an elevated level of wave activity. Reworking of barrier island sands was also found to be responsible for the enhanced reservoir quality. Consequently, regardless of the subsurface structure, the main driver of successful hydrocarbon accumulation is directly linked to the NW-SE trending paleoshoreline. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first time forward-stratigraphic modeling is performed along the Jal Az-Zor escarpment in north Kuwait and using such an approach to unravel Kuwait Formation heavy hydrocarbon subsurface occurrences.

Adam, Rusli Bin, Siti Hasmah Ayub, Huu Nghi Nguyen, Rahim Masoudi, Thanapala Singam Murugesu, Muhammad Hanif Haziq Mohammad, Fauzi Kadir et al. « Enhancement of a Complex Field's Reservoir Model Through Novel Application of Forward Stratigraphic Modeling ». Dans Offshore Technology Conference Asia. OTC, 2022.

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Abstract The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the success of an alternative numerical modeling approach to build a static model by incorporating Forward Stratigraphic Modelling (FSM) as geological input. This new methodology was performed on a field in the Malay Basin where early production wells indicated the high uncertainty in oil-originally-in-place, facies distribution and reservoir connectivity. For this reason, a new approach was developed for a static model in the area that provides new insights of subsurface reservoirs, de-risking future field assets and mitigates the subsurface uncertainty. Process-based simulations as presented with FSM present realistic scenarios of lithology distribution and vertical barriers that enable advanced subsurface characterization. FSM process built a quantitative method that simulate sediment distribution from regional to reservoir architecture for A field D and E sands. The main parameters for simulation run include regional understanding of sediment sources, in-situ organic sediment production, global sea-level curve enhanced by Milankovitch cycles and main long-term processes that control the subsidence of the area. FSM prediction combined with regional seismic, cores and well log data have provided a robust scenario of reservoir characteristics for static model. The results of the study detailed high-resolution sequence stratigraphy, significant changes in the depositional system and sand accumulation through time. The results of FSM were quality-checked with the A field well dataset for consistency. After performance of sensitivity analysis, the best-matched model was chosen for subsequent static model building process. In generating static depo- and rock type models, the FSM result were compared with the Geostatistical Stochastic Inversion (GSI) for property distribution away from the well control. The result of FSM guided model building showed A field D reservoirs as relatively having better sand quality with good lateral connectivity. A field E sand however is a more complex reservoir with limited areal and vertical connectivity. Overall, the total STOIIP for D reservoirs improved significantly while E reservoirs are comparable with existing model. The dynamic modelling was calibrated to field and wells performance (production history, MDT, DST, etc.) taking into account main remaining uncertainties and risks and evaluation of multiple field development options. With thorough integrated analysis of A field and its surroundings, integrated FSM and GSI derived static model reflects accurate facies distribution of the area compared with conventional workflows. It was used as an aid for Field A development optimization and increased the probability to find good reservoir facies as proven from findings of recently drilled development wells.

Widyantoro, A. « Seismic Forward Modeling of Semberah Fluviodeltaic Reservoir ». Dans Indonesian Petroleum Association 44th Annual Convention and Exhibition. Indonesian Petroleum Association, 2021.

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Semberah field’s infill drilling activity to increase its recovery has been generally challenging because of limited seismic information to support the reservoir distribution characterization. Stratigraphic model building has been using mainly geological concept and well log analysis while undermines seismic information because of poor quality 2D lines. The best seismic quantitative interpretation uses in Semberah encompass amplitude mapping of extracted post-stack attributes. Semberah asset team recently suggests a new stratigraphic framework consists of isolated distributary sands and active delta switching sequences. The new framework allows seismic forward modeling method to constrain the sand boundaries. The seismic modeling workflow involves building rock physics models, performing synthetic modeling of varying channel facies over its elastic properties. The synthetic PP-reflectivity generation uses Semberah well’s wavelet extraction from Roy-White algorithm extraction which are later varied with several scenarios of fluid, porosity and random noise. The latest volumetric estimation from the integrated modeling produces significant oil and gas resources to justify Semberah further development. Both static model and seismic forward modeling suggest potentially finding wet sands during the SB-27 well drilling activities in July 2019. The well’s location uncertainty has been optimized by moving the well location to a structurally updip position from the existing well UKM-03 to avoid potential water level. A recommendation has also been put forward for the remaining five-well drilling proposals to sharpen the targeted stacked channels around the recommended areas. The seismic forward modeling technique has never been applied as part of the seismic quantitative interpretation method in Semberah, yet such process could be carried out with only 2D seismic lines. The result from seismic forward modeling provides better integration with the geological model and becomes a cost-effective option to optimize area with limited dataset such as Semberah. The updated geocellular model and the seismic forward modeling results have already been used to identify a number of prospect area and would invigorate the future Semberah well drilling proposals.

Adam, R., M. A. Mohd Diah, S. H. Ayub, H. N. Nguyen, R. Masoudi, T. S. Murugesu, M. H. H. Mohammad et al. « A Malay Basin Field Reservoir Model Improvement Constrained by Forward Stratigraphic Modelling and Geostatistical Seismic Inversion ». Dans EAGE Workshop on Innovative Reservoir Modeling into Digital Proliferation. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2022.

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Moharana, Abhishek, Mahabir Prasad Mahapatra, Subrata Kumar Chakraborty, Debakanta Biswal et Khushboo Havelia. « Improving Reservoir Facies Model by Successful Application of Forward Stratigraphic Modeling Techniques for Offshore Deltaic Reservoir in India ». Dans Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2019.

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Burgess, Peter, Isabella Masiero, Stephan Toby et Robert Duller. « A Big Fan of Signals ? Exploring Autogenic and Allogenic Processes in Lobyte3D, a Numerical Stratigraphic Forward Model of Submarine Fan Development ». Dans 2019 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition. Tulsa, OK, USA : American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 2019.

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Das, Prabal S., Satyabrata Nayak, Trisakti Kurniawan et Azwari Huslan B Mohd. « Deliberate Search for Stratigraphic Traps : A Success Story from Sabah Offshore ». Dans International Petroleum Technology Conference. IPTC, 2023.

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Extended Abstract Abstract This article briefly discusses the workflow through which a gas discovery was made within the Late Miocene interval (Lower and Upper Stage IVD) from the structurally down-flank of a three-way fault closure, where previously an unsuccessful campaign was carried out in the structurally higher location. The causes for the failure were attributed to reservoir absence and trap incompetency. An attempt was made to understand the causes of facies variations and their limits through an integrated sequence stratigraphic approach. This model was further concretized through post-stack attributes where the limits of the seismic facies were prominent. A quantitative interpretation (QI) study coupled with forward modelling helped de-risk the reservoir presence and fluid types. Rock physics modelling work, including shear log prediction, rock property modelling, depth -trend analysis, followed by simultaneous inversion and sand probability volume generation, reveals that the deeper part of Upper Stage IVD and Lower Stage IVD intervals were shale-out and pinch-out, respectively, for the earlier campaign. Likewise, sand-dominated facies are likely at the down-dip for both intervals with an effective lateral seal up-dip (due to facies change and pinch out). Finally, this integration led to a hydrocarbon discovery in a previously written-off fault block and proved a potential stratigraphic trap presence in this area. The well encountered 50 m of net gas-bearing sand within both intervals. This approach could further facilitate exploring stratigraphic play (s) in a similar geological setup.

Henglai, Puntira, Kasira Laitrakull, Takonporn Kunpitaktakun, Pinyada Taweepornpathomgul, Jularat Kaewtapan, Arisa Ruangsirikulchai et Muhammad Hanif Haziq Mohammad. « A Forward Stratigraphic Modelling Approach to Determine the Evolution of an Oligocene Syn-Rift Sequence in West Arthit Area, Gulf of Thailand ». Dans International Petroleum Technology Conference. IPTC, 2023.

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Abstract The successful discovery of petroleum exploration primarily depends on the understanding of the basin evolution and sedimentary filling though geological time. Well data also play a key role for reservoir presence and quality analysis; however, none of well fully penetrated the Oligocene Syn-rift sequence in the West Arthit area. Therefore, this study aims to overcome the challenge of limited well information by performing the Forward Stratigraphic Modeling (FSM) to determine basin evolution, depositional setting, and reservoir distribution in this area. The FSM model is constructed with the inputs of paleo-bathymetry, subsidence, sediment supply, water level, and climatic cycle. In addition, the stratigraphic sequence is reproduced based on field observations such as rock samples, seismic mapping, well-log responses, and publications from nearby areas. The main uncertainty of building the FSM model is the initial age of rifting phase due to a lack of well penetration that fully covered the Syn-rift sequence and the limited biostratigraphic data. Therefore, two different age scenarios are examined in this study analogue from the age model as it was published in the Malay Basin locating to the south of study area. Once the FSM model was built, the last step was to calibrate the prediction result with the actual well result and the conventional seismic data to achieve the best accuracy and to increase the confidence on using the model. The FSM model was successfully reproduced the stratigraphic successions of the Syn-rift sequence in West Arthit area. The base case model was chosen from the age scenario of 27.0-23.1 Ma which exhibited four major cyclicities and matched with seismic mapping. The study area had two depocenters, one in the northwest and another one in the southeast. The northern sub-basin was deepened earlier during the first rifting phase whereas the southern sub-basin was subsided later after the second rifting period. With the increase in sedimentation rate and subsidence rate during the third rifting phase, both depocenters were shallowed up and then become a shallow lake covering the whole study area. The last lifting phase coincided with the thermal subsidence that occurred and affected across the region; therefore, the regional extensive lacustrine accumulated in the study area. The results from this study provided a crucial information on petroleum system especially depositional architecture, reservoir distribution, and potential source rock identification, which were incorporated into the planning of future exploration targeting in this field. This study demonstrates the new innovative approach to determine the basin evolution and to understand the variation on depositional setting in the study area with limited well data. This approach also creates the project value by supporting the planning of future exploration and development wells. Furthermore, this technique can be applied to all projects to increase the discovery rate and to add the field reserves.

Xu, Wei, Lei Fang, Jingyun Zou, Fuxin Guo, Yingchun Zhang et Kaiyuan Chen. « An Integrated Reservoir Predicting Approach with Geological Constraints from Stratigraphic Forward Modeling of the Miocene Fan Delta in Albert Basin, Uganda ». Dans International Petroleum Technology Conference. IPTC, 2021.

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Résumé :
Abstract Reservoir prediction is a core area of research in oilfield exploration and development, and it is generally constructed on a combination of well data, seismic attributes or inversion. However, reservoir prediction in sparse well areas poses great challenges due to insufficient well control. If the quality of seismic data is poor, the spatial distribution characteristics of reservoirs cannot be effectively characterized through inversion or attribute analysis, which seriously affects the prediction accuracy. This paper proposes a new method to solve the difficulty in reservoir prediction of oilfields with sparse data and poor quality seismic cube, which evolves from depositional models, forward stratigraphic modeling (FSM) to geocellular modeling. First, based on the comprehensive analysis of core, seismic, grain size, heavy minerals, dip data, it is believed that a special fan delta developed in the Miocene strata in the south of Albert Basin. The reservoirs are dominated by distributary channels, which are in medium-coarse grains, and the provenance is from the southwest to flowing to the northeast. The formation thickness of the stratum decreases from the boundary fault to the direction of the basin. Then, the input parameters of FSM modeling are quantitatively expressed based on the sedimentary model research, including model boundary conditions, basic input information, sediment supply and transportation. FSM results were used to quantitatively characterize the deposition process. The FSM simulation results are compared with the depositional model and well data to verify the reliability. Finally, the shale content model in FSM results is resampled to the geocellular grids and used as the constraint for facies model and property model in geological modeling. This model is used for well pattern design and optimization. This new approach integrates the conceptual depositional model with quantitative FSM results. It improves the accuracy of reservoir prediction and provides a new technical workflow for reservoir characterization. Furthermore, it helps to obtain more insight into the sedimentary process and reduces the risk of oilfield exploration and development.

Rapports d'organisations sur le sujet "Stratigraphic forward model":


de Kemp, E. A., H. A. J. Russell, B. Brodaric, D. B. Snyder, M. J. Hillier, M. St-Onge, C. Harrison et al. Initiating transformative geoscience practice at the Geological Survey of Canada : Canada in 3D. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2022.

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Résumé :
Application of 3D technologies to the wide range of Geosciences knowledge domains is well underway. These have been operationalized in workflows of the hydrocarbon sector for a half-century, and now in mining for over two decades. In Geosciences, algorithms, structured workflows and data integration strategies can support compelling Earth models, however challenges remain to meet the standards of geological plausibility required for most geoscientific studies. There is also missing links in the institutional information infrastructure supporting operational multi-scale 3D data and model development. Canada in 3D (C3D) is a vision and road map for transforming the Geological Survey of Canada's (GSC) work practice by leveraging emerging 3D technologies. Primarily the transformation from 2D geological mapping, to a well-structured 3D modelling practice that is both data-driven and knowledge-driven. It is tempting to imagine that advanced 3D computational methods, coupled with Artificial Intelligence and Big Data tools will automate the bulk of this process. To effectively apply these methods there is a need, however, for data to be in a well-organized, classified, georeferenced (3D) format embedded with key information, such as spatial-temporal relations, and earth process knowledge. Another key challenge for C3D is the relative infancy of 3D geoscience technologies for geological inference and 3D modelling using sparse and heterogeneous regional geoscience information, while preserving the insights and expertise of geoscientists maintaining scientific integrity of digital products. In most geological surveys, there remains considerable educational and operational challenges to achieve this balance of digital automation and expert knowledge. Emerging from the last two decades of research are more efficient workflows, transitioning from cumbersome, explicit (manual) to reproducible implicit semi-automated methods. They are characterized by integrated and iterative, forward and reverse geophysical modelling, coupled with stratigraphic and structural approaches. The full impact of research and development with these 3D tools, geophysical-geological integration and simulation approaches is perhaps unpredictable, but the expectation is that they will produce predictive, instructive models of Canada's geology that will be used to educate, prioritize and influence sustainable policy for stewarding our natural resources. On the horizon are 3D geological modelling methods spanning the gulf between local and frontier or green-fields, as well as deep crustal characterization. These are key components of mineral systems understanding, integrated and coupled hydrological modelling and energy transition applications, e.g. carbon sequestration, in-situ hydrogen mining, and geothermal exploration. Presented are some case study examples at a range of scales from our efforts in C3D.

de Kemp, E. A., H. A. J. Russell, B. Brodaric, D. B. Snyder, M. J. Hillier, M. St-Onge, C. Harrison et al. Initiating transformative geoscience practice at the Geological Survey of Canada : Canada in 3D. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2023.

Texte intégral
Styles APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.
Résumé :
Application of 3D technologies to the wide range of Geosciences knowledge domains is well underway. These have been operationalized in workflows of the hydrocarbon sector for a half-century, and now in mining for over two decades. In Geosciences, algorithms, structured workflows and data integration strategies can support compelling Earth models, however challenges remain to meet the standards of geological plausibility required for most geoscientific studies. There is also missing links in the institutional information infrastructure supporting operational multi-scale 3D data and model development. Canada in 3D (C3D) is a vision and road map for transforming the Geological Survey of Canada's (GSC) work practice by leveraging emerging 3D technologies. Primarily the transformation from 2D geological mapping, to a well-structured 3D modelling practice that is both data-driven and knowledge-driven. It is tempting to imagine that advanced 3D computational methods, coupled with Artificial Intelligence and Big Data tools will automate the bulk of this process. To effectively apply these methods there is a need, however, for data to be in a well-organized, classified, georeferenced (3D) format embedded with key information, such as spatial-temporal relations, and earth process knowledge. Another key challenge for C3D is the relative infancy of 3D geoscience technologies for geological inference and 3D modelling using sparse and heterogeneous regional geoscience information, while preserving the insights and expertise of geoscientists maintaining scientific integrity of digital products. In most geological surveys, there remains considerable educational and operational challenges to achieve this balance of digital automation and expert knowledge. Emerging from the last two decades of research are more efficient workflows, transitioning from cumbersome, explicit (manual) to reproducible implicit semi-automated methods. They are characterized by integrated and iterative, forward and reverse geophysical modelling, coupled with stratigraphic and structural approaches. The full impact of research and development with these 3D tools, geophysical-geological integration and simulation approaches is perhaps unpredictable, but the expectation is that they will produce predictive, instructive models of Canada's geology that will be used to educate, prioritize and influence sustainable policy for stewarding our natural resources. On the horizon are 3D geological modelling methods spanning the gulf between local and frontier or green-fields, as well as deep crustal characterization. These are key components of mineral systems understanding, integrated and coupled hydrological modelling and energy transition applications, e.g. carbon sequestration, in-situ hydrogen mining, and geothermal exploration. Presented are some case study examples at a range of scales from our efforts in C3D.

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