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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Cultures à floraison massive":


SWIDERSKI, Chloé. "Pollifauniflor : le couvert pluriannuel pollinisateurs et faune sauvage compatible en zone de production de semences". Sciences Eaux & Territoires, n. 40 (27 giugno 2022): xx. http://dx.doi.org/10.20870/revue-set.2022.40.7075.

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Abstract (sommario):
La production de semences potagères n’est pas toujours compatible avec la présence de bandes ou de jachères fleuries, notamment lorsque les fleurs introduites aux abords des cultures détournent les abeilles à leur profit. Le mélange PolliFauniFlor a été élaboré afin de répondre à cette problématique. Composé de dix espèces annuelles et vivaces, le couvert présente une attractivité modérée pour les abeilles domestiques. Sa période de floraison étalée et complémentaire aux périodes de floraison des porte-graines permet d’attirer une multitude de pollinisateurs sauvages à proximité de ces cultures. Enfin, le couvert fleuri constitue une zone de refuge, d'alimentation et de reproduction de la faune sauvage.

Buchsenschutz, Olivier. "Les Celtes et la formation de l’Empire romain". Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 59, n. 2 (aprile 2004): 337–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s039526490000384x.

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RésuméLa romanisation du monde celtique est un phénomène progressif, étalé dans le temps et dans l’espace. L’archéologie permet de définir aujourd’hui un fonds commun aux cultures continentales et méditerranéennes, puis des emprunts qui sont traduits et intégrés dans l’évolution des cultures nord-alpines, enfin la transformation radicale de ces dernières à partir du IIe siècle avant J.-C., qui ouvre la voie à une culture urbaine. La fusion est réalisable à partir du moment où le système républicain romain des alliances, bousculé par l’ambition des généraux, est remplacé par la politique impériale. Les territoires celtiques septentrionaux sont invités à entrer dans le système, pour peu que les cités acceptent le mode de vie romain et, bientôt, le culte impérial. Les transformations radicales des agglomérations, après une ultime floraison d’oppida, manifestent concrètement cette adhésion. A` travers quelques exemples, on voit que les transformations internes du monde celtique au IIe siècle avant J.-C. ouvraient la voie à une fusion, et que l’idéologie impériale, en Gaule comme dans d’autres provinces plus proches culturellement de l’Italie, la rendaient politiquement possible.

Mikou, Karima, e Philippe Badila. "Induction photopériodique de l'organogenèse et de la floraison in vitro chez le Cichorium intybus: aspects histologiques". Canadian Journal of Botany 70, n. 6 (1 giugno 1992): 1302–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/b92-163.

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In root explants of a long-day plant, Cichorium intybus L., grown in vitro, inflorescences were produced under short-day conditions (9 h) if long days were applied on days 10 to 18 of culture. Long days consisted of either 16 h fluorescent light (5.6 W∙m−2) or daily cycles of 9 h white fluorescent plus 15 h red (660 nm, 0.3 W∙m−2) or blue (440 nm, 0.5 W∙m−2) light. The structural changes in the meristems of buds regenerated under these conditions were studied. The influence of photoperiod appeared to be critical between the 10th and 16th days, during the progressive transition from vegetative to prefloral stage, which occurred more rapidly under photoperiodic conditions with red or blue light. In noninductive short days, intermediate meristems could be observed tardily on day 24, but no flower formation took place after transfer to long days. Increasing the quantity of light under short-day conditions up to a level comparable to long-day conditions resulted in a rise in mitotic activity, mainly in the peripheral zone of the meristem, but the vegetative zonation was retained. These data therefore indicate that the duration of light really commits the meristem to the subsequent formation of flower primordia; in contrast, the quantity of light controls the bud formation during the first part of development. Key words: Cichorium, tissue cultures, flowering, meristems, organogenesis, photoperiodism.

BELLOSTA, HÉLÈNE. "LE TRAITÉ DE THĀBIT IBN QURRA SUR LA FIGURE SECTEUR". Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 14, n. 1 (marzo 2004): 145–68. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0957423904000037.

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Suscités par la reprise massive de la recherche en astronomie au IXe siècle dans le monde islamique et essentiellement à Bagdad, laquelle nécessite des outils mathématiques nouveaux, une floraison de traités, tant astronomiques que mathématiques, voit le jour à cette époque. D'entre les traités mathématiques, un certain nombre est consacré à la ‘‘figure secteur” (al-shakl al-qattā‘), c’est-à-dire au théorème dit ‘‘de Ménélaüs” sur la sphère, lequel généralise le théorème dit ‘‘de Ménélaüs” dans le plan. Ce théorème de Ménélaüs sur la sphère, ou règle des six quantités, est, en l’absence du théorème des sinus sur la sphère, lequel ne date que de la deuxième moitié du Xe siècle, le principal outil de l'astronomie sphérique. Le traité de Thābit ibn Qurra (mort en 901) sur La figure secteur est le premier de ces traités consacrés au théorème de Ménélaüs, tant dans le plan que sur la sphère, à nous être parvenu; point de départ de tout un courant, il influencera profondément le développement ultérieur de la géométrie sphérique. Ce traité, qui est en fait une épître adressée à un correspondant malheureusement anonyme, présente en outre l'intérêt de montrer que, dans le milieu scientifique de cette époque à Bagdad, beaucoup s'intéressaient à ce théorème, essayaient d'en énoncer d'autres cas de figure et de compléter la démonstration qu'en donne Ptolémée dans l'Almageste.

McFarland, Karen N., Carolina Ceballos, Awilda Rosario, Thomas Ladd, Brenda Moore, Griffin Golde, Xue Wang et al. "Microglia show differential transcriptomic response to Aβ peptide aggregates ex vivo and in vivo". Life Science Alliance 4, n. 7 (14 giugno 2021): e202101108. http://dx.doi.org/10.26508/lsa.202101108.

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Abstract (sommario):
Aggregation and accumulation of amyloid-β (Aβ) is a defining feature of Alzheimer’s disease pathology. To study microglial responses to Aβ, we applied exogenous Aβ peptide, in either oligomeric or fibrillar conformation, to primary mouse microglial cultures and evaluated system-level transcriptional changes and then compared these with transcriptomic changes in the brains of CRND8 APP mice. We find that primary microglial cultures have rapid and massive transcriptional change in response to Aβ. Transcriptomic responses to oligomeric or fibrillar Aβ in primary microglia, although partially overlapping, are distinct and are not recapitulated in vivo where Aβ progressively accumulates. Furthermore, although classic immune mediators show massive transcriptional changes in the primary microglial cultures, these changes are not observed in the mouse model. Together, these data extend previous studies which demonstrate that microglia responses ex vivo are poor proxies for in vivo responses. Finally, these data demonstrate the potential utility of using microglia as biosensors of different aggregate conformation, as the transcriptional responses to oligomeric and fibrillar Aβ can be distinguished.

Alors, David, Pradeep Kumar Divakar, Anjuli Calchera, Imke Schmitt, Ana Crespo e María Carmen Molina. "The Temporal Variation of Secondary Metabolites in the Mycobiont Culture and Thallus of Parmelina carporrhizans and Parmelina quercina Analyzed using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography". Separations 10, n. 7 (11 luglio 2023): 399. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/separations10070399.

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Lichens are composite organisms that produce a wide variety of secondary metabolites; many of the compounds have a high potential as bioactive compounds. The major limitations of using bioactive compounds from lichens is their slow growth rate and the damage to environmental populations caused by massive collection. The alternative to the massive collection of lichens in the field is their culture under laboratory conditions. We chose two related lichen species of Parmeliaceae that produce similar metabolites and isolated from spores in cultures placed under axenic conditions for over 550 days. From these cultures, we sampled 35 mg of each species from different culture media at two sampling times. The samples were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to detect and identify major compounds. We found no differences in the metabolites produced within the species in comparisons between different culture media. Our results show that the mycobiont cultures produced different secondary metabolites than those found in natural lichen thalli. Moreover, different secondary metabolites between species and different metabolites over time were observed. We conclude that mycobiont cultures are a promising alternative for determining bioactive compounds and enhancing the efficiency of growth and production. These could be a good option for eco-friendly metabolite production.

McGuire, Michael. "Cultures de Guerre in Picardy, 1917". Historical Reflections/Réflexions Historiques 42, n. 3 (1 dicembre 2016): 29–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.3167/hrrh.2016.420303.

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Abstract (sommario):
In 1917 French and foreign agents reconstructed sections of Picardy destroyed by Operation Alberich, a “scorched-earth” program implemented by departing Germans. The region’s unanticipated maltreatment led French Third Army forces to evaluate and assist Picardy’s devastated homesteads and refugee-residents. Under General Georges Humbert, the Third Army implemented juxtaposing reconstruction policies in Picardy. Along with inhabitants, bureaucrats, and German prisoners of war, the Third Army initiated “a regime of temporary aid” that repaired property and provisioned civilians. Humbert’s subordinates also evacuated residents judged too ill, infirm, treacherous, or indolent for massive reconstruction projects. When extemporized statist programs proved insufficient for Picardy’s civilians, French ministries invited American and British humanitarians to inaugurate complementary and supplementary rehabilitation schemes designed to revive rural society and commerce. The conflicting confluence of these individuals’ consensual, coercive, patriotic, and philanthropic cultures de guerre within Picardy helped residents “demobilize” as refugees and “remobilize” for continued participation in World War I.

Islam, Muhammad Shahidul, e Muhammad Tanhab Hossaini. "Bangladesh: A Massive Fanbase of the Argentina Football Team". International Journal of Sport, Exercise and Health Research 7, n. 1 (30 giugno 2023): 30–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.31254/sportmed.7106.

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Abstract (sommario):
Dear Editor, Football is known to be a game that transcends borders and brings people from different backgrounds and cultures together. Millions of people are currently actively following the football game [1]. In Bangladesh, football is one of the most popular sports, and fans of the game are known to be very passionate. However, what is interesting about Bangladesh’s football fanbase is the overwhelming support for the Argentina National Football Team. Despite being thousands of miles apart, Bangladeshis have developed a deep-rooted love for Argentina’s national football team. The present study will explore why Bangladesh has a massive Argentina fanbase in football.

Koubaissi, Salwa A., Reem G. Al Assaad, Ziad Itani e Imad Bouakl. "Black Urine and Methemoglobinemia in the Setting of Sepsis Due to Clostridium Perfringens". Clinical Medicine Insights: Case Reports 13 (gennaio 2020): 117954762098189. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1179547620981894.

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Clostridium Perfringens is an anaerobic gram-positive bacillus able to produce different types of toxins and can cause septicemia. The mechanism is through translocation from a previously colonized gastrointestinal or genital tract. Massive intravascular hemolysis induced by this bacterium is a rare presentation reported in only 7% to 15% of cases of Clostridium Perfringens bacteremia with a mortality rate reaching 90%.We present the case of a middle-aged man with metastatic melanoma having black-colored urine as the first sign of massive hemolysis along with mild methemoglobinemia. Despite timely management, the patient progressed into septic shock with severe hypoxia and passed away. Postmortem, blood cultures grew clostridium perfringens. Black-colored urine and blood samples, sepsis-induced mild methemoglobinemia and acute massive hemolysis should raise concern for Clostridium Perfringens sepsis in the appropriate clinical settings.

Beauvais, François, Olivier Cantat, Philippe Madeline, Patrick Le Gouée, Sophie Brunel-Muguet e Mohand Medjkane. "Quelles conséquences du changement climatique sur le blé tendre en Normandie aux horizons 2050 et 2100 ?" Climatologie 16 (2019): 129–60. http://dx.doi.org/10.4267/climatologie.1414.

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Abstract (sommario):
En Normandie, la culture du blé qui occupe 24 % de la SAU régionale tient une place importante parmi les productions végétales. Le changement climatique peut-il avoir des conséquences sur le cycle de cette céréale et perturber les pratiques et les espaces concernés ? Cet article projette la phénologie et les performances culturales de l’agrosystème céréalier régional d’ici la fin du 21ème siècle. Il s’appuie sur une modélisation bioclimatique qui mobilise les données CNRM-2014 du CNRS et de Météo-France sorties du modèle régional ALADIN-Climat pour trois scénarios RCP du GIEC. Dans le cas de dates de semis inchangées aux horizons 2050 et 2100 et d’un changement climatique prononcé, l’élévation des températures engendrerait un raccourcissement du cycle et donc une anticipation calendaire de la phénologie. Ce qui éviterait un chevauchement de la fin du cycle avec la période estivale à laquelle sont associés des événements de sécheresse et de vagues de chaleur dont la fréquence pourrait augmenter dans les prochaines décennies. En conséquence, l’échaudage thermique et le déficit hydrique seraient moindres que ce que l’on pouvait envisager. Toutefois, cette précocité pourrait perturber des stades plus précoces de développement du blé tendre : basses températures à la méiose et déficit de rayonnement au début de la montaison. De plus, la douceur accrue des hivers pourrait engendrer une diminution du nombre de jours de vernalisation, phase nécessaire pour la floraison des variétés d’hiver. Cette étude démontre l’intérêt des modèles bioclimatiques pour envisager les modifications possibles de la phénologie des cultures attendus d'ici la fin du siècle.

Tesi sul tema "Cultures à floraison massive":


Ragué, Maxime. "Dynamiques spatiale et temporelle des paysages agricoles : conséquences sur les interactions plantes-pollinisateurs et la pollinisation". Thesis, La Rochelle, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021LAROS033.

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Abstract (sommario):
Le maintien des insectes pollinisateurs en milieu agricole est essentiel car ils pollinisent les plantes sauvages et cultivées, il peut reposer sur l’augmentation de la disponibilité des ressources florales. Les cultures à floraison massive (CFM) fournissent des ressources abondantes et de façon discontinue dans le temps, au contraire des prairies et des plantes adventices présentes dans les cultures. Cet aspect temporel a été peu étudié alors que les paysages agricoles sont caractérisés par une dynamique temporelle importante du fait des successions culturales. L’objectif de la thèse est de comprendre l’effet de la distribution spatiale et temporelle des ressources florales dans les paysages agricoles sur les interactions plantes-pollinisateurs et la pollinisation. Nous montrons que les CFM au pic de floraison attirent les pollinisateurs sauvages des prairies et l’abeille domestique et supportent ainsi la fonction de pollinisation à cette période. Au sein des CFM, l’abeille domestique consomme les ressources fournies par les cultures préférentiellement en bordure de parcelle, et semble exclure les pollinisateurs sauvages des fleurs cultivées ceux-ci sont alors maintenus par les plantes adventices. A la fin de la floraison des CFM, les pollinisateurs dispersent vers les prairies et les céréales qui supportent ainsi la pollinisation. A cette période, les plantes adventices à travers leur abondance dans les céréales, et leur diversité dans les prairies supportent les pollinisateurs sauvages. La persistance des pollinisateurs et de la pollinisation dans les paysages agricoles, repose sur (i) le maintien des prairies et des plantes adventices qui assurent la continuité spatio-temporelle de la disponibilité en ressources florales, (ii) les CFM qui supplémentent les paysages en ressources florales, et (iii) la réduction de la taille des parcelles qui facilite l’accès aux ressources florales. Ces mesures sont compatibles avec la production agricole
Maintaining insect pollinators in farmland is essential for ensuring the pollination of crops and wild plants. This partly relies on the increase of floral resource availability. Mass flowering crops (MFC) provide a high amount of resources, but on a short period of time contrary to grasslands or weeds sheltered in fields. This temporal aspect is rarely studied, although it might be crucial in the maintenance of pollinators and insect pollination over the season. The aim of the thesis is to understand how the spatial and temporal distribution of the floral resources in farmland influence plant-pollinator interactions and pollination. Our results indicate that MFC at their peak flowering period, attract wild pollinators from grasslands and the honeybee; thus, supporting the pollination function. Within MFC, the honeybee preferentially consumes floral resources provided by crops, and may exclude wild pollinators from crop flowers which therefore foraged on weeds. After MFC flowering, pollinator insects spillover to grasslands and cereals which support pollination. Weeds, through their diversity in grasslands, and through their abundance in cereals support wild pollinators at this time period. The persistence of pollinators and pollination in farmland landscapes is based on (i) the maintenance of grasslands and weeds that ensure the spatio-temporal continuity of floral resources, (ii) MFC that supplement the landscapes in floral resources, and (iii) the reduction of field size that facilitates the access to the floral resources. Such measures appear to be compatible with crop production

Gay, Claire. "Compréhension du rôle des pollinisateurs dans les paysages agricoles dans différents contextes de gestion". Electronic Thesis or Diss., La Rochelle, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023LAROS021.

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Conserver les espèces pollinisatrices est un enjeu majeur, notamment en milieu agricole où elles sont indispensables à la pollinisation de différentes cultures. Ici, nous avons décidé de caractériser ces espèces et leurs ressources florales dans une plaine céréalière intensive, à travers l’utilisation de plusieurs années de données acquises grâce à plusieurs protocoles d’échantillonnage. Cette plaine se caractérise par une forte dynamique spatio-temporelle, résultant des floraisons massives mais brèves des cultures oléagineuses. Nous avons recensé sur cette plaine près d’un tiers des espèces d’abeilles trouvées en France, dont certaines sont rares, et avons cherché à mieux comprendre leur écologie afin d’aider au maintien de cette diversité. Les abeilles co-occurrent avec d’autres pollinisateurs (papillons, syrphes) qui sont pour certains peu étudiés dans la littérature : une analyse de la niche alimentaire de l’ensemble de ces pollinisateurs a permis de mieux comprendre leur partage des ressources. La floraison du tournesol, contrairement à celle du colza, conduit à un faible recouvrement de niche entre pollinisateurs mais crée des réseaux d’interaction peu équilibrés où la quasi-totalité des liens de la fleur de culture s’établissent avec une seule espèce pollinisatrice, l’abeille domestique. À l’inverse, lors de la floraison du colza, l’abeille domestique et la fleur de colza possèdent chacune de nombreux partenaires d’interaction et sont des espèces clés maintenant une forte stabilité du réseau. Établir une dichotomie entre ces cultures à floraison massive – trop souvent considérées de manière monolithique – semble judicieux pour les recherches futures
The conservation of pollinators is a major issue, especially in farmlands where they are essential for pollinating different crops. Here, we have decided to characterize these species and their floral resources in an intensive agricultural plain, using several years of data acquired thanks to several sampling protocols. This plain is characterized by a strong spatio-temporal dynamic, resulting from the massive but brief flowering of oleaginous plants crops. In this study site, we have sampled nearly a third of the bee species already found in France, some of them being rare, and have sought to better understand their ecology in order to help to maintain this species diversity. Bees co-occur with other pollinators (butterflies, hoverflies), among which some are little studied in previous literature: an analysis of the food habits of all of these pollinators has enabled to better understand their sharing of floral resources. The sunflower flowering, unlike that of oilseed rape, leads to a low niche overlap between pollinators but creates unbalanced interaction networks where almost all the links of the crop flower are established with a single pollinator species, the honeybee. Conversely, during oilseed rape flowering, the honeybee and the oilseed rape flower each have many interaction partners and are key species, maintaining a strong network stability. Introduce a dichotomy between these both mass-flowering crops – too often considered as monolithic – seems a wise advice for future research

Delmas, Chloé. "Interactions plantes-pollinisateurs et reproduction sexuée en habitat fragmenté : le cas d'un arbuste à floraison massive". Toulouse 3, 2012. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/1603/.

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Il est maintenant reconnu que les changements globaux actuels ont un impact négatif sur les populations de plantes et de pollinisateurs. Pourtant, les conséquences écologiques et évolutives d'une limitation en partenaires sexuels et/ou en pollinisateurs sur les systèmes de reproduction des plantes ont été peu étudiées à ce jour. Notre contribution à cet enjeu scientifique porte ainsi sur l'étude de la limitation de la pollinisation le long d'un gradient de ressources florales chez un arbuste autocompatible à floraison massive (Rhododendron ferrugineum). Les causes de cette limitation et ses conséquences sur la reproduction sexuée du rhododendron y sont explorées au moyen d'une approche multiple comprenant : la description des interactions plantes-pollinisateurs à l'échelle de la communauté, l'étude des charges polliniques transportées et déposées par les pollinisateurs et la caractérisation de la pollinisation et du système de reproduction de R. Ferrugineum. Les mécanismes écologiques et évolutifs (intrinsèques à cette espèce ou liés à la communauté environnante de plantes) susceptibles de compenser la limitation de la pollinisation sont également examinés. Nous mettons en évidence que l'abondance des pollinisateurs diminue substantiellement avec la réduction des ressources florales de R. Ferrugineum. Toutefois, grâce à sa forte attractivité, ce dernier monopolise les pollinisateurs de la communauté compensant ainsi l'effet négatif de l'isolement. La limitation de la pollinisation (transfert de pollen) de R. Ferrugineum, est principalement due à une faible disponibilité en pollinisateurs lorsque les ressources florales sont abondantes (compétition intraspécifique) et à une faible disponibilité en partenaires sexuels lorsque les ressources florales sont réduites (autre extrémité du gradient). Notre étude démontre que la limitation en pollinisateurs et la limitation en partenaires conduisent à deux modes de pollinisation contrastés (respectivement allogamie / autogamie facilitée) et à une variation du succès reproducteur (faible / élevé) et du taux d'autofécondation (faible / élevé) de R. Ferrugineum. Toutefois, aucun changement évolutif du système de reproduction vers l'autofécondation spontanée n'a été observé en réponse à cette limitation en transfert de pollen, quelle que soit son origine (pollinisateurs / partenaires). Cette étude démontre clairement l'intérêt d'utiliser une approche holistique pour étudier les conséquences des changements globaux sur l'évolution du système de reproduction et le potentiel adaptatif des plantes. La très forte dépression de consanguinité et les pressions de sélection liées à l'attraction des pollinisateurs favorisant tant l'autogamie facilitée que l'allogamie, semblent fortement contraindre l'évolution du système de reproduction des espèces pérennes à floraison massive
There is increasing evidence that global changes negatively impact plant and pollinator populations. However, the ecological and evolutionary consequences of pollinator and mate limitations on plant mating system have been poorly studied. To contribute to this scientific challenge, we study the importance of pollination failure in a self-compatible and mass-flowering shrub (Rhododendron ferrugineum) along a gradient of floral display size. To explore the causes of pollination failure and the consequences on the reproductive success of this focal species, we used an integrative approach including: the study of plant-pollinator interactions at the community scale, pollinator and stigmatic pollen load analyses and the pollination and mating system of the focal species. We also examine, at the species and community levels, the ecological and evolutionary processes that might be able to alleviate pollination failure. We evidence that pollinator abundance substantially decreased with decreasing R. Ferrugineum floral display size. Nevertheless, this highly attractive species monopolizes pollinators from the surrounding community, mitigating the negative consequences of plant isolation. Pollination failure, assessed by pollen transfer limitation in R. Ferrugineum, is due to low pollinator availability in patches with large floral display sizes (intraspecific competition) while it is due to low conspecific plant availability in patches with small floral display sizes. Our study highlights that pollinator versus mate limitation resulted in contrasted pollination modes (allogamy / facilitated autogamy, respectively), reproductive success (low / high) and selfing rate (low / high). Contrary to our expectations, no evolutionary shift has been observed towards a higher frequency of spontaneous self-fertilization in response to pollen transfer limitation due to either pollinator or mate limitation. This study clearly demonstrates the relevance of using holistic approaches to assess global changes consequences on mating system evolution and adaptive potential of plant species. High inbreeding depression and selective pressures on pollinator attractive structures, allowing both facilitated selfing and outcrossing, are likely to prevent mating system evolution in long-lived mass-flowering species

Shan, Sei Fan Augustine. "Contribution à l'étude de la physiologie de la violette de Toulouse : application au transfert en culture hors sol". Toulouse, INPT, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993INPT024A.

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Abstract (sommario):
Cette these est partie integrante d'un programme de recherche-developpement concernant la violette de toulouse, pour permettre la relance de cette production regionale. Trois themes majeurs sont abordes: la connaissance de la plante, les modalites de son transfert en culture hors sol, et le controle de sa floraison. Une description phenologique, morphologique et anatomique est realisee. La violette de toulouse est caracterisee par un dimorphisme floral: elle est exploitee pour ses fleurs chasmogames emises en periode hivernale, les fleurs cleistogames ne presentant aucun interet commercial. La plante semble etre une espece essentiellement hemeroperiodique vis-a-vis de sa floraison chasmogame, la thermoperiode ayant un effet secondaire de type synergique. Les besoins hydriques et mineraux reduits de la violette resultent d'un developpement vegetatif peu eleve. En culture traditionnelle, les exportations sont limitees aux fleurs; l'adaptation de la technique culturale aux particularites du climat toulousain explique la reussite locale de cette production. L'echec du transfert de plants issus de culture traditionnelle en culture hydroponique semble lie a une sensibilite particuliere de ce type de materiel vegetal a l'asphyxie racinaire, qui n'est pas retrouvee sur des plants issus d'in vitro. L'aboutissement du programme pluri-disciplinaire de recherche portant sur la violette de toulouse s'est traduit au cours de l'annee 1992 par le transfert de plants issus d'in vitro en culture en hors sol, en conditions reelles d'exploitation. Le nouveau systeme de production permet un raccourcissement du cycle de culture, ainsi qu'un rendement en fleurs tres superieur a celui obtenu en culture traditionnelle. La production florale est egalement plus homogene, sur une saison plus longue. L'utilisation de regulateurs de croissance a ete experimentee. Les resultats obtenus montrent l'interet de ces substances pour la limitation de la vegetation des plants (reducteurs de croissance) ainsi que pour le controle de leur floraison (acide gibberellique)

Bertheloot, Jessica. "Distribution de l'azote chez le blé (Triticum aesticum L. ) après la floraison : un modèle dynamique fondé sur une approche structure-fonction". Paris, AgroParisTech, 2009. http://pastel.paristech.org/5134/01/These_Jessica_Bertheloot_2009.pdf.

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Abstract (sommario):
L’azote est une ressource importante pour la croissance des plantes, et pour les pathogènes des cultures. L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer une modélisation mécaniste des dynamiques d’azote dans une plante de blé en post-floraison. Pour cela, une approche structure-fonction a été mise en oeuvre. Des expérimentations ont permis de caractériser les dynamiques spatio-temporelles d’azote dans la tige feuillée. La masse d’azote surfacique des limbes et des gaines diminuait avec la distance depuis le sommet du couvert, mais elle était homogène le long d’un limbe ou d’une gaine. Les dynamiques temporelles étaient identiques pour les gaines et les limbes suggérant que ces deux entités répondent de la même manière à la lumière interceptée et à l’état azoté de la plante. De plus, les dynamiques étaient synchrones pour tous les phytomères et identiques à un facteur d’échelle près. En période d’absence d’absorption d’azote racinaire, ces dynamiques suivaient une cinétique d’ordre un. Ces résultats ont permis de développer un modèle structure-fonction des dynamiques d’azote au sein de la structure botanique d’une tige feuillée. Les principales hypothèses de ce modèle sont: (i) la teneur en azote d’un limbe est déterminée par le turnover des protéines de l’appareil photosynthétique; (ii) les différentes entités de la tige feuillée partagent un pool commun d’azote mobile. Ce modèle a été validé sur une gamme contrastée de conditions environnementales avec un jeu unique de six paramètres. Les relations azote-éclairement sont une propriété émergente des processus décrits à l’échelle locale. Ce travail ouvre des perspectives pour simuler la régulation des dynamiques d’azote dans des modèles individus-centrés de peuplements végétaux

Jahiel, Michel. "Phénologie d'un arbre méditerranéen acclimaté en région tropicale : le dattier au sud du Niger et son appropriation par la société Manga". Montpellier 2, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996MON20068.

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Abstract (sommario):
Le transfert du dattier en région tropicale et plus spécifiquement au sahel conduit à des modifications de sa croissance végétative qui est plus rapide et de sa floraison qui suit deux cycles annuels. Ces modifications qui permettent de distinguer le dattier sahélien de son congénère saharo-méditerranéen, apportent des informations sur les possibilités d'extension de l'aire de culture de cette espèce. L'existence d'un cycle annuel supplémentaire est à mettre en relation avec les conditions climatiques, édaphiques et hydriques qui caractérisent la région d'étude. En particulier, la saison des pluies estivale semble jouer un rôle déterminant dans la réalisation de ce cycle, contrairement à la température, considérée comme le facteur inducteur de la floraison des dattiers saharo-méditerranéens, qui n'agit pas suivant les mêmes règles sur les dattiers intertropicaux. La colonisation naturelle rapide des dépressions ou la nappe phréatique est affleurant et l'aptitude à produire deux récoltes de dattes par an pendant la période de soudure, ont favorisé l'intégration du dattier dans les agrosystèmes de la société manga. En moins d'un demi-siècle, les agriculteurs ont progressivement intégré cette espèce dans leur patrimoine, employé l'arbre pour leur sécurisation foncière et utilise ses produits. Sur le plan technique, la définition de pratique culturale (multiplication, entretien, récolte) prenant en compte les contraintes sociales et environnementales a permis d'accroitre la productivité des dattiers et la qualité des dattes récoltées. D'un point de vue pratique, ce travail présente un modèle de fonctionnement et d'appropriation récente du dattier par l'homme.

Alonso, Marie. "Balance entre reproduction sexuée et asexuée chez le fraisier : vers la construction d’un réseau de gènes contrôlant le devenir du méristème axillaire". Thesis, Bordeaux, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022BORD0158.

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Abstract (sommario):
Le fraisier est capable de se reproduire de manière sexuée, via la floraison, et de manière asexuée, via la production de stolons. Ces deux modes de reproduction sont en compétition au niveau du méristème axillaire (MAx), qui peut devenir soit une branche latérale pouvant se terminer par une inflorescence, soit un stolon ou soit rester dormant. Ainsi, jouer sur le devenir du MAx modifie l’architecture de la plante et favorise le rendement soit en fruits soit en plants filles. L’objectif de la thèse est d’identifier et de caractériser des acteurs influençant le devenir d’un MAx en branche latérale ou en stolon en utilisant comme modèle le fraisier diploïde. Il se décline en trois points :(1) L’observation morphologique et histologique des évènements précoces du développement du MAx a permis de définir pour la première fois chez le fraisier une échelle de développement du MAx en stolon ou en branche latérale. Cette étude met en évidence un stade indifférencié, morphologiquement identique entre les deux devenirs possibles.(2) L’étude du transcriptome de bourgeons axillaires indifférenciés a permis d’identifier 283 gènes différentiellement exprimés (DEG) entre ceux qui vont devenir un stolon et ceux qui vont devenir une branche latérale. Parmi les DEG, certains gènes comme FveTCP9, homologue de AtBRC1, ainsi que des gènes impliqués dans la voie des phytohormones et de la floraison ont été identifiés et sélectionnés pour d’autres analyses afin d’approfondir leur rôle dans le devenir du MAx. Afin d’initier un réseau de gènes, une seconde analyse transcriptomique a pris en compte le développement spatio-temporel du bourgeon axillaire en branche latérale ou en stolon. Les effets de la position du bourgeon axillaire au niveau du nœud de l’axe primaire et du stade de développement de la plantule sur le transcriptome ont été mis en évidence.(3) Des analyses d’expression par qPCR sur des fonds génétiques différents et/ou hybridation in situ ont permis de confirmer l’implication des DEG sélectionnés dans le contrôle du devenir du MAx. Parmi ces gènes, les mutations obtenues par CRISPR-Cas9 sur FveTVP9 ont permis de valider son rôle dans le déterminisme du MAx grâce la production de branches latérales aux dépens des stolons.Cette thèse a permis d’initier un réseau de régulation contrôlant le devenir du MAx et également, de mettre en évidence des gènes clés qui pourront être étudiés chez le fraisier cultivé octoploïde à des fins agronomiques
Strawberry is able to reproduce both sexually, via flowering, and asexually, via the production of stolons. The AxM governs these two modes of reproduction since AxM can become a lateral branch terminated by an inflorescence, or a stolon, or remain dormant. Thus, the AxM fate shapes the plant architecture and promotes the fruit yield or daughter plant production. The objective of this thesis is to identify and characterise molecular actors that affect the AxM fate by using the diploid strawberry model. The manuscript is divided into three points:(1) Morphological and histological observation of the early events of the AxM development has allowed to define for the first time in strawberry a scale of the AxM development into a stolon or a lateral branch. This study highlights an undifferentiated stage that is morphologically identical for both types of AxM.(2) A transcriptome study of undifferentiated axillary buds identified 283 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between those becoming a stolon and becoming a lateral branch. Among the DEGs, we identified FveTCP9, homologous to AtBRC1, and genes involved in the phytohormone and flowering pathways. These genes were chosen for further analysis to investigate their role in the AxM fate.In order to initiate a gene network, a second transcriptomic analysis included the spatio-temporal development of the axillary bud into a lateral branch or a stolon. Results highlighted the effects of the axillary bud position at the node of the primary crown and the developmental stage of the seedling on the transcriptome.(3) The study of the chosen DEGs by using different approaches, qPCR in different genetic backgrounds and/or in situ hybridization, confirmed their role in controlling the AxM fate. Among these genes, the CRISPR-Cas9 mutation of FveTCP9 validates its role in the AXM fate and shows that lateral branches were produced at the expense of stolons.This thesis initiated a regulatory network controlling the fate of MAx and also identified key genes that could be studied in octoploid strawberry for future agronomic applications

Libri sul tema "Cultures à floraison massive":


Hammack, Phillip L., a cura di. The Oxford Handbook of Social Psychology and Social Justice. Oxford University Press, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199938735.001.0001.

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Abstract (sommario):
The twentieth century witnessed not only the devastation of war, conflict, and injustice on a massive scale, but also the emergence of social psychology as a discipline committed to addressing these and other social problems. In the twenty-first century, the promise of social psychology remains incomplete. We witness the reprise of authoritarianism and the endurance of institutionalized forms of oppression such as sexism, racism, and heterosexism across the globe. This volume represents an audacious proposal to reorient social psychology toward the study of social injustice in real-world settings. Contributors cross borders between cultures and disciplines to highlight new and emerging critical paradigms that interrogate the consequences of social injustice. United in their belief in the possibility of liberation from oppression, the authors of this book offer a blueprint for a new kind of social psychology.

Baban, Feyzi. Modernity and Its Contradictions. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190846626.013.265.

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Abstract (sommario):
Sixteenth-century Europe saw the emergence of a modern project that soon spread to other parts of the globe through conquest, colonization and imperialism, and finally globalization. In its historical development, modernity has radically remade the institutional and organizational structures of many traditional societies worldwide. It followed two distinct trajectories: the transformation of traditional societies within Western cultures, on the one hand, and the implementation of modernity in non-Western cultures, on the other. The emergence and development of modernity can be explained using three interrelated domains: ideology, politics, and economy. Enlightenment thinking constituted the ideological background of modernity, while the rise of individualism and the secularization of political power reflected its political dimension. The economic dimension of modernity involved the massive mobility of people into cities and the emergence of a market economy through the commercialization of human labor, along with production for profit. The recent phase of globalization has led to new developments that exposed the contradictions of modernity and forced us to rethink its fundamental assumptions. Two approaches that have attempted to redefine the universality in modern thinking and its relationship with particular cultures are the institutional cosmopolitanism approach and the multiple modernities approach; the latter rejects the universality of Western modernity and instead sees modernity as a distinctly local phenomenon. Future research should focus on how different cultures relate to one another within the boundaries of global modernity, along with the conditions under which local forms of modernity emerge.

Purdy, Michelle A. Transforming the Elite. University of North Carolina Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.5149/northcarolina/9781469643496.001.0001.

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Abstract (sommario):
When traditionally white public schools in the South became sites of massive resistance in the wake of the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision, numerous white students exited the public system altogether, with parents choosing homeschooling or private segregationist academies. But some historically white elite private schools or independent schools, the most prestigious of private schools, opted to desegregate. The black students that attended these schools courageously navigated institutional and interpersonal racism but ultimately emerged as upwardly mobile leaders. Transforming the Elite tells this story. Focusing on the experiences of the first black students to desegregate Atlanta's well-known The Westminster Schools and national efforts to diversify private schools, Michelle A. Purdy combines social history with policy analysis in a dynamic narrative that expertly re-creates this overlooked history. Through gripping oral histories and rich archival research, this book showcases educational changes for black southerners during the civil rights movement including the political tensions confronted, struggles faced, and school cultures transformed during private school desegregation. This history foreshadows contemporary complexities at the heart of the black community's mixed feelings about charter schools, school choice, and education reform.

Kumar, Akshaya. Provincializing Bollywood. Oxford University Press, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190130183.001.0001.

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Abstract (sommario):
This book situates Bhojpuri cinema within the long history of vernacular media production, which was kick-started by audio cassettes and spurred on further with VCDs and DVDs. The emergence of multiplex-malls and the evacuation of single-screen theatres all over north India, at a time of massive real estate development, particularly in peninsular Indian cities, which required working class migrants’ ‘manual labour’ also prepared the ground for new linguistic consolidations and cultural forms. Investigating the historical, theoretical and empirical bases of Bhojpuri media production, the book tries to make sense of cinema within the ‘comparative media crucible’, in which film history sits alongside floods, droughts, musical traditions, gendered segregation, real estate boom, libidinal youth cultures, urban resettlements and highway modernities. The book grapples with Bhojpuri media from within Hindi film history, from the vantage point of provincial north India, in the light of the socio-technical upheavals of the last three decades. Foregrounding the libidinal energies, language politics and curatorial informalities, the book argues that Bhojpuri cinema could be conceptualized via the logic of overflow. Animated by libidinal affordances which have breached all formal embankments, it thrives on a curious blend of scandalizing and moralizing overtones.

Molotch, Harvey, e Davide Ponzini, a cura di. The New Arab Urban. NYU Press, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.18574/nyu/9781479880010.001.0001.

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Abstract (sommario):
This book is a way to learn from the Persian Gulf – to use its cities, cultures, and politics to broaden our understanding of how wealth and power operate in the world today. To learn from cities of the Arabian Peninsula -- places like Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Doha -- does not mean celebrating them or ridiculing them either. It means looking closely at how they operate and their prospects for future impacts inside and outside the region. Here, a group of scholars from across the disciplines and much of the world, strives to emplace the new developments in wider histories of trade, of technology, and of design. They trace where the money, ideas and projects come from and where they end up going. They show how Gulf elites import planning and design solutions, along with brands and prestige cultural institutions, from the West – and also what they then send out. The Gulf set-ups – in real estate, finance, and governance -- function as “test beds” for new state-market arrangements. Also involved is the massive import of temporary labor and, almost incidentally, severe ecological deficit. Gulf Cities display extreme manifestations of urbanization trends that, however unanticipated in the grand traditions of urban scholarship, now impact the world.

Rinard Hinga, Bethany D. Ring of Fire. ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9798216009061.

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The author examines natural disasters around the Pacific Rim throughout history together with scientific data context to produce enlightening—and highly readable—entries. On March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck off Japan's coast, triggering a powerful tsunami. The massive destruction that resulted proved that not even sophisticated, industrialized nations are immune from nature's fury. Written to take some of the mystery out of the earth's behavior, this encyclopedia chronicles major natural disasters that have occurred around the Pacific Rim, an area nicknamed the "Ring of Fire" because of the volatile earth that lies above and below. The encyclopedia offers descriptions of deadly earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis through time. The entries provide in-depth information that promotes an understanding of the structure of the earth and earth processes and shares the insights of scientists whose work helps clarify the causes and effects of these cataclysmic events. At the same time, the work examines how the people and cultures of the Pacific Rim view this active part of the earth, how they live with the threat of disaster, and how they have been affected by major events that have occurred. Readers will come away with a holistic view of what is known, how this knowledge was gained, and what its implications may be.

Hooper, Daniel, e Natasha Hashimoto, a cura di. Teacher Narratives From the Eikaiwa Classroom: Moving Beyond "McEnglish". Candlin & Mynard ePublishing, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.47908/13.

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Abstract (sommario):
This book includes 16 chapters written by current and former eikaiwa (English conversation school) teachers to illustrate a complexity within the eikaiwa profession that has been thus far largely ignored. Through teacher narratives, the authors explore the unique and often problematic world of eikaiwa to present a counter narrative to what the editors regard as blanket stereotyping of a multifaceted and evolving teaching context. ​ Eikaiwa schools are found in virtually every city and town in Japan. They provide conversation and test-preparation classes for learners of all ages. Those attending eikaiwa may be looking to prepare for an overseas holiday or work placement, achieve a required TOEIC score for their company, or simply enjoy a new hobby and socialise with people from different cultures and backgrounds. Eikaiwa teachers often need to negotiate conflicting demands from students, parents, management, and society at large. Furthermore, opportunities for professional development are scarce and research on this context is virtually non existent. Despite the massive scale of the eikaiwa industry and the varied roles that teachers are required to fulfil within it, expatriate and ELT communities have also tended to stigmatise the work of eikaiwa teachers as being simplistic and uniform. As a result, many former eikaiwa teachers choose to “forget” their eikaiwa past and the way it shaped them as professionals. This volume provides an important opportunity for eikaiwa teachers to share their stories and for the editors to present a coherent and convincing case for the value that the experiences of working in English conversation schools has for our understanding of teaching and learning languages.

Walters, Dale. Chocolate Crisis. University Press of Florida, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.5744/florida/9781683401674.001.0001.

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Chocolate is the center of a massive global industry worth billions of dollars annually, yet its future in our modern world is currently under threat. Here, Dale Walters discusses the problems posed by plant diseases, pests, and climate change, looking at what these mean for the survival of the cacao tree. Walters takes readers to the origins of the cacao tree in the Amazon basin of South America, describing how ancient cultures used the beans produced by the plant, and follows the rise of chocolate as an international commodity over many centuries. He explains that most cacao is now grown on small family farms in Latin America, West Africa, and Indonesia, and that the crop is not easy to make a living from. Diseases such as frosty pod rot, witches’ broom, and swollen shoot, along with pests such as sap-sucking capsids, cocoa pod borers, and termites, cause substantial losses every year. Most alarmingly, cacao growers are beginning to experience the accelerating effects of global warming and deforestation. Projections suggest that cultivation in many of the world’s traditional cacao-growing regions might soon become impossible. Providing an up-to-date picture of the state of the cacao bean today, this book also includes a look at complex issues such as farmer poverty and child labor, and examines options for sustainable production amid a changing climate. Walters shows that the industry must tackle these problems in order to save this global cultural staple and to protect the people who make their livelihoods from producing it.

Rosenblatt, Jason P. John Selden. Oxford University Press, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780192842923.001.0001.

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The life of John Selden (1584–1654) was both contemplative and active. Seventeenth-century England’s most learned person, he continued in the Long Parliament of the 1640s his vigorous opposition, begun in the 1620s, to the abuses of power, whether by Charles I or, later, by the Presbyterian-controlled Westminster Assembly. His gift for finding analogies among different cultures—Greco-Roman, Christian, Jewish, and Islamic—helped to transform both the poetry and prose of the century’s greatest poet, John Milton. Regarding family law, the two might have influenced one another. Milton cites Selden, and Selden owned two of Milton’s treatises on divorce, published in 1645, both of them presumably acquired while he was writing Uxor Ebraica (1646). Selden accepted the non-biblically rabbinic, externally imposed, coercive Adamic/Noachide precepts as universal laws of perpetual obligation, rejecting his predecessor Hugo Grotius’ view of natural law as the innate result of right reason. He employed rhetorical strategies in De Jure Naturali et Gentium (“The Law of Nature and of Nations”) to prepare his readers for what might otherwise have shocked them: his belief in classic rabbinic law (halakha) as authoritative testimony. Although Selden was very active in the Long Parliament, his only surviving debates from that decade were as a lay member of the Westminster Assembly of Divines. The Assembly’s scribe left so many gaps that the transcript is sometimes indecipherable. This book fills in the gaps and makes the speeches coherent by finding their contexts in Selden’s printed works, both the scholarly, as in the massive De Synedriis, but also in the witty and informal Table Talk.

Capitoli di libri sul tema "Cultures à floraison massive":


Johnston, Andrew M. "Two Cultures of Massive Retaliation". In Hegemony and Culture in the Origins of NATO Nuclear First-Use, 1945–1955, 155–86. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/9781403976932_7.

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Eriksen, Thomas Hylland, e Martina Visentin. "Threats to Diversity in a Overheated World". In Acceleration and Cultural Change, 27–45. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-33099-5_3.

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AbstractMost of Eriksen’s research over the years has somehow or other dealt with the local implications of globalization. He has looked at ethnic dynamics, the challenges of forging national identities, creolization and cosmopolitanism, the legacies of plantation societies and, more recently, climate change in the era of ‘accelerated acceleration’. Here we want to talk not just about cultural diversity and not just look at biological diversity, but both, because he believes that there are some important pattern resemblances between biological and cultural diversity. And many of the same forces militate against that and threaten to create a flattened world with less diversity, less difference. And, obviously, there is a concern for the future. We need to have an open ended future with different options, maximum flexibility and the current situation with more homogenization. We live in a time when there are important events taking place, too, from climate change to environmental destruction, and we need to do something about that. In order to show options and possibilities for the future, we have to focus on diversity because complex problems need diverse answers.Martina: I would like to start with a passion of mine to get into one of your main research themes: diversity. I’m a Marvel fan and, what is emerging, is a reduction of what Marvel has always been about: diversity in comics. There seems to be a standardization that reduces the specificity of each superhero and so it seems that everyone is the same in a kind of indifference of difference. So in this hyper-diversity, I think there is also a reduction of diversity. Do you see something similar in your studies as well?Thomas: It’s a great example, and it could be useful to look briefly at the history of thought about diversity and the way in which it’s suddenly come onto the agenda in a huge way. If you take a look at the number of journal articles about diversity and related concepts, the result is stunning. Before 1990, the concept was not much used. In the last 30 years or so, it’s positively exploded. You now find massive research on biodiversity, cultural diversity, agro-biodiversity, biocultural diversity, indigenous diversity and so on. You’ll also notice that the growth curve has this ‘overheating shape’ indicating exponential growth in the use of the terms. And why is this? Well, I think this has something to do with what Hegel described when he said that ‘the owl of Minerva flies at dusk,’ which is to say that it is only when a phenomenon is being threatened or even gone that it catches widespread attention. Regarding diversity, we may be witnessing this mechanism. The extreme interest in diversity talk since around 1990 is largely a result of its loss which became increasingly noticeable since the beginning of the overheating years in the early 1990s. So many things happened at the same time, more or less. I was just reminded yesterday of the fact that Nelson Mandela was released almost exactly a year after the fall of the Berlin Wall. There were many major events taking place, seemingly independently of each other, in different parts of the world. This has something to do with what you’re talking about, because yes, I think you’re right, there has been a reduction of many kinds of diversity.So when we speak of superdiversity, which we do sometimes in migration studies (Vertovec, 2023), we’re really mainly talking about people who are diverse in the same ways, or rather people who are diverse in compatible ways. They all fit into the template of modernity. So the big paradox here of identity politics is that it expresses similarity more than difference. It’s not really about cultural difference because they rely on a shared language for talking about cultural difference. So in other words, in order to show how different you are from everybody else, you first have to become quite similar. Otherwise, there is a real risk that we’d end up like Ludwig Wittgenstein’s lion. In Philosophical Investigations (Wittgenstein, 1983), he remarks that if a lion could talk, we wouldn’t understand what it was saying. Lévi-Strauss actually says something similar in Tristes Tropiques (Lévi-Strauss, 1976) where he describes meeting an Amazonian people, I think it was the Nambikwara, who are so close that he could touch them, and yet it is as though there were a glass wall between them. That’s real diversity. It’s different in a way that makes translation difficult. And it’s another world. It’s a different ontology.These days, I’m reading a book by Leslie Bank and Nellie Sharpley about the Coronavirus pandemic in South Africa (Bank & Sharpley, 2022), and there are rural communities in the Eastern Cape which don’t trust biomedicine, so many refuse vaccinations. They resist it. They don’t trust it. Perhaps they trust traditional remedies slightly more. This was and is the situation with HIV-AIDS as well. This is a kind of diversity which is understandable and translateable, yet fundamental. You know, there are really different ways in which we see the Cosmos and the universe. So if you take the Marvel films, they’ve really sort of renovated and renewed the superhero phenomenon, which was almost dead when they began to revive it. As a kid around 1970, I was an avid reader of Superman and Batman. I also read a lot of Donald Duck and incidentally, a passion for i paperi and the Donald/Paperino universe is one curious commonality between Italy and Norway. Anyway, with the superheroes, everybody was very white. They represented a the white, conservative version of America. In the renewed Marvel universe, there are lots of literally very strong women, who are independent agents and not just pretty appendages to the men as they had often been in the past. You also had people with different cultural and racial identities. The Black Panther of Wakanda and all the mythology which went with it are very popular in many African countries. It’s huge in Nigeria, for example, and seems to add to the existing diversity. But then again, as we were saying and as you observed, these characters are diverse in comparable within a uniform framework, a pretty rigid cultural grammar which presupposes individualism: there are no very deep cultural differences in the way they see the world. So that’s the new kind of diversity, which really consists more of talking about diversity than being diverse. I should add that the superdiversity perspective is very useful, and I have often drawn on it myself in research on cultural complexity. But it remains framed within the language of modernity.Martina: What you just said makes me think of contradictory dimensions that are, however, held together by the same gaze. How is it that your approach helps hold together processes that nevertheless tell us the same thing about the concept of diversity?Thomas: When we talk about diversity, it may be fruitful to look at it from a different angle. We could look at traditional knowledge and bodily skills among indigenous peoples, for example, and ideas about nature and the afterlife. Typically, some would immediately object that this is wrong and we are right and they should learn science and should go to school, period. But that’s not the point when we approach them as scholars, because then we try to understand their worlds from within and you realize that this world is experienced and perceived in ways which are quite different from ours. One of the big debates in anthropology for a number of years now has concerned the relationship between culture and nature after Lévi-Strauss, the greatest anthropological theorist of the last century. His view was that all cultures have a clear distinction between culture and nature, which is allegedly a universal way of creating order. This view has been challenged by people who have done serious ethnographic work on the issue, from my Oslo colleague Signe Howell’s work in Malaysia to studies in Melanesia, but perhaps mainly in the Amazon, where anthropologists argue that there are many ways of conceptualising the relationship between humans and everything else. Many of these world-views are quite ecological in character. They see us as participants in the same universe as other animals, plants and even rocks and rivers, and might point out that ‘the land does not belong to us – we belong to the land’. That makes for a very different relationship to nature than the predatory, exploitative form typical of capitalist modernity. In other words, in these cultural worlds, there is no clear boundary between us humans and non-humans. If you go in that direction, you will discover that in fact, cultural diversity is about much more than giving rights to minorities and celebrating National Day in different ethnic costumes, or even establishing religious tolerance. That way of talking about diversity is useful, but it should not detract attention from deeper and older forms of diversity.

Gupta, Shikha, e Samarth Gupta. "Massive Open Online Courses". In Handbook of Research on Teaching Strategies for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse International Students, 289–305. IGI Global, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-8921-2.ch015.

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Multimedia technology and the internet have revolutionized the delivery and the reach of education through massive open online courses (MOOCs). Starting in 2011 when professors from Stanford University took a lead in starting such courses, teaching/learning through MOOCs has become a revolution of sorts with the professors and the higher education institutions (HEIs) realizing the benefits of several thousand students registering for an online course. Today, more than 11000 MOOCs are available from various countries spanning diverse cultures and languages, disrupting the teaching/learning models in the HEIs. This chapter outlines the history of MOOCs. It also suggests research questions towards the use of MOOCs in promoting international/intercultural communication. A critical assessment of the impact of online learning and MOOCs in the COVID-19 era is also presented.

Stenport, Anna Westerstahl, e Arne Lunde. "The Serpent’s Egg: Ingmar Bergman’s Exilic Elsewheres in 1970s New German and New Hollywood Cinema". In Nordic Film Cultures and Cinemas of Elsewhere, 341–59. Edinburgh University Press, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/edinburgh/9781474438056.003.0026.

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This chapter focuses on Ingmar Bergman’s historical drama The Serpent’s Egg (1977), made in West Germany during the director’s 5-year self-imposed exile over a tax scandal in Sweden. Set during the hyper-inflationary Weimar Berlin of the early 1920s, the film retells in an expressionist mode the rise of German Nazism. Produced by Italian-born film mogul Dino DeLaurentiis and filmed on set in Munich with an international cast, The Serpent’s Egg was meant to provide an English-language European art film for American audiences, situating Bergman for Hollywood exposure. It simultaneously engaged with a silenced, repressed part of German history that New German Cinema directors had not yet begun to address by the mid-1970s. The massive exterior sets were re-used for Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s Berlin Alexanderplatz (1980) and served a central role in that episodic TV-miniseries. Thus The Serpent’s Egg becomes not only an ‘elsewhere’ of Bergman’s production and New German Cinema, but also of New Hollywood.

Willis, Paul E. "Conclusions". In Profane Culture. Princeton University Press, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.23943/princeton/9780691163697.003.0008.

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This chapter offers some final insights on the dialectic relationships performed by both the motor-bike and hippy cultures, and identifies what constitutes as their cultural politics. Both cultures took the unexplored side, the double edge, of commodities and cultural items around them to express and develop their own meanings. In the course of this cultural development they were also, however, exploring some of the massive contradictions and tensions in modern society. These cultures do not follow the guidelines of official culture, nor do they obey rules provided from outside or above. They are not even often recognized as unified cultures by agencies who pick up various fragmented aspects as ‘social problems’. They have rejected or never received what is known, valued, and revered. They live amid provided, cheap commodities. For all this, they have the essential, rare, irreverent gift of profanity: creativity.

BERK, Cybèle. "Le MOOC de Turc". In Médier entre langues, cultures et identités : enjeux, outils, stratégies, 123–32. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.17184/eac.5508.

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Le MOOC est un terme formé des initiales abréviatives signifiant en anglais Massive Open Online Course. Il s’agit d’une plateforme de formation en ligne ouverte à tous développée au début des années 2010. Le MOOC de Turc est en préparation depuis deux ans le cadre d’un projet collectif à l’INALCO. Il s’agit d’un cours de langue audiovisuel en ligne, à distance et en autoformation. Dans cet article trois questions d’ordre pédagogique seront abordées : — les difficultés linguistiques liées à la langue turque et à la simplification des procédures pédagogiques imposée par la durée de l’enseignement (5 semaines). — la pertinence des solutions qu’on propose. Comment contourner les obstacles érigés par la distance, la durée, la simplification et l’hétérogénéité du public ? — et enfin, comment mettre à profit un programme conçu pour l’enseignement à distance dans des cours d’initiation présentiels ? Une fois achevé, nous pensons qu’il pourra être utilisé également dans nos cours d’initiation, ainsi que dans les cours de la Formation Continue ; puisqu’on envisage une évaluation et une certification dans un modèle économique. Nous nous interrogerons enfin sur la force d’attractivité mais aussi les points de faiblesse de ce nouvel outil pédagogique.

Shneiderman, Ben. "Safety Culture through Business Management Strategies". In Human-Centered AI, 179–94. Oxford University Press, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780192845290.003.0020.

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Past accidents and incidents often had narrow impacts, but today’s failures of massive technology-based interdependent organizations in globalized economies can have devastating effects for the health and economies of entire cities, regions, and continents. Safety cultures have been successful in medicine, transportation, and other industries, so they may be effective for HCAI. The methods include: (1) Leadership commitment to safety, (2) hiring and training oriented to safety, (3) extensive reporting of failures and near misses, (4) internal review boards for problems and future plans, and (5) alignment with industry standards and accepted best practices. Safety cultures are never perfect, but they can improve existing processes and reduce costs, in part by preventing damage and injury.

Hamidu, Ishaku. "Impact of Gun Trafficking on the Political Economy of Nigeria". In Gun Violence and Prevention - Connections, Cultures, and Consequences [Working Title]. IntechOpen, 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.1001976.

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Nigeria is a country with huge population, large landmass and numerous natural endowments on the African continent. These are not only assets for solid economic growth and development, but a vital stimulant to attract direct foreign investments. Using qualitative research method and exploring some secondary data, it is discovered that gun trafficking is affecting the polity and socioeconomic activities negatively. Gun trafficking due to porous border security and lucrative gun economy has exacerbated ethno-religious conflicts, increase banditry/abductions, herders-farmers clashes, electoral violence, discouraging direct foreign investments, displacement of farmers and other business workers from their places of abode/job, high expenditure on weapons as against other vital socioeconomic needs, and has introduced a new phraseology into Nigerian state: unknown gunmen, bandits, armed men/groups, etc. Consequently, several parts of Nigeria are insecure, socioeconomic activities are partially grounded and the country, highly indebted. Authorities are urged to rise up to these challenges embark on massive enlightenment for all crafts (herders-farmers) to live in peace, liaise with neigbouring countries to check illegal movements and trafficking in guns and other contraband items, equip security operatives for maximum productivity and overcome corruption for the safety of the personnel, the economy and the polity at large.

Giesteira, Bruno, e Eduardo Pereira. "HCI4D Guidelines for Interactive Content". In Emerging Trends, Techniques, and Tools for Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Management, 49–77. IGI Global, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-5011-2.ch003.

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Fraunhofer AICOS, a research and development institute, and University of Porto made a joint venture with Mandela Metropolitan University and Eduardo Mondlane University in order to establish a set of guidelines based on an extensive research and experimental fieldwork to answer more efficiently to a user-centered design approach and focus on different users and different usage contexts. Those guidelines and this chapter provide recommendations to cope with cultural diversity, illiteracy, oral-based cultures, ergonomic factors, digital interface design, and social and environmental constraints, helping to understand problems and define strategic design actions in order to develop more user-centered solutions, focus on users' needs and expectations regarding their cultural, environmental, and technical contexts.

Braxton, Gordon. "Facing the Complications of Being an Anti-violent Man". In Empowering Black Boys to Challenge Rape Culture, 64–90. Oxford University Press, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780197571675.003.0004.

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The massive levels of sexual violence that are present today must have a source. Chapter 2 posits that male socialization is a primary contributor to male-perpetrated violence. Few would deny that a male socialization exists but it is rare to examine it. Readers are encouraged to help boys identify those aspects of manhood that negatively influence their lives, and the author shares some concerns about male cultures that boys have expressed to him. The toolbox for recruiters of boys is expanded as freedom from male stereotypes is suggested as a major selling point for boys that challenge traditional male training.

Atti di convegni sul tema "Cultures à floraison massive":


Taut, Val codrin. "BEYOND THE TALE OF THE 'TWO CULTURES': FILLING THE GAP BETWEEN ALGORITHMS AND INTERPRETATION". In eLSE 2017. Carol I National Defence University Publishing House, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.12753/2066-026x-17-188.

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In the late 1940s, Roberto Busa, an Italian Jesuit priest, conceived a computer tool allowing researchers to navigate within the massive corpus of Aquinas's works. The project, called Index Thomisticus, was the setting out of a very fruitful application of digital technologies in linguistics and literary analysis, generating a considerable epistemological optimism that catalyzed the formation of a broad epistemic field, today known as the field of Digital Humanities. However, recent findings show that Digital Humanities are still far from being a unified field, able to harbor new insights into human culture. Of course, digital tools have penetrated nearly all humanists’ research phases, but there are still strong incongruences between these two areas. One of the most common explanations of this mismatch points to the so called mutual opacity between the humanistic disciplines and the realm of technoscience, a line of division already outlined in the late nineteenth century and made famous by Charles P. Snow in his highly influential talk, subsequently published as The Two Cultures and the scientific Revolution (1959).Our intervention aims to move beyond this apparent antithesis. The core argument is that the division between humanities and technoscience has to be broken down into two distinct levels. The first one concerns the exclusionary structure of the digital field, while the second encompasses the circulation and the institutional valuation of knowledge in Humanities. The talk will be organized in 3 major steps. First, as already discussed, we will deal with the constitution of the epistemic field of Digital Humanities, mainly after 1990, trying to understand who is in and who is out. The second step will try to find out what are the institutional obstacles in digitalizing the humanistic research. Finally, the paper will end with some concrete suggestions in order to overcome the hindrances between the Humanities and the digital techniques.

Drobot, Irinaana. "EFFICIENT STRATEGIES OF A POPULAR MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSE: THE CASE OF MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY POETRY COURSE ("MODPO")". In eLSE 2020. University Publishing House, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.12753/2066-026x-20-230.

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The purpose of this paper is to analyse the reasons for the success of the Modern and Contemporary American Poetry Course held by Professor Al Filreis from the University of Pennsylvania, held on Coursera platform. Among the success factors, based on participants' feedback, we find the interaction with the instructor and teaching assistants, as well as with other students, which is found to a larger extent than in other MOOCs. Reasons for the use of the strategies will also be explored. We know from Hofstede's cultural dimensions that the USA score low on the power distance index, meaning that the relationships with authority are friendly and on equal terms. The interaction teacher - student is done in the same way in the offline as in the online media, with the same type of communication, low-context since the US relies on explicit communication. Otherwise, we notice how creativity of the students is encouraged, as they are given the freedom to express their opinions on the poems studied, another feature of low power distance cultures in the field of education. The benefit of such a course is that it encourages students to see poetry as accessible and as a means to express themselves freely and become more aware of how they feel when they react to understanding poetry. Students of all ages can share their experiences in the interpretation of the poems. The way the course is taught is in tune with the way contemporary poetry claims to be anti-elitist and thus accessible to everyone.

Sándorová, Zuzana. "The Importance of Intercultural and Communicative Competences for Tourism Labour Market". In Fifth International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/head19.2019.9389.

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The present paper is founded on two pillars. Firstly, it is one of the current trends in education worldwide, i.e. to connect theory and practice. Secondly, it is the need to be interculturally competent speakers of a foreign language in today’s globalized world of massive migration flows and signs of increasing ethnocentrism. Based upon these two requirements, the ability to communicate in a FL effectively and interculturally appropriately in the tourism industry is a must, since being employed in whichever of its sectors means encountering other cultures on a daily basis. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to find out undergraduate tourism students’ opinion on the importance of intercultural communicative competences for their future profession as well as their self-assessment in the given field. The findings of the research, which are to be compared to employers’ needs, revealed that there is considerable difference between the respondents’ views on the significance of the investigated issues and their self-esteem.


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Contemporary tourism has seen the adoption of mobile applications to discover and market attractions such as restaurants and hotels, yet few academic studies focus on customer attitudes and behaviours towards the usage of mobile marketing for restaurants in non-western cultures, like Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Arabian Government’s announcement that its borders are opening to international tourists marks a significant opportunity for the hospitality businesses. This study provides insight into customers’ attitudes and behaviours towards using mobile marketing channels when deciding on restaurants. Qualitative research using semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten Saudi customers who frequently utilised their smartphones to decide on restaurants. Thematic analysis identified positive attitudes towards using mobile marketing for restaurants which considered factors like usefulness, ease of use, time and money savings, while misleading information and massive advertising resulted in negative attitudes. Furthermore, the research highlights customers’ main mobile marketing activities before, during, and after their visits to restaurants. This research provides the initial findings identifying opportunities for businesses as a result of the adoption of these technologies.

Hubchyk, Kiryl, Alena Hlushen e R. Birukou. "Promising microorganisms for treatment of poultry processing wastewater". In 5th International Scientific Conference on Microbial Biotechnology. Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Republic of Moldova, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.52757/imb22.20.

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Massive volumes of effluents discharged by the poultry-processing plants contain elevated levels of pollutants (dissolved keratins, blood, lipids and proteins), and are distinguished by high BOD and COD values, as well as by large concentrations of suspended particles [1]. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop effective and eco-safe methods protecting the environment from contamination. Among such methods the application of efficient microbial degraders of toxicants, possessing enhanced flocculating and decomposing activity, that can be introduced into the decontamination units to supplement the microbiota of the activated sludge at various stages of treatment, seems to be especially promising. Currently, biopreparations of microbial consortia intended for remediation of the environments exposed to organic pollutants are widely spread. The most common constituents of such consortia represent such genera as Rhodococcus, Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Arthrobacter, etc. [2]. Our study was focused on the microorganisms of the Rhodococcus and Bacillus genera, which are able to utilize the organic compounds in the poultry processing wastewater. There were selected 14 variants out of 145 screened strains that were either deposited in the laboratory of environmental biotechnologies, Institute of Microbiology, NAS of Belarus, or isolated from effluents of poultry-processing plants. They were tested for the COD degradation activity in poultry-processing wastewater, assayed for the proteolytic and lipolytic activities [3], and estimated for the biosurfactant forming potential [4]. The degradation activity of the selected microbial cultures was investigated using poultry-processing effluents with initial COD value of 1144 O2/dm3. It was found that the top COD reduction was by B. subtilis 6/2-APF1, B. coagulans 1710, Bacillus sp. FL-9MV, Bacillus sp. FL X-5, Bacillus sp. PF1, R. ruber 30P, R. ruber 200N, R. ruber 1NG – 52,3-71,6%. The maximum proteolytic activity toward milk proteins was observed for B. coagulans 1710, B. subtilis 6/2-APF1, Bacillus sp. FL-9MV, Bacillus sp. FL X-5. The lipolytic activity on the tributyrin-containing medium was detected in all 14 tested strains – B. coagulans 1710, B. subtilis 6/2-APF1, Bacillus sp. FL-9MV, Bacillus sp. FL X-5, Bacillus sp. PF1, R. erythropolis 7D, R. erythropolis 23F, R. erythropolis 70F, R. ruber 2B, R. ruber 1NG, R. ruber 30P, Rhodococcus sp. P1, Rhodococcus sp. G13, R. ruber 200N with the last two being especially active. The highest capacity to produce biosurfactants in the specific nutrient medium with methylene blue was displayed by B. coagulans 1710, B. subtilis 6/2-APF1, Bacillus sp. FL-9MV, Bacillus sp. FL X-5. In addition, the ability to produce surface active agents was observed for the bacterial cultures of Bacillus sp. PF1, R. ruber 2B, Rhodococcus sp. R1-3FN, Rhodococcus sp. G13 and R. erythropolis 7D. Among the tested bacterial strains, the following cultures proved to be the most effective in decontamination of the poultry-processing wastewater: B. coagulans 1710, B. subtilis 6/2-APF1, Bacillus sp. FL-9MV, Bacillus sp. FL X-5, Bacillus sp. PF1. The above-listed microorganisms may act as promising components of the biopreparations promoting decontamination of the poultry-processing effluents.

Negreponti-Delivanis, Maria, e Ioana Panagoreţ. "Dangerous Demographic Change Reinforces Europe’s Declining Image". In G.I.D.T.P. 2019 - Globalization, Innovation and Development, Trends and Prospects 2019. LUMEN Publishing, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.18662/lumproc/gidtp2022/14.

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Currently, one of the main factors that shows us a picture of Europe's decline is that of demographic change. This process of decline of the West is marked by more than five decades of several indicators and evolutions that show us that although the time of Western civilization is beginning to run out, a new one appears, namely that of the East. This process of decline in which there is an extreme and unprecedented form of capitalism appears more pronounced in Europe compared to the United States and is characterized by: corruption, alienation of peoples from their roots, religion, history, low birth rates, massive flows of migrants and refugees, the totalitarian tendency of governments. Although the signs of decline are numerous, in this paper we will analyze certain demographic developments observed mainly in Europe and which we consider from several points of view dangerous. In addition to these developments, which we consider quite dangerous, globalization is the most important. The paper is structured in four parts, in the first part being presented the basic trends and variations from the population's perspective. In the second and third part are presented the main causes and effects of these variations of the populations and in the fourth part the conclusions of this study. Most of the interpretive analysis of this unwanted stagnation process is based on demographic erosion, population aging, low middle class rates, the invasion of migrants and refugees that change the cultures of the host nations.

Rapporti di organizzazioni sul tema "Cultures à floraison massive":


Handa, Avtar K., Yuval Eshdat, Avichai Perl, Bruce A. Watkins, Doron Holland e David Levy. Enhancing Quality Attributes of Potato and Tomato by Modifying and Controlling their Oxidative Stress Outcome. United States Department of Agriculture, maggio 2004. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/2004.7586532.bard.

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General The final goal and overall objective of the current research has been to modify lipid hydroperoxidation in order to create desirable phenotypes in two important crops, potato and tomato, which normally are exposed to abiotic stress associated with such oxidation. The specific original objectives were: (i) the roles of lipoxygenase (LOX) and phospholipids hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx) in regulating endogenous levels of lipid peroxidation in plant tissues; (ii) the effect of modified lipid peroxidation on fruit ripening, tuber quality, crop productivity and abiotic stress tolerance; (iii) the effect of simultaneous reduction of LOX and increase of PHGPx activities on fruit ripening and tuber quality; and (iv) the role of lipid peroxidation on expression of specific genes. We proposed to accomplish the research goal by genetic engineering of the metabolic activities of LOX and PHGPx using regulatable and tissue specific promoters, and study of the relationships between these two consecutive enzymes in the metabolism and catabolism of phospholipids hydroperoxides. USA Significant progress was made in accomplishing all objectives of proposed research. Due to inability to regenerate tomato plants after transforming with 35S-PHGPx chimeric gene construct, the role of low catalase induced oxidative stress instead of PHGPx was evaluated on agronomical performance of tomato plant and fruit quality attributes. Effects of polyamine, that protects DNA from oxidative stress, were also evaluated. The transgenic plants under expressing lipoxygenase (LOX-sup) were crossed with catalase antisense (CAT-anti) plants or polyamine over producing plants (SAM-over) and the lines homozygous for the two transgenes were selected. Agronomical performance of these line showed that low catalase induced oxidative stress negatively affected growth and development of tomato plants and resulted in a massive change in fruit gene expression. These effects of low catalase activity induced oxidative stress, including the massive shift in gene expression, were greatly overcome by the low lipoxygenase activity. Collectively results show that oxidative stress plays significant role in plant growth including the fruit growth. These results also for the first time indicated that a crosstalk between oxidative stress and lipoxygenase regulated processes determine the outcome during plant growth and development. Israel Regarding PHGPx, most of the study has concentrated on the first and the last specific objectives, since it became evident that plant transformation with this gene is not obvious. Following inability to achieve efficient transformation of potato and tomato using a variety of promoters, model plant systems (tobacco and potato cell cultures, tobacco calli and plantlets, and Arabidopsis) were used to establish the factors and to study the obstacles which prohibited the regeneration of plants carrying the genetic machinery for overproduction of PHGPx. Our results clearly demonstrate that while genetic transformation and over-expression of PHGPx occurs in pre-developmental tissue stage (cell culture, calli clusters) or in completed plant (Arabidopsis), it is likely that over-expression of this enzyme before tissue differentiation is leading to a halt of the regeneration process. To support this assumption, experiments, in which genetic engineering of a point-mutated PHGPx gene enable transformation and over-expression in plants of PhSPY modified in its catalytic site and thus inactive enzymatically, were successfully carried out. These combined results strongly suggest, that if in fact, like in animals and as we established in vitro, the plant PHGPx exhibits PH peroxidase activity, these peroxides are vital for the organisms developmental process.

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