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Articoli di riviste sul tema "‘Embedded feminism’":


Nachtigall, Andrea. "„Embedded Feminism“". PERIPHERIE – Politik • Ökonomie • Kultur 34, n. 133 (15 marzo 2014): 90–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.3224/peripherie.v34i133.22464.

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Khasanah, Faizatun. "AWARENESS ON ISLAMIC FEMINISM: Learning From Gus Dur and Husein Muhammad". Al-Tahrir: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam 19, n. 2 (14 novembre 2019): 175–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.21154/altahrir.v19i2.1743.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract: Women has been an interesting research discourse due to various remaining practical problems. This is mainly triggered by embedded patriarchal culture within society. Ironically, men in general take advantage of this situation and make a justification on the basis of religious propositions. Therefore, this study becomes necessary by presenting the two influential male scholars promoting gender equality effort. The author tries to cooperate the two figures in a feminist frame. This study uses a critical analysis approach. The results of this study indicate that Gus Dur tends to adopt social feminism, while Husein Muhammad tends to be liberal feminism. Both feminism views of Gus Dur and Husein Muhammad intersect on humanity based on Islamic values. Nevertheless, Husein explicitly wrote about Gender. On the other hand, Gus Dur's view was implied from his writings. The feminist view of the two figures emerges as a social unrest response towards inequality. Therefore the main principle they proposed was justice. To the author, Husein's view did not taken into account feminist view of western scholars; Husein inclined to the opinion of As-Sat} bi and Ghazali. Meanwhile, independence of Gus Dur's feminist view has not been clearly seen.الملخص: إن المرأة موضوع بحث جذّاب لما فيها من مسائل وقضايا خاصة في مجال التطبيق الواقعي. ومن الأسباب هو دوام الثقافة الأبوية. ومع الأسف فإن كثيرا من الرجال يستفيدون هذه الحالة بل ويقوون وجودها على دليل ديني. إن هذا البحث مهم بإحضار شخصيتين معروفتين (من الرجال) ولهما آثار واسهامات في الجنس. حاول الكاتب مقارنة هاتين الشخصييتين في إطار الفكر النسوي . استخدم هذا البحث مدخل دراسة التحليل النقدي. دلّت نتائج البحث على أن نوع الفكر النسوي لعبد الرحمن واحد هو اشتراكي وأما لحسين محمد فلبراليّ. هناك نقطة توافق بين النضال النسوي لعبد الرحمن واحد وحسين محمد هو الروح الإنسانية على أساس القيم الإسلامية. وأما وجه الفرق بينهما فإن حسينأ كتب صريحا عن الجنس. وأما عبد الرحمن واحد فتظهر أفكاره عن الجنس في كتاباته (عن طريق المفهوم). إن فكرة كل منهما نشأت عن الوعي الإجتماعي تجاه الظلم ، لذا فإن الشيئ الأساسي الذي قدماه هو العدالة. طرح الكاتب النقد لفكرة حسين فإنه لم يعتبر بأفكار علماء الجنس الغربيين وهو يميل إلى رأي الشاطبي والغزالي. وأما عبد الرحمن واحد فإن فكرته عن الجنس لم تظهر قائمة مستقلةAbstrak: Wanita merupakan objek penelitian yang menarik, karena masih menyisakan berbagai persoalan terutama dalam praktiknya. Budaya patriarki yang mendarah daging menjadi salah satu pemicunya. Ironisnya kaum laki-laki banyak yang memanfaatkan kondisi ini serta memperkuat dengan dalil agama. Maka penelitian ini diperlukan dengan menghadirkan dua tokoh dari kalangan laki-laki yang cukup berpengaruh dalam perjuangan Gender. Penulis berusaha untuk mengkoparasikan kedua tokoh tersebut dalam bingkai pemikiran feminis. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi analisis-kritis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkaan bahwa corak pemikiran feminisme Gus Dur bersifat sosialais sedangkan Husein Muhammad bersifat liberal. Terdapat titik temu perjuangan feminisme Gus Dur dan Husein Muhammad, yaitu spirit kemanusiaan berdasarkan nilai-nilai Islam. Perbedaannya Husein secara tegas menulis tentang Gender. Sedangkan Gus Dur include (tersirat) kedalam tulisan lainnya. Latar pemikiran feminisme kedua tokoh tersebut lahir dari kegelisahan sosial terhadap ketidakadilan, oleh karenanya prinsip utama yang mereka ajukan adalah keadilan. Kritik penulis terhadap Husein, pemikirannya belum mempertimbangkan ahli feminis dari barat, ia condong ke pendapat As-Sat}bi dan Ghazali. Sedangkan Gus Dur independence pemikiran feminis belum terlihat jelas.

Berggren, Kalle. "Ashamed of One’s Sexism, Mourning One’s Friends". Culture Unbound 12, n. 3 (2 febbraio 2021): 466–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.3384/cu.v12i3.3239.

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Abstract (sommario):
One of the most important questions for feminist research on men and masculinity concerns how men can change and become more affected by feminism and less engaged in sexism. Here, men who identify as feminist, pro-feminist or anti-sexist have been considered to be of particular interest. This article contributes to the emerging research on men’s engagement with feminism by analysing contemporary writing about gender relations, inequality and masculinity, more specifically books about men published in Sweden, 2004-2015. Focusing on lived-experience descriptions, the analysis shows how a range of emotions are central to the processes where men encounter and are becoming affected by feminism. The emotions identified include happy ones such as relief, but a more prominent place is given to negative emotions such as alienation, shame, frustration, as well as loss and mourning. Drawing on Ahmed’s model of emotions as bound up with encounters with others, the article highlights how of men’s engagement with feminism is embedded within interpersonal relations with others, particularly women partners, men friends, and children.

Kalogirou, Tzina, Xavier Mínguez López e Catalina Millán-Scheiding. "Editorial: Feminism and Gender in Literary Education". Journal of Literary Education, n. 3 (12 dicembre 2020): 1. http://dx.doi.org/10.7203/jle.3.19203.

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Abstract (sommario):
The starting point for the making of this current issue were some fundamental questions about the intersection of Feminist Criticism and Gender Theory with Education: What might it mean to read and teach literature through the prism of feminist criticism and/or gender theory? In which texts, ways and methods can we integrate a balanced gender approach into literary didactics? How and in which teaching approaches can we produce some powerful feminist readings of the literary texts, whether they are texts long established by tradition, or contemporary and multimodal ones, belonging to popular culture? And how can these concerns about feminism and gender be adequately addressed and embedded into the literature classroom? Although we knew that all the previous questions could not be effectively addressed in one single issue, we still envisaged a publication with insightful contributions to the overall theme of Feminism and Gender in Literary Education.

Hutchison, Jessica. "Applying feminist principles to social work teaching: Pandemic times and beyond". Qualitative Social Work 20, n. 1-2 (marzo 2021): 529–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1473325020973305.

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Abstract (sommario):
It took a global pandemic for me to recognize how my social work teaching was an act of feminist praxis. I have long identified as a feminist and regularly engage efforts to advance equity for women, primarily centered on the abolition of prisons which disproportionately incarcerate Indigenous and Black women in Canada. Surprisingly, I have never considered how my feminism shows up in my teaching. The following reflexive essay explores the ways in which the feminist principles of centring emotions, rejecting patriarchal hierarchy, and challenging white feminism were embedded into the development and delivery of a graduate level social work research course that was rapidly adapted to being taught online during a global public health crisis. It ends with a call to action for social work educators to incorporate feminist principles into their pedagogies, not only in times of crisis, but as standard practice.

Yoder, Janice D. "Challenging the Gendered Academic Hierarchy". Psychology of Women Quarterly 42, n. 2 (20 marzo 2018): 127–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0361684318762695.

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Abstract (sommario):
In my 2017 Sherif Award address, I pay tribute to Carolyn Wood Sherif for her insightful exposure of an academic hierarchy in psychology and her call to be skeptical not only of our research choices but also of our career choices. I contend that the artificial separation of research/scholarship and teaching/mentoring, along with the masculinization and privileging of the former over the latter, contributes to perpetuating this gendered academic hierarchy. I suggest three possibilities for integrating teaching and research, embedded within one’s commitment to feminist activism, by (a) publishing about one’s own teaching, (b) researching one’s teaching effectiveness, and (c) using one’s classes to do research that contributes to feminist scholarship (as well as, in a fourth example, challenging the academic hierarchy itself). My immodest goal is to inspire junior and senior academic feminists to practice a “subversive” feminism that challenges the gendered, hierarchical academic institutions in which we are immersed as feminists “doing” (i.e., socially constructing) both teaching and research.

Koh, Eunkang. "Gender issues and Confucian scriptures: Is Confucianism incompatible with gender equality in South Korea?" Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 71, n. 2 (giugno 2008): 345–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0041977x08000578.

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Abstract (sommario):
AbstractKorean Confucianism has been described as “the enemy of feminism”: feminists often argue that Confucianism is the source of the patriarchal society. Feminist scholars have produced significant works about Confucianism's role in preserving the idea of women's subordination to men; they argue that the idea of men's superiority to women is embedded in Confucian philosophy. In this article I will examine whether Confucian philosophy is responsible for women's subordination to men in such Confucian texts as Naehun, The Book of Change, The Book of Poetry, and The Analects. Naehun was written by the mother of King Sǒngjong in 1475, for the purpose of the Confucian education of Korean women; I will look also at other, related, Confucian texts used for Korean women's education. Confucian classics such as The Book of Change, The Book of Poetry and Confucian Analects will be included in the analysis to investigate whether Confucianism legitimizes women's subordination tomen. In the analysis of these Confucian classics, I will focus on the ongoing debate between scholars of Confucianism and feminism in Korea today.

Howe. "‘Endlessly Valuable’ Discursive Work—Intimate Partner Femicide, an English Case Study". Laws 8, n. 4 (28 novembre 2019): 33. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/laws8040033.

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Abstract (sommario):
Against the trend of roll-backs of pro-feminist initiatives by right-wing governments, feminist-led reforms to the law of murder deserve accolades as hard-fought feminist victories. For three decades, feminist analysts have critiqued the operation of provocation defences in intimate partner femicide cases. Their work has been rewarded with the implementation of reforms in several anglophone jurisdictions that have abolished or curtailed that defence. This article focuses on the revolutionary impact of the reform implemented in England and Wales. It argues for the continuing purchase for feminist legal scholars of a methodology championed by Carol Smart in her seminal 1989 text, Feminism and the Power of Law. She counselled feminist law scholars to read law as a site for contesting law’s truth about gendered relationships. This methodology has not only been critical in exposing the misogyny and injustice embedded in traditional provocation by infidelity defences; it also enables researchers to chart shifts in law’s discursive constitution of truth in the post-reform era.

Gheorghiu, Oana Celia, e Michaela Praisler. "Rewriting Politics, or the Emerging Fourth Wave of Feminism in Margaret Atwood’s The Testaments". ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries 17, n. 1 (28 maggio 2020): 87–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.4312/elope.17.1.87-96.

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Abstract (sommario):
Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale (1985) has recently returned to the spotlight with the success of its TV adaptation and with her decision to deliver a sequel. Speculative fiction invites speculative criticism; in this spirit, this paper investigates The Testaments (2019), tracing the rewriting of politics embedded in the narrative. Whilst the inspiration for The Handmaid’s Tale came from the rise of Christian fundamentalism, it is obvious from Atwood’s more recent statements that she considers the Trump era “a rollback of women’s rights” (2018). The slogan of second-wave feminists, ‘the personal is political,’ is now as topical as it was in the 1960s, and The Testaments may well become a literary manifesto of a new (fourth) wave as part of the storm surge of feminism. Therefore, before turning to Atwood, an outline of the chronological clashes of feminism(s) and a discussion on women and language is presented. This is followed by an examination of the three main characters and representatives of ideas.

Comas-Diaz, Lillian. "Feminist Therapy with Mainland Puerto Rican Women". Psychology of Women Quarterly 11, n. 4 (dicembre 1987): 461–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-6402.1987.tb00918.x.

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Abstract (sommario):
This article discusses the use of feminist therapy with mainland Puerto Rican women. Sociocultural factors such as the experience of cross-cultural translocation, the process of transculturation, and the colonial background of Puerto Rico with its deleterious effects are examined. Special emphasis is given to Puerto Rican sex roles, the paradoxical condition of power and powerlessness, and Puertorriqueñas' complex sense of identity. These issues are illustrated with a clinical population, and as such, may represent an extreme position within the range of reactions to these sociocultural variables. Clinical vignettes present the use of feminist therapy with this client population. Feminism—with its emphasis on empowerment, adaptation and flexibility in role relationships, promotion of competence, and commitment to social change—is particularly relevant for Puerto Rican women. However, in order for feminist therapy to be effective with this population, it must be embedded in a sociocultural context.

Tesi sul tema "‘Embedded feminism’":


Møller, Silke. "Do Afghan women need saving? : A Critical Discourse Analysis of Laura Bush’s representation of the women in Afghanistan". Thesis, Malmö universitet, Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS), 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-45801.

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Abstract (sommario):
Do Afghan women need saving? This study focuses on the discourse of the USA’s First Lady Mrs. Laura Bush in the years (2001-2009) and how she represents the women in Afghanistan in the context of the USA-led intervention in Afghanistan. My aim is to understand how the USA intervention can be legitimized through Mrs. Bush’s argumentation of bringing human rights to Afghan women. In the analysis in this thesis, Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis is used in combination with feminist and postcolonial theory to understand her discourse about the women in Afghanistan and how her resulting discourse functions in connection with the USA-led intervention in Afghanistan. The study concludes that Mrs. Bush constructs the Afghan women as in need of help and in connection the USA as the helping hand who have an obligation to save the women in Afghanistan. In combination with strategic use of ‘embedded feminism’ and an oriental discourse Mrs. Bush’s discourse functions to make the USA-led intervention in Afghanistan seem legitimate.

Gibson, Trish J. "Embedded in These Walls". VCU Scholars Compass, 2018. https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/etd/5642.

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Abstract (sommario):
Embedded In These Walls uses photographic imagery, archival ephemera, and written text to examine a specific history of generational trauma through the lens of a singular family of a southern tradition to point to a larger systemic breakdown of accountability and truthfulness regarding abuse

Torres, Ospina Sara. "Uncovering the Role of Community Health Worker/Lay Health Worker Programs in Addressing Health Equity for Immigrant and Refugee Women in Canada: An Instrumental and Embedded Qualitative Case Study". Thèse, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/23753.

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Abstract (sommario):
“Why do immigrants and refugees need community health workers/lay health workers (CHWs) if Canada already has a universal health care system?” Abundant evidence demonstrates that despite the universality of our health care system marginalized populations, including immigrants and refugees, experience barriers to accessing the health system. Evidence on the role of CHWs facilitating access is both lacking and urgently needed. This dissertation contributes to this evidence by providing a thick description and thorough analytical exploration of a CHW model, in Edmonton, Canada. Specifically, I examine the activities of the Multicultural Health Brokers Co-operative (MCHB Co-op) and its Multicultural Health Brokers from 1992 to 2011 as well as the relationship they have with Alberta Health Services (AHS) Edmonton Zone Public Health. The research for this study is based on an instrumental and embedded qualitative case study design. The case is the MCHB Co-op, an independently-run multicultural health worker co-operative, which contracts with health and social services providers in Edmonton to offer linguistically- and culturally-appropriate services to marginalized immigrant and refugee women and their families. The two embedded mini-cases are two programs of the MCHB Co-op: Perinatal Outreach and Health for Two, which are the raison d’être for a sustained partnership between the MCHB Co-op and AHS. The phenomenon under study is the Multicultural Health Brokers’ practice. I triangulate multiple methods (research strategies and data sources), including 46 days of participant and direct observation, 44 in-depth interviews (with Multicultural Health Brokers, mentors, women using the programs, health professionals and outsiders who knew of the work of the MCHB Co-op and Multicultural Health Brokers), and document review and analysis of policy documents, yearly reports, training manuals, educational materials as well as quantitative analysis of the Health Brokers’ 3,442 client caseload database. In addition, data include my field notes of both descriptive and analytical reflections taken throughout the onsite research. I also triangulate various theoretical frameworks to explore how historically specific social structures, economic relationships, and ideological assumptions serve to create and reinforce the conditions that give rise to the need for CHWs, and the factors that aid or hinder their ability to facilitate marginalized populations’ access to health and social services. Findings reveal that Multicultural Health Brokers facilitate access to health and social services as well as foster community capacity building in order to address settlement, adaptation, and integration of immigrant and refugee women and their families into Canadian society. Findings also demonstrate that the Multicultural Health Broker model is an example of collaboration between community-based organizations and local systems in targeting health equity for marginalized populations; in particular, in perinatal health and violence against women. A major problem these workers face is they provide important services as part of Canada’s health human resources workforce, but their contributions are often not recognized as such. The triangulation of methods and theory provides empirical and theoretical understanding of the Multicultural Health Brokers’ contribution to immigrant and refugee women and their families’ feminist urban citizenship.

Libri sul tema "‘Embedded feminism’":


Hogan, Carol. Eucharist: Embodied and embedded in the land : interdisciplinary perspectives. London: Equinox Pub. Ltd, 2012.

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Ballakrishnen, Swethaa S. Accidental Feminism. Princeton University Press, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.23943/princeton/9780691182537.001.0001.

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Abstract (sommario):
In India, elite law firms offer a surprising oasis for women within a hostile, predominantly male industry. Less than 10 percent of the country's lawyers are female, but women in the most prestigious firms are significantly represented both at entry and partnership. Elite workspaces are notorious for being unfriendly to new actors, so what allows for aberration in certain workspaces? This book examines how a range of underlying mechanisms — gendered socialization and essentialism, family structures and dynamics, and firm and regulatory histories — afford certain professionals egalitarian outcomes that are not available to their local and global peers. Juxtaposing findings on the legal profession with those on elite consulting firms, the book reveals that parity arises not from a commitment to create feminist organizations, but from structural factors that incidentally come together to do gender differently. Simultaneously, the book offers notes of caution: while conditional convergence may create equality in ways that more targeted endeavors fail to achieve, “accidental” developments are hard to replicate, and are, in this case, buttressed by embedded inequalities. The book examines whether gender parity produced without institutional sanction should still be considered feminist. In offering new ways to think about equality movements and outcomes, the book forces readers to critically consider the work of intention in progress narratives.

Agathangelou, Anna M., e Heather M. Turcotte. “Feminist” Theoretical Inquiries and “IR”. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190846626.013.374.

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Abstract (sommario):
Feminist international relations (IR) theories have long provided interventions and insights into the embedded asymmetrical gender relations of global politics, particularly in areas such as security, state-nationalism, rights–citizenship, and global political economies. Yet despite the histories of struggle to increase attention to gender analysis, and women in particular, within world politics, IR knowledge and practice continues to segregate gendered and feminist analyses as if they are outside its own formation. IR as a field, discipline, and site of contestation of power has been one of the last fields to open up to gender and feminist analyses. One reason for this is the link between social science and international institutions like the United Nations, and its dominant role in the formation of foreign policy. Raising the inferior status of feminism within IR, that is, making possible the mainstreaming of gender and feminism, will require multiple centers of power and multiple marginalities. However, these institutional struggles for recognition through exclusion may themselves perpetuate similar exploitative relationships of drawing boundaries around legitimate academic and other institutional orders. In engaging, listening and writing these struggles, it is important to recognize that feminisms, feminist IR, and IR are intimately linked through disciplinary struggles and larger geopolitical struggles of world affairs and thus necessitate knowledge terrains attentive to intersectional and oppositional gendered struggles (i.e., race, sexuality, nation, class, religion, and gender itself).

Smith, Bonnie G. Temporality. A cura di Lisa Disch e Mary Hawkesworth. Oxford University Press, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199328581.013.47.

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Time or temporality is a concept by which humans confront the experience of duration. Feminists across the globe have constructed theories, political programs, and fantasies based on an awareness of temporality, usually as a tool to confront long-standing myths, inequality, and oppression. Feminist history is especially concerned with temporality, but so are activists who invoke the conditions of women in the past and present that must be remedied in the future. Temporality is embedded in discourses of the body and sexuality, and in this respect, women are seen as especially time bound. Postmodern theory has provided feminism with new approaches to time—many of them seeking to confound what can be called ordinary restrictions on time and to overturn time’s seeming limitations. Nonetheless, temporality exists only in language that is already gendered, seeming to set limits to a revolt against time.

Yue, Genevieve. Girl Head. Fordham University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.5422/fordham/9780823289554.001.0001.

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For decades, feminist film analysis has been focused on issues of representation: images of women in film. But what are the feminist implications of the material object underlying that image, the filmstrip itself? What does feminist analysis have to offer in understanding the film image before it enters the realm of representation? In Girl Head: Feminism and Film Materiality, Genevieve Yue explores how gender and sexual difference have been deeply embedded within film materiality. Though the industrial practices she examines are typically hidden from view, they are no less gendered than the images projected onscreen. In rich archival and technical detail, Yue examines three sites of technical film production: the film laboratory, editing practices, and the film archive. Within each site, she locates a common motif, the vanishing female body, which is transformed into material to be used in the making of a film. Yue develops a theory of gender and film materiality through readings of narrative film, early cinema, experimental film, and moving image art. In this original work of feminist media history, Girl Head shows how gender has had a surprising and persistent role in film production processes, well before the image ever appears onscreen.

Hall, Kim Q., e Ásta, a cura di. The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Philosophy. Oxford University Press, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190628925.001.0001.

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This exciting new Handbook offers a comprehensive overview of the contemporary state of the field. The editors’ introduction and forty-five essays cover feminist critical engagements with philosophy and adjacent scholarly fields, as well as feminist approaches to current debates and crises across the world. Authors cover topics ranging from the ways in which feminist philosophy attends to other systems of oppression, and the gendered, racialized, and classed assumptions embedded in philosophical concepts, to feminist perspectives on prominent subfields of philosophy. The first section contains chapters that explore feminist philosophical engagement with mainstream and marginalized histories and traditions, while the second section parses feminist philosophy’s contributions to with numerous philosophical subfields, for example metaphysics and bioethics. A third section explores what feminist philosophy can illuminate about crucial moral and political issues of identity, gender, the body, autonomy, prisons, among numerous others. The Handbook concludes with the field’s engagement with other theories and movements, including trans studies, queer theory, critical race, theory, postcolonial theory, and decolonial theory. The volume provides a rigorous but accessible resource for students and scholars who are interested in feminist philosophy, and how feminist philosophers situate their work in relation to the philosophical mainstream and other disciplines. Above all it aims to showcase the rich diversity of subject matter, approach, and method among feminist philosophers.

Lombardo, Emanuela, e Petra Meier. Policy. A cura di Lisa Disch e Mary Hawkesworth. Oxford University Press, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199328581.013.32.

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This chapter examines how feminist scholars theorize the concept and subject of policy, starting from the main conceptualization of policy and non-feminist theoretical approaches to it, and then discussing the constructivist turn in both non-feminist and feminist theoretical approaches to policy. It traces how the latter demonstrate that policies are “gendered” and “gendering” constructions embedded in underlying norms that tend to perpetuate unequal power hierarchies between women and men. Since most feminist theorizations of policy, implicitly or explicitly, are focused on power, the chapter also addresses feminist approaches to power and their contribution to theorizing policy. Finally, it shows how feminist theorizing of policy improves the quality of policies, which is relevant to produce policies that can promote greater equality.

Kamler, Erin M. Rewriting the Victim. Oxford University Press, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190840099.001.0001.

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This book unites feminist international research with the writing, composing, and production of a musical designed to critique the discourse about the trafficking of women in Thailand. Through writing and producing “Land of Smiles,” a two-act, fifteen-song musical inspired by field research that includes over fifty interviews with female migrant laborers, sex workers, community-based women’s rights activists, non-governmental organization (NGO) employees, and other development actors in Thailand’s anti-trafficking movement, playwright, composer and feminist scholar Erin Kamler presents one of the dominant stories about human trafficking and shows that the voices of the people, most often women, can illuminate the problems and highlight the difficulties in finding solutions. This project was designed to serve as a platform for dialogue among stakeholders in Thailand’s anti-trafficking movement through a three-phase process of uncovering, recovering and articulating the lived experience of the “subject”—the trafficking “victim”—who the movement seeks to rescue, as well as the NGO employees who are embedded in the social catastrophe that underscores this movement. Through researching, writing and performing the musical for the communities on whom its story is based, Kamler shows the importance of lived experience as a framework for understanding social catastrophe, and the power of musical theater in conveying that understanding through a feminist, liberatory praxis. She calls this praxis Dramatization as Research, or DAR.

Herring, Jonathan. Medical Law and Ethics. Oxford University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/he/9780198846956.001.0001.

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Abstract (sommario):
Medical Law and Ethics covers not only the core legal principles, key cases, and statutes that govern medical law, but also explores the key ethical debates and dilemmas that exist in the field to ensure that the law is firmly embedded within its context. The title highlights these debates, drawing out the European angles, religious beliefs, and feminist perspectives which influence legal regulations. Other features such as ‘a shock to the system’, ‘public opinion’, and ‘reality check’ introduce further sociological aspects, contributing to the way in which the subject is approached. This new edition also includes coverage of new Guidance issued by the GMC and the new Protection of Liberty Safeguards. It also outlines important case law developments on the law on mental capacity and euthanasia, including the Alfie Evans and Tafida Raqeeb litigation, case law interpreting the Mental Capacity Act, and the Court of Appeal in Conway.

Herring, Jonathan. Medical Law and Ethics. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/he/9780198810605.001.0001.

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Abstract (sommario):
Medical Law and Ethics covers not only the core legal principles, key cases, and statutes that govern medical law, but also explores the key ethical debates and dilemmas that exist in the field to ensure that the law is firmly embedded within its context. The title highlights these debates, drawing out the European angles, religious beliefs, and feminist perspectives which influence legal regulations. Other features such as ‘a shock to the system’, ‘public opinion’, and ‘reality check’ introduce further sociological aspects, contributing to the way in which the subject is approached. This new edition also includes coverage of new Codes of Practice issued by the Human Tissue Authority and the changes in the structure of the NHS. It also outlines important case law developments on the law on mental capacity and euthanasia, including the Charlie Gard litigation, the decision of the Supreme Court in Montgomery, and the Court of Appeal in Conway.

Capitoli di libri sul tema "‘Embedded feminism’":


Manley, Elizabeth S. "Epilogue". In The Paradox of Paternalism. University Press of Florida, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.5744/florida/9780813054292.003.0008.

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Abstract (sommario):
The epilogue concludes with an assessment of the gendered politics of the final three years of Balaguer’s rule within the context of both the increasing attention to global feminism and the democratic transition to President Antonio Guzman in 1978. It looks specifically at the event surrounding the International Women’s Year (1975) and the ways the women in the opposition pushed forth a more active and gender-conscious agenda. Although the shifts were subtle, a clear difference in tactics manifested itself across the political spectrum as women advocated a more aggressive and cross-partisan platform of feminist rights. Through these transformations the grounding of modern Dominican feminism is then visibly linked to its early predecessors of the 1920s pre-Trujillo period while also embedded in the fifty years of engagement with authoritarianism and transnational activism.

Erskine, Toni. "Remapping the Community: Feminist Ethics and the Challenge to ‘Communities of Place’". In Embedded Cosmopolitanism. British Academy, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.5871/bacad/9780197264379.003.0006.

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Abstract (sommario):
This chapter discusses an outline of the shared ground between communitarian political thought and one branch of feminist ethics. These claim to reject abstraction and impartiality in ethical reasoning. The central argument is that this antagonism yields very useful insights for normative IR theory.

Otter, Dorron. "10. Environmentalism". In Political Ideologies. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/hepl/9780198727859.003.0010.

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Abstract (sommario):
This chapter examines the extent to which environmentalism has emerged as a viable ideology in its own right. It begins by charting the origins of the rise of the environment as an issue in relation to global and national political systems as well as the point at which it might be possible to identify the emergence of a distinct Green agenda. It then analyses the range of environmental thinking and the embedded critique, ideal, and programme that defines Green ideology, with particular emphasis on classical liberalism and neo-liberalism, Green conservatism, eco-socialism, social ecology, and eco-feminism. It also explores the impact that Green policies have had in shaping the policy agenda and concludes by looking at the main challenges that face the consolidation of Green thinking and action. To illustrate these various issues, the chapter presents case studies, one of which relates to global climate change.

Nachtigall, Andrea, e Torsten Bewernitz. "Von ‚FrauenundKindern’ zu ‚Embedded Feminism’. Frauen(rechte) als Legitimation für militärische Intervention in den Medien – Variationen einer Legitimationsfigur zwischen Kosovo-, Afghanistan- und Irakkrieg". In Geschlechterverhältnisse, Frieden und Konflikt, 27–46. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.5771/9783845232744-27.

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"Feminist Perspectives on the Body". In Philosophising Experiences and Vision of the Female Body, Mind, and Soul, 144–61. IGI Global, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-4090-9.ch010.

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Abstract (sommario):
This chapter discusses feminist theories of embodiment. The theories provide a general account of the relations between bodies and selves. The philosophy of embodiment extends outside the social and political sphere to engage with debates in philosophy of mind/body, where attention to embodiment has extended beyond a simple reductionist picture of the relation between mind and brain, to consider an embodied self, embedded within an environment. The formation of embodied subjectivity as constitutive of the self, to which feminists have paid such careful attention, and the persisting interrogation of the appropriate way of understanding biological and social embodiment, has links with these debates. Feminist theorists discussed in this chapter argue that naturalising frameworks need supplementing with phenomenological, poststructuralist, and psychoanalytic ones for a complete understanding of the embodiment of the female human body.

Russo, Ann. "Resisting the “Savior” Complex". In Feminist Accountability, 214–42. NYU Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.18574/nyu/9780814777169.003.0010.

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Abstract (sommario):
This essay critically interrogates the underlying white supremacist capitalist patriarchal imperialist discourses and images that pervade the “Half the Sky” book of Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. Drawing upon transnational feminist theories, the essay offers a different and oppositional re-reading of a few of the stories in the book through a lens of accountability. Putting the book in the context of an increasing focus on the “empowerment” of women and girls in western development projects and in US militarism and foreign policy, this essay deconstructs the myths of western superiority embedded in these discourses and builds toward a critical lens of accountability, rather than pity and altruism.

"Articulating Embedded Feminist Agency in Socialist Mainstream Cinema:". In Revisiting Women's Cinema, 56–82. Duke University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv1brr9bv.7.

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"Articulating Embedded Feminist Agency in Socialist Mainstream Cinema". In Revisiting Women's Cinema, 56–82. Duke University Press, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1215/9781478012337-003.

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"2 Articulating Embedded Feminist Agency in Socialist Mainstream Cinema". In Revisiting Women's Cinema, 56–82. Duke University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/9781478012337-005.

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"Interview: ‘The Final Projects of Hannah Wilke and Jo Spence’ – A Dialogue Between Elena Crippa and Anna Backman Rogers". In Female Authorship and the Documentary Image, a cura di Boel Ulfsdotter e Anna Backman Rogers. Edinburgh University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/edinburgh/9781474419444.003.0005.

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Abstract (sommario):
Crippa and Backman Rogers discuss the feminist approach embedded in Wilke’s and Spence’s photographic work. Entirely documentary and self-reflexive, they also talk about how it deals with issues like the self, illness, narcissism, sexuality and performance.

Rapporti di organizzazioni sul tema "‘Embedded feminism’":


Ceia, Vanessa, Benji Nothwehr e Liz Wagner. Gender and Technology: A rights-based and intersectional analysis of key trends. Oxfam, maggio 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.21201/2021.7598.

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Abstract (sommario):
This report employs an intersectional feminist framework to identify and analyze key trends related to gender and technology. It aims to provide a holistic picture of how gender and technology are embedded in and influenced by a myriad of intersecting issues and challenges that complicate how ICT for development (ICT4D) initiatives concretely impact women’s lives. Based on synthesized research, the report provides recommendations for relevant stakeholders on how to approach the field of international development using technology as a tool for social good in ways that benefit the most marginalized members of our global community.

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