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Leoni, Anne. "Le vert de houx". Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France 109, n. 1 (2009): 61.

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Breuil, K., F. Patte, J. C. Meurice e B. Vandel. "Allergie de contact à une pommade aux extraits de « petit houx". Revue Française d'Allergologie et d'Immunologie Clinique 29, n. 4 (ottobre 1989): 215.

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Béguin, Claude. "La forêt de houx des Follatères | The Holly Forest of «Follatères»". Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen 152, n. 8 (1 agosto 2001): 335–42.

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Abstract (sommario):
We analyse the appearance, development and dynamics of a new holly forest covering an area of more than 2000 m2 using phytosociological and ecological methods. The observed local change of vegetation, especially during the second half of the 20th century, within the limits of the recolonization of a former pasture area is seen as a sign of climatic change.

Parent, Arnaud. "Prancūzų slaptoji misija Abiejų Tautų Respublikoje: barono Antoine’o-Charles’io de Vioménilio vaidmuo Baro konfederacijoje 1771–1772 m." XVIII amžiaus studijos T. 7: Giminė. Bendrija. Grupuotė, T. 7 (31 dicembre 2021): 72–96.

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Abstract (sommario):
FRENCH SECRET MISSION IN THE POLISH-LITHUANIAN COMMONWEALTH: THE ROLE OF BARON ANTOINE-CHARLES DE VIOMÉNIL IN THE BAR CONFEDERACY IN 1771–1772 Antoine-Charles du Houx, Baron de Vioménil (1728–1792) was sent by the French Government after Colonel Charles-François Dumouriez (1729–1823) to provide guidance to the leaders of the Bar Confederacy during the years 1771–1772. However, if Colonel Dumouriez is famous because of his activities during the French Revolution, namely for the determinant role he played at the Valmy battle (1792), it is different when it comes to the Baron. Except for some articles in the 19th century biographical encyclopedias and a short biography centered on the role he played during the American Revolutionary war published in 1935, there is no study on him. In spite of this, Baron de Vioménil’s career is a matter of interest, for he participated in the major conflicts the French army took part during the reign of the kings Louis XV and Louis XVI. The baron’s archives, which include abundant correspondence related to his campaigns, are preserved today in the Académie François Bourdon, le Creusot, Burgundy. Being inaccessible for a long time they have not been thoroughly studied, yet. This paper aims at presenting the career of Baron de Viomenil as well as some documents taken from his archives, linked to his participation in the Bar Confederacy operations. Through this endeavour we hope to help cast some new light on a discrete, but efficient French officer who exerted influence on the Polish-Lithuanian history. Keywords: Antoine-Charles du Houx, Baron de Vioménil, the Bar Confederacy (1768–1772), France, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Overduin, Carla. "Hou van hout". Kinderopvang 30, n. 11 (novembre 2020): 35.

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Valensi, Patricia, Evelyne Crégut-Bonnoure, Xavier Margarit e Alban Defleur. "Découverte exceptionnelle d’un nid de Gypaète barbu (Gypaetus barbatus) en Provence : cas de l’abri protohistorique de la Baume du Houx (Plan d’Aups, Var, France)". Comptes Rendus Palevol 10, n. 1 (gennaio 2011): 49–59.

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Houtman, C. "Die Augen Leas ‘Rewritten Bible’ als ein Phänomen des 20. Jahrhunderts1Übersetzt aus dem Niederländischen von W. Hilbrands." NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion 53, n. 2 (1 aprile 1999): 89–98.

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Houtman, C. "C.M. van Driel, Een wereld op zichzelf: Prof. Gerard Wisse (1873-1957)". NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion 75, n. 2 (1 giugno 2021): 296–97.

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Houtman, Cees. "Eduard Gerdes ‘bezoekt’ huizen van barmhartigheid". DNK : Documentatieblad voor de Nederlandse kerkgeschiedenis na 1800 44, n. 95 (1 dicembre 2021): 133–45.

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Houtman, Cees. "Afgedankt als godsdienstonderwijzer : De veelkleurige loopbaan van Hendrik Tillema". DNK : Documentatieblad voor de Nederlandse kerkgeschiedenis na 1800 43, n. 92 (1 giugno 2020): 29–50.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract The Dutch Protestant catechists of the nineteenth century and the first part of the twentieth century, are a many-coloured party, equally diverse as Dutch Protestantism itself. In this article the many-sided modernist catechist Hendrik Tillema (1829-1908) is introduced. As an orphan he was trained for farmhand. He, however, worked himself up into the position of a member of the ‘lower clergy’. In the beginning was as such active as the catechist of the Leiden Dutch Reformed orphanage. After being accused of modernism by the board of the orphanage, he resigned from his post. At the outset, his liberal religious conviction wasn’t an impediment to be active as a catechist in the Leiden Reformed parish. When, however, the balance of power within the consistory swinged to the orthodox party, Tillema’s position was challenged. Finally, he was discharged. In several writings Tillema manifested his abhorrence of the orthodox believers and his compassion for the orphan-children. He denounced the evil practices in the orphanage and did suggestions for improvement.

van Houten, Jasper M. A., Mark Visser e Wout C. Ultee. "De Tweede Wereldoorlog en statusverwerving". Mens en maatschappij 86, n. 4 (1 dicembre 2011): 372–94.

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van Houten, Gijs. "Boekbespreking - Oosterwaal, A. The gap between decision and implementation. Decision making, delegation and compliance in governmental and organizational settings. Dissertatie Universiteit Utrecht, 2011, 196 pp. ISBN 978 90 393 5580 0". Mens en maatschappij 87, n. 2 (1 giugno 2012): 200–202.

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van Houten, Jasper M. A., Maurice Gesthuizen e Maarten H. J. Wolbers. "Statusverwerving en de rol van verenigingslidmaatschap als nieuwe compenserende strategie". Mens en maatschappij 87, n. 2 (1 giugno 2012): 125–49.

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van Houten, Jasper, Ralf Hermsen, Gerbert Kraaykamp e Agnes Elling. "Een nieuwe levensfase, een nieuwe sport? - Het effect van belangrijke levensgebeurtenissen op starten met sporten". Mens en maatschappij 89, n. 2 (1 giugno 2014): 175–99.

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van Houwelingen, Pepijn. "Indicatoren voor sociale cohesie". Mens en maatschappij 91, n. 2 (1 giugno 2016): 153–71.

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van Hout, Aukje. "Van het pad af". Nederlandse Letterkunde 22, n. 2 (1 agosto 2017): 79–106.

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Hout, van, Angeliek. "Rianne Schippers. The acquisition of particle verbs in Dutch. - Utrecht: LOT, 2012. X + 237 blz. ISBN 978-94-6093-103-1. EUR 21,17." Nederlandse Taalkunde 18, n. 3 (1 dicembre 2013): 362–66.

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Houtman, Alberdina. "Wat is er met de lijdende knecht gebeurd? De lezing van Jesaja 52:13-53:12 volgens Targoem Jonathan". NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion 59, n. 3 (18 luglio 2005): 235–51.

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Abstract (sommario):
In Targum Jonathan to Isa. 52:13-53:12, the well-known picture of the suffering servant is transformed into the image of a victorious Messiah, of extraordinary appearance, who delivers his people from bondage, punishes the wicked and makes intercession for the sins of the people. This far-reaching interpretation has led some scholars in the past to suppose that the translation as we have it now is the result of Jewish-Christian polemic. In this paper we will compare the Hebrew and the Aramaic text, and see how they are related. On the basis thereof we will reconsider whether it is necessary and tenable to suppose Jewish-Christian polemic as the immediate cause for the present translation.

van Houdt, Friso, e Willem Schinkel. "Het nieuwe contractualisme". Sociologie 9, n. 2 (1 giugno 2013): 129–50.

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Houben, Marco, e Jo Pierson. "Publiek onderwijs, platformisering en coöperatieve verantwoordelijkheid: het Privacyconvenant in Nederland". Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap 50, n. 4 (1 dicembre 2022): 301–31.

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Houtman, Cees. "Zelf een bijbels prentenboek maken". De Boekenwereld 38, n. 3 (1 dicembre 2022): 58–63.

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van Hout, Aukje. "WAT GEERTJE OVERKWAM EN WAT MARIJTJE D’ER VAN DOCHT". De Moderne Tijd 1, n. 3 (1 gennaio 2017): 321–44.

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Abstract (sommario):
WHAT HAPPENED TO GEERTJE AND WHAT MARIJTJE THOUGHT ABOUT IT The use of literature as propaganda by the Vereeniging voor Vrouwenkiesrecht On October 7th 1908, the board of the Vereeniging voor Vrouwenkiesrecht (VvVK) invited the Dutch writer Johan de Meester (1860-1931) to one of their propaganda meetings where he presented fragments from his novel Geertje (1905). It is a remarkable fact that (non-political) literature was used for political purposes, but not uncommon: the VvVK was known to use literature as propaganda. In this article I will show that the VvVK adopted different strategies for literary propaganda: they used existing authoritative literature, but they also wrote texts themselves. Different types of texts were deployed for this purpose, such as authoritarian fiction with a certain degree of redundancy.

Habeeb Bin Mohsin, Abdul. "Eco-dentistry: Need of hour". Edorium Journal of Dentistry 6, n. 2 (12 luglio 2019): 1–3.

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Rhee, Beau La. "예이츠의『모래시계』에서 나타나는 광대놀이". Yeats Journal of Korea 59 (31 agosto 2019): 95–109.

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Veni, C. Krishna, Sangeetha M, Shiny Vinala B H e Sanikop M B. "Body Donation—Need of the Hour". JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES 03, n. 04 (15 dicembre 2013): 206–7.

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Berube, Michael. "Post Hoax, Ergo Propter Hoax". American Scientist 97, n. 1 (2009): 60.

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Prichard, Bob. "Forecasting weather hour-by-hour". Weather 70, n. 6 (giugno 2015): 190.

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Hart, C. P., D. K. Dalton, L. Nichols, L. Hunihan, T. H. Roderick, S. H. Langley, B. A. Taylor e F. H. Ruddle. "The Hox-2 homeo box gene complex on mouse chromosome 11 is closely linked to Re." Genetics 118, n. 2 (1 febbraio 1988): 319–27.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract Restriction fragment length polymorphisms have been identified between inbred strains of mice for the homeo box gene complex Hox-2. These genetic markers were used to follow the segregation of different Hox-2 alleles among recombinant inbred strains of mice and among the progeny of a three point genetic cross. The results place the Hoax-2 locus approximately 1 cM from the rex (Re) locus on mouse chromosome 11.

SIVARANJANI.S, SIVARANJANI S., e VINOTHA M. VINOTHA.M. "Stress Management - The Need of the Hour". Indian Journal of Applied Research 4, n. 4 (1 ottobre 2011): 41–43.

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Gupta, Shivani, e Manisha Gaur. "CRM in Banking Sector: Need of Hour". Indian Journal of Applied Research 1, n. 1 (1 ottobre 2011): 22–26.

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Camps-fabrer, H. "Houe". Encyclopédie berbère, n. 23 (1 ottobre 2000): 3509–12.

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Craft, Susan. "The 12-Hour “8-Hour” Day". Journal - American Water Works Association 92, n. 11 (novembre 2000): 40.

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Sharma, Vishun Kant, e Anand Bajpai. "Balancing Work and Life; Need of the Hour". Indian Journal of Applied Research 3, n. 4 (1 ottobre 2011): 14–16.

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Hidayati, Nuril. "Hoax on Social Media in Alghazali’s Ethical Review". International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 24, n. 3 (28 febbraio 2020): 2345–51.

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Mane, Dr Sudhir V. "Digitalization of MSME’s : A Need of an Hour". International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Special Issue, Special Issue-ICDEBI2018 (3 ottobre 2018): 245–49.

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Deshpande, Dr Adv Neeta. "Benchmarking Educational Institute: A need of an hour". International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Volume-2, Issue-2 (28 febbraio 2018): 797–800.

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郭旭展, 郭旭展, 杜正宜 杜正宜 e 張主揚 張主揚. "天才時光與創造力的培養". 教育研究月刊 344, n. 344 (dicembre 2022): 019–37.

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Houtkamp, Christopher. "The relevance of motility in language shift research". Language Problems and Language Planning 42, n. 1 (24 aprile 2018): 1–15.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract Motility (sometimes referred to as ‘mobility capital’ or ‘mobility potential’) is a still understudied and underutilised concept in both migration and sociolinguistic literature. Perhaps even more than actual mobility, it can shed an important light on the possible connection between language and migration. In this theoretical article, it will be argued that motility can both be a potential catalyst for language shift, but can in other instances also contribute to language maintenance. Inspired by Fishman’s Graded Intergenerational Disruption Scale (GIDS) and Simon and Lewis’ Expanded Graded Intergenerational Scale (EGIDS), it is assumed that the most important factor in processes of language shift is the attitude of parents, in particular their willingness to transmit their heritage language to their children. This willingness is connected with the perception of the value of the heritage language, which might be, in addition to other factors, influenced by the mobility capital the heritage language might give future generations. The interplay between migrant networks in different countries and the country of origin is key in understanding the parents’ decision-making process. Furthermore, the three main features of motility (access, competence and appropriation) fit quite logically in the already existing EGIDS scale. This article thus argues that motility is a valuable and necessary concept for sociolinguistic research and migration scholars alike.

Hourani-Martín, Dunia, e Encarnación Tabares-Plasencia. "Morphosyntactic and semantic behaviour of legal phraseological units". Terminology 26, n. 1 (12 giugno 2020): 108–31.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract This paper analyses the morphosyntactic and semantic behaviour of a sample of verb-noun constructions (VNCs, Tabares Plasencia 2012) from the corpus CRIMO (Hourani Martín and Tabares Plasencia 2016), a specialised comparable corpus of different varieties of Spanish that comprises the legislation on criminal law and criminal procedure from the Hispanic states. Our analysis revealed that topolectal variation is common despite attempts by international organisations to harmonise the terminology used in this legal subdomain. It will also be demonstrated that transformations of VNCs are pragmatically motivated and conditioned by the context. Examining these transformations reveals conventions of specialised discourse and textual genre which is why their representation in terminographical tools should be considered as they are an important means for a translator to achieve the adequacy and naturalness required for legal translation.

Hou, Jiaqi, e Frédéric Landragin. "La saillance en français et en chinois". Lingvisticæ Investigationes. International Journal of Linguistics and Language Resources 42, n. 2 (31 dicembre 2019): 186–233.

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Abstract (sommario):
Résumé Nous proposons dans cet article une analyse multifactorielle et contrastive de la notion de saillance, telle qu’elle s’applique aux entités du discours et détermine l’interprétation référentielle d’une anaphore. En observant les phénomènes de saillance en français et en chinois, notre but est de montrer que la saillance est influencée par une multitude de facteurs, de manière plus ou moins comparable dans les deux langues. Nous classons ces facteurs selon leur nature syntaxique, sémantique, textuelle ou pragmatique. Notre approche contrastive permet d’illustrer que, si plusieurs divergences – qui sont souvent corrélées avec les différences typologiques des deux langues – s’observent au niveau syntaxique, de nombreux facteurs de saillance dérivent plutôt de principes cognitifs généraux.

DAVIS. "Day to Day and Hour to Hour:". Interdisciplinary Literary Studies 17, n. 1 (2015): 137.

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Dewing, Jan. "The 36-Hour DayThe 36-Hour Day". Nursing Older People 25, n. 2 (marzo 2013): 9.

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Medarov, Boris I. "Hour-to-hour variation of FEV1/FVC". Chest 126, n. 4 (ottobre 2004): 744S.

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Peterson, Jennifer. "Golden Hour". Colorado Review 49, n. 2 (giugno 2022): 48.

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Schmidt, Kathrin, e Sue Vickerman. "Twilight Hour". Massachusetts Review 63, n. 2 (giugno 2022): 238–45.

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Mcgovern, Thomas. "Rush Hour". Afterimage 29, n. 5 (marzo 2002): 2.

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Loris, Nemo, e David Wheatley. "Tibor's Hoax". Books Ireland, n. 223 (1999): 191.

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Mosher, Matthew, David Tinapple, Enrique Tomas, Keina Konno, Richi Owaki, Yoshito Onishi, Ryo Kanda et al. "Demo hour". Interactions 23, n. 3 (26 aprile 2016): 8–11.

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Lee, Chang Hee, Dan Lockton, David Verweij, David Kirk, Kay Rogage, Abigail Durrant, Aubree Ball et al. "Demo hour". Interactions 25, n. 6 (25 ottobre 2018): 10–13.

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García, Leslie, Andrés Padilla Dómene, Thiago Hersan, Rodrigo Frenk, Marcela Armas, Arcángelo Constantini, Gilberto Esparza e Leo Nuñez. "Demo hour". Interactions 25, n. 3 (23 aprile 2018): 8–11.

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