Letteratura scientifica selezionata sul tema "Mediated touch"

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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Mediated touch":


Haans, Antal, e Wijnand A. IJsselsteijn. "The Virtual Midas Touch: Helping Behavior After a Mediated Social Touch". IEEE Transactions on Haptics 2, n. 3 (luglio 2009): 136–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/toh.2009.20.

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Maravall, Miguel, e Mathew E. Diamond. "Algorithms of whisker-mediated touch perception". Current Opinion in Neurobiology 25 (aprile 2014): 176–86. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.conb.2014.01.014.

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Haans, Antal, Renske de Bruijn e Wijnand A. IJsselsteijn. "A Virtual Midas Touch? Touch, Compliance, and Confederate Bias in Mediated Communication". Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 38, n. 3 (18 aprile 2014): 301–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10919-014-0184-2.

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McCray, Tara N., Quinton Smith e Kelly R. Stevens. "Can’t touch this: Stromal-mediated ductal proliferation". Cell Stem Cell 28, n. 11 (novembre 2021): 1885–87. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.stem.2021.10.006.

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Shigetoh, Hayato, Michihiro Osumi e Shu Morioka. "Experimental Pain Is Alleviated by Manual Traction Itself Rather than Subjective Bias in the Knee: A Signal Detection Analysis". Pain Medicine 20, n. 7 (12 gennaio 2019): 1347–54. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/pm/pny290.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract Background Manual traction is used for pain relief, but it is not clear whether the pain relief effect of manual traction is due to sensitivity or to subjective bias. The differences between manual traction and touch have also been unclear. Objectives We used signal detection theory to investigate whether manual traction and touch were effective for pain relief, and we compared the pain relief effect between manual traction and touch. Design Repeated measures and single blinding. Methods Twenty healthy adult volunteers performed an intensity judgment task immediately before and after each intervention. The intervention was either manual traction or touch for 10 minutes. We measured the intensity judgment task’s signal detection measures of hit rates, false alarm rates, sensitivity (d'), and response bias (C) in an Aδ fiber–mediated pain condition and C fiber–mediated pain condition. Results Manual traction did not provide a significant level of change, but its effect sizes differed. In our comparison of the effect sizes, manual traction tended to reduce the hit rate and altered the sensitivity value rather than the response bias in Aδ fiber–mediated pain. There was no significant difference in the amount of change in the hit rate between touch and manual traction regarding Aδ fiber–mediated pain and C fiber–mediated pain. Conclusions In terms of effect sizes, manual traction was effective for the pain relief of the first pain by producing a change in pain sensitivity rather than by subjective bias. Manual traction reduced the first pain, whereas touch reduced the first pain and second pain.

Papathanassoglou, Elizabeth D. E., e Meropi D. A. Mpouzika. "Interpersonal Touch". Biological Research For Nursing 14, n. 4 (6 luglio 2012): 431–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1099800412451312.

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Abstract (sommario):
Introduction:Nurses use several forms of touch in patient encounters. Interpersonal touch elicits specific physiological and psychological responses, including neuroendocrine effects and reduction of stress. Critical illness is a state of excessive physiological and psychological stress.Aims:To critically review evidence on the effect of touch on physiological outcomes in critically ill individuals. Results of intervention studies in adult critical care settings were reviewed along with supportive evidence from studies in other populations.Methods:Critical literature review based on studies published in MEDLINE, PubMed, Cinahl, Embase, and Cochrane databases.Results:Eleven studies were reviewed. Significant effects of interpersonal touch included lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure and respiratory rate, improved sleep, and decreased pain. Almost no results were replicated owing to discrepancies among studies. Although the effect of touch on cardiovascular autonomic status appears considerable, several confounders must be considered. In noncritically ill populations, replicable findings included increased urinary dopamine and serotonin, natural killer cytotoxic activity, and salivary chromogranin. Effects on plasma cortisol and immune cells were variable. Effects appear to vary according to amount of pressure, body site, duration, and timing: Moderate pressure touch may elicit a parasympathetic response in contrast to light touch, which may elicit a sympathetic response. Moreover, touch effects may be mediated by the density of autonomic innervation received by the body areas involved and repetition of sessions.Conclusion:The physiological pathway mediating the effects of touch is unclear. Although no concrete conclusions can be drawn, research evidence suggests that touch interventions may benefit critically ill individuals.

Martínez Reyes, Fernando, e Chris Greenhalgh. "The User's Touch". International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing 1, n. 4 (ottobre 2009): 14–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/japuc.2009100102.

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Abstract (sommario):
The home of the future will be able to offer comfortable, safe and supportive home spaces. Smart systems and artefacts will know users’ routines and anticipate their needs. While the vision of the home of the future is promissory, it is the user who supports UbiComp systems, but certain technical and social challenges must be addressed before the smart home can become a reality. Unexpected human behavior makes it difficult to identify and predict domestic activity. Thus, if a system is not reliable or trusted enough to take actions on behalf of users, context-aware designs must allow for user participation to support the systems’ performance. In this article, the authors use their experience designing a context-aware system to illustrate how the users’ “touch”, that is, their active involvement, is still a requirement for today’s UbiComp designs. The configurable system described supports parents awareness of their children’s activity. Responses from a user study indicate that parents engaged positively with this kind of mediated, rather than proactive, computing-based support.

Napolitano, Valentina. "On the Touch-Event". Social Analysis 64, n. 4 (1 dicembre 2020): 81–99. http://dx.doi.org/10.3167/sa.2020.640405.

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Abstract (sommario):
This article addresses the ‘touch-event’ as a mediated affective encounter that pivots around a tension between intimacy and distance, seduction and sovereignty, investment and withdrawal. Through a rereading of the Pauline event of conversion to Christianity, it argues that an analysis of the evolving significance of touch-events for Catholic liturgy and a religious congregation shows the theopolitical as always already constituted within an economy of enfleshed virtues. Focusing on contemporary examples of touch-events from the life of Francis, the first pope from the Americas, as well as from fieldwork among a group of female Latin American Catholic migrants in Rome, I argue for a closer examination of touch-events in order to grasp some of their theopolitical, radical, emancipatory, and, in some contexts, subjugating effects.

Teh, James K. S., e Adrian D. Cheok. "Computer Mediated Remote Touch Communication for Humans and Animals". Recent Patents on Computer Science 1, n. 1 (9 gennaio 2010): 26–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/1874479610801010026.

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Teh, James, e Adrian Cheok. "Computer Mediated Remote Touch Communication for Humans and Animals". Recent Patents on Computer Sciencee 1, n. 1 (1 gennaio 2008): 26–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/2213275910801010026.

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Tesi sul tema "Mediated touch":


Zhang, Zhuoming. "Improving mediated touch interaction with multimodality". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022IPPAT017.

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Abstract (sommario):
Comme l’un des plus importants canaux de communication non verbale, le toucher est largement utilisé à des fins différentes. Dans le développement physique et psychologique humain le toucher participe à la construction des liens sociaux et à la communication des émotions. Cependant, même si les technologies de l'information et de la communication actuels permettent l’utilisation de divers langages non verbaux, le soutien à la communication par le sens du toucher est encore insuffisant. Inspiré par les interactions intermodales dans la perception humaine, l’approche que j'adopte dans cette thèse est d’utiliser la multimodalité pour améliorer l’interaction tactile médiée. Suivant cette approche, je présente trois dispositifs qui fournissent des contributions empiriques à l’interaction tactile multimodaux : VisualTouch, SansTouch, et In-Flat. Afin de comprendre si les stimuli multimodaux peuvent améliorer la perception émotionnelle du toucher, je développe VisualTouch, et j'évalue quantitativement l’interaction entre la modalité visuelle et tactile. Pour étudier l’utilisation de différentes modalités dans la communication tactile, je présente SansTouch et fournis des aperçus empiriques sur l’interaction multimodale et la génération de contact cutané dans le contexte de la communication en face à face. Enfin, pour aller plus loin dans l’utilisation de stimuli multimodaux en interaction tactile, je présente In-Flat, une superposition tactile entrée/sortie pour smartphones. In-Flat fournit non seulement des informations supplémentaires sur la génération du toucher de la peau, mais aussi une meilleure compréhension du rôle que joue le toucher médié dans des contextes plus généraux. En résumé, cette thèse vise à combler le fossé entre la communication tactile et l’IHM, en contribuant à la conception et la compréhension des stimuli multimodaux dans l’interaction tactile médiée
As one of the most important non-verbal communication channels, touch is widely used for different purposes. It is a powerful force in human physical and psychological development, shaping social structures as well as communicating emotions. However, even though current information and communication technology (ICT) systems enable the use of various non-verbal languages, the support of communicating through the sense of touch is still insufficient. Inspired by the cross-modal interaction of human perception, the approach I present in this dissertation is to use multimodality to improve mediated touch interaction. Following this approach, I present three devices that provide empirical contributions to multimodal touch interaction: VisualTouch, SansTouch, and In-Flat. To understand if multimodal stimuli can improve the emotional perception of touch, I present the VisualTouch device, and quantitatively evaluate the cross-modal interaction between the visual and tactile modality. To investigate the use of different modalities in real touch communication, I present the SansTouch device, which provides empirical insights on multimodal interaction and skin-like touch generation in the context of face-to-face communication. Going one step forward in the use of multimodal stimuli in touch interaction, I present the In-Flat device, an input/output touch overlay for smartphones. In-Flat not only provides further insights on the skin-like touch generation, but also a better understanding of the role that mediated touch plays in more general contexts. In summary, this dissertation strives to bridge the gap between touch communication and HCI, by contributing to the design and understanding of multimodal stimuli in mediated touch interaction

Wang, Rongrong. "Contextualizing Remote Touch for Affect Conveyance". Diss., Virginia Tech, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/29247.

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Abstract (sommario):
Touch is an expressive and powerful modality in affect conveyance. A simple touch like a hug can elicit strong feelings of affection both in the touch initiator and recipient. Therefore delivering touch over a distance to a long-distance family member or significant other has been an appealing concept for both researchers and designers. However compared to the development of audio, video channels which allow the transmission of voice, facial expression and gesture, digitally mediated touch (Remote Touch) has not received much attention. We believe that this is partially due to the lack of understanding of the capabilities and communication possibilities that remote touch brings. This dissertation presents a review of relevant psychological and sociological literature of touch and proposes a model of immediacy of the touch channel for affect conveyance. We advance three hypotheses regarding the possibility of remote touch in immediate affect conveyance: presence, fidelity and context. We posit that remote touch with relatively low touch fidelity can convey meaningful immediate affect when it is accompanied by a contextualizing channel. To test the hypothesis, two sets of remote touch devices are designed and prototyped which allow users to send/receive a squeeze on the upper arm to/from others effectively. Three in-lab user studies are conducted to investigate the role of remote touch in affect conveyance. These studies showed clearly that remote touch, when contextualized, can influence the affective component in communication. Our results demonstrated that remote touch can afford a rich spectrum of meanings and affects. Three major categories of the usage are identified as positive affect touch which serves to convey affects such as affection, sympathy and sharing, comfort etc., playful touch which serves to lighten the conversations, and conversational touch which serves to regulate the dynamics in the discourse. Our interview results also provide insights of how people use this new channel in their communication.
Ph. D.

Cranor, David (John David). "PROTOTOUCH a system for prototyping ubiquitous computing environments mediated by touch". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/69522.

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Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2011.
Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 93-98).
Computers as we know them are fading into the background. However, interaction modalities developed for "foreground" computer systems are beginning to seep into the day-to-day interactions that people have with each other and the objects around them. The Prototouch system allows user interface designers to quickly prototype systems of ubiquitous computing devices which utilize touch and gesture based interactions popularized by the recent explosion of multitouch-enabled smartphones, enabling the user to act as container, token, and tool for the manipulation and transportation of abstract digital information between these devices. Two versions of the system utilizing different network topologies have been created, and several example applications utilizing the system have been developed.
by David Cranor.

Komaromi, Haque Judit. "Synchronized Dining Tangible mediated communication for remote commensality". Thesis, Malmö högskola, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-21898.

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Abstract (sommario):
This thesis discusses commensality as a significant social activity, that helps to maintain and strengthen social bonds. It also examines the sense of touch as a communication channel, and provides an insight to how it can be used to communicate affect. Touch as contextualized medium and its relevance to interaction design is investigated. Based on studies made in psychology, physiology, sociology and communication it aims to find an answer to the question: ”How may we create togetherness -with the help of an interactive device- between loved ones separated by distance during dining, through remote communication?” In order to meet the objectives of the above question this research followed the Research Through Design methodology, with series of workshops and prototyping sessions.

Tsalamlal, Mohamed Yacine. "Communication affective médiée via une interface tactile". Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016SACLS379/document.

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Abstract (sommario):
La communication affective est au cœur de nos interactions interpersonnelles. Nous communiquons les émotions à travers de multiples canaux non verbaux. Plusieurs travaux de recherche sur l’interaction homme-machine ont exploité ces modalités de communication afin de concevoir des systèmes permettant de reconnaître et d’afficher automatiquement des signaux affectifs. Le toucher est la modalité la moins explorée dans ce domaine de recherche. L’aspect intrusif des interfaces haptiques actuelles est l’un des principaux obstacles à leur utilisation dans la communication affective médiée. En effet, l’utilisateur est physiquement connecté à des systèmes mécaniques pour recevoir la stimulation. Cette configuration altère la transparence de l’interaction médiée et empêche la perception de certaines dimensions affectives comme la valence. L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer et d’étudier une technique de stimulation tactile sans contact avec des systèmes mécaniques pour médier des signaux d’affects. Sur la base de l’état de l’art des interfaces haptiques, nous avons proposé une stratégie de stimulation tactile basée sur l’utilisation d’un jet d’air mobile. Cette technique permet de fournir une stimulation tactile non-intrusive sur des zones différentes du corps. De plus, ce dispositif tactile permettrait une stimulation efficace de certains mécanorécepteurs qui jouent un rôle important dans les perceptions d’affects positifs. Nous avons conduit une étude expérimentale pour comprendre les relations entre les caractéristiques physiques de la stimulation tactile par jet d’air et la perception affective des utilisateurs. Les résultats mettent en évidence les effets principaux de l'intensité et de la vitesse du mouvement du jet d’air sur l’évaluation subjective mesurée dans l’espace affectif (à savoir, la valence, l'arousal et de la dominance).La communication des émotions est clairement multimodale. Nous utilisons le toucher conjointement avec d’autres modalités afin de communiquer les différents messages affectifs. C’est dans ce sens que nous avons conduit deux études expérimentales pour examiner la combinaison de la stimulation tactile par jet d’air avec les expressions faciales et vocales pour la perception de la valence. Ces expérimentations ont été conduites dans un cadre théorique et expérimental appelé théorie de l’intégration de l’information. Ce cadre permet de modéliser l’intégration de l’information issue de plusieurs sources en employant une algèbre cognitive. Les résultats de nos travaux suggèrent que la stimulation tactile par jet d’air peut être utilisée pour transmettre des signaux affectifs dans le cadre des interactions homme-machine. Les modèles perceptifs d’intégration bimodales peuvent être exploités pour construire des modèles computationnels permettant d’afficher des affects en combinant la stimulation tactile aux expressions faciales ou à la voix
Affective communication plays a major role in our interpersonal interactions. We communicate emotions through multiple non-verbal channels. Researches on human-computer interaction have exploited these communication channels in order to design systems that automatically recognize and display emotional signals. Touch has receivers less interest then other non-verbal modalities in this area of research. The intrusive aspect of current haptic interfaces is one of the main obstacles to their use in mediated emotional communication. In fact, the user is must physically connected to mechanical systems to receive the stimulation. This configuration affects the transparency of the mediated interaction and limits the perception of certain emotional dimensions as the Valence. The objective of this thesis is to propose and study a technique for tactile stimulation. This technique does not require contact with mechanical systems to transmit affective signals. On the basis of the state of the art of haptic interfaces, we proposed a strategy of tactile stimulation based on the use of a mobile air jet. This technique provides a non-intrusive tactile stimulation on different areas of the body. In addition, this tactile device would allow effective stimulation of some mechanoreceptors that play an important role in perceptions of positive affect. We conducted an experimental study to understand the relationships between the physical characteristics of tactile stimulation by air jet and the emotional perception of the users. The results highlight the main effects of the intensity and the velocity of movement of the air stream on the subjective evaluation measured in space affective (namely, Valence, Arousal and Dominance).The communication of emotions is clearly multi-modal. We use touch jointly with other modalities to communicate different emotional messages. We conducted two experimental studies to examine the combination of air jet tactile stimulation with facial and vocal expressions for perception of the valence. These experiments were conducted in a theoretical and experimental framework called integration of information theory. This framework allows modelling the integration of information from multiple sources using a cognitive algebra. Our work suggests that tactile stimulation by air jet can be used to transmit emotional signals in the context of the human-machine interactions. Perceptual bimodal integration models can be exploited to build computational models to display affects by combining tactile stimulation to facial expressions or the voice

Cantucci, Filippo. "Segmentazione e categorizzazione di oggetti mediante immagini depth e deep learning". Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/8572/.

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Abstract (sommario):
Questo lavoro è iniziato con uno studio teorico delle principali tecniche di classificazione di immagini note in letteratura, con particolare attenzione ai più diffusi modelli di rappresentazione dell’immagine, quali il modello Bag of Visual Words, e ai principali strumenti di Apprendimento Automatico (Machine Learning). In seguito si è focalizzata l’attenzione sulla analisi di ciò che costituisce lo stato dell’arte per la classificazione delle immagini, ovvero il Deep Learning. Per sperimentare i vantaggi dell’insieme di metodologie di Image Classification, si è fatto uso di Torch7, un framework di calcolo numerico, utilizzabile mediante il linguaggio di scripting Lua, open source, con ampio supporto alle metodologie allo stato dell’arte di Deep Learning. Tramite Torch7 è stata implementata la vera e propria classificazione di immagini poiché questo framework, grazie anche al lavoro di analisi portato avanti da alcuni miei colleghi in precedenza, è risultato essere molto efficace nel categorizzare oggetti in immagini. Le immagini su cui si sono basati i test sperimentali, appartengono a un dataset creato ad hoc per il sistema di visione 3D con la finalità di sperimentare il sistema per individui ipovedenti e non vedenti; in esso sono presenti alcuni tra i principali ostacoli che un ipovedente può incontrare nella propria quotidianità. In particolare il dataset si compone di potenziali ostacoli relativi a una ipotetica situazione di utilizzo all’aperto. Dopo avere stabilito dunque che Torch7 fosse il supporto da usare per la classificazione, l’attenzione si è concentrata sulla possibilità di sfruttare la Visione Stereo per aumentare l’accuratezza della classificazione stessa. Infatti, le immagini appartenenti al dataset sopra citato sono state acquisite mediante una Stereo Camera con elaborazione su FPGA sviluppata dal gruppo di ricerca presso il quale è stato svolto questo lavoro. Ciò ha permesso di utilizzare informazioni di tipo 3D, quali il livello di depth (profondità) di ogni oggetto appartenente all’immagine, per segmentare, attraverso un algoritmo realizzato in C++, gli oggetti di interesse, escludendo il resto della scena. L’ultima fase del lavoro è stata quella di testare Torch7 sul dataset di immagini, preventivamente segmentate attraverso l’algoritmo di segmentazione appena delineato, al fine di eseguire il riconoscimento della tipologia di ostacolo individuato dal sistema.

Mendonça, Renata. "Chimpanzee's (Pan troglodytes) social cognition and behaviour mediated by a touch panel task". Master's thesis, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10316/31516.

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Abstract (sommario):
Dissertação de Mestrado em Evolução e Biologia Humanas, apresentada ao Departamento de Ciências da Vida da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra.
O chimpanzé (Pan troglodytes) é o parente vivo mais próximo do Homem (juntamente com o bonobo - Pan paniscus). Características genéticas anatómicas, comportamentais e cognitivas fazem deste género um óptimo modelo parcimonioso para estudos cognitivos e comportamentais, elucidando-nos acerca da evolução do Homem. Os chimpanzés vivem em grupos sociais hierarquizados. A vida em grupos apresenta inúmeros desafios sociais. Tópicos relacionados como competição e comportamentos prosociais vão ser explorados: consequências da vida em grupo. O estudo 1 foca-se na observação do comportamento dos chimpanzés numa situação de contest competition, num ambiente controlado, que requer a realização de uma tarefa num monitor Touch screen para a obtenção de recompensa. O objectivo é perceber qual dos indivíduos monopoliza a tarefa e como os restantes indivíduos se comportam. O presente estudo revelou-se uma situação de competição entre machos. Os indivíduos dominantes não são os que exercem mais a tarefa. A fêmea dominante raramente se aproxima da área do booth e o macho dominante realiza tarefa por menos tempo comparado com o macho juvenil, Ayumu, filho da fêmea dominante. As fêmeas subordinadas aproveitaram a ausência de Ayumu para realizar a tarefa. As sessões em que o macho juvenil entrou no recinto da experiência coincidiram com as sessões em que se verifou uma maior taxa de comportamentos agonísticos. Os resultados sugerem que a dominância não é o principal factor a influenciar a monopolização da área e que o Ayumu é o principal responsável pelos comportamentos agonisticos. O estudo 2 foca o comportamento prosocial numa situação experimental mediada por computadores Touch panel em três díadas mãe-cria(juvenil). Os indivíduos foram dados a escolher entre três opções ―prosocial‖,―mean-spirited‖ e ―altruistic‖, em três condições distintas. Os chimpanzés escolheram, significativamente, nas três condições, a opção prosocial em relação às restantes opções e demonstraram entender as funções das opções entender ao objectivo. As crias demonstraram um comportamento mais altruísta que as respectivas mães, como estratégia para evitarem conflitos com as mesmas. Os resultados do presente estudo são confrontados com estudos anteriores.
Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) is the human closest living relative (as well as the bonobo - Pan paniscus). Genetic, anatomical, behavioural and cognitive traits make this genus a parsimonious role model for human evolution. Chimpanzees live in large and hierarchized groups. Life in groups holds many social challenges, Hereby we focus on two topics: competition and prosociality, as a consequence of life in groups. Study 1 aims to observe chimpanzees´ behaviour in contest competition situation in a controlled environment mediated by a touch-panel. The study focuses on understanding which individual is more likely to perform the task to obtain a reward and understanding other individuals‘ behaviour facing this contest competition scenario. The current study turned out to be a situation of male-male competition. The dominant individuals were not the ones that had performed for longer time. The dominant female rarely approach the booth area and the dominant male performed less than a juvenile male, Ayumu, son of the dominant female. Low ranking females took advantage and performed the task in the absence of Ayumu. The entrance of Ayumu in the enclosure where the experiment was ongoing increased the rate of agonistic behaviours. Results suggest that dominance is not the main factor accounting for the monopolization of the area, and Ayumu is the responsible for the increase of agonistic behaviours. Study 2 aimed to understand if chimpanzees are prosocial in an experimental situation mediated by a touch-panel and improve the old paradigms to test prosocial behaviour. 3 Mother-offspring dyads were requested to choose between, 3 choices across three different conditions: prosocial, mean-spirited and altruistic. Chimpanzees chose the prosocial option significantly above all the options in the three conditions and seemed to understand the function of the key prosocial and meanspirited key. In condition 3, when chimpanzees faced the dyadic choice of mean-spirited and altruistic continuously for 96 trials, altruistic choice was chosen more frequently by the juveniles compared to the mothers, as a strategy to avoid conflict with the mother. Results are discussed and compared to the previous studies.

Libri sul tema "Mediated touch":


Dreischer, Anita. Sie brauchen mich nicht immer zu streicheln: Eine diskursanalytische Untersuchung zu den Funktionen von Berührungen in medialen Gesprächen. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 2001.

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Ross, Stephen J. The Season is Stalled. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198798385.003.0005.

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Abstract (sommario):
The final chapter, a survey of Ashbery’s prolific “late period,” argues that the archive of “bad” nature poetry examined in Chapter 4 is shadowed by a related archive of poetry about climate change. Where Ashbery’s later work has gained a reputation for being lighter and more in touch with the great English nonsense tradition than his earlier work, I argue that the work since April Galleons (1987) constitutes a sustained attempt to reckon with the sublimely unimaginable crisis of climate change. Ashbery’s later work does mediate the “real world,” while ecology, long absent from Ashbery’s work, erupts into it in the years following the discovery of the ozone layer hole in the mid-1980s. From “The Ice Storm” and “Korean Soap Opera” to Girls on the Run and “Breezeway,” Ashbery’s later poems of the ecosublime assume an urgently diagnostic aura.

Bickford, Tyler. Schooling New Media. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190654146.001.0001.

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Abstract (sommario):
Schooling New Media is an ethnography of children’s music and media consumption practices at a small elementary and middle school in Vermont. It examines how transformations in music technologies influence the way children, their peers, and adults relate to one another in school. Focusing especially on digital music devices—MP3 players—it reveals the key role of intimate, face-to-face relationships in structuring children’s uses of music technologies. It explores how headphones mediate face-to-face peer relationships, as children share earbuds and listen to music with friends while participating in their peer groups’ dense overlap of talk, touch, and gesture. It argues that kids treat MP3 players less like “technology” and more like “toys,” domesticating them within traditional childhood material cultures already characterized by playful physical interaction and portable objects such as toys, trading cards, and dolls that can be shared, manipulated, and held close. Kids use digital music devices to expand their repertoires of communicative practices—like passing notes or whispering—that allow them to maintain intimate connections with friends beyond the reach of adults. Kids position the connections afforded by digital music listening as a direct challenge to the overarching language and literacy goals of classroom education. Schooling New Media is unique in its intensive ethnographic attention to everyday sites of musical consumption and performance. And it is uniquely interdisciplinary, bringing together approaches from music education, ethnomusicology, technology studies, literacy studies, and linguistic anthropology to make integrative arguments about the relationship between consumer technologies, childhood identities, and educational institutions.

Capitoli di libri sul tema "Mediated touch":


Weda, Judith, Dasha Kolesnyk, Angelika Mader e Jan van Erp. "Experiencing Touch by Technology". In Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications, 110–18. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-06249-0_13.

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Abstract (sommario):
AbstractTouch technology can mediate social touch in situations when people cannot be physically close. Recent social touch technologies use haptic actuators capable of displaying pressure touch. We studied experience in two set-ups which use such actuators: a motorized ribbon and a McKibben sleeve. We investigated whether there is an inherent emotional and sensory experience attached to sensations produced by those set-ups. Participants were presented with pressure touches varying in rate of force change, peak force and contact area. Participants rated the sensory and emotional experience of each stimulus variation with a check-all-that-apply measure of 79 items in two sections and the Emojigrid. We found that force has a major effect on the experience of a passive pressure touch. Speed and width also played a role, but to a lesser extent and only in one of the set-ups. The results inform the design of mediated social touch applications in making the technology more congruent with the context.

Maravall, Miguel, e Mathew E. Diamond. "Functional Principles of Whisker-Mediated Touch Perception". In Sensorimotor Integration in the Whisker System, 169–93. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-2975-7_8.

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Morrison, India. "CT Afferent-Mediated Affective Touch: Brain Networks and Functional Hypotheses". In Affective Touch and the Neurophysiology of CT Afferents, 195–208. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-6418-5_12.

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Tsetserukou, Dzmitry, Alena Neviarouskaya e Kazuhiko Terashima. "iFeel_IM!: A Cyberspace System for Communication of Touch-Mediated Emotions". In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 70–77. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-41033-8_12.

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Velichkovsky, Boris, Andreas Sprenger e Pieter Unema. "Towards gaze-mediated interaction: Collecting solutions of the “Midas touch problem”". In Human-Computer Interaction INTERACT ’97, 509–16. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1997. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-35175-9_77.

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Héron, Robin, Stéphane Safin, Michael Baker e Françoise Détienne. "The Functions of Computer-Mediated Touch at a Distance: An Interactionist Approach". In Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021), 45–53. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-74614-8_6.

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Askari, Sima Ipakchian, Antal Haans, Pieter Bos, Maureen Eggink, Emily Mengfei Lu, Fenella Kwong e Wijnand IJsselsteijn. "Context Matters: The Effect of Textual Tone on the Evaluation of Mediated Social Touch". In Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications, 131–39. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-58147-3_15.

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Menegazzi, Douglas, e Cristina Sylla. "Touch to Read: Investigating the Readers’ Interaction Experience in Mediated Reading to Design Story Apps". In Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 588–600. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-53294-9_43.

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Bellan, Valeria, Carlo Reverberi e Alberto Gallace. "Evidence for ‘Visual Enhancement of Touch’ Mediated by Visual Displays and Its Relationship with Body Ownership". In Haptics: Perception, Devices, Mobility, and Communication, 58–66. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-31401-8_6.

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"Touch in computer-mediated communication". In Mediated Interpersonal Communication, 172–90. Routledge, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9780203926864-17.

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Atti di convegni sul tema "Mediated touch":


Toet, A., J. B. F. van Erp, F. F. Petrignani, M. H. Dufrasnes, A. Sadhashivan, D. Van Alphen, F. Boeree et al. "Reach Out and Touch Somebody's Virtual Hand: Affectively Connected through Mediated Touch". In 2013 Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII). IEEE, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/acii.2013.146.

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Huisman, Gijs, e Aduén Darriba Frederiks. "Towards tactile expressions of emotion through mediated touch". In CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2468356.2468638.

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IJsselsteijn, Wijnand A., e Antal Haans. "Touch, tools, and telepresence: embodiment in mediated environments". In Electronic Imaging 2008, a cura di Bernice E. Rogowitz e Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas. SPIE, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.785308.

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Pallarino, Timothy, Aaron E. Free, Katrina Mutuc e Svetlana Yarosh. "Feeling Distance: An Investigation of Mediated Social Touch Prototypes". In the 19th ACM Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2818052.2869124.

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Haans, Antal, Christiaan de Nood e Wijnand A. IJsselsteijn. "Investigating response similarities between real and mediated social touch". In CHI '07 extended abstracts. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1240866.1241015.

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Sener, Bahar, e Owain Pedgley. "WEARABLE TACTUAL COMMUNICATORS: DESIGNING PRODUCTS WITH TECHNOLOGY-MEDIATED TOUCH". In 23rd International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. The Design Society, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.35199/epde.2021.79.

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Huisman, Gijs, Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze e Dirk Heylen. "International Workshop on Mediated Touch and Affect (MeTA 2013): Introduction". In 2013 Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII). IEEE, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/acii.2013.142.

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Wei, Qianhui, Min Li, Jun Hu e Loe Feijs. "Creating Mediated Touch Gestures with Vibrotactile Stimuli for Smart Phones". In TEI '20: Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3374920.3374981.

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Simons, Melanie F., Alice C. Haynes, Yan Gao, Yihua Zhu e Jonathan Rossiter. "In Contact: Pinching, Squeezing and Twisting for Mediated Social Touch". In CHI '20: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3334480.3382798.

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Mohan, Pallavi, Wooi Boon Goh, Chi-Wing Fu e Sai-Kit Yeung. "DualGaze: Addressing the Midas Touch Problem in Gaze Mediated VR Interaction". In 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct). IEEE, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ismar-adjunct.2018.00039.

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Rapporti di organizzazioni sul tema "Mediated touch":


Sadot, Einat, Christopher Staiger e Mohamad Abu-Abied. Studies of Novel Cytoskeletal Regulatory Proteins that are Involved in Abiotic Stress Signaling. United States Department of Agriculture, settembre 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/2011.7592652.bard.

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Abstract (sommario):
In the original proposal we planned to focus on two proteins related to the actin cytoskeleton: TCH2, a touch-induced calmodulin-like protein which was found by us to interact with the IQ domain of myosin VIII, ATM1; and ERD10, a dehydrin which was found to associate with actin filaments. As reported previously, no other dehydrins were found to interact with actin filaments. In addition so far we were unsuccessful in confirming the interaction of TCH2 with myosin VIII using other methods. In addition, no other myosin light chain candidates were found in a yeast two hybrid survey. Nevertheless we have made a significant progress in our studies of the role of myosins in plant cells. Plant myosins have been implicated in various cellular activities, such as cytoplasmic streaming (1, 2), plasmodesmata function (3-5), organelle movement (6-10), cytokinesis (4, 11, 12), endocytosis (4, 5, 13-15) and targeted RNA transport (16). Plant myosins belong to two main groups of unconventional myosins: myosin XI and myosin VIII, both closely related to myosin V (17-19). The Arabidopsis myosin family contains 17 members: 13 myosin XI and four myosin VIII (19, 20). The data obtained from our research of myosins was published in two papers acknowledging BARD funding. To address whether specific myosins are involved with the motility of specific organelles, we cloned the cDNAs from neck to tail of all 17 Arabidopsis myosins. These were fused to GFP and used as dominant negative mutants that interact with their cargo but are unable to walk along actin filaments. Therefore arrested organelle movement in the presence of such a construct shows that a particular myosin is involved with the movement of that particular organelle. While no mutually exclusive connections between specific myosins and organelles were found, based on overexpression of dominant negative tail constructs, a group of six myosins (XIC, XIE, XIK, XI-I, MYA1 and MYA2) were found to be more important for the motility of Golgi bodies and mitochondria in Nicotiana benthamiana and Nicotiana tabacum (8). Further deep and thorough analysis of myosin XIK revealed a potential regulation by head and tail interaction (Avisar et al., 2011). A similar regulatory mechanism has been reported for animal myosin V and VIIa (21, 22). In was shown that myosin V in the inhibited state is in a folded conformation such that the tail domain interacts with the head domain, inhibiting its ATPase and actinbinding activities. Cargo binding, high Ca2+, and/or phosphorylation may reduce the interaction between the head and tail domains, thus restoring its activity (23). Our collaborative work focuses on the characterization of the head tail interaction of myosin XIK. For this purpose the Israeli group built yeast expression vectors encoding the myosin XIK head. In addition, GST fusions of the wild-type tail as well as a tail mutated in the amino acids that mediate head to tail interaction. These were sent to the US group who is working on the isolation of recombinant proteins and performing the in vitro assays. While stress signals involve changes in Ca2+ levels in plants cells, the cytoplasmic streaming is sensitive to Ca2+. Therefore plant myosin activity is possibly regulated by stress. This finding is directly related to the goal of the original proposal.

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