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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Methods of Transfer":


Kaluđer, Jelena, Mensur Mulabdić e Krunoslav Minažek. "LOAD TRANSFER PLATFORMS - COMPARISON OF DESIGN METHODS". Elektronički časopis građevinskog fakulteta Osijek 6, n. 10 (2 luglio 2015): 30–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.13167/2015.10.4.

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Wall, R. J. "New gene transfer methods". Theriogenology 57, n. 1 (gennaio 2002): 189–201. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0093-691x(01)00666-5.

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West, Robert A. "Methods in radiative transfer". Icarus 64, n. 2 (novembre 1985): 338–39. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0019-1035(85)90098-3.

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Huben�, Ivan. "Methods in radiative transfer". Astrophysics and Space Science 115, n. 1 (1985): 199. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/bf00653840.

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Šangić, Bojana, e Jelena Obradović. "Transfer pricing: Guidelines and methods". Revizor 21, n. 84 (2018): 45–60. http://dx.doi.org/10.5937/rev1884033s.

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MCBEE, L. E. "Innovative Methods of Energy Transfer". Poultry Science 75, n. 9 (settembre 1996): 1137–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.3382/ps.0751137.

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Ganapol, B. D. "Perturbation Methods in Heat Transfer". Nuclear Technology 73, n. 2 (maggio 1986): 252. http://dx.doi.org/10.13182/nt86-a33790.

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OʼRourke, Michael F., e Michel E. Safar. "Methods for transfer function assessment". Journal of Hypertension 26, n. 2 (febbraio 2008): 377–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/hjh.0b013e3282f35811.

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Hope, Sarah A., Paul Antonis, David Adam, James D. Cameron e Ian T. Meredith. "Methods for transfer function assessment". Journal of Hypertension 26, n. 2 (febbraio 2008): 378–79. http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/hjh.0b013e3282f424e9.

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Boucher, Thomas, M. Darby Dyar e Sridhar Mahadevan. "Proximal methods for calibration transfer". Journal of Chemometrics 31, n. 4 (aprile 2017): e2877. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cem.2877.

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Tesi sul tema "Methods of Transfer":


Chen, Xiaoyi. "Transfer Learning with Kernel Methods". Thesis, Troyes, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018TROY0005.

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Abstract (sommario):
Le transfert d‘apprentissage regroupe les méthodes permettant de transférer l’apprentissage réalisé sur des données (appelées Source) à des données nouvelles, différentes, mais liées aux données Source. Ces travaux sont une contribution au transfert d’apprentissage homogène (les domaines de représentation des Source et Cible sont identiques) et transductif (la tâche à effectuer sur les données Cible est identique à celle sur les données Source), lorsque nous ne disposons pas d’étiquettes des données Cible. Dans ces travaux, nous relâchons la contrainte d’égalité des lois des étiquettes conditionnellement aux observations, souvent considérée dans la littérature. Notre approche permet de traiter des cas de plus en plus généraux. Elle repose sur la recherche de transformations permettant de rendre similaires les données Source et Cible. Dans un premier temps, nous recherchons cette transformation par Maximum de Vraisemblance. Ensuite, nous adaptons les Machines à Vecteur de Support en intégrant une contrainte additionnelle sur la similitude des données Source et Cible. Cette similitude est mesurée par la Maximum Mean Discrepancy. Enfin, nous proposons l’utilisation de l’Analyse en Composantes Principales à noyau pour rechercher un sous espace, obtenu à partir d’une transformation non linéaire des données Source et Cible, dans lequel les lois des observations sont les plus semblables possibles. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent l’efficacité de nos approches
Transfer Learning aims to take advantage of source data to help the learning task of related but different target data. This thesis contributes to homogeneous transductive transfer learning where no labeled target data is available. In this thesis, we relax the constraint on conditional probability of labels required by covariate shift to be more and more general, based on which the alignment of marginal probabilities of source and target observations renders source and target similar. Thus, firstly, a maximum likelihood based approach is proposed. Secondly, SVM is adapted to transfer learning with an extra MMD-like constraint where Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) measures this similarity. Thirdly, KPCA is used to align data in a RKHS on minimizing MMD. We further develop the KPCA based approach so that a linear transformation in the input space is enough for a good and robust alignment in the RKHS. Experimentally, our proposed approaches are very promising

Colomer, Rey Guillem. "Numerical methods for radiative heat transfer". Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/6691.

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Abstract (sommario):
L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi es l'estudi de la transferència d'energia per radiació. Per aquest motiu, s'ha estudiat la fenomenologia bàsica de la transferencia de calor per radiació. Tenint en compte el tipus d'equació que descriu aquesta transferència d'energia, aquesta tesi esta encarada als metodes numèrics que ens permetran incorporar la radiació en els nostres càlculs. Donat que aquest és el primer treball d'aquestes característiques en el grup de recerca CTTC ("Centre Tecnològic de Transferència de Calor"), està limitat a geometries senzilles, cartesianes i cilíndriques.

En el capítol 1 s'exposa una breu introducció a la transferència d'energia per radiació, i una explicació de les equacions que la governen. Es tracta de l'equació del transport radiatiu, formulada en termes dels coeficients d'absorció i de dispersió, i l'equació de l'energia. També s'indica quan cal tenir en compte aquest fenòmen, i a més a més, es defineixen totes les magnituds i conceptes que s'han utilitzat en aquesta tesi. També es dóna una breu descripció d'algunes simplificacions que es poden fer a les equacions governants.

El mètode de les radiositats s'explica en el capítol 2. També s'hi descriu un procediment numèric que permet calcular els factors de vista en geometries amb simetria cilíndrica, i es presenten resultats obtinguts amb el mètode descrit. Tot i que aquest capítol està una mica deslligat de la resta de la tesi, l'algoritme ideat per tractar geometries tridimensionals amb un temps computacional molt proper al de geometries bidimensionals, sense un increment de memòria apreciable, dóna uns resultats prou bons com per formar part de la tesi.

El mètode de les ordenades discretes (DOM) es detalla en el capítol 3. L'aspecte més important d'aquest mètode es l'elecció del conjunt d'ordenades per integrar l'equació del transport radiatiu. S'enumeren quines propietats han d'acomplir aquests conjunts. S'hi explica amb detall la discretització de la equació del transport radiatiu, tant en coordenades cartesianes com en cilíndriques. Es presenten també alguns resultats ilustratius obtinguts amb aquest mètode.

En el moment en que es vol resoldre un problema real, cal tenir present que el coeficients d'absorció pot dependre bruscament de la longitud d'ona de la radiació. En aquesta tesi s'ha considerat aquesta dependència amb especial interés, en el capítol 4. Aquest interès ha motivat una recerca bibliogràfica sobre la modelització aquesta forta dependència espectral del coeficient d'absorció. Aquesta recerca s'ha dirigit també a l'estudi dels diferents models numèrics existents capaços d'abordar-la, i de resoldre la equació del transport radiatiu en aquestes condicions. Es descriuen diversos mètodes, i, d'aquests, se n'han implementat dos: el mètode de la suma ponderada de gasos grisos (WSGG), i el mètode de la suma de gasos grisos ponderada per línies espectrals (SLW). S'hi presenten també resultats ilustratius.

S'han realitzat multitud de proves en el codi numèric resultant de l'elaboració d'aquesta tesi. Tenint en compte els resultats obtinguts, es pot dir que els objectius proposats a l'inici de la tesi s'han acomplert. Com a demostració de la utilitat del codi resultant, aquest ha estat integrat en un codi de proposit general (DPC), resultat del treball de molts investigadors en els darrers anys.

Aquesta esmentada integració permet la resolució de problemes combinats de transferència de calor, analitzats en els capítols 5 i 6, on la radiació s'acobla amb la transferència de calor per convecció. La influència de la radiació en la transferència total de calor s'estudia en el capítol 5, publicat a la International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, volum 47 (núm. 2), pàg. 257-269, 2004. En el capítol 6, s'analitza l'efecte d'alguns paràmetres del mètode SLW en un problema combinat de transferència de calor. Aquest capítol s'ha enviat a la revista Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, per què en consideri la publicació.
The main objective of the present thesis is to study the energy transfer by means of radiation. Therefore, the basic phenomenology of radiative heat transfer has been studied. However, considering the nature of the equation that describes such energy transfer, this work is focussed on the numerical methods which will allow us to take radiation into account, for both transparent and participating media. Being this the first effort within the CTTC ("Centre Tecnològic de Transferència de Calor") research group on this subject, it is limited to simple cartesian and cylindrical geometries.

For this purpose, chapter 1 contains an introduction to radiative energy transfer and the basic equations that govern radiative transfer are discussed. These are the radiative transfer equation, formulated in terms of the absorption and scattering coefficients, and the energy equation. It is also given a discussion on when this mode of energy transfer should be considered. In this chapter are also defined all of the magnitudes and concepts used throughout this work. It ends with a brief description of some approximate methods to take radiation into account.

The Radiosity Irradiosity Method is introduced in chapter 2. In this chapter it is also described a numerical method to calculate the view factors for axial symmetric geometries. The main results obtained in such geometries are also presented. Although a little disconnected from the rest of the present thesis, the algorithm used to handle "de facto"' three dimensional geometries with computation time just a little longer than two dimensional cases, with no additional memory consumption, is considered worthy enough to be included in this work.

In chapter 3, the Discrete Ordinates Method (DOM) is detailed. The fundamental aspect of this method is the choice of an ordinate set to integrate the radiative transfer equation. The characterization of such valuable ordinate sets is laid out properly. The discretization of the radiative transfer equation is explained in etail. The direct solution procedure is also outlined. Finally, illustrative results obtained with the DOM under several conditions are presented.

In the moment we wish to solve real problems, we face the fact that the absorption and scattering coefficients depend strongly on radiation wavelength. In the present thesis, special emphasis has been placed on studying the radiative properties of real gases in chapter 4. This interest resulted on a bibliographical research on how the wavenumber dependence of the absorption coefficient is modeled and estimated. Furthermore, this bibliographical research was focussed also on numerical models able to handle such wavenumber dependence. Several methods are discussed, and two of them, namely the Weighted Sum of Gray Gases (WSGG) and the Spectral Line Weighted sum of gray gases (SLW), have been implemented to perform non gray calculations. Some significant results are shown.

Plenty of tests have been performed to the numerical code that resulted from the elaboration of this thesis. According to the results obtained, the objectives proposed in this thesis have been satisfied. As a demonstration of the usefulness of the implemented code, it has been succesfully integrated to a general purpose computational fluid dynamics code (DPC), fruit of the effort of many researchers during many years.
Results of the above integration lead to the resolution of combined heat transfer problems, that are analyzed in chapters 5 and 6, where radiative heat transfer is coupled to convection heat transfer. The effect of radiation on the total heat transfer is studied in chapter 5, which has been published as International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, volume 47 (issue 2), pages 257--269, year 2004. In chapter 6, the impact of some parameters of the SLW model on a combined heat transfer problem is analyzed. This chapter has been submitted for publication at the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer.

Hunt, Katherine. "Wavelet methods for transfer function modelling". Thesis, University of Bristol, 2002. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.268701.

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Ganti, Satyakala. "DEVELOPMENT OF HPLC METHODS FOR PHARMACEUTICALLY RELEVANT MOLECULES; METHOD TRANSFER TO UPLC: COMPARING METHODS STATISTICALLY FOR EQUIVALENCE". Diss., Temple University Libraries, 2011. http://cdm16002.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p245801coll10/id/118587.

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Abstract (sommario):
High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is a well-known and widely used analytical technique which is prevalent throughout the pharmaceutical industry as a research tool. Despite its prominence HPLC possesses some disadvantages, most notably slow analysis time and large consumption of organic solvents. Ultra Pressure Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) is a relatively new technique which offers the same separation capabilities of HPLC with the added benefits of reduced run time and lower solvent consumption. One of the key developments which facilitate the new UPLC technology is sub 2-µm particles used as column packing material. These particles allow for higher operating pressures and increased flow rates while still providing strong separation. Although UPLC technology has been available since early 2000, few laboratories have embraced the new technology as an alternative to HPLC. Besides the resistance to investing in new capital, another major roadblock is converting existing HPLC methodology to UPLC without disruption. This research provides a framework for converting existing HPLC methods to UPLC. An existing HPLC method for analysis of Galantamine hydrobromide was converted to UPLC and validated according to ICH guidelines. A series of statistical evaluations on the validation data were performed to prove the equivalency between the original HPLC and the new UPLC method. This research presents this novel statistical strategy which can be applied to any two methodologies to determine parity.
Temple University--Theses

Hoggard, T. W. "Numerical methods in aero-engine heat transfer". Thesis, University of Manchester, 1986. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.376577.

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Geades, Nicolas. "Quantitative methods in magnetization transfer and chemical exchange saturation transfer at 7T". Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2017. http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/44059/.

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Abstract (sommario):
Ultra-High field (7T) MRI provides high sensitivity which allows for new qualitative and quantitative methodologies to be developed, that provide clinically useful information. The work presented in this thesis is focussed on developing a quick and reliable quantitative MT and CEST methodology, taking account of the difficulties encountered at high field. The method developed here has been tested on various studies, in both healthy and diseased brain, in an effort to aid the understanding of myelination in the human brain. The work in this thesis uses the quantitative measure of MT as a marker for myelination, and it shows strong correlations between MT-based myelination and functional connectivity, as well as very strong correlation between MT and NOE. These findings showcase the potential of NOE as a myelin marker as well, as long as the MT vs. NOE relationship remains the same in pathology. Myelination is investigated (via MT and NOE) in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Glioma, showing a strong coupling between the two exists even in pathology. Amide Proton Transfer (APT) is also investigated in Glioma, showing similar trends to MT and NOE. High resolution anatomical images can provide valuable information on the extend of the pathology, but quantitative information of the NMR properties of tissue (like MT, NOE and APT) has the potential to detect earlier abnormalities, and give a quantitative measure of healing or degeneration caused by pathology.

Neuman, Magnus. "Applied problems and computational methods in radiative transfer". Doctoral thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Avdelningen för naturvetenskap, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-19776.

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Abstract (sommario):
Light scattering in turbid media is essential for such diverse applications as paperand print, computer rendering, optical tomography, astrophysics and remote sensing.This thesis investigates angular variations of light reflected from plane-parallelturbid media using both mathematical models and reflectance measurements, dealswith several applications and proposes novel computational methods for solving thegoverning equations.Angular variations of light reflected from plane-parallel turbid media is studiedusing both mathematical models and reflectance measurements. It is found that thelight is reflected anisotropically from all media encountered in practice, and that theangular variations depend on the medium absorption and transmittance and on theangular distribution of the incident light. If near-surface bulk scattering dominates,as in strongly absorbing or highly transmitting media or obliquely illuminated media,relatively more light is reflected in large polar (grazing) angles. These results areconfirmed by measurements using a set of paper samples. The only situation withisotropic reflectance is when a non-transmitting, non-absorbing medium is illuminateddiffusely, and it is shown that this is the only situation where the widely usedKubelka-Munk model is exactly valid.A number of applied problems is studied, including reflectance measurements,angle resolved color and point spreading. It is seen that differences in instrumentdetection and illumination geometry can result in measurement differences. The differencesare small and if other sources of error — such as fluorescence and gloss— are not eliminated, the differences related to instrument geometry become difficultto discern. Furthermore, the dependence of point spreading in turbid mediaon the medium parameters is studied. The asymmetry factor is varied while maintainingconstant the optical response in a standardized measurement geometry. It isseen that the point spreading increases as forward scattering becomes more dominant,and that the effect is larger if the medium is low-absorbing with large meanfree path. It is argued that the directional inhomogeneity of the scattering mediummust be captured by the model to reproduce experimental results. Finally, the angleresolved color of a set of paper samples is assessed both theoretically and experimentally.The chroma decreases and the lightness increases as the observation polarangle increases. The observed differences are clearly large, and a modification ofthe L∗a∗b∗ formalism including angle dependent chromatic adaptation is suggestedhere to handle this situation. The long standing issue of parameter dependence in the Kubelka-Munk modelis partially explained by recognizing that light reflected from paper samples in standardizedmeasurements has angular variations, and by using the appropriatemodelin the calculation of the scattering and absorption coefficients.The radiative transfer (RT) equation is solved with a recently proposed particlemethod (DFPM), both in standard cases and in cases previously considered intractable.Fluorescence is added to the RT equation, thus including wavelength asan additional dimension, and this equation is solved using DFPM. The discrete RTequation can be written as a system of linear equations, and a comprehensive analysisof the convergence properties of DFPM when solving this type of problems ispresented.

Quttineh, Yousef. "Transfer Pricing Profit Split Methods : A Practical Solution?" Thesis, Jönköping University, JIBS, Commercial Law, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-11107.

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Abstract (sommario):

The purpose of this master’s thesis is to explain and analyze whether today’s existing regulations provide sufficient guidance on how to apply the Profit Split Method (PSM) in practice. Since the enterprises’ profits arising from intra-group transactions increases, the tax base for any government also becomes larger and more important. This issue will likely become even more problematic as the globalization branches out and the majority of the global trade is undertaken between associated enterprises.

In order to satisfy all parts and serve the dual objective of securing an appropriate tax base in each jurisdiction and avoiding double taxation, one ambition of the OECD is to harmonize the transfer pricing rules and make them become more uniform. An area in which this goal can be accomplish is at an international level such as the OECD; an important developer in the field of transfer pricing. Different transfer pricing methods has been developed which can be applied by both taxpayers and tax authorities to determine a correct transfer price. Six of these methods has gained international acceptance, although to a more or less extent among various countries, and one of these methods is the PSM. In the years between 1979 and 1995, the OECD had a reluctant standpoint of accepting the application of any transfer pricing method based on profits, such as the PSM. This hesitant viewpoint changed in the existing TPG which explicitly stipulates that the PSM could provide a transfer pricing estimation in accordance with the ALP, which should be accepted in exceptional cases.

There are certain situations where a PSM possibly will provide the most appropriate arm’s length result. Since the principle of economics can create complex business environments of both vertical and horizontal integration, contributions of valuable intangibles on both sides of the cross-border transaction, the PSM might be the only method which can be employed. A relevant issue which need to be enlightened is whether the existing guidance provided by the OECD and USA is sufficient from a practitioners and tax administration point of view, or is more guidance needed to better understand the issues surrounding the concept of the PSM. The fact that OECD insist of using comparables to the highest extent as possible when employing the PSM entails practical problems, since it is rather a rule than an exception that reliable comparables cannot be found when valuable intangibles are involved.

The Arthur of this master’s thesis has identified three key conclusions which might facilitate how PSM issues can be handled in the future and improve the existing PSM guidance. These conclusions are the need for a uniform PSM interpretation, the need for additional flexibility and acceptance, and the need for additional TPG guidance.


Wu, Yi 1960. "A MONTE CARLO SIMULATION OF NEAR INFRARED RADIATION TRANSFER IN CLOUDS". Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1986. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/276367.

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von, Axelson Jens. "On development of production methods for transfer to SMEs". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Industriell produktion, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-4502.

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Abstract (sommario):
The main problem in this thesis is: How should research and development results regarding production methods be represented for better adoption by SMEs? Manufacturing SMEs in Sweden have in general low profit margins and risk to go bankrupt. Different production methods could facilitate the needed performance improvement. Networking provides an arena where research and development needs could be determined and effective transfer activities could be carried through. How new production methods could be characterized and represented are presented. Several case studies, surveys and literature studies have been carried through. The results from these studies have been analyzed and compared to literature on the production method diffusion process – Dissemination-Clustering-Transfer. This analysis has resulted in a specification of requirements on how new production methods should be presented for better adoption by SMEs. One suggestion to the specification of requirements, the DFMTsme process, is described. The process is based on a repeated development procedure and follows a six-step development process in five phases. It is concluded that the DFMTsme process works. The research project is finally reviewed due to verification, validation and the contribution to knowledge. Implications for actors in the production method diffusion process as well as for policy makers are discussed.
QC 20100729

Libri sul tema "Methods of Transfer":


Özişik, M. Necati. Finite difference methods in heat transfer. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1994.

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Wrobel, L. C. Boundary Element Methods in Heat Transfer. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1992.

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Wrobel, L. C., e C. A. Brebbia, a cura di. Boundary Element Methods in Heat Transfer. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1992. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-011-2902-2.

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Navrud, Ståle, e Richard Ready, a cura di. Environmental Value Transfer: Issues and Methods. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-5405-x.

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Kanschat, Guido, Erik Meinköhn, Rolf Rannacher e Rainer Wehrse, a cura di. Numerical Methods in Multidimensional Radiative Transfer. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-85369-5.

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Myers, Glen E. Analytical methods in conduction heat transfer. Schenectady, NY: Genium Pub. Corp., 1987.

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International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Heat Transfer (8th 2004 Lisbon, Portugal). Advanced computational methods in heat transfer VIII. A cura di Sundén Bengt, Brebbia C. A e Mendes A. C. Southampton: WIT Press, 2004.

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International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Heat Transfer (4th 1996 Udine, Italy). Advanced computational methods in heat transfer IV. A cura di Wrobel L. C. 1952-. Southampton: Computational Mechanics Publications, 1996.

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International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Heat Transfer (2nd 1992 Milan, Italy). Advanced computational methods in heat transfer II. A cura di Wrobel L. C. 1952-, Brebbia C. A e Nowak A. J. Southampton: Computational Mechanics Publications, 1992.

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Tesár, Alexander. Transfer matrix method. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988.

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Capitoli di libri sul tema "Methods of Transfer":


Ganeshan, Seedhabadee, e Ravindra N. Chibbar. "Gene Transfer Methods". In Transgenic Crop Plants, 57–83. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-04809-8_3.

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Li, Jian, e Alan Paisey. "Transfer Pricing Methods". In Transfer Pricing in China, 39–46. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-7689-4_5.

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Rao, J. S. "Transfer Matrix Methods". In History of Mechanism and Machine Science, 253–67. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-1165-5_15.

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Pellicer, Angel. "Gene Purification by Transfection Methods". In Gene Transfer, 263–87. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1986. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4684-5167-2_10.

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Brauer, Anate Aelion, e Glenn Schattman. "Embryo Transfer". In Methods in Molecular Biology, 541–48. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-0659-8_25.

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Tacke, K. H., e Α. Harnisch. "Finite Difference Enthalpy Methods for Dendritic Growth". In Heat Transfer, a cura di L. C. Wrobel e C. A. Brebbia, 165–76. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 1991. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/9783110853209-012.

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Ghiaasiaan, S. Mostafa. "Integral methods". In Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, 167–95. Second edition. | Boca Raton : Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, 2018. | Series: Heat transfer: CRC Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/9781351112758-5.

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Weber, Christoph. "Methods of Risk Transfer". In Insurance Linked Securities, 55–93. Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-8349-6788-6_4.

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Larson, Melissa A. "Embryo Transfer Surgery". In Methods in Molecular Biology, 101–6. New York, NY: Springer US, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-9837-1_8.

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Linck, R. G. "Intramolecular Electron Transfer". In Inorganic Reactions and Methods, 14–15. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/9780470145302.ch9.

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Atti di convegni sul tema "Methods of Transfer":


Howell, John R., e Kyle Daun. "INVERSE DESIGN METHODS FOR RADIATIVE TRANSFER SYSTEMS". In RADIATIVE TRANSFER - IV. Fourth International Symposium on Radiative Transfer. New York: Begellhouse, 2004. http://dx.doi.org/10.1615/ichmt.2004.rad-4.30.

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"Hierarchical Energy-transfer Features". In International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods. SCITEPRESS - Science and and Technology Publications, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.5220/0004829506950702.

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Roger, M., Mouna El Hafi, R. Fournier, S. Blanco, A. de Lataillade, V. Eymet e P. Perez. "APPLICATIONS OF SENSITIVITY ESTIMATIONS BY MONTE CARLO METHODS". In RADIATIVE TRANSFER - IV. Fourth International Symposium on Radiative Transfer. New York: Begellhouse, 2004. http://dx.doi.org/10.1615/ichmt.2004.rad-4.50.

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Lipscomb, M. "Effective technology transfer intervention methods". In IEE 2nd Annual Symposium on Engineering Education. IEE, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.1049/ic:20020110.

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Deng, H. "Simulation of binary mixtures condensation using higher order methods". In HEAT TRANSFER 2014, a cura di M. Fernandino e C. A. Dorao. Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.2495/ht140211.

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Yap, Y. F., e J. C. Chai. "Numerical methods for problems with moving interfaces and irregular geometries". In HEAT TRANSFER 2010. Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.2495/ht100061.

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Poljak, D., H. Dodig, D. Cavka e A. Peratta. "Some numerical methods of thermal dosimetry for applications in bioelectromagnetics". In HEAT TRANSFER 2012. Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.2495/ht120231.

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Vuong, Quang-Hong, e Takasu Atsuhiro. "Transfer Learning for Bibliographic Information Extraction". In International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods. SCITEPRESS - Science and and Technology Publications, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.5220/0005283003740379.

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Takeishi, K. "Quantitative measuring methods applied for the mixing phenomena of film cooling". In HEAT TRANSFER 2014, a cura di M. Komiyama e Y. Oda. Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.2495/ht140421.

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Ryzhenkov, A. V., S. I. Pogorelov, N. A. Loginova, A. F. Mednikov e A. B. Tkhabisimov. "Radiant heat transfer reduction methods in heat insulation of power equipment". In HEAT TRANSFER 2016. Southampton UK: WIT Press, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.2495/ht160111.

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Rapporti di organizzazioni sul tema "Methods of Transfer":


Tencer, John, Kevin Thomas Carlberg, Marvin E. Larsen e Roy E. Hogan. Advanced Computational Methods for Thermal Radiative Heat Transfer. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), ottobre 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/1330205.

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Schock, Alfred, e M. J. Abbate. Comparison of Methods for Calculating Radiative Heat Transfer. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), gennaio 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/1033384.

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Boehm, R. F. Main task: Visualization methods in heat transfer through porous media. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), agosto 1993. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/10172967.

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Martini, L., J. Jayakumar, M. Bocci, N. El-Aawar, J. Brayley e G. Koleyni. Encapsulation Methods for Transport of Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) over MPLS Networks. RFC Editor, dicembre 2006. http://dx.doi.org/10.17487/rfc4717.

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Silks, III, Louis A. Methods for transfer a saliva based alcohol content test to a dermal patch. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), gennaio 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/1338719.

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Snopok, Pavel. Optimization of accelerator parameters using normal form methods on high-order transfer maps. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), maggio 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/924531.

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Taylor, R. P., e B. K. Hodge. Validated heat-transfer and pressure-drop prediction methods based on the discrete element method: Phase 1, Three-dimensiional roughness. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), febbraio 1992. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/10154300.

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Taylor, R. P., e B. K. Hodge. Validated heat-transfer and pressure-drop prediction methods based on the discrete element method: Phase 1, Three-dimensiional roughness. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), febbraio 1992. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/5096745.

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James, C. A., B. K. Hodge e R. P. Taylor. Validated heat-transfer and pressure-drop prediction methods based on the discrete-element method: Phase 2, two-dimensional rib roughness. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), maggio 1993. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/10192770.

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Cliff B. Davis. Analysis Methods and Desired Outcomes of System Interface Heat Transfer Fluid Requirements and Characteristics Analyses. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), aprile 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/910992.

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