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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Pudica":


Sundaresan, Arjunan, e Thangaiyan Radhiga. "Effect of Mimosa pudica Cured Extract against High Fructose Diet Induced Type 2 Diabetes in Rats". International Letters of Natural Sciences 39 (maggio 2015): 1–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.18052/www.scipress.com/ilns.39.1.

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Abstract (sommario):
The study evaluated the effects of Mimusa pudica (M. pudica) leaf extract on type 2 diabetes in rats fed high fructose diet (HFD). Rats were fed either control diet or HFD for 14 days, following which the diet was fortified with M. Pudica at a dose of 500 mg/kg BW. After 8 weeks, HFD caused deleterious metabolic effects, including increased body weight, hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, dyslipidemia and liver dysfunction. Further, rats fed HFD alone showed increased activities of hepatocellular enzymes in plasma and lipid deposition in liver. Treatment with M. pudica significantly reduced the body weight, improved insulin sensitivity, managed the dyslipidemia and reduced liver damage towards normal. Histopathology of the liver confirmed the changes induced by HFD and the M. pudiac treatment significantly reversed towards normality. These data suggest that M. pudica treatment improve insulin sensitivity and attenuates fat accumulation in liver.

Rawgof, Yatheesh K., Minu Mary Mathew, Bindu Thomas, Vidya V. e Rinchen W. "Effect of Mechanical Stimuli on the Sensitivity of Mimosa Pudica Plant". Mapana - Journal of Sciences 9, n. 1 (31 maggio 2010): 12–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.12723/mjs.16.2.

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Abstract (sommario):
'Touch me not' plant is o herb that shows sensation on touch, which is taxonomically called as Mimosa pudica. The fern like leaves close up and droop when touched; usually re-open within few minutes as a response to stimuli. Mimosa pudica reacts to mechanical stimuli with help of mechanosensitive channels. They are ideal transducers of physiologically relevant mechanical forces. The present study focus on the effect of mechanical stimuli in terms of various touch viz., human, plastic, cotton, fiber and wood on the sensitivity of Mimosa pudico plant whose leaves are at tender stage. Time taken for the leaflets to close and reopen was noted for each of the above mentioned stimuli. The t-test has shown the significant result for various mechanical stimuli. The rote of sensitivity was very high in Mimosa pudica as result of plastic touch.

Wulan, Wulan, Adithya Yudistira e Henki Rotinsulu. "UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN DARI EKSTRAK ETANOL DAUN Mimosa pudica Linn. MENGGUNAKAN METODE DPPH". PHARMACON 8, n. 1 (28 febbraio 2019): 106. http://dx.doi.org/10.35799/pha.8.2019.29243.

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Abstract (sommario):
ABSTRACT Antioxidant are compounds that can inhibit the oxidation rate of other molecules or neutralize free radicals. Putri Malu Leaf (Mimosa pudica Linn.) is not yet widely known as a medicinal plant. Through phytochemical screening, Mimosa pudica Linn. leaves known to have antioxidant compounds such as flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenoids, saponins and coumarin. This study aims to determine how much the antioxidant content in the extract of Mimosa pudica Linn. leaves using DPPH method with a concentration of 100 mg/L, 75 mg/L, 50 mg/L and 25 mg/L and Vitamin C as a positive control. Each sampel was made three repetitions of the test. The test uses a UV-Vis Spectrophotometer. The highest results were obtained from the concentration of 100 mg/L in the second repetition of 89.74%. The highest average percentage of yield obtained is at a concentration of 100 mg/L. Based on the result obtained from Mimosa pudica Linn. leaf extract seems like that the ethanol extract of Mimosa pudica Linn. leaves has high antioxidant activity. Keywords: Antioxidant, DPPH, Mimosa pudica Linn. ABSTRAK Antioksidan ialah senyawa yang mampu menghambat laju oksidasi molekul lain atau menetralisir radikal bebas. Daun Putri Malu (Mimosa pudica Linn.) belum dikenal luas sebagai tanaman obat.Melalui skrining fitokimia, daun Mimosa pudica Linn.diketahui memiliki senyawa antioksidan seperti flavonoid, alkaloid, terpenoid, saponin dan kumarin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kandungan antioksidan didalam ekstrak tanaman daun Mimosa pudica Linn.menggunakan metode DPPH dengan konsentrasi 100 mg/L, 75 mg/L, 50 mg/L dan 25 mg/L dan Vitamin C sebagai kontrol positif. Masing-masing sampel dibuat tiga kali pengulangan uji.Pengujian menggunakan alat Spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Terlihat hasil tertinggi diperoleh dari konsentrasi 100 mg/L pada pengulangan ke-II yaitu sebesar 89,74%. Rata-rata persentase hasil yang diperoleh tertinggi ialah pada konsentrasi 100 mg/L. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh dari ekstrak daun Mimosa pudica Linn.terlihat bahwa ekstrak etanol daun Mimosa pudica Linn. memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang tinggi. Kata Kunci : Antioksidan, DPPH,Mimosa pudica Linn.

S. P. Dhir et al.,, S. P. Dhir et al ,. "Mystery of Mimosa Pudica". International Journal of Botany and Research 7, n. 6 (2017): 41–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.24247/ijbrdec20178.

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Macfarlane, Roger. "Plate 391. Fritillaria pudica". Curtis's Botanical Magazine 17, n. 3 (agosto 2000): 155–58. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8748.00260.

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Defi, Defi, e Endy Julianto. "The Effect Of Princess Shame Leaves Ethanol Extract On Vitiligo". International Journal of Biomedical Herbal Medicine 1, n. 1 (12 dicembre 2021): 36–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.46880/ijbhm.v1i1.735.

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Abstract (sommario):
Background: Vitiligo is a skin disease caused by the destruction of melanocytes with depigmented macular characteristics, multifactorial predisposing factors, and precipitating factors such as trauma, sunburn, stress, and systemic disease. Mimosa Pudica has bioactive compounds that are efficacious for healing wounds, repairing cell tissue, stopping bleeding, asthma, diabetes, jaundice, leprosy, hydrocele, hemorrhoids, fistulas, scrofula, and conjunctivitis. Method: Based on the results of several studies, the technique of collecting & analyzing the cream of Mimosa Pudica leaf extract was by evaluating the cream of the Mimosa Pudica leaves, testing the pH by dissolving the cream product which was diluted using aquadest and then measured with a pH meter. The production of the Mimosa Pudica leaf extract was done by maceration using 96% ethanol. Results: Mimosa Pudica extract succeeded in preserving salak fruit, increasing the regeneration and proliferation of liver cells, overcoming hypopigmentation skin disease, and also inhibiting melanosis in shrimp. Conclusion: Mimosa Pudica (Mimosa pudica L.) The five parts of the plant (i.e. panchang) - leaves, flowers, stems, roots, and fruit belong to the category of powerful antioxidants used as medicine in ethnomedical systems of care.

SYAHID, MUHAMMAD ARIF NUR, CR SITI UTARI e SUTARMIADJI DJUMARGA. "Effect of putri malu (Mimosa pudica) extract on Ascaris suum mortality in vitro". Biofarmasi Journal of Natural Product Biochemistry 9, n. 2 (17 agosto 2011): 33–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.13057/biofar/f090201.

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Abstract (sommario):
Syahid MAN, Utari CRS, Djumarga S. 2011. Effect of putri malu extract (Mimosa pudica) on Ascaris suum mortality in vitro. Biofarmasi 9: 33-37. This study was to determine the influence of Mimosa pudica extract in Ascaris suum mortality. This research was a laboratory experiment, with a post-test only with control group design by using 140 adult A. suum, divided into seven groups. This research used NaCl 0.9% for a negative control, pirantel pamoat 5 mg/mL solution for a positive control, and five intervention by using 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% concentration of M. pudica extract. The observation was conducted in every two hours until worm death and it was started to be counted after all worm death. Data were analyzed with one-way ANOVA test continued with Least Significance Difference (LSD) by using SPP for Window Release 17 with a significance level p<0.05. The results showed that all A. suum death in 96 hours at negative control, 2 hours at positive control, 29.5 hours at 20% M. pudica extract, 24.5 hours at 40% M. pudica extract, 16 hours at 60% M. pudica extract, 12 hours at 80% M. pudica extract and 4 hours at 100% M. pudica extract. There was a significant difference in the death time of A. suum in all research groups. From the result of research, it could be concluded that the extract of putri malu had an effect on accelerating A. suum mortality time.

Chen, Ming-Lin, Wen-Bin Mao e Mei-Chen Cui. "Adaptive anatomical structure for nastic movement in Mimosa pudica L." Bangladesh Journal of Botany 42, n. 1 (28 luglio 2013): 131–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/bjb.v42i1.15876.

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Abstract (sommario):
In order to study the adaptive anatomical structures during nastic movement of Mimosa pudica L., anatomical structures of main pulvinus, common petioles, rachis and leaflets were compared with Albizia julibrissin Durazz. (taken as control). The anatomical structures of main pulvinus and common petiole of M. pudica were different from that of A. julibrissin. Upon stimuliti, the protoplast volume of M. pudica in the lower cortical parenchyma cells become smaller than that in upper ones, a feature seldom found in A. julibrissin. There were found many reticulate lacunas on the two side of adaxial petiole of M. pudica, but nil in A. julibrissin. Similarly some ill developed lacunas were found in the pulvinus of rachis and leaflet of M. pudica, but absent in A. julibrissin. It appears that reticulate lacunas in common petiole of M. pudica are responsible for its strong nastic movement. The main sensitivity position lies at the base of common petiole, where the lower cortex is more sensitive than the upper cortex, and the ordinal sensitivity positions are rachis and leaflets. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/bjb.v42i1.15876 Bangladesh J. Bot. 42(1): 131-137, 2013 (June)

Tapas Pramanik e Tapas Kumar Sur. "Presence of antioxidants and nitric-oxide precursors in Mimosa pudica extract". GSC Advanced Research and Reviews 7, n. 3 (30 giugno 2021): 104–8. http://dx.doi.org/10.30574/gscarr.2021.7.3.0124.

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Abstract (sommario):
Blood pressure lowering effect of Mimosa pudica induced by dieresis was reported earlier. As a diuretic it enhances urine outflow, decreases plasma volume, venous return; and thereby, reduce blood pressure. Besides the diuretic agent, some other blood pressure lowering substance may also be present in Mimosa pudica. Present study was undertaken to reveal the presence of antioxidants and nitrite in Mimosa pudica extract, which may help to reduce blood pressure. Methanolic extract of Mimosa pudica (using 80% methanol) was lyophilised to obtain dried Mimosa pudica Extract (MPE). For Total phenolic content estimation Folin’s method and for estimation of flavonoids, Aluminium chloride method were followed. The radical scavenging and superoxide anion radical scavenging activity were measured following standardised methods. Nitrite content of MPE at different dilutions (10-100 µl in methanol) was measured following standardised procedure keeping sodium nitrite as the standard. Present study noted presence of favonoids and phenolic compounds and also noted antioxidant property in the aforesaid extract that exhibited DPPH+ and superoxide scavenging activities. Besides that, this study also revealed formation of nitrites in the extract of Mimosa pudica in a dose dependent manner. Nitrite is the precursor of nitric oxide (NO). NO is a potent vasodilator that decreases blood pressure. Present study indicated the presence of both antioxidants and nitrites in Mimosa pudica extract; both of which have blood pressure lowering properties indicating it as a blood pressure lowering agent; and helpful in the maintenance of vascular health.

Ayissi Mbomo, Rigobert, Sasha Gartside, Elizabeth Ngo Bum, Njifutie Njikam, Ed Okello e Richard McQuade. "Effect of Mimosa pudica (Linn.) extract on anxiety behaviour and GABAergic regulation of 5-HT neuronal activity in the mouse". Journal of Psychopharmacology 26, n. 4 (22 marzo 2011): 575–83. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0269881111398686.

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Abstract (sommario):
Mimosa pudica (Linn.) ( M. pudica L.) is a plant used in some countries to treat anxiety and depression. In the present study we investigated the effects of an aqueous extract of M. pudica L. on mouse anxiety-like behaviour using the elevated T maze, and on regulation of dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) neuronal activity using an in-vitro mouse brain slice preparation. Acute treatment with M. pudica L. extract had an anxiolytic effect on behaviour in the elevated T maze, specifically on inhibitory avoidance behaviour. Acute application of the extract alone had no effect on the activity of DRN 5-HT neurones. However, when co-applied with the GABAA receptor agonist THIP (4,5,6,7-tetrahydroisoxazolo[5,4- c]pyridin-3-ol), the extract enhanced the inhibitory effect of the THIP on DRN 5-HT neurones. These observed effects of M. pudica L. on both behaviour and GABA modulation of 5-HT neuronal activity are similar to the effects of diazepam, the established anxiolytic and positive modulator of the GABAA receptor. This study suggests that the aqueous extract of M. pudica L. contains a positive modulator of GABAA receptor function and provides impetus for further investigation of the neuropharmacologically active constituents of the extract.

Tesi sul tema "Pudica":


Melkonian, Rémy. "Etude de la spécificité d’association béta-rhizobia-Mimosa : approches par l'écologie microbienne et la génomique fonctionnelle". Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012MON20195/document.

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Abstract (sommario):
Les béta-rhizobia sont des symbiotes de légumineuses retrouvées principalement associés au genre Mimosa. Les études des symbiotes de Mimosa pudica révèlent différents profils de diversité au sein des alpha (Rhizobium spp) et béta-rhizobia (Burkholderia, Cupriavidus) le long de la ceinture tropicale, les béta-rhizobia étaient toujours majoritaires dans les nodosités de cette plante hôte. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons étudié cette spécificité d'association béta-rhizobia/Mimosa pudica, par une approche couplant l'étude des traits symbiotiques bactériens à l'analyse des profils d'expression de leurs génomes dans les premières étapes de la symbiose, et en comparaison avec les alpha-rhizobia. Nous avons analysé les traits symbiotiques (compétitivité pour la nodulation, efficience symbiotique) au niveau intra et interspécifique de 4 espèces de béta-rhizobia et 4 d'alpha-rhizobia. Si l'efficience symbiotique est similaire parmi toutes les souches testées, différents niveaux de compétitivité ont été trouvés selon l'espèce, B. phymatum et B. tuberum étant les plus compétitives. Les tests effectués sur différentes variétés de M. pudica montrent un effet variétal sur la compétitivité de C. taiwanensis. Les traits symbiotiques mesurés expliquent en partie les profils de diversité des symbiotes de M. pudica dans les zones d'origine (Amérique du Sud) ou en zone introduite (Taiwan). Les transcriptomes de trois bactéries ayant des traits symbiotiques différents (B. phymatum STM815, C. taiwanensis LMG19424 et R. mesoamericanum STM3625) ont été comparés (par RNAseq), pour relier les différentes réponses induites par les exsudats racinaires aux traits symbiotiques de chaque rhizobium. Chaque bactérie développe une stratégie spécifique liée à ses traits symbiotiques et à l'origine de la symbiose dans son groupe bactérien
Beta-rhizobia are legume symbionts mainly found associated to the Mimosa genus. Diversity studies of Mimosa pudica symbionts in native and introduced areas reveal different diversity patterns of alpha (Rhizobium spp) and beta-rhizobia (Burkholderia, Cupriavidus), with beta-rhizobia being always the main symbionts in the nodules of this legumes species. In this thesis we have studied the symbiotic specificity between beta-rhizobia and M. pudica (and the comparison with alpha-rhizobia) by a dual approach combining the study of bacterial symbiotic traits and the analysis of their transcriptomes in the first steps of symbiosis. We analysed symbiotic traits (nodulation competitiveness, symbiotic efficiency) at intra and interspecific levels on four species of beta-rhizobia and four of alpha-rhizobia. If symbiotic efficiency is similar among all strains, different levels of competitiveness were measured with a strong strain effect largely explained by the species affiliation, B. phymatum and B. tuberum being the most competitive species. Tests on different M. pudica varieties showed an impact on the competitiveness of C. taiwanensis. Symbiotic traits explained in part the symbiont patterns observed in diversity studies in French Guiana (M. pudica native area) and Taiwan (introduced). Root-exudates induced transcriptomes of three bacteria (two beta--rhizobia: B. phymatum STM815, C. taiwanensis LMG19424 and one alpha, R. mesoamericanum STM3625) with contrasted symbiotic traits were compared (by RNAseq). Each bacterium develops a specific strategy linked to its symbiotic traits and the origin of symbiosis in its bacterial group

Paula, Cristiane da Silva. "Controle químico de Mimosa pudica em pastagem de Brachiaria decumbens com doses reduzidas de herbicidas /". Ilha Solteira, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/98635.

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Abstract (sommario):
Orientador: Fernando Tadeu de Carvalho
Banca: Edson Lazarini
Banca: Caio Antonio Carbonari
Resumo: A ocorrência de plantas daninhas em pastagens é um dos fatores responsáveis pela queda na produtividade das plantas forrageiras e, a espécie Mimosa pudica L. (malícia) é uma das mais frequentes infestantes na região centro-oeste brasileira. O trabalho constou de dois experimentos e foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de analisar a eficácia de herbicidas hormonais recomendados para pastagens, no controle de M. pudica, considerando as doses normais e doses reduzidas dos herbicidas. O primeiro experimento foi desenvolvido no município de Inocência, MS, onde o trabalho foi realizado em campo sobre a forrageira Brachiaria decumbens Stapf, analisando-se os dados submetidos aos tratamentos sob o aspectos de eficácia. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: 2,4-D + picloran (2,0; 3,0 e 4,0 L/ha), fluroxypyr + picloran (1,0 e 2,0 L/ha), aminopiralide + 2,4-D (1,0 e 2,0 L/ha), aminopiralide + fluxipir metílico (0,5 e 1,0 L/ha), 2,4-D (2,0 L/ha) e testemunha sem herbicida. O segundo experimento foi desenvolvido em laboratório no município de Ilha Solteira, SP, onde o trabalho foi realizado em laboratório e os herbicidas foram aplicados sobre a espécie daninha M. pudica cultivada em vasos. Os tratamentos para esta fase foram os seguintes: 2,4-D + picloran (2,0; 3,0 e 4,0 L/ha), fluroxypyr + picloran (1,0 e 2,0 L/ha), aminopiralide + 2,4-D (1,0 e 2,0 L/ha) e aminopiralide + fluxipir metílico (0,5 e 2,0 L/ha). Neste experimento analisou-se também o efeito dos tratamentos sobre as plantas daninhas em relação à sua sensibilidade ao toque e em relação à taxa de ETR (taxa de caminhamento de elétrons) utilizando-se um fluorômetro. Observou-se que, no primeiro experimento, todos os tratamentos, exceto o 2,4-D isolado, controlaram eficazmente a planta daninha. No segundo experimento, os tratamentos utilizados controlaram 100% a planta daninha... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Abstract: The occurrence of weeds in pastures is one of the factors responsible for the decline in productivity of forage plants and the species Mimosa pudica l. (malice) is one of the most common weeds in the central-western Brazil. The study consisted of two experiments and was developed with the aim of analyzing the efficacy of hormonal herbicides recommended for pastures to control M. pudica, considering the normal doses and low doses of herbicides. The first experiment was conducted in the municipality of Inocência, MS, where the field work was carried out on the grass Brachiaria decumbens analyzing treatments under the aspects of efficacy. The treatments for this step were as follows: 2,4-d + picloran (2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 L / ha) + fluroxypyr picloran (1.0 and 2.0 l / ha), aminopyralid + 2,4-D (1.0 and 2.0 L / ha) + aminopyralid fluxipir methyl ester (0.5 and 2.0 L/ ha), 2,4-D (2.0 L / ha) and witnesses in the bush and clean. The second experiment was conducted in single Ilha Solteira, SP, where the work was performed in the laboratory and were sprayed on the weed M. Pudica cultivated in pots. The treatments for this step were as follows: 2,4-D + picloran (2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 L / ha) + fluroxypyr picloran (1.0 and 2.0 L/ ha), aminopyralid + 2,4-D (1.0 and 2.0 L / ha) + aminopyralid and fluxipir methyl ester (0.5 and 1.0 L / ha). This experiment also examined the effect of treatments on weeds in relation to their sensitivity to touch and relative to ETR rate (rate of traversal of electrons) using a fluorometer apparatus. It was observed that in the first experiment, all treatments except 2,4-D alone, effectively controlled the weed. In the second experiment, the treatments used 100% controlled the weed and no differences in the rate of ETR and sensitivity to touch, to 3 days after application. It was also found that lower dose in all treatments that... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

REIS, Alessandra dos Santos Belo. "Lesões traumáticas na pele causadas pelos espinhos de Mimosa pudica e Mimosa debilis em equídeos". Universidade Federal do Pará, 2012. http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/4668.

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Submitted by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2014-01-27T17:40:22Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 22974 bytes, checksum: 99c771d9f0b9c46790009b9874d49253 (MD5) Dissertacao_LesoesTraumaticasPele.pdf: 2994237 bytes, checksum: 02e25b4e5184d2a4e2a70b611f431815 (MD5)
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CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Foram estudadas lesões traumáticas de pele em equídeos causadas por plantas traumáticas, conhecidas popularmente como “dorme-maria”, “dormideira”, “arranhadeira”, “malícia” e “não-me-toque”. O estudo foi conduzido em uma propriedade no município de Castanhal, região Nordeste do Estado do Pará, onde foram realizadas visitas técnicas, estudo epidemiológico, coletas de sangue, biopsias de pele afetada e coleta das plantas. Foram estudados 25 equídeos, sendo 14 machos e 11 fêmeas, com idade entre seis meses e oito anos. A pastagem era constituída de Brachiaria humidicola e estava intensamente invadida pelas plantas traumatizantes. Os animais apresentaram lesões ulcerativas, de bordos irregulares, na cabeça (narinas, focinho, lábios superiores e inferiores e chanfro), na cavidade oral (vestíbulo bucal e gengiva) e nos membros (boletos, metacarpos e metatarsos e articulação escápulo-umeral). No exame histopatológico foram observados focos de erosões cutâneas, caracterizados por perda e necrose da epiderme, com espongiose e degeneração vesicular da epiderme remanescente, e leve infiltrado inflamatório na derme subjacente, constituído predominantemente por macrófagos e, em menor grau, eosinófilos. Foram identificadas duas plantas, Mimosa pudica e Mimosa debilis, ambas da família Leguminosae Mimosoideae. Baseado nos resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que as lesões de pele foram causadas pela ação traumática de Mimosa pudica e Mimosa debilis.
We studied traumatic injury of the skin in horses caused by traumatic plants, popularly known as "sleep-mary", "Poppy", "scraper", "malice" and "do not touch me". The study was conducted on a farm in the district of Castanhal, northeastern of the state of Para, where there were technical visits, epidemiological study, blood samples, biopsies of affected skin and collection of plants. The study included 25 horses, 14 males and 11 females, aged between six months and eight years. The pasture consisted of Brachiaria humidicola and was heavily invaded by traumatizing plants. The animals showed ulcerative lesions of irregular borders, on the head (nose, muzzle, upper and lower lips and chamfer), oral cavity (buccal vestibule and gum) and limbs (billets, metacarpals and metatarsals and scapular-humeral joint). The histopathological examination revealed foci of cutaneous erosions, characterized by loss and epidermal necrosis with spongiosis and vesicular degeneration of the remaining epidermis and mild inflammatory infiltrate in the underlying dermis, consisting predominantly of macrophages and, to a lesser degree, eosinophils. We identified two plants, Mimosa pudica and Mimosa debilis, both from the Leguminosae Mimosoideae family. Based on these results we can conclude that the skin lesions were caused by the traumatic action of Mimosa pudica and Mimosa debilis.

Paula, Cristiane da Silva [UNESP]. "Controle químico de Mimosa pudica em pastagem de Brachiaria decumbens com doses reduzidas de herbicidas". Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/98635.

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Abstract (sommario):
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A ocorrência de plantas daninhas em pastagens é um dos fatores responsáveis pela queda na produtividade das plantas forrageiras e, a espécie Mimosa pudica L. (malícia) é uma das mais frequentes infestantes na região centro-oeste brasileira. O trabalho constou de dois experimentos e foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de analisar a eficácia de herbicidas hormonais recomendados para pastagens, no controle de M. pudica, considerando as doses normais e doses reduzidas dos herbicidas. O primeiro experimento foi desenvolvido no município de Inocência, MS, onde o trabalho foi realizado em campo sobre a forrageira Brachiaria decumbens Stapf, analisando-se os dados submetidos aos tratamentos sob o aspectos de eficácia. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: 2,4-D + picloran (2,0; 3,0 e 4,0 L/ha), fluroxypyr + picloran (1,0 e 2,0 L/ha), aminopiralide + 2,4-D (1,0 e 2,0 L/ha), aminopiralide + fluxipir metílico (0,5 e 1,0 L/ha), 2,4-D (2,0 L/ha) e testemunha sem herbicida. O segundo experimento foi desenvolvido em laboratório no município de Ilha Solteira, SP, onde o trabalho foi realizado em laboratório e os herbicidas foram aplicados sobre a espécie daninha M. pudica cultivada em vasos. Os tratamentos para esta fase foram os seguintes: 2,4-D + picloran (2,0; 3,0 e 4,0 L/ha), fluroxypyr + picloran (1,0 e 2,0 L/ha), aminopiralide + 2,4-D (1,0 e 2,0 L/ha) e aminopiralide + fluxipir metílico (0,5 e 2,0 L/ha). Neste experimento analisou-se também o efeito dos tratamentos sobre as plantas daninhas em relação à sua sensibilidade ao toque e em relação à taxa de ETR (taxa de caminhamento de elétrons) utilizando-se um fluorômetro. Observou-se que, no primeiro experimento, todos os tratamentos, exceto o 2,4-D isolado, controlaram eficazmente a planta daninha. No segundo experimento, os tratamentos utilizados controlaram 100% a planta daninha...
The occurrence of weeds in pastures is one of the factors responsible for the decline in productivity of forage plants and the species Mimosa pudica l. (malice) is one of the most common weeds in the central-western Brazil. The study consisted of two experiments and was developed with the aim of analyzing the efficacy of hormonal herbicides recommended for pastures to control M. pudica, considering the normal doses and low doses of herbicides. The first experiment was conducted in the municipality of Inocência, MS, where the field work was carried out on the grass Brachiaria decumbens analyzing treatments under the aspects of efficacy. The treatments for this step were as follows: 2,4-d + picloran (2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 L / ha) + fluroxypyr picloran (1.0 and 2.0 l / ha), aminopyralid + 2,4-D (1.0 and 2.0 L / ha) + aminopyralid fluxipir methyl ester (0.5 and 2.0 L/ ha), 2,4-D (2.0 L / ha) and witnesses in the bush and clean. The second experiment was conducted in single Ilha Solteira, SP, where the work was performed in the laboratory and were sprayed on the weed M. Pudica cultivated in pots. The treatments for this step were as follows: 2,4-D + picloran (2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 L / ha) + fluroxypyr picloran (1.0 and 2.0 L/ ha), aminopyralid + 2,4-D (1.0 and 2.0 L / ha) + aminopyralid and fluxipir methyl ester (0.5 and 1.0 L / ha). This experiment also examined the effect of treatments on weeds in relation to their sensitivity to touch and relative to ETR rate (rate of traversal of electrons) using a fluorometer apparatus. It was observed that in the first experiment, all treatments except 2,4-D alone, effectively controlled the weed. In the second experiment, the treatments used 100% controlled the weed and no differences in the rate of ETR and sensitivity to touch, to 3 days after application. It was also found that lower dose in all treatments that... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

CID, Gabriela de Carvalho. "Dermatite ulcerativa causada por espinhos de Mimosa setosa, M. debilis e M. pudica (Fam?lia Fabaceae) em equinos". Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, 2016. https://tede.ufrrj.br/jspui/handle/jspui/1527.

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Abstract (sommario):
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-04-11T22:00:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Gabriela de Carvalho Cid.pdf: 11957327 bytes, checksum: 96764b1f2d588fc114d23dde6f1806e1 (MD5)
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Mechanic natural skin lesions in horses caused by thorns of Mimosa spp. are described. Between the three plant species identified as responsible for the lesions, Mimosa setosa was present in greater quantity (80%) in the pasture, whilst M. debilis and M. pudica existed in lower proportion. Three ulcerative dermatitis outbreaks were observed during rainy periods of April to May 2013, December 2013 to February 2014 and April to May of the same year. Twenty-five horses from the Sector of Animal Reproduction, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, showed ulcerative skin lesions with irregular borders, hemorrhagic exudate, sometimes covered with scabs, located mainly in the regions of the pastern, fetlock, scapular-humeral joints, upper and lower lips, nose, nostrils, cheeks and chamfer. Seven horses were biopsied and histopathological examination revealed ulceration of the skin with inflammatory infiltrate by macrophages and neutrophils, delimited by granulation tissue. In some cases, microspicules of these plants (hirsute trichomes) were found throughout the inflammatory reaction. The diagnosis of skin dermatitis, caused by traumatic action of the plants, was based on the presence of Mimosa spp. in the pasture, on the characteristic clinic-pathological features and on recovery of the horses after their removal from the pasture. This appears to be the first report of the occurrence of ulcerative dermatitis caused by Mimosa setosa, as dermatitis caused by the others has been described before.
Descrevem-se les?es de natureza mec?nico-traum?tica na pele de equ?deos causadas por espinhos de Mimosa spp. Dentre as tr?s esp?cies da planta identificadas como respons?veis pelas les?es, M. setosa estava presente em maior quantidade e M. debilis e M. pudica encontravam-se em menor propor??o na pastagem. Ocorreram tr?s surtos de dermatite ulcerativa em per?odos chuvosos de abril a maio de 2013, dezembro de 2013 a fevereiro de 2014 e abril a maio deste mesmo ano. Vinte e cinco equinos do Setor de Reprodu??o Animal da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro apresentaram les?es ulcerativas na pele com contornos irregulares, exsudato serosanguinolento, por vezes recobertas com crostas. Localizadas principalmente nas regi?es da quartela, boleto, articula??es escapulo-umeral, l?bios superiores e inferiores, focinho, narinas, bochechas e chanfro. Sete animais foram biopsiados e o exame histopatol?gico revelou ulcera??o da epiderme e infiltrado inflamat?rio constitu?do por macr?fagos e neutr?filos, delimitado por tecido de granula??o subjacente. Em alguns casos, foram observados microesp?culos das referidas plantas (tricomas hirsutos) em meio ? rea??o inflamat?ria. O diagn?stico de dermatite cut?nea causada pela a??o traum?tica da planta baseou-se na presen?a de Mimosa spp. na pastagem, nos achados cl?nico-patol?gicos caracter?sticos e na recupera??o dos animais ap?s a retirada destes do pasto. Trata-se da primeira observa??o sobre a ocorr?ncia de dermatite ulcerativa causada por Mimosa setosa.

Steinmetz, Marc. "Etude pharmaco-chimique de Mimosa pudica (Mimosaceae) Elucidation structurale de constituants polyphénoliques Evaluation de leur activité anti-collagénase". Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001STR13205.

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Keulder, Rozelle. "Oviposition site preference of lacewings in maize ecosystems and the effect of Bt maize on Chrysoperla pudica (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) / Rozelle Keulder". Thesis, North-West University, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10394/4469.

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Abstract (sommario):
Resistance development and possible non–target effects have been of concern since the first deployment of genetically modified crops with insecticidal properties. It is especially at the third trophic level and with important predators such as lacewings (Chrysoperla spp.) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) where negative effects of Cry 1Ab protein could have adverse effects in agro–ecosystems. Monitoring of the effect of genetically modified Bt maize on non–target organisms is required by law in South–Africa. Neuroptera are excellent indicators of environmental and habitat transformation, and also include key species for signifying areas and faunas that require priority protection. Monitoring techniques, especially for insect eggs, are often labour intensive and time consuming. A study was conducted to determine the preferred oviposition site of Chrysoperla spp. on maize plants to facilitate time–effective searching for eggs of these beneficial insects. Furthermore we determined if the presence of aphids on plants influenced Chrysoperla spp. oviposition preference. Another study was conducted to evaluate the effect of indirect exposure of C. pudica to Cry 1Ab protein, through healthy Bt–maize feeding prey, on its biology. Daily flight activity patterns and the height at which chrysopid adults fly above the crop canopy were also determined, as well as the movement of adult Chrysoperla spp. between maize fields and adjacent headlands. A clear spatial oviposition pattern was observed on maize plants and oviposition was not random as reported in earlier studies. This data facilitates rapid monitoring of the presence of eggs in maize cropping systems and is also of use in general pest management. Choicetest data showed that females responded positively to host plants that were infested with aphids. Feeding studies in which C. pudica larvae were indirectly exposed to Bt–toxin at the 3rd trophic level, showed a limited effect of Bt–toxin on only a few of the parameters that were evaluated. The pupal period and percentage adult emergence of larvae exposed to an unusually high amount of Bt–toxin was significantly shorter and lower respectively than that of the control group. The overall result of this study, in which the possible effect of food quality (prey) was excluded, showed that Cry 1Ab protein had an adverse affect only on certain fitness components during the life cycle of C. pudica. However, since this study represented a worst–case scenario where diverse prey was not available to C. pudica, negligible effects is expected under field conditions where prey is more diverse. It was determined that chrysopids was most active between 16:00 – 23:00 and that they fly largely between 0.5 m – 2.5 m above ground level. An attempt was also made to quantify migration between different vegetations types. This part was terminated because of bad weather conditions at several occasions when the experiment was attempted. Chrysopids were never present in grassland vegetation, but an adjacent lucerne field maintained a large population. As the maize crop developed chrysopid population numbers increased inside the field, presumably originating from the lucerne field.
Thesis (M.Sc (Environmental Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Daubech, Benoît. "Évolution expérimentale d'un symbiote de légumineuse : étude des facteurs génétiques et des forces de sélection qui favorisent ou non l'évolution du mutualisme". Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019TOU30338.

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Abstract (sommario):
La symbiose qui s'établit entre les légumineuses et les bactéries appelées rhizobia est un processus complexe qui aboutit à la formation d'un nouvel organe végétal, le nodule, dans lequel les bactéries internalisées (bactéroïdes) fixent l'azote atmosphérique au profit de leur hôte. Les rhizobia ne constituent pas un groupe taxonomique homogène. Ils appartiennent à une quinzaine de genres dispersés au sein des α- and ß-protéobactéries. Les rhizobia auraient évolué à partir du transfert horizontal de gènes essentiels à la symbiose, suivi d'une réorganisation du génome d'accueil sous pression de sélection de la plante permettant une activation et/ou optimisation du potentiel symbiotique acquis. Ce scénario évolutif a été reproduit en laboratoire par une approche d'évolution expérimentale. Le plasmide symbiotique du symbiote de Mimosa pudica, Cupriavidus taiwanensis LMG19424, a été introduit dans la bactérie pathogène de plante Ralstonia solanacearum GMI1000. A partir de cette bactérie chimère 18 lignées parallèles ont été évoluées par des cycles successifs d'inoculation à M. pudica et ré-isolation des bactéries des nodules. Après 16 cycles d'évolution, trois observations ont été faites : i) les bactéries évoluées ne fixent pas l'azote et l'évolution vers le mutualisme n'est donc pas achevée à ce stade, ii) un gène de fonction inconnue semble important pour l'infection intracellulaire, et iii) les mutations permettant l'acquisition et/ou l'amélioration de l'infection des cellules du nodule semblent également améliorer la nodulation. Afin d'identifier les conditions favorables à l'émergence du mutualisme dans l'expérience d'évolution et potentiellement dans la nature, nous avons analysé la dynamique spatio-temporelle de deux sous-populations quasi isogéniques de C. taiwanensis, l'une fixatrice d'azote (Fix+) et l'autre non fixatrice (Fix-), au cours du processus symbiotique avec M. pudica. Nous avons observé une dégénérescence précoce et sélective des Fix-, y compris lorsqu'ils partagent un même nodule avec des Fix+, et établit la cinétique d'expansion des Fix+ au cours du temps. A partir d'un modèle mathématique et de validations expérimentales, nous avons prédit que de rares Fix+ envahiraient une population majoritairement Fix- au cours de cycles successifs de nodulation avec une probabilité fonction de la taille initiale de l'inoculum, du nombre de plantes inoculées et de la longueur des cycles. Par la suite nous avons étudié le rôle d'un gène du plasmide symbiotique de C. taiwanensis, dont la délétion dans l'une des lignées était responsable d'un défaut d'infection intracellulaire. Nous avons montré que ce gène, appelé noeM, est un gène de nodulation impliqué dans la biosynthèse de facteurs Nod atypiques où le sucre réducteur est ouvert et oxydé. noeM est principalement détecté dans des isolats de plantes appartenant à la tribu des Mimoseae, et particulièrement chez les souches capables de noduler M. pudica. Les gènes noeM forment un clade phylogénétique à part et spécifique des rhizobia. Un mutant ΔnoeM de C. taiwanensis s'est avéré affecté pour la nodulation de M. pudica, confirmant son rôle dans la symbiose avec cette légumineuse. Enfin, l'analyse cytologique détaillée de l'infection racinaire de M. pudica par C. taiwanensis et quelques souches de R. solanacearum portant une mutation adaptative de l'infection intracellulaire a été initiée, afin d'analyser l'impact de ces mutations sur les étapes symbiotiques précoces
The symbiosis between legumes and bacteria, known as rhizobia, is a complex process resulting in the formation of a novel plant organ, the nodule, in which internalized bacteria (bacteroids) fix nitrogen to the benefit of the host plant. Rhizobia do not form a homogeneous taxonomic group. They belong to a dozen of genera scattered within α- and ß-proteobacteria. Rhizobia may have evolved from horizontal transfer of key symbiotic genes, followed by genome remodeling under plant selection pressure, allowing the activation and/or optimization of the acquired symbiotic potential. This evolutionary scenario is being replayed in the laboratory using an experimental evolution approach. The symbiotic plasmid of the Mimosa pudica symbiont, Cupriavidus taiwanensis LMG19424, was introduced into the plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum GMI1000. 18 parallel lineages were derived from this chimeric ancestor using serial cycles of inoculation with M. pudica and re-isolation of bacteria from the nodules. After 16 cycles of evolution, three observations were done: i) the evolved bacteria do not fix nitrogen and evolution towards mutualism is not completed, ii) a gene of unknown function seems to be involved in intracellular infection and iii) the mutations that allow and/or improve intracellular infection also improve nodulation capacity. To determine conditions that favor the emergence of mutualism in the laboratory and possibly in nature, we analyzed the spatio-temporal dynamics of two quasi-isogenic sub-populations of C. taiwanensis, one nitrogen-fixing (Fix+) and the other not (Fix-), along their symbiotic process with M. pudica. We observed an early degenerescence of Fix- bacteroids, even when they share a nodule with Fix+, and established the kinetics of Fix+ expansion along time. Using mathematical modeling and experimental validations, we predicted that rare Fix+ will invade a population dominated by non-fixing bacteria during serial nodulation cycles with a probability that is function of initial inoculum, plant population size and nodulation cycle length. Then, we studied the role of a C. taiwanensis symbiotic plasmid gene, whose deletion in one lineage was responsible of intracellular infection defect. We showed that this gene, called noeM, is a novel nodulation gene involved in the biosynthesis of atypical Nod factors where the reducing sugar is open and oxidized. noeM was mostly found in isolates of the Mimoseae tribe, especially in all strains able to nodulate M. pudica. The noeM genes form a separate phylogenetic clade containing only rhizobial genes. A noeM deletion mutant of C. taiwanensis was affected for the nodulation of M. pudica confirming the role of noeM in the symbiosis with this legume. Last, we initiated the detailed cytological analysis of M. pudica root infection by C. taiwanensis and a few strains bearing adaptive mutations for intracellular infection, in order to analyze the effect of these mutations on early symbiotic stages

MOYEN, CHRISTELLE. "Etude des modalités de l'implication et de la mobilisation du calcium lors de l'absorption de glycine par les tissus pulvinaires de Mimosa pudica L". Poitiers, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992POIT2337.

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Abstract (sommario):
Le calcium est implique fonctionnellement dans l'absorption de glycine qui s'effectue par un cotransport proton-substrat. Dans une gamme reduite de concentrations, le calcium extracellulaire et l'ionophore a23187 stimulent le transport de glycine tandis que des chelateurs (edta et egta) le reduisent. L'intervention du calcium met en jeu des canaux calciques sensibles a differents antagonistes organiques et inorganiques et a un agoniste des canaux calciques voltage-dependants. L'absorption de glycine n'est pas affectee par le tmb-8 et le licl ce qui indique que le calcium implique est extracellulaire. La cytofluorimetrie a laser a precise qu'un apport de glycine (10 mm final) provoque une augmentation rapide et sensible a la nifedipine, de la concentration d'ions calcium cytoplasmiques libres. Les effets exerces par des antagonistes de la camoduline suggerent que cette calciproteine intervient dans l'absorption de glycine et contribue a declencher la reponse cellulaire. L'absorption de glycine est egalement diminuee par le kcl, le tetraethylammonium et le cscl ce qui suggere que les ions potassium et des canaux potassiques sont aussi mis en jeu. L'absence d'effets de la plupart de ces traitements sur la difference de potentiel membranaire des cellules motrices et sur l'excretion spontanee de protons par les tissus pulvinaires indique que les composes agissent sur le cotransport sans affecter la force proton motrice. L'analyse des lipides n'a revele aucune variation de la composition des lipides, notamment des phosphoinositides, sous l'effet de la glycine

Saeedi, Saed. "Observations chez Cassia fasciculata et Mimosa pudica d'effets induits sur la physiologie des pulvini par des composés phénoliques et benzoïques et étude des modalités de l'absorption de l'acide salicylique". Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37609688f.

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Libri sul tema "Pudica":


Priyanta, Śrī Lāl. Aruma puduma abhirahas. Koḷamba: Lankā Nivs Neṭvarks Prakāśanayaki, 2007.

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Beá, José María. Si pudiera recordar. [Madrid]: Anaya, 1995.

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Anhaiser, Leon Anton. Anhaiser, Barton, Brovec, Nohavitza, Pudich generations and relations. Sugar Land, Tex. (803 Venice, Sugar Land 77478-3812): L.A. Anhaiser, 1997.

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Wibowo, Eddi. Kebijakan publik dan pudaya. Jakarta: Yayasan Pembaruan Administrasi Publik Indonesia, 2004.

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Richmond, Marianne. Si pudiera conservarte pequeño... Naperville, IlL: Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, 2014.

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Ali, Cikha Sidin. Nyaman si puding roti. Kuala Lumpur: Sang Freud Press, 2010.

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Bayülgen, Okan. Pudra: Zamanın tozu. İstanbul: Doğan Kitap, 2007.

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Dattatri, Shekar. Pudir podum sittraamai. Chennai: Tulika Publishers, 2006.

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Machado, Ana Maria. Ah, pajarita si yo pudiera--. Barcelona: Groupo Editorial Norma, 1998.

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Demitrópulos, Libertad. Quien pudiera llegar a Ma-Noa. Buenos Aires: Editorial Plus Ultra, 1986.

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Capitoli di libri sul tema "Pudica":


Lim, T. K. "Mimosa pudica". In Edible Medicinal And Non-Medicinal Plants, 821–35. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-7395-0_66.

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Khare, C. P. "Mimosa pudica Linn." In Indian Medicinal Plants, 1. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-70638-2_1021.

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Wicht, Helmut. "Anatomia im-/pudica". In Anatomische Anekdoten, 21–25. Heidelberg: Steinkopff, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-7985-1898-8_6.

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Brattland, Vegard, Ivar Austvoll, Peter Ruoff e Tormod Drengstig. "Image Processing of Leaf Movements in Mimosa pudica". In Image Analysis, 77–87. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-59126-1_7.

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Feng, Z., P. G. Hartel, R. W. Roncadori e S. J. S. Sung. "Inhibition of fungal colonization on the rhizoplane of the CS2-producing plant, Mimosa pudica L." In Root Demographics and Their Efficiencies in Sustainable Agriculture, Grasslands and Forest Ecosystems, 115–26. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1998. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-011-5270-9_9.

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Piluk, J., P. G. Hartel e B. L. Hanies. "Production of carbon disulfide (CS2) from L-djenkolic acid in the roots of Mimosa pudica L." In Root Demographics and Their Efficiencies in Sustainable Agriculture, Grasslands and Forest Ecosystems, 127–37. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1998. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-011-5270-9_10.

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Leontiadis, Iraklis, Kaoutar Elkhiyaoui, Melek Önen e Refik Molva. "PUDA – Privacy and Unforgeability for Data Aggregation". In Cryptology and Network Security, 3–18. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-26823-1_1.

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Mukherjee, Abhishek. "Characterization, Purification and Immobilization of an Acid Invertase from Mentha Spicata (Pudina) for the Production of Invert Syrup". In Lecture Notes in Bioengineering, 159–66. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-7409-2_16.

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Tuker, Cetin, e Güven Çatak. "Improving Awareness and Empathy with Video Games: A Qualitative Analysis Study of PUDCAD Game". In Springer Series in Design and Innovation, 121–32. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-65060-5_10.

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Yang, R., M. Zhao, C. Zeng, B. Chen e Z. Liu. "Spatiotemporal Variations of Soil CO2 in Chenqi, Puding, SW China: The Effects of Weather and LUCC". In Hydrogeological and Environmental Investigations in Karst Systems, 191–205. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-17435-3_22.

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Atti di convegni sul tema "Pudica":


Seow, Olivia, Cedric Honnet, Simon Perrault e Hiroshi Ishii. "Pudica: A Framework For Designing Augmented Human-Flora Interaction". In AHs 2022: Augmented Humans 2022. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3519391.3519394.

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Yu-xian Li, Jian-xin Zhu, Huai-xia Yang e Ke Yuan. "Studies on antitumor activities of six glycosylflavones from Mimosa pudica". In 2011 International Symposium on Information Technology in Medicine and Education (ITME 2011). IEEE, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/itime.2011.6130813.

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"Nanoparticulate Hydrogel Incorporated with Mimosa pudica Extract: Formulation and Characterization". In AEBMS-2017, ICCET-2017, BBMPS-17, UPACEE-17, LHESS-17, TBFIS-2017, IC4E-2017, AMLIS-2017 & BEFM-2017. Higher Education and Innovation Group (HEAIG), 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.15242/heaig.h1217704.

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Lingaraju e C. Suresh. "Mimosa Pudica extract mediated synthesis of LaOF:Tb3+ nanophosphors for display and advanced forensic applications". In NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS: NCPCM2020. AIP Publishing, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/5.0061407.

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Shitta, Manasseh B., Emmanuel O. Ogedengbe e Essam E. Khalil. "Heat Transfer and Charge Transport Characterization of Organic Wafering with Photo-sensitive Mimosa pudica Extract". In 11th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference. Reston, Virginia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.2514/6.2013-3740.

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Shitta, Manasseh B., Emmanuel O. Ogedengbe, Oluwole B. Familoni e Oluwatoyin T. Ogundipe. "Diffusion Characterization and Modelling of Mimosa pudica Extract towards the Production of Organic Solar Module". In 2018 International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference. Reston, Virginia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.2514/6.2018-4405.

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Shitta, Manasseh B., Emmanuel O. Ogedengbe, Oluwole B. Familoni e Oluwatoyin T. Ogundipe. "Diffusion Characterization and Modelling of Mimosa pudica Extract towards the Production of Organic Solar Module". In AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2019 Forum. Reston, Virginia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.2514/6.2019-4317.

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Shitta, Manasseh B., Emmanuel O. Ogedengbe, Oluwole B. Familoni e Oluwatoyin T. Ogundipe. "Withdrawal: Diffusion Characterization and Modelling of Mimosa pudica Extract towards the Production of Organic Solar Module". In 2018 International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference. Reston, Virginia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.2514/6.2018-4405.c1.

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Pirathiba, S., T. Abbasi e S. A. Abbasi. "Gainful utilization of a highly pernicious and worthless weed mimosa pudica for the green synthesis of silver nanoparticles". In 2011 International Conference on Green Technology and Environmental Conservation (GTEC 2011). IEEE, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/gtec.2011.6167656.

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Lee, Howon, Chunguang Xia e Nicholas Xuanlai Fang. "Biomimetic Microactuator Powered by Polymer Swelling". In ASME 2008 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/imece2008-67594.

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Abstract (sommario):
We propose novel biomimetic polymer microactuators. The actuation mechanism is inspired by nastic movement of the moving plant, Mimosa pudica, which folds its leaves upon external stimulus by regulating turgor pressure of cells in specific location. Photo-cured poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA) microactuator is fabricated using projection micro-stereolithography (PμSL) capable of complex 3D micro fabrication. The swelling effect of PEG in water and organic solvent is exploited as an actuation mechanism of the device. Stress relaxation in the structure due to solvent absorption is controlled locally by delivering solvent through microfluidic channels embedded in the actuator, thereby generating a net movement in the device. Timescale of the motion derived from analytical swelling model suggests that actuation speed can be effectively increased by scaling down the actuator because the characteristic swelling time depends on the length as L2, which is verified experimentally.

Rapporti di organizzazioni sul tema "Pudica":


Meisel-Roca, Adolfo, e María Aguilera-Díaz. Cartagena, 2005-2018: Lo bueno, lo regular y lo malo. Banco de la República de Colombia, dicembre 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.32468/dtseru.294.

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Abstract (sommario):
En las dos primeras décadas del siglo XXI Cartagena presentó un crecimiento económico sin precedentes. No obstante, la prosperidad fue desigual y un alto porcentaje de la población aún presenta enormes carencias y vive en la pobreza. Esta investigación se enfoca en el estudio del avance económico de la ciudad y, a la vez, en el estancamiento relativo en materia social, durante el periodo 2005 y 2018, usando la información de los dos últimos censos de población y comparando con cinco de las principales ciudades de Colombia. En la ciudad se realizaron grandes inversiones de capital en los sectores industrial, construcción y logística portuaria que ampliaron la capacidad productiva local. Por el lado de los indicadores sociales, se dieron avances en la cobertura en educación y salud, pero sin mejorías significativas en la calidad de esos servicios. En buena medida, lo anterior podría ser un resultado de los constantes cambios de alcalde, lo cual llevó a una baja gobernabilidad que impediría que la administración distrital pudiera proveer los bienes y servicios necesarios para mejorar la calidad de vida de la población más vulnerable.

Ballari, Sebasti�n A., Hern�n Pastore e Diego Varela. Pudu puda. En: SAyDS�SAREM (eds.) Categorizaci�n 2019 de los mam�feros de Argentina seg�n su riesgo de extinci�n. Ciudad Aut�noma de Buenos aires: Lista Roja de los mam�feros de Argentina, novembre 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.31687/saremlr.19.214.

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López Boo, Florencia, María de la Paz Ferro e Pedro Carneiro. ¿Funciona integrar servicios de primera infancia con los servicios de salud?: Evidencia experimental del programa de visitas domiciliarias Cresça Com Seu Filho. Inter-American Development Bank, aprile 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.18235/0003230.

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Abstract (sommario):
Un desafío clave de la política pública es cómo llevar a escala programas de primera infancia efectivos. Si la entrega de estos programas pudiera hacerse a través de la infraestructura de servicios públicos existentes, esto resultaría no solo escalable sino más costo-eficiente. Este documento es de los primeros en evaluar los impactos de corto plazo de un programa de visitas domiciliarias a escala integrado completamente con los servicios de atención primaria en salud (en este caso, la Estratégia Saúde da Família de Brasil). Nuestra estrategia de identificación explota la aleatorización original del programa Cresça Com Seu Filho en Fortaleza a nivel de agente comunitario de salud (ACS). En la estimación de intención de tratamiento (ITT, por sus siglas en inglés) encontramos un impacto positivo modesto en la calidad del entorno familiar (0.12 desvíos estándar, DE). Este resultado se alinea con el foco del currículo del programa en el cuidado sensible, receptivo y no punitivo de los niños. No encontramos evidencia de impacto en desarrollo infantil, muy probablemente debido a los desafíos con la intensidad y la fidelidad de las visitas. Nuestros resultados apuntan a la importancia de mejorar los sistemas de supervisión y acompañamiento del personal para lograr mejoras en la fidelidad de la intervención, así como en esquemas de motivación intrínseca del recurso humano que, en un contexto de mayor carga laboral, resulta central para el éxito de este tipo de intervenciones.

Tang, Jiqin, Gong Zhang, Jinxiao Xing, Ying Yu e Tao Han. Network Meta-analysis of Heat-clearing and Detoxifying Oral Liquid of Chinese Medicines in Treatment of Children’s Hand-foot-mouth Disease:a protocol for systematic review. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, gennaio 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.37766/inplasy2022.1.0032.

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Abstract (sommario):
Review question / Objective: The type of study was clinical randomized controlled trial (RCT). The object of study is the patients with HFMD. There is no limit to gender and race. In the case of clear diagnosis standard, curative effect judgment standard and consistent baseline treatment, the experimental group was treated with pure oral liquid of traditional Chinese medicine(A: Fuganlin oral liquid, B: huangzhihua oral liquid, C: Lanqin oral liquid, D: antiviral oral liquid, E: Huangqin oral liquid, F: Pudilan oral liquid, G: Shuanghuanglian oral liquid.)and the control group was treated with ribavirin or any oral liquid of traditional Chinese medicine. The data were extracted by two researchers independently, cross checked and reviewed according to the pre-determined tables. The data extraction content is (1) Basic information (including the first author, published journal and year, research topic). (2) Relevant information (including number of cases, total number of cases, gender, age, intervention measures, course of treatment of the experimental group and the control group in the literature). (3) Design type and quality evaluation information of the included literature. (4) Outcome measures (effective rate, healing time of oral ulcer, regression time of hand and foot rash, regression time of fever, adverse reactions.). The seven traditional Chinese medicine oral liquids are comparable in clinical practice, but their actual clinical efficacy is lack of evidence-based basis. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to use the network meta-analysis method to integrate the clinical relevant evidence of direct and indirect comparative relationship, to make quantitative comprehensive statistical analysis and sequencing of different oral liquid of traditional Chinese medicine with the same evidence body for the treatment of the disease, and then to explore the advantages and disadvantages of the efficacy and safety of different oral liquid of traditional Chinese medicine to get the best treatment plan, so as to provide reference value and evidence-based medicine evidence for clinical optimization of drug selection. Condition being studied: Hand foot mouth disease (HFMD) is a common infectious disease in pediatrics caused by a variety of enteroviruses. Its clinical manifestations are mainly characterized by persistent fever, hand foot rash, oral herpes, ulcers, etc. Because it is often found in preschool children, its immune system development is not perfect, so it is very vulnerable to infection by pathogens and epidemic diseases, resulting in rapid progress of the disease. A few patients will also have neurogenic pulmonary edema Meningitis, myocarditis and other serious complications even lead to death, so effectively improve the cure rate, shorten the course of disease, prevent the deterioration of the disease as the focus of the study. In recent years, traditional Chinese medicine has played an important role in the research of antiviral treatment. Many clinical practices have confirmed that oral liquid of traditional Chinese medicine can effectively play the role of antiviral and improve the body's immunity.

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