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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Rotari":


Aman, Wilson Palelingan, Abadi Jading e Mathelda K. Roreng. "Konstruksi Dan Kinerja Prototipe Alat Pengering Pati Sagu Tipe Rotari Bersumber Panas Biomassa". Agritechnology 1, n. 1 (4 giugno 2019): 23. http://dx.doi.org/10.51310/agritechnology.v1i1.7.

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Abstract (sommario):
Penelitian mengenai pengeringan pati sagu menggunakan alat pengering tipe rotari dengan sumber panas pengering berasal dari pembakaran biomassa melalui tungku telah dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang prototipe alat pengeringan pati tipe rotari (rotary dryer) dengan panas pengering bersumber dari tungku pembakaran biomass, menguji kinerja alat pengering dan untuk mengetahui mengetahui sifat-sifat fisikokimia pati hasil pengeringan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode perancangan dan eksperimen. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah berupa prototipe alat pengering pati tipe rotari dengan sumber panas pengering dari biomassa hasil pembakaran. Dimensi prototipe alat pengering yang dihasilkan adalah Diameter 0,5 m, Panjang 4 meter, dengan kapasitas 100-200 kg per proses. Kisaran suhu tungku pembakaran sebesar 219oC - 589oC, suhu pada bagian masukan sebesar 42 oC-52 oC dan suhu pada bagian keluaran alat berkisar 33oC-35 oC. Hasil pengukuran awal kadar air pati yang dihasilkan dalam proses pengeringan selama 2 jam adalah 16-18% basis basah. Kandungan amilosa dan amilopektin bervariasi pada kadar air pati yang berbeda. Kandungan Amilosa pati hasil penelitian berkisar 16,32-18,15%, sedangkan amilopektin berkisar 77,77-84,63%.

Kahar, Kahar. "Desain Mesin Pemotong Rumput Tipe Rotari Dengan Mesin Penggerak Motor Listrik". Jurnal Pertanian Terpadu 6, n. 2 (13 dicembre 2018): 76–87. http://dx.doi.org/10.36084/jpt..v6i2.169.

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Abstract (sommario):
Mesin pemotong rumput tipe rotari adalah pemotong rumput yang memotong berdasarkan benturan (impact) pisau terhadap rumput (free cutting) dengan kecepatan putaran tinggi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret sampai Juli 2017. Tujuan penelitian adalah membuat desain mesin pemotong rumput tipe rotari dengan motor penggerak motor listrik serta mengetahui efisiensi dan kebutuhan daya alat dengan metode eksperimen yaitu melakukan uji coba alat yang telah di desain sehubungan dengan rancangan structural dan rancangan funsional dan menganalisis data uji coba alat yang diperoleh untuk mengetahui efisiensi dan kebutuhan daya alat. Bagian alat mesin pemotong rumput tipe rotari yang dibuat terdiri dari rangka, deck, dudukan mata pisau, mata pisau, motor penggerak, dan baterai sebagai sumber arus tenaga penggerak. Kapasitas kerja lapang teoritis mesin pemotong rumput tipe rotari sebesar 0,0186 ha/jam, kapasitas kerja lapang efektif rata-rata mesin pemotong rumput tipe rotari sebesar 0,0131 ha/jam, Efisiensi kerja lapang rata-rata mesin pemotong rumput tipe rotari sebesar 70,4 %, dan daya yang dibutuhkan motor penggerak mesin pemotong rumput tipe rotari adalah sebesar 179,67 Watt.

Agusman, Agusman, Fateha Fateha, Asmanah Asmanah e Niswatin Ulya. "IDENTIFIKASI DAN PERHITUNGAN KETIDAKPASTIAN PENGUJIAN VISKOSITAS KARAGINAN MENGGUNAKAN VISKOMETER ROTARI". Jurnal Standardisasi 23, n. 3 (14 dicembre 2021): 295. http://dx.doi.org/10.31153/js.v23i3.940.

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Abstract (sommario):
<p>Viskositas merupakan salah satu karakteristik mutu karaginan yang diprasyaratkan dalam SNI Karaginan <span style="text-decoration: underline;">8391-1:2017</span>. Pada pengukuran viskositas tersebut, laboratorium uji dan laboratorium sertifikasi harus melakukan evaluasi perhitungan ketidakpastian pengukuran sesuai yang disarankan dalam SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2017. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk evaluasi ketidakpastian pengukuran viskositas karaginan menggunakan viskometer rotari. Pada penelitian ini, sumber ketidakpastian berhasil diidentifikasi menggunakan diagram Ishikawa (<em>cause-effect</em>), dan kontribusi dari tahapan proses terhadap ketidakpastian berhasil dihitung. Sumber ketidakpastian pada pengukuran viskositas karaginan berasal dari tahapan proses penimbangan, pengendalian dan pengukuran suhu, serta dari alat viskometer rotari. Hasil menunjukkan viskometer rotari menyumbang ketidakpastian terbesar dari tahapan lainya, yaitu sebesar 61,59% dari total ketidakpastian gabungan. Hasil perhitungan besaran ketidakpastian gabungan adalah sebesar 0,000063. Hasil uji bahan acuan sekunder yang memiliki viskositas sebesar 71,5 cP, diperoleh ketidakpastian diperluas sebesar ± 0,01 cP. pada tingkat kepercayaan 95% dan faktor cakupan 2.</p>

SATRIATAMA, RISNANDA, DENNY DARLIS e PORMAN PANGARIBUAN. "Sistem Kontrol Troli Rotari sebagai Tempat Penitipan Barang Otomatis menggunakan Fuzzy Logic". ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektronika 8, n. 3 (27 agosto 2020): 575. http://dx.doi.org/10.26760/elkomika.v8i3.575.

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Abstract (sommario):
ABSTRAKTroli rotari memerlukan sistem kontrol untuk mengatur rak ke posisi yang diinginkan. Penelitian ini berfokus pada sistem kontrol posisi rak menggunakan metode Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) dengan beban berbeda dari setiap pengguna. Masukan pada sistem kontrol FLC adalah error dan delta error dari sensor rotary encoder. Keluaran dari FLC adalah Pulse Width Modulation yang digunakan untuk mengontrol kecepatan motor DC. Hasil penelitian dari tiga variasi fungsi keanggotaan keluaran dengan beban pada satu rak, pengujian tanpa beban memiliki settling time antara 3,11 s hingga 3,24 s dan error steady state antara 3 hingga 8 counter. Pengujian dengan beban 250 g memiliki settling time antara 3,92 s hingga 8,80 s dan error steady state antara –5 counter hingga 4 counter. Sedangkan pengujian dengan beban 500 g memiliki settling time antara 4,66 s hingga 7,39 s dan error steady state antara 8 counter hingga 12 counter.Kata kunci: tempat penitipan barang, troli rotari, Fuzzy Logic Controller. ABSTRACTRotary trolley needs control system that used for rack control to the position. The research focused on rack position control system using the Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) method with different loads from each user. Inputs to the FLC control system are error and delta error from the rotary encoder sensor. The output of the FLC is Pulse Width Modulation which is used to control the speed of the DC motor. The results from 3 variations of the meeting results, the no-load test had a completion time of between 3.11 s to 3.24 s and steady-state conditions between 3 counters to 8 counters. Testing with a load of 250 g has a completion time of 3.92 s to 8.80 s and steady-state conditions between -5 counters to 4 counters. While testing with a load of 500 g has a settling time of 4.66 s to 7.39 s and steady-state conditions between 8 to 12 counters.Keywords: deposit box, rotary trolley, Fuzzy Logic Controller.

Tri Mulyanto e Supriyono. "PROSES MANUFAKTUR MESIN ROTARI TIPE HIBRIDA UNTUK PENGERING CABAI". Jurnal ASIIMETRIK: Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa & Inovasi 1, n. 2 (31 luglio 2019): 125–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.35814/asiimetrik.v1i2.821.

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Abstract (sommario):
Kebutuhan akan suatu mesin tepat guna yang dapat dapat mengolah hasil pertanian sehingga meningkatkan pendapatan para petani. Salah satu komoditasnya adalah cabai yang harganya sangat tinggi saat pasokan kurang dan sangat rendah pada saat panen raya, hal ini karena perhitungan waktu tanam yang tidak tepat. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu mesin yang dapat mengolah kelebihan hasil panen menjadi bubuk cabai dengan mengeringkan terlebih dahulu. Mesin dioperasikan menggunakan sistem pengeringan tipe hibrida dengan memanfaatkan tenaga surya atau listrik sebagai sumber panas. Proses pengeringan dengan cara cabai dimasukkan kedalam tabung lalu dipanaskan dengan temperatur 60 C0, tabung diputar untuk mengaduk cabai dengan agar pengeringan merata. Waktu untuk mengeringkan cabai sekitar 4 jam dengan temperatur stabil. Kapasitas mesin pengering adalah 4 kg untuk sekali proses

Nelwan, Leopold O., I. Nengah Suastawa e Sulikah Sulikah. "Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Shelled Corn Drying Using Rotary Bed Dryer". Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian 22, n. 2 (1 agosto 2008): 93–98. http://dx.doi.org/10.19028/jtep.22.2.93-98.

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Cannon-Brookes, P. "Picture framing: frames for the genre paintings of Pietro Rotari". Museum Management and Curatorship 12, n. 3 (settembre 1993): 324–25. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0964-7775(93)90083-u.

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Sulikah, Sulikah, Leopold O. Nelwan e I. Nengah Suastawa. "Design and Performance Test of Rotary Bed Dryer for Shelled Corn Drying". Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian 22, n. 2 (1 agosto 2008): 99–104. http://dx.doi.org/10.19028/jtep.22.2.99-104.

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Rachmawati, Cyntia Ayu, e Anna Muryani. "Perawatan gigi premolar kedua rahang atas dengan saluran akar bengkok menggunakan jarum NiTi rotary". Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran 32, n. 2 (30 novembre 2020): 17. http://dx.doi.org/10.24198/jkg.v32i2.27397.

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Abstract (sommario):
ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Preparasi saluran akar dapat menjadi tantangan apabila dihadapkan pada morfologi sistem saluran akar yang kompleks. Gigi dengan saluran akar bengkok dapat menimbulkan kesulitan bagi dokter gigi dalam melakukan perawatan saluran akar. Perawatan saluran akar bengkok membutuhkan penggunaan alat, bahan dan teknik yang efektif untuk membersihkan saluran akar dengan baik. Tujuan laporan kasus ini adalah menjelaskan perawatan gigi premolar kedua rahang atas dengan saluran akar bengkok menggunakan jarum NiTi rotary. Laporan kasus: Pasien perempuan usia 16 tahun dengan rujukan dari bagian orthodontik untuk dirawat gigi kiri atas belakang yang berlubang besar dan terdapat benjolan pada gusi. Hasil pemeriksaan klinis terdapat karies besar pada gigi 25, tes perkusi positif, tes palpasi positif, dan vitalitas negatif. Hasil Pemeriksaan radiologi terdapat gambaran radiolusen difus pada ujung apikal dan menunjukkan konfigurasi saluran akar bengkok sebesar 54°. Diagnosa gigi 25 adalah nekrosis pulpa disertai abses apikalis kronis. Isolasi daerah kerja, kemudian preparasi akses kavitas. Negosiasi saluran akar menggunakan K-files #10 dan mengukur panjang kerja dengan apex locator. Saluran akar diirigasi dengan menggunakan NaOCl 2,5% lalu diikuti oleh EDTA 17%. Preparasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrument rotari hingga #25.06. Medikamen saluran akar menggunakan kalsium hidroksida. Kunjungan berikutnya dilakukan pengisian saluran akar diikuti preparasi pasak fiber dan restorasi direk komposit. Simpulan: Perawatan gigi premolar kedua rahang atas dengan saluran akar bengkok menggunakan jarum NiTi rotary, dengan bahan irigasi Sodium hipoklorit dan EDTA diaktifasi agitasi sonik, serta medikamen kalsium hidroksida menunjukkan keberhasilan perawatan pada kunjungan kedua.

Muhajir, M. Yusuf, Sukadi e Sujono. "A FARMERS' INTEREST IN IMPLEMENTING THE JAJAR LEGOWO PLANTING SYSTEM BATURETNO VILLAGE, KAPANEWON BANGUNTAPAN, BANTUL REGENCY". Jurnal Penyuluhan Pertanian 17, n. 2 (30 dicembre 2022): 93–100. http://dx.doi.org/10.51852/jpp.v17i2.537.

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Abstract (sommario):
ABSTRAK Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui minat petani dalam melaksanakan sistem tanam jajar legowo di Kalurahan Baturetno Kapanewon, Banguntapan, Kabupaten Bantul. Variabel minat yang diukur dalam kajian ini adalah minat kesenangan, minat perhatian, minat kesadaran dan minat kemauan. Kajian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari – Juni 2022 di Kalurahan Baturetno dengan melibatkan 52 orang responden dari 7 perwakilan kelompok tani. Sampel dalam kajian ini ditentukan melalui Proportional Random Sampling dengan menggunakan rumus Nomogram Harry King dengan taraf signifikansi 90%. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam kajian ini menggunakan kuisioner, wawancara dan observasi. Teknik analisis kajian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil kajian minat petani dalam melaksanakan sistem tanam jajar legowo menunjukan bahwa untuk variabel minat kesenangan berada pada kategori tinggi dengan persentase capaian skor mencapai 68,83%, variabel minat perhatian berada pada kategori sedang dengan capaian skor 59,36%, variabel minat kesadaran mencapai 69,05% dan berada pada kategori tinggi, serta variabel minat kemauan memiliki nilai capaian skor 60,88% dengan kategori sedang. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dilakukan penyuluhan dari desain pemberdayaan untuk meningkatkan minat perhatian petani melalui peningkatan pengetahuan dan sikap petani dalam melaksanakan sistem tanam jajar legowo sesuai rekomendasi. materi penyuluhan yang disampaikan adalah tentang pengaturan jarak tanam dan tanaman sisipan menggunakan alat caplak rotari dalam sistem tanam jajar legowo. Analisis hasil pemberdayaan dari pelaksanaan pre-test dan post-test menunjukan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan petani sebanyak 25,83% sedangkan untuk variabel sikap, meningkat sebanyak 22,45%. Kata Kunci: Caplak Rotari, Jajar Legowo, Minat

Tesi sul tema "Rotari":


Giannotti, Filomena. "Ombre solenni. Personaggi tardoantichi nella letteratura contemporanea". Doctoral thesis, Università di Siena, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/11365/1207783.

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Abstract (sommario):
L'elaborato tratta la presenza di importanti personaggi dell'età imperiale nella cultura contemporanea, in particolare nella narrativa e nel cinema: PARTE PRIMA - FILOSOFI AL POTERE. Capitolo I - Marco Aurelio. Capitolo II - Giuliano l'Apostata. PARTE SECONDA - IMPERATORI 'MINORI'. Capitolo I - Eliogabalo. Capitolo II - Romolo Augustolo. PARTE TERZA - RE BARBARI. Capitolo I - Attila. Capitolo II - Rotari. PARTE QUARTA - PADRI DELLA CHIESA. Capitolo I - Ambrogio. Capitolo II - Girolamo. Capitolo III - Agostino. PARTE QUINTA - SCRITTORI FRA LETTERATURA E IMPEGNO POLITICO. Capitolo I - Claudiano. Capitolo II - Sinesio di Cirene. Capitolo III - Paolo Diacono. PARTE SESTA - FIGURE FEMMINILI. Capitolo I - Ipazia. Capitolo II - Galla Placidia.

Walsh, Brendan Walsh Patrick. "Rotary". NCSU, 2009. http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/theses/available/etd-12052008-145205/.

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Matos, Catherine Anne Moseley. "Download reduction on a wing-rotor configuation". Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/12058.

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Xie, Lihan. "Suivi numérique des bifurcations pour l'analyse paramétrique de la dynamique non-linéaire des rotors". Thesis, Lyon, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LYSEI018/document.

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Abstract (sommario):
Au cœur des moyens de transport, de transformation d'énergie, et de biens d'équipements, les machines tournantes peuvent avoir des comportements dynamiques complexes dus à de multiples sources de non linéarités liées aux paliers hydrodynamiques, à la présence de fissures, aux touches rotor-stator, ... Des phénomènes comme les décalages fréquentiels et donc de vitesses critiques, les cycles d'hystérésis avec sauts d'amplitudes, le changement brutal du contenu fréquentiel des réponses, sont des expressions de ces comportements. Résoudre les équations du mouvement induites par des modélisations avec des éléments finis de type poutre ou volumique, pour calculer les réponses à des sollicitations diverses (comme le balourd ou le poids propre), est réalisable avec des méthodes d'intégration pas à pas dans le temps mais au prix de temps de calcul prohibitifs. Cela devient particulièrement préjudiciable au stade du pré-dimensionnement où il est nécessaire de réaliser rapidement des études paramétriques. Aussi une alternative intéressante est de mettre en {\oe}uvre une méthode numérique, à la fois générale et efficace pour analyser la réponse non linéaire des rotors en régime stationnaire. La démarche proposée combine, dans un premier temps, la méthode de la balance harmonique (HBM) et la technique de bascule Temps-Fréquence (AFT) afin d'obtenir rapidement dans le domaine fréquentiel les réponses périodiques des rotors à grand nombre de degrés de liberté apportés par les éléments finis volumiques. Puis, l'association à la méthode de continuation par pseudo-longueur d'arc aboutit à établir continûment l'ensemble des solutions d'équilibre dynamique sur la plage de vitesse de rotation. Enfin la stabilité dynamique locale de la solution périodique est analysée grâce à des indicateurs de bifurcation basés sur l'évolution des exposants de Floquet. Ainsi sont détectées les bifurcations de branches de solutions périodiques de type point limite, point de branchement et notamment Neimark-Sacker. Leur localisation est déterminée précisément en résolvant un système augmenté constitué de l'équation du mouvement et d'une équation supplémentaire caractérisant le type de bifurcation considéré. En déclarant un paramètre du système (coefficient de frottement, jeu rotor/stator, amplitude de l'excitation,...) comme nouvelle variable, l'utilisation de la technique de continuation conjointement avec le système augmenté détermine directement le cheminement des bifurcations en fonction de ce paramètre sur la nappe des réponses non linéaires. Les suivis de bifurcations délimitent les zones de fonctionnement spécifiques, extraient efficacement l'essentiel du comportement dynamique et offrent ainsi une nouvelle approche pour dimensionner de façon efficace les systèmes notamment en rotation. Nombre des développements réalisés sont implantés dans le code de calcul Cast3M
Generally speaking, the rotating systems utilized in the energy production have a small rotor-stator gap, are able to run during long periods, and are mounted on hydrodynamic bearings. Rotor-stator interactions in case of blade loss, crack propagation due to fatigue, and a variable stiffness due to the nonlinear restoring forces of the bearings can make the rotordynamics nonlinear and the responses complicated: significant amplitude and frequency shifts are introduced, sub- and super-harmonics appear, and hysteresis occurs. It is of great importance to understand, predict and control this complicated dynamics. Due to the large number of DOFs and the broad range of study frequency, the computation time for solving the equations of motion by a temporal integration method can be quite prohibitive. It becomes particularly disadvantageous at the design stage where a parametrical study need to be quickly performed. An alternative numerical method, which is general and effective at the same time, is proposed in order to analyse the nonlinear response of the rotors at steady state. Firstly, the periodic responses of nonlinear rotors are calculated in the frequency domain by combining harmonic balance method (HBM) and alternating frequency-time (AFT). With the help of continuation method, all dynamic equilibrium solutions of nonlinear systems are determined for the range of study frequency. Then, Floquet exponents which are the eigenvalues of Jacobian are sought for stability analysis of periodic solutions. Then the local stability of the periodic solution is analysed through the bifurcation indicators which are based on the evolution of Floquet exponents. The bifurcations of periodic solution branch, such as limit point, branch point, and Neimark-Sacker bifurcation, are thus detected. By declaring a system parameter (friction coefficient, rotor / stator gap, excitation amplitude, ...) as a new variable, applying once again the continuation method to the augmented system determines directly the bifurcation's evolution as a function of this parameter. Thus, parametric analysis of the nonlinear dynamic behaviour is achieved, the stability boundary or the regime change boundary is directly determined. Numerous developments are implemented in the calculation code Cast3M

Huo, Chao. "Analyse numérique et expérimentale d’un doublet de rotors contrarotatifs caréné au point fixe". Thesis, Toulouse, ISAE, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012ESAE0010/document.

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Abstract (sommario):
Cette étude se propose d’analyser le comportement du double rotor contra-rotatif caréné dans lecadre des échelles réduites des microdrones, pour exploiter le potentiel d’amélioration desperformances stationnaires des rotors libres. La demande d’une performance propulsive de hautniveau, alors que les échelles sont très réduites constitue un véritable défi scientifique. De façongénérale, par rapport au rotor libre, l’ajout de la carène permet de piloter la contraction del’écoulement et offre un potentiel de poussée de carène. La tuyère par sa condition d’adaptationpilote le débit entrant à puissance donnée. L’augmentation du débit massique, par comparaison ausystème de rotor libre, amplifie la poussée à travers la dépression distribuée sur toute la surface decaptation. Pour comprendre les lois de fonctionnement d’un système propulsif caréné, il a d’abord été proposé un modèle théorique simplifié basé sur une extension de la théorie de Froude pour les rotors libres: le système rotor est assimilé à un disque actuateur, générateur de débit dans une conduite à section variable. Une simulation Navier Stokes 2D axisymétrique a permis d’optimiser les paramètres de forme du carénage. Les simulations ont confirmé l’influence déterminante des sections d’entrée et de sortie, et relativisé l’impact des formes possibles, pourvu que les variations de sections limitent le décollement de la couche limite. Après conception d’un banc d’essai utilisant un doublet de rotor coaxial placé dans cette carène optimisée, l’étude expérimentale complète et confirme les performances globales du système et qualifie l’écoulement méridien. Enfin, une simulation 3D instationnaire a été entreprise pour compléter l’analyse de l’écoulement autour des rotors
This study aims to analyze the behavior of shrouded, contrarotating coaxial rotor in the reducedMAVs’ scale in order to exploit its potential to improve the free rotor steady performance. The highhover ability under low operational Reynolds number is therefore, a scientific challenge. Generally,comparing with free rotor, the addition of the shroud decreases the flow contraction and gives thepotential to generate an extra thrust. A suitable nozzle can control the mass flow for a given power.The increased mass flow, comparing with free rotor, amplifies the thrust offered by the lowpressure formed at the air entrance. To understand the principals of shrouded propulsion system, a simplified theory model was first proposed through the extension of Froude theory for free rotors: the double rotor is initially treated as an actuator disk, generating the flow at varied sections through the shroud passage. A 2D simulation which accounts for an axial flow of viscous effects within the actual shroud profile, confirmed effects of all defined geometrical parameters. It further demonstrated that within the non-stalling region of the different crosssections, shroud shape and inlet shape do not have asignificant impact on performance. The experimental study, carried out with coaxial rotor, contributed to the confirmation of the overall performance and the approximation of the flow field through the shroud. Meanwhile, the 3D simulation, developed to better model the actual coaxial rotor in counter rotation, was validated to well solve the steady performance. It was applied to complement the analysis of the flow around the coaxial rotor

Alnakar, Raran, e Danilo Catovic. "Rotary parking system". Thesis, KTH, Mekatronik, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-295808.

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Abstract (sommario):
Automatic parking systems are intended to save a lot ofspace and create a more favourable parking experience. In this thesis the main goal was to create a functional and user-friendly rotary parking system. The system consistsof a framework, DC-motor, driveline, ultrasonic distance sensor and platforms. Most of the construction consists of plastic, the remaining parts are made of metal. The system was evaluated using two experiments, one that measured the speed of the system and the other one measuring the level of accuracy. After the first experiment, it was concluded that the system works well for the corresponding speed. The second experiment showed that improvements of the accuracy can be made.
Automatiska parkeringssystem är avsedda att spara utrymme och skapa en bättre parkeringsupplevelse. I denna avhandling var huvudmålet att skapa ett funktionellt och användarvänligt roterande parkeringssystem. Systemet består av ett ramverk, likströmsmotor, drivlina, ultraljudssensor och plattformar. Majoriteten av konstruktionen består av plast, de återstående delarna är gjorda av metall. Systemet utvärderades med hjälp av två experiment, ett som mätte systemets hastighet och ett annat som mätte noggrannheten. Efter det första experimentet drogs slutsatsen att systemet fungerar bra för motsvarande hastighet. Det andra experimentet visade att förbättringar av noggrannheten kan göras.

Alnakar, Rayan, e Danilo Catovic. "Rotary parking system". Thesis, KTH, Mekatronik, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-295808.

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Abstract (sommario):
Automatic parking systems are intended to save a lot ofspace and create a more favourable parking experience. In this thesis the main goal was to create a functional and user-friendly rotary parking system. The system consistsof a framework, DC-motor, driveline, ultrasonic distance sensor and platforms. Most of the construction consists of plastic, the remaining parts are made of metal. The system was evaluated using two experiments, one that measured the speed of the system and the other one measuring the level of accuracy. After the first experiment, it was concluded that the system works well for the corresponding speed. The second experiment showed that improvements of the accuracy can be made.
Automatiska parkeringssystem är avsedda att spara utrymme och skapa en bättre parkeringsupplevelse. I denna avhandling var huvudmålet att skapa ett funktionellt och användarvänligt roterande parkeringssystem. Systemet består av ett ramverk, likströmsmotor, drivlina, ultraljudssensor och plattformar. Majoriteten av konstruktionen består av plast, de återstående delarna är gjorda av metall. Systemet utvärderades med hjälp av två experiment, ett som mätte systemets hastighet och ett annat som mätte noggrannheten. Efter det första experimentet drogs slutsatsen att systemet fungerar bra för motsvarande hastighet. Det andra experimentet visade att förbättringar av noggrannheten kan göras.

Nováková, Naděžda. "Dynamické radiální síly působící na oběžné kolo odstředivého čerpadla". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2012. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-230329.

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Abstract (sommario):
This thesis deals with the radial forces acting on the impeller of a centrifugal pump. It focuses on the centrifugal pump type BETA 26. It addresses forces acting on the pump shaft. These forces are converted into the impeller. The most extensive part of this thesis is devoted to the experimental measurement and evaluation. The results are summarized and processed graphically.

Soykasap, Omer. "Aeroelastic optimization of a composite tilt rotor". Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1999. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/11823.

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Montesanti, Richard Clement. "High bandwidth rotary fast tool servos and a hybrid rotary/linear electromagnetic actuator". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/34987.

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Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2005.
This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 541-555).
This thesis describes the development of two high bandwidth short-stroke rotary fast tool servos and the hybrid rotary/linear electromagnetic actuator developed for one of them. Design insights, trade-off methodologies, and analytical tools are developed for precision mechanical systems, power and signal electronic systems, control systems, normal-stress electromagnetic actuators, and the dynamics of the combined systems. A fast tool servo (FTS) is a high-speed auxiliary servo axis that is added to a diamond turning machine (ultra-precision lathe) to allow generating free-form non-axisymmetric or textured surfaces on a workpiece. A rotary fast tool servo produces an in-and-out motion of the tool relative to a workpiece by swinging the tool along an arc having a fixed radius. The rotary fast tool servos developed in this project were designed for diamond turning prescription textured surfaces on small spherical workpieces (diameters in the range of 10 mm or less), and are suitable for generating free-form non-axisymmetric surfaces on similar-sized workpieces. Straightforward modifications would allow them to be used on larger workpieces. These rotary fast tool servos set new benchmarks for demonstrated closed-loop bandwidth (2 kHz and 10 kHz) and tool tip acceleration (400 g).
(cont.) The first machine, referred to as the 2 kHz rotary fast tool servo, uses a commercially available moving-magnet galvanometer as the actuator (Lorentz force), and provides proof-of-principles for a flexure bearing, small diamond tool and mounting method, circuit topology for a high bandwidth current-mode amplifier, and control system design. The following closed-loop performance is demonstrated for the 2 kHz rotary fast tool servo: -3dB bandwidth of 2 kHz, 20 g tool tip acceleration at 2 kHz, maximum tool travel of 50 [mu]m PP, and tool position noise level of 10 nm PP. The 2 kHz FTS is integrated with a diamond turning machine and used to produce optical quality textured surfaces on the face and outside diameter of aluminum workpieces while operating at 2 kHz. The machining tests validate that a rotary-type fast tool servo can be used to produce optical quality surfaces on a spherical workpiece from its pole to its equator. The second machine, referred to as the 10 kHz rotary fast tool servo, incorporates the proof-of-principles from the first machine and is the vehicle for developing the hybrid rotary/linear electromagnetic actuator used in it.
(cont.) The actuator is a normal-stress variable reluctance machine with a demonstrated order of magnitude increase in the peak torque and in the ratio of peak torque divided by the electrical power at its terminals, when compared to the actuator used in the 2 kHz FTS. By integrating the tool holder directly to the moving mass of the actuator to form a single rigid body, the overall torque-to-inertia ratio for the system and the frequency of the first uncoupled-mass resonance are both increased. The following closed-loop performance is demonstrated for the 10 kHz rotary fast tool servo: -3dB bandwidth of 10 kHz, 400 g tool tip acceleration at 5 kHz, 870 g tool tip acceleration at 10 kHz (aided by a stable mechanical resonance), maximum tool travel of 70 [mu]m PP, and tool position noise level of 1.4 to 2.5 nm rms (depending on the magnitude of the bias flux used). The hybrid rotary/linear electromagnetic actuator utilizes a constant bias magnetic flux, which linearizes the torque versus drive-current relationship for the actuator and provides up to half of the torque-producing magnetic flux in the rotor/stator air gaps. The actuator is similar to the rotary actuators used to drive and sustain a resonance in a mechanical oscillator in certain electric engraving heads.
(cont.) This research is distinguished from the prior art by the ability to generate closed-loop arbitrary trajectories for the tool tip. Using a separate current-mode amplifier for each stator half allows demonstrating closed-loop control of the rotary and linear degrees of freedom that are inherent in this class of actuators. This research is further distinguished from the prior art by a magnetic circuit that substantially decouples certain magnetic flux paths when a coil is used instead of a permanent magnet to provide the bias magnetic flux. This reduces the complexity of the actuator electrical dynamics from a MIMO system to a SISO system, and allows using loop-shaping techniques with classical control theory to design the control systems. Torque control for the hybrid rotary/linear actuator in the 10 kHz FTS is independent of force control, but force control requires a torque-generating current to act as an operating point. Alternate magnetic circuit topologies that fully decouple torque and force control are described and compared. Future work that utilizes the linear mode as an active suspension for improving the performance of a predominantly rotary system is considered. Using the experience gained by designing, building, and testing the 10 kHz FTS and hybrid rotary/linear actuator, future work involving alternate concepts for the actuator is suggested for a follow-on rotary fast tool servo, and a high bandwidth steering mirror.
by Richard Clement Montesanti.

Libri sul tema "Rotari":


Kadiĭski, T︠S︡vi︠a︡tko. Rotari v Sofii︠a︡: Legenda i deĭstvitelnost. Sofia]: Kolbis, 2000.

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Pavlović, Momčilo. Rotari klub Subotica: 1929-1941, 1997-2008 = Szabadkai Rotary Klub = Szabadkai Rotary Klub. Subotica: Rotari klub, 2008.

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Polazzo, Marco. Pietro Rotari: Pittore veronese del Settecento (1707-1762). Negrar (Verona): Il Segno, 1990.

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Pedrazzini, Dario. La vita quotidiana dei Longobardi ai tempi di re Rotari. Imola (Bologna): G. Angelini, 2007.

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Marini, Paola, Fabrizio Magani, Andrea Tomezzoli e Ilaria Turri. Il Settecento a Verona: Tiepolo, Cignaroli, Rotari : la nobiltà della pittura. Cinisello Balsamo (Milano): Silvana, 2011.

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Brooks, Thomas F. Helicopter main-rotor noise: Determination of source contributions using scaled model data. [Washington, D.C.]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Scientific and Technical Information Division, 1988.

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Brooks, Thomas F. Helicopter main-rotor noise: Determination of source contributions using scaled model data. Hampton, Va: Langley Research Center, 1988.

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Ralph, Jolly J., Marcolini Michael A e United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Scientific and Technical Information Division., a cura di. Helicopter main-rotor noise: Determination of source contributions using scaled model data. [Washington, D.C.]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Scientific and Technical Information Division, 1988.

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Brooks, Thomas F. Helicopter main-rotor noise: Determination of source contributions using scaled model data. [Washington, D.C.]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Scientific and Technical Information Division, 1988.

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Runyan, Harry L. Compressible, unsteady lifting-surface theory for a helicopter rotor in forward flight. Washington: NASA, 1985.

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Capitoli di libri sul tema "Rotari":


Daher, Georges, Stéphane Régnier e Sinan Haliyo. "A Rotary Induction Actuator for Kinesthetic and Tactile Rendering". In Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications, 155–63. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-06249-0_18.

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Abstract (sommario):
AbstractActuators with low inertia and high bandwidth are of great interest for haptic devices, as they improve the quality of force rendering and transparency. This paper describes, as a proof of concept, a new design in rotary induction motors, the Axial-DSIM (Axial Double-Sided Induction Motor). This motor has a simple design construction that consists of a thin and lightweight disc-shaped moving secondary (rotor) surrounded by fixed primaries on both sides that generate a rotating magnetic field that induces a force on the disc. The low inertia of this motor and its principle of operation make it possible to render high-fidelity torques with high dynamics.

Yada, Isao, e Yu Shomura. "Physiology of Nonpulsatile Circulation". In Rotary Blood Pumps, 3–10. Tokyo: Springer Japan, 2000. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-4-431-67917-2_1.

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Nosé, Yukihiko. "Future of Rotary Blood Pumps". In Rotary Blood Pumps, 109–13. Tokyo: Springer Japan, 2000. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-4-431-67917-2_10.

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Montiès, Jean-Raoul, Jean Trinkl, Jean-Luc Demunck, Thierry Mesana, Patrick Havlik e Thierry Caus. "CORA Rotary Blood Pump: Totally Sealed Bearings". In Rotary Blood Pumps, 115–22. Tokyo: Springer Japan, 2000. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-4-431-67917-2_11.

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Jett, G. Kimble. "Physiology of Nonpulsatile Circulation: Acute Versus Chronic Support". In Rotary Blood Pumps, 11–19. Tokyo: Springer Japan, 2000. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-4-431-67917-2_2.

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Tsutsui, Tatsuo. "Idioperipheral Pulsation During Nonpulsatile Circulation". In Rotary Blood Pumps, 21–31. Tokyo: Springer Japan, 2000. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-4-431-67917-2_3.

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Akamatsu, Teruaki, Tomonori Tsukiya e Takayoshi Ozaki. "Fluid Engineering Aspect for Development of the Centrifugal Blood Pump with Magnetically Suspended Impeller". In Rotary Blood Pumps, 35–46. Tokyo: Springer Japan, 2000. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-4-431-67917-2_4.

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Golding, Leonard, William Smith, David Horvath e Alexander Medvedev. "Rotodynamic Pump Development". In Rotary Blood Pumps, 47–56. Tokyo: Springer Japan, 2000. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-4-431-67917-2_5.

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Mitamura, Yoshinori, Masayuki Fujiyoshi, Ryohei Yozu, Shiaki Kawada e Takashi Tanaka. "Development of an Intracardiac Axial Flow Pump". In Rotary Blood Pumps, 57–68. Tokyo: Springer Japan, 2000. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-4-431-67917-2_6.

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Siess, Thorsten, e Helmut Reul. "Basic Design Criteria for Rotary Blood Pumps". In Rotary Blood Pumps, 69–83. Tokyo: Springer Japan, 2000. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-4-431-67917-2_7.

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Atti di convegni sul tema "Rotari":


SPENCE, ANNE, e ROBERTO CELI. "EFFICIENT SENSITIVY ANALYSIS FOR ROTARI-WING AEROMECHANICAL PROBLEMS". In 34th Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1993. http://dx.doi.org/10.2514/6.1993-1648.

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Yanto, Asmara, e Anrinal Anrinal. "Studi Getaran Eksperimental Akibat Kelonggaran Sistem Transmisi Sabuk Pada Mesin Rotari". In Seminar Nasional: Peranan Ipteks Menuju Industri Masa Depan (PIMIMD) 2017. ITP Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.21063/pimimd4.2017.40-46.

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Gupta, K., R. Kumar, M. Tiwari e O. Prakash. "Effect of Rotary Inertia and Gyroscopic Moments on Dynamics of Two Spool Aeroengine Rotor". In ASME 1993 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1993. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/93-gt-045.

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Abstract (sommario):
The main objective of the paper is to study the effect of rotary inertia and gyroscopic moments due to lumped masses on the dynamics of two spool aeroengine rotors. Since the rotary inertia effect is well established, the thrust of the paper is on the effect of gyroscopic moments. Quantitative as well as qualitative aspects are studied. Effect of gyroscopics and rotary inertia on rotor critical speeds and unbalance response are studied for several rotors with particular reference to relative LP and HP rotor speeds. A two spool rig which resembles an actual aeroengine has been designed and built. Experiments have been conducted on two configurations of the rig in order to verify the theoretical results obtained by a formulation developed using the method of extended transfer matrices, for the two spool rotor with two intershaft bearings. A reasonably good correlation between the theoretical and experimental results is observed.

Elkamchouchi, Hassan, e Ahmed M. Elshafee. "ROTRIX, The Arrayed Rotors System". In Proceedings of the Twenty Third National Radio Science Conference (NRSC'2006). IEEE, 2006. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/nrsc.2006.386346.

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Yang, Yingchen. "Waves to Drive a Direct Rotor for Unidirectional Rotation". In ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/imece2013-64394.

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Abstract (sommario):
Ocean waves constitute a massive source of renewable energy. However, ocean wave energy is highly underutilized. In the present work, a new approach for wave energy harvesting is discussed. A direct-drive rotor is employed as a key component of a wave energy converter (WEC). The rotor absorbs wave energy and performs unidirectional rotary motion. This approach is in contrast to the overly dominant existing technologies that utilize wave-driven oscillation (either linear or angular, e.g., heave, surge or pitch) for energy conversion. It is also different from the very few existing technologies that use direct-drive rotors to realize unidirectional rotary motion. The focus of this work is on characterization of some rotor designs using numerical tools. The tools include a wave model and a drag force model. Simple circular tubes are used as blades in a basic rotor design. This basic design demonstrates strong potential for unidirectional rotary motion at a proper rotor submersion level and under various wave conditions. Two improved designs are yielded from the basic design. In one improved design, the original circular tubes are replaced with semicircular tubes as new blades. In another design, the semicircular tubes are further modified to become one-way foldable. The two improvements significantly enhance the rotors’ unidirectional rotary motion in waves, which has been verified by numerical experiments. Broad ranges of wave parameters and the submersion level have been numerically explored on the two improved rotor designs in conjunction with dimensional analysis.

Heikkinen, Janne E., e Siavash Pakdelian. "Rotordynamics of a Trans-Rotary Magnetic Gear Rotor". In ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/imece2013-63813.

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Abstract (sommario):
Trans-Rotary Magnetic Gear (TROMAG) has recently been introduced as a reliable and efficient way of converting low-speed, high-force translation into high-speed, low-torque rotation, or vice versa. The gear can be used in any high force linear motion application; specifically, it would be a strong contender for wave energy harvesting. The TROMAG consists of two main parts: a rotor and a translator, both of which are formed by furnishing tubular ferromagnetic iron cores with helically-disposed permanent magnets. In this paper, the dynamics of the rotor is studied by employing the Finite Element Method (FEM) and using a simplified model where a flexible rotor is spinning on the flexible isotropic bearings. The rotor system has non-idealities that may excite the system to vibrate. In addition, the non-idealities in geometry cause uneven magnetic pulling force that is considered as an external force. The transient response of the rotor-bearing system is studied by varying the eccentricity of the rotor with respect to the translator. The vibration characteristics of the rotor-bearing system of the TROMAG are evaluated and presented in this paper.

Mannisto, John F., e Robert Bazaz. "Structural Analysis of a Rotary Combustion Engine Rotor". In SAE International Congress and Exposition. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 1987. http://dx.doi.org/10.4271/870447.

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Chandraker, S., J. K. Dutt e H. Roy. "Parametric Study of Stability Criteria for Rotor Bearing Model With Viscoelastic Support". In ASME 2017 Gas Turbine India Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/gtindia2017-4781.

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Abstract (sommario):
In the last few decades, intensive research has been carried out on viscoelastic materials. Among them, most importantly polymers and composites thereof find extensive applications in engineering structures and rotors primarily due to quite high strength to weight ratio in comparison with metals. In dynamic modeling of rotor bearing system, incorporation of damping is very important as stationary (external) damping always helps in stability, however rotary damping (internal) promotes instability of rotors above a certain speed. Therefore for modeling point of view, it is very important to consider both internal or external damping effect. For this reason, the dissipation mechanism has been handled in such a way that it provides proper forces irrespective of its presence in a stationary or a rotary frame. Also in present work, both classical method and operator multiplier method are suggested to derive the equations of motion. The analysis also shows the stability zones of the rotor bearing system for various parametric values of different viscoelastic supports. It is found that choosing a right viscoelastic support can increase the stability criteria of the system to some extent.

Wu, Puyuan, Ang Li, Jun Chen, Paul E. Sojka, Yang Li e Hongjun Cao. "Flow Characterization in the Upper Cavity of a Rotary Compressor". In ASME 2021 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/fedsm2021-65868.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract As hundreds of millions of Air conditioning (AC) systems are produced each year, and many of them use rotary compressors as the heat pump, optimizing the flow inside the rotary compressor to improve its reliability and efficiency becomes a key issue of the manufactures. Since the invention of the rotary compressor, its internal flow has been studied numerically with real models. However, a rotary compressor’s internal flow can be extremely complicated due to the complex internal structures’ geometry and high-speed moving parts, making it difficult to interpret the result by CFD simulation and repeat the simulation in different models. In our experiments for observing lubricant oil droplets above the rotor/stator in a rotary compressor, droplets’ movement reveals that two major effects control the gas flow in the compressor’s upper cavity. One is the swirling jet produced by the high-speed rotating rotor with no-slip condition on its sidewall. The other one is the rotating disk effect induced by the top of the high-speed rotating rotor. Either of them has been studied individually in different areas. For example, the swirling jet is often used in combustors while the rotating disk is applied in the viscous pump. However, the coupling of these two effects in the rotary compressor with different velocity ranges, size scales, and fluid properties has not been studied according to our best knowledge. In our simulation, a model that only consists of a simplified rotor, simplified stator, sidewall, and discharge tube (outlet) is built. Thus, the effect by small parts, such as the balance block and coils, is excluded. The rotor is set to rotate at 30, 60, and 90 Hz. Uniform velocity calculated with the theoretical flow rate and ambient pressure conditions are given at the inlet (rotor/stator clearance) and outlet, respectively. No-slip conditions are defined at other walls. Steady-state K-ω SST turbulence models are applied, and the cases are computed with OpenFoam. The CFD results show an inner recirculation zone above the rotor that creates a downward velocity component above the rotor and an outer circulation zone above the stator. The CFD result meets the observation of the droplets’ movement above the rotor/stator. With the CFD results and the experiment’s observations, we propose the model of the oil droplet’s path in the rotary compressor’s upper cavity, which can help reduce the exhausted lubricant oil droplets from the compressor.

Jiang, Xiaojun, Yi Li, Zhaohui He, Cui Baoling e Wenlong Dong. "Numerical Investigation of Positive Displacement Rotary Lobe Pump With Twisted Rotors". In ASME 2014 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting collocated with the ASME 2014 12th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/fedsm2014-21844.

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Abstract (sommario):
The three-dimensional flow field characteristics are obtained by performing numerical simulation of flow in a lobe pump with twisted rotors. The relationship between the dynamic flow structure and the flow fluctuation is explored. Actually, the viscous incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are solved within an unsteady flow model. The dynamic mesh technique is applied to obtain the dynamic flow structure. By comparing the simulated results of straight rotor with those of twisted rotor, the effect of rotor shape on the flow fluctuation was revealed. Finally, the impact of the lobes number of rotors on flow pulsations is discussed. The results show that there is an intrinsic relationship between the flow fluctuation and the vortex in the lobe pump. The use of twisted rotors can effectively improve the internal flow characteristics of lobe pump and reduce flow fluctuation. With the increase of the number of lobes, the lobe pump output is more stable and capacity has been improved.

Rapporti di organizzazioni sul tema "Rotari":


Zheng, Wanzheng, e Jason Merret. Aerodynamic Survey of Novel eVTOL Configuration Using SU2. Illinois Center for Transportation, agosto 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.36501/0197-9191/22-014.

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Abstract (sommario):
This report summarizes computational fluid dynamics (CFD) results of electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) geometries using the SU2 Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) solver. Geometries were generated based on the Smart Transportation Infrastructure Initiative (STII) Rappor 15th iteration with various rotor-installment solutions. It was found that although open rotors installed on an underwing pylon were superior to shrouded rotors installed in a canoe, the canoe configuration would provide more potential for improvement, and using a canoe door to cover the first rotor opening would reduce the drag experienced by the canoe case below that upon the rod case. Rotor doors were found to be most efficient in reducing drag of the canoe case: Average drag reduction with covering the first rotor and all rotors was 66 and 165 counts, respectively. Changing rotor distributions along the chordwise direction had minimal impact on drag reduction, and placing rotors along the spanwise direction was not advised due to the increase of the projected frontal area. Increasing canoe chord length did not have significant impact on drag reduction; and if rotor doors were implemented, increasing canoe size had negative impact on drag. Rounding rotor edges did not change the aerodynamic performance of the canoe case but promotes vertical air intake when running lifting fans. Drag received by the canoe parabolically correlated to rotor diameter, with 126 counts of drag if the rotor diameter was 0 and 377 counts if the rotor diameter was 2.95 ft. Fuselage and tail added an average 179 counts of drag, and thus the aforementioned differences were still significant in the scale of aerodynamic properties of the full configuration.

Quiroz, Josselyn, e Sabina Mungi. Efficacy and Efficiency in vitro, of chemo-mechanical caries removal against rotary system, in permanent teeth: A systematic review. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, febbraio 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.37766/inplasy2023.2.0001.

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Abstract (sommario):
Review question / Objective: Systematic review based on the following PICOS question: P: Articles that have investigated permanent teeth; I: Articles that have investigated chemomechanical agents; C: Articles that have investigated rotary system; O: Articles that have obtained as a result, presence of bacterial colonies, microhardness, time; S: in vitro studies. Condition being studied: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic review that aimed to evaluate the in vitro Efficacy and Efficiency of chemomechanical caries removal against a rotary system in permanent teeth. In addition, these data can provide a new contribution for research.

Paul Flanagan. Rotary Burner Demonstration. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), aprile 2003. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/810808.

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Branson, Roger. Advanced Distributed Simulation Technology Advanced Rotary Wing Aircraft. Study Comparing Approaches to Modeling the ARWA Main Rotor. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, marzo 1994. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada280824.

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Poirier, M. Rotary Microfilter Media Evaluation. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), aprile 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/890177.

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Montesanti, Richard Clement. High Bandwidth Rotary Fast Tool Servos and a Hybrid Rotary/Linear Electromagnetic Actuator. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), settembre 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/891383.

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ITT SYSTEMS ROME NY. Rotary Wing Aircraft Crash Resistance. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, maggio 1987. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada396019.

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Fitsos, P. Rotary Valve FY 2016 Highlights. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), dicembre 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/1341957.

Testo completo
Gli stili APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO e altri

Wenren, Yonghu, Joon Lim, Luke Allen, Robert Haehnel e Ian Dettwiler. Helicopter rotor blade planform optimization using parametric design and multi-objective genetic algorithm. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), dicembre 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.21079/11681/46261.

Testo completo
Gli stili APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO e altri
Abstract (sommario):
In this paper, an automated framework is presented to perform helicopter rotor blade planform optimization. This framework contains three elements, Dakota, ParBlade, and RCAS. These elements are integrated into an environment control tool, Galaxy Simulation Builder, which is used to carry out the optimization. The main objective of this work is to conduct rotor performance design optimizations for forward flight and hover. The blade design variables manipulated by ParBlade are twist, sweep, and anhedral. The multi-objective genetic algorithm method is used in this study to search for the optimum blade design; the optimization objective is to minimize the rotor power required. Following design parameter substitution, ParBlade generates the modified blade shape and updates the rotor blade properties in the RCAS script before running RCAS. After the RCAS simulations are complete, the desired performance metrics (objectives and constraints) are extracted and returned to the Dakota optimizer. Demonstrative optimization case studies were conducted using a UH-60A main rotor as the base case. Rotor power in hover and forward flight, at advance ratio 𝜇𝜇 = 0.3, are used as objective functions. The results of this study show improvement in rotor power of 6.13% and 8.52% in hover and an advance ratio of 0.3, respectively. This configuration also yields greater reductions in rotor power for high advance ratios, e.g., 12.42% reduction at 𝜇𝜇 = 0.4.

Allen, Luke, Joon Lim, Robert Haehnel e Ian Dettwiller. Helicopter rotor blade multiple-section optimization with performance. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), giugno 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.21079/11681/41031.

Testo completo
Gli stili APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO e altri
Abstract (sommario):
This paper presents advancements in a surrogate-based, rotor blade design optimization framework for improved helicopter performance. The framework builds on previous successes by allowing multiple airfoil sections to designed simultaneously to minimize required rotor power in multiple flight conditions. Rotor power in hover and forward flight, at advance ratio 𝜇 = 0.3, are used as objective functions in a multi-objective genetic algorithm. The framework is constructed using Galaxy Simulation Builder with optimization provided through integration with Dakota. Three independent airfoil sections are morphed using ParFoil and aerodynamic coefficients for the updated airfoil shapes (i.e., lift, drag, moment) are calculated using linear interpolation from a database generated using C81Gen/ARC2D. Final rotor performance is then calculated using RCAS. Several demonstrative optimization case studies were conducted using the UH-60A main rotor. The degrees of freedom for this case are limited to the airfoil camber, camber crest position, thickness, and thickness crest position for each of the sections. The results of the three-segment case study show improvements in rotor power of 4.3% and 0.8% in forward flight and hover, respectively. This configuration also yields greater reductions in rotor power for high advance ratios, e.g., 6.0% reduction at 𝜇 = 0.35, and 8.8% reduction at 𝜇 = 0.4.

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