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Topalov, Christian. "Sociologie d'un étiquetage scientifique : urban sociology". L'Année sociologique 58, n. 1 (2008): 203.

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Severin Frandsen, Martin. "Genopdagelsen af gadens kultur – om Isaac Joseph og den pragmatiske vending i fransk bysociologi". Dansk Sociologi 22, n. 1 (29 marzo 2011): 7–25.

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Abstract (sommario):
Denne artikel tager afsæt i den aktuelle sociologiske og offentlige diskussion om offentlige byrum og præsenterer nyere og i dansk sammenhæng stort set ukendte bidrag fra den strømning i fransk sociologi, der betegnes som ”den pragmatiske vending”. Artiklen har to hovedpointer. For det første at den pragmatiske bysociologi kan bidrage til denne diskussion ved at beskrive og fremhæve betydningen af de oftest upåagtede og dagligdags kompetencer, ved hjælp af hvilke byboere skaber sociale overenskomster og fredelig sameksistens på offentlige steder i socialt og kulturelt differentierede byer. For det andet at bysociologien ifølge de pragmatiske sociologer ikke kan standse ved analyser af segregation, ghettodannelser og lokale fællesskabers tilegnelser af territorier. ”At tænke byen” indebærer at bevæge sig videre til også at undersøge de byrumsmæssige design og trafikale forbindelser og passageveje, der skaber sammenhængen i det urbane væv og tillader byboeren at overvinde fremmedheden på et ikke fortroligt territorium. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Martin Severin Frandsen: Rediscovering Urban Culture and Public Space: On Isaac Joseph and the Pragmatic Turn in French Urban Sociology This article analyses current sociological and public discussions concerning public urban spaces, and introduces new (and in a Danish context largely unknown) contributions from the movement in French sociology that has been labelled ”the pragmatic turn”. The article makes two main arguments. Firstly, the pragmatic urban sociology can contribute to these discussions by highlighting the importance of the often unnoticed and everyday civilities through which city-dwellers create social agreements and peaceful co-existence in public places in socially and culturally heterogeneous cities. Secondly, urban sociology cannot, according to the pragmatic sociologists, stop with inquiries into segregation, ghettos and local populations appropriations of territories. Imagining the city implies moving on to explore the designs of public spaces and public transit systems that create continuity and mobility in urban agglomerations and allow city-dwellers to overcome the strangeness of unfamiliar territories.

Jezierski, Louise, e William G. Flanagan. "Contemporary Urban Sociology." Contemporary Sociology 23, n. 3 (maggio 1994): 393.

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Gandhi, Raj S., e William G. Flanagan. "Contemporary Urban Sociology". Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers canadiens de sociologie 20, n. 1 (1995): 123.

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Pickvance, Chris, e Ray Hutchinson. "Research in Urban Sociology, Vol. 3, 1993: Urban Sociology in Transition." Contemporary Sociology 24, n. 2 (marzo 1995): 234.

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Zukin, Sharon, e Ray Hutchinson. "Research in Urban Sociology, Vol. 4: New Directions in Urban Sociology". Contemporary Sociology 27, n. 6 (novembre 1998): 622.

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Барчугова, Елена Викторовна, Наталия Александровна Рочегова, Михаил Викторович Дуцев e Нина Анатольевна Коновалова. "L. KOGAN’S URBAN SOCIOLOGY". СОВРЕМЕННАЯ АРХИТЕКТУРА МИРА, n. 1(12) (22 giugno 2020): 117–32.

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Abstract (sommario):
Новая волна интереса к вопросам социологии, охватившая современное сообщество урбанистов и архитекторов, имела своих провозвестников. Среди них Леонид Борисович Коган - урбанист, социолог, педагог, ученики и воспитанники которого разбросаны по России и миру. Статья продолжает тему социологии архитектуры, начатую авторами в предыдущем выпуске «Современной архитектуры мира», где была рассмотрена общность взглядов М. Кастельса и Л.В. Глазычева на организацию новых структур жизнедеятельности общества и повышение активности местных сообществ в ответ на падение социальной значимости мест. Среди авторов работ, в которых архитектура и вопросы политического и социально-экономического развития связаны воедино, имена трех упомянутых исследователей объединяет, прежде всего, неравнодушие к судьбам простых горожан. Так, острое чувство гражданской ответственности, тревога за последствия неконтролируемых процессов глобализации вывели их за рамки узкопрофессиональной деятельности архитектора, сделали урбанистами, социологами, политиками, поставили у истоков формирования нового отношения к городу и горожанину. The interest in sociology of the contemporary urbanists and architects, that has come like a new wave, had its heralds. One of them is Leonid Kogan - an urbanist, sociologist and a teacher whose students are scattered around the world. The article continues the topic, that was started at the author’s previous digest “The Contemporary World’s Architecture” comprised the consideration of common views of M. Castells and V. Glazychev to the new structures’ organization of the societal life activity and an increase in the activity of local communities in response to the fall in social significance of places. The works of the three mentioned authors are united, first of all, by the caring of the ordinary citizens’ lives. Their keen civil responsibility and anxiety on the uncontrolled globalization led them out of professional architecture field and made them urbanists, sociologists and politicians, set them at the origins of the new attitude to the city and citizens.

Gilderbloom, John I. "Is Urban Sociology Dying?" Teaching Sociology 16, n. 4 (ottobre 1988): 443.

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Woolcock, Michael, e Mark Gottdiener. "The New Urban Sociology". Teaching Sociology 23, n. 1 (gennaio 1995): 79.

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Suchar, Charles S. "Urban anthropology and sociology". Visual Sociology 4, n. 2 (marzo 1989): 107–12.

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Zenner, Walter P. "Being Urban: A Sociology of City Life:Being Urban: A Sociology of City Life." City Society 6, n. 2 (dicembre 1992): 174–75.

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P., Adalberto. "A contextual study of contemporary urban sociology". Scholedge International Journal of Multidisciplinary & Allied Studies ISSN 2394-336X 2, n. 11 (11 dicembre 2015): 1.

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Abstract (sommario):
Urban sociology is an essential. Control of Sociology, it is a branch of Sociology. In urban Sociology, as rule humanism, we contemplate social connection however to a restricted degree and in a shorter setting. The sort of social connection contemplated in Urban Sociology, as is clear from the name, are the relations which happen in an Urban Society. In this way urban sociology is an investigation of urban culture. The urban culture is contemplated and explored by systems and methods, which are of course experimental. The investigation of urban culture can be general and also particular. The paper reads out the contextual contemporary urban sociology and evaluates the appropriateness of the adopted and followed practices in a social set-up.

Jezierski, Louise, Mike Savage e Alan Warde. "Urban Sociology, Capitalism and Modernity." Contemporary Sociology 23, n. 5 (settembre 1994): 685.

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Jezierski, Louise, e William G. Flanagan. "Urban Sociology: Images and Structure". Teaching Sociology 19, n. 4 (ottobre 1991): 538.

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Wittberg, Patricia, e William G. Flanagan. "Urban Sociology: Images and Structure". Teaching Sociology 27, n. 4 (ottobre 1999): 433.

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UCHIDA, Ryushi. "Disaster Studies and Urban Sociology". Annals of Japan Association for Urban Sociology 2016, n. 34 (2016): 1–6.

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Mellor, Rosemary. "Urban Sociology: A Trend Report". Sociology 23, n. 2 (maggio 1989): 241–60.

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May, Tim, Beth Perry, Patrick Le Galès, Saskia Sassen e Mike Savage. "The Future of Urban Sociology". Sociology 39, n. 2 (aprile 2005): 343–70.

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Crenshaw, Edward M. "New Directions in Urban Sociology". International Journal of Sociology 44, n. 4 (2 ottobre 2014): 3–6.

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Keil, Roger. "The nature of urban sociology". Yhdyskuntasuunnittelu-lehti 57, n. 4 (23 dicembre 2019): 16–19.

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Harloe, Michael. "Urban sociology, capitalism and modernity". Cities 11, n. 5 (ottobre 1994): 345–46.

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Querrien, Anne. "O louco – o passante – o agente – o conceituador". Revista Brasileira de Estudos Urbanos e Regionais 6, n. 1 (31 maggio 2004): 103.

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Abstract (sommario):
Isaac Joseph foi professor de Sociologia na Universidade de Paris X – Nanterre. Especialista da escola interacionista simbólica, reintroduziu na França a Escola de Sociologia Urbana de Chicago e se destacou como tradutor de Goffmann, Gumperz, Hannerz. Foi autor de uma obra sobre a microssociologia de Erving Goffmann publicada no Brasil em 1998 pela FGV Editora. É também conhecido por seus trabalhos aplicados de sociologia urbana, publicados na revista Les Annales de la Recherche Urbaine. Desenvolveu importante diálogo com pesquisadores brasileiros da UFF, USP e UFRJ, entre outros temas, sobre escalas do pluralismo e formas de engajamento cívico nos espaços públicos urbanos. Isaac Joseph faleceu em 2 de fevereiro de 2004. Nas palavras de seu colaborador Y. Grafmeyer, Joseph questionou a ilusão que faz crer que a ordem dos fatos só é perceptível se sairmos de seu detalhe essencialmente irregular, para elevarmo-nos a uma altura suficiente para obter visão panorâmica dos grandes conjuntos. Tinha, porém, a convicção intelectual e militante de que esta atenção minuciosa às civilidades correntes é também portadora de importantes desafios políticos. O presente texto revê o modo como Joseph pensa as interações situadas no espaço da loucura, do passante, da agência e da conceituação. Palavra-chave: Isaac Joseph; interacionismo; microssociologia urbana. Abstract: Isaac Joseph was professor of Sociology at the University of Paris X – Nanterre. Specialist on the school of symbolic interactionism, he also reintroduced in France the Chicago School of Urban Sociology and is well known as translator of Goffmann, Gumperz and Hannerz. He wrote a book about the microsociology of Erving Goffmann, published in Brazil in 1998 by FGV Press. He is also known for his works on urban applied sociology, published in Les Annales de la Recherche Urbaine. He developed an important dialogue with Brazilian researchers from UFF, USP e UFRJ, on issues like the scales of pluralism and the forms of civic engagement in urban public spaces. Isaac Joseph died on February 2004. In the words of his friend Y. Grafmeyer, Joseph questioned the illusion that makes think that the order of facts is only perceptible if we leave its essentially irregular details to reach sufficient height to get a panoramic view of the big wholes. He had, although the militant and intellectual conviction that this detailed attention spent to ordinary civilities is also rich in important political challenges. This article discusses the way Isaac Joseph treats the interactions situated in the spaces of madness, passing, agency and conceptualizing. Keywords: Isaac Joseph; interactionism; urban microsociology.

Jensen, Ole B. "Byen, magten og netværket: en ny bysociologis læsninger af de urbane interventioners repræsentationelle logik". Dansk Sociologi 15, n. 3 (30 gennaio 2006): 49–65.

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Abstract (sommario):
Ole B. Jensen: The city: power and network. A new urban sociology’s reading of the representational logic of urban interventions This article presents an analytical framework for revitalising the field of urban sociology. It draws on two forms of discussion within sociology. On the one hand, there is the contemporary discussion among sociologists such as Sassen and Castells. On the other hand, the framework involves an understanding of social practices as spatial and material, as well as being embedded in cultural and normative contexts of meaning. Thus by applying a general frame for understanding social action as both spatial and symbolic practices, the article suggests that we can gain a better understanding of how particular interventions in urban space are embedded in a network of representations, institutions and agents, as well as how they reflect a particular power and rationality configuration. The analytical framework is tentatively applied on the empirical case of the urban harbour front development in Aalborg, Denmark.

Denton, Nancy. "Great American Sociology". City & Community 12, n. 1 (marzo 2013): 1–6.

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Venkatesh, Sudhir Alladi. "Sociology and Katrina". City & Community 5, n. 2 (giugno 2006): 115–18.

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Grbin, Miloje. "Lefebvre’s thought in contemporary urban sociology". Sociologija 55, n. 3 (2013): 475–91.

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Abstract (sommario):
This paper presents the impact of Henri Lefebvre?s thought in contemporary urban sociology. In the first chapter, the reader can find brief descriptions of two most relevant Lefebvre?s concepts linked to his comprehension of space: production of space, the right to the city and a couple of firmly related concepts. The second chapter presents several examples of their recent interpretations by the authors from different theoretical backgrounds. Simultaneously, it evaluates the relevance of Lefebvre?s theoretical assumptions in contemporary social context, as well as their theoretical and methodological relevance for further research and development of urban sociology. Conclusion emphasizes that Lefebvre?s ideas have a deep and long term influence in urban sociology.

Wu, Cary. "Moving from Urban Sociology to the Sociology of the City". American Sociologist 47, n. 1 (21 giugno 2015): 102–14.

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Spates, James L., e John J. Macionis. "Urban Sociology Is Alive and Well". Teaching Sociology 16, n. 4 (ottobre 1988): 448.

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NISHIZAWA, Akihiko. "The Recent Poverty and Urban Sociology". Annals of Japan Association for Urban Sociology 2012, n. 30 (2013): 5–14.

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TANAKA, Shigeyoshi. "Urban Sociology for Mr. Hiroshi Suzuki:". Annals of Japan Association for Urban Sociology 2017, n. 35 (5 settembre 2017): 69–85.

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ARATAME, Natsumi. "Community-Oriented Welfare and Urban Sociology". Annals of Japan Association for Urban Sociology 2008, n. 26 (2008): 1–4.

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Hunter, Marcus Anthony, e Zandria F. Robinson. "The Sociology of Urban Black America". Annual Review of Sociology 42, n. 1 (30 luglio 2016): 385–405.

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Silver, Hilary. "Editorial: The Urban Sociology of Detroit". City & Community 14, n. 2 (giugno 2015): 97–101.

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Gottdiener, M., e Joe R. Feagin. "The Paradigm Shift in Urban Sociology". Urban Affairs Quarterly 24, n. 2 (dicembre 1988): 163–87.

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Cvjetkovic, Marija. "David Harvey’s contribution to urban sociology". Zbornik Matice srpske za drustvene nauke, n. 150 (2015): 157–69.

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Abstract (sommario):
David Harvey is a neo-Marxist theorist influential in many disciplines. This paper analyses his specific use of Marx?s theory as a contribution to urban sociology. Observing cities in the context of a constant need of capitalism to overcome the problem of over-accumulation of capital, urbanization is seen as an important factor of capitalist development. Methods of temporary relocation and resolutions of capitalist contradictions, with the help of so-called accumulation by dispossession, are intensified in neo-liberalism, which is seen as a project for the restoration of class power. Therefore, Harvey demands more equitable cities in which the interest of private capital will not be the main factor of their shaping. Harvey?s Marxism is alluring, but it is also the subject of numerous criticisms.

Hall, Tim. "Book Reviews: The Urban Sociology Reader". Sociological Review 54, n. 1 (febbraio 2006): 188–90.

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Gans, Herbert J. "Some Problems of and Futures for Urban Sociology: Toward a Sociology of Settlements". City & Community 8, n. 3 (settembre 2009): 211–19.

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Abstract (sommario):
Forty years ago, Manuel Castells asked whether urban sociology had a subject matter and whether the term urban still had meaning—and this article reopens these and related questions. It also wonders why today's American urban sociology has concentrated on cities, especially big ones, concurrently virtually ignoring the three other types of communities—suburbs, towns, and rural areas—in which a majority of Americans live and work. Further, it argues that this four–community typology is logically dubious and empirically obsolete. If the field were redefined as a sociology of settlements, analytically more logical and substantively more relevant typologies could be developed. Another politically and organizationally more realistic alternative would split the field into four: a sociology of the city and one concentrating on other settlements, with a third field devoted to community studies, and the fourth to spatial sociology.

McQuarrie, Michael, e Nicole P. Marwell. "The Missing Organizational Dimension in Urban Sociology". City & Community 8, n. 3 (settembre 2009): 247–68.

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Abstract (sommario):
Our article takes issue with the treatment of organizations in much urban sociology. We argue that both Marxian political economists and Chicagoan ethnographers and quantitative analysts treat organizations as derivative rather than productive of urban social relations. This problem is not epistemological or methodological. Instead, it is rooted in the objects of analysis that urban sociologists choose. Drawing on key elements of structuration theory, we attempt to lay the groundwork for improving the treatment of organizations in urban sociology by flagging some of the key insights in the sociology of organizations. We do not view this intellectual borrowing as a one–way street, and we emphasize that urbanists have a contribution to make to sociological thinking about organizations. Correcting these problems is essential if we are to understand the link between contemporary institutional transformations and urban neighborhoods.

Guidicini, Paolo. "Ripensare la "Sociologia urbana". Parte prima: specificitŕ disciplinare e variabili in campo". SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE, n. 86 (aprile 2009): 9–39.

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Abstract (sommario):
- Re-thinking "Urban Sociology". Part one: disciplinary specificity and field variables, In his paper Paolo Guidicini proposes a profound reflection on some basisconcepts for Urban Sociology. The goal is outline the essential elements to rethinking the urban sociological research, from re-conceptualisation of urban actor to a re-interpretation of human/urban link, across the analysis of two classical binomial as homogeneity/heterogeneity and identity/identification. Key words: urban sociology, cognitive surplus, city of the third world.

Botelho, André, e Antonio Brasil Jr. "PASSAGENS DO RURAL AO URBANO E PARTICIPAÇÃO SOCIAL: a sociologia política brasileira dos anos 60". Caderno CRH 29, n. 77 (18 aprile 2017): 209–27.

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Abstract (sommario):
Colocando em diálogo as pesquisas empíricas de Maria Isaura Pereira de Queiroz, Maria Sylvia de Carvalho Franco e Florestan Fernandes, realizadas nas décadas de 1950 e 1960 na Universidade de São Paulo, discutimos como esses três sociólogos trataram, mesmo que às vezes indiretamente, a questão da participação social, com o intuito de divisar o seu potencial teórico. Analisando as modalidades de participação do “homem comum” nas instâncias da vida política – nos processos eleitorais, nas relações com a burocracia do Estado, nos movimentos sociais, etc. –, Queiroz, Franco e Fernandes, de diferentes maneiras, situaram suas possibilidades e limites de acordo com as especificidades do processo mais geral de passagem do rural ao urbano no Brasil. Entendemos que a perspectiva histórica desses três autores, que mostram os efeitos de longa duração das raízes agrárias na conformação do mundo urbano, é fundamental para uma melhor compreensão dos dilemas de participação na sociedade brasileira contemporânea.Palavras-chave: Pensamento social. Sociologia política. Maria Isaura Pereira de Queiroz. Maria Sylvia de Carvalho Franco. Florestan Fernandes.SHIFTS FROM RURAL TO URBAN AND SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT: Brazilian political sociology in the 1960’sThis article discusses the question of social participation in the empirical researches of three sociologists, Maria Isaura Pereira de Queiroz, Maria Sylvia de Carvalho Franco and Florestan Fernandes, in order to detect its theoretical potential. In these researches, conducted in the 1950s and 1960s at the University of São Paulo, the authors, in different and sometimes indirect ways, studied the modalities of participation of “ordinary people” in political life, like electoral processes, relations with state bureaucracy, social movements and so forth. Also, they theorized social participation in the wider and specific context of rural-urban transition in Brazilian society, what conditioned its possibilities and limits. The historical perspective of these three authors, showing the long duration effects of agrarian roots in shaping the urban world, can bring a better understanding of participation dilemmas in contemporary Brazil.Key words: Brazilian social thought; political sociology; Maria Isaura Pereira de Queiroz; Maria Sylvia de Carvalho Franco; Florestan FernandesLES PASSAGES DU RURAL À L’URBAIN ET LA PARTICIPATION SOCIALE: la sociologie politique brésilienne des années 60Cet article traite de la question de la participation sociale dans les recherches empiriques de trois sociologues, Maria Isaura Pereira de Queiroz, Maria Sylvia de Carvalho Franco et Florestan Fernandes, afin de détecter son potentiel théorique. Dans ces recherches, menées dans les années 1950 et 1960 à l’Université de São Paulo, les auteurs, de différentes et parfois indirectes manières, ont étudié les formes de participation des «hommes communs» dans la vie politique, comme les processus électoraux, les relations avec la bureaucratie d’Etat, les mouvements sociaux et ainsi de suite. En outre, ils ont théorisé la participation sociale dans le contexte plus large et spécifique de transition rural-urbain dans la société brésilienne, ce qui conditionne ses possibilités et ses limites. La perspective historique de ces trois auteurs, montrant les effets de longue durée des racines agraires dans le monde urbain, peut apporter une meilleure compréhension des dilemmes de la participation au Brésil contemporain.Mots-clés: Pensée sociale brésilienne; sociologie politique; Maria Isaura Pereira de Queiroz; Maria Sylvia de Carvalho Franco; Florestan Fernandes Publicação Online do Caderno CRH no Scielo: Publicação Online do Caderno CRH:

Reitzes, Donald C. ":Being Urban: A Sociology of City Life". Symbolic Interaction 15, n. 2 (maggio 1992): 245–46.

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Szelenyi, Ivan, e Kieran McKeown. "Marxist Political Economy and Marxist Urban Sociology." Contemporary Sociology 17, n. 4 (luglio 1988): 505.

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MUROI, Kenji. "Intergenerational Transmission and Internationalization of Urban Sociology:". Annals of Japan Association for Urban Sociology 2018, n. 36 (5 settembre 2018): 1–16.

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Kelly, Michael P., e Judith Green. "What can sociology offer urban public health?" Critical Public Health 29, n. 5 (2 settembre 2019): 517–21.

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Gans, Herbert J. "Urban Sociology in Trump's America and Beyond". City & Community 16, n. 2 (giugno 2017): 127–30.

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Mcneill, Donald. "Book Review: Urban sociology, capitalism and modernity". Progress in Human Geography 27, n. 4 (agosto 2003): 531–32.

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Franzén, Mats. "New German Urban Sociology: Peculiarities of Cities". European Societies 16, n. 3 (27 maggio 2014): 462–70.

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Pramar, V. S. "Sociology of the North Gujarat Urban House". Contributions to Indian Sociology 21, n. 2 (luglio 1987): 331–45.

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Nye, Robert A. "The Bio-Medicol Origins of Urban Sociology". Journal of Contemporary History 20, n. 4 (ottobre 1985): 659–75.

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Valladares, Licia. "Urban sociology in Brazil: a research report". International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 12, n. 2 (giugno 1988): 285–302.

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