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Статті в журналах з теми "Alboran Domain":


Olivier, Philippe, and Jean-Louis Paquette. "Early Permian age of granite pebbles from an Eocene or Oligocene conglomerate of the Internal Rif belt (Alboran domain, Morocco): hypothesis on their origin." BSGF - Earth Sciences Bulletin 189, no. 3 (2018): 13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/bsgf/2018012.

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Granite pebbles from an Eocene or Oligocene conglomerate lying on a Ghomaride nappe of the Internal Zones of the Rif belt (Alboran domain, Morocco) have been dated by U/Pb on zircon at 281 Ma. No granite pluton being known in the Rif belt nor in the neighbouring Betic Cordillera, the origin of these calc-alkaline Kungurian (end of the Early Permian) granites is discussed. A provenance from a nearby unit presently drowned in the Alboran sea is likely. Comparisons with other circum-Mediterranean domains show that this late plutonism characterizes an original domain in the Variscan orogen.

Casciello, Emilio, Manuel Fernàndez, Jaume Vergés, Massimo Cesarano, and Montserrat Torne. "The Alboran domain in the western Mediterranean evolution: the birth of a concept." Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 186, no. 4-5 (July 1, 2015): 371–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.2113/gssgfbull.186.4-5.371.

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Abstract Since the early 70’s the majority of tectonic reconstructions of the western Mediterranean employ the Alboran domain notion as a migrating microcontinent or landmass mainly composed of Paleozoic-Triassic rocks affected by ‘Alpine’ HP-LT metamorphism. For nearly three decades, since the mid-80’s, the Alboran domain was considered as a fragment of the Alpine chain that moved westward, colliding into Iberia and North Africa to produce the Gibraltar arc and Betic-Rif chain. In 2012, a new hypothesis for the evolution of the western Mediterranean was presented in which the Betic-Rif orogenic chain originates from rollback of an initially SE-dipping subduction of the westernmost segments of the Ligurian-Tethys under the Africa margin. This interpretation considers the metamorphic ‘Alboran domain’ rocks as crustal successions of the hyper-extended African and Iberian continental margins, which have undergone a complete subduction-exhumation cycle above a NW- to W-retreating subduction. A key outcome of this hypothesis is that the Alboran domain is not a fragment of the Alpine chain but a consequence of rollback dynamics. In this contribution we try to elucidate the historical reasons behind the classical ‘Alpine’ interpretation of the Betic-Rif, by briefly describing key contributions, which appear linked in a logical sequence that traces the evolution of the Alboran domain concept since its original formulation by Andrieux and coauthors in 1971.

PLATZMAN, E., J. P. PLATT, S. P. KELLEY, and S. ALLERTON. "Large clockwise rotations in an extensional allochthon, Alboran Domain (southern Spain)." Journal of the Geological Society 157, no. 6 (November 2000): 1187–97. http://dx.doi.org/10.1144/jgs.157.6.1187.

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Turner, S. P., J. P. Platt, R. M. M. George, S. P. Kelley, D. G. Pearson, and G. M. Nowell. "Magmatism Associated with Orogenic Collapse of the Betic-Alboran Domain, SE Spain." Journal of Petrology 40, no. 6 (June 1, 1999): 1011–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/petroj/40.6.1011.

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El Bakili, Asmae, Michel Corsini, Ahmed Chalouan, Philippe Münch, Adrien Romagny, Jean Marc Lardeaux, and Ali Azdimousa. "Neogene polyphase deformation related to the Alboran Basin evolution: new insights for the Beni Bousera massif (Internal Rif, Morocco)." BSGF - Earth Sciences Bulletin 191 (2020): 10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/bsgf/2020008.

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Located in the Internal domain of the Rif belt, the Beni Bousera massif is characterized by a stack of peridotites and crustal metamorphic units. The massif is intruded by granitic dykes and affected by several normal ductile shear zones. Structural, petrological and 40Ar–39Ar dating analyses performed on these two elements highlight that (1) the granitic dykes are emplaced within major N70° to N140° trending normal faults and shear zones, resulted from an NNE-SSW extension (2) the Aaraben fault in its NE part is characterized by N70° to N150° trending ductile normal shear zones, resulted from a nearly N-S extension and (3) the age of this extensional event is comprised between 22 and 20 Ma. Available paleomagnetic data allow a restoration of the initial orientation of extension, which was nearly E-W contemporary with the Alboran Basin opening in back-arc context, during the Early Miocene. At the onset of the extension, the peridotites were somehow lying upon a partially melted continental crust, and exhumed during this event by the Aaraben Normal Shear Zone. Afterward, the Alboran Domain suffered several compressional events.

Crespo-Blanc, Ana, and Dominique Frizon de Lamotte. "Structural evolution of the external zones derived from the Flysch trough and the South Iberian and Maghrebian paleomargins around the Gibraltar arc: a comparative study." Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 177, no. 5 (September 1, 2006): 267–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.2113/gssgfbull.177.5.267.

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Abstract The Betics and Rif cordillera constitute the northern and southern segments of the Gibraltar arc. Two different fold-and-thrust belts, deriving from the South Iberian and Maghrebian paleomargins respectively, developed in front of this orogenic system. By contrast, the Flysch Trough units and the overlying Alboran crustal domain (internal zones), which are situated in the uppermost part of the orogenic wedge, are common to both branches of the arc. The Flyschs Trough units constitute an inactive accretionary prism, derived from a deep elongated trough. From three large-scale profiles and some lithostratigraphic features of the involved sedimentary sequences, the Betic and Rif external domains are compared, mainly from a structural point of view. Although they are generally considered to show major similarities, the Betic and Rif external domains are in fact strikingly different, mainly concerning the structural style, deformation timing and metamorphism: a) the thick-skinned structure in the External Rif domain vs thin-skinned in the Subbetic domain; b) the pre-Oligocene and Miocene stacking in the External Rif domain vs the exclusively Miocene one in the Subbetic domain, and c) the metamorphism present only in part of the External Rif domain (low-grade greenschists facies). By contrast, it was not possible to establish any difference in structural style and deformation timing between the Flysch units outcropping in both branches of the Gibraltar arc.

Michard, André, Ahmed Chalouan, Hugues Feinberg, Bruno Goffé, and Raymond Montigny. "How does the Alpine belt end between Spain and Morocco ?" Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 173, no. 1 (January 1, 2002): 3–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.2113/173.1.3.

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Abstract The Betic-Rif arcuate mountain belt (southern Spain, northern Morocco) has been interpreted as a symmetrical collisional orogen, partly collapsed through convective removal of its lithospheric mantle root, or else as resulting of the African plate subduction beneath Iberia, with further extension due either to slab break-off or to slab retreat. In both cases, the Betic-Rif orogen would show little continuity with the western Alps. However, it can be recognized in this belt a composite orocline which includes a deformed, exotic terrane, i.e. the Alboran Terrane, thrust through oceanic/transitional crust-floored units onto two distinct plates, i.e. the Iberian and African plates. During the Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, the yet undeformed Alboran Terrane was part of a larger, Alkapeca microcontinent bounded by two arms of the Tethyan-African oceanic domain, alike the Sesia-Margna Austroalpine block further to the northeast. Blueschist- and eclogite-facies metamorphism affected the Alkapeka northern margin and adjacent oceanic crust during the Late Cretaceous-Eocene interval. This testifies the occurrence of a SE-dipping subduction zone which is regarded as the SW projection of the western Alps subduction zone. During the late Eocene-Oligocene, the Alkapeca-Iberia collision triggered back-thrust tectonics, then NW-dipping subduction of the African margin beneath the Alboran Terrane. This Maghrebian-Apenninic subduction resulted in the Mediterranean basin opening, and drifting of the deformed Alkapeca fragments through slab roll back process and back-arc extension, as reported in several publications. In the Gibraltar area, the western tip of the Apenninic-Maghrebian subduction merges with that of the Alpine-Betic subduction zone, and their Neogene roll back resulted in the Alboran Terrane collage astride the Azores-Gibraltar transpressive plate boundary. Therefore, the Betic-Rif belt appears as an asymmetrical, subduction/collision orogen formed through a protracted evolution straightfully related to the Alpine-Apenninic mountain building.

Vissers, R. L. M., J. P. Platt, and D. van der Wal. "Late orogenic extension of the Betic Cordillera and the Alboran Domain: A lithospheric view." Tectonics 14, no. 4 (August 1995): 786–803. http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/95tc00086.

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Torné, M., E. Banda, V. García-Duen˜as, and J. C. Balanyá. "Mantle-lithosphere bodies in the Alboran crustal domain (Ronda peridotites, Betic-Rif orogenic belt)." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 110, no. 1-4 (May 1992): 163–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0012-821x(92)90046-x.

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Michard, André, Bruno Goffé, Mohamed Bouybaouene, and Omar Saddiqi. "Late Hercynian–Mesozoic thinning in the Alboran domain: metamorphic data from the northern Rif, Morocco." Terra Nova 9, no. 4 (December 1997): 171–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-3121.1997.d01-24.x.

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Дисертації з теми "Alboran Domain":


El, Bakili Asmae. "Evolution tectono-metamorphique et chronologique des unités métamorphiques du Rif interne (Beni Bousera, Nord du Maroc)." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021COAZ4034.

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Située à l'extrême-ouest de la Méditerranée occidentale, la chaîne bético-rifaine s’est formée au travers d’une histoire orogénique alpine complexe, impliquant des processus de subduction liés à la convergence entre l’Afrique et l’Eurasie depuis le Crétacé. Une découverte importante de ces quatre dernières décennies d'investigations géologiques, a été la mise en évidence des vestiges d’un événement varisque dans les zones internes de la chaîne. Ces résultats soulignent bien la présence de deux systèmes orogéniques superposés, les zones internes de la chaîne bético-rifaine demeurent donc des zones privilégiées pour étudier l’importance de l’héritage structural et métamorphique dans les réactivations partielles ou totale par les évènements les plus récents. Ce travail est localisé dans le secteur de Beni Bousera, ou affleurent les roches crustales et mantéliques qui forment les unités les plus internes de la chaîne. Il s’appuie sur une étude menée à partir des analyses structurales et pétrologiques, des datations U-Th-Pb sur monazite et 40Ar-39Ar sur des micas et des amphiboles. Il nous permet de résumer l’histoire de la chaîne bético-rifaine de la manière suivante : 1) un événement de HP-HT affecte la base du domaine interne à ca 281 ± 3 Ma. Ces nouvelles données pétrologiques et géochronologiques obtenues dans le Rif interne sont corrélées avec les Bétiques, les Kabylies et le massif de l'Edough en Algérie, la ceinture mauritanienne et les Appalaches. Elles attestent d'un domaine convergent au cours du Carbonifère supérieur- Permien inférieur. Tous ces segments orogéniques font partie des Variscides nord-africains construits à la marge nord-ouest du Gondwana en réponse à une convergence entre cette dernière et la Laurentia. 2) autour de 29-26 Ma, un événement métamorphique avec un gradient de type Barrovien à Abukuma affecte les Sebtides (les unités les plus internes de la chaîne), et il est interprété comme résultant de l'évolution de la plaque supérieure d'une zone de subduction. Cet évènement alpin est caractérisé par un chemin prograde marqué par un réchauffement à la base des Sebtides entre 26 et 22 Ma. De telles conditions reflètent un amincissement et un réchauffement de la croûte liée à la remontée asthénosphérique due au retrait de la plaque plongeante ; cet événement marque le début d’un évènement extensif majeur. 3) Au Miocène inférieur à 22-20 Ma, les zones internes (ou domaine d’Alboran) sont affectées par une extension E-W contemporaine de l’ouverture du bassin d'Alboran dans un contexte arrière-arc, et par l’intrusion de filons granitiques dans les péridotites et les unités métamorphiques crustales du domaine interne. Cet évènement a permis l’exhumation finale des Sebtides. 4) Du Miocène inférieur au Miocène moyen, la chaîne bético-rifaine a acquis sa géométrie arquée (l’arc de Gibraltar) suite à la collision entre les zones internes et les zones externes, attestée par une phase de raccourcissement majeur de direction NE-SW à E-W, et 5) l’arc de Gibraltar est affecté par une phase de raccourcissement N-S ante-Pliocène de direction N-S, qui a modifié considérablement sa géométrie
Located at the extreme tip of the western Mediterranean, the Betic-Rif orogenic system is built through a complex alpine orogenic history involving processes of subduction related to convergence between Africa and Eurasia since the Cretaceous. A remarkable discovery during the last four decades of geological investigations, has been the remains of a variscan event in the internal zones of the belt. These results underline the presence of two superimposed orogenic systems, the internal zones of the belt thus remain a privileged area to study the importance of the structural and the metamorphic heritage in the partial or total reactivation by the most recent events. This work is located in the Beni Bousera sector, where crustal and mantle rocks that form the innermost units of the chain are exposed. Based on structural and petrological analyses, U-Th-Pb dating on monazite and 40Ar-39Ar dating on micas and amphiboles. The history of the Betic-Rif belt can be summarized as it follows: 1) a HP-HT event affects the base of the internal domain at around 281 ± 3 Ma. These new petrological and geochronological data obtained in the internal Rif, are correlated with the Betics, the Kabyle, the Edough massif of Algeria, the Mauritanian, and the Appalachian belts, attesting a convergent domain during the late Carboniferous – early Permian. All of these orogenic segments are part of the North African Variscides built at the north-western margin of Gondwana in response to convergence between the later and Laurentia. 2) at around 29-26 Ma, a Barrovian to Abukuma metamorphic event affects the Sebtides (the innermost units of the chain) and interpreted as the evolution of the upper plate of a subduction zone. This alpine event is typically characterized by a prograde metamorphic path marked by heating affecting the base of the Sebtides between 26 to 22 Ma, such conditions reflect thinning and heating of the crust related to the asthenosphere upwelling due to slab roll-back. This event marks the beginning of a major extensive event. 3) In the Miocene around 22-20 Ma, the internal zones are affected by an E-W extension contemporary to the opening of the Alboran Basin in a back-arc context, and the intrusion of granitic dykes into the peridotites and crustal metamorphic units, the exhumation of the Sebtides was complete at this time. 4) From early to middle Miocène, the Betic-Rif belt acquired its arcuate geometry (the Gibraltar Arc) during the collision between the Internal and the external zones, attested by de NE-SW to E-W shortening phases across the arc. 5) more lately prior to Pliocene, the Gibraltar arc was subjected to contractional possess related to a N-S shortening phase, which drastically altered its geometry

Javid, Fakhr Bita. "Active tectonic analysis in the transition domain between Albortz and Kopeh Dagh (NE Iran)." Aix-Marseille 3, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010AIX30038.

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Ce travail présente une analyse des déformations actives de l'Est de l'Alborz et l'Ouest du Kopeh Dagh, en relation avec la collision Arabie-Eurasie. L'analyse de la cinématique de faille (vecteurs-glissements, mesurés sur les plans de faille et déduits des mécanismes au foyer) indique un régime tectonique actuel en transpression caractérisé par une direction de [sigma]1 NNE-SSW. Cette étude montre également qu il y a eu un changement de régime tectonique au cours du Plio-Quatemaire et qu'il n'y a pas de partitionnement de la déformation actuellement. L'analyse de marqueurs géomorphologiques datés (36Cl et 10Be) et décales par les failles a permis de déterminer les taux de déplacements horizontaux suivants : 2-3 mm/an, 1-2 mm/an, 3-4 mm/an et 1-3 mm/an, pour les failles de Jajarm, Ashkhaneh, Abr et Khij, respectivement. La cinématique actuelle des failles à l'Est de Alborz semble résulter du mouvement vers l'Ouest du bloc Alborz Est-Kopeh Dagh Ouest par rapport à l'Eurasie
We present results from an active tectonic study of the transition zone between Alborz and Kopeh Dagh which is an active deformation domain in relation with the Arabia-Eurasia collision. Focal mechanism and recent faulting slip-vector (fault kinematics) analyses indicate an active transpressional tectonic regime characterized by a regionally significant NNE-trending [sigma]1. We provide evidence: 1- for a drastic temporal change in the stress state during Plio-Quatemary and, 2- that there is no slip partitioning in this transition domain presently. Geomorphic and tectonic analyses combined with cosmogenic dating methods (36Cl et 10Be) led us to determine the following long-term slip rates : 2-3 mm. Yr-1, 1-2 mm. Yr-1, 3-4 mm. Yr-1 and 1-3 mm. Yr-1, for the Jajarm, Ashkhaneh, Abr and Khij Faults, respectively. These faultings can be due to the westward motion of the eastern Alborz-western Kopeh Dagh with respect to Eurasia

Частини книг з теми "Alboran Domain":


Doblas, Miguel, José López-Ruiz, and José-María Cebriá. "Cenozoic evolution of the Alboran Domain: A review of the tectonomagmatic models." In Cenozoic Volcanism in the Mediterranean Area. Geological Society of America, 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1130/2007.2418(15).

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