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Drouart, Eric. Alimentation en eau des populations menacées. Paris: Hermann, 1999.

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Lederer, Jean. Alimentation et cancer. 3rd ed. Paris: Maloine, 1986.

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poisson, Canada Division de la gestion de l'habitat du. Caractérisation des communautés benthiques et étude des contaminants dans des aires fréquentées par le béluga du Saint-Laurent. Cap-Diamant, Qué: Ministère des pêches et des océans, Direction de la gestion des pêches et de l'habitat, 1992.

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D, Cossa, and Centre Saint-Laurent, eds. Principes et pratiques d'échantillonnage d'eaux naturelles en vue du dosage de substances et d'éléments présents à l'état de traces et ultra-traces. Montréal, Qué: Centre Saint-Laurent, Conservation de l'environnement, Environnement Canada, 1996.

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Quémerais, Bernadette. Protocoles d'échantillonnage et d'analyse du mercure dans les eaux naturelles. Montréal, Qué: Centre Saint-Laurent, Conservation de l'environnement, Environnement Canada, 1995.

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United Nations. Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)., ed. Alimentation en eau et gestion des dechets: Orientations pour les e tudes d'impact. Nairobi: Centre des Nations=Unies pour les Etablissements Humains (Habitat), 1987.

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Maul, A. Stratégies d'échantillonnage pour analyse microbiologique sur réseaux de distribution d'eau: Méthodes et programmes informatiques. Paris: Technique et documentation, 1989.

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Kępiński, Alfred. Water supply and wastewater disposal: International almanac = Alimentation en eau et assainissement = Wasserversorgung und Abwasserbeseitigung. 2nd ed. The Hague-Zoetermeer: International Institute for Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal, 1994.

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Libmann, Jacques. Approche et analyse de la sûreté des réacteurs à eau sous pression. Gif-sur-Yvette, France: Commissariat à l'énergie atomique, Institut national des sciences et techniques nucléaires, 1987.

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Erik, Eriksson. Principles and applications of hydrochemistry. London: Chapman and Hall, 1985.

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Chagnon, Louise. Bien contrôler son poids par une bonne alimentation: Cholestérol, calories, protéines, gras trans. Montréal: Édimag, 2005.

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Maloszewski, Piotr, Stanislaw Witczak, and Grzegorz Malina. Groundwater quality sustainability. Edited by International Association of Hydrogeologists. Congress. Leiden, The Netherlands: CRC Press/Balkema, 2012.

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H, Franson Mary Ann, American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, and Water Environment Federation, eds. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater 18th edition supplement. Washington, D.C: Published jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Environment Federation, 1994.

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Rousseau, Vanessa. L' alimentation et la différentiation des sexes: Analyse philosophique d'un récit de la chute de l'homme. Paris: Harmattan, 2002.

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Rousseau, Vanessa. L' alimentation et la différentiation des sexes: Analyse philosophique d'un récit de la chute de l'homme. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2002.

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Nemerow, Nelson Leonard. Stream, lake, estuary, and ocean pollution. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985.

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Nemerow, Nelson Leonard. Stream, lake, estuary, and ocean pollution. 2nd ed. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1991.

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Sibbald, I. R. The T.M.E. system of feed evaluation: Methodology, feed composition data and bibliography. Ottawa: Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, 1986.

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Linda, Geddes. Simplified procedures for water examinations. Denver, CO: American Water Works Association, 2014.

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Association, American Water Works, ed. Simplified procedures for water examination. 5th ed. Denver, CO: American Water Works Association, 2002.

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Aminot, Alain. Dosage automatique des nutriments dans les eaux marines: Méthodes en flux continu. Versailles: Ifremer, 2007.

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Canada. Environnement Canada. Direction de la protection. and Plan d'action Saint-Laurent (Canada), eds. La contamination des sédiments de la zone portuaire de Québec: État de la situation et solutions envisagées. Ottawa, Ont: Environnement Canada, 1993.

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Healy, R. W. Estimating groundwater recharge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

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Dodo, Abdelkader. Analyse de la situation de la gestion des ressources en eau du fleuve Niger en amont du site de la retenue de Kandadji. Niamey]: Ministère des ressources en eau, Direction des ressources en eau, 2000.

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Hewitt, Alan D. On-site method for measuring nitroaromatic and nitramine explosives in soil and groundwater using GC-NPD: Feasibility study. Hanover, N.H: US Army Corps of Engineers, Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory, 1999.

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Crompton, T. R. Chromatography of natural and treated waters. New York: Spon Press, 2003.

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Nollet, Leo M. L. Handbook of Water Analysis. 3rd ed. Hoboken: CRC Press, 2013.

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méditerranéennes, Centre international de hautes études agronomiques. Repenser le développement rural en Méditerranée. Paris: Presses de sciences po, 2009.

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Crompton, T. R. Determination of organic compounds in natural and treated waters. New York: E & FN Spon, 2000.

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Crompton, T. R. Determination of organic compounds in natural and treated waters. London: E & FN Spon, 1999.

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Robinson, David S. Food: Biochemistry and nutritional value. Harlow, Essex, England: Longman Scientific & Technical, 1987.

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International Geological Congress (32nd 2004 Florence, Italy). Urban groundwater-- meeting the challenge: Selected papers from the 32nd International Geological Congress (IGC), Florence, Italy, August 2004. London: Taylor & Francis Group, 2007.

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Tebbutt, T. H. Y. Principles of water quality control. 4th ed. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1992.

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Tebbutt, T. H. Y. Principles of water quality control. 5th ed. Boston, Mass: ButterWorth-Heinemann, 1998.

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Adams, V. Dean. Water & wastewater examination manual. Chelsea, Mich: Lewis Publishers, 1990.

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Nollet, Leo M. L., 1948-, ed. Handbook of water analysis. 2nd ed. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, 2007.

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Great Britain. Department of Health. Drinking water supplies: A microbiological perspective : a series of seminars and workshops for public health physicians and environmental health officers. London: HMSO, 1993.

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Elworthy, R. T. b. 1890. and Canada Mines Branch, eds. Mineral springs of Canada: In two parts. Ottawa: Govt. Print. Bureau, 1997.

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Crompton, T. R. Preconcentration techniques for natural and treated waters: High sensitivity determination of organic and organometallic compounds, cations and anions. London: Spon Press, 2003.

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Karamouz, Mohammad. Water resources systems analysis. Boca Raton, Fla: Lewis Publishers, 2003.

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H, Suffet I., Malaiyandi Murugan 1923-, American Chemical Society. Division of Environmental Chemistry., and American Chemical Society. Division of Analytical Chemistry., eds. Organic pollutants in water: Sampling, analysis, and toxicity testing. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 1987.

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Lanno, Roman. Guidance document on measurement of toxicity test precision using control sediments spiked with a reference toxicant. [Ottawa]: Environment Canada, 1995.

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International Conference on Chemistry for the Protection of the Environment (7th 1989 Lublin, Poland). Chemistry for the protection of the environment. New York: Plenum Press, 1991.

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Gaujous, Didier. La pollution des milieux aquatiques: Aide-mémoire. 2nd ed. Londres: Technique & Documentation - Lavoisier, 1995.

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Crompton, T. R. Determination of anions in natural and treated waters. New York: Spon Press, 2002.

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A, Sandoval-Castro C., and British Society of Animal Science, eds. Herbivores: Assessment of intake, digestability and the roles of secondary compounds. Nottingham: Nottingham University Press, 2006.

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Stevens, Lucy, and Mary Gallagher. Nexus Energie-Eau-Alimentation a des Echelles Decentralisees. Practical Action Publishing, 2015.

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Jones, Hazel. Alimentation en Eau et les Installations Sanitaires: Pour les Personnes Handicapees. Water, Engineering & Development Centre (WEDC), 2006.

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The Hidden Qualities Of Water. Floris Books, 2008.

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Beslu, Pierre. Corrosion des Circuits Primaires Dans les Réacteurs à  Eau Sous Pression: Analyse Historique. EDP Sciences, 2021.

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