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Статті в журналах з теми "Dikao":


MAPHALLA, K. P. D., and R. J. R. Masiea. "DIKANO." South African Journal of African Languages 9, sup1 (January 1989): 60–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02572117.1989.10586805.

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Keuling, Angela, Fang Yang, Scott Hanna, Huaien Wang, Tim Tully, Amanda Burnham, John Locke, and Heather E. McDermid. "Mutation analysis of Drosophila dikar/CG32394, homologue of the chromatin-remodelling gene CECR2." Genome 50, no. 8 (August 2007): 767–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/g07-050.

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The mammalian CECR2 protein contains a highly conserved bromodomain and forms a chromatin-remodelling complex with the ISWI homologue SNF2L. Mutation of the mouse CECR2 homologue results in a neural tube defect. Here we describe the characterization of the Drosophila melanogaster homologue of CECR2. Originally annotated as 2 genes, dikar and CG32394 now appear to encode both a long dikar/CG32394 transcript homologous to CECR2 and a truncated transcript missing the bromodomain. This truncated transcript may be specific to Diptera, as it is predicted from the genomic sequences of several other dipteran species but it is not predicted in the honey bee, Apis mellifera , and it is not found in mammals. Five different P element–mediated 5′ deletions of the Drosophila dikar gene were generated. All mutants were homozygous-viable and the 3 mutants examined further displayed continued, albeit aberrant, transcription of dikar/CG32394. In a previous study, a dikar insertion mutation was associated with long-term memory deficits. However, the 2 deletion mutants tested here showed normal long-term memory, suggesting that the memory deficit associated with the dikar P element insertion is not due to disruption of dikar. No genetic interaction was seen between Iswi and dikar mutations. This study therefore suggests that the lack of a visible phenotype in dikar mutants is due to compensation by a second gene, possibly acf1.

Solinger, Dorothy J. "The Dibao Recipients." China Perspectives 2008, no. 4 (December 1, 2008): 36–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/chinaperspectives.4738.

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Solinger, Dorothy J. "Les allocataires du dibao." Perspectives chinoises 105, no. 4 (2008): 38–49. http://dx.doi.org/10.3406/perch.2008.3672.

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He, Zixuan, Xiangming Fang, Nathan Rose, Xiaodong Zheng, and Scott Rozelle. "Rural minimum living standard guarantee (rural Dibao) program boosts children's education outcomes in rural China." China Agricultural Economic Review 13, no. 1 (January 8, 2021): 54–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/caer-05-2020-0085.

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PurposeTo combat poverty in China's rural areas, Chinese government has established an unconditional cash transfer program known as the Rural Minimum Living Standard Guarantee (Rural Dibao) Program. Interestingly, despite the importance of education in breaking cycles of poverty, little is known about Rural Dibao's impact on rural children's education. This study investigates Rural Dibao's impact on rural children's learning outcomes by first examining targeting issues within the program, exploring a causal relationship between Rural Dibao and learning outcomes, and then exploring potential mechanisms and heterogeneous effects.Design/methodology/approachFixed effects model and propensity score weighting method and data from China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) from the years 2010 and 2014 were used.FindingsThe results suggest that the Rural Dibao program suffers from high levels of targeting error, yet is still effective (i.e., program transfers generally still go to people in need). The fixed effects and propensity score weighting models find that program participation raises rural children's standardized test scores in CFPS Chinese-language and math tests. In investigating mechanisms, increased education expenditure seems to connect Rural Dibao participation to increased learning results. The heterogeneity analysis shows that poorer, non-eastern, not left behind, younger or male children benefit from the program (while others have no effect).Originality/valueThese findings suggest that Rural Dibao participation boosts rural children's learning, which could indicate a long-term anti-poverty effect, and that if the program can resolve targeting problems, this effect could be even greater.

Pertiwi, Widya Nur Bhakti, Arum Wahyuni Purbohastuti, and Enok Nurhayati. "Membangun Personal Branding melalui YouTube." LUGAS Jurnal Komunikasi 4, no. 2 (December 31, 2020): 61–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.31334/lugas.v4i2.1220.

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This research generally aims to develop personal branding research with social media. The previous research took Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter media, but this research focuses on personal branding on YouTube. This research method is a qualitative and descriptive method by observing Raditya Dika YouTube Channel and interviews with several Subribers Raditya Dika. The study describes the situations or events and does not seek links, hypotheses, or make predictions. In this research, the indicators of personal branding are authenticity, integrity, consistency, specialization, authority, distinctiveness, relevance, visibility, persistence, goodwill, and performance. The subject of this research is Raditya Dika's YouTube channel, and the object of this research is a personal brand Raditya Dika through a personal YouTube channel. The results show that Raditya Dika can form, even enhance a positive image by establishing personal branding through YouTube.

Ochonu, Moses. "COLONIAL ITINERARIES: MUHAMMADU DIKKO'S METROPOLITAN ADVENTURES." Journal of African History 61, no. 2 (July 2020): 179–200. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0021853720000328.

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AbstractIn 1921 and 1924 Muhammadu Dikko, the emir of Katsina, traveled to Britain on a sightseeing trip, becoming the first emir or chief from Northern Nigeria to visit the British imperial metropole. This article analyzes the colonial relationship that put Dikko in the colonizers’ orbit and favor and paved the way for him to embark on the trips, the colonial logistics and networks that facilitated the journeys, Dikko's experiences and adventures in Britain, and, most importantly, his perspectives on British society, institutions, goods, and forms of leisure. I argue that Dikko, though constrained by serving as a prop in a colonial performance of power, used travel to Britain as a platform to advance metropolitan modernity as an aspirational if distant model of socioeconomic advancement and to give his peers and subjects in Northern Nigeria a textual reference for navigating colonial culture in relation to their own natal Islamo-Hausa cultural norms.

Osborne, Robin. "Law in action in classical Athens." Journal of Hellenic Studies 105 (November 1985): 40–58. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/631521.

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The fine modern scholarship on Athenian law has concentrated on (a) the scope of particular laws, and (b) the technical aspects of the legal process. This paper attempts to examine how the legal system worked in practice.The Athenians classified legal cases in various ways. On the one hand there was a division by subject matter between private cases (dikai idiai) and public cases (dikai dēmosiai), and on the other there was a division according to the procedure involved. There were a number of specialised procedures, but the most important procedural division was between those cases which anyone was free to bring (graphai) and those which only an interested party could bring (dikai in the narrow sense). These divisions on grounds of subject matter and on grounds of procedure overlap, but they are distinct and neither corresponds to the modern European legal division between civil and criminal cases.

Li, Xue Ping, and Yu Nan Li. "Debris Flow Warning System Design by Diao Zhongba on the Basis of GIS." Applied Mechanics and Materials 260-261 (December 2012): 679–83. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.260-261.679.

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Aiming at guaranteeing the security of Zhong Ba village, reducing investment capital and preventing geological disasters, it is necessary to design debris flow alarming system in Diao Zhongba. Being a basic platform, geographic information system software MAPGIS is fully taken advantage for managing engineering geology information in Diao Zhongba. Then research on secondary development library based on MAPGIS is conducted for achieving debris flow alarming function. Detailed design of debris flow alarming system in Diao Zhongba district is made on systematic requirement analyses, systematic overall design, system environment selection, data base detailed design and module design on alarming function. The system designs 10 kinds of models in all which includes flood peak flow computation model of dam breaking and flood peak evolution process model of dam burst. The system can conduct an automate information process on debris flow with which serves as the references for debris flow alarming in Diao Zhongba district.

Andriopoulos, D. Z. "Dikaio kai Techne tou Logou." Philosophical Inquiry 32, no. 1 (2010): 117–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.5840/philinquiry2010321/219.

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Дисертації з теми "Dikao":


Rižakovaitė, Laima. "Metaforų vertimas Hermano Melvilio romane "Mobi Dikas"." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2006. http://vddb.library.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:E.02~2006~D_20060605_221126-83938.

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The subject of the present research is the phenomenon of metaphors in the novel “Moby Dick” by Herman Melville (translated by Irena Balčiūnienė) in the aspect of translation. The aim is to analyze the ways of translating metaphors and to determine what structural changes they undergo in the process of translation. For this purpose 711 examples of metaphors have been selected and classified according to their translation into the Lithuanian language from the point of view of co-text (i.e. the linguistic environment of the metaphor.

Ahlvin, Martin, and Ros Sofia Alexandersson. "Markytesänkning, växthusgasavgång och utlakning från dikad torvjord." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för geovetenskaper, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-404367.

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Greenhouse gas emissions and land subsidence on four cultivated peat soils (Martebo, Örke, Kälkestad, Lidhult) have been investigated by measuring emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) in field and lab. Greenhouse emitted gas (mg/h) from undisturbed soil cores was measured in lab. Measurements were performed at four different drainage depths. Soil cores were also kept incubated at constant drainage depth and emitted gas was measured with two-week intervals at three measurement occasions. Field measurements of CO2 emissions (mg/h/m2) were also performed. In addition to gas emissions, irrigation of soil cores has been carried out to investigate the risk of leaching of copper (Cu), phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N) and dissolved organic matter (DOC) during rewetting, and whether turbidity can be used as a measurement of DOC. Land surveying with GPS was done on three of the peat soils. This was to investigate how land subsidence can be related to CO2 emissions. On one of the sites different land surveying methods were used to assess their suitability for tracking land subsidence in peat soils. 30 year land surveying data from the sites have also been compiled and analyzed. The peat soils are part of a long-term experiment that was laid out in 1986. On each site one field was fertilized with copper and one was kept untreated as comparision. The purpose of the copper fertilizer was to reduce the activity of microorganisms. By doing so the degradation of soil organic matter could be reduced, thereby reducing the land subsidence. The results show that the ground surface at all four sites has subsided, but no difference is observed for copper-fertilized fields compared to untreated. Neither could an effect on CO2 emissions from copper fertilization be noted. The greatest land subsidence was observed for Martebo and the least for Kälkestad. By using data from the most recent time period the greatest subsidence was instead observed for Örke. This is consistent with Örke having the greatest CO2 emissions. CO2 emissions alone could not explain land subsidence. The results also show that emitted N2O was higher for nutrient-rich soils with the peak directly after saturation. CH4 was at its lowest initially, but then increased and emitted CH4 was greatest for the soils where easily biodegradable organic matter was available. Turbidity alone could not explain the DOC content in leachate from the irrigated soil cores. Conclusions drawn were that copper fertilization had no effect on land subsidence and CO2 emissions in this case. Copper did however still leach from the soils 30 years after addition. Emissions of CO2, N2O and CH4 varies greatly between the different soils. To be able to obtain reliable levels of greenhouse gas emissions from peat soils in climate models, more research is needed on how different peat soils react to water and nutrient content. It is important to have long time series when measuring land subsidence. Using the same measurement equipment will give better results. GPS for land surveying of peatland can be recommended if the results can be related to a fix point.
Växthusgasavgång och markytesänkning på fyra odlade torvmarker (Martebo, Örke, Kälkestad, Lidhult) har undersökts genom att mäta utsläpp av koldioxid (CO2), metan (CH4) och lustgas (N2O) i fält och labb. Detta genom att ta in ostörda jordprover i stålcylindrar och i labb mäta gasavgången vid fyra olika dräneringsdjup. Jordprover hölls även inkuberade vid konstant dräneringsdjup och gasavgång mättes med två veckors intervall vid totalt tre mättillfällen. Avgången av CO2 mättes även i fält. Utöver gasavgång har bevattning (i labb) av ostörda jordprover hämtade från fält utförts för att undersöka risk för utlakning av koppar (Cu), fosfor (P), kväve (N) och löst organiskt material (DOC) vid återvätning, samt om det går att använda turbiditet som mått på DOC. På tre av torvmarkerna har markytans höjd avvägts med GPS. Detta för att undersöka hur markytesänkning går att relatera till avgång av CO2. Vid höjdmätning av en av provplatserna har olika höjdmätningsmetoder använts och deras lämplighet för ändamålet undersökts. Sedan har data över markytans höjd från de senaste 30 åren också sammanställts och analyserats. Torvmarkerna är med i ett långliggande försök som lades ut 1986 med ett koppargödslat och ett obehandlat led på varje provplats. Syftet med koppargödslingen var att försöka minska aktiviteten hos mikroorganismer. Detta för att minska nedbrytning av organiskt material i marken och därigenom minska markytesänkningen. Resultaten visade att markytan på alla fyra platser hade sänkts, men ingen skillnad observerades på de koppargödslade försöksrutorna jämfört med de obehandlade. Inte heller observerades effekt av koppargödsling på avgång av CO2. Störst ytsänkning var för Martebo och lägst för Kälkestad. Om endast data från den senaste perioden användes hade Örke störst markytesänkning, vilket var konsekvent med att Örke även hade störst avgång av CO2. Dock var avgången av CO2 för låg för att ensamt kunna förklara markytesänkningen.  Resultaten visade även att avgång av N2O var högre för de näringsrika jordarna i studien och högst precis efter att jorden vattenmättats. CH4 började lågt, men ökade sedan och avgången av CH4 var störst för jordarna där lättnedbrytbart organiskt material fanns tillgängligt. Turbiditet kunde inte ensamt förklara halten DOC i lakvatten från lysimetrarna. Slutsatser som kunde dras var att kopparbehandling inte hade effekt på markytesänkning eller avgång av CO2. Koppar kunde däremot fortfarande lakas ut ur jorden 30 år efter gödsling. Avgång av CO2, N2O och CH4 varierade mycket mellan de olika jordarna. För att kunna få tillförlitliga nivåer på växthusgasutsläpp från torvjordar i klimatmodeller krävs mer forskning på hur olika torvjordar reagerar på vattenhalt och näringsinnehåll. Det är viktigt med långa tidsserier vid mätning av ytsänkning och användning av samma mätmetod krävs för att få jämförbara resultat. Användning av GPS för höjdavvägning av torvmark kan rekommenderas om det finns en tydlig fixpunkt att relatera mätresultaten till.

Mothemela, Maale Florah. "Tshomiso le kgodiso ya dika tsa Sesotho sa Leboa." Thesis, University of Limpopo, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10386/1204.

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Thesis (MA. (African Languages)) -- University of Limpopo, 2013
This research is aimed at encouraging and empowering the Northern Sotho speaking people to make use of idioms in their everyday communication. A deep explanation of idioms was done as to how, where and when to use them. It has been discovered that idioms are not properly used at different places and levels. The researcher urges people to make use of idioms because they are rich with cultural values such as love and respect. It is very important, therefore, to understand and use idioms correctly as they have the literal as well as the figurative meanings.

Lavoix, Valérie. "Liu Xie (circa 465-circa 521), homme de lettres, bouddhiste lai͏̈c et juge des poètes." Paris, INALCO, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998INAL0008.

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L'itinéraire de Liu Xie, reconnu de son vivant comme clerc et promoteur du bouddhisme mais auteur du plus célèbre traité de critique littéraire chinois (le Wenxin Diaolong), esprit de littérature en dragon ciselé), est extrêmement révélateur de l'intégration des activités bouddhiques et littéraires en son temps et en son milieu, procédant par comparaison avec des personnages contemporains. La thèse évalue le sens des informations livrées ou tues par les sources historiques au sujet de Liu Xie et propose un tableau de la Chine du Sud autour de l'an 500 (cercles et polémiques littéraires) : essor du bouddhisme laïc, du végétarisme, des monastères ; politique de la cour envers les moines, les poètes et les lettrés). On analyse les multiples collaborations de Liu Xie avec le moine Sengyou (445-518) et ses œuvres bouddhiques personnelles ; La partie pamphlétaire du "Miehuo Lun" (Pour anéantir les idées fausses) fait l'objet d'une traduction inédite. On discute les dates controversées de la composition du Wenxin Diaolong (circa 500) et de la mort de Liu Xie, sa relative indépendance de vue vis-à-vis de la réforme poétique promue par Shen Yue (441-513), et celle des compilateurs du Wenxuan (anthologie). A l'égard du Wenxin Diaolong, l'exploration des significations du titre du traité éclaire l'ambition de l'auteur et les enjeux fondamentaux de la critique littéraire à son époque. Une traduction commentée du chapitre "Mingshi" (illustration du poème) traite les problèmes d'interprétation posés par la rhétorique du traité (en prose parallèle), compare ses jugements avec ceux de critiques contemporains et postérieurs et illustre une perspective de lecture nourrie par l'ensemble de l'étude
Liu Xie, author of China's most famous treatise of literary criticism (Wenxin Diaolong), the mind of literature in a chiselled dragon, was in his lifetime better recognized as scholar and promoter of Buddhism, his career is almost a paradigm of the integration of Buddhism and literature in his times and milieu, comparing him with his contemporaries. The dissertation proceeds to evaluate the information about him given or left unmentioned by historical sources, and to offer a historical panorama of Southern China around ad 500 (literary circles and controversies ; the rise of lay Buddhism, vegetarianism and monasteries ; the policies of the court regarding monks, poets and literati). It studies the numerous instances of collaboration between Liu Xie and the monk Sengyou (445-518), as well as his own buddhist works : the pamphlet section of "Miehuo Lun" is here translated for the first time in western language. The dissertation also discusses the controversial dates of the compilation of Wenxin Diaolong and of LIu Xie's death, demonstrates the relative independence of his views regarding the poetic rules upheld in his time by Shen Yue (441-513), and also the independence of the compiles of the Wenxuan from Wenxin Diaolong itself, understanding the meanings of the title of the treatise brings into light its author's ambitions as well as the fundamental stakes of literary criticism in that time. The translation of, and commentaries upon, the "Mingshi" chapter highlight the problems of interpreting Liu Xie's rhetoric (in parallel prose), compare his judgments with those of contemporary and posterior critics, illustrating the overall reading of the text proposed by the dissertation

af, Trampe Fredrik. "Mozart eller Mando Diao : en studie av Svenska Dagbladets musikbevakning 1980-2010." Thesis, Södertörns högskola, Institutionen för kommunikation, medier och it, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-10974.

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Den här uppsatsen är en undersökning av Svenska Dagbladets musikbevakning under 30 år, från 1980 till 2010. I en inledande kvantitativ delstudie undersöktes Svenska Dagbladets innehåll två veckor vart tionde år för att få svar på frågor som hur mycket det skrivits om olika musikstilar genom åren och hur bevakningen utvecklats och förändrats. Erfarenheter från den kvantitativa delstudien låg sedan till grund för en uppföljande kvalitativ delstudie där musikjournalister med lång erfarenhet av att arbeta på tidningen intervjuades. Det samlade resultatet visar att musikbevakningen i Svenska Dagbladet förändrats från att tidigare främst ha fokuserat på den klassiska musiken, till att i allt större utsträckning handla om modern populärmusik. Detta kan förklaras av ett sämre ekonomiskt läge för Svenska Dagbladet, en pågående trend i tidningsvärlden att skriva alltmer om populärkultur, en generationsväxling bland skribenterna och ett uppluckrande av tidningens tidigare kulturella identitet.

Diao, Ziqiang [Verfasser]. "Cloud-based support for Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games / Ziqiang Diao." Magdeburg : Universitätsbibliothek, 2017. http://d-nb.info/112872653X/34.

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Bizais, Marie. "Pensée de la forme : forme de la pensée dans le Wenxin diaolong (esprit de littérature) du poéticien chinois Liu Xie (ca. 465-521)." Paris, INALCO, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008INAL0015.

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Cette étude du premier et unique traité sur la littérature de l'histoire de la Chine classique composé autour de 500 montre comment son auteur Liu Xie concevait ce que l'on désigne couramment comme genre, style et écriture d'auteur. Le chapitre 1 pose les fondements. Il revient sur la discussion de l'ordre des chapitres en reprenant la question à sa source, à partir des différentes éditions qui nous sont parvenues. Il dégage ainsi une architecture d'ensemble du livre. Dans cette structure, quatre chapitres traitent des questions de forme. Les deux premiers sont l'objet d'étude du chapitre 2: "Tixing" (Corps et nature) et "Fenggu" (Vent et ossature). Le corpus est introduit, traduit et annoté. Le commentaire qui suit porte sur les concepts-clés de ces textes. La prise en compte de la catachrèse et de la syllepse révèlent que le corps littéraraire est à la fois normatif et individuel, que l'ossature est une tension structurante et que le vent désigne un rythme qui communique l'émotion. Enfin, le chapitre 3 relie théorie et pratique. Il relie le genre décrit dans le chapitre "Songzan" (Eloge et Célébration) avec les composées par Liu Xie lui-même. Le chapitre est traduit, puis commenté. Les prescriptions de Liu Xie sont enfin considérées dans une confrontation avec les célébrations qui closent chacun des chapitres du traité. Cette étude ouvre donc la réflexion sur l'établissement d'un discours normatif ainsi que sur les questions théoriques concernant l'individualité d'une écriture qui continuent d'intéresser les spécialistes de la littérature
This very study of the first and only treatise on literature in Classical Chinese history composed around 500 shows how its author Liu Xie conceived what is usually called genre, style, and author's writing. Chapter one lays the foundation. It deals with the discussion on the overall architecture of the book by looking back on the different editions that were transmitted. It offers an interpretation of the architecture by discussing the order of the chapters which has been challenged in the past century. Within this structure, four chapters are related to the issue of form. Chapter two focuses on the first pair of these chapters, i. E. "Tixing" (Body and Nature) and "Fenggu" (Wind and Bone). This body of texts is these texts. A reflection on catachresis and syllepsis brings us to demnostrate that a literary body can be booth normed and individual, that the bone is a structuring tension, and the wind is a rhythm that carries emotions. Chapter three links theory and practice. It links the genre described in the chapter "Songzan" (Praise and Celebration) with the celebrations composed by Liu Xie himself. The chapter is first translated and studied. Liu Xie's prescriptions are compared with the characteristics of the celebrations that close each of the chapter of the treatise. This research thus reflects upon the establishment of a normative discourse and on theoretical issues involving an individualized writing which is still a field mediation for specialists of literature

Lai, Sing-chi, and 黎承志. "A contemporary psychological approach to analyzing Liu Xie's theory of writing in Wen-Xin Diao-Long." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1998. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B31960248.

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Lai, Sing-chi. "A contemporary psychological approach to analyzing Liu Xie's theory of writing in Wen-Xin Diao-Long Cong xian dai xie zuo xin li xue fen xi "Wen xin diao long" zhi xie zuo si wei guo cheng li lun /." Click to view the E-thesis via HKUTO, 1998. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record/B31960248.

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López, Huaman Hugo Daniel. "El marketing digital y el posicionamiento de la agencia de viajes Dika Travel de Miraflores en el año 2020." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2021. https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12672/16576.

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Determina la relación que existe entre el marketing digital y el posicionamiento de la agencia de viajes Dika Travel Tour Operador en Miraflores durante el año 2020. En el Perú, el marketing digital no está siendo correctamente aplicado por parte del sector turismo, y en especial, de las agencias de viaje. La necesidad por obtener resultados a corto plazo, la falta de conocimiento en el uso de la tecnología, la poca innovación e inversión en el sector, está ocasionando que muchas agencias no puedan responder de manera rápida a este entorno tan cambiante en el que vivimos, afectando mucho el posicionamiento y supervivencia de este tipo de negocio en el largo plazo. Si bien, el marketing tradicional les había ayudado mucho a seguir promocionando sus negocios, ya sea con la impresión de flyers o visitas directas a clientes potenciales, con la llegada de la pandemia y el posterior Estado de Emergencia Nacional decretado por el gobierno peruano, todo cambió drásticamente, al punto que muchas agencias han quebrado por no saber adaptarse a la nueva realidad tecnológica que estamos viviendo. La importancia de lo anteriormente mencionado radica en saber cómo se debe alinear el sitio web de la empresa a una estrategia de marketing digital para mejorar el posicionamiento de la marca, ayudando de esta manera, a reducir la enorme brecha digital existente en el sector turismo.

Книги з теми "Dikao":


Tzevelekakēs, Iōannēs. Dikaio kai oikonomia: Meletes dēmosiou oikonomikou dikaou. Athēna: Ekdoseis Ant. N. Sakkoula, 2011.

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Tzevelekakēs, Iōannēs. Dikaio kai oikonomia: Meletes dēmosiou oikonomikou dikaou. Athēna: Ekdoseis Ant. N. Sakkoula, 2011.

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Jin, Guangxia. Diao diao. 8th ed. Hangzhou Shi: Zhejiang she ying chu ban she, 2014.

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Yari, Labo. Muhamman Dikko, Emir of Katsina and his times: 1865-1944. Katsina, Nigeria: Summit Books, 2007.

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Yari, Labo. Muhamman Dikko, Emir of Katsina and his times: 1865-1944. Katsina, Nigeria: Summit Books, 2007.

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Yari, Labo. Muhamman Dikko, Emir of Katsina and his times: 1865-1944. Katsina, Nigeria: Summit Books, 2007.

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Psychomanēs, Spyros D. Trapeziko dikaio: Dikaio trapezikōn symvaseōn. 4th ed. Athēna: Ekdoseis Sakkoula, 1999.

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Psychomanēs, Spyros D. Trapeziko dikaio: Dikaio trapezikōn symvaseōn. 3rd ed. Thessalonikē: Ekdoseis Sakkoula, 1998.

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Zhaowen, Wang. Diao su diao su. 8th ed. Changchun Shi: Dongbei shi fan da xue chu ban she, 1992.

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Geng, Yang. Suzhou jian zhu san diao: Mu diao, zhuan diao, shi diao. 8th ed. Suzhou Shi: Suzhou da xue chu ban she, 2012.

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Частини книг з теми "Dikao":


Kappel, Elisabeth. "Dika Newlin (1923–2006)." In Arnold Schönbergs Schülerinnen, 51–204. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-476-05144-8_2.

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Jing, Gaowa. "The Grammaticalization of Mandarin Diao." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 173–86. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-81197-6_16.

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Albers, Sönke, Carsten Bona, and Kay Peters. "DIKAP: Ein Decision Support System zur Distributionskanal-Planung." In Computer Based Marketing, 5–12. Wiesbaden: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 1999. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-663-11996-8_1.

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Albers, Sönke, Carsten Bona, and Kay Peters. "DIKAP: Ein Decision Support System zur Distributionskanal-Planung." In Computer Based Marketing, 5–12. Wiesbaden: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 1998. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-322-91958-8_1.

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Zhang, Haomiao. "Social Exclusion of Female Dibao Recipients in Urban China." In Social Welfare in India and China, 217–29. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-5648-7_12.

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Mašović, Dragana R. "Blago oca Radovana: o nezavršenim čitanjima Melvilovog Mobi Dika." In Da baštinimo večnost svekoliku, 221–40. Beograd: Filološki fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.18485/bastina_vecnosti.2019.ch10.

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Solinger, Dorothy J. "The Urban Dibao: Guarantee for Minimum Livelihood or for Minimal Turmoil?" In Marginalization in Urban China, 253–77. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/9780230299122_13.

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Chang, Alexandra. "The Art of Cosmopolitanism: Visual Potentialities in Ma Jun, Tomokazu Matsuyama, David Diao, and Patty Chang." In Transcultural Research – Heidelberg Studies on Asia and Europe in a Global Context, 133–50. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-18393-5_6.

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"Didao Formation." In Geological Formation Names of China (1866–2000), 234. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-93824-8_1649.

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"To Dika ( = Mnasidika ?)." In Revival: Sappho - Poems and Fragments (1926), 144. Routledge, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781351239103-21.

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Тези доповідей конференцій з теми "Dikao":


Guo, Tongcheng, and Stephen A. Jarvis. "DIAO: A Scheme of Cooperative Data Distribution for Grid-Enabled Data Analysis Applications." In 2008 3rd International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Thechnology (ICCGI). IEEE, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/iccgi.2008.26.

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Chang, Fangqiang, Yonggang Jia, Hongxian Shan, and Tao Liu. "The Study on Property Non-Uniformity of Superficial Sediment at the Yellow River Estuary, China." In ASME 2009 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. ASMEDC, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/omae2009-79212.

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The silt carried by the Yellow River accumulates rapidly at the estuary to form an underwater delta, and the sediment is influenced and transformed continuously by river and ocean dynamic forces. One-meter-deep superficial sediment samples were taken at the Yellow River estuary to measure the basic physical and mechanical properties in the laboratory. The laboratory tests revealed the superficial sediment is over-consolidated and the over-consolidation ratio (OCR) reduces with depth. Soil penetration resistance was measured by a Proctor Penetrometer In-Situ. The results show the strength of superficial sediment appear to be strong non-uniformity (variation), and the strength of Xin Tan and Guang Li Gang region is less than those of the Da Wang Bei and Diao Kou. Then, the extent of soil property non-uniformity in space was calculated according to the Vanmarcke Foundation Random Theory. The vertical non-uniformity size lies between 0.32–0.93m, with little difference between those of terrestrial soils, and the horizontal lies between 12–32m, less than those on land. Finally, the reasons to cause strong non-uniformity are discussed. They are mainly composed of sediment modification by wave and biological activities.

Zhu, Liang, and Chenguang Diao. "Computer-Aided Analysis of Transient and Steady State Temperature Distribution in Human Brain During Selective Cooling of Head Surface and Rewarming for Head Injury Patients." In ASME 2002 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/imece2002-33686.

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In recent years, mild or moderate hypothermia during which brain temperature is reduced to 30–35°C has been proposed for clinical use as an adjunct for achieving protection from cerebral ischemia and traumatic brain injury. There are two approaches for achieving a reduction in brain temperature. One is via systemic hypothermia where the whole body is cooled. This approach may produce deleterious systemic complications and require intensive monitoring. Another approach is called selective brain cooling (SBC) in which the brain is selectively cooled while the rest of the body is kept at normal temperature. Clinically feasible SBC protocols include head hood or helmet with water or chemical cooling, head immersion in iced water, nasophyaryngeal cooling after tracheal intubation, and intro-carotid flushing. Simply packing ice or wearing cooling helmet is easy to implement. Previous theoretical study [Zhu and Diao, 2001] suggests that it is feasible to achieve mild hypothermia via head surface cooling. However, most physicians believe that it takes a much longer time to reduce the brain temperature using head surface cooling. In this study, a three-dimensional theoretical model is developed to study the transient and steady state temperature distribution in the brain during SBC. The effect of regionally varying local blood perfusion rate in the brain tissue on the temporal and spatial temperature gradient is examined. Other factors including the brain size and the thermal contact resistance between the cooling medium and the head scalp are evaluated in the simulation.

Sabila, Amy, and Lisdwiana Kurniati. "The Language Style in Stand Up Comedy by Raditya Dika and it’s Implementation in Stylistic Subject in IV Semester of PBSI Program Study of STKIP MPL." In Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference on Applied Linguistics (CONAPLIN 2018). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.2991/conaplin-18.2019.122.

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Sabila, Amy, and Lisdwiana Kurniati. "The Language Style in Stand Up Comedy by Raditya Dika and it’s Implementation in Stylistic Subject in IV Semester of PBSI Program Study of STKIP MPL." In Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference on Applied Linguistics (CONAPLIN 2018). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.2991/conaplin-18.2019.15.

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Sabila, Amy, and Lisdwiana Kurniati. "The Language Style in Stand Up Comedy by Raditya Dika and it’s Implementation in Stylistic Subject in IV Semester of PBSI Program Study of STKIP MPL." In Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference on Applied Linguistics (CONAPLIN 2018). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.2991/conaplin-18.2019.229.

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