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Статті в журналах з теми "Intellectual efficiency":


Bruderlein, Patrick. "Explicitation and Intellectual Efficiency." Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 4, no. 2 (January 2004): 232–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.1891/194589504787382785.

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The “implicit-explicit” distinction is usually used to specify the nature of mental processing or of essential memory systems. The purpose of this paper is to call attention to this distinction, too often neglected, within the domain of semantic knowledge. In fact, taking account of the degree of explicitation of specific knowledge may enable us to account for both the best performances by experts within their domain and also the idiosyncratic difficulties some learners encounter during the acquisition and generalization of both specific and general knowledge. The importance of processes of explicitation of knowledge within developmental and individual differences perspectives is discussed.

Buallay, Amina, Richard Cummings, and Allam Hamdan. "Intellectual capital efficiency and bank’s performance." Pacific Accounting Review 31, no. 4 (November 4, 2019): 672–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/par-04-2019-0039.

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Purpose Intellectual capital (IC) plays a pivotal role in the high-tech and knowledge-based economic sectors. With the emergence of FinTech, which, with respect to the banking sector, is merging high-tech with the k-economy, there is an emerging need to highlight the importance and understand the dynamics of bank IC. With respect to Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) economies, where FinTech has become de rigueur, banking is bifurcated into Islamic and banking sectors. Through comparative empirical analysis, the purpose of this paper is to examine IC efficiency in Islamic and conventional banks with a view to elucidating the impact of IC, in aggregate and decomposed into its components, on an operational, financial and market performance of Islamic banks juxtaposed with conventional banks. Design/methodology/approach Using data collected from 59 banks for five years (2012-2016) involving 295 observations, an independent variable derived from the modified value added IC (MVAIC) components are regressed against dependent bank performance indicator variables [Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE) and Tobin’s Q (TQ)]. Two types of control variables complete the regression analysis in this study: bank-specific and macroeconomic. Findings The findings elicited from the empirical results demonstrate that there is positive relationship between IC efficiency and financial performance (ROE) and market performance (TQ) in Islamic banks. In conventional banks, however, there is a positive relationship between IC and operational performance (ROE) and financial performance (ROE). Originality/value The model in this paper presents a valuable analytical framework for exploring IC efficiency as a driver of performance in dual-sector banking economies characterized by co-existence of Islamic and conventional financial institutions. In addition, this paper highlights bank management lacunae manifesting in terms of the weak nexus between: IC and asset efficiency (ROA) in Islamic banks and IC and market value (TQ) in conventional banks.

Chowdhury, Leena Afroz Mostofa, Tarek Rana, and Mohammad Istiaq Azim. "Intellectual capital efficiency and organisational performance." Journal of Intellectual Capital 20, no. 6 (November 28, 2019): 784–806. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/jic-10-2018-0171.

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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to, the first of its kind, investigate the relationship between the intellectual capital efficiency and organisational performance of the pharmaceutical sector in Bangladesh, an emerging economy that enjoys Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) relaxation. Design/methodology/approach The study used hand-picked data from annual reports for five years. The relationship between efficient use of intellectual capital and corporate performance was examined through the practical use of human capital, structural capital and capital employed. Multiple regressions were used to assess their impact on financial performance – specifically, return on assets, return on equity, asset turnover and market-to-book value. Findings Value-added intellectual coefficient components (i.e. human capital, structural capital and capital employed) significantly explained asset turnover and return on assets but failed to predict the return on equity outcome. Additionally, asset turnover was negatively influenced by structural capital and positively influenced by capital employed. The return on assets was mostly affected by variation in human capital. Intellectual capital did not predict market-to-book value or investment decisions. Practical implications This paper provides useful resources for evaluating the financial performance and value creation of companies in emerging economies that enjoy TRIPS exemptions; this research could also be extended using cross-industry comparisons. The findings have theoretical and practical implications, particularly for the pharmaceutical industry in emerging economy contexts, and for managers globally. Originality/value This study is among only a few that have reported on the relationship between intellectual capital efficiency and value creation in emerging economy contexts.

Myasoedov, Aleksey. "An Efficiency Model for Assessing Intellectual Capital." Scientific Research and Development. Socio-Humanitarian Research and Technology 10, no. 1 (April 21, 2021): 84–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.12737/2306-1731-2021-10-1-84-91.

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Today we live in a knowledge society, a society shaped by the information revolution and developed by communication technologies. At the dawn of the new era, the concept of intellectual capital was first used to explain the importance of intellectual resources - such as information, knowledge, and experience - in the modern economy. Today, intellectual capital is a key factor in the company's profitability and has become an essential resource for creating economic wealth. In this environment, intellectual capital and intangible assets are fundamental to success. Intellectual capital consists of intangible assets that, when properly used, become a source of sustainable competitive advantage. To create value, the components of intellectual capital must interact. The assessment of intellectual capital is an important activity for any organization operating in a competitive market, and involves the achievement of intangible assets, but at a lower cost. The interest in measuring intellectual capital was caused by the fact that accounting, as it is currently practiced, has largely lost its information capacity as enterprises have become more and more knowledge-intensive. Traditional valuation methods based on accounting principles, where the value of a company's assets is a fraction of the value, have systematically undervalued companies. The existence of non-financial standards is critical to the company's value creation, as the accounting rules, under constant review, were originally developed for tangible assets, which are a source of wealth in the industrial period. In the literature, the assessment of intellectual capital is considered in different ways, with many approaches developed over time based on research and research, most of which are aimed at improving the performance of an organization, measured by different tools. This article is a synthesis of the most well-known models used to evaluate intellectual capital and its subsequent implementation in the case of Company X. The results obtained confirm the hypothesis that the intellectual capital of a company has a favorable effect on the results of the organization's activities and may indicate future competitiveness.

Musayevich, Babadjanov Abdirashid. "The Role Intellectual Property In Achieving Economic Efficiency In The Agrarian Field." American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations 03, no. 04 (April 30, 2021): 611–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.37547/tajssei/volume03issue04-100.

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In the agrarian field, which is one of the leading sectors of the economy of the Republic, a multi-ukladic economy based on various forms of ownership and Economic Conduct has been restored. The development of Agriculture on an innovative basis in the current period, in which the processes of economic development are rapidly developing, the rational and effective use of the formed scientific potential and the created property serves to increase the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises, further strengthen the position of the products grown in the domestic and foreign markets. The article describes some of the shortcomings encountered in achieving these goals and comments on their elimination and leads to the fact that they have a low indicator in achieving economic efficiency. As a result of the research work carried out, it is necessary to establish innovative projects in the agrarian field, to finance and implement them into practice. It also provides a well-grounded conclusion and a scientific proposal based on the results of the study.

Pulić, Ante, Marko Kolakovic, and Karmen Jelcic. "EFFICIENCY OF INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL IN HOTEL BUSINESS∗." Tourism and hospitality management 15, no. 1 (2009): 129–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.20867/thm.15.1.12.

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The strategic goal of Croatia is ”to become a knowledge-based economy and society." However, many companies, which includes hotels as well, still do not have any idea of how to cope with the challenges imposed by knowledge economy in everyday business practice. Therefore, it is vital that managers receive education on that matter, so that they can understand in which way economy is changing and how this effects them, why intellectual capital is becoming a key factor of business success and what they can do in order to create value and not destroy under the new circumstances. The Croatian IC Center has developed the PIENIC program and worked on its implementation with over 60 companies, private and state owned, from different sectors and regions.

Fawzi Shubita, Mohammad. "Intellectual capital components and industrial firm’s performance." Problems and Perspectives in Management 20, no. 1 (April 6, 2022): 554–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.20(1).2022.44.

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The study aims to determine the connection between intellectual capital (IC) and financial performance of the Jordanian industrial listed companies. The methodology uses regression models, the IC will be measured using the VAIC model (value-added intellectual coefficient), on the other hand, company performance will be measured using return on equity (ROE). The main model includes financial leverage as a control variable to study the leverage role in the association between IC and return on equity. The study also investigates the incremental information content for intellectual capital components in explaining the change in firm performance. In addition, the size effect is studied to show if the company’s size affects the link between ROE and IC. The sample for this study is 77 Jordanian industrial firms and 788 company-year observations during the period 2006–2020. The study results are as follows: Intellectual capital has an important influence on industrial firm performance; Intellectual capital components have a significant impact on industrial firm performance. In particular, human capital efficiency (HCE) and capital employed efficiency (CEE) have a positive influence on ROE, and structural Capital efficiency (SCE) has a negative impact on firm performance. Lastly, firm size has an effect on the relationship between IC and industrial company performance.

N. Isanzu, Janeth. "Impact of Intellectual Capital on Financial Performance of Banks in Tanzania." Journal of International Business Research and Marketing 1, no. 1 (2015): 17–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.18775/jibrm.1849-8558.2015.11.3002.

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Since the financial sector reforms took place in the last two decades, Banks in Tanzania have continued to play the major role in reshaping the economy of the nation. With the emergence of knowledge based economy many firm have changed their way of doing business instead of relying more on physical capital they have shifted to intellectual capital. This is no exception for the banks operating in developing counties Tanzania included. Many studies have been done in the area of intellectual capital and its contribution to the value of the firm. This study sets out to extend the evidence by investigating the intellectual capital of banks operating in Tanzania for the period of four years from 2010 to 2013. Annual reports, especially the profit and loss accounts and balance sheets of the selected banks have been used to obtain the data. The study uses Value Added Intellectual Capital model (VAICTM) in determining intellectual capital and its three major components like Human Capital Efficiency (HCE) Structural capital efficiency (SCE) and Capital Employed Efficiency (CEE). The results revealed that Intellectual capital has a positive relationship with financial performance of banks operating in Tanzania and also when the VAICTM was divided into its three components it was discovered that the financial performance is positively related to Human capital efficiency and Capital employed efficiency but is negatively related to Structural capital efficiency.

Haryanto, Totok. "Perspektif Kinerja Perusahaan Berdasarkan Intellectual Capital." JSSH (Jurnal Sains Sosial dan Humaniora) 4, no. 2 (December 22, 2020): 97. http://dx.doi.org/10.30595/jssh.v4i2.9282.

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The purpose of this study was to examine and analize: (1) The influence of Human Capital Efficiency (HCE) to firm’s performance. (2) The influence of Structural Capital Efficiency (SCE) to firm’s performance. (3) The influence of Capital Employed Efficiency (CEE) to firm’s performance. This study is the quantitative research with the population some listed companies at Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) for the year 2009 until 2011. Data collection based on the financial statement of the listed company at IDX, and using the purposive sampling methods. The analize used regression and t-test. The findings shown that, HCE (human capital efficiency) was not influence to ROA (return on assets), SCE (structural capital efficiency) positively influence to ROA, and CEE (capital employed efficiency) positively influence to ROA. HCE was not influence to ROE (return on equity), SCE positively influence to ROE, and CEE positively influence to ROE. HCE positively influence to RG (revenue growth), SCE positively influence to RG, CEE positively influence to RG.

Vidyarthi, Harishankar, and Ranjit Tiwari. "Cost, revenue, and profit efficiency characteristics, and intellectual capital in Indian Banks." Journal of Intellectual Capital 21, no. 1 (December 11, 2019): 1–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/jic-05-2019-0107.

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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to estimate the economic (namely cost, revenue and profit) efficiency and its association with intellectual capital of 37 BSE-listed Indian banks over the period 2005–2018. Design/methodology/approach This study employs truncated Tobit regression to compute the relationship between intellectual capital and estimated cost, revenue and profit efficiency using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) for the 37 BSE-listed Indian banks within the panel data framework. Findings Estimates suggest that banks’ overall annual average cost, revenue and profit efficiency are 0.4466–0.7519, 0.4825–0.8773 and 0.4905–0.8803, respectively, during the sample period. Further, Tobit regression results indicate that the aggregate intellectual capital (value-added intellectual coefficient or Modified Value-added Intellectual Capital) has a positive but minimal impact on these efficiency parameters at 1 percent significance level for the overall sample as well as public sector banks. Among all the sub-components of intellectual capital, human capital, structural capital and relational capital have a positive and moderate impact on these efficiency measures for the overall sample. Control variables, particularly bank size, are significant drivers of the estimated efficiency of banks. Research limitations/implications Findings suggest that banks should invest adequately to enhance their overall intellectual capital to further augment these economic efficiency measures in the long run. Originality/value This study computes cost, revenue and profit efficiency of 37 BSE-listed banks based on DEA followed by intellectual capital using the Pulic approach (1998 and 2000) and the Bontis (1998) approach in the first stage. Later, it examines the dynamics between the computed efficiency parameters and intellectual capital using Tobit regression within the panel data framework.

Дисертації з теми "Intellectual efficiency":


Jackevičiūtė, Neringa. "Lietuvos bankininkystės plėtra ir jos intelektiniai ištekliai." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2009. http://vddb.library.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:E.02~2008~D_20090204_110400-95423.

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Magistrinio darbo tema yra aktuali, nes vis labiau didėja neatitikimas tarp organizacijos rinkos vertės ir tikrosios vertės, o tradiciniai pelningumo skaičiavimo būdai nebegali tiksliai atspindėti esamos situacijos, kadangi jie skaičiuoja tiktai pelną, o ne pridėtinę vertę. Temos naujumas akivaizdus, nes magistriniame darbe yra ieškomas ryšys tarp tradicinių pelningumo skaičiavimo metodų ir nefinansinių intelektinių išteklių efektyvumo skaičiavimo metodų, siekiant nustatyti, ar nefinansiniai rodikliai gali pateikti informacijos apie sėkmingą banko veiklą. Tyrimo objektas – intelektinių išteklių panaudojimo efektyvumas. Tyrimo dalykas – intelektinių išteklių svarba bankininkystės tolesniame vystymesi. Tikslas: nustatyti intelektinių išteklių svarbą bankininkystės vystymuisi ir numatyti bankininkystės tolesnius plėtros etapus. Formuluojami tokie uždaviniai: 1. Apibūdinti intelektinių išteklių sąvoką ir išanalizuoti jos apibūdinimus literatūroje; 2. Atskleisti intelektinių išteklių svarbą organizacijai; 3. Išnagrinėti intelektinių išteklių skaičiavimo metodus ir lyginti juos su tradiciniais pelningumo skaičiavimo metodais; 4. Apibrėžti intelektinių išteklių svarbą bankininkystei; 5. Numatyti bankininkystės tolesnio vystymosi gaires, naudojantis intelektinių išteklių skaičiavimo metu sukaupta informacija. Šiame darbe panaudoti mokslinio tyrimo metodai: • lyginimo metodas – atskleidžiami įvairių autorių samprotavimai apie intelektinius išteklius ir jų svarbą organizacijoje; •... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
The theme of Master’s Work is actual today because it has been generally noticed that there is a growing difference between the organization’s market value and the real value, traditional measurements of profit are no longer able to reflect the current situation correctly as they calculate only a profit and not – the added value. The new point in this theme is being carried out by the relation between traditional profit measurements and non-financial calculations of intellectual assets efficiency, which is being analysed in order to reveal whether non-financial indicators are capable to represent the information about the successful activity of a bank. The object of the research – the effective use of intellectual assets. The subject of the research – the importance of intellectual assets in further development of banking sector. The goal formulated for this work is to define the importance of intellectual assets in growth of banking sector and also to foresee further stages of development. The tasks that are formulated for this work: 1. To define the concept of intellectual assets and to analyse its definitions in literature; 2. To reveal the importance of intellectual assets for an organization; 3. To analyse the measurement methods of intellectual assets and compare them to traditional profit measurement methods. 4. To foresee further development stages of banking sector, by using the information which has been collected via calculations of intellectual assets. The... [to full text]

Burgevin, Melissa. "Évaluation neuropsychologique et médico-sociale des adolescents et adultes porteurs d’un syndrome de Silver-Russell." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021REN20049.

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En France, les maladies rares constituent un enjeu de santé publique majeur avec plus de 3 millions de personnes touchées par une maladie rare. De par leur caractère rare, ces maladies souffrent généralement de connaissances limitées. Le syndrome de Silver-Russell (SSR), une maladie (épi)génétique rare qui se caractérise par un retard de croissance pré et postnatal, ne déroge pas à ce constat. En effet, si de nombreuses avancées ont été réalisées ces dernières années concernant les connaissances médicales relatives au SSR, des manques subsistent quant au phénotype cognitif et psychosocial des individus porteurs de ce syndrome. Cette thèse qui s’inscrit au croisement de la médecine et de la psychologie poursuit ainsi un double objectif : d’une part, il s’agit d’étudier les caractéristiques cognitives, psychologiques et comportementales des adolescents et adultes porteurs d’un SSR (e.g., efficience intellectuelle, fonctions exécutives, estime de soi) et d’autre part, d’identifier les facteurs associés à ces différentes caractéristiques (e.g., âge, anomalie moléculaire). Au total, 19 participants ayant un SSR (8 adolescents et 11 adultes), et 19 participants contrôles ont pris part à cette recherche. Les résultats de nos études montrent que les participants ayant un SSR présentent des capacités intellectuelles similaires à celles de la population générale. Des difficultés cognitives et psychologiques ont été observées chez les participants ayant un SSR. Cependant, ces difficultés ne s’exprimaient pas de la même manière chez les adolescents et les adultes ayant un SSR. Des liens entre le phénotype et le génotype des participants ont également été observés. Ces résultats offrent une meilleure compréhension du SSR et ouvrent des perspectives en matière de prises en charge du SSR
In France, rare diseases are a major public health issue with more than 3 million people affected by a rare disease. Because of their rare nature, these diseases generally suffer from limited knowledge. Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS), a rare (epi)genetic disease characterized by pre- and post-natal growth retardation, is no exception to this observation. Indeed, although many advances have been made in recent years concerning medical knowledge of SRS, there are still gaps in the cognitive and psychosocial phenotype of individuals with this syndrome. This thesis, which is at the crossroads of medicine and psychology, has a double objective: on the one hand, to study the cognitive, psychological and behavioral characteristics of adolescents and adults with SRS (e.g., intellectual efficiency, executive functions, self-esteem) and, on the other hand, to identify the factors associated with these different characteristics (e.g., age, molecular anomaly). A total of 19 participants with SRS (8 adolescents and 11 adults), and 19 control participants took part in this research. The results of our studies show that participants with SRS have intellectual abilities similar to those of the general population. Cognitive and psychological difficulties were observed in our participants with SRS. However, these difficulties were not expressed in the same way in adolescents and adults with SRS. Links between the phenotype and genotype of the participants were also observed. These results offer a better understanding of SRS and open perspectives on SRS management

Johnsson, Björn, and Valentina Ericson. "Bachelor thesis in Business Administration : A qualitative investigation of recruitment freezes; How can they be managed and what are the consequences when they are implemented? ." Thesis, Mälardalens högskola, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-6480.

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Alsalmo, Abdallah. "La sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel en droit international." Thesis, Bordeaux 4, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011BOR40007.

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Le patrimoine culturel ne s’arrête pas aux monuments et aux collections d’objets. Il comprend également les traditions ou les expressions vivantes héritées de nos ancêtres et transmises à nos descendants ; ce qu’on appelle le patrimoine culturel immatériel. L’importance de ce patrimoine ne réside pas tant dans la manifestation culturelle elle-même que dans la richesse des connaissances et du savoir-faire qu’il transmet d’une génération à une autre. Cette transmission du savoir a une valeur sociale, économique, culturelle et juridique pertinente pour les groupes minoritaires et majoritaires et pour le monde entier. Le choix des techniques de protection internationale est directement lié aux objectifs poursuivis par l’UNESCO. Au-delà du texte de la Convention de 2003 et d’autres instruments internationaux adoptés par l’UNESCO, il peut être utile d’aborder plus largement les solutions juridiques de sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel. L'objet de notre étude consiste à analyser l’action normative en matière de patrimoine culturel immatériel en mettant la lumière sur sa définition, les normes internationales relatives à sa protection, ainsi que sur la question de l’effectivité et de l’efficacité internationale de la sauvegarde de ce patrimoine. Pour conclure, les résultats de l’action normative et d’effectivité n’échappent pas à notre analyse. Il s’agit d’évoquer enfin la possibilité de mettre en place une feuille de route pour une meilleure protection à l’avenir
Cultural heritage doesn't only include monuments and the collection of objects. /cultural heritage is about more than monuments or the collection of objects. It, also, includes the traditions or the modern inherited expressions from our ancestors and transmitted to our descendants, what we call the intangible cultural heritage. The importance of this heritage doesn't reside so much in the cultural demonstration itself, but in the richness of knowledge, and the know-hows that are transmitted from one generation to another. This transmission of knowledge has social value, economical, cultural and legal relevance for minority groups, as well as for the main social groups, and is also, important for the world. The choice of the techniques used for international protection is linked directly to the objectives pursued by the UNESCO. Beyond the text of the 2003 convention and other international agreements adopted by the UNESCO, it can perhaps be useful to tackle more widely the legal solutions of the intangible cultural heritage. The aim of our study consists of analysing the normative action concerning the intangible cultural heritage in placing the light on the definition of the intangible cultural heritage as well as the international standards important to its protection and also in tackling the question of effectivity and efficiency of the international protection of this heritage. In conclusion, the results for the normative action and effectivity do not escape our analysis. It is, in the end about the possibility of putting in place a plan for the protection of a better future

Palhares, José Eduardo Fernandes Teixeira. "Banking firms' performance and intellectual capital efficiency nexus." Master's thesis, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10773/24516.

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This study aims to assess 58 Iberian banks´ performance and its relationship with Intellectual Capital efficiency. Therefore, a two-stage analysis was conducted in order to address several proposed research questions related to Iberian (Portuguese and Spanish) banks in general, and each country, individually, during the period from 2013 to 2016. In a first-stage, sampled banks´ performance and respective rankings were assessed, through the measurement of their efficiency scores, i.e. using DEA´s (Data Envelopment Analysis) Constant and Variable Returns to Scale (CRS and VRS) and Super efficiency models, and in second-stage, both quantile and fractional regression models were applied as way of inferring about the impact of selected independent variables, i.e. Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC™) components, Leverage and Size, on the DEA scores of Iberian banks´. Findings suggest that Portuguese banks have constantly better average Technical, Pure Technical, and Scale Efficiency (i.e. TE, PTE, and SE) scores throughout the studied period, in comparison to Spanish banks. Also, findings show an increase on average efficiency scores (for both CRS and VRS), over the studied four-year period, for all sampled Iberian banks. Finally, second-stage analysis findings suggest a positive and significant relationship between Human Capital Efficiency (HCE) and sampled banks´ performance. Conversely, results suggest a negative and significant impact of both Structural and Employed Capital Efficiency (i.e. SCE and CEE) on sampled banks´ performance. This may be an indication of the pivotal importance of Human Resources Management (HRM) practices and the impact that application of the “best practices” may have on Iberian banking industry´s performance in general, and also on Portuguese and Spanish banks´ performance in particular.
Este estudo tem por objetivo a avaliação do desempenho de 58 bancos Ibéricos e a sua relação com a eficiência do Capital Intelectual. Por conseguinte, uma análise de dois estágios foi aplicada de forma a responder às questões de investigação propostas relacionadas com a banca Ibérica (Portuguesa e Espanhola) no geral, e com cada país em particular, durante o período compreendido entre 2013 e 2016. Num primeiro estágio, foi feita uma avaliação e respetiva classificação do desempenho dos bancos selecionados, através da estimação dos seus resultados de eficiência, i.e. aplicando os modelos Constant e Variable Returns to Scale (CRS e VRS) e de Super-Eficiência do Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Num segundo estágio, e de modo a aferir a relação entre o desempenho global dos bancos e a eficiência do seu Capital Intelectual, foram aplicados modelos de regressão por quantis e fracionários. Recorreu-se ainda, ao método Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC™), considerando-se as suas componentes como variáveis independentes, para além das variáveis Endividamento, e Dimensão. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que os bancos Portugueses apresentam melhores resultados médios de technical, pure technical, e scale efficiency (i.e. TE, PTE e SE), durante o período de estudo, comparativamente aos bancos espanhóis. Para além disso, os resultados demonstram um aumento das médias dos resultados obtidos (para ambos os modelos, CRS e VRS), durante o período de quatro anos estudado. Finalmente, os resultados obtidos durante a análise de segundo-estágio sugerem uma relação positiva e significativa entre a eficiência do capital humano (HCE) e o desempenho dos bancos selecionados. Contrariamente, os resultados sugerem um impacto negativo e significativo de ambos os componentes, eficiência do capital estrutural e do capital aplicado (SCE e CEE), no desempenho dos bancos que constituem a amostra. Esta poderá ser uma indicação do papel preponderante das práticas aplicadas pela Gestão de Recursos Humanos (HRM), e no impacto que a aplicação das “melhores práticas” poderá ter no desempenho do sector bancário Ibérico no geral, e também no desempenho dos bancos Portugueses e Espanhóis em particular.
Mestrado em Gestão

Liao, Shun-Hung, and 廖舜弘. "Intellectual Capital and Efficiency Performance of Commercial Banks in Taiwan." Thesis, 2006. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/91919492164124890036.

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Currently, there’s not a unanimous valuation model for intellectual capital in the world. Since the competition and merge wave has been flourishing in the banking industry, we think it is necessary to find out a reliable and feasible valuation model of intellectual capital for financial institutes and investors. The purpose of this study is to analyze 12 middle and large sized commercial banks in Taiwan on their intellectual capital and efficiency performance. To achieve it, 2 methods called Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC) were adopted. In the process, 3 input variables (capital, operating cost and personnel expense) and 2 output variables (operating revenue and pre-tax profit) are being used for the DEA analysis, and another advanced super efficiency model is used to rank the performance and obtain more sophisticated analysis. Then we used VAIC to calculate the value of intellectual capital. After that, a statistical analysis called Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient was used to testify the relationship between efficiency performance and intellectual capital in banking industry. We concluded that efficiency performance is highly correlated to intellectual capital in Taiwan’s banking industry. Since the intellectual capital is an important factor of creating efficiency performance, we may say that VAIC is an appropriate tool to evaluate intellectual capital.

Wu, Chin-Shean, and 吳錦盛. "Research on Operating Efficiency and Intellectual Capital of Domestic Banks." Thesis, 2002. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/36637624618419191005.

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This is an era that the financial environment would undergo a vast reform. By the catalysis of the internationalized and liberalized financial policy, the financial prosperity has vigorous development, which didn’t appear before. Although so, the financial deterioration would come along with it, and of which the order of severity never yet happened before. This is an era as well that the knowledge of economics dominates in our daily life. The intellectual capital has gradually taken the place of traditional and sensible capital of property. This is not only the thing, for which many current Knowledge-Creating Company are concerned, and which becomes abruptly a key factor to decide success or failure in the market of living competition. The banking is a very particular industry. On the level of industrial technique, it is the most scientific among the service industry. In order to satisfy the requirement of consumer, the banking, which has to depend on application to link different kinds of professional knowledge with information technology, is a typical industry by the process to transform accumulative knowledge into competitive ability of an enterprise. And then, on the level of industrial function, the banking possess many sorts and complex of functions which contain finance, service, economy, society, etc. Therefore, a bank operates well or not, which will not only affect rights and interests of shareholder, even more will concern the development of the entire social economy. For the above-mentioned background, this thesis adopt a sort of evaluating method of operating efficiency which is different from the analysis of traditional financial affairs rate. That’s “Data Envelopment Analysis: a DEA”, which can measure the operating efficiency between domestic banks, and deeply explore the source of non-efficiency to find out the real problem whether it’s from a simple technique efficiency or scale efficiency, furthermore which can help us to understand where we can improve in the area of output, especially for the non-efficient bank, by way of slack variable analysis. Besides, this thesis also brings up an idea about intellectual capital of bank, which, more and more to be esteemed in administration circles, can provide domestic banks for discussion and comparison concerning their intellectual capital. Last, this thesis explores whether bank has obvious relation between intellectual capital and operating efficiency. We expect that the administrator of bank management will attach importance to intellectual capital through the result of study in this thesis, and deeply consider the existential value of bank’s self as well as the direction of future development. We are in a brand-new situation after our country joins WTO, therefore, we expect that our country would, promote competitive strength, achieve further the integration of domestic financial strength, and stand erect in the international finance market with its most strong lineup.

Ting, Wei-Chi, and 丁慰慈. "A Study of the Relationship of Intellectual Capital and Management Efficiency—." Thesis, 2010. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/03745471948238589675.

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In Era of Knowledge economy, knowledge-based enterprises from the traditional sources of value of land,capital,raw materials and other tangible assets, Changed to "knowledge" and "information technology"-based intangible assets, knowledge accumulation and circulation of energy will become the foundation for industrial development. If transportation industry want to be more competitive, we must establish a complete set of knowledge resources management system, through the organization's human capital, relational capital, structural capital, the company enhanced to create value and enhance enterprise competitive advantage. This study aimed to explore the intellectual capital and business performance of the transportation industry association, the main purpose of intellectual capital respectively, for the transportation of the performance of human capital, whether the positive effects of the relationship between intellectual capital performance of the capital for the transportation of whether the positive the impact of intellectual capital for the transportation of the performance of structural capital, whether the positive impact of intellectual capital for the performance of transportation whether it has positive influence. In this paper, that by the regression analysis method. Intellectual capital in the "human capital", "relationship capital" face structure of the transportation operators had significant positive effects on performance, on behalf of businesses to invest in human capital, relational capital resources of the more significant the more transportation industry's performance, the impact of . If these two dimensions more effort, you can improve the performance of the transportation industry. The "structural capital" dimension of performance, while the transportation industry has a positive effect on received only part of the nature of support. Finally, through the results of research for practice and further research recommendations.

Wang, Tung-Pao, and 王東寶. "Does Intellectual Capital Matter ? Measuring the R&D Efficiency and Technology Diffusion Efficiency of Technology Development Programs." Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/57443328248898612366.

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The aim of this paper develops two-stage production process of Technology Development Programs (TDPs) to explore the “R&D performance” and “technology diffusion performance” by using a non-parametric frontier method-data envelopment analysis (DEA). In addition, this study also implements the sequential DEA identifying four TDP groups. One-Way ANOVA is used to analyze differences in intellectual capital(IC) variables across the four groups. The results reveal that R&D performance is better than technology diffusion performance for TDPs. The “Mechanical, Mechatronic and Transportation field” is more efficient than the other fileds in R&D performance model. In the technology diffusion performance model, the”Biotechnologh, Pharmaceutical, Material and Chemical field” is the best among all fields. The findings also point to important of IC in achieving high levels of TDP efficiency. The potential applications and strengths of DEA and IC in assessing the performance of TDP are highlighted.

Tung, Wei-Ting, and 董威廷. "The efficiency of intellectual capital and profitability of Taiwan IC design companies." Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/49254981294617311601.

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In the face of an intensely competitive environment, it is important to increase value of firms by managing intellectual capital. Although the content and measurement of intellectual capital is well done by many academics, few studies have assessed of intellectual capital management. The objective of this study is to evaluate efficiency of managing intellectual capital and further to examine as follows: 1. Identifying a benchmarking target in Taiwan IC design companies for inefficient companies. 2. Using Malmquist productivity index to measure productivity from 2004 to 2006. 3. Finding correlation between intellectual capital and profitability. The advantage of Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is to integrate many inputs and outputs into a single value. This study adopted DEA and Malmquist productivity index to measure the performance of 37 Taiwan IC design companies in 2006 and the productivity from 2004 to 2006. And the sample companies can be classified according to correlation between efficiency of intellectual and profitability. The result pointed that about one fourth of the companies have excellent efficiency of managing intellectual capital and other companies still have considerable room to improve their intellectual capital management. Furthermore, about 50% and 68% companies have a decline in intellectual capital and profitability, respectively. Moreover, according to the classified results, the approximately two third of the companies had positive correlation between efficiency of managing intellectual and profitability. Keywords: Intellectual capital; Data envelopment analysis; Profitability

Книги з теми "Intellectual efficiency":


Steve, Allen. Dumbth and 81 Ways to Make Americans Smarter. New York, USA: Prometheus Books, 1991.

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Stapper, Thilo. Das essential Facility Prinzip und seine Verwendung zur Öffnung immaterialgüterrechtlich geschützter de facto Standards für den Wettbewerb. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2003.

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Bechtel, Guy. Dictionnaire de la bêtise et des erreurs de jugement ; Le livre des bizarres. Paris: R. Laffont, 1991.

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Langer, Ellen J. Mindfulness. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1989.

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Langer, Ellen J. Mindfulness: Choice and control in everyday life. London: Collins-Harvill, 1991.

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Langer, Ellen J. Yong xin fa ze: Gai bian ni yi sheng de guan jian. 8th ed. Taibei Xian Xindian Shi: Mu ma wen hua shi ye gu fen you xian gong si, 2007.

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Robert, Haas. Eat smart, think smart: How to use nutrients and supplements to achieve maximum mental and physical performance. New York, N.Y: HarperPaperbacks, 1995.

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Robert, Haas. Eat smart, think smart: How to use nutrients and supplements to achieve maximum mental and physical performance. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 1994.

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Robert, Haas. Chi chu cong ming: 21 shi ji de xin yin shi ge ming. 8th ed. Taibei Shi: Shi bao wen hua chu ban qi ye gu fen you xian gong si, 1995.

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O'Connell, Donal. Inside the patent factory: The essential reference for effective and efficient management of patent creation. Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons, 2008.

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Sinyaeva, Inga M., and Olga N. Zhiltsova. "Intellectual Product Promotion: Marketing Evaluation and Communication Efficiency." In Complex Systems: Innovation and Sustainability in the Digital Age, 267–76. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-44703-8_29.

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Frantz, Roger S. "X-Efficiency: The Intellectual Setting and an Introduction to the Theory." In X-Efficiency: Theory, Evidence and Applications, 37–60. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1988. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4613-3799-7_3.

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Celenza, Domenico, Marco Lacchini, and Fabrizio Rossi. "Intellectual Capital Efficiency and Corporate Performance: Some Empirical Evidence." In Management, Valuation, and Risk for Human Capital and Human Assets, 161–88. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/9781137355720_7.

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Polukhin, Andrey A., Nina I. Proka, Svetlana P. Klimova, and Aleksey V. Kondykov. "Socio-economic Assessment of Labor Efficiency in Crop Production." In Towards an Increased Security: Green Innovations, Intellectual Property Protection and Information Security, 791–99. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-93155-1_85.

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Hu, Yanjie, Xiuli Wang, and Lanxia Yang. "Assessment of Intellectual Capital Efficiency in China Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Companies: Using DEA." In Advanced Technology in Teaching, 405–12. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-29458-7_59.

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Kuzminykh, Natalia A. "Assessment Of The Intellectual Capital Market Efficiency." In SCTCGM 2018 - Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism. Cognitive-Crcs, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2019.03.02.85.

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Suhaimi, Rosita, Chong Fen Nee, and Nurhani Aba Ibrahim. "Profit efficiency, intellectual human capital and ICT of commercial banks in Malaysia." In 2012 IEEE Symposium on Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications (ISBEIA). IEEE, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/isbeia.2012.6422915.

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Anderson, Henry Junior, Solomon Gyamfi, and Jan Stejskal. "Efficiency of intellectual capital generation: a DEA analysis of selected EU regions." In XXII. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.5817/cz.muni.p210-9268-2019-22.

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Batueva, Daria E., and Jaroslav E. Shklyarskiy. "Increasing Efficiency of Using Wind Diesel Complexes through Intellectual Forecasting Power Consumption." In 2019 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus). IEEE, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/eiconrus.2019.8657158.

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GOLOBOKOVA, Galina M. "Commercialization of Intellectual Property as Strategical Route for Russian Knowledge-Based Economy Efficiency Improvement." In III International theoretical and practical conference “The Crossroads of the North and the East (methodologies and practices of regional development)”. SibAC, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.32743/nesu.cross.2020.58-67.

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Shen, Xiaogang. "Notice of Retraction: Study on the enterprise's technological innovation efficiency and intellectual property protection." In 2010 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Management Science (ICAMS). IEEE, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icams.2010.5553170.

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Zhang, Shiyuan, Evan Gunnell, Marisabel Chang, and Yu Sun. "An Intellectual Approach to Design Personal Study Plan via Machine Learning." In 6th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering And Applications (CSEA 2020). AIRCC Publishing Corporation, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.5121/csit.2020.101804.

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As more students are required to have standardized test scores to enter higher education, developing vocabulary becomes essential for achieving ideal scores. Each individual has his or her own study style that maximizes the efficiency, and there are various approaches to memorize. However, it is difficult to find a specific learning method that fits the best to a person. This paper designs a tool to customize personal study plans based on clients’ different habits including difficulty distribution, difficulty order of learning words, and the types of vocabulary. We applied our application to educational software and conducted a quantitative evaluation of the approach via three types of machine learning models. By calculating cross-validation scores, we evaluated the accuracy of each model and discovered the best model that returns the most accurate predictions. The results reveal that linear regression has the highest cross validation score, and it can provide the most efficient personal study plans.

Winarski, Tyson, and Tuan Ahn Nguyen. "Protecting Proprietary Software in the Petroleum Industry." In ASME 2002 Engineering Technology Conference on Energy. ASMEDC, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/etce2002/comp-29061.

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The development, management, and exploitation of Intellectual Property is critical to the health and prosperity of the Petroleum Industry. This paper provides a summary of how Petroleum companies can protect their proprietary software. Specifically, this paper will address the risks and benefits associated with protecting proprietary software through copyrights, patents, or trade secrets. With this background, the paper will address how Petroleum Companies can optimally develop, manage, and exploit their Intellectual Property to maximize industry production, efficiency, and profitability.

Lingnuo, Xiao, and Han Chunyi. "Efficiency Evaluation on the Enterprises Principal-Agents' Intellectual Capital Management under the Circumstance of E-business." In 2009 International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Business Intelligence, ECBI. IEEE, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ecbi.2009.107.

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Bazileva, Irina I. "Maturity level of internal communication environment management and company’s efficiency." In The Eighth International Practical Conference INNO-WAVE 2019. Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.33186/1027-3689-2021-8-24.

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The introduced method of evaluation of the corporate internal communication environment is based upon the author’s maturity model. Within the study, the key intangible factors (motivators) were identified as a maturity model component. The survey of top executives in the business services sector was carried out to analyze maturity model influence on business performance. The author argues that empowerment (expansion of employees’ rights and possibilities) influences performance significantly. Practical recommendations are given on how to increase maturity level in managing corporate internal communication environment to achieve better results. Building efficient corporate internal communication environment is the vital task for innovative companies with dominant and increasing intellectual property in value added. The best practices of Russian hi-tech companies demonstrates that implemented business competence model, single communication and learning space and social interaction instruments make the most efficient mechanisms for building internal communication environment to facilitate innovations.

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Лов'янова, І. В. Можливості змісту освіти у процесі формування інтелектуальних умінь старшокласників. Криворізький державний педагогічний університет, 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.31812/0564/2257.

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Coming from wording of the notion "intellectual skills" and structures of the skills as complex larval formation in this article the didactic possibilities of the contents of the education and methodical methods of its learning, which promote the most efficient shaping intellectual component personality of the graduate of the school are opened . Emphases is spared realization problem approach to process of the shaping the intellectual skills of the creative nature on example of disciplines naturallymathematical cycle.

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