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Статті в журналах з теми "Moiré theory":


Yoshimura, Jun-ichi. "Theoretical study of the properties of X-ray diffraction moiré fringes. III. Theoretical simulation of previous experimental moiré images." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 76, no. 4 (June 30, 2020): 503–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/s205327332000532x.

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As a practical confirmation of a recently published X-ray moiré-fringe theory [Yoshimura (2015). Acta Cryst. A71, 368–381], computer simulations using this theory were conducted for previous experimental moiré images of a strained bicrystal specimen [Yoshimura (1996). Acta Cryst. A52, 312–325]. Simulated moiré images with a good or fairly good likeness are presented as a result of this simulation, in which the characteristic fringe-and-band and local strain patterns in the experimental images are reproduced well. Experimental moiré images taken when the inclination of the lattice planes was forcedly increased in one of the component crystals of the bicrystal specimen were also fairly well simulated in this computation, and their fringe patterns of inclined fringes are shown to be in accordance with the prediction by the theory. This moiré-fringe theory is thus considered to be widely applicable to the study of moiré images. Furthermore, the successful simulation of the previous experimental moiré images means that a satisfactory theoretical explanation was given for the experimental images, with respect to their characteristic global features. However, this study by the theoretical simulation shows explicitly that some significant peculiarities in the fringe profiles of the experimental images still remain unexplained by this moiré-fringe theory.

Yoshimura, Jun-ichi. "Theoretical study of the properties of X-ray diffraction moiré fringes. I." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 71, no. 4 (May 14, 2015): 368–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/s2053273315004970.

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A detailed and comprehensive theoretical description of X-ray diffraction moiré fringes for a bicrystal specimen is given on the basis of a calculation by plane-wave dynamical diffraction theory. Firstly, prior to discussing the main subject of the paper, a previous article [Yoshimura (1997).Acta Cryst.A53, 810–812] on the two-dimensionality of diffraction moiré patterns is restated on a thorough calculation of the moiré interference phase. Then, the properties of moiré fringes derived from the above theory are explained for the case of a plane-wave diffraction image, where the significant effect ofPendellösungintensity oscillation on the moiré pattern when the crystal is strained is described in detail with theoretically simulated moiré images. Although such plane-wave moiré images are not widely observed in a nearly pure form, knowledge of their properties is essential for the understanding of diffraction moiré fringes in general.

Ma, X. S., Ye Tai Fei, G. H. Li, Z. Y. Ying, and S. Y. Li. "Theory Study of Nanometer Metrological Grating Based Two Times Moiré Fringe." Key Engineering Materials 381-382 (June 2008): 501–4. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/kem.381-382.501.

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To meet the demand of large displacement measurement instrument with nanometer precision, this paper introduces the metrological grating with the nanometer measurement precision and large displacement, based on two times' Moiré fringe principle. Its basic principle is that two indicated gratings are fixed on the same measuring base scale, when they move relatively to the scale grating, two groups of one time Moiré fringe will be produced, then two groups of lens are adopted to make the fringe move oppositely, at last the two times Moiré fringe will be produced through interference on the photoelectronic receive element. By subdivision of the two times Moiré fringe, this system can achieve 2.70×10-10m measurement resolution. In addition, this paper also analyse the optics system and light source.

Yao, Li Li, Hai Bo Shi, Chang Liu, and Zhong Hua Han. "Solving the Two-Objective Shop Scheduling Problem in MTO Manufacturing Systems by a Novel Genetic Algorithm." Advanced Materials Research 314-316 (August 2011): 1315–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.314-316.1315.

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With the characteristics of un-touching, high-automatic and high-speed, we measured 3D shape by digital moiré patterns. And it can measure 3D shape without compensator, auxiliary mirror, hologram and other assistant modules. So it is widely used in measurement of 3D shape. But with the negative effect of grating area and CCD resolution of the camera, it has some problems in large aperture, steep aspheric surface, even off-axis aspheric testing. Focus on these problems; this paper established a sub-region splicing measurement of aspheric surface by using the combination of digital moire patterns and digital phase shifting technology. This paper also illustrated the basic theory, and the mathematical implementation procedure. In all, sub-region splicing digital moiré patterns can be considered as another method, which beyond compensation tests to measurement of aspheric surface.

Deason, V. A., J. S. Epstein, and M. Abdallah. "Dynamic diffraction moiré: Theory and applications." Optics and Lasers in Engineering 12, no. 2-3 (January 1990): 173–87. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0143-8166(90)90015-2.

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Ohler, Michael, and Jürgen Härtwig. "Theory of moiré fringes on X-ray diffraction topographs of bicrystals." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations of Crystallography 55, no. 3 (May 1, 1999): 413–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/s0108767398010514.

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The theory of moiré fringes on X-ray diffraction topographs of bicrystals is derived from the dynamical theory of X-ray diffraction for the reflection (Bragg) and the transmission (Laue) case. The influence on the moiré fringes of the diffraction geometry, of the geometry of the sample, of its optical properties and of the topographic method is investigated. The perfect-crystal theory is also expanded to weakly deformed bicrystals.

Amidror, Isaac. "Sub-Nyquist artefacts and sampling moiré effects." Royal Society Open Science 2, no. 3 (March 2015): 140550. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsos.140550.

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Sampling moiré effects are well known in signal processing. They occur when a continuous periodic signal g ( x ) is sampled using a sampling frequency f s that does not respect the Nyquist condition, and the signal-frequency f folds over and gives a new, false low frequency in the sampled signal. However, some visible beating artefacts may also occur in the sampled signal when g ( x ) is sampled using a sampling frequency f s which fully respects the Nyquist condition. We call these phenomena sub-Nyquist artefacts . Although these beating effects have already been reported in the literature, their detailed mathematical behaviour is not widely known. In this paper, we study the behaviour of these phenomena and compare it with analogous results from the moiré theory. We show that both sampling moirés and sub-Nyquist artefacts obey the same basic mathematical rules, in spite of the differences between them. This leads us to a unified approach that explains all of these phenomena and puts them under the same roof. In particular, it turns out that all of these phenomena occur when the signal-frequency f and the sampling frequency f s satisfy f ≈( m / n ) f s with integer m , n , where m / n is a reduced integer ratio; cases with n =1 correspond to true sampling moiré effects.

Kang, Y.-L., D.-H. Fu, G.-F. Wang, S.-W. Yu, and X.-J. Pan. "Analysis of displacement and strain field around a bimaterial interfacial region by stress couple theory and experiment." Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 37, no. 4 (May 1, 2002): 281–87. http://dx.doi.org/10.1243/030932402760074508.

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This paper is concerned with the determination of displacement and strain fields within the interfacial region of a bimaterial specimen under shear loading. The analysis is based on the couple stress theory. The measurements are made by means of phase shift moiré interferometry which has been recognized as a useful measuring method by combining moiré interferometry with the phase shift technique and image processing. The results obtained by phase shift moiré interferometry show that the distribution of the shear strain, rotation angle and rotation gradient at the interface region are changing rapidly. The results show good agreement with those predicted by stress couple theory.

Gao, Yuechen, Shuqian Ye, Haoxiang Lin, and Xi Zhu. "Toward Programmable Moiré Computation: Toward Programmable Moiré Computation (Adv. Theory Simul. 7/2021)." Advanced Theory and Simulations 4, no. 7 (July 2021): 2170014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/adts.202170014.

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Yoshimura, Jun-ichi. "Theoretical study of the properties of X-ray diffraction moiré fringes. II. Illustration of angularly integrated moiré images." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 75, no. 4 (June 26, 2019): 610–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/s2053273319004601.

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Using a theory of X-ray diffraction moiré fringes developed in a previous paper, labelled Part I [Yoshimura (2015). Acta Cryst. A71, 368–381], the X-ray moiré images of a silicon bicrystal having a weak curvature strain and an interspacing gap, assumed to be integrated for an incident-wave angular width, are simulation-computed over a wide range of crystal thicknesses and incident-wave angular width, likely under practical experimental conditions. Along with the simulated moiré images, the graphs of characteristic quantities on the moiré images are presented for a full understanding of them. The treated moiré images are all of rotation moiré. Mo Kα1 radiation and the 220 reflection were assumed in the simulation. The results of this simulation show that fringe patterns, which are significantly modified from simple straight fringes of rotation moiré, appear in some ranges of crystal thicknesses and incident-wave angular width, due to a combined effect of Pendellösung oscillation and an added phase difference from the interspacing gap, under the presence of a curvature strain. The moiré fringes which slope to the perpendicular direction to the diffraction vector in spite of the assumed condition of rotation moiré, and fringe patterns where low-contrast bands are produced with a sharp bend of fringes arising along the bands are examples of the modified fringe pattern. This simulation study provides a wide theoretical survey of the type of bicrystal moiré image produced under a particular condition.

Дисертації з теми "Moiré theory":


Bancora, Simone. "Characterization of fabric layups by pressure print analysis and simulation of dual-scale flow based on topological skeletonization : application to composite materials processing." Thesis, Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021ECDN0049.

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Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons aux préformes fibreuses dans le cadre du procédé Resin Transfer Moulding (RTM). L'objectif de la thèse est double : proposer une nouvelle méthodologie pour obtenir des données géométriques à la mésoéchelle des préformes et fournir un nouveau modèle numérique capable de prédire la perméabilité ou d'effectuer des simulations d’écoulement efficaces à la méso-échelle. Dans la première partie, l'accent est mis sur l'acquisition de données géométriques : nous proposons une nouvelle méthodologie basée sur l'analyse du champ de pression supporté par une préforme sèche sous compactage. Un film sensible à la pression mesure le champ de pression par un empilement de plis contre les parois du moule. Profitant de l’architecture périodique des textiles, les empreintes révélées par le champ de pression sont interprétées par analyse spectrale de Moiré pour mesurer l'orientation et la distribution spatiale de chaque couche dans l’empilement. Dans la seconde partie, le modèle numérique de la préforme est utilisé pour effectuer des simulations numériques d'écoulement à l'échelle des fils, afin d’en caractériser la perméabilité ou d’effectuer directement des simulations de remplissage. La géométrie 3D de l’empilement est remplacée par un squelette préservant les propriétés topologiques nécessaires à la résolution numérique du problème d'écoulement bidimensionnel, réduisant considérablement le coût de calcul par rapport à une approche 3D complète. Ce modèle de réduction du volume poreux en squelette est d'abord formulé dans sa version simple échelle (écoulement inter-mèche), puis étendu en double échelle (écoulement inter- et intra-mèche). Le potentiel du modèle est illustré à travers plusieurs cas tests. Cette recherche propose une méthodologie allant de l'acquisition de données géométriques à la simulation numérique double-échelle de l'écoulement au sein dans un empilement de tissus
In this work, we study continuous fiber preforms in the context of Resin Transfer Moulding (RTM) processes. The aim of the thesis is two-fold: propose a new methodology to obtain mesoscale geometrical data from preforms and provide a new numerical model able to predict permeability or perform mesoscale filling simulations in a computationally efficient way. In the first part, the focus is on the acquisition of geometrical data from preforms: we propose a novel methodology based on the analysis of the pressure field experienced by a dry preform under compaction. By using a commercial pressure-sensitive film, the pressure field exerted by a stack of layers against mould walls is captured and analyzed. Taking advantage of the periodic morphology of textiles, geometric patterns revealed by the pressure field are interpreted according to spectral Moiré analysis to recover the orientation and spatial distribution of each individual layer in the stack. In the second part, the reconstructed digital architecture of the preform is used to carry out numerical flow simulations at the scale of the yarns, to characterize permeability of the stack or directly perform filling simulations. The stack geometry is replaced by a skeletonized representation of the same, on which a two-dimensional flow problem can be solved numerically, greatly reducing the computational cost when compared to a full 3D approach. This “medial skeleton” model is first formulated in its single-scale version (flow in channels) and then extended to dual-scale (flow in channels and yarns). The model potential is illustrated through several test cases. This research establishes a pathway going from the non-destructive acquisition of data to the simulation of the dual-scale flow inside a multi-layer layup of textiles

Lindström, Mattias. "Bildanalys inom Machine Vision : Nyquists samplingsteorem vid digital fotografering." Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Avdelningen för elektronikkonstruktion, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-31469.

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Inom Machine Vision är det av stor vikt att kameran har möjlighet att detektera de detaljer som eftersöks. Aliasing är ett problem inom all digital fotografering och beror på att kamerans upplösning är för låg i förhållande till de detaljer den försöker fånga. Det här arbetet analyserar kamerans begränsningar och orsaken till dessa. En enkel kamerarigg som används till försök inom Machine Vision konstrueras om från grunden för bättre kontroll och upplösning och en ny styrning skapas till denna efter beställarens specifikationer. Ett testmönster för ISO 12233:2000 fotograferas därefter i denna rigg. Resultatet analyseras och jämförs mot Nyquists samplingsteorem med avseende på digital fotografering. Resultatet visar hur kamerans konstruktion och sätt att registrera färger genom ett filter framför bildsensorn och algoritmer för att beräkna färgen för varje enskild bildpunkt höjer sampelstorleken med en faktor 3 jämfört med det ursprungliga teoremet om dubbla samplingsfrekven-sen.
Within Machine Vision, it is very important that the camera can detect the details requested. Aliasing is a problem in all digital photography, and is because the camera's resolution is too low relative to the details it tries to capture. This work analyzes the camera's limitations and the cause of these. A simple camera rig used for Machine Vision tests is re-designed for better control and resolution, and a new control-system is created to this according to the client's specifications. A test pattern for ISO 12233: 2000 is then photographed in this rig. The result is analyzed and compared to Nyquist sampling theorem regarding digital photography. The result shows how the camera's design and way of registering colors through a filter in front of the image sensor and algorithms to calculate the color for each individual pixel increases the sample size by a factor of 3 compared with the original theorem with double sampling frequency.

Marx, Hedvig. "Moira, take me with you! : Utopian Hope and Queer Horizons in Three Versions of The Handmaid's Tale." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Tema Genus, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-148928.

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Using postmodern, feminist and queer notions of utopia/dystopia and narrative theory, this thesis contains an analysis of The Handmaid’s Tale (novel 1985; film 1990; TV series S01 2017) based on theoretical and methodological understandings of utopia/dystopia and narrative as deeply connected with notions of temporality and relationality, and of violence and resistance as the modes of expression of utopia and dystopia in the source texts. The analysis is carried out in an explorative manner (Czarniawska 2004) and utilises the notion of “disidentification” (Butler 1993; Muñoz 1999) and the concepts of “diffraction” (Haraway 1992, 1997; Barad 2007, 2010), and “entanglement” (Barad 2007). The conclusion becomes that utopia and dystopia in The Handmaid’s Tale are, to a great extent, imagined within the same system of understanding, but that utopian hope can be found in the relationality and temporality of resistance, and that the radically different utopian place is the queer horizon.

Liu, Chia-Ming, and 劉家銘. "Nano-Digital Moiré Method with Wavelet Theory." Thesis, 2006. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/82903263348559103120.

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Abstract Moiré method is a popular and well-developed technique for measuring the displacement fields. In the present study, a novel digital moiré method with wavelet theory is explored to measure the in-plane displacement and strain fields in the micro and nano scale. Moiré patterns are generated by overlapping the images of the specimen grating obtained from atomic force microscopy (AFM) scanning and the virtual reference grating produced by a digital image generating process. The displacement and strain filed can be obtained by analyzed the moiré patterns. Nevertheless, the resultant moiré image suffers from having low contrast which, if left untreated, might distort the measurement result. Therefore, the wavelet transformation (WT), known for its sharpened abilities of characteristic and edge detection, is employed to capture the target moiré patterns and improve the measurement accuracy. The phase-shifting technique is one of the existing phase-evaluation methods explored to improve the resolution of the moiré method. The proposed method employs the four-step phase-shifting technique to obtain the continuous displacement fields from target moiré patterns. The four-steps phase-shifting method is realized by translating the phase of the virtual reference grating from 0 to 2 . In the present study, the BGA (Ball grid array) and HOPG (Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite) surface are used as the specimen in the in-plane deformation experiments. Also, the high sensitivity specimen grating is made by e-beam to increase the resolution of the digital moiré method. In the other hand, the similar concept of the digital moiré method is applied in the projection moiré method. The digital projection moiré method with wavelet transformation and phase-shifting technique is applied to measure the out-of-plane deformation and surface topography. The experiment results are compared with these from the finite element method. In the present study, the principle of the digital moiré method, digital projection moiré method, phase-shifting technology and wavelet theory are described in detail. The proposed method has been carried out in the laboratory. Experimental results have shown that the proposed method is convenient and efficient for the displacement measurement.

SUN, HONG-DAO, and 孫弘道. "Moiré Theory Applied in 2-D Scrambled Images with Multiple Anti-Counterfeiting Features." Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/57852189647241509563.

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Anti-counterfeiting technologies are often divided into three classes: first line, second line and third line. Image scrambling technology belongs to the second line anti-counterfeiting technology. In second line inspection, the document is authenticated by simple tools. For academic research and industrial applications, the 1-D image scrambling technology and the lenticular lens, as the decryption tools, have been commonly used for anti-counterfeiting design. By contrast, the researches and applications related to the 2-D scrambled images are much less addressed. Therefore, this study focuses on using 2-D scrambled images with multiple arrangements to enhance the anti-counterfeiting functions. The micro-lens array is adopted as the decryption tool. In addition, the proposed method makes the scrambled images cannot be recognized even when they have been enlarged, to achieve the multiple anti-counterfeiting features. This study uses the experimental method. And the screen-decoded images are the basic elements. The formula of moiré is also applied to obtain the encryption parameters of scrambled images, basing on the periods of selected micro-lens array. In this research, the scrambled images will be divided into varied combinations to construct a single encryption image with multiple arrangements. The results show that observing the output negative through the micro-lens array with proper resolution, the scrambled images can be restored to the original image successfully, to prove the feasibility of the proposed method.

鍾德一. "The Theory and Application of Flatting and Shape Measurement in Electronic Scanning Moire Method." Thesis, 1999. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/26819926311085665865.

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In order to attain aim of the measure of none-touch in the way without contacting. My research, according to slide projector projects on the surface of test piece that as be a sample raster by using raster filmslide. We also use slide projector adjustable lens to alters the pitch of sample raster and make the scanning lines of scanning pixel method white we were picking the reflection with CCD camera. Finally, we can examine directly the shape changing in fringe map on the screen and farther control a change by means of the light fringe pitch. In this way, we don’t have to touch the test piece besides can measure the large-area materials even to can draw a diagram of curves of material surface changes by the consequence that we caught. The sensitivity is tending to 0.0019(gradient) and the maximum angle of inclination is 60 degree by using the equipments of my research. Keyword: Electronic Scanning Moire Method , Flatting , linear-mismatch method , Projection-tyap Moire Method.

Книги з теми "Moiré theory":


Amidror, Isaac. The theory of the Moiré phenomenon. 2nd ed. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 2009.

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Amidror, Isaac. The Theory of the Moiré Phenomenon. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2000. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-011-4205-2.

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Amidror, Isaac, ed. The Theory of the Moiré Phenomenon. London: Springer London, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-84882-181-1.

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Amidror, Isaac. The theory of the Moiré phenomenon. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 2000.

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International Conference on the Application and Theory of Periodic Structures (1991 San Diego, Calif.). International Conference on the Application and Theory of Periodic Structures: 24-26 July 1991, San Diego, California. Edited by Lerner Jeremy M, McKinney Wayne R, and Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers. Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 1991.

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International Conference on the Application and Theory of Periodic Structures, Diffraction Gratings, and Moire Phenomena (3rd 1987 San Diego, Calif.). International Conference on the Application and Theory of Periodic Structures, Diffraction Gratings, and Moire Phenomena III: 19-20 August 1987, San Diego, California. Edited by Lerner Jeremy M, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., and New Mexico State University. Applied Optics Laboratory. Bellingham, Wash., USA: SPIE, 1988.

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The Theory of the Moiré Phenomenon. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-5458-0.

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Amidror, I. The Theory of the Moiré Phenomenon (Computational Imaging and Vision). Springer, 2000.

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Amidror, Isaac. The Theory of the Moiré Phenomenon: Volume II Aperiodic Layers (Computational Imaging and Vision). Springer, 2007.

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Amidror, I. The Theory of the Moire (Computational Imaging and Vision). Springer, 2000.

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Частини книг з теми "Moiré theory":


Morimoto, Yoshiharu, and Motoharu Fujigaki. "Theory and Application of Sampling Moiré Method." In Recent Advances in Mechanics, 227–48. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-0557-9_13.

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"Geometrical moire theory." In Optical Methods of Engineering Analysis, 147–54. Cambridge University Press, 1995. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/cbo9780511575013.007.

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"MOIRA BUFFINI." In What Playwrights Talk About When They Talk About Writing, 171–84. Yale University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.12987/9780300228052-015.

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O'Connor, Anne. "The Pre-Palaeolithic of East Anglia." In Finding Time for the Old Stone Age. Oxford University Press, 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780199215478.003.0014.

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The attacks of Warren and Haward had dominated the realms of flint-fracture research, and the defensive forays of Moir and Lankester had not strengthened the cause of the pre-palaeoliths as much as they might have hoped. But Lankester was grooming Moir in another approach: how to promote the pre-palaeoliths as respectable archaeological specimens. He advised, ‘You can always state what are the accepted views & pros & cons put forward by geologists as to relative ages of deposits. But you yourself are & must be more & more, an expert & critic of the worked flints themselves.’ Moir and Lankester would identify distinct groups and types in their motley assortment of pre-palaeoliths. They would reconstruct lengthy industrial sequences, degenerating back to the Kent eoliths on the one hand and progressing to the river-drift palaeoliths on the other. Similar approaches had characterized earlier attempts to order the tools of the river drifts and caves (see Chapters 3 and 4), but Moir and Lankester were not simply aiming to understand how their industry fitted into a broader Stone-Age sequence. The existence of diVerent tool types and evolutionary stages within the Pre- Palaeolithic provided them with another opportunity to convince their critics that these flints were as reputable as any of their Palaeolithic descendants, and could be classified according to similar principles. This chapter addresses these archaeological reconstructions and then turns to the style and tone of this work. Presentation could merit as much attention as content; but though Lankester took care to select arenas that would enhance the respectability of his stones, he was often irritated by the reaction of the audience, and Moir could become enraged. For these two believers in the pre-palaeoliths, the scientific ideals of disinterested objectivity sat uneasily alongside the belligerent outbursts that punctuated their practice. For the historian, their unusual forthrightness offers a vivid glimpse of the social tactics behind Stone-Age research.

Wisker, Gina. "Female Vampirism." In Women and the Gothic, edited by Avril Horner and Sue Zlosnik. Edinburgh University Press, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/edinburgh/9780748699124.003.0011.

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This chapter examines how fictional vampires problematise received notions of women’s passivity, ‘natural’ nurturing skills and social conformity, suggesting that female vampires destabilise such comfortable, culturally inflected investments. Performativity, abjection and carnival lie at the heart of their construction and representation so there is a constant tension between punishment and celebration of their transgressive nature. Ranging across a number of nineteenth-century texts, it is suggested that they can be read as indicating gaps and fissures in social certainties and as nightmares emanating from the zones of patriarchy. In the twentieth century powerful female vampires may be found in the fiction of Angela Carter, who provide templates for later authors. In these later texts and in various lesbian vampire fictions, vampires become liberating, feminist figures: sexually transgressive, they undermine received certainties of identity, family, and hierarchy based on gender, sexuality and ethnicity. But they can also represent the energy of social activism as in Nalo Hopkinson’s ‘Greedy Choke Puppy’. The chapter concludes with an analysis of two recent dramatic works by Ana Lily Amirpour and Moira Buffini, in which vampires are shown as becoming angels of mercy and women become self-sufficient, despite poverty and vulnerability.

Тези доповідей конференцій з теми "Moiré theory":


"MOIRÉ PATTERNS FROM A CCD CAMERA - Are They Annoying Artifacts or Can They be Useful?" In International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. SciTePress - Science and and Technology Publications, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.5220/0001807700510058.

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Chen, Chien-Chih, Ying-Yan Wu, and Chen-Ching Ting. "Two-Dimensional Temperature Measurement in Free Boundary Environment by Using Moiré Deflectometry With Monochrome LED Lamp." In ASME 2013 Heat Transfer Summer Conference collocated with the ASME 2013 7th International Conference on Energy Sustainability and the ASME 2013 11th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/ht2013-17037.

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This article develops low cost moiré deflectometry for two-dimensional temperature measurement in free boundary environment. Experimental setup uses a red monochrome LED lamp with wavelength range of 625–635 nm as light source. In process, the light first runs through the convex lens and then propagates to the parabolic mirror with diameter of 406 mm and f/4.5 for generating the parallel light. The parallel light further propagates to test object and through two gratings with both pitch 254 lpi which are printed by laser printer. Behind the two gratings, a CCD camera is applied to capture the image, the distorted fringes. Based on the moiré deflectometry theory, the two-dimensional temperature distribution in free boundary environment can be determined in terms of the captured fringe shift analysis. This work has successfully measured the two-dimensional temperature distribution in free boundary environment with heat source models of 40–95 °C vertical wall, 60 W light bulb, and burning candle flame. The measured temperature deviations between moiré deflectometry and thermocouple thermometer are all less than 5%.

Shirazi, Alireza, Hua Lu, and Ahmad Varvani. "Hybrid Analytical and Experimental Method for Characterization of Thin Multilayer Bonded Structures Subject to Thermal Loading." In ASME 2018 13th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/msec2018-6309.

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This study is presenting a non-local closed-form solution for interfacial stress/strain and the warpage deformation for thin trilayer plate structures under thermal cycling. Based on the theory of geometric scale dependency of the material behavior, the material properties of a thin multi-layer inter-bonded structures substantially differ from those determined based on the bulk material samples. Hence the real mechanical properties for such thin layers are often unavailable and difficult to obtain. This paper puts forward a method to provide a solution for thermomechanical behavior of trilayer constituents with high accuracy at real scale. Present study demonstrates that the constitutive behavior of multilayer plate’s constituents can be inversely determined so long as the plate’s global deformation can be made available by measurement. To achieve most accurate determination of the material properties, measurements with high accuracy is required. The paper also presents the advanced method of shadow moiré that have applied to obtain warpage deformation of real life trilayer test specimens under thermal cycling. Using this method, the experimentally determined global deformation (warpage) of a trilayer structure were correlated with the analytical model solved for warpage deformation. The correlation was then progressively optimized to result in material properties of the constituents. The bonding layer properties are called determined, once the correlation reaches over 85%. There exist a variety of different multilayer bonded structures, which are usually made with advanced manufacturing processes. Regardless of design layout and materials constitutive relations, the application can be implemented in characterizing multiply stacked trilayer structures.

Dai, Fu-long, James McKelvie, and Daniel Post. "An Interpretation Of Moire Tnterferometry From Wavefront Interference Theory." In SPIE International Symposium on Optical Engineering and Industrial Sensing for Advance Manufacturing Technologies, edited by Chander P. Grover. SPIE, 1989. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.947581.

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Rezvani, Samaneh, and Ahmad Darudi. "Optical Test of Aspheric Surface by Moiré Technique." In CIOMP-OSA Summer Session: Lasers and Their Applications. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/sumsession.2011.th9.

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Huang, Yanping, Jianxin Qiu, Biaobing Huang, Jingqi Sheng, and Hongji Xu. "Rayleigh - Sommerfeld diffraction theory to moiré measurement application." In 2010 International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA). IEEE, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icinfa.2010.5512423.

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Cheng, Jinlong, Zhishan Gao, and Xue Tian. "Two-Wavelength Phase Shifting Algorithm Based on Moire’ Fringe Theory." In CIOMP-OSA Summer Session on Optical Engineering, Design and Manufacturing. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/sumsession.2013.tu15.

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Yu, Honglei, Xiaorong Jin, Jian Bai, and Hao Hu. "Analyze and research the Moire fringe with information entropy theory." In 6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT 2012), edited by Yudong Zhang, Libin Xiang, and Sandy To. SPIE, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.965545.

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Tan, Wei, and I. Charles Ume. "Warpage Measurement Using Projection Moire´ System and Two Automatic Image Segmentation Algorithms." In ASME 2007 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/imece2007-43650.

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Out-of-plane displacement (warpage) has been a major reliability concern for board-level electronic packaging. Printed wiring board (PWB) and component warpage results from CTE mismatch among the materials that make up the PWB assembly (PWBA). Warpage occurring during surface-mount assembly reflow processes and normal operations may lead to serious reliability problems. In this paper, a projection moire´ warpage measurement system and two types of automatic image segmentation algorithms were presented. In order to use the projection moire´ technique to separately determine the warpage of a PWB and assembled electronic packages in a PWBA, two image segmentation algorithms based on mask image models and active contour models (snakes) were developed. They were used to detect package locations in a PWBA displacement image generated by the projection moire´ system. The performances of the mask image and snake approaches based on their resolutions, processing rates, and measurement efficiencies were evaluated in this research. Real-time composite Hermite surface models were constructed to estimate the PWB warpage values underneath the electronic packages. The above automatic image segmentation algorithms were integrated with the projection moire´ system to accurately evaluate the warpage of PWBs and assembled chip packages individually.

Zou, Daqing, Jianjun Wang, Minfu Lu, and Sheng Liu. "Creep Behavior Study of Plastic Power Package by Real Time Moiré Interferometry and FEM Modeling." In ASME 1997 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1997. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/imece1997-1227.

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Abstract In this paper, the creep behavior of the plastic power package at high temperature 155 °C was studied by real time moiré interferometry and FEM modeling. 1200 l/mm grating was replicated onto the cross-section of the specimen at room temperature. The specimen was held at 155°C (around the Tg of the epoxy molding compound) in the vacuum chamber for about 13 hours. The thermal deformation and creep of the specimen was recorded and measured in situ by moiré interferometry. The experimental results show that creep deformation occurs in the epoxy molding compound. The non-linear viscoelastic constitutive model was used for FEM simulation. The simulation results were compared with the experimental results and they were matched quite well on the global deformation of the specimen. The calculation results also show that, accompanied with the global creep deformation in molding compound epoxy, local stress concentration decreased significantly.

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