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Статті в журналах з теми "Morale dominante":


D'Onofrio, Felice. "Biologia e morale nella nostra reattività." Medicina e Morale 40, no. 4 (October 31, 1991): 641–49. http://dx.doi.org/10.4081/mem.1991.1129.

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La reattività presente in tutte le varie specie animali, nell'uomo assurge a sistema dominante, caratterizzando il soggetto in tutti i suoi rapporti con gli altri. Nell'ambito comportamentale devono essere sempre tenuti presenti le influenze degli ormoni e la loro interferenza sulla componente psico-intellettiva dell'individuo. Analoga importanza ha però la componente morale che è anche nettamente influenzata dai sistemi educativi, culturali ed ambientali nonché dal progresso tecnico e dai mezzi di comunicazione sociale dei nostri tempi. Nell'ambito dello stesso individuo sono in funzione meccanismi di equilibrio; quando tale equilibrio non è raggiunto ne deriva una patologia che si può esprimere in nevrosi o altre manifestazioni psico-emotive. Nella ricerca continua dell'equilibrio, vanno sottolineati i valori della trascendenza che indubbiamente rappresentano gli agganci più validi per il riequilibrio reattivo dell'uomo.

Rouvière, Frédéric. "La distinction des normes juridiques et des normes morales : un point de vue constructiviste." Les Cahiers de droit 59, no. 1 (February 28, 2018): 261–83. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1043692ar.

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Selon l’opinion dominante, il existerait des normes juridiques et d’autres qui seraient morales. Le but de l’auteur est de renverser le point de vue habituel en soutenant que c’est la façon de construire le sens des normes qui permet de les qualifier de juridiques ou de morales. Autrement dit, la méthode ne vient pas s’appliquer à un objet déjà reconnu ; bien au contraire, c’est la méthode qui construit l’objet. Ainsi, alors que l’interprétation morale tend à mettre au point des normes comme dirigeant des comportements par des prescriptions qui agissent telles des causes finales, l’analyse juridique représente les normes comme une façon de trancher des litiges à partir de cas qualifiés logiquement par des règles indicatives et selon une approche formaliste.

Bruckert, Chris, and Colette Parent. "La danse érotique comme métier à l’ère de la vente de soi." La sexualité à vendre ou à acheter, no. 43 (May 3, 2011): 95–107. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1002481ar.

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L’article s’interroge sur la danse érotique comme forme de travail dans le domaine des services sexuels et comme forme de consommation livrant les danseuses au regard réifiant des clients. Une étude empirique menée auprès de vingt-quatre danseuses érotiques permet de dégager que celles-ci sont moins affectées par le regard réifiant du client attisé par le désir que par son mépris, qui reconduit la morale dominante sur cette forme de travail.

Porciello, Andrea. "Patrick Devlin e il populismo penale contemporaneo." Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 56 (January 10, 2022): 395–92. http://dx.doi.org/10.30827/acfs.v56i.21696.

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Nell’articolo l’Autore s’interroga sulla complessa questione della funzione e del significato che il diritto penale deve assumere all’interno dei sistemi costituzionali, chiedendosi, innanzitutto, se sia compito delle sue norme imporre la morale dominante nel gruppo sociale oppure se esse debbano mantenere un netto distacco rispetto a quella morale e agli umori della maggioranza sociale. A tal fine vengono analizzati due importanti dibattiti filosofici, quello ottocentesco tra John Stuart Mill e James Fitzjames Stephens e quello della metà del Novecento tra Patrick Devlin e H.L.A. Hart. Ciò consentirà di mettere in evidenza un chiaro legame tra il moralismo giuridico sostenuto in epoche diverse dai conservatori Stephens e Devlin ed il populismo penale dei nostri giorni, tentando, al contempo, di mettere in evidenza alcune specifiche peculiarità di quest’ultimo rispetto ai populismi del passato.

Acampora, Ralph. "La diversification de la recherche en éthique animale et en études animales." PhaenEx 8, no. 2 (December 26, 2013): 28. http://dx.doi.org/10.22329/p.v8i2.4086.

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Les approches provenant de l’Europe continentale n’ont pas encore été intégrées dans l’éthique animale anglo-saxonne dominante, peut-être parce qu’elles ont largement été méprises comme des incursions maladroites en éthique normative. Je soutiens qu’elles sont plus adéquatement abordées comme des recherches s’inscrivant dans le domaine de la psychologie morale et de la méta-éthique. Suivant cette idée, je suggère une variété de croisements ou de rapprochements entre la diversification des perspectives en éthique animale et le développement des études animales pluridisciplinaires, en particulier leur penchant pour l’hétérodoxie méthodologique et leur attention aux phénomènes de l’incorporation et de l’affectivité.

De Monticelli, Roberta. "Lo spauracchio dei valori. Riflessioni su alcuni fraintendimenti." SOCIETÀ DEGLI INDIVIDUI (LA), no. 42 (January 2012): 15–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.3280/las2011-042002.

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Il pensiero pratico dominante nel Novecento europeo fornisce risposte negative alla questione se sia possibile una fondazione razionale del pensiero pratico, configurando una posizione di scetticismo assiologico e morale ancora oggi maggioritaria. Ma il secolo xx, se da un lato ha rappresentato la bancarotta della ragione pratica, dall'altro ne ha prodotto una vera e propria incarnazione, nelle istituzioni e organizzazioni internazionali, nelle costituzioni rigide degli Stati europei del dopoguerra, nella Dichiarazione Universale dei diritti dell'essere umano del 1948 ecc. Come puň la filosofia pratica portarsi all'altezza della ragione pratica incarnata, invece di minacciarla dall'interno con le sue neo-sofistiche, attraverso relativismi, soggettivismi, nichilismi, politeismi assiologici e simili?

Pikulska-Robaszkiewicz, Anna. "Stosunki między państwem i Kościołami w Grecji." Prawo Kanoniczne 41, no. 3-4 (December 20, 1998): 249–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.21697/pk.1998.41.3-4.09.

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La majorité (95,2%) du peuple grec est censée appartenir à l'Eglise Orthodoxe Orien­tale. Le régime constitutionnel des cultes en Grèce prévoit les régies suivantes: il existe une religion dominante et l'église qui la représente officiellement, c'est à dire l'Eglise Orthodoxe Orientale du Christ, juit d'un statut constitutionnel spécial, la constitution garantit la liberté religieuse à toutes les personnes physiques et morales, mais la liberté du culte est réservée seulement aux religions La constitution de la Grèce traite du statut juridique de I 'Eglise Orthodoxe, pendant que le statut d'autres cultes fait l'objet des lois ordinaires et des conventions interna­tionales. Selon les dispositions constitutionnelles l'Eglise Orthodoxe de Grèce est in­dissolublement unie, spirituellement, au Patriarchat Oecumenique de Constantinople et à toute autre église orthodoxe. Elle est autocéphale et autoadministrée. Le cadre théorique du régime juridique des rapports entre l'Etat grec et Eglise Or­thodoxe constitue une forme évoluée du césaro-papisme qui dans la littérature grecque moderne est appelé le système de „la prépondérance de l'Etat au moyen de la loi". Dans ce système l'Eglise Ortodoxe a la personalité morale de droit public, elle juit d'un traitement spécial (p.ex. financier) qui ne s'entend pas de plein droit aux autres confessions et religions, sans que cela soit contraire au principe constitutionnel de l'égalite. L'état a le droit de régler au moyen des lois toutes les matières administrati­ves de l'Eglise, même celles qui sont de nature interne.

Brennan, Samantha. "The Badness of Death, the Wrongness of Killing, and the Moral Importance of Autonomy." Dialogue 40, no. 4 (2001): 723–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0012217300004959.

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RésuméLa mort d'une personne peut-elle être intrinsèquement mauvaise pour la personne qui meurt? Et pourquoi est-il mal de tuer une autre personne? Je soutiens qu'une réponse adéquate à l'une ou l'autre de ces questions requiert d'apprécier l'importance morale de l'autonomie. J'examine ici la conception dominante de ce qui rend la mort mauvaise — la théorie de la dépossession —, ainsi que deux conceptions rivales de ce qui fait qu'il est mal de tuer — la théorie de la dépossession appliquée à l'acte de tuer, et la thèse des droits liminaux de Judith Thomson. Bien que mon objectif principal dans cet article soit d'établir l'importance de l' autonomie pour expliquer à lafois que la mort est mauvaise et qu'il est mal de tuer, je pense également qu'une réflexion sur ce qui rend la mort mauvaise nous apprend quelque chose au sujet des droits et de leur force, et qu'une réflexion sur les droits nous apprend quelque chose quant à ce qui fait que la mort et l'immortalité sont toutes deux de mauvaises choses.

Berlioz, Jacques. "Les cigognes de Cîteaux attendant la bénédiction du prieur." Reinardus / Yearbook of the International Reynard Society 31 (December 31, 2019): 29–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/rein.00025.ber.

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Résumé Dans son Dialogue des miracles, composé entre 1219 et 1223, le moine cistercien Césaire de Heisterbach propose deux récits présentés comme des ‘miracles’: les pigeons auxquels un chevalier donna la permission de s’envoler; les cigognes auxquelles le prieur de Cîteaux donna la bénédiction. Ces deux exempla (le second est ici plus particulièrement analysé) offrent des détails très réalistes qui, semblant issus de l’observation ou provenant de sources savantes, participent à l’authenticité des ‘miracles’, qui possèdent une évidente portée morale. Le récit du départ des cigognes est mis au service tant du respect de la discipline monastique que de la lutte contre l’ingratitude face aux bénéfices dus à Dieu. À l’argument a fortiori (des oiseaux pourtant privés de raison font leçon aux hommes) s’ajoute celui d’une fusion ontologique entre l’homme et l’oiseau: la cigogne, tolérée dans les abbayes cisterciennes pour son utilité (elle chasse les animaux nuisibles) est au Moyen Âge plus qu’un oiseau. Des croyances de métamorphose bien attestées en Occident en font un homme une fois qu’elle est parvenue, au terme de sa migration, en Orient. De plus, la cigogne a quasiment taille humaine. Sa couleur dominante, le blanc, renvoie à l’habit des Cisterciens. Le moine peut se projeter, voire s’assimiler à la cigogne. La force du récit exemplaire s’en voit ainsi affermie.

Rahmawati, Yunaita, and Arik Dwijayanto. "The Effect of Moral Tax and Tax Compliance on Decision Making Through Gender Perspective: A Case Study of Religious Communities in Magetan District, East Java, Indonesia." Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 10, no. 6 (November 5, 2021): 237. http://dx.doi.org/10.36941/ajis-2021-0168.

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Religion-based communities have the potential to have tax morals and tax compliance and knowledge of taxes, then what if tax morals and compliance are reviewed from a gender perspective. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of tax morale and tax compliance on decision making through a gender perspective. The type of research approach used is quantitative correlational analysis using the Linear Regression test. Respondents amounted to 100 people who were members of the Yasinan group with the data collection method using a questionnaire. The results of the study indicate that 1) Tax morale and tax compliance have an influence on decision making with the correlation coefficient of the two independent variables being 0.564 and 0.495. The amount of efficiency of tax moral determination and tax compliance on decision-making together is 0.368. The regression line equation is Y = 0.360 + 0365X1 + 0.145X2. 2) Gender does not affect the tax moral and tax compliance variables. 3) Women's tax morale is based on ethics and heart, while men's is based on logic and principles. Men dominate tax responsibilities in the family, however, in terms of financial arrangements for taxes and tax calculation, most of them are dominated by women. Received: 6 May 2021 / Accepted: 4 September 2021 / Published: 5 November 2021

Дисертації з теми "Morale dominante":


Roumilhac, Henri. "L'Influence de la morale dominante sur le théâtre comique en France entre 1875 et 1881." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1988. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb376095289.

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Roumilhac, Henri. "L'influence de la morale dominante sur le théâtre comique en France entre 1875 et 1881." Paris 10, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA100057.

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La thèse étudie les relations entre les diverses formes du théâtre comique et l'ordre moral en France entre 1875 et 1881. L’esthétique, l'histoire de la comédie et les thèmes, examines dans la première partie, portent l'empreinte d'une morale sérieuse et bourgeoise ; la seconde partie montre comment la carrière des auteurs comiques et le poids des mentalités vérifient l'influence des valeurs sociales comprises à travers les normes qu'elles dictent et les transgressions qu'elles permettent. Le corpus, constitue par la totalité des genres comiques, englobe aussi bien la comédie de boulevard, le vaudeville, les genres bouffes que l'importante production des livrets d'opéras comiques. Les rapports de l'esthétique et de la morale, la souplesse des genres comiques, le contact d'œuvres souvent jugées mineures avec le public constituent les principales problématiques de l'ouvrage. Les apports a la recherche apparaissent sensibles dans les domaines de la censure théâtrale, de la hiérarchie des différents théâtres et types de spectacles, de l'évolution du discours dramatique à l'intérieur de la période considérée. On trouvera, dans les appendices, le contenu des saisons théâtrales, la biographie des principaux auteurs et une comparaison, à partir d'œuvres précises, entre l'esprit du second empire et celui des débuts de la troisième république. La bibliographie est suivie d'un répertoire des différents documents sonores existants
The thesis is a study of the relations between the various aspects of comic theatre and moral order in France between 1875 and 1881. Aesthetics, the history of comedy and the themes, studied in the first part, are stamped with a serious and bourgeois ethic; the second part shows how the carrier of comic authors and the power of mentalities confirm the influence of social values (those included in their norms and in the transgressions that they allow). The corpus is made up by the whole of comic types: light comedy, vaudeville, "bouffes" as well as the important production of comic-opera libretti. The main problematic of the work is made up by the relations between aesthetics and morals, the wide range of comic types, the presentation to the public of works often judged as minor ones. The contributions of the research can be found in the fields of theatrical censorship, in the hierarchy between the different theatres and types of play, in the evolution of dramatic writing during the period studied. The contents of theatrical seasons, the biography of the main authors and a comparison (made up from specific works) between the thought of the second empire and the early third republic can be found in the annexes. After the bibliography comes an index of the different sound documents which exist

MOUKOUEKOU, SEBASTIEN. "Le tribalisme comme forme de conscience sociale dominante au congo." Paris 10, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA100077.

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Le tribalisme se peut entendre comme l'expression des solidarites ethniques dazns le rejet des autres, trait caracteristique d'une societe polyethnique comme la societe congolaise dont la construction nationale n'est pas encore achevee. Les micro-societes que sont les groupes ethniques (kongo, mbochi, teke pour ne citer que les principaux) aspirent chacune a la preeminence politique. Trois facteurs nous paraissent determinants dans la comprehension de ce phenomene socio-politique : le premier facteur renvoie au stade de developpement historique des societes africaines precoloniales. La colonisation, deuxieme facteur, reunifia artificiellement des espaces territoriaux jadis sous la dependance de ces societes en mutilant des groupes ethniques entiers : enfin, nous invoquerons l'independance qui intervint sans que les communautes ethniques eussent atteint un niveau suffisant d'integration nationale
Tribalism may be understood as the expression of ethnic solidarities in the rejection of others, a distinctive feature of such a polyethnic society azs the congolese one whose national building up has not been achieved yet. The micro-societies formed by ethnic groups (kongo, mbochi, teke, numbering among the most important) each yearn for political leadership. Three factors seem to be determinant in the comprehension of that socio-political phenomenon, the first of which taking us back to the stage of the historic expansion in precolonial african societies. Colonization, the second factor, artificially brought together territorial spaces that used to be under the administration of those societies, mutilating whole ethnic groups in the act. Finally, we shall invoke independence that was gained before those ethnic communities had reached a satisfying level of national integration

Bergeault, Yann. "L’éclipse de l’altérité : théorie de la reconnaissance et expériences morales dominantes. Analyse sociologique du rapport à l’altérité : l’exemple du débat sur l’identité nationale." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022REN20005.

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Cette recherche se présente comme une mise en pratique des éléments caractéristiques de la théorie de la reconnaissance d’A. Honneth sur des « expériences morales dominantes ». En empruntant certains des outils proposés par l’approche sociocritique, il s’agit de réaliser une analyse d’article publiés dans des journaux de la presse écrite française. Ces articles sont alors compris comme autant de médiations dans lesquelles le monde social est venu se sédimenter et dans lesquelles peuvent se faire jour des brèches, des fractures, au sein de l’ordre social. Nous considérons alors que les récits médiatiques peuvent exprimer des expériences négatives, porteuses d’attentes normatives, qui renseignent sur les représentations sociales des acteurs de l’espace public dominant, et peuvent être justiciables d’une réflexion construite à partir des catégories de la reconnaissance. Pour interroger ces « morales dominantes » et les expériences négatives dont elles peuvent être porteuses, nous avons choisi de porter notre regard sur le débat sur l’identité nationale de 2009. Ce faisant, nous souhaitons discuter d’une part les paradoxes du rapport entre morales dominantes et « altérité », à travers les difficultés qu’elles rencontrent pour se situer aux côtés de ceux qui souffrent, du fait non seulement de la « froideur » avec laquelle elles abordent les expériences des dominés, mais également des formes de « compensation » qui accompagnent leurs représentations du monde social. Et d’autre part, de rendre compte des ambiguïtés des attentes normatives dominantes et des formes de mépris dont elles peuvent être porteuses
This research is presented as a practical application of the characteristic elements of the theory of the recognition of A. Honneth, on "dominant morals". By borrowing some of the tools proposed by the sociocritical approach, the main objective is to carry out an analysis of articles published in newspapers of the French written press. These articles are then understood as mediations in which the social world has come to settle, and in which breaches and fractures within the social order can emerge. We then consider that these media discourses can express negative experiences, carrying normative expectations, that provide information on the social representations of the actors of the dominant public space, and can be accountable of a reflection built from the categories of recognition. To question these "dominant morals" and the negative experiences they can carry, we have chosen to focus on the debate on national identity in 2009. Then, it is a question of apprehending the paradoxes of the relationship between dominant morals and "otherness", through the difficulties they encounter in situating themselves alongside those who suffer, not only because of the "coldness" with which they approach the experiences of the dominated, but also of the forms of "compensation" that accompany their representations of the social world. And on the other hand, to account for the ambiguities of the dominant normative expectations and the forms of contempt they can carry

Lalot, Mathilde. "Des précurseurs de la morale : influence de l’identité et du comportement sur les choix prosociaux : une étude comparative chez différentes espèces de mammifères et d’oiseaux." Thesis, Paris 10, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA100158/document.

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Des études récentes indiquent que des précurseurs de la morale humaine pourraient exister chez les animaux non humains. Parmi ces précurseurs, la prosocialité (comportements produisant un bénéfice pour un receveur sans nécessairement induire de coût pour l’acteur) est considérée comme une composante fondamentale de tout système moral. Nous avons effectué des tests de prosocialité chez plusieurs espèces de mammifères et d’oiseaux, en tenant compte des facteurs d’identité des individus (tolérance, dominance, sexe) et de comportement du receveur (communication, réciprocité). Nos sujets se sont montrés plus prosociaux envers leurs subordonnés qu’envers leurs dominants, ce qui suggèrent que la prosocialité pourrait être utilisée comme un moyen de maintenir son rang. Nous avons observé des différences entre les sexes cohérentes avec le pattern de soins parentaux des espèces, appuyant l’idée selon laquelle la prosocialité aurait évolué dans un contexte de soins aux jeunes. La période de reproduction et le fait d’avoir ou d’avoir eu des petits entraînaient une augmentation de la prosocialité, surtout envers le partenaire de reproduction et ses petits, ce qui pourrait avoir pour but de mieux transmettre ses gènes. Nous avons trouvé des patterns de réciprocité directe chez nos sujets, devenant plus prosociaux lorsque le receveur s’était lui-même montré prosocial lors de la session précédente. Les communications émises par le receveur ont également influencé positivement ou négativement (selon leur nature) les choix du sujet. L’ensemble de nos résultats montrent qu’il est possible et souhaitable d’étudier la prosocialité en dehors des primates, nos sujets s’étant montrés capables de prendre en compte à la fois des facteurs d’identité du receveur et son comportement
Recent studies indicate that precursors of human morality may exist in non human animals. Among these precursors, prosociality (behaviours that produce a benefit for a recipient without necessarily involving a cost for the actor) is considered a fundamental component of any moral system. We conducted prosociality tests in several species of mammals and birds, taking into account factors of individuals’ identity (tolerance, hierarchical ranks, sex) and of recipients behaviours (communication, reciprocity). Our subjects were more prosocial toward their subordinates than toward their dominants, suggesting that prosociality could be used as a way to maintain its own rank. We reported differences between sexes consistent with the parental care pattern of the species, supporting the idea that prosociality would have evolved with parental care. The reproductive period and (even more) having (or having had) young seemed to increase the subjects’ prosociality, especially towards their reproductive mate and their offspring, which could be interpreted as behaviours that ultimately spread their own genes. We found patterns of direct reciprocity, our subjects becoming more prosocial when the recipient was prosocial in the previous session. Communications from the recipient also influenced positively or negatively (depending on their nature) the subjects' choices. All of our results show that it is possible and desirable to study prosociality outside primates, our subjects having been able to take into account both the recipient's identity and its behaviour

Cincotta, Julie Passmore. "The Effect of Group Status on Moral Relativism and the Stigmatization of Mental Illness: a Social Dominance Theoretical Model." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2013. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc271791/.

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This dissertation created a model to explore the effect of dominant group status on stigmatization of mental illness and on moral relativism and the interactive effect of dominant group status on stigmatization of mental illness through moral relativism. The model was conceptualized according to social dominance theory. Latent variables were created to measure moral relativism and stigmatization of mental illness. The latent measures were conceptualized according to current theories in the fields of moral relativism and stigmatization. During statistical analyses the latent measure for moral relativism was found to be unreliable. The study then became confirmatory-exploratory in nature by first comparing the fit indices of three alternate models with single-measure latent variables. The model that best fit the data was then used to conclude the exploratory research on the effect of group status on moral relativism and stigmatization of mental illness. The model was not supported by the data based on fit index and standardized residual scores.

Reeder, Jurgen. "Begär och etik : om kön och kârlek i den fallocentriska ordningen /." Stockholm ; Stehag : Symposion bokförlag, 1990. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb357053307.

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Sok, Bovy. "Commerce équitable, développement durable : approche juridique." Phd thesis, Université Montpellier I, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00853402.

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Face aux effets néfastes de la croissance économique mondiale, la société civile réclame un autre développement, qui a été dénommé " développement durable " et défini dans le rapport Brundtland de 1987. Engagée dans l'Agenda 21, la France s'efforce d'adopter des textes législatifs et réglementaires pour promouvoir le développement durable. La charte de l'environnement de 2004 a été intégrée dans le préambule de la Constitution de 1958, conférant au développement durable le statut d'objectif à valeur constitutionnelle. Par l'article 60 de la loi du 2 août 2005, le commerce équitable s'inscrit dans la stratégie nationale de développement durable. Mais, aucune définition du commerce équitable ne figure dans cet article. Actuellement, les acteurs économiques pratiquent leur propre équité pour mettre en œuvre les conditions du commerce équitable. Celles-ci sont notamment le commerce avec les petits producteurs des pays du Sud, une production respectant l'environnement, le paiement d'un juste prix, ainsi que l'attribution de bénéfices sociaux aux producteurs et à leur famille. Les acteurs économiques établissent des attestations de qualité pour garantir aux consommateurs le respect de ces principes. D'un point de vue juridique, des questions se posent du fait que ces attestations ne sont ni initiées ni validées par les pouvoirs publics en France ou à l'étranger. La fiabilité de ces pratiques menace l'ordre juridique lorsque leur véracité ne peut pas être vérifiée. L'intervention de l'État est indispensable pour légiférer sur l'équité en question. Cependant, un État ne représente que l'intérêt de son peuple sans pouvoir faire d'ingérence dans les affaires d'un autre État souverain, alors que la législation du commerce équitable implique une gouvernance des relations commerciales entre les acteurs économiques des pays du Nord avec les petits producteurs des pays du Sud. En conséquence, il va falloir trouver un nouveau mode de gouvernance pour réguler le commerce équitable. M. Pascal LAMY appelle cette nouvelle gouvernance " gouvernance alternationale ". Pour la réaliser, la participation de la société civile à côté de celle des pouvoirs publics est nécessaire.

Grenon, Carole. "L'économie du principe féminin dans l'oeuvre d'Ernest J. Gaines." Thesis, Paris 3, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA030009.

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Ce travail propose une réflexion sur le principe féminin dans l’œuvre romanesque d’Ernest J. Gaines : Catherine Carmier, Of Love and Dust, A Gathering of Old Men, In My Father’s House, A Lesson Before Dying, The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. Il tente de définir le sujet féminin et d’identifier ses principes moraux [par opposition aux principes masculins]. Il s’articule autour de trois parties et dévoile une évolution du principe féminin dans l’œuvre gainesienne. De Catherine Carmier à The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, le principe féminin se fortifie. Dans les premiers romans, le féminin agit conformément au devoir [et par devoir], il prône un idéal de vertu, une sagesse qui l’empêche de créer. Le féminin s’affirme alors progressivement par le biais du langage dans un face à face avec le masculin et déconstruit l’idéologie blanche. Ce travail explore la violence de la construction anormale du sujet noir et les stratégies de déconstruction du mythe de la suprématie blanche. L’analyse de la libération identitaire révèle une déstabilisation des frontières du genre. Face au masculin dévirilisé, le féminin se virilise et relève la féminité du masculin. Enfin, dans le roman The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, le féminin devient militantisme et activisme. La mère de la communauté noire, s’identifiant à la loi Divine de la famille, parvient à créer, à s’imposer, à transmettre des principes moraux à des hommes en devenir. Les destins du féminin et le masculin sont alors en miroir : ils travaillent pour obtenir la reconnaissance de l’homme blanc, se perfectionnent. Ce travail révèle l’idée de la mort digne, idée d’une liberté qui s’affirme dans la négativité
This thesis studies the principles of the feminine in Ernest J. Gaines’ six novels: Catherine Carmier, Of Love and Dust, A Gathering of Old Men, In My Father’s House, A Lesson Before Dying and The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. It defines the feminine subject and identifies its moral principles. There is a gradual evolution of the feminine in the works of Ernest J. Gaines. From Catherine Carmier to The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, the feminine strengthens itself. In the first novels, the feminine acts out of duty, advocates wisdom, which prevents it from creating things. The feminine gradually reaffirms itself through language and faces the masculine. This work explores the violence of the abnormal construction of the Black self and the strategies of deconstruction of the myth of white supremacy. The analysis of the reconstruction of the self shows a redefinition of genres. The feminine is virilized and feminizes the masculine. Finally, in The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, the feminine becomes militant and activist. The mother of the black community, identifying herself with the female Divine Law of the family, embodies female agency; she raises her sons and teaches them moral principles. The feminine and the masculine function as mirror images of each other; they work to get the recognition of the White man, and they seek to improve themselves. This study highlights the idea of dignity in death, of freedom which asserts itself in negativity

MacLeod, Suzanne. "From the "rising tide" to solidarity: disrupting dominant crisis discourses in dementia social policy in neoliberal times." Thesis, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/1828/5213.

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As a social worker practising in long-term residential care for people living with dementia, I am alarmed by discourses in the media and health policy that construct persons living with dementia and their health care needs as a threatening “rising tide” or crisis. I am particularly concerned about the material effects such dominant discourses, and the values they uphold, might have on the collective provision of care and support for our elderly citizens in the present neoliberal economic and political context of health care. To better understand how dominant discourses about dementia work at this time when Canada’s population is aging and the number of persons living with dementia is anticipated to increase, I have rooted my thesis in poststructural methodology. My research method is a discourse analysis, which draws on Foucault’s archaeological and genealogical concepts, to examine two contemporary health policy documents related to dementia care – one national and one provincial. I also incorporate some poetic representation – or found poetry – to write up my findings. While deconstructing and disrupting taken for granted dominant crisis discourses on dementia in health policy, my research also makes space for alternative constructions to support discursive and health policy possibilities in solidarity with persons living with dementia so that they may thrive.

Книги з теми "Morale dominante":


Ukhtomskiĭ, A. A. Dominanta dushi: Iz gumanitarnogo nasledii͡a︡. Rybinsk: Rybinskoe podvorʹe, 2000.

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Böhm, Margarete. Herrschaft und Psyche: Zur Entwicklung von religiöser Ethik und bürgerlicher Moral. Köln: Pahl-Rugenstein, 1987.

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Hartmann, Thom. Unequal protection: The rise of corporate dominance and the theft of human rights. San Francisco, Calif: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2009.

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Hartmann, Thom. Unequal protection: The rise of corporate dominance and the theft of human rights. San Francisco, Calif: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2009.

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O'Donoghue, Patrick. Spiritual and moral development across the curriculum in Catholic schools: Holding to spiritual integrity in a "results" dominated age. London: Centre for Research and Development in Catholic Education, 2004.

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Bauer, Henry H. Dogmatism in science and medicine: How dominant theories monopolize research and stifle the search for truth. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland & Co., 2012.

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Germanà, Maria Luisa, ed. Permanenze e innovazioni nell'architettura del MediterraneoMediterranean Architecture between Heritage and Innovation. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.36253/978-88-6655-007-5.

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Il volume offre numerosi spunti sul tema Permanenze e innovazioni nell'architettura del Mediterraneo, dimostrandone l'ampiezza di aspetti riconducibili alla Tecnologia dell'architettura, di cui si evidenzia la flessibilità dei confini disciplinari con riferimento ai diversi significati assumibili dal concetto di risorsa. Letta in continuità con le precedenti pubblicazioni Osdotta, questa consente di seguire quanto si va sviluppando nel terzo livello di formazione in un momento particolarmente critico per l'istituzione universitaria, continuando a porre l'accento sul nodo domanda/offerta di ricerca, nel confronto con altre istituzioni e con il mondo della produzione di settore, nell'attuale scenario dominato da trasformazioni sempre più rapide e incisive. La qualificazione dei corsi di dottorato, attraverso la riflessione sugli esiti immediati e a lungo termine, parallelamente alla precisazione dei contenuti identitari del settore disciplinare, restano le principali sfide da continuare ad affrontare. This publication provides considerable material for reflection on the subject of Mediterranean Architecture between Heritage and Innovation, demonstrating the wide range of aspects linked to Architectural Technology, in which one is struck by the flexibility of the disciplinary boundaries with regard to the various meanings that can be applied to the concept of resource. Taken together with the previous publications of Osdotta, this consents one to trace the developments in the third level of education at a particularly critical time for the university institution; the emphasis continues to be placed on the crucial issue of supply/demand of research; the situation is compared with other institutions and with the world of production in this sector, in a present-day scenario dominated by ever more rapid and incisive transformations. The main challenges left to be faced are to improve the quality of PhD courses, after due reflection on the immediate and long-term results, whilst defining more precisely the identitary contents of the disciplinary sector.

Voropaeva, Yuliya, and Galina Kolomiec. Ethics of human dignity: history and modernity. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.12737/1064941.

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The monograph deals with urgent problems of the ethics of human dignity on the basis of the views of human dignity in historical and philosophical thought, revealing the ethics of virtue and ethics of duty, leading to the search for the meaning and value of life. The study of human dignity as an ethical category and phenomenon in the context of individual and social ethics leads to the assertion that at the present stage of human existence in a rapidly changing world ethics, human dignity becomes the dominant consciousness, and is a special moral value. Addressed to all who are interested in ethics, and philosophical anthropology, the Humanities and social Sciences.

Bobbio, Norberto. L'esempio di Silvio Trentin. Edited by Pina Impagliazzo and Pietro Polito. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.36253/978-88-5518-018-4.

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Using unpublished documents, this volume restores the meeting between two masters in a historical and ideal way: Norberto Bobbio and Silvio Trentin. Through the writings which Bobbio dedicated to Trentin between 1954 and 1991, the readers are introduced to Trentin’s world. They gradually discover Trentin’s exemplary biography, his clear moral personality and his commitment to anti-fascism and the Resistance, as well as the great themes of his work as a jurist and political thinker: the criticism of fascism, federalism and the idea of the 'third way'. As Bobbio observes, the fundamental reason why Trentin represents a still valuable example is that, through his life and thought, he has perfectly embodied the conception of politics as a desire of justice, as opposed to the will to dominate.

Gordon, Neve, and Nicola Perugini. Human Right to Dominate. Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 2015.

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Частини книг з теми "Morale dominante":


Fryzel, Barbara. "Dominant narratives – relativizing a moral imperative." In Ethics, Misconduct and the Financial Services Industry, 44–67. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2021. | Series: Finance, governance and sustainability: Routledge, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781003106913-5.

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Plakins Thornton, Tamara. "4. Deviance, Dominance, and the Construction of Handedness in Turn-of-the-Century Anglo-America." In Moral Problems in American Life, edited by Karen Halttunen and Lewis Perry, 81–100. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.7591/9781501725494-006.

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Khamitov, Mansur, and Rod Duclos. "The Dominant and Underexamined Role of Brand’s Moral Character in Determining Brand Perception and Evaluation: An Abstract." In Marketing Opportunities and Challenges in a Changing Global Marketplace, 465–66. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-39165-2_191.

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Ainslie, Mary J. "Anti-Semitism As Morally Correct: Characterizing the Dominant Construction of Israel, Palestine and Jews in Malaysia." In Anti-Semitism in Contemporary Malaysia, 31–63. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-6013-8_2.

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Evans, Kate E., and Dorothy L. Schmalz. "Masculinity and moral licensing in the locker room: a critical analysis of culture, gender, and leisure." In Women, leisure and tourism: self-actualization and empowerment through the production and consumption of experience, 24–35. Wallingford: CABI, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1079/9781789247985.0003.

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Abstract Men's leisure has long been considered a 'male preserve' in which male purview is the norm, and women are relegated to subordinate roles. Current research and events indicate that masculinity continues to dominate leisure settings and impinges on women's leisure via factors ranging from social gender norms to overt acts of violence. Drawing on current research, cultural trends, and feminist theory and philosophy, this chapter examines the juxtapositions in culture and rhetoric that on the one hand promote female empowerment, and on the other provide footing for a contrary argument that men and masculinity are under threat. Related research also provides insight into a possible path forward including men's engagement in leisure violence prevention and implications for women's leisure and the leisure field.

Meijer, Eva, and Bernice Bovenkerk. "Taking Animal Perspectives into Account in Animal Ethics." In The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics, 49–64. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-63523-7_3.

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AbstractRecent years have seen an explosion of interest in nonhuman animal agency in different fields. In biology and ethology, new studies about animal languages, cultures, cognition and emotion are published weekly. In the broad field of animal studies, the symbolic and ontological human-animal distinction is challenged and other animals are presented as actors. These studies challenge existing approaches to animal ethics. Animals are no longer creatures to simply think about: they have their own perspectives on life, and humans can in some instances communicate with them about that. Animal ethics long determined individual moral rights and duties on the basis of nonhuman animal capacities, but this often measures them to human standards and does not take into account that nonhuman animals are a heterogeneous group in terms of capabilities as well as social relations to humans. The questions of whether animals have agency, and how we should morally evaluate their agency, are especially urgent because we live in an age in which humans dominate the lives of large numbers of other animals. The Anthropocene has shaped the knowledge and technology for humans to realize that animals have more agency than has been assumed, but ironically it is also an epoch where animal agency is increasingly curtailed. This leads to new conflicts and problems of justice. How should animal ethics deal with the new knowledge and challenges generated in the Anthropocene? In this chapter we defend a relational approach to animal ethics, viewing other animals as subjects capable of co-shaping relations.

Srinivasan, Amia. "The Limits of Conversation." In Moral Progress, 103–10. Oxford University Press, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780197549155.003.0005.

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This commentary raises a series of questions for Philip Kitcher’s theory of moral progress. First, does the history of moral progress really challenge metaethical realism, as Kitcher claims—or the liberal fantasy that we are all equally equipped to get onto the moral truth? Second, is Kitcher’s theory really, as he claims, morally neutral—or does his notion of “ideal” deliberation smuggle in substantive normative claims? Both questions point toward a different way of reading Kitcher’s proposal: not as a metaethical theory of moral truth, but as a substantive, first-order procedure for achieving moral progress. But Kitcher’s proposal falsely presupposes that the history of moral progress has been a history of conversation, when in fact it has, in large part, been a history of power: the wielding of power by the dominant against the oppressed, and the eventual seizing of that power by the dominated.

"The Meaning of Dominance, the Dominance of Meaning, and the Morality of the Matter." In Moral Education and Pluralism, 58–80. Routledge, 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9780203980712-10.

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"MAS assumes political dominance, 2002-05." In The Rise of Evo Morales and the MAS. Zed Books Ltd, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781350222403.ch-006.

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Singh, Keshav. "Moral Worth, Credit, and Non-Accidentality." In Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics Volume 10, 156–81. Oxford University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198867944.003.0008.

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This chapter defends an account of moral worth. Moral worth is a status that some, but not all, morally right actions have. Unlike with merely right actions, when an agent performs a morally worthy action, she is necessarily creditworthy for doing the right thing. The chapter begins by arguing that two dominant views of moral worth have been unable to fully capture this necessary connection. On one view, an action is morally worthy if and only if its agent is motivated by the features of the action that make it right. On the other, an action is morally worthy if and only if its agent is motivated by the action’s rightness itself. But neither of these views can capture the connection between moral worth and creditworthiness, because each leaves room for cases of accidentally doing the right thing. The chapter then defends a new account: the Guise of Moral Reasons Account. On this account, morally worthy actions are right actions that are motivated by moral reasons as such. This account rules out cases of accidentally doing the right thing, thus capturing the necessary connection between moral worth and creditworthiness for doing the right thing.

Тези доповідей конференцій з теми "Morale dominante":


Bai, Chongyang, Maksim Bolonkin, Srijan Kumar, Jure Leskovec, Judee Burgoon, Norah Dunbar, and V. S. Subrahmanian. "Predicting dominance in multi-person videos." In Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-19}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.24963/ijcai.2019/645.

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We consider the problems of predicting (i) the most dominant person in a group of people, and (ii) the more dominant of a pair of people, from videos depicting group interactions. We introduce a novel family of variables called Dominance Rank. We combine features not previously used for dominance prediction (e.g., facial action units, emotions), with a novel ensemble-based approach to solve these two problems. We test our models against four competing algorithms in the literature on two datasets and show that our results improve past performance. We show 2.4% to 16.7% improvement in AUC compared to baselines on one dataset, and a gain of 0.6% to 8.8% in accuracy on the other. Ablation testing shows that Dominance Rank features play a key role.

Михайлов, Михаил. "Гетерозис у кукурузы: к вопросу о преобладающем типе внутрилокусных взаимодействий". У VIIth International Scientific Conference “Genetics, Physiology and Plant Breeding”. Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection, Republic of Moldova, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.53040/gppb7.2021.19.

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Heterosis in maize: toward prevalence type of intralocus interactions. In the biometrical genetic analysis of maize productivity, performed according to the North Caroline III design, unbiased estimates were used to calculate the average degree of dominance, in which, on average, the effect of linkage was eliminated. The hybrids Rf7×Ku123, MK01×A619 were studied, and unbiased estimates were calculated for four more hybrids according to the literature data. For genes controlling productivity, unbiased estimates of the average degree of dominance ranged from 0.65 to 0.87 for different hybrids. The result indicates that the heterosis effect in maize is more likely to be caused by dominant interactions than over-dominant ones.

Torralba, Álvaro. "Completeness-Preserving Dominance Techniques for Satisficing Planning." In Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-18}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.24963/ijcai.2018/673.

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Dominance pruning methods have recently been introduced for optimal planning. They compare states based on their goal distance to prune those that can be proven to be worse than others. In this paper, we introduce dominance techniques for satisficing planning. We extend the definition of dominance, showing that being closer to the goal is not a prerequisite for dominance in the satisficing setting. We develop a new method to automatically find dominance relations in which a state dominates another if it has achieved more serializable sub-goals. We take advantage of dominance relations in different ways; while in optimal planning their usage focused on dominance pruning and action selection, we also use it to guide enforced hill-climbing search, resulting in a complete algorithm.

Morzfeld, Matthias, Nopdanai Ajavakom, and Fai Ma. "Some Remarks About the Decoupling Approximation of Damped Linear Systems." In ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/detc2009-86319.

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A common approximation in the analysis of non-classically damped systems is to ignore the off-diagonal elements of the modal damping matrix. This procedure is termed the decoupling approximation. It is generally believed that errors due to the decoupling approximation should be negligible if the modal damping matrix is diagonally dominant. In addition, the errors are expected to decrease as the modal damping matrix becomes more diagonally dominant. It is shown numerically in this paper that, over a finite range, errors due to the decoupling approximation can increase monotonically at any specified rate while the modal damping matrix becomes more diagonally dominant with its off-diagonal elements decreasing continuously in magnitude. These unexpected drifts in errors due to the decoupling approximation can be observed at any driving frequency. Small off-diagonal elements in the modal damping matrix may not be sufficient to ensure small errors due to the decoupling approximation. Error-criteria based solely upon diagonal dominance of the modal damping matrix cannot be accurate.

Bily, Christopher S., and Richard J. Malak. "Efficient Sampling Methods for Tradeoff Studies Under Uncertainty." In ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/detc2012-70551.

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Tradeoff studies help designers better understand how different design considerations relate to one another and to make decisions. Generally a tradeoff study involves a systematic multi-criteria evaluation of various alternatives for a particular system or subsystem. After evaluating these alternatives, designers eliminate those that perform poorly using the Pareto dominance criterion and explore more carefully those that remain. An analogous procedure is possible when design criteria are uncertain. This approach is based on stochastic dominance principles that involve comparisons of probability distributions defined in the design criteria space. Although this is well-founded mathematically, the procedure can be computationally expensive because it typically entails a sampling-based uncertainty propagation method (e.g. Monte Carlo or quasi-Monte Carlo methods) for each alternative being considered. In this paper we describe a statistically sound method which allows designers to sample the minimum number of samples necessary to eliminate dominated design alternatives under uncertainty. Dominance is evaluated using the appropriate hypothesis testing with specified confidence for a small sample, and the sample incrementally increased until dominance conditions can be determined. The method is demonstrated in the context of a tradeoff study for an automobile transmission.

Dong, P. "Weld Residual Stresses and Their Treatment in Fracture and Fatigue Assessment." In ASME 2004 23rd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. ASMEDC, 2004. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/omae2004-51325.

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Over the last decade, as more in-depth understanding of weld residual stresses is being achieved, particularly of their characteristic distributions in pressure vessel and piping components, the residual stress effects on stress intensities at welds are becoming better understood. In this paper, some of the important residual stress characteristics are first identified in the form of either “bending” dominated or “self-equilibrating” dominated types for girth welds. The applicability in other joint configurations in welded structures is then discussed, with a collection of validated residual stress distributions. The characterization of both “bending” and “self-equilibrating” types in residual stress distributions provides a consistent framework for stress intensity factor considerations in either fracture and fatigue assessment. The contribution of weld residual stresses to stress intensities at welds are shown to be in the form of K solutions under displacement controlled conditions. The “bending” type residual stresses provide a longer range of influence than “self-equilibrating” type in K solutions. The contribution of “self-equilibrating” type residual stresses to stress intensities is shown to be dominant when crack size is small, while the contribution of the “bending” type dominant for crack size up to a much large size with respect to wall thickness.

Dong, P., and J. K. Hong. "Consistent Treatment of Weld Residual Stresses in Fracture Assessment." In ASME 2002 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. ASMEDC, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/pvp2002-1111.

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Over the last decade, as more in-depth understanding of weld residual stresses is being achieved, particularly of their characteristic distributions in pressure vessel and piping components, the residual stress effects on stress intensities at welds are becoming better understood. In this paper, some of the important residual stress characteristics are first identified in the form of either “bending” dominated or “self-equilibrating” dominated types for girth welds. The applicability in other joint configurations in welded structures is then discussed, with a collection of validated residual stress distributions. The characterization of both “bending” and “self-equilibrating” types in residual stress distributions provides a consistent framework for stress intensity factor considerations in either fracture and fatigue assessment. The contribution of weld residual stresses to stress intensities at welds are shown to be in the form of K solutions under displacement controlled conditions. The “bending” type residual stresses provide a longer range of influence than “self-equilibrating” type in K solutions. The contribution of “self-equilibrating” type residual stresses to stress intensities is shown to be dominant when crack size is small, while the contribution of the “bending” type dominant for crack size up to a much large size with respect to wall thickness.

Morzfeld, Matthias, Nopdanai Ajavakom, and Fai Ma. "Diagonal Dominance and the Decoupling Approximation in Damped Discrete Linear Systems." In ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/detc2007-35690.

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The principal coordinates of a non-classically damped linear system are coupled by nonzero off-diagonal element of the modal damping matrix. In the analysis of non-classically damped systems, a common approximation is to ignore the off-diagonal elements of the modal damping matrix. This procedure is termed the decoupling approximation. It is widely accepted that if the modal damping matrix is diagonally dominant, then errors due to the decoupling approximation must be small. In addition, it is intuitively believed that the more diagonal the modal damping matrix, the less will be the errors in the decoupling approximation. Two quantitative measures are proposed in this paper to measure the degree of being diagonal dominant in modal damping matrices. It is demonstrated that, over a finite range, errors in the decoupling approximation can continuously increase while the modal damping matrix becomes more and more diagonal with its off-diagonal elements decreasing in magnitude continuously. An explanation for this unexpected behavior is presented. Within a practical range of engineering applications, diagonal dominance of the modal damping matrix may not be sufficient for neglecting modal coupling in a damped system.

Yin, Steven, Shatian Wang, Lingyi Zhang, and Christian Kroer. "Dominant Resource Fairness with Meta-Types." In Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-21}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.24963/ijcai.2021/68.

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Inspired by the recent COVID-19 pandemic, we study a generalization of the multi-resource allocation problem with heterogeneous demands and Leontief utilities. Unlike existing settings, we allow each agent to specify requirements to only accept allocations from a subset of the total supply for each resource. These requirements can take form in location constraints (e.g. A hospital can only accept volunteers who live nearby due to commute limitations). This can also model a type of substitution effect where some agents need 1 unit of resource A \emph{or} B, both belonging to the same meta-type. But some agents specifically want A, and others specifically want B. We propose a new mechanism called Dominant Resource Fairness with Meta Types which determines the allocations by solving a small number of linear programs. The proposed method satisfies Pareto optimality, envy-freeness, strategy-proofness, and a notion of sharing incentive for our setting. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to study this problem formulation, which improved upon existing work by capturing more constraints that often arise in real life situations. Finally, we show numerically that our method scales better to large problems than alternative approaches.

Whitcomb, Nick, Abdulla Seliem, Rachel Marzen, Bernardo Jose Franco, Maria Agustina Celentano, Sweta Bose, and Alejandra Maldonado Pena. "SE Abu Dhabi Aptian 5 Shuaiba System: Understanding a Heterogeneous Reservoir Trend." In Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference. SPE, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.2118/207454-ms.

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Abstract The study area covers 1,300 km2 in southeastern Abu Dhabi and focuses on the Aptian (Apt.) 5 Upper Shuaiba progradational clinoform system. The Shuaiba Formation has been well-studied at the regional level, but with comparatively less focus on the Apt. 5 system. Studying depositional trends and shoal facies distributions within the Apt. 5 is critical for predicting reservoir presence and quality. Given the complexity of the Apt. 5 system, understanding the key controls over depositional environments, such as paleowind direction, is an important first step. This study combined regional context and geological understanding with previous studies to confirm existing clinoform interpretation, while also delineating four additional clinoform sequences using a reprocessed depth migrated 3-D seismic volume. Isochron maps were also used to group clinoforms into three packages distinguished by common morphologies possibly linked to their respective dominant reservoir facies. Preliminary observations suggest early clinoforms had more rudist build-ups, whereas the later clinoforms were dominated by narrow-shoal beaches. Coalescing clinoform shoal patterns, observed in the spectral decomposition and amplitude extraction maps, likely result from a combination of Bab Basin morphology, longshore current, and dominant paleowind direction during the Early to Middle Cretaceous. Existing interpretations of dominant paleowind direction vary significantly, ranging between E-W and S-N. Interpretations from this study are most consistent with prevailing paleowind out of the east-southeast. The Arabian plate was likely near the equator around 10°S latitude during the Aptian, which supports the southeast wind hypothesis when considering modern Coriolis patterns. Consistent wind influence on shallow water shoal environments would have winnowed mud and increased the proportion of grain-dominated sediment preserved relative to lower energy areas. The grain-dominated facies appear to be reflected in amplitude responses around the coalescing clinoforms, and in the amplitude variations along strike coincident with clinoform edges. Reservoir presence and quality uncertainty can be reduced if these observations can be confirmed. An improved understanding of the Apt. 5 clinoform system in southeast Abu Dhabi, and possible influences on reservoir distribution and quality, will help develop a better understanding of risk for prospect maturation.

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Rodriguez, Simon, Tim Hwang, and Rebecca Gelles. Comparing Corporate and University Publication Activity in AI/ML. Center for Security and Emerging Technology, January 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.51593/20200067.

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Based on news coverage alone, it can seem as if corporations dominate the research on artificial intelligence and machine learning when compared to the work of universities and academia. Authors Simon Rodriguez, Tim Hwang and Rebecca Gelles analyze the data over the past decade of research publications and find that, in fact, universities are the more dominant producers of AI papers. They also find that while corporations do tend to generate more citations to the work they publish in the field, these “high performing” papers are most frequently cross-collaborations with university labs

Kerr, D. E. Reconnaissance surficial geology, Keller Lake, Northwest Territories, NTS 95-P. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.4095/328293.

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The Keller Lake map area contains three glacial terrains. First, ridged and fluted till cover the northeast region above 300 m elevation. Second, streamlined till, including mega-scale glacial lineations, and till plain with an extensive organic cover, dominate a low-lying basin in the north-central and central regions. Third, till blanket, ridged till, and undifferentiated till cover the highlands at 375 to 575 m elevation in the southeast, south, and west. A dominant regional northwestward ice flow first crossed the map area. Subsequently, an ice stream developed late during deglaciation, creating northwesterly oriented mega-scale glacial lineations in north-central regions. Late shifts in ice flow in the northeastern highlands also resulted in west-northwestward flutings superimposed on older northwestward-trending drumlinoids. Retreating remnant ice deposited minor moraines and other ridges over fluted till. In the extreme southeast, glacial Lake McConnell inundated lowlands to 275 m elevation, following retreat of southwesterly flowing ice. Meltwater corridors and glaciofluvial sediments are more prevalent in western regions and record variable flow directions.

Boulianne-Verschelden, N., V. De Bronac de Vazelhes, I. McMartin, and G. Beaudoin. Surficial geology, Amaruq deposit area, Kivalliq Region, Nunavut, NTS 66-H southeast. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.4095/329418.

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The Amaruq deposit map area is a glacial landscape dominated by till deposits (72% of map area) forming transverse ridges, hummocky moraine, or plains of varying thickness, occasionally streamlined. Glacial lake sediments cover about 18% of the map area and form thick to thin deposits covering the till. They occur predominantly in lowlands and below approximately 140 m a.s.l., which is the elevation of the highest raised beaches located in the western part of the map area. Some of the glacial lake sediments could have been deposited in a marine environment during high sea levels following deglaciation. Sand and gravel deposits occur in subglacial meltwater corridors forming terraces, esker ridges, and small hummocks, or in proglacial outwash plains. The effects of meltwater at the base of the glacier or by currents and waves in proglacial lake and/or marine basins have resulted in winnowing of fine particles, reworking of sediments, and surface boulder concentrations. Streamlined till landforms and striations indicate that ice flow was dominantly to the north-northwest. This predominant flow was locally succeeded by northwest and west-northwest ice flows as indicated by crosscutting striations. A late deglacial ice-flow direction converging towards a major esker tunnel is observed east of the Amaruq deposit.

Tsybekmitova, G. Ts, L. D. Radnaeva, N. A. Tashlykova, V. G. Shiretorova, A. K. Tulokhonov, B. B. Bazarova, and M. O. Matveeva. THE EFFECT OF CLIMATIC SHIFTS ON BIODIVERSITY OF PHYTOCENOSIS: LAKE ARAKHLEY (EASTERN SIBERIA, RUSSIA). DOICODE, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.18411/0973-7308-2020-35-3-77-90.

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Lake Arakhley is located within the Lake Baikal basin in Eastern Siberia, Russia. The area is characterized by continental subarctic climate with considerate diurnal temperature range, long cold dry winters and short hot summers with more precipitation occurring during the latter half of the summer. Climatic shifts in high water years and low water years result in morphometric changes in the lake and in the chemical and physical parameters of the ecosystem. During low water years, concentrations of ammonium nitrogen and nitrite nitrogen are decreased, whereas nitrate concentration increases. High water years feature average concentrations of ammonium ions 1.5–2 times higher than the values of recent dry years. Redundancy analysis (RDA) of abiotic factors and biotic community indicated that the community structure shows the greatest correlation with physical and chemical parameters of water and biogenic elements (nitrites, ammonium, phosphates) along the first axis, and with the lake depth and transparency along the second axis. Changes in abiotic factors induce functioning and formation of characteristic communities of the primary producers in the trophic structure of the ecosystem. During low water years, with increased level of autochthonous organic matter, Lindavia comta dominance is observed, while during high water years, with increased allochthonous organic matter Asterionella formosa appeared as dominant. Currently, during low water years, the hydrophytes community is monodominant and composed of Ceratophyllum demersum. Meanwhile, such species indicating eutrophic conditions as Myriophyllum sibiricum, Potamogeton pectinatus are found in the lake vegetation.

Gidron, Yotam, Freddie Carver, and Elizabeth Deng. More Local is Possible: Recommendations for enhancing local humanitarian leadership and refugee participation in the Gambella refugee response. Oxfam, December 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.21201/2021.8267.

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The Gambella region of western Ethiopia hosts over 300,000 South Sudanese refugees in seven camps. The refugee response is dominated by UN agencies and international NGOs and staffed mostly by Ethiopians from outside of Gambella, creating a gap between humanitarian actors and the people they seek to assist. In order to realize commitments to localization and refugee participation made in the Charter for Change, the Grand Bargain and the Global Compact for Refugees, it is critical for refugees and local populations to be more involved in shaping and leading the delivery of aid. This could be achieved through increasing the role played by Gambella-based NGOs, engaging with faith-based actors, facilitating diaspora initiatives and supporting the development of refugee-led organizations.

Dowling, Adam. Adaptation Resources for Agriculture A Case Study: Organic Apple Orchard in Wisconsin. USDA Midwest Climate Hub, January 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/2018.6892664.ch.

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Working farm lands and specialty crop farms are an important and dominate part of Wisconsin’s Driftless region providing a multitude of agricultural products and jobs. One of the many challenges facing the specialty crop producers in this region and throughout the US is climate change. Brix Cider of Barneveld, WI participated in the Adaptation Workbook* 5-step process to see if there are ways for their operation to become more resilient in a changing climate.

Tobin, Daniel, Maria Janowiak, David Hollinger, Howard Skinner, Christopher Swanston, Rachel Steele, Rama Radhakrishna, and Allison Chatrchyan. Northeast and Northern Forests Regional Climate Hub Assessment of Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies. USDA Northeast Climate Hub, June 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/2015.6965350.ch.

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The northeastern United States is a diverse region containing the seven most densely populated States in the Nation. Agriculture in the Northeast is varied, including vegetable production, ornamentals and fruits, animal production, and field crops. Forests are a dominant land use in the northern parts of the region and in the Appalachian Mountains. Northeast farmers are already experiencing crop damage from extreme precipitation. Wet springs are delaying planting and harvest dates and reducing yields for grain and vegetables. Heavy rain in the Northeast has increased more than any other region in the country.

Isinika, Aida, Gilead Mlay, Ntengua Mdoe, Gideon Boniface, Christopher Magomba, and Devotha Kilave. Rice Commercialisation Effects in Mngeta, Kilombero District, Tanzania: Identifying the Underlying Factors. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), September 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.19088/apra.2021.022.

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Rice production is the most dominant farming system in Kilombero valley in Morogoro region, Tanzania, accounting for more than 80 per cent of cultivated land within the valley. This paper examines changes in rice commercialisation and livelihood outcomes for different categories of farmers in the Mngeta division, Kilombero District, Tanzania. Understanding the underlying factors of agricultural commercialisation enables policymakers to ensure that policy interventions promote inclusive and equitable involvement of all farmers and other value chain actors, especially women and youths, who have been excluded from most development initiatives in the past.

Toney, Autumn, and Melissa Flagg. Comparing the United States' and China's Leading Roles in the Landscape of Science. Center for Security and Emerging Technology, June 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.51593/20210020.

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Using CSET’s new Map of Science to examine clusters of research publications, this data brief presents a comparative analysis of U.S. and Chinese research publication outputs. The authors find that global competition outcomes differ depending on the level of granularity when comparing research publication data. In a granular view of global scientific research, the United States and China together dominate almost two-thirds of the research publication output, with the rest of the world leading in more than one-third of publication output. In a general view of global scientific research, only China and the United States appear as leaders in research output.

Boyle, M., and Elizabeth Rico. Terrestrial vegetation monitoring at Fort Matanzas National Monument: 2019 data summary. National Park Service, May 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.36967/nrds-2293409.

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The Southeast Coast Network (SECN) conducts long-term terrestrial vegetation monitoring as part of the nationwide Inventory and Monitoring Program of the National Park Service (NPS). The vegetation community vital sign is one of the primary-tier resources identified by SECN park managers, and it is currently conducted at 15 network parks (DeVivo et al. 2008). Monitoring plants and their associated communities over time allows for targeted understanding of ecosystems within the SECN geography, which provides managers information about the degree of change within their parks’ natural vegetation. 2019 marks the first year of conducting this monitoring effort at four SECN parks, including Fort Matanzas National Monument (FOMA). Nine vegetation plots, located on Anastasia and Rattlesnake Islands, were established at Fort Matanzas National Monument in June. Data collected in each plot included species richness across multiple spatial scales, species-specific cover and constancy, species-specific woody stem seedling/sapling counts and adult tree (greater than 10 centimeters [3.9 inches {in}]) diameter at breast height (DBH), overall tree health, landform, soil, observed disturbance, and woody biomass (i.e., fuel load) estimates. This report summarizes the baseline (year 1) terrestrial vegetation data collected at Fort Matanzas National Monument in 2019. Data were stratified across two dominant broadly defined habitats within the park (Maritime Upland Forests/Shrublands and Maritime Open Uplands). Noteworthy findings include: Eighty-two vascular plant taxa (species or lower) were observed across nine vegetation plots, including eight species not previously documented within the park. The most frequently encountered species in each broadly defined habitat included: Maritime Upland Forests and Shrublands: saw palmetto (Serenoa repens), yaupon (Ilex vomitoria), southern/eastern red cedar (Juniperus silicicola + virginiana), American beautyberry (Callicarpa americana), and American burnweed (Erectites hieraciifolius). Maritime Open Uplands: sea oats (Uniola paniculata), earleaf greenbriar (Smilax auriculata), and dixie sandmat (Euphorbia bombensis). ne non-native species, Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolia), categorized as invasive by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council (FLEPPC 2019) was encountered in one Maritime Upland Forest and Shrubland plot during this monitoring effort. There were not any rare plants tracked by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS 2020) found during this monitoring effort. All plants located in these monitoring plots are fairly common throughout Florida, as well as across the Southeast Coast. Three species observed, however, are on the FDACS 2020 list of commercially exploited plants within the state. These include saw palmetto, cinnamon fern (Osmundastrum cinnamomeum), and coontie (Zamia integrifolia var. umbrosa). Southern/eastern red cedar and cabbage palmetto (Sabal palmetto) were the most dominant species within the tree stratum of the Maritime Upland Forest and Shrubland habitat type. Species that dominated the sapling and seedling strata of this type included yaupon and cabbage palmetto. More than 75% of the trees measured in the parks Maritime Upland Forest and Shrubland habitat type were alive and experiencing healthy vigor. Of the 22 trees that were dead, more than 50% of those were southern/eastern red cedar. Most of those individuals that were observed with moderate or severe decline and greater than 50% dieback were southern/eastern red cedars. Although red bay (Persea borbonia) was identified as one of the “principal understory tree” species within Fort Matanzas National Monument’s maritime forests in 2004 (Zomlefer et al. 2004), tree-sized individuals were rarely detected on plots during this monitoring effort. This may be in part due to the detection of laurel wilt disease within St. Johns County in 2006 (USDA 2021). Based on the low detection...

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