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Статті в журналах з теми "Text lines":


Jalli, Ms Shilpa P., Shivanand M. Patil, and Dr Virendra S Malemath. "TEXT EXTRACTION FROM SKEWED TEXT LINES." International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology 04, no. 04 (August 31, 2019): 355–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.33564/ijeast.2019.v04i04.057.

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Pudlinski, Christopher. "Empowerment on warm lines: microanalytical explorations of peer encouragement." Text & Talk - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Language, Discourse & Communication Studies 29, no. 4 (January 2009): 439–58. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/text.2009.023.

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Moss, Candida R. "Between the Lines." Studies in Late Antiquity 5, no. 3 (2021): 432–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/sla.2021.5.3.432.

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Recent scholarship on writing and literacy in the Roman world has been attentive to the role of enslaved literate workers in the production of texts. Yet when it comes to evaluating the potential contributions of enslaved laborers we find ourselves at an impasse. How can we identify changes that an enslaved writer might have introduced? How could we assume that any element of the text comes from a secretary rather than the slaveholding “author”? And if enslaved secretaries were at liberty to make changes to a text, how would we recognize these alterations? Utilizing the method of critical fabulation and revisions to a particular literary fragment (P. Berol. 11632) as a test-case, this article explores the range of collaborative possibilities that can account for textual revisions and asks what difference it might make to view such changes as the product of enslaved workers and their experience.

Goto, Hideaki, and Hirotomo Aso. "Extracting curved text lines using local linearity of the text line." International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition 2, no. 2-3 (December 1, 1999): 111–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s100320050041.

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SMITH, RICHARD. "Between the Lines: Philosophy, Text and Conversation." Journal of Philosophy of Education 43, no. 3 (July 2009): 437–49. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9752.2009.00700.x.

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Younes, Mokhtari, and Yousfi Abdellah. "Segmentation of Arabic Handwritten Text to Lines." Procedia Computer Science 73 (2015): 115–21. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2015.12.056.

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Pach, Jakub, and Piotr Bilski. "Robust method for the text line detection and splitting of overlapping text in the Latin manuscripts." Machine Graphics and Vision 23, no. 3/4 (January 14, 2012): 11–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.22630/mgv.2014.23.3.2.

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The paper presents the modified method of the text lines separation in the handwritten manuscripts. Such an approach is required for the medieval text analysis, where multiple text lines overlap and are written at different angles. The proposed approach consists in dividing the bounding boxes into smaller components based on the points of the character curves intersection. The method considers the askew text lines, producing non-rectangular zones between the neighboring lines.

Marmolejo-Ramos, Fernando, María Rosa Elosúa de Juan, Pascal Gygax, Carol J. Madden, and Santiago Mosquera Roa. "Reading between the lines." Pragmatics and Cognition 17, no. 1 (February 18, 2009): 77–107. http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/pc.17.1.03mar.

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This paper presents an overview of the activation of background knowledge during text comprehension. We first review the cognitive processes involved in the activation of inferences during text comprehension, stressing the interaction between text and reader in the construction of situation models. Second, we review evidence for embodied theories of cognition and discuss how this new framework can inform our understanding of the nature and role of background knowledge. We then review the neuropsychological data on the activation of background knowledge during text comprehension. Finally, the paper presents existing and future challenges in researching the role of background knowledge both at a conceptual and a methodological level.

Kumar, Rajiv, and Amardeep Singh. "Algorithm to Detect and Segment Gurmukhi Handwritten Text into Lines, Words and Characters." International Journal of Engineering and Technology 3, no. 4 (2011): 392–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.7763/ijet.2011.v3.258.

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McCarthy, Kathryn S. "Reading beyond the lines." Scientific Study of Literature 5, no. 1 (November 19, 2015): 99–128. http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/ssol.5.1.05mcc.

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Reading literature requires not only understanding the literal meaning of the text, but also constructing a nonliteral interpretation of the text’s deeper meaning yet little is known about the psychological processes involved when interpretations are constructed. The current paper presents a review of the extant work from literary theory, empirical studies of literature, and research from more general cognitive text comprehension to explore the conditions under which literary interpretations are made and what this discipline-specific reading behavior can tell us about more general text comprehension.

Дисертації з теми "Text lines":


Faulkner, Andrew. "The Homeric hymn to Aphrodite : introduction, text and commentary on Lines 1-199." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2004. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.410786.

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Huang, Ni. "Reading Between the Lines: Three Investigations of User Generated Content Using Text Analytics." Diss., Temple University Libraries, 2017. http://cdm16002.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p245801coll10/id/432860.

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Business Administration/Marketing
User-generated content (UGC) is a ubiquitous phenomenon on the Internet. UGC inform, entertain, and facilitate conversations among online users. The three essays of this dissertation examine different antecedents of UGC characteristics with text analytics. The first essay explored the effects of psychological distance on UGC positivity and found that spatial and temporal distance boost UGC positivity. The second essay investigates the effects of social media integration on the linguistic characteristic of UGC and showed that social media integration leads to increased review quantity, while more emotional, less rational and less negative language in UGC content. The third essay examines the impact of book-to-film adaptation on the rating and linguistic characteristics of UGC. The results suggest that, after the release of book-to-film adaptations, book ratings decline, and the use of language reflecting viewing, comparison and affective processes increase in book reviews. To summarize, the three essays in this dissertation contributes to research on UGC by improving our understanding on the various antecedents of UGC characteristics.
Temple University--Theses

Harrison-Snyder, Jill Elizabeth. "Pink Lines and Yellow Tables: A Production of Charles L. Mee's BIG LOVE." Master's thesis, Temple University Libraries, 2011. http://cdm16002.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p245801coll10/id/208821.

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A dramatic analysis and directorial reflection on Temple Theaters' production of Charles L. Mee's BIG LOVE, a modern rendering of Aeschylus' THE SUPPLIANT WOMEN. This thesis explores the entire process of directing the production, from research and text analysis, to visual collaboration and rendering, to casting and rehearsal, to tech and production. Ultimately, it is the author's intention to reveal a specific directorial perspective of BIG LOVE and the corresponding creative process utilized to render this interpretation.
Temple University--Theses

Simpson, Catherine. ""Reading between the lines" : a grounded theory study of text-based synchronous online therapy : how practitioners establish therapeutic relationships online." Thesis, London Metropolitan University, 2016. http://repository.londonmet.ac.uk/1138/.

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This qualitative research study explored the therapeutic relationship in online therapy from a counselling psychology perspective. An overview of the different types of online therapy and a brief history of the field were given and the existing literature surrounding online therapy and the therapeutic relationship was critically reviewed. Through this, a need was identified for an understanding of how therapeutic relationships are established in online therapy, with a particular focus on therapy via instant messaging. Semi-structured interviews were conducted asking online therapy practitioners about their experiences of therapeutic relationships. The resulting data were analysed using the grounded theory method and a tentative model of the processes that influence the formation of a therapeutic relationship online was created. An important factor in the model was therapists’ development of skills in online communication, which serve to overcome the lack of a physical presence and non-verbal communication that hinder text-based interactions. Another key influence was the management of the therapeutic frame, which is challenged by the nature of the online setting. Also significant was a client’s rationale for choosing online therapy, which influences their ability to engage in a therapy relationship online. The implications of the findings for counselling psychology professional practice, training and research were discussed.

Felhi, Mehdi. "Document image segmentation : content categorization." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LORR0109/document.

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Dans cette thèse, nous abordons le problème de la segmentation des images de documents en proposant de nouvelles approches pour la détection et la classification de leurs contenus. Dans un premier lieu, nous étudions le problème de l'estimation d'inclinaison des documents numérisées. Le but de ce travail étant de développer une approche automatique en mesure d'estimer l'angle d'inclinaison du texte dans les images de document. Notre méthode est basée sur la méthode Maximum Gradient Difference (MGD), la R-signature et la transformée de Ridgelets. Nous proposons ensuite une approche hybride pour la segmentation des documents. Nous décrivons notre descripteur de trait qui permet de détecter les composantes de texte en se basant sur la squeletisation. La méthode est appliquée pour la segmentation des images de documents numérisés (journaux et magazines) qui contiennent du texte, des lignes et des régions de photos. Le dernier volet de la thèse est consacré à la détection du texte dans les photos et posters. Pour cela, nous proposons un ensemble de descripteurs de texte basés sur les caractéristiques du trait. Notre approche commence par l'extraction et la sélection des candidats de caractères de texte. Deux méthodes ont été établies pour regrouper les caractères d'une même ligne de texte (mot ou phrase) ; l'une consiste à parcourir en profondeur un graphe, l'autre consiste à établir un critère de stabilité d'une région de texte. Enfin, les résultats sont affinés en classant les candidats de texte en régions « texte » et « non-texte » en utilisant une version à noyau du classifieur Support Vector Machine (K-SVM)
In this thesis I discuss the document image segmentation problem and I describe our new approaches for detecting and classifying document contents. First, I discuss our skew angle estimation approach. The aim of this approach is to develop an automatic approach able to estimate, with precision, the skew angle of text in document images. Our method is based on Maximum Gradient Difference (MGD) and R-signature. Then, I describe our second method based on Ridgelet transform.Our second contribution consists in a new hybrid page segmentation approach. I first describe our stroke-based descriptor that allows detecting text and line candidates using the skeleton of the binarized document image. Then, an active contour model is applied to segment the rest of the image into photo and background regions. Finally, text candidates are clustered using mean-shift analysis technique according to their corresponding sizes. The method is applied for segmenting scanned document images (newspapers and magazines) that contain text, lines and photo regions. Finally, I describe our stroke-based text extraction method. Our approach begins by extracting connected components and selecting text character candidates over the CIE LCH color space using the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) correlation coefficients in order to detect low contrasted regions. The text region candidates are clustered using two different approaches ; a depth first search approach over a graph, and a stable text line criterion. Finally, the resulted regions are refined by classifying the text line candidates into « text» and « non-text » regions using a Kernel Support Vector Machine K-SVM classifier

Wan, Connie. "Samuel Lines and sons : rediscovering Birmingham's artistic dynasty 1794-1898 through works on paper at the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists : Volume 1, Text ; Volume 2, Catalogue ; Volume 3, Illustrations." Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2012. http://etheses.bham.ac.uk//id/eprint/3645/.

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This thesis is the first academic study of nineteenth-century artist and drawing master Samuel Lines (1778-1863) and his five sons: Henry Harris Lines (1800-1889), William Rostill Lines (1802-1846), Samuel Rostill Lines (1804-1833), Edward Ashcroft Lines (1807-1875) and Frederick Thomas Lines (1809-1898). The thesis, with its catalogue, has been a result of a collaborative study focusing on a collection of works on paper by the sons of Samuel Lines, from the Permanent Collection of the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists (RBSA). Both the thesis and catalogue aim to re-instate the family’s position as one of Birmingham’s most prominent and distinguished artistic dynasties. The thesis is divided into three chapters and includes a complete and comprehensive catalogue of 56 works on paper by the Lines family in the RBSA Permanent Collection. The catalogue also includes discursive information on the family’s careers otherwise not mentioned in the main thesis itself. The first chapter explores the family’s role in the establishment of the Birmingham Society of Arts (later the RBSA). It also explores the influence of art institutions and industry on the production of the fine and manufactured arts in Birmingham during the nineteenth century. The second chapter discusses the Lines family’s landscape imagery, in relation to prevailing landscape aesthetics and the physically changing landscape of the Midlands. Henry Harris Lines is the main focus of the last chapter which reveals the extent of his skills as archaeologist, antiquarian and artist.

de, Medeiros Ribeiro Márcio. "Restructuring test variabilities in software product lines." Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2008. https://repositorio.ufpe.br/handle/123456789/1732.

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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Linhas de Produto de Software (LPS) englobam famílias de sistemas desenvolvidos a partir de artefatos reusáveis. Um fator importante durante a manutenção de LPS con- siste em decidir sobre qual mecanismo deve ser utilizado para reestruturar suas variações objetivando melhorar a modularidade de seus artefatos. Devido µa grande variedade de mecanismos, selecionar os corretos pode ser uma tarefa difícil. Por outro lado, selecionar os incorretos pode produzir efeitos negativos no custo de desenvolver a LPS. E importante salientar que este problema existe não somente no nível de código fonte, mas também em outros artefatos como requisitos de software e testes. Assim sendo, para reduzir tal problema no nível de testes automatizados, este trabalho prop~oe um modelo de decisão que ajuda desenvolvedores a escolher mecanismos para reestruturar variações de testes em LPS. Para construir o modelo, algumas variacões encontradas em casos de teste automatizados reais desenvolvidos pela Motorola foram analisadas. Neste caso, os testes servem para testar os sistemas de software dos telefones celulares da Motorola. Os testes lidam com as variacões dos diferentes celulares usando condicionais if-else. Portanto, dada uma variacão baseada em condicionais if-else, o modelo sugere um mecanismo para prover uma melhor modularidade da variacão. Adicionalmente, uma ferramenta para dar suporte aos desenvolvedores de LPS foi desenvolvida. A ferramenta recomenda os mecanismos de acordo com o modelo de decisão proposto. Aplicando o modelo de decisão e os mecanismos sugeridos por ele pode melhorar a modularidade das variações dos casos de teste e remover problemas como códigos dupli- cados. Ademais, mostra-se que a tarefa de reestruturar variações torna-se mais rápida e precisa quando a ferramenta é utilizada

Odia, Osaretin Edwin. "Testing in Software Product Lines." Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Avdelningen för programvarusystem, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:bth-3853.

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This thesis presents research aimed at investigating different activities involved in software product lines testing process and possible improvements towards achieving developing high quality software product lines at reduced cost and time. The research was performed using systematic review procedures of Kitchenham. The reviews carried out in this research covers several areas relating to software product lines testing. The reasons for performing a systematic review in this research are to; summarize the existing evidence covering testing in software product line context, to identify gaps in current research and to suggest areas for further research. The contribution of this thesis is research aimed at revealing the different activities, issues and challenges in software product lines testing. The research into the different activities in software product lines lead to the proposed SPLIT Model for software product lines testing. The model helps to clarify the steps and activities involved in the software product line testing process. It provides and easy to follow map for testers and managers in software product line development organizations. The results were mainly on how testing in software product lines can be improved upon, towards achieving software product line goals. The basic contribution is the proposed model for product line testing, investigation into, and possible improvement in, issues related to software product line testing activities.
The main purpose of the research as presented in this thesis is to present a clear picture of testing in the context of software product lines, which is quite different from testing in single product. The focus of this thesis is specifically the different steps and activities involved in software product lines testing and possible improvements in software product lines testing activities and issues towards achieving the goals of developing high quality software product lines at reduced cost and time. But, for software product lines to achieve its goals, there should be a comprehensive set of testing activities in software product lines development. The development activities from performing analyses and creating designs to integrating programs in software product line context, component testing and tools support for software product lines testing should be taken into consideration.
0046762913149 eddy_odia2002@yahoo.co.uk

Lima, Neto Crescencio Rodrigues. "SPLMT-TE: a software product lines system test case tool." Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2011. https://repositorio.ufpe.br/handle/123456789/2809.

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Atualmente a decisão de trabalhar, ou não, com Linhas de Produtos de Software (LPS) se tornou um requisito obrigatório para o planejamento estratégico das empresas que trabalham com domínio específico. LPS possibilita que as organizações alcancem reduções significativas nos custos de desenvolvimento e manutenção, melhorias quantitativas na produtividade, qualidade e satisfação do cliente. Por outro lado, os pontos negativos em adotar LPS são demanda extra de investimentos para criar os artefatos reusáveis, fazer mudana¸s organizacionais, etc. Além disso, teste é mais complicado e crítico em linhas de produtos do que em sistemas simples. Porém, continua sendo a forma mais efetiva para garantia de qualidade em LPS. Por isso, aprender a escolher as ferramentas certas para teste em LPS é um benefício que contribui pra redução de alguns desses problemas enfrentados pelas empresas. Apesar do crescente número de ferramentas disponíveis, teste em LPS ainda necessita de ferramentas que apoiem o nível de teste de sistema, gerenciando a variabilidade dos artefatos de teste. Neste contexto, este trabalho apresenta uma ferramenta de teste de linhas de produtos de software para construir testes de sistema a partir dos casos de uso que endereçam desafios para teste em LPS identificados na revisão literária. A ferramenta foi desenvolvida com o intuito de reduzir o esforço necessário para realizar as atividades de teste no ambiente de LPS. Além disso, esta dissertação apresenta um estudo exploratório sistemático que tem como objetivo investigar o estado da arte em relação a ferramentas de teste, sintetizando as evidências disponíveis e identificar lacunas entre as ferramentas, disponíveis na literatura. Este trabalho também apresenta um estudo experimental controlado para avaliar a eficácia da ferramenta proposta

Abuhaiba, Ibrahim S. I. "Recognition of off-line handwritten cursive text." Thesis, Loughborough University, 1996. https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/2134/7331.

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The author presents novel algorithms to design unconstrained handwriting recognition systems organized in three parts: In Part One, novel algorithms are presented for processing of Arabic text prior to recognition. Algorithms are described to convert a thinned image of a stroke to a straight line approximation. Novel heuristic algorithms and novel theorems are presented to determine start and end vertices of an off-line image of a stroke. A straight line approximation of an off-line stroke is converted to a one-dimensional representation by a novel algorithm which aims to recover the original sequence of writing. The resulting ordering of the stroke segments is a suitable preprocessed representation for subsequent handwriting recognition algorithms as it helps to segment the stroke. The algorithm was tested against one data set of isolated handwritten characters and another data set of cursive handwriting, each provided by 20 subjects, and has been 91.9% and 91.8% successful for these two data sets, respectively. In Part Two, an entirely novel fuzzy set-sequential machine character recognition system is presented. Fuzzy sequential machines are defined to work as recognizers of handwritten strokes. An algorithm to obtain a deterministic fuzzy sequential machine from a stroke representation, that is capable of recognizing that stroke and its variants, is presented. An algorithm is developed to merge two fuzzy machines into one machine. The learning algorithm is a combination of many described algorithms. The system was tested against isolated handwritten characters provided by 20 subjects resulting in 95.8% recognition rate which is encouraging and shows that the system is highly flexible in dealing with shape and size variations. In Part Three, also an entirely novel text recognition system, capable of recognizing off-line handwritten Arabic cursive text having a high variability is presented. This system is an extension of the above recognition system. Tokens are extracted from a onedimensional representation of a stroke. Fuzzy sequential machines are defined to work as recognizers of tokens. It is shown how to obtain a deterministic fuzzy sequential machine from a token representation that is capable'of recognizing that token and its variants. An algorithm for token learning is presented. The tokens of a stroke are re-combined to meaningful strings of tokens. Algorithms to recognize and learn token strings are described. The. recognition stage uses algorithms of the learning stage. The process of extracting the best set of basic shapes which represent the best set of token strings that constitute an unknown stroke is described. A method is developed to extract lines from pages of handwritten text, arrange main strokes of extracted lines in the same order as they were written, and present secondary strokes to main strokes. Presented secondary strokes are combined with basic shapes to obtain the final characters by formulating and solving assignment problems for this purpose. Some secondary strokes which remain unassigned are individually manipulated. The system was tested against the handwritings of 20 subjects yielding overall subword and character recognition rates of 55.4% and 51.1%, respectively.

Книги з теми "Text lines":


Etshalom, Yitzchak. Between the lines of the Bible, Genesis: Recapturing the full meaning of the biblical text. Brooklyn, NY: Urim Publications, 2015.

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Edgington, Shawn Marie. Read between the lines: A humorous guide to texting with simplicity and style. Dallas, Tex: Brown Books, 2010.

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Townsend, A. A. R. Analog line-of-sight radio links: A test manual. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall International, 1987.

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Parthé, Kathleen. Russia's dangerous texts: Politics between the lines. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004.

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Parthé, Kathleen. Russia's dangerous texts: Politics between the lines. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2005.

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Spencer, Herb. Creating wealth to change your lifestyle: The complete text on government protected tax liens. Woodland Hills, CA: Capital Growth Tax Liens, 2000.

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Ezquerro, Milagros, and Julien Roger. Le texte et ses liens: Cultures et littératures hispano-américaines = El texto y sus vinculos. Paris: Indigo & côté-femmes, 2006.

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Victoria. Office of the Auditor-General. Test calls made to non-emergency ambulance telephone lines. Melbourne]: Victorian Auditor-General's Office, 2000.

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Aurel, Stein. Sir Aurel Stein's Limes report: The full text of M.A.Stein's unpublished Limes report (his aerial and ground reconnaissances in Iraq and Transjordan in 1938-39). Oxford: B.A.R., 1985.

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Aurel, Stein. Sir Aurel Stein's Limes report: The full text of M.A.Stein's unpublished Limes report (his aerial and ground reconnaissances in Iraq and Transjordan in 1938-39). Oxford: B.A.R., 1985.

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Частини книг з теми "Text lines":


Smith, Richard. "Between the Lines: Philosophy, Text and Conversation." In What do Philosophers of Education do?, 118–30. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/9781444322804.ch9.

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Babczyński, Tomasz, and Roman Ptak. "Handwritten Text Lines Segmentation Using Two Column Projection." In Theory and Applications of Dependable Computer Systems, 11–20. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-48256-5_2.

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Agarwal, Komal, Akshat Mantry, and Chayan Halder. "Word Segmentation of Offline Handwritten Bangla Text Lines." In Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Computing Applications, 551–60. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-5207-3_46.

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Davies, Clare. "Reading Geography between the Lines: Extracting Local Place Knowledge from Text." In Spatial Information Theory, 320–37. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-01790-7_18.

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Biswas, Barun, Ujjwal Bhattacharya, and Bidyut B. Chaudhuri. "A Robust Scheme for Extraction of Text Lines from Handwritten Documents." In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 107–16. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-2107-7_10.

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Mischke, Lothar, and Wolfram Luther. "Document Image De-warping Based on Detection of Distorted Text Lines." In Image Analysis and Processing – ICIAP 2005, 1068–75. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11553595_131.

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Manisha, Ch N., E. Sreenivasa Reddy, and Y. K. Sundara Krishna. "A Method of Baseline Correction for Offline Handwritten Telugu Text Lines." In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 281–89. New Delhi: Springer India, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-81-322-2755-7_29.

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Ma, Yichao, Chunheng Wang, and Ruwei Dai. "Correcting Bound Document Images Based on Automatic and Robust Curved Text Lines Estimation." In Computer Processing of Oriental Languages. Beyond the Orient: The Research Challenges Ahead, 197–204. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11940098_21.

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Ali, Amani Ali Ahmed, and M. Suresha. "Efficient Algorithms for Text Lines and Words Segmentation for Recognition of Arabic Handwritten Script." In Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, 387–401. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-5953-8_32.

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Shobha Rani, N., and T. Vasudev. "An Efficient Technique for Detection and Removal of Lines with Text Stroke Crossings in Document Images." In Proceedings of International Conference on Cognition and Recognition, 83–97. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-5146-3_9.

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Тези доповідей конференцій з теми "Text lines":


Nicolaou, Anguelos, and Basilis Gatos. "Handwritten Text Line Segmentation by Shredding Text into its Lines." In 2009 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition. IEEE, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icdar.2009.243.

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Liwicki, M., M. Scherz, and H. Bunke. "Word Extraction from On-Line Handwritten Text Lines." In 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06). IEEE, 2006. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icpr.2006.1192.

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Kirli, Onder, and M. Bilginer Gulmezoglu. "Writer identification from handwriting text lines." In 2011 International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA). IEEE, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/inista.2011.5946056.

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Yi Li, Yefeng Zheng, and D. Doermann. "Detecting Text Lines in Handwritten Documents." In 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06). IEEE, 2006. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icpr.2006.435.

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Patel, Chhaya, and Apurva Desai. "Segmentation of text lines into words for Gujarati handwritten text." In 2010 International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP). IEEE, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icsip.2010.5697455.

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Gatos, Basilis, Georgios Louloudis, and Nikolaos Stamatopoulos. "Segmentation of Historical Handwritten Documents into Text Zones and Text Lines." In 2014 14th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR). IEEE, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icfhr.2014.84.

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Bruzzone, E., and M. C. Coffetti. "An algorithm for extracting cursive text lines." In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition. ICDAR '99 (Cat. No.PR00318). IEEE, 1999. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icdar.1999.791896.

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Ye, M., H. Sutanto, S. Raghupathy, C. Li, and M. Shilman. "Grouping text lines in freeform handwritten notes." In Eighth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'05). IEEE, 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icdar.2005.121.

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Phan, Trung Quy, Palaiahnakote Shivakumara, Zhang Ding, Shijian Lu, and Chew Lim Tan. "Video Script Identification Based on Text Lines." In 2011 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR). IEEE, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icdar.2011.250.

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Chen, Francine R., Dan S. Bloomberg, and Lynn D. Wilcox. "Spotting phrases in lines of imaged text." In IS&T/SPIE's Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science & Technology, edited by Luc M. Vincent and Henry S. Baird. SPIE, 1995. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.205828.

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Звіти організацій з теми "Text lines":


Wasiolek, P. AMS Ground Truth Measurements: Calibration and Test Lines. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/1134255.

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Stastny, Petr, Robert Roczniok, Daniel Cleather, Martin Musalek, Dominik Novak, and Michal Vagner. Straight speed and acceleration optimal distances and reference values. A systematic review, and meta-analyses. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, May 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.37766/inplasy2022.5.0010.

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Review question / Objective: To summarize the sprint reference acceleration and speed values for different sprint distances and suggest optimal unification of ice-hockey straight sprint testing. Eligibility criteria: The title and abstract screening was done by two researchers (PS and RR) who selected a set of articles for full text screening, where the inclusion criteria were: 1) male or female ice-hockey players; 2) any cross-sectional or intervention study; 3) tests of ice-hockey sprinting over any distance or any battery of conditioning tests that included straight-line sprints; and, 4) results reported straight-line sprint distance, speed, time, or acceleration. In the case of disagreement between the evaluating authors, the final decision was made by a third author (MV).The full text screening exclusion criteria were: 1) if the article was not in English; 2) the testing did not include straight-line sprinting; 3) the reported values did not include data distribution; 4) the study reported only maximum speed without skating time or average speed; 5) the end of the sprint was defined by the point the player stopped sprinting; 6) the measurement was made with a stopwatch; and, 7) the study had high bias estimation. The maximum speed test was not included due to the uncertain velocity conditions at beginning of testing distance. The bias estimation was performed using the JBI (Joanna Briggs Institute) Critical Appraisal Checklist for Analytical Cross Sectional Studies (supplementary material 1).

Li, Yi, Yefeng Zheng, David Doermann, and Stefan Jaeger. Script-Independent Text Line Segmentation in Freestyle Handwritten Documents. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, December 2006. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada460371.

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Squier, D. M. Foam insulated transfer line test report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 1994. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/10105130.

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Woodring, Mitchell L., James H. Ely, Richard T. Kouzes, and David C. Stromswold. Boron-Lined Multitube Neutron Proportional Counter Test. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/992017.

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Mark Fitzsimmons, Dave Grimmett, and Bryan McEnerney. CANMET Gasifier Liner Coupon Material Test Report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/921015.

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Kouzes, Richard T., James H. Ely, and David C. Stromswold. Boron-Lined Straw-Tube Neutron Detector Test. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/1001143.

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Lapidot, Moshe, Linda Hanley-Bowdoin, Jane E. Polston, and Moshe Reuveni. Geminivirus-resistant Tomato Plants: Combining Transgenic and Conventional Strategies for Multi-viral Resistance. United States Department of Agriculture, December 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/2010.7592639.bard.

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Begomoviruses, which constitute one genus of the Geminiviridae family, are single-stranded DNA viruses that infect many dicotyledonous crops important to large agricultural industries as well as to subsistence growers. Although all begomoviruses are transmitted by whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci), they have proven difficult to manage even with heavy insecticide applications. The begomovirus, Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), has been a problem in tomato production in Israel since the 1950s and in the United States since 1997. Approximately 89 begomoviruses have now been reported to infect tomato. Crop losses due to begomoviruses such as TYLCV and Tomato mottle virus (ToMoV), are limiting factors in tomato cultivation in Israel, the U.S., and many tomato-growing regions throughout the world. To overcome these limitations, we proposed a two-step strategy that combines transgenic and conventional resistance in order to develop tomato plants that are resistant to multiple begomoviruses. In the first step, we have developed transgenic tomato plants expressing trans-dominant interfering mutants Rep and C3 from TYLCV and ToMoV, and tested whether these plants are resistant to infection by these two viruses. In the second step we have tested whether pyramiding transgenic and conventional resistance is superior to either strategy alone. The specific objectives of the proposal were: 1. Design and test trans-dominant interfering constructs for TYLCV and ToMoV Rep and C3 in transient replication interference assays. 2. Generate and test transgenic tomato plants expressing mutant Rep and C3 in resistance assays. 3. Generate and test conventional resistant lines that also express mutant Rep and C3. Two viral replication interfering constructs, expressing the trans-dominant interfering mutants Rep and C3, were designed and constructed during this project. One construct, pNSB1630 was based on TYLCV sequences and the other, pNSB1682, based on ToMoV sequences. The TYLCV transformation construct was tested in a protoplasts replication assay, and was found to inhibit TYLCV replication. The ToMoV transformation construct is yet to be tested in a protoplast assay. Both transformation vectors, pNSB1630 and pNSB1682, were used to transform four different tomato lines, and generate transgenic plants. The tomato lines used for transformation were: FL7613, MM, TY172, TY199. FL7613 and MM are susceptible to both TYLCV and ToMoV. TY172 and TY199 are breeding lines developed at Volcani Center. TY172 is resistant to TYLCV but susceptible to ToMoV, while TY199 is resistant to both TYLCV and ToMoV. When transgenic T1 plants expressing the pNSB1630 constructed were screened for TYLCV resistance, it was found that these plants showed very low level of TYLCV resistance, if any. However, some of these lines showed high level of resistance to ToMoV. Only five transgenic T1 lines expressing the pNSB1682 construct were tested (so far) for resistance to ToMoV. It was found that all five lines express very high level of resistance to ToMoV. Although we haven’t finished (yet) the screen of all the transgenic lines, it is already clear that we were able to successfully combine genetic resistance for TYLCV with transgenic resistance to ToMoV.

Schulze, Martin. Achromat Design for Multi-Pulse Test Line. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/1846874.

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Buchanan, Ben, Andrew Lohn, Micah Musser, and Katerina Sedova. Truth, Lies, and Automation: How Language Models Could Change Disinformation. Center for Security and Emerging Technology, May 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.51593/2021ca003.

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Growing popular and industry interest in high-performing natural language generation models has led to concerns that such models could be used to generate automated disinformation at scale. This report examines the capabilities of GPT-3--a cutting-edge AI system that writes text--to analyze its potential misuse for disinformation. A model like GPT-3 may be able to help disinformation actors substantially reduce the work necessary to write disinformation while expanding its reach and potentially also its effectiveness.

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