Thematische Bibliographien

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Alle Auswahlen der Quellen:
Variole – France (nord) Suette Textiles superhydrophobes Durabilité du revêtement Traitement de surface respectueux de l’environnement Spatio-temporal control Superhydrophobic textiles Coating durability Eco-friendly surface treatment Immersion isométrique Acrylate monomer Lidar – Météorologie Environnement offshore Lidar météorologique Offshore environment Smollett, Tobias (1721-1771) Corps humain – Représentation (littérature) Satire anglaise – 18e siècle Simulation par chaînes de Markov Markov chain simulation Cardiolipin antibody Phospholipid antibody Beta2 glycoprotein 1 antibody Lelepa Possessive constructions Narrowband survey Electron trajectory Posmom -rashii Yooda -nodaroo Discourse categories The theme Categorise discouse Malays-Indonesian Concept of methodology Sheikh Yusuf al Maqassary Sheikh Dawud al-Fatani Pygathrix Colobine Boundary Constructions Physical Predictions Lois McNay Lisa Adkins Feminist social theory Whole of Society Approach to Sustainability Whole System Design Vested Interests The Earth Charter Decoupling Economic Growth from Environmental Pressures Resource Productivity Linguistic primacy Chinese Singaporean Late-industrializing nations Ethnic management Orientalist discourse constructions Cross-cultural economic activity Dual hegemony Childhood socioeconomic background Accelerated economic development Recent past and future sea-level changes, mountain glaciers Recent past and future sea-level changes Criminal wrongdoing Justice, restorative justice, criminal wrongdoing, criminal justice system Logic, paraconsistency, inconsistent information Decentralized CZM Doctor Who, science communication, democratisation of science Chromosomes, speciation, spider Seismic tomography, Ambient noise correlations, Australian Crust Machine Learning, Graphical Models, Kernel Methods, Optimization Women, warung, informal sector, urban poverty Galen, rhetoric, Second Sophistic, Rome Human security, governance, Cambodia, Security Council BNM Bicontinuous phases Evelyn Waugh, satire, English literature 20th Century Broadband telehealth, evaluation, case study approach Electron momentum spectrometer East Timorese youth • diaspora • identity • belonging Partial local Saha equilibrium