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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Back arc extension":


Sibuet, Jean-Claude, Jean Letouzey, Florence Barbier, Jacques Charvet, Jean-Paul Foucher, Thomas W. C. Hilde, Masaaki Kimura et al. „Back Arc Extension in the Okinawa Trough“. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 92, B13 (10.12.1987): 14041–63.

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Avigad, Dov, Zvi Garfunkel, Laurent Jolivet und José M. Azañón. „Back arc extension and denudation of Mediterranean eclogites“. Tectonics 16, Nr. 6 (Dezember 1997): 924–41.

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Faccenna, Claudio, Massimo Mattei, Renato Funiciello und Laurent Jolivet. „Styles of back-arc extension in the Central Mediterranean“. Terra Nova 9, Nr. 3 (Mai 1997): 126–30.

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Patriat, M., J. Collot, L. Danyushevsky, M. Fabre, S. Meffre, T. Falloon, P. Rouillard, B. Pelletier, M. Roach und M. Fournier. „Propagation of back-arc extension into the arc lithosphere in the southern New Hebrides volcanic arc“. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16, Nr. 9 (September 2015): 3142–59.

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ΚΙΛΙΑΣ, Α. „Late orogenic extension in Hellenides“. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece 34, Nr. 1 (01.01.2001): 149.

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In the Hellenic orogen both typs of late orogenic extension, associated with deep crustal parts exhumation, are recognized during the Tertiare: In the areas of Olympos-Ossa and Pelion Mts in Northern Greece, as well as in the island of Crete in Southern Greece a bivergent late orogenic extension is recognized. Nappes collapse took place immediately above the cold accretionary wedge while compression was active at depth. Heer high pressure assemplages were good preserved. On the contrary, in the Rhodope and Cyclades areas an asymmetric extension dominates. Heer extensional exhumation of deep crustal rocks took place in the high thermal flow back-arc region and high pressure metamorphic rocks were highly overprinted by greenschist to amphibolite facies metamorphism. Partial melting and granitoids intrusions followed the high grade metamorphic reworking of the rocks. Tertiary late orogenic extension in the Hellenides tooke place simultaneously with successive subductions processes and crustal thickening at the front of the extended plate, forming with the associated compression a SW-ward migrated system. Extension started in the Rhodope massif during the Eocene/Oligocene to be reached in the Olympos, Ossa, Pilion and Cyclades areas in the Oligocene/Miocene and final in the Crete island at the more external Hellenides, during the Mid-Miocene. Changes in the rate of convergence between Africa and Eurasia associated with retreating plate boundaries conditions allowed the successive, extensional exhumation of the deep crustal rocks in the Hellenides. Assymetric collapse in the back-arc area was possibly favoured, because the high potential energy of the thickened crust in the active orogenic arc was counteracted by the continuing subduction along the boundaries of the converging segments of Africa and Eurasia. Symmetric collapse of the overthickened crust above the cold accretionary prism was favoured probably, due to an increasing of the upward pressure produced by the unterplating of the lithospheric slap beneath the accretionary wedge.

SOWERBUTTS, ALISON. „Sedimentation and volcanism linked to multiphase rifting in an Oligo-Miocene intra-arc basin, Anglona, Sardinia“. Geological Magazine 137, Nr. 4 (Juli 2000): 395–418.

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Three extensional phases can be recognized in the northern, Anglona area of the Oligo-Miocene Sardinian Rift during a fifteen million year period which spanned Corsica–Sardinia continental microplate separation and Western Mediterranean back-arc basin opening. In response to this multiphase rifting, a complex facies architecture involving clastic, carbonate and volcanic rocks developed. Integrated onshore facies and structural analysis, dating and offshore seismic data are here used to reconstruct the tectono-stratigraphic history of the Anglona area. Initial late Oligocene extension created a half-graben geometry with syn-rift clastic deposits shed locally from fault-bounded highs, passing laterally to lacustrine marlstones. Calc-alkaline volcanic activity subsequently predominated as volcanic centres developed along one half-graben bounding fault. Voluminous pyroclastic and epiclastic material was supplied to the adjacent half-graben accommodation space and was deposited in marginal to marine conditions. Second-phase mid-Aquitanian–early Burdigalian extensional faulting, recognized from localized clastic syn-rift stratal wedges, truncated and subdivided the half-graben. The syn-rift sediments were sealed by a regionally correlated ignimbrite that in turn was offset by late second-phase faulting. Third-phase extensional fault movement which reactivated the original fault trend then occurred. A perched lake developed in the resultant topography coeval with the progressive marine transgression of lower areas. As sea-level rose during mid-Burdigalian times, reefal carbonates and grainstones developed on fault-block highs whilst calcarenites and marlstones were deposited in hangingwall locations. Initial extension was coeval with the formation of the Sardinian proto-rift and the initiation of the Western Mediterranean basin. Second-phase faulting occurred as the Corsica–Sardinia microplate rotated to its present position during Western Mediterranean back-arc basin spreading. Final extension can be correlated to a second major extension phase along the Oligo-Miocene Sardinian Rift following back-arc basin opening, as extension was transferred towards the fore-arc. In Anglona, the main influence of multiphase tectonism was on rift topography, providing accommodation space and localized uplifted source areas. Varying relative sea-level mainly controlled the broad types of facies belts that developed. Contemporaneous calc-alkaline volcanism played a major role in the supply of basin filling material and in changing the topography locally.

Caress, David W. „Structural trends and back-arc extension in the Havre Trough“. Geophysical Research Letters 18, Nr. 5 (Mai 1991): 853–56.

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Bevis, Michael, F. W. Taylor, B. E. Schutz, Jacques Recy, B. L. Isacks, Saimone Helu, Rajendra Singh et al. „Geodetic observations of very rapid convergence and back-arc extension at the Tonga arc“. Nature 374, Nr. 6519 (März 1995): 249–51.

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Werner, Reinhard, Boris Baranov, Kaj Hoernle, Paul van den Bogaard, Folkmar Hauff und Igor Tararin. „Discovery of Ancient Volcanoes in the Okhotsk Sea (Russia): New Constraints on the Opening History of the Kurile Back Arc Basin“. Geosciences 10, Nr. 11 (06.11.2020): 442.

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Here we present the first radiometric age and geochemical (major and trace element and isotope) data for samples from the Hydrographer Ridge, a back arc volcano of the Kurile Island Arc, and a newly discovered chain of volcanoes (“Sonne Volcanoes”) on the northwestern continental slope of the Kurile Basin on the opposite side of the arc. The 40Ar/39Ar age and geochemical data show that Hydrographer Ridge (3.2–3.3 Ma) and the “Sonne Volcanoes” (25.3–25.9 Ma) have very similar trace element and isotope characteristics to those of the Kurile Island Arc, indicating derivation from a common magma source. We conclude that the age of the “Sonne Volcanoes” marks the time of opening of the Kurile Basin, implying slow back arc spreading rates of 1.3–1.8 cm/y. Combined with published data from the Kurile fore arc, our data suggest that the processes of subduction, Kurile Basin opening and frontal arc extension occurred synchronously and that extension in the rear part and in the frontal part of the Kurile Island Arc must have been triggered by the same mechanism.

Romagny, Adrien, Laurent Jolivet, Armel Menant, Eloïse Bessière, Agnès Maillard, Albane Canva, Christian Gorini und Romain Augier. „Detailed tectonic reconstructions of the Western Mediterranean region for the last 35 Ma, insights on driving mechanisms“. BSGF - Earth Sciences Bulletin 191 (2020): 37.

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Slab retreat, slab tearing and interactions of slabs are first-order drivers of the deformation of the overriding lithosphere. An independent description of the tectonic evolution of the back-arc and peripheral regions is a pre-requisite to test the proposed conceptual, analogue and numerical models of these complex dynamics in 3-D. We propose here a new series of detailed kinematics and tectonic reconstructions from 35 Ma to the Present shedding light on the driving mechanisms of back-arc rifting in the Mediterranean where several back-arc basins all started to form in the Oligocene. The step-by-step backward reconstructions lead to an initial situation 35 Ma ago with two subduction zones with opposite direction, below the AlKaPeCa block (i.e. belonging to the Alboran, Kabylies, Peloritani, Calabrian internal zones). Extension directions are quite variable and extension rates in these basins are high compared to the Africa-Eurasia convergence velocity. The highest rates are found in the Western Mediterranean, the Liguro-Provençal, Alboran and Tyrrhenian basins. These reconstructions are based on shortening rates in the peripheral mountain belts, extension rates in the basins, paleomagnetic rotations, pressure-temperature-time paths of metamorphic complexes within the internal zones of orogens, and kinematics of the large bounding plates. Results allow visualizing the interactions between the Alps, Apennines, Pyrenean-Cantabrian belt, Betic Cordillera and Rif, as well as back-arc basins. These back-arc basins formed at the emplacement of mountain belts with superimposed volcanic arcs, thus with thick, hot and weak crusts explaining the formation of metamorphic core complexes and the exhumation of large portions of lower crustal domains during rifting. They emphasize the role of transfer faults zones accommodating differential rates of retreat above slab tears and their relations with magmatism. Several transfer zones are identified, separating four different kinematic domains, the largest one being the Catalan-Balearic-Sicily Transfer Zone. Their integration in the wider Mediterranean realm and a comparison of motion paths calculated in several kinematic frameworks with mantle fabric shows that fast slab retreat was the main driver of back-arc extension in this region and that large-scale convection was a subsidiary driver for the pre-8 Ma period, though it became dominant afterward. Slab retreat and back-arc extension was mostly NW-SE until ∼ 20 Ma and the docking of the AlKaPeCa continental blocks along the northern margin of Africa induced a slab detachment that propagated eastward and westward, thus inducing a change in the direction of extension from NW-SE to E-W. Fast slab retreat between 32 and 8 Ma and induced asthenospheric flow have prevented the transmission of the horizontal compression due to Africa-Eurasia convergence from Africa to Eurasia and favored instead upper-plate extension driven by slab retreat. Once slab retreat had slowed down in the Late Miocene, this N-S compression was felt and recorded again from the High Atlas to the Paris Basin.

Dissertationen zum Thema "Back arc extension":


Schellart, Wouter Pieter. „Subduction rollback, arc formation and back-arc extension“. Monash University, School of Geosciences, 2003.

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El, Bakili Asmae. „Evolution tectono-metamorphique et chronologique des unités métamorphiques du Rif interne (Beni Bousera, Nord du Maroc)“. Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur, 2021.

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Située à l'extrême-ouest de la Méditerranée occidentale, la chaîne bético-rifaine s’est formée au travers d’une histoire orogénique alpine complexe, impliquant des processus de subduction liés à la convergence entre l’Afrique et l’Eurasie depuis le Crétacé. Une découverte importante de ces quatre dernières décennies d'investigations géologiques, a été la mise en évidence des vestiges d’un événement varisque dans les zones internes de la chaîne. Ces résultats soulignent bien la présence de deux systèmes orogéniques superposés, les zones internes de la chaîne bético-rifaine demeurent donc des zones privilégiées pour étudier l’importance de l’héritage structural et métamorphique dans les réactivations partielles ou totale par les évènements les plus récents. Ce travail est localisé dans le secteur de Beni Bousera, ou affleurent les roches crustales et mantéliques qui forment les unités les plus internes de la chaîne. Il s’appuie sur une étude menée à partir des analyses structurales et pétrologiques, des datations U-Th-Pb sur monazite et 40Ar-39Ar sur des micas et des amphiboles. Il nous permet de résumer l’histoire de la chaîne bético-rifaine de la manière suivante : 1) un événement de HP-HT affecte la base du domaine interne à ca 281 ± 3 Ma. Ces nouvelles données pétrologiques et géochronologiques obtenues dans le Rif interne sont corrélées avec les Bétiques, les Kabylies et le massif de l'Edough en Algérie, la ceinture mauritanienne et les Appalaches. Elles attestent d'un domaine convergent au cours du Carbonifère supérieur- Permien inférieur. Tous ces segments orogéniques font partie des Variscides nord-africains construits à la marge nord-ouest du Gondwana en réponse à une convergence entre cette dernière et la Laurentia. 2) autour de 29-26 Ma, un événement métamorphique avec un gradient de type Barrovien à Abukuma affecte les Sebtides (les unités les plus internes de la chaîne), et il est interprété comme résultant de l'évolution de la plaque supérieure d'une zone de subduction. Cet évènement alpin est caractérisé par un chemin prograde marqué par un réchauffement à la base des Sebtides entre 26 et 22 Ma. De telles conditions reflètent un amincissement et un réchauffement de la croûte liée à la remontée asthénosphérique due au retrait de la plaque plongeante ; cet événement marque le début d’un évènement extensif majeur. 3) Au Miocène inférieur à 22-20 Ma, les zones internes (ou domaine d’Alboran) sont affectées par une extension E-W contemporaine de l’ouverture du bassin d'Alboran dans un contexte arrière-arc, et par l’intrusion de filons granitiques dans les péridotites et les unités métamorphiques crustales du domaine interne. Cet évènement a permis l’exhumation finale des Sebtides. 4) Du Miocène inférieur au Miocène moyen, la chaîne bético-rifaine a acquis sa géométrie arquée (l’arc de Gibraltar) suite à la collision entre les zones internes et les zones externes, attestée par une phase de raccourcissement majeur de direction NE-SW à E-W, et 5) l’arc de Gibraltar est affecté par une phase de raccourcissement N-S ante-Pliocène de direction N-S, qui a modifié considérablement sa géométrie
Located at the extreme tip of the western Mediterranean, the Betic-Rif orogenic system is built through a complex alpine orogenic history involving processes of subduction related to convergence between Africa and Eurasia since the Cretaceous. A remarkable discovery during the last four decades of geological investigations, has been the remains of a variscan event in the internal zones of the belt. These results underline the presence of two superimposed orogenic systems, the internal zones of the belt thus remain a privileged area to study the importance of the structural and the metamorphic heritage in the partial or total reactivation by the most recent events. This work is located in the Beni Bousera sector, where crustal and mantle rocks that form the innermost units of the chain are exposed. Based on structural and petrological analyses, U-Th-Pb dating on monazite and 40Ar-39Ar dating on micas and amphiboles. The history of the Betic-Rif belt can be summarized as it follows: 1) a HP-HT event affects the base of the internal domain at around 281 ± 3 Ma. These new petrological and geochronological data obtained in the internal Rif, are correlated with the Betics, the Kabyle, the Edough massif of Algeria, the Mauritanian, and the Appalachian belts, attesting a convergent domain during the late Carboniferous – early Permian. All of these orogenic segments are part of the North African Variscides built at the north-western margin of Gondwana in response to convergence between the later and Laurentia. 2) at around 29-26 Ma, a Barrovian to Abukuma metamorphic event affects the Sebtides (the innermost units of the chain) and interpreted as the evolution of the upper plate of a subduction zone. This alpine event is typically characterized by a prograde metamorphic path marked by heating affecting the base of the Sebtides between 26 to 22 Ma, such conditions reflect thinning and heating of the crust related to the asthenosphere upwelling due to slab roll-back. This event marks the beginning of a major extensive event. 3) In the Miocene around 22-20 Ma, the internal zones are affected by an E-W extension contemporary to the opening of the Alboran Basin in a back-arc context, and the intrusion of granitic dykes into the peridotites and crustal metamorphic units, the exhumation of the Sebtides was complete at this time. 4) From early to middle Miocène, the Betic-Rif belt acquired its arcuate geometry (the Gibraltar Arc) during the collision between the Internal and the external zones, attested by de NE-SW to E-W shortening phases across the arc. 5) more lately prior to Pliocene, the Gibraltar arc was subjected to contractional possess related to a N-S shortening phase, which drastically altered its geometry

Miège, Alexandre. „Définition d'un environnement formel d'expression de politiques de sécurité, modèle Or-BAC et extensions /“. Paris : École nationale supérieure des télécommunications, 2005.

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Li, Zhi-Nuo, und 李之諾. „Oblique convergence and back-arc extension in northern Taiwan-Ryukyu area: Insights from sandbox modeling“. Thesis, 2016.

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Taiwan is located on the convergent boundary between the Eurasian Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate. The specific process of the Taiwan orogeny is a hot issue for many years. Sandbox modeling is a way to simulate the mountain building processes. The previous studies of sandbox modeling in Taiwan are more concentrated on the effect of arc-continent collision and basement high but few noted the effect of opening of Okinawa Trough. Our 3D experiments aim at better understanding of the structure and tectonic evolution of northern Taiwan-Ryukyu area by adding a sandpaper machine which could move freely in experiment and composed by motor, bearing and sandpaper, to simulate the opening of the Okinawa Trough. Results from sandbox modeling indicate that the following phenomena may be due to the opening of Okinawa Trough: (1)counter motion relative to the Philippine Sea Plate and subsidence in the Ilan Plain , (2)clockwise rotation of the Ryukyu Arc, (3)a linear subsidence zone and a series of small-scale normal fault in the Okinawa area.

Bücher zum Thema "Back arc extension":


Furst, Eric M., und Todd M. Squires. Interferometric tracking. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The purpose of this chapter is to present a survey of passive microrheology techniques that are important complements to more widely used particle tracking and light scattering methods. Such methods include back focal plane interferometry and extensions of particle tracking to measure the rotation of colloidal particles. Methods of passive microrheology using back focal plane interferometry are presented, including the experimental design and detector sensitivity and limits in frequency bandwidth and spatial resolution. The Generalized Stokes Einstein relation is derived from linear response theory of the particle position power spectrum and complex susceptibility. Applications of interoferometric tracking include high frequency microrheology and two-point measurements. Lastly, the chapter includes a discussion of rotational passive microrheology and the rotational GSER.

Shaibani, Aziz. Clinical Signs. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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In clinical neuromuscular medicine, clinical signs are very important and can lead to accurate diagnosis. There is nothing better than videos to demonstrate these signs and their elicitation and significance. We selected several clinical signs from our video archives for this purpose. A good clinician should use ancillary testing as an extension of the clinical examination rather than blindly. There is alternative to good observation and methodological elicitation of the physical findings. The art of the clinical examination starts by watching the patient walking to the examination room and stepping up to the examination table. It is curtail to unrobe and examine the back and front of the patient.

Button, Tim, und Sean Walsh. Types and Stone spaces. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Types are one of the cornerstones of contemporary model theory. Simply put, a type is the collection of formulas satisfied by an element of some elementary extension. The types can be organised in an algebraic structure known as a Lindenbaum algebra. But the contemporary study of types also treats them as the points of a certain kind of topological space. These spaces, called ‘Stone spaces’, illustrate the richness of moving back-and-forth between algebraic and topological perspectives. Further, one of the most central notions of contemporary model theory—namely stability—is simply a constraint on the cardinality of these spaces. We close the chapter by discussing a related algebra-topology ‘duality’ from metaphysics, concerning whether to treat propositions as sets of possible worlds or vice-versa. We show that suitable regimentations of these two rival metaphysical approaches are biinterpretable (in the sense of chapter 5), and discuss the philosophical significance of this rapprochement.

Blacklock, Mark. Cubes. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Chapter 4 focuses on the work of Charles Howard Hinton, author of the first Scientific Romances and the least well-known yet most influential theorist of higher space of the late nineteenth century. ‘Hinton was an important mediating figure,’ writes Steven Connor, ‘because, like some of the physical scientists who investigated Spiritualism, his grasp of scientific principles was extensive and subtle.’ Indeed, his work fed into the literature of occult groupings, avant-garde art, Modernist poetry and fiction, and also back into geometry and orthodox science. ‘Cubes’ give a detailed account of Hinton’s work, highlighting his acknowledged and implied sources, Kepler, Kant, and his father, before focusing on his invention of a system of cubes for training the subject in the visualization of higher space. This set of cubes are read as ‘quasi-objects’, things that make fluid the distinction between thinking thing and thing thought on, between mind and material object.

Firth, Antony. Submerged Prehistory in the North Sea. Herausgegeben von Ben Ford, Donny L. Hamilton und Alexis Catsambis. Oxford University Press, 2012.

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This article looks at the prehistory of the North Sea. The North Sea has a long human history and is geographically extensive. This article gives information about artifacts excavated from coastal exposures, dating back to 700,000 years. It describes the model used to study submerged prehistoric contexts in the North Sea. Marine aggregates play a central role in the investigation of submerged prehistory. The submerged river gravels are considered to be of high potential for prehistoric archaeology, which establishes a direct relationship between submerged prehistory and marine aggregate dredging. This article also explains the theory of Doggerland and its conception. Despite a small number of archaeological sites in the North Sea, recent technological developments have had a big effect with respect to data quality, position-fixing, processing, and presentation.

Moslener, Ulf, Matthias Thiemann und Peter Volberding. National Development Banks as Active Financiers. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter argues that Germany’s national development bank, KfW, derives its legitimacy as an important policy actor through three characteristics: (i) it acts on the financial market with the government’s backing to pursue economic—rather than purely commercial—objectives; (ii) as a government agency, it has privileged access to officials and regulators; and (iii) it has extensive in-house technical and engineering expertise. As such, KfW can profoundly impact how these policies are implemented at five stages of the policy process: agenda setting, negotiation, implementation, monitoring, and enforcement. This conceptualization is applied to two illustrative case studies: facilitating Germany’s shift towards a green economy (the Energiewende) and coping with challenges of the 2008 global financial crisis.

Goodin, Robert E., und Kai Spiekermann. An Epistemic Theory of Democracy. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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One attractive feature of democracy is its ability to track the truth by information aggregation. The formal support for this claim goes back to Condorcet’s famous jury theorem. However, the theorem has often been dismissed as a mathematical curiosity because the assumptions on which the theorem is based are demanding. Such quick dismissals tend to misunderstand the original theorem. They also fail to appreciate how Condorcet’s assumptions can be weakened to obtain jury theorems that are readily applicable in the real world. The first part of the book explains the original theorem and its various extensions and introduces results to deal with the challenge of voter dependence. Part II considers opportunities to make democracies perform better in epistemic terms by improving voter competence and diversity, by dividing epistemic labour, and by preceding voting with deliberation. In the third part, political practices are looked at through an epistemic lens, focusing on the influence of tradition, following opinion leaders or cues, and on settings in which the electorate falls into diverging factions. Part IV analyses the implications for the structures of government. While arguing against the case for epistocracy, the use of deliberation and expert advice in representative democracy can lead to improved truth-tracking, provided epistemic bottlenecks are avoided. The final part summarizes the results and explores how epistemic democracy might be undermined, using as case studies the Trump and Brexit campaigns.

Helderman, Ira. Prescribing the Dharma. University of North Carolina Press, 2019.

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Interest in the psychotherapeutic capacity of Buddhist teachings and practices is widely evident in the popular imagination. News media routinely report on the neuropsychological study of Buddhist meditation and applications of mindfulness practices in settings including corporate offices, the U.S. military, and university health centers. However, as Ira Helderman shows, curious investigators have studied the psychological dimensions of Buddhist doctrine for well over a century, stretching back to William James and Carl Jung. These activities have shaped both the mental health field and Buddhist practice throughout the United States. This is the first comprehensive study of the surprisingly diverse ways that psychotherapists have related to Buddhist traditions. Through extensive fieldwork and in-depth interviews with clinicians, many of whom have been formative to the therapeutic use of Buddhist practices, Helderman gives voice to the psychotherapists themselves. He focuses on how they understand key categories such as religion and science. Some are invested in maintaining a hard border between religion and psychotherapy as a biomedical discipline. Others speak of a religious-secular binary that they mean to disrupt. Helderman finds that psychotherapists’ approaches to Buddhist traditions are molded by how they define what is and is not religious, demonstrating how central these concepts are in contemporary American culture.

Harding, Simon. County Lines. Policy Press, 2020.

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Described by the National Crime Agency as a ‘significant threat’, county lines involve gangs recruiting vulnerable youth to sell drugs in provincial areas. This phenomenon has impacted local drug markets, increasing criminal activity and violence. Exploring how county lines evolve, the book reveals extensive criminal exploitation and control in the daily ‘grind’ to sell drugs. Drawing upon extensive interviews and case studies, the book gives voice to users and dealers, providing an in-depth analysis of techniques, relationships and ‘trapping’. The book examines how London-based urban street gangs establish county line drug-supply networks into the Home Counties. It draws upon two principle theoretical perspectives: social field analysis and street capital theory. It then traces the emergence of county lines, noting operational and cultural shifts in drug supply and distribution, and assesses the question of who joins a county lines. The book moves on to examine how the actual processes of county lines drug-supply networks work in reality, looking at the internal dynamics, and it evaluates the complex set of inter-personal relationships between the user community and county line operatives. It then focuses on the families of those involved in county lines, looking at how violence and intimidation often reverberates back into families. The book concludes that in the United Kingdom, the social fields of the urban street gang and of drug distribution markets, are rapidly evolving; it is important to consider how the relational boundaries of these social fields are interacting with the social field of organised crime. With county lines now a critical issue for policing and government, this is an invaluable contribution to literature on gangs, youth violence and drugs. The book begins by describing how the research study was conducted.

Borodovsky, A. P., und S. V. Gorokhov. Umrevinsky ostrog: Results of the 2010–2017 archaeological research. IAET SB RAS Publishing, 2020.

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Th e monograph is the fi rst source to fully introduce into scientifi c discourse the results of the comprehensive studies of the representative item of the Early Modern Period in the Upper Ob region, the Umrevinsky ostrog, that were conducted in 2010–2017 and are still under way. It is discovered that the cultural layer of this archaeological monument contains structures and artifacts dating back by their traditions to the Moscow Tzardom and the Peter I period. Th e research of an extensive necropolis of the Umrevinsky ostrog and analysis of the metal composition of those cross pendants discovered in the territory of the monument allowed attributing the chronology of its appearance and existence. Th e appendix dwells in detail upon the written sources related to the Umrevinsky ostrog and academic missions of the fi rst half of the 18th century, during which the fi rst items of the archaeological heritage in the territory of Novosibirsk region were found. Th e publication is meant for archaeologists, ethnographists, historians, local historians, museum employees, teachers, and students of the departments of history of higher education establishments.

Buchteile zum Thema "Back arc extension":


Chareton, Christophe, Sébastien Bardin, François Bobot, Valentin Perrelle und Benoît Valiron. „An Automated Deductive Verification Framework for Circuit-building Quantum Programs“. In Programming Languages and Systems, 148–77. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractWhile recent progress in quantum hardware open the door for significant speedup in certain key areas, quantum algorithms are still hard to implement right, and the validation of such quantum programs is a challenge. In this paper we propose Qbricks, a formal verification environment for circuit-building quantum programs, featuring both parametric specifications and a high degree of proof automation. We propose a logical framework based on first-order logic, and develop the main tool we rely upon for achieving the automation of proofs of quantum specification: PPS, a parametric extension of the recently developed path sum semantics. To back-up our claims, we implement and verify parametric versions of several famous and non-trivial quantum algorithms, including the quantum parts of Shor’s integer factoring, quantum phase estimation (QPE) and Grover’s search.

Leshem, Oded Adomi, und Eran Halperin. „Hope During Conflict“. In Historical and Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Hope, 179–96. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Abstract The most deeply rooted international conflicts are termed intractable conflicts. Intractable conflicts are violent disputes that demand extensive investment from the rival parties and persist for a long time. These conflicts also share a more subjective quality: those embroiled in such severe disputes perceive them as innately irresolvable. Unsurprisingly, after decades of intergroup violence and hostility, citizens’ hope for peace is almost absent. Yet hope is an essential component in the pursuit of any political change, including the pursuit of peace. To promote the resolution of intractable conflicts, it is vital to accurately assess the levels of hope for peace in these severe disputes and explore hope’s origins and broader political consequences. This chapter addresses some of these issues by presenting the findings of a large-scale survey on hope for peace administered in one of the most longstanding intractable disputes today, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The survey is part of a larger global attitudes project that aims to map the hopes for peace of citizens living in conflict zones. Examining hope for peace among Palestinians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and Jews from Israel, this chapter reaveals some of the demographic and sociopolitical antecedes of hope for peace and demonstrate hope’s effect on braoder political attitudes. Overall, findings suggest that hope is not only an obvious outcome of a successful peace process; it is also one of its sources.

Williams, David-Antoine. „Geoffrey Hill’s Etymological Crux“. In The Life of Words, 150–206. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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This chapter is an investigation into Geoffrey Hill’s philosophy of language, which is at its heart philological and etymological, and which engages questions of theology, metaphysics, ontology, ethics, and poetics. It is a philosophy that is perpetually led back to states of self-opposition and contradiction, latterly described as ‘agon’, and ‘gnostic poiesis’. Etymologically this is manifested in the terms which receive extensive poetic and critical attention in Hill—terms which lie on an ‘active–passive divide’—as well as in the method of interrogation, which is self-oppositionally both a ‘tearing up by the roots’ and a ‘rediscovering’ and careful ‘nurturing’ of them. Hill’s various paradigms for language and for poetry are examined, centring on Hebrew language, the fable of the Fall of Man, Original Sin and its early modern metaphysical extensions, and gnosticism, as well as his sources in Milton and Coleridge.

Frieden, Jeffry A. „The Politics of Exchange Rates: Implications and Extensions“. In Currency Politics. Princeton University Press, 2016.

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The previous chapters provide an empirical evaluation of the theoretical propositions put forth in Chapter 1 about the expected policy preferences of economic groups in society. These investigations, however, also suggest a series of related observations—some of which harken back to points made in Chapter 1—that are worth making explicit. These include the relationship between currency politics and the level of economic integration, trade policy, international cooperation, and economic development. This chapter discusses some of the broad patterns of interest as a partial antidote to the narrower empirical implementations that have preceded it. It considers some general trends in the politics of exchange rates over the past 150 years and across a wide range of countries. It cannot but do this discursively and somewhat superficially. Nonetheless, the breadth of the comparisons may compensate for their lack of depth.

Mahdi, S., O. Gastebled und S. Khodr. „Back analysis of ground settlements induced by TBM excavation for the north extension of Paris metro, line 12“. In Tunnels and Underground Cities: Engineering and Innovation meet Archaeology, Architecture and Art, 2606–15. CRC Press, 2019.

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Mahdi, S., O. Gastebled und S. Khodr. „Back analysis of ground settlements induced by TBM excavation for the north extension of Paris metro, line 12“. In Tunnels and Underground Cities: Engineering and Innovation meet Archaeology, Architecture and Art, 2606–15. CRC Press, 2020.

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Mahdi, S., O. Gastebled und S. Khodr. „Back analysis of ground settlements induced by TBM excavation for the north extension of Paris metro, line 12“. In Tunnels and Underground Cities: Engineering and Innovation meet Archaeology, Architecture and Art, 2606–15. CRC Press, 2020.

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Rizvi, Syed Mohammad Haider, und Andy Dearden. „KHETI“. In Open and Distance Learning Initiatives for Sustainable Development, 163–74. IGI Global, 2018.

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The advancements in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and their applications in development arenas have tremendously boosted prospects of human development. In education and agriculture domains ICTs have been applied and paid dividends. In this paper, an innovative and participatory designed ICT solution – ‘Knowledge Help Extension Technology Initiative (KHETI)' that is meant to ensure flow of agriculture information in real time to poor farmers at remote locations has been discussed. KHETI has leveraged upon the power of ICTs, particularly the multi-media mobiles phones to boost the extension services. It has features to construct, record, play and sending Short Dialogue Strips. The system and its functionalities are speeding-up communications through images and voices amongst various stakeholders and Agriculture Specialist with help of mobiles to get back responses on their queries, problems and other areas of interest. The paper has dealt in detail about KHETI and its possible extension in open and distance learning services for facilitating access to education facilities.

Schillig, Michael. „Private Sector Transfer, Bridge Bank, and Asset Separation“. In Resolution and Insolvency of Banks and Financial Institutions. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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The assisted transfer of the viable parts of a failing institution’s business to a private sector purchaser, or the temporary transfer to a bridge bank, are well-tested bank resolution tools. The same is true for the ‘good bank/bad bank’ model, where performing assets are separated from non-performing assets and the latter are parked in a separate entity until market conditions have stabilized. This chapter analyses the European legal framework for the sale of business, bridge bank, and assets separation tools, as well as their implementation in the UK and Germany. The experience with similar tools under the US FDIC receivership regime for depository institution and their extension under Title II of the Dodd–Frank Act will be used as a comparative reference point.

Tännsjö, Torbjörn. „The Maximin/Leximin Theory“. In Setting Health-Care Priorities, 116–41. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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The maximin/leximin theory is applied in real medical life. The general result, in relation to any welfare state assuming its global obligations, is that more resources ought to be directed to the care and cure of people suffering from mental illness; less should be spent on marginal life extension (especially among elderly patients).The urgency of mental health, when the matter is assessed from the point of view of the maximin/leximin theory, has to do with the fact that people often suffer for very long time from mental disease rendering it plausible to assume that many people in this category garner throughout their lives a net deficit in terms of happiness. Hence they are the patients who are worst off. The problem with marginal life extension among elderly patients has to do with the fact that many among them have throughout their long lives already garnered a lot of happiness. Now these people have to stand back when there is fierce competition for available medical resources.

Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Back arc extension":


Campbell, Clay, Michael H. Taylor, Megan Mueller, Alexis Licht, Faruk Ocakoglu und Andreas Möller. „SUBDUCTING GONDWANAN-AFFINITY PASSIVE MARGIN TRIGGERED LATE CRETACEOUS BACK-ARC EXTENSION OF THE BLACK SEA“. In GSA 2020 Connects Online. Geological Society of America, 2020.

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Hassanzadeh, J., und M. Fakhari. „The Oligo-Miocene Marine Environments of Central Iran - Intra- and Back-Arc Extensions“. In 59th EAGE Conference & Exhibition. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 1997.

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Wang, Li, Yang Liu, Yun Tai, Yawei Zhang und Zhenpeng Tang. „Extension of Load Follow Operation of PWRs Without Boron Adjustment“. In 2013 21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.

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Due to development of electric power system, the proportion of nuclear power and its needs for Load follow operation have become large. Then there would be higher requirements to the power control ability of the nuclear power system. The project with China’s own brands and using the advanced pressurized water reactor (APWR) nuclear power technology, CPR1000, adopts a control method called Mode G, using G banks, N banks, R bank and soluble boron to perform the load follow control. The common Point Model, widely used in conventional core modeling, cannot successfully research the axial power distribution. But in this paper, a two-node dynamic function model was built, taking CPR1000 as an example, considering the coupling coefficient and mutual influence. The transient parameter values were obtained by the steady-state calculation of single channel with its original structure parameter and operation parameter. Then the core system simulation of CPR1000 was modeled. In order to carry out the load follow operation without the boron adjustment, known as BTP mode, the control banks were regrouped to control the average temperature by M banks and axial offset by AO bank. The last, the optimal control implementation was connected to the core simulation platform to operate with the variable daily load. The feasibility and effectiveness of the control policy and the simulation system are validated by the calculation results via one-dimensional in axial computer code APOC. Results of computations performed for a reference reactor were present, giving the possibility that the optimal control policy could stretches the capability of the reactor to follow an average daily load curve. The paper demonstrated in principle that the BTP mode was feasible for CPR1000.

Gunduz, Aydin, Jason T. Dreyer und Rajendra Singh. „Effects of Preloads on Vibration Transmission Through Double Row Angular Contact Ball Bearings“. In ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2011.

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This work investigates the role of double row angular contact ball bearings as a vibration transmitter in shaft-bearing assemblies. In our analyses the double row bearings are represented as five dimensional stiffness elements (with associated damping) through an extension of the stiffness matrix concept described by Lim and Singh (1989) for single row bearings to double row angular contact ball bearings. In particular, the effects of bearing preloads on dynamic characteristics of double row angular contact ball bearings are first numerically explored. The dynamic responses of face-to-face, back-to-back and tandem arrangements are evaluated on a comparative basis under various preloads. The nature and extent of preloads significantly affect the vibration characteristics of the bearing assembly due to major changes in the diagonal and off-diagonal elements of the stiffness matrix, and these effects vary for alternate configurations. The dynamic effects of bearing preloads are then experimentally investigated for a wheel bearing assembly containing double row angular contact ball bearings (with back-to-back arrangement) under two different preloading mechanisms. Experiments show that the mechanism and amount of bearing preloads significantly affect the system natural frequencies, mode shapes and vibration amplitudes, thus altering the vibration behavior of the bearing assembly. Suggestions for further work and applications will be briefly mentioned.

Moser, Patrick, Silvestro Barbarino und Farhan Gandhi. „Helicopter Rotor Blade Chord Extension Morphing Using a Centrifugally Actuated von-Mises Truss“. In ASME 2012 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012.

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Previous studies have shown that chord extension morphing over a spanwise section of helicopter rotor blades can reduce main rotor power requirement in stall-dominant flight conditions while at the same time being able to increase the maximum gross weight, altitude, and flight speed capability of the aircraft. This study examines a centrifugally driven, fully passive chord morphing mechanism for helicopter rotor blades. It is based on a von-Mises truss situated aft of the leading-edge spar, connected to a rigid extension plate which deploys through a slit in the trailing-edge. When the rotor RPM increases beyond a critical value the chordwise component of centrifugal (CF) force on the von-Mises truss and plate assembly results in the deployment of the plate beyond the slit in the trailing edge, effectively increasing chord length. On reducing the RPM, a retraction spring pulls the plate back within the confines of the blade. This study presents the design process, iterations and the final design solution for a configuration that undergoes 20% chord extension. A prototype was fabricated and tested on the bench-top as well as on a rotor test stand at rotational speeds simulating 70% full-scale CF loads. The test results demonstrate that the concept works. However, effects such as friction lead to higher force (or RPM) requirements for deployment than predicted by simulation, and are present during retraction as well. The effects are more pronounced in the high CF field in the rotor test.

Ruberté, Lissette M., Raghu Natarajan und Gunnar B. J. Andersson. „Biomechanical Effect of Lumbar Disc Degeneration Under Flexion/Extension: A Finite Element Model Study“. In ASME 2007 Summer Bioengineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2007.

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Degenerative disc disease (DDD) is a progressive pathological condition observed in 60 to 80% of the population [1]. It involves changes in both the biochemistry and morphology of the intervertebral disc and is associated with chronic low back pain, sciatica and adult scoliosis [2,3]. The most accepted theory of the effects of DDD on the kinematics of the spine is that proposed by Kirkaldy-Willis and Farfan which states that the condition initiates as a temporary dysfunction, followed by instability and then re-stabilization as the disease progresses [4]. Although there is no clear relationship between disc degeneration and the mechanical behavior of the lumbar spine, abnormal motion patterns either in the form of increased motion or erratic motion have been reported from studies on human cadaveric motion segments [5,6]. To date however no study has looked at how disc degeneration affects the adjacent segment mechanics. IN vivo testing is difficult for these purposes given that specimens are generally obtained from people at the later stages of life and consequently often display multiple pathologies. A finite element model is a viable alternative to study the mechanics of the segments adjacent to the diseased disc. It is hypothesized that moderate degeneration at one level will alter the kinematics of the whole lumbar spine.

Arikawa, Keisuke. „Extension of the Kinematics-Based Method for Predicting the Motion of Proteins“. In ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014.

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On the basis of an analogy between the kinematic structures of proteins and robotic mechanisms, we have so far developed methods for predicting the internal motion of proteins from three-dimensional structural data in the protein data bank (PDB). With these methods, we model proteins as serial manipulators constrained by springs, and calculate the structural compliance of the protein model. In this study, toward more practical purposes, we reformulate and extend the existing methods by broadening the definition of structural compliance and reducing the number of variables for expressing the conformation of the model. The broadening is performed by separating the parts whose deformations are evaluated from those where forces are applied. This separation allows the calculation of the effective forces causing deformation in other specified parts. We also reduce the number of conformation variables from the consideration based on the algebraic structure of the basic equations. The size of the matrix whose inverse must be calculated is thus minimized, and the computational cost is reduced. We verify the effectiveness of these extensions by analyzing the PDB data of some proteins.

Katona, Tama´s Ja´nos, Sa´ndor Ra´tkai und A´gnes Ja´nosine´ Bi´ro´. „Extension of Operational Life-Time of WWER-440/213 Type Units at Paks Nuclear Power Plant“. In ASME 2009 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. ASMEDC, 2009.

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Operational license of WWER-440/213 units at Paks NPP, Hungary is limited to the design lifetime of 30 years. Prolongation by additional 20 years of the operational lifetime is feasible. Moreover, enhancement of the reactor thermal power by 8% will increase both the net power output and the competitiveness of the plant. Paks NPP is one of the first considering the power up-rate and preparation of long-term operation of WWER-440/213 design. Systematic preparatory work for long-term operation of Paks NPP has been started in 2000. A regulatory framework and a comprehensive engineering practice have been developed. According to the authors view, creation of a gapless engineering system via consequent application of best practices, and feed-back of experiences together with proper consideration of WWER-440/V213 features are the decisive elements of ensuring the safety of long-term operation. That systematic engineering approach is in the focus of recent paper. Key elements of justification and measures and actions for ensuring the safety of long-term operation of Paks NPP WWER-440/213 units are identified and discussed. These are the assessment of plant condition and review of adequacy of ageing management programmes, also the review, validation and reconstitution of time limited ageing analyses as core tasks of license renewal.

Chen, Tie, Gurnam Singh, Peter Millington und Brian Haller. „Reducing Solid Particle Erosion on Steam Turbine Stages“. In ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.

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Solid Particle Erosion (SPE) damage can be found on steam turbine stages. These solid particles are caused by the exfoliation of iron oxides formed on the inner surfaces of both boiler tubes and steam pipes which are exposed to elevated temperature. They can damage both fixed and Moving Blades, as well as both outer extension ring and tip seals. Severe SPE damages can be expensive for the utility industry due to reduced efficiency and lost power generation, as well as increased costs of repair or replacement of eroded components. Thus it is very important to understand this phenomenon and propose cost effective solutions to reduce the damage. This study investigates the effects of SPE damage using particle trajectory calculations. This investigation confirms that “Bounce Back” is the dominant cause for the SPE damage on both Fixed Blade trailing edge and Moving Blade leading edge. The particles do not accelerate at same speed as steam, therefore they travel much slower when they hit the Moving Blade leading edge. Then they are thrown back towards the Fixed Blade to hit the trailing edge. Due to strong centrifugal forces, the particles are also thrown radically outwards and damage both outer extension ring and tip seals. Based on these enhanced understandings, a practical solution is proposed to reduce SPE damage. It is predicted to have negligible impact on the stage performance. Evidence from the latest inspection demonstrates that this solution is very effective in reducing SPE damage to the Fixed Blade trailing edge.

Parikh, Rachit, Amanesh Amanesh, Ali Kiapour, Vijay K. Goel und Celeste Abjornson. „Biomechanical Investigation and Bone-Implant Stress Analysis of a Novel Lumbar Interspinous Spacer“. In ASME 2009 Summer Bioengineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2009.

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Spinal stenosis usually presents with pain radiating beyond the back to the buttocks, thighs or lower legs. The pain is worsened with extension of the lumbar spine and improves with flexion of the spine. Interspinous spacers are a relatively new treatment option that can be implanted under the minimal spinal surgical procedure. The Interspinous process devices are designed to distract (open) the foramen, where the nerve endings pass away from the center of the spinal region and into the legs. There have been many studies on the motion but stress distributions in the spine and the device are sparse.

Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Back arc extension":


Karlstrom, Karl, Laura Crossey, Allyson Matthis und Carl Bowman. Telling time at Grand Canyon National Park: 2020 update. National Park Service, April 2021.

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Grand Canyon National Park is all about time and timescales. Time is the currency of our daily life, of history, and of biological evolution. Grand Canyon’s beauty has inspired explorers, artists, and poets. Behind it all, Grand Canyon’s geology and sense of timelessness are among its most prominent and important resources. Grand Canyon has an exceptionally complete and well-exposed rock record of Earth’s history. It is an ideal place to gain a sense of geologic (or deep) time. A visit to the South or North rims, a hike into the canyon of any length, or a trip through the 277-mile (446-km) length of Grand Canyon are awe-inspiring experiences for many reasons, and they often motivate us to look deeper to understand how our human timescales of hundreds and thousands of years overlap with Earth’s many timescales reaching back millions and billions of years. This report summarizes how geologists tell time at Grand Canyon, and the resultant “best” numeric ages for the canyon’s strata based on recent scientific research. By best, we mean the most accurate and precise ages available, given the dating techniques used, geologic constraints, the availability of datable material, and the fossil record of Grand Canyon rock units. This paper updates a previously-published compilation of best numeric ages (Mathis and Bowman 2005a; 2005b; 2007) to incorporate recent revisions in the canyon’s stratigraphic nomenclature and additional numeric age determinations published in the scientific literature. From bottom to top, Grand Canyon’s rocks can be ordered into three “sets” (or primary packages), each with an overarching story. The Vishnu Basement Rocks were once tens of miles deep as North America’s crust formed via collisions of volcanic island chains with the pre-existing continent between 1,840 and 1,375 million years ago. The Grand Canyon Supergroup contains evidence for early single-celled life and represents basins that record the assembly and breakup of an early supercontinent between 729 and 1,255 million years ago. The Layered Paleozoic Rocks encode stories, layer by layer, of dramatic geologic changes and the evolution of animal life during the Paleozoic Era (period of ancient life) between 270 and 530 million years ago. In addition to characterizing the ages and geology of the three sets of rocks, we provide numeric ages for all the groups and formations within each set. Nine tables list the best ages along with information on each unit’s tectonic or depositional environment, and specific information explaining why revisions were made to previously published numeric ages. Photographs, line drawings, and diagrams of the different rock formations are included, as well as an extensive glossary of geologic terms to help define important scientific concepts. The three sets of rocks are separated by rock contacts called unconformities formed during long periods of erosion. This report unravels the Great Unconformity, named by John Wesley Powell 150 years ago, and shows that it is made up of several distinct erosion surfaces. The Great Nonconformity is between the Vishnu Basement Rocks and the Grand Canyon Supergroup. The Great Angular Unconformity is between the Grand Canyon Supergroup and the Layered Paleozoic Rocks. Powell’s term, the Great Unconformity, is used for contacts where the Vishnu Basement Rocks are directly overlain by the Layered Paleozoic Rocks. The time missing at these and other unconformities within the sets is also summarized in this paper—a topic that can be as interesting as the time recorded. Our goal is to provide a single up-to-date reference that summarizes the main facets of when the rocks exposed in the canyon’s walls were formed and their geologic history. This authoritative and readable summary of the age of Grand Canyon rocks will hopefully be helpful to National Park Service staff including resource managers and park interpreters at many levels of geologic understandings...

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