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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Comparable study":


Laviosa, Sara. „How Comparable Can 'Comparable Corpora' Be?“ Target. International Journal of Translation Studies 9, Nr. 2 (01.01.1997): 287–317.

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Abstract The development of a coherent methodology for corpus-based work in translation studies is essential for the evolution of this newfield of research into a fully-fledged paradigm within the discipline. The design of a monolingual, multi-source-language comparable corpus of English as a resource for the systematic study of the nature of translated text can be regarded as an important step towards the development of such a methodology. This paper deals with a crucial and problematic aspect of the design of a monolingual comparable corpus, namely the achievement of an adequate level of comparability between its translational and non-translational components.

Gunnell, D. „The two study groups may not be comparable“. BMJ 311, Nr. 6996 (01.07.1995): 56.

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Knopf, Alison. „Zubsolv comparable to Suboxone in retention, cravings: Study“. Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly 26, Nr. 47 (15.12.2014): 4–5.

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Westkott, Marcia, Jody Fitzpatrick, Lynda Dickson und Gay Francis. „Comparable Worth versus the Free Market: A Case Study“. Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 10, Nr. 2 (1988): 6.

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Arnault, E. Jane, Louis Gordon, Douglas H. Joines und G. Michael Phillips. „An Experimental Study of Job Evaluation and Comparable Worth“. Industrial and Labor Relations Review 54, Nr. 4 (Juli 2001): 806.

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Arnault, E. Jane, Louis Gordon, Douglas H. Joines und G. Michael Phillips. „An Experimental Study of Job Evaluation and Comparable Worth“. ILR Review 54, Nr. 4 (Juli 2001): 806–15.

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&NA;. „Study Shows NP Care Is Comparable to Physician Care“. American Journal of Nursing 100, Nr. 3 (März 2000): 21.

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Ekser, Burcin, Chandrashekhar A. Kubal, Jonathan A. Fridell und Richard S. Mangus. „Comparable outcomes in intestinal retransplantation: Single-center cohort study“. Clinical Transplantation 32, Nr. 7 (12.06.2018): e13290.

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Zhang, Jiapeng, Bowen Xie, Zhenhao Xi, Ling Zhao, Lian Cen und Ying Yang. „A comparable study of polyglycolic acid's degradation on macrophages' activation“. Materials Science and Engineering: C 109 (April 2020): 110574.

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&NA;. „Study Questions Comparable Safety and Nutritional Values of Organic Foods“. Nurse Educator 38, Nr. 1 (2013): 8.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "Comparable study":


Courtney, Valencia V. „A comparable market study of RFID for manual item-level accountability inventory and tracking systems“. Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Naval Postgraduate School, 2007.

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Thesis (M.S. in Information Technology Management)--Naval Postgraduate School, March 2007.
Thesis Advisor(s): Glenn Cook. "March 2007." Includes bibliographical references (p. 91-94). Also available in print.

Laviosa-Braithwaite, S. „The English Comparable Corpus (ECC) : a resource and a methodology for the empirical study of translation“. Thesis, University of Manchester, 1996.

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Mongia, Anita Kaur. „Characteristics and attitudes of successful entrepreneurs : A comparable study of Norwegian entrepreneurs in Norway and in the US“. Thesis, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Institutt for industriell økonomi og teknologiledelse, 2013.

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As entrepreneurial activity and economical growth are closely connected to each other, it should be desirable for any country to have a high entrepreneurial activity. It becomes important to evaluate the current status of the entrepreneurial situation in order to find areas that require improvement. Norway experienced an all time low measurement of entrepreneurial activity in 2012. The same year, the US experienced the complete opposite, an all time high in measured entrepreneurial activity since 2004. As it seems, Norway and the US have opposite results when it comes to entrepreneurial activity and the development. Due to the lack of research completed on the field of entrepreneurial activity in Norway it becomes a challenge to acquire the required knowledge that would allow the country to actually improve within the field of entrepreneurship. After having gained insight into the current entrepreneurial situation in Norway though the research findings of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) and an initial literature review, it became clear that certain attitudes and characteristics were associated with wanting to become an entrepreneur and that specific attitudes lead to successful startups. As both of these themes can be positively associated with the total entrepreneurial activity in a country, it became desirable to gain insight into potential differences or similarities between Norwegian entrepreneurs in Norway and Norwegian entrepreneurs in the US, in addition to looking at the potential difference between what is defined as successful or discontinued ventures. In this way the research compares the two different entrepreneurial contexts, as well as their impact on a successful outcome. Several hypotheses are composed and tested in order to gain insight into the entrepreneurial attitudes in Norway and their relation to success. The specific hypotheses tested are; H1: An entrepreneurial venture is more likely to not discontinue, in this case referred to as being a success, if the venture has obtained initial sales, received funding and is working with the startup fulltime, H2; Norwegian entrepreneurs display less motivation than entrepreneurs in the US and therefore are less persistent and less successful and H3; Norwegian entrepreneurs in Norway are less successful compared to entrepreneurs in the US due to low risk tolerance. Support was found for hypothesis H1, although no support was found for hypotheses H2 and H3. Although previous entrepreneurial research suggests the entrepreneurial activity being affected by the environment, this research does not confirm that. The variables researched seem to have an impact on success and discontinuance of a startup, but not on the specific country and environment of where it was established. This information is not able to explain why there is a higher level of entrepreneurial activity in the US compared to Norway other than that there is a more supporting culture for entrepreneurs, making it more desirable to become one. The findings suggest that Norwegian entrepreneurs in Norway have the same abilities to succeed as the entrepreneurs in the US. Additional research within the field of entrepreneurial motivation and aspirations in Norway might uncover additional reasons for not wanting to pursue entrepreneurial opportunities and rather be a fulltime employer. By gaining insight into the decision making process and reason comparing non-entrepreneurs to current entrepreneurs in Norway, this might lead to valuable information for potential policy improvement.

Strömbäck, Tobias, und Boarder Daniel Neij. „Congestion Taxes in Sweden : A comparable study to examine how congestion taxation affect the usage of public transportation in Gothenburg“. Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för nationalekonomi och statistik (NS), 2020.

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This paper examines the effect the Gothenburg congestion tax, which was implemented in 2013, has had on the usage of public transportation. The aim of the policy is to reduce congestion, emissions and to finance public transportation infrastructure. The analysis contains panel data over the years 2010 - 2016 in order to measure the changes for the corresponding period of time. This research will contribute to existing research with a new approach since the instrument for controlling congestion is recently implemented, and the empirics are underdeveloped within this field. The difference in difference analysis is executed to isolate the impact of the introduced congestion tax. Gothenburg act as a treatment region, and Växjö act as a control region. Växjö is used as a control region due to limitations in the collection of data; differences between the selected regions are present and are essential to recognize. Significant differences are found in the population, controlled by a generated ratio between monthly commutes and population. Parallel trends are analyzed to increase the validity of the approach and estimated to be held constant during this period. Results show increased usage of public transportation in Gothenburg by approximately five trips per citizen monthly, due to the implementation of the congestion tax. Citizens in Gothenburg avoid getting additional taxied by correcting their type of transit.

Yeats, Jacqueline. „The effective and proper exercise of appraisal rights under the South African Companies Act, 2008 : developing a strategic approach through a study of comparable foreign law“. Doctoral thesis, University of Cape Town, 2016.

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This thesis seeks to identify how the appraisal rights remedy, which was introduced into South African company law for the first time by section 164 of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 ('the South African Act'), should be interpreted and applied in order to facilitate its effective and proper exercise. When the draft version of the South African Act was initially published for public comment, critics raised concerns that the inclusion of the appraisal remedy was undesirable and unnecessary. These concerns were largely motivated by the fact that at the time appraisal rights were a novel concept and thus a completely unknown quantity in South African law. As a result there was much uncertainty in the legal and commercial sector as to how these rights would be interpreted, how they would function and how frequently they would be used. However, since the commencement date of the South African Act (being 1 May 2011) to date no appraisal rights matter has come before our courts and it could therefore be argued that the initial concerns of the critics regarding the impact that the inclusion of appraisal rights would have on South African company law were unfounded. This 'lack of use' phenomenon is in line with the general trend experienced in foreign jurisdictions where the appraisal remedy has been on the statute books for decades, such as the United States of America ('USA' or 'US'), Canada and New Zealand. Due to the fact that appraisal rights are notoriously underutilised they have often been dismissed as an ineffective remedy for minority shareholders. Clearly it could not have been the intention of the drafters of the South African Act to include an ineffective or useless remedy. My research indicates that the lack of use of the appraisal remedy in comparable jurisdictions is due to a number of factors but can be broadly attributed to the complexity, uncertainty and expense associated with the exercise of appraisal rights. The thesis therefore seeks to identify the various causes of the lack of effectiveness apparent in the USA, Canada and New Zealand, to examine the relevance of these in the South African context and to consider possible ways of addressing these challenges. The ultimate objective of the thesis is to devise measures which may be taken so that the appraisal remedy can function more effectively, or at least as effectively as possible, in South Africa.

Caravati-Jouveanceaux, Agnès. „Les patients guéris d'un cancer colorectal retrouvent-ils à long terme un niveau de qualité de vie et de réinsertion comparable à celui de témoins de population ?“ Thesis, Besançon, 2012.

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Avec l'amélioration de la prise en charge du cancer colorectal (CCR), on constate une augmentation croissante du nombre de personnes en longue rémission de ce cancer. Cependant, le CCR et ses traitements peuvent avoir des répercussions physiques et psychologiques à long terme. L'objectif était d'évaluer la QdV et la réinsertion de patients en longue rémission d'un CCR, 5, 10 et 15 ans après le diagnostic, comparées à des témoins de population générale. Etude constituée de cas de CCR tirés au sort à partir des 3 registres des tumeurs et de témoins tirés au sort à partir des listes électorales. Les participants ont complété 5 auto-questionnaires : le SF-36 et le QLQC30, le MFI-20 et le STAI, et un questionnaire de conditions de vie. Au total, 542 cas de CCR et 1181 témoins ont été inclus. Globalement, la QdV des patients était comparable à celle des témoins 15 ans après le diagnostic. Les patients atteints du cancer du rectum ont été plus affectés physiquement et ont ressenti davantage de fatigue. Quant à la réinsertion, les patients ont reporté des changements positifs tels que l'an1élioration de leur relation conjugale. Cependant les patients ont noté plus de difficultés lors de démarches de souscription à un prêt. En terme de QdV, cette étude a démontré qu'elle était globalement satisfaisante chez les patients en longue rémission de leur CCR. Ils ont reporté dans leur vie sociale et familiale plus de changements positifs que les témoins, signe d'une adaptation à la maladie. Mais il persiste encore des difficultés d'ordre professionnel et financier. Il parait nécessaire de maintenir la prise en charge médico-psycho-sociale des personnes en longue rémission d'un CCR
Given enhancing managing of colorectal cancer (CRC), we note an increasing number of long term cancer survivors. However, CRC and its treatment can cause long term physical and psychological effects. The goal was to evaluate quality of life and reintegration in long term CRC survivors, 5, 10, and 15 years after diagnostic, in comparison with population controls. Study consisted of CRC cases, randomly selected from files of three cancer registries and controls randomly selected from electoral rolls. Participants completed five self-administrated questionnaires: SF-36 and QLQC30, MFI-20 and ST Al, and a life conditions questionnaire. Five hundred forty two CRC cases and l, 181 controls were included. Globally, survivors QOL was comparable with that of controls, 15 years after diagnosis. Rectal cancer survivors were more affected in physical field and perceived more fatigue. In reintegration analyses, cancer survivors reported more positive changes than controls, as strengthening in marital relationships. However, survivors met more difficulties in loan and insurance requests. In term of QOL, this study demonstrated it was globally satisfactory in long term CRC survivors. In term of reintegration they reported positive changes and less negative changes in social and marital life, sign of an adaptation to cancer. However, they still met difficulties in professional and financial position. lt seems to be necessary to strength medical and psychosocial follow-up of CRC survivors

Ericsson, Thomas. „Systematisk arbetsvärdering : ett lönesättningsinstrument i närbild“. Doctoral thesis, Umeå universitet, Sociologiska institutionen, 1991.

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The subject of the thesis is systematic job evaluation for purposes of local wage determination for blue-collar jobs within the Swedish industry. The method is examined from a general wage-determination as well as from a gender equality perspective. The thesis is based on e.g. documents from the parties, on interviews with representatives of employers and unions at the central and local level, and on interviews with persons participating in job evaluation work in some companies. An analysis is made of one of the most common job evaluation systems, including the changes it has undergone since the 1950s. The use of a job evaluation system implies that a linkage is made between /certain/job demands and wages. It also means that this linkage is made in a systematic way. Systematics might, in its turn, imply consistency, rigidity and explicity. The thesis examines the significance of a linkage demands-wages and of consistency, rigidity and explicity for the parties' attitudes towards the method; as a purpose or as a means to achieve other goals. It demonstrates that the employers' problems to recruit labour and a desire for an increased wage differentiation has constituted a major reason for using the systems. The job evaluation system examined does not consider, or gives low weight to, certain demands which are common in female-dominated jobs. Various circumstances in the evaluation work process which provide it with scope for consideration are identified. This scope for consideration may disfavour female-dominated jobs. The thesis claims that the scope for consideration yet is less than in an unsystematic overall assessment of différencies in job demands between various jobs. A completed systematic job evaluation offers a basis for speaking of "work of equal value" in the sense of the Swedish Equal Opportunities Act, and forces the employer to explain possible différencies in the terms of employment when the points allotted are equal. It is unclear whether the court has to accept the application of the system made by the parties, or whether it could make its own evaluation with the same system. So far, no case concerning work of equal value has been settled in court.

Diss. Umeå : Univ., 1991


Baranyiová, Lucie. „Návrh reklamních strategie v pohostinství - komparativní studie pro ČR a Irsko“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2021.

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This diploma thesis entitled "Design of Promotion Strategie in the Hospitality Industry - a Comparable Study for the Czech Republic and Ireland" addresses strategic practices in different countries and further applies them. The aim was to assess whether it is possible to apply the same advertising procedures as in Ireland at domestic country. The evaluation was carried out on the basis of a semi-structured interview with a Irish resident working in the hospitality industry and a questionnaire survey which took place in the Czech Republic. In the conclusion the are formulated specific steps inspired by Ireland which can be applied in the Czech Republic.

DINISI, MARIA GRAZIA. „Studi per una ridefinizione del concetto di Classico“. Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2012.

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Il termine Classico ha accumulato molte valenze; certamente moltissimi studiosi hanno affrontato la questione, ma si è rivelata opportuna una revisione del tema. La risposta alla domanda "Che cosa è un classico?" è cercata attraverso un'analisi terminologica che indaghi la nascita della categoria e del termine e le diverse accezioni di questo. Segue un'indagine cronologica dei contributi letterari alla questione nel corso della storia della cultura occidentale Il Classico, classificato come "di fondazione" o "di consolidamento", emerge come summa delle categorie di Bello, Buono, Vero e Uno. Ha inoltre delle limitazioni in termini di tempo, genere e grado. La più importante implicazione di questa tesi riguarda la responsabilità del mondo delle lettere nella conservazione o nella trasformazione della civiltà e cultura occidentale al contatto con altre civiltà o all'emergere degli effetti della globalizzazione.
The term Classic has accumulated different meanings. Surely many scholars have tackled over this matter, and yet it is right to review this notion. I have tried to answer the question “what is a Classic?” by analyzing the term and by tracing it back to its birth and uses over the centuries. Then I have also made inquires about the literary contributions to the debate in the history of western culture. Classified as the “foundation” and the “canonization”, the Classic emerges as the “summa” of the categories of the Beautiful, the Good, the True and the Sole. Furthermore this notion is limited in terms of time, literary genre and degree. The most important implication of my dissertation is the responsibility that the literary world holds in keeping and transforming the western civilization and culture when they get in touch with others and when globalization emerges.


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Nel corso dell’Ottocento, in Francia, il principio di formazione, attraverso gli studi classici, delle élite destinate a ricoprire le più alte funzioni professionali assunse una connotazione sempre più anacronistica e il sistema scolastico fu al centro di una serie di accesi dibattiti e tentativi più o meno riusciti di riforma dei metodi di insegnamento e dei contenuti degli studi, che si acuirono soprattutto in seguito alla battaglia di Sedan. Il permanere di una cultura e di un sistema di istruzione immobile e legato alla tradizione umanistica si scontrò violentemente a fine secolo con la democratizzazione della società, il progresso scientifico e lo sviluppo economico e con la corsa alla modernizzazione della cultura. Questo elaborato si propone di ripercorrere i principali aspetti culturali, storici ed economici che scandirono la storia della pedagogia francese, analizzando il lungo ed altalenante percorso di cambiamento delle humanités classiques durante la costituzione dell’istituzione più conservatrice della Francia del XIX secolo: l’enseignement secondaire.
During the nineteenth century in France, the education through classical studies of the elite meant to play the highest professional roles became increasingly anachronistic and the school system was the main target of many debates and reforming processes. These attempts of changing teaching methods and subjects increased even further after the battle of Sedan. At the end of the century, the persistence of a stationary culture and of an educational system linked to the humanistic tradition clashed with the democratisation of the society, the scientific progress and the economic development and also with the rush to modernise this culture. The aim of this research is to trace the main cultural, historical and economic factors that distinguished the history of French education, while analysing the long and various changes of classical humanities during the establishment of French secondary school, which was the more conservative institution of the nineteenth century.

Bücher zum Thema "Comparable study":


Washington (State). Legislature. Legislative Budget Committee. Comparable worth implementation study. Olympia, WA (P.O. Box 40910, Olympia 98504-0910): The Committee, 1992.

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Maryland. Commission on Compensation and Personnel Policies. The state of Maryland comparable worth study. [New York, N.Y.]: Booz-Allen & Hamilton, 1986.

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Duindam, David. Fragments of the Holocaust. NL Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018.

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Why do we attach so much value to sites of Holocaust memory, if all we ever encounter are fragments of a past that can never be fully comprehended? David Duindam examines how the Hollandsche Schouwburg, a former theater in Amsterdam used for the registration and deportation of nearly 50,000 Jews, fell into disrepair after World War II before it became the first Holocaust memorial museum of the Netherlands. Fragments of the Holocaust: The Amsterdam Hollandsche Schouwburg as a Site of Memory combines a detailed historical study of the postwar period of this site with a critical analysis of its contemporary presentation by placing it within international debates concerning memory, emotionally fraught heritage and museum studies. A case is made for the continued importance of the Hollandsche Schouwburg and other comparable sites, arguing that these will remain important in the future as indexical fragments where new generations can engage with the memory of the Holocaust on a personal and affective level.

Massachusetts. General Court. Special Committee on Comparable Worth. Second interim report of the joint special committee established for the purpose of making an investigation and study relative to comparable worth in employment and the extent to which sex segregation exists in employment in the Commonwealth: (under House Order No. 6547 of 1983 and revived and continued by House Order No. 5854 of 1985), January 12, 1987. [Boston]: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1987.

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Graziani, Michela, Hrsg. Trasparenze ed epifanie. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2017.

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Il volume Trasparenze ed epifanie. Quando la luce diventa letteratura, arte, storia, scienza riunisce trenta contributi presentati al convegno interdisciplinare organizzato all’Università degli Studi di Firenze in occasione dell’International Year of Light 2015. Studiosi delle scienze, della storia, storia dell’arte e del cinema, della filosofia, della filologia e della teoria della letteratura e delle letterature italiana, straniere e comparate, provenienti da sette dipartimenti dell'ateneo fiorentino, introducono alle varie accezioni e rappresentazioni simboliche della luce in epoca antica, medievale, moderna e contemporanea, e insieme propongono un “viaggio luminoso” nella civiltà del dialogo scientifico e culturale aperto.

J, Waddington D., Nentwig Peter und Schanze Sascha, Hrsg. Making it comparable: Standards in science education. Münster: New York, 2007.

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1947-, Steinberg Ronnie, Hrsg. The New York State comparable worth study: Final report. Albany, N.Y: Center for Women in Government, State University of New York at Albany, 1985.

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Kiriakidis, George. A study of the comparable characteristics between a young and an established science park. 1996.

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National Committee on Pay Equity. Opm comparable Worth - Pay Equity Study Overstates Women's Progress in Federal Workforce [C-309]. Inst for Women's Policy, 1987.

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Westra, Laura. The question of "comparable worth" and the "standard setters": A comparative study of professional guidelines, bylaws and codes of ethics in relation to the Green Paper on Pay Equity. [Toronto : Ontario Women's Directorate, 1986.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Comparable study":


Sobolewski, Piotr, und Michał Woźniak. „Comparable Study of Statistical Tests for Virtual Concept Drift Detection“. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems CORES 2013, 329–37. Heidelberg: Springer International Publishing, 2013.

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Chen, Guangyi, und Wenfang Xie. „A Comparable Study on Dimensionality Reduction Methods for Endmember Extraction“. In Intelligent Computing Theories and Application, 143–50. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Odusami, Modupe, Rytis Maskeliunas, Robertas Damaševičius und Sanjay Misra. „Comparable Study of Pre-trained Model on Alzheimer Disease Classification“. In Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2021, 63–74. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Liu, Yuchen, Long Zhou, Yining Wang, Yang Zhao, Jiajun Zhang und Chengqing Zong. „A Comparable Study on Model Averaging, Ensembling and Reranking in NMT“. In Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing, 299–308. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Abou El-Seoud, M. Samir, Hosam F. El-Sofany und Islam A. T. F. Taj-Eddin. „Comparable and Analytical Study Between Some Security Issues in Cloud Computing“. In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 526–39. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Jiang, Menghan, und Chu-Ren Huang. „A Comparable Corpus-Based Study of Three DO Verbs in Varieties of Mandarin: gao“. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 147–54. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Nideep, T. K., M. Ramya, Meenakshi M. Varier und M. Kailasnath. „A Study of Nonlinear Optical Property of Cadmium Based Quantum Dots with Comparable Particle Size“. In Springer Proceedings in Physics, 243–46. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.

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Pinnis, Mārcis, Inguna Skadiņa und Andrejs Vasiļjevs. „Domain Adaptation in Statistical Machine Translation Using Comparable Corpora: Case Study for English Latvian IT Localisation“. In Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, 224–35. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Cook, Thomas D., William R. Shadish und Vivian C. Wong. „Three Conditions under Which Experiments and Observational Studies Produce Comparable Causal Estimates: New Findings from Within-Study Comparisons“. In Social Experimentation, Program Evaluation, and Public Policy, 92–118. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009.

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Vollenwyder, Beat, Esther Buchmüller, Christian Trachsel, Klaus Opwis und Florian Brühlmann. „My Train Talks to Me: Participatory Design of a Mobile App for Travellers with Visual Impairments“. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10–18. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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AbstractTravellers with visual impairments may face substantial information gaps on their journeys by public transport. For instance, information displayed in trains, as well as on departure boards in train stations and on platforms, are often not available in acoustic or tactile form. Digital technologies, such as smartphones or smartwatches, can provide an alternative means of access. However, these alternatives do not guarantee that the user experience is comparable in value, quality and efficiency. The present case study details a participatory design process, where travellers with visual impairments co-designed a mobile app. The goal was to tackle information gaps on journeys by public transport and to learn how participatory design can facilitate the provision of comparable experiences for users with disabilities. Travellers with visual impairments were involved in a collaborative process in all project phases, including problem identification, technical feasibility, proof of concept, design and development. Participatory design contributed to a thorough understanding of the user perspective and allowed the app to be optimised for the needs of travellers with visual impairments. Furthermore, co-design proved to be an effective method for fostering awareness and knowledge about digital accessibility at all organisational levels.

Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Comparable study":


Li, Qiao, Qing Fan, Yunpeng Xiao und Weiping Ye. „A Comparable Study on PNCC in Speaker Diarization for Meetings“. In Its Applications and Embedded Sys (CDEE). IEEE, 2010.

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Heimann, Matthias, Bjoern Boehme, Sebastian Scheffler, Martin Wirts-Ruetters und Klaus-Juergen Wolter. „CNTs - a comparable study of CNT-filled adhesives with common materials“. In 2009 IEEE 59th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC 2009). IEEE, 2009.

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Charalampopoulos, Ioannis, und Ioannis Anagnostopoulos. „A Comparable Study Employing WEKA Clustering/Classification Algorithms for Web Page Classification“. In 2011 15th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI). IEEE, 2011.

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Zheng, Yufeng, Hongyu Wang und Yingguang Hao. „Comparable study of convolutional neural networks in classification and feature extraction applications“. In Big Data II: Learning, Analytics, and Applications, herausgegeben von Fauzia Ahmad. SPIE, 2020.

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Zou, Wei, Dongwei Jiang, Shuaijiang Zhao, Guilin Yang und Xiangang Li. „Comparable Study Of Modeling Units For End-To-End Mandarin Speech Recognition“. In 2018 11th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP). IEEE, 2018.

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Suwa, Katsumasa, Quan Huu Cap, Ryunosuke Kotani, Hiroyuki Uga, Satoshi Kagiwada und Hitoshi Iyatomi. „A comparable study: Intrinsic difficulties of practical plant diagnosis from wide-angle images“. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). IEEE, 2019.

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Gu, Xiuquan, Yinghuai Qiang, Yulong Zhao und Lei Zhu. „A comparable study on structural and optical properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 and Cu2ZnSnSe4 nanocrystallines“. In Advanced Optoelectronics for Energy and Environment. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 2013.

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Yuan, Zhen, und Huabei Jiang. „Diffusion approximation and higher-order diffusion equations for optical tomography of osteoarthritis: A comparable study“. In Biomedical Optics. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 2010.

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Xie, Tuqiang, Zhenguo Wang und Yingtian Pan. „Comparable study of optical coherence tomography with the wavelength of 940 nm and 1320 nm“. In Biomedical Optics 2004, herausgegeben von Valery V. Tuchin, Joseph A. Izatt und James G. Fujimoto. SPIE, 2004.

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Mitrofanova, Olga, und Anastasiia Sedova. „Topic Modelling in Parallel and Comparable Fiction Texts (the case study of English and Russian prose)“. In IMS2017: International Conference. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2017.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Comparable study":


Saldanha, Ian J., Wangnan Cao, Justin M. Broyles, Gaelen P. Adam, Monika Reddy Bhuma, Shivani Mehta, Laura S. Dominici, Andrea L. Pusic und Ethan M. Balk. Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Juli 2021.

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Objectives. This systematic review evaluates breast reconstruction options for women after mastectomy for breast cancer (or breast cancer prophylaxis). We addressed six Key Questions (KQs): (1) implant-based reconstruction (IBR) versus autologous reconstruction (AR), (2) timing of IBR and AR in relation to chemotherapy and radiation therapy, (3) comparisons of implant materials, (4) comparisons of anatomic planes for IBR, (5) use versus nonuse of human acellular dermal matrices (ADMs) during IBR, and (6) comparisons of AR flap types. Data sources and review methods. We searched Medline®, Embase®, Cochrane CENTRAL, CINAHL®, and from inception to March 23, 2021, to identify comparative and single group studies. We extracted study data into the Systematic Review Data Repository Plus (SRDR+). We assessed the risk of bias and evaluated the strength of evidence (SoE) using standard methods. The protocol was registered in PROSPERO (registration number CRD42020193183). Results. We found 8 randomized controlled trials, 83 nonrandomized comparative studies, and 69 single group studies. Risk of bias was moderate to high for most studies. KQ1: Compared with IBR, AR is probably associated with clinically better patient satisfaction with breasts and sexual well-being but comparable general quality of life and psychosocial well-being (moderate SoE, all outcomes). AR probably poses a greater risk of deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism (moderate SoE), but IBR probably poses a greater risk of reconstructive failure in the long term (1.5 to 4 years) (moderate SoE) and may pose a greater risk of breast seroma (low SoE). KQ 2: Conducting IBR either before or after radiation therapy may result in comparable physical well-being, psychosocial well-being, sexual well-being, and patient satisfaction with breasts (all low SoE), and probably results in comparable risks of implant failure/loss or need for explant surgery (moderate SoE). We found no evidence addressing timing of IBR or AR in relation to chemotherapy or timing of AR in relation to radiation therapy. KQ 3: Silicone and saline implants may result in clinically comparable patient satisfaction with breasts (low SoE). There is insufficient evidence regarding double lumen implants. KQ 4: Whether the implant is placed in the prepectoral or total submuscular plane may not be associated with risk of infections that are not explicitly implant related (low SoE). There is insufficient evidence addressing the comparisons between prepectoral and partial submuscular and between partial and total submuscular planes. KQ 5: The evidence is inconsistent regarding whether human ADM use during IBR impacts physical well-being, psychosocial well-being, or satisfaction with breasts. However, ADM use probably increases the risk of implant failure/loss or need for explant surgery (moderate SoE) and may increase the risk of infections not explicitly implant related (low SoE). Whether or not ADM is used probably is associated with comparable risks of seroma and unplanned repeat surgeries for revision (moderate SoE for both), and possibly necrosis (low SoE). KQ 6: AR with either transverse rectus abdominis (TRAM) or deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flaps may result in comparable patient satisfaction with breasts (low SoE), but TRAM flaps probably increase the risk of harms to the area of flap harvest (moderate SoE). AR with either DIEP or latissimus dorsi flaps may result in comparable patient satisfaction with breasts (low SoE), but there is insufficient evidence regarding thromboembolic events and no evidence regarding other surgical complications. Conclusion. Evidence regarding surgical breast reconstruction options is largely insufficient or of only low or moderate SoE. New high-quality research is needed, especially for timing of IBR and AR in relation to chemotherapy and radiation therapy, for comparisons of implant materials, and for comparisons of anatomic planes of implant placement.

Lemos, Renata, Karthik Muralidharan und Daniela Scur. Personnel Management and School Productivity: Evidence from India. Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE), Februar 2021.

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This paper uses new data to study school management and productivity in India. We report four main results. First, management quality in public schools is low, and ~2σ below high-income countries with comparable data. Second, private schools have higher management quality, driven by much stronger people management. Third, people management quality is correlated with both independent measures of teaching practice, as well as school productivity measured by student value added. Fourth, private school teacher pay is positively correlated with teacher effectiveness, and better managed private schools are more likely to retain more effective teachers. Neither pattern is seen in public schools.

DiGrande, Laura, Sue Pedrazzani, Elizabeth Kinyara, Melanie Hymes, Shawn Karns, Donna Rhodes und Alanna Moshfegh. Field Interviewer– Administered Dietary Recalls in Participants’ Homes: A Feasibility Study Using the US Department of Agriculture’s Automated Multiple-Pass Method. RTI Press, Mai 2021.

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Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility of administering the Automated Multiple-Pass Method (AMPM), a widely used tool for collecting 24-hour dietary recalls, in participants’ homes by field interviewers. Design: The design included computer-assisted personal interviews led by either a nutritionist (standard) or field interviewer. Portion estimators tested were a set of three-dimensional food models (standard), a two-dimensional food model booklet, or a tablet with digital images rendered via augmented reality. Setting: Residences in central North Carolina. Participants: English-speaking adults. Pregnant women and individuals who were fasting were excluded. Results: Among 133 interviews, most took place in living rooms (52%) or kitchens (22%). Mean interview time was 40 minutes (range 13–90), with no difference by interviewer type or portion estimator, although timing for nutritionist-led interviews declined significantly over the study period. Forty-five percent of participants referenced items from their homes to facilitate recall and portion estimation. Data entry and post-interview coding was evaluated and determined to be consistent with requirements for the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Values for the number of food items consumed, food groups, energy intake (average of 3,011 kcal for men and 2,105 kcal for women), and key nutrients were determined to be plausible and within reasonably expected ranges regardless of interviewer type or portion estimator used. Conclusions: AMPM dietary recall interviews conducted in the home are feasible and may be preferable to clinical administration because of comfort and the opportunity for participants to access home items for recall. AMPMs administered by field interviewers using the food model booklet produced credible nutrition data that was comparable to AMPMs administered by nutritionists. Training field interviewers in dietary recall and conducting home interviews may be sensible choices for nutrition studies when response rates and cost are concerns.

Lomboy, Gilson, Douglas Cleary, Seth Wagner, Yusef Mehta, Danielle Kennedy, Benjamin Watts, Peter Bly und Jared Oren. Long-term performance of sustainable pavements using ternary blended concrete with recycled aggregates. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), Mai 2021.

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Dwindling supplies of natural concrete aggregates, the cost of landfilling construction waste, and interest in sustainable design have increased the demand for recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) in new portland cement concrete mixtures. RCA repurposes waste material to provide useful ingredients for new construction applications. However, RCA can reduce the performance of the concrete. This study investigated the effectiveness of ternary blended binders, mixtures containing portland cement and two different supplementary cementitious materials, at mitigating performance losses of concrete mixtures with RCA materials. Concrete mixtures with different ternary binder combinations were batched with four recycled concrete aggregate materials. For the materials used, the study found that a blend of portland cement, Class C fly ash, and blast furnace slag produced the highest strength of ternary binder. At 50% replacement of virgin aggregates and ternary blended binder, some specimens showed comparable mechanical performance to a control mix of only portland cement as a binder and no RCA substitution. This study demonstrates that even at 50% RCA replacement, using the appropriate ternary binder can create a concrete mixture that performs similarly to a plain portland cement concrete without RCA, with the added benefit of being environmentally beneficial.

Hillman, Kylie, und Sue Thomson. 2018 Australian TALIS-PISA Link Report. Australian Council for Educational Research, August 2021.

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Australia was one of nine countries and economies to participate in the 2018 TALIS-PISA link study, together with Cuidad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina), Colombia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Georgia, Malta, Turkey and Viet Nam. This study involved coordinating the samples of schools that participated in the Program of International Student Assessment (PISA, a study of the performance of 15-year-old students) and the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS, a study that surveys teachers and principals in lower secondary schools) in 2018. A sample of teachers from schools that were selected to participate in PISA were invited to respond to the TALIS survey. TALIS data provides information regarding the background, beliefs and practices of lower secondary teachers and principals, and PISA data delivers insights into the background characteristics and cognitive and non-cognitive skills of 15-year-old students. Linking these data offers an internationally comparable dataset combining information on key education stakeholders. This report presents results of analyses of the relationships between teacher and school factors and student outcomes, such as performance on the PISA assessment, expectations for further study and experiences of school life. Results for Australia are presented alongside those of the average (mean) across all countries and economies that participated in the TALIS-PISA link study for comparison, but the focus remains on what relationships were significant among Australian students.

Hillman, Kylie, und Sue Thomson. 2018 Australian TALIS-PISA Link Report. Australian Council for Educational Research, August 2021.

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Australia was one of nine countries and economies to participate in the 2018 TALIS-PISA link study, together with Cuidad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina), Colombia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Georgia, Malta, Turkey and Viet Nam. This study involved coordinating the samples of schools that participated in the Program of International Student Assessment (PISA, a study of the performance of 15-year-old students) and the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS, a study that surveys teachers and principals in lower secondary schools) in 2018. A sample of teachers from schools that were selected to participate in PISA were invited to respond to the TALIS survey. TALIS data provides information regarding the background, beliefs and practices of lower secondary teachers and principals, and PISA data delivers insights into the background characteristics and cognitive and non-cognitive skills of 15-year-old students. Linking these data offers an internationally comparable dataset combining information on key education stakeholders. This report presents results of analyses of the relationships between teacher and school factors and student outcomes, such as performance on the PISA assessment, expectations for further study and experiences of school life. Results for Australia are presented alongside those of the average (mean) across all countries and economies that participated in the TALIS-PISA link study for comparison, but the focus remains on what relationships were significant among Australian students.

Francesco, Petruccione,, Gastrow, Michael, Hadzic, Senka, Limpitlaw, Justine, Paul, Babu Sena, Wolhuter, Riaan und Kies, Carl. Evaluation of Alternative Telecommunication Technologies for the Karoo Central Astronomy Advantage Area. Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), 2021.

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The National Research Foundation (NRF) requested the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), on behalf of South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO) and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), to undertake an independent and objective evaluation of potential alternative telecommunication technologies for the areas of the Karoo Central Astronomy Advantage Areas (KCAAA). The study encompasses regulatory, public sphere, and technical dimensions to explore options for maintaining the functionality of the telescope while, at the same time, delivering appropriate connectivity solutions for local communities.The objectives of this study are as follows: 1) Assess the technologies currently being, or planning to be, deployed through existing alternative communications programs managed by SARAO, including whether these technologies are comparable with market available technologies that could feasibly be deployed in the KCAAA; and 2) Assessment of current and future telecommunication technologies that may act as suitable replacement and/or improvement (functional and feasible) for existing detrimental technologies, utilised in the KCAAA. This report provides a critical background into the relationship between the SKA and local communities as it relates to ICTs in the area. Based on this understanding, potential technology solutions are proposed to ensure residents of the KCAAA are still afforded valuable access to information and communication technologies (ICTs) within the parameters of affordability, desirability and feasibility.

Punjabi, Maitri, Julianne Norman, Lauren Edwards und Peter Muyingo. Using ACASI to Measure Gender-Based Violence in Ugandan Primary Schools. RTI Press, März 2021.

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School-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) remains difficult to measure because of high sensitivity and response bias. However, most SRGBV measurement relies on face-to-face (FTF) survey administration, which is susceptible to increased social desirability bias. Widely used in research on sensitive topics, Audio Computer-Assisted Self-Interview (ACASI) allows subjects to respond to pre-recorded questions on a computerized device, providing respondents with privacy and confidentiality. This brief contains the findings from a large-scale study conducted in Uganda in 2019 where primary grade 3 students were randomly selected to complete surveys using either ACASI or FTF administration. The surveys covered school climate, gender attitudes, social-emotional learning, and experiences of SRGBV. Through this study, we find that although most survey responses were comparable between ACASI and FTF groups, the reporting of experiences of sexual violence differed drastically: 43% of students in the FTF group versus 77% of students in the ACASI group reported experiencing sexual violence in the past school term. We also find that factor structures are similar for data collected with ACASI compared with data collected FTF, though there is weaker evidence for construct validity for both administration modes. We conclude that ACASI is a valuable tool in measuring sensitive sub-topics of SRGBV and should be utilized over FTF administration, although further psychometric testing of these surveys is recommended.

Thomson, Sue, Nicole Wernert, Sima Rodrigues und Elizabeth O'Grady. TIMSS 2019 Australia. Volume I: Student performance. Australian Council for Educational Research, Dezember 2020.

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The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is an international comparative study of student achievement directed by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA). TIMSS was first conducted in 1995 and the assessment conducted in 2019 formed the seventh cycle, providing 24 years of trends in mathematics and science achievement at Year 4 and Year 8. In Australia, TIMSS is managed by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) and is jointly funded by the Australian Government and the state and territory governments. The goal of TIMSS is to provide comparative information about educational achievement across countries in order to improve teaching and learning in mathematics and science. TIMSS is based on a research model that uses the curriculum, within context, as its foundation. TIMSS is designed, broadly, to align with the mathematics and science curricula used in the participating education systems and countries, and focuses on assessment at Year 4 and Year 8. TIMSS also provides important data about students’ contexts for learning mathematics and science based on questionnaires completed by students and their parents, teachers and school principals. This report presents the results for Australia as a whole, for the Australian states and territories and for the other participants in TIMSS 2019, so that Australia’s results can be viewed in an international context, and student performance can be monitored over time. The results from TIMSS, as one of the assessments in the National Assessment Program, allow for nationally comparable reports of student outcomes against the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians. (Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs, 2008).

Akinleye, Taiwo, Idil Deniz Akin, Amanda Hohner, Indranil Chowdhury, Richards Watts, Xianming Shi, Brendan Dutmer, James Mueller und Will Moody. Evaluation of Electrochemical Treatment for Removal of Arsenic and Manganese from Field Soil. Illinois Center for Transportation, Juni 2021.

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Soils containing inorganic compounds are frequently encountered by transportation agencies during construction within the right-of-way, and they pose a threat to human health and the environment. As a result, construction activities may experience project delays and increased costs associated with management of inorganic compounds containing soils required to meet environmental regulations. Recalcitrance of metal-contaminated soils toward conventional treatment technologies is exacerbated in clay or organic content-rich fine-grained soils with low permeability and high sorption capacity because of increased treatment complexity, cost, and duration. The objective of this study was to develop an accelerated in situ electrochemical treatment approach to extract inorganic compounds from fine-grained soils, with the treatment time comparable to excavation and off-site disposal. Three reactor experiments were conducted on samples collected from two borehole locations from a field site in Illinois that contained arsenic (As)(~7.4 mg/kg) and manganese (Mn)(~700 mg/kg). A combination of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and/or citrate buffer solution was used to treat the soils. A low-intensity electrical field was applied to soil samples using a bench-scale reactor that resembles field-scale in situ electrochemical systems. For the treatment using 10% H2O2 and citrate buffer solution, average removal of 23% and 8% were achieved for Mn and As, respectively. With 4% H2O2 and citrate buffer, 39% and 24% removal were achieved for Mn and As; while using only citrate buffer as the electrolyte, 49% and 9% removal were achieved for Mn and As, respectively. All chemical regimes adopted in this study reduced the inorganic compound concentrations to below the maximum allowable concentration for Illinois as specified by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. The results from this work indicate that electrochemical systems that leverage low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and citrate buffer can be effective for remediating soils containing manganese and arsenic.

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