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ʼEʺ, Joʻ Maṅʻʺ, Hrsg. An account of the Catholic mission of Southern Burma and of the cathedral of the immaculate conception, Rangoon. [Ranʻ kunʻ: s.n., 2009.

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ʼEʺ, Joʻ Maṅʻʺ, Hrsg. An account of the Catholic mission of Southern Burma and of the cathedral of the immaculate conception, Rangoon. [Ranʻ kunʻ: s.n., 2009.

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Gauthier, Chantal. Femmes sans frontières: L'histoire des Soeurs missionnaires de l'Immaculée-Conception, 1902-2007. Outremont: Carte blanche, 2008.

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Gravier, Jacques. Relation de ce qui s'est passé dans la Mission de l'Immaculée Conception au pays des Ilinois [sic]: Depuis le mois de mars 1693, jusqu'en février 1694. [Manate, New York?: s.n.], 1985.

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Centre national d'études spatiales (France), Hrsg. Missions, technologies et conception des véhicules mobiles planétaires =: Missions, technologies, and design of planetary mobile vehicles. Toulouse, France: Cépaduès, 1993.

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Sondo, Rose-Marie. Monseigneur Joanny Thévenoud: Pére fondateur des Sœurs de l'Immaculée Conception de Ouagadougou. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: Societe generale d'impr. du Faso (SOGIF), 1998.

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Hernández, Angel Santos. Teología sistemática de la misión: Progresiva evolución del concepto de misión. Estella: Editorial Verbo Divino, 1991.

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Barrette, Georgette. Délia Tétreault et l'Église canadienne. Montréal: Soeurs missionnaires de l'Immaculée-Conception, Maison généralice, 1987.

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Cecchi, Roberta. Artlantis R & studio: The missing book. Milan, Italy: Edizioni FAG Milano, 2007.

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Marina, Alejandro Luis. Misión, una nueva mirada para nuevos tiempos: Estudio del campo semántico del concepto de misión. Cochabamba: Instituto Latinoamericano de Misionología, 2008.

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Sundberg, Carl. Conversion and contextual conceptions of Christ: A missiological study among young converts in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo. Uppsala, Sweden: Swedish Institute of Missionary Research, 2000.

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Taschereau), Catholic Church Archdiocese of Quebec Archbishop (1870-1898 :. Circulaire au clergé: I. La bulle Æterni Patris du 4 août 1879 sur la philosophie chrétienne. II. II. Indulgence du 25e anniversaire du dogme de l'Immaculée Conception ... [S.l: s.n., 1986.

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Avtzi, Kyriaki, Ken Ross und Jooseop Keum. Ecumenical Missiology: Changing Landscapes and New Conceptions of Mission. 1517 Media, 2016.

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Kelly, Stephen. The Pre-Reformation Landscape. Herausgegeben von Andrew Hiscock und Helen Wilcox. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199672806.013.2.

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This chapter surveys the rich and vibrant devotional culture of late medieval England, expressed in liturgy and collective religious practices, and in the development of a wide-ranging lay literature of spiritual and theological ambition, from writers such as Walter Hilton, Nicholas Love to energetic promoters of orthodox theology such as Margaret Beaufort. While acknowledging the emergence of Wycliffism, the heresy associated with Oxford theologian John Wyclif, the chapter argues that Wycliffism and its perceived off-shoot, ‘Lollardy’, should be read as part of a spectrum of reformist thinking that characterized the late medieval Church’s conception of its evangelical mission. The chapter problematizes notions of medieval religious culture as either atrophied or homogeneous, arguing instead that the variety and vitality of medieval English religious culture should complicate any quest for origins in accounts of the English Reformation.

Garson, Justin. Madness. Oxford University Press, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780197613832.001.0001.

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Since the time of Hippocrates, madness has typically been viewed through the lens of disease, dysfunction, and defect. Madness, like all other disease, happens when something in the mind or brain does not operate the way that it should, or as nature intended. In this paradigm, the role of the healer is simply to find the dysfunction and fix it. This remains the dominant perspective in global psychiatry today. This book presents a different paradigm for conceiving of madness and the forms that it takes. In this paradigm, madness-as-strategy, madness is neither a disease nor a defect, but a designed feature, like the heart or lungs. That is to say, at least sometimes, when someone is mad, everything inside of them is working exactly as it ought and as nature intended. Through engagement with texts spanning from the classical era to Darwinian medicine, Madness: A Philosophical Exploration shows that madness-as-strategy is not a new conception. Thus, more than a history of science or a conceptual genealogy, Madness: A Philosophical Exploration is a recovery mission. In recovering madness-as-strategy, it leads us beyond today’s dominant medical paradigm toward a very different form of thinking and practice. It also draws out the implication of the madness-as-strategy paradigm for philosophers of medicine and psychiatry, historians and sociologists of medicine, and mental health service users, survivors, and activists. It outlines a new conception of mental disorder, it provides a novel reading of the history of madness, and it presents an alternative vision of what it means to be mad.

Donaldson, Thomas. The Transatlantic Paradox. Herausgegeben von Andrew Crane, Dirk Matten, Abagail McWilliams, Jeremy Moon und Donald S. Siegel. Oxford University Press, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199211593.003.0025.

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The concept of the corporation is not separable from the systems of incorporation and regulation that instantiate it. This is true of both the ‘American’ model of the corporation, with its dominant emphasis on shareholder rights (no matter how imperfectly those rights are protected), and of the ‘European’ model, with its attention on community interests, especially employment issues. The former is frequently attacked by Europeans for its neglect of the interests of key stakeholders, while the latter is attacked by Americans for its neglect of economic efficiency. This article shows why too much journalistic and academic debate has been wasted defending the American conception over the European and vice versa. Given the conceptual tools that both sides tend to employ defending their conceptions, the debate is irresolvable. It is, in effect, a puzzle with missing pieces.

Firestone, Bernard J. U Thant, 1961–1971. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198748915.003.0004.

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U Thant assumed the position of Acting Secretary-General with the office under assault from the Soviet Union, Cold War tensions escalating, and the UN mired in an inconclusive peacekeeping mission in the Congo. Ten years later, Thant retired from the Secretary-Generalship with the integrity of the office having been preserved but with the powers of the Secretary-General significantly reduced. Thant acknowledged the limitations of a Security Council divided by Cold War rivalries and subject to the veto of the permanent members, but he also subscribed to the view that the Charter granted him the authority to engage in diplomacy without a specific Security Council or General Assembly mandate. By examining the peacekeeping record of the UN during Thant’s ten years in office, this chapter will trace the evolution of a UN and Secretary-General significantly more modest in ambition and international profile than the UN of Thant’s predecessor. In the process, the chapter will explore aspects of Thant’s personality, world view, and conception of the office.

Une Oeuvre canadienne d'apostolat catholique en Orient. Montréal: Édition du Devoir, 1995.

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Schenker, Christoph, Hrsg. Inventory and Hinge. Entangled Fields of Research in the Arts. Institute for Contemporary Art Research 2001–2022. DIAPHANES, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.4472/9783035805697.

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Inventory and Hinge provides an overview of the research projects performed over the last two decades at the Institute for Contemporary Art Research (IFCAR) of Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). It is an inventory because it presents all the projects realized during this period with many figures and illustrations. It is a hinge because links and QR codes grant access to nearly all publications and websites that were created by the individual projects. Artistic work interconnects multiple competencies and areas of knowledge, ways of life and working, and the IFCAR research projects are thus organized in correspondence with this transgressive gesture, which becomes manifest here as interdisciplinary, networked knowledge production. The cultivation of these complexities has been a mission of the IFCAR since its inception. Throughout these pioneering years the IFCAR has always seen its task in the promotion of research competency in the fine arts, and in providing support for the conception and execution of concrete projects. Although art as research has a long tradition outside of institutions, this task meant nothing less than introducing a new research discipline into the context of knowledge and establishing a new genre in the context of art. Each of the projects presented in this book involves research through the process of creation—but they often also conduct a metadiscourse on artistic research itself.

Berger, David. Rebbe, the Messiah, and the Scandal of Orthodox Indifference. Liverpool University Press, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.3828/liverpool/9781904113751.001.0001.

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The focus of this book is the messianic trend in Lubavitch hasidism. It demonstrates how hasidim who affirm the dead Rebbe's messiahship have abandoned one of Judaism's core beliefs in favour of adherence to the doctrine of a second coming. At the same time, it decries the equanimity with which the standard-bearers of Orthodoxy have granted legitimacy to this development by continuing to recognize such believers as Orthodox Jews in good standing. This abandonment of the age-old Jewish resistance to a quintessentially Christian belief is a development of striking importance for the history of religions and an earthquake in the history of Judaism. The book chronicles the unfolding of this development. It argues that a large number, almost certainly a substantial majority, of Lubavitch hasidim believe in the Rebbe's messiahship; a significant segment, including educators in the central institutions of the movement, maintain a theology that goes beyond posthumous messianism to the affirmation that the Rebbe is pure divinity. While many Jews see Lubavitch as a marginal phenomenon, its influence is in fact growing at a remarkable rate. The book analyses the boundaries of Judaism's messianic faith and its conception of God. It assesses the threat posed by the messianists of Lubavitch and points to the consequences, ranging from undermining a fundamental argument against the Christian mission to calling into question the kosher status of many foods and ritual objects prepared under Lubavitch supervision. Finally, it proposes a strategy to protect authentic Judaism from this assault.

Willmot, Haidi, und Ralph Mamiya. Mandated to Protect. Herausgegeben von Marc Weller. Oxford University Press, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/law/9780199673049.003.0018.

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This chapter focuses on the conception and evolution of the UN Security Council mandate to protect civilians during peacekeeping operations from 1960 to the present. The chapter examines the normative and legal framework of the use of force to protect civilians in UN peacekeeping operations, with reference to Security Council resolutions and other bodies of international law such as humanitarian and human rights law. It considers Security Council practice between 1960 and 1999 and its emphasis on the concept of self-defence; Security Council practice from 1999 to 2007 regarding the inception and development of the explicit ‘protection of civilians’ mandate by the Council; Security Council practice from 2007 to 2011; and prioritization of the mandate in certain peacekeeping missions, specifically UNAMID (Sudan (Darfur)), MONUC (Democratic Republic of the Congo), UNOCI (Côte d’Ivoire), and UNMISS (South Sudan). Finally, the chapter describes Security Council practice from 2011 onwards and draws conclusions on impact that the protection of civilians mandate in peacekeeping operations has had on the evolution of the legitimate use of force under the UN Charter.

Shea, C. Michael. Ecclesiology. Herausgegeben von Frederick D. Aquino und Benjamin J. King. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198718284.013.16.

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John Henry Newman never wrote a treatise on the Church, yet ecclesiology functions like a vanishing point towards which nearly every line of his thought can be traced. It is with an orientation to the Church that Newman elaborated his conceptions of the sacraments, revelation, history, tradition, doctrinal development, and ecclesiastical offices, in addition to more abstract notions such as faith, assent, religious epistemology, and conscience. The metaphor can be taken even further. For not only does the Church enjoy an orienting presence across most developed subjects in Newman’s corpus, but like a vanishing point, the Church’s configuration can appear in remarkably diverse ways depending upon the arrangement of more proximate subjects that Newman’s various writings held in view. The vanishing point is also more than a metaphor, because at the heart of his ecclesiology is a missing document from 1847. This chapter consider’s Newman’s his developing notion of the Church as a dynamic and polycentric communion of believers.

Delaporte, Albert. Vie du Très Révérend Père Jean-Baptiste Rauzan Fondateur et Premier Supérieur Général de la Société des Missions de France, Aujourd'hui Société des Prêtres de la Miséricorde Sous le Titre de l'immaculée-Conception, Fondateur de la Congré... Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2022.

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Delaporte, Albert. Vie du Très Révérend Père Jean-Baptiste Rauzan Fondateur et Premier Supérieur Général de la Société des Missions de France, Aujourd'hui Société des Prêtres de la Miséricorde Sous le Titre de l'immaculée-Conception, Fondateur de la Congré... Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2022.

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Delaporte, Albert. Vie du Très Révérend Père Jean-Baptiste Rauzan Fondateur et Premier Supérieur Général de la Société des Missions de France, Aujourd'hui Société des Prêtres de la Miséricorde Sous le Titre de l'immaculée-Conception, Fondateur de la Congré... Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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Monopoli, Paula A. Constitutional Orphan. Oxford University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190092795.001.0001.

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This book explores the role of former suffragists in the constitutional development of the Nineteenth Amendment, during the decade following its ratification in 1920. It examines the pivot to new missions, immediately after ratification, by two national suffrage organizations, the National Woman’s Party (NWP) and the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA). The NWP turned from suffrage to a federal equal rights amendment. NAWSA became the National League of Women Voters (NLWV), and turned to voter education and social welfare legislation. The book connects that pivot by both groups, to the emergence of a “thin” conception of the Nineteenth Amendment, as a matter of constitutional interpretation. It surfaces the history around the congressional failure to enact enforcement legislation, pursuant to the Nineteenth Amendment, and connects that with the NWP’s perceived need for southern congressional votes for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). It also explores the choice to turn away from African American women suffragists asking for help to combat voter suppression efforts, after the November 1920 presidential election. And it evaluates the deep divisions among NWP members, some of whom were social feminists who opposed the ERA; and the NLWV, which supported the social feminists in that opposition. The book also analyzes how state courts, left without federal enforcement legislation to constrain or guide them, used strict construction to cabin the emergence of a more robust interpretation of the Nineteenth Amendment. It concludes with an examination of new legal scholarship, which suggests broader ways in which the Nineteenth Amendment could be used today to expand gender equality.

Reinecke, Juliane, Roy Suddaby, Ann Langley und Haridimos Tsoukas, Hrsg. Time, Temporality, and History in Process Organization Studies. Oxford University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198870715.001.0001.

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Process studies of organizations focus attention on how and why organizational actions and structures emerge, develop, grow or terminate over time. Time, timing, and temporality, are inherent to organizational process studies, yet time remains an under-theorized construct that has struggled to move beyond chronological conceptions of “clock” time. Missing from this linear view are ongoing debates about objectivity versus subjectivity in the experience of time, linear versus alternative structures of time, or an appreciation of collective or culturally determined inferences of temporality. This is critical because our understanding of time and temporality can shape how we view and relate to organizational phenomena—as unfolding processes or stable objects. History is an equally important but under-theorized concept in organization studies. Organizational theorists have struggled to move beyond two limited conceptualizations of historical processes: history as a constraint on organizations’ capacity for change, or history as a unique source of competitive advantage. Both approaches suffer from the restrictive view of history as an objective set of “brute facts” that are exterior to the individuals, organizations, and collectives that experience them. The historical turn in management has triggered an effort to re-theorize history in organizations in a more nuanced manner, and management theory is acquiring a “historical consciousness”—an awareness of time, history, and memory as critical elements in processes of organizing. This volume draws together emerging strands of interest in adopting a more nuanced orientation toward time and history to better understand the temporal aspects of organizational processes.

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