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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Fire scenarios":


Watts, John M. „Fire scenarios“. Fire Technology 27, Nr. 4 (November 1991): 289–90.

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Brannigan, V. „Fire Scenarios Or Scenario Fires? Can Fire Safety Science Provide The Critical Inputs For Performance Based Fire Safety Analyses?“ Fire Safety Science 6 (2000): 207–18.

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Tymstra, Cordy, Mike D. Flannigan, Owen B. Armitage und Kimberley Logan. „Impact of climate change on area burned in Alberta's boreal forest“. International Journal of Wildland Fire 16, Nr. 2 (2007): 153.

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Eight years of fire weather data from sixteen representative weather stations within the Boreal Forest Natural Region of Alberta were used to compile reference weather streams for low, moderate, high, very high and extreme Fire Weather Index (FWI) conditions. These reference weather streams were adjusted to create daily weather streams for input into Prometheus – the Canadian Wildland Fire Growth Model. Similar fire weather analyses were completed using Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM) output for northern Alberta (174 grid cells) to generate FWI class datasets (temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, Fine Fuel Moisture Code, Duff Moisture Code and Drought Code) for 1 ×, 2 × and 3 × CO2 scenarios. The relative differences between the CRCM scenario outputs were then used to adjust the reference weather streams for northern Alberta. Area burned was calculated for 21 fires, fire weather classes and climate change scenarios. The area burned estimates were weighted based on the historical frequency of area burned by FWI class, and then normalized to derive relative area burned estimates for each climate change scenario. The 2 × and 3 × CO2 scenarios resulted in a relative increase in area burned of 12.9 and 29.4% from the reference 1 × CO2 scenario.

Dowling, V., und G. Ramsay. „Building Fire Scenarios - Some Fire Incident Statistics“. Fire Safety Science 5 (1997): 643–54.

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Choi, Yoo-Jeong, Su-Gil Choi und Si-Kuk Kim. „Basic Research for the Development of Fire Response Training Scenarios for Fire Safety Managers through Fire Case Analysis“. Fire Science and Engineering 36, Nr. 1 (28.02.2022): 43–55.

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This is a study on the development of education and training scenarios to enable fire safety managers to improve their fire response-ability. Based on 10 fire accidents that occurred in Korea, we analyzed the fire response problems that occurred in fire recognition, fire situation propagation, 119 reports, evacuation guidance, and initial fire extinguishing. We derived scenarios by designing sample scenario events based on fire response failure factors observed from accidents for scenario development. Additionally, a fire response scenario was developed including psychological conflict factors so that fire safety managers can solve various situations without falling into a panic in the event of a fire. Based on this study, if repeated education and training are conducted by implementing content similar to the actual situation, it is judged that fire safety managers will be able to make quick judgments and correct responses in the case of a fire.

Nigro, Emidio, Anna Ferraro und Giuseppe Cefarelli. „The Influence of Fire Scenarios on the Structural Behaviour of Composite Steel-Concrete Buildings“. Applied Mechanics and Materials 82 (Juli 2011): 368–73.

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Fire Safety Engineering can be defined as a multi-discipline based on the application of scientific and engineering principles to the effects of fire in order to reduce the loss of life and damage to property by quantifying the risks and hazards involved and provide an optimal solution to risk mitigation. The correct identification of fire scenarios is the central stage in the process of the structural fire design. A design fire scenario is the description of the spread of a particular fire with respect to time and space. In the process of identification of design fire scenarios for the structural fire safety check, all fires must be assessed realistically, choosing those most severe for the structural response. This paper is devoted to evaluate the influence of fire scenarios on the structural behaviour of composite steel-concrete buildings. In order to that, an office building subjected to different fire scenarios was considered. In particular the fire scenarios were defined by both standard fire (prescriptive approach) and natural fire (performance approach). Finally, a comparison between the prescriptive approach and the FSE approach is presented.

Amezketa, Esperanza, Raquel Ciriza und Mikel Viñuales. „A forest fire hazard model and map for a wildland urban interface not meteorologically prone to forest fires“. Territorium, Nr. 30(II) (25.10.2023): 35–55.

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Fire Hazard (FH) modelling is a relevant fire prevention/assessment tool. This work proposes a FH model and generates a FH map for a wildland urban interface area in Germany that is not prone to extreme fires. The main input data include weather, topography, fuel, and anthropic-related potential ignition points. The main steps include (1) identification/description of weather scenarios, and for each scenario (2) analysis of potential fire ignition through simulation of Fire Probability (FP), (3) modelling the potential fire behaviour through simulation of Fireline Intensity (FLI), (4) generation of a FH map by combining FP and FLI maps, and (5) integration of all maps into a final FH map. Extreme ignition and propagation conditions were considered: (1) a fuel model that describes the fire performance in an extreme drought scenario, (2) the human influence through mechanistic ignitions, and (3) the worst case of all scenarios. As results, four weather scenarios were identified and described. FP maps, FLI maps, and FH maps were created for each of them, and finally an integrated FH map (IFHM) was derived.

Godakandage, Rajeendra, Pasindu Weerasinghe, Kumari Gamage, Hani Adnan und Kate Nguyen. „A Systematic Review on Cavity Fires in Buildings: Flame Spread Characteristics, Fire Risks, and Safety Measures“. Fire 7, Nr. 1 (28.12.2023): 12.

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Fire spread scenarios associated with concealed cavity spaces have been relatively less discussed. The variation in studies with respect to geometry, influential parameters, and protection strategies has been an obstacle to deriving more generalized solutions in terms of cavity fire in buildings. A systematic literature review was conducted following the PRISMA method to identify the conclusive fire behaviour, safety risks, and protection strategies to enable future researchers to address cavity fire scenarios effectively, avoiding catastrophic disasters. This study identified that relative to open-fire scenarios, cavity fires could result in up to 10 times higher flame spread, up to 14 times higher heat exposure, and temperature conditions 13 times higher. Increased toxicity and smoke velocity are also found with cavity fires. Fire protection strategies and their efficiency were identified for a range of cavity geometries. Altogether, cavity spaces, especially narrow ones, cannot be neglected during fire safety, and proper risk identification is required to ensure the safety of the buildings and the occupants in a fire scenario.

Alasiri, Muhannad R., und Mustafa Mahamid. „A comparison between CFD and thermal-structural analysis of structural steel members subjected to fire“. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering 12, Nr. 2 (05.03.2021): 234–55.

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Purpose Standard fire resistance curves such as ASTM E119 have been used for so long in structural fire practice. The issue with use of these curves that they do not represent real fire scenarios. As a result, the alternatives have been to either conduct experiments or find other tools to represent a real fire scenario. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to understand the temperature effects resulted from a designed fire on steel beams and whether the standard fire curves represent a designed fire scenario. Design/methodology/approach Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models were developed to simulate a designed fire scenario and to understand the structural responses on the beams under elevated temperatures. Consequently, the results obtained from the CFD models were compared with the results of three-dimensional (3D) non-linear finite element (FE) models developed by other researchers. The developed FE models were executed using a standard fire curve (ASTM E119). A parametric study including two case studies was conducted. Findings Results obtained from performing this study showed the importance of considering fire parameters such as fuel type and flame height during the thermal analysis compared to the standard fire curves, and this might lead to a non-conservative design as compared to the designed fire scenario. The studied cases showed that the steel beams experienced more degradation in their fire resistance at higher load levels under designed fires. Additionally, the models used the standard fire curves underestimated the temperatures at the early stages. Originality/value This paper shows results obtained by performing a comparison study of models used ASTM E119 curve and a designed fire scenario. The value of this study is to show the variability of using different fire scenarios; thus, more studies are required to see how temperature history curves can be used to represent real fire scenarios.

Hostikka, Simo, und Olavi Keski-Rahkonen. „Probabilistic simulation of fire scenarios“. Nuclear Engineering and Design 224, Nr. 3 (Oktober 2003): 301–11.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "Fire scenarios":


Woodward, Andrew Bruce. „Fire scenarios for an improved fabric flammability test“. Link to electronic thesis, 2003.

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Murtiadi, Suryawan. „Behaviour of concrete frame structures under localised fire scenarios“. Thesis, Aston University, 2007.

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This thesis encompasses an investigation of the behaviour of concrete frame structure under localised fire scenarios by implementing a constitutive model using finite-element computer program. The investigation phase included properties of material at elevated temperature, description of computer program, thermal and structural analyses. Transient thermal properties of material have been employed in this study to achieve reasonable results. The finite-element computer package of ANSYS is utilized in the present analyses to examine the effect of fire on the concrete frame under five various fire scenarios. In addition, a report of full-scale BRE Cardington concrete building designed to Eurocode2 and BS8110 subjected to realistic compartment fire is also presented. The transient analyses of present model included additional specific heat to the base value of dry concrete at temperature 100°C and 200°C. The combined convective-radiation heat transfer coefficient and transient thermal expansion have also been considered in the analyses. For the analyses with the transient strains included, the constitutive model based on empirical formula in a full thermal strain-stress model proposed by Li and Purkiss (2005) is employed. Comparisons between the models with and without transient strains included are also discussed. Results of present study indicate that the behaviour of complete structure is significantly different from the behaviour of individual isolated members based on current design methods. Although the current tabulated design procedures are conservative when the entire building performance is considered, it should be noted that the beneficial and detrimental effects of thermal expansion in complete structures should be taken into account. Therefore, developing new fire engineering methods from the study of complete structures rather than from individual isolated member behaviour is essential.

Puybaraud, Marie-Cecile. „A model of the role of management in construction fire safety failure scenarios“. Thesis, Heriot-Watt University, 2001.

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Berchtold, Florian [Verfasser]. „Metamodel for complex scenarios in fire risk analysis of road tunnels / Florian Berchtold“. Wuppertal : Universitätsbibliothek Wuppertal, 2019.

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Kuhlmann, Salas Claudio Andrés. „Ellipsoidal forest and wildland fire scar scenarios for strategic forest management planning under uncertainty“. Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2014.

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Magister en Gestión de Operaciones
Ingeniero Civil Industrial
La importancia que ha tomado la conservación del medioambiente ha ido en aumento, lo que ha afectado directamente en los objetivos y forma de operar de las organizaciones. Es por esto que la interacción entre la operación y el desarrollo del ecosistema debe ser considerada para balancear la sustentabilidad y conservación con los objetivos productivos, siendo las perturbaciones forestales un punto de gran interés. Incendios, plagas, erupciones volcánicas e inundaciones son algunas de las perturbaciones al ecosistema que afectan la productividad del bosque. Por lo tanto, reducir el riesgo y las consecuencias de estos episodios es clave para la industria. El objetivo es crear una metodología que permita generar escenarios de incendios elipsoidales para su utilización en la toma de decisiones en el manejo de incendios y recursos forestales. Para esto se utilizan incendios elípticos generados a través de un simulador, los cuales, siguiendo el método de Monte Carlo, son asignados a uno de los patrones representativos de incendio previamente definidos, utilizando la distancia de Pompeiu-Hasudorff. La probabilidad de ocurrencia de los patrones representativos es obtenida al dar cuenta de la cantidad de simulaciones asignada a cada uno de ellos. Para dar con un algoritmo que permitiera utilizar los recursos computacionales de forma eficiente se implementaron distintos métodos para el cálculo de la distancia de Pompeiu-Hausdorff, además de utilizar múltiples procesadores en paralelo cuando esto fuese posible. Cinco métodos fueron implementados, los cuales son definidos utilizando las propiedades geométricas de las elipses para lograr resolver el problema de optimización implícito. El método que logra dar con los resultados más exactos para la distancia hace uso de optimización cónica, mientras que el más rápido calcula la distancia entre cada uno de los vértices de una elipse discretizada. Haciendo uso de estos dos métodos, se genera una estrategia multi etapa para el cálculo de la distancia de Pompeiu-Hasdorff entre dos elipses que es eficiente y precisa. La estabilidad de los resultados obtenidos para 200 patrones es lograda luego de 100,000 sampleos, sin embargo, se observaron variaciones muy pequeñas incluso después de 20,000 simulaciones. En conclusión, los intervalos de confianza obtenidos para las probabilidades calculadas dependen de los recursos computacionales con los que se cuente y de las restricciones de tiempo que puedan ser impuestas. La metodología desarrollada entrega a los planificadores forestales una herramienta para analizar la probabilidad de incendio de zonas determinadas, las cuales pueden ser utilizadas en un modelo de optimización bajo incertidumbre que les permita manejar los recursos disponibles de la mejor forma posible.

Horvath, Istva'n. „Extreme PIV Applications: Simultaneous and Instantaneous Velocity and Concentration Measurements on Model and Real Scale Car Park Fire Scenarios“. Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2012.

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This study is a presentation of an instantaneous and simultaneous velocity and concentration measurement technique and its applications on car park fire scenarios.

In this actual chapter 1 general introduction is given to each chapter. Chapter 2 is dedicated to a detailed description of the instantaneous and simultaneous velocity and concentration measurement technique and its associated error assessment methodology. The name of the new technique is derived from the names of the acquired parameters (VELocity and COncentration) and shall be hereafter referred to as VELCO. After having validated and performed an error assessment of this technique, it is applied to an investigation of full-scale car park (30 m x 30 m x 2.6 m – Gent / WFRGENT) fire cases in chapter 3. The measurements were carried out with the financial support of IWT-SBO program. In the full-scale measurements only the velocity part is applied of VELCO, yet it can be considered as its application since the special data treating was developed and implemented in the Rabon (see: §2.1.2) program, which is the software of the new technique along with Tucsok (see: §2.1.1) and they will be both discussed in the related chapter. Here it is enough to mention that the concentration and velocity information can be obtained independently as well. During the full-scale measurements, beyond of VELCO the smoke back-layering distances (SBL) are also derived from the temperature values, which were measured by thermocouples under the ceiling in the midline of the car park. The critical velocity, which is an important measure of fire safety, can be obtained from the SBL results. In chapter 4, isothermal fire modeling is surveyed in order to present how full-scale fires are modeled in small-scale. In this part of the study the theory of fire related formulae and an isothermal model are described. Here it is important to stress the fact that the fire modeling is not directly related to the VELCO technique. However it connects the full-scale to the small-scale measurements, which the technique is applied on. Chapter 5 discusses small-scale measurements (1:25 – Rhode Saint Genese / VKI) on the car park introduced in chapter 3 and their validation. After the validation, more complex car parks scenarios are also investigated due to the easy to change layout in the small-scale model with respect to the full-scale car park. In this chapter the smoke back-layering distances are obtained by VELCO. Finally, in chapter 6 important conclusions are drawn with the objective of increasing fire safety.

Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur


Wang, Yanbo. „An investigation of techniques to assist with reliable specification and successful simulation of fire field modelling scenarios“. Thesis, University of Greenwich, 2007.

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Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) based Fire Field Modelling (FFM) codes offer powerful tools for fire safety engineers but their operation requires a high level of skill and an understanding of the mode of operation and limitations, in order to obtain meaningful results in complex scenarios. This problem is compounded by the fact that many FFM cases are barely stable and poor quality set-up can lead to solution failure. There are considerable dangers of misuse of FFM techniques if they are used without adequate knowledge of both the underlying fire science and the associated numerical modelling. CFD modelling can be difficult to set up effectively since there are a number of potential problems: it is not always clear what controls are needed for optimal solution performance, typically there will be no optimal static set of controls for the whole solution period to cover all stages of a complex simulation, there is the generic problem of requiring a high quality mesh - which cannot usually be ascertained until the mesh is actually used for the particular simulation for which it is intended and there are potential handling issues, e.g. for transitional events (and extremes of physical behaviour) which are likely to break the solution process. In order to tackle these key problems, the research described in this thesis has identified and investigated a methodology for analysing, applying and automating a CFD Expert user's knowledge to support various stages of the simulation process - including the key stages of creating a mesh and performing the simulation. This research has also indicated an approach for the control of a FFM CFD simulation which is analogous to the way that a FFM CFD Expert would approach the modelling of a previously unseen scenario. These investigations have led to the identification of a set of requirements and appropriate knowledge which have been instantiated as the, so called, Experiment Engine (EE). This prototype component (which has been built and tested within the SMARTFIRE FFM environment) is capable, both of emulating an Expert users' ability to produce a high quality and appropriate mesh for arbitrary scenarios, and is also able to automatically adjust a key control factor of the solution process.

GUELPA, ELISA. „Modeling strategies for multiple scenarios and fast simulations in large systems: applications to fire safety and energy engineering“. Doctoral thesis, Politecnico di Torino, 2016.

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The use of computational modeling has become very popular and important in many engineering and physical fields, as it is considered a fast and inexpensive technique to support and often substitute experimental analysis. In fact system design and analysis can be carried out through computational studies instead of experiments, that are typically demanding in terms of cost and technical resources; sometimes the systems characteristics and the technical problems make the experiments impossible to perform and the use of computational tools is the only feasible option. Demand of resources for realistic simulation is increasing due to the interest in studying complex and large systems. In these framework smart modeling approaches and model reduction techniques play a crucial role for making complex and large system suitable for simulations. Moreover, it should be considered that often more than one simulation is requested in order to perform an analysis. For instance, if a heuristic method is applied to the optimization of a component, the model has to be run a certain number of times. The same problem arises when a certain level of uncertainty affect the system parameters; in this case also many simulation are required for obtaining the desired information. This is the reason why the use of technique that allows to obtain compact model is an interesting topic nowadays. In this PhD thesis different reduction approaches and strategies have been used in order to analyze three energetic systems involving large domain and long time, one for each reduction approach categories. In all the topic considered, a smart model has been adopted and, when data were available, tested using experimental data. All the model are characterized by large domain and the time involved in the analysis are high in all the cases, therefore a method for compact model achievement is used in all the cases. The considered topics are: • Groundwater temperature perturbations due to geothermal heat pump installations, analyzed trough a multi-level model. • District heating networks (DHN), studied from both the fluid-dynamic and thermal point of view and applied to one of the larger network in Europe, the Turin district heating system (DHS), trough a Proper Orthogonal Decomposition - Radial Basis Function model. • Forest fire propagation simulation carried out using a Proper Orthogonal Decomposition projection model.

Kerber, Stephen. „Evaluation of the ability of fire dynamic simulator to simulate positive pressure ventilation in the laboratory and practical scenarios“. College Park, Md. : University of Maryland, 2005.

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Thesis (M.S.) -- University of Maryland, College Park, 2005.
Thesis research directed by: Dept. of Fire Protection Engineering. Title from t.p. of PDF. Includes bibliographical references. Published by UMI Dissertation Services, Ann Arbor, Mich. Also available in paper.

Dülsen, Steffen [Verfasser]. „Development of a combined experimental and simulative method for the assessment of fire scenarios in motor vehicles / Steffen Dülsen“. Magdeburg : Universitätsbibliothek Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, 2018.

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Bücher zum Thema "Fire scenarios":


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research. Methods for Applying Risk Analysis to Fire Scenarios (MARIAFIRES)-2010. Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, 2013.

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Great Britain. Health and Safety Executive. und Steel Construction Institute, Hrsg. Generic foundation data to be used in the assessment of blast and fire scenarios and typical structural details for primary, secondary andsupporting structures/components. London: H.M.S.O., 1992.

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Walter, Forster Kurt, Hrsg. Hodgetts + Fung :scenarios and spaces. [New York]: Rizzoli International Publications, 1997.

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Courbage, Youssef. Scenari demografici mediterranei: La fine dell'esplosione. Torino: Edizioni Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, 1998.

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Brnich, M. J., und Erica E. Hall. Incorporating judgment and decisionmaking into quarterly mine escape training based on a mine fire scenario. Pittsburgh, PA: Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Office of Mine Safety and Health Research, 2013.

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Berardi, Franco. Mutazione e cyberpunk: Immaginario e tecnologia negli scenari di fine millennio. Genova: Costa & Nolan, 1994.

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McEver, Jimmie. EXHALT: An interdiction model for exploring halt capabilities in a large scenario space. Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 2000.

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Bernardoni, Marco. Scenari dalla fine del mondo: Teologia e scienza nell'opera di Robert John Russell. Bologna: EDB Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna, 2021.

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R, Lim Marie, und Geological Survey (U.S.), Hrsg. A clarification, correction, and updating of Parkfield, California, earthquake prediction scenarios and response plans: (USGS Open-File Report 87-192). [Reston, Va.]: Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1995.

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Arnold, John E. Anyone who can be fired needs a fallback position: Preparing a contingency plan for the worst case scenario. Topeka, KS: Exurba, 2003.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Fire scenarios":


Hadjisophocleous, George V., und Jim R. Mehaffey. „Fire Scenarios“. In SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, 1262–88. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2016.

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Martinka, Jozef. „Fault Scenarios of Electrical Cables“. In SpringerBriefs in Fire, 23–54. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Krause, Ulrich, Frederik Rabe und Christian Knaust. „Modeling Fire Scenarios and Smoke Migration in Structures“. In Process and Plant Safety, 159–77. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2012.

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Capote, Jorge, Daniel Alvear, Orlando Abreu, Mariano Lázaro und Arturo Cuesta. „Evacuation Modelling of Fire Scenarios in Passenger Trains“. In Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2008, 705–11. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.

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Sharma, Ankit, Tianhang Zhang und Gaurav Dwivedi. „Façade Fires in High-Rise Buildings: Challenges and Artificial Intelligence Solutions“. In Sustainable Structures and Buildings, 77–94. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.

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AbstractIn recent decades, there has been an increased demand for tall buildings to meet the needs of modern urbanization. However, the construction challenges and greater fuel loads involved have resulted in frequent fire incidents, causing significant losses in terms of life and property. This has led engineers and researchers around the world to develop safety measures. Therefore, it is essential to comprehend the physics behind fire and smoke propagation in high-rise buildings and take steps to prevent their future occurrence. This also greatly aids in achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the Paris Agreement, specifically goal 11, i.e., make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. This chapter presents an overview of characteristics for understanding high-rise building fires with a particular focus on façades. It has been further divided into different sections. First, basic terminology of façades and fire growth curve is discussed followed by design fire scenarios. Next, characteristics and mechanisms of façade fires are explained. Finally, the solution to adopt artificial intelligence (AI)/deep learning technologies for early warning and fire risk assessment is introduced. AI can be used to simulate fire scenarios, helping architects and engineers design efficient fire safety systems.

Moinuddin, Khalid, Carlos Tirado Cortes, Ahmad Hassan, Gilbert Accary und Frank Wu. „Simulation of Extreme Fire Event Scenarios Using Fully Physical Models and Visualisation Systems“. In Arts, Research, Innovation and Society, 49–63. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.

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AbstractAlthough extreme wildland fires used to be rare events, their frequency has been increasing, and they are now causing enormous destruction. Therefore, understanding such fire events is crucial for global ecological and human communities. Predicting extreme fire events is an imperative yet challenging task. As these destructive events cannot be investigated via experimental field studies, physical modelling can be an alternative. This chapter explores the capability of fully physical fire models to simulate these events and the potential of integrating these simulations with advanced visualisation systems supported by machine learning. By presenting case studies and future directions, we emphasise the potential and necessity of this integration for improved fire management and policy making.

White, Nathan, und Michael Delichatsios. „Recommended Fire Scenarios and Testing Approach for Phase II“. In Fire Hazards of Exterior Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components, 89–94. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2015.

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Qin, Hua, Linghua Ran und Shaohong Cai. „Constructing Interaction Scenarios of High-Building Interior in Fire“. In Cross-Cultural Design. Cultural Differences in Everyday Life, 329–35. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Obstalecki, M., J. Chaussidon, P. Kurath und G. P. Horn. „Prediction of Dynamic Forces in Fire Service Escape Scenarios“. In Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1, 179–86. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011.

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LaCroix, Jacob J., Qinglin Li, Soung-Ryoul Ryu, Daolan Zheng und Jiquan Chen. „Simulating Fire Spread with Landscape Level Edge Fuel Scenarios“. In Remote Sensing and Modeling Applications to Wildland Fires, 267–79. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Fire scenarios":


Hua, Nan, Anthony F. Tessari und Negar Elhami-Khorasani. „Design Fire Scenarios for Railway Tunnel Fires“. In IABSE Congress, New York, New York 2019: The Evolving Metropolis. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2019.

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<p>Extreme fire events in tunnels may have catastrophic consequences, which include loss of lives, structural damage, and major socioeconomic impacts. One of the primary factors that influences the level of damage is the demand fire scenario in a tunnel. A few standard hydrocarbon fire temperature-time curves exist, but they are idealized and do not consider the actual fire duration and fire spread inside the tunnel. Risk-based decision-making frameworks and performance-based design of tunnel linings require a more realistic set of fire scenarios compared to the standard fire curves. This paper focuses on a traveling fire model for a railway tunnel to evaluate temperature evolution considering fire spread between train cars. In this study, a series of numerical simulations are conducted in Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS), a computational fluid dynamics software package. A parametric study with varying ventilation velocity, amount of fuel, tunnel slope, ignition point and criteria for fire spread is performed. The outcome of this work can be used in future to establish guidelines for design temperature demands within risk-based frameworks to minimize economic losses in railway tunnels in case of fire.</p>

Li, Yan, Majid Sarvi und Kourosh Khoshelham. „Pedestrian Origin-Destination Estimation in Emergency Scenarios“. In 2019 9th International Conference on Fire Science and Fire Protection Engineering (ICFSFPE). IEEE, 2019.

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Luimula, Mika, Jarmo Majapuro, Fahmi Bellalouna, Anis Jedidi, Brita Somerkoski und Timo Haavisto. „Hazardous Training Scenarios in Virtual Reality - A Preliminary Study of Training Scenarios for Massive Disasters in Metaverse“. In 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2022). AHFE International, 2022.

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Simulation training in aviation and maritime is widely used in competence training and assessment. These simulator centres have suffered a lot because of COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the rapid progress in technology development and the pandemic disruptive solutions are intensively searched in vocational and professional training. Flight and maritime simulators are examples of training environments where even hazardous scenarios can be trained in safe conditions. In the previous studies, we have shown that virtual reality offers for other fields tools to create training solutions which can be again hazardous such as our virtual fire safety application used in fire escape. In addition, virtual and augmented reality can be used to create digital learning environments in fire safety prevention training combining physical, psychological, social and pedagogic dimensions. In this paper, we will focus also on virtual fire safety training. Aircraft fires require special treatment in firefighting with regards to the burning materials. This is due to the fact that about half of the aircraft consists of fibre composites, which can release many fine particles that are harmful to the lungs during combustion. However, the training of aircraft firefighting is currently only possible with great effort on a few special training grounds. This training application with multiplayer functionalities was created with Unity game engine. In the design phase, emphasis in the creation of the game was in setting up environment where teamwork and leadership is needed to accomplish the scenario. This approach is quite close to the metaverse concept where social communication is combined with hands on training activities among a large group of participants in an immersive digital training environment. The task of the participants is to first assess the situation, extinguish the fire and prevent the fibres from spreading to the surrounding area. This is done by collecting individual smaller pieces of composite debris or covering larger ones with foam so that they can no longer be carried away with the smoke and wind. Aside from distinguishing the fire at the crash site, the firefighters are also trained to collect debris from the crash site and discard it into the bin. Both tasks are equally as important and require a Standard Operational Procedure guideline in order to realistically implement them in the application. Research was needed to find appropriate solutions for multiplayer functionalities, for fire and smoke behavior, and for extinguishing the fire. Photon Unity Networking framework was used to enable multiplayer functionalities. Fire Propagation plugin in turn enabled to make the fire spread, to configure the appearance of the fire including the size, and the location of flames, the amount and the shape of smoke and sparks based on given requirements. Extinguishing the fire required the use of the water particle system with suitable collision detection. We found multiplayer functionalities to be an important element in virtual training. Scenario was designed so that participants had to communicate well with each other to ensure a fast firefighting. Our application is still in a prototype phase and more efforts will be needed to make the training more realistic. We will in the next phase present the story of the scenario more in details, and increase the stress level of participants by adding more tasks. In addition, our aim is to improve the assessment system analyzing user data, including difficulty levels, high score list, and feedback system. This solution can also be seen as a preliminary study for a massive catastrophe training experiment where tens or hundreds of professionals will be trained in the metaverse environment utilizing in-house metaverse technology.

Lilley, David G. „Fire Modeling“. In ASME 1996 Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1996.

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Abstract The mathematical modeling approach to simulating fire development in a multi-room building complements the experimental approach and/or post-fire on-site investigations. Fire simulation models provide estimates of the amount and temperature of the smoke layer produced, the evolution of toxic gases, and the amount of time available from the onset of fire for the safe departure of occupants. Results can be used to determine the key features of the fire evolution and the corresponding danger to occupants. Studies of this type help to validate or deny the suggested fire scenario and witness statements. Fire modeling thus helps to discriminate between alternative fire scenarios by evaluating the consequences and comparing them with observations.

Elhami Khorasani, Negar, John Billittier und Andreas Stavridis. „Structural Performance of a Railway Tunnel Under Different Fire Scenarios“. In 2018 Joint Rail Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

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Tunnel fires are low-probability high-consequence events that could lead to loss of lives, property damage, and long service disruptions. The rapid rise of gas temperature in excess of 1000 °C within the confined tunnel space can affect the structural integrity of the tunnel. Although tunnel fires may not necessarily cause collapse, significant structural damage and disruption to rail services can lead to major economic losses. The objective of this paper is to investigate the expected structural damage in a cut-and-cover tunnel if exposed to a fire event. The analyses are completed by numerical simulations. In the first part of this work, the effects of fire scenario and variability in thermal properties of material, on the potential volume of damaged tunnel lining that would require repair are investigated. In case of tunnels, historical events show that limited accessibility to suppress the fire can cause the fire to burn for days. The fire scenarios considered in this work are defined based on (a) the worst-case envelop hydrocarbon fires such as the Rijswaterstaat (RWS) fire curve and the RABT ZTV fire curve, and (b) the potential heat release rates in railway tunnels. In the second part of this study, the effect of fire scenario on structural performance of a cut-and-cover tunnel is studied. The geometry and cross section of the Howard street tunnel in Baltimore that experienced a major fire in 2001 is used as the case study. The results show that the fire scenario and duration, while contains significant uncertainty, is one of the most influential factors on evaluating response of the tunnel structures.

Xu, Xiaoyuan, Pengfei Wang, Nianhao Yu und Hongya Zhu. „Experimental Study on Kitchen Fire Accidents in Different Scenarios *“. In 2019 9th International Conference on Fire Science and Fire Protection Engineering (ICFSFPE). IEEE, 2019.

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Aranda, Jose M., Susana Briz, Antonio J. de Castro, Juan Melendez und Fernando Lopez. „Spectral infrared characterization of forest fire scenarios“. In Europto Remote Sensing, herausgegeben von Manfred Owe, Guido D'Urso und Eugenio Zilioli. SPIE, 2001.

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Dietrich, Daniel L., Justin Niehaus, Gary A. Ruff, David L. Urban, John Easton und Fumiaki Takahashi. „Determination of Realistic Fire Scenarios in Spacecraft“. In 43rd International Conference on Environmental Systems. Reston, Virginia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2013.

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Murphy, Andrew, Ethan Zepper, Elizabeth Jones, Enrico Quintana und Brent Houchens. „Minimally Invasive Instrumentation for Mock Fire Scenarios.“ In Proposed for presentation at the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute held March 21-22, 2021 in Palo Alto, CA. US DOE, 2022.

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Brown, Alexander, Flint Pierce und Ethan Zepper. „Entrainment from Contaminant Accident Scenarios Involving Fire.“ In Proposed for presentation at the Energy Facillities Contractors Group (EFCOG) Nuclear Facility Safety Workshop held February 16-25, 2021 in Online. US DOE, 2021.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Fire scenarios":


Robbins, A. P., S. M. V. Gwynne und E. D. Kuligowski. Proposed General Approach to fire-Safety Scenarios. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Mai 2012.

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C.E. Kessel und R.H. Bulmer. Poloidal Field Design and Plasma Scenarios for FIRE. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Oktober 1999.

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C.E. Kessel, D. Ignat und T.K. Mau. Advanced Tokamak Scenarios for the FIRE Burning Plasma Experiment. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Oktober 2001.

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Overholt, Kristopher J. Verification and validation of commonly used empirical correlations for fire scenarios. National Institute of Standards and Technology, März 2014.

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Kerber, Steve. Impact of Ventilation on Fire Behavior in Legacy and Contemporary Residential Construction. UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute, Dezember 2014.

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Under the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Assistance to Firefighter Grant Program, Underwriters Laboratories examined fire service ventilation practices as well as the impact of changes in modern house geometries. There has been a steady change in the residential fire environment over the past several decades. These changes include larger homes, more open floor plans and volumes and increased synthetic fuel loads. This series of experiments examine this change in fire behavior and the impact on firefighter ventilation tactics. This fire research project developed the empirical data that is needed to quantify the fire behavior associated with these scenarios and result in immediately developing the necessary firefighting ventilation practices to reduce firefighter death and injury. Two houses were constructed in the large fire facility of Underwriters Laboratories in Northbrook, IL. The first of two houses constructed was a one-story, 1200 ft, 3 bedroom, bathroom house with 8 total rooms. The second house was a two-story 3200 ft, 4 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom house with 12 total rooms. The second house featured a modern open floor plan, two- story great room and open foyer. Fifteen experiments were conducted varying the ventilation locations and the number of ventilation openings. Ventilation scenarios included ventilating the front door only, opening the front door and a window near and remote from the seat of the fire, opening a window only and ventilating a higher opening in the two-story house. One scenario in each house was conducted in triplicate to examine repeatability. The results of these experiments provide knowledge for the fire service for them to examine their thought processes, standard operating procedures and training content. Several tactical considerations were developed utilizing the data from the experiments to provide specific examples of changes that can be adopted based on a departments current strategies and tactics.

Paul, C., und J. F. Cassidy. Seismic hazard investigations at select DND facilities in Southwestern British Columbia: subduction, in-slab, and crustal scenarios. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2022.

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Southwest British Columbia has some of the highest seismic hazard in Canada and is home to facilities owned by the Department of National Defence which support operations on the west coast of Canada. The potential impact of seismic hazards on these government facilities are investigated here. The hazard is from three primary sources: subduction interface, crustal and in-slab earthquakes. NRCan, in consultation with DRDC have produced representative earthquake scenarios for each of these sources. The subduction scenario we constructed was an M8.9 earthquake extending along the entire Cascadia Subduction Zone from 4 to 18 km depth. We used an M6.8 earthquake occurring along a 30 km fault at between 52 and 60 km depth below Boundary Bay to represent in-slab events. The final scenario, representing a crustal source, was an M6.4 along the central 47 km of the Leech River Valley-Devil's Mountain Fault system. We found that the Cascadia subduction scenario dominated the shaking hazard over much of the study region. Meanwhile, the in-slab and crustal scenarios have higher but more localized hazards in Vancouver and Victoria. In addition to the primary ground motion hazard, we also examined secondary seismic hazards: secondary amplification effects, landslides, liquefaction, surface ruptures, tsunami, flooding, fire, and aftershocks. Each of the secondary hazards had varying impacts depending on the scenario and locations within the region.

Aalto, Juha, und Ari Venäläinen, Hrsg. Climate change and forest management affect forest fire risk in Fennoscandia. Finnish Meteorological Institute, Juni 2021.

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Forest and wildland fires are a natural part of ecosystems worldwide, but large fires in particular can cause societal, economic and ecological disruption. Fires are an important source of greenhouse gases and black carbon that can further amplify and accelerate climate change. In recent years, large forest fires in Sweden demonstrate that the issue should also be considered in other parts of Fennoscandia. This final report of the project “Forest fires in Fennoscandia under changing climate and forest cover (IBA ForestFires)” funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, synthesises current knowledge of the occurrence, monitoring, modelling and suppression of forest fires in Fennoscandia. The report also focuses on elaborating the role of forest fires as a source of black carbon (BC) emissions over the Arctic and discussing the importance of international collaboration in tackling forest fires. The report explains the factors regulating fire ignition, spread and intensity in Fennoscandian conditions. It highlights that the climate in Fennoscandia is characterised by large inter-annual variability, which is reflected in forest fire risk. Here, the majority of forest fires are caused by human activities such as careless handling of fire and ignitions related to forest harvesting. In addition to weather and climate, fuel characteristics in forests influence fire ignition, intensity and spread. In the report, long-term fire statistics are presented for Finland, Sweden and the Republic of Karelia. The statistics indicate that the amount of annually burnt forest has decreased in Fennoscandia. However, with the exception of recent large fires in Sweden, during the past 25 years the annually burnt area and number of fires have been fairly stable, which is mainly due to effective fire mitigation. Land surface models were used to investigate how climate change and forest management can influence forest fires in the future. The simulations were conducted using different regional climate models and greenhouse gas emission scenarios. Simulations, extending to 2100, indicate that forest fire risk is likely to increase over the coming decades. The report also highlights that globally, forest fires are a significant source of BC in the Arctic, having adverse health effects and further amplifying climate warming. However, simulations made using an atmospheric dispersion model indicate that the impact of forest fires in Fennoscandia on the environment and air quality is relatively minor and highly seasonal. Efficient forest fire mitigation requires the development of forest fire detection tools including satellites and drones, high spatial resolution modelling of fire risk and fire spreading that account for detailed terrain and weather information. Moreover, increasing the general preparedness and operational efficiency of firefighting is highly important. Forest fires are a large challenge requiring multidisciplinary research and close cooperation between the various administrative operators, e.g. rescue services, weather services, forest organisations and forest owners is required at both the national and international level.

Kerber, Stephen. Evaluation of the ability of fire dynamic simulator to simulate positive pressure ventilation in the laboratory and practical scenarios. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2006.

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McKinnon, Mark, Craig Weinschenk und Daniel Madrzykowski. Modeling Gas Burner Fires in Ranch and Colonial Style Structures. UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute, Juni 2020.

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The test scenarios ranged from fires in the structures with no exterior ventilation to room fires with flow paths that connected the fires with remote intake and exhaust vents. In the ranch, two replicate fires were conducted for each room of origin and each ventilation condition. Rooms of fire origin included the living room, bedroom, and kitchen. In the colonial, the focus was on varying the flow paths to examine the change in fire behavior and the resulting damage. No replicates were conducted in the colonial. After each fire scene was documented, the interior finish and furnishings were replaced in affected areas of the structure. Instrumentation was installed to measure gas temperature, gas pressure, and gas movement within the structures. In addition, oxygen sensors were installed to determine when a sufficient level of oxygen was available for flaming combustion. Standard video and firefighting IR cameras were also installed inside of the structures to capture information about the fire dynamics of the experiments. Video cameras were also positioned outside of the structures to monitor the flow of smoke, flames, and air at the exterior vents. Each of the fires were started from a small flaming source. The fires were allowed to develop until they self-extinguished due to a lack of oxygen or until the fire had transitioned through flashover. The times that fires burned post-flashover varied based on the damage occurring within the structure. The goal was have patterns remaining on the ceiling, walls, and floors post-test. In total, thirteen experiments were conducted in the ranch structure and eight experiments were conducted in the colonial structure. All experiments were conducted at UL's Large Fire Laboratory in Northbrook, IL. Increasing the ventilation available to the fire, in both the ranch and the colonial, resulted in additional burn time, additional fire growth, and a larger area of fire damage within the structures. These changes are consistent with fire dynamics based assessments and were repeatable. Fire patterns within the room of origin led to the area of origin when the ventilation of the structure was considered. Fire patterns generated pre-flashover, persisted post-flashover if the ventilation points were remote from the area of origin.

Raj, Phani K. DTRS56-04-T-0005 Fires in an LNG Facility - Assessments, Models and Risk Evaluation. Chantilly, Virginia: Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), Dezember 2006.

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The models used at present to evaluate the potential hazard areas around large LNG fires were developed with field test data from smaller diameter (1.8 m to 15 m) fires. These models are, however, applied to predict hazard distances from fires much larger in size compared to the experimental fires. Recent publication of the results from a series of tests conducted in 1987 with 35 m diameter LNG fires indicates that large LNG fires tend to generate significant amount of black soot. The black soot is postulated to be generated from incomplete and inefficient combustion of fuel vapors due to reduced oxygen diffusion into the combustion zone near the core of the fire. This phenomenon (of black soot production) in large LNG fires reduces the radiant heat hazard expectations in areas surrounding such fires. In this project, a review was undertaken of the different types and sizes of fires that could occur in a LNG facility and from ship releases, either due to accidental releases or from deliberate acts. The models associated with each of the fire scenarios have been reviewed. A new generation LNG pool fire model ("PoFMISE") has been developed based on data from a number of tests with both LNG and other hydrocarbon fluids. This model is applicable to small as well as large LNG fires and includes the formation of smoke and the consequent diminution of radiant heat output from the fire. The results of the model agree with experimental results for mean emissive power for fires of less than 35 m. Results for larger fires indicate substantial reduction in mean emissive power with almost 50% reduction for a 300 m diameter fire compared to the values used in current models. This implies that the currently predicted hazard distances for large fires are high (by factors of 2 to 3, after accounting for atmospheric absorption). The report also provides guidance with an illustrative procedure to calculate the risk from different types and sizes of fires that may occur in a LNG facility.

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