Dissertationen zum Thema „Synchronous e-learning“

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Er, Erkan. „Livelms: A Blended E-learning Environment, A Model Proposition For Integration Of Asynchronous And Synchronous E-learning“. Master's thesis, METU, 2009. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12610944/index.pdf.

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In distance education, lack of face-to-face communication prevents instructors from observing students&rsquo
activities efficiently, especially in crowded sessions, and consequently they fail to effectively assess the performance of distant learners. On the other hand, in spite of being physically distant, instructor should monitor students&rsquo
activities and assess their performance effectively so that learners can be informed as quickly as possible of how well they are doing. This thesis aims to develop an e-learning tool for distance education that integrates asynchronous and synchronous learning environments to offer an enriched e-learning platform. The tool enables instructor to keep track of students&rsquo
activities, assesses learners&rsquo
participation during online synchronous sessions dynamically, and provides asynchronous access to assessment data after the lectures. In this way, it is aimed to monitor performance of distant learners by the instructor more efficiently.

Bukhari, Rabia Arfin. „Information Technology For E-learning in Developing C“. Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Handels- och IT-högskolan, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-20442.

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E-learning is a rapidly emerging concept facilitating learners in the field of education. Continuous advancements in information technologies are enhancing the possibilities of its growth. Developed countries have realised its strength and adopted it warmly but in developing countries it is still a new concept. There are many limitations in developing countries for its implementation and growth. In my research I have identified the core limitations associated with the growth of E-learning in developing countries and found out some possible solutions. I have selected different subject areas which can support in solving my research questions. In the textual analysis I have found that different cultural, technological and awareness problems are creating obstacles for its implementation. In the empirical survey these problems are verified from the students and teachers who are associated with E-learning and would like to see its implementation in developing countries. In the results of my research findings I have shown how information technology can be helpful for enhancing the possibilities of E-learning and identified how sub systems of E-learning can support its growth.


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Technology changes often force teachers, trainers, instructional designers, and administrators to make instructional design and delivery decisions that ideally should be based upon pedagogy research. In many circumstances, however, a foundational pedagogy question is only recognized when a technology decision reveals it. Such is the case when deciding what mode (video or audio) to use for learner interaction in a synchronous online learning event. While some research has focused on the learning and the satisfaction of learners when they were interacting, almost no research has addressed the learning value of observing the interactions of other learners. The purpose of this research study was to investigate whether the mode in which direct learner interactions were made affected non-interacting learners' recall of content in a synchronous virtual learning environment. The participants in this study viewed one of three versions of a webinar on Multimedia Games for Learning: a) all learners interacted in video mode; b) all learners interacted in audio mode; or all learners interacted in both video and audio in a mixed mode. No statistically significant difference was found between the video, audio, and mixed treatment conditions in terms of the recall of content from the questions or comments made by directly interacting learners. However, a statically significant difference was found in non-interacting learners' recall of the contributions of direct interactors based on the mode of interaction within the mixed-mode group. Study participants recalled more of the contributions made in the audio mode of interaction than in the video mode when the modes were mixed. These findings suggest that designers of synchronous online learning may choose either video or audio mode without affecting those learners who are not directly interacting but should take care in mixing interaction modes within a single synchronous online learning event. The contributions of the study reach beyond the findings. The study supports vicarious interaction as a process worthy of research and e-Learning design consideration. It provides a model for experimental manipulation of "simulated" synchronous sessions, and it introduces recall of others' verbal contributions as an approach to measurement of the attention granted vicarious interactions by those not interacting directly with others.

ae, hlim@pi ac, und Hwee Ling Lim. „Constructing Learning Conversations: A Study of the Discourse and Learner Experiences of Online Synchronous Discussions“. Murdoch University, 2006. http://wwwlib.murdoch.edu.au/adt/browse/view/adt-MU20070422.203120.

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The aim of this qualitative case study is to gain greater insight into the impact of online synchronous (chat) interaction on the learning process from a sociocultural constructivist perspective in the context of an online undergraduate unit. Given the sparse research on the effectiveness of chat interaction in supporting knowledge construction processes, few appropriate analytical methods available for examining educational chat discourse, together with the pedagogical imperative to determine the extent to which the real-time computer-mediated communication (CMC) mode satisfies student learning needs, this study fills the gaps in current research by examining the impact of chat interaction in facilitating participation, knowledge construction, and quality of online learning experience of two different online tutorial groups. Although the literature largely regards chat interaction as fragmented and characterized by interactional incoherence that disrupts the dialogic knowledge construction process, findings from this single-embedded case study of tutorial groups 1 and 4 (G1 and G4), involved in weekly critical discussions on set-readings over 11 weeks (one semester), show that chat interaction is more structured and complex than the literature suggests. This study utilizes a new methodological design that integrates discourse and social network analytical methods which are triangulated with self-reports of learning experiences from an online survey instrument. The application of a refined Exchange Structure Analysis coding instrument (Kneser, Pilkington, & Treasure-Jones, 2001) with social network analysis (Wasserman & Faust, 1994; Scott, 2000) to transcripts of chat interaction shows educational chat discourse to be coherent; reflecting the typical structure of pedagogical classroom exchanges. Findings from this study further establish that chat interaction enables participation opportunities in tutorial discussions which are valued as important, with variations in levels of participation within and between groups suggesting a pattern of active and peripheral participation which is not necessarily detrimental to learning. Chat interaction is also found to facilitate collaborative sharing of individual understandings and critical negotiation of meaning which are characteristic of the knowledge construction process, in the form of information-sharing and topic development phases in the exchanges of both groups. Although it is beyond the scope of this study to determine the exact form of knowledge constructed, individual and mutual appropriations of shared knowledge through chat interaction are reported by both groups. A between group comparison of available tutor scaffolding reveals consistently weak G1 tutor presence compared to strong G4 tutor support at the initial learning stages with gradual withdrawal of scaffolding over time. These results suggest differences in quality of online educational experiences which are confirmed by findings that compared to G1, G4 reported greater satisfaction with more chat tutorial factors; indicating an overall more positive, higher quality of experience with collaborative learning and group work processes afforded by the chat interaction. With its methodological design, instruments, and findings, this study contributes to existing knowledge on online interaction, advances on previous studies regarding impact of chat interaction on learning, and offers directions for future work in the fields of educational technology, linguistics, and group dynamics in educational social networks. When extrapolated to comparable cases, findings from this study could guide the pedagogical design of collaborative-constructivist learning activities that takes into account the role of chat interaction in the construction of learning conversations.

Sund, Sebastian. „Ehh, Lärande Eller E-Lärande : En intervjustudie om medarbetares upplevelser av e-lärande i arbetslivet“. Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för pedagogik, didaktik och utbildningsstudier, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-451944.

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Syftet med föreliggande studie är att bidra med ökad kunskap om e-lärande i arbetslivet. E-lärande har i föreliggande studie definierats i enlighet med Clark och Mayers (2016) som; ”instruktion levererad på en digital enhet och som är menad att främja lärandet [egen översättning]” (2016, s. 38). Emellertid har studien valt att begränsa sig till endast dator som digital enhet. Föreliggande studie belyser även multimedia inom e-lärande som relevant då multimedia utgör en vital del av e-lärande. För att besvara studiens syfte användes två frågeställningar för att undersöka; (1) medarbetares upplevelse av e-lärande och (2) medarbetares upplevelse av multimedia inom e-lärande. Båda inom kontexten för arbetsplatslärande. Baserat på studiens syfte valdes en kvalitativ ansats där studiens material har bestått av semistrukturerade intervjuer med medarbetare inom den offentliga sektorn. Materialet har utifrån teoretiska begrepp och utgångspunkter bearbetats och analyserats genom en tematisk analys. Resultatet påvisade att vilka delar och hur delarna var utformade påverkar medarbetares upplevelse av e-lärande på arbetsplatsen. Resultatet tydde på att syftet med e-lärandet, tidsuppfattningen av e-lärande och vilken typ av kommunikation som inkluderades hade påverkan på medarbetares upplevelse av e-lärande på arbetsplatsen. Vidare visar resultatet att ett inkluderande av multimedia är en främjande faktor för lärandet vilket påvisar dess påverkan på medarbetares upplevelse av multimedia inom e-lärande. Emellertid tyder resultatet på att för mycket information som presenteras genom multimedia är hämmande för lärandet och således påverkar även det medarbetares upplevelse av multimedia inom e-lärande.
The purpose of this study has been to contribute with increased knowledge about e-learning in workplaces. E-learning have in this study been defined as “instruction delivered on a digital device (such as a desktop computer, laptop computer, tablet, or smartphone) that is intended to support learning” (Clark & Mayer, 2016, s. 38) which is in accordance with the definition by Clark and Mayers (2016). However, this study chosen to limit the definition too only include computer as the digital device. Multimedia can be seen as an important part of e-learning and therefore multimedia has been included in this study. In order for the study to serve its purpose two separate research question has been defined to examine; (1) employee’s experience of e-learning and (2) employee’s experience of multimedia in e-learning. Both in the context of workplace learning. Based on the purpose of the study a qualitative method has been chosen and the research materials have consisted of semi-structured interviews with employees in the public sector. Based on the study’s theoretical framework, the research materials have been analyzed through a thematic analysis. The presented result shows that employee’s experience of e-learning is affected by which component of e-learning and the content of the components of e-learning is used. It’s shown that the purpose of e-learning, time and the ability to collaborate with others are key components of e-learning. Furthermore, including multimedia is enhancing for learning which indicates its effect on the employee’s experience of multimedia in e-learning. However, the results indicate that too much information presented through multimedia can impede the learning and therefore the employee’s experience of multimedia in e-learning is affected by the amount of information presented.

Katakalos, George. „Problems of communication, collaboration and cooperation in multicultural groups engaged in e-learning through synchronous text-based communication“. Thesis, University of Sheffield, 2012. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/14663/.

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Research Aim: This PhD thesis is focused on investigating whether culture can pose conflicts to the communication, collaboration and/or cooperation of multicultural groups comprised by students coming from South East Europe (SEE) and studying in Greece, by using synchronous text-based chat. Thus, this PhD attempts to answer the following research question: "Are there problems of communication, collaboration and cooperation in multicultural groups engaged in eLearning activities by using synchronous text-based communication?" Methodology: In order to investigate the existence of cultural conflicts, the research design for the study adopted logical positivism as an epistemology through the use of quasi-experiments. More specifically the research is based on two components: questionnaires to re-evaluate Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Theory and provide an initial expectation of the interaction behavior between the students from the cultures participating; and quasi-experiments to explore multicultural communication conflicts in the context of a meaningful learning activity. The students, who participated on this research, were undergraduate students from Computer Science and Business Administration and Economics departments of CITY Liberal Studies. The students who volunteered to participate were fourteen Greeks, fourteen FYROMs (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), four Serbians, four Albanians, and four Bulgarians were selected. Students were allocated to four monocultural (control) or to four multicultural groups (experimental). In particular, the students were split into four control groups (two groups with five (5) students each from FYROM and two groups with five (5) students each from Greece) and four (4) multicultural groups (having one student from each nationality). At the first stage, Hofstede's questionnaires were used in order to provide a better understanding of the cultural backgrounds of each participant. The dramatic changes that SEE region faced during the recent years have made the replication of Hofstede's questionnaires and the re-calculation of new values for each dimension a necessity. At the second stage, quasi-experiments were performed in order to explore areas of multicultural communication conflicts. After the identification of the conflicting multicultural communication areas, through the analysis of logs of communication during a purposely-designed activity, one-to-one interviews were employed in order to clarify and further explain the identified communication conflicts that resulted from the log analysis and their relation to culture. Research Findings: The outcome of the analysis process showed that although group communication was interrupted due to cultural misperception, misinterpretation and misunderstanding it never broke down and the groups were all able to fulfil the goals of the activity more or less. A summary of the behaviours identified in this PhD thesis (see section 7.3.3) is described in the next two paragraphs. Control groups, for instance, groups consisted from students from the same culture, tend to face less communication problems and develop mechanisms in order to trigger the involvement of silent members and control the structure of the conversation. Moreover, control groups showed the tendency to develop the "joyful mood" behaviour that led the discussion to become informal, causing the disturbance of the group and the failure of reaching the goal on the given time. Multicultural groups made the discussion more open in order to include all the different opinions presented in the discussion formulating a general answer. This behaviour of "generalizing the answer" exhibited in the multicultural groups led to the development of communication conflicts by students that were not satisfied by the generalized answers triggering behaviours like "vitiation of different opinion" having as a result the disturbance of the group communication for some turns or behaviours like "abrupt end" having as a result an immediate and coercive agreement of the group members. Conclusions: By examining the interaction of students in a synchronous eLearning activity, this PhD concludes that culture influences communication, collaboration and/or cooperation, even if the cultures of the participants are close. The initial expectations of the potentially conflicting areas provided from the questionnaire analysis were confirmed in the group interaction of the participants. Although, communication of the participants in the activity never broke down, multicultural conflicting areas were identified, in which the participants demonstrated a delay in providing an answer. These identified rnulticultural conflicting areas can provide the basis for an analytic tool for assessing and analysing cross-cultural communication conflicts. The communication experience, and the collaboration/cooperation of the users of eLearning environments can be enhanced, by tackling the identified conflicting areas. Research Limitations: The research was limited in terms of resources and time, which are the typical characteristics of a PhD study. Limitations in time did not allow the researcher to test potential solutions on re-runs of the experiments and replicate the experiment on different institutions and/or different cultures, allowing the results to be used outside this country's context. Moreover, the small numbers of the participants used in this research can add further to the problem of generalizing outside the study's context. Finally, the results could potentially be different if students were participating in actual eLearning courses from different places such as their home. Originality and contribution to current research: This PhD study is one of the few that examines cultural communication problems between students coming from close cultures with common history and background. On this premise, the findings that although cannot be generalised can contribute to current research by adding the consideration of students' cultural backgrounds into the communication elements offered in e-Learning environments. This PhD provided a first attempt into highlighting the importance of this consideration even from close/similar cultures. Moreover, the identified multicultural communication conflicts can be used to identify, prevent and manage miscommunication in multicultural group discussion. Finally, educational vendors in their existing e-Learning environments can use the identified conflicting areas in order to minimise the occurrence of cross-cultural conflicts.

Ekermans, Gina. „An investigation into the usability of synchronous information technology for a virtual e-learning and information sharing environment at a university in South Africa“. Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/53275.

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Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2003.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As the information age evolves, society is undergoing changes based on developments in technology that have tremendous implications for the educational systems. Institutions of tertiary education are increasingly facing the pressures of globalisation. Associated with this is the knowledge society that demands experience with technology, different skills and a different learning experience (US, 2001). Furthermore, new information and communication technologies have demonstrated the potential to transform the way that knowledge is packaged, delivered, accessed and acquired, thereby altering higher educations' core production and delivery processes. Institutions of tertiary education that want to remain competitive, both locally and internationally, should, therefore, act proactively to facilitate the successful and innovative integration of relevant technologies into currently established practice and procedures. The University of Stellenbosch (US) recognises the importance of staying abreast with these global and local changes. The Virtual Information Space (VIS) project for optimal information sharing is a research initiative that developed as a direct response to the need for an inquiry into the functionality of alternative synchronous and asynchronous computer-mediated communication media (CMC), to be provided as part of the technological infrastructure of the US for enhanced information sharing and communication. The VIS project provides the framework within which this study was conducted. The aim of this study was to conduct an exploratory study through the use of empirical research and prototyping, by quantification of the usability of synchronous CMC media, for application in the South-African on and off-campus tertiary education environment (focused at post graduate level), in order to enhance information sharing between inter alia, information service suppliers, lecturers, students and researchers at the US. It was anticipated, however, that the degree to which the synchronous CMC media add value to the learning and information sharing processes within the VIS, will be influenced by the usability of the software applications within which the media are embedded, the perceived need of the role-players for the media, as well as the feasibility and viability of the systems when employed within the technological infrastructure of the US. These elements were, therefore, empirically investigated by conducting several usability experiments in a setting which simulated a usability laboratory, in order to acquire the necessary subjective and objective data, related to the identified goals and objectives that encapsulate the aim of this study. In order to demonstrate the value of the VIS environment, a theoretical perspective is provided by means of a literature review of the fundamental concepts of communities of practice and flexible learning. It is proposed that the use of the synchronous CMC media (embedded within the software applications) will assist in the creation of a VIS that supports the more advanced educational paradigm of constructivism by linking users into collaborative conversational networks, thus forming learning communities (better known as communities of practice) in cyberspace. The purpose of these communities is to create a means through which ideas and materials can be shared and exchanged, aiding individuals in building their own conceptual networks of interrelated ideas, strategies and theories and therefore construct and share knowledge. Information was obtained concerning participants' characteristics, preferences, needs and evaluation of the usability of the two software applications, NetMeeting and Yahoo Messenger, when utilised within the technological infrastructure of the US for the purpose of increased information sharing and communication. Performance measurement data (related to selected usability criteria) was obtained during the experimental phase, as well as information about the feasibility and viability of the systems when utilised within the technological parameters of the US. The analysis of the information consisted of descriptive statistics as the research aimed to illustrate the attitudes concerning usability, the perceived needs for the software applications, as well as the feasibility and viability of the systems. The results revealed that both NetMeeting and Yahoo Messenger were perceived by the participants as usable, achieving a positive rating on almost all of the dimensions of usability it was tested on. In the case on NetMeeting, technological limitations imposed on the system (such as bandwidth and network traffic) severely limited the effectiveness of the system as a whole and require further investigation to ensure successful implementation. Technological limitations in the case of Yahoo Messenger mainly centered on the unstable server environment that the system functions within. Hence, further research is therefore needed to ensure successful implementation and utilisation of NetMeeting and Yahoo Messenger within the technological parameters faced by the US.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Soos wat die informasie-era ontplooi, is die samelewing besig om ingrypend te verander. Die dramatiese impak van die tegnologiese revolusie op die hoër onderwyssektor dwarsoor die wêreld hou dus aansienlike implikasies in vir tersiêre onderwysinstellings. Hierdie instellings is toenemend onderhewig aan die druk van globalisering en die kennis-samelewing wat al hoe meer vereistes stel in terme van ondervinding met tegnologie, verskillende vaardighede wat vereis word en 'n veranderende leer ervaring. Nuwe informasie- en kommunikasietegnologieë beskik oor die potensiaal om die maniere waarop informasie herwin, verwerk en gestoor word, te transformeer. Dit impliseer noodwendig 'n wysiging in die kern informasie produksie en -aflewerings prosesse van tersiêre onderwysinstellings. Sulke instellings word dus genoop om daadwerklik en pro-aktief op te tree ten opsigte van die suksesvolle en innoverende integrasie van relevante tegnologieë by bestaande prosedures, ten einde internasionale en nasionale mededingendheid te verseker. Die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (US) erken the belangrikheid daarvan om op hoogte te bly met verandering. Die Virtuele Informasie Spasie (VIS) projek vir optimale informasiedeling is 'n navorsingsinisiatief wat ontwikkel het vanuit 'n behoefte vir 'n ondersoek na die funksionaliteit van die verskillende sinkrone en asinkrone rekenaargebasseerde kommunikasie media, wat as deel van die tegnologiese infrastruktuur van die US voorsien sal word - ten einde verbeterde informasiedeling en kommunikasie teweeg te bring. Die VIS projek het 'n raamwerk verskaf waarbinne hierdie studie uitgevoer is. Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om 'n verkennende studie uit te voer, deur die gebruik van empiriese navorsing en prototipering, vir die kwantifisering van die bruikbaarheid van sinkrone rekenaar-gebasseerde kommunikasie media. Die spesifieke toepassingsarea is die Suid-Afrikaanse tersiêre onderwysomgewing (spesifiek gefokus op nagraadse vlak) met die doelom informasiedeling tussen informasiediensverskaffers, dosente, studente en navorsers te verbeter. Daar word egter verwag dat die graad waartoe die sinkrone media waarde toevoeg tot leer- en informasiedelings prosesse binne die VIS, beïnvloed sal word deur die bruikbaarheid van die sagteware waarbinne die media gesetel is, die waargenome behoeftes van die rolspelers vir die media, sowel as die uitvoerbaarheid en lewensvatbaarheid van die sisteme wanneer dit aangewend word binne die huidige tegnologiese infrastruktuur van die US. Hierdie elemente was dus empiries ondersoek deur die uitvoering van verskeie bruikbaarheidseksperimente in 'n omgewing wat 'n tradisionele bruikbaarheids laboratorium simuleer, ten einde the nodige subjektiewe en objektiewe data te ontgin wat gemik is op die doelwitte en mikpunte wat die strewe van hierdie studie omsluit. 'n Teoretiese perspektief word voorsien deur 'n literatuur-oorsig, ten einde die waarde van die VIS omgewing te konseptualiseer. Konsepte wat veral aandag geniet hou verband met die ontwikkeling van elektoniese gemeenskappe en buigsame leer omgewings. Die aanname word gemaak dat die gebruik van sinkrone rekenaargebasseerde kommunikasie media (soos gesetel in die sagteware pakkette, NetMeeting en Yahoo Messenger) die ontwikkeling van 'n effektiewe VIS sal fasiliteer wat 'n nuwe onderrigparadigma ondersteun. Die uitgangspunt van hierdie paradigma is dat kennis nie net weergegee moet word nie, maar dat dit gekonstrueer kan word soos wat die partye betrokke raak in relevante gespreksnetwerke binne die virtuele informasie spasie. So word elektroniese gemeenskappe dus geskep waarbinne individue idees en materiaal met mekaar kan deel en uitruil, terwyl kennis effektief geskep en gedeel word. Informasie is ingewin aangaande die deelnemers se kenmerke, voorkeure, afkeure, behoeftes en persepsies oor die bruikbaarheid van die sagtware pakkette, NetMeeting en Yahoo Messenger, wanneer dit aangewend word binne die tegnologiese infrastruktuur van die US, ten einde verhoogde informasiedeling en kommunikasie te bewerkstellig. Prestasiemetingsdata (gekoppel aan sekere bruikbaarheidskriteria) was ook verkry tydens die eksperimentele fase, sowel as informasie oor die uitvoerbaarheid en lewensvatbaarheid van die onderskeie sisteme wanneer dit aangewend word binne die huidige tegnologiese parameters van die US. Die analise van die data het beskrywende statistieke behels aangesien die navorsing ten doel gehad het om die ingesteldhede betreffende die bruikbaarheid en behoefte aan die sagteware pakkette, sowel as sekere tegniese aspekte rakende die stelsels, uit te lig. Die resultate het getoon dat die respondente beide NetMeeting en Yahoo Messenger as bruikbaar waargeneem het, aangesien 'n positiewe beoordeling op bykans al die dimensies van bruikbaarheid bereik was. In die geval van NetMeeting het sekere tegnologiese beperkinge van die sisteem, soos beperkte bandwyte, egter die effektiwiteit van die sisteem beduidend beinvloed. Tegnologiese beperkinge in die geval van Yahoo Messenger was hoofsaaklik as gevolg van die onstabiele omgewing waarbinne die bediener funksioneer. Verdere navorsing is dus nodig om suksesvolle implementering en aanwending van NetMeeting en Yahoo Messenger te laat realiseer, gegewe die tegnologiese parameters van die US.

Johansson, Agnes, und Aleksandra Voronenko. „Creating a sense of normality : A quantitative study examining how a digital collaborative tool impacts students’ experiences in online synchronous group discussions“. Thesis, Jönköping University, Tekniska Högskolan, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-53312.

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Purpose – The unexpected yet drastic influence of the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a rapid transition of education to be conducted in digital environments. Replacing face-to-face classrooms with synchronous online learning requires a number of appropriate adjustments which were heavily restricted by the urgency of this global change taking place. With theobserved issues of student participation and involvement in online learning, the purpose ofthis research was to investigate the potential that digital collaborative tools have and if theycan improve the quality of online group discussions among students aged 12 to 16 years old. Method – This study employs a quantitative data collection approach and makes use of the Community of Inquiry framework. A close-ended questionnaire based on the Community of Inquiry survey tool was used to collect students’ impressions and attitudes after they hadparticipated in the experimental study. The experiment consisted of control and experimental groups that partook in online group discussions as part of a regularly scheduled lesson. Findings – Digital collaborative tools were found to change the way in which students experience online group discussions. The attained rates of the Community of Inquiry were overall higher among students in the experimental group. Our findings tested to be statistically significant together with the effect size falling between medium to large extent. This further supports the notion that digital collaborative tools bring in a positive difference into online group discussions and have a potential to increase the quality of online learning when implemented carefully and thoughtfully. Implications – This study emphasizes the importance of developing a clear strategy of how to implement suitable digital collaborative tools into online learning in the most optimal manner that would increase the quality of online learning. This paper can be considered as a startingpoint for future research that could construct further knowledge within the field and extend our findings by investigating other aspects that have an influence on and can have beneficial effects for younger students in online education.

Jönsson, Torbjörn. „Bilder av framtiden“. Thesis, Malmö högskola, Institutionen för konst, kultur och kommunikation (K3), 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-23475.

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De senaste årens tekniska utveckling på datorområdet har även gett återverkningar inom distansutbildningen. Den nya Informationstekniken (IT) har används mest för att utveckla kommunikationen mellan lärare och studenter på distansutbildningarna. I utgångsläget har tekniken alltså används för att underlätta arbetet inom kurserna, inte för att utveckla metoder för hur undervisning ska bedrivas. Elektroniskt lärande (e-learning) kan förklaras som ”Teknikbaserat lärande” (technology-based learning) och innefattar all form av undervisning som sker med hjälp av elektroniska media. Betoningen på lärande visar att tyngdpunkten förflyttats från hur utbildningen genomförs, till ett innehåll i utbildningen. Det finns behov av förbättringar för effektivare e-lärande inom distansutbildning. Samarbete och gemensam arbetsuppgift anses vara till hjälp vid lärande. I hög grad sker utbildning och dialog inom distansundervisning och e-lärande asynkront. Detta innebär att deltagarna inte samtidigt har direktkommunikation med varandra utan kommunikationen sker i med e-post.För att kunna möta möjligheterna till effektivare e-lärande borde en möjlighet till synkront kollaborativt arbete över gemensam arbetsyta vara av intresse.Syftet med projektet var att utveckla en synkron kollaborativ bild- och textbaserad applikation för e-lärande. Baserad på forskaren inom kognitionsvetenskap Maria Larssons rapport om fem faktorer för effektivare e-lärande samt utvärdera dessa genom en prototyp. Applikationen var tänkt att användas vid ett moment i ämnet "Organisationskommunikation" inom en distanskurs, där studenterna skulle bilda sig en uppfattning om en organisations kultur. Applikationen testades vid två tillfällen, först som ett koncepttest och därefter som en digitalt konstruerad prototyp. Tre personer deltog vid varje testtillfälle.Koncepttestet genomfördes med observation av deltagarna med dokumenterad ljudinspelning av dialogen samt efterföljande intervjufrågor. Prototyptestet utfördes med observation och med ”think-aloud” metoden samt intervjufrågor. Här skedde dokumentationen med hjälp av ljudinspelning samt skärmdumpar.Utvärderingen utgjordes av observation och intervjuer med testdeltagarna och visade att applikationen till stor del baserades på Maria Larssons fem faktorer. Min slutsats är att det varit möjligt att utveckla en applikation som till stor del baseras på de fem faktorerna och att konceptet samt prototypen kan vidareutvecklas. Värdet av ett par enstaka test kan vara begränsat då det enbart gällt sex personer. Utökade testsessioner med flera olika grupper hade kunnat ge mer tillförlitliga resultat. Jag finner att det är angeläget med fortsatt forskning angående inlärning via Internet.
The technological development during the recent past, i.e. information technology (IT), has presented new possibilities for distance learning. IT has, so far, mostly been used to enhance the communication between teachers and students. With e-learning or technology-based learning the emphasis is rather on content in education instead of how education is performed. There is a need of improvements for more efficient e-learning within distance learning. The objectives of this study were to develop synchronous collaborative software application, based on five factors for more efficient e-learning, that researcher in cognition science Maria Larsson presented 2001. The software application was evaluated through a case study in a distance course of Organisation communication. The task was how to identify the culture in a specific organisation.The application was tested on two occasions with three participants at each occasion. The first test was as low-tech concept test and the second test was made with the use of the digital prototype. On both occasions the participants reflections was recorded during the test sessions and after the tests interviews were performed with each participant. My conclusions following the evaluation of the observations and the responses to the interviews are that it is possible to develop an application based on the five factors (learning styles, narrative form, collaboration, interaction and feedback) for more efficient e-learning. However, more research and testing are needed.

Cohen, Annette. „In Situ Vision: The Student Experience of Collaborative Learning in a Virtual Drawing Class“. Antioch University / OhioLINK, 2013. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=antioch1363112768.

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Machado-da-Silva, Fábio Nazareno. „Análise da influência da tecnologia sobre a intenção de uso da educação a distância“. reponame:Repositório Institucional do FGV, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10438/12951.

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Submitted by Fábio Nazareno Machado-da-Silva (fabio@machado.adm.br) on 2014-12-21T20:01:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Machado-da-Silva, FN - Doutorado FGV.pdf: 23336277 bytes, checksum: 75e9ac3758f8a2108a060123198f07d8 (MD5)
Rejected by PAMELA BELTRAN TONSA (pamela.tonsa@fgv.br), reason: Bom dia Fábio, Verifiquei seu arquivo e terei que rejeitar ambos por dois motivos : * Seu nome esta com separação de hífen. * E deverá aparecer numeração das paginas a partir da introdução. A secretaria irá trabalhar nos dias 22 / 23 das 13h00 as 17h00. Qualquer duvida estou a disposição. Att, Pamela Tonsa on 2014-12-22T10:36:07Z (GMT)
Submitted by Fábio Nazareno Machado-da-Silva (fabio@machado.adm.br) on 2014-12-22T11:58:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Machado-da-Silva, FN - Doutorado FGV.pdf: 23336833 bytes, checksum: 7be3bc31886880ee638ed7054d6cb648 (MD5)
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E-learning is a teaching methodology which has grown exponentially over the last decade. Hundreds of educational institutions can now offer on-line courses due to the governament policies for the area and technological resources available. This increase, provoked by the great demand in the market, has also caused many problems especially concerning the low quality of the programs and high evasion rate. The aim of this study is to analyze the synchronous interactive technologies influence and the methodological adaptation on the intention of distance learning use and to propose and test a new structural model. 2.376 people from five different regions of Brazil took part in the first phase of this research and the PLSPM technique was used with the 243-subject final sample. The results show that the students adaptation to the methodology - proposed construct - is an important indicator of their satisfaction, utility perception and their intention to continue studying by distance learning. However it was not possible to prove the synchronous interactive technologies influence on the e-learning use continuity, showing that information techonology role is to support educational process. In addition, students will be guided by methodological aspects applied to several available media. It was also identified that older generations tend to study on line more than younger ones. Thus undertanding the facts which affect the continuity of students' participation in e-learning programs can be a strategic advantage to the institutions as they can improve their profitability decreasing their evasion and encourage a better education for e-learning courses graduates as well.
A Educação a Distância é uma metodologia de ensino que muito se desenvolveu na última década. Com a diversidade tecnológica e com as políticas governamentais que autorizam a oferta de cursos on-line, centenas de instituições disponibilizaram programas de cursos via internet. Este aumento da oferta, gerado principalmente pela alta demanda do mercado, também provocou muitos problemas, especialmente no que diz respeito à falta de qualidade dos programas e ao alto índice de evasão. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a influência das tecnologias interativas síncronas sobre a intenção de continuidade de uso da Educação a Distância, propondo e testando um novo modelo estrutural. Em sua primeira fase, este experimento contou com a participação de 2.376 pessoas das cinco regiões do Brasil. Para o tratamento dos dados, a técnica PLS-PM (Partial Least Square – Path Modeling) foi utilizada com uma amostra de 243 indivíduos que responderam ao questionário final. Os resultados indicam que a adaptação do aluno à metodologia – construto proposto, é um importante preditor de sua satisfação, percepção de utilidade e de sua intenção de voltar a estudar pela internet no futuro, entretanto, não foi possível confirmar a influência das tecnologias interativas síncronas sobre a intenção de continuidade de uso da EaD, revelando que a tecnologia de informação tem papel de suporte aos processos educacionais, e o que orientará a decisão do aluno são os aspectos metodológicos aplicados às diversas mídias disponíveis. Foi identificado, também, que as pessoas com mais idade têm maior predisposição para estudar via internet, comparativamente aos mais jovens. Entender os fatores que levam a continuidade dos estudos em programas de EaD pode ajudar na redução da evasão por meio de ações customizadas ao público-alvo, melhorando a receita e a rentabilidade, o que pode representar vantagem competitiva à instituição.

Mačiulis, Edvinas. „Sinchroninio mokymo proceso standartizavimas vaizdo paskaitų sistemoje ViPS“. Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2008. http://vddb.library.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:E.02~2008~D_20080716_110900-91705.

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Magistriniame darbe rašoma apie ViPS lokalaus video paskaitų įrašymo įrankį, ir jo standartizavimo galimybes. Atliekama egzistuojančių sistemų apžvalga ir analizė, įvertinamos kokybinės ir funkcinės galimybės. Pateikiama informaciją tiek apie platformos architektūrą, tiek apie pačio įrankio realizavimo detales, funkcinius ir nefunkcinius reikalavimus, testavimo metodus. Apžvelgiamos e.mokymosi technologijų specifikacijos, tokios kaip IMS LD, AICC, LOM, SCORM. Įvertinamos ir ažvelgiamos SCORM standarto realizavimo galimybės bei diegimo rezultatas.
In this master thesis main topic is distace learning. It‘s another learning method more confortable, but makes a little bit difficulties, when the intent is to deliver information ant to make distance learning equal to the traditional. The main problem of distance learning is the presentation of the learning material. Lecturers and other people are trying to make learning process easier and more effective. It‘s characteristics depends on the tools, software and hardware, witch is used to represent and deliver learning material. In this work we will know more about video presentation system ViPS and it‘s additional tool for local video lectures recording, when there is not internet. Presented information is about the value tools give us and requirements for it‘s functionality, architecture and results. Finally we will know more about distance learning standards, it‘s advantages and disadvanages and of course the possibility of implementation of the most suitable standart for the ViPS local recoding tool.

Shih, Fu-chuan, und 施富川. „Exploring teaching models for synchronous classroom in e-Learning“. Thesis, 2005. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/35725096061491854610.

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Though, most of online courses conducted in the pass were asynchronous oriented, due to the recent advance of information technology on the Internet bandwidth and the IP-based conferencing system, conducting synchronous online courses are now feasible. There are no longer obstacles for promoting e-learning in terms of limited computing power, short memory capacity and not enough network bandwidth. The new challenges have shifted to how to conduct a high qualify online course by combing synchronous and asynchronous learning into a blended mode. The feature of asynchronous-oriented instruction and the text only interaction mode in the passed e-learning are very inconvenient and inefficient. Because Chinese input for many senior teachers are difficult and using text express the meaning of content and answer questions would result bad performance of demonstrating instructors’ professional. The advanced Learning Management System nowadays can support IP-based video-conferencing and document sharing for teachers and students to do online synchronous face to face instruction and interactions; the question is most teachers are not aware of this kind of potential and what kind of teaching models can be adopted in the online synchronous classroom. The purpose of this thesis is to explore different teaching models and their best practices by action research, such that the results can serve as good references for teachers. This research environment is the course named e-Learning Theory & Practice conduced for many semesters on NSYSU Cyber University.

Chang, Wei-Chieh, und 張偉杰. „The effect of personality on creative ability when Synchronous E-learning occurs“. Thesis, 2009. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/73992596441440044052.

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The aims of the research are as follows: 1. Discuss how to deliver the creativity teaching model on e-learning situation. 2. Discuss the advantage and disadvantages of the creativity teaching model on e-learning situation. 3. Discuss the acceptability of the students of the creativity teaching model on e-learning situation. 4. Discuss is that correct that we can raise students’ creativity from the creativity teaching model on e-learning situation. 5. Discuss what kinds personalities for students is better for them to accept the class design and learn more efficiently on the creativity teaching model on e-learning situation. The study is formed by documentary analysis, interview survey, observation research, and questionnaire survey. The participants are the junior students from Nation Taiwan Normal University, and the effective research objects are twenty six. The tools for the study includes Mini-Markers, Problem-Solving-based Creativity Test, the outline of discussion, the questionnaire of Synchronous E-learning, the checklist of observation, and the design of creativity teaching. The conclusions from the study are as follows: 1. Teachers need to prepare the essential software for the students before the class and draft some situations some situations in the class and think how to solve the problems. 2. The advantages of Synchronous E-learning: A. For the environmental factor, the students can choose the more comfortable or relaxing environment. B. In the perspective of information technology, the teachers and the students can show the materials more diversely. C. In the perspective of teaching and learning, EPC on the net can help the students record the rate of participation, it benefit the analysis and review in the future. The disadvantages of Synchronous E-learning: A. For the environmental factor, it’s harder for the students to convey emotion. B. In the perspective of information technology, in the beginning of the project, it needs money to set up the learning platform. C. In the perspective of teaching and learning, the teachers need spend additional time and consideration for digitalize the material. 3. From the data from the questionnaire and classroom observation, there are more than eighty percentages of the students think they can learn more effectively and more interestingly than the traditional classroom 4. From the data Problem-Solving-based Creativity Test pre-test and pro test, student’s grades improve significantly. It shows that students can raise their creativity using e-learning. 5. From the layer of interaction and the correction of the question, the students in the type of Extraversion and type of Openness are better. Thus the researcher infers that the students in these two types are more suitable for this kind of learning. Keywords: Synchronous E-learning, Personality, Creativity, Creativity teaching, Technology Acceptance Model

Chen, I.-Chuan, und 陳裔專. „A Study for Using Social Media and Synchronous e-Learning in SPOC Teaching Model“. Thesis, 2016. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/19162225729867650053.

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This study was designed to investigate the effects of integration social media for group discussion into synchronous online course in SPOC teaching model. The data of this research was collected from a summer web-based class of NOU (http://www.nou.edu.tw/). Instructional designs of this study were synchronous online teaching as well as synchronous online social media group discussion. Pre-recorded learning materials were placed in the e-learning platform. Students may browse and learn at any time according to their own needs. Online instructor published designated topics, asking the students to carry out real-time discussions through social media. Two teachers led students to discuss and summarized the results of online discussion groups separately. Through analyzing both quantitative and qualitative data were collected from adult undergraduate students. This study disseminated learning satisfaction questionnaire and collected all initial Posts as well as responded Posts of students from social media and e-learning platform. The study indicated that students like to interact with other on social media. Using social media to inform students of class events and activities is a convenient and effective tool. When students participated in online courses, social media makes them more willing to talk about their problems. Therefore they can receive response and service more timely. It is found that, through social media interaction, learning satisfaction was significantly improved in online curriculum activities. Teaching strategies and suggestions are also provided.

Ou, Shu-Ling, und 歐淑玲. „The Relationship of Nursing Staffs’ Learning Motivation、Self-Efficacy and Satisfaction at a Synchronous e-Learning in Nursing Continuing Education“. Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/33891807140522127987.

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Background E-learning is recognized as one of the important teaching models in both academic and business fields. The quality of teaching will be increased under the development and characteristic of Internet. However, research on synchronous e-learning education used in continuing education in nursing is limited in Taiwan. The purposes of this study were: (1) to utilize synchronous Internet education system teaching two courses regarding infection control in order to understand nurses’ self efficiency on internet, learning motivation and satisfaction of synchronous Internet education, (2) to explore the predictors of satisfaction on synchronous Internet education, and (3) to understand nurses’ views on participating in synchronous Internet education. Methodology A descriptive research design was used to guide this study. A convenient sample of 104 nurses participating in a synchronous e-learning education from a regional teaching hospital in south Taiwan was recruited. The instruments used for data collection included demographic questionnaire, the learning motivation scale on Internet learning, the satisfaction questionnaire of Internet study and the self efficiency questionnaire on synchronous Internet education. In addition, a semi-structured interview was conducted to understand the learning experiences of the 25 nurses attending the continuing education via synchronous e-learning. Results The results revealed significant positive correlations among the self-learning efficiency of Internet, learning motivation and satisfaction on synchronous e-learning education, the correlation ranged from .311 to .596. In addition, learning motivation of synchronous e-learning, self-learning efficiency and age can predict 44% of the total variation of learning satisfaction on the synchronous e-learning education, with the adjusted R2 of 42.9%. Two categories were emerged from the interview data, including the experiences of synchronous e-learning education, and recommendations for synchronous Internet education. Under the category of “the experiences of synchronous Internet education”, three themes were extracted, including (1) convenience, innovation and suitability for nurses’ working schedules, (2) increasing the learning interaction between teacher and learners, and (3) the desire of participation were influenced by computer skills. Under the category of “recommendations for synchronous Internet education”, three themes were extracted, including (1) cultivation of seed teachers, (2) combination of synchronous and asynchronous Internet education, and (3) attempt to strengthen the learners’ computer skills. Discussion and Conclusion In a conclusion, the study revealed that nurses were satisfied with a synchronous e-learning which were founded to increase nurses’ learning motivation. However, the computer ability and the hardware of the individual computer were the two major factors impacting the successful of the synchronous e-learning. The researcher suggested the leaders of the institutional should increase informatics ability of nurses and expand the computer equipments while promoting the utilization of a synchronous e-learning. In addition, combination of synchronous and the asynchronous e-learning in continuing education for nurses were recommended.

Tsai, Chin-ho, und 蔡晉和. „A Study on the Behavioral Intention of Synchronous E-Learning Systems: From IST and TAM perspectives-Taking JoinNet as an Example“. Thesis, 2011. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/82741273500291601853.

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The distant syncronous systemnetwork can assist traditional teaching on its insufficiency, and becomes a platform with better functions and facilities. Moreover, through e-Learning, schools can not only reuse current educational resources but also enable more learners to share the information. Universities, when building e-learning platform, need to evaluated related factors to find the best solution and support. The study focoused on a synchronous E-learning system-JoinNet which is,widely used in university. The purpose is to investigate the factors that affect user’s intention of adopting synchronous e-learning system through IST (Information and Communication Succession Technology) and TAM (Technology Acceptance Model). Questionnaires were sent to JoinNet uers through email. 343 valid responses were collected. The Structured Equation Model (SEM) was used to analyze the data to find out the factors that affect users’ intention to use JoinNet. The results revealed that the behavior intention of synchronous e-learning system (JoinNet) was positively affected by usefulness, ease of use, and user’s attitude. Usefulness and ease of use were affected by user’s personal factors, media traits and organizational influence.

Novotný, Jakub. „Zhodnocení možností aplikace webinářů pro pracovníky v oblasti školství v Libereckém kraji“. Master's thesis, 2012. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-306442.

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The work deals with the issues of webinar organizing and synchronous online learning in a virtual classroom. The thesis is divided into two parts, a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part particularly pays attention to ICT and e-learning in the area of adult education and to modern trends in online communication and cooperation. The practical part is focused on the area of synchronous live learning in a virtual classroom and it evaluates the supply situation and the use of webinars in the Czech republic. The practical part also presents author's survey among the teachers in Liberec region. Lastly, it provides the webinar case study and subsequently it discusses and evaluates its progress. The diploma thesis responds to innovation in ICT and contributes to current development and the use of webinars in adult education.

Xakaza, Sheila Innocentia. „Using the Internet communication tools to facilitate learning“. Diss., 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/25660.

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This dissertation describes research which investigated the use of communication tools in a WebCT learning environment. The instrumental case study investigated the level and frequency of use of the web-based communication tools during a full-fledged course delivery at a university that enrols only full-time students. The unit of analysis was the case and the instruments included group interviews, observation anecdotal notes, communication diaries, focus group and a journal/logbook. A mixed qualitative and quantitative research method was used in this research. The study evaluated how the interactivity and not how either the lesson or the WebCT function. The conceptual framework focused on interactivity, features of communication tools that promote interactivity, as well as the domains such as cognition, motivation and learner interface as aspects that influence the use of communication tools. Various web-based tools were used by a sample consisting of a selected small group of IT students who participated in the study. Those communication tools were used to facilitate learning in WebCT. The results showed a total of 145 interactions for the duration of ten sessions. The WebCT communication tools supported either synchronous or asynchronous communication. Communication tools were used to retrieve information and send text-based messages to lecturers and students. Interaction at different levels was evident between student and student, student and lecturer, lecturer and student, lecturer and lecturer, as well as, student and content. In addition to the WebCT communication tools, students used extra web-based communication tools, to facilitate their learning. It was concluded that with continuous advances in information and communication technology and with ever increasing student numbers at resident universities, more tertiary institutions should offer on-line courses. More communication tools should be considered on WebCT to facilitate more interactive learning.
Dissertation (MEd (Curriculum Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2007.
Curriculum Studies

Cardoso, Vitor. „Aprender a inovar : contextos virtuais e ambientes inteligentes de aprendizagem“. Doctoral thesis, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.2/2406.

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Tese de Doutoramento em Informática na especialidade de Informática apresentada à Universidade Aberta
A comunicação, as suas dificuldades, problemas e consequências sempre foram um calcanhar de Aquiles na Educação a distância como é referido por inúmeros autores. Focar o Ensino a Distância (EaD) na disponibilização de informação e na distribuição de conteúdos, como tem sido a atitude mais generalizada, resolverá alguns problemas práticos das instituições de ensino, mas não resolve um dos problemas clássicos e mais importantes da Educação a distância que é o isolamento dos alunos com todos os efeitos negativos que isso tem na motivação e na desistência dos cursos. Por outro lado, a utilização das NTIC (Novas Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação) e especialmente o uso das plataformas de eLearning trouxe para a Educação a Distância novos problemas associados à sua utilização e nomeadamente a usabilidade. Nesta investigação enfrentámos, entre outros, estes dois grandes desafios do EaD actual, o isolamento dos alunos e a usabilidade dos sistemas e estudámos vias tecnológicas e metodológicas que, privilegiando o diálogo e a comunicação, nos permitam enfrentá-los e contribuam para a sua resolução, com a plena consciência de que as tecnologias e as metodologias ajudam a resolver problemas complexos, mas são ainda assim a parte estática da equação. É à parte dinâmica, aos actores educativos, que cabe incluí-las nas suas estratégias e pô-las em acção nos enquadramentos e momentos mais oportunos. A metodologia Odisseia e a plataforma que desenvolvemos para a suportar e exemplificar, não descurando a importância dos recursos e conteúdos de qualidade (em que também investe muito), procura responder àqueles dois grandes desafios (isolamento e usabilidade) deslocando o foco da educação a distância para a Comunicação e disponibilizando para isso processos de organização do ensino/aprendizagem, metodologias e tecnologias testadas com sucesso nos últimos anos. Descobrimos que para promover a comunicação (formal e informal) e melhorar a usabilidade, do ponto de vista tecnológico, um elemento chave é a integração de um sistema de comunicação síncrona multiutilizador (um Chat, por exemplo) sempre visível na estrutura permanente da interface do sítio para que os utilizadores se possam ―ver‖ e comunicar quando estão ou entram nele, à semelhança do que acontece quando entramos numa sala e vemos de imediato quem lá está. Para além de reduzirem o isolamento do utilizador, os ―outros‖ visitantes tornam-se também num recurso e num precioso sistema de ajuda informal muito mais eficaz e interactivo do que qualquer help system automático. Foi assim possível concretizar uma metodologia geral para os sítios Web educacionais e as plataformas, segundo a qual um sítio educacional deve ser antes de mais um espaço de comunicação e socialização que, paralelamente, também tem os recursos, os conteúdos e os materiais de estudo.
Communication, its difficulties, problems and consequences had always been an Achilles' heel (weakness) in Distance Learning as it‘s being referred by innumerous authors and to focus Distance Learning (DL) on information delivery and content distribution will solve some institution's practical issues, but won't solve one of the classic and most important problems of Distance Learning which is the students' isolation, with all its negative effects upon motivation and course dropout. The use of NTIC (New Technologies of Information and Communication) and specially the use of eLearning platforms brought to Distance Learning new problems associated with its usage, namely usability. In this investigation we faced, among others, these two big challenges of current DL, students‘ isolation and systems' usability, and we studied technological and methodological ways that, giving privilege to dialogue and communication, will allow us to face them and contribute to their resolution, with full conscience that technologies and methodology help us solving complex problems, even though they're still the static part of the equation. It's the dynamic part, the actors of the educational process, that must include them in their strategies and put them in practice, in the right context and timing. The Odyssey methodology and the platform we've developed to support and exemplify it, not denying the importance of quality resources and contents (in which it also invests a lot), tries to answer those two important challenges mentioned above (isolation and usability) by moving the focus of Distance Learning to Communication and making available, for that purpose, organizational processes of education/learning, methodologies and technologies tested with success in recent years. We found that to promote communication (formal and informal) and improve usability, from the technological point of view a key element is the integration of a multi-user synchronous communication system (a Chat, for example) in the permanent and always visible interface structure of the site so users can see each other and communicate when they are in or enter the site. Besides reducing isolation, ―other‖ visitors also became a pedagogical resource and a precious informal help system much more efficient and interactive than any other automatic help. It was in this way possible to materialize a general methodology for educational sites and platforms, where an educational site should be primarily a communication and socialization place, secondarily supported by content pages, resources and study material.

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