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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Treaty design":


Fourny, Jean-Francois, und Kristin Stehouwer Eder. „The Maastricht Treaty and France's "Great Design"“. SubStance 24, Nr. 1/2 (1995): 49.

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Lieberman, Henry, Lynn Stein und David Ungar. „Treaty of Orlando“. ACM SIGPLAN Notices 23, Nr. 5 (Mai 1988): 43–44.

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Weissenberger, S. „Deterrence and the design of treaty verification systems“. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 22, Nr. 5 (1992): 903–15.

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Israel, Brian. „Treaty Stasis“. AJIL Unbound 108 (2014): 63–69.

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We shouldn’t necessarily be concerned when international lawmaking is a victim of its own success. A trend in a given domain of international governance in which multilateral treaty-making gives way to bilateral and non-binding alternatives does not itself signal a decline in the influence or efficacy of international law. It may in fact be a normal symptom of a properly functioning international legal framework—as much a cause for celebration among international lawyers as for concern.I wish to offer some brief reflections on this Agora theme, The End of Treaties?, from the perspective of a lawyer responsible for engineering international cooperation. I say “engineering” because international lawyers in this role must carefully weigh design tradeoffs in selecting among potential cooperative mechanisms, not unlike an engineer weighing the tradeoffs between materials in designing to a performance and cost specification. Like architects, international lawyers must also be attuned to the social dimensions of the arrangements they craft, but should ultimately privilege function above the aesthetics of legal form. Ugly international cooperative arrangements may nevertheless perform beautifully.

Mitchell, Ronald B. „Regime design matters: intentional oil pollution and treaty compliance“. International Organization 48, Nr. 3 (1994): 425–58.

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Whether a treaty elicits compliance from governments or nonstate actors depends upon identifiable characteristics of the regime's compliance systems. Within the international regime controlling intentional oil pollution, a provision requiring tanker owners to install specified equipment produced dramatically higher levels of compliance than a provision requiring tanker operators to limit their discharges. Since both provisions entailed strong economic incentives for violation and regulated the same countries over the same time period, the variance in compliance clearly can be attributed to different features of the two subregimes. The equipment requirements' success stemmed from establishing an integrated compliance system that increased transparency, provided for potent and credible sanctions, reduced implementation costs to governments by building on existing infrastructures, and prevented violations rather than merely deterring them.

Mitchell, Sara McLaughlin, und Neda A. Zawahri. „The effectiveness of treaty design in addressing water disputes“. Journal of Peace Research 52, Nr. 2 (18.02.2015): 187–200.

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Larsson Gebre-Medhin, David. „Charting the Reaches of International Law and Treaty Design“. International Studies Review 22, Nr. 3 (06.06.2020): 730–32.

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Zawahri, Neda A., Ariel Dinar und Getachew Nigatu. „Governing international freshwater resources: an analysis of treaty design“. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 16, Nr. 2 (05.08.2014): 307–31.

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Stein, Glenn M. „The Antarctic Treaty summit medal“. Polar Record 47, Nr. 1 (13.05.2010): 89–90.

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The meeting of the International Board of the Antarctic Treaty summit ( celebrating the 50th anniversary of the treaty, signed on 1 December 1959, provided an opportunity to design a medal based on the theme of science ‘in the interest of all mankind,’ as expressed in the treaty's preamble.

Allee, Todd, und Clint Peinhardt. „Evaluating Three Explanations for the Design of Bilateral Investment Treaties“. World Politics 66, Nr. 1 (29.12.2013): 47–87.

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Although many features of bilateral investment treaties (BITs) are consistent from one agreement to the next, a closer look reveals that the treaties exhibit considerable variation in terms of their enforcement provisions, which legal scholars have singled out as the central component of the treaties. An original data set is compiled that captures three important treaty-design differences: whether the parties consent in advance to international arbitration, whether they allow treaty obligations to be enforced before an institutionalized arbitration body, and how many arbitration options are specified for enforcement. Drawing upon several relevant literatures on international institutions, three potentially generalizable explanations for this important treaty variation are articulated and tested. The strongest support is found for the theoretical perspective that emphasizes the bargaining power and preferences of capital-exporting states, which use the treaties to codify strong, credible investor protections in all their treaties. Empirical tests consistently reveal that treaties contain strong enforcement provisions—in which the parties preconsent to multiple, often institutionalized arbitration options—when the capital-exporting treaty partner has considerable bargaining power and contains domestic actors that prefer such arrangements, such as large multinational corporations or right-wing governments. In contrast, there is no evidence to support the popular hands-tying explanation, which predicts that investment-seeking states with the most severe credibility problems, due to poor reputations or weak domestic institutions, will bind themselves to treaties with stronger investment protections. likewise, little support is found for explanations derived from the project on the rational design of international institutions, which discounts the identities and preferences of the treaty partners and instead emphasizes the structural conditions they jointly face. In sum, this foundational study of differences across investment treaties suggests that the design of treaties is driven by powerful states, which include elements in the treaties that serve their interests, regardless of the treaty partner or the current strategic setting.

Dissertationen zum Thema "Treaty design":


Seymour, Sezaneh Momeni. „What Factors are Associated with Multilateral Environmental Agreement Noncompliance, and can Agreement Provisions be Designed to Mitigate them?“ Diss., Virginia Tech, 2020.

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This research contributes to gaps in the international relations and international law literature on compliance by engaging practitioners with multilateral environmental agreement (MEA) expertise to answer two questions: 1) what factors are associated with MEA noncompliance; and 2) is there a relationship between the design of MEA provisions and compliance with those provisions. Practitioners overwhelmingly associate MEA noncompliance with insufficient domestic interagency consultation early in the lifecycle of a multilateral environmental agreement, particularly during its negotiation. The interagency consultative process is the mechanism by which a state identifies the nature of its relevant domestic environmental challenges and the availability of its institutional, financial, and technical resources to address them. Absent a robust process, state delegated representatives engage in negotiating obligations on behalf of their states without a full understanding of the domestic context. Consequently, they may inadvertently negotiate obligations that are impractical or otherwise inconsistent with domestic realities. Under these circumstances, a state may subsequently set itself on a trajectory of noncompliance when ratifying the agreement. Three noncompliance cases under the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal are consistent with this finding. The design of treaty provisions might serve to mitigate some factors associated with MEA noncompliance. Practitioners observe a relationship between the design of treaty provisions and compliance with those provisions. When presented with two different legal design options, practitioners overwhelmingly expressed a preference for obligations of outcome over obligations of action. Preserving state flexibility to determine how to implement obligations may mitigate noncompliance associated with insufficient domestic consultation early in the lifecycle of an MEA, but more research is necessary to draw the conclusion that one legal design produces better compliance results over another.
Doctor of Philosophy
States actively negotiate multilateral environmental agreements (MEA) to address transboundary environmental challenges. When states fail to comply with their obligations under these agreements, the international community's collective environmental goals are compromised. This research contributes to the literature on compliance by exploring two questions: 1) what factors are associated with MEA noncompliance; and 2) is there a relationship between the design of MEA provisions and compliance with those provisions. MEA noncompliance is overwhelmingly associated with states' poor preparation to engage in the negotiation and implementation of multilateral environmental agreements. Poor preparation is the result of insufficient domestic interagency consultation, which is the process by which a state identifies the nature of its relevant domestic environmental challenges and its ability to address them. The design of MEA provisions might serve to mitigate some factors associated with noncompliance, particularly if that design gives states the flexibility to later determine how or which domestic measures to take in order to meet the relevant outcome contained in their MEA obligations. However, more research is needed to draw the conclusion that one legal design is better than another.

Slapin, Jonathan B. „Institutional design in the European Union how governments negotiated the Treaty of Amsterdam /“. Diss., Restricted to subscribing institutions, 2007.

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Ren, Q. „Environmental protection of the host states in international investment law : treaty reinterpretation, provision design and experience from China“. Thesis, University of Liverpool, 2015.

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This thesis aims to evaluate the scope of environmental protection in the host states against the states’ obligations to protect and promote foreign investments, and to identify how the existing international investment treaty practice and dispute settlement practice are insufficient in light of considering the environmental interests of the host states in the standards of treatment, including the fair and equitable treatment, national treatment, most-favoured-treatment, and non-expropriation standard. This thesis argues that the existing regime of international investment law does not provide an appropriate framework for the protection of the host states’ environmental interests, especially in the countries with economic and social transition (like China) where the domestic need for environmental protection is emerging and growing significantly. In contributing to the means through which the host states are able to regulate foreign investments without otherwise violating treaty obligation, this research proposes: (1) interpreting investment treaty provisions by introducing more environmental consideration, and (2) rethinking and reshaping the current pro-investor mechanism of international investment law through embracing the provision of broad environmental exception.

Schulze, Stephan. „Design and implementation of a STANAG 5066 data rate change algorithm for high data rate autobaud waveforms“. Diss., Pretoria : [s.n.], 2005.

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Demirdag, Serap. „Harmonisation In European Union On Industrial Property Rights Protection Procedures: Effects On Turkey Within The Framework Of Customs Union“. Master's thesis, METU, 2004.

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This thesis aims at answering two questions under the topic of Harmonisation of Industrial Property Rights Protection Procedures in the European Union. The questions researched are: &ldquo
What are the current systems of Industrial Property Rights protection in the world, in the European Union and Turkey?&rdquo
and &ldquo
Is there a way for Turkey to be included within the EU Industrial Property protection system in the future while still being under the relation of Customs Union?&rdquo
. To answer these questions current systems of Industrial Property Rights protection in the world, in European Union and Turkey is briefly analyzed and following this analysis, a proposal for a closer cooperation in Industrial Property protection system of Turkey with the European Union is given backed up with a comparison of statistical data of EU, Turkey and candidate countries.

Denson, Marian. „Rational design of immunotherapy to treat fungal allergy“. Thesis, University of Manchester, 2013.

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Background: Asthma affects 5.4 million people in the UK. Asthma subgroups are also susceptible to inhalation of fungal spores (Aspergillus fumigatus) and development of pulmonary fungal aspergilloma; presenting a life threatening but poorly understood condition. NHS costs for corticosteroids, bronchodilators and antifungal agents that are only partially effective continue to rise. Allergy immunotherapy development is of great interest as it is specific to the allergen and can harness key adaptive immune T-cells to down-regulate inflammatory responses. Immunotherapy has been used with varying degrees of success for treatment of grass, pollen, venom, cat and dog allergens however to date has not been directed to fungal allergens. The study aims were: 1) to further understand the A. fumigatus allergens and the protein epitopes responsible for generating immune responses. 2) To genotype participating ABPA/SAFS patients to observe any HLA associations. Methods: 37 subjects with fungal sensitivity were recruited to the study which received permission from the local ethics committee (UHSM LREC). Computer bioinformatic predictions using Propred software identified several potential fungal T cell peptide epitopes; of which 8 peptides were soluble and tested in vitro for specific T-cell proliferation responses by flow cytometric analysis. Skin prick tests determined subject responses to fungal allergens including A. fumigatus, and DNA analysis determined subject HLA type. Results: 5 of 8 soluble peptides were Aspergillus fumigatus derived and 3 from Alternaria alternata. All 8 peptides induced higher CD4 proliferative responses in ABPA/SAFS patients, compared to healthy controls from highest significance to lowest as follows: peptide 1.1 > 9.1 > 8.1 > 2.1 > 9.1.1 > 4.1 > 4.1.1 and 10.1.1. 73% subjects elicited skin responses to A. fumigatus. DNA HLA typing identified alleles associated with ABPA/SAFS but not all allele sub types. Discussion: The ABPA/SAFS group consistently raised T-cell responses to fungal peptides compared to controls. This demonstrates peripheral CD4s retain memory for fungal specificity and clearly respond when challenged with fungal epitopes in vitro. This concept underpins the rationale to further characterize the responding CD4 cells and pursuing bioinformatics approaches for immunotherapy investigations for fungal allergy.

Tsai, Helen. „Design of swimming fins to treat Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome“. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2007.

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Thesis (S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, June 2007.
"May 2007."
Includes bibliographical references (p. 28-29).
This thesis project involves developing a pair of swimming fins to strengthen the Vastus Medialis, or inner quadriceps muscle, to help patients with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome. Configurations of mock up fins, made from Lexan, were designed based off of a known dry land exercise that consisted of leg lifts with the feet turned out 45 degrees that work the Vastus Medialis. From the feedback of a swimmer, new design iterations were made to compensate for how a person's body moves in the water as opposed to on land. An optimal design was chosen based off of testing.
by Helen Tsai.

Cox, Wesley (Wesley T. ). „Design of a recycling method for treated aluminum fuel“. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017.

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Thesis: S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2017.
Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (page 14).
An experimental study was performed to characterize the waste byproduct of a high energy density aluminum fuel in order to identify an effective recycling method. A sample of fuel waste was generated and viewed under a scanning electron microscope. The sample was then subjected to an energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis which focused on points of interest identified by the scanning electron microscope. The results of the imaging and analysis showed that gallium and indium, which are used in the fuel manufacturing process, are randomly scattered around the reacted aluminum waste. These metals were found in their elemental form, meaning they do not react alongside the aluminum fuel. As such these metals can be recovered by suspending them in water and using mass differences to isolate them from the remainder of the waste.
by Wesley Cox.

Kašičková, Václava. „Trendy v designu a tvorbě nových materiálů“. Master's thesis, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, 2016.

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Thesis investigates the flexural properties of modified laminated wood. Thesis examined two wood species - beech and aspen. The aim was to describe effect of wood species, material thickness, densification, adhesives and loaded cyclic stress on selection of mechanical properties. Wood species and thickness of material were determined as factors with very significant impact. They affected modulus of elasticity, limit of proportionality and bending strength. All these characteristics achieved higher values while testing beech lamellas. Degree of densification does not appear as a very significant factor. Comparing modulus of elasticity in this thesis and data given in the literature it is possible to say that densified lamellas used in this research reached higher values. This thesis also investigates tensile-shear strength and bendability.

Rodrová, Veronika. „Trendy v designu a tvorbě nových materiálů“. Master's thesis, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, 2016.

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The objective of my research is to examine the influence of densified wood in combination with native wood on its mechanical properties such as moduls of elasticity, bending strength, limit of proportionality, bendability coefficient and tensile-shear strength of glued line. The examined woods are Europen beech (Fagus Sylvatica L.) and Aspen (Populus tramula L.). The tests were carried out on speciemens with different thickness. The densification by 10% and 20% was performed. For the glued joint polyurethane adhesive and polyvinylacetate glue were used. The thesis includes simulation of the properties, their computer program tetsing, and the comparsion with the values obtained from real measurement. The purpose of this part of thesis is to achieve a simulation that will replace laboratory tests or disprove this method of scientific research and deepen our knowledge of proceses occuring during the pursued way of stress.

Bücher zum Thema "Treaty design":


NATO Research Study Group 9 (DRG, Panel 8) Workshop on Applications of Human Performance Models to System Design (1988 Orlando, Fla.). Applications of human performance models to system design. New York: Plenum Press, 1989.

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United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Convention on Nuclear Safety: Report (to accompany treaty doc. 104-6). [Washington, D.C: U.S. G.P.O., 1999.

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United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Convention on Nuclear Safety: Report (to accompany treaty doc. 104-6). [Washington, D.C: U.S. G.P.O., 1999.

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Nichiporuk, Brian. Forecasting the effects of Army XXI design upon multinational force compatibility. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2000.

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Karavites, Peter. Promise-giving and treaty-making: Homer and the Near East. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1992.

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Treacy, Philip. Philip Treacy. Milano: Fondazione Nicloa Trussardi, 2001.

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Rogers, Pat. The symbolic design of Windsor-Forest: Iconography, pageant, and prophecy in Pope's early work. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2004.

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Williams, R. I. T. Cement-treated pavements: Materials, design, and construction. London: Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, 1986.

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Landry, Leo. Trick or treat. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Books for Children, 2012.

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Goodman, William T. Building an Atmospheric Forge & Heat Treat Oven. Rogersville, MO, USA: David J. Gingery Publishing, 2003.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Treaty design":


Mitchell, Ronald. „Treaty design“. In Essential Concepts of Global Environmental Governance, 277–78. Second edition. | Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge, 2021.: Routledge, 2020.

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Brown, Alan D. „The Design of CRAMRA: How Appropriate For The Protection of The Environment“. In The Antarctic Treaty System in World Politics, 110–19. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1991.

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De Souza Guilherme, Bettina. „The Double Democratic Deficit“. In Financial Crisis Management and Democracy, 75–109. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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AbstractThis chapter will sketch how the EU has reacted to the financial crisis and in particular to the unfolding sovereign debt crisis, revealing major flaws in EMU’s architecture. It will not only address these design flaws but attempt to evaluate the underlying causes, reasons and motives of the architects and decision takers by comparing the more “federalist” Werner Plan with the more “intergovernmental” blueprint of the EMU of the Maastricht Treaty, connect it with the paradigm change on economic governance discussed by Schulmeister in Chap. 10.1007/978-3-030-54895-7_2 and show the consequences for the crisis and its management in terms of efficiency, equity and democratic accountability.

Chesnut, Robert W., Alessandro Sette, Esteban Celis, Peggy Wentworth, Ralph T. Kubo, Jeff Alexander, Glenn Ishioka, Antonella Vitiello und Howard M. Grey. „Design and Testing of Peptide-Based Cytotoxic T-Cell-Mediated Immunotherapeutics to Treat Infectious Diseases and Cancer“. In Vaccine Design, 847–74. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1995.

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Cláudio, Ana Paula, Maria Beatriz Carmo, Tânia Pinheiro, Francisco Esteves und Eder Lopes. „Virtual Environment to Treat Social Anxiety“. In Design, User Experience, and Usability. Health, Learning, Playing, Cultural, and Cross-Cultural User Experience, 442–51. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Sankar, Kaushik, und Waltraud M. Kriven. „Potassium Geopolymer Reinforced with Alkali-Treated Fique“. In Developments in Strategic Materials and Computational Design V, 61–78. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2015.

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Gateau, Christelle, Elisabeth Mintz und Pascale Delangle. „Rational Design of Copper and Iron Chelators to Treat Wilson's Disease and Hemochromatosis“. In Ligand Design in Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry, 287–319. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2014.

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Collins, Karen C., und Kim D. Janda. „Hapten Design for Anti-addiction Vaccine Development“. In Biologics to Treat Substance Use Disorders, 327–65. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.

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Broncek, J., P. Fabian, M. Dzimko und N. Radek. „Experimental Analysis of Tribological Properties of Heat Treated Graphitic Cast Irons“. In The Latest Methods of Construction Design, 117–25. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Sarkar, Raju, Ankur Mudgal, Ritesh Kurar und Varun Gupta. „Effective Design of Flexible Pavement on Treated Expansive Soil“. In Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 459–70. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2017.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Treaty design":


Meng, Tao, Sichao Tan, Yuhao He, Dongdong Yuan und Kun Cheng. „Preliminary Design Considerations of He-Xe Mixture Cooled Space Nuclear Reactor“. In 2018 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

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The space nuclear reactor has been widely studied since 60s in the last century. However, upon the signing of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and the ending of the Cold War, the space nuclear technology gradually faded out the public and researchers view. In recent years, due to the proposal of the United States’ Moon and Mars Project and China’s Deep Space Scientific Project, space nuclear technology are welcoming new opportunities for research and development. In this paper, the Prometheus project design has been analyzed and thereafter been based for multi-kilowatt He-Xe cooled space nuclear system preliminary design. Parameters like system efficiency, compressor ratio, temperature are given and neutron calculations are conducted in order to evaluate its physical performance and provide guidelines for future optimization. A computer program, which can calculate performance of heat pipe radiator, is also coded and thereafter used. At last, some consideration guidelines are concluded for larger power space reactor design.

Campos, João. „The superb Brazilian Fortresses of Macapá and Príncipe da Beira“. In FORTMED2020 - Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean. Valencia: Universitat Politàcnica de València, 2020.

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During the eighteenth century Portugal developed a large military construction process in the Ultramarine possessions, in order to compete with the new born colonial trading empires, mainly Great Britain, Netherlands and France. The Portuguese colonial seashores of the Atlantic Ocean (since the middle of the sixteenth century) and of the Indian Ocean (from the end of the first quarter of the seventeenth century) were repeatedly coveted, and the huge Portuguese colony of Brazil was also harassed in the south during the eighteenth century –here due to problems in a diplomatic and military dispute with Spain, related with the global frontiers’ design of the Iberian colonies. The Treaty of Madrid (1750) had specifically abrogated the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) between Portugal and Spain, and the limits of Brazil began to be defined on the field. Macapá is situated in the western branch of Amazonas delta, in the singular cross-point of the Equator with Tordesillas Meridian, and the construction of a big fortress began in the year of 1764 under direction of Enrico Antonio Galluzzi, an Italian engineer contracted by Portuguese administration to the Commission of Delimitation, which arrived in Brazil in 1753. In consequence of the political panorama in Europe after the Seven Years War (1756-1763), a new agreement between Portugal and Spain was negotiated (after the regional conflict in South America), achieved to the Treaty of San Idefonso (1777), which warranted the integration of the Amazonas basin. It was strategic the decision to build, one year before, the huge fortress of Príncipe da Beira, arduously realized in the most interior of the sub-continent, 2000 km from the sea throughout the only possible connection by rivers navigation. Domingos Sambucetti, another Italian engineer, was the designer and conductor of the jobs held on the right bank of Guaporé River, future frontier’s line with Bolivia. São José de Macapá and Príncipe da Beira are two big fortresses Vauban’ style, built under very similar projects by two Italian engineers (each one dead with malaria in the course of building), with the observance of the most exigent rules of the treaties of military architecture.

Hollis, Michael S. L., und Fred J. Brandon. „Design and Analysis of a Fuze-Configurable Trajectory Correction Device for an Artillery Projectile“. In ASME 2000 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2000.

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Abstract With the advances in microelectronics, sensor technology, and packaging design, the reality of an artillery projectile, range correction device is conceivable. A previous report entitled “Preliminary Design of a Range Correction Module for an Artillery Shell” (Hollis 1996) demonstrated a possible concept called the D-ring range correction device. One of the main objectives of the range correction device concept was to contain all the mechanical and electrical components within a fuze-like envelope, while maintaining certain constraints that would allow the fuze to fit into a variety of artillery shells used by North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries. Another objective of the range correction device concept was to avoid any changes within the ogive of any of the projectiles in the existing stockpile. Range correction is achieved by a mechanism that symmetrically deploys four D-shaped blades, or drag blades, with the sole purpose of increasing drag. Estimates have been made of the percent change in drag as related to increases in frontal area. The deployed D-rings, with a spread of 80 mm, will increase the frontal area by 1.63 times. If the D-rings are extended a centimeter farther to a deployment diameter of 100 mm, the increase in frontal area is 2.39 times. An initial study by Brandon and Jara has indicated that reasonable maneuver authorities can be achieved for frontal areas of 7.3 in2 (47.1 cm2) and 10.7 in2 (69.0 cm2), which corresponds, respectively, to the 80-mm and 100-mm deployment diameters. This report is a culmination of many design iterations, numerical analyses, shock tests, and actual cannon launchings. Most of the design iterations and numerical analyses are not mentioned in this report simply because they were stepping stones that led to the final design. Structural analyses indicate that the overall prototype design is durable enough to withstand the most severe artillery cannon launching available today. The design should be capable of withstanding 15,000 g’s of inertial set-back loads with 150,000 rad/s2 of angular acceleration. In addition, the design is also capable of deploying at a velocity of 650 m/s, while spinning at 250 cycles per second. The next step would be to fabricate the design in order to truly verify the integrity of the structure and to determine the overall effect of the deployed drag blades on the range of flight.

Choi, HanKwon, Thomas D. Crom und John B. Mulligan. „KEDO’s LWR Project: Unique Challenges in a Nuclear Power Project by Any Standard“. In 10th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. ASMEDC, 2002.

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In 1994 the United States of America and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) signed the Agreed Framework in which the DPRK committed to shut down their graphite-moderated reactors and related facilities and to remain a party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. In return the U.S. agreed, among other things, to deliver two light water reactor (LWR) units to the DPRK which should meet international safety standards. For the implementation of this Agreed Framework, the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO) was founded. KEDO decided to build two units of the Korea Standard Nuclear Power Plant (KSNP) model, which is a proven design of U.S. origin. This paper describes the status of this project (the LWR project) and the unique challenges that KEDO must overcome to implement the construction and commissioning of this project and have the DPRK ready for plant takeover.

Burns, Scott A. „Application of the Monomial Method to Shape Optimization“. In ASME 1993 Design Technical Conferences. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1993.

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Abstract The monomial method is an alternative to Newton’s method for solving systems of nonlinear algebraic equations. It possesses several properties not shared by Newton’s method that enhance performance, yet does not require substantial computational effort beyond that required for Newton’s method. Previous work has demonstrated that the monomial method treats problems in structural design very effectively. This paper combines the monomial method with the method of generalized geometric programming to treat the problem of structural shape optimization of continuum structures modeled by finite elements.

Grande, Lisa, Bryan Villamere, Adrianexy Rodriguez-Prado, Sally Mikhael, Leyland Allison und Igor Pioro. „Thermal Aspects of Using Thoria Fuel in SuperCritical Water-Cooled Nuclear Reactors“. In 17th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. ASMEDC, 2009.

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SuperCritical Water-cooled Reactors (SCWRs) are one of six next-generation nuclear-reactor design options under consideration worldwide. These nuclear-reactor design options are included in the major international treaties such as: Generation IV International Forum (GIF) and INternational PROject on innovative nuclear reactors and fuels (INPRO). SCWR coolant is light water, which operates at supercritical pressures and temperatures. Typical SCWR coolant operating parameters are 25 MPa and 350–625°C. These SCWR operating conditions significantly increase the thermal efficiency of a SCW Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) (about 45 – 50%) compared to that of existing NPPs (30 – 35%). Also, SCWRs use significantly higher water parameters than existing water-cooled reactors, because of this they can support hydrogen co-generation. Previous thermal-design fuel-channel option studies for SCWRs have shown that the use of uranium dioxide (UO2) fuel at supercritical water conditions might be unacceptable as the fuel centerline temperature is close to or even exceeds the industry accepted limit of 1850°C. Alternative fuels with a higher thermal conductivity have to be considered. Thoria (ThO2) fuel is a suitable alternative to UO2 due to its higher thermal conductivity. Thoria fuel is beneficial because it complies with the Non-Proliferation Treaty and there are plenty of reserves worldwide. Therefore, ThO2 fuel and its suitability with SCWR use are considered in this paper.

Leine, Remco I., und Dick H. van Campen. „Fold Bifurcations in Discontinuous Systems“. In ASME 1999 Design Engineering Technical Conferences. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1999.

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Abstract This paper treats discontinuous fold bifurcations of periodic solutions of discontinuous systems. It is shown how jumps in the fundamental solution matrix lead to jumps of the Floquet multipliers of periodic solutions. A Floquet multiplier of a discontinuous system can jump through the unit circle causing a discontinuous bifurcation. Numerical examples are treated which show discontinuous fold bifurcations. The discontinuous fold bifurcation can connect stable branches to branches with infinitely unstable solutions.

Quadvlieg, F. H. H. A., E. Armaoglu, R. Eggers und P. van Coevorden. „Prediction and verification of the maneuverability of naval surface ships“. In SNAME Maritime Convention. SNAME, 2010.

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The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Specialist Team for Seaway Mobility (ST/SM) has progressed significantly in the development of new mission-oriented maneuvering criteria in the format of a NATO Standardization Agreement (STANAG). This work was finalized in July 2010, and the STANAG has now been submitted for ratification to all NATO member countries. Navies can now include maneuverability requirements in their vessel specifications more comprehensively and accurately. Obviously, this will have implications for prospective ship designers and builders, who will be obliged to meet these requirements. The objective of this paper is to create awareness that these criteria are approaching soon. Tools and methods are to be prepared and validated to assist in the design of the vessel in accordance with the criteria. The paper explains the prediction and verification procedures of vessel compliance. First, the philosophy and approach of the criteria is explained and discussed. Discussing all criteria is a task too detailed for this paper, as there are up to 240 criteria, depending on missions and capabilities. A selected subset of criteria is discussed in this paper. An example of the verification process is carried out for one ship: the naval combatant benchmark vessel 5415M. The reader will be guided through the steps of: selection of criteria, selection of tools, and the verification itself. The contents of the steps will be different in each loop of the design spiral. This paper shows methods to predict and verify compliance with each requirement in both the conceptual and detailed design stage. In the conceptual design stage the verification is done by performing numerical simulations. In the detailed design stage, these simulations are augmented by a smart selection of scaled model tests.

Shagal, Genady, und Shaker A. Meguid. „A Newly Developed Algorithm for Treating the Coupled Dynamic Response of Robotic Fixtureless Assembly“. In ASME 1996 Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1996.

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Abstract The coupled dynamic response of two cooperating robots handling two flexible payloads for the purpose of fixtureless assembly and manufacturing is treated using a new algorithm. In this algorithm, the equations describing the dynamics of the system are obtained using Lagrange’s method for the rigid robot links and the finite element method for the flexible payloads. A new time integration scheme is developed to treat the coupled equations of motion of the rigid links for a given displacement of the flexible payloads. The finite element equations of the flexible payloads are then treated using an implicit approach. The new algorithm was verified using simplified examples and was later used to examine the dynamic response of two cooperating robot arms manipulating flexible payloads which are typical of the automotive industry.

Refaat, M. H., und S. A. Meguid. „A New Finite Element Analysis of Frictional Contact Using Nondifferential Optimization“. In ASME 1996 Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1996.

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Abstract Current solution schemes of variational inequalities arising in frictional contact problems adopt penalty and regularization techniques. The convergence and accuracy of these schemes are governed by user-defined parameters. To overcome the difficulties associated with the ad hoc use of such parameters, the variational inequality of the general frictional contact problem is treated in this paper using mathematical programming. A new non-differential optimization (NDO) technique, in association with quadratic programming, is used to treat the resulting variational inequalities.

Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Treaty design":


Macarthur, Duncan Whittemore, Jacob Benz, Keith Tolk und Tom Weber. Modular Design in Treaty Verification Equipment. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Januar 2015.

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Lehtimaki, Susanna, Aisling Reidy, Kassim Nishtar, Sara Darehschori, Andrew Painter und Nina Schwalbe. Independent Review and Investigation Mechanisms to Prevent Future Pandemics: A Proposed Way Forward. United Nations University International Institute for Global Health, April 2021.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has created enormous challenges for national economies, livelihoods, and public services, including health systems. In January 2021, the World Health Organization proposed an international treaty on pandemics to strengthen the political commitment towards global pandemic preparedness, control, and response. The plan is to present a draft treaty to the World Health Assembly in May 2021. To inform the design of a support system for this treaty, we explored existing mechanisms for periodic reviews conducted either by peers or an external group as well as mechanisms for in-country investigations, conducted with or without country consent. Based on our review, we summarized key design principles requisite for review and investigation mechanisms and explain how these could be applied to pandemics preparedness, control, and response in global health. While there is no single global mechanism that could serve as a model in its own right, there is potential to combine aspects of existing mechanisms. A Universal Periodic Review design based on the model of human rights treaties with independent experts as the authorized monitoring body, if made obligatory, could support compliance with a new pandemic treaty. In terms of on-site investigations, the model by the Committee on Prevention of Torture could lend itself to treaty monitoring and outbreak investigations on short notice or unannounced. These mechanisms need to be put in place in accordance with several core interlinked design principles: compliance; accountability; independence; transparency and data sharing; speed; emphasis on capabilities; and incentives. The World Health Organization can incentivize and complement these efforts. It has an essential role in providing countries with technical support and tools to strengthen emergency preparedness and response capacities, including technical support for creating surveillance structures, integrating non-traditional data sources, creating data governance and data sharing standards, and conducting regular monitoring and assessment of preparedness and response capacities.

Lehtimaki, Susanna, Kassim Nishtar, Aisling Reidy, Sara Darehshori, Andrew Painter und Nina Schwalbe. Independent Review and Investigation Mechanisms to Prevent Future Pandemics: A Proposed Way Forward. United Nations University International Institute for Global Health, Mai 2021.

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Based on the proposal by the European Council, more than 25 heads of state and the World Health Organization (WHO) support development of an international treaty on pandemics, that planned to be negotiated under the auspices of WHO, will be presented to the World Health Assembly in May 2021. Given that the treaty alone is not enough to ensure compliance, triggers for a high-level political response is required. To this end, to inform the design of a support system, we explored institutional mechanismsi with a mandate to review compliance with key international agreements in their signatory countries and conduct independent country investigations in a manner that manages sovereign considerations. Based on our review, there is no single global mechanism that could serve as a model in its own right. There is, however, potential to combine aspects of existing mechanisms to support a strong, enforceable treaty. These aspects include: • Periodic review - based on the model of human rights treaties, with independent experts as the authorized monitoring body to ensure the independence. If made obligatory, the review could support compliance with the treaty. • On-site investigations - based on the model by the Committee on Prevention of Torture according to which visits cannot be blocked by state parties. • Non-negotiable design principles - including accountability; independence; transparency and data sharing; speed; emphasis on capabilities; and incentives. • Technical support - WHO can provide countries with technical assistance, tools, monitoring, and assessment to enhance emergency preparedness and response.

Connaway, H. M., D. C. Kontogeorgakos, D. D. Papadias, A. J. Brunett, K. Mo, P. S. Strons, T. Fei und A. E. Wright. Analysis of the TREAT LEU Conceptual Design. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), März 2016.

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Christopher L. Warner. Safety Design Strategy for TREAT Transient Test Ca. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2012.

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Daw, Joshua, Anthony Crawford, Richard Skifton, Lance Hone, Pradeep Ramuhalli, Richard Jacob, Andrew Cassella und Robert Montgomery. Design Requirements for Ultrasonic Deformation Sensor for TREAT Experiments. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Juni 2018.

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Diamond, David. Review of the TREAT Conversion Conceptual Design and Fuel Qualification Plan. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Dezember 2017.

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Connaway, H. M., D. C. Kontogeorgakos, D. D. Papadias und A. E. Wright. Overview and Current Status of Analyses of Potential LEU Design Concepts for TREAT. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Oktober 2015.

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LeVan, Susan, und Mary Collet. Choosing and applying fire-retardant-treated plywood and lumber for roof designs. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, 1989.

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Zelinka, Samuel L. Guide for Materials Selection and Design for Metals Used in Contact with Copper-Treated Wood. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, 2013.

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