Literatura académica sobre el tema "Anrop"

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Artículos de revistas sobre el tema "Anrop":


Kaznina, Ol'Ga. "Boris Anrep". Journal of European Studies 35, n.º 3 (septiembre de 2005): 339–64.

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Edwards, Alan M. "Gleb von Anrep". Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 91, n.º 6 (junio de 1998): 345.

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Serdechnaia, Vera. "Blake's Russian literary heir: Based on unpublished poems by Boris Anrep". Literary Fact, n.º 15 (2020): 352–65.

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The article deals with unpublished poems by Russian poet and artist Boris Anrep, which are studied in the context of developing the traditions of English romantic epical poems. The research of these poems as evidence of creative dialogue between Anrep and the prophetic poetry of William Blake is proposed. The research considers the epics “Vladimir”, “Creation of the world” and “Creation of man” written by Anrep in the 1900s, before he emigrated from Russia, and are kept in the archive of N. Nedobrovo (Personal collection of the Manuscript Department of the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the Russian Academy of Sciences). The methods of comparative literature studies and those of analysis, synthesis and generalization are used. The idea is substantiated that Anrep, already in his early poetic work, inherits in many respects the poetics and themes of William Blake's prophetic books, which he knew in childhood. The author identifies the commonality in the figurative system of poems Anrep and Blake: the characters are elements, giants, generalized natural phenomena. The gravitation of Anrep to a combination of physiology and philosophy, synthesis of author's inference and mimetic descriptions also testifies to influence of romantic lyre-epics. It is concluded that the early poems of Boris Anrep, as well as his later works (“The Man”, “Fiza”, “Foreword To The Book Of Anrep”), are in many ways an attempt to embody in Russian the principles of English romantic poetry, primarily the prophecies of William Blake. The reception of these poems in the work of the artist Dmitry Stelletsky has been studied. It has been proved that such an example of the reception of English romanticism in general is typical for the culture of the Silver Age, which rediscovered European early romanticism (Poe, Novalis, Hölderlin) and felt it as modern art.

Cavalcante Pimenta Gomes, Tatyanne y Alessandra Carvalho de Vasconcelos. "Auditoria Operacional no Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Ceará: um estudo no período de 2008 a 2017". Revista Controle - Doutrina e Artigos 18, n.º 1 (12 de mayo de 2020): 151–69.

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Este estudo objetiva analisar a abordagem das auditorias operacionais (ANOP) realizadas pelo TCE/CE quanto aos métodos e técnicas adotados e à utilização dos princípios da eficiência, economicidade, eficácia e efetividade. Os relatórios das ANOP realizadas pelo TCE/CE, no período de 2008 (ano do primeiro trabalho desenvolvido pelo órgão) a 2017, foram analisados por meio de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados indicam que existe uma predominância na utilização do princípio da eficiência na composição das ANOP do TCE/CE, em detrimento do princípio da economicidade, que é raramente utilizado. Ademais, os métodos de coleta mais empregados nas ANOP são o exame documental, as entrevistas e os questionários, e as técnicas de auditoria mais utilizadas são as análises stakeholder e SWOT.

Nazarov, V. Yu. "Professor Vasiliy Konstantinovich von Anrep". Sudebno-meditsinskaya ekspertiza 59, n.º 4 (2016): 65.

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Antrop, Marc. "In conversation with Marc Antrop". Journal of Landscape Architecture 9, n.º 2 (4 de mayo de 2014): 40–41.

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LIOE, LYLY SOEMARNI, Ringkar Situmorang y Andi Guna. "Workshop Pengayaan Materi Praktik Kerja Industri Bagi Siswa SMK ANCOP Desa Kewalelo Flores timur". Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Social Responsibility (PKM-CSR) 2 (15 de diciembre de 2019): 958–66.

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Pendidikan vokasi menjadi perhatian pemerintah dalam upaya meningkatkan sumber daya manusia agar memiliki keterampilan dan daya saing yang baik. Pendidikan vokasi seperti sekolah menengah kejuruan memiliki program praktik kerja industri (Prakerin) selama 2 bulan untuk memberikan pengalaman kerja dan penerapan pengetahuan dan keterampilan bagi siswanya. SMK ANCOP melihat adanya kebutuhan pembekalan lebih dalam bagi siswa-siswinya yang mengikuti program praktik kerja industri pada biro perjalanan wisata di Jakarta sekitarnya. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan selama 7 hari dan melibatkan program studi Pariwisata, Sistem Informasi dan Manajemen Bisnis Perjalanan (STP Bandung) dengan tujuan memberikan pengayaan materi keterampilan terkait dengan bidang kerja dan meningkatan kemampuan intra dan interpersonal (soft skill). Metode yang digunakan untuk materi keterampilan melalui praktikum di lab komputer untuk penggunaan teknologi informasi seperti Computer Reservation System, penelusuran informasi melalui mesin pencari, praktik pemanduan di TMII sedangkan untuk materi soft skill melalui paparan dan diskusi dalam kelas. Hasil dari kegiatan ini berupa kumpulan tugas mandiri yang dapat memperlihatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan dari masing-masing materi pengayaan dan evaluasi tertulis dari pihak yayasan ANCOP yang menyatakan bahwa siswa-siswi SMK ANCOP dapat menjalankan tugas tanggungjawabnya selama 02 bulan dengan menunjukkan kemampuan bekerja dan mampu berinteraksi dengan rekan kerja dan beradaptasi di lingkungan baru. Manfaat dari program pengayaan ini memberikan kesempatan bagi siswa-siswi SMK ANCOP untuk memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang terkini dalam upaya menghadapi dunia kerja yang kompleks khususnya dibidang perjalanan wisata, dimana tuntutan disiplin, mandiri, inisiatif dan kemampuan beradapatsai menjadi kunci keberhasilan.

Torrado, Pablo Damian. "Fragmentación y Mezcla de redes ad-hoc usando el protocolo ANTop". Elektron 2, n.º 2 (3 de diciembre de 2018): 71–82.

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ANTop (Adjacent Network Topology) es un protocolo distribuido y descentralizado para redes ad-hoc. Está basado en un hipercubo para el espacio de direccionamiento, donde se asegura la adyacencia de las direcciones de los nodos, lo cual permite que protocolos de ruteo glutones encuentren la ruta óptima. Un mecanismo distribuido, que establece una analogı́a entre los nombres reales y las direcciones de red, es implementado usando tablas distribuidas de hash. En este trabajo nosotros estudiamos los problemas de partición y mezcla, con el fin de completar las funcionalidades de ANTop, y proveer una implementación en sistemas Linux.

Cingolani, Horacio E., Néstor G. Pérez, Oscar H. Cingolani y Irene L. Ennis. "The Anrep effect: 100 years later". American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 304, n.º 2 (15 de enero de 2013): H175—H182.

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Myocardial stretch elicits a rapid increase in developed force, which is mainly caused by an increase in myofilament calcium sensitivity (Frank-Starling mechanism). Over the ensuing 10–15 min, a second gradual increase in force takes place. This slow force response to stretch is known to be the result of an increase in the calcium transient amplitude and constitutes the in vitro equivalent of the Anrep effect described 100 years ago in the intact heart. In the present review, we will update and discuss what is known about the Anrep effect as the mechanical counterpart of autocrine/paracrine mechanisms involved in its genesis. The chain of events triggered by myocardial stretch comprises 1) release of angiotensin II, 2) release of endothelin, 3) activation of the mineralocorticoid receptor, 4) transactivation of the epidermal growth factor receptor, 5) increased formation of mitochondria reactive oxygen species, 6) activation of redox-sensitive kinases upstream myocardial Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE1), 7) NHE1 activation, 8) increase in intracellular Na+ concentration, and 9) increase in Ca2+ transient amplitude through the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. We will present the experimental evidence supporting each of the signaling steps leading to the Anrep effect and its blunting by silencing NHE1 expression with a specific small hairpin interference RNA injected into the ventricular wall.

Singh, Anoop. "Summary of Remarks by Anoop Singh". Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting 93 (1999): 140.

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Tesis sobre el tema "Anrop":


Andersson, Tommy. "Avvaktande AJAX- anrop : En avlastningsteknik för 3G-nätet". Thesis, Högskolan i Skövde, Institutionen för kommunikation och information, 2012.

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Den ökade användningen av nätuppkopplade mobilapplikationer har resulterat i en överbelastning i 3G-nätet. Förslag för att avlasta nätet har bland annat varit genom alternativa uppkopplingar, vilket innebär en uppoffring av 3G-nätets tillgänglighet. Detta leder till frågor om andra avlastningsmetoder. Arbetets målsättning var att se hur en applikations datatrafik påverkas av att klassiska intervallanrop ersätts av avvaktande AJAX-anrop. Detta görs genom att implementera respektive anropsmetod i två identiska alfapetapplikationer. Mätdata erhölls genom att låta användare spela längre omgångar av respektive applikation, vilket även genererar realistiska uppdateringar. Resultaten visar att den klientgenererade bandbreddskonsumtionen minskas vid användning av avvaktande AJAX-anrop. Detta gör den, i kontrast med klassiska intervallanrop, till en möjlig avlastningsmetod.

Eskilsson, Robin. "Http-anrop till Epost-API:er i Asp Net Core och PHP". Thesis, Högskolan i Skövde, Institutionen för informationsteknologi, 2019.

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Asp Net Core är en uppföljare Asp Net som är ett ramverk utvecklat av Microsoft. Vid skapandet av Asp Net Core gjordes förändringar i den http-pipeline som fanns i Asp Net, där egenskaper som ansågs onödiga togs bort vilket skulle resultera i förbättrad prestanda för Asp Net Core. Forskning som inspirerat detta arbete har visat att PHP var mer tidseffektivt än Asp Net på att hämta, lägga till och ta bort data. Frågan är om förändringen av http-pipeline kan bidra till att Asp Net Core är mer tidseffektivt än PHP vid utförandet av http-förfrågningar.Genom att utveckla ett epost-API i Asp Net Core och jämföra svarstider för utförandet av http-förfrågningar med ett redan existerande epost-API skrivet i PHP, kommer det vara möjligt att genomföra ett tekniskt inriktat experiment, där resultaten kan analyseras och slutsatser kan dras.Resultaten i detta arbete visar att Asp Net Core är mer tidseffektivt än PHP vid utförandet av 10 000 http-förfrågningar. Det kan i framtiden vara intressant att undersöka hur storleken på post-anropen kan påverka svarstiden för Asp Net Core och PHP.

Gårdebratt, Martin y Jonathan Hagberg. "Verktyg För Apidokumentation". Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för matematik och datavetenskap (from 2013), 2021.

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Med ett ökat antal API:er på internet ökar även behovet av anvisningar kring dessa. När användarna för API:er har olika nivåer av erfarenhet blir den nödvändiga dokumentationen och instruktionerna svårare att precisera från en utvecklares perspektiv. I detta projekt är målet att fastställa vad som utgör en bra dokumentation för ett API och tillämpa det för ett existerande API på begäran av Askås. Det befintliga materialet analyserades för att bygga en bättre förståelse för vilka API-anrop som stöttades, och skulle byggas om på ett sådant sätt att det skulle vara enkelt att implementera i Askås nya dokumentationssida. För att få klarhet kring vad som utgör bra API-dokumentation undersöktes fältstudier. Givet detta kunde arbetet utföras enligt etablerade studier tillsammans med kontinuerlig feedback från uppdragsgivaren. Resultatet är ett verktyg som kan användas för att göra API-anrop där parametrarna är förklarade på ett dynamiskt sätt som är byggt i React, uttryckt i Docusaurus, i väntan på att bli sammansatt i Askås nya dokumentationssida.
As the number of APIs on the internet increases, so does the need for guidance on how to use these. In APIs where the users have varying experience, the necessary documentation and instructions needed becomes harder to pinpoint from a developer's point of view. In this project, the objective is to conclude what constitutes a good documentation for an API and apply it to an existing API, as requested from Askås. The pre-existing material was analysed to build an understanding for which API calls were supported, and was to be re-built in such a way that it would be easily implemented in Askås' new API documentation site. To bring clarity to what constitutes good API documentation, field studies were examined. With this, the project could be executed according to the examined studies, as well as feedback from the client. The result is a tool that can be used to make API calls where the parametres are explained in a dynamic fashion - developed in React, expressed in Docusaurus, waiting to be merged into Askås new documentation site.

Carrabotta, Roberto. "Studio e ottimizzazione dinamica del manipolatore "antrop"". Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2014.

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Tesi realizzata presso l’azienda Paglierani S.r.l. con sede a Torriana, per l’esigenza di studiare e ottimizzare dinamicamente il manipolatore “Antrop”. Dopo una breve descrizione dell’azienda e della sua storia, nel secondo capitolo sono racchiuse le informazioni più importanti e utili sulla robotica e sugli azionamenti elettrici, nozioni poi sfruttate durante lo svolgimento dell’elaborato stesso. Successivamente sono descritte in modo dettagliato il robot, le sue funzionalità e le sue caratteristiche meccaniche. Seguono l’analisi cinematica e l’analisi dinamica, suddivisa in due parti a causa della geometria cilindrica del manipolatore. Il sesto capitolo contiene il procedimento di mappatura e la logica con cui è stato scritto. Inoltre, vengono presentati i risultati dei test e le conseguenti considerazioni. Nel capitolo settimo è descritta la formulazione analitica delle sollecitazioni per le leve del robot e ne vengono raffigurati i risultati generali. L’ultimo capitolo è dedicato al bilanciamento statico con masse e molle.

Williams, Jane. "The mosaic portraits of Boris Anrep : 1913-1952". Thesis, University of Reading, 2015.

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Bhagyanath, Anoop [Verfasser] y Klaus [Akademischer Betreuer] Schneider. "Code Generation for Synchronous Control Asynchronous Dataflow Architectures / Anoop Bhagyanath ; Betreuer: Klaus Schneider". Kaiserslautern : Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, 2021.

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PIRES, E. C. "Oswald (ing): Antropofagia, culturas e fronteiras". Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012.

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Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-29T14:11:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_5748_PIRES, Eloá Carvalho.pdf: 955053 bytes, checksum: 98409b9ed0c16c7743a73b7d219c54e7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-27
A partir de uma abordagem que relaciona os estudos pós-coloniais e as teorias da tradução, este trabalho indaga o uso dos empréstimos linguísticos e estrangeirismos na poética de Oswald de Andrade como atos de tradução e crítica anti/pós-colonial. Categorias pós-coloniais oriundas das pesquisas de Edward Said, Homi Bhabha e Gayatri Spivak como a ruptura das fronteiras, a diferença como categoria enunciativa e a temporalidade do entre-lugar e questões como as metáforas da tradução e a intraduzibilidade em diálogo com a ampla fortuna crítica produzida sobre Oswald de Andrade no país fomentam uma análise minuciosa do gesto antropofágico nos textos literários O Manifesto Antropófago (2011) e Memórias Sentimentais de João Miramar (2004), que servem como corpus para análise. O resultado do trabalho aponta para a necessidade de inventariarmos em nossos debates pós-coloniais atuais uma razão antropofágica que lhe antecede e que permite revelar aspectos importantes do pós-colonialismo no Brasil.

Skagersten, Susanne y Emma Liljefors. "COMMODIFICATION OF EMPLOYEES : A Qualitative Study of Antrop AB, Sweden and its Marketing Strategies". Thesis, Mälardalens högskola, Akademin för ekonomi, samhälle och teknik, 2015.

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Barnard, Anro. "Extraction of oil from algae for biofuel production by thermochemical liquefaction / Anro Barnard". Thesis, North-West University, 2009.

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The extraction of oil from microalgae was investigated. The study focused on the hydrothermal liquefaction of the microalgae Microcystis aeruginosa, Cyclotella meneghinia and Nitzschia pusilla. M. aeruginosa was collected from the Hartebeespoort dam, while C. meneghinia and N. pusilla were cultured in the laboratory. The experiments were conducted in a high pressure autoclave with an inert atmosphere. Sodium carbonate was studied as a potential catalyst. The hydrothermal liquefaction of M. aeruginosa, C. meneghinia and N. pusilla was carried out at various reaction temperatures and catalyst loads. For the liquefaction of M. aeruginosa the residence times were also varied. The reaction temperatures ranged from 260 to 340 °C, while the catalyst loads varied between 0 and 10 wt% Na2CO3. The residence time was varied between 15 and 45 minutes. The study showed that hydrothermal liquefaction of M. aeruginosa produced a maximum oil yield of 15.60 wt% at 300 °C, whereas the thermochemical liquefaction of C. meneghinia and N. pusilla produced maximum yields of 16.03 wt% and 15.33 wt%, respectively, at 340 °C. The residence time did not influence thermochemical liquefaction of the algae, while an increase in the catalyst load reduced the oil yield. The reaction conditions had no effect on the elemental composition or the calorific value of the thermochemical liquefaction oil. The calorific value of the hydrothermal liquefaction oils ranged from 28.57 to 35.90 -1 . Hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae produced oil that can be used as substitute for coal in simple gasification processes. The study showed that microalgal blooms, such as the M. aeruginosa blooms of the Hartebeespoort dam, can be used for the extraction of oil through hydrothermal liquefaction.
Thesis (M.Ing. (Chemical Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

Urrejola, Davanzo Luisa. "Hacia un concepto de espacio en antropología. Algunas consideraciones teórico-metodológicas para abordar su análisis". Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2005.

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Nuestro interés central, o el sentido que nos motiva es abordar el factor “espacial” desde el punto de vista de la realidad social y reconocer su importancia en términos antropológicos, especialmente en un contexto actual de predominio de una visión objetivista y única –a saber, la económica, -que tiende a invisibilizar e impactar la dimensión de las prácticas humanas asociada a determinados espacios.

Libros sobre el tema "Anrop":


Nilsson, Jan Olof. Anrop Red Dog. Stockholm: Svenska Förlaget, 2002.

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Mehren, Stein. Anrop fra en mørk stjerne: Dikt. 2a ed. Oslo: Aschehoug, 2006.

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Mehren, Stein. Anrop fra en mørk stjerne: Dikt 2006. Oslo: Aschehoug, 2005.

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Tyrberg, Anders. Anrop och ansvar: Berättarkonst och etik hos Lars Ahlin, Göran Tunström, Birgitta Trotzig, Torgny Lindgren. Stockholm: Carlssons, 2002.

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Tyrberg, Anders. Anrop och ansvar: Berättarkonst och etik hos Lars Ahlin, Göran Tunström, Birgitta Trotzig, Torgny Lindgren. Stockholm: Carlssons, 2004.

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Dwyer, Paddy. Foclóir an anró. Béal Feirste: An Clochán, 1998.

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Dwyer, Padaí. Foclóir an Anró. Béal Feirste: An Clochán, 1998.

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Oliver, Lois. Boris Anrep: The National Gallery mosaics. London: National Gallery, 2004.

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Pandey, Anoop Akhar. Anoop Akhar Pandey, April-May 2008. New Delhi: Art Pilgrim, 2008.

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Anrep, Fanny von. Fanny von Anrep: Briefe einer Livländerin aus den Jahren 1873-1909. Landshut: Bosch-Druck, 1990.

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Capítulos de libros sobre el tema "Anrop":


Cingolani, Horacio E., María C. Villa-Abrille, Claudia I. Caldiz, Irene L. Ennis, Oscar H. Cingolani, Patricio E. Morgan, Ernesto A. Aiello y Néstor Gustavo Pérez. "Early Activation of Intracellular Signals after Myocardial Stretch: Anrep Effect, Myocardial Hypertrophy and Heart Failure". En Mechanically Gated Channels and their Regulation, 327–65. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2012.

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Lundström, Anna. "Anrop och svar: Om det politiska utrymmet i Janet Cardiffs ljudinstallation Forty-Part Motet". En Performativitet: Teoretiska tillämpningar i konstvetenskap: 1, 44–61. Stockholm University Press, 2017.

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Pilkington, Hilary. "Foreword by Anoop Nayal". En Loud and proud. Manchester University Press, 2016.

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"scto th ara ti rsetc ic te s d ( M mo OdSe ) l . f S or m ec it ahstadnad ta are called model output 1994). The state of ENSO is only one of many factors obs terevveedn SS gi T v en a perfect SRSoTp el feow re sckais ( t 1 -9 9i7 .e ) ., shtohweu (K se r d is hn to aKfuom re acrae st t al t . h1e99I5n ) d . ian summer monsoon m to oid ts elEuNsS ed O -a r t -N t C he E P cu rrent operational atmospheric Ward et al. (1993) discuss the useful level of skill In their study e , la ftoerd ty r -a fi i need vne fa lylspastu te brsn ta snfto ia rlpa ra d c ju ti sctamleun se ts . m of a d tr eop in ic a re l al n o ti r m th e A by f ri tchaenU fo KreM ca e st tse or th ol aotgihcaavleOb ff eiecnee (h xianm dc in aesd ts ) fo bra se th d e on specif e ie a d rs ( oofbsseeravseodn ) alSS fo Trew ca esrtess re in la ctei on 1s9h8i6p . swTih th esgeloabrael ly ladrigsetlry ib ubtaesdedSSoTn , SS st Tatiin st itchaelm ea o ch d el sism imulation wapserrieopde at 1e9d50 th -i 9r4 te . enEa ti cmh es s , e w as hoenraelpSoonue th n t. A O tla vnetrict , hean la dstade re claad ti e v , eltyhesm re aalll -ti EmNeSfOo re ccoam sts ­ u initial co unldaitt io io nnswatso st easrttiemdatwe ith th e s lig mha tl gynid tu if dfee ren otfvhaalviedah te addahisnkdic ll asstismim lar adteotwhiatthotbhtea in seadme fr osm ta t c is rto ic sasl -v av anrp ia re ti doincs ta ble and therefore random atmospheric methods. The chief limitation to further progress is a rai enrfaag ll edf or tion th ca elcm ul oad te e l. thTehebtehsitr te meondseilmeus la ti t m io antseao re flsaecaksoonf ( gJluonbeal th tr roopu ic gahlSSeSpTtefm or beecra ) s . tsAvcaclu id ra f te orfo th re ecawse ts ttgylpoibcaall ly v , a a ri l th ea ocuhghgitvheen seasonal SST pattern. Quite of ENSO would help, but would in most years be well, it sho at w io ends in sem as oodneall re ra piln ic fa altledpa th tt eeronbs se qruvietdeifn al sluffo fi rceiceanst. tsAatrmeoaslp so heu ri scedd , ynbaumtitchaely -m oondleyl -h baavseedusreaf in ul ­ T re hgu io s ns fo rofptrheec ip w it s a ystematic or tlido , n -t rhee la tmesdpaa ti pap ll l y ic var odel pre a d ti i o ct nys in g in biases. skill with lead times of a month or less before the require some kind ions wmoaun ld y r th ai antf al hlusm ea asnoin ty ( Fhoa ll sanidncerteaals . ed1 99 th 1 e ). Istuisscaelpsto ib p il o it s y si b o le f g ki ennderoaf te bdi as byadajuM stm OS ofteacdhjnuisqtumee . n T ts h , e perhaps those tropical west Africa to drought through the pro­ production of operat einot places a huge bnue rd ed en foorntthhiesg co re vsesrivoevreerdu re c c ti eonntd in ecnaedaers -. coTahsitsalcw ha e n st geAfirn ic a th nefolraensdtM because each time the m na oldd el y n is a m ch ic aanlge fo d r , eacansetwmsoedteo ls f s (e u . r g fa ., ceElb ta ohuinrdaan ry dhGaosnbgee1n99s6 ho ) w to nhbayve se v th e e ra lpo au te tnhtoirasla ne O ed S e statistics must be calculated to provide the to weaken the north African monsoon. More studies nneacleys si d sa s ad ojfu ry Msm tm u e lt n id ts e . c T ad h a is l re en qu se ir m es bltehsetgoe ne orbatta io in natnhdetorfopp ic oasls ib nloer th re g A io fr n ic aalnarnatihnrfo al p l, ogaesniwce ll inafs lu efnocr es on fundamental OiSmp st rao ti vse ti m cs enatnsdtuond th eerssecom re osdtehles , nseuecdh fo as r reg W ion ar sdwe it thaml. a ( r 1 gi 9n9a3l ) seaalssoonadlisrcau in sfsaltlh , e a re sk n il eleo de odt . her tahboosvee . related to the flux adjustments, discussed m tim ad eefboy re c th a e st sff real­ UK orM th et eeon ro olro th g e ic aasltOBfrfaizcielsw in ectes1e9 as 8o7n . dro Kungohwt le p d re gdeico ti fonEsNS in O m is a n in ysup ff airctisenotffotrher eg w io o n rl adlT se hviesreisa relatively dry area, subject to intermittent lbeescsaium se p o in rt a th n ese regions its influence is either small or Hastenr dartohuagnhdt. c T ol hleasbeorfao to re rs c a ( set . s g , ., asHw as etlelnarsatthho1s9e95b ) y , p ea ro st foBurnad zil an t than other factors. For instance, north­ are mainly statistical, although real-time dynamical patterns ( lFyo ll iandf lu west A nd eentcael. d frican w 19 b9y1 , H tro ept ic saela so Ant la ra nitn ic fa ll astenrath 1995, WSaSrTeM for eetceaosrtosl og hiacvae ard based on tropi lcbaOlAfefe ic n e . mTahdee st saitn is ctei cal 19f9o4 re ca bsy ts tahreeS1S9T 97 ) i . n In th aeddtirtoipoinc , aplaIrn ts d i of the Sahel are affected by on ENSO SSTs. On tl aanv ti ecraSgSeT , t a ro npoim ca allyAp tl aatn te ti rcnsSaSnTdsF Si o m ll i a la nrd ly , eltocaall . SS 19 T9p1a , tt Bar anns to Onceaannd (P Sam lm ith er11999866 ). , h re agvieonaboofuSt ou tw th ic Aem th e e ri cian , fl aule th nocue gh ofexEtN re SmOeE fo NrStOhs is , A no urstth ra w li eas , tnooftA ab ulsyt ra ilniatih er e ns influence precipitation in such as that in 1982-3, can dominate the circulation Drosdowsky 1993, F n re d th IendA ia uns tr O al c ia enanw north and and precipitation patterns over tropical South ericksen and i B nt aelrgo ( v e. ign . d , A sis m te e n ri t c ly a . h T ig hhe le r v ea el l -t o im f e sk iflol, resc im as itlsarhtaovethhaatdobatac in oend ­". En Droughts, 63. Routledge, 2016.

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Actas de conferencias sobre el tema "Anrop":


Garcia-Mayor, Clara y Gregorio Canales Martínez. "Poly-nuclear urban system, landscape identity and economic development: The Vega Baja of the Segura River (Alicante) case study". En 24th ISUF 2017 - City and Territory in the Globalization Age. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2017.

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Los estilos APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.
In the last twenty years, the territory that comprises the Vega Baja of the Segura River (Alicante province) has experienced a drastic change in terms of how space is occupied. This is observable in the introduction of new uses that modify the configuration patterns of traditional settlements. This paper presents a typology characterization and classification of the evolution of traditional rural settlements which includes new emerging patterns of urban settlements in the Vega Baja’s context. This process has significantly impacted the landscape and the environment, as well as affecting how the local population relates to their living environment. The alluvial territory of the Vega Baja of the Segura River has been historically developed as a result of the expansion of its functional network systems —water canals, pathways, and settlements— which enable the occupation and colonization of extensive areas of marshy land. The territorial organization of this study’s area, developed over the course of eleven centuries, remained relatively stable until the 1990’s. However, in the last twenty-five years, the local economy has undergone restructuring, producing a mind-shift among local communities and resulting in a meaningful loss of crop production surface to make way for town-planning developments. The geographical area of this study is characterized by its intensive irrigated agricultural pattern. It is one of the last remaining Huerta European landscapes identified in the Dobris Report. Therefore, a more comprehensive and integrated approach to preserve identity and local cultural values is required so as to propose a sustainable economic development framework.References Antrop, M. (2005) ‘Why landscapes of the past are important for the future’, Landscape and Urban Planning 70, 21-34. Canales Martínez, G. y Ponce Sánchez, M. D. (2016) Pareceres sobre la Huerta del Bajo Segura. El poder de la Identidad y la Cultura en la valoración del Paisaje (Universidad de Alicante, Alicante). García-Mayor, C. y Canales Martínez, G. (2015) La Huerta de Orihuela en el Bajo Segura. Elementos funcionales en la construcción del paisaje (Universidad de Alicante, Alicante). García-Mayor, C. y Pérez Payá, M. D. (2014) La Huerta de la Vega Baja del río Segura: paisaje e identidad territorial (Lulu Press, Inc.) Gormsen E. (1981) ‘The spatio-temporal development of international tourism: Attempt at a centre-peripherary model’, Etudes & Mémoires 55, 150-70. VV.AA. (2011) ‘Urbanismo expansivo de la utopía a la realidad’, XXII Congreso Geógrafos Españoles AGE (Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, Universidad de Alicante, Alicante)

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