Literatura académica sobre el tema "Cross-industry innovation"

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Artículos de revistas sobre el tema "Cross-industry innovation":


BADER, KAROLINE. "HOW TO BENEFIT FROM CROSS-INDUSTRY INNOVATION? A BEST PRACTICE CASE". International Journal of Innovation Management 17, n.º 06 (diciembre de 2013): 1340018.

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Cross-industry innovation is becoming more relevant for firms, as this approach often results in radical innovations. However, firms can only benefit from cross-industry innovation if they are open to external knowledge sources and understand how to explore, transform, and exploit cross-industry knowledge. Firms must establish certain structures and processes to facilitate and operationalise organisational learning across industry boundaries. Since Henkel, an international leader in industrial and consumer business, has systematically applied cross-industry innovation and created numerous radical innovations through this approach, I used this firm as a best practice case for analysis. I applied a mixed methods approach to learn more about Henkel's organisational learning process and its subsequent benefits. Based on quantitative data, I conducted a partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) analysis, including an importance–performance matrix analysis (IPMA), and combined these results with qualitative interview data and corporate reports. My results show how Henkel has successfully systemised its organisational learning process and reveal how exploratory, transformative, and exploitative learning can enhance a firm's outcome through cross-industry innovation.

Brad, Emilia y Stelian Brad. "Value Chain Planning in Cross-Industry Meta-Cluster Initiatives". Balkan Region Conference on Engineering and Business Education 1, n.º 1 (1 de octubre de 2019): 256–64.

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AbstractCross-industry meta-cluster initiatives may play a crucial role in speeding up conceptualization and launching of viable innovations. In this context, this paper introduces a methodology for integrated planning of hybrid value chains. Using a roadmap of interrelated planning matrices, appropriate projects, mechanisms and institutional constructions can be formulated and cross-industry meta-cluster initiatives can be built in a structured, systematic and systemic way. Theory is exemplified for planning new generations of innovations at the intersection of ICT and agriculture sectors. The case study shows the potential of the methodology to provide a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative assessment of the current state and to highlight the major challenges for reaching a competitive viability of the emerging innovations within a hybrid innovation eco-system.

Bø Lyng, Hilda y Eric Christian Brun. "Innovating with Strangers; Managing Knowledge Barriers Across Distances in Cross-Industry Innovation". International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management 17, n.º 01 (febrero de 2020): 2050008.

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We explore the types of knowledge barriers that are encountered at organizational level in cross-industry innovation, what influences them and how they can be overcome. Eleven cross-industry projects were qualitatively analyzed at the individual level of activity. Innovation collaboration occurred at three levels; intra-organizational, inter-organizational, and inter-institutional. Each level exhibited added relational distances as well as semantic and pragmatic barriers, of which the latter type was the most challenging. Effort necessary to overcome knowledge barriers accumulated at each level. Knowledge barriers were increased by legitimacy differences and communicational deficiencies, and lowered by reduction of interdependencies, use of knowledge brokers, and previous cross-industry experience.

Tolstykh, Tatyana, Leyla Gamidullaeva y Nadezhda Shmeleva. "Universities as Knowledge Integrators and Cross-Industry Ecosystems: Self-Organizational Perspective". SAGE Open 11, n.º 1 (enero de 2021): 215824402098870.

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Universities play a vital role in innovation ecosystems. Besides, their role is being transformed and reinforced due to the interdisciplinary nature of modern innovations and inter-sectoral collaboration in the process of implementing cross-industry projects. The article’s main objective is to reveal the emerging new goals, functions, and goals of university as knowledge integrator and consolidator within cross-industry ecosystem. The article introduces the approaches to the implementation of the cross-industry ecosystem integrator functions as an “entry point” for the creation of new ideas, competencies, technological solutions, and projects for the development and testing of new technologies. The research results are useful for academics and policy makers in emerging economies to adopt and consider, so as to improve the contribution of the universities to the country’s economic and innovation development.

Carayannis, Elias G., Stephen C. Clark, Dora E. Valvi, Suki Stone y Farnaz Sharifrazi. "Smartphone Affordance: Achieving Better Business through Innovation: Cross Industry: Cross Border". Advanced Materials Research 628 (diciembre de 2012): 337–42.

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This paper is a pilot study using qualitative analysis to obtain concepts related to individual perceptions of Chief Executive Officers within various industries internationally. These concepts are related to emerging technologies such as mobile devices and their usefulness within a business and personal context. Technology has played a role in human affairs including business for millennia – starting with the lighting of the first fire, the carving of ideograms on the walls of caves and inventing the first round artifact that would eventually serve as a wheel. This research has empirically documented the ways and means that mobile technologies and “Smart-phones” impact an executive’s productivity and efficiency at work by conducting a series of opened ended interviews. Our findings further corroborate the presence, role and impact of what we call “happy accidents” in terms of strategic knowledge serendipity and arbitrage (SKARSE™) as factors shaping and even driving choices made by business leaders with strategic intent and implications.

Behne, Alina, Jan Heinrich Beinke y Frank Teuteberg. "A Framework for Cross-Industry Innovation: Transferring Technologies between Industries". International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management 18, n.º 03 (mayo de 2021): 2150011.

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Cross-industry innovation (CII) aims to reuse existing solutions by leveraging the innovative power of partners’ knowledge from another industry. CII is a key concept for identifying and adapting potential (disruptive) innovations and technologies and gains importance in recent years. To enable CII in companies, we examine the topic holistically. First, we summarize the existing literature, including frameworks of CII. Second, we conduct expert interviews in order to consider also the practical perspective. We then consolidate the results into a framework with a structured procedure and detailed methods, which can be used by companies. Our contribution has several implications for practice and research. For practice, we derive five recommendations for actions for companies that already use or plan to use CII. For the scientific community, we summarize the state of research on CII and present our framework, which can serve as a starting point for further research.

TAVASSOLI, SAM y LARS BENGTSSON. "THE ROLE OF BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATION FOR PRODUCT INNOVATION PERFORMANCE". International Journal of Innovation Management 22, n.º 07 (octubre de 2018): 1850061.

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We analyse the effect of business model innovation (BMI) on the product innovation performance of firms, based on a dynamic capabilities theoretical framework. Our empirical study is based on a large-scale representative sample of cross-industry Swedish firms participating in three waves of the Community Innovation Survey (CIS) from 2008 to 2012. We hypothesise that BMI in the form of product innovations combined with different complementary and simultaneous innovations in processes, marketing and organisation will act as isolating mechanisms towards replication by competitors, resulting in superior firm performance. Our findings provide support for such hypothesis. BMI is significantly and positively associated with superior product innovation performance. Managers should frame and align product innovations in BMI context, i.e., dynamically adapting product innovations with process, marketing and organisation innovations.

William, Mbanyele y Wang Fengrong. "Economic policy uncertainty and industry innovation: Cross country evidence". Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 84 (mayo de 2022): 208–28.

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Enkel, Ellen y Oliver Gassmann. "Creative imitation: exploring the case of cross-industry innovation". R&D Management 40, n.º 3 (19 de febrero de 2010): 256–70.

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Gassmann, Oliver, Michael Daiber y Ellen Enkel. "The role of intermediaries in cross-industry innovation processes". R&D Management 41, n.º 5 (24 de octubre de 2011): 457–69.

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Tesis sobre el tema "Cross-industry innovation":


Thunberg, Eric. "CROSS-INDUSTRY COLLABORATION : How to Boost Innovation Capability". Thesis, KTH, Maskinkonstruktion (Inst.), 2015.

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På den globala marknaden är konkurrensen mellan företag hög. Detta ställer krav på flexibilitet och innovationsförmåga hos etablerade företag, för att dessa ska kunna överleva. Det finns olika sätt att uppnå flexibilitet inom en organisation, men ett sätt som inte kräver särskilt stora interna förändringar är genom samarbete med andra företag. Ett sätt att undvika konkurrens och skaffa nya perspektiv är att fokusera på branschöverskridande samarbete mer specifikt. Utifrån detta har denna studies syfte varit att utforska hur företag använder sig av branschöverskridande samarbete för att höja sin innovationsförmåga.I och med att branschöverskridande samarbete är ett område inom forskningen som fortfarande är relativt outforskat används en utforskande ansats i studien. Den litteraturstudie som genomförts hanterar innovation i allmänhet, samarbeten mellan företag och specifikt branschöverskidande samarbeten.I studien har också 17 kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts på 15 företag som har erfarenhet av branschöverskridande samarbeten. Intervjuerna var semi-strukturerade och syftade till att beskriva konkreta exempel av branschöverskridanade samarbeten samt fånga respondentens företags attityd mot samarbete i ett generellt perspektiv.I resultatet återfanns variationer i hur företagen använder sig av branschöverskridande samarbeten. Utav alla respondenterna så gör vissa det för att komma åt teknologier, vissa för att undersöka nya värden och vissa för att komma åt nya marknader.Dessa, och fler resultat diskuteras sedan mot befintlig litteratur, där diskussionen utgör underlag för de slutsatser som sedan dras.Slutsatserna visar att företag i Sverige kan utvecklas i sin användning av branschöverskridande samarbeten, för att lära sig att maximera effekterna på företagens innovationsförmåga.
On the global market the competition between firms is increasing. This require established firms to be flexible and innovative. There are different ways of achieving flexibility without critically changing a firm’s capabilities, out of which one is interfirm collaboration. A way to also avoid competition and gain new perspectives is to engage in cross-industry collaboration. With this in mind, the purpose of this thesis has been to explore how firms engage in cross-industry collaborations to boost their innovation capability.Considering that cross-industry collaborations is a relatively unexplored area within current research, an explorative approach is used in this thesis. The frame of reference that was conducted deals with innovation in general, interfirm collaboration and cross-industry collaboration specifics.In this thesis 17 respondents, with experience in cross-industry collaborations, belonging to 15 firms have been interviewed. The interviews were semi-structured and intended to capture examples of cross-industry collaborations and the respondent firm’s general attitude towards collaboration.The results reflect that firms use cross-industry collaborations in different ways. Out of all the respondents some engage in them to access technologies, some do it to explore potential values, and some do it to gain access to new markets.These results, and more, are then discussed in comparison with current literature, which makes the basis for the conclusions later drawn.The conclusions show that firms in Sweden can and should develop cross-industry collaboration strategies, to be able to maximise the effects on the firms’ innovation capabilities.

Zhang, Xiaoyan. "Cross-industry digital innovation in asset maintenance : a phenomenon-based exploratory case study". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Ecully, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 2023.

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Cette thèse capture, décrit, documente et conceptualise un phénomène inexploré mais important, l'innovation numérique intersectorielle, en fertilisant de manière croisée la maintenance des actifs dans les secteurs de l'aviation et du fret ferroviaire. Le rail est le mode de transport de marchandises le plus économe en énergie et le moins polluant. Cependant, le statu quo en matière de maintenance des wagons de fret ferroviaire en Europe présente un état d'inefficacité et un manque d'intelligence. Avec le développement rapide des technologies numériques, la maintenance conditionnelle et prédictive est une excellente opportunité de réaliser un grand gain d’efficacité dans la maintenance des wagons, rendant potentiellement le transport ferroviaire de marchandises compétitif et durable. La manière de tirer parti des technologies numériques au profit de la maintenance des wagons de fret ferroviaire n'est pas seulement un problème technique sur la façon de bien utiliser la technologie numérique pour améliorer l'efficacité de la maintenance, mais aussi un problème stratégique sur la manière d'innover pour générer une croissance de la valeur. dans l'industrie du fret ferroviaire. Quand il s’agit de résoudre des problèmes pratiques aussi complexes, les meilleures idées viennent parfois de l’extérieur de votre secteur. Comme initié par le projet Aero-Ferro Benchmark, l’apprentissage des meilleures pratiques de l’aviation contribuera au succès du fret ferroviaire. Ainsi, cette thèse vise à conceptualiser comment réaliser une innovation numérique intersectorielle dans la maintenance des actifs, et à résoudre le problème de ce que le fret ferroviaire peut apprendre de l'industrie aéronautique. À cet égard, sont passées en revue les théories pertinentes dans le domaine de l’innovation et de la stratégie pour trouver un soutien théorique. Cependant, l’innovation numérique intersectorielle est un domaine tellement naissant qu’aucune théorie ne pourrait directement aider à définir, analyser et aborder cette question complexe. Cela nous motive à conceptualiser un nouveau cadre théorique pour expliquer ce phénomène emergent en menant une étude de cas exploratoire sur l’innovation numérique dans la maintenance des actifs dans les secteurs du fret aérien et ferroviaire. Nous commençons par déterminer un cadre préliminaire de système de maintenance des actifs à partir de deux sous-systèmes (système technique et système commercial) pour guider la théorisation basée sur les phénomènes. Ensuite, une approche de raisonnement abductif et de peignage des systèmes est suivie, ainsi qu'une revue de la littérature et une étude de cas comme principales méthodes de recherche. Les résultats d’une étude de cas sur le système technique suggèrent que la stratégie de maintenance des wagons de fret ferroviaire subira un changement de paradigme impératif, passant du préventif au prédictif, notamment en termes d’utilisation de la technologie numérique et de gestion des données. Ainsi, une architecture technique de maintenance prédictive basée sur la surveillance de l’état des wagons de fret ferroviaire est proposée. Pour le système d'affaires, cette thèse analyse l'évolution des rôles des principaux acteurs dans ce paysage émergent de la maintenance numérique et l'évolution de leurs modèles économiques dans l'écosystème de la maintenance des wagons, prévoyant l'innovation potentielle des modèles économiques des équipementiers de matériel roulant (wagons), des opérateurs ferroviaires de fret et gardiens de wagons. Cette thèse offre des contributions théoriques et pratiques perspicaces. Premièrement, cette thèse fait progresser la construction théorique de l’innovation numérique intersectorielle. Un cadre stratégique d’innovation numérique intersectorielle basé sur des phénomènes est élaboré. Deuxièmement, cette thèse oriente la stratégie de résolution de problèmes d’innovation numérique dans la maintenance des wagons dans l’industrie du fret ferroviaire
A phenomenon-based exploratory case study Abstract This thesis captures, describes, documents, and conceptualize an unexplored yet significant phenomenon, cross-industry digital innovation, by cross-fertilizing the asset maintenance in aviation and rail freight industries. Rail is the most energy-efficient and low-emitting freight transport mode. However, the status quo of rail freight wagon maintenance in Europe presents a state of inefficiency and lack of intelligence. With the rapid development of digital technologies, condition-based and predictive maintenance represent an excellent opportunity to yield a big efficiency leap in wagon maintenance, thus potentially making rail freight transport competitive and sustainable. This thesis argues that how to leverage digital technologies to benefit rail freight wagon maintenance is not only a technical problem of how to make good use of digital technology to improve maintenance efficiency, but also a strategic problem of how to innovate business model to generate value growth for rail freight industry. When solving such complex practical problems, sometimes the best ideas come from outside your industry. As initiated by the Aero-Ferro Benchmark project, learning the best practice from aviation will contribute to rail freight success. Thus, this thesis aims to theoretically conceptualize how to carry out cross-industry digital innovation in asset maintenance, and to practically solve the problem of what rail freight can learn from the aviation industry. In this respect, this thesis reviews relevant theories in the field of innovation and strategy aiming to find theoretical support. However, based on the knowledge gaining from literature, it is found that cross-industry digital innovation is such an infant field that no well-established and well-fitting theory could directly help define, analyze and address this complex issue. This motivates us to conceptualize a new theoretical framework to explain this emerging phenomenon. To achieve this purpose, this thesis conducts an exploratory case study on digital innovation in asset maintenance in aviation and rail freight industries. We start from determining a preliminary asset maintenance system framework from two sub-system (technical system and business system) to guide the phenomenon-based theorizing. Then, an abductive reasoning and system combing approach is followed, together with literature review and case study as the main research methods. Findings from case study on the technical system argue that the maintenance strategy of rail freight wagons will undergo an imperative paradigm shift from preventive to predictive, especially in terms of utilizing digital technology and data management. Thus, a technical architecture of condition monitoring based predictive maintenance for rail freight wagons is proposed in this thesis. For the business system, this thesis analyzes the changing roles of main actors in this emerging digital maintenance landscape and the evolution of their business models in wagon maintenance ecosystem, forecasting the potential business model innovation of rolling stock(wagon) OEMs, cargo rail operators and wagon keepers. In doing so, this thesis offers insightful theoretical and practical contributions. First, this thesis contributes to advancing the theory building in cross-industry digital innovation. A phenomenon-based cross-industry digital innovation strategy framework is developed. Second, this thesis contributes to guiding the problem-solving strategy of digital innovation in wagon maintenance in rail freight industry

Baker, Randy D. "Innovation and value creation| A cross-industry effects study of patent generation". Thesis, Capella University, 2015.

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This study examined the relationship between innovation strategy, as represented by assignee patents, and the financial performance of firms traded on stock exchanges in the United States. Building upon previous industry-specific research, this study broadens these investigations to relationships across multiple industries with respect to innovation and value creation. As a basis for examining the aforementioned relationships, this study was based on a framework shaped by Schumpeter's (1934) economic value of innovation theory. This study seeks to answer three research questions: (a) To what degree does innovation and a company's financial performance correlate across different industries, (b) To what degree does innovation strategy for publicly traded mid-capitalized firms and a company's financial performance correlate across different industries, and (c) To what degree does innovation strategy for publicly traded large-capitalized firms and a company's financial performance correlate across different industries? In addressing these questions, the study analyzed secondary data from the United States Patent and Trade Office and company financial data from the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR) online system. Regression analysis was conducted to analyze the relationship between company financial data and innovation as a function of patent awards. While no significant relationship was found to exist across a range of financial measures, significance was found for selected measures of mid-capitalized firms over a seven-year period. Recommendations for future research was provided in the conclusions to the study.


Vonrueti, Samuel. "Risikomanagement von radikalen Innovationsvorhaben Betrachtet an Cross Industry Innovationen in High-tech Unternehmen /". St. Gallen, 2007.$FILE/02133981001.pdf.

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Walton, Bryn. "Factors impacting the success of new product development in the UK grocery retail industry : the role of market knowledge and intra & inter firm cross-functional integration in product innovation performance". Thesis, University of Kent, 2013.

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In mature markets, successful new product introductions are becoming increasingly important for sustaining profitability and business growth (Cravens et al 2002), but evermore difficult to achieve due to factors such as increased levels of competition, rapidly changing market environments, higher rates of technical obsolescence and shorter product lifecycles (Griffin 1997). There is no lack of academic literature with respect tb New Product Development (NPD) as a whole - why it is important, how it is used and the key success factors therein - yet failure rates and the cost of developing new products remain prohibitively high. Working within the context of the UK grocery retail industry this thesis explores how product innovation is affected by Market Knowledge Dimensions, and Cross-Functional Integration within firms and across the supply chain. The research is supplemented by an exploration of the link between Market Information Gathering Activities and the creation of Market Knowledge and the mediating/moderating impact that Knowledge Integration Mechanisms has on Product Innovation Performance. Structural Equation Modelling is used to test a conceptual model developed through a review of the academic literature and exploratory qualitative research. The results of this research highlight the link between market information gathering activities and market knowledge volume and show the importance of Market Knowledge Volume and Market Knowledge Tacitness (in appropriate contxtual environments) in generating successful new products. The research also makes a significant contribution to the current academic literature by suggesting that quantity of collaboration at both an inter- and intra-firm level is not an antecedent of success unless organisations have the R&D strength to turn collaboration at an inter-firm level into internal competencies and competitive advantage.

Echterhoff, Niklas [Verfasser]. "Systematik zur Planung von Cross-Industry-Innovationen / Niklas Echterhoff". Paderborn : Universitätsbibliothek, 2014.

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Lindholm, Jonatan y Stefan Markus Reiterer. "Marketing innovative products in a conservative industry : A look at Cross-Laminated Timber". Thesis, Högskolan i Jönköping, Internationella Handelshögskolan, 2017.

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Background:      Previous experience with the construction industry tells us that it’s often conservative and slow to adopt changes or use radical new ideas. This is a problem faced by Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT), as it’s provides a new way of working with wooden construction, that is still unfamiliar to most companies. Marketing this new solution is therefore hard, especially since a lot of the public is still unsure about the qualities and properties of the product. Purpose:               The purpose of this thesis is to identify the different selling points of CLT to see how this product can be marketed towards an audience that is still sceptical towards the wooden material. Method:                Results are gathered with the help of an interview study with six different companies that all in some way worked with CLT. The results are then put through a grounded analysis. Conclusion:                   The results show us that the most important thing to do when marketing a product that few people know of, or are sceptical towards, is to make sure that information about the benefits of using the product gets out. The most important marketing point for CLT seems to be the environmental advantage compared to concrete and the speed of which buildings can be erected.

Lah, Wan-Yee y 林婉儀. "Service Innovation in Hotel Industry : A Cross-national Comparative Analysis". Thesis, 2009.

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International tourism is one of the major vehicles of economic development in industrializing countries in the twenty-first century. Countries with tourism-based economies keep developing strategies and approaches for employing their comparative advantages to remain competitive. However, rapid globalization has increased the competitiveness in the tourist industry even more complex, including hotel industry. The industry players not only have to compete locally or nationally, but globally. Reduction of operations cost no longer the core competence that contributes to a firm’s performance. Other strategies such as organizational effectiveness, increase of market share, improvement of customer retention and service innovation has become key capabilities that provide better benefits to the firms. Therefore, this research employs a cross-national, survey-based methodology to find out the model that suitable to help a hotel to understand its’ internal and external factors that may contributes in delivering better performance. This study proposes a hotel’s technology-organization-environment (TOE) context is significant to service innovation management which leads to achieving sustainable competitive advantage. A total of 204 hotels from Taiwan and Malaysia is used to test the conceptual model and hypotheses. The findings lead to several key findings: (1) Technological context and organizational context are positively affects service innovation management. (2) The service innovation management in the hotel is related to its’ sustainable competitive advantage significantly. (3) Overall, the model is comparatively better in explaining the practices in Taiwan. However, the technological context is comparatively more significant for Malaysian hotel operators; and the organizational context is rather more important in Taiwan. The insights from this study can help the hotel managers from both Taiwan and Malaysia to have a better understanding of the current phenomenon in the industry and manage their service innovation more efficiently in gaining sustainable competitive advantage. The researcher suggested developing other factors, i.e. flexibility and safety to be included into TOE framework as it facilitates creativity, innovation and speed that able to contribute to sustainable competitive advantage.

Yu, Chao-Cheng y 游朝成. "A Cross-National Comparative Analysis of Innovation Policy on Global IC Industry". Thesis, 2000.

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The purpose of this research is to analyze impacts of innovation policy on global IC (Integrated circuit) industry. Countries analyzed are United States, Republic of Korea, Taiwan, and People''s Republic of China. Based on Rothwell and Zegveld''s model of "Industrial Innovation Policy", this research develops a cross-national comparative analysis of innovation policy, and focuses on three topics: the preference of innovation policy, the extent of influence of innovation policy on industrial innovation requirements (IIRs), and the competitive advantages (CAs) derived from IIRs in these four countries. The results show that all these countries prefer to use the two types of innovation policy tools, namely, "Scientific & Technical" and "Legal & Regulatory". Whereas United States prefers to use "Procurement", Republic of Korea prefers to "Financial" and "Taxation", and Taiwan prefers to "Political" policy. In terms of effectiveness of industrial innovation policies on IIRs, "R&D", "R&D Environment", "Technical Knowledge", and "Human Resource" exert the strongest impacts on their respective IIRs. For the IC industry of all countries, United States has all CAs in terms of IIRs, but none was evidenced for P.R.C. except for "Domestic Market Demand". Republic of Korea has only few CAs compared to People''s Republic of China, while Taiwan not only has many CAs relative to People''s Republic of China, but also relative to Republic of Korea in "Management Skill", "Human Resource", and "Financial Resource". Compared to the United States, Taiwan has competitive disadvantages in "R&D", "R&D Environment", "Market Information" and "Domestic Market Demand". This work generates several suggestions for Taiwan''s IC industry: the government should emphasize the policies in "Scientific & Technical" and "Taxation" to provide better R&D environment, build a complete information system to encourage knowledge diffusion and accumulation, and adopt "Procurement" policy to extend domestic market demand.

Chang, Che-Hao y 張哲豪. "The Study of Innovation Services of Cross-Border Ecommerce in Printing Industry". Thesis, 2017.

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With the increasing popularity of digital communication technology, broadband transmission speed, providing a good base for the development of the industry, the traditional printing production processes are gradually toward the electronic, digital, network, cloud production process management, consumer from the traditional procurement to the use of e-commerce platform to complete a series of orders for procurement behavior, combined with rapid network information dissemination characteristics and the traditional printing industry production process of network printing (Web-to-Print), since the germination in 2000 , the traditional printing industry has been engaged in the transformation of the relevant business services, but mainly to plywood printing, and most of the rest are still taking the traditional business orders business model, e-commerce in the printing industry have less expansion, the reason comes from Industry on the development of science and technology awareness of the part of the fault, and the regional characteristics of the printing industry is gradually disappearing, the industry has gradually become the era of digital printing services to the cloud . Due to lack of international market experience, Taiwan's printing industry only focus on domestic demand-based。 Unfortunately, Taiwan's printing industry should not only meet the domestic market as the goal, although the majority of small-scale printing enterprises in Taiwan, but with good market flexibility, the quality of product are fine and small printable, the domestic printing industry supply chain adjacent effect, print quality and price has its high competitive advantage, the high-end or a variety of international printing market development, increase cross-border technical cooperation, to high additional Value service manufacturing industry, and promote Taiwan's competitiveness in the international arena. This study aims to explore the printing industry, the type of network printing and the status of development。 For the purpose of the research, the author collects relevant documents and interviews with the printing industry to find out the present situation, the pattern and the benefit of the network printing e-business. And summarizes the research findings, and then puts forward the conclusions and recommendations, looking forward to provide the future of the printing business network planning strategy and innovative business model reference.

Libros sobre el tema "Cross-industry innovation":


Hahn, Tobias. Cross-Industry Innovation Processes. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2015.

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Kerl, Alexander. Management von Multi-Cross-Industry Innovation. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2018.

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Y, Ziv y University of British Columbia. Forest Economics and Policy Analysis Research Unit., eds. Cross impact analysis of technological innovation in the softwood lumber industry in Canada: A structural modelling approach. Vancouver, B.C: Forest Economics and Policy Analysis Research Unit, 1989.

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Mexico. Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social. Subsecretaría B., ed. Evolución de la productividad total de los factores en la economía mexicana, 1970-1989. [Mexico City]: Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social, 1993.

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Hahn, Tobias. Cross-Industry Innovation Processes: Strategic Implications for Telecommunication Companies. Springer Gabler, 2015.

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Hahn, Tobias. Cross-Industry Innovation Processes: Strategic Implications for Telecommunication Companies. Springer Vieweg. in Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, 2015.

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Vullings, Ramon y Marc Heleven. Not Invented Here: 7 Strategies for Cross Industry Innovation. Bis B.V., Uitgeverij (BIS Publishers), 2015.

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Kerl, Alexander. Management von Multi-Cross-Industry Innovation: Wirkungsabschätzung, organisationale Strukturen und Gestaltungshinweise. Springer Gabler, 2018.

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Berchicci, Luca y Christopher L. Tucci. Entrepreneurship, Technology and Schumpeterian Innovation: Entrants and Incumbents. Editado por Anuradha Basu, Mark Casson, Nigel Wadeson y Bernard Yeung. Oxford University Press, 2009.

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This article reviews the literature on the (lack of) innovativeness of incumbents both in creating new products and entering new markets. It then presents some non-anecdotal evidence as counter-argument to the alleged curse of incumbency. First, it uses as illustration a cross-sectional study by Chandy and Tellis of a large number of radical product innovations. Secondly, it explores to what extent the story of incumbents' inability to enter new markets matches the history of the computer rigid hard drive industry. This industry is particularly suited to this analysis since its technological generational changes have been described by scholars as ‘radical’ and ‘disruptive,’ and because its history served to inspire Christensen's recent theories.

Duhaime, Irene M., Michael A. Hitt y Majorie A. Lyles, eds. Strategic Management. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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This contributed volume provides the knowledge portfolio for the Strategic Management field. Strategic Management has experienced significant growth as a research discipline and builds on strong theoretical and empirical research to provide valuable knowledge for managerial practice. The book is designed to capture the rich breadth and depth of knowledge in the field as well as insightful examinations of critical topics for the future and opportunities for future research (50 percent of the focus). Such information and knowledge are critical for all current and future scholars in the field and for thoughtful executives as well. The 37 chapters by well-known and highly respected scholars capture the essence of the field. They address the field’s evolution, the primary economic and organization theories underlying the base of knowledge, and the critical methodologies used to conduct research. The chapters cover topics of major importance (and their primary subtopics), such as corporate strategy (diversification, acquisitive growth, divestitures), strategic entrepreneurship (nascent firms, industry emergence, technology entrepreneurship), competitive and cooperative strategies (competitive advantage, alliances, networks), global strategy (multinational firms’ cross-border strategies, strategies employed in emerging economies), strategic leadership (top management teams, CEO succession), governance and boards of directors (corporate and venture boards, ownership effects on governance), knowledge and innovation (organizational learning, knowledge sharing), strategy process and practice (strategic decision making, organizational change), and microfoundations of strategy (strategic human capital, organizational capabilities). The book concludes with chapters on broadly important issues for the future, such as artificial intelligence, sustainability strategy, stakeholder perspective, and business model innovation strategies.

Capítulos de libros sobre el tema "Cross-industry innovation":


Dingler, Annika y Ellen Enkel. "Cross-Industry Innovation". En Die frühe Phase des Innovationsprozesses, 109–22. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2016.

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Hahn, Tobias. "Cross-Case Analysis". En Cross-Industry Innovation Processes, 87–101. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2015.

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Hahn, Tobias. "Introduction". En Cross-Industry Innovation Processes, 1–13. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2015.

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Hahn, Tobias. "Theoretical Background". En Cross-Industry Innovation Processes, 15–26. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2015.

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Hahn, Tobias. "Methodology". En Cross-Industry Innovation Processes, 27–43. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2015.

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Hahn, Tobias. "Within-Case Analysis". En Cross-Industry Innovation Processes, 45–85. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2015.

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Hahn, Tobias. "Analysis and Discussion of Findings with Existing Literature". En Cross-Industry Innovation Processes, 103–19. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2015.

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Hahn, Tobias. "Practical Strategic Implications". En Cross-Industry Innovation Processes, 121–46. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2015.

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Hahn, Tobias. "Impact on Existing Theoretical Innovation Process Models". En Cross-Industry Innovation Processes, 147–57. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2015.

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Hahn, Tobias. "Conclusion". En Cross-Industry Innovation Processes, 159–66. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2015.

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Actas de conferencias sobre el tema "Cross-industry innovation":


Hardash, Jill, Brady Decker, Alexandra Landegger y Victor Thompson. "Translating technology taxonomies to facilitate cross-industry innovation". En 2015 IEEE Aerospace Conference. IEEE, 2015.

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Kerl, Alexander y Martin G. Moehrle. "Initiatives for Multi Cross Industry Innovation: The case of UNIVERSAL HOME". En 2015 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET). IEEE, 2015.

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Kerl, Alexander y Martin G. Moehrle. "Organizing Multi-Cross-Industry Innovation Initiatives: The Case of Connected Living". En 2017 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET). IEEE, 2017.

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Waldner, Florian, Martin Zsifkovits, Lana Lauren y Kurt Heidenberger. "Cross-Industry Innovation: The Transfer of a Service-Based Business Model from the Video Game Industry to the Music Industry". En 2011 International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies (EIDWT). IEEE, 2011.

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QUAN, Mei y Qi YUE. "Cross-industry MaA and Industrial Restructuring in China: A Study Based on Social Network Analysis". En 2018 5th International Conference on Management Science and Management Innovation (MSMI 2018). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2018.

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Chandrasekaran, R. S. y Jerry Rockstroh. "Cross Industry Innovation: As the Auto Industry Moves from Steel and Glass to a Silicon-based Product, Supplier Relationships Take Center Stage". En SAE 2002 World Congress & Exhibition. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 2002.

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Cai, Zhenhua, Xiaohang Song, Qi Liu, Xiaoyue Jin y Tingyang Chen. "Empirical Research on the Integrated Innovation in Cross-Function Expert System Co-development between Industry and University". En 2021 China Automation Congress (CAC). IEEE, 2021.

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Hsiao-Chi Chen y Chia-Han Yang. "The cross-strait co-opetitive strategy analysis in wafer-base solar cell industry - National competitiveness perspective". En 2011 International Summer Conference of Asia Pacific Business Innovation and Technology Management (APBITM). IEEE, 2011.

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Ghezzi, Antonio, Jacopo Manotti, Andrea Rangone y Raffaello Balocco. "Exploring the Role of Technological Change in the Relationship Between Strategic Innovation and Business Model Innovation: Evidence from a Cross-Industry Multiple Case Study". En 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2023.

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Medeiros, Albertina Pereira, Silene Seibel, Renato Natal Jorge y Anto´nio Augusto Fernandes. "Lean Thinking and Product Innovation in the Furniture Industry". En ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2009.

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The pressure to innovate has been particularly strong in industry traditional sectors if they are to survive to competitors with lower labour costs. Furniture has become a commodity product in some international markets. In most countries the furniture industry is highly fragmented and family owned. In this context the decision to introduce and launch new products rests solely on the owner, without considering the costumer needs. At the same time, the companies do not have an organizational structure and a formal process for managing new product development (NPD). In recent years “lean thinking” has gained increased popularity as a new paradigm of product design and manufacturing. This is due to the success which Toyota attained worldwide. The present research, still in progress, aims to answer the following research question: “Can lean thinking principles, methods and tools be applied in product development in a traditional sector such as the furniture industry?” To answer this question a research programme has been designed based on a cross-case analysis in two distinct cultural settings: the Portuguese and Brazilian furniture industries. Two in-depth case studies are in progress in two firms (one in Portugal and another in Brazil). The research programme is focused on the following principles: organize to balance functional expertise, to establish customer defined value, front load the product development process and to use tools for standardisation. The application of these principles has as its main goal to eliminate waste during the process chain and attain excellence. The first phase of the work looked into the subsystem People, with particular emphasis on the organizational structure. The preliminary results, obtained up to now, show that there is no formal product development system currently in place in the studied companies. This results in an inefficient flow of information in all phases of the product development, leading to numerous sources of waste.

Informes sobre el tema "Cross-industry innovation":


Hille, Carsten, Daria Morcinczyk-Meier, Sarah Schneider y Dana Mietzner. From InnoMix to University–Industry Collaboration: Fostering Exchange at Eye Level. Technische Hochschule Wildau, 2021.

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In this paper, we address a specific tool—InnoMix—that is implemented to overcome the lack of university–industry interaction in a selected region facing structural change with its corresponding impact on the economy and society. InnoMix is facilitated and implemented by university-based transfer scouts who act as mediators and translators between the players of the regional innovation system. These transfer scouts are part of the Innovation Hub 13, in which the region’s partners and stakeholders, infrastructures and competencies are systematically networked with each other to set new impulses for knowledge and technology transfer. These new impulses are brought into the region through new transfer approaches ranging from people and tools to infrastructure. InnoMix can be considered to be a highly interactive tool to overcome the weak, direct interaction between researchers and potential corporate partners in the region to foster strong collaboration between academia and industry. InnoMix especially aims to strengthen interdisciplinary exchange to shed light on cross-disciplinary perspectives. For that reason, transfer scouts focusing on transfer activities related to the life sciences, digitalisation and lightweight construction are involved in the implementation of InnoMix. Based on 11 InnoMix running since 2019, we provide insights into the planning and preparation phase of InnoMix and the selection of relevant topics and requirements for matching participants. Furthermore, we clearly indicate which formats of InnoMix work best and in which way university–industry interactions could be curated after InnoMix is implemented.

Hopkins, Anna, Sarah Foxen, Kathryn Oliver y Gavin Costigan. Science Advice in the UK. Foundation for Science and Technology, septiembre de 2021.

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This report examines the science advisory system in the UK, how it has changed and how it may develop further in the future. It looks at structure and functions within the UK Government (including the Government Chief Scientific Advisor, the Government Office for Science, government departments, scientific advisory committees - including SAGE - and the Science and Engineering Profession). It also describes science advice in the UK Parliament. The report looks at the role of public research funders, particularly UK Research and Innovation and its research councils, and it discusses how universities are responding to incentives to improve the supply of evidence and expertise. There are brief sections discussing the role of other actors (such as national academies, charities and industry) and discussion of some cross-cutting themes.

McIntyre, Phillip, Susan Kerrigan y Marion McCutcheon. Australian Cultural and Creative Activity: A Population and Hotspot Analysis: Coffs Harbour. Queensland University of Technology, 2021.

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Coffs Harbour on the north coast of NSW is a highway city sandwiched between the Great Dividing Range and the Pacific Ocean. For thousands of years it was the traditional land of the numerous Gumbaynggirr peoples. Tourism now appears to be the major industry, supplanting agriculture and timber getting, while a large service sector has grown up around a sizable retirement community. It is major holiday destination. Located further away from the coast in the midst of a dairy farming community, Bellingen has become a centre of alternative culture which relies heavily on a variety of festivals activated by energetic tree changers and numerous professionals who have relocated from Sydney. Both communities rely on the visitor economy and there have been considerable changes to how local government in this region approach strategic planning for arts and culture. The newly built Coffs Harbour Education Campus (CHEC) is an experiment in encouraging cross pollination between innovative businesses and education and incorporates TAFE NSW, Coffs Harbour Senior College and Southern Cross University as well as the Coffs Harbour Technology Park and Coffs Harbour Innovation Centre all on one site. The 250 seat Jetty Memorial Theatre is the main theatre in Coffs Harbour for local and touring productions while local halls and converted theatres are the mainstay of smaller communities in the region. As peak body Arts Mid North Coast reports, there is a good record of successful arts related events which range across all genres of music, art, sculpture, Aboriginal culture, street art, literature and even busking and opera. These are mainly managed by passionate local volunteers.

Shinkevich, A. I., V. Ya Lomonosova y N. V. Barseghyan. Methodology for modeling the cross-industry structure of innovative project funding sources. OFERNIO, abril de 2020.

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de Jesus, Ana y Sara Melander. From Vision to Practice – Insights from Nordic-Baltic 5G applications across sectors. Nordregio, marzo de 2024.

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This report builds on the findings of the Nordic-Baltic 5G Monitoring Tool (N-B 5G MT) project ‘Analytical Report’, which focused on mapping 5G activities in the Nordic-Baltic region and analysing their roll-out status. In this follow-up report, we delve deeper into actual 5G applications across different verticals (i.e. sectors), including healthcare, transportation/mobility, industry and media/broadcasting. The report identifies challenges in each sector, such as funding constraints in healthcare, technical hurdles in transportation, market immaturity in industry, and infrastructure investment needs in media, highlighting the complex landscape of 5G deployment. Key cross-cutting challenges include uncertain business cases due to lack of clear benefits and empirical validation, financial barriers from high deployment costs and insufficient early-stage funding, technical and infrastructural limitations, especially in rural areas, regulatory constraints including spectrum allocation and data privacy, security and privacy concerns necessitating a comprehensive approach for compliance, acceptability and usability issues that require simplifying 5G for broader adoption, and collaboration challenges highlighting the need for forums, dialogue sessions, and partnerships to facilitate idea exchange and project advancements. Overall, the report emphasizes the need for a systemic approach to addressing these challenges. This includes clarifying the business value of 5G; fostering ecosystems for collaboration; and ensuring that policy and regulatory frameworks support the innovative, equitable deployment of 5G technology. Overcoming these hurdles will require concerted efforts from all stakeholders, including governments, industry and the wider community. Only then will the transformative potential of 5G for society be fully realized.

Managing Cross-industry Innovation. IEDP Ideas for Leaders, abril de 2014.

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Financial Infrastructure Report 2022. Banco de la República, junio de 2023.

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Banco de la República's monitoring of the local financial market infrastructure is an additional contribution to the country's financial stability. One of the products of that monitoring has been the Payment Systems Report, which is now known as the Financial Infrastructure Report. The change in name, as of this edition, is intended to reflect in a broader way the issues that are addressed in the report. The 2022 edition includes several changes that are the result of a comparative study of financial infrastructure reports prepared by other central banks. These changes seek to make the report more fluid and easier to read, including main points and selected key figures for the different interest groups to which it is addressed. The report shows the financial infrastructure continued to render its services without interruption, with general evidence of good performance in 2021. Additionally, the resilience of the Central Counterparty Risk of Colombia (CRCC) and the Large-value Payments System (CUD) to extreme events was validated, based on stress tests conducted according to international standards (focused on liquidity and credit risk). As for retail payments, transactional information indicates the use of electronic instruments increased in terms of value during 2021 compared to 2020 (credit and debit cards, checks and electronic funds transfers). The use of debit and credit cards in payments rose to levels similar to those reached in the pre-pandemic year. Meanwhile, electronic funds transfers continued to grow. Although the results of the BR 2022 survey show cash continues to be the instrument most used by the public for regular payments (like the situation in other countries), the perception of its use decreased significantly to 75 % (87 % in 2019). Also, in commerce, cash was the preferred instrument for customers. However, in this measurement, several retail channels such as hairdressers, drugstores and restaurants joined the group that has traditionally received electronic payments for a value greater than 10% of their sales (hypermarkets and gas stations). Likewise, for nearly 50% of the population, cash payments are lower than before the pandemic. This is consistent with the transactional increase in electronic payment instruments that was observed in 2021. Banco de la República continues to monitor the technological developments that have expanded and modernized the supply in the international and local payments market, as these are issues of interest to the industry that provides clearing and settlement services. This report outlines the Pix case for instant payments in Brazil, the projects that are underway regarding the possible issue of digital currency by central banks (CBDC) for cross-border payments, as well as an approach to the Fintech ecosystem in Colombia, with an emphasis on companies that provide payment services. Leonardo Villar Governor Main points: 2022 The local financial infrastructure was safe and efficient throughout the year. The services of the financial infrastructure were proved on a continuous basis, showing good performance overall. Less momentum in the large-value payment system CUD activity declined versus the previous year because of fewer government deposits with BanRep. This was offset partially by growth in repos to increase money supply and in retail-value payments (electronic funds transfers, checks and cards). Increased momentum in financial market infrastructures. Larger amounts were cleared and settled through the Central Securities Depository (DCV) due to an increase in the market for sovereign debt. Operations managed by the Central Counterparty Risk of Colombia (CRCC) increased due to inclusion of the foreign exchange segment and the positive evolution in non-delivery forward peso/dollar contracts. Added confidence in the peso/dollar spot foreign exchange market due to CRCC interposition. Number and value of trades grew, mainly due to the adjustment of therisk management model for the FX segment and the increase in the limiton net selling positions in dollars. Stress testing with international standards to validate CRCC and CUD resilience Stress tests conducted independently by the SFC, BanRep and the CRCC, like those done in England and the United States, concluded that the CRCC's risk management model allows it to withstand extreme market events and simultaneous defaults by its main members. Based on the experience of other central banks, BanRep strengthened its intraday liquidity risk stress exercises in the CUD by incorporating temporary payment delays. It calculated that a two-hour delay by a key participant increases the system's liquidity needs by 0.5%. Electronic payments increased during 2021 According to transactional information, all electronic payment instruments increased in value versus 2020 (electronic funds transfers, checks and debit and credit cards). Electronic funds transfers continued to grow (80% from legal entities), with the participation of closed schemes driven particularly by the use of mobile wallets (35% of the number of intra-transfer transactions). The use of debit and credit cards for payments climbed to levels similar to those witnessed in the pre-pandemic year. Cash continues to be the instrument most used by the public for regular payments. The results of the BanRep survey in 2022 show that the perception of the use of cash declined significantly to 75% (87% in 2019), and about 50% of the population perceive their cash payments as being lower than those they made before the pandemic. Electronic funds transfers were second most used instrument, having increased to 15% (3% in 2019). Also, in commerce, cash was the preferred instrument of payment for its customers; however, several commerce channels received more than 10% of the value of their sales in electronic payments (hypermarkets 35%, gas stations 25%, hairdressers 15%, drugstores 14% and restaurants 12%). Continuous technological developments have broadened, and modernized services offered in the payments market. Pix (instant payments in Brazil). The high level of adoption of instant transfers in Brazil motivated a review of its strengths; namely, the possibility of different use cases between individuals, businesses, and government; high participation by financial and payment institutions; free of charge for individuals and the possibility of charging legal entities, and simple user experience. Digital currencies in central banking. Several groups of countries have joined forces to conduct pilot projects with wholesale CBDCs for cross-border payments. Flows generated by international trade, foreign investment and remittances between individuals can be processed more efficiently, transparently, and securely by reducing their cost and increasing their speed. Due to the constant progress being made on this issue, BanRep will continue to monitor all CBDC-related matters. The fintech ecosystem for payments in Colombia. A high percentage of existing FinTech companies in the country are dedicated to offering digital payment services: wallets, payment gateways, mobile devices (point-of-sale terminals) and acquisition. These have driven innovation in payment services.

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