Literatura académica sobre el tema "Modes transversaux"

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Artículos de revistas sobre el tema "Modes transversaux":


Faulx, Daniel y Lucie Petit. "La formation en organisation : mise en perspective des approches psychosociologiques et ergonomiques". Articles 65, n.º 3 (9 de noviembre de 2010): 447–69.

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Face aux nouveaux défis que constituent la globalisation, les évolutions technologiques et les évolutions démographiques, la formation revêt aujourd’hui une importance cruciale dans le développement de la ressource humaine en organisation. Ce domaine est actuellement dominé, tant du point de vue scientifique que de celui des pratiques, par deux grands courants : le courant psychosociologique et le courant ergonomique. Si l’apport de l’un comme de l’autre est incontestable, on constate une grande méconnaissance entre ces deux courants, ainsi que l’absence d’un dialogue et d’une mise en perspective scientifique. Cette contribution propose d’initier cette démarche, à la fois dans l’optique de développer les pratiques des formateurs – qu’il s’agisse de professionnels de la formation ou de personnes appelées à jouer ce rôle ponctuellement dans leur carrière –, mais aussi d’aider les commanditaires de formation à mieux orienter leurs choix de formation grâce à une meilleure compréhension des deux approches. De cette mise en perspective réalisée à partir tant des travaux historiques que des recherches les plus récentes, il ressort d’abord plusieurs points communs. (1) Une volonté de développer de nouveaux modes d’apprentissage, nourris par des recherches scientifiques, et qui rompent avec les approches scolaires. (2) Un lien fort établi entre théorie et action, avec des pratiques qui articulent la pratique et la connaissance, l’intervention sur l’organisation et l’apprentissage individuel. (3) Une vision de l’apprentissage comme résultant de l’action combinée avec la réflexion sur l’action. En contraste avec ces fondements communs, plusieurs points de divergences se prêtant à de fructueux échanges sont identifiés. (1) Un ancrage prioritaire sur le groupe pour les approches psychosociologiques, sur le travail pour les approches ergonomiques. (2) Une centration sur les aspects plutôt fonctionnels et spécifiques du travail pour l’approche ergonomique, plutôt sur les aspects relationnels et transversaux pour l’approche psychosociologique. (3) Quatre points sur lesquels des échanges de techniques seraient profitables. (4) Une controverse sur la question du lien – nécessaire ou non – entre travail et formation. En prenant acte de la complémentarité des deux approches (à la fois compatibles et différentes), il apparaît utile d’entreprendre un dialogue tant dans une optique de lisibilité des pratiques de formation en organisation que d’efficacité. Un tel constat invite donc les formateurs à intensifier leurs échanges, et les commanditaires à mobiliser les apports conjoints des deux approches afin de développer au mieux les ressources humaines de leurs organisations.

Nunes, Rafael C., Santosh K. Yadav, J. F. Jesus y Armando Bernui. "Cosmological parameter analyses using transversal BAO data". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497, n.º 2 (11 de julio de 2020): 2133–41.

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ABSTRACT We investigate observational constraints on cosmological parameters combining 15 measurements of the transversal BAO scale (obtained free of any fiducial cosmology) with Planck–CMB data to explore the parametric space of some cosmological models. We investigate how much Planck + transversal BAO data can constraint the minimum Lambda cold dark matter (ΛCDM) model, and extensions, including neutrinos mass scale Mν, and the possibility for a dynamical dark energy (DE) scenario. Assuming the ΛCDM cosmology, we find H0 = 69.23 ± 0.50 km s−1 Mpc−1, Mν < 0.11 eV, and rdrag = 147.59 ± 0.26 Mpc (the sound horizon at drag epoch) from Planck + transversal BAO data. When assuming a dynamical DE cosmology, we find that the inclusion of the BAO data can indeed break the degeneracy of the DE free parameters, improving the constraints on the full parameter space significantly. We note that the model is compatible with local measurements of H0 and there is no tension on H0 estimates in this dynamical DE context. Also, we discuss constraints and consequences from a joint analysis with the local H0 measurement from SH0ES. Finally, we perform a model-independent analysis for the deceleration parameter, q(z), using only information from transversal BAO data.

Sampson, D. D. y I. J. Read. "Few-moded solitary-fibre optical transversal filter". Electronics Letters 28, n.º 21 (1992): 1961.

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Kurushina, Victoria, Andrey Postnikov, Guilherme Franzini y Ekaterina Pavlovskaia. "Optimization of the Wake Oscillator for Transversal VIV". Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10, n.º 2 (20 de febrero de 2022): 293.

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Vibrations of slender structures associated with the external flow present a design challenge for the energy production systems placed in the marine environment. The current study explores the accuracy of the semi-empirical wake oscillator models for vortex-induced vibrations (VIV) based on the optimization of (a) the damping term and (b) empirical coefficients in the fluid equation. This work investigates the effect of ten fluid damping variations, from the classic van der Pol to more sophisticated fifth-order terms, and prediction of the simplified case of the VIV of transversally oscillating rigid structures provides an opportunity for an extended, comprehensive comparison of the performance of tuned models. A constrained nonlinear minimization algorithm in MATLAB is applied to calibrate considered models using the published experimental data, and the weighted objective function is formulated for three different mass ratios. Comparison with several sources of published experimental data for cross-flow oscillations confirms the model accuracy in the mass ratio range. The study indicates the advantageous performance of the models tuned with the medium mass ratio data and highlights some advantages of the Krenk–Nielsen wake oscillator.

Schmidt, P., G. Zwicknagel, P. G. Reinhard y C. Toepffer. "Longitudinal and transversal collective modes in strongly correlated plasmas". Physical Review E 56, n.º 6 (1 de diciembre de 1997): 7310–13.

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Bakhtin, Yuri y Wei Wu. "Transversal fluctuations for a first passage percolation model". Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques 55, n.º 2 (mayo de 2019): 1042–60.

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Naumov, Victor, Vladimir Palmov y Bernard Schrefler. "3D rheological model of transversal isotropic elastoplastic body". PAMM 3, n.º 1 (diciembre de 2003): 204–5.

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Savastru, Dan, Simona Dontu, Roxana Savastru y Madalin I. Rusu. "Transversal Effect in Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Used Orthonormale Modes Development". Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 11, n.º 10 (1 de octubre de 2014): 2141–49.

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Rivolta, Nicolas X. A. y Bjorn Maes. "Symmetry recovery for coupled photonic modes with transversal PT symmetry". Optics Letters 40, n.º 16 (14 de agosto de 2015): 3922.

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Rafael Molina Contreras, J., C. Frausto-Reyes, C. I. Medel-Ruiz, H. Pérez Ladrón de Guevara y C. Medina-Gutiérrez. "Transversal acoustic modes in resonant Raman: CdTe surface roughness study". Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46, n.º 24 (3 de junio de 2013): 245105.

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Tesis sobre el tema "Modes transversaux":


Galière, Julien. "Conception et réalisation de filtres transversaux à résonateurs diélectriques quasi-planaires en bande Ka pour des applications spatiales". Limoges, 2002.

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L'encombrement du spectre hyperfréquence jusqu'à 15 GHz dans le domaine des communications par satellite implique la conception et la réalisation de composants fonctionnant en bande supérieure. Ces composants doivent allier des performances électriques suffisantes à un encombrement réduit et une bonne intégration aux autres circuits planaires environnants. En conséquence, le cahier des charges à remplir par les filtres de charge utile des satellites de télécommunication force les concepteurs à s'orienter vers des dispositifs planaires, mais à fort facteur de qualité. Dans ce cadre et avec pour objectif de réaliser des filtres passe bande de réception dans la bande 20-30 GHz et de largeur de bande passante d'environ 4%, nous présentons dans ce mémoire une topologie de filtres transversaux quasi-planaires. Dans ce cas, les éléments résonants présentent un facteur de qualité à vide d'environ 2000 en bande Ka et sont intégrés sur le même substrat. Cette étude vise à mettre au point une topologie de filtres dont les performances seront comparables à celles des guide d'ondes classiques utilisés jusqu'ici. Nous présentons tout d'abord la méthode de synthèse spécifique développée pour la conception des filtres transversaux présentés dans ce mémoire. L'élément résonant quasi-planaire de base est ensuite étudié par une étude électromagnétique, toutes les caractéristiques de couplage (entrée-sortie, inter-résonateurs et inter-polarisations) sont évaluées et démontrent la faisabilité de filtres large bande. L'influence des systèmes de couplage utilisés sur le facteur de qualité à vide des structures résonantes est démontrée, des solutions d'amélioration sont apportées. La conception de filtres 2 et 4 pôles transversaux montre la nécessité d'une étude électromagnétique couplée à une étude circuit. Cette méthode dite hybride permet notamment la gestion des modes parasites de substrat par l'implantation de réseaux périodiques de vias métallisés et l'optimisation rapide des longueurs des lignes du circuits. Les résultats expérimentaux sonr en accord avec la théorie. Enfin, nous décrivons en perspective, une nouvelle méthode de couplage entre lignes micro-rubans évitant l'usinage d'iris entre deux cavités. Ce système de couplage original permet une simplification dans la réalisation mécanique des boitiers hyperfréquences. De vastes applications dans le domaine du packaging des

Rubino, Ginevra. "Laminar-to-turbulence Transition Modeling of Incompressible Flows in a RANS Framework for 2D and 3D Configurations". Thesis, Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2021.

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Ce travail de thèse vise à évaluer la faisabilité des calculs de transition dans le cadre des codes industriels. Les points forts ainsi que les faiblesses des modèles de transition basés sur des corrélations locales, γ et γ-Re_θ, sont analysés sur des configurations bi et tridimensionnelles, en se concentrant sur la modélisation physique et les aspects numériques. L'objectif est d'analyser le potentiel de ces modèles RANS en tant qu'outils prédictifs, capables de gérer automatiquement et de manière autonome la transition d'un écoulement du régime laminaire au régime turbulent. Nous évaluons les performances des modèles de transition sur un grand nombre de cas de test, couvrant un large éventail de mécanismes de transition. Dans le cas des configurations 3D, un point crucial est la modélisation de la transition due aux modes transversaux et stationnaires, qui sont les principaux mécanismes de transition tridimensionnel dans un environnement à faible turbulence. A cet effet, nous présentons dans cette thèse un recalibrage original du critère transversal Tc1, proposé à l'origine par Menter et Smirnov en 2014 et basé sur une formulation locale du célèbre critère transversal C1 de Daniel Arnal. Ce critère recalibré étend notamment le modèle γ existant pour la prédiction de la transition transversale autour des géométries complexes
This research work aims at assessing transition calculations feasibility in the context of the industrial codes. We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the Local Correlation Based Transition Models (LCTM) γ and γ-Re_θ for two- and three-dimensional configurations, focusing on both modeling and numerical aspects. The purpose is to analyze the potential of these RANS-based models as predictive tools, that can handle automatically and autonomously laminar-to-turbulence transition. We evaluate the transition models performance on an extensive number of test cases, covering a wide range of transition mechanisms. In the case of 3D configurations, a crucial point is the modeling of transition due to stationary crossflow modes, which are the main threedimensional transition mechanism in a low free-stream turbulence environment. For this purpose, we present in this dissertation an original re-calibration of the Tc1 crossflow criterion, proposed by Menter and Smirnov in 2014 and based on a local formulation of the renowned empirical C1 criterion of Daniel Arnal. This re-calibrated criterion notably extends the existing γ model for stationary crossflow transition prediction around threedimensional non-wing-like geometries

GALLICCHIO, Gisele Soares. "Eliminação: uma desterritorialização da violência (linhas transversais aos territórios escolares)"., 2012.

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GALLICCHIO, Gisele Soares. Eliminação: uma desterritorialização da violência (linhas transversais aos territórios escolares). 2012. 189f. – Tese (Doutorado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza (CE), 2012.
Submitted by Márcia Araújo ( on 2014-03-11T14:28:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2012-TESE-GSGALLICCHIO.pdf: 2082680 bytes, checksum: 62b9eb1bf3d4097edd104936e2bdccd9 (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo( on 2014-03-11T17:34:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2012-TESE-GSGALLICCHIO.pdf: 2082680 bytes, checksum: 62b9eb1bf3d4097edd104936e2bdccd9 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-03-11T17:34:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2012-TESE-GSGALLICCHIO.pdf: 2082680 bytes, checksum: 62b9eb1bf3d4097edd104936e2bdccd9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012
Esta tese procura diferenciar violência de eliminação fazendo uso do pensamento de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari. Inúmeros eventos vêm assinalando uma percepção diferente da vida e de seus componentes de valoração. A pesquisa busca contribuir com elementos “exteriores” àquilo que a escola, tradicionalmente, compreende em seu perímetro de práticas (e seu referencial teórico-conceitual). Um cruzamento de linhas faz romper as segmentaridades da esfera educacional. A segmentarização dispõe a escola, por escalonamento e por contigüidade, em uma sequência de etapas destinadas ao mercado. A eliminação vem indicar um investimento no processo de subjetivação, que implica a atualização do capital, caracterizando mudanças de um modo de vida. Novas escalas, provocadas pelo devir silício, geram afetos e afecções, colocando em jogo forças demarcadas em acontecimentos, que podem ser expressos pelos verbos eliminar, deletar, exterminar e selecionar. A tese procura seguir o percurso da eliminação num processo de desterritorialização da violência, quando incitada pelas práticas de consumo, reterritorializada nas estratégias de controle e absorvida pela subjetividade capitalística. A relação entre eliminar e consumir anuncia não apenas a excitação ao poder de compra e de aquisição de produtos-mercadorias, mas posturas subjetivantes geradas com a equivalência do eliminar aos atos de gastar, destruir, liquidar. A eliminação passa a engendrar as sociedades de controle que, através das máquinas comunicacionais e informacionais, investem no deletar. Ações e as condutas, sobrecodificadas em cotações e índices, reproduzem os mecanismos do capital financeiro numa espécie de pedagogia exercida nas redes sociais e nos jogos digitais. As estratégias intensificam-se, modulando os eliminar e o deletar em exterminar . Elas permeiam diferentes territórios existenciais: do funcionamento das empresas às chacinas escolares. Os vetores de desterritorialização apontam a potência de criação da eliminação através do selecionar. Esse sentido é detectado no filme Ben X, baseado na vida de um adolescente autista que sofre bullying, ao trazer uma dimensão ética e estética, demarcando as linhas de fuga capazes de afirmar a diferença e de produzir de um novo modo de vida.
L’idée de cette thèse est celle de délimiter la différence entre la violence et l’élimination , à partir de la pensée proposée par Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari. L’occurrence de plusieurs changements dans l’état des choses signalent une perception différente de la vie et, par conséquent, dans leurs composantes de valorisation. Cette étude cherche à apporter une contribution à partir de l’analyse d’éléments « extérieurs » à ce que l’école, de façon traditionnelle, inclut dans son périmètre de pratiques (et dans son cadre théorique). Située dans les contours de la sphère éducative, c’est dans le carrefour des lignes qu’il y a la rupture des segmentaritées. Sa segmentation configure l’école par (i) le fractionnement et par (ii) la contiguïté autour d’ une séquence destinée au marché de travail. L’action d’élimination se centre sur soi-même en produisant un investissement dans le processus de subjectivité/subjectivation, lequel met à jour du capital, en apportant des changements dans le mode de vie. De nouvelles escales, provoquées par le « devenir silice », produisent des affects et des affections, et mettent en jeu des forces marquées par des événements ; lesquels peuvent, à leur tour, se manifester par les verbes éliminer, supprimer, exterminer et sélectionner. Ceci étant établi, la présente thèse cherche à suivre le parcours de l’élimination dans une procédure de « déterritorialisation » de la violence, lors de son développement par les pratiques de consommation ; Cela conduit à sa reterritorialisation à travers les stratégies de contrôle et l’amène a être par la subjectivité du capital. De plus, le rapport entre l’action d’éliminer et de consommer n’annonce pas simplement l’abandon au pouvoir d’achat et d’acquisition de produits-marchandises, mais plutôt un comportement dont la caractéristique est la subjectivité comme engendrée par l’équivalence de l’action éliminatoire à travers des actes comme gaspiller, détruire, liquider. L’élimination devient partie composante de la société de contrôle, laquelle, à travers les machines communicationnelles et informationnelles se trouve être la principale responsable de l’investissement de l’action de supprimer. Les actions et les comportements, sur-codifiées en cotations et indices, reproduisent la mécanique du capital financier dans une sorte de pédagogie matérialisée dans les réseaux sociaux et dans les jeux numériques. Ainsi, les stratégies renforcées produisent une espèce de variation sur les actes d’éliminer et de supprimer, lesquelles se convertissent en action d’exterminer. Elles traversent divers territoires de l’existence : du fonctionnement des entreprises jusqu’aux tueries scolaires. Les vecteurs de déterritorialisation jouent un rôle non négligeable, voire déterminant, en direction du potentiel de l’élimination à travers l’acte de sélectionner. Cette appréhension est perceptible dans le film Ben X, relatant la vie d’un adolescent autiste qui souffre « du harcèlement scolaire » et portant une dimension éthique et esthétique. Ce genre d’événement produit des lignes de fuite, lesquelles rendent possible l’affirmation (ou l’émergence) de la différence et de produire, par là, une nouvelle façon de vivre.

Juver, Jovita Rasch Bracht. "Modos em vigas com secção transversal de variação linear". reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2002.

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O objetivo principal deste trabalho é a obtenção dos modos e as freqüências naturais de vigas de variação linear e em forma de cunha, com condições de contorno clássicas e não-clássicas, descritas pelo modelo estrutural de Euler-Bernoulli. A forma dos modos foi determinado com o uso das funções cilíndricas. No caso forçado se considera uma força harmônica e se resolve o problema pelo método espectral, utuilizando o software simbólico Maple V5. Realiza-se uma análise comparativa dos resultados obtidos com os resultados existentes na literatura para vigas uniformes.

Gottardi, Thiago. "Reúso de frameworks transversais com apoio de modelos". Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2012.

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Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:05:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4450.pdf: 5302294 bytes, checksum: a12e396d985ac3fe2e63b38cc999decf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-07-04
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Aspect-Oriented programming was created to modularize the so-called crosscutting concerns . Crosscutting concerns have some properties that cannot be fully modularized with the object-oriented paradigm. After that, aspect-oriented frameworks were created in order to make reuse of different concern codes easier. Among these frameworks, Crosscutting Frameworks are aspect-oriented frameworks specifically created for crosscutting concern code modularization, for instance, persistence, distribution, concurrency and business rules. Currently, these frameworks are usually distributed as source code and must be reused by extending classes, aspects and methods. Reusing these frameworks in code-level require application developers to worry about implementation issues, that affects understandability, productivity and quality of final software. In this thesis, the objective is to raise abstraction level by applying a new model-driven approach for crosscutting framework reuse, which also allows reusability during earlier development phases. Experiments were conducted in order to compare the productivity of the proposed process with the conventional reuse technique, which is based on source-code edition. It was identified that the proposed process has advantages during the reuse activity, however, no advantages were detected while maintaining an application coupled to a crosscutting framework.
A programação orientada a aspectos foi criada para permitir a modularização de um tipo de interesse de software denominado de interesse transversal , que não pode ser completamente modularizado com paradigmas como o orientado a objetos. Com o uso do paradigma orientado a aspectos, vários pesquisadores começaram a pesquisar como determinados interesses transversais poderiam ser modularizados de formas genéricas para aumentar suas possibilidades de reúso, fazendo surgir Frameworks Orientados a Aspectos e também o termo Frameworks Transversais. Framework Transversal é um tipo de framework orientado a aspectos que tem o objetivo de permitir o reúso de código de interesses transversais, como persistência, distribuição, concorrência ou regras de negócio. Em geral, esses frameworks são disponibilizados na forma de código-fonte e devem ser reusados por meio da edição de código. Realizar o reúso neste nível faz com que engenheiros de aplicação tenham que se preocupar com detalhes da implementação do framework, afetando o entendimento, a produtividade e a qualidade do software final. Neste trabalho, o objetivo é elevar o nível de abstração do processo de reúso de frameworks transversais, propondo um processo dirigido por modelos que permite iniciar o processo de reúso nas fases antecedentes à implementação. Experimentos foram realizados para comparar o tempo de aplicar no novo processo com o processo de edição de código-fonte. Foi identificado que o novo processo possui vantagens em diminuir o tempo para reusar os frameworks, porém, não foram encontradas vantagens durante a manutenção de aplicações acopladas a frameworks transversais.

Gallicchio, Gisele Soares. "EliminaÃÃo: uma desterritoriarizaÃÃo da violÃncia (linhas transversais aos territÃrios escolares)". Universidade Federal do CearÃ, 2012.

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CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior
LâidÃe de cette thÃse est celle de dÃlimiter la diffÃrence entre la violence et lâÃlimination , à partir de la pensÃe proposÃe par Gilles Deleuze et FÃlix Guattari. Lâoccurrence de plusieurs changements dans lâÃtat des choses signalent une perception diffÃrente de la vie et, par consÃquent, dans leurs composantes de valorisation. Cette Ãtude cherche à apporter une contribution à partir de lâanalyse dâÃlÃments  extÃrieurs  à ce que lâÃcole, de faÃon traditionnelle, inclut dans son pÃrimÃtre de pratiques (et dans son cadre thÃorique). SituÃe dans les contours de la sphÃre Ãducative, câest dans le carrefour des lignes quâil y a la rupture des segmentaritÃes. Sa segmentation configure lâÃcole par (i) le fractionnement et par (ii) la contiguÃtà autour dâ une sÃquence destinÃe au marchà de travail. Lâaction dâÃlimination se centre sur soi-mÃme en produisant un investissement dans le processus de subjectivitÃ/subjectivation, lequel met à jour du capital, en apportant des changements dans le mode de vie. De nouvelles escales, provoquÃes par le  devenir silice Â, produisent des affects et des affections, et mettent en jeu des forces marquÃes par des ÃvÃnements ; lesquels peuvent, à leur tour, se manifester par les verbes Ãliminer, supprimer, exterminer et sÃlectionner. Ceci Ãtant Ãtabli, la prÃsente thÃse cherche à suivre le parcours de lâÃlimination dans une procÃdure de  dÃterritorialisation  de la violence, lors de son dÃveloppement par les pratiques de consommation ; Cela conduit à sa reterritorialisation à travers les stratÃgies de contrÃle et lâamÃne a Ãtre par la subjectività du capital. De plus, le rapport entre lâaction dâÃliminer et de consommer nâannonce pas simplement lâabandon au pouvoir dâachat et dâacquisition de produits-marchandises, mais plutÃt un comportement dont la caractÃristique est la subjectività comme engendrÃe par lâÃquivalence de lâaction Ãliminatoire à travers des actes comme gaspiller, dÃtruire, liquider. LâÃlimination devient partie composante de la sociÃtà de contrÃle, laquelle, à travers les machines communicationnelles et informationnelles se trouve Ãtre la principale responsable de lâinvestissement de lâaction de supprimer. Les actions et les comportements, sur-codifiÃes en cotations et indices, reproduisent la mÃcanique du capital financier dans une sorte de pÃdagogie matÃrialisÃe dans les rÃseaux sociaux et dans les jeux numÃriques. Ainsi, les stratÃgies renforcÃes produisent une espÃce de variation sur les actes dâÃliminer et de supprimer, lesquelles se convertissent en action dâexterminer. Elles traversent divers territoires de lâexistence : du fonctionnement des entreprises jusquâaux tueries scolaires. Les vecteurs de dÃterritorialisation jouent un rÃle non nÃgligeable, voire dÃterminant, en direction du potentiel de lâÃlimination à travers lâacte de sÃlectionner. Cette apprÃhension est perceptible dans le film Ben X, relatant la vie dâun adolescent autiste qui souffre  du harcÃlement scolaire  et portant une dimension Ãthique et esthÃtique. Ce genre dâÃvÃnement produit des lignes de fuite, lesquelles rendent possible lâaffirmation (ou lâÃmergence) de la diffÃrence et de produire, par lÃ, une nouvelle faÃon de vivre.
Esta tese procura diferenciar violÃncia de eliminaÃÃo fazendo uso do pensamento de Gilles Deleuze e FÃlix Guattari. InÃmeros eventos vÃm assinalando uma percepÃÃo diferente da vida e de seus componentes de valoraÃÃo. A pesquisa busca contribuir com elementos âexterioresâ Ãquilo que a escola, tradicionalmente, compreende em seu perÃmetro de prÃticas (e seu referencial teÃrico-conceitual). Um cruzamento de linhas faz romper as segmentaridades da esfera educacional. A segmentarizaÃÃo dispÃe a escola, por escalonamento e por contigÃidade, em uma sequÃncia de etapas destinadas ao mercado. A eliminaÃÃo vem indicar um investimento no processo de subjetivaÃÃo, que implica a atualizaÃÃo do capital, caracterizando mudanÃas de um modo de vida. Novas escalas, provocadas pelo devir silÃcio, geram afetos e afecÃÃes, colocando em jogo forÃas demarcadas em acontecimentos, que podem ser expressos pelos verbos eliminar, deletar, exterminar e selecionar. A tese procura seguir o percurso da eliminaÃÃo num processo de desterritorializaÃÃo da violÃncia, quando incitada pelas prÃticas de consumo, reterritorializada nas estratÃgias de controle e absorvida pela subjetividade capitalÃstica. A relaÃÃo entre eliminar e consumir anuncia nÃo apenas a excitaÃÃo ao poder de compra e de aquisiÃÃo de produtos-mercadorias, mas posturas subjetivantes geradas com a equivalÃncia do eliminar aos atos de gastar, destruir, liquidar. A eliminaÃÃo passa a engendrar as sociedades de controle que, atravÃs das mÃquinas comunicacionais e informacionais, investem no deletar. AÃÃes e as condutas, sobrecodificadas em cotaÃÃes e Ãndices, reproduzem os mecanismos do capital financeiro numa espÃcie de pedagogia exercida nas redes sociais e nos jogos digitais. As estratÃgias intensificam-se, modulando os eliminar e o deletar em exterminar . Elas permeiam diferentes territÃrios existenciais: do funcionamento das empresas Ãs chacinas escolares. Os vetores de desterritorializaÃÃo apontam a potÃncia de criaÃÃo da eliminaÃÃo atravÃs do selecionar. Esse sentido à detectado no filme Ben X, baseado na vida de um adolescente autista que sofre bullying, ao trazer uma dimensÃo Ãtica e estÃtica, demarcando as linhas de fuga capazes de afirmar a diferenÃa e de produzir de um novo modo de vida.

Sousa, Eduardo Colombo. "Otimização da eficiência do modo TEM00 em lasers de Nd:YLF de alta potência bombeados lateralmente". Universidade de São Paulo, 2008.

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Para muitas aplicações de um laser, é necessário um feixe com boa qualidade no modo fundamental. Neste trabalho são investigadas as condições para se obter alta eficiência e qualidade do feixe, otimizando o acoplamento do modo fundamental com a região do meio ativo excitada pelo bombeamento, por meio da utilização de cavidades inovadoras. A maior eficiência já reportada para um laser de Nd:YLF com oscilação em 1053 nm sob bombeamento transversal por diodo é demonstrada usando uma cavidade compacta baseada em uma reflexão interna total na face de bombeamento, obtendo-se uma potência máxima de saída multimodo de 9,5W para 21W de bombeamento, o que corresponde a 45% de conversão óptica. Uma melhora significativa na qualidade do feixe é demonstrada por meio do desenvolvimento de uma cavidade com duas reflexões no meio ativo, obtendo-se uma potência máxima no modo fundamental de 6,9W com fator de qualidade M2 do feixe igual a 1,16 x 1,05 nas direções horizontal e vertical, respectivamente.
For many laser applications high beam quality in fundamental mode is necessary. In this work we study the conditions that achieve high efficiency and high beam quality by optimizing the overlap between the fundamental mode and the excited region inside the active medium, using novel cavities. The highest efficiency reported so far for diode side pumped 1053 nm Nd:YLF lasers is demonstrated using a compact cavity design based on total internal reflection at the pumped face, obtaining a maximum output power of 9,5W in multimode operation for 21W of pump power, which represents 45% of optical efficiency. Beam quality improvement is demonstrated using a cavity with two bounces at the active medium, achieving a maximum output power of 6,9W during fundamental operation with M2 beam quality factor of 1,16 x 1,05 in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
In this work, it is developed a study of the transverse vibrations of a system composed by two parallel strings of equal length, coupled by a viscoelastic element. The frequencies and mode shapes are obtained using modal analysis and a block matrix formulation for the system. The mode shapes are written by the dynamic basis, composed by the solution of a second order problem with impulsive initial conditions, and its first derivative. In the undamped case, different cases of the problem are considered by varying the parameters of the strings. The orthogonality of the mode shapes and the impulse response matrix are used to solve the undamped forced case. In the damped case, it is considered again the matrix formulation and use dynamic basis, and we present an uncoupled problem from simplifications of the system parameters. The damped forced vibrations are studied using the adjoint modal method, from which there is an orthogonality between the mode shapes of the original system and the mode shapes of the adjoint system associated, allowing the uncoupling and solvability of the system. The forced response is determined by using the matrix fundamental response.
Neste trabalho é realizado um estudo sobre as vibrações transversais de um sistema formado por duas cordas paralelas, de mesmo comprimento, acopladas através de um elemento viscoelástico do tipo Winkler. As frequêencias e os modos de vibração são obtidos utilizando-se a análise modal e uma formulação matricial em blocos para o sistema. Os modos de vibração são escritos através da base dinâmica, composta pela solução de um problema de segunda ordem com condições iniciais impulsivas, e sua primeira derivada. No caso não amortecido são considerados diferentes casos para o problema, variando-se os parãmetros das cordas. A ortogonalidade dos modos e a resposta impulso matricial são usadas para resolver o caso forçado sem amortecimento. No caso amortecido, é apresentado um problema desacoplado a partir de simplificações nos parâmetros do sistema. As vibrações forçadas com amortecimento são estudadas usando-se o método modal adjunto, a partir do qual, existe uma ortogonalidade entre os modos de vibração do sistema original e os modos de vibração do sistema adjunto, possibilitando o desacoplamento e resolução do sistema. A resposta forçada é determinada usando a resposta fundamental matricial.

Fröhlich, Clarice. "Estudo modal de estruturas com propriedades descontínuas na seção transversal". reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2001.

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O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi desenvolver o estudo moda! de estrut uras com propriedades descontínuas na seção transversal, através do modelo de Euler-Bernoulli. Tais descontinuidades são de tipo degrau para a massa por unidade de comprimento e para a rigidez flexural. Considerando diversas condições de contorno e a base espectral clássica, obtém-se graficamente os cinco primeiros modos normais clássicos, mediante uma abordagem matricial que discrimina a informação entre as condições de contorno e o tipo de base de funções usada. Também é mostrada a vibração forçada correspondente a cada tipo de viga, deduzida a partir do método de Fourier.
The main objective of this research was to develop a modal survey of structures with discontinuous cross-sectional properties, through the Euler-Bernoulli model. Such discontinuities are step type for the mass per unit length and the bending stiffness. Considering different boundary conditions and a classical spectral basis, the first five classical normal modes result in a graphic view, through a matrix approach discriminating the information between boundary conditions and the kind of basis of functions used. The forced vibration for each kind of beam, derived from the Fourier method, is also shown.

Fernàndez, Chacón Albert. "Demographic analysis and population models in ecology, evolution and conservation: a transversal approach with case studies = L’anàlisi demogràfica i els models poblacionals en ecologia, evolució i conservació: un enfoc transversal amb casos d’estudi". Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2013.

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Population ecology is a scientific discipline primarily interested in the ecological processes that make the number of individuals in a population to change over space and time, and by focusing on populations as fundamental units, this discipline allows studying processes at multiple scales of ecological complexity, linking basic ecological science with evolutionary studies and more applied disciplines such as conservation biology. Inference about the responses of population to change are made via observational studies that focus at either the individual or population level in order to estimate key vital rates and to determine the primary drivers of system dynamics. However, a problem of observational studies is that quite often the ecological and observational processes are confounded, leading to biased estimates and wrong conclusions about a population, so more specific and robust analytical approaches need to be applied for a correct scientific study of the populations. In this thesis, I have consistently applied a methodological approach that allows the study of population processes by separating ecological and observational processes via the estimation and modelling of key demographic parameters. By means of chapters 1 to 4, I provide several examples of this methodology via the analysis of demographic data belonging to different species and levels of population complexity that also reflect different biological questions and scientific applications. Field data for this thesis was collected using either capture-recapture or detection-non detection sampling techniques and were provided via collaborations with different researchers and institutions. Chapters 1 and 2 focus on discrete mediterranean tortoise (Testudo hermanni) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations, respectively. These populations are closed to dispersal processes and in both chapters I focused on stage-dependent local survival rates that were estimated using capture-recapture models that take into account recapture probabilities. Given that individuals were classified according to body size, in the case of the brown trout populations, I could apply multistate capture-recapture models to estimate individual growth and maturation rates across different populations. In both chapters, survival dynamics were modelled using external covariates (temperature and/or precipitation) that explained part of the observed variation in survival. In the case of tortoises, the obtained survival-precipitation relationship was used to perform several population viability analyses under future precipitation scenarios to forecast the extinction risk of the species across their global geographic distribution. Chapters 3 and 4 focus on population networks connected by dispersal processes. Chapter 3 is strictly focused on adult dispersal and so analyses a capture-recapture dataset collected over 4 local populations of Audouin’s gull (Larus audouinii) in the Western Mediterranean. In Chapter 4 I analysed a large database on butterfly species collected at 26 sites in Catalonia over 17 years and focused on species’ extinction-colonization dynamics at a large geographical scale. In both chapters, two relatively recent analytical approaches, the multievent modelling (chapter 3) and the multiseason or dynamic occupancy modelling (chapter 4) were applied. The application of such modelling tools allowed, in the case of gulls, to control recapture heterogeneities and to study individual dispersal both in and out of the study area, by means of the addition of unobservable states in the model. In the case of butterflies, a common candidate model set was applied to 73 butterfly species, obtaining specific extinction and colonization rates corrected for species’ detectability, which allowed assessing the influence of the species’ traits on occupancy dynamics. Covariate modelling became much more complex in these chapters, but allowed the identification of different habitat and environmental variables related to dispersal, extinction and colonization processes that are of high value in the conservation and management of the species under study.
L’ecologia de poblacions és una branca multidisciplinària de l’ecologia que, al considerar les poblacions com a unitats biològiques fonamentals, permet establir nexes d’unió entre l’ecologia bàsica, els estudis evolutius i la biologia de la conservació. L’estudi de les respostes demogràfiques als canvis ambientals es realitza per mitjà del monitoratge de poblacions, però per a un coneixement detallat dels processos ecològics que determinen les dinàmiques poblacionals cal fer server eines d’anàlisi robustes que ens permetin estimar i modelitzar paràmetres poblacionals tenint en compte la detecció imperfecta dels processos ecològics. Aquest enfoc metodològic ha estat aplicat a l’anàlisi de les dades de monitoratge poblacional dut a terme en aquesta tesi, on cada capítol representa una aplicació metodològica per a respondre a qüestions biològiques específices al llarg de diferents nivells de complexitat ecològica. Els capitols 1 i 2 és centren en poblacions discretes de tortuga mediterrània i truita comuna, respectivament. En aquest capítols vaig aplicar diferents models de captura-recaptura per obtenir estimes de supervivència per a diferents estadis vitals, i, en el cas del capitol 2, estimes de creixement individual. L´ús de covariables va permetre avaluar l’efecte de la meteorologia en la supervivència, i en el cas de la tortuga, aquesta relació fóu utilitzada per a realitzar simulacions sota diferents escenaris de canvi climatic, proporcionant riscos d’extinció al llarg de tota la distribució mundial de l’espècie. Els capitols 3 i 4 es centren en l’estudi de xarxes poblacionals i en concret, en l’estudi de la dispersió i els processos d’extinció i colonització d’espècies fent servir com a models biològics la gavina corsa i la comunitat de papallones diurnes de Catalunya. En el cas de la gavina, vaig aplicar models de captura-recaptura multievent per controlar biaixos i obtenir estimes de dispersió adulta tant a dins com a fora de l’àrea d’estudi. L’aplicació de models d’ocupació dinàmica va perpetre obtindre estimes robustes de probabilitats d’extinció i clonització per a 73 espècies de papallones. En ambdòs casos, diferents variables externes varen ser examinades i es varen identificar diferents factors ambientals relacionats amb processos de dispersió i recanvi poblacional que poden ajudar al desenvolupament d’estratègies de conservació.

Libros sobre el tema "Modes transversaux":


Haque, Wahidul. Transversal mappings and disequilibrium analysis. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1985.

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Wacquant, Loïc. Four Transversal Principles for Putting Bourdieu to Work. Editado por Thomas Medvetz y Jeffrey J. Sallaz. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Chapter abstract This chapter spotlights four transversal principles that undergird and animate Bourdieu’s research practice, and can fruitfully guide inquiry on any empirical front: the Bachelardian imperative of epistemological rupture and vigilance; the Weberian command to effect the triple historicization of the agent (habitus), the world (social space, of which field is but a subtype), and the categories of the analyst (epistemic reflexivity); the Leibnizian-Durkheimian invitation to deploy the topological mode of reasoning to track the mutual correspondences between symbolic space, social space, and physical space; and the Cassirer moment urging us to recognize the constitutive efficacy of symbolic structures. The chapter also flags three traps that Bourdieusian explorers of the social world should exercise special care to avoid: the fetishization of concepts, the seductions of “speaking Bourdieuse” while failing to carry out the research operations Bourdieu’s notions stipulate, and the forced imposition of his theoretical framework en bloc.

Lupi, Marcello. Citizenship and Civic Subdivisions. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The creation of civic subdivisions is a relevant chapter in any discussion of archaic Greek citizenship. The Spartan case is particularly interesting because, although extremely scanty, the sources testify to an early effort to organize the citizen body into formal structures. Contrary to the dominant model, which has the Spartans distributed into two transversal structures of civic membership, one kinship-based (the three Dorian phylai) and the other one territorial (the alleged five obai), here a new model is proposed. An examination of the relevant evidence shows, in fact, that the obai were an internal subdivision of the phylai. While being a member of these civic subdivisions was a prerequisite for citizenship, social cohesion was strengthened by participation in collective practices whereby the members of the Spartan community recognized each other as fellow citizens.

Soares, Renata Araújo. O Estado de coisas inconstitucional e a calamidade do sistema penitenciário: Diretrizes constitucionais para uma política transversal de segurança pública. Brazil Publishing, 2021.

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The present dissertation aims to establish, initially, a scientific correspondence between the State of Unconstitutional Things, previously recognized by the Supreme Federal Court on September 9th, 2015, in the judgment of the allegation of fundamental precept’s violation nº 347 and the continuous calamity in the penitentiary system of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, which was decreed in March 2015 and persists until 2018. From the link proposed here, the local factual elements which, together, characterize a scenario of serious systemic violations of human rights will be analyzed – through deductive and documentary way, with bibliographic support. Next, the urgent necessity to break the traditional model of regional public security and the consequent structuring of a public security priority policy with a transversal and articulated performance, based on the accomplishment of actions of intelligence and on the citizen emancipation will be demonstrated. Therefore, from the perspective of structural judicial activism, the State of Unconstitutional Things can be seen as an important decision-making technique used to stimulate the need for dialogical and intersectoral practices among various public agencies and civil society in solving issues related to collective demands of high complexity. The relevance of this constitutional study can be reinforced with the existence of Bill nº 736/2015, intended to set legal limits “on the state of unconstitutional things and significant commitment” and with the Law No. 13,675 of June 11th, 2018, which disciplined the National Public Security Policy (PNSPDS) and the Public Security System (Susp). In force since July 12th, 2018, the aforementioned Federal Law expresses “public security actions and transversal policies” as guidelines of the National Public Security Policy (article 5, IV). In this sense, faced with social contexts of extreme vulnerability, as perceived in all the state of Rio Grande do Norte since the public security crisis aggravation for more than three consecutive years, the definition of new constitutional guidelines and the promotion of integrated public policies within the regional prison system are urgent measures. Keywords: State of Unconstitutional Things. Prison System. Public Security. Human Rights. Public Politics.

Enjeux de la transition écologique. EDP Sciences, 2021.

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Cet ouvrage, aux nombreuses illustrations, donne une vision transversale des changements environnementaux d'échelle mondiale que connaît notre planète aux limites finies. Son objectif est, en particulier, de faire comprendre les mécanismes et conséquences du réchauffement climatique et de l'érosion de la biodiversité ainsi que leurs relations avec nos modes de vie et de consommation. Pour l'essentiel, il reprend l'un des premiers enseignements numériques délivrés à grande échelle en 2020 sur les « Enjeux de la transition écologique » auprès de plusieurs milliers d'étudiants de licence de toutes disciplines de l'Université Paris-Saclay. À l'instar de ce cours, cet ouvrage s'articule en quatre parties. Partant d'une perspective historique des évolutions du climat et de la biodiversité, les trois premières parties annoncent l'impact croissant de l'humanité sur les flux d'énergie et de matière de la planète et sur les trajectoires évolutives du vivant. Cet impact conditionne en retour la survie de nos sociétés et du monde tel que nous le savons. La quatrième et dernière partie de cet ouvrage offre un cadre de réflexions pour une transition vers un développement soutenable. Cette transition peut être une opportunité pour rembourser nos façons de produire, de travailler, de consommer, de nous déplacer, tout en visant l'équité sociale pour un « bien vivre ensemble » partagé sur la planète. Pour répondre à l'objectif de transversalité de l'ouvrage, plus de quarante enseignant(e)s-chercheurs(s) et chercheurs(euses) d'horizons différents y ont contribué, mêlant les savoirs des sciences de la nature aux sciences humaines et sociales en passant par le droit, l'économie, la gestion, l'agronomie et la médecine.

Capítulos de libros sobre el tema "Modes transversaux":


Romano, Alessandra. "Professional Development Tutoring: Comparing Italian and International Models". En Employability & Competences, 249–63. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2018.

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The paper presents the first outcomes of a comparative research of the incoming, on-going and outgoing practices of tutorship. The purposeful sample of universities extracted consisted of 18 Italian universities and 18 US universities. A tutorship concept in line with the transversal cross-curricular skills required for undergraduate and graduate students (Green Paper 2016, Dublin descriptors 2004) exceeds the vision of assistential tutorship and student tutoring practices, exercised by teachers and/or offered by services devoted to different types of intervention. The tutorship can be conceived as systemic and organizational action coherent in all phases with professionalising approach, starting from the earliest initiatives between school and university classrooms

Firmenich, Sergio, Silvia Gordillo, Gustavo Rossi y Marco Winckler. "Client-Side Adaptation: An Approach Based in Reutilization Using Transversal Models". En Current Trends in Web Engineering, 566–70. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

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Goliński, Marek, Małgorzata Spychała y Marek Miądowicz. "Model of Acquiring Transversal Competences Among Students on the Example of the Analysis of Communication Competences". En Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 351–65. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Zepeda, Rodolfo y Roberto Quintero. "Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP). A Transversal Model to Support Educational Continuity Fostering Resilience, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship". En Knowledge Studies in Higher Education, 137–47. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractThroughout its history, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), a public institution, has always been a guide of social and economic development of the state of Puebla. From one moment to another, the state was unexpectedly immersed in the Covid-19 pandemic that caused the sudden migration from a mostly face-to-face instructional model to an online one. Immediately, the institution summoned different staff members to define and analyze the situation and then establish actions to guarantee educational continuity.As part of this analysis, they identified opportunities specifically at the upper secondary level, which includes high school. In particular, one opportunity was to offer entrepreneurship courses in an online format, capitalizing on the experience gained from the undergraduate program. Given the characteristics of the pandemic, the analysis also highlighted that the crisis would have severe economic effects on the students and their families, diminishing their income.It is estimated that the entrepreneurship education program reached 18,000 people, including students, faculty members, and parents. Over 10,000 more people will be reached throughout the rest of the year. Therefore, it is essential to strengthen the resilience, innovation, and entrepreneurial capacity of the university ecosystem.

Zepeda, Rodolfo y Roberto Quintero. "Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP). A Transversal Model to Support Educational Continuity Fostering Resilience, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship". En Knowledge Studies in Higher Education, 137–47. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractThroughout its history, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), a public institution, has always been a guide of social and economic development of the state of Puebla. From one moment to another, the state was unexpectedly immersed in the Covid-19 pandemic that caused the sudden migration from a mostly face-to-face instructional model to an online one. Immediately, the institution summoned different staff members to define and analyze the situation and then establish actions to guarantee educational continuity.As part of this analysis, they identified opportunities specifically at the upper secondary level, which includes high school. In particular, one opportunity was to offer entrepreneurship courses in an online format, capitalizing on the experience gained from the undergraduate program. Given the characteristics of the pandemic, the analysis also highlighted that the crisis would have severe economic effects on the students and their families, diminishing their income.It is estimated that the entrepreneurship education program reached 18,000 people, including students, faculty members, and parents. Over 10,000 more people will be reached throughout the rest of the year. Therefore, it is essential to strengthen the resilience, innovation, and entrepreneurial capacity of the university ecosystem.

Krysko, Vadim A., Jan Awrejcewicz, Maxim V. Zhigalov, Valeriy F. Kirichenko y Anton V. Krysko. "Chaotic Dynamics of Closed Cylindrical Shells Under Local Transversal Load and Temperature Field (First-Order Kirchhoff–Love Approximation Model)". En Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics, 423–62. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Giarlelis, Christos, Evlalia Lamprinou y Constantinos Repapis. "Seismic Rehabilitation of a School Building in Cephalonia, Greece". En Case Studies on Conservation and Seismic Strengthening/Retrofitting of Existing Structures, 1–20. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2020.

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<p>The 2014 earthquake sequence in Cephalonia, Greece, resulted in a number of structural failures. In Argostoli, the capital of the island, a school building suffered light damage; however, the structural assessment following the analysis procedures of the recently published Greek Code for Structural Interventions, showed that seismic strengthening is required. The structure was built on the aftermath of the catastrophic 1953 Ionian earthquake sequence based on older code requirements, which are much outdated, as indicated from the results of both modal response spectrum analyses and non-linear static analyses. The retrofit aims to increase the very low structural capacity of the building and as a means for that the use of concrete jackets is selected. Based on the results of the assessment, it was decided that concrete jackets should be applied to all columns, while large structural walls running along the transversal direction were strengthened with single-sided reinforced concrete jacketing. The interventions are limited by architectural demands and cost considerations. However, analyses of the strengthened structure show that the interventions improve its seismic behaviour adequately. The detailing of interventions is thoroughly presented. What makes this case study interesting is the unusual structural system of the building, which is an ingenious combination of frame elements and lightly reinforced concrete walls and its behaviour to one of the strongest recent Greek earthquakes. The rehabilitation study had to model correctly the structure and propose interventions that were in agreement with the architectural demands and the cost consideration.</p>

Urso, Agostino y Francesco De Lorenzo. "The Neural Network Model for a Multimedia Reinterpretation of the Modern Movement. The Representation of Transversal and Coherent Relationships in the Artistic and Architectural Productions of the De Stijl Movement". En Digital Modernism Heritage Lexicon, 869–98. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Sánchez de la Rosa, José Luis, Silvia Alayón Miranda y Carina Soledad González. "Evaluation of Transversal Competences of the Engineering Students and their Relation to the Enterprise Requirements". En Enterprise Resource Planning Models for the Education Sector, 1–17. IGI Global, 2013.

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The importance of the evaluation of the transversal competences in engineering studies is explained in this chapter. Transversal competences are of great importance to enterprises that like to recruit students after their graduation. They look for trained professionals, thoroughly prepared not only to solve practical problems but also to be successfully integrated in a team work. Transversal competences are not directly related to the theoretical content of the curricula, and the assessment of the level of transversal competences developed through the university studies is not an easy task. A methodology for evaluating transversal skills during the Final Year Project (FYP) assessment is proposed. And a new modality of FYP to improve the acquisition of transversal skills is presented.

Fleck, Nathalie, Géraldine Michel y Sophie Rieunier. "Chapitre 7. Les modes d’expression de la marque". En Management transversal de la marque, 117–33. Dunod, 2013.

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Actas de conferencias sobre el tema "Modes transversaux":


Cholewinski, Mateusz, Wladyslaw Magiera y Alicja Mazur. "Experimental verification of transversal functions for trident snake robot". En 2014 19th International Conference on Methods & Models in Automation & Robotics (MMAR). IEEE, 2014.

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Duparré, M., B. Lüdge y S. Schröter. "ETALONs for pure and composite transversal modes". En Lasers and Applications in Science and Engineering, editado por Alexis V. Kudryashov, Alan H. Paxton, Vladimir S. Ilchenko, Adolf Giesen, Detlef Nickel, Steven J. Davis, Michael C. Heaven y J. Thomas Schriempf. SPIE, 2006.

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Steinke, Michael, Dietmar Kracht, Jörg Neumann, Peter Wessels y Sergii O. Iakushev. "Development of a comprehensive 3D model for transversal mode instability investigations". En Fiber Lasers and Glass Photonics: Materials through Applications, editado por Stefano Taccheo, Maurizio Ferrari y Jacob I. Mackenzie. SPIE, 2018.

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Eshmamatova, Dilfuza y Rasul Ganikhodzhaev. "Tournaments of Volterra type transversal operators acting in a simplex Sm−1". En INTERNATIONAL UZBEKISTAN-MALAYSIA CONFERENCE ON “COMPUTATIONAL MODELS AND TECHNOLOGIES (CMT2020)”: CMT2020. AIP Publishing, 2021.

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Katarzyna, Koter, Fracczak Lukasz, Wojtczak Anna, Bryl-Nagorska Barbara, Mizejewski Adrian y Sawicki Adam. "Static and dynamic properties investigation of new generation of transversal artificial muscle". En 2017 22nd International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR). IEEE, 2017.

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WANG, C. C. "Cascaded Single-Mode Fiber Optic Transversal Filters". En Cambridge Symposium-Fiber/LASE '86, editado por O. G. Ramer y Paul Sierak. SPIE, 1987.

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Bueno, Camila y Michael Brennan. "Longitudinal and Transversal wave modes interacting with asymmetric corrosion faults". En 7th International Symposium on Solid Mechanics. ABCM, 2019.

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Vignoli, Lucas L. y Marcelo M. Savi. "MICROMECHANICAL MODELS FOR TRANSVERSAL ELASTIC MODULUS IN UNIDIRECTIONAL LAMINATES". En Brazilian Conference on Composite Materials. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2018.

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Yoon, Jiman, Markus Mayer, Thomas Ebner, Karl Wagner y Achim Wixforth. "Advanced 2D periodic array and full transversal mode suppression". En 2013 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). IEEE, 2013.

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Miyatake, Shigehiro, Masaru Miyamoto, Takashi Morimoto, Yasuo Masaki y Hideki Tanabe. "Transversal direct readout CMOS APS with variable shutter mode". En Electronic Imaging 2002, editado por Morley M. Blouke, John Canosa y Nitin Sampat. SPIE, 2002.

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