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Artículos de revistas sobre el tema "Raising awareness of bias":


Scholey, J. M. y J. E. Harrison. "Publication bias: raising awareness of a potential problem in dental research". British Dental Journal 194, n.º 5 (marzo de 2003): 235–37.

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Ramos Salas, X., A. S. Alberga, E. Cameron, L. Estey, M. Forhan, S. F. L. Kirk, S. Russell-Mayhew y A. M. Sharma. "Addressing weight bias and discrimination: moving beyond raising awareness to creating change". Obesity Reviews 18, n.º 11 (9 de octubre de 2017): 1323–35.

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Case, Kim A. "Raising White Privilege Awareness and Reducing Racial Prejudice: Assessing Diversity Course Effectiveness". Teaching of Psychology 34, n.º 4 (octubre de 2007): 231–35.

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Many diversity courses in psychology originally aimed to reduce student racial bias and raise their awareness of racism. However, quantitative data testing the effectiveness of such courses are lacking. This study assessed a required diversity course's effectiveness in raising awareness of White privilege and racism; increasing support for affirmative action; and reducing prejudice, guilt, and fear of other races. Students ( N = 146) completed identical surveys during the first and last weeks of the semester. Results indicated greater awareness of White privilege and racism and more support for affirmative action by the end of the term. White students ( n = 131) also expressed greater White guilt after completing the course.

Hilsabeck, Robin C. "Editorial: raising awareness about gender bias and disparity in clinical neuropsychology and a call to action". Clinical Neuropsychologist 32, n.º 2 (17 de febrero de 2018): 183–85.

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Adebola Olaborede y Lirieka Meintjes-van der Walt. "Cognitive Bias Affecting Decision-Making in the Legal Process". Obiter 41, n.º 4 (24 de marzo de 2021): 806–30.

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Several empirical research studies have shown that cognitive bias can unconsciously distort inferences and interpretations made by judges either at the hearing, ruling or sentencing stage of a court trial and this may result in miscarriages of justice. This article examines how cognitive heuristics affects judicial decision-making with seven common manifestations of heuristics such as availability heuristics, confirmation bias, egocentric bias, anchoring, hindsight bias, framing and representativeness. This article contends that the different manifestations of heuristics pose a potentially serious risk to the quality and objectivity of any criminal case, despite the professional legal training and experience of judges and magistrates. Therefore, suggestions on how best to avoid and minimise the effects of cognitive heuristics, especially within South African courts are proffered. These include creating awareness raising, cross-examination and replacement.

Hoffmeister‐Ullerich, Sabine. "Competitive and Clonal Dominance Behavior: Raising Awareness of Their Role in Shape Generation". BioEssays 42, n.º 8 (8 de julio de 2020): 2000127.

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Strauß, Stefan. "Deep Automation Bias: How to Tackle a Wicked Problem of AI?" Big Data and Cognitive Computing 5, n.º 2 (20 de abril de 2021): 18.

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The increasing use of AI in different societal contexts intensified the debate on risks, ethical problems and bias. Accordingly, promising research activities focus on debiasing to strengthen fairness, accountability and transparency in machine learning. There is, though, a tendency to fix societal and ethical issues with technical solutions that may cause additional, wicked problems. Alternative analytical approaches are thus needed to avoid this and to comprehend how societal and ethical issues occur in AI systems. Despite various forms of bias, ultimately, risks result from eventual rule conflicts between the AI system behavior due to feature complexity and user practices with limited options for scrutiny. Hence, although different forms of bias can occur, automation is their common ground. The paper highlights the role of automation and explains why deep automation bias (DAB) is a metarisk of AI. Based on former work it elaborates the main influencing factors and develops a heuristic model for assessing DAB-related risks in AI systems. This model aims at raising problem awareness and training on the sociotechnical risks resulting from AI-based automation and contributes to improving the general explicability of AI systems beyond technical issues.

Maples, William James, Sandra L. Argenio, Linda Scaz y Jennifer Krippner. "A focus on culturally sensitive communication to transform institutional awareness of health care disparities." Journal of Clinical Oncology 36, n.º 30_suppl (20 de octubre de 2018): 69.

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69 Background: Healthcare organizations can cultivate the strength of a diverse workforce in creating a culture of excellence. Enabling the team to understand how personal and cultural beliefs affect our decision making and how we interact with patients and colleagues is integral. Gaps in care exist in cancer diagnoses and treatment in many minority groups. A need for education in the nature of assumptions, unconscious biases, and awareness around the existence of healthcare disparities, was identified through culture transformation work within multiple healthcare institutions. Methods: An experiential course was designed for multi-disciplinary groups of providers. Designed to meet the evolving demographics in the country and help participants recognize how their own cultural beliefs and values affect their decision making. Topics include cultural awareness, assumptions and unconscious bias, effective use of interpreters, and skills to recognize when cultural differences may be playing a role and how to successfully navigate these situations. Raising awareness of healthcare disparities is highlighted, including disparities in cancer care diagnosis, treatment and outcomes for different ethnicities and socioeconomic groups. Examples include disparities in diagnosis, treatment and outcomes of lung cancer, colon cancer and breast cancer in minorities. Results: Participants engage in skills-based work. Participants develop a plan how they can take this information and education back to help create an awareness of disparities and skills to successfully navigate these situations. After this program, participants will be cognizant of the nature of assumptions and unconscious bias and understand the strength of diversity as an asset rather than a hindrance. Conclusions: Healthcare disparities can have a significant impact on patient experience, quality and outcomes. Specific inequities in cancer diagnosis and treatment in minorities is highlighted. Participants are provided with information and skills that can be introduced to their home institutions to have all caregivers recognize and successfully navigate culturally sensitive situations.

W Brown, David, Griffith Feeney y Anthony H Burton. "Raising Awareness Among Immunization Programme Managers to the Potential Bias Resulting from the Application of Fixed Factors to Obtain Target Population Size Estimates". Open Public Health Journal 5, n.º 1 (5 de junio de 2012): 15–18.

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Goldstein, Susan B. "Cross-Cultural Psychology as a Curriculum Transformation Resource". Teaching of Psychology 22, n.º 4 (diciembre de 1995): 228–32.

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Many teachers of psychology are turning to the cross-cultural literature in their efforts to address issues of diversity in their courses. This cannot be accomplished, however, by simply inserting findings from cross-cultural research into general psychology courses. Along with changes in course content, we must address ways of presenting this material effectively and the possible impact of these efforts on classroom dynamics. Recommendations are made for more effective use of cross-cultural resources that concern (a) avoiding the marginalization of cross-cultural materials and perspectives, (b) raising awareness about bias within the cross-cultural literature, (c) avoiding the creation or reinforcement of stereotypes, (d) using accurate terminology to make cross-cultural comparisons, (e) distinguishing between emics and etics, and (f) creating a classroom environment in which diversity is valued.

Tesis sobre el tema "Raising awareness of bias":


Nordström, Rebecca A. y Hannah Björnlinger. "Artificiell intelligens- mer än bara en stödfunktion? : En kvalitativ undersökning hur artificiell intelligens kan medvetandegöra bias i en rekryteringsprocess". Thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Institutionen för kultur och samhälle, 2021.

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Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med en djupare förståelse för hur rekryterare använder Artificiell Intelligens (AI) i en rekryteringsprocess för att medvetandegöra bias. Tidigare forskning visar att arbetssökandens chanser till arbete påverkas av rekryterarens bias, detta gör att arbetssökanden inte bedöms utefter kompetens. Tidigare studier visar att arbetssökanden missgynnas baserat på olika egenskaper, kopplat till etnicitet, ålder och kön. Rekryteringsprocessen är i ett behov av verktyg som minskar denna bias, där forskning visar att AI-system kan vara ett sådant verktyg. I denna studie har vi inkluderat respondenter som besitter erfarenhet av AI-system i en urvalsprocess. Studien genomförs med en kvalitativ forskningsansats där åtta respondenter har inkluderats. Empirin har analyserats genom en tematisk analys där sex teman identifierats. Resultatet presenterar olika faktorer som jämförs mot tidigare forskning där diskussionen behandlar de mest centrala från studien. Resultatet visar att alla respondenter är överens om att alla människor innehar bias som påverkar urvalsprocessen. AI-system tar bort fokus från etnicitet, ålder och kön, därmed upplever respondenterna att AI-systemet kan medvetandegöra bias eftersom systemet baserar rangordning av arbetssökande utifrån kompetens. Studien lyfter vad som anses behövas av rekryterare för att möjliggöra för AI att kunna medvetandegöra bias. Avslutningsvis visar resultatet att AI-system kräver kontinuerlig utveckling. Med rätt förutsättningar kan AI medvetandegöra bias, bortse från synliga attribut och bedöma arbetssökande efter kompetens.
The purpose of this study is to contribute with a deeper understanding of how recruiters use Artificial Intelligence (AI) in a recruitment process to raise awareness of bias. Previous research shows that applicant chances of getting a job are affected by the recruiter's bias, this means that applicants are not assessed on competence. Previous studies show that applicants are disadvantaged based on different characteristics, linked to ethnicity, age and gender. The recruitment process has a need of tools that reduce this bias, where research shows that AI systems can be such a tool. In this study, we have included participants who have experience of AI systems in a selection process. The study is carried out with a qualitative research approach where eight participants have been included. The empirics have been analysed through a thematic analysis where six themes have been identified. The results present various factors that are compared to previous research where the discussion deals with the most central from the study. The results show that all participants agree that all people have biases that affect the selection process. AI systems remove focus from ethnicity, age and gender, participants believe that the AI system can raise awareness of bias because the ranking is based on applicant’s competence. The study highlights what is considered needed by recruiters to enable AI to be able to raise awareness of bias. In conclusion, the results show that AI systems require continuous development. With the right conditions, AI can raise awareness of bias, ignore visible attributes and assess jobseekers according to competence.

Anderson, Kelly. "Raising Awareness through Ecotourism Architecture". University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2009.

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Smith, Alison. "Raising environmental awareness through performance art". Online pdf file accessible through the World Wide Web, 2007.

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Ivarsson, Linus y Rickard Johansson. "ACQUIRING “BIG” KNOWLEDGE : RAISING AWARENESS OF PITFALLS". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 2012.

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This report highlights the complexity of engaging in a post-acquisition integration process of a relatively large knowledge-intensive firm. Findings from a case study is analyzed in relation to previous theory, resulting in four propositions aiming at creating a foundation for further theory development, as well as increased understanding among practitioners in relation to the emphasized problem. It is argued by the authors that increased relative acquisition size of knowledge-intensive firms will: 1) increase demand for a centralized organizational structure, 2) decrease benefits of introducing a new top management, 3) decrease communicative attention towards lower levels, and 4) decrease attention towards subcultures. These factors will ultimately increase the risk for integration failure.

Gabriels, Cecilia Edna. "Spirituality in the workplace : raising HR awareness /". Thesis, [S.l. : s.n.], 2008.

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Pereira, Filipa Alexandra Antunes Vences de Matos. "Patient associations: raising awareness on chronic diseases". Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2015.

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Mestrado em Biomedicina Farmacêutica
The patient associations assume a significant role in representing the patients’ rights, sharing information on the diseases, accessing the available resources, maintaining important interactions with other relevant stakeholders and facing challenges. These organizations provide an important support not only to the patients, but also to their families and friends, who are most of the times their direct caregivers. Currently, the patient empowerment has been highly discussed. This project aims to demonstrate in five different clinical disorders what are the motivations, the objectives, the activities, the involvement with other stakeholders and the challenges assumed by the correspondent patient associations. The result of this project allowed to conclude that the significant prevalence of chronic diseases has been introducing changes into the healthcare systems and national disease programmes. Simultaneously, the patients’ ownership has been increasing, contributing to a more participated role near the healthcare professionals and to a more conscious decision regarding the available therapeutics. Patient associations represent these patients and act in critical areas, such as, social, clinical, research, training, education and advocacy.
As associações de doentes assumem um papel fundamental na representação dos direitos dos pacientes, na divulgação de informação acerca das doenças, no acesso aos recursos disponíveis, no relacionamento com os vários intermediários e nos desafios a enfrentar. Estas associações prestam não só um grande apoio aos doentes, como também aos seus familiares e amigos, que são na maior parte das vezes os seus cuidadores diretos. Atualmente, a capacitação de doentes tem vindo a ser bastante discutida. Este projeto pretende demonstrar em cinco quadros clínicos distintos, quais as motivações presentes, os objetivos, as atividades realizadas, o envolvimento com outros stakeholders e os desafios enfrentados pelas respetivas associações de doentes. O resultado deste trabalho permitiu concluir que a prevalência significativa de doenças crónicas tem introduzido alterações nos sistemas de saúde e nos planos nacionais de doenças. Em simultâneo, a responsabilidade dos pacientes tem vindo a aumentar, contribuindo para um posicionamento cada vez mais participativo junto dos profissionais de saúde e para uma tomada de decisão mais consciente em relação às terapêuticas disponíveis. As associações de doentes dão voz a estes pacientes e atuam em áreas críticas, tais como, a área social, emocional, clínica, de investigação, de formação, de educação e de defesa e representatividade de direitos e benefícios.

Todt, Kendrea L. "Raising Awareness of Addiction Stigma Using Artistic Mediums". Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2020.

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Every 19 minutes, someone dies from a drug overdose, with an estimated 130 Americans dying each day. In 2017, 70,200 lives were lost. The estimated cost to society is $78.5 billion dollars from expenditures related to law enforcement, health care, and lost productivity. The proliferation of the opioid crisis is rooted in stigma as individuals suffering with substance use disorder (SUD) have been invisible, marginalized, stigmatized, and criminalized. Stigma is a Greek word denoting a visual sign or mark that signifies a person as tainted and unfit for inclusion in society, a person to avoid. Sadly, the attitudes of health care professionals towards patients with SUD are largely pejorative, with nurses amongst the most punitive. Prognostic pessimism is a problem, as nurses may view patients with SUD as unlikely to recover. Across the literature, nurses struggle to view addiction as a chronic disease. Nurses noted a lack of addiction science education, preservice, and work related, leaving them feeling unprepared to care for this vulnerable population. For this reason, education is a strategy to raise awareness of the stigma that exists in spaces and places that are designated for healing. Employing artistic mediums such as visual thinking strategies may bring addiction to the forefront and facilitate a greater understanding of the detriment of stigma to population health. The root of stigma stems from personal beliefs, attitudes, and societal views, which then overshadow care delivery. The introduction of a talking circle as a place to share burdens, personal and professional, may facilitate awareness of stigma and its origins to construct a platform for change using a dialogic process. Reducing stigma has the potential to improve environments in which patients and nurses coexist as well as to improve treatment outcomes for patients suffering from addiction.

Boyes, Alice D. "Meta-awareness of bias in intimate relationships". Thesis, University of Canterbury. Psychology, 2006.

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Prior research has demonstrated that individuals hold positively biased views of their intimate partners (e.g., Murray, Holmes, & Griffin, 1996a). The current research investigated meta-awareness of bias in partner judgments. In Study 1 (N = 50) individuals read one of three vignettes depicting intimate relationships of varying quality, and then rated the extent to which the fictional partners over- or under-estimated each other's mate value. As predicted, participants reported that fictional partners in happier relationships were more likely to be positively biased in judging their partners. In Study 2 (N = 124) individuals in intimate relationships provided explicit reports of the extent to which, a) they over- or under-estimated their partners' mate value, and b) their own mate value was over- or under-estimated by their partners. As expected, individuals perceived that their own judgments of their partners, and their partners' judgments of self, were positively biased. Moderators of these associations were also investigated. In Study 3, the results of Study 2 were replicated and extended with a sample of 57 couples. Mate value judgments were both perceived as positively biased, and actually were positively biased, at the mean level. Critically, SEM analyses showed that people who actually were more positively biased in judging their partners' mate value, a) perceived themselves as more positively biased, and b) were perceived by their partners as more positively biased. These findings suggest that positive bias in partner judgments is a normative and consciously accessible feature of intimate relationships, and that intimate relationships are characterized by significant reality tracking.

Ebner, Jessica. "Raising awareness of school counselors regarding issues of childhood obesity". Online version, 2008.

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McGill, Beverly N. "Raising awareness to the victimization of women through religious-based sexism /". Free full text is available to ORU patrons only; click to view, 2006.

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Libros sobre el tema "Raising awareness of bias":


Healy, Michelle. The appearance of raising awareness. London: LCP, 2002.

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Behrends, Ehrhard, Nuno Crato y José Francisco Rodrigues, eds. Raising Public Awareness of Mathematics. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.

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Klein, Ana Maria. Raising multicultural awareness in higher education. Lanham: University Press of America, 2005.

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Allemann-Ghionda, Cristina. Intercultural awareness raising: A vade mecum ... Berne: Federal Office for Education and Science, 1995.

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Irfanullah, Haseeb Md. Awareness raising in sustainable floodplain resource management. Dhaka: IUCN-The World Conservation Union, Bangladesh Country Office, 2005.

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Reid, Carolyn. Journey through sound: A film raising Deaf awareness. Tyne and Wear: Village Films, 2003.

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Moog, Constanze. Raising awareness about sustainability: MA Textile Design 2003. London: Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design, 2003.

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Social Science Federation of Canada. Task Force on the Elimination of Sexist Bias in Research. Sex bias in research: Current awareness and strategies to eliminate bias within Canadian social science : report. [Ottawa: Social Science Federation of Canada, 1986.

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Hartshorn, Christina. Raising entrepreneurial awareness, some issues relating to rural women. Stirling: Scottish Enterprise Foundation, 1992.

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Evans, Karen. Raising perceptual awareness in work with women and girls. (London): Further Education Unit, 1986.

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Capítulos de libros sobre el tema "Raising awareness of bias":


Martel, Sara, Alex Andrews, Laura Griffin, Amanda Hollahan, Sonia Meerai, May Friedman, Christine Heidebrecht, Chelsea D'Silva, Dianne Fierheller y Ian Zenlea. "Raising awareness of weight-based oppression in health care". En Weight Bias in Health Education, 87–99. London: Routledge, 2021.

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Kilkelly, Ursula y Emily Logan. "Raising Awareness". En National Independent Human Rights Institutions for Children, 45–63. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Este, Robert Andrew. "A Background to Awareness". En Raising the Alarm, 9–34. Rotterdam: SensePublishers, 2013.

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Passy, Rowena, Carly Mays, Graham Carr, Glenn Roberts, John Somers y Jos Dawe. "Raising Awareness in Schools". En Promoting Recovery in Early Psychosis, 116–24. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.

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Baranger, Aurélie. "Article 8 [Awareness-Raising]". En The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 213–23. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Holmes, Gloria Graves. "Implicit Bias and the Bias Awareness Gap". En The Wiley International Handbook of Educational Foundations, 67–87. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2018.

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Hansen, Vagn Lundsgaard. "Keeping Mathematical Awareness Alive". En Raising Public Awareness of Mathematics, 387–96. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.

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Tsui, Amy B. M. "Awareness Raising About Classroom Interaction". En Encyclopedia of Language and Education, 183–93. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1997.

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Wollny-Goerke, Katrin. "Raising public awareness — “”". En Progress in Marine Conservation in Europe, 253–60. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.

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Ware, Anthony. "Critical Awareness-Raising in Myanmar". En The Routledge Handbook of Community Development, 115–28. New York, NY : Routledge, 2018.: Routledge, 2017.

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Actas de conferencias sobre el tema "Raising awareness of bias":


Shliakhovchuk, Elena y Adolfo Muñoz García. "Digital game-based learning for D&I: conceptual design of an educational digital game Chuzme". En INNODOCT 2019. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019.

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There is a demand for tools facilitating intercultural, diversity and inclusion (D&I) education. Video games are one of the most advanced new media technologies, so it is only natural to suppose that they can offer remarkable possibilities for fostering learning in the area of intercultural, D&I education. This article explores theoretical guidelines in the design of Chuzme, a serious educational game that focuses on raising cultural self-awareness, the acknowledgement of cultural bias, and aims to generate positive attitudes towards migrants, refugees and expatriates amongst its players and to train to be an inclusive leader. It is hoped that this will serve as a useful reference to guide the development of similar titles in the future.

Fulda, Johanna, Pieter Tierens, Teemu Mäntyharju y Thomas Wimmer. "Raising user impulse awareness". En the 8th International Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2013.

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Kercher, Kellie E. y Dale C. Rowe. "Risks, rewards and raising awareness". En the 13th annual conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2012.

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Joyce, Donald. "Raising awareness about academic integrity". En the 11th annual SIGCSE conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2006.

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Wahlberg, Thomas, Petri Paakkola, Christian Wieser, Marko Laakso y Juha Roning. "Kepler -- Raising Browser Security Awareness". En 2013 IEEE 6th International Conference On Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW). IEEE, 2013.

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Calvo, Viviana y Carlos Violini. "Raising Awareness Among And Training Contractors". En SPE International Conference on Health, Safety, and Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2008.

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Booth, M. J. y P. Shirt. "Raising Environmental Awareness among the Workforce". En SPE International Conference on Health, Safety, and Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1998.

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Kocanjer, Diana y Nikola Kadoić. "Raising students’ awareness about ethical behavior". En The 4th Global Virtual Conference. Publishing Society, 2016.

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Wang, Yu, Bin Qi, Hong-Xia Zou y Ji-Xing Li. "Framework of Raising Cyber Security Awareness". En 2018 IEEE 18th International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT). IEEE, 2018.

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Udroiu, Meda y Victor Vevera. "LIFELONG LEARNING FOR RAISING CYBERSECURITY AWARENESS". En 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. IATED, 2018.

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Informes sobre el tema "Raising awareness of bias":


Pope, Devin, Joseph Price y Justin Wolfers. Awareness Reduces Racial Bias. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, diciembre de 2013.

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Valente, Patrick R. Raising H2 and Fuel Cell Awareness in Ohio. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), marzo de 2013.

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Stewart, Constantine A. National Biological and Chemical Risk Awareness Raising Conference. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), febrero de 2020.

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Arnall, Alex y Uma Kothari. Raising Awareness of Environmental Change in the Maldives. Institute of Development Studies and The Impact Initiative, agosto de 2019.

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Hass, Julie L. y Viveka Palm. Using the right environmental indicators: Tracking progress, raising awareness and supporting analysis. Nordic Council of Ministers, enero de 2013.

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Linde, Giséla. Chemically Clever Island (Aaland, Iceland, Hiiumaa): Ideas & tools: a manual on awareness raising for organisations. Nordic Council of Ministers, 2021.

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Dietrich, Luisa, Zorica Skakun, Rohlat Khaleel y Tim Peute. Social Norms Structuring Masculinities, Gender Roles, and Stereotypes: Iraqi men and boys’ common misconceptions about women and girls’ participation and empowerment. Oxfam, agosto de 2021.

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The limited participation of Iraqi women in community decision-making in Kirkuk and Diyala is the result of various intertwined factors. This study explores emerging opportunities for social transformation in the context of sedimented layers of male privilege and the questioning of restrictive gender norms in the two governorates. With this report, Oxfam and its partners aim to dismantle barriers to women’s active participation, which is currently constrained by stereotypes and restrictive ideas about gender. Among the promising pathways for change are awareness-raising activities with male allies, alongside other longer-term efforts advancing transformative change in attitudes, practices, and behaviors.

Kamminga, Jorrit, Cristina Durán y Miguel Ángel Giner Bou. Zahra: A policewoman in Afghanistan. Oxfam, diciembre de 2020.

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As part of Oxfam’s Strategic Partnership project ‘Towards a Worldwide Influencing Network’, the graphic story Zahra: A policewoman in Afghanistan was developed by Jorrit Kamminga, Cristina Durán and Miguel Ángel Giner Bou. The project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. The graphic story is part of a long-standing Oxfam campaign that supports the inclusion and meaningful participation of women in the Afghan police. The story portrays the struggles of a young woman from a rural village who wants to become a police officer. While a fictional character, Zahra’s story represents the aspirations and dreams of many young Afghan women who are increasingly standing up for their rights and equal opportunities, but who are still facing structural societal and institutional barriers. For young women like Zahra, there are still few role models and male champions to support their cause. Yet, as Oxfam’s project has shown, their number is growing, which contributes to small shifts in behaviour and perceptions, gradually normalizing women’s presence in the police force. If a critical mass of women within the police force can be reached and their participation increasingly becomes meaningful, this can reduce the societal and institutional resistance over time. Oxfam hopes the fictional character of Zahra can contribute to that in terms of awareness raising and the promotion of women’s participation in the police force. The story is also available on the #IMatter website.

Idris, Iffat. Increasing Birth Registration for Children of Marginalised Groups in Pakistan. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), julio de 2021.

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This review looks at approaches to promote birth registration among marginalised groups, in order to inform programming in Pakistan. It draws on a mixture of academic and grey literature, in particular reports by international development organizations. While there is extensive literature on rates of birth registration and the barriers to this, and consensus on approaches to promote registration, the review found less evidence of measures specifically aimed at marginalised groups. Gender issues are addressed to some extent, particularly in understanding barriers to registration, but the literature was largely disability-blind. The literature notes that birth registration is considered as a fundamental human right, allowing access to services such as healthcare and education; it is the basis for obtaining other identity documents, e.g. driving licenses and passports; it protects children, e.g. from child marriage; and it enables production of vital statistics to support government planning and resource allocation. Registration rates are generally lower than average for vulnerable children, e.g. from minority groups, migrants, refugees, children with disabilities. Discriminatory policies against minorities, restrictions on movement, lack of resources, and lack of trust in government are among the ‘additional’ barriers affecting the most marginalised. Women, especially unmarried women, also face greater challenges in getting births registered. General approaches to promoting birth registration include legal and policy reform, awareness-raising activities, capacity building of registration offices, integration of birth registration with health services/education/social safety nets, and the use of digital technology to increase efficiency and accessibility.

TANG, Denise Tse-Shang, Stefanie TENG, Celine TAN, Bonnie LAM y Christina YUAN. Building inclusive workplaces for lesbians and bisexual women in Hong Kong’s financial services industry. Centre for Cultural Research and Development, Lingnan University, abril de 2021.

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Workplace inclusion is a core component of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Hong Kong. Workplace inclusion points to the need for employers to recognize diversity among employees, to acknowledge their contributions to the work environment and to raise professional standards for the work force. Diversity within a workplace indicates inclusion of persons with different backgrounds as in racial, ethnic, sex, health status, sexual orientation and gender identity. Women are already less represented at senior levels across various business sectors in Hong Kong. Lesbians and bisexual women face a double glass ceiling in the workplace as a result of both their gender and sexual orientation. Funded by Lingnan University’s Innovation and Impact Fund, and in partnership with Interbank Forum and Lesbians in Finance, Prof. Denise Tse-Shang Tang conducted an online survey and two focus groups targeting lesbians and bisexual women working in Hong Kong’s financial and banking industry. The aim of the study is to examine the specific challenges and barriers faced by lesbians and bisexual women in Hong Kong’s financial services industry. We found that only 37% of survey respondents were out at work, with 23% partially out to close colleagues. In other words, there are still key concerns with being out at work. On the issue of a glass ceiling for LGBT+ corporate employees, 18% of the survey respondents agreed and 47% somewhat agreed that such a ceiling exists. When asked whether it is harder for lesbians and bisexual women to come out in the workplace than it is for gay men, 32% agreed and 46% somewhat agreed. 27% agreed and 39% somewhat agreed with the statement that it is difficult for lesbians and bisexual women to climb up the corporate ladder. Other findings pointed to the low visibility of lesbians and bisexual women in corporate settings, lack of mentorship, increased levels of stress and anxiety, and the fear of being judged as both a woman and a lesbian. Masculine-presenting employees face significantly more scrutiny than cisgender female employees. Therefore, even though discussion on diversity and inclusion has been on the agenda for better corporate work environment in Hong Kong, there still remain gaps in raising awareness of lesbian and bisexual women’s issues.

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