Literatura académica sobre el tema "Samuel"

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Artículos de revistas sobre el tema "Samuel":


Dilks, Stephen John. "Samuel Beckett's Samuel Johnson". Modern Language Review 98, n.º 2 (abril de 2003): 285.

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Dilks, Stephen John. "Samuel Beckett's Samuel Johnson". Modern Language Review 98, n.º 2 (2003): 285–98.

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Faraoanu, Iulian. "Samuel, Symbol of Discernment (1 Samuel 3)". Expository Times 130, n.º 3 (27 de julio de 2018): 101–9.

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The text 1 Samuel 3 has been oft studied from the perspective of the call. A deeper analysis reveals that an important theme is the discernment. The paper focuses on the theme of discernment and the answer to the divine call. The topic of discernment is a particularly current theme, especially in the context of the wide access to information and globalization. First, the study clarifies some concepts and terms. Who is Samuel? Why is he proposed as a model? What is the meaning of discernment? Secondly, I make an exegetical analysis of the text in 1 Samuel 3, in order to identify some characteristics of vocation: the call, the discernment of the divine will, and the mission. The final part sets out the implications. It will highlight the elements that render Samuel a symbol of discernment, with an emphasis on the theological and spiritual aspects and the application of the same to the existence of today man. As Samuel, the human being needs to listen, to discern and to act.

Zomchick, John P. y Harold Bloom. "Samuel Richardson". South Atlantic Review 54, n.º 4 (noviembre de 1989): 119.

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Marks, Sylvia Kasey y Elizabeth Bergen Brophy. "Samuel Richardson". South Atlantic Review 54, n.º 1 (enero de 1989): 122.

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Edward Albee. "Samuel Beckett". Princeton University Library Chronicle 68, n.º 1-2 (2007): 429.

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Ramos, Nuno. "Samuel fala". Novos Estudos - CEBRAP, n.º 73 (noviembre de 2005): 227–33.

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Hilliard, Raymond F., Elizabeth Bergen Brophy, Jocelyn Harris, Sylvia Kasey Marks y Valerie Grosvenor Meyer. "Samuel Richardson." Eighteenth-Century Studies 22, n.º 4 (1989): 584.

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SIGAL-KLAGSBALD, L. "Samuel Hirszenberg". Revue des Études Juives 153, n.º 3 (1 de julio de 1994): 415–27.

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LUSTMAN, François. "Samuel Cahen". Revue des Études Juives 168, n.º 3 (31 de diciembre de 2009): 521–45.

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Tesis sobre el tema "Samuel":


Smits-Veldt, Mieke B. "Samuel Coster, ethicus-didacticus : een onderzoek naar dramatische opzet en morele instructie van Ithys, Polyxena en Iphigenia /". Groningen : Wolters-Noordhoff/Forsten, 1986.

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Sardón, José Luis. "Samuel P. Huntington". Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2013.

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Poiana, Peter. "Entre la voix et le texte : quelques modeles de rhetorique dans trois oeuvres de Samuel Beckett /". Title page, contents and summary only, 1986.

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Pichon, Samuel. "Système de sécrétion de type IV et protéines à domaines ankyrines dans les interactions Wolbachia-arthropodes". Poitiers, 2009.

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Wolbachia est une bactérie Gram(-) intracellulaire modifiant la reproduction de nombreux arthropodes. Chez l'isopode Armadillidium vulgare, la souche wVulC entraîne la féminisation des mâles. Nous avons caractérisé deux opérons vir s’exprimant dans tous les tissus hôtes et codant un système de sécrétion de type IV (T4SS) pouvant permettre d'exporter des effecteurs bactériens vers le cytoplasme de l'hôte. La comparaison des séquences et de l'organisation des gènes de 37 souches de Wolbachia a révélé la forte conservation des deux opérons vir suggérant l'importance du T4SS dans la biologie de la bactérie. Nous avons également identifié, dans le génome en cours de séquençage de wVulC, 66 gènes codant des protéines à domaines ankyrines. Ces motifs forment des sites d'interactions protéine-protéine chez les eucaryotes et sont supposés être impliqués chez Wolbachia dans l'interaction avec des protéines de l’hôte. Nous avons montré qu'une des trois copies du gène pk2 de wVulC, n'est exprimée que chez des souches féminisantes mais chez aucune des 3 souches induisant l’incompatibilité cytoplasmique chez les isopodes terrestres. Ce produit du gène pk2 pourrait être impliqué dans la féminisation de l’hôte. Toutefois, nous avons réalisé des tests d'interaction par double-hybride en levures et par la méthode CRAfT (Crerecombinase Reporter Assay for Translocation) entre les protéines du T4SS et cinq protéines à domaines ankyrines dont Pk2 afin de savoir si ces dernières étaient sécrétées par ce système. Les résultats montrent qu'aucun des cinq produits de gènes ank testés n'est sécrété par la bactérie mais se révèlent encourageants pour identifier les effecteurs de Wolbachia
Wolbachia are intracellular Gram(-) bacteria that are reproductive manipulators of many arthropods. In the isopod Armadillidium vulgare, the Wolbachia wVulC strain induces male feminization. Here, we characterized two vir operons which are expressed in all host tissues and which encode a type IV secretion system (T4SS) used to translocate bacterial effectors into host cytoplasm. Gene organization and sequence comparison in 37 Wolbachia strains highlighted the high conservation of both vir operons and their importance for the biology of the bacteria. We also identified in the on-going assembly of the wVulC genome, 66 ankyrin domain-encoding genes. Ankyrin motifs are known to mediate protein-protein interactions in eukaryotic organisms and thus are suggested to mediate in Wolbachia the interaction with host molecules. We showed that one of the three copies of the wVulC pk2 gene is only expressed in feminizing strains but not in the three strains inducing cytoplasmic incompatibility in terrestrial isopods. The associated Pk2 protein could be involved in male feminization. We thus tested the interaction between three T4SS proteins and five ankyrins (including Pk2) via the yeast twohybrid and CRAfT (Cre-recombinase Reporter Assay for Translocation) methods. None of the five ankyrin proteins were revealed to be secreted by the wVulC strain. Nevertheless, this promising approach may enable us to identify Wolbachia effectors

Schubert, Gesa. "Die Kunst des Scheiterns : die Entwicklung der kunsttheoretischen Ideen Samuel Becketts". Berlin [u.a.] Lit, 2007.̲ar=1&doke̲xt=htm.

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Klement, Herbert H. "2 Samuel 21-24 : structure, context and meaning in the Samuel conclusion". Thesis, Coventry University, 1995.

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The examination of the final chapters of the books of Samuel offered here proceeds initially from an unease about the frequent pejorative appraisal of them as an unsuitable, late addition that is out of place in its context. Taking a cue from the recent interest in initial and concluding texts in the context of literary and "Canonical" methods, the work attempts to describe this text complex, with its six chiastically arranged units, in terms of its literary function as a concluding text in relation to the rest of the preceding book. Following remarks of W. Brueggemann and J. Flanagan, the ring structure is further compared with other groups of texts in the Samuel corpus. The specific, overarching macrostructure which is thus perceived is structured not according to linear-chronological principles but according to patterns of parallelism and chiasmus. This observation of a concept of order that is distinct from modem western convention is understood, following Emma Brunner-Traut, as deriving from an "aspectival" perception of reality. By means of this kind of reading, many inner relationships open up, binding the closing chapters to the other parts of the book in such a way that it is shown to be a unified literary work. The two poetic texts are shown to stand in a complex relationship with the four other songs of the books of Samuel. The allusion to the prophet Gad belongs in a series of six encounters between David and prophets, arranged as a set of three pairs. The two lists of soldiers are interpreted by analogy with the double lists of the sons and ministers of David. The final contrast, in the closing chapter, between the two kings, Saul and David, and the polarity - expressed in the tension between centre and periphery - between rule of Yahweh and sin of the kings, both mirror and finally draw together the main themes of the book. These relationships suggest that the appraisal of the closing chapters as a late addition is in need of revision. It will be argued that they should be interpreted in close connection with the rest of the book.

Pajares, Infante Eterio. "Richardson en España". León : Secretario de publ., Universidad de León, 1989.

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Daphinoff, Dimiter. "Samuel Richardsons "Clarissa" : Text, Rezeption und Interpretation /". Bern : Francke Verl, 1986.

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Jones, Robert. "Beckett and the philosopher". Diss., Connect to the thesis, 2004.

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Tan, Tijen. "Existentialism And Samuel Beckett". Master's thesis, METU, 2007.

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This thesis carries out an analysis of the plays by Samuel Beckett, Endgame and Happy Days. It achieves this by exploring how the playwright&rsquo
s characterization, setting and use of language in these plays display his tendency to employ some existentialist concepts such as despair, anxiety and thrownness on the way to authenticity. This study argues that there are some similarities between Beckett&rsquo
s two plays and Existentialism, and some characters in both plays display the existentialist man who is looking for becoming an authentic man. In other words, although there are some differences, these plays show that Samuel Beckett&rsquo
s view of Existentialism is quite similar to the Sartrean view.

Libros sobre el tema "Samuel":


Bowes, Paula J. First Samuel, Second Samuel. Collegeville, Minn: Liturgical Press, 1985.

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Nederveld, Patricia L. Samuel! Samuel!: The story of God's call to Samuel. Grand Rapids, Mich: CRC Publications, 1998.

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Weiser, Artur. Samuel. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1991.

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Poulson, Clair. Samuel. American Fork, Utah: Covenant Communications, 1994.

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Severin, Aleksandar. Samuel. Novi Sad: Prometej, 1999.

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Dietrich, Walter. Samuel. Germany: Neukirchener Verlag, 2003.

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Grosjean, Jean. Samuel. [Paris]: Gallimard, 1994.

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Mittelstaedt, John R. Samuel. Milwaukee, Wis: Northwestern Pub. House, 1993.

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Poulson, Clair. Samuel. American Fork, UT: Covenant Communications, 1996.

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Samuel, Dorothy Stanaland. The Samuell/Samuel families of Tidewater Virginia. Greenville, S.C: Southern Historical Press, 1997.

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Capítulos de libros sobre el tema "Samuel":


Hesse, Gisela. "Samuel Beckett". En Kindler Kompakt: Drama des 20. Jahrhunderts, 129–31. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2017.

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Edwards, Howell G. M. "Samuel Walker". En Porcelain to Silica Bricks, 67–71. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Keita, Daouda. "Sidibé, Samuel". En Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, 9740–42. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Weyers, Wolfgang. "Samuel Plumbe". En Pantheon of Dermatology, 884–88. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Wild, Gerhard. "Eichelbaum, Samuel". En Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.

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Yenter, Timothy. "Clarke, Samuel". En Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences, 1–4. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Herrmann, Douglas J. y Roger Chaffin. "Samuel Rogers". En Recent Research in Psychology, 206–12. New York, NY: Springer New York, 1988.

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Möller, Hartmut. "Barber, Samuel". En Metzler Komponisten Lexikon, 31. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 1992.

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Seedorf, Thomas. "Scheidt, Samuel". En Metzler Komponisten Lexikon, 683–84. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 1992.

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Seedorf, Thomas. "Scheidt, Samuel". En Komponisten Lexikon, 538–39. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2003.

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Actas de conferencias sobre el tema "Samuel":


Alentieva, T. V. "SAMUEL COLT: THE PATH TO SUCCESS". En МИР ОРУЖИЯ: ИСТОРИЯ, ГЕРОИ, КОЛЛЕКЦИИ. Тула: Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение культуры «Тульский государственный музей оружия», 2022.

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Lemnaru, Ana Cristina. "Symbols And Gestures In Samuel Beckett’s Theatre". En EduWorld 2018 - 8th International Conference. Cognitive-Crcs, 2019.

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Van Schmus, W. R. "SAMUEL A. BOWRING-THE EARLY PROFESSIONAL YEARS". En GSA Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado, USA - 2016. Geological Society of America, 2016.

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Kosykh, Tatiana Anatolyevna. "SAMUEL JOHNSON VS DAVID HUME: UNFULFILLED DIALOGUE". En Международный педагогический форум "Стратегические ориентиры современного образования". Уральский государственный педагогический университет, 2020.

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Anderson, Jr., John. "Samuel Pierpont Langley - America's first aeronautical engineer". En 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2000.

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Flanagan, John W., Jeremy D. Cutter y Gaute Mo. "The Realisation of the Samuel Beckett Bridge - Dublin, Ireland". En IABSE Symposium, Venice 2010: Large Structures and Infrastructures for Environmentally Constrained and Urban ised Areas. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2010.

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Tsushima, Michiko. "“The Human Condition” in Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot". En – The Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities 202. The International Academic Forum(IAFOR), 2020.

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Wang, Min. "An Analysis of Samuel Barber’s Neo-Romantic Music Style". En 2021 Conference on Art and Design: Inheritance and Innovation (ADII 2021). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2022.

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Choi, Carol, James Duxbury y Marwan Nader. "Design Quality Management of The New Samuel De Champlain Bridge". En IABSE Congress, New York, New York 2019: The Evolving Metropolis. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2019.

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<p>One of the largest bridge projects in North America, the Samuel De Champlain Bridge is a 3.4 km-long viaduct with a signature cable-stayed bridge. The public-private-partnership (P3) project was subject to an accelerated schedule.</p><p>A comprehensive ISO 9001 compliant design quality management plan was implemented to ensure that the project was delivered on schedule while meeting the quality objectives. The quality system set the overall framework for major processes during design and construction; this included multiple layers of design reviews and checks, change management, design surveillance, document control, integrated designs, and audits.</p><p>This complex project required close collaboration with engineering teams, constructors, stakeholders, and subject-matter experts from around the world. This paper discusses the challenges in setting up and maintaining a unified approach among all entities involved, and how the project was managed by leveraging technologies such as cloud-based project systems, quality training, open lines of communication, and consistent monitoring of processes throughout the course of this fast-tracked project.</p>


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Informes sobre el tema "Samuel":


Johnson, James H. Samuel P. Massie Chair of Excellence Program. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), diciembre de 2014.

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Dodd, Bryan J. The Other Clash of Civilizations: Samuel Huntington and American Civil Military Relations. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, mayo de 2012.

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Adeyiga, Adeyinka A. Samuel P. Massie Chair of Excellence In Environmental Disciplines: Hampton University 1994-2010 Year Report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), diciembre de 2014.

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Álvarez Marinelli, Horacio, Samuel Berlinski, Matías Busso y Julián Martínez Correa. Research Insights: Can Training and Coaching Teachers and the Provision of Structured Materials Improve Early Literacy among First-Grade Students? Inter-American Development Bank, diciembre de 2022.

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AUTHORÁlvarez Marinelli, Horacio; Berlinski, Samuel; Busso, Matías; Martínez Correa, JuliánDATEDec 2022READ: English (4 downloads) View Online Download Spanish (5 downloads) View Online Download DOI one-year teacher professional development program was effective at improving students literacy skills by the end of first grade (0.39 of a standard deviation in overall literacy proficiency). Literacy gains persisted through the second and third grades, even though teachers in those grades were not part of the program. Gains were homogeneous across students of different characteristics such as gender, socioeconomic status, and initial levels of literacy skills.

Dallimore, S. R. y D. Gillespie. Sample Handling. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1991.

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Finsterle, S. ITOUGH2 sample problems. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), noviembre de 1997.

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Crane, T. W. Liquid sample shuffler. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), enero de 1985.

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Finsterle, Stefan. iTOUGH2 Sample Problems. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), junio de 2002.

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Blanchard, R. J. Improving sample recovery. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), septiembre de 1995.

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Anderson, K. B. Biomarker distributions in different types of sedimentary organic matter isolated from the same sample: Implications for biomarker correlations. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), junio de 1994.

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