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Flansburg, Jill D. "Task Comparison Between Career Counselors and Vocational Evaluators| What's the Difference?" University of South Florida, 2013.

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Kaya, Ozlem. "Inclusion and burnout examining general education teachers' experiences in Turkey /". [Bloomington, Ind.] : Indiana University, 2008. http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&res_dat=xri:pqdiss&rft_dat=xri:pqdiss:3319885.

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Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Indiana University, School of Education, 2008.
Title from PDF t.p. (viewed on May 11, 2009). Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 69-08, Section: A, page: 3107. Adviser: Genevieve Manset Williamson.

Laplante, Joëlle. "Quand le coeur n'y est plus: le désengagement psychologique au travail et dans le milieu scolaire". Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/30159.

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Abstract (sommario):
Tous ne sont pas égaux dans la société. Lorsque les individus reconnaissent leur situation de désavantage et en sont insatisfaits, un sentiment que les auteurs ont qualifié de privation relative, certains choisissent de réagir à leur situation désavantageuse ouvertement et d'autres optent plutôt pour des réactions silencieuses. Dans les quatre études présentées, nous focalisons sur un type précis de réaction souterraine en réponse à la privation relative, soit le désengagement psychologique. Cette stratégie qui, selon les hypothèses de départ, protège l'estime de soi, peut s'effectuer par le biais de deux mécanismes : le discredit du feedback et des évaluations et la dévaluation du domaine dans son ensemble. Les quatre études presentées dans cette thèse portaient principalement sur les antécédents et les conséquences du désengagement psychologique. La première étude, réalisée par questionnaire auprès d'un groupe d'employées de bureau (N = 154) avait pour but de déterminer si le recours aux mécanismes de désengagement psychologique diffère selon le type de comparaisons (sociales ou temporelles) donnant lieu à la privation relative. Les résultats de la modélisation par équations structurales font état d'une certaine stabilité au niveau de l'adoption des mécanismes de désengagement suite aux sentiments de privation relative. En revanche, la deuxième étude, menée auprès d'éducatrices et d'aides enseignantes (N = 106), démontre qu'être un laissé-pour-compte dans son milieu professionnel, mesure par la privation relative intragroupe, peut entraîner une baisse de l'identification au groupe et renforcer de façon indirecte le retrait non plus psychologique, mais effectif du domaine. La troisième étude, une méta-analyse recensant les réponses de 4351 participants (30 échantillons distincts), infirme l'hypothèse de l'effet protecteur du désengagement psychologique sur l'estime de soi : il a été démontré que le discrédit et la dévaluation blessent. De plus, plusieurs modérateurs ont été évalués afin d'expliquer la variance observée au niveau des résultats d'études antérieures. Les résultats indiquent, par exemple, que les blessures infligées par le discrédit et la dévaluation dans le milieu scolaire sont moins graves que celles dans le milieu de travail. Dans la foulée de cette méta-analyse, la quatrième étude a été menée par questionnaire auprès d'un groupe d'étudiants francophones en situation minoritaire (N = 107), afin d'évaluer l'apport de facilitateurs du désengagement psychologique. Il a été démontré que les étudiants dont l'estime de soi est liée à l'approbation des autres répondent davantage à la privation relative par le discrédit ; de plus, les résultats suggèrent que ce recours au discrédit suscite une plus forte baisse de l'estime de soi lorsque l'étudiant n'attribue pas de sens ou de signification psychologique à la poursuite des études. En somme, les quatre études ont permis de démontrer que 1) le désengagement psychologique peut être provoqué par les privations relatives sociale, temporelle et intragroupe ; 2) le recours au désengagement psychologique peut être provoqué par un traitement différentiel relié à des stigmas non visibles, comme le groupe professionnel et la langue ; 3) certains facteurs peuvent modérer le recours au désengagement psychologique ; 4) la séquence d'adoption des mécanismes de désengagement est plutôt stable mais l'identification au groupe mené plus directement à la dévaluation du domaine ; et 5) les mécanismes de désengagement psychologique ont un effet néfaste sur l'estime de soi ; 6) certains facteurs peuvent rendre l'un ou l'autre de ces mécanismes plus dommageable à l'estime de soi.

Riley, Mike. "Developing a model for the application of post-occupancy evaluation (POE) as a facilities performance enhancement tool in the higher education sector". Thesis, Liverpool John Moores University, 2013. http://researchonline.ljmu.ac.uk/6192/.

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Abstract (sommario):
Post-occupancy evaluation provides a mechanism for systematically evaluating facilities performance. However, the effectiveness of existing models within HE is subject to question with few institutions fully embracing its application. The research sought to establish the extent to which POE models are utilised and the degree to which they satisfy the needs of HE in England and Wales. The outcome of the work was to propose a POE model that addresses the needs of Higher Education institutions. The research found that development of POE models has been driven by numerous factors resulting in creation of sophisticated POE frame-works. However the extent to which they are considered effective is limited. Earlier work focuses on the identification of factors that influence user satisfaction and development of complex quantitative models. Users of such models seek to learn lessons from projects to improve the design and delivery of facilities and enhance their performance in use. However, the extent to which existing POE models facilitate this is subject to question. The study adopted a mixed methods approach to establish whether existing models reflected the factors influencing user satisfaction in the specific context of HE. It revealed that physical and internal environmental factors influenced user satisfaction in varying patterns with varying results in differing situations. The perception of quality consistently correlated with users' overall perceptions of satisfaction with buildings. The term 'quality' is a made up of several discrete factors; further work could be developed to allow these to be fully defined. The research concluded that a single POE model would be inappropriate and a frame-work is proposed based on a balanced scorecard, reflecting four performance dimensions tailored to the context of HE and allowing linkage of POE to strategic institutional plans. The project liberated contribution to theoretical knowledge and professional practice. It established that within HE the concept of a consistent set of factors correlating with overall satisfaction is flawed. It went further to identify the construct of 'quality' as a key factor influencing satisfaction and established user satisfaction is a construct that is time related. It also found that application of POE is inconsistent across the HE sector in terms of purpose and extent of connectivity to institutional objectives. These findings indicated that adoption of a standardised POE model within HE is unlikely to liberate consistent, useful data to enhance building and facilities performance. The adoption of the proposed approach offers a vehicle cost effective development of tailored POE solutions.

Ryan-Gonzalez, Clark. "Do Military Personnel Feel Excluded and Ignored in Post-Secondary Education". UNF Digital Commons, 2013. http://digitalcommons.unf.edu/etd/458.

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The present study was conducted to investigate whether returning veterans feel ostracized (excluded and ignored) and if they experience its immediate negative impact (reflexive pain response and thwarted basic needs) on university campuses. Additionally, this study was designed to investigate veteran students’ feelings of perceived burdensomeness, and three caveats of student engagement: student faculty engagement, community-based activities, and transformational learning opportunities. Participants in the study were 118 civilian and veteran students at the University of North Florida. All data were collected through a world wide web surveying program that allowed each participant to respond on computers from any location. Both veteran and civilian participants recorded the interactions and feelings they recalled experiencing in the classroom during the month prior to participating in the study. The surveys administered were the Needs Threat Scale, the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS-11), the Wong Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale, the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire (INQ), the Student Faculty Engagement (SFE) scale, the Community Based Activities (CBA) scale, and the Transformational Opportunity (TLO) scale along with a demographics questionnaire. Results show that participants in the veteran group reported greater thwarted belongingness than civilian students. Military service was also associated with less engagement in CBAs and TLOs. The association with less engagement in CBAs explained the impact of militarily service on thwarted belongingness.

DeShazo, George Newton. "An evaluation of personality-environmental factors related to job satisfaction of secondary school natural science teachers". W&M ScholarWorks, 1992. https://scholarworks.wm.edu/etd/1539618426.

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Abstract (sommario):
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among certain personality traits, vocational interests, and demographic factors with job satisfaction among secondary school natural science teachers. Implications for future research and educational practice were explored.;Volunteers teaching secondary school natural science classes in seven Virginia public school districts primarily in the Hampton Rhodes area were subjects for this study. Subjects completed the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the Vocational Preference Inventory, The Job Descriptive Index, and a biographical informational questionnaire.;It was hypothesized that (1) there would be a positive correlation between the predominant basic preference, INTJ, and job satisfaction, (2) there would be a positive correlation between congruence of the Holland code IRS and job satisfaction, (3) there would be a positive correlation between differentiation and job satisfaction, and (4) there would be a positive correlation between age, sex, years as natural science teacher, years in present position, total years in education, highest degree earned and job satisfaction.;Hypotheses 1, 2, and 3 were rejected. In hypothesis 4, years in present position and years as natural science teacher were negatively correlated with job satisfaction. Recommendations for further research and future educational practice were made.

Lips-Wiersma, Marjolein Silvia. "The influence of 'spiritual meaning-making' on career choice, transition and experience". Thesis, University of Auckland, 1999. http://wwwlib.umi.com/dissertations/fullcit/9969054.

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Abstract (sommario):
The focus of this inquiry is “The influence of ‘spiritual meaning-making’ on career choice, transition and experience”. Over the past decade there has been an increase in interest in the expression of spiritual belief in work. Most of the writing on the topic is based on the premise that individuals and organisations have lost meaning, and that the problem of meaning in work needs to addressed to enhance the ways in which we organise, and to enhance organisational output and personal wellbeing. Whereas the current writing on spirituality and work often suggests that organisations should provide more meaning, this research took a more humble starting point by asking what meanings individuals with spiritual belief are currently attributing to, and discovering in, their work, and by asking how and whether these meanings determine work behaviour. I argue in this thesis that the concept of meaning-making is central to spirituality. I reviewed the psychological literature on meaning and as a result decided to focus the inquiry on three core elements of meaning; purpose, sense-making and coherence. In order to step back from the organisational agenda, and give voice to the authenticity of diverse spiritual beliefs, I chose to use career, rather than organisational theory, as framework for this inquiry. An additional theoretical framework of ‘agency and communion’ was introduced to conceptualise human motivation beyond its current narrow ‘self’ and ‘doing’ oriented definitions. A combination of ‘collaborative human inquiry’ and ‘narrative’ methodology was chosen to elicit subjective career meanings. Fifteen individuals with diverse spiritual beliefs participated in this research. These included a Buddhist, a Quaker, a Catholic, a Bahá'í, and a Mormon, as well as those not currently affiliated with an organized religion. The findings show that spiritual belief strongly determines career choice, transition and experience. It was found that research participants, in spite of their diverse beliefs, shared four purposes: ‘developing and becoming self’, ‘union with others’, ‘expressing self’ and ‘serving others’. When these purposes can be expressed fully, the workplace is experienced to be aligned with spiritual belief, and individuals are contributing fully, especially when diversity of spiritual expressions is acknowledged at the same time. Career transitions are made through an ongoing sense-making process as a result of which the individual may decide that the four purposes are no longer in balance and action is required in order to continue to live meaningfully. This sensemaking is a result of ongoing interaction between the individual and his or her work environment. Coherence is a result of the transrational element of spirituality, when the individual feels his or her work is still aligned with a bigger (divine) plan. This is assessed on an ongoing basis through prayer, asking ‘was this meant to be’ and reframing difficulties and setbacks as opportunities for learning and development. I suggest that it may not be wise to seek collective enactment of the trans-rational as it has no firm basis for collective organisational decision-making. It cannot seek collective expression due to the diversity of beliefs of organisational members. However I strongly suggest that an organisation that wants to align itself with the spiritual beliefs of its members, ensures that the four purposes of ‘developing and becoming self’, ‘union with others’, ‘expressing self’ and ‘serving others’ can be fully enacted in the organisation, keeping in mind that spirituality expresses itself in process as well as outcome.
Subscription resource available via Digital Dissertations only.

Gardner, Angelette. "Characteristics of Faculty Evaluation Formats for Promotion, Tenure, and Annual Review". TopSCHOLAR®, 2008. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/theses/19/.

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Shearer, Sarah E. "ArchiTECHture: Rebuilding the Traditional University for the 21st Century". Scholarship @ Claremont, 2015. http://scholarship.claremont.edu/cmc_theses/1198.

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Abstract (sommario):
This senior thesis is an examination of the major complexities and considerations encountered in developing an e-learning program. In light of the changing landscape of higher education resulting from technological advancement, combined with changing pedagogies and financial pressures, traditional institutions are under heightened scrutiny and most in need of innovation. Online learning as been proposed as a solution to many of these issues, but creating a successful program is no small feat. Furthermore, experimental research on specific course designs and delivery often fails upon real-world implementation. Looking through the lens of Design-Base-Implementation Research (DBIR), an emerging research model that seeks to rectify this inefficiency, this thesis will first affirm the crucial need for active leadership throughout the development and implementation process. Analysis will then turn to the most pertinent elements administrators must address, including the motivations and catalysts for innovation, funding, faculty engagement, IT support, course design and project evaluation; in keeping with DBIR methodology, each of these considerations will take different forms and require alternative courses of action based on the unique institutional attributes and circumstances. Finally, the exploration will culminate in reasserting the urgency for innovation in higher education, and concluding that a uniform “solution” will not only be pragmatically impossible but also detrimental to both institutional legacy and student education: a quality and sustainable program necessitates due diligence in acknowledging and working with the distinct characteristics of each institution.

Ragadu, Suzette C., e Suzette C. Minnaar. "Transformation in higher education : receptions of female academics at a distance education institution of higher education". Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/2809.

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Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007.
Females in academia remain concentrated in lower level positions, with limited and often no decision-making power. However, this is not only a South African phenomenon but it is also evident in the position of female academics in the United Kingdom, the United States and New Zealand. Within the South African context, higher education institutions are in a process of transformation and change in order to integrate with social transformation and change. Therefore, the Department of Education mandated certain higher education institutions to transform and merge, with implications for their human resource management. Universities are regarded as complex organisations and this complicates the management and leadership of such institutions. Moreover, South Africa has passed legislation (e.g. the Higher Education Act) that impacts its human resource management and the manner in which higher education institutions are transformed and managed. Higher education institutions employ the principles of corporate management and therefore the distinction between management and leadership is highlighted. Communication is discussed as a tool thereof and the differences of males and females in this regard are emphasised. The status of female academics in South Africa is discussed and the perceptions of female academics with regard to the dimensions used in the empirical inquiry are highlighted. The empirical inquiry gauged how females occupying academic positions at a South African distance education university perceived the management process of institutional transformation. The perceptions of female academics with regard to five dimensions: management and leadership; communication; diversity and employment equity; and transformation and change were gauged and compared to the perceptions of male academics and that of female professional/administrative personnel. It was found that female and male academics were relatively positive with only one significant difference: their perceptions of communication at the institution. There were also significant differences in the perceptions of white and of black female academics. Furthermore, when female academics were compared to female professional/administrative personnel, there were significant differences: female academics held generally more positive perceptions than those of female professional/administrative personnel. In addition, there was evidence of an ageing workforce.

Chenard, Monica R. "An evaluation of the efficacy of Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) on improving freshman college students' writing abilities". Thesis, University of Southern Maine, 2015. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=3688011.

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The purpose of this dissertation is to describe a doctoral research study designed to implement Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) writing revision strategies, delivered in a completely online format, for college students. There is an insignificant amount of empirical research that has been conducted supporting writing interventions for college students. Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) is a writing intervention for which a significant amount of empirical research has been conducted in regards to its efficacy in elementary, middle, and high schools, with results showing positive effects for students of all ages. SRSD has features that lend itself to web-based interventions as well. Research on web-based interventions for students of all ages is on the rise, and is significant in regard to the methods of communication in which students today function. This study investigated the efficacy of a web-based version of SRSD provided to college students in freshman writing classes. The three SRSD revision strategies chosen to investigate were REVISE, SCAN, and Compare, Diagnose, Operate. The results indicated those SRSD participants who reported using at least one of the revision strategies at some point during the semester received higher course grades in their writing classes, in comparison to those participants who did not use the strategies; secondary analysis indicated that although the SRSD students' grades were higher, when group size was controlled, the difference in grades was not statistically significant. Qualitative analyses indicate that students felt as though the REVISE and SCAN strategies were most effective, and may be the most socially valid. The findings are discussed in the context of the procedures necessary for creating effective evidence-based writing interventions in the college setting.


Bradley, Dianne C. "Evaluation of a skills-based approach to improving attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help among married asian indians". Thesis, Trevecca Nazarene University, 2013. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=3601398.

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There is little research available on Asian-Indians' attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help. Further, little research is available that addresses theoretical approaches that may be effective in reducing the stigma associated with psychological help in working with this underserved population. Therefore, this study provides a preliminary means to provide marriage and family therapy to Asian Indians. A repeated-measures research method was used to examine participants' attitudes toward seeking psychological help and compare those attitudes before and after a skills-based workshop on marital communication and conflict resolution. Workshops were held in Malaysia, India, and the United States. A total of 135 Asian Indian participants, who were all married, completed surveys before participation in the workshop and again immediately afterward. The influence of attitudes on marital satisfaction was examined as well as the relationship between conflict style and attitudes and marital satisfaction. Lastly, the study looked at the type of marriage--arranged and choice--and the relationships with attitudes and marital adjustment. Analyses of the data indicated that a skills-based workshop approach was linked to improved attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help. This study further examined the relationships between individual conflict styles and marital adjustment. Two conflict styles were found to have some association with marital adjustment. The results of this study have compelling implications for working with Asian Indians and other unique cultures that include an added dimension to multicultural counseling and education.


Pugh, Karen Lavinia 1965. "Stress in newly hired, novice faculty: Causes, coping strategies, and interventions for faculty and institutions". Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1996. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/291816.

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The research questions for this study focus on the stress level reported by new faculty, the causes of stress, and the coping strategies used to deal with stress. Data from the New Faculty Project of the National Center for Postsecondary Teaching, Learning, and Assessment, were analyzed to understand the experiences of newly hired faculty at Research-I, Comprehensive-I, Liberal Arts-I, and Two-Year Institutions. Newly hired non-tenured, and below associate professor rank faculty were selected from the initial sample of 177 newly hired faculty; 136 faculty completed surveys, and 95 faculty completed interviews for each of the first three years of their employment. A moderate level of stress was reported and remained relatively stable over time. The causes of faculty stress were of three types: those innate to the position, those due to being new, and those due to life stressors. Three types of coping strategies were employed: those providing a solution, those allowing faculty to maintain, and those in which faculty "gave up".

Sarafian, Isabelle. "Evaluation of a peer education program for HIV prevention among hotel-based sex workers in Dhaka, Bangladesh: .a social support framework". Thesis, McGill University, 2011. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=96788.

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Abstract (sommario):
This study evaluated the outcome and process of a peer education program for sex workers, with social support proposed as an organizing framework. Program outcomes were assessed through a pre-post design without comparison group. Sex workers naïve to peer education (N=273) were assessed on socio-cognitive and behavioral variables. At post-test 5.1 months later, a subsample (N=82) was reassessed; significant increases were found in perceived susceptibility, condom use skills, knowledge, self-reported sexually transmitted infection (STI) symptoms, and treatment seeking which doubled, but not in prescriptive and descriptive norms, self-efficacy, or condom use. Knowledge and condom use increased with number of peer educators seen. Process was assessed in terms of peer educator characteristics and content of peer education sessions. The same socio-cognitive and behavioral variables were assessed for peer educators (N=29) as for sex workers, with peer educators scoring higher on most. Peer educators resembled sex workers in educational level and work background but were older and more experienced, and 55% no longer engaged in sex work. Sex workers attending sessions (N=173) rated peer educators positively on credibility and closeness, more highly on the former than the latter. Closeness ratings were related to sex workers' condom use skills, treatment seeking, and condom use at post-test. Research assistants observed peer education sessions (N=173); older, more experienced peer educators no longer engaged in sex work were observed as better able to obtain audience's participation. Peer education sessions (N=171) were recorded and coded into percentages of social support types provided by the peer educator: informational (M=26%), instrumental (M=8%), appraisal (M=2%), emotional (M=12%), companionship (M=6%), non-support (M=45%). Peer educators were classified into three "social support profiles" based on average proportions of emotional and informational support they provided. Seeing more peer educators with a high informational support profile was related to higher sex worker self-efficacy, STI symptoms, and condom use at post-test; the same was true for the high emotional support profile and treatment seeking. Though overall program effects seemed limited, certain process measures were meaningfully associated to outcomes. Increased treatment seeking was a notable success of the program. Social support provided a useful framework, but needs further exploration.
Cette étude a évalué l'impact et les processus d'un programme d'éducation par les pairs auprès de travailleuses du sexe. Le cadre théorique proposé est le soutien social. Les travailleuses du sexe (N=273) ont été évaluées selon des variables socio-cognitives et comportementales. Un sous-groupe (N=82) a été réévalué 5,1 mois après l'intervention; l'étude ne comportait pas de groupe témoin. Parmi les facteurs mesurés il y a eu augmentation de la susceptibilité perçue au virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH) et aux infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST), la compétence technique dans l'utilisation du condom, la connaissance du VIH et des IST, des symptômes rapportés d'IST et du recours aux soins pour ces derniers symptômes, qui a doublé. Aucun changement n'a été noté dans les normes prescriptives et descriptives, l'auto-efficacité ou l'utilisation du condom. La connaissance du VIH et des IST et l'utilisation du condom ont augmenté avec le nombre de pairs-éducatrices rencontrées. Les processus du programme ont été évalués en termes des caractéristiques des pairs-éducatrices et du contenu des séances d'éducation. Les mêmes variables socio-cognitives et comportementales ont été mesurées chez les travailleuses du sexe que chez les pairs-éducatrices, ces dernières présentant des scores supérieurs dans la plupart des cas. Les pairs-éducatrices étaient comparables aux travailleuses du sexe en termes de profession et de niveau de scolarité mais elles étaient plus âgées, plus expérimentées et 55% d'entre elles ne travaillaient plus dans le commerce du sexe. Des travailleuses du sexe présentes aux séances d'éducation (N=173) ont évalué les pairs-éducatrices quant à leur crédibilité et leur proximité affective et sociale (closeness). Ces évaluations étaient positives, avec des scores plus élevés pour la crédibilité que pour la proximité. Ce dernier facteur était relié à la compétence technique dans l'utilisation du condom, au recours aux soins et à l'utilisation du condom par les travailleuses du sexe après intervention. Des assistantes de recherche ont aussi observé des séances d'éducation (N=173). Les pairs-éducatrices plus âgées et plus expérimentées ne travaillant plus dans le commerce du sexe ont été perçues comme plus en mesure d'obtenir la participation de leur auditoire. Les séances d'éducation ont été enregistrées et analysées quant aux différents types de soutien social fournis par les pairs-éducatrices: informatif ( M=26%), instrumental ( M=8%), évaluatif (M=2%), émotif (M=12%), de camaraderie (companionship) (M=6%), non-soutien (M=45%). Les pairs-éducatrices ont été classées en trois « profils de soutien social » selon la proportion moyenne de soutien informatif et émotif apporté durant les séances d'éducation. Les travailleuses du sexe ayant vu un plus grand nombre de pairs-éducatrices au profil élevé en soutien informatif ont augmenté leurs scores à l'auto-efficacité, au rapport de symptômes d'IST et à l'utilisation du condom après intervention. Un lien similaire a été trouvé entre les pairs-éducatrices au profil haut en soutien émotif et le recours aux soins. Bien que les effets du programme aient été limités dans l'ensemble, un lien significatif a été trouvé entre certains aspects du processus et l'impact du programme. L'augmentation du recours aux soins représente un succès important de l'intervention. Le soutien social offre un cadre théorique utile, mais qui demande plus d'exploration.

Fitzer, Marie Elizabeth. "An evaluation of an attachment based Early Year's Training Package : a multiple case study". Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2010. http://etheses.bham.ac.uk//id/eprint/969/.

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Abstract (sommario):
Attachment theory has become widely regarded as the most important and supported framework for understanding social and emotional development (Goldberg, 2000). Evidence suggests that attachment based interventions in early year’s settings will allow for a greater understanding, sensitive response and more effective use of practitioner’s skills when working with children (Kennedy and Kennedy, 2004). This thesis was produced as part of the written requirements for the new full-time Doctoral training in Educational Psychology. Volume one contains four chapters: Chapter one introduces the research study and literature review, providing information on the brokering and relevance of the research area. Chapter two discusses and presents existing attachment based interventions with parents, schools and early year’s settings. Chapter three reports findings from an evaluation an early year’s intervention, based on attachment principles - ‘Building Strong Foundations’. A multiple case study design was adopted. Three settings, where the intervention had been received, were evaluated to provide literal replication, and an additional setting, which had not received the intervention, acted as a comparison, and provided theoretical replication (Yin, 2009). Key positive outcomes and rival explanations are discussed, along with implications and future directions. Chapter four provides some final reflections and conclusions, including limitations in design and methods of the study. The impact which this study makes to the profession of educational psychology is also discussed.

Gately, Rachel. "An evaluation of a paired reading intervention implemented by foster carers with looked after children". Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2014. http://etheses.bham.ac.uk//id/eprint/5123/.

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Abstract (sommario):
Looked after children have been identified by successive governments as a vulnerable group who have persistently demonstrated poor outcomes across a range of measures, including educational attainment and social inclusion (DfE, 2012a). The 2010 Conservative-Liberal Democrat Coalition government has identified narrowing the gap between this group and their peers as a key priority, and Paired Reading is one intervention that has been shown to improve literacy levels when implemented with looked after children (Osborne et al., 2010), with further potential value in strengthening the adult-child relationship through their shared engagement in the reading process (Topping, 2001). A mixed methods design measuring reading across three time points was used to assess the impact of a Paired Reading intervention with looked after children and their carers on the children’s reading levels. Although a significant difference was found for two of the measures of reading progress, a more detailed analysis of the data suggests that there was wide variation in both pre- and post- intervention scores. The results from this research suggest that Paired Reading may be an effective intervention for some looked after children, but that a differential analysis of individual child needs is required prior to implementation, taking into consideration children’s previous life experiences, literacy performance and relationship with their carer.

Regan, Helen. "Evaluation of a multi-modal, evidence-based intervention for sixth form students with test anxiety". Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2015. http://etheses.bham.ac.uk//id/eprint/6279/.

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Abstract (sommario):
This research explores the effects of a group intervention aimed at reducing self-reported test anxiety with sixth form students preparing to sit AS / A Level examinations. Previous research has suggested that a combination of cognitive behavioural therapy, relaxation skills training and study skills approaches are most effective in alleviating test anxiety and an intervention was designed combining these approaches. The effectiveness of the intervention was measured using a mixed methods design, with test anxiety measured pre and post-intervention using self-report questionnaires and two focus groups: the first in the pre-examination period and the second following the examinations. The results from the questionnaire showed that, after completing the intervention, participants’ test anxiety had been significantly reduced (p = <0.05), while the findings from the qualitative data suggested that participants felt that the intervention had skilled them with practical tools to reduce anxiety associated with high stakes testing. The findings suggest that the intervention is promising as a proactive approach in educational settings with pupils who have been identified as experiencing test anxiety. The implications of the research for the work of EPs are considered.

Soni, Anita. "Educational psychology work in children's centres : a realistic evaluation of group supervision with family support workers". Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2010. http://etheses.bham.ac.uk//id/eprint/824/.

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Abstract (sommario):
The present study examines the use of group supervision with Family Support Workers (FSWs) based in Children’s Centres, suggests key mechanisms and context features for consideration when implementing group supervision and highlights future directions for research. Literature on the role Educational Psychologists hold in Children’s Centres is reviewed and a role utilising community, critical and organisational psychology principles is suggested. The present study uses a Realistic Evaluation (Pawson & Tilley, 1997) framework to explore the mechanisms, context and outcomes of group supervision. Key mechanisms within FSWs were: confidence, openness to ideas, experience of the job and supervision, prioritisation of group supervision and relationships with colleagues. Key mechanisms within group supervision were: the professional contract, group working agreement, supervisor role, size and composition of the group. Key features of the context were management support and group dynamics. The present study discusses outcomes of group supervision in light of the literature, finding positive outcomes outweigh the number and frequency of negative outcomes, supporting previous literature and raising additional outcomes. The outcomes were coded into educative, supportive and managerial functions (Hawkins & Shohet, 2006). The educative outcomes were: learning from others, sharing experiences and problems, gaining ideas, strategies and new perspectives. The supportive outcomes were: reduced isolation, raised confidence, reassurance, supporting team relationships and individuals. The managerial outcomes were group supervision supported FSWs in delivering better outcomes for children and families.

Gurdineer, Erin E. "The impact of demographics, resources, and training on the quality of school crisis plans". Thesis, State University of New York at Albany, 2013. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=3565074.

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Abstract (sommario):

As our nation has become more aware of severe, yet usually rare, crisis events in schools, the need for crisis planning is more evident. Although the severity of crises can differ greatly (e.g., school shooting versus physical assaults), crisis preparedness is an essential component of schools' responsibilities in order to effectively respond to a variety of situations. A total of 70 participants, from multiple states across the United States, completed an online questionnaire about demographic characteristics, resources for school crisis planning, and training on crisis topics. Participants also submitted a copy of their school's crisis plan to be evaluated using a recently developed checklist to assess the comprehensiveness of plans. The results indicated that school crisis plans were often lacking recommended components in the prevention, intervention, and postvention areas. Further analyses revealed that demographic variables did not significantly impact the variation in plan quality, and the total training score did not significantly predict plan quality. However, the regression analysis for the total resources score was significant in predicting plan quality. Another important finding of this research was that plans often included essential crisis procedures that were not included on the checklist used for evaluation. These results hold several implications for schools. First, schools should be revising and updating crisis plans on a regular basis. The lack of certain components based on the checklist should be taken into account when revising these plans. Schools may also want to invest in factors that will positively influence their crisis planning. The current study suggests that resources are a significant predictor of plan quality, and thus this should be an area where schools focus time and funding.


Berrian, April Latrell. "Job satisfaction, perceptions of fairness, and perceived departmental support among African-American and White faculty". [Bloomington, Ind.] : Indiana University, 2006. http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&res_dat=xri:pqdiss&rft_dat=xri:pqdiss:3238496.

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Thesis (Ph.D.)--Indiana University, Dept. of Counseling and Educational Psychology, 2006.
"Title from dissertation home page (viewed July 12, 2007)." Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 67-10, Section: A, page: 3708. Adviser: Charles R. Ridley.

Ward, Kirsty Elizabeth. "Communication and language development in young children : a case-study evaluation of training for early years practitioners". Thesis, University of Southampton, 2010. https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/169079/.

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Abstract (sommario):
A small scale, case-study evaluation was carried out on a pilot training programme for early years practitioners. The programme used was the ‘Communicating Matters’ materials, published by the Department for Education and Skills (DfES 2006), which was designed to support the development of practitioners’ understanding and skills in relation to children’s speech, language and communication. Effective skills in the area of language and communication are considered critical to academic achievement and later life chances. The evaluation aimed to highlight issues of programme implementation and practitioner learning. The objectives of the study were related to identifying whether practitioners had gained knowledge about key areas of language and communication development and whether they were able to reflect on and identify how they would implement knowledge and skills gained from the programme. In addition, the evaluation sought to understand the process of implementation and identify issues to be considered in future delivery. A mixed methods approach to the evaluation was used to obtain data through questionnaire feedback from participants and interview data from programme trainers. Results indicated that practitioners had benefitted from the programme, at least in the short-term. Participants reported improved knowledge about the development of speech, language and communication and many identified key changes that they planned to make to their behaviour, in addition to strategies that they intended to use to support children. Further longer-term investigation is required in order to make more comprehensive claims about the success of the programme with respect to the retention and application of learning and outcomes for children. The implementation of the programme was examined and difficulties with the length and expectation of the training programme were identified along with other issues related to professional development for early years practitioners.

Al-Samarrai, Lahab. "Evaluation of mythodrama intervention among middle school students". Thesis, Institute for Clinical Social Work (Chicago), 2013. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=3556973.

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Abstract (sommario):

This study utilizes Allan Guggenbuhl's seven-step Mythodrama method of resolving conflict and bullying in a school setting which has proven successful in Europe, applies this to a school setting in the United States, and measure that application to see if this intervention for addressing conflict and bullying is successful in a setting in the United States. Pre- and post-testing was conducted and some statistically significant improvement post-intervention was found. Study results suggest this methodology would have efficacy when applied broadly in US schools.


Morando, Greta. "Essays on the economics of education and labour". Thesis, University of Essex, 2017. http://repository.essex.ac.uk/19999/.

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Abstract (sommario):
Chapter 1 provides the first evaluation of a recent educational reform in England which reduced the content of the mathematics module studied by pupils aged 16-18. Using the National Pupil Database we look at the reform's impact on the probability that secondary school students will choose mathematics, and their attainment. We use information on previous academic achievement and other individual characteristics to understand which students have been mostly affected. We show that this reform sheds new light on one of the most important questions in education research: why women are less represented in STEM fields. In Chapter 2, we exploit variation in the labour demand to investigate whether the first job destination of graduates from different socio-economic backgrounds is differently affected by the business cycle. We use the Destination of Leavers from Higher Education survey and the Labour Force Survey across the period 2003-12. When the labour market is tight graduates from disadvantaged backgrounds are more likely to choose to study for a professional qualification. Those who become active labour market participants have more trouble finding a job, and those who find employment experience lower job quality. We provide evidence of the importance of social capital in explaining these findings. In Chapter 3 we contribute to a recent branch of the economic literature on how social integration affects labour market opportunities. This literature compares the labour market outcomes of ethnic minorities who are in a co-ethnic partnership to those who choose a partner in the majority population . An important pre-requisite of these analyses is the extent to which these two types of partnerships can be compared. We analyse this hypothesis formally using a propensity score approach in Understanding Society data. The characteristics of these partnerships are such that they should not be compared even within narrowly defined subgroups.

Rowley, Avril Marie. "The management of change in primary education : nine headteachers' perspectives of their management and leadership styles through a period of educational reform". Thesis, Liverpool John Moores University, 2003. http://researchonline.ljmu.ac.uk/4975/.

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Karim, Michael N. "Electronic Monitoring and Self-Regulation| Effects of Monitoring Purpose on Goal State, Feedback Perceptions, and Learning". Thesis, The George Washington University, 2015. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=3687652.

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Abstract (sommario):

In order to remain effective in an increasingly digital workplace, many organizations have shifted towards the automatic and electronic collection of employee performance data. For example, employees completing computer-based training may be monitored to collect objective performance information for either developmental or administrative purposes. Though this allows for more objective employee feedback and evaluation, little remains known about the effect of pervasive electronic monitoring on key self-regulatory processes which underlie learning. This study was designed with this gap in mind and explores the relationship between electronic monitoring type (developmental or administrative), goals, and feedback perceptions, feedback usage, and learning. In order to understand this relationship, the current study extends classical theories of performance management and self-regulation to supplement emerging research on electronic monitoring. Results of this experiment suggest that monitoring purpose does not have a strong impact on state goals. Monitoring purpose, however, may affect feedback perceptions. Using the results of this study, evidence-based recommendations can be made for the theoretical understanding and practical of monitored training.


Clucas, Scott Richard. "Construction as a Curriculum Organizer for Technology Education". Diss., Virginia Tech, 1997. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/30772.

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Abstract (sommario):
This dissertation was the result of an investigation into the relative importance of construction as a curriculum organizer for the field of technology education. In particular, it concentrated on the relationship between construction technology and the principles of general education and technological literacy. The review of literature focused on the historic roles and meanings of this curriculum organizer and these principles as the discipline evolved from the industrial arts into technology education. Operational definitions were synthesized and the linkages between them was clearly identified. To address technology education's contribution to general education, or the full development of the human personality, the spheres of human/technology interaction model was developed. The model is based on the idea that people interact with technology and evaluate those interactions from three fundamental perspectives. Those perspectives were identified as the civic-life sphere, the personal-life sphere, and the work-life sphere. One hundred and forty-eight faculty members of technology teacher education programs in colleges and universities throughout the United States were surveyed. A 77% return rate was obtained. The survey included four major sections in addition to requesting limited information about the respondents and their programs. The four major sections asked the respondents to: 1) Evaluate potential goals for a K-12 technology education program. 2) Determine the relative importance of 10 study areas or curriculum organizers as they related to each of the three spheres of interaction. 3) Determine the percentage of the technology education curriculum that should be allocated to each of the three spheres of human/technology interaction. 4) Provide selected information about the way construction is offered and taught in technology teacher education programs. Medoid cluster analysis was used to evaluate the data derived from the goals of technology education portion of the survey. Using this information, three clusters were formed and initial respondent membership for each cluster was established. Subsequently, discriminant analysis was used to accomplish three goals: 1) Refine the initial assignment of respondents to the clusters. 2) Identify those variables that offered a significant level of discrimination between clusters. 3) Determine the accuracy of assignment to the clusters or groups. The canonical correlation 2, calculated by the discriminant analysis program, indicated that 66.3% of the variance was explained by the variables that were significant at a .05 level. After comparing the mean scores of the discriminating variables across the three clusters, one cluster was identified as favoring technological literacy, one favored industrial technology education, and one was ambivalent. T-tests were used to determine if any significant difference existed between clusters or groups. It was of particular interest to this research that no significant difference was found related to the relative importance of construction. All groups concluded that construction should comprise approximately 10% of the technology education curriculum. Finally, a schedule was established which allocated various percentages of the curriculum to each of the 10 study areas or curriculum organizers as they relate to the three spheres of human/technology interaction. This schedule was based on the relative importance assigned by the technological literacy cluster. The technological literacy cluster offered the most balanced allocation of the technology education curriculum across the three spheres of human/technology interaction.
Ph. D.

Altland, John T. (John Thomas). "A study of the contributions of Major Albert Sobey to American industrial cooperative education". Thesis, University of North Texas, 1990. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc332735/.

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Abstract (sommario):
This study concerns the contributions of Major Albert Sobey and his educational leadership during the development of the engineering cooperative education program that became the foundation for the General Motors Institute in Flint, Michigan. This study also examines Albert Sobey's contributions to the emergence of industrial cooperative education in America over the past seventy years.

Moh, Khaled. "The management of inclusive education practice in Libyan universities : empirical investigation". Thesis, University of Huddersfield, 2013. http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/id/eprint/19316/.

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Abstract (sommario):
The aim of this research is to explore the inclusive education practice in Libyan universities. This thesis developed a model of inclusive education based on a review of the literature to empirically investigate in one single model: (1) the affect of philosophy and policy on inclusive education practices; (2) the affect of curriculum design on inclusive education practices; and (3) the affect of teaching methods on inclusive education practices. The researcher designed a questionnaire to investigate attitudes of faculty members towards inclusive educational practice within their universities, and their concerns about inclusive educational practice. Four hundred questionnaires were distributed to faculty members working in four Public universities in Libya; 288 questionnaires were returned with a response rate of 62%.Of these, 41 of the questionnaires received were excluded and 247 were processed for analysis. The data collected for the purpose of this study is analysed. The analysis includes two parts: First, descriptive analysis is presented, starting with the main characteristics of the respondents and covering the trends of their opinions obtained from their answers, presented in percentages. Second, inferential analysis is conducted using the Structural Equation Model(SEM), applying Exploratory Factor Analysis in the first stage to identify the model that contains the factors that have the most significant impact on Inclusive Education using SPSS, then in the second stage the fitness of the model is tested through Confirmatory Factor Analysis using AMOS. Before implementing the SEM, the data is tested for normality and consistency, in order to ensure its validity for the analysis. The findings of this thesis largely support the hypothesised relationships proposed in the theoretical model. The model suggests some correlations to complement these factors and work together to influence inclusive education, correlations are suggested to be implemented regarding the dimension of policies, curricula and teaching; this means that when policy factors are designed they should be linked to the factors of curriculum and teaching, as the interaction of these factors could be considered as a new dimension. The results also provide strong evidence of the relationship between policies; curriculum and teaching, which in turn are necessary determinants of inclusive education. This thesis contributes to theoretical and practical knowledge by providing for the first time, evidence about relationship between policies, curriculum and teaching. The study makes recommendations and suggests strategies to deal with the identified challenges and finally provides a roadmap to policymakers educational in Libyan universities that may assist in the successful implementation of inclusive education in Libyan higher education.

DeGenova, Don. "Silicon valley north the development of a high-technology industrial base in the regional municipality of Ottawa-Carleton". Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 1985. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/4622.

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Bayley, Kenneth Stephen. "Overcoming barriers to post-qualifying social work education and training : the candidate speaks". Thesis, University of Southampton, 2009. https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/66057/.

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Abstract (sommario):
In this practitioner based inquiry I have taken the findings of previous studies and explored in greater depth the reasons why some qualified registered social workers are reluctant to undertake further post-qualifying study. This timely research coincided with the introduction of a new General Social Care Council (GSCC) post-qualifying framework aimed at increasing the number of social workers and their employers engaging in continuing professional development (CPD). Currently the GSCC estimated that between 10-12% of social workers have achieved a post-qualifying award (GSCC, 2006). To assist the readers understanding of the nature of post-qualifying social work education and training a review of contemporary literature and policy guidance introduces this research study. Using primarily qualitative methodologies I gathered data from three distinct sample groups of registered social workers currently undertaking post-qualifying training or recently completed their PQ awards at a number of south coast Universities. I adopted a three-stage structured approach, using questionnaire, interviews and focus groups as data gathering tools. My analysis and interpretation focussed on giving voice to respondents 'lived' experience and to provide authentic evidence for presentation to representatives of higher education, employers and training bodies involved in the planning, design and delivery of the new PQ framework. A comparison of other social welfare professions was used to benchmark CPD polices and requirements across social work, nursing and teaching. My findings demonstrated correspondence with a previous much larger research study funded by Skills for Care at the Centre for Health and Social Care research, Sheffield Hallam University. This research contributes to the continuing debate on the promotion of post-qualifying social work education and training and makes recommendations on possible tried and tested success factors, human resource strategies and the need for leadership from national bodies.

Baqadir, Abdullah Abdulqadir. "A skills gap between industrial education output and manufacturing industry labour needs in the private sector in Saudi Arabia". Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2013. http://theses.gla.ac.uk/4053/.

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Abstract (sommario):
From the oil boom in the 1970s up to present, Saudi Arabia, a leading oil producing country in the Middle East, has been encountering a serious shortage of skilled and qualified Saudi labour force, especially the private sector. Both the Saudisation policy and the current Ninth Five-Year Development Plan have addressed an urgent need to provide Saudi nationals with as many employment opportunities as possible to replace expatriate workers. To achieve this goal, the Saudi government has made great efforts to enhance the quality of education, as the key to a nation's future economic prosperity depends on the quality of its education and training. However, the current industrial education is still seriously blamed by private sector employers for failing to offer Saudi students of industrial education sufficient vocational skills training courses to obtain the kind of skills, knowledge, attitudes towards work at their request. In light of this serious vocational education issue, the purpose of this research was to investigate this skills gap between industrial education output and Saudi labour requirements in private manufacturing industries (excluding oil refining and petrochemicals), a sector that has been a major contributor to GDP growth since the late 1990s. A survey method was adopted to conduct this research by applying two research instruments: a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The aim of this survey research is to explore the perceptions of the manufacturing skills training offered in Saudi industrial education from the perspectives of three groups of stakeholders: managers in private manufacturing industries, trainers of industrial education and trainees of industrial education. The survey results revealed that a skills gap exists between the labour demand for qualified Saudi manpower and the current industrial education output and that there were social, cultural and economic factors leading to such a gap. This gap is the result of three factors-work ethics, specialised knowledge and generic skills, which play a key role in private manufacturing employers’ decisions to employ Saudi workers. In order to solve this educational problem, based on the comments by the three groups of stakeholders, this research suggests a model, namely, knowledge-based industrial education, to modify the current industrial education curriculum in order that the output of Saudi industrial education may be improved to fill this skills gap in the future.

Pham, Hieu Chi. "Effects of feedback, education, and work experience on self-efficacy". CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2006. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd-project/2985.

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Abstract (sommario):
Examines the contextual effects of social persuasion (represented by self, client, peer and supervisor's feedback) and mastery experiences (represented by formal level of education and work experience) on specific self-efficacy outcomes and perceived advancement potential in a sample population of nurses at a Southern California hospital. Results of the study suggest that self, client, peer, and supervisor's feedback consistently predict significant self-efficacy outcomes.

Cahn, Anna. "Behavioral changes and learning differences in students registered in online versus in-seat general education nutrition classes". Thesis, California State University, Long Beach, 2015. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=1594909.

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With the increase in demand for higher education, colleges and universities across the country are adapting and providing alternative ways for students to receive a college degree. This includes providing sections of classes purely online as well as in-seat. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate knowledge, motivational and behavioral changes among students enrolled in an in-seat, face-to-face introductory nutrition course compared to students enrolled in an online version of the same course. A pre- and post-semester survey were distributed and results showed that overall there were no significant differences in knowledge, motivation and behavior between the in-seat and online students during the pre- and post-surveys (p > 0.05). Both groups showed improvement overall in nutrition knowledge learned and nutrition related behaviors and slight decreases in overall motivation a result of being enrolled.


Thornbery, Emma. "Using realistic evaluation principles to evaluate an intervention utilising a collaborative problem solving framework aimed at supporting the reflective practice of multi-professional groups of practitioners in two children’s centres". Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2010. http://etheses.bham.ac.uk//id/eprint/1244/.

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Abstract (sommario):
The focus of this volume is on reflective practice. It presents a literature review relating to reflective practice and its development and an account of a research and development initiative aimed at promoting the development of reflective practice in Children‟s Centres. The Introductory Chapter provides an overview of the structure and contents of the volume as well as an explanation of the context in which the research study was completed and an account of the influence of a social constructivist perspective and empowerment research on the position of the researcher and the focus of the study. It also provides details regarding the completed and proposed dissemination of findings for a variety of audiences. Chapter 2 provides a review of the literature in relation to five broad questions but with a particular focus on the role of the Educational Psychologist in supporting organisational development through developing reflective practice. Literature regarding reflective practice is reviewed and used to inform the development of the focus for the research study which is presented in Chapter 3. The study involved the design, implementation and evaluation of an intervention aimed at supporting the reflective practice of practitioners in two Children‟s Centres. Realistic Evaluation principles were used to inform the design of the evaluation which measured the impact of the intervention through gathering the practitioners‟ perspectives. Implications for the role of Educational Psychologists in supporting reflective practice are also highlighted and discussed within Chapter 4.

Tarnoff, Jay. "An Investigation of the Role of Confirmation Bias in the Evaluation of Informal Reasoning Fallacies". Diss., Temple University Libraries, 2010. http://cdm16002.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p245801coll10/id/93269.

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School Psychology
A total of 168 undergraduate students at Temple University provided a measure of their prior beliefs and measures of attitude strength on three topics and then attempted to identify and explain informal reasoning fallacies based on the same topics. Contrary to the hypothesized predictions, prior beliefs and measures of attitude strength did not have a significant effect on participants' ability to accept informal reasoning fallacies consistent with their beliefs based on that topic, although agreement with the topic demonstrated modest effects. Furthermore, this research demonstrated that participants have significant difficulty identifying and explaining informal logical fallacies. Ability to identify and explain one informal fallacy is not a significant predictor of the ability to identify and explain other fallacies. Also, ability to identify and explain one fallacy in a topic is a poor predictor of the ability to identify and explain that fallacy in another topic. This research indicates that formal fallacy syllogism scores were the best predictor of the ability to identify and explain informal logical fallacies, and that agreement with the topic and willingness to act on those beliefs demonstrated modest effects. Consistent with studies on dual-processing theory, in informal logic the individual is forced to examine the information presented in the statement and the structure of the statement and then relate it to their prior opinions and attitudes about the topic, and therefore, the acceptance of the fallacy is a matter of motivated reasoning bias or self-deception instead of an error in analytical reasoning. Informal reasoning fallacies represented an error in judgment, or a misunderstanding of the validity of an argument. Practical implications for school psychologists, limitations of this research, and directions for future research were discussed.
Temple University--Theses

Shepherd, Deborah Pamela. "The promotion of mental health and emotional wellbeing of children (5-13) through participatory partnership work with school communities in one local authority : a realistic evaluation of the 'treasure project', a three-year children's fund project". Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2011. http://etheses.bham.ac.uk//id/eprint/1613/.

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Abstract (sommario):
This is an evaluative study of an ecological, multi-faceted, multi-levelled school-based mental health and emotional wellbeing project , called the ‘Treasure Project’. The project team directly supported 3,452 children and trained 607 staff from 56 schools. Realistic Evaluation (Pawson & Tilley, 1997) informed the evaluation. Theories, developed from a review of literature, were used to derive a framework of hypotheses about effective work in the area of mental health and emotional wellbeing. Data collected about the project was checked against the framework leading to new theories and hypotheses being developed. Findings from the evaluation suggest that: 1) projects aiming to promote children’s mental health and emotional wellbeing have more impact if they are multi-faceted, multi-levelled and include a whole school approach; 2) direct interventions supporting children’s emotional needs are more effective if school staff’s capacity is simultaneously increased through training and partnership work; and 3) capacity building is most effective when it takes place over time, is aimed at building staff’s support skills, and is rooted in evidence-based approaches providing good resources for future reference. The enquiry’s limitations are discussed, together with a consideration of how these findings might useful to professionals, including educational psychologists, working in partnership with schools.

Sze, Yeung. "Mechanics of an open society : education, career and identity of technical and industrial workers in Hong Kong /". Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1997. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record.jsp?B19003547.

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Robyn, Anecia Meghan. "Intention to quit amongst Generation Y academics at Higher Education Institutions". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/71603.

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Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Talent retention is currently an international challenge across industries, and especially for academic staff at higher education institutions (HEIs) in South Africa. It may be argued that HEIs are more dependent on the intellectual and creative abilities and commitment of their academic staff than most other organisations. For an HEI to maintain a long-term trajectory of excellence in terms of both research outputs and teaching, a strong focus on retaining a younger generation of skilled academics is needed. Unfortunately, in many fields HEIs have to compete with industry to retain these employees. At the same time, the academic profession has increasingly fallen behind the private sector in terms of remuneration, amongst others, resulting in a shortage of young academics in South African HEIs. An investigation into the intention to quit amongst Generation Y academics at HEIs therefore is justifiable. A mixed-method research design, including both qualitative (focus groups and blog) and quantitative phases (a self-administered questionnaire), was applied. Academics (n = 189) at six HEIs in South Africa were sampled. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients indicate that employee engagement, transformational leadership, job satisfaction, and remuneration, reward and recognition have a significant negative impact on intention to quit. Based on the multiple regression and partial least square (PLS) path modelling results, it was found that only employee engagement and job satisfaction have a significant negative impact on intention to quit. Therefore, the latter variables have the most significant impact on intention to quit amongst the sampled population. However, the PLS path modelling results suggest that, by including employee engagement, transformational leadership, job satisfaction, and remuneration, reward and recognition in the prediction of intention to quit, 45% of the variance will be explained. Relationships between the independent variables were also found: between employee engagement and job satisfaction; between transformational leadership and employee engagement; between transformational leadership and job satisfaction; and between remuneration, reward and recognition and job satisfaction. This study contributes to the body of knowledge on intention to quit among academics, and specifically the sought-after Generation Y academics. The findings serve as input for the development of efficacious retention strategies and mechanisms to retain Generation Y academics at HEIs in South Africa.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Talentretensie is tans 'n internasionale uitdaging in verskeie industrieë en veral vir akademiese personeel in hoëronderwysinstansies (HOI's) in Suid-Afrika. Dit kan aangevoer word dat HOI's meer afhanklik is van die intellektuele en kreatiewe vermoëns en toewyding van hulle akademiese personeel as diemeeste ander organisasies. Vir 'n HOI om 'n langtermyn-bestaan van uitnemendheid in terme van navorsingsuitsette en onderrig te handhaaf, is 'n sterk fokus op die behoud van 'n jonger generasie van vaardige akademici nodig. Ongelukkig moet HOI's met die bedryf kompeteer om hierdie werknemers te behou. Terselfdertyd het die akademiese professie toenemend agter geraak met onder andere vergoeding, wat ‘n tekort aan jong akademici in Suid-Afrikaanse HOI's tot gevolg het. 'n Ondersoek na die intensie om te bedank onder Generasie Y akademici by HOI’s is gevolglik regverdigbaar. 'n Gemengde-metodenavorsingsontwerp wat beide kwalitatiewe (fokusgroepe en blog) en kwantitatiewe fases ('n self-geadministreerde vraelys) ingesluit het, is gebruik. Die steekproef het akademici (n = 189) verteenwoordig van ses HOI's in Suid-Afrika. Die Pearson produkmomentkorrelasies dui daarop dat werknemertoewyding, transformasionele leierskap, werkstevredenheid, en vergoeding, beloning en erkenning 'n beduidende negatiewe impak het op die intensie om te bedank. Die resultate van die meervoudige regressie en PLS modellering dui daarop dat slegs werknemertoewyding en werkstevredenheid 'n beduidende negatiewe impak op die intensie om te bedank het. Hierdie twee veranderlikes het die betekenisvolste impak gehad op die intensie om te bedank onder respondente in hierdie studie. Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat die resultate van die PLS modellering daarop dui dat 45% van die variansie in die voorspelling van intensie om te bedank verduidelik word deur werknemertoewyding, transformasionele leierskap, werkstevredenheid, en vergoeding, beloning en erkenning. Statistiese verhoudings tussen die onderskeie onafhanklike veranderlikes is bevestig, naamlik tussen werknemertoewyding en werkstevredenheid; tussen transformasionele leierskap en werknemertoewyding; tussen transformasionele leierskap en werkstevredenheid; en tussen vergoeding, beloning en erkenning en werkstevredenheid. Hierdie studie dra by tot die uitbou van kennis oor die intensie om te bedank onder akademici, en spesifiek die gesogte Generasie Y akademici. Die bevindings dien as insette vir die ontwikkeling van doeltreffende retensiestrategieë vir die behoud van generasie Y akademici by HOI's in Suid-Afrika.

Johnson, James N. "Budget planning at three schools within an urban university with decentralized budgeting". [Bloomington, Ind.] : Indiana University, 2005. http://wwwlib.umi.com/dissertations/fullcit/3209578.

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Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (Ed.D.)--Indiana University, Dept. of Higher Education, 2005.
Title from PDF t.p. (viewed Nov. 10, 2008). Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 67-03, Section: A, page: 0861. Adviser: Edward P. St. John.

Baysal, Omer Orhun. "Strategies For An Effective University-industry Collaboration In Industrial Design Education: A Case Study Of Graduation Projects". Master's thesis, METU, 2007. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12608354/index.pdf.

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Abstract (sommario):
Industrially supported projects, which are an important part of industrial design education, have been carried on with an increasing pace in universities in Turkey for a long time. This thesis develops strategies to improve collaborative projects with industry in industrial design education, by examining how collaboration member benefit from each other&rsquo
s and which problems do they encounter with collaboration
and to find out what the needs and expectations of all members are through a case study of graduation projects. As a case study, the graduation project course in the Department of Industrial Design at Middle East Technical University in 2005 spring semester was chosen, where collaboration with industry has been regularly held since 2002. Results of questionnaires with all collaboration members namely the students, educators and company representatives were evaluated in order to develop strategies. As a conclusion, implications to facilitate further developments of university- industry collaboration projects and academic schemes are reached.

Himelfarb, Frances E. "The effect of sex-type on perception, self-assessment and performance of police recruits in training". Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/20860.

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Tappin, Ruth Maria. "Personality traits, the interaction effects of education, and employee readiness for organizational change| A quantitative study". Thesis, Capella University, 2015. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=3670203.

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Abstract (sommario):

The combination of globalization, technological advancements, governmental regulations, changing customer tastes and trends combined with a host of other influences constantly force organizations to change, or respond to changes in the business environment. Businesses need their employees to be flexible and ready for change; however, the literature is rife with the assertion that more than 70% of organizational change initiatives fail. These failures cost organizations billions of dollars each year and have been blamed in part on employees' unreadiness for change, and their subsequent resistance to it. Businesses have a continued interest in understanding how to achieve higher rates of success with change initiatives; therefore, this research examined whether or not employees' personality traits predicted their readiness for organizational change. It also examined whether or not employees' level of education interacted with their personality traits to moderate the effects of personality traits on variances in readiness for change. Results indicated that personality traits predicted employees' readiness for change; however, increasing education did not interact with personality traits to modify the effects of personality on employee readiness for change.


Safara, Benjamin. "THE EFFECT OF MODE OF EDUCATION AND DEGREE LEVEL ON EMPLOYER PERCEPTIONS OF APPLICANTS' HIREABILITY". CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2017. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd/453.

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Abstract (sommario):
Online education is becoming more prominent, but it has been found that employers are biased against hiring job applicants with online education. The influence of mode of education and degree level on employer perceptions of applicants’ hireability was investigated. It was hypothesized that employer perceptions would decrease as the education of an applicant moved to a category consisting of more online education. It was hypothesized that employers would be less likely to move forward with applicants in the hiring process (viability) as applicants’ education moved to a category consisting of more online education. It was hypothesized that degree level would moderate the relationship of mode of education on employer perceptions of applicants’ hireability and viability. Although it was expected that perceptions of hireability would increase as the applicants’ degree level increased and that perceptions would decrease as applicants’ education moved to a category consisting of more online education, as mode of education moved from hybrid to online, employer perceptions of applicants’ hireability were expected to decrease as applicants’ college degree level advanced. Survey results were collected using Qualtrics Resume Screener service. Results showed employer biases against an applicant’s hireability and viability exist as an applicants’ education moved to a category consisting of more online education, but degree level did not change this relationship. Theories were applied to results to provide possible explanations for the biases. The limitations of the current study as well as the theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed.

Amorim, Neto Roque do Carmo. "Teachers' job satisfaction and loneliness in Brazil| Testing integrative models". Thesis, Saint Mary's College of California, 2014. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=3625128.

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Abstract (sommario):

While low job satisfaction is a reality among Brazilian teachers, studies on this topic have focused almost exclusively on environmental factors such as salary as predictors of job satisfaction. No studies have combined environmental and personal factors to explain job satisfaction among Brazilian teachers. This study aimed to identify the demographic and professional characteristics of Brazilian teachers that are associated with teachers’ job satisfaction and its predictors. This study also tested two models comprised of environmental and personal predictors of teachers’ job satisfaction. Participants were 1,194 Brazilian teachers (830 women, 351 men, 13 non-identified) working in public (n = 906, 75.9%) or private schools (n = 153, 12.8%) or both (n = 129, 10.8%). The grade levels taught were kindergarten (n = 137, 11.5%), fundamental (n = 373, 31.2%), high school (n = 239, 20%), or more than one level (n = 433, 36.3%). Using a snowball sampling strategy, participants answered an online survey questionnaire. A series of t-tests, ANOVAs, and correlational analyses were performed to identity the demographic and professional characteristics associated with teachers’ job satisfaction and its predictors. The type of college attended, the type of school in which teachers work, geographical region and grade level taught were associated with teachers’ job satisfaction. Path analysis was used to determine the best fit for the hypothesized models. Loneliness was not found to be a direct or indirect predictor of teachers’ job satisfaction. Positive affect, goal progress, and teachers’ self-efficacy were respectively the strongest predictors of teachers’ job satisfaction. Work conditions and goal progress mediated the effect of goal support in predicting teachers’ job satisfaction. Future research is required to identify other factors that may predict teachers’ job satisfaction among Brazilian teachers.


Wright, Trevor. "An investigation into how youth ice hockey coaches learn to coach and their use of the Internet". Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/26811.

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Abstract (sommario):
This is a descriptive study into how youth ice hockey coaches learn to coach. Based on Sfard's (1998) two metaphors of learning (acquisition and participation), this study aims to investigate formal training programs as well as informal experiences in which youth ice hockey coaches are involved with. This study also attempts to present how coaches use the Internet, which is currently a timely topic. Semi-structured interviews with 59 male youth competitive (A, AA, AAA) ice hockey coaches provided in-depth responses into a number of different learning experiences. The results of this study have made reference to seven learning contexts for youth ice hockey coaches including (a) coach education programs, (b) coaching clinics/seminars, (c) formal mentoring, (d) books/videotapes, (e) individual experience, (f) face-to-face interactions with coaches, and (g) the Internet. It is concluded that all seven learning contexts play an important role in the development of youth ice hockey coaches.

Nandasiri, Ratnayake Mudiyanselage 1957. "Institutional constraints affecting county extension agents in Arizona". Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1990. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/277302.

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Abstract (sommario):
The purpose of this study was to determine the county extension agents' perceptions of institutional constraints to the performance of their duties within the Arizona Cooperative Extension System. Study population was 66 county extension agents in the state of Arizona. They were surveyed by mailed questionnaire. Study results indicated, on the average, most of the institutional constraints affect slightly on the county extension agents' work performance. Considerable variation observed among respondents in their perceptions of severity of the constraints. Some of the other important findings include; (1) 4-H agents perceived constraints more severe than Agriculture or Home Economic Agents. (2) County agents perceived more constraints in salary and promotion more severe than county directors. (3) County agents with more than 5 years of service perceived more of the constraints in the area of Personnel Evaluation more severe than agents with 5 years or less service.

Sze, Yeung, e 施揚. "Mechanics of an open society: education, career and identity of technical and industrial workers in HongKong". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1997. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B30104531.

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Hardin, Hilary S. "Organizational Leaders' Use of Distance Training| Employee Perception". Thesis, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, 2014. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=3632725.

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Abstract (sommario):

Organizational leaders are increasingly implementing distance training for employees (McGuire & Gubbins, 2010) and it is not clear if employees perceive this training delivery approach to be an effective means of acquiring new skills. No current qualitative studies address the perceptions and experiences of employees in a distance training format. As a result of ten individual interviews seven themes and 17 sub-themes emerged during data analysis. The themes and sub themes represent the experiences of employees attending distance training including: (a) use of distance training, (b) benefits of training, (c) perceptions of training, (d) expectations of training, (e) training delivery format, (f) training techniques, and (g) technology. This qualitative case study confirmed there are a variety of perceptions among employees attending training in a distance training format. While this study contributes to the body of knowledge by increasing awareness of the common themes experienced by employees attending distance training more research is needed to further address the themes that emerged.


Sartain, Suzy S. "Workplace bullying| Protective mechanisms between bullying and post-traumatic stress disorder". Thesis, Capella University, 2013. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=3589460.

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Abstract (sommario):

This quantitative replicated study was adapted from Nielson et al. (2008). It explored the relationship between exposure to bullying and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder as experienced by Licensed Professional Counselors (L PCs), who are themselves targets or have witnessed bullying in the workplace. The research questions probed (a) incidences of workplace bullying of LPCs, (b) the occurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms because of workplace bullying, and (c) the manner in which sense of coherence moderates PTSD-related symptoms for counselors experiencing bullying. Online surveys were sent to LPCs via email as a means of data gathering. LPC email addresses were obtained from Medical Solution links. The instruments chosen for the study were three validated surveys. The 54 LPC participants have provided their perceptions and personal experiences on workplace bullying, post-traumatic stress disorder, and a sense of coherence. The findings showed that the LPC respondents in this study were extensively exposed to workplace bullying. It was also established that there were no significant differences in the self-reported PTSD symptoms of LPCs who have experienced workplace bullying and those who did not. Lastly, the study concluded that high, moderate, or low sense of coherence (SOC) makes no significant differences in the development of PTSD-linked aftereffects to bullying. These findings add to the body of knowledge concerning bullying of licensed professional counselors, its aftermath, and any long-lasting effects of post-traumatic stress.


Pascoe, Aguilar Daniel. "Effects of personality type on the consensus-building performance of a leadership team". [Bloomington, Ind.] : Indiana University, 2009. http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&res_dat=xri:pqdiss&rft_dat=xri:pqdiss:3386710.

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Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Indiana University, Dept. of Instructional Systems Technology, 2009.
Title from PDF t.p. (viewed on Jul 15, 2010). Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 70-12, Section: A, page: 4543. Adviser: Charles M. Reigleuth.

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