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Artykuły w czasopismach na temat "Bechgaard salts":


Lasjaunias, J. C., K. Biljaković, Hongshun Yang i P. Monceau. "Thermodynamical properties of Bechgaard salts". Synthetic Metals 103, nr 1-3 (czerwiec 1999): 2130–31.

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de Caro, Dominique, Kane Jacob, Christophe Faulmann i Lydie Valade. "First nanoparticles of Bechgaard salts". Comptes Rendus Chimie 16, nr 7 (lipiec 2013): 629–33.

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Kézsmárki, I., F. Zámborszky, L. K. Montgomery i G. Mihály. "Conduction anisotropy of the Bechgaard salts". Le Journal de Physique IV 09, PR10 (grudzień 1999): Pr10–263—Pr10–264.

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Giamarchi, T., S. Biermann, A. Georges i A. Lichtenstein. "Dimensional crossover and deconfinement in Bechgaard salts". Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings) 114 (kwiecień 2004): 23–28.

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Brown, S. E. "Organic superconductors: The Bechgaard salts and relatives". Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 514 (lipiec 2015): 279–89.

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Dressel, M. "On the order parameter of Bechgaard salts". Physica C: Superconductivity 317-318 (maj 1999): 89–97.

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Kang, W., Y. J. Jo, H. Kang i O. H. Chung. "Genuine two-dimensional electrons in Bechgaard salts". Physica C: Superconductivity 388-389 (maj 2003): 585–86.

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Fraxedas, J., S. Perruchas, E. Canadell, P. Auban-Senzier i P. Batail. "Monoclinic polymorphs of the bechgaard-fabre salts". Journal of Low Temperature Physics 142, nr 3-4 (luty 2006): 397–400.

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Fraxedas, J., S. Perruchas, E. Canadell, P. Auban-Senzier i P. Batail. "Monoclinic Polymorphs of the Bechgaard-Fabre Salts". Journal of Low Temperature Physics 142, nr 3-4 (20.01.2007): 401–4.

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Perruchas, S., J. Fraxedas, E. Canadell, P. Auban-Senzier i P. Batail. "Monoclinic Polymorphs of Bechgaard and Fabre Salts". Advanced Materials 17, nr 2 (31.01.2005): 209–12.

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Rozprawy doktorskie na temat "Bechgaard salts":


Allain, Magali. "Études structurales par diffraction des rayons X appliquées à des cages supramoléculaires et à des conducteurs moléculaires". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Rennes 1, 2022.

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Les structures discrètes auto-assemblées dirigées par les métaux sont des édifices de grande taille qui cristallisent difficilement et se décomposent rapidement. De plus, la résolution de ces structures est compliquée par des données de diffraction de moyenne qualité. Différentes techniques de sélection de cristaux et une méthode d’affinement de structure, appliquée aux cages, sont discutées avec notamment l’utilisation détaillée du programme Squeeze qui permet de supprimer la contribution des atomes et molécules désordonnés ou non visibles dans ces grandes structures. Deux types de cages isolées et entrelacées sont décrites structuralement. Dans la deuxième partie, une série de nouveaux matériaux conducteurs organiques à base de TMTSF et de dérivés du TTF, et incorporant un nouvel anion fluorotantalate, est décrite et les relations structure-propriétés de conduction sont discutées. La première phase de Bechgaard avec l’anion magnétique hexafluoro-rhénate a été caractérisée et différentes études de stabilité en température et de conduction sont présentées. Le TMTSF et le BEDT-TTF ont été associés à plusieurs anions mixtes hexafluorés de tantale, de rhénium et de phosphore pour former de nouveaux alliages conducteurs. Ces synthèses ont également générées des matériaux avec des anions originaux. Deux méthodes de détermination de la charge sur les TMTSF ont été comparées sur plusieurs conducteurs organiques, issus de ce travail ou d’une base de données cristallographiques
The discrete self-assembled metal assisted structures are big size edifices which do not crystallize easily and decompose rapidly. Moreover, the resolution of these structures is difficult because of the medium quality of the diffraction data sets. Different crystals selection techniques and a refinement method, applied to the supramolecular cages, are discussed, with a particular focus on the use of the Squeeze program which allows the suppression of the disordered atoms and molecules contributions. Two types of isolated and interlocked cages are structurally described. In the second part, a series of new organic conducting materials based on TMTSF and on TTF derivatives, incorporating a novel fluoro-tantalate anion, is described. The structure-conducting properties relationship is discussed. The first Bechgaard phase with a magnetic anion, namely hexafluororhenate, is described, together with its temperature dependent stability and conducting properties. TMTSF and BEDT-TTF have been associated to several mixed tantalum, rhenium or phosphorous hexafluoro anions to provide new conducting alloys. These syntheses also afforded crystalline materials with original anions. Two methods to estimate the oxydation state of the TMTSF donors are compared for several radical cation salts, either prepared during this PhD work or selected from a crystallographic data base

Części książek na temat "Bechgaard salts":


Podolsky, D., E. Altman i E. Demler. "SO(4) Symmetry in Bechgaard Salts". W The Physics of Organic Superconductors and Conductors, 707–18. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.

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Kang, W. "Unusual Magic Angles Effects in Bechgaard Salts". W The Physics of Organic Superconductors and Conductors, 415–32. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.

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Monceau, P., J. C. Lasjaunias, K. Biljaković i F. Nad. "Energy and Dielectric Relaxations in Bechgaard–Fabre Salts". W The Physics of Organic Superconductors and Conductors, 277–312. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.

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Coulon, Claude. "Magnetic Properties of Bechgaard Salts and Related Compounds Role of the Electronic Localization". W Organic and Inorganic Low-Dimensional Crystalline Materials, 201–18. New York, NY: Springer US, 1987.

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Caron, L. G. "Energy Scale in Organic Conductors and the Problem of Superconductivity in the Bechgaard Salts". W Low-Dimensional Conductors and Superconductors, 139–42. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1987.

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Chaikin, P. M., J. S. Brooks, S. T. Hannahs, W. Kang, G. Montambaux i L. Y. Chiang. "Some Recent Experiments on the Field Induced Spin Density Wave States in the Bechgaard Salts". W Springer Proceedings in Physics, 81–86. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1990.

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RIBAULT, M., F. PESTY, L. BROSSARD, B. PIVETEAU, P. GAROCHE, J. COOPER, S. TOMIC, A. MORADPOUR i K. BECHGAARD. "FIELD INDUCED PHASE TRANSITIONS IN THE BECHGAARD SALTS". W Proceedings of the Yamada Conference XV on Physics and Chemistry of Quasi One-Dimensional Conductors, 393–96. Elsevier, 1986.

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BURLACHKOV, L. I., L. P. GOR'KOV i A. G. LEBED. "ON THE SUPERCONDUCTIVITY TYPE IN THE BECHGAARD SALTS". W Proceedings of the Yamada Conference XVIII on Superconductivity in Highly Correlated Fermion Systems, 500–502. Elsevier, 1987.

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YAMAJI, Kunihiko. "ON THE MAGNETIC-FIELD-INDUCED SDW PHASE IN THE BECHGAARD SALTS". W Proceedings of the Yamada Conference XV on Physics and Chemistry of Quasi One-Dimensional Conductors, 439–43. Elsevier, 1986.

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CHEN, Liang, Kazumi MAKI i Attila VIROSZTEK. "CASCADE OF THE FIELD INDUCED SPIN DENSITY WAVE TRANSITION IN BECHGAARD SALTS". W Proceedings of the Yamada Conference XV on Physics and Chemistry of Quasi One-Dimensional Conductors, 444–46. Elsevier, 1986.

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Streszczenia konferencji na temat "Bechgaard salts":


Mila, F., i K. Penc. "One-dimensional electronic properties of the bechgaard salts". W International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals. IEEE, 1994.

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Gerrits, A. M., T. J. B. M. Janssen, A. Wittlin, J. S. Brooks, J. A. A. J. PerenbooM i P. J. M. van Bentum. "Infrared investigation of field induced SDW formation in bechgaard salts." W International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals. IEEE, 1994.

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Kawabata, Kazushige, Tomoaki Yokoyama, Mika Mukoujima, Tomoyuki Saga i Takashi Sambongi. "Dynamics of isolated twin boundary in organic Bechgaard salts crystal and long-time relaxation of its mobility". W The 8th tohwa university international symposium on slow dynamics in complex systems. AIP, 1999.

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