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Bruce, Tina. Early childhood education. Wyd. 4. London: Hodder Education, 2011.

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Mayo, Aziza, i Iram Siraj-Blatchford. Early childhood education. Los Angeles: SAGE, 2012.

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Ebbeck, Marjory Anne. Early childhood education. Melbourne, Australia: Longman Cheshire, 1991.

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Smyser, Sheryl O'Sullivan. Early childhood education. Westminster, CA: Teacher Created Materials, 1996.

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Siraj-Blatchford, Iram, i Aziza Mayo. Early Childhood Education. 1 Oliver's Yard, 55 City Road, London EC1Y 1SP United Kingdom: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781446261439.

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Kelley, Michael F. Restructuring early childhood education. Bloomington, Ind: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation, 1991.

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Grossman, Bruce D. Early childhood administration. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1985.

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Morrison, George S. Early childhood education today. Wyd. 7. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Merrill, 1998.

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Morrison, George S. Early childhood education today. Wyd. 9. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Merrill/Prentice Hall, 2004.

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Arce, Eve-Marie. Perspectives: Early childhood education. Boulder, Colo: Coursewise, 1999.

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Morrison, George S. Early childhood education today. Wyd. 4. Columbus: Merrill Pub. Co., 1988.

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Morrison, George S. Early childhood education today. Wyd. 5. New York: Macmillan Pub. Co., 1991.

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Morrison, George S. Early childhood education today. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Merrill/Prentice Hall, 2007.

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Arce, Eve-Marie. Perspectives: Early childhood education. Boulder, Colo: Coursewise, 1999.

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Morrison, George S. Early childhood education today. Wyd. 8. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Merrill/Prentice Hall, 2001.

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Jording, Cathy S. Early childhood programs: Organization and administration. Lancaster, Pa., U.S.A: Technomic Pub. Co., 1992.

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Jasmine, Grace. Early childhood assessment. Huntington Beach, CA: Teacher Created Materials, 1995.

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Paciorek, Karen Menke. Early Childhood Education 2009-2010. Wyd. 3. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2010.

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Essa, Eva. Introduction to early childhood education. Albany, N.Y: Delmar Publishers, 1992.

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Epstein, Ann S. Models of early childhood education. Ypsilanti, Mich: High/Scope Press, 1996.

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Education Mini - Early Childhood Education. Taylor & Francis Group, 2011.

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Rose, Davies, red. Early childhood education. Mona: School of Education, University of the West Indies, 1995.

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Boals-Gilbert, Beverly L., i Lina L. Owens. Early Childhood Education. Allyn & Bacon, 2007.

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Bruce, Tina. Early Childhood Education. Wyd. 2. Hodder Arnold H&S, 1997.

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(Editor), Philip Gammage, i Janet Meighan (Editor), red. Early Childhood Education. Education Now Publishing Co-operative Ltd, 1993.

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Bruce, Tina. Early Childhood Education. Wyd. 3. Hodder Arnold, 2005.

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Barry, Persky, Golubchick Leonard H, Doctorate Association of New York Educators. i American Federation of Teachers, red. Early childhood education. Wyd. 2. Lanham: University Press of America, 1991.

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(Editor), Philip Gammage, i Janet Meighan (Editor), red. Early Childhood Education. Education Now Publishing Co-operative Ltd, 1995.

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Bruce, Tina. Early Childhood Education. Hodder Arnold H&S, 1987.

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Charles, Desforges, red. Early childhood education. Edinburgh: Published for the British journal of educational psychology by Scottish Academic Press, 1989.

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Menke, Paciorek Karen, i Munro Joyce Huth, red. Early childhood education. Wyd. 2. Guilford,CT: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin, 2002.

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Bruce, Tina. Early Childhood Education. Hodder Education Group, 2015.

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Coffee, Gina, Corey E. Ray-Subramanian, G. Thomas Schanding, Jr. i Kelly A. Feeney-Kettler. Early Childhood Education. Routledge, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9780203126875.

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Krogh, Suzanne, i Kristine Slentz. Early Childhood Education. Routledge, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9780203842010.

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Farland-Smith, Donna, red. Early Childhood Education. IntechOpen, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.73467.

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Krogh, Suzanne, i Kristine Slentz. Early Childhood Education. Routledge, 2001. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781410600530.

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Burke-Ramsay, Angela. Early Childhood Education. OECD Publishing, 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.14217/9781848598539-en.

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Branscombe, N. Amanda. Early Childhood Education. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1999.

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(Editor), Philip L. Safford, Bernard Spodek (Editor) i Olivia N. Saracho (Editor), red. Early Childhood Special Education: Yearbook in Early Childhood Education, Volume 5 (Yearbook in Early Childhood Education). Teachers College Press, 1994.

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(Editor), Karen Menke Paciorek, i Joyce Huth Munro (Editor), red. Early Childhood Education 98/99 (Early Childhood Education, 98/99). Dushkin Pub Group, 1998.

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Early Childhood Education 99/00 (Annual Editions Early Childhood Education). Wyd. 2. McGraw-Hill Companies, 1999.

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McKee, Judy Spitler. Early Childhood Education 86/87 (Annual Editions Early Childhood Education). McGraw-Hill Companies, 1986.

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Paciorek, Karen Menke. Early Childhood Education 93/94 (Annual Editions Early Childhood Education). Dushkin Pub Group, 1993.

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(Editor), Karen Menke Paciorek, i Joyce Huth Munro (Editor), red. Early Childhood Education 02/03 (Annual Editions Early Childhood Education). Wyd. 2. Dushkin/McGraw-Hill, 2002.

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B, Mottely Janet, i Randall Anne R, red. Early education. New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers, 2009.

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Vold, Edwina Battle. Multicultural Education in Early Childhood Classrooms (Early Childhood Education Series (National Education Assocition)). NEA Professional Library, 1992.

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Sowers, Jayne. Language Arts in Early Education (Early Childhood Education). CENGAGE Delmar Learning, 2000.

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Sanderson, Kay, i Sir Christopher Ball. Early Childhood Education Redefined. Routledge, 2018.

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Morrison, George S. Early Childhood Education Today. Pearson Education, Limited, 2011.

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Morrison, George S. Early Childhood Education Today. Pearson Education, Limited, 2012.

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