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Rushton, D. H., Gillian E. Westgate i Neste D. J. Van. "Following historical 'tracks' of hair follicle miniaturisation in patterned hair loss: Are elastin bodies the forgotten aetiology?" Wiley, 2021.

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Pattern Hair Loss (PHL) is a chronic regressive condition of the scalp, where follicular miniaturisation and decreased scalp hair coverage occurs in affected areas. In all PHL cases there is a measurable progressive shortening of the terminal hair growth duration, along with reduced linear growth rates. In both genders, PHL initially shows an increase in short telogen hairs ≤30mm in length, reflecting a cycle completion of under six months in affected terminal hair follicles. To understand the miniaturisation process, we re-examine the dynamics of miniaturisation and ask the question, 'why do miniaturised hair follicles resist treatment?' In the light of recent developments in relation to hair regeneration, we looked back in the older literature for helpful clues 'lost to time' and reprise a 1978 Hermann Pinkus observation of an array of elastin deposits beneath the dermal papilla following subsequent anagen/telogen transitions in male balding, originally described by Arao and Perkins who concluded that these changes provide a "morphologic marker of the entire biologic process in the balding scalp". Thus, we have reviewed the role of the elastin-like bodies in hair pathology and we propose that alterations in elastin architecture may contribute to the failure of vellus-like hair reverting back to their terminal status and may indicate a new area for therapeutic intervention.

Johnson, Tamina L. "Elastin-Like Polypeptide Fusion Tag as a Protein-Dependent Solubility Enhancer of Cysteine-Knot Growth Factors". Scholar Commons, 2018.

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Elastin-like peptide (ELP) fusions promote therapeutic delivery and efficacy. Recombinant proteins, like neurotrophins, lack bioavailability, have short in vivo half-lives, and require high manufacturing costs. Fusing recombinant proteins with genetically encodable ELPs will increase bioavailability, enhance in vivo solubilization, as well as provide a cost-effective method for purification without the need for chromatography. During expression of neurotrophin-ELP (N-ELP) fusions, dense water-insoluble aggregates known as inclusion bodies (IBs) are formed. Inclusion bodies are partially and misfolded proteins that usually require denaturants like Urea for solubilization. Strong denaturants arrest ELPs stimuli-responsive property and increase unwanted aggregation, making purification difficult, yet possible. The current field of study exhibit issues with protein recovery due to solubility issues and aggregation. This study examines the solubility challenges of inclusion body proteins and the role ELP fusion tags play on IBs solubility. Elastin-like peptides are a class of stimuli-responsive biopolymers whose biocompatibility and limited toxicity are attractive for biological applications. ELPs are tunable polymers, which consist of peptide repeat units (VPGXG), where X is any amino acid except Proline while the guest residue or length of the sequence can be chosen. ELPs have uniquely tunable phase transitioning properties that allow the protein to undergo molecular self-assemblies into different nanostructures in response to the changes in their environment (e.g. pH or temperature). Optimizing the purification process via suppressing aggregation during the refolding process has increased protein recovery slightly however, more work is needed to attain 90 percent recovery. Usage of ELPs has increased the solubility of N-ELP fusions, specifically for brain-derived neurotrophic factor ELP fusions.

Harutyunyan, Satenik. "Magneto-Elastic Interactions in a Cracked Ferromagnetic Body". Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2006.

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The stress-strain state of ferromagnetic plane with a moving crack has been investigated in this study. The model considers a soft magnetic ferroelastic body and incorporates a realistic (nonlinear) susceptibility. A moving crack is present in the body and is propagating in a direction perpendicular to the magnetic field. Assuming that the processes in the moving coordinates are stationary, a Fourier transform method is used to reduce the mixed boundary value problem to the solutions of a pair of dual integral equations yielding to a closed form solution. As a result of this investigation, the magnetoelastic stress intensity factor is obtained and its dependency upon the crack velocity, material constants and nonlinear law of magnetization are highlighted. It has been shown that stress result around the crack essentially depend on external magnetic field, speed of the moving crack, nonlinear law of magnetization, and other physical parameters. The results presented in this work show that when cracked ferromagnetic structure is under the influence of magnetic field it is necessary to take into account the interaction effects between deformation of the body and magnetic field and that such interaction can bring to a new conditions for strengthening the materials. Closed form solutions for the stress-strain state are obtained, graphical representations are supplied and conclusions and prospects for further developments are outlined.
Master of Science

Huang, Ming-Sheng. "Coupled elastic rotor/body vibrations with inplane degrees of freedom". Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1987.

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Al-Khalili, Jameel Sadik. "Intermediate energy deuteron elastic scattering from nuclei in a three-body model". Thesis, University of Surrey, 1989.

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A study is made of polarized deuteron elastic scattering from 58Ni and 40Ca at the intermediate energies of 400 and 700 MeV. A three-body formalism, based on the Single Folding Model, is used for two sets of Dirac nucleon optical potential parameters. Both potentials are designed to fit the proton elastic scattering observables at half the incident deuteron energy. The two potentials give different predictions for the deuteron scattering observables when used in the Schrodinger equation with relativistic kinematics. Good qualitative agreement with the experimental observables is obtained in both cases for deuteron elastic cross-section, vector (Ay) and tensor (Ayy) analyzing power data of the Saclay group. Quantitative discrepancies between theory and data, particularly in Ayy, suggest mechanisms missing from the simple three-body model. To this end, two sources of spin-dependent effects, Pauli-blocking and breakup of the deuteron to spin-singlet intermediate states, are studied. The role of the spin-dependence associated with Pauli-blocking is studied quantitatively for the d-58 Ni system. The magnitude of the momentum-dependent Tp tensor interaction, is shown to pass through a local maximum in the region of 400 MeV incident deuteron energy. Comparison of numerical calculations with the available experimental data at this energy shows the Pauli mechanism not to be responsible for outstanding discrepancies between theory and data. Breakup effects on the elastic amplitude are studied within a two-step calculation, using two separate high energy methods. The first neglects distortion in the initial, final and intermediate states. Use is made of the Adiabatic approximation, which allows closure over the intermediate breakup states. The effect on the elastic amplitude due to breakup to both triplet and singlet intermediate spin states are calculated. The inclusion of spin-singlet breakup in the model has a very large effect on Ayy, compared with that of spin-triplet breakup. This is attributed to a large contribution from a TL-like tensor interaction in the case of singlet breakup, which is negligibly small in the triplet case. Second order breakup effects are also calculated in Glauber theory, using central potentials. Continuum-continuum coupling effects are found to be negligible at intermediate energies, and thus the two-step calculation is adequate. Glauber theory shows, however, that distortion effects are important at these energies, and suggests the need for a more accurate treatment of spin-singlet breakup effects in future calculations.

Andersson, Ida, i Anders Hedvall. "Relationships Between Skin Properties and Body Water Level". Thesis, KTH, Medicinsk teknik, 2013.

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A need for a quantitative method to determine body water level has been identified by a team of Clinical Innovation Fellows at the Centre for Technology in Medicine and Health (CTMH). A reliable way to determine body water level would bring great benefits to the healthcare sector, where no optimal method is available at the time of writing. A possible solution is a sensor that would measure alterations in skin properties due to changes in total body water. CTMH has had an idea of such a sensor, which is evaluated in this work. At an early stage of this evaluation process, it became clear that the research regarding correlations between skin properties and body hydration level was not sufficient to warrant the initiation of a sensor development process. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis became to investigate such correlations. An extensive literature review is presented, from which an experiment was developed. The experiment was performed on four human test subjects and involved measurements of skin thickness and elasticity parameters, before and after a weight loss of 3.2-3.7 % due to dehydration. The results showed clear decreases in skin thickness and indications of alterations in skin distensibility as well as in the skin’s immediate elastic response to applied negative pressure. It could also be seen that skin at different body sites does not respond in the same way - calves showed more distinct results than thighs and volar forearm. The material provided in this thesis encourages further studies of the correlation between the mentioned properties and total body water. If a predictable correlation can be found, a sensor development process could start. A reliable way to determine body water level would bring great benefits to the healthcare sector, where no optimal method is available at the time of writing.
Ett behov av att kvantitativt kunna mäta kroppens vattennivå har identifierats av Clinical Innovation Fellowship vid Centrum för Teknik i Medicin och Hälsa (CTMH). Ett tillförlitligt sätt att mäta kroppens vattennivå skulle gynna hälso- och sjukvården på många sätt då ingen optimal metod är tillgänglig i dagsläget. En möjlig lösning skulle kunna vara en sensor som mäter variationer i hudegenskaper till följd av förändringar i kroppens vattennivå. CTMH har haft en idé om en sådan sensor, vilken utvärderas i detta arbete. I ett tidigt skede av utvärderingsprocessen framkom det tydligt att tillräcklig forskning saknades gällande korrelationer mellan hudens egenskaper och kroppens vattennivå. Det huvudsakliga syftet med detta masterexamensarbete blev därför att undersöka sådana korrelationer. En omfattande litteraturgransking gjordes, och utifrån denna utformades ett experiment. Experimentet utfördes på fyra testpersoner och innefattade mätningar av hudens tjocklek samt elasticitetsparameterar. Dessa utfördes före och efter viktnedgång av 3,2-3,7 % till följd av vattenförlust. Resultaten visade på en tydlig minskning av hudtjockleken samt indikationer på förändringar av hudens tänjbarhet samt dess omedelbara elastiska respons vid pålagt negativt tryck. Det visade sig också att huden inte reagerar på samma sätt på olika kroppsdelar - vader visade tydligare förändringar jämfört med lår och armar. Det material som presenteras i detta examensarbete uppmuntrar till fortsatt utredning av korrelationer mellan de nämnda hudegenskaperna och kroppens vattennivå. Om det går att förutse korrelationer finns det förutsättningar för att påbörja utveckling av en sensor.

Mermod, Philippe. "Neutron-Deuteron Scattering and Three-Body Interactions". Doctoral thesis, Uppsala : Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2006.

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Robillard, Travis Joseph-McCoy. "Calculation of caloric expenditure for elastic resistance training in upper and lower body exercise". Thesis, Wichita State University, 2013.

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Caloric expenditure of hundreds of activities, including conditioning exercises, occupational activities such as masonry work, self-care activities such as dressing, and lawn care activities such as mowing, have been previously reported (Ainsworth et al., 2000). However, there is little research that has been done in this specific area of MET calculation in regards to elastic resistance training. Elastic resistance training is a type of training in which one uses an elastic band to create tension during resistance/strength exercise. While there are a variety of ways to evaluate exercise intensity, METs (Metabolic Equivalence of Tasks) were used to evaluate the energy cost for elastic resistance exercises. The purpose of this study was to determine the METs and caloric expenditure per minute associated with elastic resistance exercise. 15 undergraduate and graduate exercise science students (6 male; 9 female) ages 18-25 (21.60 plus/minus 1.99 years), completed 10 repetitions of 10 upper and lower body exercises using two different strengths of Thera-bands (blue; black). METs and caloric expenditure were calculated from participants' relative oxygen consumption. Data were analyzed and a significant difference (p<0.01) was found between upper and lower body exercise as well as between the blue and black elastic bands. Lower body exercises performed by the black Theraband yielded significantly (p<0.01) higher energy costs (5.13kcal plus/minus 1.54; 3.85 MET plus/minus 0.5) compared to pre-exercise (2.06kcal plus/minus 0.67; 1.57MET plus/minus .046), black upper body (4.06kcal plus/minus 1.17; 3.05 MET plus/minus 0.44), blue upper body (3.94kcal plus/minus 1.24; 2.95 MET plus/minus 0.43) and blue lower body (4.69kcal plus/minus 1.48; 3.51 MET plus/minus 0.49) trials. In conclusion, individuals burned more calories with greater resistance and during lower body exercise. The exercise program fit ACSM's MET guidelines for a moderate-intensity exercise.
Thesis (M.Ed.)--Wichita State University, College of Education, Dept. of Human Performance Studies

Scarso, Jacek Ludwig. "Making theatre elastic : a practice-led PhD on performance research with Elastic Theatre, focusing on the body of work produced between 2005 and 2011". Thesis, London Metropolitan University, 2014.

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The present discussion is based on my performance research with Elastic Theatre (originally named Vocal Motions and also known as Vocal Motions Elastic Theatre), a company that I founded and have directed since 2001. A specific focus is placed on the body of work produced between 2005 and 2011, which comprises six performance outputs: Ophelia’s Song (2005-2006), Medea Made Medea (2007), The Magdalene Mysteries (2008), Medousa (2009), The Passion of Saints Sergius and Bacchus (2009) and Baroccata/Baroque Box (2010-2011). These productions have been informed by an overriding ethos, which is presented and reflected upon in the following chapters. I refer to such ethos by using the term elasticity, which I define in the Introduction, contextualising this within the broader spectrum of contemporary tendencies in performance practices, with particular reference to the notion of 'post-dramatic theatre'. This concept of elasticity is presented in relation to three aspects of my productions: respectively, the combination of performance disciplines (Chapter 1), the dramaturgical approach (Chapter 2) and the staging choices made (Chapter 3). Across these chapters, I provide a contextual overview of the aspect treated, a discussion of my methodology in relation to this, and a reflection on my findings, referring to the concept of 'liminality'. My Conclusion draws my reflections together, emphasising the original contribution that my work has represented in the field of contemporary performance. Each of my outputs is documented in the Appendices, through written, photographic and video material. The Appendices also include a chronological overview of the productions discussed, a summary/glossary of my methodological strategies and a brief presentation of the company’s history. Additional details can be found on the website:

Hopkins, Michael Anthony. "Dynamic Locomotion and Whole-Body Control for Compliant Humanoids". Diss., Virginia Tech, 2015.

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With the ability to navigate natural and man-made environments and utilize standard human tools, humanoid robots have the potential to transform emergency response and disaster relief applications by serving as first responders in hazardous scenarios. Such applications will require major advances in humanoid control, enabling robots to traverse difficult, cluttered terrain with both speed and stability. To advance the state of the art, this dissertation presents a complete dynamic locomotion and whole-body control framework for compliant (torque-controlled) humanoids. We develop low-level, mid-level, and high-level controllers to enable low-impedance balancing and walking on compliant and uneven terrain. For low-level control, we present a cascaded joint impedance controller for series elastic humanoids with parallel actuation. A distributed controller architecture is implemented using a dual-axis motor controller that computes desired actuator forces and motor currents using simple models of the joint mechanisms and series elastic actuators. An inner-loop force controller is developed using feedforward and PID control with a model-based disturbance observer, enabling naturally compliant behaviors with low joint impedance. For mid-level control, we implement an optimization-based whole-body control strategy assuming a rigid body model of the robot. Joint torque setpoints are computed using an efficient quadratic program (QP) given desired joint accelerations, spatial accelerations, and momentum rates of change. Constraints on the centroidal dynamics, contact forces, and joint limits ensure admissibility of the optimized setpoints. Using this approach, we develop compliant standing and stepping behaviors based on simple feedback controllers. For high-level control, we present a dynamic planning and control approach for humanoid locomotion using a novel time-varying extension of the Divergent Component of Motion (DCM). By varying the natural frequency of the DCM, we are able to achieve generic vertical center of mass (CoM) trajectories during walking. Complementary reverse-time integration and model predictive control (MPC) strategies are proposed to generate dynamically feasible DCM plans over a multi-step preview window, supporting locomotion on uneven terrain. The proposed approach is validated through experimental results obtained using THOR, a 34 degree of freedom (DOF) series elastic humanoid. Rough terrain locomotion is demonstrated in simulation, and compliant locomotion and push recovery are demonstrated in hardware. We discuss practical considerations that led to a successful implementation on the THOR hardware platform and conclude with an application of the presented control framework for humanoid firefighting onboard the ex-USS Shadwell, a decommissioned Navy ship.
Ph. D.

Ramesh, Ram S. "Identification of Multi-Dimensional Elastic and Dissipation Properties of Elastomeric Vibration Isolators". The Ohio State University, 2018.

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Hawkins, William C. "Effect of whole body vibration exercise on muscle activity when using elastic resistance bands in young adults". Thesis, Wichita State University, 2012.

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Whole-body vibration (WBV) has been shown to increase muscle fiber recruitment during isotonic contractions. No prior published studies have used elastic resistance. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the acute effects of a single bout of WBV on electromyography (EMG) activity during exercise when using elastic resistance. METHOD: 30 participants (14 male; 16 female) aged 18-30 were recruited for this study. Surface electromyography (sEMG) activity was then determined while participants performed the arm curl and squat using elastic resistance under three conditions: no vibration exposure, during acute vibration exposure, and immediately following acute vibration exposure. Seven muscles of interest were chosen: gastrocnemius, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, biceps femoris biceps brachii, triceps brachii, and lateral deltoid. Vibration was administered using a vibration platform (Wave®; ProElite, Windsor, ON Canada) at a frequency of 35Hz at 2mm displacement amplitude. RESULTS: Results indicate significant increases (.05) in sEMG in all seven muscles of interest between the pre-vibration (control) trial and the vibration trial. Additionally, the vastus medialis, gastrocnemius, biceps brachii and lateral deltoid yielded increased sEMG activity immediately following vibration. CONCLUSION: These data suggest sEMG activity is significantly increased during WBV. These data also suggest sEMG activity is significantly increased immediately following WBV in the prime-movers of the squat and arm curl.
Thesis (M.Ed.)--Wichita State University, College of Education, Dept. of Human Performance Studies

Boxerbaum, Alexander Steele. "A Whegs Robot Featuring a Passively Compliant, Actively Controlled Body Joint". Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2010.

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Gupta, Suresh. "Elasto-multi-body dynamics of internal combustion engines with thin-shell elastohydrodynamic journal bearings". Thesis, Loughborough University, 2002.

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This thesis describes problems associated with noise and vibration concern in internal combustion engines as the result of a growing trend in the development of modern vehicular engines with high power to light weight ratios. There are a plethora of vibration concerns. These are owed to the increasing combustion forces in lean burn engines and the progressive use of materials of durable, but light-weight construction. The latter has come about as a result of a need to reduce the inertial imbalances. These features have resulted in achieving fuel efficiency. Although the primary aims in high output power and structural integrity have been largely achieved, these have culminated in an assortment of sources of noise and vibration, chiefly among them those associated with signature output of the combustion process. For the common four stroke engines, the contributory sources are at half-engine order multiples, referred to as engine "roughness". A holistic approach is to incorporate reduced engine roughness contributions as an integral part of engine design and development. The aim of this thesis is to create a methodology for fundamental design evaluation and analysis of engine dynamics, which comprises rigid body inertial dynamics of engine assembly, the elasto-dynamics of flexible and compliant components and applied and reactive forces in such a complex assembly.

Stegeby, Henrik. "Four-Body Treatment of the Hydrogen-Antihydrogen System". Licentiate thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för kemi - Ångström, 2012.

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This thesis presents a nonadiabatic (4-body) description of the hydrogen-antihydrogen system at a nonrelativistic level. The properties of the system, the rearrangement processes and the possible existence of resonance states are investigated by using a variational method for coupled arrangement channels, the Gaussian Expansion Method, and the stabilization method. The 4-body basis set is optimized by means of prediagonalization of 2-body fragments. In paper I, a mass-scaling procedure of the Born-Oppenheimer potential is introduced for the description of the relative motion between hydrogen and antihydrogen. The nonadiabaticity of the system is investigated in paper II.

Azegami, Hideyuki. "A Proposal of a Shape-Optimization Method Using a Constitutive Equation of Growth (In the Case of a Static Elastic Body)". 日本機械学会, 1990.

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Paine, Helen. "Laser shaping : a method for controlling the elastic behaviour of stretch fabrics for a targeted and graduated compressive effect on the body". Thesis, Royal College of Art, 2016.

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This research was commissioned and funded by The Welding Institute (TWI). The Welding Institute are a global research and development facility specialising in the joining of materials for industrial applications. The purpose of this research was to develop capability in textiles joining, particularly ultrasonic and laser welding technologies, which is relatively new to TWI. The appointed researcher adopted a ‘multi-strategy’ (Cresswell 2009) approach to the research; encompassing methods that were both familiar and unfamiliar to those usually adopted by TWI employees and researchers, whom mostly come from engineering and scientific backgrounds. The research was primarily undertaken with the adoption of a ‘craft-design’ approach that uses material investigation to explore and uncover interesting leads for investigation, which was the familiar approach of the researcher coming from a background in textile design. Material studies were carried out inquisitively without the formation of a particular hypothesis and insights were discussed with industry to identify potential commercial and functional application opportunities. Following the identification of an interest in welding stretchy fabrics Speedo agreed to become the main industry partner for the research, providing materials, access to testing equipment and validation of commercial opportunities for material samples relative to their application. The main hypothesis for the research Laser melted patterns can be used to control the elastic behaviour of stretchy textiles to have a targeted and variable compressive effect on the body developed through discussion with Speedo in response to material samples produced using transmission laser welding equipment. A predominant scientific approach was adopted during the second phase of the research to quantify and control this effect: to demonstrate repeatability and test it both on fabric and the body. Methods that were unfamiliar to the researcher prior to this research such as mechanical testing and microscopic analysis were employed. Selection of either a ‘craft design’ or ‘scientific’ approach was made pragmatically in response to the research as it developed. Through a retrospective analysis of applied methods throughout the research trajectory it has been possible to define this particular ‘multi-strategy’ project as a ‘sequential exploratory’ design (Cresswell 2009), whereby periods of subjective investigation are followed by empirical testing. The main process that has been developed by this research is a decorative method of controlling the elastic behaviour of stretchy fabrics using transmission laser welding equipment for a controlled and variable compressive effect on the body. Compression fabrics are used widely within the medical, lingerie and sportswear fields to apply pressure to the body either for an aesthetic or functional advantage. In swimwear, compression fabrics are applied to streamline the silhouette and minimise drag resistance. The technique developed by this research makes a contribution to knowledge within the field of laser processing of textiles, specifically within the field of transmission laser welding, and within the field of compression apparel. In the field of transmission laser welding a new functional capability for all-over surface patterns has been demonstrated. In the field of compression apparel a new decorative method for achieving an increasingly variable compressive effect for a smoother transition between different zones of stretch has been achieved. N.B. All redacted information throughout this thesis is confidential to Speedo.

Heng, Piseth. "Simplified mechanical models for the nonlinear dynamic analysis of elasto-plastic steel structures impacted by a rigid body". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Bro- och stålbyggnad, 2017.

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Buildings subjected to impact and explosion are usually studied using large scale and highly nonlinear finite element model which are time-consuming. The first part of the thesis deals with the development of simple and accurate models for evaluating the nonlinear inelastic behaviour of steel frame structures subjected to impact. The research work in this part has produced four simplified models. The first model concerns with a 4DOF model that reproduces the behaviour of the impacted column. The restraining effect from the rest of the structure is modelled by an elastic spring, a head mass and a static load applied at the top of the column. In the second model, the impacted column is then further simplified using a SDOF model. The behaviour of the SDOF model is governed by an analytical force-displacement expressions of the column loaded by a located force. The maximum displacement of the impacted column can also be determined explicitly by adopting an energy-equivalent approach. Afterwards, in an effort to model the whole structure, two finite element models are developed. For these models, a co-rotational super-element that consists of a beam element and two generalized elasto-plastic hinges is obtained by performing a static condensation. An elastic flexible beam element is used in the first finite element model, whereas a rigid beam element is considered in the second one. In these models, inelasticity is concentrated at generalized elasto-plastic hinges which are modelled by combined axial-rotational springs. The behaviour of the hinges is uncoupled in the elastic range while an axial-bending interaction is considered in the plastic range making it possible to reproduce a wide range of cross-sections and joints. In addition, unilateral contact between rigid point masses is considered and the energy loss during impact is accounted by means of a restitution coefficient following Newton’s impact law. Energy-momentum scheme is used to solve the equations of motion produced by these models. The second part of the thesis concerns with the performance of the connectors in composite steel-concrete slabs under explosion. The purpose is to determine residual capacities of the shear connectors after being damaged by explosion using large-scale pull-out and push-out experimental tests and finite element simulations.

QC 20171106


Menday, M. T. "Multi-body dynamics analysis and experimental investigations for the determination of the physics of drive train vibro-impact induced elasto-acoustic coupling". Thesis, Loughborough University, 2003.

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A very short and disagreeable audible and tactile response from a vehicle driveline may be excited when the throttle is abruptly applied or released, or when the clutch is rapidly engaged. The condition is most noticeable in low gear and in slow moving traffic, when other background engine and road noise levels are low. This phenomenon is known as clonk and is often associated with the first cycle of shuffle response, which is a low frequency longitudinal vehicle movement excited by throttle demand. It is often reported that clonk may coincide with each cycle of the shuffle response, and multiple clonks may then occur. The problem is aggravated by backlash and wear in the drivetrain, and it conveys a perception of low quality to the customer. Hitherto, reported investigations do not reveal or discuss the mechanism and causal factors of clonk in a quantitative manner, which would relate the engine impulsive torque to the elastic response of the driveline components, and in particular to the noise radiating surfaces. Crucially, neither have the issues of sensitivity, variability and non-linearity been addressed and published. It is also of fundamental importance that clonk is seen as a total system response to impulsive torque, in the presence of distributed lash at the vibro-elastic impact sites. In this thesis, the drivetrain is defined as the torque path from the engine flywheel to the road wheels. The drivetrain is a lightly damped and highly non-linear dynamic system. There are many impact and noise emitting locations in the driveline that contribute to clonk, when the system is subjected to shock torque loading. This thesis examines the clonk energy paths, from the initial impact to many driveline lash locations, and to the various noise radiating surfaces. Both experimental and theoretical methods are applied to this complex system. Structural and acoustic dynamics are considered, as well as the very important frequency couplings between elastic structures and acoustic volumes. Preliminary road tests had indicated that the clonk phenomenon was a, very short transient impact event between lubricated contacts and having a high frequency characteristic. This indicated that a multi-body dynamics simulation of the driveline, in conjunction with a high frequency elasto-acoustic coupling analysis, would be required. In addition, advanced methods of signal analysis would be required to handle the frequency content of the very short clonk time histories. These are the main novelties of this thesis. There were many successful outcomes from the investigation, including quantitative agreement between the numerical and experimental investigations. From the experimental work, it was established that vehicle clonk could be accurately reproduced on a driveline rig and also on a vehicle chassis dynamometer, under controlled test conditions. It then enabled Design of Experiments to be conducted and the principal causal factors to be identified. The experimental input and output data was also used to verify the mathematical simulation. The high frequency FE analysis of the structures and acoustic cavities were used to predict the dynamic modal response to a shock input. The excellent correlation between model and empirical data that was achieved, clearly established the clonk mechanism in mathematical physics terms. Localised impact of meshing gears under impulsive loads were found to be responsible for high frequency structural wave propagation, some of which coupled with the acoustics modes of cavities, when the speed of wave propagation reached supersonic levels. This finding, although previously surmised, has been shown in the thesis and constitutes a major contribution to knowledge.

Bailey, Crystal. "An investigation of four-body nuclear systems a measurement of the cross section and analyzing powers for d+d elastic and d+d → p+t at intermediate energies /". [Bloomington, Ind.] : Indiana University, 2009.

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Thesis (Ph.D.)--Indiana University, Dept. of Physics, 2009.
Title from PDF t.p. (viewed on Jul 19, 2010). Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 70-12, Section: B, page: 7636. Adviser: Edward J. Stephenson.

Pidopryhora, Yurii. "Testing the low energy theorem for spinless "proton-neutron" bremsstrahlung". Ohio : Ohio University, 2003.

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Gnanakumarr, Max Mahadevan. "Integrated investigation of impact-induced noise and vibration in vehicular drivetrain systems". Thesis, Loughborough University, 2004.

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This thesis highlights one of the most significant concerns that has preoccupied drivetrain engineers in recent times, namely drivetrain clonk. Clonk is an unacceptable audible sound, which is accompanied by a tactile drivetrain response. This may occur under several different driving conditions. Many drivetrain NVH concerns are related to impact loading of subsystems down-line of engine. These concerns are induced by power torque surge through engagement and disengagement processes, which may propagate through various transmission paths as structural waves. The coincidence of these waves with the acoustic modes of sub-system components leads to audible responses, referred to as clonk. The approach usually undertaken and reported in literature is either purely theoretical or constitutes experimental observation of vehicle conditions. A few research workers have reported rig-based investigations, but not under fully dynamic conditions with controlled and reproducible impulsive action. The research reported in this thesis combines experimental and numerical investigation of high frequency behaviour of light truck drivetrain systems, when subjected to sudden impulsive action, due to driver behaviour. The problem is treated as a multi-physics interactive phenomenon under transient conditions. The devised numerical method combines multi-body dynamics, structural modal analysis, impact dynamics in lash zones and acoustic analysis within an overall investigation framework. A representative drivetrain system rig is designed and implemented, and controlled tests simulating driver behaviour undertaken. The combined numerical predictions and experimental noise and vibration monitoring has highlighted the fundamental aspects of drivetrain behaviour. Good agreement is' also found between the detailed numerical approach and the experimental findings. Novel methods of measurement such as Laser Doppler Vibrometery have been employed. Simultaneous measurements of vibration and noise radiation confirm significant elasto-acoustic coupling at high impact energy levels. One of the major finds of the thesis is the complex nature of the clonk signal, being a combination of accelerative and ringing noise, with the latter also comprising of many other lower energy content as observed in the case of transmission rattle and bearing-induced responses. Therefore, the link between rattle and clonk, long suspected, but not hitherto shown has been confirmed in the thesis. Another major find of particular commercial interest is the insignificant contribution of torsional damping devices such as dual mass flywheels upon the accelerative component of the clonk response.

Rous, Vojtěch. "Odolnost asfaltových pojiv proti stárnutí". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2013.

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Asphalt binder ageing and experiences with various ageing methods from abroad are described in this thesis. The practical part deals with the RTFOT aging and with the influence of the duration of this test. The comparison of test results is conducted before and after the aging by values of needle penetration, elastic recovery, softening point and resilience tests are evaluated and compared.

Lohse, Christian. "Über Wechselwirkungen in Elastomerlagern und deren Einfluss auf die Elastokinematik einer Vorderradaufhängung". Doctoral thesis, Technische Universitaet Bergakademie Freiberg Universitaetsbibliothek "Georgius Agricola", 2016.

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Als elastische Koppelglieder üben Elastomere im Fahrwerk maßgeblichen Einfluss auf die Elastokinematik der Radaufhängung und damit auf die Radstellgrößen aus. Bereits einfache zylindrische Probekörper zeigten in der Vergangenheit Veränderlichkeit der Federsteifigkeiten bei mehrachsiger Belastung auf. Daraus ließ sich ableiten, dass das Bauteilverhalten von zylindrischen Elastomerkörpern, bzw. Fahrwerklagern, schwer vorhersagbar ist und dieser Effekt durch die Verwendung komplexer Geometrien zusätzlich beeinflusst wird. Eigens im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelte Prüfstände ermöglichten die Untersuchung von statischen, mehrachsigen Belastungen sowie zyklischen, einachsigen Belastungen zweier Fahrwerklager einer typischen Vorderradaufhängung, dem Mc-Pherson-Federbein. Für beide Lagertypen wurden derart signifikante Federsteifigkeitsänderungen unter mehrachsiger Belastung beobachtet, dass ein Einfluss auf die Elastokinematik sicher schien. Unter einachsiger, zyklischer Belastung bestätige sich, dass einfache rheologische Ersatzmodelle, wie der Ansatz nach Kelvin-Voigt für eine Modellierung des viskoelastischen Materialverhaltens weiterhin Gültigkeit besitzen. Ein in einem Mehrkörpersimulationsprogramm erstelltes Gesamtfahrzeugmodell zeigte zunächst für die Auslegung der Prüfstände relevante Beanspruchungen in den Fahrwerklagern auf und diente weiterhin als Grundlage für die Untersuchung des Einflusses von Wechselwirkungen auf die Radstellgrößen. Dazu behandelt die Arbeit die Modellierung eines neuen Fahrwerklagermodells innerhalb dieser MKS-Umgebung. Dieses Modell bietet dem Nutzer die Möglichkeit für eine Abbildung von Wechselwirkungen an zylindrischen, zyklisch beanspruchten Bauteilen. Ein spezielles Fahrmanöver zeigte den Einfluss der Wechselwirkungen auf die Radstellgrößen auf und zeigte, dass die Berücksichtigung von Wechselwirkungen für eine Fahrwerkauslegung relevant ist. Darüber hinaus wurde mit kommerziell verfügbaren Materialmodellen für die Beschreibung es Materialverhaltens von Elastomeren innerhalb der Finite-Elemente-Methode aufgezeigt, dass bei einachsiger Belastung die Federsteifigkeiten der Fahrwerklager auf Grundlage der in der Literatur üblichen Auslegungsgleichungen näherungsweise abgebildet werden können, jedoch für mehrachsige Spannungszustände keine hinreichende Aussage über das Bauteilverhalten getroffen werden kann. Hier wurde weiterer Forschung- bzw. Erweiterungsbedarf an den FE-Programmen aufgezeigt.

Larsson, Niklas, i Josefsson Fredrik Ågren. "A study of slow denial of service mitigation tools and solutions deployed in the cloud". Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för datavetenskap, 2019.

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Slow rate Denial of Service (DoS) attacks have been shown to be a very effective way of attacking vulnerable servers while using few resources. This thesis investigates the effectiveness of mitigation tools used for protection against slow DoS attacks, specifically slowheader and slow body. Finally, we propose a service that cloud providers could implement to ensure better protection against slow rate DoS attacks. The tools studied in this thesis are, a Web Application firewall, a reverse proxy using an event-based architecture and Amazon’s Elastic Load Balancing. To gather data a realistic HTTP load script was built that simulated load on the server while using probe requests to gather response time data from the server. The script recorded the impact the attacks had for each server configuration.The results show that it’s hard to protect against slow rate DoS attacks while only using firewalls or load balancers. We found that using a reverse proxy with an event-based architecture was the best way to protect against slow rate DoS attacks and that such a service would allow the customer to use their server of choice while also being protected.

Mlika, Rabii. "Nitsche method for frictional contact and self-contact : Mathematical and numerical study". Thesis, Lyon, 2018.

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Dans cette thèse, nous présentons et étudions une nouvelle formulation du problème de contact frottant entre deux corps élastiques se basant sur la méthode de Nitsche. Dans cette méthode les conditions de contact sont imposées faiblement, grâce à un terme additionnel consistant et stabilisé par un paramètre gamma. En premier lieu, nous introduisons, l’étude effectuée en petites déformations pour une version non biaisée de la méthode. La non-distinction entre une surface maître et une surface esclave permettera à la méthode d’être plus générique et applicable directement au problème d’auto-contact. Le cadre restrictif des petites déformations nous permet d’obtenir des résultats théoriques sur la stabilité et la convergence de la méthode. Ces résultats sont complétés par une validation numérique. Ensuite, nous introduisons l’extension de la méthode de Nitsche au cadre des grandes déformations qui est d’avantage pertinent pour les applications industrielles et les situations d’auto-contact. La méthode de Nitsche est formulée pour un matériau hyper-élastique avec frottement de Coulomb et se décline en deux versions : biaisée ou non. La formulation est généralisée à travers un paramètre theta pour couvrir toute une famille de méthodes. Chaque variante particulière a des propriétés différentes du point de vue théorique et numérique, en termes de précision et de robustesse. La méthode est testée et validée à travers plusieurs cas tests académiques et industriels. Nous effectuons aussi une étude de l’influence de l’intégration numérique sur la précision et la convergence de la méthode. Cette étude couvre une comparaison entre plusieurs schémas d’intégration proposés dans la littérature pour d’autres méthodes intégrales
In this thesis, we present and study a new formulation of frictional contact between two elastic bodies based on Nitsche’s method. This method aims to treat the interface conditions in a weak sense, thanks to a consistent additional term stabilized with the parameter gamma. At first, we introduce the study carried out in the small strain framwork for an unbiased version of the ethod. The non-distinction between a master surface and a slave one will allow the method to be more generic and directly applicable to the self-contact problem. The restrictive framework of small strain allowed us to obtain theoretical results on the consistency and convergence of the method. Then, we present the extension of the Nitsche method to the large strain case more relevant for industrial applications and situations of self-contact. This Nitsche’s method is formulated for an hyper-elastic material and declines in the two versions: biased and unbiased. We describe a class of methods through a generalisation parameter theta . Particular variants have different properties from a numerical point of view, in terms of accuracy and robustness. To prove the accuracy of the method for large deformations, we provide several academic and industrial tests. We also study the influence of numerical quadrature on the accuarcy and convergence of the method. This study covers a comparison of several integration rules proposed in the literature for other integral methods

Musil, Vladimír. "Relaxace smykového napětí asfaltových pojiv v DSR". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2015.

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The thesis describes the relaxation properties of bituminous binders determined in dynamic shear rheometer (DSR). Paving bitumen, polymer modified bitumen (PMB) and crumb rubber modified bitumen (CRmB) were chosen for comparison. In order to describe the effects of ageing on asphalt binders relaxation properties, the laboratory simulation of ageing using RTFOT and 3xRTFOT method was performed. For each binder were simultaneously conducted tests of needle penetration, softening point and elastic recovery. Selected bitumens were used for the production of asphalt mixtures. The low-temperature properties tests (TSRST) were performed for these mixtures, when the results were compared to the relaxation properties of binders determined in the DSR.

Pedersen, Helle Anette. "Étude de la diffraction tridimensionnelle des ondes sismiques dans des structures à géométrie bidimensionnelle : développement théorique et applications". Grenoble 1, 1994.

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La diffraction tridimensionnelle (3d) des ondes sismiques par des structures a geometrie bidimensionnelle (2d) est etudiee par la methode indirecte d'elements de frontiere (ibem, pour indirect boundary element method). Les ondes incidentes peuvent arriver en dehors du plan 2d et, en consequence, la diffraction est 3d avec couplage de tous les types d'onde. Ce travail est divise en trois parties. La theorie de ibem et son extension aux problemes de diffraction 3d par des structures 2d sont presentees dans la premiere partie. La deuxieme est consacree a l'application de la methode pour l'etude de la diffraction et de l'amplification par des reliefs topographiques et des vallees sedimentaires. La derniere partie consiste en l'etude d'une suture lithospherique et en une simulation numerique de la diffraction des ondes de surface par cette suture. Les resultats majeurs de ce travail sont a la fois de nature theorique et pratique. Ibem s'avere etre une methode precise et rapide pour simuler la diffraction 3d par des structures 2d. Elle est numeriquement stable et permet le calcul du champ d'onde complet en prenant en compte le transfert d'energie entre differentes types d'ondes. Ibem semble ainsi etre un outil prometteur pour l'interpretation de donnees sismologiques. L'analyse de donnees ainsi que les simulations numeriques de la propagation d'ondes au travers de reliefs topographiques et de vallees sedimentaires montrent que: 1) les effets 3d sont importants, 2) l'amplification due aux reliefs topographiques est faible, et 3) des ondes diffractees sont emises du sommet des reliefs. Enfin, nous avons mis en evidence un changement rapide de la structure lithospherique sous la zone sorgenfrei-tornquist par analyse d'ondes de rayleigh de longue periode. La simulation numerique montre que les ondes de rayleigh incidentes sur une telle suture sont transmises ou reflechies sous la forme d'ondes de surface ou de volume

Zechel, Gero. "Gewinnung sicherer Lastannahmen aus Simulation und Messung zur Festigkeitsauslegung von Straßen- und Stadtbahnen". Doctoral thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2017.

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Die Nutzung historisch solider Lastannahmen, wie sie zum Beispiel die VDV Richtlinie 152 in der Fassung von 1992 festlegt, ist für die Festigkeitsauslegung neuartiger Straßen- und Stadtbahnfahrzeuge unzureichend, da die Annahmen und Methoden der Komplexität und insbesondere der Nichtlinearität moderner Fahrzeugkonzepte keine Rechnung tragen. Diese Arbeit zeigt auf, wie sich entstandene Lücken in den Lastannahmen durch Simulation und Messung von Fahrzeug und Gleis analysieren, verstehen und schließen lassen. Den Kern bildet dabei der Einsatz detaillierterer Simulationsmodelle von Fahrzeug und Gleis, deren Eingangsdaten mit Hilfe von Messungen gewonnen und deren Ausgangsdaten mit ihnen verifiziert und ergänzt werden müssen. Hierfür werden Methoden und Werkzeuge entwickelt, die ein ein vielseitiges Baukastensystem für die Fahrzeuganalyse, Modellvalidierung und Datenbewertung bilden, und zu sicheren Lastannahmen für die Fahrzeugauslegung führen.

Brenot, Dominique. "Transmission du son à l'intérieur d'une structure axisymétrique". Paris 6, 1986.

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Problème de la transmission du son sur l'axe d'une structure élastique fermée à symétrie de révolution. Problème de Neumann, associé à la pression acoustique par la méthode de la phase stationnaire et problème de structure par une méthode d'éléments finis.

TSAI, KUN-YU, i 蔡坤育. "Numerical stress computations of piezoelectric elastic body with hole". Thesis, 2002.

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Tsai, Meng-Han, i 蔡孟翰. "Facial expressions synthesizing system using Elastic Body Spline transform". Thesis, 2000.

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In this paper, we develope a face expressional model synthesizing system that can synthesize two-dimensional (2-D) facial expressions by a precise method called elastic body spline (EBS). EBS is a coordinate transformation based on a physical model of homogeneous, isotropic three-dimensional and two-dimensional elastic body. Because the facial expressions are generated as the face muscles perform deformations, we can thus model the human''s face as an elastic body. In our face expressional model synthesizing system, we need to construct a 2-D facial model to measure the feature points on the subject face. Based on EBS and anthropometry, we can completely synthesize the facial expressions such as simple and complex muscle movement and the pronunciation of numbers, vowels, diphthongs, and consonants. If the subject''s face rotates, we still can use our system to calculate 2-D facial model with expressions and rotations. That is, we can directly use our system to approximate the combined effect of rotation and deformation of 3-D human face that can simplified the computation. Furthermore, according to the anthropometry, the deformation of every region on the face is different. In our system, we can use different parameters to generate suitable deformation. Most of the past works in facial animation used action units and their linear combination to construct facial expressions that didn''t consult the face rotation and the force field connectivity of face''s muscle. Here, we consider these issues in our design such that we can get better results. Because our feature points are defined based on MPEG-4 standard, our system can be used for MPEG-4 related applications.

Lin, Chia-Hung, i 林嘉宏. "Detecting an Inclusion in an Elastic Body with Residual Stress". Thesis, 2018.

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We only consider the inverse problem for estimating the size of an inclusion D, D⊂Ω, in an elastic body with residual stress. The constitutive equation of this elasticity system is not isotropic, due to the presence of residual stresses. We prove that the size of the inclusion can be estimated both from above and below by using only one pair of traction-displacement measurement on the boundary of Omega.

Tsai, Bo-Wen, i 蔡博文. "Study of oscillation modes of elastic body in different media". Thesis, 2015.

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This paper mainly focuses on the oscillation modes of elastic body in vacuum and fluid, including the average force of center of mass by driving elastic body. Comparison the average force between various frequency, the natural frequencies, and the frequencies of different oscillation modes in vacuum were performed. In this paper, the elastic body is created by general lattice spring model and the deflection of beam theory can insure that the general lattice spring model is valid. To separate of different vibration modes and natural frequencies of free vibration, a constant in the position function of vibration is obtained. By simulating the oscillations of elastic body,two different oscillation modes (periodic and non-periodic) at the tail of elastic body has been found. However, there has no different oscillation modes have found while in fluid. The discussion of energy loss, energy transfer in fluid is presented.

陳健福. "Vibration Isolation Design of Automotive Seating System with Elastic Vehicle Body". Thesis, 2004.

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This thesis presents a vibration isolation optimum design of automotive seating system based upon a half-car model. The vehicle body is simulated as an elastic beam equipped with an active suspension system which possesses a fuzzy controller using the vertical accelerations of front and rear seats, and their rates of change as feedbacks. The mean square values of the vertical accelerations of front and rear seats are chosen to be the fitness function, and the constrained conditions of suspension travels and tire deflections are added as a penalty function. In the study, the vehicle is simulated to travel on an irregular road surface. The proposed genetic algorithms are then applied to adjust both the membership functions and the fuzzy rules so as to reduce the vertical acceleration levels of front and rear seats. The simulating results indicate that compared to the passive suspension system, the improvements on the vertical acceleration of front seat is about 30%, on the vertical acceleration of rear seat is about 40%. This optimal system is also testified on the step road surface and found that the maximum accelerations of front and rear seats are still smaller than those obtained by the passive system. Also, the front and rear suspension travels, and tire deflections are all within the tolerant range to ensure that the suspension system works normally and the wheel provides enough road holding. It is concluded that the fuzzy controller designed by the proposed genetic algorithms can efficiently reduce the vertical accelerations of front and rear seats to improve the passenger ride comfort without influencing the ride safety.

YU, CHENG-RUEI, i 俞承睿. "Study on Dynamic Similitude Theory of a Rigid-Body System with Elastic Supports". Thesis, 2019.

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In the existing literature, the researchers and industries usually predict the vibration characteristics of a structural system using the full-size model. However, the construction and vibration testing of the full-size model are costly and time-consuming. Therefore, based on the structural similitude theory, this research will present a technique for predicting the vibration characteristics of a full-size rigid-body system with elastic supports by using its scale models. Because a lot of time and money, for developing a full-size system, can be saved, the technique presented in this research is useful from academic and practical views. First of all, the rigid-body system with elastic supports will be simplified as a multi-degree-of-freedom mass-spring-damper system. Then, this research will use the finite element method as the basic theoretical basis to derive the motion equations of the full-size and scale multi-degree-of-freedom mass-spring-damper system, and then compare the above-mentioned full-size and scale rigid-body. With the equation of motion of system with elastic supports and the introduction of structural similarity theory, scaling factors similar to the vibration characteristics between full-size and scale rigid-body system with elastic supports can be established. Finally, this research will design the scale mass-spring-damper system model based on the aforementioned scaling laws and scaling factors, and calculate the full-size mass-spring-damper system vibration characteristic through Finite element analysis, scaling laws and scaling factors. In order to confirm the correctness of the proposed method, this research will establish some related finite element models and carry out related numerical analysis, and will also make a simple full-size mass-spring-damper system model and scale mass -spring-damper system model, then, the vibration test is carried out for the above model, and finally, the theoretical calculation results and the vibration test results are analyzed to confirm the reliability of the method proposed in the present research.

CHEN, XIAN-ZHONG, i 陳献忠. "The effects of fluid, temperature, and rotation on drnamic characteristics of an elastic body". Thesis, 1992.

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The dynamic characteristics of a rotating elastic body are different from those when the body is non-rotational. This is due to the existence of centrifugal force and Coriolis force. The purpose of this paper is to predict the differences in dynamic characteristics. The strain energy is formulated by using the non-linear relation between strain and displacement. Then the Hamilton''s principle is utilized to derive the equation of motion. The concept of the ''Steady State'' is introduced to linearize the equation of motion for the displacement of vibration. The method of eigenfunction expansion is applied to solve the equation. Several solved problems are re-solved by our theory and the results of ours are proved to be correct. We also give a formulation of the solution for the blades of turbomachinery, which are widely used in jet engines or generators. An experiment is set up to verify our theory. The result of our theory shows excellent agreement with that of the experiment. 一個在定速旋轉狀態下的線性彈性體的動態特性,會因為離心力與柯氏力的影響,而 與非旋轉時的動庀特性有所不同。本文的目的,便是想將這動態特性的變化,利用在 彈性體非旋轉時所能量測到的資料,來將其預測出來。非旋轉時動態特性的量測,係 利用模態測試(Model Testing) 的方法。文中先利用非線性的應變─位移關係式,來 導出應變能的數學形式,然後與動能項,外力與阻尼力所作的功代入漢米頓原理 (Hamilton''s principle)來導來運動方程式。接著利用靜穩態(Steady state)的觀念 ,將方程式針對振動位移作線性化而得振動位移的運動方程式。然後利用特徵函數展 開法(Eigenfunction expansion) 來求得解的通式,並對於幾種有解(解析解或數值 解)的案例做計算結果之比較。本文並對渦輪機械的葉片完成導式。最後完成實驗來 證明本文理論的可靠性。

Borowski, Krzysztof. "Conformational Ensemble Generation via Constraint-based Rigid-body Dynamics Guided by the Elastic Network Model". Thesis, 2011.

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Conformational selection is the idea that proteins traverse positions on the conformational space represented by their potential energy landscape, and in particular positions considered as local energy minima. Conformational selection a useful concept in ligand binding studies and in exploring the behavior of protein structures within that energy landscape. Often, research that explores protein function requires the generation of conformational ensembles, or collections of protein conformations from a single structure. We describe a method of conformational ensemble generation that uses joint-constrained rigid-body dynamics (an approach that allows for explicit consideration of rigidity) and the elastic network model (providing structurally derived directional guides for the rigid-body model). We test our model on a selection of unbound proteins and examine the structural validity of the resulting ensembles, as well as the ability of such an approach to generate conformations with structural overlaps close to the ligand-bound versions of the proteins.

Shahmir, Arman. "Characterization of apparent mass of human body seated on rigid and elastic seats under vertical vibration". Thesis, 2012.

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Characterization of biodynamic responses of seated body exposed to whole-body vibration forms an essential basis for understanding of mechanical-equivalent properties of the body and potential injury mechanisms, and developments in frequency-weightings and enhanced design tools for the coupled human-seat system. Such responses are strongly dependent upon human anthropometric, gender, sitting posture and vibration condition in a highly complex and coupled manner, while only limited knowledge exists on effects of these factors. Furthermore, such responses are mostly evaluated for body on a rigid seat due to complexities associated with measurement of forces developed at an elastic human-seat interface under vibration. An elastic seat greatly alters human-seat interface contact force and contact area. The biodynamic responses with an elastic seat are thus expected to differ. This dissertation research concerns with development of a methodology for measurement of apparent mass (APMS) responses of human body seated on an elastic seat and exposed to vertical vibration. A force-sensing resistive pressure measurement system was initially used to capture responses of 58 human subjects (31 male and 27 female) seated on a rigid seat with and without a vertical back support, and exposed to three different magnitudes of broad band random vibration in the 0.5 to 20 Hz range (overall rms acceleration = 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75 m/s2). The APMS responses were also obtained using the conventional force plate. The responses acquired from the force plate were thoroughly analyzed to study effects of gender, and mass-related (body mass, body mass index, body fat, lean body mass), stature-related (standing height, sitting height, C7-height) and build-related (buttock circumference, contact area) anthropometric dimensions. The results showed strong coupling between the gender and the body mass, while a strong correlation of the peak APMS was evident with body mass, body mass index, body fat and hip circumference. The data were subsequently grouped within three different body mass ranges in order to decouple the effect. The gender effect was observed in the vicinity of secondary peak where female subjects revealed higher APMS magnitude, while the male subjects showed relatively higher primary peak frequency than females. Comparisons of APMS responses with those derived from the pressure sensing mat revealed large differences. APMS magnitudes derived from the pressure sensing mat were considerably lower than those obtained from the conventionally used force plate in the entire frequency range. The differences were attributed to low resolution of the sensor and limited acquisition rate of the hardware. A correction function was subsequently derived from the ratio of response functions obtained from the two measurement systems, which revealed nearly linear decreasing trend with frequency. The application of correction functions resulted in comparable responses from the two measurement systems. It was then hypothesized that the proposed correction function, mostly attributed to limited acquisition rate, would be equally applicable for cushion seats. Subsequent measurements were performed to derive APMS of subjects seated on a cushion seat. Comparisons of APMS magnitudes obtained for the cushion seat with those obtained with the rigid seat revealed that response magnitudes and the primary resonance frequency of subjects when seated on a cushion seat are generally lower. The effects of selected anthropometric factors, sitting posture and vibration magnitudes, however, were very similar to those observed for the rigid seat.

Koutsovasilis, Panagiotis [Verfasser]. "Model order reduction in structural mechanics : coupling the rigid and elastic multi body dynamics / von Panagiotis Koutsovasilis". 2009.

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陳俊仁. "Trefftz Method for analyzing the scattering field of 3-D elastic body with spherical or spheroidal cavity". Thesis, 2001.

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The stress fields for a spherical cavity were solved first. Then, the Trefftz solution sets of those governing equations (two sets of Helmholtz equations), which were also called spheroidal wave functions, were then applied to a scattering field from a plane harmonic compression wave, impinging on a elastic solid with a oblate spheroidal cavity. Since the scattering field is a sum of a series, the coefficient of each term was obtained by the traction-free boundary conditions on the surfaces of the spheroidal cavity. The problem when the oblate spheroidal cavity is very flat as a penny-shaped crack was discussed, also. Finally, the methods to finding the spheroidal wave functions were also discussed the case when the multiplications of wavenumber and focus length were up to 10 for oblate spheroid. A better method to find the accurate characteristic values was suggested.

CHIU, YI-SHU, i 邱一恕. "Effects of rhythmic elastic resistance training on the body composition and functional fitness of elderly female in Kinmen". Thesis, 2019.

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Purpose: Music of eight beats is used to control the training rhythm, and the length of the song is used to control the training time. These would help in understanding whether functional fitness of the body composition is different after the elderly undergo a resistance training for 4 weeks. Method: Before training, the functional fitness of 12 healthy women aged >65 years was measured. This measurement included physical fitness testing items and methods according to the 2018 Ministry of Education’s sports genus published. The testing items included body softness (grasping the back one-handed and bending the body while sitting on a chair), upper limb strength (lifting a 5-lb dumbbell for 30 seconds), lower limb strength (standing and sitting for 30 seconds), dynamic balance (sitting on a chair and circling around afterward), static balance (standing on one foot with eyes open), and cardio endurance (standing up and raising knee). At the beginning of the 4-week training, the female elderly underwent elastic resistance training once every Tuesday and Friday for about 90 min. Music was used to control the training time and rhythm of each training action, and it was played as soon as the elastic band training started. The obtained pre- and post-test data were analyzed using SPSS statistical software, which uses T sampling to analyze pairing samples. Result: The training showed no significant effect on the body composition, such as height, weight, body fat, waist circumference, and hip circumference. Functional fitness included the following: 30 seconds of elbow flexion, standing on chair for 30 seconds, grasping back, sitting in a posture bending forward, standing and balancing on one foot, and 2-min knee lift. Furthermore, systolic pressure had positive effects. Conclusion: Four-way rhythmic elastic resistance training for the functional fitness of the elderly in Kinmen included the following: 30 seconds of elbow flexion, standing on chair for 30 seconds, grasping back, sitting in a posture bending forward, standing and balancing on one foot, heart and lung. In addition, endurance and systolic blood pressure can have positive and significant differences. Keyword: elastic band, body composition, female elderly, functional fitness

Woller, Johannes. "Durchgängiger Berechnungsansatz für die Körperschallprognose des Antriebsstrangs eines Triebfahrzeugs". 2020.

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Im Rahmen der Arbeit wird eine Simulationsmethodik auf Grundlage der elastischen Mehrkörpersimulation dargestellt, welche eine Prognose des Körperschallverhaltens eines Bahnantriebs in einem Frequenzbereich bis 1 kHz ermöglichen soll. Randbedingung in der Modellbildung ist die Anwendbarkeit des Verfahrens im Entwicklungsprozess. Die vorgestellte Modellbildung der Anregung erfolgt für die mechanische Geräuschanregung aus den Zahneingriffen im Achsgetriebe. Für die Identifizierung dominanter Körperschallquellen wurde der Innenraumschall eines aktuellen Regionalzuges experimentell untersucht und ausgewertet. Weiterhin wurde das Schwingungsverhalten des Antriebsstrangs in einer Prüfstandsumgebung gemessen. Anhand der experimentellen Ergebnisse ist ein systematischer Vergleich zwischen Messung und Berechnung über dem gesamten Betriebsfeld des Antriebsstrangs möglich. Ein umfangreicher Messung-Rechnung-Vergleich der verzahnungsbedingten Anregungsfrequenzen zwischen gemessenen Oberflächenbeschleunigungen am Antrieb und den Berechnungsergebnissen zeigen eine akzeptable qualitative Übereinstimmung über dem Betriebsfeld. Die Anwendung des Berechnungsmodells für die akustische Auslegung des Antriebs ist somit möglich. Im Detail ergeben sich jedoch deutliche quantitative Abweichungen der Schwingwerte für einzelne Betriebspunkte. Sowohl die Analyse verschiedener Modellvarianten als auch eine Sensitivitätsstudie zeigen auf, dass die Modellbildung der Wälzlager, die Modellbildung und Parametrierung der Verzahnungsanregung und die Modellierung der Antriebswelle großen Einfluss auf die Ergebnisse haben und Ansatzpunkte für eine Verbesserung des Modells liefern.:1.1 Motivation 1.2 Problemstellung 1.3 Zielsetzung 1.4 Lösungsansatz und Abgrenzung 1.5 Wissenschaftliche Fragestellung und Gliederung der Arbeit 2 Stand der Technik 2.1 Historische Entwicklung der Modellbildung 2.2 Entwicklung von Mehrkörperformalismen 2.3 Berechnung von Antrieben mittels Mehrkörpersimulation 2.4 Analyse aktueller Ansätze der Körperschallberechnung mittels EMKS 2.5 Zusammenfassung und Bewertung 3 Modellbildung für die Körperschallberechnung 3.1 Modellbildung dynamischer Systeme 3.2 Finite-Elemente-Methode 3.3 Elastische Mehrkörpersysteme 3.4 Lineare Modellordnungsreduktion 3.5 Zeitschrittintegrationsverfahren 3.6 Sensitivitätsanalyse 4 Grundlagen der Akustik 41 4.1 Einführung 4.2 Akustik des Schienenfahrzeugs 4.3 Akustik von Zahnradgetrieben 4.4 Akustik von elektrischen Maschinen 5 Experimentelle Untersuchung des Versuchsfahrzeugs 5.1 Fragestellungen an die experimentelle Untersuchung 5.2 Versuchsablauf und Messgrößen 5.3 Messunsicherheit und Störeinflüsse 5.4 Untersuchte Fahrzyklen 5.5 Analyse des Innenraumgeräuschs 5.6 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 6 Experimentelle Untersuchung am Antriebsprüfstand 6.1 Fragestellungen an die experimentelle Untersuchung 6.2 Wahl der Beurteilungsgröße zur Körperschallcharakterisierung 6.3 Aufbau des untersuchten Antriebsstrangs 6.4 Versuchsaufbau und Messgrößen 6.5 Wendebetrieb und Drehrichtungsdefinition 6.6 Messunsicherheit und Störeinflüsse 6.7 Untersuchte Betriebsszenarien 6.8 Analyse der instationären Betriebszustände 6.9 Analyse der stationären Betriebszustände 6.10 Resonanzerscheinungen der Verzahnungsanregung bis 1000 Hz 6.11 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 7 Aufbau des Berechnungsmodells 7.1 Zielstellung der Modellbildung 7.2 Anmerkung zur Wahl der Simulationsumgebung 7.3 Mehrkörpersimulation im erweiterten Frequenzbereich 7.4 Erläuterungen der Modelltopologie und Submodelltechnik 7.5 Modellierung der Wuchtgüte 7.6 Modellierung der Verzahnungsanregung 7.7 Modellierung der Elastomerelemente 7.8 Modellierung der Wälzlager 7.9 Modellierung der Wellen 7.10 Erstellungsprozess eines elastischen Körpers 7.11 Modellierung des Antriebsgehäuses als Finite-Elemente Modell 7.12 Experimentelle Modalanalyse am Antriebsgehäuse und Modellkorrelation 7.13 Anbindungsmodellierung am Beispiel des Antriebsgehäuses 7.14 Modellordnungsreduktion am Beispiel des Antriebsgehäuses 7.15 Verwendete Eigenmoden für die elastischen Körper 7.16 Dämpfungsparameter der elastischen Körper 7.17 Modellierung der Hohlwelle 7.18 Anmerkung zur Lasteinleitung und zum Prüfstandseinfluss 8 Analyse des Berechnungsmodells 8.1 Fragestellungen an die Analyse des Berechnungsmodells 8.2 Referenzmodellierung und Referenzlastfälle 8.3 Eigenschaften des Systemverhaltens und Plausibilitätskontrolle 8.4 Parametereinfluss der Zeitschrittintegration 8.5 Ausgewählte Sensitivitätsanalysen 9 Vergleich von Messung und Simulation 9.1 Vorgehen in der Beurteilung 9.2 Untersuchte Modellvarianten 9.3 Qualitativer Vergleich des Betriebsverhaltens 9.4 Quantitativer Vergleich stationärer Betriebszustände 9.5 Quantitativer Vergleich instationärer Betriebszustände 9.6 Zusammenfassung und Beurteilung 10 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick

Lohse, Christian. "Über Wechselwirkungen in Elastomerlagern und deren Einfluss auf die Elastokinematik einer Vorderradaufhängung". Doctoral thesis, 2015.

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Als elastische Koppelglieder üben Elastomere im Fahrwerk maßgeblichen Einfluss auf die Elastokinematik der Radaufhängung und damit auf die Radstellgrößen aus. Bereits einfache zylindrische Probekörper zeigten in der Vergangenheit Veränderlichkeit der Federsteifigkeiten bei mehrachsiger Belastung auf. Daraus ließ sich ableiten, dass das Bauteilverhalten von zylindrischen Elastomerkörpern, bzw. Fahrwerklagern, schwer vorhersagbar ist und dieser Effekt durch die Verwendung komplexer Geometrien zusätzlich beeinflusst wird. Eigens im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelte Prüfstände ermöglichten die Untersuchung von statischen, mehrachsigen Belastungen sowie zyklischen, einachsigen Belastungen zweier Fahrwerklager einer typischen Vorderradaufhängung, dem Mc-Pherson-Federbein. Für beide Lagertypen wurden derart signifikante Federsteifigkeitsänderungen unter mehrachsiger Belastung beobachtet, dass ein Einfluss auf die Elastokinematik sicher schien. Unter einachsiger, zyklischer Belastung bestätige sich, dass einfache rheologische Ersatzmodelle, wie der Ansatz nach Kelvin-Voigt für eine Modellierung des viskoelastischen Materialverhaltens weiterhin Gültigkeit besitzen. Ein in einem Mehrkörpersimulationsprogramm erstelltes Gesamtfahrzeugmodell zeigte zunächst für die Auslegung der Prüfstände relevante Beanspruchungen in den Fahrwerklagern auf und diente weiterhin als Grundlage für die Untersuchung des Einflusses von Wechselwirkungen auf die Radstellgrößen. Dazu behandelt die Arbeit die Modellierung eines neuen Fahrwerklagermodells innerhalb dieser MKS-Umgebung. Dieses Modell bietet dem Nutzer die Möglichkeit für eine Abbildung von Wechselwirkungen an zylindrischen, zyklisch beanspruchten Bauteilen. Ein spezielles Fahrmanöver zeigte den Einfluss der Wechselwirkungen auf die Radstellgrößen auf und zeigte, dass die Berücksichtigung von Wechselwirkungen für eine Fahrwerkauslegung relevant ist. Darüber hinaus wurde mit kommerziell verfügbaren Materialmodellen für die Beschreibung es Materialverhaltens von Elastomeren innerhalb der Finite-Elemente-Methode aufgezeigt, dass bei einachsiger Belastung die Federsteifigkeiten der Fahrwerklager auf Grundlage der in der Literatur üblichen Auslegungsgleichungen näherungsweise abgebildet werden können, jedoch für mehrachsige Spannungszustände keine hinreichende Aussage über das Bauteilverhalten getroffen werden kann. Hier wurde weiterer Forschung- bzw. Erweiterungsbedarf an den FE-Programmen aufgezeigt.

Pollayi, Hemaraju. "Effect Of Cross-sectional Nonlinearities On Anisotropic Strip-based Mechanisms". Thesis, 2010.

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The goal of this work is to develop and demonstrate a comprehensive analysis of single and multi-body composite strip-beam systems using an asymptotically-correct geometrically nonlinear theory. The comprehensiveness refers to the two distinguishing features of this work, namely the unified framework for the analysis and the inclusion of the usually ignored cross-sectional nonlinearities in thin-beam and multi-beam analyses. The first part of this work stitches together an approach to analyse generally anisotropic composite beams. Based on geometrically exact nonlinear elasticity theory, the nonlinear 3-D beam problem splits into either a linear (conventionally considered) or nonlinear (considered in this work) 2-D analysis of the beam cross-section and a nonlinear 1-D analysis along the beam reference curve. The two sub-tasks of this work (viz. nonlinear analysis of the beam cross-section and nonlinear beam analysis) are accomplished on a single platform using an object-oriented framework. First, two established nonlinear cross-sectional analyses (numerical and analytical), both based on the Variational-Asymptotic Method (VAM), are invoked. The numerical analysis is capable of treating cross-sections of arbitrary geometry and material distributions and can capture certain nonlinear effects such as the trapeze effect. The closed-form analytical analysis is restricted to thin rectangular cross-sections for generally anisotropic composites but captures ALL cross-sectional nonlinearities, and not just the well-known Brazier and trapeze effects. Second, the well-established geometrically-exact nonlinear 1-D governing equations along the beam reference curve, after being generalized to utilize the expressions for nonlinear stiffness matrix, are solved using the mixed variational finite element method. Finally, local 3-D stress, strain and displacement fields for representative sections in the beam are recovered, based on the stress resultants from the 1-D global beam analysis. This part of the work is then validated by applying it to an initially twisted cantilevered laminated composite strip under axial force. The second part is concerned with the dynamic analysis of nonlinear multi-body systems involving elastic strip-like beams made of laminated, anisotropic composite materials using an object-oriented framework. In this work, unconditionally stable time-integration schemes presenting high-frequency numerical dissipation are used to solve the ensuing governing equations. The codes developed based on such time-integration schemes are first validated with the literature for two standard test cases: non-linear spring mass oscillator and pendulum. In order to apply the comprehensive analysis code thus developed to a multi-body system, the four-bar mechanism is chosen as an example. All component bars of the mechanism have thin rectangular cross-sections and are made of fiber reinforced laminates of various types of layups. They could, in general, be pre-twisted and/or possess initial curvature, either by design or by defect. They are linked to each other by means of revolute joints. Each component of the mechanism is modeled as a beam based on the first part of this work. Results from this analysis are compared with those available in the literature, both theoretical and experimental. The margins between the linear and non-linear results are evaluated specifically due to the cross-sectional nonlinearities and shown to vary with stacking sequences. This work thus demonstrates the importance of geometrically nonlinear cross-sectional analysis of certain composite beam-based four-bar mechanisms in predicting system dynamic characteristics. To enable graphical visualization, the behavior of the four-bar mechanism is also observed by using commercial software (I-DEAS + NASTRAN + ADAMS). Finally, the component-laminate load-carrying capacity is estimated using the Tsai-Wu-Hahn failure criterion for various layups and the same criterion is used to predict the first-ply-failure and the mechanism as a whole.

Zechel, Gero. "Gewinnung sicherer Lastannahmen aus Simulation und Messung zur Festigkeitsauslegung von Straßen- und Stadtbahnen". Doctoral thesis, 2016.

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Die Nutzung historisch solider Lastannahmen, wie sie zum Beispiel die VDV Richtlinie 152 in der Fassung von 1992 festlegt, ist für die Festigkeitsauslegung neuartiger Straßen- und Stadtbahnfahrzeuge unzureichend, da die Annahmen und Methoden der Komplexität und insbesondere der Nichtlinearität moderner Fahrzeugkonzepte keine Rechnung tragen. Diese Arbeit zeigt auf, wie sich entstandene Lücken in den Lastannahmen durch Simulation und Messung von Fahrzeug und Gleis analysieren, verstehen und schließen lassen. Den Kern bildet dabei der Einsatz detaillierterer Simulationsmodelle von Fahrzeug und Gleis, deren Eingangsdaten mit Hilfe von Messungen gewonnen und deren Ausgangsdaten mit ihnen verifiziert und ergänzt werden müssen. Hierfür werden Methoden und Werkzeuge entwickelt, die ein ein vielseitiges Baukastensystem für die Fahrzeuganalyse, Modellvalidierung und Datenbewertung bilden, und zu sicheren Lastannahmen für die Fahrzeugauslegung führen.

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