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Fichte, Jannike. Resilienz und emotionale Stabilität von Managern. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-18032-4.

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Price, Dara L. A study employing synonyms to illustrate the stability of emotional language. Sudbury, Ont: Laurentian University, Department of Psychology, 1997.

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Nash, Leslie Renay. The effects of family type during childhood upon emotional stability in adults. Sudbury, Ont: Laurentian University, Department of Psychology, 1997.

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Lieberman, David J. Find out who's normal and who's not: The proven system to quickly assess anyone's emotional stability. Lakewood, NJ: Viter Press, 2009.

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Lieberman, David J. Find out who's normal and who's not: The proven system to quickly assess anyone's emotional stability. Lakewood, N.J: MJF Books/Viter Press, 2010.

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Fichte, Jannike. Resilienz und emotionale Stabilität von Managern: Überschneidung zweier Konstrukte. Springer, 2017.

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Hutton, Larry J. Internal Affairs: Emotional Stability In An Unstable World. Force of Faith Pubns, 2003.

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McFarlane, Penny. Dramatherapy Raising Children's Self-Esteem and Developing Emotional Stability. David Fulton Publish, 2006.

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Siebenhüner, Selena. Berufserfolg und Gesundheit: Eine empirische Analyse der Einflussfaktoren Führungsverhalten und emotionale Stabilität. Springer, 2016.

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Balance Your Life: How to Achieve Financial Independence, Emotional Stability, Physical Fitness and Spiritual Fulfillment. Nightingale, 1998.

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Chirban, John T. True Coming of Age : A dynamic process that leads to emotional stability, spiritual growth, and meaningful relationships. McGraw-Hill, 2004.

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Chirban, John. True Coming of Age: A Dynamic Process That Leads to Emotional Stability, Spiritual Growth, and Meaningful Relationships. American Media International, 2005.

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Lynn, Wendy. The Undivided Self: An Awakening Journey for Achieving Emotional, Mental, and Physical Stability In Your Everyday Life. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2018.

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Chirban, John T. True Coming of Age : A dynamic process that leads to emotional stability, spiritual growth, and meaningful relationships. McGraw-Hill, 2004.

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Lynn, Wendy. The Undivided Self: An Awakening Journey for Achieving Emotional, Mental, and Physical Stability In Your Everyday Life. OptiMystic Press, Inc., 2017.

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Scott, E. Hitchcock, i George E. Muñoz. Integrative Approaches to Healing. Redaktorzy Shahla J. Modir i George E. Muñoz. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/med/9780190275334.003.0029.

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Emotional balance and stability are important aspects of long-term abstinence from non-prescribed mood altering chemicals. Labiality (extreme mood swings) can contribute to relapse. This chapter challenges the traditional concept of healing, defined as a return to prior levels of functioning. Adverse childhood experiences, with their long-term contribution to adolescent and adult mood problems are noted. Interventions for adverse childhood experiences are recommended as part of the healing journey for emotional wellness. The limitations of traditional addiction treatment are discussed, as well as various possible detractors to good emotional health and sobriety. Interventions, processes, and various counseling theoretical practices are suggested for improving mood, emotional well-being, and sobriety. Ongoing assessment and monitoring of emotional well-being and relapse risk are critical. The quality of the relationship between the practitioner and patient is crucial in order to co-create a viable, individualized, holistic treatment plan.

Gengler, Amanda M. Save My Kid. NYU Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.18574/nyu/9781479863938.001.0001.

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In “Save My Kid,” sociologist Amanda Gengler examines how families of critically ill children navigate the US healthcare system. Not all families are equipped with resources for critically ill kids, but the toolkits that are available to them shape their approach to seeking care and negotiating the treatment process, as well as their ability to maintain some degree of emotional stability in the midst of profound distress. ”Save My Kid” uncovers the powerful role emotional goals—deeply rooted in the emotional culture around illness and medicine in the United States—can play in driving medical decisions, healthcare interactions, and the end of children’s lives if and when they come. This book draws out the often unrecognized, everyday inequalities that unfold throughout the illness experience while shedding important light on the emotional foundations on which they rest.

attached, leslie. Insecurity : Tools to Understand Your Relationships and Find Your Emotional Stability. THIS BOOK INCLUDES: INSECURE in LOVE + INSECURE ATTACHMENT. Independently Published, 2020.

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Biess, Frank. German Angst. Oxford University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198714187.001.0001.

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German Angst analyzes the relationship of fear and democracy in postwar West Germany. While fear has historically been associated with authoritarian regimes, the book highlights the role of fear and anxiety in a democratizing society: these emotions undermined democracy and stabilized it at the same time. By taking seriously postwar Germans’ uncertainties about the future, the book challenges dominant linear and teleological narratives of postwar West German “success.” It highlights the prospective function of memories of war and defeat, of National Socialism and the Holocaust. Fears and anxieties derived from memories of a catastrophic past that postwar Germans projected into the future. Based on case studies from the 1940s to the present, the book provides a new interpretive synthesis of the Federal Republic. It tells the history of the Federal Republic as a series of recurring crises, in which specific fears and anxieties emerged, served a variety of political functions, and then again abated. Drawing on recent interdisciplinary insights of emotion studies, the book transcends the dichotomy of “reason” and “emotion.” Fear and anxiety were not exclusively irrational and dysfunctional but served important roles in postwar democracy. These emotions sensitized postwar Germans to the dangers of an authoritarian transformation, and they also served as the emotional engine of the environmental and peace movements. The book also provides an original analysis of the emotional basis of right-wing populism in Germany today, and it explores the possibilities of a democratic politics of emotion.

Simms, Leonard, Trevor F. Williams i Ericka Nus Simms. Assessment of the Five Factor Model. Redaktor Thomas A. Widiger. Oxford University Press, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199352487.013.28.

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We review the current state of the science with respect to the assessment of the Five Factor Model (FFM), a robust structural model of personality that emerged from two distinct traditions: The lexical and questionnaire traditions. The lexical tradition is predicated on the hypothesis that important individual differences in personality are encoded as single words in language. This bottom-up tradition has suggested that five broad factors account for much of the personality variation observed among individuals: Extraversion (or Surgency), Agreeableness, Conscientiousness (or Dependability), Neuroticism (vs. Emotional Stability), and Openness to Experience (or Intellect/Culture). The questionnaire tradition emphasizes the measurement of similar constructs, largely through top-down development of measures. We examine the strengths and limitations associated with existing measures of the FFM and related models, focusing on measures rooted in the lexical and questionnaire traditions. We also consider maladaptive FFM measures and conclude by analyzing important issues in the FFM assessment literature.

Colville, Gillian. Supporting Pediatric Patients and Their Families during and after Intensive Care Treatment. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/med/9780199398690.003.0007.

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This chapter shows how the observations and recommendations in the adult intensive care unit (ICU) literature are relevant to the provision of services for pediatric intensive care patients and their families. Two relevant models of service currently in use in pediatric settings are presented, illustrated with clinical examples. Models of care in pediatrics have traditionally been more family-focused than those in adult settings. In the acute stage of medical treatment in the pediatric ICU, the emphasis, from a psychological perspective, is primarily preventative and initially focused on parental reactions at a time when the child is usually too unwell or sedated to communicate with directly. As the child’s condition stabilizes, delirium and associated frightening experiences should be addressed. Children may cope better if provided an age-appropriate storybook explaining what has happened. In the longer term, it is important to speak to children directly about their critical illness experiences, and to monitor children’s and parents’ emotional reactions over time. Trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral and narrative therapies may be helpful.

Llewellyn, Sue. What Do Dreams Do? Oxford University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198818953.001.0001.

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What is a dream? It’s a complex, non-obvious pattern derived from your experience. But you haven’t actually experienced it. Strange. Revealing complex, hidden patterns makes dreams odd. Dreams associate elements of different experiences to make something new: a pattern you didn’t know was there until you dreamt it. Patterns are discernible forms in the way something happens or is done. Some patterns are easy to spot, being certain and obvious: night follows day. Patterns in human/animal experiences are less obvious because, first, the patterned elements appear at different times or places and, second, the pattern exhibits tendencies not certainties. Spotting such patterns depends on non-obvious associations. If prompted with ‘sea’, while awake, your logical brain makes obvious associations, ‘beach’ or ‘boat’, with a seaside pattern i.e. beach-boat-seaside. But after awakening from dreaming, when your brain is still tuned to non-obvious associations, ‘sick’ may come to mind. A less obvious element of sea experiences. You tend to seasickness when it’s rough. But you also get sick if you eat shellfish, have a migraine, or travel in cars—but only if you read. Sea–rough–car–read–shellfish–migraine. Visualizing these non-obvious associations between elements of different experiences becomes dream-like. Dreaming brains evolved to identify non-obvious associations. Across evolutionary time, you didn’t want to get sick. Survival depended on being well enough to anticipate the non-obvious patterns of predators and human competitors, while securing access to food and water. Making associations drives many, if not all, brain functions. Dream associations support memory, emotional stability, creativity, unconscious decision-making, and prediction, while also contributing to mental illness. This book explains how.

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