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Artykuły w czasopismach na temat "Houx":


Leoni, Anne. "Le vert de houx". Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France 109, nr 1 (2009): 61.

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Breuil, K., F. Patte, J. C. Meurice i B. Vandel. "Allergie de contact à une pommade aux extraits de « petit houx". Revue Française d'Allergologie et d'Immunologie Clinique 29, nr 4 (październik 1989): 215.

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Béguin, Claude. "La forêt de houx des Follatères | The Holly Forest of «Follatères»". Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen 152, nr 8 (1.08.2001): 335–42.

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We analyse the appearance, development and dynamics of a new holly forest covering an area of more than 2000 m2 using phytosociological and ecological methods. The observed local change of vegetation, especially during the second half of the 20th century, within the limits of the recolonization of a former pasture area is seen as a sign of climatic change.

Parent, Arnaud. "Prancūzų slaptoji misija Abiejų Tautų Respublikoje: barono Antoine’o-Charles’io de Vioménilio vaidmuo Baro konfederacijoje 1771–1772 m." XVIII amžiaus studijos T. 7: Giminė. Bendrija. Grupuotė, T. 7 (31.12.2021): 72–96.

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FRENCH SECRET MISSION IN THE POLISH-LITHUANIAN COMMONWEALTH: THE ROLE OF BARON ANTOINE-CHARLES DE VIOMÉNIL IN THE BAR CONFEDERACY IN 1771–1772 Antoine-Charles du Houx, Baron de Vioménil (1728–1792) was sent by the French Government after Colonel Charles-François Dumouriez (1729–1823) to provide guidance to the leaders of the Bar Confederacy during the years 1771–1772. However, if Colonel Dumouriez is famous because of his activities during the French Revolution, namely for the determinant role he played at the Valmy battle (1792), it is different when it comes to the Baron. Except for some articles in the 19th century biographical encyclopedias and a short biography centered on the role he played during the American Revolutionary war published in 1935, there is no study on him. In spite of this, Baron de Vioménil’s career is a matter of interest, for he participated in the major conflicts the French army took part during the reign of the kings Louis XV and Louis XVI. The baron’s archives, which include abundant correspondence related to his campaigns, are preserved today in the Académie François Bourdon, le Creusot, Burgundy. Being inaccessible for a long time they have not been thoroughly studied, yet. This paper aims at presenting the career of Baron de Viomenil as well as some documents taken from his archives, linked to his participation in the Bar Confederacy operations. Through this endeavour we hope to help cast some new light on a discrete, but efficient French officer who exerted influence on the Polish-Lithuanian history. Keywords: Antoine-Charles du Houx, Baron de Vioménil, the Bar Confederacy (1768–1772), France, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Overduin, Carla. "Hou van hout". Kinderopvang 30, nr 11 (listopad 2020): 35.

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Valensi, Patricia, Evelyne Crégut-Bonnoure, Xavier Margarit i Alban Defleur. "Découverte exceptionnelle d’un nid de Gypaète barbu (Gypaetus barbatus) en Provence : cas de l’abri protohistorique de la Baume du Houx (Plan d’Aups, Var, France)". Comptes Rendus Palevol 10, nr 1 (styczeń 2011): 49–59.

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Houtman, C. "Die Augen Leas ‘Rewritten Bible’ als ein Phänomen des 20. Jahrhunderts1Übersetzt aus dem Niederländischen von W. Hilbrands." NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion 53, nr 2 (1.04.1999): 89–98.

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Houtman, C. "C.M. van Driel, Een wereld op zichzelf: Prof. Gerard Wisse (1873-1957)". NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion 75, nr 2 (1.06.2021): 296–97.

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Houtman, Cees. "Eduard Gerdes ‘bezoekt’ huizen van barmhartigheid". DNK : Documentatieblad voor de Nederlandse kerkgeschiedenis na 1800 44, nr 95 (1.12.2021): 133–45.

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Houtman, Cees. "Afgedankt als godsdienstonderwijzer : De veelkleurige loopbaan van Hendrik Tillema". DNK : Documentatieblad voor de Nederlandse kerkgeschiedenis na 1800 43, nr 92 (1.06.2020): 29–50.

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Abstract The Dutch Protestant catechists of the nineteenth century and the first part of the twentieth century, are a many-coloured party, equally diverse as Dutch Protestantism itself. In this article the many-sided modernist catechist Hendrik Tillema (1829-1908) is introduced. As an orphan he was trained for farmhand. He, however, worked himself up into the position of a member of the ‘lower clergy’. In the beginning was as such active as the catechist of the Leiden Dutch Reformed orphanage. After being accused of modernism by the board of the orphanage, he resigned from his post. At the outset, his liberal religious conviction wasn’t an impediment to be active as a catechist in the Leiden Reformed parish. When, however, the balance of power within the consistory swinged to the orthodox party, Tillema’s position was challenged. Finally, he was discharged. In several writings Tillema manifested his abhorrence of the orthodox believers and his compassion for the orphan-children. He denounced the evil practices in the orphanage and did suggestions for improvement.

Rozprawy doktorskie na temat "Houx":


Brevard, Hugues. "Spectrométrie de masse et modes d'ionisation appliqués a l'étude de l'huile essentielle de Ruscus aculeatus L". Nice, 1985.

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L’utilisation du couplage CG-SM et des différents modes d'ionisation permet de résoudre 95 % du courant ionique de l'essence de Ruscus aculeatus L. Et d'identifier 120 substances sur les 200 recensées. L'étude de la fragmentation obtenue en ionisation chimique négative à l'aide des ions hydroxyles prouve son intérêt dans la détermination de motifs structuraux. Le comportement particulier des différentes familles chimiques est présente

Suchy, Daniel R. "Regional stratigraphic setting and paleoecology of a chaetetid "reef" in the Houx-Higginsville Limestone (Pennsylvanian) of southeast Kansas". Thesis, Kansas State University, 1987.

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Gray, Rodney. "The Hoax". Thesis, University of North Texas, 2013.

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The HOAX is an examination of abusive power and lack of regulation in the homeowners' association industry; a business and quasi-government system whose key selling point is the protection of property values. The documentary follows an investigative reporter, homeowners, and HOA reform activists as they illustrate shocking evidence of financial and psychological hardships throughout Texas and Nevada. A few of these people, including the filmmaker, are the subject of adverse actions from various players in this quasi-governmental system.

Cowan, Lee R. "24 Hour Portraits". BYU ScholarsArchive, 2010.

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I believe an individual can be profiled by their color preferences, but not indefinitely, for a shorter period of time, a 24-hour period of time. A person's state of mind will change continually based on their experiences. These experiences will affect their perception and preference of color. I developed a model that will map an individual's profile, a portrait, through color. Participants are given a worksheet and a list of terms describing personality traits and states of mind. The worksheet is categorized by event, time of day, duration, impact, and summed term. From midnight to midnight, a 24-hour period, the participant records any event that they encounter providing information-fulfilling categories stated above. I use that information to then map out their portrait of 24-hours through color.

Palu, Doreen. "Etude de la composition chimique d’extraits d’Ilex aquifolium Linné et de Calicotome villosa (Poiret) Link de Corse par RMN du carbone-13". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Corte, 2022.

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L’objectif de ce travail de thèse était de déterminer la composition chimique d’extraits de plantes de Corse encore peu ou pas étudiées et susceptibles d’avoir des activités biologiques valorisables. Cette étude a été menée en mettant en œuvre la méthodologie d’analyse des mélanges complexes par RMN 13C, développée depuis une trentaine d’années par l’équipe « Chimie et Biomasse » de l’UMR CNRS 6134 Sciences pour l’Environnement de l’université de Corse. Dans une première partie, nous avons étudié la composition chimique d’extraits de houx commun (Ilex aquifolium L.). Deux extraits de feuilles (obtenus à l’hexane et au dichlorométhane) ont chacun subi deux fractionnements successifs par chromatographie sur colonne ouverte de silice. L’analyse par RMN 13C (CPG(Ir) et CPG-SM également dans certains cas) des extraits bruts et des fractions de chromatographie a permis l’identification de onze triterpènes dont l’α-amyrine et la β-amyrine et certains de leurs esters. Parallèlement, deux acides triterpéniques d’intérêt (acide ursolique et acide oléanolique) ont été quantifiés par RMN 1H au sein de l’extrait brut au dichlorométhane via une méthode rapide mise au point et validée (justesse, linéarité, précision des mesures). Ces deux composés représentent respectivement 55,3% et 20,8% de l’extrait. Nous avons également réalisé, en collaboration avec l’équipe « Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire du Végétal » de l’université de Corse, des tests antimicrobiens sur les extraits et certaines fractions de chromatographie. Les deux acides triterpéniques précédemment cités ont montré une activité antimicrobienne comparable à celle du chloramphénicol (antibiotique de référence) vis-à-vis de trois bactéries à Gram positif, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis et Bacillus cereus (CMI = 4 et 8 mg.L-1 vs. 2 et 4 mg.L-1). Par ailleurs, nous avons préparé des extraits de baies de houx en utilisant différents solvants : hexane, dichlorométhane, dichlorométhane/acétate d’éthyle (50/50, v/v). Les deux derniers extraits (dichlorométhane et dichlorométhane/acétate d’éthyle) ont subi des fractionnements successifs et l’étude des spectres RMN 13C des extraits bruts et des fractions de chromatographie a permis d’identifier neuf triterpènes (précédemment identifiés), cinq dérivés phénoliques, six monosaccharides ainsi que quatre lactones (la ménisdaurilide, l’aquilégiolide, la 7-épi-griffonilide et la dasycarponilide) non encore répertoriées dans le houx commun. Dans une seconde partie, nous avons étudié la composition chimique d’extraits de fleurs et de racine de Calicotome villosa (Poir.) Link. Les extraits de fleurs obtenus au dichlorométhane et à l’acétate d’éthyle ont été soumis à des chromatographies successives. L’analyse par RMN 13C des extraits bruts et des fractions de chromatographie a permis l’identification de trois flavonoïdes, cinq dérivés glucosylés de flavonoïdes et quatre phénylpropanoïdes. Dans cette partie, nous nous sommes également intéressés à la composition chimique d’un extrait méthanolique de racine de C. villosa qui n’a fait l’objet d’aucune étude de ce type au préalable. Cet extrait a été soumis à plusieurs fractionnements successifs et dix-huit composés, notamment des stérols, des flavonoïdes, un polyphénol et des ptérocarpanes ont été identifiés par RMN 13C
The aim of this work was to determine chemical composition of wild growing corsican understudied plant species, with potential biological activities. This study was realized using the computerized NMR method developed over the past thirty years by the University of Corsica “Chimie et Biomasse” group, UMR CNRS “Sciences Pour l’environnement”. Identified secondary metabolites were then undertaken to evaluate their antimicrobial properties. As part of this study, we selected on the first place commun holly (Ilex aquifolium L.). After two successive column chromatography, hexane and dichloromethane leaves crude extracts and all chromatography fractions were analyzed by 13C NMR (GC(RI) and GC-MS sometimes) to allow the identification of eleven triterpens and α- and β-amyrin esters. Among identified compounds, ursolic acid and oleanolic acid were also quantified by 1H NMR in the dichloromethane crude extract using a reliable method developped and validated (accuracy, linearity precision of measurements). Ursolic acid accounted for 55.3% of the extract, followed by oleanolic acid, 20.8%. Evaluation of previous identified compounds antimicrobial activities has been performed in collaboration with « Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire du Végétal » group (University of Corsica). Triterpen acids and chloramphenicol (reference antibiotic) displayed similar antibacterial activities against three Gram-positive bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Bacillus cereus (MIC = 4 and 8 mg.L-1 vs. 2 and 4 mg.L-1). Moreover, dichloromethane and dichloromethane/ethyl acetate (50/50, v/v) berries extracts were submitted to successive column chromatography. Crude extracts and chromatography fractions 13C NMR spectra revealed presence of nine triterpens previously identidied, five phenolics derivatives, six monosaccharides and four lactones (menisdaurilide, aquilegiolide, dasycarponilide and 7-epi-griffonilide) were first time identified in berries holly extracts. On the second place, we determined chemical compositions of Calicotome villosa (Poir.) Link flowers and root extracts. 13C NMR analysis of dichloromethane and ethyl acetate flowers extracts and their chromatography fractions, allowed the identification of three flavonoids, five glycosyl flavonoids and four phenylpropanoids. We also studied chemical composition of a methanol root extract which has never been submitted to any chemical composition study. After successive column chromatography, eighteen compounds were identified by 13C NMR including sterols, flavonoids, a polyphenol and pterocarpans

Arwidsson, Jacob. "Real Estate Investments in 18-hour Cities: Do 18-hour cities offer better investments than 24-hour cities?" Thesis, KTH, Fastigheter och byggande, 2016.

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With the rise of the millennial generation, a new roster of cities has sprung to life – the 18-hour cities. They can be defined as a vibrant second-tier city where there’s a big potential for employment and economic growth and at the same time they offer a lower cost of living and doing business than in 24-hour gateway cities like New York City or San Francisco. They have been named the hottest places for real estate investments by industry literature which poses the question if 18-hour cities really offer better investments than 24-hour cities. This paper uses a statistical analysis framework complemented with qualitative interviews of industry professionals based in 18-hour markets to test this notion. From the statistical analysis, it has been found that 18-hour cities offer higher yields than the 24-hour markets but the cash return cannot be said do differ between the two. Furthermore, the interviews with industry professionals indicate that the 18-hour markets have major future growth prospects because of their job growth, population growth and the large in-migration of high-skilled labor gravitating towards these amenity-rich areas where they can receive the highest reward-for-skill
Med millenniegenerationens framfart har en ny rad städer vaknat till liv – 18-timmarsstäderna. De kan definieras som en levande andrastad där det finns stor potential för arbete och ekonomisk tillväxt samtidigt som de erbjuder lägre levnadskostnad och kostnad för att driva företag än 24-timmarsstäder som New York eller San Francisco. De har utsetts till de hetaste marknaderna för fastighetsinvesteringar av tidsskrifter vilket väcker frågan om 18-timmarsstäder verkligen erbjuder bättre investeringsmöjligheter än 24-timmarsstäder. Denna studie använder statistisk analys kompletterat med intervjuer av personer verksamma i fastighetsbranschen för att testa den hypotesen. Från den statistiska analysen fanns det att 18-timmarsstäder erbjuder högre direktavkastning än 24-timmarsstäder men avkastningen på kapital kan inte säga skiljas mellan de två klustren. Vidare indikerade intervjuerna med branschfolk att 18-timmarsstäder har stor framtida tillväxtpotential tack vare stark jobbtillväxt, befolkningsökning och stor inflyttning av högutbildad arbetskraft som drar sig till områden med mycket bekvämligheter och där de kan få bäst belöning för sin utbildningsnivå.

OJS, Team. "OJS in an Hour". Public Knowledge Project, 2007.

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Bomani, Mawiyah. "Twenty-Four-Hour Woman". ScholarWorks@UNO, 2008.

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"Sweet Black Pussy for Sale" sets the stage for this very feminine and colloquial laced collection of verse. Both figuratively and literally, the voices of a seldom-traveled African-American culture are depicted through these songs. In this thesis, I consider myself a GRIOT, sworn to tell nothing but the truth. These poems speak from places some might consider sacred and others quite sinful. These poems moan out the anthems of those unsung heroes and heroines from my family lineage. The voices of my long dead grandfather, grandmother, aunts and great uncle haunt poems such as "Blues," "Salvation," "A Memorial for Lawrence," and "Apartment 12 B Dwight D. Eisenhower Street." These poems say, "Even when it's sunny on the other side of town somebody could be wearing a frown. It's because the blues don't mess with folks who ain't got anything to lose.â"

Zhou, Bo. "Structural studies of geminin-hox and smad-hox complexes /". View abstract or full-text, 2007.

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Burke, Trina. "Confinement in a Strange Hour". The University of Montana, 2008.

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Książki na temat "Houx":


Godden, Rumer. Prune et Fleur de Houx. [Paris]: Gallimard, 1990.

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Gateau-Leblanc, Marc. La maison Berthe de Pommery en Lorraine: Les maisons du Houx de Hennecourt, Baudel de Vaudrecourt et leurs alliances. Paris: Christian, 2007.

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Bunting, Eve. Ghost's hour, spook's hour. London: Macmillan Children's, 1990.

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Bunting, Eve. Ghost's hour, spook's hour. New York: Clarion Books, 1987.

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Bunting, Eve. Ghost's hour, spook's hour. New York: Clarion Books, 1987.

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Belleman, Bas. Hout. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij 521, 2006.

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Ji, Wang. Houxi. Chongqing Shi: Chongqing chu ban she, 2003.

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Apte, Sunita. Hoax. New York: Scholastic, 2002.

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Tanenbaum, Robert. Hoax. New York: Pocket Books, 2005.

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1931-, Seigle Cecilia Segawa, Kitagawa Utamaro 1753?-1806, Taiso Yoshitoshi 1839-1892 i Toyohara Kunichika 1835-1900, red. A courtesan's day: Hour by hour. Amsterdam: Hotei, 2004.

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Części książek na temat "Houx":


Weik, Martin H. "hour". W Computer Science and Communications Dictionary, 737. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2000.

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Stoesz, David. "Hoax". W Meritocracy, Populism, and the Future of Democracy, 96–113. London: Routledge, 2022.

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Weik, Martin H. "busy hour". W Computer Science and Communications Dictionary, 154. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2000.

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Weik, Martin H. "frequency hour". W Computer Science and Communications Dictionary, 649. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2000.

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Weik, Martin H. "worst hour". W Computer Science and Communications Dictionary, 1934. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2000.

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Pearson, Clifford. "Rush Hour". W Conceptions of the Desirable, 91. Vienna: Springer Vienna, 2007.

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Weik, Martin H. "lumen · hour". W Computer Science and Communications Dictionary, 944. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2000.

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Angulo, A. J. "Zero Hour". W Empire and Education, 99–112. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2012.

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Campion, Garry. "Finest Hour". W The Good Fight, 134–60. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2009.

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Lyons, Tracey. "Hour One". W Sewing Techniques for Theatre, 1–18. New York, NY : Routledge, 2019.: Routledge, 2019.

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Streszczenia konferencji na temat "Houx":


Singh, Rita, Joseph Keshet i Eduard Hovy. "Profiling hoax callers". W 2016 IEEE Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST). IEEE, 2016.

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Cordner, Matt, i Bill La Barge. "Zerg rush hour". W ACM SIGGRAPH 2013 Talks. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2013.

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Banas, Janlie, Alvin Chang, Bin Huey Quek, Juin Yee Kong, Rajammal Kaliappan i Nordiana Sulaiman. "290 Premfirst hour: adapting the golden hour to improve outcomes". W RCPCH Conference Singapore. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2021.

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Baker, T. L., i D. Morisseau. "Performance an alertness on 8-hour versus 12-hour work shifts". W Proceedings of 1992 IEEE 5th Human Factors and Power Plants. IEEE, 1992.

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Angiani, Giulio, Gaudioso Junior Balba, Paolo Fornacciari, Gianfranco Lombardo, Monica Mordonini i Michele Tomaiuolo. "Image-Based Hoax Detection". W the 4th EAI International Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2018.

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Senadeera, Manisha, i James McGree. "Earth hour energy impact". W 2015 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC). IEEE, 2015.

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Cheung, Gifford K., Thomas Zimmermann i Nachiappan Nagappan. "The first hour experience". W CHI PLAY '14: The annual symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2014.

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Bernstein, Mark. "48 Hour Hypertext Challenge". W HT '19: 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2019.

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Santoso, Irvan, Immanuel Yohansen, Nealson, Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars i Kiyota Hashimoto. "Early investigation of proposed hoax detection for decreasing hoax in social media". W 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Computational Intelligence (CyberneticsCom). IEEE, 2017.

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Hold-Geoffroy, Yannick, Jinsong Zhang, Paulo F. U. Gotardo i Jean-Francois Lalonde. "x-Hour Outdoor Photometric Stereo". W 2015 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV). IEEE, 2015.

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Raporty organizacyjne na temat "Houx":


Trahan, Alexis Chanel. Safeguards Hour. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), kwiecień 2020.

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Marks, Naomi E. DCNL 4-Hour Report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), czerwiec 2016.

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Carr, Alan Brady. Nuclear Testing in an Hour. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), maj 2020.

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Spijker, Joop, Wolter Elbersen, Iris Vural Gursel i Bas Lerink. Marktverkenning biomassareststromen hout uit landschap. Wageningen: Wageningen Environmental Research, 2020.

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Kristo, M. ITWG Round Robin 3 - 24 Hour Report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), marzec 2010.

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Daniel M. Ginosar. Report of 1,000 Hour Catalyst Longevity Evaluation. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), czerwiec 2009.

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Hunsaker, Matthew, Nader Samaan, Michael Milligan, Tao Guo, Guangjuan Liu i Jacob Toolson. Balancing Authority Cooperation Concepts - Intra-Hour Scheduling. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), marzec 2013.

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Nguyen, Binh Q. An Introduction to Python (A One-Hour Tour). Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, lipiec 2008.

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Woloshun, Keith Albert, Gregory E. Dale, Frank Patrick Romero i Dale Allen Dalmas. Production Facility Prototype Blower 1000 Hour Test Results. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), październik 2016.

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Shykoff, B. Repeated Six-Hour Dives 1.35 ATM Oxygen Partial Pressure. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, październik 2005.

Pełny tekst źródła
Style APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO itp.

Do bibliografii