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Artykuły w czasopismach na temat "Provocation au suicide":


MONTGOMERY, S. A., T. BULLOCK, D. BALDWIN i D. B. MONTGOMERY. "The Provocation and Prevention of Suicide Attempts". International Clinical Psychopharmacology 6 (czerwiec 1992): 28–34.

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A preacher as the subject of preaching activities plays a crucial role in determining the direction of the influence of their preaching. However, it is regrettable to observe the reality of preaching conducted by some preachers today, which is filled with condemnation, judgment, and provocation. The duty of a preacher is to convey (tabligh), not to judge or provoke. This phenomenon can trigger actions that may cause division within the Indonesian nation. In fact, several social conflicts have occurred in Indonesia due to judgments and provocations from certain parties. In Indonesia, there have been instances of public property destruction deemed as places of vice by preaching activists. The case of a family in Surabaya on May 13, 2018, conducting a suicide bombing to destroy places of worship for non-Muslims and the provocation of religious figures towards the community during each election event serves as an example.

Isedonmwen, E. O. "A Requiem for Provocation?" Journal of African Law 32, nr 2 (1988): 194–207.

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Provocation is dead! It died at the Supreme Court of Nigeria. The funeral oration was read by Kazeem J.S.C., while the funeral dirge was chorused by four other judges of the same court. The case was Ganiyu Olatokunbo Oladiran v. State The facts of the case were as follows. The appellant was a secretary of Design Group Ltd., a firm of chartered architects based in Ibadan. His marriage with the deceased came to be as a result of a pregnancy presented to him by the deceased. Their matrimonial history was one of intermittent quarrels, accusations and counter-accusations of infidelity against the appellant and insubordination against the deceased. The deceased had always accused the appellant of showing interest in their maid, a girl of about 13 or 14 years of age. The appellant had on the other hand accused the deceased of smoking cigarettes which he disliked.The climax to their matrimonial squabble came, to a head on the 21 September, 1982. On that day, there was as usual a quarrel between the appellant and the deceased. There was an abortive attempt at settlement by the deceased's parents. Later that day the deceased refused to cook for the appellant and told him to ask his “second wife” (the house-maid) to cook for him. She also abused him. Thereafter the appellant got a knife and stabbed the deceased to death. The appellant subsequently made an abortive attempt at committing suicide.

Shah, Mohd Y., Mohd M. Naqash, Faisal Y. Shah i Faizan Y. Shah. "Clinical profile of patients of poisoning admitted in emergency department in a teaching hospital, MAMC, Agroha, Haryana, India". International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 5, nr 8 (26.07.2017): 3767.

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3 Million Serious poisoning (1 million accidentals and 2 million suicide attempts) occur each year worldwide.1 India ranks second in Asia in annual pesticide consumption.2 A study was conducted (1 year) wherein patients with history of poisoning were admitted from different catchment areas of hospital (30 Km radius). The total number of patients admitted during study period was 61. Patients had consumed these agents to attempt suicide. Out of 61 patients 26 were male and rest 37 were females. 18 patients died and rest survived. The precipitating factors in the suicide attempts were stranded relations with husband/wife, failure in examination and confrontation with parents. The availability of these poisonous substances in the household make people to consume these agents on slight provocation.3 All our patients, though majority were literate, were from families who had agricultural land and majority of their family members were farmers. Table 1 and Table 2 depict the characteristics and clinical profile of 61 patients admitted during the study period.

Bickle, Andy. "Proposed Reforms to Partial Defences and their Implications for Mentally Disordered Defendants". International Journal of Mental Health and Capacity Law 1, nr 17 (8.09.2014): 38.

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<p align="LEFT">Partial defences are special defences only available in England &amp; Wales to defendants charged with murder. They include provocation, diminished responsibility, infanticide and killing pursuant to a suicide pact. These are known as the ‘voluntary manslaughters’ where homicide with intent otherwise sufficient for murder (‘malice aforethought’) is reduced to manslaughter because of defined mitigating circumstances. Provocation and diminished responsibility have proved most problematic and will be the focus of this article. The mitigating factors arise from abnormal mental states, and psychiatric evidence has been at the centre of disputes regarding these defences. In this journal, Kerrigan set out recent problems that have developed with provocation in case law. The degree to which mental disorder can be considered when deciding the standard of behaviour required of the defendant who pleads ‘provocation’ has fluctuated markedly in recent years. Diminished responsibility, on the other hand, has aroused concern, inter alia, over its expansive use to cover a wide range of mental conditions, and the frequency with which expert psychiatrists comment on the ‘ultimate issue’ of whether all limbs of the test are met. Both problems might be said to arise from vague terms in the statutory definition that are incompatible with contemporary psychiatric practice.</p><p align="LEFT">Following the controversial case of R v Smith (Morgan James), which permitted mental disorder a much greater effect on provocation, the United Kingdom Government asked the Law Commission to consider and report on the law and practice of the partial defences provided for by the Homicide Act 1957. This progressed to investigation into wider homicide law and a process of consultation and review which has now passed to the Ministry of Justice. This paper will outline briefly the review process before considering in greater detail the current proposals for new definitions of provocation and diminished responsibility. The Commission would like these to exist within a radically re-structured law of homicide. The implications for mentally disordered defendants and therefore expert psychiatric opinion will be considered.</p>

Stanley, Ian H., Melanie A. Hom, Austin J. Gallyer, Jacqueline S. Gray i Thomas E. Joiner. "Suicidal behaviors among American Indian/Alaska Native firefighters: Evidence for the role of painful and provocative events". Transcultural Psychiatry 57, nr 2 (14.05.2019): 275–87.

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Firefighters represent a group at elevated suicide risk. Identifying segments of the fire service at increased risk may facilitate the targeted provision of suicide prevention initiatives. Among the general population, American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) individuals report higher rates of suicide attempts. This study sought to examine suicide attempt rates among AI/AN firefighters and to determine if greater exposure to painful and provocative events and/or fearlessness about death explains the relationship between AI/AN identity and suicidal behaviors. A total of 917 US firefighters completed a web-based mental health survey (6.2% AI/AN). Participants completed a modified version of the Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Interview-Short Form, the Painful and Provocative Events Scale, and the Acquired Capability for Suicide Scale–Fearlessness About Death scale. Bootstrap mediation analyses were conducted, controlling for years of service as a firefighter. Although AI/AN firefighters accounted for only 6.2% of the sample, they accounted for 34.4% of the career suicide attempts. AI/AN firefighters were 16.31 (95% CI = 7.96, 33.42) times more likely to report a career suicide attempt history than non-AI/AN firefighters, adjusting for years of service as a firefighter. Painful and provocative events, but not fearlessness about death, was a statistically significant mediator of the relationship between AI/AN identity and suicide attempts. Firefighters identifying as AI/AN represent a subgroup within the fire service at increased risk for suicide. Findings suggest that greater exposure to painful and provocative events among AI/AN firefighters may explain the elevated suicide risk among this population.

Smith, Phillip N., Caitlin Wolford-Clevenger, Candice N. Selwyn, Erin Poindexter, William Lechner, DeMond M. Grant i Kelly C. Cukrowicz. "An exploratory analysis of the relations between the rate of physiological habituation, the acquired capability for suicide, and acute risk factors for suicide". Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research 7, nr 3 (13.07.2015): 139–48.

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Purpose – The interpersonal theory of suicide proposes that an individual must acquire the capability for suicide to carry out a near-lethal or lethal suicide attempt. This capability develops via habituation in response to painful and provocative life events. Some individuals might be more vulnerable to developing the capability for suicide because they habituate more quickly to stimuli. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relations between the rate of physiological habituation and acquired capability, proxies for acquired capability, and acute risk factors for suicide. Design/methodology/approach – Depressed, suicidal individuals completed self-report assessments and a startle reflex task assessing the rate or speed of physiological habituation in response to repeated bursts of white noise. Findings – Slower habituation was associated with hopelessness and negative stressors. The rate of habituation was not associated with acquired capability. Originality/value – The current study informs the understanding of how physiological habituation is related to suicide risk factors.

Kopp, Maria S., Zsuzsa Litavszky i Agnes Temesvári. "The Role of Dissociation Between Cardiorespiratory and Metabolic Responses in Angina-Like Chest Pain Panic Patients". Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 24, nr 3 (lipiec 1996): 235–46.

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The present study investigates the differences between panic disorder patients with and without angina-like chest pain. The patients were diagnosed according to DSM-III criteria and were divided into chest-pain and no chest-pain subgroups according to the occurrence of angina-like chest pain during their panic attacks. In the first stage of the study, transcutaneous arterial CO2 tension was recorded at rest, during and after a hyperventilation provocation test in 20 panic patients (8 with chest pain and 12 without chest pain during panic attacks) and 23 matched control persons. In the second stage of the study, panic symptom checklists, panic diary, depression, anxiety and fear questionnaires, and surface integrated EMG were documented in 85 panic patients (43 with chest pain and 42 without chest pain during panic attacks). The resting pCO2 level was significantly lower in panic patients with chest pain compared to the controls and to panic patients without chest pain. The pCO2 level after recovery was also significantly lower in the chest pain panic group than in controls. Further significant differences were identified between the two subgroups of panic patients, although the initial mean anxiety level failed to differentiate between subgroups. The surface integrated EMG and the sum of panic symptom checklist were higher in the chest-pain subgroup. The derealization score and the suicide subscale of Beck Depression Inventory were significantly higher in the no-chest pain group. These results underline the significance of reduction of pCO2 level in panic attacks with angina-like chest pain; that is, the significance of dissociation of cardiorespiratory and metabolic responses in this group of patients. These findings may offer an important link in the understanding of physiological responses in anxiety attacks.

Ghotbi, Soraya, Ali Bozorgmehr i Shima Razian. "Suicide from the Perspective of Islam and Psychology with an Emphasize on the Models Explaining the Relationship between Impulsivity and Suicidal Behaviors". International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding 6, nr 3 (12.06.2019): 117.

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Suicide is the act of taking one's own life which is made within the framework of a voluntarily action by an informed individual. Impulsivity is one of the most reasons for the emergence of suicidal behaviors. Impulsivity takes place without considering the possible consequences of the action and for a fast access to a reward.The purpose of the present study is to study suicide in the perspective of Islam and psychology with an emphasize on the models explaining the relationship between impulsivity, suicidal behaviors and to discuss each model as well. Due to the multilayer nature of suicide, the research methodology is in documentation-based, analytical and meta-analytical forms.In order to study the models explaining the relationship between impulsivity and suicidal behaviors, different data bases and with key words such as: impulsivity, impulsive behaviors, suicidal behaviors and as likes were broadly reviewed and upon completion of data collection, the related studies were closely examined.The research findings indicate that in the perspective of Islam, suicide is in connection with components such as: the weakness of ideological and ethical bases, the lack of positive perception and disappointment with God, the lack of thinking on the belongings, magnifying the hardships and shortages, and considering the life as something meaningless. In psychology, based on the personality model, the impulsive individuals have a greater inclination towards experiencing the provocative and painful incidents. From the viewpoint of idea to practice framework, the forecasting factors of suicide are classified based on the rate of risk of suicidal ideations and also the rate of action risk for suicide. In the integrated conceptual model, the evaluation of the suicide risk is made integrally and during the treatment process. The model of addiction to suicide, considers the suicidal behaviors as a kind of addiction. The three-step theory states that in the event that the sense of pain is associated with disappointment, and the lack of dependence on life and companions, the individual will make suicidal behaviors. The result is that in the perspective of Islam, the growth of awareness and increase of intellectual skills aiming at gaining knowledge and improving the relationship between human and God, reinforcing the basic beliefs and monotheistic doctrine are the most basic and effective steps to deter the suicidal behaviors. In psychology, opposite to the prevailing beliefs, it seems that impulsivity is not considered as a trustable forecaster for suicidal actions and the personality feature of impulsivity does not have a strong and noticeable relationship with suicidal actions.

McGuffin, P., N. Perroud, R. Uher, A. Butlera, K. J. Aitchison, I. Craig, C. Lewis i A. Farmer. "The genetics of affective disorder and suicide". European Psychiatry 25, nr 5 (czerwiec 2010): 275–77.

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AbstractSuicidal behaviour shows evidence of familial clustering and the twin data on completed suicide suggest moderate heritability. The extent to which the genetics of suicidal behaviour overlaps with the genetics of affective disorders is unclear but there is overwhelming evidence that both bipolar and unipolar disorder are substantially influenced by genes. So far, candidate gene studies of suicidality have provoked much interest, but recently, attention has also turned to candidate gene approaches to suicidal ideation emerging during antidepressant treatment. The advent of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) has had a major impact on studies of affective disorder with some provocative new findings. The GWAS approach is also beginning to be applied in the search for genes that underlie suicidal ideation and behaviour.

Rozprawy doktorskie na temat "Provocation au suicide":


Teale, Nadia E. "The role of pain and provocation in impulsivity and suicide". 2006.

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Thesis (M.S.)--Florida State University, 2006.
Advisor: Thomas Joiner, Florida State University, College of Arts and Sciences, Dept. of Psychology. Title and description from dissertation home page (viewed Jan. 25, 2007). Document formatted into pages; contains iv, 23 pages. Includes bibliographical references.

Książki na temat "Provocation au suicide":


Herring, Jonathan. 7. Homicide I. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Each Concentrate revision guide is packed with essential information, key cases, revision tips, exam Q&As, and more. Concentrates show you what to expect in a law exam, what examiners are looking for, and how to achieve extra marks. This chapter discusses murder, arguably the most serious crime in English law. Murder is where D kills V, and D intends to kill or intends to cause grievous bodily harm (GBH). The most common criticism of the offence of murder is that the sentence is mandatory irrespective of whether the mens rea is the more serious form (intent to kill) or the less serious form (intent to cause GBH). There were three partial defences to murder under the Homicide Act 1957 (diminished responsibility, provocation, and suicide pact). There are three partial defences to murder under the Homicide Act 1957 as amended and the Coroners and Justice Act 2009; diminished responsibility, loss of self-control, and suicide pact. The chapter considers the first two in detail. These are partial defences because they result in a conviction for manslaughter rather than a full acquittal.

Batt, Jennifer. Class, Patronage, and Poetry in Hanoverian England. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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This book explores the complex and contested relationships that existed between class, patronage, and poetry in Hanoverian England by examining the life and work of Stephen Duck, the ‘famous Threshing Poet’. In 1730, Duck became the most famous agricultural labourer in the nation when his writing won him the patronage of Queen Caroline. The man, and the writing he produced, intrigued contemporaries. How was it possible, they asked, for an agricultural labourer to become a poet? What would a thresher write? Did he really deserve royal patronage, and what would he do with such an honour? How should he be supported? And was he an isolated prodigy, or were there others like him, equally deserving of support? Duck’s remarkable story reveals the tolerances, and intolerances, of the Hanoverian social order. This book sheds new light on the poet’s early life, revealing how the farm labourer developed an interest in poetry; how he wrote his most famous poem, ‘The Thresher’s Labour’; how his public identity as the ‘famous Threshing Poet’ took shape; and how he came to be positioned as a figurehead of labouring-class writing. It explores how the patronage Duck received shaped his writing; how he came to reconceive his relationship with land, labour, and leisure; and how he made use of his newly acquired classical learning to develop new friendships and career opportunities. And it reveals how, after Duck’s death, rumours about his suicide came to overshadow the achievements of his life. Both in life, and in death, this book argues, Duck provided both opportunity and provocation for thinking through the complex interplay of class, patronage, and poetry in Hanoverian England.

Canestrari, Stefano. Ferite dell'anima e corpi prigionieri. Bononia University Press, 2021.

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Il tema del suicidio richiede un confronto con questioni esistenziali fondamentali e il principale rischio di chi affronta un argomento così vertiginoso è quello di non riconoscerne la complessità. La perenne tentazione del giurista è di “chiudere le porte” a una riflessione problematica e sofferta ricorrendo ad equiparazioni che producono effetti semplificatori e occultano la molteplicità delle questioni in gioco. Questo scritto, all’opposto, si pone l’obiettivo di svelare l’inadeguatezza di alcune assimilazioni: la “liceità del suicidio” – principio fondamentale del biodiritto penale – non comporta automaticamente la “liceità dell’aiuto al suicidio”. E il concetto stesso di “aiuto al suicidio” dev’essere analizzato nelle sue numerose sfaccettature: l’agevolazione al suicidio “tradizionale” – provocato da forte sofferenza psicologica ed esistenziale – non può essere equiparata al fenomeno differente e dilemmatico dell’aiuto medico a morire. Il compito di delineare tali distinzioni con nettezza è necessario e urgente, anche alla luce delle recenti e celebri sentenze della Corte costituzionale italiana e di quella tedesca, che per motivi diversi rischiano di generare equivoci e fraintendimenti. L’aiuto al suicidio e il suicidio medicalmente assistito non sono gemelli congiunti e neppure fratelli: sono soltanto parenti che si ribellano a una convivenza forzata. Nell’ambito di queste coordinate il presente volume fornisce un contributo di fondamentale importanza anche nella prospettiva di un dibattito pubblico ponderato sulle questioni di fine vita.

Botti, Federica. L'Eutanasia in Svizzera. Bononia University Press, 2021.

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Tra i paesi che consentono il ricorso all’eutanasia, la Svizzera presenta elementi peculiari e caratteristici. Il suo codice penale punisce, ancora oggi, sia l’aiuto al suicidio sia l’omicidio su richiesta. Non viene punito chi ha provocato la morte di un altro senza motivi egoistici o di interesse, affidando in questo modo la gestione delle attività di fine vita all’autotutela. Questo volume, facendo ricorso alle categorie del pluralismo ideologico e normativo, ricostruisce le basi teoriche, giuridiche e filosofiche, del modo di operare dell’ordinamento svizzero, dando conto delle recenti modifiche della Costituzione e inquadrando le pratiche di fine vita nel contesto del sistema sanitario elvetico. L’autrice ricostruisce con puntigliosa attenzione le disposizioni emanate dall’Accademia Svizzera delle Scienze Mediche (ASSM) in materia di cure palliative e di ricorso alle pratiche eutanasiche e analizza le disposizioni che regolano il testamento di fine vita e il ruolo del diritto tutorio, i riflessi del ricorso alle pratiche eutanasiche in rapporto alla stipula delle assicurazioni sulla vita e la funzione di associazioni di sostegno al suicidio assistito, quali Exit e Dignitas. Introduzione di Marco Ventura.

Części książek na temat "Provocation au suicide":


Monteith, Lindsey L., i Shira Maguen. "Combat-Related Killing and the Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicide". W Handbook of Military and Veteran Suicide, 64–78. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Suicide rates among veterans and military service members have reached unprecedented levels. This underscores the critical need to understand risk factors for suicide in these populations. Combat-related killing is reported by a substantial number of military personnel and veterans and is associated with negative psychiatric and functional outcomes. Killing has been identified as a potentially important and understudied risk factor for suicide in military personnel and veterans. This chapter proposes the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide (IPTS; Joiner, 2005) as a theoretical model for understanding the relationship between combat-related killing and suicide. The IPTS proposes that thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness cause suicidal desire, whereas prior experiences with pain, provocation, and death result in habituation to the fear and pain associated with suicide, thus influencing one’s capability for suicide. The chapter concludes with a discussion of clinical implications and recommendations for future research.

Moskalenko, Sophia, i Clark McCauley. "The Threat of Suicide Terrorism". W The Marvel of Martyrdom, 129–40. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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This chapter evaluates the moral threat of suicide terrorism. Political and psychological resilience to the threat of suicide bombing requires understanding the difference between suicide bombers and true martyrs. A martyr’s political power comes from the indisputable evidence—the martyr’s own suffering at the hands of the powerful—that the powerful are corrupt and unjust. This evidence is tainted if the would-be martyr indulges in provocation, aggression, or retaliation. The authors offer three directions that can help boost Western political resilience in facing suicide bombers, emphasizing the importance of clearly understanding the definitions of martyr, victim, suicide bomber, and terrorist and how perceptions can be changed in the immediate aftermath of an attack or an uprising.

Herring, Jonathan. "7. Homicide I". W Criminal Law Concentrate, 81–92. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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Each Concentrate revision guide is packed with essential information, key cases, revision tips, exam Q&As, and more. Concentrates show you what to expect in a law exam, what examiners are looking for, and how to achieve extra marks. This chapter discusses murder, arguably the most serious crime in English law. Murder is where D kills V, and D intends to kill or intends to cause grievous bodily harm (GBH). The most common criticism of the offence of murder is that the sentence is mandatory irrespective of whether the mens rea is the more serious form (intent to kill) or the less serious form (intent to cause GBH). There were three partial defences to murder under the Homicide Act 1957 (diminished responsibility, provocation, and suicide pact). There are three partial defences to murder under the Homicide Act 1957 as amended and the Coroners and Justice Act 2009; diminished responsibility, loss of self-control, and suicide pact. The chapter considers the first two in detail. These are partial defences because they result in a conviction for manslaughter rather than a full acquittal.

Victor, Sarah E., Kirsten Christensen i Terry H. Trieu. "Theoretical Models Linking NSSI to Suicide". W The Oxford Handbook of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury, C3S1—C3S13. Oxford University Press, 2023.

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Abstract Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) is associated with suicidal ideation (SI) and capability for suicidal behavior. This chapter describes theoretical models of suicide in relation to NSSI, with implications for research and clinical practice. First, theories emphasize cognitive influences on suicide associated with NSSI, such as rumination, impaired problem-solving, and negative attributional style. These factors may exacerbate hopelessness, increasing risk for both NSSI and SI. Second, interpersonal difficulties are core to several suicide theories. NSSI is associated with loneliness, poor social support, and victimization; moreover, NSSI may prompt negative reactions from others, exacerbating interpersonal risk factors for SI. Finally, suicide theories often highlight the role of negative views of self in desire for suicide. NSSI is strongly associated with self-criticism, occurs as a means of self-punishment, and is frequently followed by guilt and shame, which may exacerbate negative self-views contributing to SI. NSSI is also associated with suicide capability. This may be due to differences in pain sensitivity or tolerance, fearlessness about death, exposure to painful and provocative events, or impulsivity, each of which has exhibited associations with NSSI. Further, NSSI involves repeated exposure to injury and pain, which may explain why chronic and severe NSSI elevates risk of suicide attempts. Taken together, research highlights the importance of assessing NSSI and suicide risk and protective factors in clinical practice, while leaving open unanswered questions about potentially causal relationships between these related, but distinct, experiences. Longitudinal work is needed to understand how NSSI most appropriately fits within existing theoretical models of suicide.

Shneidman, Edwin S. "Suicidal Life Histories". W The Suicidal Mind, 83–96. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 1996.

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Abstract Facts alone can be very interesting. But sometimes their implications seem much more imperative. Earlier in my career, in 1969—the year I was a Fellow at the Center for the Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (on the Stanford campus)—I surprised myself by identifying five suicides from among a group of 30 men several years before the suicides actually occurred. That fact, while eye-catching in itself, had, in my mind, a number of provocative implications.

Ioffe, Dennis. "Fassbinder’s Nabokov—From Text to Action:Repressed Homosexuality, Provocative Jewishness, and Anti-German Sentiment". W Border Crossing. Edinburgh University Press, 2016.

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This chapter analyzes Werner Fassbinder’s 1978 film of Vladimir Nabokov’s 1936 novel Despair. In light of Nabokov’s own border crossing as a Russian immigrant in Berlin, Fassbinder draws out the implications of the German setting in the writer’s time. The chapter argues that by focusing on the homosexual and Jewish themes of the novel in light of Fassbinder’s own homosexuality and experience as a citizen of a nation that had carried out the Holocaust just before his birth in 1945, the director creates a complex cultural map of sexuality, religious identity, and the mental illness that plagues the protagonist, Hermann. Fassbinder also develops Nabokov’s device of the double: in the film, Hermann, by murdering his stand-in Felix as a symbolic suicide, allows him to experience a rebirth through a new identity, away from Germany and his financial, marital, and social problems.

PIRLOT, Gérard. "La violence est au narcissisme ce que l’agressivité est à l’Œdipe". W Silence, son et langage, 15–24. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2024.

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La violence est au narcissisme ce que l’agressivité est à l’Œdipe. La violence est synonyme sur le plan psychique d’une plaie brutale dans le Moi, le sujet ne pouvant plus éponger les masses d’excitations qui l’assaillent de l’intérieur et de l’extérieur le sidérant, le traumatisant, pouvant aboutir à des névroses traumatiques, des « psychoses par débordement » (Freud 1894), des difficultés de contrôle émotionnel ou à des réactions violentes de la part de celui l’ayant subi. S’il y a des violences physiques, il y a aussi celles sociales et relationnelles : pauvreté, précarité, mépris, harcèlement, chômage, deuils précoces, silence ou absence répétées de réponse de l’autre, etc., amenant à des dépressions narcissiques. Aveugle, la violence est au narcissisme ce que l’agressivité est à l’Œdipe. Elle ne reconnaît pas l’altérité de l’autre là où Œdipe reconnaît, dans la rivalité, ces altérités. Elle peut provenir d’événements douloureux dans l’enfance lourds de conséquences pour les générations suivantes : morts violentes, suicides, aboutissant à des « traumatismes transgénérationnels » pour la seconde génération. Brèche dans le narcissisme du Moi, la violence n’est pourtant pas sans possibilité d’expression esthétique comme en témoignent certaines vocations artistiques, de Beethoven, fils d’alcoolique, à Francis Bacon à l’enfance meurtrie ou encore, en littérature, de J. Genet à S. Beckett. La violence qu’est la perte d’un parent dans l’enfance ne se trouve-t-elle pas souvent être à la source de vocations artistiques ? L’œuvre artistique n’est-elle pas trans-narcissique, à savoir désir de réparation, parfois dans une violente provocation, du narcissisme blessé cautérisé par l’admiration toute narcissique du lecteur ou spectateur ?

Streszczenia konferencji na temat "Provocation au suicide":


Petrović, Dragana. "PRAVO NA DOSTOJANSTVENU SMRT U ITALIJANSKOM PRAVU – ŽIVOT U MREŽI". W XVIII Majsko savetovanje. University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Law, 2022.

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The topic is important, difficult, tedious, burdensome ... Nothing changes here, ever. Dying, fear, pain, suffering, anxiety, apathy ... No one is exempt from that "story". Death is necessary. Life always ends in death. It is a journey into the unknown which, from the point of view of a long and happy life, produces great disorder and fierce frustrations. A series of big attitudes is simply imposed. Opinions are exaggerated in one direction or another. Black and white!? In fact, the stupid extremes, even the "ways" used in doing so, were for many worthy of a "merciful" end to life. Life itself, the author points out, directs us to reject all theoretical extremes. However, it seems to us that we would not have done better in this field, even under more moderate, much more favorable conditions. In that too much confusion, it's just important to keep a little more rational !? The "right solution", or if we want "satisfactory" will already come up !? In that context, with the risk of repeating some of what was said, our attention was specifically drawn to the punishment of the perpetrator of the relevant act in Italian law. It should be noted that the picture provided by the study of this complex and provocative issue is in fact a mirror of the specific relationship between legislative solutions, especially in the area of responsibility and punishment of the main actors of "euthanasia" and "suicide assistance", and complicated life situations. which they will, we shall see, differ considerably. Finally, as the author points out, the views discussed here seem to provide an opportunity to open up some new vistas, it may shed light on the problem from a different perspective and offer a different way of resolving the aforementioned, very complex and difficult issues that arise in connection with it.

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