Książki na temat „Scenario politique”

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Schwartz, Peter. The art of the long view: Scenario planning - protecting your company against an uncertain future. London: Century Business, 1992.

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Cecco, Marcello De. L'oro di Europa: Monete, economia e politiche nei nuovi scenari mondiali. Roma: Donzelli, 1998.

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Angileri, Vincenzo, i Giorgio Bonalume. Programmi comprensoriali di bonifica: Gli scenari di riferimento e le politiche regionali. Milano: Guerini e associati, 1998.

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Lemieux, Vincent. Le Role des different acteurs dans les politiques de radiodiffusion. Presentation de trois scenarios. Quebec: Universite Laval, 1987.

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Schwartz, Peter. The art of the long view: Paths to strategic insight for ourself and your company. New York: Currency/Doubleday, 1996.

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Schwartz, Peter. The art of the long view: Paths to strategic insight for yourself and your company. Sydney: Prospect Publishing, 1996.

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Schwartz, Peter. The art of the long view: Planning for the future in an uncertain world. New York: Currency Doubleday, 1995.

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Hammond, Allen L. Which world?: Scenarios for the 21st Century. Washington, DC: Island Press, 1998.

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Neil, Strachan, Foxon Tim 1967- i Fujino Junitso, red. Modelling long-term scenarios for low carbon societies. London: Earthscan, 2008.

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Hammond, Allen L. Which world?: Scenarios for the 21st century : global destinies, regional choices. London: Earthscan, 1998.

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Conferenza, nazionale energia e. ambiente (1998 Rome Italy). Il processo di attuazione del Protocollo di Kyoto in Italia: Metodi, scenari e valutazione di politiche e misure. [Roma: ENEA, 2000.

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Conferenza, nazionale energia e. ambiente (1998 Rome Italy). Il processo di attuazione del Protocollo di Kyoto in Italia: Metodi, scenari e valutazione di politiche e misure. Roma: ENEA, 2000.

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Pietro, Menna, i Tosato GianCarlo, red. Il processo di attuazione del Protocollo di Kyoto in Italia: Metodi, scenari e valutazione di politiche e misure : Conferenza nazionale Energia e ambiente, Roma, 25-28 novembre 1998. [Roma]: ENEA, 2000.

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Ghosh, Lipi. Political Governance and Minority Rights: South and South-East Asian Scenario. Taylor & Francis Group, 2009.

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Ghosh, Lipi. Political Governance and Minority Rights: The South and South-East Asian Scenario. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.

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Leger, Natasha. The Future of Higher Education: A Scenario Evaluation of Its Prospects and Challenges. iUniverse, Inc., 2006.

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Rocca, Gevisa La, Roberto Di Maria i Gino Frezza. Media, Migrants and Human Rights. in the Evolution of the European Scenario of Refugees' and Asylum Seekers' Instances. Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, Peter, 2020.

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Repenser L'enseignement: Des Scenarios Pour Agir. Organization for Economic, 2006.

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Sunstein, Cass R. Worst-Case Scenarios. Harvard University Press, 2007.

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Scenarios for a Future Electricity Supply. Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET), 2011.

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Schwartz, Peter. The Art of the Long View: Planning for the Future in an Uncertain World. Random House Audio, 1995.

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Fujino, Junichi, Neil Strachan i Tim Foxon. Modelling Long-Term Scenarios for Low Carbon Societies. Taylor & Francis Group, 2015.

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Fujino, Junichi, Neil Strachan i Tim Foxon. Modelling Long-Term Scenarios for Low Carbon Societies. Taylor & Francis Group, 2015.

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Fujino, Junichi, Neil Strachan i Tim Foxon. Modelling Long-Term Scenarios for Low Carbon Societies. Taylor & Francis Group, 2008.

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AIDS in Africa: Three Scenarios to 2025. World Health Organization, 2005.

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Czisch, Gregor. Scenarios for a Future Electricity Supply: Cost-Optimised Variations on Supplying Europe and Its Neighbours with Electricity from Renewable Energies. Institution of Engineering & Technology, 2011.

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Scenari della partecipazione politica locale: In Mario Aldo Toscano (a cura di), Zoon Politikon 2010 - II. Politiche sociali e partecipazione, pp, 193-212. Firenze, Italy: Le Lettere, 2010.

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Publishing, OECD. Space 2030: Tackling Society's Challenges. Org. for Economic Cooperation & Development, 2005.

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